- - : - - - - . J , TI DAILY -AAMONDA1 OOTR 1 1883. 3 - - - - - - - - - - - The Nebraska National Bank. \ \ i1d Up C1ta1 . . " \ mirpina Fund , May1,1R53 900 ' DIRtr.7rw : B. JO1IWON , rc1deiS , .f Stt'de , Jebus . : . 'FOUZAI.D. 1'esI4ent , .1 Z.s&.a. v. V. .4 W.Y. MOMi &I. . , Jon QOLtfl , a 'II ziJ S C.l.n. . \ . i al. eLWOflTfl , C.inwI Attoxray a Tw . of lrul fl.e s C. . t w. fA1T , iIerf.r ysn * hWT SIS Thu ) iMI. tiiik .f Ou. ths Ia.k .p.s. f.r usIn.e Apt1 T , I91 TIT ) IItaCTOflS AUSTOCKflOIIM at Mnth.l.A4fl bg31N .tIo7IJbftIa tti blIM I s.nreted i1th ripecW n1.ren.e . th. be.t i4 In.rq..rt. . . . * 'troL t CoIj.znoJa rtoev. p.Mpt itt.ntI. &n V ehar Iow.t obb..liaUe ben r I4T1Ee. IKTXItPSTaUowet n tkne depoR ipon Ia'r Ol. Ienne Mlii UPOfl ICUflt of IIflk iid bnnint FOREIGN IXCILANUE : , Uoerntnetit I3onih . . County and City cctintIes hnuht nt1 so'd. ' I , . W. Rodefo , ' , Broker , toC , flrnitt , ConilnerdAl I8p'r flI Rfl .th I steiiritle dea't ' in' ftonni 4 , Nc. . l'ozf St. , CouncU 1Uu:1 , 13 FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAIs. NEY YORK , September 29. M.noy-EnAY : at 2@2 iOr (2flt. closed at ' . - . 2 er cent. Prim. Paper-6@7 pci. cent. Echatiet JiIll-Lrm at 4.62 ; dornand , 4.85. , I .vernmenth-Strong. Stocks-Speculatien at the stock ohange Wfl. 3 characterized l'y ' a du11nes to.day. in the early doalngt4 ! orUiwostorn common tie. 1ined i per cent , and other active shares were also lower , with Vi11rds iiext in ioint of % voakncM5. i'orLIiern l'acific declined ' cent for common to 33e , preferred 1 uer cent to 64 , and Oregon & TrancontinentaI cent to 332c. The c'ano In the remainder of the 118t were within a narrow raugo , about to 1 per ccitt. No sjeclal reaou I aiiigned for th decline in orthwetern. Frrnn about midday until 2 oclock the market va iluli and neglcctci. After that hour Northern rLific again wcMkencd , te11ing down to 33c for common , and 63c for preferred. Toward the c1oe there wa a little dein.ntl : from 1kortt P.flI rally of . to er cent took jdaco. kit compared with 1at night's closing. vrico.t are down 1. to i per cent for the general Iiitt , with a few exccption , v1ien ittockit were a fraction higher. c0U0SS. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1o1 . 4'sCouponB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 4' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.'aciflc 6's of ' 95. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1t ) STOCKS &D flONI)3. Americaji Expresit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SO Burl. , Cedar Ilaphle & Northern. . . . . Central Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago & i1ton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Clii. , Burl. & Quincy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 do jfd , asked. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 ; FortWayno &c1to. ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Hatinibal & St. .li ' ieph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-40 do do do jifd. . . . . . . . . . . Illinois Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 t hid. , Bloom.Vcstern. . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 . - Kaaait & 'rexa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125' J.aku Shore & Micliig.ui So. . . . . . . . . . 102 Michgaii Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82. Misitouri Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Northern Pncific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do do Ifd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Northwestern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 New York Ccntrd. . . . .i. . . . . . . . . . . . . ] . . 115 Ohio & Mississippi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3l do do pit1. . . . . . . . . . . . . Peoria , Decatur & Evailitville. . . . . . . . i4 Rock Island. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120' St. Paul & Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 do do do pid. . . . . . . . . . . 117 \ St. Paul , Minn. & Manitoba. . . . . . . . lot , . . St. Paul Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 do tit ) 1)fd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Union l'acilic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89. Wabash , St. 13. & l'acitlo. . . . . . . . . . . . 20 do do tIti Jfd. . . . . . . . . 33' SYnstern Union Tolegrapli. . . . . . . . . . . 79. 1-Asked. - _ . GRtIN LtNI ) L'IOVISlONS. . CHICAGO. ChICAGo , September 20.-Flour-Market ' teady ; common to choice itpring wheat,3 50CJ 5 00 ; Minneitota , 3 50@4 50 ; bakers , 4 75 © 5 75 ; l1it011t , ( i 50@7 00 ; whiter wheat flour , ' Southern and Miititouri , 4 75c5 75 ; Michigan , 1 00@5 50. . Vheat-llegu1ar 1ieat , market higher , de inand fair ; 95c for Sojiteniber ; t595o for Octo1)er ; 'J8@flSc for November ; 1 00 for ' 1)ccomber ; 1 00 for January ; 1 OS for May ; No. 2 HriIIg ) , 95@05c ; No. 3 itpritig , 84c ; No. 2 red winter , 1 01@1 02. Corn-Market quiet ; 4Ogc for cash ; 49o for Septsnnber-49@.19o for October ; 48@48Zo for November ; 17e fir the year ; 4949gc for tIay. Oats-Market higher and in fitir demand ; t 27c for caith ; 27c for September : 2So for October ; 28u for November ; 29Q2Oc for De. comber ; 2TZu for tii year ; 32@32gc for May. ) Rye-Steady at SOc. Barley-Dull. woakAnd lower ; at 6ic62a. F1n : Seel-Market steady at 1 31. 'I'niiothy-Market quiet ; irimo , I 25 ; choice hrgltt , 1 291 30 ; fair to good but dark , I 20 @ 1 23. l'oric - Market lower anti in mnir oniantl ; 1o 50lO 62 for aith ; 10 SO@l0 55 for Sep. toinber ; 10 52@i0 55 for October ; 10 15i ( 1017k' for Nvoinber ; 10 87J@I0 ! 40 for the year ; 10 3O(10 ( 32 for Laril- + Market lower ; 7 85 for cash ; 7 85 for J' . . - ' - . . ' . . 7 55 for Octolier ; 7 (2i7 ( 6. for .4 'november ; 7 O fur the year ; 7 67tJ7 70 ( or .Tanuary. hulk Itileatit-In fair doinanil ; shotilderit , . 4 60 ; short rib , 6 10 ; sliortcloar , 6 33. Butter-Firmer ; fair to fancy creamery , 20(3 ( 2tc ) ; good to fancy dairy , 1'iO25e. J'ggs-Gcod dotmind at 21c. . \Vhisky-l 16. Cheese-Market strong and steady : supply gooti ; choice full cream cheddars , 1ll2c ; choice ( till creiiln fiats , 12@J13c ; good Ji.lrt skliii , clietidari tittil llat.q , 8j'Jc ; hard skitajit , 335e. t "Jlides-Slow aitti III fair ( lemalill ; green salt cured , light , Sc ; green salt datuogeil , Oc ; greoti currd , light , 8c titi , heavy , Sc ; groeti salt c&f , lie ; dry calf , iSa. Tallow-No. 1 , Vc ; No. 2 , Ole ; cake , 7c , ZOLJCIO. 'roLElo , Septetitber 29. - lVheatMarket rni ; o. 2 ret ! winter cash , 1 Oi(31 07A. Corn-Market dull ; No. 2 cash , I2c asked , Ontit-Markot dull No , 2 , 30 for cash and September. TOlIK. Nxw YORK , Seiiteiitbor 29.-Wheat--Cask a trifle , anti OitlIUt ) lc higher atici fit-In ; tilt. gradeil red , 113cl 15 ; No. .1 Prod , OSCI No. retl1 0lZ1 05 ; itteainer No. 2 red , 1 08 ; No , 2 red , 1 12(31 12j ill elovater , allil 1 13(3i 14 delivered. Corn-Cash active ; otioii ojgc higher and firmer ; ungraded , tifi@G2c ; , o. 2 , 6I@6lc in elevator ; 62@ti2o afloat. / Oatit-\\ oak ; mixed western , 33@36c ; white , 36@13C. , -Quiet and steady ; now IflOsi , 11 r.oc Lard-'Weak anti dull ; hirhino steam , S 256 8 30 , Eggit4Vesterii fresh , demand fair aril mar ket tirto itt 22(325c. Butter-Firm and good demand at lO(328c , I.IVEIII'OOI. . L1VJni1OOL September 29-llreatlstufTa-- , , - - - ' dull. V1ieit-tea'ly ; winter , Sit Cd(3St lid. WPthlg , S 3&I@8d 641. Cent-Steady ; new , Sit 4d. 1CA5AM CITY. KM5AS CITY , Septeinbcr29.-Tho Daily In dicator repOrt4 : Wheat-Market firmer ; No , 2 rod fall , 8.'t _ - - - - 1,111 , for cash ; & @SMc for Octebor ; SCc bid for November. Cent -Market quiet ; SDje b11 for ca.tha ; 3c ketI for Octolier ; 3'c aoked for Noveutbor ; 331c for the year. Oat-Flrziier 2122o for cash. 11AL71M0111. 11AL'rlstom , Setember 2O.-W1inat-Wot. era higher , acfivo abd firm ; No. 2 wititer red , cash , I O7@l 07g. ' Corn'\'oterii ijulet and te1y ; tniied , cash , 5OJOC. . ' OittsQuiet atii1sea4y ; fftirtleman ; we4. . erifwhId , 28"3tttfIltied , l(33fi. - nyo.ltill at'Gt.ii4 , Butter' FIflIH % vetrn i'ack ° d , l0420c ; cnluiiery 2O28c. . ' ' Whisky-Quiet and steody at 18l l. NIW OIILIANI. , w OntM , Septenther 29.-Corn- Stoali ) ' 01,1(1 Infair deniatid ; mlxotl , SSc ; white , & @OOc ; eI1ow , GOc. Oat 4VtLC aitti in good doitiand it 37 ® 37c. , Corn Meal-1)uhI' 2 12@2 Th. , Vork-Qtdet and nwer nt1l 50. ittid steady. tierce , 8 3 ; keg , ( ' : " \Itt-Steuty ttnti in fair iletnaud. ' 4teady ; wekrn rectified , 1 03(3 I ? .IIIVAtgEr , icpteniber 20. - \ VbeatTiiil . . , I itncttlil 03e fi'r cash ; 93c for October ; I'io fr , Novt'iiilwr ; 9tc ) ( or iecembcr. I irn-flnsler ; Ni , . 2 , 52c. Oats-5care and wanted ; No , 2 , 21c iii toro. hlyc-Quiet ; No. 2 , Sr'e. llarley.-Aeth'u zuid In good dcmaiid tu. 2 , cahi , 63c. CICiNATI. ClcI.TI , September -\Vheat- - Steitdy and iii ( sir demand ; No. 2 , red winter , 1 051 ( Hi for c.li. ' Corn--'lrrcgular at S3j60c. ( ) iitit-ltthl at 29c. 1tyo-Falr dewaud and steady atSOe. BarloyLSteady at 68c. ' ' Pork-toat1ynt U 25(311 50. Lard-Dull at 7 70. Bulk Meats-Steady. Whisky-Steady at 1 13. . ST. LOUI PROIVCE. ' 4' St. LOcIM , epteiiibcr 29-hour-Steady. : Whuat-1ighior aqd unsettled No. 2 re&l , I OOj@1 ! 0O for cash ; 1 O0 or September ; 1 0O bid fur the year. 'Corn-Lower ; 4fle for ca.h 4flo for Sti1i. teinber ; 46c for October ; 44e Lid for Norein. her. Oats-Slow and better ; 25(326c for cash ; 26c for October ; 27@27 for iovoiiiber. Hyo-r-Lower ; f'5@55c. Barley-Quiet ; 60(370c. Butter-Firm ; dairy , 18(322c ; creamery , 25 (328c. 1gs-Lowcr at 10(3lc. ( ) \ htisky--Steacly at 1 11. l'ork-Quiet. Bulk Meats -Stonily. Lard-No report. - 1'EOIIIA ruonlJcE. PCOIIIA , September 29.-Corn-Quiet ; high mixed , 4S@1tle ; Nti. 2 niixcd , 475i)48c. ) Oat-Actiro and firm ; No. 2 sthito , 29.1(3 2tIc. Whisky-Firm at 81 15. LIVE STOCK. cli ICAGO. CincAno , September 29.-The Drovers' Jour. nal reports : ilogs---Markot brisk aiitl firm ; packing 1 35 (4 75 ; ; , ackiti : uii shii1iping , 1 805 15 ; light , 4 80@5 30 ; skips , 3 ( )0@4 ) 25 ; closed easier. Cattle-Market firiti and active ; exports , 000(36 40goodto ; choice sliijpiiig , stecrs,510@ 5 'JO ; coniniolito medutin , 'I 00(35 10 ; canning aid butchering , sluggish ; inferior to fair cows and mixed , 2 00(32 75 ; meditini togood , 300 D3 7 ; stockers , 3 OO@3 65 ; feeders , 3 75(31 30 ; range cattle , strong ; 18 Texans , of 1,015 Ibs , 4 00 ; 75 hithf breeds of 1,230 Ibs , 4 75 ; 202 Muittaitits of 1,200 lbs.l,76. . Sheep-Iarket steady ; Inferior to fair , 2 30 @ (3 ( 00 ; incilunti to good , 3 25(3 50 ; choice to extra , 3 75(34 25 ; Iams , po head , 1 00(3 3 60 ; Texas sheep , 2 40@3 50. IANSA $ CITY. 1'ASitAS City , September 20.-Thui Indicator reports : Cattle-Steady and firm ; scarce ; nativee , 5 35 ; 'l'exans , 2 803 60. hogs-Lower &t 4 55(34 ( 65. Sheep-Quiet ; Natives at 2 60. Sr. LOUIB. St. LouIs , September 29.-Cattle-Dull , no BtllIly and nothing done except a itinalh re- tall trade. Sheep-Quiet and only good grades wanted ; ntediuuz to priltie , 3 00(34 00 ; Texans , 2 50(3 3 50. TItAFUIC. raouit AM ) ( iRAU. ChICAGo , September 29.-Receipts and ship. mcnt.it of flour and grain for the past 21 hours have beau nit follows : Ileceijits. Ship'ts. Flour , bhls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,000 10,000 Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 92,000 78,000 Corn , bushiobi. . . . . . . . . . . . 329,000 202,000 Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 157,000 107,000 lye.bushelM. ( . . . . . . . . . . . . 31,000 6,000 Barley , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 58,000 33,000 NEW YORK , September 29.-Receipts and shiipiiieiitstf flour atul grain for tIm last 2 I IiOIlr.4 have been as follows : Heca'ipts Ship'ta. Wheat , bushelit. . . . . . . . . . 665,000 77,000 Corn , buhols. . . . . . . . . . . . 253,000 , 41,000 Oath , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 66,000 11,000 J'A''SAMCITY , .Sentoinbor 29.-Receipts and illiltIlients of graili for the past 24 hours hia o been as fohiows : licceiptit. Shiip'ts , Wheat , bushiolit. . . . . . . . . . 32,000 38,000 Curii , bu1iels. . . . . . . . . . . . 4,000 7,000 LIVE tffOC. ChICAGO , September 20.-ReceIpts and ship. monts of live stoclc for the itast 24 hours have been as follows : flocelpts. Ship'ts. llog't . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000 , . . . Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31,000 . . . . Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 . . . ICA8IIAS City , Septembcr29.-Roceipts mid shipmnents of live stock fur the 'past 24 h'urs have beemi as fohIows Recoljtts. ShIp'tn. Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 Jingim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p 3,800 Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 . . . Sr. LoiJIHSopteIiIhicr'29.-teeeipts aiil : ship. miitiiitt ( if live stock for the 24 bourn hta'o lioumi as follows : Itecoiiit.q , Sliip'ts. ( iottle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 aoo 3116011. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 1,200 OM1lA. M1tKflTS , WI1iCt4LIlO I'riceH. OFi'IcE 01 ! THE OMAhA ] IF.L' , Saturday Evening , Sept. 29. itnvii'.s' oi' Tlli VI'IK , Although the bushtmess outlook , generally sjtealdmmg , bus been bettor than it is at Itresent : itid it moore cmilitletit feelIng has existed alilomig 3obberd auth coiiiinfssioii merchants , trade vas miever bettor than th.day , 'l'lie or tiers , as a rule , are large anti ! collections un usually good , elmeclally in time Interior ef the State anti farther svest , Traveling italenueti , front all harts of the cotimitry report tbirivimi retail business wherever they have boom , and have sent in a goodly nuimilier from first tti last. Iry goodi are firma at the prices which haavc I ruled fur several days past , and the feeling , II there is one worth mentioning , I that of an upward tendency. 'l'hie ort1er , in most caet ar not large , but are coming iii often , anmi the 1)1(1 bills are settleti s ( wit as msow ale madu-sumuetinneit sooner. ( 'rocerle't osjteclally are brisk , with is tie , vbled advance in many ltiitanices ; simgar an , coffees in 'itrticular ' boiig , conltierably highe . than yesterday , ] ) eaicrs arc of the opinion timat I'ronit ' PrIces will he maintained if therm ; is no further advnco-at all uyents the fires emit Indications are that vr1ca will not dochini for nootithit to contic , iinles. sonno unforsee : crisis should cause a general ( iepresfoni ii trade throughout the c'untry LI' . e stock Is tlecidsdly diiU with ten , orC - --1--- supply in tone fnt-nct , end the utter ab. pence .1 aniythiug like nctislty or li1skiics , iz quite mioticeeblo. Although lrice * ro sollie. what firmer titati ihulug the first of the week the fehln is esk and utisathfsclory. l'res. t'it , riee wIll , in nih jmrohblhlty , renmtain uc. c'iatiged timitil time timarket e4iatice. 'ni. general jritiuco mftrke , lacitiditig r.t'n fruiti , vsgetotlos ismid , In feet , all eou : iniesloit gtttilt' ' . Ii reth.r quiet isc1 oui't41.led ' tatt othkwime , itmid thms imupply in ioniii CMCS iq much Te'at4r thsh the demand , inethly &rree icsclies Tapoe and sWiithOtAt4ittt , Flour a * iiiiil stuffs sret quleL with a sup. ply eti1 tt ttis 1enten , eti rhCsA firni mind intcsiged since muir report tf lMt c.ek cx. ceptimig bran , whith mad. mi shig't midv&IIIO on Tuosdsy. The following itric ftro chttrgeti retailers by jobbers , wholesalers and connimtsion merchants chants , with the exception of gridu , wild , Is tpioteii at the 'riees ' furnished by the elevators muol other local liuyers : Grftln. WIICAT-CUthi No. J , 7C4c ; No. 3 , 64c ; . jectod 42c. IIAII.EY-Caalt No. 2 , 47e ; No. 3 , 40c. 1YE--Ciu.ht { , 4'c. (1oit-No. 2 , t'c ; rejeeteil , 32c. OATh-No. , 25e. hil't' SlIuk. FAT STEIItS-Iiiglior at 3 50(34 25 , FAr CoWs-2 75cj , $ 25. hloas--4 O01t IS. SiiEta'-Flrmn at 3 0OJ3 25. CAI'xs-Fair ijuitlity 4 SO5 00 ; good 1titch , era' stock , 6 00. 'Cureit MenK. hIAH4-14(315C. hl.cos-Uticluitiged at 12(3l3c. Simotm.nr.its-Inll : at 88c 1)iinn 1ii- : 1 Ic. LAIIIAt 9@lOc in tlerceit. 'r.tlLO\v1'irmii at 5 t'O5I'I 25 In han-ole. l'OIiltI' ) ' , hishi auth ( liune. Si'InNn CiIlcgr.Ns - Small , 2 O02 75 ; large , i1tiiet at 3 ( ) O ; 01(1 , 3 75. I'rmtitio chickens , 1 7@2 00 per doz. Fisii-l'ike. white fish and trout tin' m ' " at 9(3llc. : native cat fish , vhicn In acragea 3(3.lc lower. WOOl. 'tterimio unwashed , light 1.1(3lC'o ; heavy , 135j)1T'c ) ; nicihitnmn unws.shcl , higkt , 18(320c ; washicil , choice , 32e ; fair , 30e ; tnt , aim ! washed , 28c ; hurry , bliiik itnid cotted wool , 2(3OC Oee. Ilities , 1)iill itmiti veik : gro'ii bittchiere , 6c ; green saitd , V)7c ( ) ; miry flint , 1'2@13c ; dry salt , l05il1c ; mianuiged hides , tvo.thiirds lirico. ' 1'Al.LOV-fiC. SilliEr I'ELTh-23c(31 00. , Getieral l'i'otliicm , . Etos-ISc. : I UITER-CoIil1inii tO good , 7ciOc ; ChOiCO tiairy , 1617 : Rweet , high colored grass , 12(3 13c ; cooking , Sc. I'OTA'IOKlSNo' mtuiet atiti niarkot ve1i sup. plicti at 456,50c icr 1,11. , OSioS----Sa5Oc Itu. - - - - ( tier Niw : CAnn.tr.I---7I(3SSc ; ) per dozen , 1iomv-Califoriia , In conib , per pound , 20 @ 21c ; strained , 1012c. CIlSEActlveVe : : quote t(3hlc. 'I'OMATOEii-lIOUtO grown , SOc@l 00 per hito.hi. ( .1RAI'Ei3-Iii baskets amid crates , 7.'c ' per lb. ( ireotiFriilttt. Litoss-Qiiet : at 6 ( ) O a 7 50 per box. Pi.clmEsNatives : 93 a 1 00 per basket ; California at 2 25 a2 50. 1lA'ANAs--UlIcliulged : ; Iter bunch , 2 00(3 4 00. 00.APPLES3 APPLES-3 0003 50 per bbl. CALIFOIINIA ( ltAI'KS-2 00(32 50 er case. Flmtiii' atiti i'slhllstuffs. \'ii : ER % VltAT-Be.st : quahit ) , pteiit : , at 3 25@3 65. SECONI ) QUAI.ITY- 90(33 25. il'lLInVIlIAr : : -Best qmutlity , LateIit , at 3 5OcL3 6. Sicoi QUALITY 50(33 25. BIIAN--550 h > er cvt. Cimoi''in : FEEI--Per 90 lbs. 85c. CohN MEAL-i OO@1 10 per cwt. ScitEEiNu-6(370c ( ) Imur cwt. Tobmiccoms. l'auo TomnAcco-Cliunax , SOc ; Bullion , SOc ; horseshoe , 4Sc ; Star , SUe ; Ruddy , 45c ; lien. soy's , 'lSc ; Black , 38@40c. GroccrH Liat. CANNEl ) U 001)5-Oysters ( Standard ) , per case , 3 70(33 90 ; strawberries , 2 Itt , Iter case , 2 10 ; ra.hernies ) , 2 9' , per case , 3 00 ; Bartlett 10818 , pei case , 2 . ( J ; wlort.lebernies , per case , 2 75 ; egg plume , 2 lit , Imer case , 2 90 ; greeni gages , 2 0 , , l ° Case , 2 90 ; iii , ChLICO , 3 II , , hier ca'e , ' 1 ! -.J ( ; flub npjiles , 2 Iii , cr case , 4 OJ'i ( 5 75 ; peaches , 2 II , per case , : : 00 ; do 3 1 ! , , Icr ca.so , 4 0t ) ( I 50 ; tin ( pie ) , :1 : ii , , l' case , 2 tn ) ; do lu , 6 lb. i er , lizcn , 2 .10. I lice- I m,1isian1a , priiuo to choice , 7c ; fait' ( e ; I'atmntti , tlc. Fsii-N't. : mackerel , half brie. , 7 ( tO ; No. 1 mackerel , kits , I 00 ; funnily niackerel , huh lint. , 5 25 ; famitily mmuckerel hilts , SSc ; No. 1 white fish , half bruit. , 7 00 ; } "o. 1 kits I 05. yiicm'--Stiniiluirml : Con , , . , 85c , hula ; ktaiimlarii tb , l gallon kegs I 85 ; Standard ( ho , .1 gallon kegit , I 10. Son.t-In it , Palcr , 3 30 er case ; kegpcr Ii , , NEw I'ICKI.F.S-Meilillli , In barrels , 6 50 ; do mm half barrels , :1 : 75 ; smiahl , , Iii barrels , 7 50 ; do in half barrels , 4 25 ; ghierklnmt' In larrcls , , 8 fiO ; ( I , ) in half harrels , ' 1 75. 'J'lASiumipowtler , good , 45(3SSc ; chmoice 60 (375c ; good innipenial , .lO(343c ; choice , 60GSc ; Young Ilyson , good , 36(3SOc ; choke , fl5c(3l 00 ; .llIltzUI iizitural leaf , 35c ; .Ja1ami , rhiico , 60(375c ; Oolong , good , 35(3.lOc ; Oulong , choice , 'lQ(3SSc ; Souchong , good , 35(3'lOc ; choice , 35(3lSe. 1oi'E-Sieal 15 inch , and larger , 1Oc , llc ; .1 imclm , 11c. Woi1r.NvAItm-Tvm ) 11001) mails , 1 85 ; thuico hoojm pails 2 10. Ttmhis , No. 1 , 9 00 ; I'lo- RIcer vaslihjjutrs , , , 1 85 ; 1)oublt Cruwit 2 90 ; \TolIbnckets , : 85. LIAD-ltar : , I 65. SOAI'i--Kirk's $ avon Tnpenlah , S 45 ; KIrk's mmatiiet , , : 60 ; lCIrlt's stamtdari , , 3 75 ; Kirk's white Jttisimiati , 5 25 ; Kirk's entoca , 2 15 ; Kirk's l'rnirie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 'JOe ; Kirk's imiagmiuhia , doz. I OTASIIl'eniiieylvania Calms , .1 case , In case , 3 35 ; JSabbIts huh , 2 thoz. in cane , 1 90 ; Anichur hall , 2 doz. in case , 1 so. b'ANUTM--ltoastei : , , choice , roil Tennositco , 14o l' ' ° ' lb ; ( 'tocy white , l5oporlb ; raw-whilto Virginmia , raw lie ; roasted , ide. ! ) * - , ' 10 lbs ills , l5c ; 8s , 152c ; lXm35 40 hhe , 16 uz. , Os , 1S'c. miATCIIEH-PCr cuuliio , , 02c ; round , cases , 2 55 ; 5(1i11' eases , 300. CotwEits-Ortlinarygrailes , 3aWc ; fair 10(3 12c' good , 1O(318e ; prhnmio , 12@Jl2c. choice 13jJl3c ; fancy green minl , , yellow , 1'1ltc ; id governimoent , Java , 20@26e ; hoveninig'om roasted , i4'e : Arbuckho's nnemt.cl , , , l5c ; McLaughuin'v xxxx roasted , l5c : imitation Jay0 , 161(3 18c , VINYMAII-Now 'orknpp1e ific OILiu stp itle , 13c. SALE-I ) ray loads , l)0 idol , ii ; Ashit.on , lit sacks , 8 50 ; bIds dairy ( .0 , Se , 3 30. SuaAIctI'owdertal , hOAc ; cut loaf , lOAc ; grzoitmlatmsl , tic ; coimfoctimurs' , , , , A , 9c : Stail. , , ard extra 0 , 8e ; citrus 0 , 84c ; medium yol. low , 7'c ' ; dark yeltuiw , 74e. STAIICII'-I'tarl , 41e ; buyer Gloss , tic ; Corn St.arh , Oc ; Excelsior ( ilosit TAc ; Corn , Sc. SI'ICEISl'opjmor , lTc ; allspice , i5c ; cloves 25e ; cassla , ISo. ' iiu'w-Full cream , 12c. 11yi-Annor1cati 3 40 ; Greenwich , 3 40 ; \Vestern , 2 75 ; orthi Star , 2 00 ; LewIs' iyoj 4 65 ; Jawell lye , 2 75. 0 Iry Cowls. r Bitowzi Cornos-Atfaimtio A 8c ; Ap1010 tam , X , 7c ; Atiamita A , Sc ; hoot FF 81a , I Jiuckeye lii , , 4.-i , 7c : Cabot "mY , 74c ; CLitto. nangu A tile ; ( ircuitFalfitE 81c ; hoosier , l'4c I I lonust illthi , , Sc' ; inilian howl A , Sc ; Indian : 4 Stantlarti A , Sc ; Imidia : , Orchard , d , w. , 7e Lawrence Lii , flIc ; Mystic JUror , TIc ; 1'eiim A , 8o ; Utica 0 , 51cVachusctt ; Ii , 7c ; , lt A , 8o tIn l 48 , 12o. } 'ini hhitowN Conomt - Allendalo ' 1.4 71u Alligator 3.1 , . Argyle ' 1.4 , 7c' Atlantic , r hi , , 61c Badge : ktate X ' 1.4 , Gc ; JonnIngtom ; I 0 4.4 , 4c ; Buckeye S 4.-I , Bc ; hnihian , Orchian ] J 4thI'S , 81c ; Lanonilue 0 39 , 8c Lehigh h 1.-I . 'JIc ; l'eiilerehl N 30 , 7c ; (10 d 32 , 74c ; do II 36 , 7c ; do J 39 , 8c ; l's.eaietot 0 ' 1.4 , 7c S Wannisutta ' 1.4 , 13c. I1LEACIIE : ) CornoNs'Anidromocoggla Ii 4.1 ° 1 ° ; lhlaekstonou tJt. IIlllcrIlsl 8jc ; tb tIn link hluachod 'I. I , Oc ; Cast ) 'l.'l , 8c ; Fitlehity 4.4 9c ; JruIt oil the J.oom , Olc ; do canobrlo 4.4 r l.1 ; ( \Vut.er 'l'wist , lob ; Great F'alls Q , Uo 0 Imidlani hloa,1 stirumk , 1.4 , itc ! ; lommi'late , lOc ; 'I catnibnic 87 , I2c : 'twork Mills , 121c : l'e'qtiot A , be : I'cioi'erel , i (1 ' 1 si1l , i21' ; 1'.tdo'nitas . ' $ , tile : I'icassot , . ' .4 , 8 ; Uti.'a , Ilt'l VMnetmLta 0 X . , l2lc , lLctut ( Colorcoit Ahh'mniy E brmwmi , Sc : ito C , driob tic ; do 1X strijtes ithoide , 12 l.2e ; lii ) , XXk brown itilml , lrMt , stnii'ts mutt ilaIol 12 l.2c ; AnIiiigtois fotuCy , itta ; hhriuoik htiwii , S 1.1c ; Clnaritt fanicy , it. I.c ; tin cx Li's lIt'.Y ) , 2COt Fall 1ktr ( brown , ezir , , beiny , Ii l4io : ItuIkni A lirosin , iSe ; 'ocpm'ziot A Inrown , ISe , T1CKIIO1It Amua A 0 A i2 , 1t' ; ci XS tmlu 52 18 1.tte ; , Arrvwninhe , 1.2c1 Chomr. taunt iit 15 i.e ; Cni'et4'ga , Oxtrim. 17 1.2 , , ; Itmimiltonif if ) ii 1.2a ; Lcwfkttn A so , iSe ; ) , ' 1n iinhmih 4.4 , &Io' Omnrpt , 'r cttia 4.4 , 2 , , 1'etl liver s'J , in t.4cI utnema XX blue stripe , 12c' She'tucket. , 10 1.2cJ tie St , 12o ; Ym'omon's bi11 9 , 9e. 1)znhwm-.Athoskeaghtuc , mind bi'owulfi12c ; Andoenjfl ) blue , 15 1.2c ; Anhlngtout bins Scptm.'h , , IS l.2c : Coneomd , (100 , line miuiol itrown , 12 1.2c : do 4tA4 , do do , 13 1.2 ; do xx to do do , 14 1'2c tinymakor' . hilims mind brown I ) 12c Mystic lllver1)Ist.nipo , 161.2 , ; i'oanl hirer , toltie r.nti hinuown , Iho ; Uicimsyi1io , itititi anil brosi'tu , 14 i.2c , ' lbnmauti 5c 1-tlot'st'mtio CAinlon' , : limuinig , 24 itchu tiotmimlo fiseti , $ l.4c ; lIarner A glst'd , fc : : hitmihuitt.nm lorn finish , 5c \ Cwhfltrt tinrc , ' ! ° ghumel , tc ; I'Cto1timt tie , Sc ; I c'ekw ' , 'iou kI.l tiuIh , , r , . C0IOSET ,1xAcs-Auuuiol71 Auuilroscu'ggltm n'atto''tn , 8e : Claruiioit ( ' ! iC Cuittestoggut smut. teen' , 7e 1Illoweil , Sc ; liullmni OrchianI , , 73c ; Nrrnuniett , , imuprovoti , 81c ; l'Cilh'erill sat. teen , 1c ; Iltiekimort , Oo. I'iulNTs-Allons , C't American , 63e ; A rnldo , mile ; Bnrsiek , 4c ; Cocimt'toOl , ; Cmoutestm.gum , 6c ; Diinkirk , ( "t " ; Iuumnell , O' c ; lioiytonui' , Iic ; ( floncetcr , tlc ; ; liarnticuuiy , t'c ; hmuickt'rioocker , Ole : Merrimnac I ) , Tc ; Mystic , 5je ; ltrun's , lo ; $ , nithibri mige , Oc : thi ( I Iiiglmanmum , 7e ; 1l an. burt , , 5'c ' ; Orim'ntal , 8o. ( IIN(1IIAMSAtiioskeag. . tlc ; Aigylo , Sc ; Atlantic , Sc ; Cnmnmmls'rlaud 71c ; Ilighianti , 7c ; honilworth , Ole ; 1'imnkti , tc ; Stmtosox , Sc. CorroNAl't ii-Abberviihe , h'3e ; Auut , 20c ; Auuienicam , , lie ; Artishmn , 20c ; Cain , 1) anti ' 1' , 131o ; Clarion , 1) amuol T , 17c ; Iec.tn ) Co. stripes 1) uuiiui ' 1' , 16c : Roymotouc , ; \imuu tueket , It ) , ' Ntoni'aneil , lOc ; Ocean I ) alini ' 1' , 181c ; lioyu4 , ide ; Sussex , 12c ; 'J'ltui \'nue1u. , sett sluirtiun , , 'hit'ks , l2c ; tb Namik n l2lea York , htlaini Niutkln , 121b : do cheeks , tu'ijett : , , fancy , 121c ; mitt 8 ez , 20o. SmITiNiM : Anutrosco'ggln . 10.4 271c ; dd tI'4 , 23ci do 3..1 , :12L : , : outinemituil C 42. 110 ; 1"ruit of the Lttmt i01 ; 27c ; New % 'ork ii , li its. SSc ; tiO 78 , 30c ; do 58 , 22c ; Pembroke 10.4 , 2t'c ; Peojuot 10.4 , 21c : do 74 , We : thu .19 , tOo ; l'cppcaoll Otl , 2tlc ; tb 67 , 21e ; tie 7 , lSc ; Utica Ut ; , 36c ; do 58 , 221c ; do 48 , 17c. 1)rugs , 1)auos MI ) CiImMICAI.s-Achi , Carbolic , 4roc ; Acid , 'I'mirtitric , t'Sc ; italsain Coitalila , I'or Ib , 70c ; hintrkSmu'sumfrmum , iuer lb , 1'2c : Calofuel cr ib , iSo ; Cinohonitlia , per ox , $1 05 ; Chiloro. Ion , , , POt It ) , SSc ; lit er's Pwoicrs , P Ib , $1 25 ; Epsouti Salts , ptn Ib , 31c ; ( iIycriii , jotire , h''r ili , 30cr I.eul : , Aet'tatn , per lit , 22c ; ( iii , Castor. 1 , per ral , Si .10 , 0 Castor , No. 8 , ler gal. $1 20 ; Oil , Olive , hoer gal. $1 50 Oil , , ( ) rnguultunum : , SOc ; Opiuumi , 5 00 ; Qu'mnhnic , I' . & v. ttuutl II , & S. , itr oz , $1 90 ; 1'ot.as'utiii , foditlc , t'r lit , 1 65 ; SnilcIn oz , 40c ; Snul diato of 1ori 'lii no , hoer ( OZ , 3 7S Sulplnmr flour , iter lii , 4c ; Strychnine , ioer oz , l 25. I'alniio , OIIH ILI1I1 Varmuishies. Omi.ou--1i0 ° carbon , ver gaihi'ii , 121c ; 150 ° headlight , Imer gallon , , 14c 175 ° hiciollight , hoer gahloim , PeOc ; 150 ° waCer white , ISo ; liii sel , raw , ; ur , , , galloti SSc ; hinisceol , boili , , galiomi , 58cI\artI , winier mmtr'd , per gallomi , SSc : N ( , . 1 , 75cNo. ; 2 , 75c ; castor , XXX , icr gal loin , , 1 40 ; it. :4 : , 1 20 ; sweet , jeer aliii , , 85c : P"V B. , per gallon , 1 60 ; lush , \ \ . 11. , pergaflon , fe nicatafootextnut , ncr galitont , tIOc ; NO. I , 75c ; luifricatinig , zero , juer gallon , 30c ; sunminnior , 15c ; golden nuincidne , No. 1 , i' gal. liui , , 35c ; No. 2 , 21"c ; P ° ° imiguiuil , l ° ' gallon 80c ; turpentine , per gallon , 55c ; imapthma , 7.1 ° Per gallon , lSc. I'AINTIi Omn-Whiito load , Ounahia P. 1' , , Cc ; white leuni , St. Louis ht'0 , 6c ; Marseilles green 1 to 5 lb cans , 2 c ; French zinc green seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , llc ; Fremich zinle , in varnish asat , 20c : Fienichi zinic. in oil aset , iSo ; raw and imnuit uutmiher , 1 lb CiIIIIt , lOc ; raw anal huont Sienmia , lOc ; vauclyko brown 13c ; rofineol liuuipbhack , l2c ; coach black , nut1 ivory black , lOc ; droi black , 1Cc ; l'russian lihtio , 30c ; uitratnaniio blue , lSc ; clirumnne green 14. il. & D. ilic ; bljni(1 and shutter grotto , L. : st. & 1) . , icc ; l'iuie green , The ; Indian , roh , , ISa ; Venietian neil , tic ; Tuscan rod , 22c ; Anion. can Vernuillion I. 8. P. , lSc ; chrome yellow 14. lii. , 0. & J ) . 0. , lSc ; yellow ochre , Do ; golden ochire , lflc , patent dryer , Sc ; graining ( ) , ) ' $ . light oak , dark oak , walnut , cite' 'uiut anid ash , itit , . Dry l'alnfs. \Vhite lead , Sc ; Fronoch zinc , IDa ; Paris wluitinig , 21c ; whiting gliders , 1'c ; whitloog comu'l l.1c ; laumiplilack , Cenmnamitown , ide ; launipblack , ordinoary , lOc ; Prussian blue , uSc ; ultraumianino , iSe ; vandyke , lrowmi , , 8c ; umber , burnt , Ac ; , mmntrnr , raw , -Ic ; siemmima , btmrmt , , 'Ic ; siclulma , raw , 'Ic ; I'nris groom , , gentlinrn , 25e ; l'ani.t green , commmnmon20c ; clirommie greeni , N\ " . , 20e ; clirommma groom , , K. , 12c ; verummhlliomi , Emmg. , 70c ; vom'immilhionm , Aumuericumno , I Sc ; I iuiiaim red , lOc ; rose pink , 14c ; " , Tomietianm red , Coktnsoss , , 2'c ; V'emmetimtmi red , Ammuericuim , , 1jc ; rod lead , 7c ; chmnomnne yehlnv , , gemnmimlo , 20o ; clmromuoe yel. low , IC. , 12c ochire , roelmelie , : k ; ochore , Frenmchm , t2c ; oclro , , Am'meriemum , , 2cVinter'tm ; , numeral , 2c ; lulmiqh brwuu , , 21c ; S1nnislm brown , 21c ; I & "uiicos nmimcrah , , , 3c. l.TAIc'IsulEs-Ilarrchio , P ° ' gallon : Furnul. turo , extra , :1:1 : : 10 ; furniture , No , . 1 , 51 ; coach , extra , $1 'hO ; cachm , , N , ) . I , $1 20 ; Jamnar , extra , $1 75 ; .1 apamu , TOe ; asphaltimnum extra , SSc ; shellac , $3 50 ; liarmi oil fimislm : , $1 Lent I icr. t , a silo1 , 38c to ' 12c lmemmmlochc uho28c to 35e ; litIl 4 kip , SOc to I 00 ; rmmnmncr OSo to BOo ; (1Cm (1 calf , 85o to 1 20 ; lionimlock tipper , 23c tO ) 26 , ; oak tipper 24c ; alligator , 'I 00 to 5 50 ; calf kitI , 32(335 : droison kiel , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , SOc to ) 1 tJO : oak calf , I 20 to I 30 ; Fremuchi Iclit , 1 10 tO ) 1 55 ; Freud , calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rims. mmetim , 1 , so to 7 50 ; liumiuugs , 6 00 to 10 50 ; top. pimmgoo , 9 00 to ) 1(1 ( 50 ; 11. l. Morocco , 30c to 3.mc ; iulubio 0. 1) . i'mlurocco , : c ; simnion , , 2 50 to 3 ( Xl. J tAlO'l3t4-No. 1 star oak , ' 12c ; No 2 do , 8t1c ; No. I Ohilot monk 38c ; No. 2 do , 35c ; No. I Siilwr.tmlceo 37c : iuu. 2 iii , 3fr. Isemvn ror , WIIOI.E4AII' , \Ve quota bomber , lutli : iml , , shinglcson oars nt Omuumiloui itt the fohintt'inmg Pricesu , T0IST AN1) SCAN'rLlul-lf' , ft. anud : umnimler 22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 ( 'sO. 'L'zmiouims-16 feet tool tinnier , 22 00. TIMHIli : AN ! ) .Jowr-18 It , 23 'sO ; 20 ft,23 ro ; 22 ft , 26 'sO ; 2-1 ft 26 50. IfENCINO-No , 1 , 4 animi 6 lii , , 21 00 ; No. 2 , 22 00. SilmEriuaNo. . 1 (2d ( conmimmmoonm boards ) , 20 00 ; No , 2 , 18 00. Jmnmt-l'er : huarrol , 1 25 ; hulk ier bushmol ° 3c ; ccmmemmt , , loljl , 2 25 ; 1 own iilastmur blil , 2 ( 0 ; hair Imor huom. SOc ; 'l'arrol felt , 100 flat , 3 50 ; straw board , 3 50. lEorHcH amiti N mmli's. Extra thraft hmom'omos , , 17S(7J225 ( ; coolmuloomi draft Imoroes , 100(3150 ; extra farm hmoorseio , hiO5125 ; coitlmmuon ( A , good farumi 115)1505 ) , 90iiOO ( extra 1 homgs , 607S ; coumuimmom , oh migs , 20(6l0. MULEI4 Extra , 125l50 ; guotl , 100(3140 ; fair , 7SijlO ( ( ) : cunulimom ) , 6O@75. DR. VJHITTIER , 617 St. C/nip/os St. , SI , Louis , Mo. A ItU1.AiL ( IKAh1'VIH ( ' of two , nmoeiiral , cohk'eom I t I'i , Ioeemm tinigameI longer lii thu trt'atmiWo of CiIiUNIV , Nilt'ou ; $ , HIUN ANI ) DbOI ( ) iIsoaswm tin , , ofluer lto'sk lamm mu 8t. hiiuii , a city Painre ilmoW auuil mill mill relsleiitoo humus' . Cmtmmltmitlomm , free anti fmmi lIed , Vtien , it l luicormsemilummt to vllt the dty for treatmuocnut , mnmllchnes Cant lou semot Isy mnmali or esJ.rtiom . uvcryuhocre. CuraIiucase , ! gimaramitstdaaru ; ) douhit exlstit It I. frankly stated. Call or anile. Ners'om I'roistratlou , 1)uloiiIty , Mcmituml and P11)51 cal hVealiniwoo , Mercuri.mi amusi wtlier miITemtlomos ci 'I'lrost , arid Jionitsillood Imiptmnities arid 111(104 I'oison , imiirNkvAtlectlomiom ! , old Hmrt5 snmiliioere ( , Jmumiso1L mitemoteti , nnamrTau , tenotlouto cast's front , oierworked braim.HlJItiiCAi ( : recuii .10dr afjej5oj'Ttist'ase.aji5ig ( remit InhlsrmuItnov , IIXcCSSCC , Jjiluifsmoce. , ' ' MARRIAGE'I' : 0 mnarry.atlOninytuot. why , caimluS , omiseqtlvmita.i amid cure , Matleol fur 5a ; hsostau Ok stamps. sept 2 iluiwly . . . .S All i'.n. , rr , i u , . , , , i , , r cstt.t e&us , . in , . . .k , SW II ( ' 51 , Sn * Im , , , s'1 t.sbI iQ pOnttr4 ilm'm dutk. m t I 'i 4 , SOy f'trI. . 4 , ' 0 b d'm byC mr .a , . . , I 'o . , Ai. 0 Iu s ' 'ii. . ( iI.'t . 't , ' rvt. . I t.lm , ( I'hm. . Ips to. , r1 , ' 't ' in i lit n.si 't'tmm ; , , ; ' , h.I . - , ' I - ' i , tt'i , , r. . , . , i.b't , ' _ ' 5' - , -san S ' - 4 iS j 1.i I ' . t:3 : it. IlL , ni. . . , n "v' THE NECESSITY FOR THu SPECIALIST , DR. H. WAaNER , ilLs big Issruu askmiilemtgesl antI imuere . at tlsit slay littu isy ether , Th , ses't celd ci unctilnal .dnw. Ii , er tnrr.aslnj , Mid liii nemrnt'u liran.hr4 mm , uiUjot ) aearr ali4 , , ieanr , to l'tfm'cIiim1 , aa I. t S' snmu siu 5k lon.n gTam lItre. ill IIeac. t. nwt.e.tIy fir aieldin Ihi imilor. .uiii it Is true % ry.uoI mull d.mitt that dlr'.mmc , mrrtliig ulic gsmt' tti.slaary ungils % , .m,1 , plmh itmisly nets than , snus tbhir .t , , If in. mi4 asOmtemid miui k.a' Lets' I. Itest th * Itl"rY. hulL H. WAOElt Is filthy swan , thst tlore am. miss , pIyifctae , asd sonic .nisibl. people , a ID e.a nu , l.i fornsaklng tiuieloimt of d.n'eei a spe. cliii , , bmitm'tm' Lab i" kitow html , sltti inus't f'ef , otl , cf , refinemifetot snid Intcflignic' . a in. , . emohIglotno. . , i ilt'w I , takcti of thu ttmtt.Jcit , ansI ttmn.t t. pfmyIo tam , who , s toinuself to rehleslng the afllheted o. emetmig them front a ore tluitu drath , I a. less a pitt' i.ntlmmnpI.t atul teumefacttr to his rscs timanu the , ur eou or jshIciit , who by eio' . atsdication eteets Is Sfl ) , .ttnor loranli : of liii pncsfrion. Atud furtumoatehy for Iitltniftliti' , , tltt' ml' I , tt.a using bee tin. false . .tul hisiitlmmt'pliv t list t'nmilciuttesl iii. rtitmu of ftslly em srtui , ' , liLt' liii' flume tmiirn tIm. , J.sit.tu las' . to di. uicitoi , for lint , 4scd sissy. A Few Reasons Vhiy yet , , luotmhtl try the .ei.brstesl Pr. II. W'agimen's nnom'UioI , of ctmne : I. "tin. Ii , ' 'ugtoer is a attmral lit , ) midam , . " 0. 5 , I'.wm.ss , 11i ( ireimts'st i'ImrcnoeioglL 2.m1'ew coat eotrl oum as a ulocter. " lOm , .1. Sosios , 'lii , 'uitItI'i flicsto'i.t 1'Ii omli.miommsit. , , " 'ou on . ' .moIi'rfmilly lr1CIUt 'tnt ) otmr kmiowh' * 'stg. of dIiaac toad mumtliclmoes , " Ito. .1. tArimoimiq. 4 . "l'hmu' sotttleteol mmiii ' mrhk'f tot your inm'- 0 mlt'tt , ' bum. .1. Smioum , , , . , , Ir. Ii , % 'aKmIur Is mi regular gnnsslmmate from hlm'ilustie lioi'i'Ilnl , Ncis' York rim , ; Im.s Iiul : niry cx ttumistu it Ias.isitai h'rntk e , amuol Is Ihmvrssuigliiy isoteot cit nOl brnmmChes ( 'I his lu'kmi u'O , tt'ieimi'e , 'el'e tally cmi clmromoi uIIseicto. " . . Itnis , hinoa'mutt. A } wmmm. I 6. "Ir ) , II. S'aner , tins imnettmdin'tI , Imlnite1f bi hut steililerful tI.oi eru , of spu'u iti rrniiu'.ili's for I'm1' i-ate , uil,1 owxtual oiiseai.t' , . ' Virghmmie 1'ltV ( loroimide. 7. ' "fluotm.ammIs ( of iii s ushlsi liotk to see him- San Frasdo CiirnuIelo. 8. 'lloe Ixtor' , bug u'si.mrkmro , a stioultI rt'umiler him ' , cr' smmccufui-iLst'k ) Meunm tnlmm News. Plain Facts Plainly Spoken. At cmi. tinute a dit'cuistoiu of the secret it'o was ri , Orely aveholusi toi limo irofewInmu , tumid umnushiad orkmtof lint a few year , age isoimiti iman.li' umio'nittoi It. 'I'O.oie ) ( liv 110) sIde , I , of ii utittcremit 01 iooionm ; lie Is Roan-u lust It Is his o1tty , t1.agntcalmiu though ii hum ) beto hauotiu' tloi. iionttcr a ltiiotut gb ci , amid siouk 110111) ' ntboumt it ' r.mitt Ic tcliigunot html elitmi mood guardiLumis % s Iii tltanok i1tio , fir dolmi so. 'I1i results mstttnmlIotg , timi , , It'ctrumi'tls ii let' a crc for- 01,11) ' moot mumidt'rsiood , or moO. troleni ) ' vstimmuutt'd ; amid iou hiiuiusmnmum telnog mutUi'tiout to is sobject is iticit b ) Its noatmmru dues iuus iotito Iosu imoimstigatiouo , It isas ' 5 LIlllmKi3' Igmiomimi , 'i'tiu bOut , I , gemicraiiy eumutrimetud by time 3 OiiiI ) 4 % bile outtemidimi ci houai uiiier t'OmliplUliOmlOu tlmnmitigio their extuimihe , miiay be re.I.u'imslilu for It , or it noisy ti nucilimlresl tliroungi , iii''isIeim I . ' 1 lie exnltvmmncio t 000cc CI' perlenocutI , time ii our , is ill be mu'pu'ateil i.galno mmmiii iigidmt , until at 1,014 tim habit , lii''i'imii , ' 4 mInim cmiii cm , , ' llemly emn'.lauit thu iletimu. Memlt4i mit , , ! moenseuns at' Otiction , mire umum.ili , ) ' the ininnilmry nvults of scit.osbuvu. Auuiomig timc InjurIous effect , ills ) ' be mnenmtk'nied ' iast tmmde , dejection or itnoa utility of teuhier and gemmeral debility , Thu 110) ' , k'ek $ m.mniuulonu , ani , mmmci ) ' jiiiiB iii time sports of lob , comnpanotoonioo , I I hr be a ) ounig miimmnm lie a Ill be littlu fommnimi 1mm cosmnlaumy a itim tii other sox nut I , trmibieih a lilt c-ceslImig ansi tommie ) hog tashititmicooto In their ImresemIco. lascis iotm tirt'unmos , L'nilISSlOiLN ammnt ci-muptionme Oil the fae , eta , arc also lrOlulmiemmt H ) mmi1temii. , if tue ibractice It i ililciotI ) ' ierslsk't iii , noon , m'eriomus tllstumnbaniccs take lhac' . ( Iremit inlishtatiomm of the liuart , or cisileitlO coils mmihono , , art ) e ierienmc'etI mmiii the simPerer lila ) ' fall bib mm CoiuilsIetu state of Idiscy ho. fore. minmail ) ' , tlcath rL'lleu os ) ilmu , . I , , mill ( iioe eiigumgm'sI I , , tiiiim oliulgeroume , pmt'tico , I a'ouisi am ) ' , lust of miii , stiI it. at otmoce ; imnimo user ) ' i'sstiibio effort to do so' hut if yomi fall , if sour miIrsomis I' ) utenu Is already too ummuicim iiliattmm'ed , nit , ! conoso- tiiwultiy , your is iii.pois er broimwm take sounmo berm tomiic t. ' aki 3(01 tim 3-our effort. I ins log freeti 3'sUrscif friiiu the liattit , I would furl hrr comnnsol , you i-u go tiIroioCli a regular comrvo of trcatnmoemmt , fur ft Ito a great uiilsttikti tu , miUOi4i ) tlimit any omie lila ) , for siimnio tlmnmo , lie It us era' 'ii' little , ghi n-i humiacif tils to this fasclnimmtlnig lout damogeroum. cicitennenit a'itiiout mommtcnimog front its ci ii coioseiumcmlm'e , mit sonime ftmtmmro tunic , 'i'hiu imimmmlcr , ( if 3 0110mg IIICIO ii liii are imicaaclateui to mlii time , iuities enmjlmied by a esliock i'm alaniomlmogly large , mmmii 1mm immost ( if simelo taste thil tin fortmnmiaio comiIhtIonm of thus at can ho traced to tue iriotieo of , t'll'iihumse , a ioldm limml : hieenm auianuiiimlears ago. Inileesi , a. few mmcnmthsm' , iriu'ticc of tliI iiabim , ho mitomlhciemmt to immduco sperommatornionai lit inter ) ears , atod I,1mut u ummanoy of such ca.ses uniter trust. imiot at thu j'n..t ' dim ) . Young Met Vhiii mousy ho suffering frolim the eftectit of youmtimfui follies or InmdIecrctioms a ill sb a eli to snaIl tiucimmuel i to , of thIs , time greatest liioni iii er haul mit tue altar of smmf' fenhmig ioiumamiity. lOt : . WAUYK aIll gtmumranmteu to for. felt EADU for emery case of uiciiiiniai aeaknimom'o or insole dlso asc of miii ) ' bind arid character , aliklo lie umooler. takes toamid faliito cure. Middle Aged Men. 'I'imero one inniummoy at thu ago of : mo to 60 iii , , , are troiutiuol a itlm limo reiuemlt. em ac'matlomom , of the holad' tIer , often ntiuctibomiamulosl toy mu slight smmiartinig tsr bunt. log sematioomo , , iiiiol im 5 % ealiemo imi ut tim systemmi Iii A mmaiunar the Ittiuuot ( lion noit. i'oioiimit for ( 'to ' uxatioiim. lug time unitary i1oooioIt a ro'io' veil litienit a ill ottemo lie 0mniil , mmiii , oiiimiet itmmcH , omimall i .articiu'm , , f mmiiimmnoocio is iii aiIezmr , sin the m'iolor , iuili ho ut titimi iiiilhisim lone , mugaino ciiami gimo to , no tiimtls mtmiii ooni'lt ' imps ooiraicu. , 'rlmeru lore luau ) ' noenly macno is Ii , oilo' ot tloi oiiIilmllt ) ' , Igmooonaiit of tue camive , is iiki ) is I lie vc'oniiI , 't ago of tummmmmai , 'is c'ak- mouse. Dr. % V. a ill gmmananitt'u a lerfect comm Iii mmli noons aimI is imeimltliy riustoirmutiomi tO tue gunilto'mmrlmiumry ( in' gnus. Coni eultamioni free. 'I'lmoromglm cimnumlnirutiomm anmol mmd' vice , $5. All 'onmmmmniiicatioimis , simoimmiol lie aliircnseii , , Ir. I Icor ) ' IlcnmryVagmier , I' , m ) , 2Pi9 , heuser , C.olorula. Tue Ymoumig Maios l'ioeh et ( o101J amihuio , by Dr. II SS'aguiur. lot a , , rthi liii a eight imo goilii too 3 OUfl nmnni , l'riee , dI,25. Suit by mmcmii to atoy oiuidnnss. Let 'your Light Shine. Dr.Vngmmer the celm'liriutnol specialist tot leuiuer ) Cido , , 1I3 l.nrlmiour street , helium cs imo inttno' ( the ssori immommi' a'hiat lm ( all ole amimi is oio4mig fur tloitismiooioi oil hIs fuio ( mumemi. I lit tneumtmmcmit , hoc lost ioiimmiliioosi Is seine to , so ho hun a oumio , tliiit i oO'mtCfit ) ' is iii iole'iii. 'I COO tiiUvaOOol tsrntimoositial frommi miil , os er tOte Umiiteol $ taloit Iroinmm tlioiie lie has eimrnol , I. roof jiiooltit U tiiat lie iiioo cure limo Siiorst Cases of those milsniooocs , 'I'tio mili3o'tsil froimmi clmrooi.i mmmiii , .cxmmal mllsn'amoee of misery kinoil smill Ilmoil liimoo t lie-I n liut frienool , ilcami his miii s crtivnmmiemotmo all our ( it ) ' i fliers , oloil ( nih till lout , ( or molt 1cm , , mis V.C liiow , y.tu a Ill etirnoolouratu us Iii ' 00) iti lie ic hut suf fener true frluimd.liochy ) Iounorahoi Numss4 Relief to the Afflicted , Iii lentil , lions , as lit moclenicu , the mmpeclalo.ts nra lion limits a too always , 'nmioes to time front oimmI , its m'l.molLlLsio greet ruismmitom , 'Ibis reimoark lot ctoocialiy Rioihim'alimt , 14) to Pr , if. Wagner , iif thil city. lie stommiols at. tiuc tap of lois iorOf-Hsiomo auth thu e'mmn , lie I m'rfoirmmi't for Hoe umnofortootoumfo a ommli suemnu 'a omumle'rfmml If loot roit'nly siuwtai I ot thu light of selemitillc mui.1mohmnnmocmi too. I iu Is emidiorseol by the mmiooot cimoimoemit of thu moicoilcat fac'mmlty , lii clime mit 1043 i.morammilr street , a lame lie ii ill .intoii. , Ii ) ' eiYcta coin , for thu simffcnimog of either sex5 moo moimit' Icr how exoomilihinetool their oosotopiaumot.-Poiaero's I ) cmmmocrat. Chronic Complaints Require Time for a Cure. l'er.Omoi at a mii.tamoco a tie wlls lobe trmaU'oI lilt hr. S'agmoer umnud miot feel backuuard because of Imoamlilit ) 14) 5 bolt hiii. , , I f they a Iii arita tot thou doo't.or iou si-hi imeiiii a hIt of oiumcstionos a hoicho t'ommiuolooi hthmmt to scold immeoliclimeom , t'mommso-t mimiol al m k it to thiommooommiihos hoe home noumer seen. ifs home Itotieumt lot dory CIty. toamo amid shitiomo Inu Colurmuoio mis is cii moot mdi us er tile hJiitn 1 Hbttcom. Soc hole midoinnoos Ito hmh mmdmertiionmoicniL lien sex Trlbumie. Shall We Reform ? 8j ° CiflU rnnesllee ( or miii , llwaoue's I , the theory ircUce at hmeselot of educated imnool umjienlummrn ihl.inlano , , mmmii ins mmli large coomonoouniithue they ins s their , liojthte , 1.4) excel iii mulch thocy direct thonir studios amid iracUce , Dr. % Vagmmer Is a sueccesfuui Ii' hu'otnmitions ( of this nmiooinroo ta'hoooi of ; mo.'lihtlit. mimool hI , Umlhrn'-eoIemotssd wmmneooe lii the tnmintmoociot of irirmite tIieuost i Is as siooolenluh , me it i llmittn'nhmig Prof. J , Hinommims. 'J'hou Itromouos a lee nonal mmiuoiii'aI relIef for the mmoot dnhlcate cml mlhoouammns a Ill hush mimi wmiconmoiil.foeil momool sue. vveofmih iIosleiauo 100 thou hur.000 of Pr. % 'uonr , No. a43 Tarhmmoer street , situ it lolgholy necimmmmnnmemoolcd ho'tioC iimuilcai lonmofessluno at looomoe amool ahiard , i'unuocroiy's licmzoisimit. lilgotny amooi hgOl.rlOOVO mioUst give is umy tea a iooiloium amui , thou a L.e iioslchaml tciles iou luttimot holt hi'iit bdno for thou glUm ) ' of loIs li Ihiow Imoemi. l'nhmmtn'r's ifl is thou ttort'hm hmu cart lsit , uio too guile thou scar ) auth sIck cmli , La tIe fojumotahos of hmealiio , if tiohit article sloouliJ hoe Imost roonmonnitomi iii , ii " 'l'OIICI I 141 II lii MIt UI ) ' (4il IS hIll to guide sulycnlmmc iiumoiauoity tO ) .4 13 1omnlmmocr stret1 ItOier , , Coiorauicm , It aiih amosser the innIsosu for whIch LI mime arltmemm , Aihoiresi flit. 1I1N1tY WAUNKS I , , 0. Leox 238I4r c'ail met I3 lmnimiotr mitrn'et , iemoi'er , t'.ilo. srltca'l tloucoiuiioui licimoleol ° "j'imu Necessity fur thou SdslIct , " M. HELLMAN & CO9 Wholesale Clothiers ! 13O1 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET COR. 13TH , OMAhA , . . 1EBRASZ ' - Double and Single Ac/ing Power and iland PTJMPS , STEAM 'PllMPS Engine Triininllugs , Miiuing Machinery , lieltitig , hose , Brtsmu and Iron Fittimug8 Steaii Packing at whuniostio : and rtsail , IIALI44UAY W1ND.MlLJS , OHLIIUJH ANt ) SChOOl4 BELLS. Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Nob. SALEM FLOUR. TIs , 'Iouu , , Ii mails at 8milonu , ltichmosnmtsoin Car , Nehtraskos . , to the Cumlitnund 114,11cm' Steno Syitern. W gIst' i\n'tt'Sh'i' , ssl oil , iitmr . to 0mb unto In mm Plti. We hmso upenmed is bramacho mit ti Cai'ttoi avono Hosdomi Voltu' loon i'rkvi .ihoiri'ss either siTTX1' , t.m'i- , ci 8alvmu cm Omaba Mob. , , I : . crt DEALIRS IN Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y PLRE IND I3tIRGIAR PROOF SAFES , VAULTSLOCKS&c. , , 1a2Q ' 1Lr21.Lm : J9traot. ¶ [ W MA4UFAUTU1Ufl1 OP aIvaoiid IoDCorniGes [ YiDdo CasFioiaIg ; , Slmyliglits &o Tlolmteemmthm Street Nul HENRY LEHMAN .IOBBEU OF \Vall \ Paper illffO Sliaftes. EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED 1118 FA1tNI STItEET , . . OMAHA NED. GATE CITY PLANING MILLS ! MANIIFACT KItS 019 Caroenters' Matoras -ALSO- sash , . Boors , B1ills , 81ars ! , stair Rai1ins , B1ntors , Willow & floor Fraos , &c . , Plrst.clisii facihitleos for the nmmnunumifantuono , of nih , kInd. . of Memoiilmoou' . PhanuInmo anti tmtchIng mm spu'chmlty' Onoicre freon time country sill be iroimmltiy mtxcuutooi. . , , . . , , ' ' Ailoirm' miii nomoimnuomsiniatioums to A' TOYm.It. Prrrl.'tot h' , PER'EOTXO IN Heating and Baking ili't ! Iou cimly attztiiiut by 7CEJARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges , IE DLE OVED DOORS Jour sam by . , ' M ILTONROGERS & SONS ' 4. . ! orAllA. VTSL [ - S : N--Y-D rn j. , MANIIi'An'ruhtr.ht Oh' OF tiTIIICITLY FtltT.CLAB8 Carriages , BugieRoaff , agons AND TWO WHEEL CARTS. ustratool Catalooouu 1810 anoti fmirnmistot'oI l5-t ) hfarmuy free mmmoro Street slmimIh-ttiaII nnmdT4O3 H. . 13th Street , ' ' 'Ol.A..A. N'EB izIiE313c1 ill 1 5E3. - - - - - - - - - : - ' _ 1- U , , , , , - % - , I ' U TIlE LEADING Carriage Factory I1JJt' 1'tO aitti 14-li Dodge Shoot , . ' ' 4 I . NEBRASKA. OMAHA , - - - - - A. : JEx J5AII1E-5 ? " , MANUFMJI'IJIIKIc OF l'INII Biiieg Carriaos mid Sriu 'aOfls . , . . My Repository Is enstanth ) ' lliluih slUm us stied stock. iJout Weknuamumhip uana.ntoed. 0111cc and Factory S. W. Coma , ' 16th and Capitol Avenue , Qnala