Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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    _ _ _
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2 , , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
H t.1ii , ft11 ye people , IflUI iVO Cat
all yo int'ali(13 of the world , Hop
Bitters will inako you 'roll end to re
2. It shall cure tIm people atil p
icknoa and .ufforing tuvier foot.
3. : Bo thou not a/raid when you'
fatnily i flick , or you liavo Bright's d1
.t or Liver Complaint , for Hop Bitter
will cure you.
4. Bot'h low and high , rich and poor
; cnow the valucof 1101) Ilittora for bilious ,
n rvous anlEhrunvitiC , cornplaifltJ.
a o. Cleno inc wttlt hop 1Itter8 and I
shall have robust. and blooiiting health.
. 0. Add dteao upon diaeaflo null hot
the worst conic , I am Rafo if I use Hop
i Bittera.
7. For all my hifo have Ibconplgiiod
with ickncs , and sere , and not until n
ye 0 WftS I cured , by Hop llittor.
aj that keopothi hii bones from
aehtinu icu Ithluumati8ln R1Il NouflilgU % ,
with I . . . Bttera , doeth wiaoly.
' thou hIMt oro8 piinple ,
0. 1 h.ugh
freeklo , saIl. thuum , oryipoIaa , blood
poisoning , y.3t [ lop IIcttor will rcnwvC
I them all.
- 10.VLat .ntat1 i then , , feeble and
Bick from fen.iIt. oinplainth , who desiroth
flot health soul useth Hop Bitters and is
fla(1C we 1
j 11. Lot nct neglect to use lion Bit.
ters bring or. iious Kidney alut Liver
. . 12. Keep tl.r nguo from being fur.
rod , thy blood 1.iro , and thy stomach
front mdi Ofition by using 11op bitters.
13. All my pains and aches . id die.
'ease go like chaff hoforo the wind whmn I
'use lb Bitters.
14 1Mark thio man who waa nearly
dead and given up by the docters after
using Hop Bitters and bocometli well.
. , 1o. CoMo from worrying abouj nor
Eyousflcss , getioral debility , and urinary
, trouble , for Hop Bitters will roatoro you.
in fovt Intl Uo
tUtrIctA , Ill tftiIC&1
OSTETWS and other IC44OII
' IRtAlI bY ett.IeriiI ! ,
.nuI Ind'ee.I n sli
lOZIiUe wefo the
: conilunne are , iti.
fiyorttle ! tn ) , e&th ,
: thL funoue vciett-
hie Lnigomnt nd
. . - - altemttvo , I1WItCt.
, . ter'e Htnnach lilt.
; , . - . tAre , hM liocri tountl
, ; a potent e.fcguird
t . evelt 14) foeilo ) corieti.
: tiauoti eta fral2e
trBtnce , tillo nil a
clam for lillotOn ! ,
blilotienets and kin.
tin , . ! coiitpiainti' t
- -
Is withotil a
t 1TTE For aale by all
4 lruglts anti heal.
ore gunuraihy.h
. .
t Anoxcchicntnppetlztngtonlc of
. , ' , - . . oqtifelto llvor , now ued oor the
vhiulo world , curce
) : ; 1)harrbn.a , Invcr nvd Ages ' and all
- t dleordtr.urtilo Jigoetlvo 'Ogan ,
- - . _ , ct- . ; ' A rew drtttts fnitnrt S tlollclon
: j ? ,
: to all ptrnilner drlnk. i'ry U , toil
; . hownreiifcoiintercits. Ak your
- t - , - - : - gnccr or druggIst ( or the "enuuinc
0 -i artuIc , tnanuufuctuuretJ b'b1L J.
B. BlEU1I' bO
1' tt ijllpFEBAIM , Solo Aged
1)N rrtu.L Thtprt. , J , Y. 1l.cot ,
. 13roadwav- . Y.
Cf 0 iea1th i Wealth
. ) { n ;
' , . . , I.
J k
0,1 Dr. It. 0. Woet. Ncrro &ntl Urain Treatment ,
. ' gUannteod Bpeclllo for Ilyetorha , DlzzfneeConvia'
elouw , Fits , ! orvou1 Ncura1la , licatlacho , ervouau
o I'roetratlon caueetl lix the use of alcohol or tobacco ,
I. Vahetuinos , Mental Do trOrtloul , Softening of the
' Jhaii , , resultIng lu luuuuulty anti hea4ing to iniecr
dcc33 nuid death , l'reinturo Old Ago. flarruuuuioa.
0) ' 1MM ot POWCT In either sox , Involuntary Lee
.fl8lermatorrhtu cautd by over oxortlon , f
turatti , Cchf.Cluso or ovor.Induhonco. Each
.1 tina one month's treuttnuent. l.OO a box , , r
' . - . bccee for $ -5.oo. $ cnt by mall lrcpait on rocelpi
p To cure any case. With each onlcr received bye.
. for eh ixuxce accompauulod with .oo , wowhiheeuud thu ,
, flUrChMct Our written gufarauiftuc to rcfuuiil tim uuuouue
7 41 tim treatment doc8 not siroct a cure. Ouiarante.
r t I uodonlyby a. F. 0000ItIAN
p rn&o Wi Druv 18t Omaha Nob.
& : 'I I
V. .p 1. . a G
t _ Thiht comedy being Injected tllreclh to tluo seat.
the tllecaae. rettuiros no bhuano of thick or uuauueoue ,
I inerturlal or pouleuious inettichutce to be take , , Intern.
. lily. When 'iced al a hlroveuItho by tuithuor BOX , It I.
Impoesible to contract any private duectaeu ; but In the
Ii ae tat thee alroa4y uufortunatcly afhitotod wo cuar
, .ntco three hoxee to cure , or we .h1t rofunu the
, . motley. Price by unali , iooteo luald , 2 v ° r box , or
three boica for
esued by * 11 authorltod agents.
'J Dr.FelixLeBruncjo
; . Net. Solo Agent , for Ouna
.i : _ uiowt
p i' ; i Have Found It I
U Worn the acclamatIon of a inaubon hi got a boz
Etuzvkv. Pile 0htutiuuit , which Is a piunolo aunt sure
5'Icure for tiles and all itkln Dtuaoe. lfty oeultd by
mill , jOIItlt1.
; ' : , T/e , ilnierican Diapr/gja , Cure i
114 hfs too.l the test for twenty years. flute cure for
I Ncyor FalL. . Uharthiea , Dysentery , and Cholu.
! . '
. iL Dcallc' ' Foor an uii Tollic & Coria1 ,
. It to huuupcealtulo to UjjtIy thiorapid ealaofthq caine.
' I ? or Fever ac.d , kiiuv , arid eli Itaiarial ttoubcs. !
p I. hABOILATOItY , ISTII sjr. , ( ) JAIA. ( NEIl.
. , For Sale tij' all Dpugists
J V 4flt by ) .xocve. on rcvulpt o price. * n.iu
I A reur ! gratluito Ic
. 1 LLJ1BuIDBBON uudeIuuo. ! Oic , slateer
fi0Wtauudottettt. . I 3er4 IrtICu-twlve. Ii
- , it I5J5/5 . tI.J'y , ISO. j UIutcao.
Iu. _ .
. Authorized by the state to tro&
Chitwutc , Ntnousauud 1g1ate
j Asthma. Ephlet.oy , Itheuntattoto lhlus
. i'aPe Woruu , Urhnary an4 Skin VII
; . ftii ; .hft ecaeiSouuloslWcaliocssulghthoaoes ( ) .
f . . . b4iaUSI Ilohulityluss ( rufacrual
s. Curt. gU&rantue4 or inwuey refunded. hargoi
L low. l1iutasudi of oitoe cured. No Injurious CiuthI
cui4 turuilshI ouca to rttciite at .a dI.tenco. Coo
sultatlon ftou and uon5JontIah-caII or wrItc ago and
g XIUIoc Cry hlnportsutt. A 1100K toy both scaca-
luiiu2-n4 circujars of oUir things act seejod
Ics wo f cciii t.aiips. J'ItEE hUttWM - , . Lb
b Itt , I mr\ood.w
MA thO0r1PtitVI ltei.1LsufroIuu ti to IC
$ MAdp hf Ivcotc.ectbio tjouuf.ucllcui. 4ic *
j $ jibri * 4&s Medimi Co. P. 0. Ilo ,
4rllh1bLU. . / 7 j :4n u4
HTAV' . i
. . 'I.- '
t - * ' .
/tl ' . . 1
- - - -
. ' . . .
- _ .
A Rcmark81e . Speech From the OU
1t4nnInIeoncce ( Cf the 1nr ar.d Call.
Ienier TrIbune.
In reply ( erioral Sherman said :
Comrades , I acCIlowledgc all obligation
to you for your hearty and soldierly wel.
collie to tins city of Donyor , ann for your
kind invitation to your campfire , Your
President has rufcrrsd to my absence in
tluly last. By way of an accident , or
tittlior througiL tim representations of our
press , which in not always correct2 I had
been jiublisheil as intending to iisit Dart.
yer. But , unforttinately , I was compell.
ad to go nn a three months' constant
travel , and so you coo it waa a physical
impossibility for IflO to be present , thought
my heart waa with you EAPIiaiICCJ.
I run hero utow. [ Aplauso ] i have
maho ono of those long jaunts you read
about , atid I don't feel very much broken
down yetAppiausoand [ laughter ] . I am
willing to give this ioiIhhig to 7011 , ann
help entertain you , if in my power. If
there is noy thuiiig I call do or say , my
comrades 1 will do it. By coiuirades I
moan iiot only toy brothern of the war
hilt all ottiera hero now prisoriL
of course you young inca in that. strife
loolceil upon us brigade cominaiitlers as
old men , atid are inclined that wo even
how are a hiving suporilutty on the stage ,
i : Cries of l'lIOhto. " ]
Iii those days I was then called "Uncle
hilly. " ( Great lnnghtor aid coera for
Undo Billy. ) I am old Uaole Billy still.
( Apulnuso. ) It is epropriato t. me hero
in tJio prolonco of the cherished memories
of tlueso troublouui days. Ysa can no
dwell on these ton ) long nor tee froquont.
Itemnombor your children are growing p
around you and in their inizids hliwit be
inculcated the principles for which you
fought. When you saved our government
you waved it for millions and millions yet
In iuaasiiit r must refer to the war , but
I willuot. weary you. These people thought
tlicruisolves oppressed. 1 could not see
that they voro. Thuy wiightt have takomi
their slaves away and we would riot have
interfered , lut , hiomi it caine to the stea1
ing of our land.
ijrl : lISMltREhtMENT Oil Till' UNION
it wIls thou we objoctod. Pliny were
mamfostly crong in going to war , and 'we
were umnifestly right in whippimig them.
U1)OIi that point there is 110 longer a die.
1)1110 , [ Applause. ] If you were t take
this Southern array we fought at Atlanta
and onward and hUt it to an individual
vote that. army would now any : 'Gentle.
Intlfl we thuUk you for not letting us
commit ituicile. ' [ Applaus. ) You prr.
pottiated our govornniont before this laud
you now occupy was known.
And now in reference to this country ,
I know soinowbat of it. In the early
days I wont to California. I was a lien.
tenant then. I staid there four years
and then returned East. Agaiii I came
back and thmt titus staid five years. Iii
these years I was greatly imiterestod in
thin ( loAthly of this mnagitilicont. land which
you now OCCllly. It had been the pos.
sessions of France and by that govern.
mont was coiisiderel worUtles. .1 hon.
cetly bohievo that liar ! it not been for our
civil war our Congress and our oo
pie' wotilil not now ho sir great. 'ihey
wotihi lmvo thou boon korrifirni itt
tim idea of spciuliiig $100,000 for build.
ing it railroad. ' [ 'bereforo , comrades you
fought to onhuirgo this nlouuiutui mind
add wealth : to your riatiomial , prosperity ,
for thin result of the war stirnulittenl the
enofos Of Plue rOptuliiC. I ) iie huuiulred
iiiihhionui ut 18111 lOOked to ho inure than
Olin thousand iuihhioiuu iiov. So' liii-
pressed was I of tim fact that the conk
try was open to emigration that tvhiemi J
got to St. . EOtIUI I advocated this strongly
arid their returned. I rcutchiod Fort Leav-
onworth anti thence 1)rocoeIe(1 to 1"ort.
Laraniio.Vo arrived at what lit oittv
Fort Saunders , caine dorii Cherry ci'etk
trail anti thence to this city. Tliiui wits
ill 1865 , when thin vlacc wits a town.
'rhieie is noun of the town loft that I saw.
I reuuiomnbcr we crossed a rickety old
bridge and hunted up the qurirterinaster's
qtrarters. A. iiuari named DoLutru , wits thin
mayor , and 1 reiuuinlor hiiii anti his an-
coiui1ilishied vifo. I spoilt four or five
days with thuni , niul I have no doubt
thorn are inairy here vhm retirunuber
Cherry creek cumin down out of thin
iilOtliit.ftihls , itS it iloos now , only you eait't
flint it now. [ Iaughter.J
It was lLlOtit this time thirtt. flue liulirtus
Yore troubiosouto , nird ) epio vero being
killed and scalped just out here about
whore title hail irtantis. Ve aoitt four
reginiunts iii this locality. it vas only
whieii the railroads wore Ilnishied that
tim Indiaiis lust their latvor.
'Whoit thin Denver & Rio Orando rail.
road was talked of tim sohionie was
laughed at. 'l'hio other day I corres.
1)OitlOd vith mm of these men , Gouoruul
Palmer ( Applause. ] Ito is ii bravo
frail. I 1IIIOW hint its a soldier , but did
I lint 1(1mw his iticoril I would utihosi-
tatitugly hurt a bravo nina for
210115 btit a bravo man could build a road
like that which 1 traveled over to-day ,
[ Laughter. ]
At Silyorton u these heights and
thin ( I unnison-it was really down-
[ Laughter , ] r iutoro scared in going
Over that. rosti tItan I hind ever been in
lii ) ' life , ann I have Ieen in sonic uretty
tight places. [ Contiiiucd laughter. ] 't'lie
111011 vhio built that rftaI ( were solnlicrs
nun for one take iity lint ofF to General
I'aluier. [ 4pvlatIso atiul laughter , ]
'I'Iio saute tinprovenuents that yin hare
mania itro going on around you. ' 1'hier
are now four continental hues unitiiig
this Atlantic with the Pacillo , and two
run through ypu Slate. Tn fact , there Is
Itot a hillside or ii Iitothhitaiil hilt what is
lint perfectly safe for man to vtiirtiiro
without fear of inolostatini , , Tlio earitart
part of tIm war wts vhriitiuiii the rebels.
I inn ciut'jiicod ) f Utis miftet' cooing whiit :
hiss been utc'coibllhislwtl slime , \Vo were
thou In tire Citlile business tuutlier , cliii
rL iii l'ecauso ' of those glorious achieve.
iiivnts that I like to iiiliiglo alilOng you.
L.liiu1utuO , ] of cutirs we must. itdiuit
that we nrq 011 brothiorsbut yet you : now
w'he We iilrut a hirither or a relatIon of
8Ii' 11111(1 WO 010 lilOre iilecnl at uiiIfiig
. them titan our frietids [ uuhg1rter nrid
cheers froiu tire reiuitaitt. 01 Shuriiiaii's
iuiiiiaitd. ] \\'hioil I moot a corurmie of
p thu Arruu of. the L'ot.oiuiic , notwithistatiti.
jag that we nero oiico jealous of them
tutu they jealous of us , and ) ' ) U lUt 11meV
limit ! a ciuso to bo [ laulitcr ] . 1 ) mate
bs mi vithi thorn and I hover saw ii harsh
: act tlomiu to ammync , although we diii
bu * that was because itwasnecessary. in
, meeting ) 'OU tQ.fligiit I , realize the fuel
I thrntu'oaro brethlortmh iii ( mict ; we are still
lighting the saran old battle for law and
tirdir ltfl(1 for IfltOhhigOllCO and the highuat
order of CiirIatianity ,
I itimi delighted at the progress of Deit.
Yer aud Qolorado. Now , in thto East
they look tipniu Loadvillo as a barbarous
Iriace. ( Laughter ) . 'rho Eastern news-
lM101' got. this iiC3 thutt the rmiinmmi camps
of Iurango and other like irlaces are liii.
Cl only by roughis. 'l'o thmeni all ( , ultsmde
nflemiver isall outhriwwlrcgmomi. Although
they except 1)enver how , there was zi
tinro when iemivor was a ' 'ptctty triiighi"
Piano. ( Laughter. ) Although this is the
reputation thin mmiining towns have , I
could 1)01 hesitate a mmioiuicnt to take imiy
daughter tonmiy of these Placed amid do
it , too , with rltiito as much safety as in
tile stroota of NewYork City. ( Applause. )
I attrilnto this happy condition of affairs
to thin old soldiers , who are a h1oor in
thurso coimimtimmitios.
I flow take the opportunity of thuuikimig
this comrades wIre came to Hind mO at
thin train.
lhow call .on remain natihlerer front
n1'CIICJSIuI tthitii worse C.'l.SCS thOfli yours
aEOie mg cured hiy hood's Sarsaparilla.
'i'ry it. .
- -
Ifniw In ) I'ny Themii , as i'okl hy One ni
I lie itmel hiren froth ' .lomiluurimi
-I' Non' I'lair.
flrooklyn Eagle.
' 'has Iivimmo I'rotidemico tmifhictod your
church with ti blcssiiig of it large debU"
asked a Brooklyn clergyman of a Mon.
tarot mnimiisutor , to whom lie had just hecir
I ntroduccdand who was seeing the sights
tinder the guidance of this Brooklymidont.
"We had rIght runart of a mortgage
whiou wo first started ia , ' replied the
Western divine ,
"They are great tribulations , but thin
Lord is good , " observed the Brooklyn
maim. "For years we staggerid under
the interest on a heavy mortgage , but
williag hands wore tnalIy found to help
lIe at last. How do yoi1uianago , with
god's help , to arrange such inattors in
your neighiborhiood ? "
" \Vo had a hard luck at first , and we
pray.d arouad pretty lively for sonic
time , but didn't seem to get anywhere.
Ilverythirmg was agaimist us , but finally
we caught. on , and when we got a start
we niade that debt sick ; now hoar mu
" \Vhmmit wan your course of procodur. ,
brotheri" imiquiro(1 thin Brooklyn ruuinister ,
rathmor startled by thin fervent speech of
lila friend ,
"Tire first. thing we did was to start the
Sa1'eatii achioni out fishiirmg on Sundays ,
and we kekl time interest dowit by thin sale
of fish until we could got. a whack at the
principal. Thou we inspired the gamblers
Sr thin town with an interest in thiochurchm ,
anit olferci thicimi inducements to comae.
arid they in turn tururghrt us the unholy
miicthiods by which they undo a precarious
livelihood. Our brethiurir wore 1)orti-
riacious and soon ncpmired an insight into
thin mysteries , arid thou we all In1 iii
waif. for suckers and let 'emit loire it as
soon its they struck our sectioii of the
vineyard. "
' 'Io 1 follow you , brother ? " do.
manded the Brooklyn clergyman in die.
' 'if you ever get into debt again you'd
lettcr , " aumewereil Limo oIlier qomifidontly.
"it's time biggest turn in thin wheel box.
\Ve raised tout thiousand dollars in tvo
inunthi , and more thami that it was the
mneansof bringing a gpod muiaity souls to
grace. "
' 'But I nlnmt't understand. "
' ' \Yosiin.iy . turirad the gamnbioms'trichc
agaimimut tlicimiolven. You see , whitin a
nUW moan commies to town tIle boys go for
him and they fetch hiimmi sooner or later.
\Ve hind our lrothmremi out day and night
arid. we broke Iii ) gambling in that village
by ntoiiupohiaurig it. Our game of draw
was ncyor closed and t1.e. tusult was a
reatgIbry tltt ptyimtenL.hmedobt utmid
tIre garnorimrg of smile Urat. othiertvise
would have genie dowut to iniquity. As
140011 flu urn liiisted a riiiimi we took huimit in
to thin church and got iii a a job , amiti
whiciicver lie got. a little ahead 011(1 thin
siirit ! of ganung grew upon lain , wO
ptayed with him amid thieiie1ieiicd a little
game to teach hiiiit thin vanity of betting
high cmi a Ioty baird. "
' 'Amit I Ii ) unilerstaitti t.hiat you support
your church by ganibhirig ? " oxciaimimcd thin
astonished clergyimuuin.
' 'Arid why noti" retorted his friemi'.l
frormi tIm frontier. ' ' \Vliy should thin
gammiblers be allowed to flourish iii pros.
1)01 ity and ruin tIme youth of ott : land ,
while thin church lbs groamtimrg nuder a
heavy burniuril"
' \Vo got mooney that otherwise would
intro gomic to thiemn , uumd we taught. the
tender-feet tim way and thin life , until miot
to depend on a lIt : straight ivhten omin of
our deacomuu held tiicdcnl. It was a good
lesson for tire yomimig all around , anti
triton I tell Ot1 that there is not it professional -
fessional gaumibher in ourcountry , amid that
our churrch Iiuue a larger niemubership thran
' .imy ( Mi thin frontier arid is thin richest. corPoration -
Poration , in tIomitamimt 'rurritory , and that
1mmr going to EuVOlo next mnorithi , you trill
adroit that our riiuthodue urn roco uiisud by
grace as the correct proceedings.
"hut- " gasped the Brooklymt rmutn.
"Would you refuse to take the money
of a ntiribler if ho dropped it iii your
contribution boxi We woul lms't , antd if
thto mitoiley iS good iii nm way it me genii
imi amnothior. Besides , wo sanctified tire
business y making it a chiurchi nihitir , amid
between you and mire , it is a much riore
hioneat tramisuictiomi than a church fair ,
whiuro you gnmntlhe for a stale cake and
ra dolls , because iii our way thin stake
is mit 8iivhit , and every mann knows what ho
is piayig for , When your conic down to
the plamt our style is far ahead offer
for we give the victims some ahiow.
"hut tire resultsconturremiced the
iirookhymi clergyrmrmtri.
' "l'hiu resiiit justify thin. tvioho I iiimrg , ' '
imrierriiptuti thiolitourtartut mnau. "Wo wore
threatened with foreclosure before we
comnlimlOmiCed , iuitl now we control our see-
tioui of the 'l'orritory. 'l'hesu are time re-
stills , Now what uirgumnent hiavo you gut
agaitist. the hrimciPlosl"
, lbit thu liroohdyii irma laid miono , tho' '
lie lri3'Qtl : lung miii fervently for hits
iiruthror iii thin Lo ui that , night.
I kuHfl)111'14 * L'hi.sphiuutn
ln'Llvcr and lUdmiey Troubles ,
Ir. 0. Ii , , ihistol ) , says : "f
hutse need it with tIme lii'st rtuimmtrllnlde :
lameness iii ilyspopimhnu , mciii tlonttigeiimenut of
time jivor aunt kidmmeyui ,
- - - - -
'stIetmmt ) huivht I ( i I lie Siuti' u,1 Iilmtril ;
8'riiigfluitI Ite1'mhninau , .
' l'euhlO ) oil bothi shies of that Atlantic
tyhmo care for the fmteta concurning jim
, ettpthjtjuiz of ii'uhapd , r.ithmur tinur thin
coiiflrmnmttiou of any t1ruor' , will 11itt in
tercuutimig mustIer iii ant article nit "lifigra.
tioii nimd limnuigratiomi" iii thin Irtliighrh ) '
Iteview by lr. Ermutat hurt of 'l'iin
lhritithi ! iloeI'tcal , Jouriimti , lie trite chiosomi
to investigate line question hi ) ' a itinlibur
of Emrglishmen protmdumcmit in politics mual
literature , who trere comwiiicocl of tue urn-
reliability of time official reports. It is
frouri these ryports that hip gotertrlellt ;
hints hniroly depuiidod for its irrfonuatiou ,
amid It is from such data that Mr 'l'ror-
elyan and Earl HlOltCer hare druiwn their
arguniciuts for their stutu.aidod imumigra.
- - -
tiomt policy. how ullrehiablo these reports
ports have linen Ir. hart's ricrutimiy
ftiifW5. lie traveled through tim northwest -
west of Ireland , ranking a special sturdy
of the coat ( listrict of Iuiiogal amid
Mayo , nird this is that lie found :
I liars found 11,000 people iii County
Donegal alonu whose land has bairn sown
with irood potatoes given by charity , and
who wore mimaimitaining life on ( holes of a
penny worth of lmrdian macal a day , givemi
by hiiaimojts and vricste , ithr ahimmi largely
derived from American liberality , amid
after seeing thmose timings 1 loire road in
arm oflicial report of time poor hriw inspec-
bra that "there is mini oxceptiomtal die.
trcss.-mrothimlg beoruh what thto poor law
is capable of mneatimlg. " I hiau seen thmou-
reumds of acres of gm-ass land icerting tea
a state of nature fer want ci cultivation
-land tvhich once suporkd thiouaarids
of fstmnilics. Amid bIt tire 'cry outskirts
of thmnse lands , on 1utg arid moor , amid tire
Ioorost land Iioav'ihy oncurrmbcred witit
lruaesos of stern. , there are thousands of
he01)10 rwhuced to starvation and kept
alive by elccmmiosymrary aid.
There is rio argumimemit for emigration in
thmts , nor in thin othmersad facts of Ireland
thmntt thiero are 4,0(10,000 ( acrosenf rechaimmi.
able mild awaiting labor , that thousands
of fammmihies arc seeking for Lime tenmamicy of
deserted farina , tint the race is detorio.
ratinig because it is buaimmg corretaritly deprived -
prived of its best elemmienits. Some of
Dr. hart's fi urcs are ihhunmiimmatinrg. lie
cites onin varmshi of 11,630 persomis whose
arimrual vnhuatioir is only $20,000 , though
there are imi it 20,000 acresof waste land1
half of which is fairly available for set.
Ilninomit , Five totvnihanids 'whijcii in.
dude 4,895 acres and siipjuorl 318 ( anti-
lies are valued at only 2,33O , inichudimg
time houses whiichi thin tenants Iravo them.
solves built. In this parish thin tenants
iravo reclainmted ( ruin the urtoor every acre
they ccupy , I uvi i'uit up every
fen o , nmiado it , .i r isis uimid built their
own huts. T . ' . l.uml.hf , hardly worth
ailponco an aee a ttt start are in frommi
to sovomi years made capable of supporting -
porting a family comitenit with a bare sub-
sistenco. But whonthiis hiss bocnbronighit
about , Dr. Hart says , it lute beemi an er-
diminry practice for tIre huimidlord to coolly
appraise tine value which thu peasant's
labor Iran given I. . time h.hding , and appropriate -
propriate it to himself. Spite of contracts -
tracts tire annual route are forced up to
fromui $1.0 to $50accordmng to time tenant's
industry. It cant hardly be wondered at
in time light of such facts that laud is , nil.
hewed to run to wastothmat povort.yslioulci
hto time conimmion lot or even that agrarian
crime should be Prorahont.
Michael Davitt iii quoting Dr. hart's
report in a letter to fun Cincimrniati Corn-
mercini Gazette states with a pardonable
.xuberamice of spirits thmnt a munch better
feeling as regards Ireland has lately been
shown by thin Emighishi people. Thin
"contract" theory as a justification of
rackrent is well nigh an cxplodnd don-
trine , and happily for the cause of industry -
dustry rutoruil considerations mire being
given a moore immiportant place in social
politics. It ought to be understood that
the Irish toruanta do not seek to evade
their contracts ; 'what they are most
anxious to do is to have their contracts
r.spocted and thin landlords preventc
from , dernandin increased rents in
violation of thin contracts , Mr. Gladstone
has carried air act through thin House of
Parlhunent reaching this nuttIer and.
providing that the tenants shin ! ! not be
mnaula to pay for the inmmlrovernents they
themselves have made. The House of
Lords , hiowover , has defeated thin inoas-
tire , aunt declared that thin improvements
iipOfl Zn ( aria become tire property of the
landlord after a few years. because the
tenant's onijoynient of tine inmproveincnts
he has mmmade is in itself a coinpomisatiomi
for his labor , The iaudhrds am now
muinking thuuir tight about this point ; but
Mr. Davilt thinks thIs is about the last
stand tinny can take "bero thio tyhole
systennis comnjeIlcd to enmrremider'to ' th
spirit of prgrcss numul to juutn.iee. " This
is a IlCa which iuitust duzeunt , itself , amid
tine irish natiwlain hiuive real amid abuirdant
reasonn for satisfaction amid congratulation ,
not omuly in th inullirored conditioni ,
but tim brighitemning irospect of 1Irciand.
But Davitt gives all the credit of this
change to Parnell , as Parmiell talces it to
imimnself. Ireland hints cause for gratitude
to Ohadetomne as sine iran bitter cause to
cherish time reimtemnbrariee of past wrongs.
But mnowhnnro do either Davilt or Parmnell
give airy credit to the Etiglishu statesman.
Mr. Pummel ! is represemntcd as Inuring returned -
turned to Ireland with three bills iii hula
hmocleet as Imopimies of hits work imn Lou-
dent since spring-tine fisheries , tine labor-
era' dwellinigs amid tine tramaway bills.
Thin first 1nrotidcs for tine building of
piers arid harbors omn thin stormiiy treat
coast of Irelannd ; tine secomid comifers coon-
Purlsory powous umpomi local boards
of guardians , cnablimmg thicin to
hnuild better houses for the
farumi laborers nrtd to provide
half acre garden 1)hota to each dwelling ;
wlnile tine third hints a fur wider scope
that it recognliZtJS time lrnmicipio ) for whicin
thin Land LeugUe COmntCmlielahid provides
for than buuildmmig of short raiiway'imnesnnd
oimipowetil vumbiic colmqaimnies to draw fromu
tine treasury for thin transferal of fanmmihjem ,
fromrn poor to bettor sections of tine cotnmn-
try. TIne atiommahisth mitay justly corn-
gratuhate thmemmiselves Upemi the share they
have hind in brimigimtg tuboirt lucite nund
other hemniuicemit mneuummnres , but tInny are
not Mr. Piurnell'ms trophies , iner thin
Larnd League's exclusively , tInny
are goverinirennt mmnoaaurcs arid
it is the ahiecrest imigratitudo to dojmrjyo
Mr. Gladatoneof inns share nun tine great
work. Thu Irish agmtatmomn has nuade it
pessibie for Gladstone to bring about
tiucen r.sunhtnm by inmlprcssinn English opiri.
iou ) , and hue Inns donre it iii the ( mice of
strong opposition Ovum lii lila own party ,
Thin irish lCPle ) imnay rigidly rejoice , intl
they shnotnltl mint mu their prejanlico overlook -
look the Intel which hi'rstory mmuumst rucurd
that ( liadaturie hunts domio nuore for hiu-
hannd than any one imnanu hits ever before
"I'hmat. ushmitor akimi ( if liars tmisrm snuiw ,
" mail smooth its muuintmmnoutnd uthnulntstvr , ' '
\\'lii , nil ! uictithictI by usiung i'ozzomml's
Itledhcateti ecmuiiihtslomi Vowtlcr.
Talehmig Tliuo by I lie Jtrchitic , ,
hiruul.Iyrm Eanle.
' 'I 'tvalrt. to 1ttmt a death notice iii this
lt1)er , but I tt aint to leive time date pf thin
iteutthi bhmurk. Cuuin I ciii that ? " aslieui a
nmani of tiu advortishrg clerk tIme oIlier
gay ,
'lcmi't yoi know flue dato'I" lunqumired
tire cievk , a little startieti by thin ro-
thrust ,
' 'No , not yet , " replied tine ruami , ' 'l'hre
fact. is it's Ill ) ' wife , nuid sine ismn't. dead. ;
but time dotcor says site's got to pu" out
somilo tune tQ .iiighnt , an1 1 huivo rrSriretl
the fuiienttl for to.munOrrJw interning so I
( tul heave t.owmi iii thu afternoon , Cain
yonn liii Quo mrnticu"
"Jiavu cccii thin thnidOrtakerlt'askeel '
tim clerk , interested by thin mmiani's ( iU1t '
iuisi' . air.
" , .es , amid 110 has nmnade all time arrange. .
iuttiitui. lie iniensurod hier for' tire coltiui
with iutm eye , munnd I don't think she hun :
time rontOtest notion wlumit hie'gammui ' was
I have notified. all the fricmutlq , an.1 in , ' ,
mourning stilt is around at thq tailor :
When You ro In Troubic ,
Don' ! 5e dismall Your liver i
torpid , perhaps , nIlCI you may be said
o be bilious. 'flto way to help you
out thhlc di11icult is to take Iirown'L
Iron 1311/er : , which sets disordered
livers at work in good style.
Don't t CTOSS and angry/ Your
Wgestion is bad ; and that upsets your
disposition. If you vihl try Brown's
Iron Bitters , you will find the digest-
( ye diflictiltics rrjvcn ! away iii short
Doz'I ? dcsj5onden// You are
weak b causc your bipoci rs thin , and
Vo Cannot i.ce trouble , or think you
nnnot. Brown's fron Bh/trs will
put iron into your crrculatron , ciirich-
ing tite blood , making it a royal red
color , and giving you the strcugth
you need.
The troubled , the weary , the de-
pondcnt , the nurvous , the debilitated
and the bilious find rest , repose , re-
( reshment , and reconstruction in the
use of that prinu.e ofTpmtrcs , Brown's
Iron Bitters. Tile druggist c1iargc
ndolhar a bottle for'it. 10
va ting for nno to try it on. 'rho omniy
tlniiig is this riotrco. If I carl arramige
tinat I'nnn nil right. Stick it mmn. Shin
won't see the paper , annd if sine does ,
I'll toll her it is amnothrer wonnamn of the
same nmanue. "
All right , " replied tine clerk. "I'll
fix it. "
: 'Itmcii obliged , " sigined thin bereaved
by brevet , "I'll ' do as much for you
serine time. Now , I've got to go and
look after tine flowers. Comm. amid mayo
a drink ? I've got a few monnienta to
spare. "
But the clerk declined with thrnmike ,
and tIne mmnonnrner wennt away in quest of
a florist wino would contract to furnish
flowers , with thia unidorst.amndimig thnnut ' 'if
amiythimng siipimd UI ) ho would' take 'sin
back amid rofumnd inaif the mnionoy.
- -
- -
un 185 ( ) "liromcn's flroncMai TrocAes" were
introduced , uuti their sunccoirs as a cinro for
Colds , Conghm , Autumns , amid BronchItis linus
booms umnpatailod. s25 nn&e eod3t
FIi'at itegum tar flxpci'l ummenIt 'iv Itti tlme
tultLclunrge Guint.
Naw Yojunc , Soptennber 20.-A stout ,
elderly nmrau , with long ironn-gray board
amid blue glasses , stood on tine sand uar
tine old fort at Sandy Hook yesterday
morning dircctinmg a gang of muon wino
were opnratimig an oddhookimmg big : umi ,
mounted upomi a red carriage. Four
cramnks , a Info larger than those of an or-
diniary hianid.organr , projected above tine
gun , amid four large protimberances like
mnannrmuothu iron kettles were 'visible be-
nieatin it. The mann was Mr. .1. it. lIne-
Itoh ! amid hits weapomn thro ntiuultichmarg.
"You are just in tune to see us load and
fire , " Ito said to a roporler. "We are today -
day beginning to intake oxperinnenta to
learnt how fast mu suet of giveni weight will
be carried by it given ehiarge , and how
unucin Ireseure tinere will be 111)011 the
sides of the gun. Now watii. "
First tine breech-block was swung out
and the shnot imnsorted. Tue projcctihn
( s'reigiiimig 110 pounds ) was cyhinider-conni.
cal un ehapo amid made of iron and copper ,
with rings , to fit the bore tightly. A bag
comntaiiiimng fourtecin pouin'ls of powder , so
coarse tinat tim grains felt like chestnut
coal , was used , and between the bag amid
time bail was placed. a Iprgu tiiick wad
which iooked like large roumid ginger.
Buiuips ghimed together and
By turning tfte cranks tlnlcl. lids 'uei'
unscrewed , rovennhimmg holes leading to thin
kettles aforesaid winicin called "
, are "pock-
eta. " By mneamis of long funnels powder
was pourrod unto two of thin pockets.
Theni thin lids were screwed cit and Cap.
taut Starring of thin ordinance Depart-
uncut , U. S. A. , cried ' 'All back ! "
IN TIIO moMn-i1uoor ,
Soldiers and civilians hurriel to thin rear
and. floked imito an unpretenitionus subtnr-
raneaii structure witit a gravel roof called
mu bommnb-proof. Captain Starring opened
a little box cmi tine trail auid pressed ant
electric button. There was a dull imcavy
report , followed by a long , shiriil wan !
like tinat of soimnu creature in distress. It
was loud and clear at first , but died grad-
ualiy away.
' 'Site's busted. ! " cried one of tim tyork-
mien."Oii , no , said mu 'veteran of time 'war ,
"that's omiiy the sound of a ring of smoke ,
carried along by time wind- "
' [ 'lie projectile was carried at the rate
of 1,558 feet for tine first aec.nd. Four-
teeni lioumluls of 1)ewIer were un time breecin
nOd eighteen inn each of tine first two
pockets. 'l'hme pressure unpomi time bronchi
was 2&,600 pounids to the square inch.
The target , which was about $00 yards
from the guir , consisted of a board fence
backed by a bank of sand 2ti feet thick.
Thin meat of tue shells hardens tine sand
so that mu iiick-ax is mnocessary iii diggimig
into it.
UEACUJLiNU TilE romnes ,
Between time target amid tim gum are
two fr-armies , 100 feet apart , with electric
wires strung Uponi tlnemnn. Iii its flight tln
projectile cuts tine wires winicii commnmnuni-
cuito with tine Lo Bouleug crontographn ,
an inigemnicus nmnstrummnomnt ( or mmntnaurumg
tIne velocity. Later imi tine day , with mu
total charge of six amid omie.sixthi p0011(15
of powder , tine initial velocity of the shot
wile 1,678 feet. Little COiper cylinders
were placed. at thin breech , tine ? ocicets
nunal tine muzzle iii apertures uttado for
thennu fw regiaterimg time Pressure of thin
gas. Bufore tine guumn is loaded tim ienmtIn
of each ] is mneastmrcd with an iii-
struumiomit which will rcord 1.100 of ant
inch By another Immuitrumummemut the force
rquirud to , conlprusa time cyiimuler , any
1-1000 of an knelt' is ascertaimmed. After
the sinot tIne cylimndernm are miteasumed uugainn
anti a comojuarisomi of thin fmgune i gives tire
pressure. 'rhmree udnota were lired yestur-
soomi us wtm itvo cqmimmleted cur cx
} 'Orrmnulemtts ' to determiiimme tine proper
chmargs"smuiti ? itr. Ilnakell , ' 'wewili try Uno
n-.umgopf tIm piece. So far uvcryfhuimtg
hiut wrked t'ery nicely indecd. , "
"JIv . niece the t'ciocitytf your shot
COIIIIk.O ; with thom othner styles of furojc-
I 'Dkectly them is not very mmcii elitror.
elich but we gut mini equal velocity with
hutch less lurctiro , anal that amounts
to ttuleIded. , superiority over gunelofothier
imuinuutctmire. 'lime ty get a yuloe'ity of
lrri ; feet with 20,000 pouimnds pressure ,
tylto time guns wouid have 80,000 or oven
ri0,0'0 ' } uoumuula. "
1) met go tQ limo country ttitlu.ut a ixutthit o
Aim ( ) itItVlL ititteja to flator your Sotla
end nmenaiie , aitI ; kemim your uilgostlve rrgans
iii 1der. lie sure it Is the gomitnine Ammguaturuu
of ' , orld-wiule fiunno amid mnauuacturotl ( umnly [ my
' Dii , J. I ; , B. SIELIIT ( & SONi ,
' '
em10 of i'hdimmgitti'ncUons of flue
. Odibolt fair is 210O worth of' prizes for
I be ball.
Has the Best Stock in Omaha and Makes th&Lowost Pi'i
Mirrors , Bedding , Feathers t
And Everything pertaining to the Furni
ture and Upholstery Trade.
" ' 1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farmun St.
T 0 .t tOO1. OMAHA , NED.
Luber , Lath , hlilgies , PicRet ,
Near Union Pacific Dopof , - . - OMAHA , NEB
On Long Time--Small Payments.
At IIaiiiit'otiuors rcos ! , A. lloso Jr ;
1510 BODOE ThE
. ; -
Manufactured by the Omaha Dry Hop Yeast Oo.
consuit 15TH AND DAVEN1'OIIT STItEETS 011MM , NEll.
( ChIcrao , urhlngtQn & . Quirnoy Railroad. )
- . . , .
: .
; . . .
n- .ae _ _ )
1l l . . ,
0 ¶ A. - . _
4 , q _ _ _ .
s' _ _ _ \
ie\ _ , -
' 1 :
'o . ,
J 1W. ' * ' ) , . , _ : ! _ , I - . p
Ele"ant Day CoachIs , l'arlor'Cars. with flochiu
'flu ' : C'ialrg ! ( iie3ts free ) , Smoking Cars , whit Ito'
voivina Chairs , Pullman Palace Sleepina Cars and
thc famnowm C. B. Q. Dining Cars run daily to and
trom chicago & Knuuisag City , Chcauo & Council
Bluffs , Chicago t flc Moines. Chicago , St. J0'
Seluli. Atchnison & Topeka. Oniy tkrough line ho.
luseen ChIcago , I.lncoin & Denver Throurth cars
hietween ladmanaponle & Council BtufY.s via l'eorla.
Ant connections maim In tJ0Ion Depots. It ns
known as thu greatTHitOUGI1 CAR LINE.
ScUd Trains of eaxut Da Coache3 and Pull
man l'nhwn sleeplug Curs are run daily to and
from St Louis , vma Itanntbni , Quincy , Keokuk ,
Th'rlington. Cedar Itapids and Albert Lea t St
l'auiand Mlnnenpolis : l'arlorCarswith Itecunm
Chairs to and fromSt Louts and Pcoriaamidto
uid from St Louis and Ottuinwa. Only one
cniange of cars between St. Louis and
Iowa , LIncoln , Nebraska , and Denver ,
it ns umiversallyathulttod to be the
Finest EquIpped Railroad In the World for all Classes of Travol.
I T. .1. 1'Orl'ER. 3d Vlce.Pres'tand ( tent ? , ! anaer PERCEVAI. LOWELLGnnn , Pass. Ag't , Chicago.
it - - ' ' :
Thirteenth , Bet. Farnam and Douglas Sts.
A1 S Fishblftti , M1 D1 , dl
Throat and Lungs , Catarrh , Kidney and Bladder as Well
as all Chronic and Nervous Diseases.
4 , ,
: DE : _ . F I II : i. . . 'r'
Iii. dIscovered thot'roatet cure in the world tot wonkneat of the back and limb , , Invcluntery dlscharee ,
Inupotency , general dububty , uiervouenetua , languor , confusIon of Ideas , paipit.athon of the luenuit tluihiy ,
trenblmnu , d mites. OS sight or gidditiens dioaitee of the head , throat , rIo.u or skin , nuftecihons o'f the liver ,
lunge , stomach or bowei.-thoo tormihino Labmt , arlbug front solitary habits of youth , aid secret practice ,
moore fatal te the victims ttcuu the , omis of hyraute to the manners of Ulyoc , , bnightni , their , u. , radiant
ltoi)08 or anticipation. , reuilerhuug marriage iuuiuodbhc.
'hose that , are sumierimug fruni Oto cull practices which dctroy their mental and phy.Jcal
'flue symlitorn. of which are a dull , diitreuted mind , whicin unmit. them for PrtOrmlui thou bu.Ine , , outS
social Cu Ic , , niake. hanp marritugo Iui1IOS.31b10 ' , dlntreee. the action of the heart , causing ims of heat ,
deprosslout of splrltn , ej , toremiodinge , cowardice , fears , ducanie , roetnete imiglut. , , hlzzine.t , , purgetfuine , ,
umnua.turui dieciutrgc. puim In the hack and hulbu , short broatluliug , mutelauicholy , tire uueily of anti
ha'e irefereuucu ) to be utlouc , feeling as tired in the muuoruuluug as whcui retmrnng , ecuuuhuuti weaknej youxinauuy , .oat man.
hooti , white bone tic , olt but the urmute , , uervou.neit. , coiujutlon of thought , treuuuhding , watery ai weak .
dyp.uuha , punenc , , loll , mind stoakoetus In the hiuuuhs , etc. , should coutnult nun tuumiei1atehy eyes. nuud
Lie renturud to n'rtuct health.
\Vluu htuu berouto victiuuns of solitary vice , tiut dreadful uuutul deittnactivo labut whuep amuutucijy , te in
uuutltnely grave thousand , it young muien of exalted tahcuut arid brimrmauut Intellect ho mutignul IiCCp othorsi , ,
entrauucu lIittetuiu ( beuiator , alt ) , the thumidurs of their eloquence or wake to ocltacy the Sting , .
wtiu lull o.inmidcncu , irju - may . . . . . . c.uli ' 4
Married . pereons or youuugnuen rouiteunpiatlnm marriage i'ehuig Aware of physicti wsaknea , lw. of proroatlye
1oit.r ; inuiiotcia'y , oraty , otherdisualilIcatmon ipeedily relieved. Ito nuho ince , hhuunudf tinder thucare of
'lo'ictaui. r. } 'lhblutt may reliteuIly , onmI'o in Iii. honor as a gerutiemuunn , anti co.1ldtl , rely ujeu hi. itCh al a
lmnmudbuteiy cOrd anti ( uli rigor re4tortud. 'flu. diltreuelug , atIictmomy.It1m ! } reucicrs hif bunion and
ouarnlnte tmnIun..tbie , me tito nenualty luliti h , ' the nlctiuui for Improper induiuut.0 Young a
Commit UICV4O1 true , hot icluu aware o the .iru.ifiuI connuquueno.ts that , , pet1Io , are apt to
tuuuderttiuthi tItle emubject win .icu that procratlon is lost ioouurr i.y thee Ililluig may lumto erluc otr who , that
b ) IurumUnult ? Ue.ldce beliug detriveti of the Picnuru of lie.tlth , offtpujuIg5 , tue most corlous lmrprolet titan
s mut ttuas itt both ts.dy anti m.uuud aris' . Thu 5)5100 , hecomunes deranged , the phy.icl.l mid mutmutal with destructive tunctIon
seal.en. of lrtttbilWO .
( ( irrttnbllltyd.pcpsja
constitu Itut I debility , wattuug .uf the famine , c.uughu , conuuuuuption anti death liuItiuu , of thu hos4 , Indigeision ,
l'oromus mined In health by uudcarnu'I irute , , hirs who keep them trifllut months
polisuotis amid huujurious COuuuIhUUdI. , houui3 apply tunmedlately. lafter nouth tikleg
raduatu . 'f cite of the muuot cinliucuit c.illeges .4 . tito United Stetta , iua eflected stint , of the . &t.onib.
tug cities tit 'crc euer kutunu at ; tutany troubled itit mti tin 'mug Iii tue
' and heath . .
neryotnsues , hemuig tuiarmnul at certain , ( , Uflti , , With frtviueuut thtmsmulIg. attendn. ear' , v lien a..teeu , great .
sometinies wits iforangi.
macnut of tie nuluid nero cured luuuuteiUatuiy.
Dr. I' . Wrcases all the who haeo injured theuueIy hunmronur
ruin both , body autd uund , ujm1tiuu then , for butus , , hr y , .cIe $ or indulgence uutarniagc. ani solitary habits wbi
These arc .uine of liii uueiauiclmom' citueti prt'bicc.I tiy thu early habit ,
hack andltuula , , aLut. lii thucluenud atd dinuumo' , . , atsght lossuf . of youth , vie : Weaketas ci
tly.pqeia , n.rotis Irrutat'llity ' , durangumun ofA , ' functioul , dubllity buuiter. , 000bunniption talphtatiout , of this heart ,
Lrer.tuuunt. CONSULTATION ' FREE. t"barges moderate amol uvithilum tmu reach .1 all who need isleatiflo StedIcal
'flurtsewbo reiidsa a uitance auth cautjot coil
simply .endiuc , tiusIm qium'totn , unth.stage. : , will roceiyo htromept ittet,1s threu mat ! by
'Aduross Loc'k Box I4 , Oumnuima , Neb ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -