Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1883, Image 1

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    . n' . : . \
Tle llcarkab1 llai 011 Vllr ! stocks
8ll thC ProaMe Callsc
The Wheat Prospect Favorable
for an Early Advance in
The 'eserii Union utid Bennett's t' .
H1c-Tlu COtOI ) ( rcP.
Spec1a Iisirntch LOTHC 1li : , .
EW Yoni , Scitoinbcr 80.-Wall
areo continues to iiidulgo in ilto same
old game. A drop of sonic ten points is
followed by a rally for live or six , theti
coflcs another big drop and auotlicr petty
rally. Themoreinoiit , however , is concentrated
centratod almost exclusively iii the Vii.
4 . . . ' .
laid stocks. iiy form daily the great
bilk of the transactions. All the favor.
ILOS of former days reinaiiialinost lifeless.
For every five points up or dowii in the
Villard stocks , the Lake Shore , the Now
York Central , tim Union Pacific and
similar specialties do not move more
than one or two points Even such essentially -
sentially gambling stocks as the Denver
and Louisvilie Nashville do not atttmpt
to keep in line with the
And what is more , the hold which the
Northern Pacifics have taken upon the
market is so strong that the iiiost sincere
and old-fashioned bulls declare now
that a icriiiaiicnt advance in the
market lit become impossible until this
d.--n N. P. and 0. ' 1' . buincss is settled , "
t and how if it to bo settled when Presi.
dent Villard says that the company has
S no floating debt. Vice.Presidoiit O.iks
saystliat it hum a debt of $7,900,000 , and
' p ° " quite intimate with the concern
c estimate the debt at sonictiting over
$ l ,000,000. The only way for the unfortunate -
fortunate stockholders to arrive at the
truth is to begin a judicial investigation
into the condition of both the N. P. and
0. 'J' . treasuries , and that seems to be
' the stoj about to be taken by some of
them. If they are men of courage and
t determination they cannot help arriving
at the true condition of affairs , and that
is all that is wanted to bring these stocks
to their legitimate hovel and to restore
peace and prosperity in tim Trinity
church and parish.
LAsr wnnn's EALLY
was attributed to seine Inystorihus inter- between GOuld and Villard , but
/ thq odds are ten to ono that these inter-
t vithvs , oven if they have takeii place , did
no4in any way afFect the attitude of
Y Gopid towards the Northern Pacific
stock9. A very shrewd inais who knows
Gold well andsuldom speculates himself ,
said. the other day : "I would make a
sm.'ll ' bet and give odjls , too , that if
Go : er did authing in Villard
, .a. . . e
p1nows that .t. Thissi6a yith
azici ha knos also that Mills
Ur ked1cneelard iistlelovated road suit.
\ ( hi.iid's ' natural impulse vou1d be to get
p qro with Mills , and lie has here aye
ye- fair chance to do so. There i very
hitt1'o Christian humility about J. G.
of appeals in the Hatchi.\Viiiinms suit
a'a1nst the Western Union is to be
gTven this vcek. As usual , there are
numberless stories afloat : tbotit it , and
thiewiscacres of the Steck Exchange have
already settled the whoio matter to their
own satisfaction. It is gciicmlly be-
hewed that the decision vi11 be adverse
to the company , aiitl soiiio rumor iiioii-
gera go so far as to give reasons for asserting -
serting such a fact. They saythat the
judge to whom the worh of writing out
: the decision of tim court has been assign-
:4 : ed , is well-known to hold opiiiioii hostile -
tile to the company eu the lOilIt ) $ of law
involved and thit consequently the decision -
cision is sure to be adverse. Another
story is that Messts. Hatch and Wiiliatns
have come ( A ) flu smicablo agreement with
the coiiipaiiy , ar.d that wlicii the case is
called there will be no question at issue
to decide. Tiero is one curious side
light in this sflhir. .Jay Gould has beoii
so IroIIuIeIltf ) ) in the inaiiagoinent of tim
% ' , Tcstci'ti Unoii , and ao eiitliusiastic
in paying ott the dividends which wore
* oiioincd b the courts that 1)001)10 ) ) have
h generally frgottdn tIIRt lie hail nothing
to do with thesissuing of the $ lii,000,000
stock. Mr. Vanderbilt waq at that tune
the leading spirit of tim cinicern and ho
'will be one Of' thu persons to ho sued by
the coifl1)aiy ) ) should the courts declare
the isiuuo illegal. "I guess"said Mr.
' _ _ * Gou1d in ljii dry way , some mouths ago ,
; ) aroporer , "Mr. Vanderbilt will lie
able to jty any judgment obtijiiol
against him. " I t would be a curiotn4
outcome &f the whole atfliir if AIr. Vanderbilt -
dorbilt had to reimburse Mr. Gould for
; the divihends the latter has pLid.
: Ncsvseoincs : from Europe that .James
Gordon , 3ennett is once aiioro hard at
work at is cableschiemu , and that. lie is
as bangwne as over about carrying it out.
ifr.-\ivisJircii j : .t pveiuiit tlit most
iiitrestiimg irimiii to talk to about the fit.
tur of telegraphy and cables , both in
tliimeountry and Europe , but lie is turn-
bly ftfraid pf the press , and caim imevei be
mmmdc to talk if he suspects anything of
what lie sa'a ilifly possibly be used for
. Till : \VJIiAT MAII1CET.
'the fiLuro of the wheat market is
mo4 puzliImg Ioyoiid all Ieradvellturm.
' 11i6 crop in England and throughout
Europe. With the exception of Spain and
1'orttJ3 ! , iS bad. A. voli known authori.
ty oatmnftte the demand front Europe for
wheat At over 800,000,000 bushels , of
which about 120,000,000 must come from
/ tim United States , But our CVOj ) a
short ome , at all event for whiter wheat ,
- ' and yet the price is abomninally
' . - , low. Thu demand has miot begun yet ,
but the mimoat oxjmorieiiced and shrewdest
dealers consider a large advance in jrico
only a matter of time. 'J'hmo acreage of
isnU under wheat is much smaller tlitsii it
was last year , and the yield jier acre , al-
thought greater than that of time almnot
famine years of 1870 and 1880 ,
19 not nearly up to the
Average. Alter the bad croj
I Europe in 1879 , whien the amount ro
'luired was about the samneas it is ntjires
ont , No. 2 wheat advanced from $1.03
per bushel in August , 1870 , to I. 8
' 1 -
bushel in January , 1880. hu 1880-81
there was almost as great a demimimil simm-
dor slightly improved Europeim crops ,
amid operators who remember these facts
anti 11)0k cahuly on time future , seem to
s-easels from sound promises when they
predict in a rise of wheat before the
winter is far advanced ,
The latest from time
news cotton-grow-
lug districts is dismal. The drought has
damaged the lihants , amid according to
ili n'lntrcet's , as much injury hiss imeets
th"mm ns when the enormous crop of 1881
"mm . .imihiletily cut , down to 5,466,000
Ii ' 't' hut the weather of tim next live
or ' . weeks is of great iiiilortCUmCC , as
i mviii immaterially airect time picking. Un-
tul thou it will be ton 50011 to iliakO
eveli an approximate estimate. 'I'lmo
iicking ii earlier than usuril , for Ike ox-
trenme tlrought has caused the crop to
ripen amid Opoil liroimititurely. 1IIost of
thie New York speculators , however ,
look for higher prices and talk of 450,000
bales as time highest 1)OSSiblO harvest for
this y car. They doii't ' say , however ,
winit arc time facts thas load to this coim-
- -
TIlE 01110 OAMLA1UN.
Time Fight liotweon time humor nmni
Temmmperammce I1eIImcntH.
Special Dhpatch to Tims Bimi.
CLEWaLAND , Soptemnbor 80.-Never in
the history of Ohio has there been such a
fierce war waged between the toniperanco
and liquor elcimmomits as at present. Many
thousands of dollars have been spent by
both sides. The state headquarters of
the \Vomoii's Christian Temperance
Union are located in this city. Toits of
printed nmattor , printed in four languages ,
mire sent front here nil over the state. Time
woIiiut1 will work personally at the imohls ,
amid 5,000 silk badges will ho wormi
on election day by workers for tIm second
amnenlmcut. l'ileii ' with teumporance
banners svill parade every towii in tim
State. Mrs. Woodbridge , vhmo is mit time
head of the teimmperai.ce mimovememit , said
to-tIny : " \V0 do not work with msim' P0-
litical party , not evomi thmo proimibitionists.
\Vhat we want is to carry time second
aniendmnent. Ladies will work at the
l)0113 OIl election day from morning to
imight for total prohibition.Vo are con
fidemit of victory. " On time other hand ,
the Liquor League is working hard to
defeat the toumporanco movement and
immillions of circim1ar are being lasuod.
Otto of these circulars issued says :
"Citizens of Ohio , by voting for the aec-
end amnenthmiond you coimimit a crime
against yourselves amid your fellow be-
- -
LoNDoN , Soptemnber29.-Thio Exclmmumge
Telegraph company's Paris special says :
President Grovy , accompanied by his
cabinet ministers , met King Alfonso at
the railroad atatiomi , The crowd hooted
and hissed the King upon his arrival , amid
shouted "Down svizhi the Uhlan King"
The soldiers and police had great trouble
in keeping order , 11mo people wore very
m'cited'iuCuod ; iu.uitihy cheot-etx
the French troops. The houses amid bid-
conies along the route traversed by time
King of Spain wore tiirommged with people.
As soon as the ICiimr appeared at the
staiomi : time crowd nimIo so great a clamor
timat time Spanish miatiommal aiithemn , whelm
was being played by the band , was at-
most inaudible. Tim clamour continued
all along time route which the cortege
1)asSed , mmd insulting cries directed at time
ICing were coiitimmually raised.
which met iii time towmi imU of Leeds , sat
with lused doors. It is understood timat
Ifoim. 'Ulmijimias I'ower O'Conmmor p resided
over time deliberations , aimmi was heartily
greete(1 by time delegstes upon taking tIme
cimair. Parneli , Biggitr amid O'Icelley were
1)resoImt amid participated in the proceed-
lags. Time programummie of time proceed-
inga , wimichi are umiderathod to be of a
moderate nature , mire not mimado public ,
though it ; is stated time mmmii object of thu
convemmtioii will be to take measures for a
more comupicte and oliiciai cirgamliLation of
time Isrty. : A heated discussion took
place titmnit time demmmnmid of delegates fnnmi
Lonioim thmat timu'c should be a revision of
time rules for the election of time
oxeoutivo coinmnitteo. 'Fimoy asked
for a larger roprcseutatiomm. Parmicil ,
Sexton and O'Connor took part in time
debate. Time matter was liimally decided
by the coimventiomi voting that the execu.
tive communittee shall command of seven
imiemimbers with time following ollicors :
l'rosidont , Thomas I'ower O'Couimor ; vice
in canlent , .Josephi 0. Iliggar ; secretary ,
.1. liedimmomid ; treasurer , Jaumes O'Kuiiy.
1manided time streets ( If Arimmagh to-day ,
amid imuld a immeotimig at which they tmmssetl
rosolutiomma demmoummciimg the I risli Natiomial
14eagtmu as a body of comisimiral ors against
the governmneimt. 'I'imo resolution also
cmimmdommmns time action of time governmneimt
towards time league , aimil aimnourices the
determiiimmatiomm of time Oratmgeimmen to op
iloBe tim designs tif noisy agitators whtci
Inc trying to excite discontent and omit-
rage for seiflaim litirPoses.
- - - -
: - '
Aimot1li1 Miemimim Iiciiit ' ) ( ) ( ) ,
BUFFALO , Seimtomnbtmr 80.-Tlmouaamds ,
. ) f people visited time wreck of time vro-
pollor Colorado , to-day , wimicli burstod
imur hoiier about six mnmies out last imight.
'I'ime wrecked imrovuilor belonged to time
Comimimmercial hue , itmid wits tutu of timosu
about s'lmicim there immul been so immucim
htigatiomm recently irm t ime lloIt.Fimsigim
suits.Colorado was built iii 1860 ,
and carried two Imilurs with coumpounil
ougine. Time ommu on time starboard side
wai' lime t > iie timat bursted. Time 'easol is
valued at $60,000 ; immaurod for 850,000.
Timis does imot cover time loss by iixilosmoim.
The cargo was a immixed one amid is not
considered immjured mucim , Time bodies of
time two itlissilig mmmcli were tint found. It
is believed timoy were blown to ntemnmm mute
time lake. Time loiler turned a coitipietu
soimmorsault and mmmdcii fifty feet away mu
time stern of the boat.
- - -
Time I'asscngvr 1tao Var.
CmlIAao , $ epteimilicr 30.No change
was made in time pasmummmgor rates to time
Ohio river and immterrneihIatu points today -
day , but the Lommiavilic , Now Aihaimy S.
Cimicago peomlo threatuim te carry thu
tight. still further by immaking the
trip rate 81 ; between Chicago and Immtian. ,
apoila , with a rulasto of 81.50 , baying the
actual fare to Indianapolis mmtid rsturmm
$1.50. If this is mhtimmu it will involve the
lice Limme , v1mich imas ziot imithwrto takoim
mmrt in the war.
. .A
Oll Nillioll a Pay Pouring i1o the
Goffois of Undo Sail.
The Pinanolal Operations of the
Treasury for Sontombor
The flendjimitemt E'ty of l'ostmmastcrs
- I'OStttI Soles FtIICI1 - A
Bitt'Im 01' Armily ilemmni.
Special 1)isiiateli to 'limE 13m.
\\'AMII INfl'tIN , Soptommmber : -S.stur- -
day closed up tue mimonth , so far as time
operatioims of time treasimmy isle coimeerited ,
miltimumigli the ilcbt. stntomncimt vi11 not be
sent bofuro tu-miiorros. 'Uhmo expemmdi-
tusos of time umouth iiave beam. light , there
bciimg ito draft fur pensloims. Receipts
immive not varied mmmcli from $1 ,000,000 a
tlay , being $17,589,000 froims customs ,
$10 , 173,000 fromim ititerimal revoimmie , nod
$2,1.l ( ) 000 frommi mniacellamicous 141)01 0
total o $30,142,000. 1'iiu (101.1 . rL'ctI
for time muommtli will not s'ary hum
$15,000,000. This stint , with the redue-
tutu for .July and August , which aggregated -
gated 81.1,500,000 , vi11 jimat about cover
time 121st call which emmibraced the last
( If time : t imer cents , amnuummtimmg to $80 , .
000,000.Vith this state ( if mml5mirs time
eitdiimg call for $15,000,000 of time 8s
will have to lie taken care of by time stmr.
plus for October amid Noveimiber. There
will probahty be ummougim for this piiriose ,
altlmotigit time biimtiicu ; br tlmeso tw
mmmommtlms ciimImot be forecast very well , ott
accouimt of time umicertainty as to the
nimiouiit which will be absombed l' Colonel
Dudley. lIe estimates time tleimmammds of hits
office for Octimimor will lt $6,000,000 , but
lelieVCS Ime villrntmt ImmotO iii Noveiiiber.
lie will make tie cstimmmmitcs , imowover ,
amid simould lie tutu out mum uiitisumilly
iarge aimmount of work time debt rcdu tiou
for Noveimmber cammmmot be expected to ho
large. 111m10)itB usualiyfail ell very much
at ; this timiw of the year mmd time estimimmited
loss of iiiturmmttl revenue under time mmew
law is about litre. . . , timid ottotii ird mmmillioims
a imioimth , as coumpamed with list year. Iii
Vlow of timis unccrtamimty it is understood
time Secretary of the l'rcastmry will imot
make furtimer call fur bumtd until smite
tiume iii Novenibor , by which timmie Corn-
inissioimei Dutley will have Ilmade his es-
tiimiate fur time uemmsiini accoumit.
oAlqI'A14 NoTES.
i'OTMMiTEii'S mAY.
WASIIINOT0N. Sepicimiber t9.- Time ad-
justmmmeiit of salaries of Postumasters of the
Presidential class iota just beit comuplet-
ed by time l'ostsllico Dupartmimemmt. ammil time
salatics as adjusted will begin Momiday
next. The readjustment aliects time salaries -
aries of 2,176 postimmastera. " Forty.four
oflices hao booms a'lcd totlte Presidun-
tial list and' ' twenty-five Presitloistlul oh-
lmavo been rtdp ed tQtlW fourti cJas ,
euviimgtiii zi'miiiiuer df 1 sldcmithl jiost-
offices on October 1st , at 2,117 , with salaries -
aries amnouimtimig to $3,750,000. Every
country is iimciudcd in time readjustutetit.
'rime cimamigos iii mine of tue iarge olilces
are imotud below :
Nimitmo of l'resent Salary as
0111cc Salary. Atijiotcil.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ilooi , ;
St. 14)1115 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,000 , ( , OO0
Cinciiii.mti. , . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,001) ) 5,000
San Framcbco. , . . . . . . . . . 4,000 t,000
Otmmalum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000 8,300
1)ctreit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,800 3,701) )
Louisville . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . ,5uo
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( , ) ( ) :1,800 :
'I'hio foilowimmg timtcmtiuimt , simownmg time
gross revenues of the l'ostoflicu Depart-
miment for time hmumt two hiseni ycats , how
beemi luepareti by time Sixth Ammditor.
'l'hiu gross earnings for time year ondimmg
Julie 30 , 1883 , veio $4'l,827,47.1 ; year
cmmding J uno 30 , 1882 , $1 I ,265$17 ; iii-
crease for 1883 , $ : h,562 , 157. Stsmmmps sold
iii .1 888 , $12,023,561 ; iii 1882 , $30 , sis.- : :
317 ; iiicrcase for i88i : , $8,390,244.
Staimmpa sold for time c11i111ti r emiding .June
: 'o , 1883 , $10,582,212 , being miii imicrease
over time mimic porim1 last year of $602- ,
Boimila presented for rcdotmiptiotm umuler
time first call to imooms to.thiy , amounted to
$21,787,850. It is estimmmatel at time
trcastmry dupmrtmmiemit ; that time reduction
of time jmblie debt for Soittummiber will be
about .l5,00O,000.
11. 13. Ilawortlm , of Quiney , Iii. . is alt.
poiliteI mmupeiintemmdemmt of public build-
mugs at that point.
Time approaciming resigmiation of ( hommeral
Simorimman a' d time jmiaci g of
Simoridan iii commnmtmmd of time army give
rise to nmmmchi 5PCCUltit'iOtt rgard mig otmmor
cimmmimgea iii timB ammimy. It is mmot megarded
as certain that Go oral l'ope will succued
Ouneral Simuridami im' ' conmimmunl of time timli-
itary divisiomm of time Missouri. it in said
flint ( ietium'al 1'tjC ) , if iiiaccd iii this cmii-
iimauil , would desire his headquarters to
be removed froitm Cimicago te Fort Jcav-
emmwortim ; limit war depaitmnunt oflicers say
timmit Fin t Leavenworth will not hum tp'iulu
time hmeiiquartcis. ( hemmemal Pope does
imot like to go to Chicago. ( hemmerni Sco.
field's ( rio mlii mire quite comilidemmt that ito
will lie Simcridamm's successor. Seofmoid is
mmmicierstiod to favor time trummafor of the
imcitthijuarters of time mmiiiitumy divisiin of
the ? itissouri frimmi Chicago tQ St. Ioui8 ,
Arimmy ofhicors ate uxpectiug changes in
time Vniiotms dopartnmuimt coimmimiand.
( lonural M lies isimmi 0 emmemni McKenzie
are reported to lie willing to succeed
( hommoral hunt iii time commitmmand ( if time do.
1ivtimmommt of time sotitim ,
Capt. Edwin Pohlock , Nimthm , infantry ,
now itt harrisburg , imas boon iirureml to
report by Jotter to timemmuperimitiimdemit of
the general rccruitimmg service for mussigmi.
moot to a recruiting station ,
l"irst ] iouonammt Charles 0 ? 'ornsomi ,
ordnammcu departimmemmt , imium becim relieved
( roam ditty at time miatiommalarmnorySprimig-
field , Muss. , aimil will report for luty to
time conimnamiding ofiicur of ti * , Itock
Isianit arsenal.
'i'lme extoiisioii ii ! leave of bsoiico
granted b'ucommd Lieutmmmmut ha ris L.
itoberts , Nimmeteentim iuatmtry ( , ugust
15 , is further extended to Octeber'1f3 ,
Recruit Andrew Cailyim , Eigiit cay.
airy , miow atmitimoseti tO be at Sari Atomiio ,
' 110L , is transferred to time Fifth cialry ,
amid vilI lie sent to the iioadqtmart s of
thu rogimnemmt at Port ImlcKimmtmeyyo. .
heim. Shiurmnaim telograpimeti time siji' do.
lmartmollt that imo woimld 1w i St.
Louis Suimday ,
An immgcimious mactimed of raisins the I
figures ott time mmcmv postal minks has just
been brcnmgitt to time attemmtiomm of time
Postoflico iepartmmmemmt. 'I'ho fraud Comm.
sists in punching frotmi time higher figures
us the note is 1iieco of iror the proper
shape amiti size to fill tip time hole previous.
I ) ' vummcimed by time lostmmmastor titrotigim
is lower figure. 'l'ho written words or
figures are thi'mi remimovect by acids auth
the blank is fiuietl jim to correspotmd with
the ptmnchlel ( figures. Somne imoti's have
1 > oeit changed so skillftihly that. it is very
dilhicult to detect time aitomtions.
iI.Il11 Piiwiiis wore SIllhllEaIIoolls ! , BilL
I Snccoc Ill Firiii First
aii Bro1c 111111. "
An Interview With the Sinyor of
Oaroy and His Proposed
Tin' ScatmilitlomisVoimtllmutllstlimi'yAmi. .
demsoim 1mm Iioimilon-1lmmg . &I.
fiuimsim I (1)4)1 cii its Pmrbm- .
Time Irish liengumo.
Sieciai li.patch to Tima llam.
Nmw : YOhK , Septemubor 30.-A cable
letter front Lomutoit to-day imati the fol.
iowiiig poimmts of immterost : A corrospommd-
emit imail an imiterviuw with O'Dommmueli ,
who simot iuformmmor Carey , as follows :
' 'Viuat statemmiont , do you wish to mmmmmke
abotmt time charge against you mmd time nit-
ttmro of the dufemise you imitemmd to immaku ? "
"I wish to state the truth only both as
to wiiatactuahly imappone(1 anti as to wimat
i : expect ti ) prove. I kpiicd .lmuumes Carey
but 1 did it without prenmcditatiumm ,
rithottt mictutmilly iiutoimdiumg to do
it , 011(1 entiruiy while tleftimilumg immyseif
against nit aimed assault by imimmu. I dmil
titit know Carey , timid until time quarrel I
mid no idea audi a mmmii was aboard.
\Vkeit I foumid omit vimo Carey was , I mit.
011cc told Imint 1 imad ( hiscovereti his ideit-
tity , ammd accused imimmi lmluimtly of buiiigtimo
informimer vhmo 1usd secured time ittimigimug of
six Irishmmicim. A passiommato quarmol followed -
lowed between us , and in nmy augur amid
imidigimatiomi I fiercely accused iiitmi Carey
nioved so piaimiiy to draw his pistol that 1
iliac drew amino. Time drawimigs
were iieariy simnultaimeous , but I site-
ccedcd iii firing first. Whemi Carey
fell his Imamid with time revolver its it was
uprahod against inc amid time weapon was
flung to time floor. Timore were eye wit-
imesses to all timis. Young Fmnmmcis Carey
was iiot present , amid perjured imimusoif
wimeim ito swore lie was otto of the mmmcmi
Ircsetit. One is now iii Dotmugal amid aim-
other is at tIme Cape. They vill both be
brought to amy trial and will prove wimat
I say. Young Carey caine iii after time
fight amid imicked UI ) his father's pistol
vimere itdroped whcnCatoyeii. , Tlmis
is tm'1 ttoo Oh nimy , fur it is all I inlommU
to tirove. "
TilE W000hIIJmt.s ,
Lady Cmtmmmimlmhi , formimorly Victoria
\Voodhmull , datigitter of time tmotorious
Victoria Wroodimuhi , has sued imer imus-
baud , Lord Colimi Camit1mbeil , for jtmdiciai
seJaratiotm 't'itii miiimmmotmy , itilegiuig in her
commmpiaimmt that Imis 1irdsimit. . lies troatuti
imer with great. cruelty , : tmmd imiso timmit ito
imas commmmmmittcd adultery. Cammiphull miii-
swers by brimmgimig couimter cimarges
eiitimiiiy grave mmd Very interesting. ' [ 'Ito
trimmi immay he looked forward to , wimetm miii
immirticuitirs iii time eEOC wili be mmmdc 1mb-
tJIISCE TECK AN ! ) illS win :
are vaimderiiig iii cog. oim time commtimmemit ,
mieckiimg to avoid time iressitmg ( lwmmammls
Of time Priimce's creditors. Time l'rimicesm ,
iitia again aJ)1mhic'd ) to her auimt , Qimuemi
Victoria , for nssistatmco , 1)ut her imitijusty ,
wimo iii evidently tired of these immipor-
timimitiwi , has refused.
MAli' . ' ANIEIOiON )
hits now bccommmo 0111. ) of Loumloim'a celobri-
ties. Sime ima beomi playing hero a
tuomitim , tLim(1 imum immcremisiug liopulari ty is
time subject of gemiural remumirk ,
i'AlITmAI , Am0000tmal.
PAIImH , Scpteimmber -Prciiidemmt ,
Orevy visited King Aifotmso mit time Spium.
bum tttmmiasRy timim ; aftcrmuosmm , 'Fime inter-
viess. wait of tue itmost corilimmi cimarnctem. ,
TIme 'J'uttIJM , rcferritmg to time imostilu Xe-
ceitimmi . of Aifoimso by time iiuiiimtlttco , says
'Time regret ammd vatriotie imtmmmmiimtiotm
occalmitImud to all good citizemmis by time
evemits of yesterday simould riot cause us
to exaggerate time imimportitticu of timis maul-
ancimoly mammifwmtmitiomm. Vo trust other
imatiotia , especiitiiy Spout , viil imot repmrd
time errors of a few fanatics as exproasimmg
the aeimtimnoiitn of " "
A timajority of time journals commtaiumed
editorials of like tetmor , No arrests were
10(5(10 yesterday iii commumectiotm witim time
hmostiie ( lonmolmstrgitiitm. 'I'hmo roimorts of
arrests are ormoimcoims. 'J'iiu runmor tId ,
Alfoimsi , left Paris provoil uimtrmme. It is
mumsorted , however , time Icing wits advised
to remmmnitm tjtiiut bitt refused , isilyilig imo
mTts perfectly aware of time fmmet that time
imomitile duiimommstratiimmm wims immit. time work
of I'ittiajmui ieoplo , hut of sonic tnis
guided immdiyidmmiiin ,
'J'iw Socialist jomirmmni of lirussois was
seized for pumbhishmiumg mmmi immamiltimig liog-
rimpimy of Altummso.
At aim iittoryiuw vitii i'roaidwmt ( i'rovy ,
at time Spimimisim emimbassy , ( irevy temitiered
aim apology tO King Aifommso in time minute
of time Freitchi Itopubhic , because of time
cmmduct of time mwlj. , 'I'Jie 0opie , lie
said , simould mmot lie coimfoutmdcd with time
author of time imostiie mlutsmmtmmtmatiomm. lie
begged time King to give France a fresh
Immoof of msymnpatimy by aeccptiimg aim bmvi-
tistion to a bmsmmquut itt time I'ahmico Eiyzuo
thiiouimjti , to be attended hmy all time
Cabinet lm1immisters , whmwm time trimo senti-
miments toward time ICing would be simowmm.
Ahtonso rejiiied that Ime 1mm ] comtme to
Paris nominated by time immost friendly semi.
tittmomitit toward Fraimee , mmd as a PI00f of
flits frlommiishmj1 , he would accept time immvi-
tatmomm , 'lime Kin svummt. to time l'milaca
Elysee at 7this evenlmmg.
PiiImtrmii of Gee , limnpm ,
ST. 140U1 $ , September 80-'I'Imo fimimerni
( if Coi , ( loom-ge JCmmmipp of 'J'Imo itupubhi.
raim , took iiiieu this aftormmooti , I t was
11mw of time largest over sceim here. Soy-
: , t-ai hmumidroti ( if timim oitlost. amid zmu'sf
Itromimmimutit citizens were Itroscilt to attest.
heir respect ( or Lime deceased.
A Bospcratc and BIoo y BattI for
Booty Oil a Railway Trail.
The Messenger's ' Plucky Fight
Saves the Bullion at the
Oost of Two Lives.
Time Iuughmueee 1Ittemt amid limo I"Iretumrmut
% Limrtmslly ' . 'otiiutIed-TImo 1mb-
born Cntmtmmreil.
Dooum : CITy , Knit. , Sopteiumbtim' :10.At :
a bite hour last imight timrce mmmcmi umnmmmed
l4oomiey , Cimnmbburs amid 1)eamm were
tured nuid provemi to 1)13 time attonupted
traimi nubbors. They were brought to
lotlgo City by special tmnium uimder a
imea'y gimard attil luivu bceit Itimiceil 1mm jail ,
htmL time exeitotmmeut hmerti ms so iimtommse
titd. : time tisomi will lmrlmmmbiy ho retnoved
to somimo oilier poilit thiriumg time miiglmt.
in the uxiuress safe at time timito of time at. .
tomimpted robbery there wits butweemm
$10,000 amid. $5t,000 ) , aummi but for the
light muatle by l'atteisomm time mnblmrs
would lrbJy ) have mmmtsde is big hmmstml as
imeforo ito ( lrtvO tint titan from
frommi his car the macmm iii tint elmgiime imati
timmmmgs their owmm way. 'I'imo luau of
time rolbermm was tlmat while two mmmcmi nip.
tumid time eimgitue amid mimado time ttmgiimeer ?
mu time traimu , time thutil ummami Wtt.M to kill
time mmmesseiigor amid then rifle time safe
yimiio time traiii was in imuotiotm , auth timmmmm
all three sOru to escape itt sommmo eommveni-
oust plitco between Coolidge tumit ledge
City. 'rimo belated train icacimed Kamisas
CII ) ' last itiglmt , tutu Pattersomi , tim ox-
liress immessulmger , unities time fohlowimug
atmirti mug stat emmmumm t
' 'Yost tmre - of cotmrsu , aware timid. time
raid took ltlm'eo itt Coolidge stittiomm , aim
the line of tlto Atchmiso.m , 'l'opekmi Saimta
Pu udlroad , shout ten tidies emmat of time
Colorado State limmu , between 2 mmmiii
3 o'clock this umormmimmg. 'i'lmuro is
an eating iiouse in time station ,
ilii(1 tIme trmiimm 8t01)1)ed there as usmimil 20
niimmutes iii order to give 1)assutmgormt ) aim
opportummity to gimi Immmmchi. 'Flue traits
S1t5 No. 4 , boummil east , Cnmmductor ( imee-
lii ) ' , Emigimmeer Jolmmi 11 ihhortm , 1irtummnmm
Paddle and Rmuggmmgemmmamm Joimimsomm.Vlmen
time trimimi stoltimed I pitt ell sonic railroad
mail which 1 Imad , mmmiii there being mme ox-
liress to 1ut , oil ; mimia mme further work for
mmmc to do , I lay dents mi mimy box jttst iii
front of the aide door ott time side of time
car mmoxt to thu depot. After lymimi. ' a few
iimitiutos 1 dromped immto a dose , I was
lyimig n my back with may armmms folded
over mmmy breast. Both of Limo doors emi
time car mmoxt to time piatformmm
Wore open , limiggagoimmmni .1 olmmisomm
boimmg aoatid in time back side
of time door looking out eu time platformmm.
My revolver , Colt's 41-calibre , double
action , lay atmy idui , I hint tahceim out
mmi' scabbordand laid it down that I
mntghit. be ready for tin emmmorgemmcy that.
might arisoand the pistol was where 1
could easily. lay liamids on it. It was
about tummy for time tm-aiim to start whets I
hoard . . , " taut if tlmori ,
you - - - ; ' ' Tmks , vo'iti fuji 5f1'1LtIt1 I il-
torwarIs idarimcd that. it wits mmmade by
Cotmductor Oreoioy to the mmmmims whmomim ito
mioticed getting itmto time car. Wimwi I
awoke I ttattmrmtliy giammcctl down
time car mmmmd ritiw statmdutmg witimimm four
feet of mime & ummami witim iiistol iii hmammd.
I s'mis lyiimg wi tb mmmy head toward time
front ommd of time car timid time timmims wits
stammlittg mmtmimimy feet. I did mmot say xi
worth-jim fact. did not have tiuume to s1iemmk
hiLfmro imo cosomod mime with xi revolver and
timed. 'I'Imo imtliut wotmt over iimy head ,
mlii ii I cmi mild feel time Ii vu but i i ig mm my face.
'I'imu mmmxiii timeim f'mmcxl a shout . ) mut of tutu
diairuvxiy at ti mu ci , mmduictor.Vim cim ito
fired I meatizuui that a trziimm niuiibery wits
going atm , xml iii vi tii time imopim of iii mik i i m g
time rilh)0t believe timat ito humid killed time ,
1 ummciaspetl toy imzmtmmls , wimicim wino fimlduti
over moy bosomum , mmml iii ho wed I I m cia to fiti 1
at may smdo. 1i1y rigimt iutmmml fell imim time
tmmu'2le of immy revolver , nmll reahizitm that
it wouhd mmover do to allow time robluir to
see timat [ was xmboimt. to tlefcmmd mimyaolf , I
vorked mmmy humid slowiy iuih , a Itosition
umttil I limit ! Imolul of lily iuistol with lily
rigid lmaumd omm time trigger. 'limo roimlur did
imot imotico this lxecammao it ymis illuitO damic
iii time vimt : of time car isImeru 1 hay , I mm thi it
mmmutimtiiimu : time maim was wiimiCilmg imis way
toward the rear of time car , os'itluuitly slip-
posimmg lie ixtid ii imislmuil ammo timid i itteimiled
to kill time baggenuxmn or ammy otmo else whoi
got itt his wimy. As nooim as I got haIti of
thy 1)1st ol I sxmalig it m to ss i tiotm iiiiil Ii
at time robber aumd jimitipod up , thou
WahICCl hward time mmmium. lb rmiisud his
revolver an if to shoot smgailm , bitt it wuimt
ofr jmromnmmturciy , time iahi mitrikimig time roof
of time car.Vhmemm I simot at lmimt , , hart of
imis itouly suia hehimid time stove. I xmiimmed
ut. ii is uihtiotiiomm mmmiii I huh its'o ,
thmat my bullet. tonic effect. Aimoimt thus
timmmo I saw atmotimer mnamm wimo xroved lobe
'I I iii , ' mimic iuf Limo Ii rat t rym mig to ci i uimht i tm
at time side iloor. No soommom1usd I tireil
timamm lie disajijioared , sttmtl time mmiii I almot
jurmmjicd out cii time phxmtfornm from timurexir
side door. 'l'hmat wits time host I xuasv of time
mobhotrs. I calcumhitted timtmt. tlmuy would
collie UI ) to time fromit side door , ntmul ada.
lmtg sonic freight , 1 lmrmrricaded time doors ,
14055 timisum half a mimimmute after time robbers
heft toy car I heard sonic ahmoia ott time cmi-
gino , ' 1'hmmeo wimme fired jim Imaif mum mnimmy
mumiimmmtcn. I stipoul mit limo front side ( loon
of may car , revolver iii imammd , .fust
therm Commdutetor ( ireoloy caine tip.
"lixivo they goume' ! " I asked. " 1 thmiumk
so , " be said , ' 'hut I believe time engineer
mimmil firemimimmi tire imumrt. " ( Jomxmg forward
ittul returning tAt tile ito ammiti , ' "lucy mire
both killed , 'l'hmo emigiumuor in sisal tiuroxiglm
time ii cart nummi time fimouiomum tlmrommgh time
imock , " I thou jimimiped omit aim time pint-
forum timid mmay time tixigincer auth lircummimim
Iyimmg ott time jilatfomium niotigaido time cii-
gimmo. 'I'hmo lirummaii was still comiacioums
cud vmis takemu jmmt4) time hotel whore I
talked witim imimu mm few nmiimutemu. 'l'hmu
body of time dead engineer wits in aboard
time traiii and timkemm tii Dodge City , lie.
fort , time train left. I weumt umito tue tub.
graph ofilco amid suimt. a tolugraimi to Mr.
hatch. After coimsidurubie delay we got.
Li smow emigimmer aimd fireximmimi mit Cuohiuigo
and startol agxmiim cmi our jourmuoy , tiumo
hour tutu forty mumimmutes into , A L Ciimm-
mimaron , twummty nmiiea mlixmtaimt , we mimut a
simecimil tniimm ( rein 1)du City couvuyiimg
to Coolidge time slmerifl1s ioe to pursuu
tIme rohibci-s , "
Martuimmsi ! mlathers amid 0 , S. I'miraouu ,
timti simurifF of Iietmt coummty , Colorado , tsr-
rlvel into iammt. night cii mm mujiticlal traimi
froum Coolmdgu. ' [ 'lucy brought witmm thuimm
Johmii Isooimuy , a cowboy behmmmgiitg to time
Arkaimsais Valley Stock commipzsmmy'mm mmmcii ;
1ewis Chixsimmbors , also cowboy , with lixiteim
& heal out 1 , X. lhrauul. hlotit omen
exceedingly harsh reptitatiomma about Cool.
mdgo. Cimnmmmiwrs was armimed with a imnimm.
uumorless 45.eahmltra revolver , which , Whmemm
uxuinmumed , showed to have been recemmtiy
tircil mmd reloaded.
. Loommey wait sums-
xwmuued. se'mtimer imuntlo aim ) ' resistance.
lOOtmti is sullen amid refimses to talk , while
Cimmsuuubors , timomigit uimeoummnmums'mcativo ,
lmiammmly shmissvs his nmmxiety and umorvosms.
miens. A barge crowd necomumpamifed time
vrisoume to time jail. Were it ositivuly
kmmowus that thmemte vero tIme tight. uuuen
numil wcm'o gmuiity , aim etrort would tmmmdnubt.
edl3' ho mmmdc to lymmeis theist , 'itntimttv
tiujuulls bitt has tiuo right mmmcmi , thomigim tiu
) it'oilu ) are titlil that. timero is 51)100 ) doubt.
1imi posse 'is Iii pmum smm'mt of a rubber kumowmm
to hutivo imendeti sommthmwcM. A im smxaumi-
immatiomu with probably be huh to-mumorrow.
Time iilhieers say that time vooplo of Cmii-
ilge 800111 to have beams badly frigistcuued.
At infest nceouumts , Famhihie was resting
- .
- - -
C1tLMINIi uhCoun ,
A 8KNTArIONAI. StTlCimtm { .
1'trsitti no , 8eitotmmtir ) :1tE-.Ira. : Faum.
ole lirynumt Nowtoum , the seusmitiotial atmi.
cide , vill hue lmtmriod to.iumorrow' Time me-
mmuarkatuio features of this case imavo cx-
cited time tleopiuit iisturest. hmou mind the
residence of time ulecetuied was visited to.
day by nunumy battles nuud gommtlcmnomm. Time
unotliothiesl lmuauumemr lit whmicis site arrnmmged
hmtmr afiltirs and preparoti everytitimug for
doatim is imliuved to be witiiommt is parallel
iii time imistmry itt suicides. She w us
dommlmtiess immsnmme , bsmt there lL5 n smur-
prisimug degree of mmiotimod iii lies' umimitlimesmi.
'i'imo mmnfortmmmiato wonusis was well coum-
uiectml , being a miieco of Alexander
Caummimiwli , fommmmder of time Cammmphieihite
eimmmrchm. J Icr reputed husband , 1)r. Orimi
Nuwtoum , ii ( ) smmichlud two weeks ago ,
vtifi a desecimtlaumt of Sir isaac Newtoms.
A ( AVTIL ICINi mN Tim ) : 5\mtts.
Ciin-.itmo , Suptuimmber 80.--Yntimsht It.
Simurwimm , time muumllmommairo owmmo of auto ii
tIme laugest eitttlo mnumcimea in Now sl cxi.
CO , VltS arrested hmonti 'l'lmumrsday omm xi
ntumuisititnm freumm New \turk , but time an-
rest vtss Inpt. secret , whitmuu iso citummo before -
fore time Ciremmit. Coumvt ott is writ. of imimbuas
corpus , nhlt'gimug that lie wui : iletmeumeti
itiitimmt amithioiity if hui- until for a sup.
imoseth erinmimmiul muuattcr , the umiitsmie Of
which iso did mmmd kmmow amid if , wimich time
hiolice mituthuoritjeuj refmmsuui to imifonims Imimum.
0mm this Ime wits rukxuied , html. teiirreatod
by I1iuikcrton. lie imgtuiut mulhi'memI for mm
writ of imaheas cot-pus , whiumilt is still
iommdumug. 'I'ime fiucts , mis mmeaily its cats be
leartied lucre , suemum to be as follows : 1mm
I 87i , Simorwium , thou a immiker itt Albammy ,
refumstmd to testify mmgxiitust. Olmanies l'imuiims ,
ciumimier iii time Stiute 'rrensury Depart.
mumommt. l'imolps was afterward commvmcted
of immrcommy , forgus'y ismmd grammd limmeommy ,
amid seiitoimc .i ma timroe tenmims of five ycare
ouch iii time Albany pemsitommtixmry. For
refusal to testify six itmdictnmutmts wurtu
stmiEicqtmuumtiy fouimmtl xmgaiimat Simuri'ims faa
comitemmupt of court. Time pmosecsutmo r
failed at time timmie timid Simorwimm mitered
time stock bumsimmess iii New Mexico. New
ovideumce wait discovered , amid. in 1882 ,
wimemi on a visit east , lie vmms arrested gave
iOumtls. Simico tlsomi Isis bommdsmumcmt bmicmsummo
itlarmimuti amid 1)tlt detectives oti his track.
\Vimoii arrested imo sv'sa ( iii Ida way emuit
with hum fmunily , travehimmg itt ; trimmcely
style , amiti tie ausoctiug timat imo wits
n'ismst.ixd. : " m
Altul'.STEI ) Foil EM iuPZZi.EM ENT.
Bt.OOSiiN(1TON , Sopteimmixur : -.Jnumues
Olmmrk , a tvuhi.kmmowmm dealer iii imidea , wool
imumil imelts , was arausteel imlimn a wnrrnimt
I srocui med by Cot mmd , .1 r. , Co. , of Phi un.
deipbm'iim , climugiimg imiium svitim time eiumbezzbe-
macmit. of $1 ,500. lie at otto gxivo bonds ,
imimil brougimt smut for $10,000 dmimmmagcs for
false arrest. it is elmargud by Commrnd ,
.1 r. , Co. timid mmcd aiimeo Clark ummtulo
a (1 raft atm I ii c iii , viiicim tlmuiy amid , omm imma
reliicscimtxitiiin that ho hind itti hmnmmd a
hti'go i tmmmmmmt i 1) ' ( If ytiii , , s' I i jolt ime trims
iii ti i mm t t a tilt i p Lu thmoimm. U pom m oxamumi i iii-
tutu , it. ii ; msliu3ged , it. trims foimumd that. hue
101(1 tm , goods aim hlmuil , tmimd timid imo was
lii mmmi meimil ly emippine. ( ii iimk is aim olti at iii
IY ci Iit I miosnmm mit ureiummmm L nini i ° i tiittm. :
stilt , romi iitAVV iAMAIIEH.
Nuhmixitultmi City l'meas : .1 umtige l'outmti's '
court yesterday viis Limo sctitme of a very
iiitereuttiumg trial. All tucimimicahitica hint'-
imm bocim mumim.ovul amid is jimmy suluctcl time
timimi of Axir.itm'ood . vii , .Joimiu ' 1' . llnyiluim
nimul Sub iimms I Immyti aim irmia huigui i m. 'I'imu
m tifi , t'im ( ) IS Oil iy BOVtuii teem m years old ,
status I imtit imo ivorked for time defuiiduimmts
in 1878 , soul wlmiio thmmms ciimpboyiid ime vums
iwmitumm by tbmumiu with mu Jargu ciittie wimijm
timid imis iuyosigiit. wtui tlcattoywl ; timid lie
% tuis imsaimuitcil with a imeavy strap with xi
bogim immuhduiu iimmelcle mittacimed ; was msiao
uitiumek witim a jiieeu of timmmimur of osmigo
onxiimge ; woumided timid luumiseil witim barb
tn ma ; firetul ti , go omit oti tue primi rio in
ts'iimt or witim little clotlmimmg ; comimpuiled to
I i algo jim lmimm ma , lmig. lie itS , etc. , mmimd otimtir-
wise illimiaiOl tutu cruelly truxitetl. I to
sites for $30,000 ilamimages. 'I'Ime dufemmd-
till ( ti put. i ii ii gummemni d mumixil . J'it usa rmi ,
I lutist , 1mm , 1 1 tmy ward xiiid S t a veimnoim npJit'xmr
for time pitsimit iil timid Alessm'uu , I Immydumu ,
\Vtmrremm maid \'miltoii , for the dufuimditiitn ,
'PImo ( lm'tutt Cmii liolie ( 'omuimimli.
Naw YORK , Supteimmbum $0-SL. Pitt.
nick's cathuthial was thmromiged xmgailm to-day
tn tim icoimie % v imii took ixim it iii I imu cot tutu mux
mmica iittei mil ium time ciosi , m of thu I tomiusm m
Catholic i" ovmmieial commimemi. 'I'imo aers'tcos
opuimed with time l > ( timtiticiml imitmas , cole-
bmntcd by A rcimhiisimoji Comrigxmim. At tutu
end oftimu limimaui , wimiuim wxustittutmileul by ( inn.
duiini 1lcCiiwkuy , ii senmimoim zcvitmwiiig time
imistory of time climirchm , hum tiixtls auth item
tmi umuipima , trims iircxmciiotl by Ilisimoji O'Far.
rehi , of 'J'reumtIm. At time coimelmisioti of
ittimmir services aiiccccduimg Ilium suntioim ,
Iiinbmop izmmighm ii ii , iritmti ten of tim mm cost it -
cii , mutvcd thu readumug of time ( iceroes.
'l'imu tIoiueus were fiton tmiipmovoul by time
iiiitittijat , iiiiii iuitieed aim time autism , wimoro
timey troru sigimed by time cmmrihiimah , by thu
hiisiitis iii Limo uruhem' of setmionit.y , amiti ity
time olilcums of the commimuil , 'lime decrees
store titoim sexulud with tue emirdirmiut's soul ,
aimul will souL to Itoiime for nmprovai ,
'l'lmo coumimcii was forimmuiiiy cioseti by time
cmurduunl. , Thu 'i'u Deunm was summig tund
time kiss of Ilemice givums ly time cardimmmuI ,
Sobeiimmm iiotitilical vespers this Uvelmilig ,
amid a sortmmon jireacimed by Ilishmop ! mle.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Noted Itiuls Iii OlmIctig ( , ,
OtittlAflo , ill , , b'optommmber 30-'I'imirt
yonmug Sioux I midiamma frotim Stmstmduiug lIce
ugoiscy aimivud hmumo to-day amid weic
toilets to time Fuuimammviile Ctmtimulju tnmimm.
11mg vhmooi , where timuy trill ho tutigimt. Limo
iimmsumual arts. A mtmomtg timmimmi is a smut of
SiLtuuu. hull , tt pumrty of sovoms liidutuis ,
iimchumdmimg ltuimumiimg Aimtuiop numd time semi
of Spotted Tell , mime tim time city cii their
tnmiy \S'tuslmixmgtoxm jim cimxmrge of limdiams
Agummt. Nun , 'l'huy trill ask time ( iovunxu.
uncut itt 1vo titoimm ( minima amid j'rot'ide '
thiemmm with agileultural iiiijmbuitmemmtmm.
'l'lmcy refuse to siecp in hotels mmiii ! are
cumlnjuimmg iii a tent imm i4iimcolmm park.
The BraIh all Boi1Ii of the Little
Sehonic VIhIoh Forec Reese
Frolu Osollrity ,
The Gyrations of the Douglas
Delegation for Lake Put
On for a Blind , I
'Vim. , Itanntnil , IInummugOris Itemiutulii at
tin' Iesic'ItIhm Timeim' Trusted
I'ui1),4 , , ' . % 'ork tlun Cout-
50111 kim.
Correspemidoimmo ofTmmp. lIar. .
LINCOI.N , September 80.-TIme domuse
P1llkfll fog that has emiveloimeil time thomim -
baa onim'itoI for sovonil days huts at last.
cleared away. The mmsost. simmmpie ammiong
s'mmmtpletomms wimo triss a spectator at tiso
Into ' 1lmaisd to hmammd" comitest over time
Smmproumo1 Judgeship iuas bc'omsse cots-
vimicetimnt it was mimeroly a almaimi lLtttlO.
Time corporations retired front politics
lust wittier after time diagracoftul necutca
at : time close of time legislatmuro n Iticim
Canto Ii Imleuiged to regulate time railroads
auth woimt. out. without ) assing a simiglo
bill to relieve time ptopIo frommm orpomae
cimictiomsa amid railroad tax slmirk-
iuig. Tue ofllcinl organ of time railroads
iii thin city , 'l'imo Jourisal , coitgrattmlatea
time Iteptublicaima on time fact timat tiue railroads -
roads are oust. of imolilico. This mmuay refer
to lime CoumslidUOtmS absemmco of 1Iarqmnmttc
ams 'I'imtmratoms frommi time commvomstiomm , but.
Speaker himimmmmhmruy , time capper of C.I-
lucia , tYISS timero , its inrgo tot life , amsd twi o
mmmi mmatumruii , numil Cisummeim howe , tvlmuvas
for ' ] 'ildems aunt I Iuiidricks iii 187(1 ( , mmd is
emi record as cltainmmuams of limo railroad
commmmmmitteo agaimist all railroad legislation ,
was immade immesitloist of time eoisvctmtiomt al-
imsotit imy isccbummatiots.
Fioumi a commvimtitis cotmipoacti mis that
tvuusaolarguiyol smiomsopoly lawyertm.maihrtmad
editors nimd tsttilicts , l'imuiuttomm , l'slarquutto
amiul Kuiuibahl eatmid well be spared tith-
omit. senitmmil immupairimmg time imitoresta of
time mmmommopoltat a.
"We plttycti it rallier 11mm , " rotmuarlced
Toumm leimimard its a commfidcntial tray.
' 'Itmieso was cmi time slate frotmi time begits-
imiimg , amid we commiti hmmmvo mmommmimmated imimn
oil time first baiiot. like a olmmsrmmt , tin we
could not afibrd to 'ilrcmtd sommme of our
fricmmds Who stulmlortcd iii imer caumdidntos.
It iimigimt hmiuve ( lnmmmagel Iteeso if it imad
lmeeim kmmowim ( mciii , time atnit timat nobody
ohmic lund a show.
Thus was litomniiy trite. Time slate was
imxcd for liceso at , Omutmmiiiu nioro thams two
mmmommtimis ago , and tim g'mmatiomms of the
1)otuglmus dulegmttin its favor of Lake ware
all a siunuim.
Ilmiscali amid l'mut , ilmuwes plnyod tlse'mr
larta admirably , as usual. Ncitiier of
gimost. tf a itimow , amid they Icimow that
Lake , Wtmmroum tumid Hmsmer hind as mmmcii
show imguiitmat. Reese as a sticker wommid
hmnvim iiltiyitmg itgxtimmmut a far. bammk , The
dice ivomu till ltomdud fmonu time begimmmmimtg.
Iulmmg before Savage tt'imts tmomimiimatcd time
Cotimliuict % vnhi minnie botweemi time railroad
Pohiticiuimia mmmiii cortaiii icadura wito run
limo lteiummbimcamm mmmtmciiimmu , to give Reese
time imomumimmmutiimum for time Supremmmo bench.
Chief amnoiig thu iiui1tis to this commmpnct
tvcra CuummgmesmummmtiimVeaver timid Ccl.
hmctnr l'ost. ltt'tu wits himibbo to be
iii time wmiy ofVeas'er next spnimmg its a
ctumditlnte fom' Coimgtcss iii time Fimat din-
tm-jot , mmmiii it tytma imitmumifemutly \Veuivcr'n
iimciet togtit imitmm omit uuf time wnyammd at time
Mum iiiO Li I I tO I i I it iii i inhiemo lie coimld do ii i mu
,3i.utmtu , good three yeats imcimco wheim Vais
\Vyck'n ( cmiii is out. l'ouit wuts tmmmxiomin
to get Itetso otd of time wily of his 1)10th.
um , uvlmo iii a eaimdidtite for District. .1 udgo ,
ii place wimicim 1teiiu haiti expected to till
hmimuuuxelf , as ii tuteppimmg atoimo for a hmig1scr
itulsititimi. l'imit 1111(1) him Itsimirations , Comm.
gressiotmumi tutu Summat.onial , which lie cx.
poets to fmtrtinu' timnmimglm Ileose. Last
year Reuse tmamn beatemu omit of time uhutlega.
tioii fromim his coumity by time Stetumm Domsoy
factiomm. 'I'o immimku timittgn tlommbly
sui.e for Reese , Collector Post up.
piimtot1 dohmmm Stcomm as his domtmty , rmmmd
iii cotmjummctmoii witimVeavci , timey immud
timiimgus mmci. at , timust. Itoese could lutuvo a
wtilkntvay mit thu mutturt. if ime wamited to.
I'ersuuimally , : l1m' . hitote in clover timid
gusimiumi , butt lawycms imume whmo imuivu hover
scitutcimod Limit mopmmhuictimi ticket tire (11)015- )
by iii revolt iigttitmst ; mmuakimmg a Stmpm tmmmmo
.1 utt1e of xi mitumim wit. . , imtuu xmovum ltuumm a
juatmee ( If time Peticu , timid whose practice
iums : beoii chiefly tin xi pmosucutimmg attor-
'l'mmllcimmg oboist j utliciml : camididatca ' .e.
mmmiimdn mmmc of tvhmuit a ( loge commmity poli.
tieinmm tupoited imm mmmy vresemmco a
minys iigo its us street. dialogue iii Beatrice ,
( Jul Itepuhiiican-iood mmiom-mmitmg , itIr.
( lniggn. Is it a fmmct timuit I'sIr , Coiby trill
ho mmostmiimuitc'd fat' Diumtmict .1 udge ? "
Mr. ( Iniggs-"Woli , yes ; It loois hike
it. . Yes , 1 guess lie's got. un-I guess lie
tnil I , "
Old itupmtbiicami.\\'eil , if Ito is tbcct- ,
od , mnms't there daumgcr timumt Ito mmmay immivo
timuaso Itmayot's duetla cotul'mniitetl , imumil steal
thmo ttwtm alto ot Beatiicu , tiftor alit"
i'tir. ' ( iniggs-'Ohm ' , nuvom. immititi about
that. I'll ' bit mm tIme Supreimme bisticim , amid
if lie does tlmtit , I'll reverse it. "
0 riggs trill tiot ; nit cii tue Sumimmetno
beiuchm , toni mosaihiy P.Ir. . Colby will mmet
% t am.liI time seat of .1 utige iavidsotm ,
'fit , . items , 'sliors ' ant aiummoummmceti iii Cedar
cosmmmty 'lime i lerahil mtil Auger , time latter a
iiiuuuihl bore ,
'I'luo state utimhs'urlty I yet wltiuotmt us cimusu
celior , I'rof , 4tmiattms , iii Aimlm Amber , to wimoma
time IMl6oml totidummal , law refused to a.
Cillit it.
F' , 1um'hmsmv Ailammis , mmii of time umatmy who
try to iinmwim their sOrrusu him time th.wlmmg .
bowl , wtw fotmimil uiu'ad lii hits mcciii at 1.Iimnoiui
cit IXmItiay iiuormtiuug.
'l'lw fi)0O , ( ) siiooj. . iimiihtuird ( : liy C.smupboll
limos. , I ii tJttsli , itimil startci I om urltsumd ousriy Itm
time .tuimmtner ( or Noiir.uika , mire mmow iii tlm vi.
chilLy of North l'lmsttu , 'l'hioy trill be win.
tmurotl on the tIliim'M toeic farm mibomit tilmie
tiiilos mierthuett f
b.df.rU.ii4 sf0. . , iiati&ioi APPAATh *