- T- : _ : q- _ Ii ir Y : i - THE DAILY BCE ° OMAHA , rItILAY , SEY1EbiBLIi , 28 , 18th , _ _ i Til OMAHA BEE , 1'obllshed ever mArning , exadjRunhi , , The .ntp Monday morning dally. xRMt RT MAn. ne Tearein.ooThree mnntlu „ . t3o atx Monlne , , . , . , . . &G ) I one month. , , , , , Tux rrxuty axR , rcxunIRD xeaxr R xoxxaDAT. i uxutroHTrAtn. OtOYO&TtVO Thrcotnnlha „ , . , , t (0 elx ) lonth' , . . . . . . Lee flue month . . . . . so American Near Congnuy , SoleAgent + ; Neuedt' I en In the United States , 0.RRMtnxxClV' . { vA bommunfntlonare1 tingtoNewsRndrdlterlal n' tterashouldbedddreerd to the IottoxorTIIR axx. xcatxx + s exnxxe AU Undne.R Loltcra end Iteutttantri shonhl' la sddren e.l to T ° R nxA PViLtRI „ an ( )1MrAAr , OMAHA. Draft' , Checks and t'mtnllleo orders le bo made pay abl0 to the order oI the e.niq + any. . TIIE BEE BUBLISRING COG , PROPS E.EOa&tvATEEEdltor. , ; BY ( ho trny , whcro l that ptmnisud indication of tleOcnlletnan trout Stink' , . . ing Watet ? Ea1m answer' Where ? / , Tui : now ship of te ! Outol Ltno , the "Oregon , " is said to be lunch faater titan the Alaska , row the fnsteat ship on the sea. IP Ieoly would rig hp Iris motor with Roils , and putt ! clown befuro n western tornado , the thing might be mndo to more , IIASOALL & HOwa were leaders at the Republican Convention. Facts like thia are cutting ( tarn the nunlbera of ltopub lican followers. WP have built one mile of railroad , thustfar in 1883 , where we built two in 1882. . It was about time t& put on the brakes in this lieu of buaines. . MR , LAtnn was present at the cnnvcn i i flan at Lincoln , but lie was ne Silent ae ' the tomb about that fraudulent land achemo on tlto Stinking Water in Chase . ' ' - , county. } I , BeN BorLEn has donned his war paint and thomaa hawk and tlrearnt of cnppur. lug Mr. Ittbinson a 8ealp. Mr. Robin' son will wear hit ( ethical scalp for ionic dears to cont0.b , r Patxca Btaal&nctt has rallied .uf 8ciently to leave the health 'npringa at ! Gnatcinefnr Borlfn. Urtleaa the Chancel for suffers another relnpiethere is trouble i tthead for tl > _ e American hog. ) ILDatury RiatGould , Iluntingtcn and i n'ndorbilt hnvo beau in spool ! o doproes V J o'rt6orn Paci accuritlcs , tint they may command tit road , with its onor- - " ; ; : - interests , iril u , lY have n ton - V to precipitate a pan ' A SrEAxIDOAt : whi.tlo on ho Hudson call be heard tilrteon miles It ordinary I y weather. The , whietling witch the Con. r gr'euman from the Socoud t 'Atrict ! a do ing at Hastings to keep phis courage eau be heard for more th to n hundred miles. I Tintoomi the nebluct of tl a lcgislaturo of Louisiana in notmnking p rvlatons for y''s lltoir naintaina co , nil the judo acleola in that State will probllbIY rat nlu chase d ' ,1 during the winter. Such to6itnlati01l , u r t nbstnlco of it , ahould prcrllap s ° rotor a na ! r I towirda swooping change in tldo 1110111 l Orxl1ip of its hnih of state , I IT tzakos the Unhm Pwifio r railroad or r , . gan a lone way to lire up , put u'lt01t i i - r gets ttcaut on its ealluoj n , thit r0 hill b u v mus1o in the ntr if the Gcutlo4lutn froii t , Stinking 3Vatur door not comotorwart , h i whit his to ' 'inch proofa u81a1)lttt ! the ' dacity of the Herald. " Lut ua ha 2.th a ' ' vindication or Ile tousle. WE arc gravely told by the dispatcho a from Annanl that after three days' liar d fighting the Fr01uh captured two town a and two atandards front the Black Flugs . T11o etmto dispatches Inform its tluat th Li French loss was two officers and fourtee n men killed , and thrcu oficore and fort y man wounded. What terific lighting , t o be sure. Tut : dullest thing in New York nt present scorns to bo money. The mb of I interest is 2 and 2 , pcr cent , t + itlt a aui ) P3 greatly in excess of the demand , Diouey is dearer in Paris and L'n hu u than in New York , and yet gold is flow r tug in. Halt a million anh'ed on Satin day , and two anda half millions withi n the last three weak , Tint Indianapolis , 'cnrlncl , in a rathu r t oockloftical way , xnys that Mr. Itamdn Ii ( will not suit western Dunecrats for ( Ii o Speakorehip. The way western Dam t crate two weakening on the tariff quoatio n t would seem to indicate that Mr. hand all t is the very man for thorn , lie ie In fav or t of a tariff tor revenue with an Incident al Speakership. What butter do they wa nt than that ? ' Tun herald thinks It will requt ro , I a acme "tall swearing" to octrleato ti o 1 lion. James Laird fmnt the deep at d dirty pool of Stinking Water into with ch . Ito ha. plunged , and auggcehs that if ICchieY'a inch can't do it , ho will Indo ed be hm'a tight place. Wo imagine ho w ! 11 ' be in a lighter p1aeo pretty sooty for if 1w don't extticat0 bhn.clf lmTt1 , y , there will be SItHIu t/tahl akcarlu , " tit t he I tJejiafIeatt o01c0. a Tui : JcpubUcun calla for Iho hone at T ' opinion of ' 1'iis flee as to Bwlch 11 ! n " mmn'e quadifeations fur the Lunch , Ti n' ' Ili expressed Its optuiot of bfr. Iii U. stun several years ago uhd ht has area nu u tteaTou to change it , etjher as it relates to Atha as a former tunld agent and a ve ry I dlrly ono , of the Union Pacifo railroa d , 1 or ii a ru1M11 bore and not over acrup u , , 19 1 iaW br , V 1 by 'aagttYl.cw' . , .x ru + ' * ' m.vswr wwaw Ji'P14LLY(1 ( TIIA' TA1A'S , .Tudgo Kelley , who is iocuperating in London from an opornlien upon his cheek , which ho neotna to have greatly needed , sends by quit n renewal of his ehnllengo to the "corrupt and oppressive internal rorenuesysfmn , " Ito heroically declares that no potty dictation a 1 no caucus will doter biro from urging time inuncrlinto repent { , io liazts on whisky and tabncco. Mr , lColloy is very aafo in making ( hits d eclaration of iudop01ulmmco , ' 1'110 next llonto will ho Democratic by a large ntnjurity , and Judge Molloy trill not be clhnirmnn of the Cutputittco rot lYnys and liunna , 13eaid ° s Iii ) non knawH butter that the Judge that there is nbsnlnlely no possible chain o for the auqcess of his scheme. It 1sT alrcndybcen pointed ant w hen bfr. I ulluy comes to mobs his war upon the whisky tax In ( Ito netCongres ho will ho coufiuutcd by the hllowing atrny of opponents : The 'ndrocales of tariff' ' revision , who lmtst that Iho prn tectivn duties on inmpurla oust butcduccd b efore the iutcrunl foxes are reprnlud. Tito distillers and rectifiers of whisky , ws hn are protected from dnngemua coin. petition by the tax , and limo holders of la rge qunuliiicS of whisky 111)011 ) which t he tax is paid. The Itepresentuthes from Now Eng la nd and of Now Enghuul Reulimolht in line far 1Vrst , u ho hold lint rupcaal of the lox and conecgnuut cheapening uE whisky would afford encouragement to int01n pornnco. Thu ltopresontntives whin ; on ocunomi- cn ) grounds , mnintnin that w'hi + ky and tobnccd tut luxuries , and ynof necessities of life , are proper bbjocts of'tnxntion. The official clans , for ieliont the repeal of the internal ruvonuo system would in- cr ease the fierce competition for places under the jjovoynmunt. V. V These are the olefin hta , placed in order - der of their importancthat will b ° fo und ! n opposition to rojcal of the iti , t ° rual ruvonuo syetam ± Su mho next' Coil- gsosa , 1YiUlin them will be found at honer two thirds of time members of the Houeo. Llatuatl of vainly soaking hoots' dints repast of the t i tOrnahtlxoe , , Judge 1allay might carry n majority with ltlm fora substantial r ° ductibn of the fax rot e irite , If time tax on spirits were rw laced to the reasonable rata rif fifty cools n gallon lie , manufacturing chontiste of this country , who conaunut largo quantities of alcohol , wouldvo much b ettor able to comuioto with foreign rivals ! n the markets of the world. By this reduction duction the revenue from whisky would h o little diminished , since iha tax would ho more closely collected , ne was asps' riencorl formerly when the tax was fifty come n gallon. In addition to the above roaaons why tin whisky trallia will not be repealed theta is n reason why it cannot ba ( roue' diutuly repealed. The suddonloss of one hundred and forty , or ore hundred and fi fty imlliona of annual revenue , would bring mho treasury perilously dose to n dulicit , As u financial measure , then , th e i nmmediIo repeal of the internal revenue eystoud ha Sat to ho thought of. It wit [ n ° ithur be rocnlnulaldod by time Preai duff and Sdoruhury of floe 'Jronaury no r ueut with serious cousidtn Atiut in Cml gross , turd its advocates tinny as ss ell giv o i t up. lllil''OIfAIIN/l Tllli INAfABS , Connnisaioner Trice has recently issuct l t wo orders which are uroutiug great dii e at iafietiuu nntuug the Lotions , ' 1'h u first forbida time continuance of nu Y daanccs of time tribes. Thu second re quires that Indians who have two ivivei ahnll at uueu give up one of them. Expemiunced Indiam agonta declare that hl'uuy nElunlpt is mods to unGrco the n u r ules an ] radian outbreak will certainly ' ho the result , Agent McGlllicudy i s uapudnlly ; emphatic ill his belief tin t , pulygnu + y cauet be stooped out nnnou g Rnvthgea 1 y fur ardor from the Itddinu du paiueu tool says that rot nttoupt t o enforce this ardor will surely precipitatL Sioux uuhsencru. There lava beat t many atL'lllpt8 to reform time Iimdinmmm duiiug the . peat twenty-five yeas , They love failed largely because thi ° reformerA hnvo needed reforming nur , u flow the enrages. T11u iuflu ° ncuuf ngont " with uuu luuul in flu pork barrel cud tin u odor ( Ill mho Scriptures'hus not been and . utary and as long na several of the mho eiuuurles seemed out tit all dtslualinul t ° 'polygauy ! tie out etlrpriaiug flat that t' ' aorutuua against a plurality at elves lint d little clfuct except ih putting their cud t ' torq to sheep. Time report of thu Indian conunissio l 1 , just published , elargua the Rov. S , 1 lllnmau wlt6 ebtaiufug fraudulent el g natures to a treaty lauding away a PO h Lion of the Sioux reservation at eight t costa an acre , bfr. Hinman he auo of mho loudest tneuQwd of the Iudinn , , harmers , and Lae boon greatly sleeked at the spectacle of sort duucne nod pclyg n toy. Ills opiniol oft mho last nauod r u form Lae been sounowhat suppresaer [ I howoyer , ahtce an occieslasbcal trial i u which la figured whore , charges of gro ce immorality were Preferred against hit by his ) aperture , Still bfr , Hiumad 1 as not yet given up his cleans to tie tithe C f nu Indium rofnrmor , Auuther Italian rcfonh01 ws Titliw J , mho agcut at Sun Carlos , 13ia reports ( u the bureau teuned ; sn111 eugguetinna ft t intprovhlg limo moral cmudiltnna of h i. svatde , bTr1'i0luq rclirrd from , Ili cu uoro rltuu a yoam ego tinder pre our ° ulmrged v1thn systauath atealluu front t1 no tribe at Stitt Curios , Sfucu lint iimu 1 w hits not been hcnnl front , The brat way of reforming time Indict na just Saw ! a lu drab jua11J with than nr ul t0 couviuc0heat / of limn honestlutmtile its of oQiciula with n9tou they cru broug ht in contact , Let thou understand th at time gov ° rnntont proposes to keep fah t h with theta std that it will atfurcolouc at dealing on the pact of ita agania. - . .w. - Another Step towards reforming time In dians would ho lime removal of the pious frauds who hnro worked religion nS n Shield for their rrascalitics in.tho In- limn depnrlaunfs , ] tie ibis class ° { then who nro loudcaE in Ihoir demand ! nr cnorcivo moral reforms /anong time tribes to where midst they preach nod peculate , Thera is afore aced at , prcamtt of n reform in the lndinn doparttneut lhnn theta is anoug lltu I dinue , Tileiuvvnl IM4v NOJUNATIU.Y , 'l'he result of mho itepublican cortven- Lion is the detest of blusera llaucrlVnr ten and Laku , aul the nominnliou u [ bf , Ii , Rocse , of 1S'uhco , as time partq'n cantli rlntu for Suprmno .Iud ) ° . ) .tr. Reese is n cempnritively ynu11g San , of ulodornlo nbtlilice , Shoes expcriuuu has haul rnthtr buore Iho bench , na diatriet at tornuy for the old Fourth distt ict , 11mn nn it , ] n his oun aucliuu ho ntnybo ex petted In tun ( nifty teull. 11tS prospects in other pocliunH of iha stnlu nr ° nut aS cheering. 'Theme wereotber icon before the eon' rention ws'ho would huvu atatl ° Rlrmmgcr canlidnles , and the feeling of limo potty n ua ripchly expt olaed ( bat time Strougcst cnmlidnt ° srnnld bu Sono too strong at ° 111)oncut for Judge Sneage , Mr , Ileeso will ho Sorioualq handicapped - ped ! n the rove bq youth Soft innxer [ ( roue , Built nro aurinus diandvantngea , ne { boy anttllmt to bo tor a candidate for the supreme bench , Agu std familiarity with judicial methods cud prncticu are impurlnntqunlificutionefor lhiehigh pos ( mien. Noithcruf these bit , li'cosu pos nos + os , V In refusing to renominate Judge Lake , the Ilapublicats Sunda a fatal miatnko. They clinched it when they nominated bit. Rccao , PAVING must go ou next spring , and it will ithe bells nro furthc01ning. Toivhr + hlp Orgnnlratton , Ilnttinga Garotte , Time provisions of the statute in regard to tou uehi'1 ' organization having beetl canetrucd nn diffuront ways by sumo n E nor ezchnngeR , we trill try and oaplnin ! ts meaning tut wo undcl'atnnd it : 1 , TIme.county couunissioners , on time petition of fifty armnru Icgnl voters u E ti ny county ill thus SGhtu , shall cause tc ) bu eubmittcd to the raters of the cnuut y iha qu ° ation of Gtvnship orgnnizntiat ; bnUotsl 1tn bu written orpriuted , ahnll road , of tou nahip nrynnluttinu , " u r Against township urgn ization , 2 , For time purpose of toulporary or gADl2ailUll CGCII YUtlllg precinct shall bu precinct until uthcr + eiau ordurod by th u county board , and at the ganernl election at which the question OEndoptin11 of town ' chip organizaatinn is submitted ax Store' eaitl , Pravidod tint in wards of chic e of the first mid accoud class , wlweo liulit ° nro ce ° xtenaivu with precincts , the duct ore th ° roof shall duly choose snpurvienre / a ssessors mid judges and clerks of else tion , 3 , The voters o { each pre tinct shout d cheese ono Supervisor , ono town clerk ono treasurer , Gnu assessor , throe judge s sari two clerics of clectiona , are avers ° e r of higltwnys ill melt road district , wh o shall hold their nlliceS until the next gee aril olectinn for tusvuship ollicunr. The petititinu of Ie l re uisitn numbc r of voters of this count fins been 1n'a ' Soured to the etttlllll RalUll'1'A , and it d muki11g the ardor fur the gunurn ] Oleo lion unxt IvSwonber the prnpueitiot o f township nrtnuirhtion will bu submitted i tlcrofaru , it. hucmuea Ile duty of uvur Y voter to vote fur or agaillat tire 1)ryo , eitinn 104 Ito tiny bu convinced in its oss't t nhiid is best ; and bcaidus this , ! t ! t aver Y ° c ° r'a duty to rota fur soma p ° rarm fu r Inch of limo nbov0 nntucd oltices. ' 1'hi x Should bo dune by every voter , tor th u reason that 1s'hilu lie nuay' oppose tuwmi S ill l ) organtzatiun himself otnu + 'h other R tooY favor ! t to c.vey ! t and overJ rate t ' or aught to be , iutororted ill eecuriu B t ime best men in his prociuut Ear taenahi [ t oftlcars. In case time proposition should carry + cud the vutm A alunld full to ahem town ship o8iecrx , thou , ill that cast , th u cuu11ty veld not ho governed by tit s nut unitl tllo flret ' 'u ° sdny ill January ' 1881. 1881.f ] f the proposition should carry , th o cnuttp hoard ( composed n [ time navl y e lected aupervtsurs ) shall uuut to trues act necoasnry county business oi : th f fteouth day after suds election , ant when auch board sh , + ll have berm organ ( zed , the pnuvur of lie county canmie siotutre , ill ; enc11 , Shall cuns ° mhdthui r ofllc0s bccone vacant , 'Plats wu hove givutn all tiuttpnrt of tin o hnv pcrttniuiug b ) tlo toting and perfect ing the (11'gnlli4ti11111 PE tawrtlB , and w e hope we hnvo rondo it at ) photo that n 0 nustnlteS trill nceur by whuh the will 0 f 'the pooplu will bu hinder ° d or delnycd _ us to time ndvamtnges or disadvant ° gea m j salt urgnnization + + o leave time rotor i o clwoau fur Jllnl801f , na iE ie fair lu pro sumo ihnt n large majority of time vita huvu coma hero from smno Stnto what e time law is ht force , and are able trot u' actual experience to judgu for tlemsolve s which is boat. Unit as Ilutall'tnnu ' loth B lal.k , Prom an IntenlNw In , the lAUlrvllle UudcrJoum d , "ProeidantBuchnnun'eloyalty hnsbuo n impeached"continued Gen , Joeaph Hul to but vary wijustly , Illsihu.rt Gov ar boat but with loyalty tc the Union. 1 know hhn wull amid know' that ha w as thoroughly loy'al. In tidy intorc ° urx u with the I'roetdont dorm g the Iaet doy a of his Administration , always spot freely aid , oaitis ul u tin mho ° n ° re al ' t1n01i n all aub'uct ° n'rose attentioi , , I tit eub'eeta rulnftuit ) the to the Unio n and tta 1roe , ° rvnlion in t o etmu'ost 1mo a' bible muunur , and I GeV ° r recia'ed a r u bake ur ortttctsnt trout biro &n u 1y wnrnnlh and eantestnoaa , It la eingula it titnt witlm written evidunccs of ] luclin Id , nn'n loyalty uxistiug , his dutoliun to tl 'u ' Uuian should bn permitted la go ( lilt. ' tiuurd far art molly yunrH. It uasnut u tl tit time trocut publicaliun of Cotta's w'o pjt on kh ° life Gf llnehannu flat tlesu ew i , dvtuex were uadu public std hfn loyal tJ , plncrd huyund n doubt , 1 eaunat undo t shard wlny It wnu prrudtted to routs ill long undern cloud , " "And Judyu lilack auflbrad a nlrr it la' sane I11tputntlon , ' put ! n thu 1'epurte r , "Yea , " wild time Gaterd , ' 4wd ! hu r p. unaincd ailuut ( nr nlnuy yeutb , Jed tit Itlnclt ens loyal to his ecunhy , and I rondurod ! t j teat Strvicu. flu wits U to trusted ftimnd of Ile I'rosidunt , and l u + azortud hie hdlucncuforlhohcet hntcres to of mho country , Judtlo Black lad ton a b , strict idea about State s rights , which t , how ° ver , did not loeaml the onrncaine to of his loyalty , lie hold Unit a Sta io could not bo carrcod , huh that ho people thereof could bo canpelleJ to respect and ahoy (11u ( nnlionnl InwR , As it. n the plo Wilt ) conatiiuto the moving , acting ( area of ! ho Slate , why you ao hie theory woe a meru nbstrnctiuu , St 1 ho ens tu ttncious of hie opinions , and used sumo etmnglnn6 un enftcrlonving hoCnbiuet , which nmatlu him cows enom es , Ito was uuminatrd for time Stqrene bench , imam the ilepublicaus being in the mnjarity in Li mo S ° unte they would not tnko up time numiuation , , lodge Block apulto in set cra tonne nbnbt men and utca + urca , Sari ihnt , it ens Ihonuht , canted the nomiuniion to fail. lVheth01 ha was RUllrl'l lll UC just ; fCSUIUICIy hunt 1111(111 lul thug limo do hint jurnco 1 don't lSoar ; , But his loyalty could not be justly guts timled , htIMlty Pool. UlyarCB Ilapntch , , A great deal of flurry has been canted of tofu nuumg time lrieuds "E 1'nd , Von dorvonrt over his rucuut rauueul ft uta flu mail service. 'l'int 1'ostuuwta Crn oral Crushan nclcd Wisely , ill aururiug th silken curd Which held iIIIA jnIllhlg ; jllCk utlicinl an the pny roll of Uuule Snu + , tut v wrhn hnvo put thenneulrea tc limo truubl u fir nscurGtin iha correctness of topurl s mintivu to mho gcntlcuuut'x u0ititlroeurd , , will ntl ° t11pt to deny , SOIIIU felgll a feel tug of surprise nt time nctiuu Gf th G , A , It , at. llnstiuge in rnulureing hi e utlcinl ( record with a view' to row slntiug him , but such an act 01t tin 1 [ hart of ( Ito boys Who wore the blue ! t 1 buhnlf of n bnthrreomridu , need nut cru nro any Ruch feeling , It ie but su err . , r of the Loud and not of the heart , \'t1 1 tto ) old vutcrnua wrlu , stood silo by Rid e liken .l.no wail bchvoen home mud friends mid Iho month awrep of atCC8Al1It which lhreatolud our I'rwtrueti01l , mid tt trhatt the war tech , ' . .I,1) u'nlity , "char icy eoverelh n n i nude of sins , " Nuv , urleea bfr , Vad + + Ir + rl has lost hs ! ] tend , and ! n time eatintun u ul'I'hu Dispatch du , eorvedly , A r ea + guhtitnh of the debt u t gralihtda to ws'ltidh this country secs tin u soldier has porhnps acted ns aim Sir bmh 0 to rotaiuiug mhotoutlmnal , in mho Stn ! 0I I Service to thin dote , while canunittiu g whaluRnlu acts of w'altot and dulibernt ga neglcut of duty. R'hnt limit Truffle 1VIII Beur , Fromnut Trihtnc , , Tlo , mmost idolatrous and outrageou lrciht charyeS that we hnro over bean of yut'Phu Tr1bu u ehnnblud'buto yes iurdny. On m ell' Snout uE Stnltn 0,20 O 'pnuuds from Rutland , Vt. , to Omaha tin ° clmargoa were ; i2,20 , while mho chnrfi'c x tmud Oaullua lu Fr01nnnt were $3G,80 , u r $4ti0 inure front Ouudta to Fremont , distnnc , ° not Immure thou nnwthirtiutln n what ! t is from Omaha to 1tuElald. Col culatiug on time snow Dania the U. P. loon , limo freight ( rcnm Omaha to Rutlnn d would bu in the noighburhuud of $1,100 STATE JOTTING8. . 1)awson le short of Achool teachers , Wulver nro thinning the aheot , Iherd of Cue , tercuuuty. Itumors that a new Grrman parer is to h e s tarted xumt fu 1Ycet I'uiut are afloat. Six cars were wrecked by cullfsion in the B . k Af. yards ill I'lnttsmuudh. Nu' 0110 hurt , Fullerton , Nanea county , voted 23.i to G7 t o Lund ftrnlE to secure mho brunch of the U. 1' A county seat fight is brewing in Antelop e wuuty , Neligh cud Uukdulo amro iha cuuteat ' a nti. Material for the street car line in Lincnl 1 11114 hems pnrduted , wd mho rood Is expects t0 lie ill uperutiuu ntuut the let oft Dutnmbe n Several stde jukes and speckled clowns a I circu hg ht the uurtlhorn part of the Stara , 3 n the hnpu uE guthotiug u few dollars fur elute r Tte Waterlor creamery 1hai cmnmencel i npornNons with the product of 300 c0w H tU etut + + ith.1'lwwuhlc + haeunwpncityufb0 u ; suuudx 0f butter daily. i ] , nfoyctto GIhn"ro ! , son of a namineu t Rtnc6nuut ) ithu ; Hunt 1Yeoplug 1I'ntcq ha s guuu erdxy wi.hniuf , aver the lose of hid elf o , Win died ill limbo la + t June. Iie was tukeu a , tin us)9uui. Mr. Geiger of Norfolk offers tngivu $ ? 0O t o miy party or parties will will estubli h i t w troluu lull tit that plnco , SI00 fur the ext tb 1lrhwunt of n creamery mid 8100 fur the crtnl 11,1uucutof myuther , kind u [ n mauuhtctalu g entegoLo , U1yAsea , tu'rally , physically , intellectually arienc dly and uuchuuically is nll'right , Ili r uhcrchuntH tire hung , 0nr lubururH cru puttin g In full tiwN , and meir , uumay is ulavga ready ' . 'flu farutm H kerp our } lrnb + boyars busy , + vitl ' 1 111(1 hued w elghlug the , ruln whilr tlru oche r handpays out the greulbueks.-Iisnttch.t , [ , , " r Tlm edlGur tit' 'I'Iro Unkland lndepondmu J t says thu''Legixlahu u bud hotter either w ip ' tlwt Italinnrdu [ Nubrnltu from nxisten ro or Para such Iu + rH 114 to cam rnl them to pa roy 5 (1110 Iltttllltitlll t , , , , + r + tl eta 510 tnnuuy they ul , . tulnNd from thr publi0 fur the ndewuumunt I f the bhtunrt nE ngtiadtnrv , fustoud of peru ; t tinting tlhu uuuuul burro trues , chnriut race ' ' cud tit t dlHplnyx from limo parlors of oar hu c ities. " dH u.uul Brewster put his tout hl t and guCH off tit quarter melt. Thu rae'H atth u State Fair weio cuntwlled by lho Uutula Drit ' big Turk Ansudutlnu , 1tt11dO:11) NOTES , It iH to wrtt'd that tin Veneer k Now 0 r IORmH ruUiund lout bouuxuld is thnNieklu 1'la to xyudlcutu , 15cu l're4demt Oakes , of the Northern cifie , snyr thvt u tell ) bu 111lIUcur luudr of cuff l tu ehlppnd trout sbnttuu tGIH year , Itlraald tbnt , connnoating within n fa Wf dnya , the Northern 1'acitiu still sburtun I tH tlmu St.15e1 anti 1'urtl6ud to ! tit Ir Its ) . . . Two " 11o µ 01" anglu0s , 1h01atgcat tnuu u fnctured , hnro touched Iubnquu for u u'nu the Iowa dl irluu 0t the Illiu0le C/nd r nl ndlruud , Time Oregon Short I.hhe has concluded tll ° t tlw mnount of travel will Juatlty than fu pu thug aluu , ere on the regular trains rumhh g ( roam Gruuger to Wood mivor , After all the talk Aleut drlring the Ruld ell aplke on the Northern Pacific , It woe math e ; fatal to the nnuauca tit the otxaalCn lu use a' ' onlhhary a , ike cud to drive It home with aU ordinary eledge hnuhmer. + + 'RTho ' thing that to llkelq W hold freight tut 0H aloudy om.ll the uurthwatern roods fur tl 1 0 uuxt hew nhontlu lr time present aul , pruatec , . ht good uffetiuge tit height. The toad. are all dohg , u autGtltcGry buehhesa no with the certulnty of u lurvn ( Sere an eOUl se this new wheat crop tidily high ) to to move. A remarkable run , cunslderlag the aixe nt tin cyllndrnt uud drivcrH of the IorAnuOtly Wait rondo 0u'lhu onrly moruln µ trulu over t ! d Lake 611uru and Jllcldgmh SAUthern by eugl :117. 1'ho tndn , cuuml + tln µ of four huglu , K and day muehur rout four uleotrers , loft l : r lu tweutyelvht uduutei hthiud time , the eight y uhhu wpvH lu'lu' ' rim ill two hro + rH and is udnuter , huluding n stop tit six mhmtt H at l ) uulJtk for watch' . l ICs actual t uuul ug tit w'uH uuu hunrhu + d 11ftyniz ehnhtea , 'Tho u Indel > a mu lfix'I lushes , cud drivers Ilea fu tit tl dl Ilnetur mid the vugiu0 w'uight utdy ahu tit dtty tsut + ua. 'I Ito Stilt inkn'lilbune learn thnt , h u 18 ci d bsurroa that n + uterLhl fur laylu µ tlliu Uri nl rill on the tlt.hh k Nurtlteru , flow Ilnttu tt cunntxduu w itla the Nulhrrn ] 'uehic , l ur heeu nnlrrrd And the w oruuhl bepli tit um t , It IH pna ; > retl U + take out every other tin n tud Ill fu n bmAd gnugu Ifu for the u0.rmt , u qd brtulu tvpulrA tin uthvr therm fiat will rt w in lru Ir,1hltNh , 'l'imo dtrttuw Ir bl lti Tull tx' l1'hlla thla Salk him g + di uu the 1\urtlhv m i'udfi0 will layv thrvl ( ru l nn flair rOAtl Imo 41 1laluua lu iha Junttlun , the dletancre bet IIOAi thflalllfl. 'lhla w'hll place llutto l lelena in rail nuuumnicettun , without chsn ge 1 f gfluge , sari jtenulD tin tweroad + to tnlupo to Iur mho hualuau of limo two chief ttlta ( Montana. POINTS FOR COUNTRYMEN. Miufu g Mcn and hmcriCau Idcu of Var , Sl/tile OP the SCCIYl1H oP limo illltlhlft B11almiesH , Now Ynrk 71mcs , , The week has rolled by and time stud' eat of mho great city , who hna hit mho penccful cycl ) n ° ahunb01 iug in the 1Yvat Sari came Isntt tv get knavludgu , i8 now prepared to hear eontetlmiug unur ° about tltu thiuucas G { flu whert.witlnh And hero brginnulh Ile eccand loason , ' 1'hie plain , l'rvebytainu loukiug building , Wilh Clio ( Scoria of llnvotstlnty brick , built in mho cnrbouiA mns style , ix the hliniug izehlin'a , 1'huru ' used lu bo two bliuiu ; ' Exchlniges , but one aacended ( lie gulden abaire , Jhuru is uuly uuubiiuutg Lx chn11ga uoss , nod it deals priucgtally ill nth 1'eupla hnro htought up all tlho toiuing stooks Sold nod bore theta at. hums looked up ill their trnukS. Snnnu cloy they will use limem to crake a dada out 0t , \uverthohr'ss ( Meru is still some minis ; business tuft , but ! t to all in note stacks. New stocks mire apliugiug up ovary day. Sunni of thorn are very nicely engraved on bauttiful hillier mud hanru nllegurtcal p4clures of Fntth , IIopo , cud Charity tin thous. haith tepresuuts tltu meal who is about 1o invest in ! ho mine ; Ilapu roprw souls time rout u hu lords him money to pay ilia aert'ateallh annual nssceamoat. Ycu , do not appear to undoretnud time upping business , imam ! t is aneily coppr ° hendod , lfera is a mining man , IIo wears a heavy watch chain nod n sparkling Rcarf piu , 1118 halt la 9011teWhAt long nlld ho has n slauclud mud , svlhich makes him luck ne it Ito Intl just returned [ ram the copwr [ bode of Arizona , lit his pocket he hits n map of the country , eh0 + em , , ' the exact luc. thml of the ntinu and mho pitch of the veto , with all its dips , spurs , nnglca , mid aumueiiice.Yhur ° to mho wino ? On iha map , of course. Ally uuu un1 aeo it thorn It occupies plat two thirds of nn 1rizona county , std is point' cd green lc chow how full Et tart copper. Ask time mining man to elmow you the 11tap , lie aprends ! t out boforu you and opl.tinS thuGtle vain hoe boon op01netl fur over eaten lathes , and thnt0,000,000 tone of cnppur arc , yulding r0 per cunt copper , 16 par cent silwror , 6 per coat gold , aul 10 per cent proapeetivu dividends um ou the dumps. 's'lat's whcro you'll bo after a while , Sari than you'llknuw whcro it is. 9'hu Vnluovd limo min0 ! s estimated fat 51.0,000,000,000 , and the cnntpany has been immodestly cnpitulized at$10,000,00D. All time stock has bcen takun at par = $ t0 jeer shots-except about 6,000 shores , ! ho cumpnny ! a Soar engaged ill drapes' tug of theta for the purpose of putting in a Swatter. Nu ; n aunultur doosu't make aI110Ii8 , It doea 't do anything , because it Hover , .gets io the mimic ; lE it did it would just rant and cavort around old make things hum. Nell , row , in order to put in this atnult0r the company moat ; eohl tint atockatasncrifico , and this kind mining man , appreciating the fact that you are astranger and he ought to take you in , ! e gai0g to sell you mine nt SG 60 porahuro. Thu market price ! e now $0 , Yuu buy it , of course , 'rue coat day the mnrkat prieu ! s 57.60 , Tho.kind mining man says you must nut be frightened. Hold on , it will go up again , It got s duwnto $6 , io $1 , to $3 , to $1.i6 , nn d thou you Sut frghtoned and sell out Then mho kind miuiog man canes to yet a old Saks yroa how ycu could b ° ell foolish ' You say that you heard that tie min a u'ns no goad. 17n01t ho shows you , letter from the Supcriutondont. It road s thus : "North drift , No. 2 level , advanced 7 feat brat 'wreak. Satlh drit in 13 feat ' Nn , 1 luv ° 1 advanced 1G feat in hard clay hanging wall solid cn loth aides. Or wluze tin No. 3 level advanced U miles Seut 97 tone to mill puaterdny. llav ° ( ,000 tour at deep tn dny. Lost assn Y i6 per cant copper , 6 par cent gold , ] a per croft silver , 2 wr cent plutinuny ' per aunt iridlwn , per cent iudiuun , par coot lividiuit , and 2 per cent oxid u of putflssiuut Saud check nt onto , " Ycu nt auto naku up ySur mind tin 'nu hnvo been u feel awl bu acnto mar tnck nt' $ Ii,60 a shnrc. Do ou ltcu utt Atouk ? Oh iw ; y at do riot kca stock. Thu nicu 'oes down ou sell out ngaiul ] ieu ; ) it u1d San u flu 'cu w dl tied out that ihay nro rat niu ytle b utiuo of the 1rrnfita 10Y inch u ottuFyou , ltunningthumiuuOhyos i time uhiuu is still au the map , cud you ar layiug ) for time honchos sand diunnl s out 1 breakfasts cud tvouhe of the kind miniu' uuu. It Iii vary Siva to buablu to sup port n t0lnht „ InuL , Yott cnnuut imngm hoar mike it is to ba n fuuudling asylun fur brokun down nining nncu. Thu like it , too , Yet lie Iii ed to L0 Seventy , IAeulen Truth. 1'hlat du total abstainers 111ako of tit following case , whkh I etc reported it ) ) nu 4E the pnprrsl An old gattluumn n huts just died In 1'a'ancu at the rtpu ago o f 7U , leaving hulind him a lu , ; book of nl I Ilnt ho lure dirnik fa' the lust 60 genre this habits in Ills respect were vary regu lnr , liia daily allbwunce being four litre s uF'wiuv , ( scroll puma ( ) , n cnuplu of gltase , sa ofnbsi hthu before cosh uF his throe meals std 1- ) ) emits vorras tit eogunc , runt , o r smno other a , trim " to drive awn du a ondoncy , " 'm'ho total fur the half ten fur Y tnuacom0s to ; 1VIne . „ 127.827 pints alrelthtlho , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,1D9f , U µ lwsc e Spldw , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,210,199glAeae e Thu old untleman boasted tint ho ha d aUnever head a da 's tllttoea in llia life ail d hu certainl nctome ttl hnvo roved iii a , Sint tint ti lhard drinkiu man ie no t ncccAearil nlth0u'h try Y a abort liver ' vu ry poeaihlY 'ir 1Vllfrid Lnwaod would ea ihnt load this wine , nheiutll , and spirt bibor confined himaulf to wntrr hu wool hnvo lived for auutlwr twenty years , ' ' ' THEGBEATGElMA ITEIIs ) DY I h i R S 'I I V LlHI t p ii' , IdU I ant oU/er t . ' + Pt Ip , .t : W i Nouralgla , : ' . Soiatica . . : , l.umba0o , , ' ae'Itr. 11lkDGCtiC'UD'I'IIAMI : . U(1 ( r.aurrxta a 1G SIl 0 1 TIII 1 O Dr h i 7 : rruAtN.r , II Soreucsb Cutt , andsa a I t J' pr 1 Ptttm4rttl'1'/ / : + , ' AuAAllu , h , rlr hlT + u h r rpugl , IwA FIf1I fEgTS A G0T7LI. iN , rddl + rull I1nlual + h + an. IMdrtx Unre + luur In l ii iha Clwrlet A , Vorchr ( I YdMr + n Da 1. . t a 1 Goods ! Dry V r SAM'L a. . 9 Washin9ton Avenue and Efh Street , - - - ST. LOUJS , 1101 ST & COe ' , ELEf t1 0J1-JSVt3ON , r ' s3.u r AND JODnnmts iN FROURI ShLT , SUGhRS , ChNiIED G00J S ° 'AID hh > , GROCERS' ' SUPPLIES A FULL LINE 0I' ' TIIE BEST BRANDS OF C1 g al s and 1anufactured Tobacco. AGENTS FOR BE//WOOD NAILS ANU LAFIlN & 'RAND POWDER CO Ca Fe GOODMAN Wholesale Druggist I AND DEALER IN t T sE OMAHA , NEBRASKA. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others , WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO a it fa the ( rest cud cheatost food for'etoek of any kind. One pound le equal to three pounds of ooro Shack fed with Oronnd on Caka In mho Poll and Nloter , Instead o1 runnlug dawn , Hilt Incmaso In velgb and , ho In . good marketable condlnnn In mho sprlag , Dairymen , ae well as othere , who use' ' It ran teatlfp t Itsncrltr. , , Try 11 sari judge tor youreolvea1'rfat + s .0o lMr ton ; no charge forwcke , Address > s ednne trIQIIAfAN LINRReI ) OIL COIf'ANY , Omaha , MAX MEYER & C01 , V IMPORTERS OF HAVANA CIGAR $ I AND JOBBERS OF DOMESTIC A ! x ! ) D PROPRIETORS OF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED 6 R A N D , + S. Reins Victories , Especialesf Roses in 7 Sizes from $60 to $120 per 1000. . AND TIiE FOLL0IYING LEADING FIYE CENT CIGARS : , v Combination , Grapes , Progteas , Nebraska , Wyoming anti % Brigands , WE DUPLICATE EASTE RN PRTCES' SEND F0R PR ICE LIST AND SAMPLES. l L ' yar. . , : , d 1 Vi'a' ' n , ' a Cjw a' 1 , e r . M1 ' - ut rt yy 7. -'i5' ' , HANI7PAQnultglt jw oP IITItICTLY PllUiT.VAsa ' AND TWO WHEEL CARTS , tale and 1320 Ifamey Street and . , 4a1 s. 16th 8lroelr u total Ca41o ve furnished free uyoo Appllutlan , o , NEB Erstabh shed in. 18:38 ' ' jt.jg.ij j. Spon ! , t TILE LEADING st , r a r , , . , SiaA > rI49 / u 14011 and 1.111 Dodge Street , V v 1 ; : + ; . OMAHA , - , NEBR ASIA , On Lorry Tilly--Sma11 Payment's ' , At llllI'Io1lffo1 FflO8 A e lloso Jr I taletxluumcmut _ _ - _ _ J -V V - _