¶ - : - - - - - . - - - . - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - , - - , - . - . - - , - - . . ' . TITh DAILY BEE _ -OMABA , FRIDAY , SErTEMBE 28 , 1883. t\ The Nebraska National Bank. . CFOAtr1N , 1 4tA.Up C'apltal . . $2fl.000 8urplns Fund , 1Ia711883 'I 000 . D1nEmRs : ft JOHNSON , Vrei1dent , ol Stedo , Johns. Co E. TOUZAUN , Yce Preeldent , of fl.st.u. v. V. Ilolts , ; ot . V. MO1tS } & Co. .11 * COLUNS. a II. & 3 3 CelII * . . ) i. TV OLWORTIT , CounteU & Ator.y it Liw S. 1ID .1 yr.i IteM Co. v. YATE1&ehI.rtor many scan ahist ef thi Firit ht1m fl4k of Omaha. This sank opened for buitne April 27 , 9U TIT DItKCIORS ! AMD STOCKIIOLDEIU3 rn ft ( hi udthg bu11uNa eI f OaiIia , id Its 4 % nuti.t , , I. .o4ucte& w1t epeoIaI r.feren , . t. the bt and In.r.oigInWrosts.fItaumersaiiU1. potronL OOLLCflONS receive prompt sttenttoii &n. sbl.xg.3 Iowes obtatnible h.z. or eliewh.re. WTEREST showed en time tepott npon for. able tenn MI ( upon iccounte of banks &nd banhrs. TOREION xCItANai , Uoerntnent flond &nd County nn0 City Securitlee bouht nd 'oU. - . . , J. w. Rodefer , Broker , Itnd , Commcrcla1 Paper siiI ktl nther , ieeurlUce leaIt Iti ! 1I4Im 4 , No. 1'or1 t3t. , Cusc1I flItaff 13 FINAflCE AND COMMERCE. FINANOLAb. Nw Yonic. Septcmber 27. ) .tnney-Plcnty at22 per cent. , closed * t , pr cent. Prune Paper-67 per cent. 1xc1tango bills-Steady at 4.82 ; demand , Go'.ernmont.-Strong for Ion date bonthi and weak ( or & . StokN-Dnriug the forenoon were , on the ' whole , etronger than yesterday forenoon , with OR upward movement in iirice , mainly at. tributed to the announcement that railroad managere 'of roath west of the M1sonri ziver had formed a vool which includei the Nertli c1.n I'acific , and by reports that powrftil combinations hadbeon forned by certain op erstor * to protect Northern Pacific , Vestern Uni.n * ntl ether leading stocks and tu force sborti to cover. COUFONS. 3'lI . 1o1 4'Cotipons . 114 48 . 121k Pacio G'g of ' 95 130 STOCKS ANI ) DON1) . American Exproai . 89 Burl. , Cedar fapibi & Northern . 78 C'ntra1 Pacific 68 ChIcigo k Alton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 do do pM . 143 Chi. , Ban. & Quincy. . . . 125 Erie . 31 do pfdakcd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Fort Wayne & Ohio . 130 Hannibal & St. Jnseiih aiiked . 140 ' do do do PfI . . . . . . . . . . f92 flilnok Central . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 md. , Bloom. & Western . 125 KansM & TexM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Lake Shore & Michigan So . 103 Michigan Central 83 MissnuHPacific 97 Northern l'acific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 do do iift1 . Northwettcrn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 do pft1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145. I New York Central . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Ohio & Mississippi . 31,4 4. (1 (10 pfd . 90 Peoris , 1)ccatur &Evntisville . . . . . . . lU Rock IH nIHI . 122 St. 1'u1 & Milwnnkeo . 103 (1(1 do do 11d . . . . . . . . . . . 117 St. 1'.nil , Miun. & Manitoba . . . . . . . 110 St. l'zuil & Omtha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 L d tin ifd . 102. Union Pacific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wabh , St. L. & Pacific' . 21 , * do (10 (10 1)1(1 . . . . . . . 31 Western Union Tolograpli . + Akcd. Ex. dividend. L 'C GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. . "s , Special dispatch to Tn Bn. \ : CILICAflO. ChICAGO , September 27.-MI speculative axtfdes were covoid of special features to.dny. The volume of transactions wore fairly large. Fhe viiblo supply htul iucreaod sufficiently to favor the bears , whose tsctics vere gener. ally bt1ceezsful. Wheat opened steady at about yeaterday's close , and under good do. ulan(1 in th early liour advanced c for all optiont. Under large offerings the improve- ' meat was lost and the market declined at the close to the lowest prices of the day. Corn yas active early , selling UI ) C , but the nine Influences operating against wheat , caused it to weaken and decline at the close. The on- alaubt of the boart were confined to cereals , hog IroltIcts ) being quiet all day. l'orlc , in November options sold as high a 10 3 , clo log at It ) 27. . ho rest were neglected . At 12 o'clock the board adjourned for the dayaiid U IUaJ'I ) ity of tim ineinlers , save the en- thu,4iastics who gather in the alloy till late every afternoon to shout and give pointers , Joined the cavalcade pouring westward to the State fair TOt1I141S. Flour-Market fair mid unchanged. : 'Vhoat-\1arkot in fair ( lcInau(1 and lower ; regular , ( tic for Soiitentbcr ; 94.04gc ; fii Oe tuber ; 'J6e for Novoinl > er ; t8e for 1)ocomler ; 997 for .JanhIary ; 1 06 for May ; No.2 spring , tt3@94c ; No. 3 Iuig , $ lc No. 2 roil % VIIL. ter 103. orn-IIi fairdornanil and easier ; 49Ac for L cash ; 40jc for Sej'toniber ; ' 10.19ie for Octo. her ; I94'Jo for November ; 47c for the year ; 46go for January ; 4P@4'Jc for May. . Oats-Active and a shade lower ; 27.o for i _ _ . _ , 0511 and September ; 27@27Ac for October ; - t l28@28o br November ; 274o for the year ; 3)u ) for May. ] tye.-.Dull at Cc. Barley-lit good deiiinnil and full price at Flat Seed-Dull at 1 31. l'oric-Qiiiet and firmer ; 10 25 for cash ; 10 22@10 25 for September arid October ; 10 25l0 27. & for November ; 10 l5lO 17 for the year : 10 2l0 25 for January. Larl-ln fairdejnanil and firm ; 7 8567 87. for cash 811(1 Sojteinber ; 7 80 for October ; 7 60@7 G2 for ovetnbcr ; 7 60 for 1)eceui. ber ; 7 eic7 : ( i7. ' for .fnnunry. p 'Jiiiiotliy- ; nIine , I 2 ti I 2 ! ; nice bright lots , 1 26 ( )1 ) 28. Iiiitter-liincr ; fair t , fancy crealitery , 2J ( ( ? , 2Llc ; good to fancy dairy , I l@,21e. ] gs-Steady and unchanged nt 21c. - \ hlslcy-Stoaily aiiii iincliangctl at I 1(1. ( Chocsu-Iaiktt stuiiI y no 1 . deninni I gootl ; choice ( till croails cf&oddurs 111jl 1 c ; choice full creuu hats , 116z1c ; good4lart skim , chedt1ar aiitl tIiti : , c0c ; hard ,1ints , 3@Sc. Jiiiles-Uitcliangel ; . 'renn ialt .luniagcd , 1c ; green salt cured , light , lc ; do , heavy , Sc ; .greeu salt ca'f , lic ; dry call . , ) Sc. TalIow-LJitcliangeil ; i. ( ) I , 7c ; No , 2 , C1c ; .cako , 7c. \11411)U ) SLVI'ZY o UitA1N-Vheat , 20 172 , . 000 bushels ; corn , 15,6)2,600 ) bushels ; oats il,700000 busliel ; rye , ) , GUT)00 ( ) blibliole ; bar. . . Icy1 lO OCO 1uhels , o call to-day , / 70 LEt )0. A , 'roEI , September 27-Wlicat-Ma'ket / ActIve and lswer ; No. 2 red winter cash , 1 03 Cori't-ltill ; high mixed , tIc ; No , 2 cash and September , fl3e. Oats-jull antI nominal ; No. 2 cash , Se1 , . teinber and October , 30e. 31LWALEN. MILWAUKEE , September -Vhoat--Dull M Ole f.'rcash and Seltelber ) ) ; 91o for Octo. ber ; 0Oo for Ioveinber ; ( tSu h'r December , Corn-quIet ; No. 2 , bIle. OaUs-LasIer ; No. 2 , 2fc. Eye-Lower ; No. 2 , ( , rilc. flarley-In fair dertiaufl ; No , 2 , G3c. CINCINNATZ , CINCINNATI , Septeixtber 27.-'sTheat-In fairdemand ; No. 2 , red winter , cash , 1 05 ® Corn-Strong ; for cah and Sept.zuber ; : oxcitc'd and liiglir : the inatket appears to be cornered at M@h6c , OaLs-Stron at 80i0.3c. Ityo-Stoady at ric. Vork-1)ull at 11 2,6fj11 50. 1ard-1)olI at 7 63. Bulk Moat.--1)uU anti lower tUsoll. Vliisky-Steady and unchanged at I 13. Nt 0tLlA3. Nxw OnLtANs , Septonitier 27.-Corn- Fair ( letoanI ; tuketi , tc : white GOc. Oats-letnanti active 374i37c. Corn Mea1-1)nIl 2 l222 lb. Pork-Lower ; 11 50. Lartl-Stoady : tierce , 8 3keg ; : , S S7. Bulk Moat.q.-ln fair demand. Whisky- FIrm anti unchanged ; w&tern rectified , 1 031 20. B0fltA rnonvc. l'Ion1A , Septenthor 27.-Corn-Quiet ; h1g1 mixed , 48@48c ; No. 2 mixed , 47c. Oats-Active ; No. 2 whIte , 28a,29c. \s hisky-Flrin. lT , L0L5 raontic. Sr. 1.tIM , September 27.-Wheat-Un. scttlel : iiiil lover : veik ; No , 2 red , 1 0 ( ) @ 1 II.3 ) ftr ; : I 0l , , for October ; 1 0l for Nt ) . VIJIIIII.3I ; I o : Ilir IPt'ctitnber. Corn ( 'ih hiuh"rt oitions steady ; n : ; ; iu ; fit. , 1ctober ; 44.(44c ( for u - hilt. ItIer aint slow ; 2323c for cts1t ati ! Uct'bcr ' ; 27c for Nivenber. , , I V'3 I .nst'r to sellt 52c bit ! , Ita , Iiy-ttiiut ; 60ji75c. Iititer-lncltanged ; dairy , lS@2'2c ; cream cry 25@2Sc. rg-Quiet at 20@20c. \s hisky-Stoatly at 1 14. Ciosttt 1'ittct-Wheat-Stoady at I 0O fur October ; 1 02. fur November ; 1 0 fur Do. cotiibor. Corn-Quiet anti uncliatiged at 46c bitt Oc- tuber ; 44c bid November ; 41'c ' for the year. Oati-Dull and tietliing done , Llv1RP00L LivEnroor , September 27-1iroatltnffs- 1)ull , Wne't-Wiuter , Ss Gd@Ss lid. ; slring , 8 3lt8s Gd , Corn-Now , Gs 3t1. 13ALTIMOItE. IiALTIM0Iu September 27.-Wheat-West. em easier , closing t1niet ; No. 9 red winter ca.Mh , 1. 07Gij1 07. Corn-W'esteru dull ; mixed cash , 5tIc 1,1(1. Oats-Quiet and steady ; western white , 384 39c ; mixed , 3@37c. Rye-Easier at G0@t3c. Butter-'lrni ; wcet.ra packed , 1020c ; creamery , 20@2Sc , Ears-Firmcr at 24(5J25o. ( Whisky-Quiet at I 18(3J1 ( 18. KANSAS CITY. KMSAS CITY , September 27.-The 1)aily In. dcator reports : Wheat-Weatker ; No. 2 toil fall , 8,5c for ca.Mh ; 84&c for October ; 86c for oyetuber ; 84 for the year. orn-38@3Sc for cali ; 37cc bid for Octo. bar : 33 bid. for ovember ; 33c for the year. Oats-Slow ; 21c for cash. NEW TOLK. Naw Yotuc , September 27.-Wheat-Cash @ 1c anti oitions 1@1Io lower , closing irregu- tar ; ungraded red , 90c1 14c ; No. 4 red , 93c ; No , 3 rod , 1 05 In elevator , and 1 0G1 06 delivered ; No. 2 red , 1 l2 in elevator , and 1 12@1 14 delivered. Corn-Unsettled and lower ; ungraded , 56@ 62c ; No. 2 , ( il@61.o in elevator , aud 61 t 62fc afloat. Oats-Firm ; mixed western , 32@30c ; white , 37@44c. Pbrk-Stoaily anti moderately active ; new mess , 11 75jl9 ( 00 Lard-Veak ; lHIflO steam , 8 35@8 37k. Butter-Firmer at lie. Eggs-Not quoted. _ LLVE STOCK. CHCAaO. CnIcAGo , September -Tle'Drovors'Jour- - fiLl reports : 1ogs-Mntkct strong anti prices 5@lOc higher for heavy : packing , 4 35n4 ( Thlnckig ; and sliipiag , 4 755 15 ; light bacon , 4 70 ( 5 25 ; skips , 3 00L ? 40 ; closed easier. Cattle-Market brisk and prices good and lOc higher ; exports , 6 tlI 50 ; gotd to chtiice sluiping steer , 1 , :1041:5 : : 90 ; CtIlUIlOfl ti ) medtum , 4 OOCCU 10 ; inferior to fair cons and 1nixed , 2 r0@3 50 : medium togood , 8 60@4 00 ; stockers,3 OOt@3 70 ; feeders , 3 b0(1 ( 25 ; ran"o attla Gnu , 167 Montana of 1,437 lbs , 5 G2 ; 57 half-breeds , 1 188 lbs , 4 70 ; Tt ) 'l'exaiui , 1,080 l1) 4 30 ; 146 'Jexans of 028 lbs , 3 90 ; 147 Texans of .140 lts , 4 00 ; 120 Texans , 835 lbs , 3 65 ; 53 Wyoming of 1 175 lhs , 4 23. Sheep-Markot dul' ' and j1ccs lower on common ; inferior to fair , 2 40)3 ) 00 ; inotilum tip gout ! , 3 25ij3 75 ; choice to extra , : i so@j 4 25 ; 1nii b , per liond , 1 00c3 50 ; Texas sheep , 2 b03 50 EANSAS CITY. KANSAS CITY , September 27.-The Indicator reports : Cattle-Very few natives offered ; Texans , 3 25375. iISA ( shade bettor at 4 50(74 70. Slieoii-Nativcs at 2 S5t.3 23. $7. LOUItL ST. I.ours , September 27-Cattlo--Stipjdy chiefly of range cattle , which ruleil easier , but flOt lower ; natives slow ; exlirts , 5 75tfl 113 : good to choice sliiping , 3 504 63 ; comiiiun to fair , 4 50)5 ( ) 00 ; Texatis , 3 ' ) © l 00 ; Indians - dians , 3 75@4 40 , $ lIeolt-Quiot unit steady , for best grades ; fair to prime , : t si 00 ; 1'txai , , 2 5U@3 50. - - - T1i..I'PIC. FLOUR ANI ) attAiN , Cnw.tco , Sopteniler 27.-lieccipts aiiil ship- Iflcflt $ of flour anti grain fur the past 2 1 hours have been as follows : Ileceijtts Ship'ts , Flour , 1)1)15-------------- 13OIJO 8.000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 105,000 68,001) ) Cci n , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 280,000 282,000 Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 14ooo : ; 81P,00 ( ) Rye , hilsitels. . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,000 8,000 Barley , bushels---------- 71,000 11,000 - - - - - - - - - - NEw Yoiuc , Septentber 27-iloceipte atiti tililjmeutsof hour and grain for tlio past 2-1 liotiu haVe been as follows : I1OCCIIt.3 Sliip'ts. Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 216,000 111,000 Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 215,000 119,000 Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 41,000 15,000 ! AssAB CITY , Sonteinber 27-Receipts and iilLilfllUflt $ of grain for thu 24 hours lutvo been as followa : . Receipts. Sl&I'ts Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 15 04D0 24,000 Corn , busilold. . . . . . . . . . . . 6,000 25,000 LIVJt STOCK. CulcAao , September 27.-ReceIpts and ship. merits of lire stock for the past 21 hours have been as follows : floccipts. Sltip'ts. 1Iog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J2ro ) . . Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.:0 ) : ( ) , . Slicop------------------- ioo . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , T4LOui8Septoinbcr 27-ileceipts nittl shill , . timitta of live stoc ! : fur the l'tt : 21 ItittIrs have heeti as follows : ] iccel1tts. Shiji't.s. Cattlo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Io ; ( ) $ lsej . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,100 70(1 ( 1cAss Cirv , Scptenbcr2l-hfoceipts an l slhltincuts Of Ike toI fur the lPcst : 21 hour have been as follows : IltccIpts , Shlp'Lit , Cattlo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,800 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ) Sited ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700 O31A1It LItKfli'4 , 'Wlinlesalo I'rlccn , OIYICE O TilE OMAHA BEE , 'I'hlUrstIay Iveuiig : , Sept. 97. The following Prices tire CllargoI retailers by jobbers , wholesalers antI commission liter- chants , with the oxcei'tion of grain , which it quoted at the jirices furxihiut1 by tlto elevators and other local buyers : Grain. WItitT-Cash No. 2 , 76e ; No , 3 , 63c ; to jectod 42c. JLtaLEY-Caath No. 2 , lTc ; No. 8 , 40c. RYE-Cash , 42c. COitN-No , 2 , 35c ; rejected , 32c O&ns-No , 2 , 2.rt LIyc StOck. FAr STEElut-IliglIer at 3 003 75. FAT C'ows-Z 753 15. lfoos-i 25@4 ! 0. f3nEr-'irin at 8 00@3 25. CALVE-'uit quality 4 & 05 001goodbute1i ers stock , 0 00. Cured Meats. h1ns.-1415c. hlAcox-IJichangeci at 12@13C. Sitoui.nr.ts-hnil , at S@Sc lnitn IIRaF-lic. IA1tn-At ! Pj)10o ) in ticreepi , TALLOw-Finn at 5 ti00 23 in banal. , l'oultry , Visit ni1 Onnie. Srniwn CIIIcKRSS - Small , unchanged , 2 00c12 75 : large , quiet at 3 00 ; old , 3 75. Prairie chickens , 1 7@2 00 ie : dez. Wititit } 'gsn-Unchiauged , 910c. ; pike and lake tr.nt the same. Wool. Marina unwashed , light 14lGe ; heavy , 1@ltc ; medium unwasheti , liRht , 1820c ; WMlIOd , choice , 3'2c ; fair , 30c ; tuband washed , 28c ; burry , blwk and cattail wool , 26C 'ass. littles. 1)ttll anti weak green hnkhers , Ge ; green salteil , 7@71c ; dry flint , 12(3tlI3c ( ; dry salt , 10(3)hlc ( ; thtiiined hubs , two.thirda price. PAI.LOW-6C. Silisr 1'st.m-25cJt 00. General 1as-18c , liurrEIt-Contnon : tO good. 7@10c ; choice tlttiry , 1617 : swect , 1:1gb : colored grass , 12C1J 13c ; cooking , 8c. 1'OATsfl5-NOr quiet and market well sup. Pilot1 at 4s@roc per hi : . ONIoNs-25@.50c per 1)0. NEW CAuuAun-7Ubj.bc her dozen. lloNii-Cahifornia : , lii ctmb , h'l1'Otifld , 20 @ 2lc straineti , 10Ql2c. Cnir.-Acttre : , Vs ii quote 0@llc. ' ' ) . ) : - I liiiit grtnvn , b0cf1 00 l ° bits ! , . ( ; i.i' : , In iitknt : ttiti crates , 7&c Per lb. ( ; reciFriilts. I1Ruos-Quiet at C , 00@7 50 ler box. l'icAcIuas-Nathes 1 001 23 ver basket ; Caiifornir. at 2 25@2 50. OAT.wonNIA l'utt-In , good demand ; 2 25@2 130 POt box. BANANAS-Unchanged ; lF bunch , 2 00@ 4 00. 00.AIrLES3 00t3 50 per bbl. OALIv0IINIA I3AIITLET 1'EAWS-In good tie. matul at $4 00@4 50 box. California 1)ttchiesm Iluerre , Clargean , etc. 1)es , per box , 3 00@3 50. CALnouaA : GnArE-2 002 50 per case. Flour and MthistutTh. WINTRRVnEAi'Best quality , patent , at 3 25@3 65 SEcosu QCALITT-2 903 25. SrIIINO WHEAT-Best quality , patent , at 3 50Ca3 65 , SECOND QuALrrr-2 50J3 25. IIIIAN-55C lcr cwt. CItorl'ED } 'EEI-Por 90 lbs. 83c. Conn MEAL-l 00l 10 ier cwt. ScmnEsINa-6070c er cwt Grocers List. CANNEn Cioons-Oy.ters ( Standard ) , per case , 3 70@3 90 ; strawberries , 2 ib , POt case , 2 10 ; raspberries , 2 lii , C3.SO , 3 so ; Bartlett hears , l)0T WMO , 2 40 : wlmortleberrleii , per case , 2 75 ; egg 1)111015 , 2 Iti , ir case , 2 tf0 : ; grOn gigcs , 2 lb , er case , 2 90 ; ito choice3 Ib , ncr case , 4 50inna apples , 2 lii , POt cae , 4 0I@ 5 75 ; irnaclios , 2 Ib , ier case , 3 00 ; do 3 Ib , 1r case , 4 00@4 50 ; do ( pie ) , 3 Ib , ier case , 2 60 ; do pie , 6 lb , Per tiozoti , 2 30. ItICE-LOulsialIti to choice , 7c ; fair 6c ; Patina , 6c Fisif-No. 1 mackerel , half brls. , 7 00 ; No. 1 mackerel , kits , 1 00 ; famnily mackerel , half brig. , 5 25 ; family mackerel kits , 83c ; No. 1 white fish , half bris , , 7 00 ; o. 1 kits 1 05. Siwr-Staudard Corn. , 35c , Lois ; 3taridarth do , 4b gallon kegs I. 8 ; Standard do , 4 gallon kegs , 1 60 SODA-Ill lb papo3 30 Pr case ; keg t 2cNEw NEw PlcKr.Es-Meditln , in barrels , 6 00 ; do in half barrle , 3 50 ; small , in barrels , 7 00 ; do in half barrels , 4 00 ; ghcrldiis Lit barrels , S 00 ; tb ifl half barrels , 4 50. Tias-Gunpowdor , good , 45@ttSc ; choice 60 @ 1St , ; good Iiiiperii , 40@43c ; choice , 60@j65c ; Young iiysom , good , 36@GOc ; choice , 65c6(1 ( 00 ; , iapan natural loaf , 3t3c ; , T.pan , choice , 60@7Gc ; Oolong , good , 3540c ; Ooknig , choice , 40@115c ; Souclmoig , good , 35@40e ; choice , 35@45c. ] tori-Slsni ) i ; inch and larger , 10c , lie ; inch , 11c. ' W0OIi' N WARE-Two 1,001) , pails , 1 75 ; three hoop pails 2 00. Tube , No. 1 , 8 50 ; Pie imeer wasliboarits , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ; Wehlbuckots , 3 50 LKA1)-llar , 1 65. SOAIS-Kirk's Sawon Imperial , 3 45 ; KIrk's satinet , 3 60 ; ICirk's stantlard , 3 75 ; Kirk's white Itusslan , 5 25 ; iCirk'.t outoca , 2 15 ; Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakc.sIDe ) ; Kirk's magnolia , doz. 1 OTASII-1'OflflHylVnflIa cans , 4 case , In case , 3 35 ; Babbltts , ball , 2 doz. In case , 1 00 ; Anchor bail , 2 tioz. in case , 1 50. PEANUTS-ltoastetl , cltolco , red Tenimesaco , 12o Per Ib ; fincy white , l2c ! perib ; raw-white Virginia , raw lic ; roasted , 13c tiANILES-liOxes , 40 lbs 16s 15c ; 8s , 15c ; boxes 40 lbs , 16 oz. , Cs , 15c , MATCIIES-l'er cadtile , 62c ; round , cases , 5 10 ; square cases , 3 40. CoFexs-Ortiinnry grades , 3@0o ; fair 10 © l0c ; good 10@1lc ; prilno , 1212 choice 1313c ; Iaimcy green anti yellow , 14t1l5c ; old government .1 avis , 20@26c ; Levering's roasted , 14c ! Arbuckle's roasted , lbc ; MoLaughillim's xxkx roasted , l5c : Imitation Java , 1G6j lsic . VINEGAR-Now York apple 1Cc ; Ohio st'- i1o , 13c. SAIr-D ray loads , icr hUh , 11 ; Ai.lton : , lii sacks , 3 50 ; bIds iiairy 60 , Sa , 3 30. Svoaims-Poisderetl , l0'c , ' ; cut loaf , lOAc ; granulated , 9tm ; cuifcctluners' , 4t Oc ; Statul. ard extra 0 , 8c ; extra 0 , 8c ; niethimiin ye1- low , 7jc ; dark yellow , 74c. STAItc':1-1'earh : , 'lc ; hilver Gloss , tic ; Cent Starch , 'Jc ; Excelsior ( lusts , 7c ; Car , , , He. St'icit-Poppcr , l7c ; allspice , 15c ; cloves 25c ; cassia , 15c. CitEcsi-FimIl cream , I Ic. 1.vIAmnercaii : , 3 lo ; Greenwich , 3 .10 ; Westeni , 2 7ui ; I"itirth Star , 2 00 ; LewIs' iyo 1 65 ; .Jewell lye , 9 75. Iry Goods. BhtOSVN C0nONS-AtIaitlo , A 8c ; Apple toil XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Sc ; hoot Fl' 8c , Buckeye ] hi , 4-1 , 7c : Cubit W , 74e ; Chitto- lmaligli A Ujc ; ( rctt'nhIs : ] 8c ; lliosior , 6c ; I ltiitllt9dtlm \ , Sc ; Izitilan Iloasi A , Sc ; linilaim Standanil A 8c ; Inthiin : Orchard , ti , w. , 7c ; Lawrence lii , Gte ; Mystic RIver TIc ; l'tiquot A , 8c ; Utica C , f3c ; Wachusett 1i , 7c ; do A 8o do E .18 , l2c , FINS B1tOWN CorroNs-Allcmi1a1o 4.4 7o , Alligator 3-1 , : lc- Argyle 4-4 , 7.c Atlantic 1Li , ( ie Jiadei ! itato .x 4-I , 6c ; ] ennIigt.on , 0 4-4 , 6c ; Buckeye S 4.4 , fle ; litdlati Orchard 4A. 11-8 , 8c ; l4aconia 0 39,8Lehigh E 4.1 'Jc ; l'epperell N 30 Tc ; tie (3 32 , 7f. ; do it 30. 7jc ; thu E 39 , fe ; l'ocassot 0 4-1 , 7jc ! ; \Vamsutta 4.4 , 13c. BI.EAcIIEu Co'noNs-Alulrctscoggln Ii 4-i 0v ; liInckstoiio AA IIileTlmIi 8c ; tin ii , , hal lltmaclieti .1.1 lIe ; Cabot -1.1 , 8jc ! ; FidelIty 4-4 , 0c ; Jruit the i.tfli Oje ; tb cisinliniti .1. ! , 124 ; do Water 'l'wist , lbc ; Great 1aiIs Q , ( Po : littlian I I nail shrunk . .11 1 , 12c ; I oietdilo : , I ( Jo ; 1 CrditliiU 37 , l9e ; New York Mills , 12c ; I'eqiitit A , 10e ; 1'olporol , N U 'J'iiiili , 'l2c ; l'ocahitnt , . 4-4 fJc l'ocassot . : - , 5.4 , 8 ; Utica , lie ; \\'aiiisutta 0 X X , l2e. 1) tcis ; : ( Colot cii- ) , : : J breuti , o ; dii C , tint1 ; I he ; dii XX ti iJItIS nod Itialtis , 12 1-2u ; tIe Xk bninva nul : drab , stil pes anti holds , 19 1.2c ; Arlington fancy , itic ; Jnimslck ! , : biost'i , , S 1.2c ; Cletnitit f.iimcy , I 9 1 .2 : ; tie ox. tra heavy , 20c ; Vail l1ivimnbnji , extia heavy , I 1 1 .2c ; J itthiniia A bros'ii , 13c ; Nopoiset : A broiii , JGc , 'l'ICKiNIIS-Afluskcag AG A32 , lOc ; do XX lthiie 32 18 I.2c ; jtrrtwaiiita , 0 l-2c ; ( 'hero- intuit 111 , 15 1.2c ; Ciiiestega , extra , 17 1-2c ; llaiiiltmt , 1 ) , 11 l-2c ; Jeuidton A 30 , iSo ; t'lii nehuhzi 1.1 , 20c ; Ommiegu , stijier extra 1.1 , 2 . Peavl Jilver 32 , 16 1-Ic ; i'titiitin , XX hluu stripe , 12cm Shetuckut 5 , 10 1.2c ; dii 3 , 19c ; Yeoman's blue 29 , 'Jo , 1)ENIMH-Aigtoskeaj , blue anti liriiwn,1G , 1.2e ; Andover 1)1) blue , 111 1-2c ; Arliiigtoii X Iduo Scotch , 18 1.2c' Cttnconii ( iOU , blue mind brast'ii , 12 1-2c ; tfia AAA , do dii , 13 1.2 ; tin xx to do thii , 14 1.2c ; hlaymaker's blue and I browi , 9 l-2o ' Mystic ltIvorJlstripe , 1ti1-2c ; Pearl hirer , i'ihuo anti brown , 1Cc ; Uzmcasvlllo I blue miiui brown , it 1.2c , Oaitimiuctt-liariuird , bkc ; Etidystono lining 24 liiclm double face , 8c ; ( imimnor A glazed , SIc ; Manhattan glove finish , bc ; Newport do , 5c : doglazod , 5c , ; Po'iuot do , Sc ; Lockwood kid - flidslm , Gc Cowr JEANS-Aiflory , Androecog1ti sattoen , 8c ' Ciaroiidtiii 6oi Conestogmas sat. teen. , 740 ; i'lallowoll , Sc ; IndIan Os-chmiri , 7c ; Nitrragmsnsott , iini'roved , ,8e ; J'opperhhl sat. teen , iJc ; Itockliort , ( km. P1tiNT-AlIOns , American , 6c ; Arnldo , Gc ; Berwick , 4c ; Coeliooo,0 Conosta , file ; Danklrk , Cc ; 1)unnell , & ® 7c ; Iiddystoio : , ( iu ; U Iotice4er , 6c I I aninoy , 5e ; Knickerbocker , 6c ; Merrliueo i ) , 7c ; Mystic , t4c ; Sprague , , , Cc ; Moutlibridgo , Ge ; tin ( Jlngliazus , 7c ; Marl. . bore , 5c ; Oriental , 8e. (3 INouAbrn-Amokeag , 0o ; Argyle , 8c ; Atlantic , Sc ; Cumberlauti , 7o ; highland , T cs IConilworthi , 0c ; 1'lunktt , 9c. Stisse ; Sc. COflOXAIE'i UbcrvllIo , , l3c ; Agate , 20c ; American , tic ; ArtiIan , t.c ) : Cain , 1 atiil 1' , l3c ; Clarion 1) iuul T , 17c ; Ie'can Ci stripes 1) nut ! T , 1C'c Krystoi , I3jc ; Nan' tucket ltc' Nonpareil , ilk' ; Ocean 1) anti T , l3c ; ltynf , l6c : Stisseix , 12c ; 'l'lnga ' 'ncliii. sett shirtini ! cheeks , it ; do Nankin 12cs York , ilmilii Naiiklii , 1'4c : do checks , stripe. vnti fancy , 1'4c ; tb 8 ox , 20c. .SIIRrTIXGIi . .AniIrosct gin 10.4 27c ; do 9-4 , 23c ; tie 3-4 , 32cm t..ontinentmd o 42 , lie ; h"ruit of the 1oom 104 ; 27cew ; York in his 08. 33 ; tie 78 , 30c ; do t'4 , 24c ; i'embruke 10.4 , 25c l'rquot 10.4 , 2Se : do ii , 1t ¼ : do 49 , hGC l'eppeaohl 90 , 29c : ito 67 , 2ic : do 7 , iSo ; UUca 96 , ZCic ; ito b8,22c ; do 48 , lTc , Drugs , 1)svcs Aptn CIIXM1CALS-Adi , Carbolic , 43o' Acid , Tartaric , Mc ; Balsam Copabis , per lb TOe ; Bark Sarsafras , hr II ) , 12c : Calomel Pr lb , 75e ; binohonitila , her OZ $1 Ob ; Cimloro. form , per II , , Sbc : ioycr'i' I tiwdirs , lb $1 25 ; i" ° Salts , per lii , 3c ; Glycerine , lre Per lb :10cm Lent ! , 4tcetate , l1r Ib , 22c ; Oil , baiter. k0. 1. per gal , 81 40 , 0 Castor , 5D. 3 , tr gal , $1 20 ; Oil , olive , porga ) . * 1 50 Oil ( ) rigmnuni , SOc ; Oldutu , $ 'i (1(1 ; Qitlidito , 1' . & \ ' . nitti 11 , & 5 , , P ° L tkt ; l'eta.ssliiin , Iotlliie , lr Ii , , $1 65 ; Sallcin , . 'r nztoe ; Siiip1tat \ttirl1hi1IiO , P ° ' ( Z , $3 iS : Sulphur flour , ir lii , 4c ; Strychnine , tier uz , $1 23. 1'nIntiiOIl anti 'arnlnlmes. Oir.s-110 carlsiii , Per gaiIiii , I2c ; 150 headlight , her gtiiiin , 14c ; l7t , Iteatiflghit. tier gallon , peOc ; 150c water svliit , lc ; liii seed , raw , ; 1r , gailoirs'e : ; linseed , iloilOl , 1r gauloit , Sosanh , vinter st.r'ii , rgiilnii : , $3o : Nt. 1 , 75cNo. ; :2 : , 75i : ; czssti'rX. . ' lwr gal Ion , 1 40 : o. 8 , 1 20 ; wcet , 10r gallon2 85c : sierin V ii. , er gallon , I fit ) ; fish. \ \ . B. , iergaiItin , fiSC neat.sfootoxtra , tier gallon , Joe ; ? it ) . 1 , 7tc : lubricating , zero , per galioii , SOc ; Suultiller , 15c ; golden niachine , s n. I , ir gal. lou , 85e ; No. 2 , 2t3e ; speriii , signal , I'cr gallon 80c ; turpentine , tier gallon , f'3c ' ; iinptlma , 74 tier gallon , ir PAINTS IN Oii-Whito lead , Omaha P. 1' . , ( IC ; white load , St. 14)1115 , puce , 6c : Miusoillai groiiii I to S lb cans , 20c : ] ! reneh zinc green seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; i"rencli zinc , in varnish wist , 20cm Fietich zinc. in oil as4qt , 1r ; rais' , auth bunit umber , I lb cans , lOc ; raw istiti btmniit Sienna , bc ; vaniiyko brown 13e ; refitted lamplilack , 12c ; coadi ilacic , nut1 ivory biacic , itic ; drop black , I6e ; Prussiai lilue , 30c ; ultramarine blue , IHe ; chrome green I. . tt. .k 1) . 1Gb ; blind anti shutter green , L. M. & D. , fr.c ; Paz ! . green , ISo ; 1ndiam roil , lf ; Venetian red Jo ; Tuscan rot ! , 22c ; Anion ! . can Vermiliton f. tc 1' . , lSc ; chrome vollow Ii. l'tI. , 0. & 1) . 0. , ISo ; yellow ochre , Dc ; galileo ochre , lOb , patent dryer , Sc ; gralning cohlirS. light oak , tiark oak , waitmut , chestnut anti ash , l5c. Dry Paints. tVhulte lead , Sc ; French zitic , bc ; Parl vluting , 2c ; whiting giltiers , 1c ; whiting coiifl lie ; lnlflliiack ) , Gerniantown , lie ; Iaittitblruck , ordinmuy , lOc ; Prtmssiuu , 1)100 , 55c ; tiltriuttariite , l8c ; vantlyko , brown , Sc ; imimibor , burnt , Ic ; umber , raw , Ic ; sieuimma , burnt , 4c ; sielmnmu , rniv 4c ; Pminis grcen , genuine , 25e ; l'axis green , coiniuoit 20c ; chrome grueui , , ' _ c ; chrome greomi K. , 12c ; vermnlilion , Eng. , 7oe ; vermillion , American , iso ; Iniliaui red , 10 ; rs'o itiiik , 14c ; Venetian red , Cokusosa , 2'c ; Venetian reti , American , lc : red head , 7.c ; chnoine yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome ye1. low , K. , l2cocliro , rochehle 3ceclmro : , } 'reiiclt , 2c ; ochre , Avericmmn , 2c ; 'tVlimtor'n mineral , 2c , ; lehigh brown , 2c ; Spanish brown , 2c ; 1 ninco's mineral , llc. VAilNiSiIES-BarrOhii1 hOt guilon : Furniture - turo , extra , $1 10 ; furniture , Nit. 1 , 51 ; coach , extra , $1 10 coach , Nt 1 , l 20 ; 1)aiuar , , extra , $1 75 ; Japan , 70c ; asiilutitum , extra , 85c ; shellac , $3 50 ; hard oil fInish , 1 50. , joathmer I : i , , olo. 38c ti ) 42c ; hemlock silo 28c to 33c ; t.t Ii , kip , see t 1. (10 ( ; runner ( iSo to SOc ; 0 01 o calf , 85c to 1 20 ; hemlock upper , 23e to 2Cc ; oak tipper 24c ; alligator , 4 00 to S 50 ; calf kitl , 32@35 : ( ireiscn kid , 2 50 to 2 7 ; ; tmk : kill , SOc to 1 00 : oak call , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French ku , , i 10 ti ) 1 Si ; French calf , l'5 to9 00 ; nuIt sets , 5 (30 ti ) 7 50 ; lluilmgs : , C 00to 10 L ; 0 ; tii ) . 1)iigs : , 9 00 to 10 50 ; II. i Morocco , 30e to 33c ; Jebblo 0. 1) . 2sltirocco , 33c ; simm : , 2 50 to 300. 11AitNics-No. 1 star oak , 42c ; No 9 do , 39c ; No. 1 OhuIti oak , 38c ; No. 2 do , 33e ; No. 1 Milwaukee 87c : No. 2 tie 31r Ijum tier , \tIOLES4ALE. : 'IVo quote bonbon lath iuIi siiIuigiason 1mrn at Omaha at the foliowitig hrices : Joisr AN SCANTLINO-16 ft. and tintler 2200 ; 18 It , 23 (30. TI1iEns-10 , feet anti iiiiior , , 2200 , TlMIuIn tNo .Tosr-48 it , 23 50 ; 20 it , 23 50 ; 22 it , 26 50 ; 24 ft , 26 ro. FENCING-Nt , . I , 4 and 6 iii , , 24 00 ; No. 2 , 29 00. Snr.r.xisa-No. 1 (2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ; No. 2 , 1800. LIME-i'er barrel , 1 25lnuik ; l' ° ' bushel' 35c ; coineimt , hid , 2 25 ; Itiwa plaster liii ! , 2 50 ; hair per bit. GOc ; 'l'arred felt , 100 lint , 3 50 ; straw board , 3 50 , Heavy Iliirtlsvare IiIt. Iron , rates , 2 60 ; stool sPecilti ca.st , 7c' crucible , Sc ; iqtecltI : or German , 6c cast tool do , lbflij2O ; wagitmi t1xtkcs , sot , 2 25)3 00 ; louis per sot , 1 2(3 ; felloos , sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 7085c ; axles , eadu , 7(3c siiiiaro iiumts per II , , 7llc ; wzcsluers , l" ' II' . Hfibl& ; rivets , Pr It , , 11 c ; cull chnduu , tier Di , 6@ui2c ; , unuloaido , Sc iron wedges , fic ; cntwhars ' ( km ; harrow toetir lc ; HpTiti to' , ! , 78c ( ' ; liurtl'en's luurschoe.s , (3 23 Bunlon'it intileshmoes , 6 21i. BAIIIIEI'iitc ) -It , car lots , file imer 100 , NAIIii-flates , It ) to 60 , 3 85. Sutor-Slutit , I 813 ; limmek shot , 2 10 ; .inicntal jsuistlor , ke's , 6 lU ; ill , . , luilhf kegs , : ; .18 ; do. , qmuirter kegs , 1. 88 ; llu.stiiug , kegs , 3 33 ; 1mw , tier 1QO feit , SOc. Cor.-t 'iii uuborlauutl hilacksnuithi 12 00 : Islor. nis unit liii sIouig , I 2 00 ; "iVhiiteiiromcst luiuup , 4 \Vhltchremiht ; uut : , 1 00 ; loui : Imitruji , 1 1)0 ) ; Iowa nut , .1 00 ; Iltick Spring , 7 00 ; Aiutlura- cites , 10 00jlU ' 25 ; Cumuju : City , 7 ( JO , ier ton , ] Iorsca itiul Mimics. Extra draft htIitC'ii ( , 175(225 ( ; conimuu draft horhes , io01r ) ; extra forum horses , 11061J125 ; 00111110 iii to gotal farimu I ii toes , l)061 ) 00 ; ox tnt I Itigs , 60t7ii ; cmuunuitn thugs , 2Oi40 ( _ Mur.is-Extra : , 125qiht'O ; gout ! , 100@110 ; fair , 75@100 ; ctjuiIiIoiI : , (075. ( tiljiuOiN. ( ALCOI1OtI8.S prt'f , 2 25 1or wiiuo gallon ; extra Cauimonimia , tltlnlt. $ , 188 iuroI , 1 23 jair iirnf gallon ; triple refituod sjiinit.s , 187 proof , 1 23 itor vntxtf gahliuu ; ro-Itstilled whIskies , 1 00@1 50 ; line bloittkti , 1 ti0SJ2 (30. Jtii. tiicky hitunisns , 2 O0@7 00 ; iCeiutiucfcy mitt ! l'erumtiylvm'nia rycs , 2 0O@7 00. iItANlII'J1-IiiujX'it.4iti , 6 00@J1600 ; domestic 1 40@4 (10. ( ( llNs-iiimpontsul , 4 0@6 00 ; ulomostic , 1 40 @ 300. JIUMH-TnuiIurtetl , 4 S0@6 00 ; NewEiuglnuud , 2 004 00 ; thumtntlc , 1 IJ0@3 50. i'EACII JtNI ) Am'i'.u : : BIIANIY-1 75@4 00. CnAmzAaNlm-Juiportod , : ir emote , 28 00 ® 31 00 ; Aixmoicai : , tier case , 12 00aJlfi 00. Tobaccos , FINS Cur-Cmiiumon , 2030c ; good , ' 15ji COo ; I lose Loaf , 70c ; I 'reuiiuumn , 6(3e ; Jiaiuoiutl Crown , Sflc ; Sweet Sixtcou : , 47i , . SlOEiNO-O. H. , 20e ; Miuskovy , 25c ; 1)ur- : haiti , 8 iz , , I.Oc ; I ) uihiauui , 4 ez. t'2c ; luui hiiiuu : , 9 oz. , S5e : Soul of Nttrtju Cam tiftiumu , s t , , , , 4 Iii' Seal of Nut tlm Cmii tlitumi , .1 lix. , llc ; ; Seal ol North Citnithi : ui , 2 ei. . , ( He ; 0 , J. 1)irhuaumu : , .1 liz , , 98c ; 0 , K , inhuar , : , 2 ni. , 30c ; Uncle Ned , 't.i , 21e ; 'rteiu , itimul Jerry 2to. : l'tijij 'FOIIACt ) Ciimrurmx , stio ; Jhlilini , rc ; I lortieslitto , 48c ; Star , ' 18c ; Jttiildy , llc ; ] I Cr. , ' Iliad 3Sfii.1Oo. 'oY's , ISo : : , VVefI111 $ CoI1iCe-orks1 [ IRON ANI ) fLA1'L ( l(00F180. ( 0. SPEOHT , PROP , 1111 DoUI5 ! St. . - Omaha , Nela MANurAcTIJ1t1I1 OF Calvanizec Iron Cornices tU'Ionncr Wiuuiiow5 , Finni. tin mcii * ntl Blst Iteuling s1)uts ) p4ont Metaflio HuYIIgtIt , l'atet asijustet Itateliet Bar and Jiriokot Hhilvluig. I am' ' ( tie gent-ref agumit fur ( lie above Ilnu of gosidL ho , Fencing , UrcstIng , Iialustrwke , Verauds.i. , Iron Ititmi ItallunE. , Window blinds , Cellar Oumuntis ; aI.gczmera WePt lii ) 'cereouu & 1110 iatcut Inside 1IIII. * John D. Peabody , M , D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGE ON Orr10 1i1O13 , 8 and 6 tOT 1I DQuIM : Kt , : . . THE NECESSITY FOI THE SPECIALIST , DR. H. WAGNER , lIsaIongt'een * ckaotieiIgr.t anti mont' so at this ay thin auy ether. 'Iii. , s't foul of incilkal scIence I. eer icreasInK , and Its milunicroils branches ste brought neen.r end nearer to perfection , e.n ii. on. uiiai ) eati any longer grasp them ill hlsiucs the nectisli ; for aisliling the hstor. And II ha inn. beyond all d.ubt that iIkaie , ftfTetIflg the gsa. it.'umhaary ergi.s asfI spcclei .tuidy itioce Ihimi lay. thiug cite , if we wee ) , ) nsd.rstasd and knew b.w 1. Qeet tIism 1tePtlY. lilt. 11. WAUIhl I. fully ewaro thst there ire maiy hsicfsu. , cud somrstn.bls ) 1.C0Pi , uwIU conileme him for makimig this c3i. of iil.tasea e spe. duty , hut heiti hspy It ) tiiiow Ihet will , inoel i.r son. of refinenutuit Intl Iuitclllguiro s mn.re onhightee. 5(1 ilew Li talten of the iutiJect , imi ( hit the physlo. un who , Isote. hinuielt to rellosing the ifflicted sad .ashng tlitiui froinwon' . than tieth , Is noles. I phi. ) inthrt.pit arni tciicfcter to his rare thaim ( hue surgeon - geon Or i'113'lcisn who hy close sIiulieation rireli in pta , ethcr t'naiiieli of hf. ttrof'sioi. Amud fottuuuisteiy fir hvinsnttv , the .iay is tlawnimi who , the false . 'uI ienthropliy tlit ttiuitieiiincti the sietini. of follv or cttii , , 11115 the leitre tumutier lIme .I.wish law , to ills tlanrril for hiss l'aied away , A Few Reasons Why iotm , , homulj try the e.'ietratel lr. Ii. Yagiier's inutluisle of cure : I . "Pr , Ii. Vaguier I. a uuiturrii ltfmslei5n. ' I ) . 8. IowLSR , 1he Urestest 1.iu 1"R Iittt'ii(4Ogit. 2. " 1 ' ow can cicvi you RI R itoctor , " . iii. .3. 51500' , . The orhl , , Orcatcet i'lislogntiiuiist. . 8. ' \ on ire woiuderftutiy iruiflcIeuithuour kuiow ! edge of tli'vutu auutl uictilnlmues. " 1)R ) , .1. M.TTIIWS , . 4. "Tue aflhlctiti ( Intl mealy rt'lIef in sour i're * cites. " tin. , Soil , . . ft. "Ir. 11. Vaguier ii a regular gnauatu % from liclievtie itesiltot , Now York city ; ha , liati very oi' telilil S ili5.i00 ( prstIco , amid is thoroughly hosted on alt bisuiclir , of his beloved , ckuuce , t'sjecietly on chronic uiivo.s. , . " ls. IlsowawLi. Kwmie. 6. "tin. ii. agner ha , inunmrtaliiet himself ii hi. is oumilertul diseou pity of , iedflo roiiieslit'g for it ate antI .exiua ) tiitascii.-S'irginla City ChroiicIr. , 7. "Ilmousantle of Init1ds flock to .rc Iutu-u3an Fnu&elso Chrouticlo. 8. ' 11,0 Uoctor'i , long eaperlemuco as a sierhlIst , houit reuutter litmim stry iuceesstul.-ltocky Meun. iMiui NUSS. Plain Facts Plainly Spoken. At onetime a ttiscutt.iomu of ( tie secret iee as cn. ( trot ) volJe.t by ( tie , anti uiirliiCai work. of tout a few years ago womulit hantiv uuiention it. Today the phyIci&n iii of a , lIITentuut opiuiion ; lie it 15310 thAi. IL it his uttuty-uIlagreoabhe though It may ie-to haiittio tIif uimtter without gitsvc. and speak i4tIiilv about it ; anti iuiteiiIgt'ut iLreuute anti , guartItalus wilt tlimnk hiuuu for titiing so. iluerotuft , , tsttuuuitlug title destrtithti sire were for. iuiuniy uitit understood , or muot l'rolerly estiunateil ; auid Ito iuuuportatuco beliug attaclusti to a subject ihfrii by it. natmuro dOts hot Ituiito close insestigisOotu , it was wIttingly igiioreti. 'flue habit ii , gemcraliy contracted by hue young while attendlug school ; older conipanione through their oiamnple , may I.e . rc'tliouidhlo for it , or it misay be acquitted tlurough isociticmit Tue oxclteatciut nor. cx' i'uriciiectt , the iirictfco irtli be reicattil ngaitu and again , uiutil at ituil the itabit become. flrnu anti coin. 1Ictcly ciusliivc.i ( ho , ictimuu , Metutal anti Iuervuuus af- lilctione isro ususily ( Ito iurinmuxy rotuits of , , elf.idiUso. Amnoiig the injurious sheet , miisy be nwiitioiietl lisi. tutto , dejection or irniutiihiiity of tramper ismitI gucrnl , , debility. The boy secke , clmmaiun , aiul rarely joins in Umo siorts of ) mi ctmnpammIouiii. if ho tic a youiig mulaim ho will ho little found in couupaluy ii itlu the other sex and is trouhieti itii exceedfmug auuil nmiutoyiug itashtuiiiess iii their iureseuico. iascieiomu tlreauita , cunisliollS atuti eruption. cii the face , etc. , arc aieo lroiitiuieimt a , unptoiius. If the practkc is I iOlCitUY ltCri5tl iii , imiOrO scriou , tilstiimbanccs take iiact ( treat laliitatiuu of thu lucart , or tiiiiieitiO conixitolouls , are epenieiievd , and tiio stitterer uiuy , faii into a conmiieW state of idiocy bu. tore , uiiuafly , ticiutfu relies es lii , , , . 1i nil tiio'.c vuigagt'ti itu title ilangernuis , iictIc' , I it , iuiti , way , liruit 'if cii , stctj it at PlIute3 iuiako us cry ileilJiu effort to tie si ; limit if 3nu fail , if youur uuorntitl , ' 0 ateitu it aircaily to , , imnich stiatterett , auuil COiuMQ- iiiieiutiy , your is iil.pois or broker , , titi ii , tuuio non ii touiio to iiiii 14)11 iiu your oltort. I iimviuig freed . ' , suirseif friiuu the italtit , I ii otull further ctitiiuil yolt to go tiurnulu a ivguiiar course of truttincuit , for it it a great infstaice to , uupposo tint atiy tutu uulay , fur semite tiuui , ho it. eery Mi ) iitttc gis o hunch tip it' timf fiutcituatiuig but tiamigerous cxeteuticut ii itliouut utuiTculuig frouim its evil coiiseqtleluccit at soiiio future time. Tue uuu&c tif young miueui who are iitcaincintctl to liii the tiutie eiujoiuteil by il tsiiock lit alarmlngiy large , , uutl lit lutist of such cases title uufurtuuuiate , cinifltinuu of thing. can lie traced to tiiut iractke of srlf.inusu , s htdi imtt liouuu abamutionod years ago. luidL'L't , a fois uiltlutliN liraltico ( if tide habit i. , .titficlciut to Iitdtieo , qw'rmimtorriiua lit inter years , ROil I boo uuutiuy "I sunit Caea under treat- inoilt at ( be lirebsiut itay. Young Mex. Wiuo may be suficritig frouti the eftecte of youthful foilis or iuiuIiscrctiiut it iii , ii ) sull Lii avail tiucousoltie of tiuis , the greatest hooru ever laid at Ilto altar of auf. faring huuumnuuity. Imi. SVausmmum si IU giiitruiitf.etu to for. felt tOO for every ease of utcialuial leakiiesi or urinate tfileasti of nuuy kind aitil character s hint lum under- btltis : to ucud lxiii to cure. Middle Aged Men. 7licno arc uiuuuv at tue ago of 30 to 00 % siuo are trdubiod silt ) , too ? rciilueiut uiacuuitioiu of thu tilait. ufer , oftcuu accuuuiiiautiv'l ' I ) ) ' iiilgitt siniurtiuig , , r icur , , ' lug souutiatiin , fuel II ii ciIkLuiluig of the s stein In a ilmail lien tue uaticlt caiuiiot at'cotilit fur. On examultu. tug the urinary , leliisIts a roy uillitmtitt is ill often be foutuiti , ltltil iiiiuitftiieit l'lt41i1 i articles pit aitiumluutiu I' , lii alilicar , or the ciiiiir will I e , if ( iii , , uimilkfslu hue , agaitu ciiaiigiiug to a ilark anti t.iri lii niticaritltce , 'iiere are ; uialuy lilcIl ) uluelu is iii , iii , . of this , llliicuiify , iguttiralit of tiiti ( ittibO , 0 hint I the setoipit Ittligu uI sciiiuiai.n , oak. uless. I ) r.V. . i ill giuaraiit to it iou feet time iii all citses tiiitl a heitltliy rosturittliuu , i1 (1w geiiitui.tiriiiary or. gill's. ' Ctiiiaultittiolu free. 'Iluirouglu 'iatiultiat iii : , 11101 iul. sire , 5. All eitiiuiuuunlcatiiiiuui sluinifil ho ailirtiseil , Pr , iieuiri I It' : , ry Vitgiior , i' . 0. : tsO , I toe or , ( Jiiiiraiii , . Thu 'ittIuuig 'dalu'H i'oeket Cuinilialili Pll by 1)r. ii Vngncr , ii is uirtii it. is citilit iii giilii tip voutlig miieiu. l'nicu , l ,25. Sent by uutili , to nit i aiiiirrst. Let Zour Light Shine. 1)r. Viiguier the cciilirafeti siciaiitt tif loiu or Cob , . , 811 J.itrtluicr street , ioiiu up iuu iettiig ( thu is kltits sviiat ho tiut , ii , , autii ii , liiIit $ for tfitttutauils , of lift ( vliiwiilel ( . I us I rout niciuf , for io.t malt itiioii Is sure to ssiuu Iiluuu it haute ( lout 1liPlterit ) ' silt iiiut. 'i'tiit tiutimisaluil ttistiuniii fats Input iii : Its Ct titu ilititoil Status fronu those Ito lix. cnroil , it lirittif 1iiiltit ii I fiat Ito iiiic euro thu virst cases of these , Uscattu , 'tile afflicted froiru throitic alit isiluiti , tiittistii tif us cry kind it ill Ilujil hiiiiu their bust fnienil , heath his aitvertiaeineitt lit all olin tity hailer. , aiiil call cii ) tiiuu fi'r uuis Ice. a. iso kmuow ) tam ssiU eorrohtratu iii iii sit ) hug Ito it ( lie suf toter's ttUo friend.itocicy liounraiuu Ness s.j Relief to the Afflicted , flu inellciiics , as in itciciure , tim specialists are the 011CC Who nlaas council to the front amid accamliOsil great rosuit , 'i'iti rumuiark is osjiociaiiy al.iilk11u tote to Pr , If. SVugmier , of tlii city , lie tamuiie at thu top tif lifsprofeshlon , auth thu cmres lie PCrfrlfli for ( lie uiiforttumuato ii outi seem , , ssoiuiierfui If juot itroiorly viuss oil Ii , thu light tif , fuiutitlc noiuulrcunen Ls. Ito is euiifiirtuii li ) titit iutiist oiuiiiioiit of thu iutuiilai fatuity , lii. otIlco at IJ Larauuilr , ttrout , viutru ito will sliCuili. Ii ) ' ettiata dire for the alulltirliigof either sum , iiu must. ( or lis' , toluulilkatoil their eouiijiiaiimt-l'ommioroyw Iciiiucr.if. . Chronic Complaints Require Time for a Cure. I'urCfli0' at a , litaluo islue ii islu toliu treatnii liy lit , Yiiiciier steed hOt foil itavkwarti tvatuibo tiC I itnliility ti , s lsit luiiuu , It they is ill write tu , ( liii , iiittir Ito a ill uiuuil a i.t of que.tliiuus wii' iii eiiahfus hut , ( ii ittiti IuitiildliCti , tomiuteel itiutl ad itu to tiioiistiid liu hut uuoser seemu , lie Ices 1tloiit lit curry city , bali auuii statioli ii , Coioraulo , at is cli us all .utor ( Its iJuuttd ( Ktat4s. Sti ) 1114 address lit hil adsCttllWtiltt.- ( , S or 'rrihuiiiu. Shall We Reform ? 81scllio romuiulhi , for alhiiuisiisc5 is thu theory iirtIco at Iroscuut of otluicatoil and UXjCniOiuCO I'll ) sicla , auu4 iii all laru coiiuuutuiultleit they have their apetIaltlus , to oicel Ii , is hiicfm thiuy tiInttt tiuclr tui1icaitd iractltu , ISVaguuer ii a succotitfiti II. iustristloiu iii I hut mitoutorui itchioiui tif sjioclaltlee. auutl hula umirtseiieitttti stic4es iii thu treatuutciut of 1inlvate ihl.ostus Ic ist isoittlcrtui as It is iL&tteiriuig.- I rut. J , Hiiuumu. lltoitii uitirsouiud sshuo iuuul imuilleat titleS fur the mimoat ihillcatu of uiiitciututi is ill hluid iui acooiniilishiod auuil sue. toesfiul iliyaitLui iii thu peusori of Pr , Vatrter , No. .J1'J I it , Ituicr street , ' .s tiu I. highly rucouiuinoiudod by the t uuitAlkitt irfewii.mu at Itomiiu auuii abourd.-i'oinuroy t iumittsritt. Bigotry aiuti Igitorautco iuuoat gisu isay to is laloiuu phil ( lie it i.e lb sicistu bcil&ivc , iii lettluig htii t ilhtt siullt for tue glory of his follow moo , , , l'riiutor' . I litk Is ( ho turehi huu clOt 1)04 use to guide the iseary 1 auii sick cue to thtti foiiuutalmu of health , . if thiI turtle ! . upliould him iitatroiiuerttal as a "TOItCiif.iOIiT"stil uiu. - oiialuili to guide sulteniuig liuuuuaitity to113 Lanliner street , Ieiuivr , Colorado , it will answer tim IurIs torsshich It itas itrittoii. Address flIt. IIENItY WAaNER , p . , , boz 23$9or call at I $ LarIuuter h4trtict IuliYcr , Cub. 44-lLtd the columu bcdoti "Tlto Ku.cusslty turtbs M. hiLLMAN & CO , . Wholesale Clothiers ! ' 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET CUR. 13TH , OMAHA , . . . NE1RAE . Double and Si nqIo Acting Power and Hand PuMPS , STEAM PUMPS , Etighto Trimtnings , Mining Machinery , Bolting , Hose , Brass anti Iron Fittinge Steam Packing at wholesale atiti reaU , H/tLLADAY WIND.MILLS , CIIUI1OJI AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Nob. SALEM FLOUR. T..is lioumr . Is made at Salem , Richardson Con , Nelurnaka. . , ( ii the Combined Roller Rtone Systeun. tV gitsi EXCT.UiiiVfi . sale of . our flou1 to one lirni In is lilies. We bso opened a branch at IGIB CapItol aYefla Ouiahs. Write for L'ntoes. Adulrcu either J'III1" , - - . * xtxaxa-- . . al Salem or OmAa , f.b. I. : i : & d DEALERS iN Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAPE'AULTS , LOCKS , &C. 1Qo tr ot. ± ] 1 IIcIjD , MANUFArruIfllt Or Galvanized JronCorLce , Yiindow Caps1FioiaIs , 8k1igltte &o Thirtecuuth fitrect Neb HENRY LEHMANN JOBBER OF IVall Paper aull Sliaftez14..r , , EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED ,5 1118 FAP..NAM STREET. - - . . .L ' . 'V GATE CITY PLANING MflLS ' MANIIF/iCT ItWI OF \ ' , , 7 . # , i Caroenters M4terials ; -ALSO- . 4 t . . - asli , Boors1 Builds , tair3 , Iair Railings , Ba1llstcr . , ¶ o noor Pralucs , &c First-clue facliiUci for the manufacture of ill kinds of Mouldingi' vpccls.Ity' ' i . _ Orion iron the countrywlii . Heat4igandBakjng OAK za- ' rJjr' . ( t Fur sale by iIL'ON ROGERS & SONS Ti ! T g OMAHA. CARPET SEASON ! J. B. DETWILER , 4 Invitothoattontion of tlmopubiio to hii _ . . - Large and WeilSelected Stock : : Enbi'acinq a/i i/ic Lqto Pattcns in ovorytizing in 11w Cai'pot Line , Wathll8 [ tOll G1oths aM iudo Shades . IN LARGE QUAT1TIES AND AT : I3ct-tcixi i'ric LACE CURTAINS A SPECIALTY r. I3.x'PwIIaIiE1. : , 1313 Farnam Street , - - - Omaha1 Nob. A. F/SHBLATT ' Fhvsiciall & Surgeon . . Offlee. 0511 ( its Omaha Nitlonol l3a.mmk. , . ! lsoaao.oftho Up. . ' .