Ii HE D IL T BEE. h , COUNCIL BLUFFS. ° ' Thursday Morning , Sept. 27 , sun9CRlrT1O $ 1tATF9 : Ir By Cartier - 20 cenb pet wee k fly Nil - - 810.00 pet Tea r OFFICE : o , T Posrl Street , Near Broadway , MINOR MENTION , SoolJoscph Ritcr's fall geeda. Additional loc. L on seventh page. Cheep R + ilrond Ticket. at Bullnell's , John N. Baldwin , Esq , , h to give a Itopubliean address at Avoca tonight. The lndie8 of the Baptist church are t e giro n Boeinl this evening at the church parlors , Oongreaeman BnrrowB , of Michigan , apaaks bore tonight. Everybody ahould hoar trim. Ln 11. Lake , of Clarinda , line bee l 1 writing solo rnttlmg campaign Bongo , y which are being readtfy taken up an d used. ' Jacob Sims , Esq. , went to Ilancoc k rr ycstordny to address the people tharenu a y cnthuso Ute ItopubBcans , as ho can d a when ho gets fairly at it , Tonight he i e 4 to speak at Walnut. The homo for the friendless has boo n E onerously remembered by H. It. Jones , the Broadway stove dealer , who haB presented sonted it with ono of the latest etylo d rrqunro haul coal heaters. / 4 The funeral of Mrs. James Mndden'was hold yesterday , and was very largely at tended , the long residence of the faml T here and the extent of their acquaintance causing many friends to joinin thopropor Showing cif respectostoom , , and sympa thy. this In the United Statoe court yesterday forenoon was taken up with the hearing he of motions etc. In the afternoon the blo Ciao of 0. halbers J ; Co. , of SL Louis , or vs. Allen ( C Co. , of Lennox , was called. need A jury was waived and trial had by the the court. It is a rain case and the ) roar from in was not completed at the hour of adjournment. be The complaint about the water works dirt company leaving ridges in the streets whore eir pipes are laid is offsotby the all com claim that the in haying its pipe packed tl0 dirt sol , nd tht heirb' the out only solid spot in a street' the rest being liana Sett , the wheels driven over it cut away the babe dirt on each aide , leaving thq n Blid ridge. then In the Supreme Court yesterday , an an , information was drawn up by Col. Dailey who it is understood is retained for tire as prosecution , charging Dr. Cross with enjoy murder. Coroner Faul signed the in as it formation , and a warrant waasqued , , Dr. hare Cross will probably not be brought up be for a preliminary examination until to and morrow , or perhaps not until Saturday , by . The dummy train ie to begin running to up Union avenue toBroadwaynext Wedn with cadsy bvcning , the first ono leaving park Omaha at G5O ; n.m , and the next a t can 8 o'cloclt , at which hour the first one of will also leave hero for Omaha , and on e parka will leave for each side of the river every hour after that during the day. The Dr. promise to have a dummyeroryhalf hour , will not bo met until the track gets sot. tied a little , and matters are a little more ' fully'nrrangod. The State Leader chronicles the fac t that the Plcher } Electric Light Construe lion company has established a local corn A floss in DoeMoines to control the busi . council thorn' and has ' commenced o era street tions with $100,000 caPital stock , pTh construction company is the same as tha justly which is now preparing to light Counci 1 cussing Illuffe , and is ofhcored by 0 , T , Bewott right president ; W. R. Vaughan , vice { sresi dent and treasurer , and Rufus IL I'ilch or , secretary. The company proposes t o daily establish cnmpanios , not only in De s ordered Moines and Council Bluffs , but othercit by lea in Iowa. given Mr. Alex. Burke returned yosterdn from the a oldicrs' reunion at Maryvillo y up in and roporta that all are having a ltapp 9 preferred time there , and the reunion is , n nu to reseed ' apocts provingsueeoasful as well as enjoy - Choir ablo. The leading features on the pro Chum , ammo for yesterday wworn a n waiting and grand revie , with addresses pb y to several. location the election of o f would ffcorsr ' the of a place for nox t in the your's reunion , drumming a soldier ou t ono For of camp addresses a sham ' , battle ' , of a all , The fa'q villo Pltore gives Conci 1 and 711ufTs credit by being represented by 7 6 keep veterans , but tere re hardly so mn y thin as that present from bore. dallying Last Thursday Mrs. S. B. Dow an d ea . N. Richards , of Dow City , wor a dition seriously injured while stopping frog „ proachae the passenger train at Vail. Thu train s Pact of late stop at that point se short n tint o condition that passengers have barely oraorua epportunit y to stop on or off the coaches , 'lho ludic s with wore assisted off the train by the brake but the t man , while it was pulling out , Mrs. Don V have failing heavily receiving such seriou a the intoral injuries as to permanently 5001(15 en her danger health. She was taken Yhoni e which in sleeping coach in the afternoon ant E passable is thought tbe in EY a critical condition Ii Y overt attending sh sicinns , 3lra. Richards i s leggings prostrated severe nervous shock 1'bo indignation Great sides indignation is expressed on It ( j bad ; and that , Lu rested the railwa and abandon tire Y company habit of tire eto tin city train , and lift oil 4 wit passengers on and h its a patent derrick of some kind. Th o perhaps Sympathins of all are extended the who in ulr ; jured ladies ad , hopes of their recover banging are . y ontortained.-Donfson Bulletin , muucod. IIE 801110 at IUDE9 Jll'C conrlug. still thorn - - - - - 1'EltSONALa long . rat all . Mr. If , C. Mason , who ddf that recently 11U remov od built bis family front this city to 1)akuta ) , whore 1 , o from Iwo a clalm , came down yesterday to lute but lhura r- view old frlonds , aLlny Chief Field wont to j.lncoln yesterday. that lion. Julie If.1'oterson of aitannptad , Burlington , w as soon at the Pacific yesterday , . in slsafs Therowas ii crowd o { wItnoeaes fnnplt ed uudlaturbea Oak at the Pacific yesterday , ready to tosti fy walh at in some case In the Uulted States Court , In have which W , M. obey iha Crowley , of lied Oak , fs t ho plalntlf. Among them were F' . It , Gr oo u , saran aidutvnik 1YI110 , Grant , Win. Redman , l' , 0. Sldpl oY , , rink 1. II. Towaor } , ua , A , D. Wheeler , Jd'rurn : , lharu oy and Ii. 0Mttckell. la like one d , B. Hall , of Burlington , arrived at rho aorta of Ogden yesterday , and addressed the Uwu , sldalvulk racy here last ovenIe. ' 1'ltaru A. S. Merriam vv atorwatka , of fluinoy , was.an . Og don house era ridges guest yesterday , sputa rat : E , IL Colburn , of Chicago , reached the i & for team 4051 yeaterday. order to E , S , Page , of Des Molaca , was In i lie c ity Places at yesterday. It eoaua Attorney J. IL Itunnella , of Des Mole es , rylug some for arrived yesterday. Council f . y a. 1'AI1t l0UNT 1'tlltii , TDoTnik About Addh9p ; to its Beauty anti C4nireliIcntm. The pres ence in the city of Mr. A. N , Carpenter , the landscape architect from Galesburg , III , , has Gluaed some talk about the improvement eE Fairtnoun rpark , the mayor Had council having bee n consulting with him , and netting at hi B ideas. Mr. Carp enter's method is unique and quite philosophic. Instead of planning rho work ache gees along , ho deco all hi s planning bnforohand , the first atop bale , , to get Uro exact data of distances , levels , points of rioa' , etc , , and then having gntlroroa rap ovary minute fact , prepare plan on this basin , providing far thoprac ticnlnswollnathobeautiful , so thntwhil 0 beauty is adios , Uw convenience and durabihtq of the work may be no less promoted. The plena being as accurntu ly prepares m those of nn architect of n house rho work can then be oxemltca in nccotvnnco { with the plan , In view of the tact that the necessary data Las not bent gathered yet , bin , Carronto ; r only gives hints as to what might be done IIe suggests that as the water works furni sh twnlatwtainn for the perk , that possibly it could be arranges to have into w ater supply put into n rotor- lake unit or little and the Guntniue then supplied trtnti this , they being n located low er dUN'Ih Titan ho suggests the possibil ity of having same little boil. ing springs and other water delights which could be nrrnngui with nary little coat , IIo also auggaaG9 some things can our corning n conservatory or observatory , /lower boas , n place to keep animals , arc. , all of which anggoationa are to be lion considered hi nlnking plena for future inl)9rarotnonte ) , One aE the most inter- esting sugg estions is the possibility of and having a Uuulol leading into the park , a novelty posacsead by no other park an country , so far as boats from. From what he has aeon of the lay o ! the land , for nil believes this is posablo , and practica and that the earl is such that in two throe plncan n bolo dug through would no further improvement , beyond approaches and water-ways to keep it free washin g away. 2:90 : Tito chief coat of such n tuition would are rho taking away of the dirt , and ne pull is neeaud for filling streets , rho coat then would be little. A park with n tunnel would be n novelty. maned. Of course those su ggestions cmfld not be carried iii one ' your or two years , but Mr. pate Carpenter's lion is in preparing plena to then so that n portion of the work , silo contain part of the ground souls be all { finished and be completed in itself , and that soother part could bo dons , and so arc anon sec tion complete , and yet all in hall nccordauco with a plat ranking thorn as one. In this way the public could and rho full bonolit of the work so far not progresses , whereas if a little is done p. and there all over tire sunk , it would of no sati sfaction until all completed , much of thoWOrk would run to waste boils ; left incomplete from ono season another. Mr. Carpenter is charmed rho natural scenery of Fairmount , as la Orot5'boaY w eooB it , and he peculia rly appreciate the possibility All making it one of rho most delightful 29 , in rho whole country. . . West , dentist , 14 Pearl atroot. of their 1tTIt E GTS AND 8UE1VAL1S , By mender TboEtutEllllKnnt161wvtiYay In Whiol a Imp rovements ern Math , . . . _ All good deal of the time of tire lea t Driving mooting was spent in diecusain B nested at and sidowalll improvements an d so , and yet if thane was loss die day and lase casein , and of ( ; more down B , steady work it would be bettor. . is in horrible condition , ospo lower Broadway , whore it w lilies up. The filling up ruse la t contract and thou ponnission w ItB to pr ivate property owners to fin 1 front of their own property if the Y to do so iuatun + of letting th o contra ctor du it. Several bavo uz At the mselves as ] rofarrin to d Praabytory onvtl f illing , and tihilu waiting fo , , shin , to do so they in 'cunt have hoe t byterial for arbors to grade u ' to rom so that their Iii l a riot ho n solitary dam of the P street. By thus waiting The the other , and. the city for thou rt toriau there has been no work done of into 0 . what has hoer done n scene only t the its pastor water from roanrag { elf , 1nu 1 Chu gntllors it in grant pools , The dilly Austin w ay of doing business line cans E , 1t Broadw ay to boceuu in n horrible con , and now as cola weather Ingo , there Baulna n rap grc pretty goad for the pros society's work to renew in n bu all winter. The council ten The th e contractors a the to ; ; o right alien twocn Chu work and cenltlotu it at once , lug co ntractors hesitate demo na rho J to the ammo doubts about the f legality a praeueaings. The whole matte r of Corning Seven bialy mixed , na the mud iisul { iha ' now makaa the arrant almost iw , and the aiauHnika dnngurau duly to w aders with rubber bouts rat d Among , were con dition of Main of Siaao strout is ale ° Samuel thus the hrupriuci flu streets , n Cnasott Bruuatva , are u die ruco { u Red grahnnahusiuoss hindrance i 0 Russell , Some tinro no ilroro an , old roaidtuta , still 1tv Morrison can toll lrhan , the work u Campbell Missouri M aui atrogt to up groan emu . 'lho filling lea boot douu , nut 1 lug ; rho steno curbing put in , bit t are long of the coot , gaps nation ram 1 ' ' stretc hes Wlroru tlrotu is no sidaWnll t 1'ltosll. Thu council hna issued mtotho br ick sidewalks , ton foot avian : SPEC al eng bell , allla8 of ] lroadsvny Sixth ' ' : atrouuo to Sixteenth is about the lttonuo 1 Found , To and trouble in sumo praspcht u f lug , etc „ executing the also ' cha racterizes 1' nano of ' 1'IN : Chu other worn ' by iha , ' ' } : city 1'Jroro nr U wrllou , gaud plant ; walks dose It Pearl , a nd tlncau will Strout probably bu luf , ' 'That thusu tuber ltutro u a all will kick baususu ' plank Wlrlka aria tJtoeo wh e y Tualtax not caugwllud t I ) canto n w order Ilnd lay 1 > L'1L'i i , ' ' lots ; 'f'lie's nr I , 1,1rAATlili-A , tut1311ud , and Chu tilling et ih will hntTlly t AR'I'IA it. washes support a uric ] lichen's awltp gradually d - , un lie stay iu btucu T Ah : up the walk , Ply at ut _ 1/lank. In fact there is at ] t trouble Uu'untaned before th eras , amt bu enforced. Oll . is uleq cmuplnlut tools that atk wlwru tl I U } car Had a a coonsnny } has hid Graf . pi sea thou o jrer d.y in souu , plncua anti T UII niho tanking iha etraats auulw ba d U .lt , , Ituhu s , The council line I v O ItEN1'-A issued have n Il lav the company liz all iha ( e soulhMwllwm ereo , ' 1'TOItBAI.II ovidunt that them suet bo Tooth radical change iu the iAa1INU Byaieu of c t r Urals ward public improtumuule j „ with all walcrn ' ' B1uICT , 1'Itvro are enough loran. Ap n C- Codicil I { ions taken on paper , but when it comes 1. practical work there is no and to the CUtIIrhG1ti0 ( nlr(1 icinsgs , ItT:9I'13CT AN11 SY311',1T11 , Expresalons Unlhxl forth by 11r , file . ] Gore's llca111-The 1 uueral To tlny , Special Dispatch tn'fug lilts , DflnvvlLhn , Mo. , Soptmnbor 2i.-Th ( veteran ass ociation , now holding its re union and mooing here , this afternoon passed resolutions of sympathy to ill 0 family of tke late Ur , A , B. DlclitJno assistant surgeon of the association , an d deploring his untimely death , tht ) tosoltt Lion being naopioa by n standing vai 0 and with much manifestation of doe 0p fueling , Aunorr , orlratt nunoi.UTIONS. The following resolutions have boot t prepared and adopted by the Council ] lluifs medical society : irllRttEAa , ' 1'110 Tito of our friend and naAncinto , D r. A , B , McIono , lies bee n suddenly nod ruthlessly taken by th 0 baud if the assassin , Resoircrl , That while we stand tip pulled raid horror-struck at the terrible and quite u nhooked for trnga ly , yet we desire to ex press the high estimation in which we held our isle tallow. As n so cioty we shall mica a genial associate eta well educated and accomplished phyai clan-as oitizone , one of the foremost. m business circles , the moat active and helpful in all matrons going to build city. up Iltaoluc9l , That womost deeply sympa- thize with the family of our deceased brethec fn this their dark hour of altlic ; and Ilcaoocd { , Thal these resolutions be spread upon ilia records of the society , a copy of the same be handed to Dire. MoKune , and also n copy given to the daily papers of thin city and to The Jour. of thoAmorican Medical Association , publication , TIn [ FCNSnAL To-DAY. The fune ral aorricba are to be ho ] d the residence on First avenue at o'clock ' this afternoon. The veterans Np expecte d to attend in n body and th 0 bearers have been selected from nun from the medical fraternity. ATTY.NTIOx , SOLDILtlN AND BAILUIIS. You are e arnestly requested to pnrtici in rho [ uncial ceremonies and pro ccssaou of our lamented comrade , soldier brother , Dr. A , B. DicKuuo , this ntuntoaa rat 2 o'clock , and to the oil a suitabl e arrangements be made yo u requeste d to assemble at the G , A , R this aiornouu { promptly at 1 , ' 17ti invitation is intended to tcnah ealaier s comrades not inclddod and who nr se menbors of the G , A , R , to join the A , R , in doing honor to rho remain I him who in life honored our ranks. ' D B , DRILY , W. F , sAPP , JoluN H , KEATI.ET And others. ATTANTION , At < S LINOOLx. comrades of Abe Lincoln post No G , A. R , , are requested to meet a t h9.adquartera at 1:30 : o'clock Thurada Y afternoon , September 27 , for the ( rurpos 0 attendin g in a bed the funeral o : NF / ] ate Dr. A , 13 , DicKuno ardor of John oz , senior vice cam , DR DRIVING PAIIR STOUKIIOLDE1tS , N , stock holders in the Council Blu 1f a Park and Fair association are to S to moot with the hoard of direct , rho o ffice of the Iowa and Nebraska a Insurance company , on Broadway , Thera . J , morning at 0 o'clock , for tire purpose Draft making arrangements to attend Dr. A Dialuna's ' funeral D , ' T , J , HAIIT , President , Titan. Dowbcsx , Secretary. T1IL I'IiI:311YTEltY , ( I . Doles Yesterday , nail Tlroe ° - - 1'rcaent. the mooting of trio Council Bin flag ] yesterday , Itov , 1Y , J , Ilnr of Om aha , pastor of the First Pros HUWE church of that city , was invite a seat , and tnndo nu honorary ntonlba r LINDT body. clerk read a cull from the Prosby church of Austin , ill. , to Rav. I' ' EDV Ballard , of Corning , Iowa , to bocouna 0 , together with the approval o I Ohicno ; ( I roabytury , of which th ° REVE church is n motnbor. , Davis , of the Presbytery of Chi and r epresenting the Austin con anon ' , a1toku in rile interest of the I , request for Rav , Mr. Ballard. request inns complied with an a pastoral relationship existing be Rev , Mr. Bullard and the Corn church , was dasolvaa error liatuuin ramnrka of Elder S. C. Ncwcouno , in behalf of that society. ' D1lATBON c andidates for wuulberslip , it 1 1'rbabytary were Present and won e rocoired , thosol present at the session the following : Rev , II. Ii , Dye George ] t , Carroll of Logan I , D1cCnuu Crouton David lV MAX , of ] smorenn ; Goot o Ainaliu Oak ; John llurran , of Atlantic ' i Austin , Belford ; Joseph DI , Canoga Springs ; Meek II COUNCIL , Orient ; Solomon N. Vail V alley ; Frank O , Ballard , Corn I Win. Blackburn , V9disat ; R , E Flickangor,1V5t1ndt ; Jmnus ! harry Mail Clarinda ; Chita , Ili ltrucn , ] lianh r ; . L ewis , Nm91i : , IAL NOTICES . Nlll'1Ct-Stwclal alrurtlreurepb , noel , as IAw t , luau , For & 110 , To nicer , 1Yauts , ilea ' will bu Dreerioti hr ibis alunm at iha le Ir UIiNTB I'IIt : iINh : fur tire Ilrot Inevrtlo Irn cud'lflCLYFBfIatLINL'tar cxclreub + cqucuth r. Lease mhortlsemade at ourotuco , No , 7 , near Rau nosy WANTS , ANl'hU-hloq : Laq w Cuuuc I lllut s to to. cuk. Uollrorud by wrrlrrat only Uvmd ) ' - boy , w Ilh tang , to thliter Tits list rt : ' , 1'wci 91U llnwdn lief class coat , at j : x,02 TID-A iooJ lioiAe Itarotrlee. fa gtnotal . A _ _ - FOR BALE AND BENT , S.thlUlt and : nlNl'-A : butcher hulae.eallh all Qxhrrea uecesAAq , has for ilia n st lull , and la at prcaanl , Illling , one tat AOdron bl , 11. llerortJ ; , Ne.bt , lml ge ShcA-A : glean ST fat boron , at p at Mxcv tYlre'a , bonsai u , ' - idnly fundsfl ul fur , one A61logeutlrwcu ahrul. , at Sirs. A , A , sralth v,1 or 11omu and lot , northwcat oomar of and druadway. Jona t1' . llAlau ' tususrroR : dnLE out iuNl 'r1 n 1 v4 T , , 10Ghogspurda ly to uppliautor doll lurnto.t : tar wale ur laUQa UUhId/ DAY , la , , Srptowber 10 , 155 8. tVk e'ekr.1a . . Its : , . „ Em kIe ' Hardware Co . H " r . , WRO.L13f51ALeTs1 K Hardware' ' _ _ . } - 4a ! 100 and 111 S. Mai * Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA 1'IIOL1rSAT + E DEAL1atS IN 9 HA TSCAPS 342 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Prut ! Coillecti olien Parties , Suaablos ran ] I'1cmcB supplied short on notice all panto of the . , and goods delivered t c city. Vieura Bread , and Pies , Fine Cigars , W. T. BRAUN'S ' European Restaurant 404 West. B roadway , , COUNCIL BLUFFS HOU SES , LOTS AND LANDS ISought 4a7nd 19o1d. Morse Loaned , Abstracts Furnished x , . . No. 4 Pe arl Street , J. - Mod - ! 7CON - - COUNCIL BLUFFS MAYNE & PALMER DISALEit9 IN Lime L uisville& MICIifOAN PLASTEE , tIA1R Ah'D sSWEIt PIPE , , 639 Broadway - - IL1IID AND SOFr COAL AT LOWEST PRIME. - - COUNCIL FLUFFS , IOW A' SMITH & TOLLER , a 1 114 ! If. Iql . 1 I- w t x ' - , I CD 1 n D , ' - P W sic an : aiores 7 and 9 Main Street , aIR7IIGITORY , C10IINCJ7 Ls $ L77FI'H , x.- . JOHN BEND & Cl ( , , GENERAL ' 10 Main street ud 17 Pearl street. A 'p'n n MOHN , Oroceq , 916 Mnia Street. II rtel , 217 and 410 Male street , , 3 , F , WHITE 400 , alyd etaln TTlta ComerlHnlrt Fifth up denea , 008 WIB.w.ranae. SC S URZ . JUSTICE OF TILE PEACE , OSlco over Americas Express. S , VAGNER LWERY AND FEED , , WID contract tor tanernls at reasonable rates. 22 Fourth droek M , Sr I , JOHN & COCA + rH BUYERS Wholeaalobuttereggspo ul N. „ , by return mail. 140 Broadway. trwd fruit. Ship to A , BENEDICTrSIG OaleE837aBroed o Ooundl Blase , Iowa. work JACOB KO CH , - Stock CompleU. auhllnlde at eaeonaLlo prltta No , 805 Dtaln St , F , SMITH. CONTRACTOR BO . ' CONTRACTORn AND BUILDER , 'Corner 7th and Broadway. n , , SHERMAN DEALER IN FINE IiAIINESS. , I Hare rho variety that brings patronage , 124 binln street. JAMES FRA.NEY , ArklstioWotk nand reaeonablo charges. 872 Broadway. Corner ' & SON FURNITURE STOVES , ) and llnuecholJ Supplies. 304 Broadway. & HART , James Block. ATTORNEYS AT LAW , I'rnctlco in elate and lotiernl courts. SANITARIUM And bath house , 421 and 429 . . Broadway. I. , . , , Sovereign gomcry , bh ll. Phyatclan. Prop. J Mon t Le V IN J ABBOTT , JUSTICE OF TILE PEACE , Notary Publla and Oenoral Conveyancer. 416 Droalway , RE HOUSE SS11TI1&NORTON , , Broadway opposite Now Opera house. Refitted 81 , 81,60 , > Cr day SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , CL DEALERS IN F1'OYlSiOIIS , INYMIGRA'Y'ION AGaNTI . ; TILE BANK 0 } ' IRELAND , DUBLIN , FOIt BALE , 993 DROADY AY , COUNCIL DLUFFB We g eoace , tatrh , all lompl ' ralda ; anti CRESTON' HOUSE , and The , I blend , MORN 000,1 = - - - y PROPRIETOR , ii0w7i 21ir , 27.7 4aisd : 27 , > J fs. Ma1xs f3troot , Add mss BLUFFS , - - . - - - - IOWA 17 MRS. D. A , BENEDICT , KLB NCI A „ kinds TILE LE.1DINO anleho ti , DNALEII IN menu I buudln gr , clws w ark ru Oa . 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. ® P I I " EL' O f k ENURICKS & RACE Cn ' Esfa TAILORS ors , lao " ' ' ' VU. M AIN 'R EE COUNCIL BLUFFS. ' BLUFFS.cU FALL WINTER Rail Errata . . bla , OCK NOW COMPLETE , r ( OR EMBRACING AY NOVELTIES U ' Tire Mrc.t To of W oo dan BE FOUND ELSEWHERE 0 rrpnIc cs. rs , tom /art V yean YOUR TRADE rs SOLICITED In lIng all I U and ' sdm BYed ; Jn h f 1 IOt98. . - . - . , . I . I t..s rma 1 Spe cial Sale for Thirty a sg -COltIi3tENCING- k ' .7.r .t A , 1 j . To reduce our stock and make roam for a large etackof FAL L AND IIOLIBAY GO UPS , I We oiler at reducedprices ; our stock of i ' 1 PHOTOGRAPH AND'AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS , t ' Pocket Books Purses & Ladies' Arm Bags , i FANCY G40DS0 Steel Engravings and Other Pictures---Cabinet - - - Photograph - graph Frames , Parlor Easels , JC' .r w 74ir. . . ° 1 ° rtaY11. WALL POCKETS AND BRACKETS , , D11 9 7 Consisting of all kind of . Baskets---Clothes Baskets and Hampers. ALSO A LARGE' ASSORTMENT OF OTHER GOODS. a1i11 Pay You to Calll and Look at Our Bargaixs. ' 1 H E. SEAMAN , 4 \ Broa dway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Mo del earl Laundry ! 712 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. A. CHRISTIANSON ' , - - - roprietor. " Has "I just opened a new and well fitted steam . , Please give me a trial. laundry. Guarantee good . ' ' r IF YOU WANT , OTS , SHOES OR RUBBERS CALL ON 1 7 Main and First Avenue , Council Bluffs. Ho has Thera. N EW 000DSI a I JUST RECEIVED A 7 I > ; lam' I' V R N I l5t XX I IG t ? t 7 ail , NOTIONS , LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S ' HOODS , Zephyrs , Cormuntown . . . Yarns , Ribbons , Locos , Jewelry , Etc. At DIRS. D. A. B ) + ; NDJCT'S. ' 3t7 ; Tlrnndwnv. Cmmnil Rlufra Tnurt PR E ® R N ® PAY. , IgxLOAM in eral Springs ! nmm n tco the taro of the following named dls erne y : fthaumntlsm , Scrofula , Ulcers , Ca n eland Skin Unsensne , Uyspc rsla , Liver alit , Asthma Kidney , and Bladder lllscaerw , bout , Non- c611ltatcd are the lnrorlto resort of the tired , and are the Feeble Ladies' boat 1otEl , Livery and Ilathing accommodations. highly plcturesquo and healthy , cgwndtaco sollclted , Ito , , ) [ , b ! , TIiOJiP:30N,1anager. : [ Siloam , oeutryCo.Ito ov elty Works NO1tT1l S1AINST , , COUNCIL llGUF1s & JUREY PRO P R IEmORS/ of repalring. Furniture / repaired 01111 Chairs re-called mid no seated. oleterlug , Gooks , hell , 01111 llrctrlo All ipetru kinds 6 ceaking Tubes tort In old or 110W . t lrcye fitted mid Stoles repaired , 1'IrrG g uaranteed. Olw Ls a trial. OYPICan , II. a. TUBKT , ' I CER & PUSE 1 ' : . uncllllluQs la. Gllslfea - - 1850 } 6rourlths in I'urglen and Doausila CLChmrgaaud ! - - a Vi 1U4j1-5 1r7t1 8 U shoe of the Peace. depo ' Il , Omaha and Cowlcil T3lutfs , sad collection aronoy , n Oiti Fellow's orort9arlnt ( sank , Jan6n GAN , KELLER , & CO „ 'UERAKERSe a ? gustily sad largte9 stock west of Chicago a nd Metntta . Cases. Calls attended to a/ We defy competition In quality of goods O ur Jlr aorganhauutrdnAundertake , One thoroughly understands line buel t1'arerooma,9ll Drwdwey , UI'110L9TEIt1N0 lroacha promptly an.nded to ; also a.ryel lambrequler. nllbouldokl. 7etgnphlo sad waB COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE The following are rho Irmo o ! annual anti departure t trains from the local depots. The trains start from thoUnion lhrcltlo depot shout ten minutes earlier ' than below elated , and arrive at the depot about tea mhmtca ] star. Tr ains on looter lines and K. 0. run on Chicago rhea a hall hour than local. nVnbash , 9t.i + ndstime , twenty minutes trains run on faster than locate P , and Lincoln trains U. ran an Council DIuQs time , ' ci110Ao0 , ROCK 1sLa w AND CACIYIC. , Urart , Arrive. Atlantic'ExtbAp.m : , , . , , , Ex and } inll'ObOa ; , m , Ex and Mail' ; m . .0:5 : , Ds p m. blolncepo . ,7ISam. Dee binlucs ae.,0 bS p , m. c1110ano , svarloorow AND QOINCT. Dctark. Arrlvc. Chicago ] : x'.695 ; Connell . : DuQaez,0A5 , Mail and Ex . , , .OV6 m I Moll slid Lx „ 700 ; p , tn , cm11CAoo anti NOayagwssron , . Depart , Arrive. Atlantis Exp,6:15 : p , m. Paciao k Fzt.,0a6a , . m. } loll and Ex , ,020 , . ; a m. b1a11 and Ex' Accom „ 016 ; p , m. ( ) , , , , , ; , , p m Accom ( Mon ) . .1:45 : p. m. saAso9 CITY , lIT. JOa AND COUSCIL sLCrrs Ilepart. Arrive. } tall and Ex..065 ; a , m , . . . , , , , , , : p , m. I SIa11 and Es. . , „ .0:45 b:35 : : p p , , m. m. USIoN raClslc. Depart. Arrive , Overland Ex.,11:30am. : Overland 6z,400 , ; m , Linc p oln Ez.,11:30a.m : , Denver 6x.B:00atn. : Den ver , , , , . , : , . ' : . . , , , . ; , . : , , , , . , , , , . " , , , . , , : a , m , , , , . . , , ; , , " LX . . . . . .600 a. no. wARAelf , bT , WUI6 AND maCinc Depart. Arrive. Mall and } : , . , . , ; a. m. Mail and Ex.4:90 , , I p m .a nuon Bail , . .A:50p.m. : Cannon ISa11..1105nm ; , Qloux cciv M ) I AClrlc. , , Depart. Arrlvo For Sioux ' 0 ,755 ; a , m. Rrm Slouz Clta 0:50 : p.m. Foil' + ItNlobrara } 'nnFort Niobrara Nab ' ' . , , , . .7:6a.m , , , , : . , , , ' : , . ( For . . . , . , : ur , From 8tPaul „ BbOnm. ; CIuCAUo , NILwauorR ANU eL t'AUL , Leaves Omaha , Aulvesat " Mall andl.z.745 . a , , ; ' : . . , Omaha. . ; . i Atlautin Ex , . , , 990 ; p , m ; 3fa11 and Ex , . 75 p. m All trains dally , Cr11CA0o , RuLwavKxa Aas ST , PAUL. L eaves CunncllRlnlfs. Ance.Council fall and IX . . . . ' 0:20 : a , nr , lfaa and tx.055 : 1iIuQs , Atla ntic . . l ; p , m . COUKCIL lx..rb,5 : sLOen ; p , nr , Atlantic 1x.190 : ; a , pr. L eave Unmclllsluas A59 osslu 51115Cr IAILw AT. a GeaAO Omaha , ' n. In. , 0 a. nn . 10a . , ut , 1. a , 18 0 , uL 0 a , In. IOa. in. 11 , . , an. 6 , . . , , . . . ru. 0i'lu btrwi 4 . S p , nr. t1) . la. ors run hall hourly to rho Union I acl0e t. On Sunday rho card Gc'hr o'clock a , m , uuti run regtdarly Suring their trips of 0 29 , bb , and 0 0' slack , and run to city rho lime. day n10 , a R , RJice YL B , CU11CLlS nrothertumors removed wRhwt ho [ 16ttlle or drawing of L1ooJ , CHRONIC D1SIASESD1bladaaApuclall ; , , Uverthirty years practical experbuce. Odin Earl start , Council II1lQr , No , LfConsultaaon tree. Mrs , H , J. Hilto1 IL B1 , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 2 2 ) : roadway , CouncU B1ufa. ,