Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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    _ &
I - . . . _ . _ 4' _ . . r.w m. . . , . rrW . . .r. .
' ' < rrrlE DAILY . UMAIIAa. IIURSAYS aIB1 1L a7 , 11E I
i ' Tl1 r OMAHA BEE.
P'I611 + bed every moming , sxcept 8nndsy , me
0n13 Mondsy morning dally ,
t0..aaraAlt. _ _
' ne Yenr. , $1a.OOIThreeMonUu,
Sit tontns , . . . , 6.OIOneMonth , . . . . . . 1.03
nma wxxxtr tsx , y0stunxssvrar.trsnsvsoAr.
OneVear. . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , , .S 6e
Six Months , . . . . . , . . 1.00 One ) tnnth. . . . . . , . r0
American Ness Compeny , So14Agents'-hewrel + tl
Sr. In lb. U. kd 8tetea. ,
'A Onrelalaatlnn.reletlnrtehews.adGllterl.t
rotten sboadd be oldres + ed to tte Hetram"er , T1n
IratxaM Lw1TEtta.
All na aeos Letters and itenlttaeoes'saenll ; be
addressed le Tn. 13. . Psnuimae OsarAwT , O.AUA.
Irett. , Checks aid Poatotfce order to be made p17 °
Chin to the order or the oomreay.
GnNP..IALGRAYT donlos that ho le in
favor of Conkling for Prosidant. Btt
what if ho 1s ?
To Gi iiAi IIAZex : 'Como again
with another bogus froat prediction.-
alnny CMcupo Broken ,
VntOINiA is preparing to unhorse lior
I boaq. It begins t ° look very much as if
eweot Bill Mahone must go.
Tiunr ; is a great deal of supproeeod
harmony among Nebraska Ropublicane ,
but it is like pulling tooth to draw it out.
i i 1tEAL estate epoculfttion fe not high in
t Omaha , but the tranafora continue to
, , keep the county dork'e oflico in a etato
of activity.
lr le rumored that General Pope is to
move hia hoadquartera to Chicago after
November let. From the eaddlo to Chi.
sago is eomothing of a change.
Tira title of "the Lid of Hell" lies in
dispute botwoeu Japan and Java. "Mr.
Laird thinks it ie lecatod eomewhoro near
the hoadwatere of Stinking Water crook.
By the time the Hon. .TnmosLairdgota
through pounding Nebraska oditore who
m dare to criticiso he ncta ne a public man ,
ho will ho in condition to join the Sulli
van Slado combination.
i _
Tara husband of Mrs. Colby hae boon
nominated for ju + iga in the First die ,
trict over Judge Davison , one of Gov-
: Dawoe appointees. Mr. Colby
won't know what struck him after eTc
ties day ,
i PAUL VANDEnvooltT has packed Itie
grip Back and etartod for Washington.
Vandorvoort will return a sadder and a
wiser man. A eight of the charges on
i file against hint in the Postef ice Depart ,
matt , will 1trobabY l cause him to change
; + hia decision that Mr. Gresham "muetgo. "
HAytua built his road to the Pa0ifi0 ,
Mr . Villard is not to be given an oppor
tuttity oven to celebrate his achiovomon t
.S fn' ' ponce. The bears iA Wall stroob insis t
' that ho shall pt once demonstrate h ( s
' ability to manage as wall as to create
1 Tito downward tendency of the Villa r
etocita indicates that that the coming
gtilway magnate of the far Northwest
has only begun his labors. It is one thin g
to build a road and another to manage i t
so na to make its securities attractive
The Wall etroeet doasonstration is a
warning to Villard that it is time to con k
the bottle andgot down to business.
'fits council has wisely decided to sub
mit a proposition for $100,000 in pavin
bonds to the voters of Omaha at the November
vombor election. Wo say wisely , be
cause the carrying of the bonds this fal
will permit the prompt prosecution o
paving oporatfone as soon aaepring opens
while if the matter is delayed until tit
oily election in April , it will be midsum
ter before contracts can ho lot and th
work begun.
# Omaha has made an excellent begin
11 ' ning in paving. The principal streets of
We business portion of the city an
alronly under contract , and most of the
will ho completed heforo scow falls. flu
Farnant and Howard and Dodge , and th
unpaved parts of the connecting ere
streets must be improved next year ,
we expect to receive the full benefit °
the paving already done. With rivers
mud on each side of our few pave
atreots , cloanlinsea is out of the gaeetiol
Two weeks of our January thaw will
sulliciemt to cover the streets with mu
dragged from the adjacent blooks , Al
Loavy rain at the present time discoun
the advantages of Douglas and Naru °
streets. Paving must go on.
Bin. Lafan is in a quandary , IIe Ii
ta'ncn legal advice as to what he had ho
fur do to break the force of the churg
glade against hits in flue Stinking 1Vat
rlatlur. Tim opinion has not eeoth
his soul. Substanliallvstated , it is
the uffeet flat the honorable gentler
trout Stinking Watter creek "had Lott
p do nothing. " bir. Laird is ranch in ti
condition of the intoxicated guntloln
who clung with all the madness of dc
poration to a lamp poet at 3 o'clock in ti
and who tilus ' '
morning , roliligllined ;
I lietg on ( hie ) I'll heave up my ii lot
dal soul , arid if I lot go 1'11 brook my '
fernal neck , " The gentleman fr
fitfnking Water iiae had three wcckA
disprove the specific charges made again
hhn. A fieludly 6tatu prose , led by t
J&publlean , is appealing frantically
hltn not to be so backward about cgpi
forward. But ho still hangs on , In A
Third's ' present position it is a quosti
between his Imutortal 6oul and his Poll
cal Hock.
What can tlto honorable gcntlou m
F from the creek with the odorifo
name do t
Who will extricate him from bLt d
pirate quandarytl
° . , * are : + ecr' acmF .YAUyc unANi * ° ta r ° urfsn .
The people of Nebraska care very little
what the political complexion of their
eupremo benchm nifty ho. Bltt they care a
great deal that its mental and moral complexion -
plexion shall ho of the proper shade.
They are naturally anxious that none
but honest mon of established reputation
and acknowledged efltcioncy shall Inter.
prat the state constitution and adjudicate
questions on appeal from the lower courts ,
They know enough to know that small
Lorain lawyers and pettifogging attorneys
anti men without judicial experience
ought not to be elevated to the aupreme
court no matter what their politics or how
extended their services to party.
They know enough to know that the
heat qualifications for a good judge are a
local reputation and the confidence of
friends and neighbors in the enndtdnte'n
ability aria integrity , a confidence gained
by years of practice and of judicial expo-
The man who line them gtlali6atimis
is the man whom the people of Nebraska
want as the succosmr for George B ,
L.Tko. It matters not whether ho b0 n
ltopublican , a Democrat , or an Anti.
ilfonopolist , or whether ho is ondoreod
by any two of those political orgnniza
Iii addition , the voters of this stale
will prefer , among other things , that the
candidate shall have secured his noritina
lion without suspicion of seeking the
office , and that no taint of political cor
ruptitn shall hang around the methods by
which ho was placed before the people.
They will insist that there in a greater
dignity connected with the nomination of
a supreme judge than there is with that
of a county commissioner.
The office is a broader one and needs a
broader man , a professional one , and de-
mange a candidate of high attainments , a
judicial one , and calls for peculiar quail.
ties of character.
The candidate who combines ability ,
integrity and dignity in his mental and
moral composition , will ho the right man
for the supreme bench.
James W , Savage fills the require.
Mayor Chase has properly refused to
sign the ordinance replacing the paving
bonds of last year's iaauo with others
drawing a heavier rate of interest , The
soumidoat legal opinions of our best law ,
yore aupport the view which the Mayor
takes of the matter , which is that the
former issue was in every respect legal
and that the city is firmly bound by the
securities as originally sold.
If such is the case , it would be the
Imoight of folly to replace the five per
cents , which were disposed of at a good
premium , by bolds bearing six par cent ,
simply to satisfy the scruples of certain
eastern capitalists. If htlio parties t0
whom the Omaha National offered the
bonds in the first place fool disincliiied t °
accept thorn on the grounds that the In w
authorized a six per cent and not a fiv °
per cent security , no doubt other inves
tore will ho found to take them off thi °
I hands of the Omaha bankers , At th °
same time it is fortunate that tit
question of the validity of tin
issue under the charter wil l
be passed upon by our courts , Omaha'
credit line been and is deservedly high '
Our bonded indebtedness , in proportio n
ttl our property valuation , is excoedingl Y
small. Our taxation per capita is lows
thole that of any ethtor city of our sire i n
. the country. That credit we canno
g afford to have lowered , more eepeciall
. as we shall ho forced to borrow more o
. leas heavily for a number of years t
1 come in order to prosecute a scheme o
f systematic public improvements , Th
, bank and its correspondents may rest as
o eurod that if there is any defect in thoi
title to the bonds , or in the obligation o
o the city to moot principal and interest oi
tlto securities as they mature , that defoe
will bo healed ,
The mayor and council are correc t
o however , in refusing to assume that th
n bonds are not legal and valid until that
t illegality and invalidity hiss been unmi s
o takably shown ,
Tin ; T1fdDX OUTLODIti ,
if Every day of sunshine is worth the u
f sands of dollars at the present time t
of time country , The unfavorable woath
a of last week and prodiotions of hear
t , frost which fortunatel not
, ) were rca
b0 loci , tended to disturb the general ma
tl kets. There was also a slight incren
rY lit failures and a decrease in bank cb ate
to lugs. Still the volume of legitlma
Y bueinoes is incrcaeingsteadlly , and , whi
there is a manifest disposition to gua
against ovortradiiig and oxcitolnent , ti
as condition and surroundings of trade ge n
t orally are moro satisfactory and cacao
is aging. Thu jobbing trade at all points , b
or especially in the west and northwest ,
od progressing favorably , and 1ncreas
to activity is noted In many branches of ti
on manufacturing trade in the Jsl iddle Stat
ur and Now England , Mureantile cello
ino tions are represented ae satisfactory
en laolt departments , and the moneta
1 Situation continues easy anti favorab
e for commercial borrowers , riotwithstau
'If ing the increasing rognirenonte of tier
or west and south fur time niarkoting of ti
m crops ,
ant Speculation in wheat during thu wo
to was toward the close quite active , but e
tat port business continued light , althuu
Ito ( lie inquiry for wheat considerably it
( o proved , 'rho shlpmouts from Atlas
ug ports for the week aggrogntod about'
lr , 000,000 bushels , half wheat and hi
on corn , 'l'imo visible supply stateue
tt slows an inercaso of 061,000 bushels
wb at and 1,100,000 bushels of cox
ot Seaboard stocks of wheat sruro 1,109,0
trove bushels more titan the week vrec
jag , and 4,418,000 mono thee
oe this time last year. The stock
corm on thtu seaboard is a
lerger by 630,000 bushels as compared
with last week , and 1,302,000 , bushels as
compared with the stock n year ago.
The price of wheat cmltinucd to decline
until the middle of the weak , when it
was about 3c lower than at the close of
last week ; later the drift of values has
beengenernlly upwardand more than half
of this decline was recovered. A bet ,
ter fooling has been promoted by the improved -
proved inquiry for export and a general
falling off in receipts at western centres ,
and there is evident confidence among
operators that the market has tonched its
lowest point for the present. The latest
Government estimate of the total yield of
spring and winter wheat is 416,000,000 , ,
bushels , The Pacific coast id reported to
have raised 16,000,000 bushels more than
its avoragoyteld , but thin cannot ho made
available for buyers in western Europe
during the crop year owing to the fact
that the tonnagu supply is inadequate to
move it before next August.
Corn fluctuated considerably declining
ht all markets early in the weak , but
pricea reacted sharply towards the close ,
owing to reports of frost.
ht title state wholesalers and jobbers
are doing a largo and increasing business
and report trade prospects as unusually
good. The wltolesalo clothing trade
and the general jobbing trade in
miec ° llaneous dry goods have continued
active. Retailers all over time country
arc buying with apparent confidence in
the prospects for a prosperous season.
The distributive trade in nearly all lines
of manufactured goods has improved , an d
a good fouling pervades the markets.
CimicAao has laid the corner atone fo r
its new technical school. If properly
conducted , our technical schools in thin
country can perform good service to the
young men of this country. Dr. Franci e
A. Walker , time cfliciemmt and enthusiastic
head of the Boston Institute of Technol
ogy , is reported to bo doing excellen t
work in the way of inducing many of the
boys of that city to become mechanics
The tonduney of boys generally in thi s
country , especially during the last twon
tyfive years ; has been in favor of adopt
ing one or the other of what is called tlt o
learned professions , and the result ahead Y
reached is that , with time exception of tb
clergy , the learned professions are al
overcrowded , and the law and medicine
which. in time country's earlier days , wer 0
broad , strnlghtt roads to lmonor an d
wealth , are no longer so ; indeed , it ii i
only in exceptional cases that they an e
nut time narrowest , crookcdest , roughee
and longest roads of all to fame or riches
They are filled to overflowing with youm
mciiof fair ability , struggling doeperatel Y
for the bare necessaries of life , Bet th
places which technically educated me
cltanica should fill are generally empty
for mechanics is not considered a profc s
stoim , and our boys have preferred fader
in a profession to success in the wor k
shop. If Dr. Walker or any othe
teacher can convince thorn that mocha n
ice is a certain road to prosperity , an
can iuduco our boys to take to it , ho i
one of the greatest of public benefa c
tore , Mechanics is just such a road i
° this country , which is teeming with al
° sorts of material to be lnammufacturod. It
le is the highest technical education that iof
e required for time proper development of
tlmie great mass of natural wealth , an
tlio mechanics who have that sort of ed n
cation will for nmany years find the wa
r to success an easy one. Such a mechani
need not work with his hands , but wit
t his brains ; plan schemes , invent and hr
r prove nmachimory , ' manufactorioe , rai i
r roads , mitten , furnaces and forges , an
e all that results through labor from their
f The learned master mechanic roust lon
° be in America the most imoeded , becau
the most useful of its citizenss. That
r inevitable when there is so much lnecha n
f ical work to be planned amid done.
I ; Tue eastern prose are still epeaki
words of oncouragemeat to Paul Vande
, voort in his sorrow , amend title is how U
° Philadelphia Press pours the balm
r kindly interest into time wounds inflict °
by Postmaster General Grealmam ;
Tkero has recently been oxlmibitod
the outraged gaze of the long sulTri
public another act of that official tyrane
o .o characteristic of Waelmington Priva
or Paul Vandorvoort Lae been discharge
As we undoratand time situation , M
1 Vandorvoort was is the post
r service , having his official habitat
ee Omaha or some town in tll
r vicinity. The versatile soldier was a1
to commander of the Orand Army of the R
Ie public. It n.tinfrequontly happened th at
rd while the postal service was loudly calli
Io Ott the distinguished soldier to anch
himself at his office , the Orand Army w
r ettllmoro clameromisly inviting hisatte
ut tionelsewlmure. With patriotic disregard
is his personal Interest , he hear
ed ensd unto the latter call , f
ma which act he ha. been deprived
ea further opportunity of lislraing for ti
c former. Time tyranny of the Pcstmast
in General in thus turaing this hero ado
17 upon a cheerless world becomes glaring
to manifest on reading his defense. I
d says that during the past fiscal year
o was absent ( rum duty only 265 dn ) '
to Now the last fiscal year , like every oth
Anmeroari ; year ( except leap year ) boast
ek Of full 305 days fn all. Of tlmese'tlf
x , two were Sundays , as ususl , and of
gh remainder six were holidays-nut corn
0 lug time poesible additional festal oe
tic sinus cotsetuent ) 1111011 tue demise of
3 , postiunstore general. At time least , to
elf over , time Sundayp and holidays agg
nt gated fllyoight days. Fifty.eight def I
of taken front 365 luave 307 , the act s
n , nunmbor of duty days in that fis
00 year. Two hundred and sixtyf
td- days takomm front 307 leave for
au two , time actual number of days
of which Vandorvoort was on duty in ti
ho year. What can be said whet a gall o
soldier and patriotic gentleman , who
works fortytwo days' and only asks a
year's pay , lli remorselessly turned out ?
Well , hover mind , Paul , 'time mills of time
gods grind slow , hat they grind late , '
and in your case , we are sure , they will
keep open long after dark , "
OMAtu is suffering from high rents.
The present high rates are doing the city
dsmage. The demand for houses is
greater than the supply. Twenty brick
blocks of dwellings , renting at from $25
to $35 a month each , will prove a paying
investment to their builders sail a great
relief to house hunters.
Tin' show season is just opening in
Omaha , Now is just the opening for the
boss showman from Stinking Water ,
Will ho produce hia great moral show be.
fora untlmsiasttc anddelighted audiences ?
The new dlroctory of Cimoyotme will contain
about 2,200 natnes , 3.0 more thnu last year ,
dorattng sr iucreuo of Itbout 1,200 , fu the pop ,
ulation ,
0. Il. Hawes , while ridlug rapidly froul
Fort Itltssell crone in collision wilit nnothcr
horsemen. ht tit horses were thrown down ,
0110 falling on Mr. ltawaq , breaking hia collar
AShnehonoAgency cnrrospondcnt of The
Green Rivar Gbzetto writes that the traffic to
whiekoy still goes on sub roma , and the Indiaus
on time roerrvatlon are very often found in a
state of intoxication
Laramie is t0 have a elmeon pelt tannery and
perhaps a glove factory , Chicago parties hay.
ing put up $ (0,000 to start the business , and
work will begin on the buildings next week.
It f1 hollered that 10,000 , pelts can be secured
yearly , in whloh case the business ought to
prove successful.
A rich mine has been discovered ii the San
Francisco district owned by Coh Swadngen ,
It le a fissure vein , showing gold , silver and
capper and giving a very high assay. The
Colone\ \ has worked it to a depth of thirty-five
feet , but has as yet made no shipments except
for assaying pnrpoees.
The lynehing of Mosier at Cheyennofor the
murder of his companions on the plains , was
fully as cruel as the crimoof tbnmurderer. lie
was dragqbd out of his cell by the ears , and
while passing through the jail hall , ono of the
mob struck him in the face knocking him
senseless , lie was then dragged ) to a telegrap h
polo , the prongs of which tore his flesh during
the ascent.
The Deadwood scimool Lunde sold for nfuot y
coots ou the dollar.
The taxable property on Battle riveriu l'on
I nington county' , foots tilt $100,000.
1 On pay day in the Black hills mines abou t
$00,000 is distributed in Icadwood.
' A treasure coach loft Deadwood th u
other evening with a quarter of a million i n
gold ,
The report is current that the Northweste r
railway company will bridge the Missouri a
Pierre ,
t The total amount of wheat raised in Mocd r
count' this year will not fall short of 000,0
The railroad owners of time Sc.tlend town
site leave advanced the price of town lots fift
per coot ,
S The Leader says the demand for mechanic
. and laboring mon in Siouz Falls far exceed
time supply ,
' A subterranean river thirty-three feet helot
the .urface has been discovered at Carthage
0 Miner county.
Time Black liill. tolephonosystem hanpasse
' into the hands of eastern capitalists , the con
r elderationbeing $32,000.
It seems so be a race hatwcen the Meth °
diets and Catholics as to which shall put u
d the greatest number otcburch , buildings in th
9 Territory ,
' The Territory paid revenue to the goner
government last year to the amount of $86 ,
n 874.00 , which Is considerablomorethansever ,
1 of the States paid.
The Sioux Falls , Ale-xandhia S ; Mieeou
river railroad is thv lattat railroad enterpris °
s Its western terminus is to be at Whoele r
Charles Mix county.
Boresford , time new town in Union count y
d is named in honor of Lord Chas. Borosford , o
England whe "gained much applatuo for hi
dare devil bravery at the bombardment of A 1
y exandlria. "
C From Hutchinson county the reports ar
h excellent ; wheat will average twenty bhahel
per acre ; flax fifteen ; oats sixty ; and the cor
I. crop will b ° far ahead of that anticipated tw
months ago.
The cornerstone of the Hughes count
d court house will be laid at Pierre on the : d
, with appropriate ceremonles , It Is claims
that when completed it will be the handea m
g oct building of the kind in the territory.
eo Time Dakota State Jalmal , publl.hed
is Miller , in its i.suo of the 10th says : The tat
order of the railroad company to all its statlo
agents , requiring thorn to compel grain shit
pore , whether farmore or market buyers , t
run pahm through the Winons Mill company
or , an Duscu k CO.'H warehouse. before shtl
ng tent , ii a dastardly eutrugeon this entire par
tlam of Dakota ,
If Colorado.
d Among the rapidly increasing industries
the State is the industry of scalp hunting au
men picking. It bas assumed auchproportlu
to that it threatens to paralyze the publla coed
and drive the conunonwealth to the verge ,
ng bankruptcy. Jooo is a poisououl weed wide
is now being cultivate ) by enterprieing fart
Dy era , and the State paid $40,000 , towards ti
to industry ;
d. The Union l'aciio stone quarries at F °
Collin will 1)0 workout exclusively by ti
r' Union Pacific c.mnpany Mr. Stout havi
al givitig up his contract or jease dm them. TI
in quarries will be worked to their fullest c
pacity by time railroad company. A conelde
at shim quantity of the static is being used
the Orego ° ort l.iuo for brldge. , abutweu
so and depots ,
The bullion ehipment from Butt. for t I
ng week endhmg the 14th , smuuuted to F9r,098.
or The Muster Mason of the terrltori , la
as time corner steno of time 11splitltchurch nt7lol
un , Sept. 10.
An urdinauce providing for the disposal
of dead paupers by cremation use been intr
k duced is the Board of Supervisor. in limit
county ,
or An important gold dkoovery le repor mo
of Ieros the t ellowetoue river from Liviugs
.nd only six miles from that town. Is
e claitucd the aetlvyy hum $114 iu gold and 31
or ouaws in silver ,
tf t q'here Is an native demand is Motdsna f
good umeehanlcs. Stone umaaone , brick isye
ly and earpent.rd are wanted , amid very ma
Ic L ould itid steady enlpluyument at high w
to time ears of autimmti.
'I ,
d I'ickir ; grapes for rai.his was cammrnc
° Iut : weak tlmrutighnut time Santa Aua Vall
ty. It ms estiniatedl ttmere will be about 50 ,
Ito beaus of rid5hu utade there tltk cea + ° n
Time Santa lloa Unnmcrat tI l k the gm
mt crop iii thu 3ouuula Vldley will be cnnsidc
a. lily less titan was anticipated and say. tl
$10 is offered for Illcaltletg aumi choice fordi
ex v.mdeLle. , $30 for YiufundeIN and " .7 fur hl
iv. aluit gropes , 'l'ime holder. , however , are ti
situ sic domandlug higher prices ,
There Ie un oxhlbitlun at Sau Lule Obis
Ys nn oar of cure grown in the exact irnt of t
al hand of ii child , .huwiug time wmist , ham
thumb and lingers all 'perfect eteeptt11g
cal little finger , wbielm is double. It is tvlve
five with.madl grains of core to near the tips
the huger. , which ado bare prongs of H
t Y giving the appeUuuce of a hand clad with t
on that. En total length it is five and s 1
inches , and three Inches broad across
mat polio.
ut 0r Sopteiub.r 11th , Profeseur LClI bt
Cros Rhauntatism , Lan1-
bagoLamaBach , Sprains and
Bruises , Asthma , Catarrh ,
Coughs , Colds , Sore Throat ,
Diphtheria , Burns , Frost
Bites , Tooth , Ear , and Hood.
ache , and allpains and achos.
The kit I.temai and ezt.rnai remedy la the
world , n.erykttlecur.teed. aotdbyaedlelne
dederteuywhere 1Nrectlonalntight h..gurta.
Price s cenu and yaeo-
FOSTER , hIILBURU d CO. , Prop's ,
nurr Ar u , N. v.u , a * .
Thompson of the United States Geological
Survuy , acc ° mpauied 1y Thouam 1Vatson , the
i ncker of the e'cpodtlo ° , made the ascent
of haunt Shasta with two saddle mules
unwed Dynntuito curd Crappie. The city
ascended the spur of the nmountain
0f Mud Lake glacier , camping at the end of
time timher Ilne 7 000 feet above the sea level.
From this point they made thoascent and tied
the auitnals to the signal post on the extreme
summit. The ascent occupied seven hours and
the descent two hnurs ,
There arc no less than twontytwo ships hi
port awaiting chatters and cargo at Portland ,
Englishm capitalists are looking at railroad
land in Now Mexico with a view of pure bas
Great crowds of roughs of every concotvablo
character are following the track layer on the
Oregon Short Line , and the authorities of
Idaho are constantly on thealertfor these law.
leanfollows. It is notimprobablethecitizens
will take the law into their own Lauds to pro ,
tact their perxots and property.
At Salt Lake City , on Saturday evening ,
Miss Josephine Petersen , aged 19 , a servant ,
was burned to death. She was handling abot'
tie of alcohol when the bottle broke , emptying
the contonttl o ° her clothes , which caught fire ,
and before tlmo flames were uxtimignishod
she was so badly burned that she died is six
hours ,
lvlortionalo To11S ,
Sidney Plaindealor.
Hits the section of law quoted below
ever been complied with ? If not , is it
too late to make sonic amend now ? Time
charges over the North Platte bridge are
unreasonably high. Tlmo bridge should
never have been a toll bridge in time first
place. It is a necessity , but should not
ho a monopoly for enriching ono man
who is not oven a resident of time county.
I A free bridge would be of much greater
t service to time town and county , but as
use have none people tvimo are compelled
to travel from one side of the river
to the other should not be robbed. H.
T , Clarke has made enough money
several times over to afford to donate time
bridge to tlmie county , but we do not asks
himt to do that-ho wouldn't do it if he
s a were asked. The district court should
fix time fees for crossing the river at a
r reasomable rate. It is to time interest of
, every business man to see that this is
done this fall , Procrastimttion and lack
d of harmony have already robbed this
town of many thousands of dollars , and
this matter of unreasonable tolls should
' be allowed no longer. The section
e spoken of above is as follows :
The company , previous to receiving any
al tolls on said bridge , shall set up and keep
. to a conspicuous place , a board on said
d bridge , on which shall be written painted
or printed , in a plain and legible manner ,
a time rates of toll , which rates of toll shall
havob , ° en perscribed by time district court
' of time proper county ; and if any company
shall demand or receive nay greater rates
f of toll'than tllo rate perscribed by said
oe court , they shall be subject to a fine often
dollars for each offense.
Since writing the above , while in con
S vorsation with several gentlemen on th e
e subject of time bridge , the idea was freely
a expressed that bonds to build a bridge
would carry. This would be better still.
A free bridge is needed and if bonds coul d
r be voted it would be policy to build , but
di in the meantime let the rates f toll be
1reduced. .
1' Relieves and curet
r' 1i11EUMf'ISIL
Neuralgia ,
Sciatica , Lumbago ,
4 'zli
ltaaaacur : ,
Ill x SORE T11 Pv
h Sureness , Cute. Baritone ,
I S r1tuYT1miT1i ,
e rtlletA , aa'AI.Da ,
t And oilethsrlu4llyeclmb
r nod pain , ,
ng 11 ' Potdhyull nnllxh ( emi
le b sd fCiiICIi + , blrectlous In 1
I hultanlrr , .
at j1 L.e Charles A. Ycpeler 1 ton
t Iww-wsvunctrne/x ;
on : f" . -
Broom Corn
uy -AND-
' : L'o 2Tcatoh.
The Best in the Marke t
ra Manufactured by
1st .fl , COLTON & CO. ,
ga llaluburg , it
is' rar8und for Cirt'mdar _ and _ iMretit. _ _ _ _ _ _
tnl Kr
x l lithe , 1'atautud0
tuber le , itl. Ur
l" ' box No , 1 wlll cure any ca.oiii tour days or le.a. N
l ° 2 a III cure the umot ubatluato caw no mutter01 ho
md , long .tauding.
rohi .Allan's Soluble Medicated Bougi e
of No nauseous of cubcba , combiaoroil of vAn.
dal wool , that are eurlabi to prwlnuu dyspeawis
I datroylng the rwatlogsot the stu"mach. Pap 4I
calf SOId by all true Ista , or maliud on receipt of prl
the Fur further rartieutars wudforcirculAr.
&P. o. ilex mess ,
rt tae Johe iiuser , New YNIL
oods ! '
SAM'L Co. ,
Washington Avenue and Eif h Street , - - - ST. LOUIS. MO
Wholesale Grocers !
Cigars and anufactnred Tobacco.
Wholesaie . Druggist I "
Pai.ills , Oils , Yarilislies alid iJido Glass ,
Rv .
Growers of Live Stock and Others. ? ' 3 ,
b .
Our Cround Oil Cake.
It is the beet and cheapest food for stock of nny kind , One pound is ctml ; le three pounds of corn '
Stock fed with Oruund 00 Cake in the Fall and cobt ; , r , Instead of running down , Rill Increase In weigh f. ' .
and be in good marketable condition In the a Dairymen , n.e well as others , who use it cas testify
Its . merits. . Try 1t and judge for yoursolves.Ix Pr .Wper tour no charge for sacks. Address
)4.e .me ODIIAN LNSH1Do1L'COIII'ANY : , Omaha sys,1
j , n !
Reina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60
to $120 per 1000.
Combination , ' Grapes , Progress Nebraska ' , Wyoming and
® e
. ; .
/NC \
' . . !
rdv''s i..e I
Carriages BllaaeRoaiI !
, , aaow. ar41 {
isle and 13'20 Ilamey Htreet sed4o3 H , 11th Street , . . . % ' A p
ntrnted Catalogue furnished free upon ap pllcatlan NEB
eJ r
1 , t.T . sfv's s .a : , i.m ,
q t
iL °
r J IJ Yr / t
' /y / r 1 r µ t . I ' 1
' unTY
.tlt'd u
. . . 1.109 nnt 1' i Dog o St root t
w w Ia
s lddxuFAOTuREit OF FINE
by . Bfli93 , Carriages Sprill
My 11epo.ltory ii eonganuy filled with
a select stock hest workumendilp > uaranteod.
a Office and Factory S W . Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Omaha