_ _ - - - - - . . . - . - , - - - - - flit - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - . . t - t I , - . . i : i 2 I - xflDAiLY ! _ i31---OMAflA , TIItJRS.D.&Y , P t . 1BB1 27 , 1883. . I'i ' ; TIlE MOflAL OF IT. Vc may rnoralizc as much as we 4 . please about pan ; ; but the 1ict is , , that we don't like it while it lasts , irncl that we want to gct rid of it as soon as we can.Vlicthcr caused by rheumatism , gout , disordered liver , weak nerves , irregular kidneys , bad & blood , or anything else that is just the reverse ofwhat it should be , the sooner it is out of the system the happier we arc.Vhethcr pain is the result of imprudence or of accident - - dent , or is sent as a punshrncnt for our sins , may be a nice question for the philosophers to argue ; but peO- pie who arc suffering want first to be rid of the pain , after which those who arc fond ofargument may argue ' the matter to their hearts' content. Above all theory , argument , and philosophy , conies the delightful fact that IlitowN's IRoN I3ITTEI&S drives pain away. SutThrcrs run no risk in trying this medicine , the oni > ' corn- pound containing iron whchi carries no niischicfwith it. Those who have used it will tell you so ; nud you can try for yourself by buying a bottle of the nearest druggist. 7 ; j Health is Wealth L _ Dr. F. . 0. WCRt'i Nerve md BrAIn Treatment , ( u&rnt4od pedo for ifystcrl& , DIzzInesS Oonui .1on , FItg Nenous Nour&Iga , 11oad&cbeloryou , Ptotrtlori csu.od bx the ue of aicornI ) ot tohacoo , W&kofuIno Ment&1 Dprruton SoftenIng ci th , 1kIn , re.uItln fo Ioe&nty inif loading to mIior , decay sod death , i'rcmMuro Old Ago , 13&rrenneei . LOM of powcr In eUher ocx , Involunt&ry Lo : spentgorrhcD3 ud by oyor exortlona f br&tn. ioIf4bui or oor.Indulgcnoo. E&ch t&ina one month' . troatnent. $1.00 & bor , n boze for 8500. 'ant by mLIi prep&Id on reoelp $ prIoe WE OUARANTEE fIX DOZES To cure &ny . .o. With esch onior received by u for 1r boxoe * 000mp&nled with $5.00 , wowilliend the i purchuor our written guarintoo t.o refund the money It the troitmont does not fToct cure. Ou&r&oteos uodonlyby . (3. F. 0000MA.N Tne wi Un , , It Omh * Neh. DR , FELIXLEBRUN'S ri .1T P1VENTIVE AND CURE. : C FOR EITHER SEX. Thu rcmody being Injected dtrcctiy to the ecat the dieceec. roquiree no ch&nge of diet or n&u.ooui , mercurhl or poteenoue moilicinee tobo taken Intern. aMy. When uoI u & preventive by either iox , it is I impoesiblo to contreet any private dteeiee ; but in the 4e et thoeo &lready unfortunetoly imicted we guer. ateo three boxce to cure , or we will refund the money. Prloo by mall , poetage paid , $2 per hex or I three hoxo $ for 5. witrrr GUARANTEES jauod by all euthorlzod agents. Dr.FelixLeBrun&Co : BOL1 PIIQZ'ItIETORS. : t ol. hole Agent , for Omih mftowly p DEE. IOE1E'S Thi5 Electric Bali will Ouro the Follow. C ing Difoa&ia Without Mdioino. Paine iii the Bzck , lilpa , Ifo&d or Limb. , Nervous Dubilty Lumb&go , Qonerel Debility , Itheum&tliui , 1ar&iyte , Neur&1gia &ls.tica , Diioase of the Kidneys ploal ise&eee. Torpid Liver , Qout , Bexua Kzh&ui. lion , emln&1 Emleelone , Asthma , heart Disease , Dyspepsia , Constipation , iryslpe1as , Xndigeition , flurula or Rupture , Impotency , Cetarrh , Piles , Epi. losy , Dumb Ague. 3 $ 000 Would Not Buy It. DL holLies-I have used your Eleetlis fleit for J some time , and It has done iii that your Agent ca1tued for it. Any one troubled with rheumaUezn or eclaUca , I wouldasy , buy Iiorn& . Electric Deitfor cue of the thirty dolisri belts cured MO of the above disease in a short time. Any one wishing to center with ins , con do so by wvlUig or calling at my store 1420 Douglas t3t. Omaha Neb. W1tLIAf LYO1tS I cheerfully recommend Iforn.s Electric DCII Al an efficient cure for rheumatism , Lacing worn one for tiat malady. Truly A. M. 1INDER1IILL For sale by Fosto Dro's Council Illuffe , Iowa. MAIN OFFIOE-.pposite 1'oto1co , Frenzer 1310 gForSaIeatQ Y.OooIman , Drui boors 1IIU Taxeam Street OmTha - . VAPOR 'COOK STOVE I The Pleseer eel snly Yapor Cook Stove Uat of years inn given entire and lerfect Over 100000 Now in Use I NEW PATENT hULL OVEN. Patent reinoabie and int.rthlnge.'hI , Jot Orifoe rendering our burner , lnde4rucUtlo. New On. Valve Ilurtier on two Niw Stoyc , . New Safety ite.sorvolr Yo , tuinmer us. these itove. are Indtapoiisablo. } er terms to agents , price list and cetaloue , Address 11UI,14 YAIOR STOvE CO. , sei'tTLm&e&T. Cleveland Si I Have Found It I Wastheoxciaruatlonof amauwbenhe got a boa of Eureka I'iio OL&tnen , ( , which I. a simple and lure Cure for 111cc aott all LkIo Dt.eieeg. Vtlty cent. by mall. postpaid. The American Diarrhaa Ciiro , has stood the test for twenty ycare. llre cure to ill Never Fails. Piarrh&ca , Dyscutay , and Cholo. Zorhus. Pallo's ' Focr au Aguc TOllic & Coria1 , It ii ituposeiblo to supply the rapid cab of thu Caine sU8I CURE W/dtltANTiD Fi : , Fever and Aur , auti all daluiai troubles. PRICE , 81.00. wJ. WHITEHOUSE 1ADORATOlW , 1CTIE lIT. , OMMtA , 1(1:11. fo , ' $ afo by all Druggists I sent by ! avees oo uoeipt o vrio' . ui&e ' . DOIINTIMEI AU I. . . . tzo.e , .dtieretloe , . pet , , . . . er eILiZ c8eK UI .ck. . , . . . , . . vus.re4. I. pLjiI&lIy dste & s.d .esbll II I4fr.IJ lire' . 4u11i' . irverl , a La e.tIsi&j 4 I..ra. CUd. WIIbGV ILOUb b dCIUI .4il.i. , . 1.4 IL. $ fll M.dlr.J 1v'kw Es4oiiod 'ire . TI. s44 , lae CIlzr.U5 tICrVDv. . ) eUlPIy i'h e.I.l Uvray Le. . II wb.'IleU.ttlt. : , r.ii ! A iwios 11u14s. Cue . . . . . . . . . k.pvI.wmeaM MIld i.teuu.a u.wstk. I. fl ei.4 per. ( bet : s.iluo. lIlbIt , , riIe elp&.Iy , pIeisi U , (1IIISU .41. i4'.klu uI'tlVov ; ftrvsPI'v "ii. 40 bV , UU. st. . C. f4.NIIOOD-Po.lUve1y Jtetorod In from two to 10 .LYI day. by 3fextn Vcget&ble Confc.otlc.n. kt partioulare addzcee ban Metco MCC&1 C. . V. 0. Boa , M. IAU .ig Ba 0 a - . - - - _ _ _ : GOTHAM iJSSIP , trllffC Bc Fellows 111 P01111031 ParInorsIp , Tile 8towart SuIieioI - 1'ciionint. Iloneio Property - Conic. Ileig'es Fortune. NEW YOItK , Soptrnbar 25.-Tue fun. cmi of tlto dead journalist , hugh J. llMtinge , brought together an unufual number of lrminent politicians , and thuir presence wae atill niro strongly suggestive o the absent , who cre iiith. fu'l ' swing of power here fifteen years ago. Then both aides of the political liotiso pulled together personally when i Was a question of fHco and spoils , and the go.betwcens grow rich. Tim loaders are widely scattered zow. Tweed and Connolly arc dead. Swcoiiy and Tout Fiolti are uxhlos , who would give all their money to return to their old haunts with impunity. Conot. has served lila toruii at Blaokwoll's Island. .Joluit P. liofflnan , vJiom Tweed would have made I'roaiilcnt lund Ito ro lnauulcl in power , hingore like a ghost rtroiind the scene of his former glory , as do the three great Taminany Senators- Mike Norton , Creamer and Braltoy. Twelve years ago they wore the politkal dictators of the city. 011 the otlior side of tim liotiso , piuIlitu with these 111011 politically , an occasion olTored , was Folgor , who had boon a County Judge in the country on a small salary and had risen to be State Senator ( it was Tweed who made him Judge of the Court of Appeals afterward ) . Torn Murphy , Sena. t.or and ally of Tweed in all his spo.ula. Lions ; Chester A. Arthur , who ws Torn t1urphy' . lawyer and counsel to all the politicians in turn and hugh [ TMtin s , the power boitincl the looal Re1unbhican throne , wsr the friends ) f Tweed and Swesny , an liolped thoni to rule the city and Sato. It was a curious copartnorship. They ll 1ulayod cards together , and neverdroamocl 1 , f dIsutizig over politics. Of all the 'gang luck has ap.cially befriended the I ) flO who leutat expected it , General Ar- hiur. At the funeral of Mr. Hastings Is headed tIm procession , burly , sun. I rUrfled , yet courtly , conscious that all 3O5 were upon him and that he was I : tlnyiiig thio part well. Scuatot' Couilding I rho is rowing stout as his itair and eard whiten , was there as courtly as of tore , still more the observed of obsor. rors Limit the President. Poor Torn 1urphy , who is aging under thio neglect lint has followed his loss of wealth , I ook a back scat and did not court ) bsorvation. Jay Gould looked as lacid as if ho had just "died in the I Lord" himself ; but a rude bystander I itreatonod to UPset his equanimity once I by exclaiming : "JJy Joy0 , Jay Gould iv I ko homeliest man among to whole gang , f pall bearers. " But , while there were I ninny political stars of tlto first magnitude Ilnong the throng at the dead lobbyist's runeral , a good many of the whito.haired I no11 of olden times showed by their ro narks that the occuien had boon uuisn thy auggestivo of the ghosts of departed I : oliticians and tIm oyclonic changes that I iad sent our present rulers to the front. I President Arthur did a very graceful act n boin present and sotingas pall-bearer , Llioro4 at.nitig for a personal neglect of 1 the living inatt , which had rankled in the latter's heart. A notable ecclesiastical event ia the opening this week of the now St. Paul's school at Garden City , Long Island , in it8 handsome now buildings erected by the liberality , oL Mrs. A. T. Stewart. Thioschiool is inlkndea to b'o a copy of Eton and Rugby , in England , and will have six "forms , " four of which are al. ready at work with thirLy.fivo scholars. The full capacity of the school will b. 300 , and the charg. far a pupil is $500 a I year , 'which removes it effectually from all suspicion of charity. A. girls' aclicol on the sante plait is to be opened shortly. Those schools are part of a system which intends to make a cathedral city out of Garden City , and to so arrange financial details that heresy and change can find no lodgement there. The elegant catho. dral Ia almost completed and a bishop's palac. is in course of construction. In fact , money is carrying est on a grand ecalo a plait which the late Bishop Doano , of New Jersey , cutemplated and begun at Burlington. Ills boys' school , with its six had 160 scholars at oni , time ; but the Bishop , who was the most oloueiit ecclesiastical orator if his day , was , io financier , and ho came to grief at a crisis when success hind just bocoine IossiblO. Mrs. Stewart has the money to do as she pioaans at Garden City ; ut she in old , and the work progresses slow. ly This sets l ° 0Pl to thinking of what Judge Hilton did with the Stewart hotel for young W01U1311 , and they are in a hur. i ry to see thu bniidiIIs colnpioted and handed over to the Enscopalinns : half of Now York certainly does not know how the ether ) lllf lives1 Colonel I Einm.na Clark , who commands the Seventh Itogirnent , and is also Secretary of the Health Board , told the wandering Senate Conunittou on Labor and Educa. tioii the oIlier day that half the PopUlatisn of this city , 800,000 souls , live ut teuto. iuionts. "Are tenement houses fit for hiuniiui beings to live iiil" asked Senator Blair , of New Jlnmnpshire. "I cannot ally that they are , " was the reply. Cob. nul Clark explained subsequently by say. iiig that many of thu worst tenements were owned by umiout living ut Europe or traveling elsewhere abroad , and tit. icutta wore collected by agelits who wore pot responsible for their oviie. 'relloillolIt pr.purty PY front 12 to 1 i 26 per cent on the investment , and is oxcoedinglp diihicnlt to pur.mhiase. IL has adyauictjd iii value much more rapidly thiut real estate iii fashionable quarters. 'I'iio tlcinand is constant and thu 1)001310 Seem contuiit with Ufl ) ' kind of aroof that will elicitor them. About ne.fourth of time populatioii bye in hats or alartInouit houses1 itt addition to those who board , and this leaves a very small percentsgo of the LOIiUlatiUIl vhto can afroid the mx- ury of a separate hiouso-ofa htoiuio of tue vast guneratilin. Yet New Yorkers love their city and will endure any sort of itti. titioii sooner thaitit leave it for the sub urba. 'l'hoy have much the anluic attach. ineiit that the l'arisian hits for his city , aiid for much the muno reason , 'I'htoro are sounds of "blood" iii the air. 'l'niuiinauiy will send fifteen carlouls of the faithful to ButliLlo ; Irving hull will scud five , anti the county lumocraoy twtiiity carloads. This hotels on I4ako Erie will make lumonoy , miii that is ahtlt nil the good it vihl do. Irving iltill might really PUt nil her iuiemi in a single caboose , hut her lialf.dozen heulors have made such a prodigious mioi.e that they have kept hold of the Shriuvtilty for live years , and have more than enough patronage to go around. Two brand.nuw Democratic factions will be added to the happy fuui. lv at BufFalo , the ( loruzian Jemocrnte , headed by ux.Sonator "Jako" See. backer , and the Independent , - . Democrats , marshaled by that immaculate patriot .Iimmy O'Brien , Moanwbllo Limo ilopubhicana clalin to have restored harmony in thick rauiks ( with tim stalwarts up and tim half-broods down ) , and are happy with such ilina. trious names as "Ilarnoy" Bighin , "Jake" Patterson anti ' 1ikO" CreglIn Ofl the State comunittoo. That committee is said to be solid for Arthur for I'rcsident and Conkling for Senator , to succeed " 01(1 man Laphaln. " I observe that The EvcningPost. publishes as a dispatch from Washington Mr. Conkling's announcement - nouncement , printed in this correspond. slice several week , that he hind made lnonoy enough to be able to go agaism into ioiitics. Conkling has banked $100,000 In two years. By March 4 , 1884 , this modest little fortune will Io doubled. lime wife and daughter are in indepond. cot circtupmsbtnccs , and this is enough for iiiiii. - Retirees of l'roiit. Thorn are ninny sources of lrofit to those who are ingenious anil enterprising. Jiurrlock jibe. ! liiffcrn are a source of profit In every Way. They build up time health surely , speedily , and ultoctually , which Is saying a ties ! . great - _ _ A I'ANIC AIIOUT [ fltNUrS. J1'ciiis Alioiit 'IrgimiIztum L'eaniits-A GVllt Crop Iii Tttiiticsee , N. V. Tribune. . There is rt scare about. lcaliuts ) in this city , itiitl the airy sylh1s who hover about tIme public schools and the Normal College - loge and Vassar have been pouring pitying - ing tears Upon the desolation whichi the flows line brought to the hearts of their particular clinrgss. Last year's crop of peanuts front Virinia was not up to the average in quantity , and the drouth of this year has placed the crop of 1883 in 300pardy. The recent rains , may have come in time , and if there are no frosts between now and the end of Octor , when the fragrant peanut is harvested , the crop may be saved. Time hoadquar. tom of the commerce in peanuts is Wash. ington street , a block above the old mar ket. Hero there are several peanut job- iiig houses that ship the nut to all parts Df the Union. From Garhich d Phillips- I I Tribune reporter learned that under or- inary circumstances a peanut flown- iays meant a peanat from Virginia. The sut is cultivated principally around i 3mnithfiod , Petersburg and Norfolk , and t is said by those who are connoisseurs hat the Virginia article from those lo- iilitiea poasosses qualities of richness and f aroma which make Wilmingt.one and I Poiinessees sown tasteless by comparison. Fhe price of the peanut has advanced itoadily for the last three months , until t I1&5 risemi from (3 ( cents to 12t ! cents a ound. Should the crop fail , there is no I snowing how high prices might go. Pea- suts como mostly by the Old Dominion I itcainboats from Norfolk , and shipped in I our.bunhmol bags , which weigh from 100 I o 105 pounds. I The trade , so the reporter was in i ornied , has always bocit considerable , lyon fl early tinios , for it had once boon I onsidercd impossible to enjoy good old bragedy amid tragic acting of a high chari tctor without the soothing influence afI I rorsied by the loanut But durI I ng tim last ten years the I raffio hmmi increased abnormally until LIme peanut commerce is an element of onamdorntion in thebusincas ofNewYork. I IL is not uncommon for the whiolcsalo I ina * , who receives the .cargdes , to sell z over a ltundre bags a day. But during I the present stringency there is difficulty I ill disposing of six bags a day. Garlich & Phillips attributed the great growth of I tha business to a variety of cauies-to I the immense increase in the population of New York , to the tendency becoming I more and moro evidoni , for trade of all I kinds to centre in New York , and lastly I to the great impr.vemnent in the peanut I raised in Virgiria. A. & 0. Worth , of 1 Duane and Greenwich eta. , who deal largely in peanuts raised in Tennessee , I midVe : do not knowmuck about the i Virginia crop , though we think the rains have come too late t. save it. But the I rennossee crop will be 650,000 bushels , I and don't you forgot it. " So thor. is bairn in Gilead for the school girls , and the sorrowing aylphs may dry their I oyes. _ _ _ - _ _ _ I I Bucklon's Aruba Salve. The greatest medical wonder of tIme world. Warranted to speedily cure Burns , Cuts U- ! ers Salt ithourn , Fever Sores Cancore i'Iles , ChiIblalns ( , Corns ' Totter , ditappod iiandii , and all skin eruitI'sne , guaranteed to cure In myory Instance , or moiioy refunded. 25 cente cr box. I CIIOOK'SCAL'TUILE. A Story of tim Indfran.Flghiters In. vlLSiOfl of' Mexico--flis Capture By limo Cliiricaiiunw. Mr. Rochester Ford , of St. Louis , returned - turned recently to his homo from his I sunimner vacation , most of which was I peiit iii southern Arizona , whore cattle interesth enraged his attention. The I part of Arizona , and , indeed , the very macli on which lie was , lute been , on no. bunt of its geographical position and fine pasturage , fir many years the route taken by tIm. Apaches III their raids , A Globe. 1 lcmoorat reporter , in an interview withi I Mr. Ford , learned the following facts , I tvliichi are of general interest as gmvin for Limo first time the true history of ( hmn. Crook's noted camnpaigmm into Mexico. Mr. Ford's st.atenment , which he gays From his personal knowlodgs and from interviews - terviows wiiit officials in Atizona , is this : I Sait Itmtfaol ranch , in southea5turn An. ona , yits at oiie time time aceime of more I stonlingatid imirders by Indians titan any oUmor portisim of the territory , The lila. I tory of Ariz.mia recounts anumual murders I tt time Mowry amino , situatoti on time San Rafael grant. Saim Rafael was one of time I chum of outposts of the Spautisli given. immojit , and for nioro than thirty years it I was hold at the point of the bayonet.I I Out of nearly every family that lived thieve cue or nioru miteinbeti had falleim I victiimm to the fury of the Apaches. Thu I Lntikling up of Bemmeomi nuid. 'I'onmbstone , Iiuwevoi , blOt Imlildo time ranch entirely bafe , and lute comlidlled the Apaches to take Ut ) flit entirely diirovomit r.uto LilIan I thuir way front their fitstutmssee in tiu Sierra Madres-whicli i-sage is from sovouity.IIvo to two hundred immiles smith I by south-vast froni the ranch-to the San Carlos resurvatioim , \\'hioim ( leim. Crook was in the 'l1orritory - before , ho had npamently achieved such good results that. the citizens rejoiced Whelm Ito svai , sent hack to r1zomma by tim I uitilititry authorities. lii 11w Iimdmaii initi plevitnms to the apriiig of 188lGon'ii. . I cox then coinmmtandiimg tIm mimihitary force of time 1'uritory , hail siiowmt such utter in. comitimetoitco that thu meople ( if time 'l'orri. tory cried out as one ziian for his removal , and everybody felt safe with Crook in conmnmanti. itt April of this year tIme I Ohiricaituas , the most bloodthirsty tribe of time wimolo Apache nation , and thu I best warriors and fllttors Left the rosor- vaUomm on the Gala river , 120 mutilce North of'ilcox , a station on th Southermm Pa. I cub railroad , started out on a raid through southeastern Arizona , killing - - - - - - - . - - Judge McCoina and wife , carrying ofF , as was thou believed , their son Charlie and hurrying off into Mexico. iltirried WI they Were , howcyer , they found time to kmIl mar , , than twenty persons on their way. Ccii. Crook was very slow in ordering - ing out the immilitary uo slow that every- 0130 wnsasfonjslicd attlio delay , though still having great conuidenco in ILs judgment. lb mnado a trIp toChiricualmus , Mex. , os tenribly to consult withm Gov. Terazas , and to ask the privilcgo of enterin ? upon Mezican soil , and for cooperation in capturing - turing times. renegade Chiricahuas. lie mnado a visit also to time Governor of So. flora ostensibly for the sauna purpose , and after timreo weeks of delay he finally got the troops out and on the way tward , tim Mexican frontier. Ho enturttL Mexico near San Barnardino , leaviig all time United States soldiers on tIm linu excapt Capt. Crawford's troop of forty horses , but taking with bun 850 Indian scouts , half of them San Carlos Apaches mid half \Vliito MounLthi itlaCiiOs. After being gone for aotio time in Mexico , during whIch tiiiio nothin was heard front hinm , ho returned , bringmng with him lila whole conmriaimtl ititci micarly two hundred of the Climricaliunmu , consiatimig of tiirco old nuid decrepit chiefs , all 1)1151. 70 years of age , aIitI nil time old WlILltIIi of the natioii. No Warrior or young 111011 or woincui who could assist in the war that the Chmirica- huas were then carryilig on in Mexico , Caine back with him. On his return Con. Crook wan tendered a bauiquet in Tucson , which lie accepted , and there ho stated that his canaigti ! had been a great sue. cuss ; timzmt thmo ( ihiricalmuits had been met amid conquered as they noverworo before : tlmat ho had brought back imearly two hum. drod of thom , and that time rest had bog. gsd for terms of peace and svera sxceed. rngly anxious tosurronderand coune back and live upon the rosoratioxm ; that Ito had told thorn that ho would exert his influence fluonce to shield them from punishment for the crimes they Imad committed , though he could not guarantee it , and that he had left Maj. Ohaffeo on tim bor. tIer to receive the surrender and bring to I the reservation thowarriorswhowerestill In time Sierra Madros. Ho hinmself had 1 to leave the main command on acconnt of want of water and provisions nun ammu- IlitlOIt. This seemed avorypretty and plausible tale , and Gen. Crook was time hero of the I tour. All the papers in the Territory ipplauded him , amid hearalded him as the I great Indian lighter of tlmo day. Ho was I alled the "Gray Fox" and time "Shy t'ox , " and sraa nommminated for Proai4emt I : , f tue Uimitvd States by several of the pa. I hOrs jU the Territory , cspt.cially by The I rizona Daily Star , that has been hiazeal. I ) U3 advocate in every particular. Crook roiniaed nlso time safe return of Chrlio LcConmas. if he was allowed to carry out 1 mis plus. The Indian departnmont , howI I mvor , objected to putting time renegade I hiricahuas upon the reservation , fearing u lme evil and contaminating influenca thmat Limoso red-handed murderers would have ilmfl the peaceful Indiana already on time esorvation. A treunondous mass-meeting 1 1va8 to be hold in Tucson in honor of 1 rook , when reselutions were to bo pass. d strongly iniloraing his course , and asIcI zmg the Secretaryof War tosustain.himimi I mhs lute of action. During tIme day before htis mnoctiimg certain rumors afFecting the I ; ruth of Crook's atatummient began to ho I mireulated on the streets , and the moot. ng which was called by Crook's friends to I emdorao Lhlim , was , as a matter of fact , i : nado up of muon who regarded his curse I is suicidal to tke Territory , and.only time I neat adroit tactics on time part of Crook's I iriends prevented the passage of strongly- i mondeimnatory resolutions. Fo a month : lme people waited anxiously to see Char- .10 McComas brought back and the Chin. I mahuas come jim. As everyone knows , he have not come imm , and this aroused iurtlmor suspicibr that Crook's report of I ho campaign was not correct. Little by little the truLh transpired , and the facts undisputed and well known among the ) flicials and loading limit of the Territory , Ihough Imushod up as far as possible , are I is follows : I Gon. Crook , led by his Whmte Moun. lain Apache scouts , was one evening .ward dusk betrayed into a narrow can- I on.and timoro camped. During the night Ill the White Mountain Apacimo scouts oft.tho camp and took up their positions ) n the lmillsideswith the Chiricalmuas , who mad surrounped Crookand had deterinin.I I d upon the mauacro of his entire force tt daylight next inornilig. In the night Isquaw , who hind some friends among time 3aIm Carlos scouts , who always feared the 1 White Mountain Apaches , told this womn- I In that Crook had not come down to igimt time Chiricahuas nor to kill any of hem , as was clearly shown by time fact hat lie had brought with him only forty 1 ioldiera and 350 indians , lmalf of whom rvere time close friends of tIme Chiricaimuas. iIo hind come , tlioy said , to reciovo time iurreimdor of the Chirioshuas , to guaran. Ice timemmm imnlmtUnmty front Imimrnm mmd to ake tlmemn back to the reservation whore : Iitmy would be kept at time expense of the foverimnidnt without having to do flfl vork. Time squaw left Crook's CfitI ) and oported this statcmmmeimt to time Chin. : ahuas. A council was Imeld , and timoy tIe. ided to vostpono the massacre until noon : hm imext day , provided Crook did not at. inapt to leave tko camup. lit tue Inorn. mig whmeum Jrook awoke , frouim behind every I ock oim boUt sides of the canyon imo saw I mimited dowim toward his camp time rifles If the Chiricahuas. Turning to Capt. rawford , wlmo was in commiuumd of the roop of cavalry and scouts , lie said : "We are surrounded mmd possibly simall mu be niassacred , and we zmmighmt as woli ; o to our fate bravely. Give ummo my iIwrtl.gumm : i will go UI ) ott tIm aide of Ilto lull suit pretend imst toseo timimin. " Taking Ins gun , about 7 o'ciock in the imorning , ho went up oh time aide of time I mill , but was imo sooimer out of sight of imis 1 aIIm1) thisim lie was , of course , takeim risoimer by thu Cimiricaimuas. 'l'Imis en- mblod iminm to imavo a talk with them. An : iiterirutcr mvtLs sent for , and Crook was elt there till almost imoomi. Ito had to iccede to time demammdte of time Cimirlcahiuns I order to uscztimo with his owim life and C he lives of his macmi. 'rho turnis UlOil viiichm Lucy released imimim svuro that lie S'OtIll inunediatcily leave the country , time ierrn tadres ; timid lie would take with ilium the old umen aimmi the old woimitmu wimo oru ton old amid decrepit to engage in jie warfare ; that Ito would pmmt timuin on ho Saim CarIes reservatioim aiiml save thunt rolim pumiishmiieumt , amid thmtt. Ito WOUll give lie Ohtiricabusa half his mmumiiumiuition. [ 'hwy never ProImIiSCi tO COllie ill , utiuil vheii Cicok made the l1rOPO8itimm to iwimm that they simould , they iauhed at tiiim. 't'liuy novtmr JVt)1it18CI to bring back ) Imarlio MeCoinas , becatiec , front the best tifom iiilttifllt to be hind , Ito vaii dead mi long iitmu tI Mexmco ! ilime liofortm Crook IVOTII ( I mud of llmdians who killed Judmm t1e olima5 mmtl wife had witim thoimi mm women , mud it is geuioraily the womneim viio take umu of cajtivoii. , Buides , they wtmre ltly pursucil , and a boy of Clmarlmo a cutler years would have been a serious iiiitlrance lIt their Eflhid Lzaelin. 'I ho elicf is goimurally ontorhtmned that he vas kiiled within a mile or two of where c us ; mroimta were miturtiored , Timese are tlmo facts of the Crook Cain. maigu , as gleaned frommi the moat trust. " - * - - - I CRAY SPECIFIC MEDlCItJES yRADI rr.if TTIICGRSAT nvfl.TADf MARK / ; gg ( ; _ g - t sequence Df Self. t4Ij . , . 1je ! $ EFORE TAgl.IQ.alf.a-JudeThIn AFTER TARIIIO , 0 th , flaek , DImrev , of yleina , T'rerneturo Old Age , and many oilier dliesevs that Iced iujnrsonlty or Con. eumption and a rrerceture Crave. BI-WARI of adverttvem.nt. to refund money , when druggiste from whom flee isedicin. is bOTiI do not refUnd , but refer you t.ntlie rnansctOcr , and the requirement , are such tim they ore .ddeen , / ever onipIk4 with. Her thwr'tttenguaeee. A tris.l of on. sIngle packse ii Gi-Spec3c wI minoe the moel skeptical Of . eveS tncte. On aneoutit 01 rountts& . , we hote apted Um. Yellow Wrapper ; U only griwilne. Ful1 particular ki ourp.mkt , which weds. sire to send tre. by ; u.Iii . 'y oe. 1It. Spe. ciSc Med. lao Is cciii I isi dijL.ie at I perpsck. age , or six lackiiffi for , or 5l be seSt ke. , by luau Ofl the receipt of ( ho moncq. by aI.ireving T111 OitftYSiEIICINficO. , jiUIfCIO.N. 2. 801(1 in Omaha by C flmlsn. lv lOm&eo.w woTthiy sources. So far as I know , they have Imover before beemi given fully to tiie Public. Con. Crook , front being rertard. ed as one of the 'reatcst Iumdiaum-flglmfcrs of thin dimyconmmimandmiig thiersapect of the IiC0PIo Of thin Tcrritorj' , is looked 111)011 ) how , as I have heard immaiiy of time vroIni aunt umeim I'm thin 'l'crritory say , imot only ItS a imiunstrous failure , but as a great fraud as vell , nimd is as Inucli despised as he wits formimerly respected and Imonored. Time banquet given him by thu city of Tucson hiss never been Paid for , . amid is a coimstaut source of ridicule. If Crook had collie back and told how hmo had been do. cieved mmd betrayed by Imis scouts , time PeoPle of Arizonawould have risen ngainst the Indians , and under Gcn. Crook's leadership time Chiricahuas , now plundering - ing and murdering and stealing time stock of tim. people hivia' near time Sierra. Mad- rca , would exist onlyin miamno. First C1a59 Iiismmrammco. Insure with Thonws' EeZc4r-ic Oil. It is the lhoaIcst and best niethoti of Insurance we know of. By Sits use you are sum to escape many grovious aches and imlua. l'oliciog are Dbtaiuablo at all drug stores In the formmof I bottlea at 50 coats anti Si each. - ii1lroasis nntL setvcerumenL L Y. Tribune. . Whemm William Walter Phelps opened. his speech in the New.Jeraey Republican Donvention. not with empty platitudes , . but with a.stinging rebuke of a ramlroad. ror contriving tho.defeat of a worthy Republican candidate , every ono felt tlmat I.he remarks. wore just , though a greet t ninny thiin-waiated politicians felt thbt they would never lmavs said any such. hiing. It was not exactly the sort of ipeech that a timorous and dodging tIico.seekcrwouldhave made orapproved. . But it afterwards appeaoed to represent : ! 1o wishes of the majority in that conven- ilon , and it will be found to express the iontimnenta- timousmmn.Ls of Republi. .ans and other good citizens in every itate. The relations of tha government with Limo railroads are unfortunately confused iy tIme distribution of the powers and livision ad the responsibilities of govern- iment. The National Governmnomit can I mardly regulate railroads within a State. Fun State can hardly aply effective and. easonablo restraints to railroads which un partly ill and partly out of time State. & conspicuous cause of time unstiafactor working of railroad laws in Western 3tates is timat time important roads running roni one State into another , and engaged largely in transporting freight across ieveral States , cannot be satiefactorily iubeet to local laws. Nevertheless , the Ilcairo to impoo somoreatraint , and the opposilmg desire to resist legislative inter- rerenco , have made the railroad question In intensely practical and important one Lu nearly all parts of the country. Seek. ing to sbcure privileges or to resist en- mroaclmmenta ; tIme railroad cthnpanics have wielded great political power in many itatos , and in some have become 10 strong that one hardly knows which is truly soY.reign , the state or the rail- road. road.There There is possible a wide difference of opilion among intelligent and upright men , as to the nature and extent of restrictive measures which may properly be applied to railroad companies. But there can be very little difference as to Dno thing. Intelligent and upright men must agree that a railroad has no business Li own or to run a State government , an c election , a legislatire , or an executive. rhe iutorforemmco of time c.rporation in ' politics , whatever its aims , can Imardly fail to be corruptiag and demoralizing , i langorous to popular rights , and harmful to the company. If the people cannot be i Lrustcd to do what is right without maul- pulation or trickery , the one thing certain is that any corrupt attempt to influence Ilicir action would be immeasurably men e inugerous. It would breed a swarm of ' mtrikera and blackmailers , who w.nld ruten on the corporation on any and mvery pretext , or witlmout any , nimd it sould engender a host of domnagoguos , r vlioso lflflCiPl aim and endeavor would i Le to enkindle popular feeling against r lime corporations. If there is ammy State lit wlmich a corporation has once acquired I iie bad habit of running elections or buying legislators , time chammoes are ten to me that time corporation in time State line been comimpolled ti pay , first and last , ion times u mnuch as it meant to pay for legislative favors sougimt or iimununity mecured. Mr. Phelps imit time mail eu the head vhmoim lie said that time p001)16 wore ready r o resent ammd resist corporate immtorferenco ' LII elections. In sonic States , possibly , , ridencc of popular resentment or osiatunoo is still faimmt. Bimt time resent. r sient comes sooner or later , generally vitim reaistlcss force , and time poojle are , i iot always guided by wisdom in repelling imat they consider am odious forum of I .ervitudo. As a rule , time people Inean to injustice to the corporations. But it S very easy for demagogues to muielead hienm at times iim regard to wlmat justii'e C. Wlmon a coimipany once bogiims to dacatetimeso assailants , whether by money ir by office , there is imo cud to their dye natids. As a mule , time COU3j)5U is bled ndefiuiitely for years ; it broods an intenee iublio Imostility toward itself , dishonors Ito tate , aimtl tmts into ollico muon , wlic' , laYing hunger instead of patrmotismmm , and Ill onipty stomiiaclt iimstcad. of a keen coii- uieimee , cannot ho trusted to prevent oven he mitost Ilagraimt wrong until liberally mid for their services. The best way for thin railroads is to rust time justice of tub 1)001)10. If they to wrong. and tlioro is lie foolish attumimlt I 0 IVCrt the cvii by cimicauery or corrup 10 ! ) , tue sober second thought of the rotors is metty sure to act iiutttcra right ignin. 'I-Ito corporation that relies upon amying mmmi ultctioIl this yclmr , or a logla. attire miost year , wilicoimmo togrief sooliur ir latur , But timoso wiio ciiliiily rely tipoim lie integrity aimil fairness of tim nmajority if voters lmutrdly over have occmusion to ugrot it ilm the did. - - - - - - - - s. ( Jcltst liii Jotlor , Dr. Long hloim Naimi , CIiixmoo pltysi. ilium , of Sait Fraimcisco , Cal. , was cured If riioumnatismn by the great ain-coIm luer , St. Jacobs Oil , anti says it is mm tondorfut remnody. I Eas the Best Stock in Omaha and . Makes th&Lowost Prices - FURNITURE iMirrors , Bedding , Feathers , And Everything pertaining to the Fund- ture and Upholstery Trade. EL11TSA.TO CIIASI SFIIVEIIICK1 ' ' ' 1i0fl 1208 and 1210 Fztrnain St. 'ro 1'1oors a - OMAhA , NEB 1(7 Long Time--Small Payrncnts. Al iiiiiwi'ois [ i'ioo. A , lloso Jr irIQ DODGE STI11 IIc-cL I ASK YOUR OlIOCEItS Felt VII OMAHA DRY HOP YEASU.CD I' WARL ANTED NEVER TO FAIL. I - - -v-i Manufaetured by the Omaha Dry Hop Yeast Oo. I CO1tNF.lt 15Th 1 W DAVENPORT STItETS. OMAHA , NED. G4TE CITY PLANING MILLS I MA1 TTh'ACT ZES 02' , Caroenters' MateriaIs -AIt- sh , Boors B1ills , stairs , 1uir Rai1ills , Balaslers , Willoy Boor Frames , &c J First.clsse facllitts for the manufacture of aU kinds of toWdIngv. Planing an retching a specialty C ) rders from the country will be promptly executed. Address a I oommunicatkrpto A ItOYxIt rropr4to OMAHA MEDICAL DISPENSA OFFICE A1D PARLORS OVEIL THE NEW OMAHA AT1ONAL BANK , Thirteenth , Bet. Farnam and Douglas Sts. OMAHA , NEll. . A1 S11 Fishblatt , M 0 , PROPRIETOR. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN Tc DISEASES OF rhroat and Lungs , Catarrh , Kidney and B1adde as Well as all Chronic and Nervous Diseases. IDIIt _ Pu i ii : A 1T' 'i : ' has discovered th1.reteat cure in the world for wenknees of ti , . beck and limbi , involuntary . dJechay. , nipotency , generai ebility , nervousnees , languor , confusIon of ideas , pe.Ipit.ation of the heart , timidity , rembling , d innees of sight or giddiness , diseases of the head , throat. nose or skin , s.ffectioeiof the liver , unga stomath or bowele-thoee terrible habit. arielug from solItary ) inbits of youtk , and seeret practice. oorefataltoth5yictlm.than the soneof Syrens to the marinersof Ulysesbiightlng th.Lrmo redIat ' ° or anticipation , , rendering marriSge impossible. aueiug ese that Parc eusering from the evil pracucos which destroy their mental and physIcal system NERVOUS DEBILITY , be symptom , of which are a dufl , dietreesed mind , which unfite them for performing their bueineas ocial dutlei , makes happy marriage impossible , distresses the action of the heart , onuving flvA of beat and , lepression of spirite , ev fore ins , cowardice , fears dreams , restless night , , dizzAneie , forge4fnJg tnnatljral diacharge pa a in the back and hipe , short breathing , melancholy , tire eai1y of ore preference to b ajone , feeling as tired In the morning as w en retiring , seminal woaknese company , . bed , white bone deposit in the urine , lost mae. , nervousness confusion of thooghtrembmlng , ( IypcrIn , conatipat on , paleness , pain and weaknees in the limb , etc. , , ould cansalt watery ins lmmetfla and weak eyse , )0 ) restored to perfect health. " 4 YOUNG MEN t Vho have become victims of solitary vice , that dreadful and destructive habit whcn annusiiy Intirnely grave thousands of young men of exalted talent and brilliant intellect who sweeps to an ntrance lietening senator , with the thunders of might otiierwie their eloquence or wake to the eratacy living lyre , e % h lull eonfldencu , may call MARRIAGE. m tarried persons or youngmen mntemplatinu marriage being aware of physical wsakne. , loesof , user , impoteiicy , or any otherdlequalificat on speedily relieved. lie who pieces hImself . prafly ua.r the ) r. Fiehilatt may religisusly : unlit'o in his honor as a gentleman , end coqtid'ntIy care of rely byileman. open his skill as a ORGANAL WEAKNESS mmotilately curc.I and full vigor reMorod. Thie dietreseing afIliction-wIp ) , render , life , arriao inipeselble , is the penalty iaid by the victim for iiiiproper induIen.e Your , a burden and ommit excesses from not boln aware of the dreidfui coneqtenco , that , . are apt to inderstandi , this subject will deny that procration is lost sooner i.y those falling may jitto enue. . Now who . thu 'y ' prudent ? Beelde. , beIng deer wed of the pleasure of healthy oiieprine , the most serious irr.propr habit. then ymtomu of both body and nd arise. The becomee and destructive system deranged , the phyicj and mental ea en. Lee of rucnative , functione powers nervous irritability , dyspepsia , onstitu ional debi ty , wasting of the frame , cough , convumption an es of the beers , indlosUos , A CURE WAI1TIANTED. i'erouu ruined in beeltim by unleartiod Vretenders who keep them trislug , month .oieououu and sttr month takiew injurious compounds , thoul apply immediately. DR. FISIIBLATT , - raduate of one of the moeteminent coIlee of the UnIted Sttoe , has effected , . son of the most . , astoatek. ng cure. that ere oer knowir troubled with iiiany riuirig In thu . ears and hea.i , when ervousnees , hcin alanned at certain sounde , e ith freliuent lualting , attended 5oInetIu , , . asleep , great . wltk iferaugu. lient of the mind were cured inmuiediateiy. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. I' . addresses aft those who have iiiJure.l thoneIyes by improper . uln both body and inlri , n.itltting thuin for businees , , tu y , eocluty or inhiulgence Insrriaje. an.I solitary habits whl.kt flioso are sonic of tue iueiancholy eifectj rduced by the early habit. of . , , yt.uti viz ecI arid limbs , f.aiits in the head and diiuiiees of eIght , io of iutiseular : Weaks ef the ytpepsla , nervous irritablltty , der.ongoiuent of dIgestive functions , dbliity oa , er conuin1tmoi , palIitatLon , of the heart , 'ltIVATE OFFICES , OVER THE OMAHA NATIONAL BAg , OMAHA NEBRASKA , CONSULTATION I'IW.P. Cbarjot moderate and within tie reach ef all whe nue4 reatment. Thosuwiso resiticat a letanee suti caa4ot coil , ciii roceifu . fetosl Imply sendiiig theiceymptoms with l.ostaco. Prompt ettenti. . thr.uii afl by Addroes Lock Box 34. Omaha , Nob. 'C BU RLINGTON HOUT ( Chicago , Burlington & Quincy Pahtroad. ) nn\o- - - e ; : .L wtWc- - . . - . . .o - - , - u ! 1 jITe. . o- f.t : . , - . ( /j u i11 ; i m4 COINC EAST AUD WEST. coiric UORTII AUD Elegant Day Coaches , Parlor Cars. with Reciiu Solid Ti-airs of l1cant SOUTH. nf C ir tree ) , Smokini Cars. with Ito. man Palace SiCOl)1fl ( .SyS Thiy coceg ) and PuB viu Chairg. tullmau Palace are run daily to and .o eeping Cant and from St LoWs via I iofaniousli. it.&Q1)LnIngCarsruxjdajlytoao fli'rlIngton,3.jar lannibal , Quincy , Keokuk , itePilsand 'rout Chicago .t Kausas City , Chicago & Council Patti ami ilinneapoljs ' AibertLea o Bt iluirs , Chicago les Motues. Clileago , Si. Jo. Chaiij to mmmi from ; t l'arlorCarswitb Louis Itecilning pb. Atchison .t Toeka. Only through line b. anti ( rota .t Louis and Ottumwa. and Veoj untl to ween Cbieago , Liaco n & Icnver Tbroujb cars chanai of cars between Onie one wtwen Indianapolis & Oouucil IIIulTs via iuorta. 1)ioines ) lows. , Uncoin at amiti nea UI connections ma(1. , in Uoion Denote. 1 is Colorado. , Nebraska , arni Denver , inowa as tim greatTIIltOUCli CAJI NE. ft u universoiiy admitted to be the J Finest Equipped Railroad In the World for all Classes of Travel. I' . J pornn. &t vic.pr't and ' Oen'l ! anaer PEEcEysj , Lowj , o , ' ,1 - . . - . - - - Ag'l , ChIcago , , ( k