Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1883, Image 7

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T1EI : DAILY 2 ( 1Si.
. - _ -
VIa11-Paei a VIIdw Shdesafld PalntIn I all Its Draflches1
Q. ) _ ciu.tb. X'oir1 t. - cciai1 33iir.
: i : a idivare.
504 Broadway and 10 and 12 Main SI , , Council Bluffs.
B. S. COLE & CO. ,
All the Most lifiproved Kinds of Lightning Rods
AnI Ornninent..ISO \VOkI flfld Iron I'urnIisot1 Tiibln nt1 flas flpo nuit l'lpo 'Ittire , , for both
VooI ntitl lrt1 PtItiq. Ordcr III rcceh e prurnt * ttentlon.
No , G04 flouth Main Street . , . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOW.
. .
I 14 ,
cr c c. i i
: ccw Store , IreIt (2ootI , Low I'rlccs antI 'oUte AttcntIant.
' aiyj ; First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } towiii CouIdU : n ItOAfl\YAY.
'Broadway Steam Laundry !
7 w1D
, - - - - - Proprietor.
Clifton Restaurant.
. . , - - - -
Ii the place for A. No. 1 Meals. Diy Boardor5 ncc.rnmodatod and uzranteo
( Chicago , Burlington 8c. Quiny Railroad. )
; I i ' .
( - - - - - ' : _
1l K
0 I i. '
I olq
_ _ _ . . . % -z2IAc.4 . _
h\- - -
! - _ I _ V 4L.L-
. . S
Elegant Day Coaches , Parlor Care. with fledilu . Solid Traki of Elegant Day toachc. and Pull
BCbaIr ( eatq free ) , SmokLn Cars. with fl. man Palace lleeplng ! Cars are run daily to and
vovfng Cbairs , Pullman I'Maco Stoepin Cars and from St Louh , vi& lhrnnIbaI ' Quinev , Kcokuk ,
the famous C. 13. & Q. Dining Care run daily to and flu.rllngton. Cedar Rapids and 'Albert Lets to St
rum Clilcago & KansAs City , Cbeago & Council . Paul and NInneapoILs l'arlorCarswltb Reclining
/ UlulTs , Chicago & Des Moines. Chicago. St. Jo. Chairs to and from St Louis and Peoria and to
eph. Atchison & : Too1ca. Only through line bo and from uit Louis and Ottumwa. Only one
tween Chicago , Lincoln & Denver. Througb cars change of cars between St. Louis anl Des
. . , , , Nebraska , and Dunvor
betwN ? ndlaupolis & C8unclI DiulTs sia Peoria. Moines Iowa Lincoln
. All con'Itiues made In Union Denots. It 15 Colorado.
ow aa the greatTitROllOll CAR LINE. It is unr11yadniIttod to be the
Finest Equied Railroad In the World for all Cla8ses of Travel
. J. FOTrER. 3d Vic.-Presand Oeii'I Manager PRRCEVAL LOWELL , Gen. Pass. Ag't ,
GM ite fronware
i' 4 The Rest Ware Made foi' the Kitchen.
Foil ] r v ; :111 : tovo , llrwai' ' . aii
. t. "
' , ' 'k :
. ; -
l Keg and Bottled Beer
( ; &
. : . - q' . This Exco1ent .Beor pcaks for itiiolk.
t I , ' ¼ 11
I t Promptly Shipped.
' fccl3L1LrL2te' .
Solo Agent for Omaha and the Wct.
and Capitol Avon uo.
; c New hrnituro Store !
310 and 312 North Siitecnth Sreot.
Call and get Our Eastern Prices before
purchasing elsewhere.
Ju H. CBSO ,
11'/'ARRIAE ' AP ¶ A ( + O llhAGrFOllY ;
collNEtt'rwgLrrnANliIowAltn1' sr
- - - -
. 1'ogticutr &ttcnton ! Iron to re aide KatI.jctce uuu&nt.eed
} i
mberSash Doors
. , , , BlindsBuilding Paper
Office anti Yard , Cot. 13th and California trcot. OMAHA , NED
- -
- -
Heat Ftato : TransflrM.
The following dCOlS wcro filed for record
cord in the recorkr'8 ollico , September
2 ; , reporteti for the Bnll by 1' . .1. Mc.
Mnlion , real ethto ngout :
C. , It. I. & I' . II. It. Co. toVilIiain
P. Lowh , lot , 14 , b'ock ' 1 , Caron-$1OO.
Mary B. Swan to S. Caltiwoli , 1art a o
t 8 415 , 77 , 39-$16O.
J. D. Et1IU'flflilSflt ( to S. Cahiwoli , n w
.1 and inr of o .j B W ahiti 8 Y . S W
35 , 77 , 89-$375.
Ii. 0. Fisher et at to C. it. I & P.
it. II. Co. , pirtof ii w . , 16 , 70 , 4-$1. !
Wililiun 11. Muliftno to Francis M.
\V1thun , lot. 5 , block 10 , Noola-$800.
Total sa1o , $030 ; total sales for the
week , $ LO,15O.50 - _
covcIt 1IVlF MATIK1C1' .
\'IlOatO. 2 .pring , Tdc ; No. 3 , 03c ; re'
I ected , tiOe : gmt1 dei.iantt.
Corn -Uea1or are pi'ilg , 3I32c rejectoti
coril , Chic.'tgt' ,'c ; now IPc ; 1iIto
corn , tiOc the recditts of curl , nie light ,
Oat.- li , gooti ilentanti at 20c.
liny-4 oot ; ( O tcr toit ; ttOe pot bale.
llyo-4Oc tight stiltitly ,
Ctirit leal I 100 itotintI ,
\VOOtIGOOd i.uttly ; priees at yarth , OO
Coal-rlclkcred , liarti , 11. 00 per ton ; soft ,
5 tO par ton.
ihitter-Plonty and lit fair tletnanit at 2 ;
creamery 30c.
Eggs -ileady taltt at 1o i' ' doze. , .
Lard-Fairbatik's , vtoiottalitig } at lie.
l'otiltry-Firm ; dealers arc paying for
chickens tOe ; live , 2 50 vcr dozen.
yegotattles1'otatocs , tOc ; ontous , tOe ; cab.
bages , 30@40c pr dozeit ; aples , 3 504 00
per barrel.
Flour-City flour , 1 6O8 40.
] Jrootns-2 003 00 per tloz.
CatUe-3 00@3 50 ; calyes , 5 00@7 ro.
] Iog9-Market for hoi1's qtiiet , as th vack.
sro cloredahppor. ; . . are 'aying 4 00
Who Is Conildenced Out of $4aoO.
State Journal.
We are in favor of compulaory etluca.
tion , and a law' compelling all ier na to
read thofleWalapOl'S. A case that wolicard
of yesterday is enough to imiko a sane
01511 cry out , darii the fools.
Several weeks ago a iiiaii named Rogers
and his soii , from Illinois , arrived iii
Lincoiii for the ptltlOSO of looking at the
country , and. if it suited tlunu , lUrClIaSing
a farm. They spout several days in the
city , and then the elder Rogers wended
his way westward , whore ho could find
cheaper lands. lie stopped at the towii
of York , and near that. place found an
unproved farzii that ltCaSOl hint. The
price , $4,000 , was agreed upon , and a
small sum of money paid down by Rogers
to bind the bargain. In a fes' days after
lie left for his home in flhlliols , as he
said , to procure the balance of the purchase -
chase money. Ho got home safely , and
in a few days after started for Nebraska
with 4,500 in money or drafts. At the
town of Mendota lie fell in with the
Pliiliiitiues , Ho says that at this 1)hteo
ho became acq'iaintcd with a fellow-
traveller , who elaiineii to be a mcrclmnt
of York who was just returning home
front a bUSiJIeSS trip to Boston. This
luau , says Mr. Rogers , was a niember of
my church ( the Methodist ) , and during
our stay in Mendota we speiit most of the
tune conversing an religious topics.
Shortly before the time for his departure ,
a friend . of the very religious ( ? ) man
droped in upon the scone , wheim the old ,
old confidence game , of wanting mommy
to pay a freight bill , was enacted. The
religious ( ? ) man put up bogus drafts to
the amount of several thousand dollars ,
and induced Mr. R.gers to liayo a $4,000
draft cashed in ordeto let the confidoneo
imian have $2,000.
When the train started for Burlington
the confidence man wa missing ; but a
number of his pals. who hind , no doubt ,
been informed what a sucker was on the
train , were with him. They soon formed
his acquaintance , and before the train
reached Burlington they had succeded in
obtaining $2Oi:0 : mnoro.
Up to this time the old gentleman Imad
no idea that ho was being systematically
robbed , but quietly tumbled into another
trap that had boon laid for him by more
of time gang. To make a long story short ,
the third gang had fleeced him out of nil
the money lie bad except $50 , and at
Lincoln the last d.liar lie had with him
waa taken by another of tim gang who
had , no doubt , been put on his track at
Pacific Junction.
Light meamis to have dawned upon Mr.
Rogers for the first time in Liimcolnwhmoii
a friend told him that lie wa the victim
of the eonlidaneo menand , that time drafts
he held as collateral for the money lie
had let them have was tiot worth the
palmertimoy were printed upon. lie could
hardly believe Ins friend , and could not
inmagine how mcii could concoct such
Mr. Rogers spout Saturday night at
the National hotel in this city , and for
the first time iii his life hind not Immoney
enough to pay for his lodgiiip. . , tim con
fidence timomi having fleeced immirm nut of
every dollar lie had.
.Jntlge I ° reenman IIscusscs the Qucs.
tion lit un 1) PIuuet.
W.tSIIINOTON , Supteiiibor 23.-Judge
Freeman , law oflicorof the l'ostoflico Io.
partiiieiit , states that if tIme Now
Orleans National Bank considers itself
aggrieved by the action of the Postmaster
General in ordering the poshmilico a.itbom'i. .
ties of New Orleans to s'iLlw1d mill rug.
istered mail amid inwmuy orders addressed
to it , the baimk hits two ch.ammces . for oh.
taing a nullification of the order ; one
method of procedure would be to poLl.
tion the State or Federal Courts to issue
a nmummdaiiius to coinhiol the l'ostnmaster
General to i'e\'tkO the orier. 'I'hio other
alternative WoUld be a like proceeding
against the I'ostiamiwtcu' of Now Orleans to
COmflJel him to disregard thmo order. lii
case the baimk Likes tue action indicata(1
the postollicu authorities would , iii the
opinion of .Judgcm Frecimman , carry the
matter before the Supienmo ( Jouirt.
' ' \Vheii thu LtuiBinhimL Lottery Company
ummdertook to buildou the I'ostnmastum'
General they umimmmasked a ( ian"eriis limit-
tory , " smuiti lie , ' for .Judgo ( res1mairi seemims
detormimied to fight all such concerns to
the cmiii , anti T believe lie has time law on
his 51(10 ( , 01 the tbirty.eight States in
the Uiiioim , thirty.five limuvo enacted laws
pi'itiliitiimg absolutely gmimnbhing lotteries ,
amid have provided heavy lmolmmtltlu ( ui
uIm , s'iolation of the law. In three States
uimily IU o lotteries Ierulitted-Lollisianai
Kentucky , and Colorado , Smith this fact
hits 1)0011 immadu time iri'iIego of comiduct.
lug a IoLter' of such value that the stock
of the Loumsiammit Company is ynlimeti at
$200 per share , i : imiforimmod , Now I
do not bohiovo that those companies can
ho 'cleaned out. ' at omicu , but 1 think that
the country will eventually become
arousel to such aim extent agahist this
great evil that Cougroas will be comnpoll.
ed to take some action. "
' 'Io 'oti leliove , , .ludge , that the Post.
mimaster (3enornl ( has time rigid. to htrovont
the delivery ( if mail to the Now Orlenims
' ' '
llniik 1'
' 'If Ito is satisfied tlmt time bamik is imseti
55 a cover for a concern doing ii lII5'Ii1es
whichi is ill yiolst'moim of Federal bmw , lie
certainly has a right to tlciiy its olhict'rs
time facilities offered to iaw.abiding ioo.
lilo , but. the 01113' way in which to close
up those hugo gambling hstises is for
Congress to take stichi actioim as will cut
ir all their chamices of commimuimleatiomi
with time poimie I could , I belkv ,
draft a imill that 'uvuiiltl be eflimctive iii that
roslmect. "
"llov about the bill imitrotluced last
aessioim by Representative Robertson , of
Louisiana ? "
"l'liat bill , whelm was dosigimated to
ltro'eIIL carrying iii time mmmils any imews.
Psper giving any iimformimtiomm vliimtover
nimout lott ery cummultailies. VaS vell mmougli
as fmmr mu it. woimt. 1 would go farther than I
that , and woumlti lfl'oimliL % the delivery of
nil ) ' Itiece of mmmii , whether registered ' 'i'
mmmt , to nay lottery coimmjmaimy or mimmy ( till.
cur or agetit. of iuimy lottery' colupaimy.
'l'hat , I think , would have tIme tlsimed of.
fect , mmmiii if such a bill should be dtavmm
ill ) tumid liumshmetI 1mm tIme mmOxt. I ItiIISt , I be.
hove it could lam carried tlmrmnmgh , "
i'ostimmaater ( Immoral ( ireshmani , whemu
mmskt'il if ho vouId mnmuko ammy recomimnicul.
ittiomis iii rogmurti to loLler ) ' Colimpaimies in
his annual report , declined to say. IL
vitultl imot (10 , lie said , to publish his iii.
tentinims in nulvinico of time Pieseimtatoimm
of lila views to Congress.
Itorslbrd'M Aclit I'lmosplmac
In Liver and Kidney Troubles,1
Dr. 0. ( . OlILKv , Bostoim , says : "I
have used it with tiio immost romimarkahie
auiccos in dyspepsimu , and doraimgement of
time liver amid kidimeys.
IiimmtnistlIhIty of a Pisvlmmmier I'zit.msiiig
Through TIieiim-Tli Trtmaolmer.
omis lth'cu' amid 'mVlmIm'ljmool.
A correspondent of Time New York
'fimimos writes : Fm'oimm time base of time falls
to Lewistoim , a distance of sevoim mmmiles ,
time ulescomi of time river is 104 foot. The
nyu mimiles of it conummuncimig at time rail.
way sumspuiision bridge is a roariimg , south.
11mg toiremit , of which time first mmmile-iL is
rather less-between time lmridgo amid thu
wlmirlpool , is time very worst part. Capt.
Webb was frank ommough to say that it.
was the "angriest bit of water I hmmtvu
scull. " It looks angry ommoughi , iuqmassa.
blo enough , to time living vhmomi viewed
from time cottage , but it mimust be cmiii-
immod from time water's edge to obtain mummy
adequate idea of its might. About 10
rods below the bridge are two elevators ,
0110 OIl each side of time river. Thmmut omm
time Caimada ido brimmgs you nearest. to time
water , and is time better toe omw purpose
It is tItmimecossary to go immto mummy detailed
description of that which can mmever be
adeqmmatey described. Let us simply say
timmut lucre arc time waters of all time great
hikes but Ontario , choked into a cimnummel
four hundred feet wide. struggling amid
rushing to escape , with a ddsceimt. of
twenty.fivo feet to time mile. Waters are
piled in wild turmmioil up n waters as they
dash onward with a ulepthm of imeara .hmumm-
thed feet , and a velocity of twi.'mitymiyeim
immiles hour , carrying into time
wimirlpool in time. annie tiniui over
100,000,000 tons of water. My fleeces
are from time United States survey , nmd
are as hear absolute corroctimesi as it is
possible to mimake them. Time laboring of
this migimt mass to timid an outlet is mmccii
in time piling up of time waters iii mmmid-
atrcanm to time imight of at least timirty
foot above time shores. Sonic oimthmusiastg
put it as high as sixty foot , but after a
careful nmeasurommmommt witim time eye thirty
foot satisfies mmmc. Time notion that there
arc rocks near time surface iii time middle
of the channel is absurb ; time depth that
there must be to carry oil' this miccmmmnula-
tioim of water at all forbids it , imimd ilmul
timoro been rocks there time Maid of time
Mist would have been splintered into
atoms upon them on her voyage dowim mu
Juimo , 1801. It is nmy convictioum , after a
long amid careful survey of these rapids ,
that time maim who ventured immto thucuim
will be certain to have time breath. buffeted
out of his body before lie caum reach the
wimirlpool , and I suspect thmat Dr. 0. N.
Palnmer was imot far ( room time truth whemm
lie testified before the corouler's jury
that \'iobb was stuimimed amid shocked to
death. , if I may so phrase it. , by what. lie
styled "time reactionary force of water. "
lie uumigimt easily have 1)0011 carried agahumst
rocks lower dowmm the river , limit tue liusi-
11055 was done for iuium lucre , as it vihi be
for any mmmii foolish enough to cmmmmilnte
his atteuuipt.
Yet it is gravely stated ly ) mm or two
"oyo-witmmeascus , " timat. after tIme worst of
tiueso rapids 118(1 beomm Jmussel , , amid near
time emmtraumco of time whirlpool , \Vohib was
mmccii to raise his hamad , look towacil time
Cuummadiaum mmhuoro , mmd tlive , wimicim vmLs time
last 800fl ( if him. 'J'huis is simumply-bushml
As time body of this ummfortumiuatu muimuum was
whirled tium'ouglm those rapids , carried up
'uumd down ummud duutimtmd hither anti thither ,
it was utterly impossible fur time excited
oum.lookers to toll , iii tim briufiimud lumper.
feet glimnpsea timey hut'1 ' of huimui , siieLhuer
hue was alive or ( lead , wimutimur i.e . I'LtisCl
imis head or a grunt billow threw it. up ,
whmmitimer lie ( live(1 or SVILS borne ummidor by
time cuim'rtmumt , 'l'hmere is uuo ccrbtiumty of
ammytiuimig ium any ( if tiicse mttatemuueumts , ox.
capt timmit. thin body of mm umian was mmccxi to
be iuimi'icd down through these rapids.
1u110 umaturo of time place amid Limo comidi.
tiomis of time view forbid ammythmiumg hike
But supposing , wimat I itssummime Will
imever hmmmppun , tlmumt the hotly of ! iI. II ibm.
rio hlaisrmmi , ( ii' 5(11110 other water crank ,
be discharged ( mum time rmmpitls into time
whirl1mo.l with some brumutim imi ii , wimumt
thuLium ? Lot. mis uiscoummi this oievmmtor mind
tiown time ' ' . of
go m'is'er tlircu.qumautoms mu
ijuile , mind see for tmursulm'es , A great
bemmil iii time road occmmrs just. imufore we
reach it ; , corresmuutlimig to time imudeuta.
tmomm 1mm tIme baumk , whuichm is tinu itasin of
time s'hmirljmool. I will muse mu few uumore figUres -
Ures of Vie United States survey , which
wmhl help mis to realize time savumge grmuum.
dour muid imumummeumsity of this jihmicu. First ,
let. ims say that timis torrtnmt , rushuiimgduwmm
to time imortimsvest. , hiatt scooped mut mu ( Iutep ,
ridu basimm ( mum time ( .jmmuadn shut , wm
mmearhy summmi.cimcmmlmtr in mmlumjmu as it. etitulil
be immmuie. Viiomm time waters liuually tot.
cape ( roam this cojmliumeiumeumt thmtmy iumdm tmumt
sharp to time uuorthuemmst. 'i'hue latmimm of time
whirlpool is a 1mit. suuiiuummmieul , by nhmumoat
iurvcndicmmhar bauikmt , ' $ ? S fact hmigiitlmickiy
uithed witim pimue mmmi cetlimmut. 'i'lio ' vidthu
( if time imulot in 400 feet ; ( if time outlet ,
wimicim is time ummmriuwtoit joimit. oum the
rivem. , 300 feet ; dmstnimco uutrmmighit across
the hasimu , fromo bank to bank , 0mm time
Canada side , 1,82fi feet ; time sammlo fromo
shore to shore , at time svntur'a etigu , 1,100
foot ; duptim of u'nter imm time % m'iuim'ipool , 400
, foot ; umm'ea , 05 acres.
¶ I'imose huersoums wimo declare Lust tiortm
iii 110 wlmim'hptmoi , but ummeroly a succwssfoum of
smumahl eddies , caumnot imavo used their eyes.
Thmq torrent commues jim with tire saummu
unighmty iiisli ttmiul tiproar timid. chmmracterizetl
it oil it : ommrso froumm time Stispeiislomi
Itridge dOWl1q 5110015 POtImOhts thm'ee.qumrmr.
ttm of time across time ciumisium , takes mm
swirl in 10 loft , ; commcI ! straight Itack ,
with dhuumimuisimeil it us true , mit still
witim a itomvorftml curmommt , mumtl again falls
imuto time mmmiii torreumt. ' .l'lie otimor third
of thu basium , toward the imore , looks
comimparatively calmmm , but. is in fact agitat-
etl by ceasiess sumetioums aumil nuidercur.
vomits , ammd ( remit this side time great vol.
mmmc of time water escapes dowmm time
streammi ,
None of the swinuners , pseudo swimmi-
leers anul imigit brags , vhm have visited
Ninara timis sumnmumur , have dismiumyed any
, uumxuety to outer time river at. this Point
antI tr timeim' fortunes iii time ' 'graumtt
rouuimtl" of time wim'urlpool. l'Iuist of timemn
have Poolm.Pooimed at it , and advertised
time muost cimoerful commt'udemmee that hmo.whmo
Passed time rapitis sitfel' mvommltl Imavo ito
( hufl'iCuity imore , but noime of timemmi have
tried it. . All sucim t-ommmnrks am'e umiurely
time ulFsprimig of igumermumee. Old inlmabit.
nmmco lucre , river mmmcmi , timoso m'lmo have
atumlied time viuirlpool closeiy , are of time
that. ito smviummmmmer eommld coat rol
lmimmmsoi f itt. mmli jim i I or , utica umuut. ii i tii o
whirl , get. hack to time simore. 1 I e woimlil
be elmutcimetl by its coittiumummul stuetiomi aunt
tlu'.twmm ititwim , na lot's lift ) ' feet. fcc.
qtmeimtly mire. limit stipomte , timid imustead
of ummterimig time mvhmirlpund fresh immi Imas
hteemi ttmumtlmled ammd dashed ahommt. by time
savage torrent of time previous immilo ? Sup.
ittise imu has it hittic lmreath iii his
bmmil'utetl boil3' , amid that ime hua'm sumilicimit
1'f his summseut left. tO try to immakc mm lammdimmg ?
It is utterly lmoyomnl his lmwor. Ito is
carried iumstaumtly right. into time mmmamy of
this water.mumoumstcr , amid his fate will be
jmmst that of everything timat ever
emmtered it. For days , or vorlmaiis weeks ,
ime will be borne rotuumd , and rotmuni iii time
grip of time vortex , aunt fiumily picked mm
mmuihos below , as \ vuis'ebb , mm brmmisetl aim
bhoate I corpse.
Self.commfidoumce is at : excellent timing
mvhmemt umot. joined with ignom-aumcc , Imiut timuit
Ilmunilty ms'imichm imupols mu munut to mmmatch his
fi'elmie agammust time teritl'mo forces of
imstimro 1mm time Niagara river is roporly
described by otimer iammgmumtge. It is igunmm' .
melee ammd folly rtuum mumad.
Time Testimuony or mu l'Iiyslolan.
Jitummes iheecher , 1.1. . 1) , , of .Signimr.iey , lows ,
Hays for several years I have bteui mmsing , t
( ' 0111dm Ilidsaun ' called 1)RV1t1. ) . itAl4i.'S
flAhSM FJl't ( Thl i LUNGS , , imd in al.
muts4 every case thrtnmghmotmt my itractice I Iuvo
ti.itI emmtiro IttiCCOHS. I have tiNed anti ltroMcrll.
ed imumitirod. of bottles over immcc the day. . . of
by U-lIl practice ( I83) ) , whom. I was inmrgoomm
of itotputal No. 7 , Iomuisvilho , Ky.
. JIIitiI ) UP.
Time Plemututut. Ailvemulmuro ol' Thvce
Commdumetor , ,
Odo. . l'il.L
A trio of commductorui , all of whom are
vell kmmowum in Ogdeum , viz. : 0. II. Noaso ,
, iolmui .1. Cortea utumd 11. 0. Davis , left
\VclIs at. abotmt 2 o'clock p. iii , , out time
17th inst. , to go to htmL Spriumgs , timrco
uumilcs vest of towum , to batime. 0mm their
m-ctu Sum , its timey vore going through a
smmmaul cmumyoum , viuicim Intl timcmmm fm'omum view
iii every ttirectioum , three mum-domes m'ii-
laumms smrammy out mtmmd stood timeumm up in
time best. style. Omme big fellow with a
guut ( aught time horse , ammd two , witim
drawim revolvers , ordered themmu out. Imi
thmimir imitate to obey timey uuearly full over
each other , but. were 501)11 ii ft row , its
imiek numul tjulet ums ii prize class lii a Sumim-
day school. Time immummmenso summi of $6 wits
pumumed : out by time crowd , timougim if time
vihhimuims lund struck time commmpmumy's pocket
iii Cortea's lanL , they woukl lmavo got
about S iO of fares , as lie reummits froumm
Ogden. Time itoumo Gazette gives
tim following ncooummt of time desperate
resistance nmuudo by our LoWmsmmmaui , Cortez -
tez :
"They begamm to unhook time watcimes ,
mmd Cortez began to hog at time samume
timmic. Davis amid Neaso were so scared
they could not speak , but Cortex said :
"Ohml for ( iod' sake doum'ttako ummy watch.
it was givoum to umue by mmmy smm'eethmeart
tiumut's dead. Ohm ! you good Mr. Robbers ,
leave inc ummy watcim. I mmmii a commductor
0mm time 0. P. , amid can't ruum mu traium with.
out , it. That watcim is brass , amid aimm't '
worth $5 , but I need it in amy lmmsiuuess. "
One of time ummurderormu simouted gruffly :
' 'Shut up ; we umeod it imm our bmmaimmuas ,
too. " .Joiunmmy woakoumod , htmL soon l'e-
guilt : ' 'Ohm ' ! you vilinuums , timat watch will
emily Imeip to itleumtify you. It was mmmdc
to order , ammd cost. $300 , mmumd t.imure is not
mumotimor like it iii .Auimerica ; " but his
pleadiuig availed imiun umot. Wiuomm timey
got time watcimes , time robbers oudered
them to get. imm itimd drive oil' . Davis vas
110 weak frommi frigimt timat hue imad to be
imelped iumto time wagon. 'I'eiegranmmu svero
soumt iii every directioum amid time robbers
cunumot. get away.
Time fohlowimmg tolograumm Caine lucre to.
duty :
WELLS , Nevada , Sept. 18.
Doum't. jiuhilish nimythmiuig umisouit. that nb.
bury. it wits a lmumt up job by Big .lack
Goruuman , Fisimer and Al. limuree. We
iuuuve ovorytimimmg.
.1. .J. Coivrmz. :
hiGh I'ItlOEI ) CIGARS ,
'rlmim ' .Veeuts ( limit flu'Immg Paumey l'rk'omm ,
ituull limo 1Iemm who Jlm.y . timomum.
New York Sun.
A youumg mmmii witim neatly brushed hair
anti a lighmt.hihmue umeclhic stood buhuimud a
cigar stmuid iii a fashiommahilu and well
kmmowum afe up towum time other day. It
mvuIs very dull , as time wall street. mmmeum 1usd
muot. begun to drop in eu timuir wumy imoumme ,
aunt time ioummgem'o luaU wuumdcred ttumt cii
Broadway. .1 mm time Cane were cigars of
every variety , tromum time ortliumary teum.cont
icimmd to wicked tumid powoufuul ieokiumg
tiuimmgs Lou iumclues ,
'I'imet law commipuimi mis to mmcli time cigars
out , of time homes just its buy thuenm , "
said the chcrhc , foohimmg for time sprouts of
IL iU(1i'imig ( nmemustuchc. ' 'Foruumorly we
luati a set. of bt'mumtifmil y polishuti rosewotol
trays , but we had to throw timumum aside. "
] very box lucre mm smimuuli ilhumuuiuuuitcd
card mm which was time retail luricu of time
cmgitm'ut. 'J'hiese cumutis wore 10 , 15 , 20 , 25 ,
80 , .15 , (10 ( , amid 80 ccmmts , amid tsvo boxes
surc mummurked $1 itflt $ l.fiO flhitiCo ) rtmspue.
Lively. 'I'hmuro were mm. . , cigars nmisaiumg
froumm time ifi.cemmt , box , tim..uighm . time 50.
cent one wits umimmmost. uuimpty , 'I'huc clerk
utah ml that. i f mu mmmnmm imotigh m L mm I m ighu .hmi'icotl
cigam' lie lrefermumt , to jmay time uxtm'mm
time cents , mmumd gut. one ( or himuhi mm
dohiuui' uumtiuur thmamm fomty.I'ive emits.
A t. ormu timmue we thought. it. would add
tommu to time stammd , " sutid the chum k , ' 'to
take oil all price hmgs , limit. we foummud it.
wouuldmm't. work. ( Jusbuumurs cumimimot. u-u-
mnuuumbumr time uuauumus of cigars mmmmd resort. to
time l'mgtmres for JloultilicmtiJmm ( , Ileskiuuu ,
time ignorummmce tml time hiricims often led to
nmvkmvutmtl mmituutiouus , A mmmamm ms'utmd stop
at time mitsumi ( fli ins out with atomic
frioumds mummd say :
' ' 'Iijmumuumm.J ' ' '
stuime cigumi's ,
' \S'lmat kimmdl'
\Veil , lie would hook hbout blimmlly for
a timmmu amid fhumaiiy order imutif a dozen of
tmc kimmd that struck hula ftumcy. If they
imapoumuU to be time oigimty.cuumt or dollar
Ill AT
They always have the largest and best stock.
m'aricty , ime wotilil pity time bill , lout. ito
ms'otmld never buy of us umeumiut. Soummo Ptl t
time tags back ngumimm. "
' 9)o you sell mummuimy cigars at a dollar
"l'hmo sale is very tmmmcvemi. Sometimes
limo box mviii lie for m'eeks tmmmtoumclmod , mmmi
tlmemm agutiut there will be mm suddeum rush
out timuumm. 1 imnm'c mimmmoked mm doliar.amid-a-
half cigar , " saul time clerk with a promi
"litl ) 'OU enjoy it ? "
. "Not for a ccitt. It was g'mYemm to mime
(3110 mugiut by a prommmitmommt broker who lund
jumat. ummadu a big tutu-ut eu time street amid
felt gemmerous. lie botmgimt fifty of timemmi ,
utmmtl hmammtlcul timemmi to wlmoem'or hue mmtet. I
tmmk uumiuuo home , amid after tiumumuer out
Summday 1 immvited soimme frioumds hut ammul I
imtokti mt. \\ell , I s'Iose I'mmt not up ut
extra flue cigars , for I didn't get. mm bit of
comumfort. otmt. of that omme. It was so atrommg
tlmmmt it parcimeul immy tlmroat amid left aim umi-
vleutsammt taste. "
I 'Domm't. you commuukierl amid $1 . 50 umpicco
lmmurcl' fancy prioes ? "
" \ \ cli , 1 domm't. know html. they are a bit
aiectacmuluur , A cigar calm be so good and
ill ) better. Out time imigimest.priced whole.
music limit time most expemmaive cigar is time
Putra lit Nebleza , 'which sells to time trade
for $118 a timoumsamid. This is retailed at.
ally Imu-ice above lifty ucuits. We can't
neil thcumt at fifty , because , muimigumluirly
uimiotiglm , everybody m'hm ( ) buys mm fifty-ccitt
cigar expects timu-ce for a dollar. "
" \\'imat .
. mmmcii buy very hight.pricctl
cigars ? "
'Neam'ly all of our cummutomners buy as
high as tlmivt.y cents , anti we sell imummdrutis
of i'mlt.y.commt cigars. Time puurcimasers of
time very expummaivo flutes are mm fmw'wltton ,
I could commut. off on mmiy l'mimgers , 'rimey
buy titeumm bocaumso they are Si ) very ox-
iemmsivc , aumd not because thmoy like time
flavor. I sutimposo timat if we hmati cigars at
$3mupicce , there would be iurcimasem. "
Time Coumu'I. ) "Imurttstl Casu4.
WAMnuumTo , Special Teiegrain , Sept.
21.-'I'ime oases of Cud. 1ies amid Maj.
Kremus lmave not been coiusmdered by time
Secretary of war as yet , atmil will not be
tlispcsed of tmmmtil time return of the Itresi-
tout. 'l'iuis ti1l delay time mumatter for weeks. Muuj. Nicluorsoim's case
will also be considered imimmumediatoly out
time Presidcuut.'s roturum , amid lie will pro.
bably be dropped front time retired list of
time arimmy. 'rime ' record of time proceedings
of time court. ummartial iii time case of Second
Liotit. Samutuel 0. Robertson , First
cavalry , huts boeum received by Gout.
Swami. 1mm view of time fmmct. timat LmouL
Itobort.somm pleaded guilty to t'ie ' charge of
duplicatluig his pay accounts , there are no
tWo OhiuliOimS nfl to time aonteumce of time
cotmrt. Time Secretary of War will take time
mumatter up iii a few days and time semmtonce
will thou be mmmdc pumbiic , imould be
approve it ; .
: ox Tm. . ciImcsAIuoMIsT.
tinder Urn this of May 8 , 1833 , Col. F H. Tilibitis ,
of lover , N. mi , , mend. us tito foIlowin : WI.ii. on
duty In time sny of the l'otomao In tbcswamps of lbs
cuilcmii.omiy . , Icontractod coteplicallon of d1.ue ,
tliitt culininateti In .pinal trouble , P'1YI or , ono
elite , anti , cycrc dinao of the kldnoy. srcl , bladder ,
ritl great urinal weskmoss. For long time I was
under tito treatunent of the beatphyslclans. soil tried
many of the so-celled remedies , but received no par.
manent benefit. When I wa-i In limo drti tuinr In
lloton m beard fLvorable account. . , om his efilcaey of
hunt's Iteii.edy for tli.casoi. of the kldists anti urin.
sty organs , aiid listing decided to give It a Irlel , I
ilrc)1aet1 ) omno at 'iiiatu's drug etoru , Dover , N.
If , , atiti have received great ittiurfit frolim uelimg It.
The iuscro lislnsin lily litick ao removeti , and I sm
aitlo to sirelt .iiutiilly cud obtain rest at riguit-witici ,
for mu iovg a tititu m could riot do , ail , tito seaknte. .
In thu urinary organs bac been relieved , atici I great.
ly regret that I diii tint test tbe uicrill , of Jlunt'
ittuiedy witci. . I ivas flret lakemi , , ck , as I a. . , coifl.
dent It enuld lists .5)ed ins frormi euteral yc&r. of
stutTering ; amsi I am more strongly con' . Ituoti of tlil
after hearing of the inest reii.ark&blo cures eflwctad
by hunt's licuisdy lii a cao of liriimt's Ilcasu lioro
In our inld.t In Dover , seft.r the patient bad boci.
jrurioimmmced Incurable ) , y celebrated vIu.Iclen..C
tir. 'tlbbett's ' Is a retiroil driuggiet , formerly located
I , . Ikitoi , , and Is a tl.orouI.iy . reIibIe cltiaen.-Cor ,
id ,
Jr. H. Wttithey , et.lotaiit po.t.naeter , Putnam ,
Coon. , writes May 3 , Ias : "I have used Hunt'
Ilotimudy wiLl. thu beat result. . I bios suffered up.
toLl agoi'y for eighteen muontime wilt. kidney and
liver co.,1iaitt , , imiy saler was % OTJ bail , at timimes I
actually rasu blood , This was followed by general
Iro1trntium. . . 1.Iy . business reiiulrliic rite t4J ho on my
feit immost of the time , , uidu imy caau worse. I was
atiIsed to uao IItmnt. . iteitiedy by a frlund sl.o had
been cured by It , timid can truly a.y that It lots bees.
umttud ice , nore thou. cli li.u . , nudichut , I have ucud. I
coruilder IL the beat umiodhtiiu , for kline ) ' and liver
toubiotanticheerfully _ recominenil It to all , "
of the
ijuitta , . body eiareii , , tImt , ritipeti a.iI , atremmgth.onetl ,
etA , ha aiid Inturtatilig aiertlenet , , bug rumi lit our
raler. iii re1dy t.t , hi.juirics we wili say that there je
Ito .tyIiento . hmuutitbmtg abtitit this. Omi ummu contrary
thto aI.ertiaerN are Very highiy Intloreeti. littoroetuti
meraOlIa iiiay get .teaiixl clrcuiar giving oIl i'artlciil' .
Ity aIirtw.Iii , irlo Slu'iiesi Cu , , ' (1 , box 5113 , Ituifato
V. V lion. mlI.ty
I 1.1,1 NI i
Graduated Midwife !
1508 California Street.
aio. : p. MULDOO11' ,
Carriage & Wagon Ma1or
Jobbingof all Kiunta Promptly Attended To.
New aiid ascend hind buggies aitd wagons alwayi
on h&nd. q..1'5aIO. 1. MLJLIOON
Cot , 1tIs axm&Leavt.nworb ,
T'lh ' The tie of the termn "
S H j Titto" ii. . connection with the
U coriorato Itano , ( ifa greatroad ,
COiO)5 a , ) Idea of mutt whaU
reqitireil by time Irstemimig rub.
I I N E lie-a Shart I.Ine , Quick Ttme
itiiI the beet of accomimunods.
U tloiq-ahi of which are turn.
ISIINI lJ3 this greatest railway lii AmerIca.
And St. Paul.
It owns and op.rstes over 4,500 mUs of roe 0
Northern iilinols , Wiacoestn , Minnesota , lows aunt
Iakots ; intl ash Is main lines , branches and canoes.
then. roach all the great busIness centre. of the
Xorthwt and Far W..t , It naturally aimower. lbs
description of Short Line , and fleet Itoute between
ChIcago , Milwaukee , St. l'aul and MlnnosioIla.
Chicago , Miiwuk.u , I Crease and Winona.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Eliendais
ChIcago , Miiwiukes , Esu Claire anti SIhiiwatoe
Chicago , MUwauke. , Wausn and Merrill.
Chicago , Mliwaukn , Heaver Dam and O.hkosh.
Chicago , Milwukec , Wauko.ha and Oennemowos.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Madusoti and t'ralrledu Olden.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and gairibautt ,
ChIcago , tleioit , .lanoii'le and Munerairoint.
Chicago , Itigin , itockford auth Iutitmque.
Chicago , Clinton , itock Island atid Cedar Rapids.
Chicago , Coumicml ttluffs and Onialia.
Chicago , Sioux Cit7. Siomix Faii. aitti Vankton.
Cbmcago , Milwaukee , lIit.chidU and Chaniborlain.
itock island , lubuque , St. l'stil aiti Mmnnoapolls.
Davenport , Cahuar , St. l'ntml and 1.Ilnnoapulms.
Pullman Steamier. and ti , . Finest flinlngCars lathe
world are inn on ( ho mainlines oftiio C14
aimil dory attetitlomi Is l'aiii to pMngcri by coii
ous oinpioyes of the coniauy.
8. il. MLititILT , , A. V. II. CAItPm'.NTEIt ,
( lei.'m tiauor. ( leu'I Pass. Agoomt.
3. T. Ci.AitK , OEO II. IIEAFFOItD ,
Ocii'I Hu1t. Ass't Ocn'i l'nas. Ag'L
I Itavo known and watched the nec of SwIfta 5pg
ciSc for over City year. , and have never known of
a Setluro to cure blood l'olsom , when lirapriy taken.
1 tiai'd It on my aervunts front 1850 to 1885 , as did also
a nuiiiber of my miclghbora , anti In ovary case that
Casio withIn any knuwiedgo It cirectod a cure. In nil
, ny Ills I Iiavu hover known a remedy that wouid.o
tummy acconiltIhik what It. Li. rocomnineuded to do.
II. I. . IKNNAIII ) , l'uriy , Us
I lines knowi. amid tued Swhft'a Spcciflo for pro
thami twenty years , cmiii ha'o seen niors wonderini to.
stilts toia Its u.o umian from any remedy in or out of
the i'haruiacotwIa. II is a certain and sate antidote
to aim aorta of blood rouson.
Atianta , Os.
- - -
Tim throat Drug Ilouio of Chicago ,
We do not hesitate uo say that for a year pa
havosoid more of Hwifts SmtocihloQl. S. S. ) thee
othcrllloocu m'urinera combined , and with uncut
toumahing results. One gontioiiiaim who used half e
dozen bottle , . say. it has ihono him more good then
treatment which coat hlni $1,000 , Another who has
u.o.i It for me Scrotimloims affectIon reports a permanens
curs from its use ,
$1,000 REWARD.
% vhii bopaid tommy Ciouist , who wihi flndon an.
alyai.of lOOhiottlos H. S. U. , orioparticlo of 1.tercuzy , .
Iodide t'otassium , or any mnineral , uistaico. ,
Driuvor mu , Atlanta , Ga ,
trWrito for the little book , Mhicl , whit be mailed
free. f
I'rlco : Somali aIrs , * 1,00 iwr bottlo. Large size
( hmniditig double quantity ) , m,75 a bottOm. All drug.
gist. . soil It.
Capital , - - $250,000.
JAR. B. IIEA1tTWEI.L , i'rcaldont.
A. r titAltKK , vmco.u'reshtient.
K. C. % vKuls'rEuup'ruasuror.
C. 1' . WEumH'rKIt. Cashier.
DIitIDiTOitS :
amuel Alexander , Ossaid Oilver
. I. . Clarke , K. ( .1. Wdb.tcr ,
lIu II Pratt , Jas. Ii. Ileartwehi ,
p. If. McElIIlrimiey.l
! irst Mortgage Loans a Specialty : ,
This Company furiIhot. a Permanent home Indite.
or. thiaro school Honda and oilier legally issued Mu.
cluah Hecuritlee to Nciiraeka can ho negotIated en 71
mo , ( . .torablu terms , Loan. unatlo enl unproved
.11.5 ir. all wail settled counties of time state through
, onsttie ocei corrosuondents. a ,
To the Traveliog Public !
-T1tt- .
oo1ii. ,
I. now undergoing throrough repairs , both withIn and
without , amid this Itromrlctor Intends It ahiall be 550.
OND TO NONE iii thu State , sisal to Omaha.
umc2m.2m ProprIetor.
Nebraska Cornice
OrllaMollt ¶ orks !
VTiii.c1-vu' ,
on Fencing !
Cruatmns , li.tiuatraties , Vcraiida * , 015cc anti Flank
II.auihiigs , Window and CeilorUtmards , Etc.
N , W. Coil. NlZiI ANI ) JONES 5TH.
lvii , QAIBEII , Manager.
- ; ( ( oh
' 0'I ( llwto * 0
'v:4 : a ito , , it , ilot . 'oti. . , uI
, : :
. , , .