- . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - _ _ _ _ _ . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - : - - - - - . - - - . . , : : , -4 ' t d r. E DAILY 1 i E--.COUNCIL 13t 1P1 S , WEDNESDJ 'i a i + , eTI. ' f13 2) 15 . ---w---- ilE 1AILY BEE. 0't. NCIL BLUFFS. Wednesday Morning , Sopt. 261 sunscmimoH RATES : Ir C.nI.r - - - - - - - to ( rntr per week Dy Nat - - - - - - - - ItaoO tKr re.r - OFFICE : e , 7 Pearl Btreet , Near Bq.n4way. ' ° MINOR MENTIONS See Joaeph Reiter'e fall goods. Additiomil local on seventh page. Cheap Railroad Ticketa at Bushnell'e. The justice court had no cases. Laavo to wed was given yesterday tea a Georg go W. Sins and Eva Sunitt , of 3lac0douia. Now scats are being put into some of rho school buildings-a liltlo late , like the contracts for coal. The injunction proyeniing thu hurniti of soft coal in the Bloomer school build. in being dissolved , now lot one isiuu Coventin the hoard cuntractinh for a winter SUIi)1y of fuel witlrnut potting any I Lids or taking advantage of cenpettiior , John Lett and S. P. Goygor , of York , Neb. , were in the city yesterday , uu roulu for Cedar Rapids , to n soldiers reunion to be hold thorn of thu 11th , 13th , 15th and 10th Iowa rogimonta , Col. Crockur's old brigade. Last evening the advance 1 guMd of two was lmea'iiy reinforced by I fifty more veterans , and together they 1 rnoro on to capture Cedar IGaplds. ' The lecture by Elder Joseph Smith , at the Church of Latter Day Saints , corner of Pierce street and Glen avenue , iii Lida citytakes place this evening at 8 o'clock. air. Smith is the veritable and only Jo. aoph Smith , and the head of the reor Ranized Church of Latter Day Saints , The subject will bo temperance , and Mr. Smith will glvo an able , earnest and enthusiastic - thusiastic lecture on the subject. Mrs. Ella Madden , wife of JamesMad 1 den , dial at her home in this city just as ; rho clock was striking 12 Monday night She was aged fort .two , and had been ill but for two monthyears esides the husband , oa whom the n of sorrow thus falls suddenly and heavily , she loaves two eona and four daubghters. All of thesotnourning ones may rest assurud that they have the sincere sympathy of many friends. The funeral services ar. , to be hold this morning at the house at 8:30 : o'clock , and high mass at the Catho- Iic church at ; 1:30 : o clock , - - - - - l l TIIIC 1)UDES - era cnmhig. ----UNCLE SAWS COURT. ' 'lie Juries Empanelled null the Mlll Iteady to Grind. The United States Court opened in this city. ycatorday , Judge 0. P , Shiro. , of Dubuque , presiding , in the absence of Judge Love , who is sick , but who expected - pocted to be well enough t , attend by the last of the week. The following wore etiNanolled ae the Grand Jury , and duly diarged by the Judge : X , L. Goodwill , Presott ; A. J. Brock , Morgan ; A. Kendall , Clarinda ; C. Nich ohs , Essex , E. H , Odoll , Council Bluffs ; Edson Herrick , Exira ; Geo. W. Cooper , Oakland' J , H. Louis , Harlan' L , P,1111- ton , Corning ; Wm. ewis , CouucilBlufli , Wni. Lyddon , Lonox ; It , M , White , Oakland , W C. Do Lwahmott , l'aclfo City ; W. W. Eller , Wiota ; W. S. Morey. Cleareold ; Ge. . 0 , Flomming , Faragut ; Thomaa P. Treynor , S , M. Barstow , W. L. Biggs , C. E. Stone and C. 1V , Eng land , of Council Bluffs , Thu following wore empanelled ae the petit jury : Thomas Spaeth , 1VhooTr'a Grovel .SSturgia Villiama , Percival ; Perry Itcel , Croaceut City ; henry Bowen , Skinny ; Itobort Oflicer , Council Bluffs ; S. Grant , West Side ; C. H , Luca , Logan ; L. D. Itiloy , Kellerton : Isaac Smith , Itivertol ; W. it. Puckluun , Tiugloy ; lohu hurter , I Exira' Janes VuiLoli Crostou' Bland Itesliton , Neola ; Henry PascliolCouncil Bluffs ; James Lush , Logan ; E'hriminl ' lirandrulf Mudall J B , Swain llarlan' DI. Jenkins , Atlantic ; William Simpson , Shelby ; T. A. French , Kirkman ; M , II , Porter , Marno ; William Orr , Council Bluffs ; Jerome Turner , Taylor's station ; , S. L. Lurah , Sorali ; James Rainbow , Macedonia ; I , McAllister , Ited Oak ; John II , Davie , Mt. Etna ; J , D , Smith , Red Oak ; J. S , Butte , Conway ; Joshua 11. Gregg , Council Bluffs ; J , W , Spencer , Doi lios' David Hawes Council BluIi ( ; ' William Art ; Carroll Janes H , Arnold' 1 ' Avoca , The callondor was called , and several motioliSS hoard and disposed , and the ad- jouniment was taken until this morning , - - - PERSONALS. i Judge H , M. Hubbard , of Cedar Rapllb t stopped at the Ogden over night. Dr , 0 , W Archball yesterday visited hls t old home in Olsnwood , and is now ofT with a family for hlq post at hurt Llncnln , Nab , Col , Iteot bull lies quite Ill in his roolu a the Ogden. Tapes Sadlo Ilaartley and Mies Edith e Whoelcr , of Deulson , were b : the city yustor t shy.n a shopping tour , i Congressman Hepburn was hi the city yea. e terday on buslneu In the United States court , ° Thomas 1Vrlglit , of Iei 3lohws , was in at. t tendalce at the United States court yosterduy { t Judge Stockton , of Sydney , was iu the city Ii yebteday , attending hurt and making hcaJ quarters at the Pacific. it w. H. Illnckley , of New York , left the e Ogden ( orOraahalastovadug , Mr. Illnckluy I spent the day hero In ably Introducing to i our wlrole.alo morchauts the hut , of Janus V. White b Co. , of Now York , who stand at the , head as Importers of Scotch au1 IrIRI , lhien , , Thu house Is fortunsto In securing so gentle I rnaaly and otlicient representative , t tI . I City Council. A meeting of the city council { sofa hold last ufght. A resolution was adopted ordering a brick eidowalk laid an both aides of Main street front Sixth avenue to Sixteenth avenue , Trio committee of atrecta and alloys worn iastructed to notify the waterworks company to put the streets in the splits condition Is the were before thu laying of the water ri I ' 'l'ute contractor for filling Iradwny to tt grade teas ordered to proceed forthwith to complete the work , Mr. Carpitutor , of Oulcsburg , ill. , pro. seated a proposal fordrawing plans fur the improvement of Fairmont Park , 'l'imo a propoaitial was referred to a comtnittoe who are to report uext week , to which tiuno the council adjourned , . , . . . . " " C'S. wiaaiYaaiw + + lYa.YtapYiVM.tt.l 'w0.1bA..dAfYfaM + DRAWING OUT DETAILS. The Cor aor's ' ivglest Reicals a Little 1 erc Aboit the Tragedy , The Testimony Presented and the Verdict Reached , Dr , Cross Will Not ho Iireught 1leliire tlto Bar fir Several Days. Much excitement still provaila in the community concerning the killing of Dr. McKtuto by Dr. Cross , Thorn is much diversity of opinion as to the amount of blame attached to t ach of the participants - pants in the tragedy , That Dr. Cross anti Dr. 3lcKulro had anniu altercation , growing out of the old feeling arising three years ago by Ir. Cross causing Dr. McKuuo to bo charged with committing an abortion , Ja concotled gunrrally , but as to who started it , awl as to time part each bore in it before time fatal shot was fired there is a great difrerenco of opinion , amid many theotiea as to dutails lmaru Deal advanced , 7'ho coroner's imiquest was hold ycater day ° tonailmg , and the evidence there taken was iii aubatamicu sa follows : S. JO.4i I'Y r was the first wisneea. IIo was coining up on the eastern side of the park , going north , and whet within fifty or sixty feet of the corner hoard time report of the ro volvor. A woman in the park cried out , ' 'There's has ehot himself. " a roan . lie hastened to the place where Dr. McKune laid amid recognized him. lie gasped twice after the witness reached liiur , Dr. Cross asked if he wan dead. Ho was 1 cold ho wits , Dr. Cross then said , "I shot him. Ho and I had a acufile , " at rho same Limo throwiimq up his hand ho said , "I shot mnysulf too" amid also I shoed where Dr. McKuno had struck limit iu the face. Ho asked whore his tat was , and the witness found two hats , gnu eu the walk , the other in the gutter , f Ii. A , nOLT , aboy , was next sworn. He was up stairs tt 10f , I'carl street , amid was just startilig far the shorn , lie heard the shot' amilt starting for the , mlaco saw the body of a nuur on the aitluwalk. lie recognized him its Dr. Mcliuno. The doctor 1)onod ) I his eyes , groaned mind then his eyes out , lie saw Dr. Cross at tidilig { vest of IIimn , cue maid covered with blood. Ito Haiti , Ile assaulted mite , see , and p0iutod to ltii face , which vts : skinned and bloody. lie asked for his hat and a nian handed it to Itiui , and he turned away. 1m. 51. RAlU16NT , who is in the employ of .1. 3L Phillips , next tontified. My wife nod I worn ru tuning frog tea , amid passed Dr. Cross min the corner by D. Weudbury'a oflico. Ile sconud to he turning u p 1'uarl struut , then hesitated and turner as though to collie back. Wi asked by Ilion and ont t , our room , thou hoard te shot. I ran down stairs and into the street , amid no. ticod the body lying there. Dr. Cross stood there with the blood running front his liaad. His hat was olr and there wan blued on his hose , mutt his coat was pulled around as though they had , ) mad a tuesel. 1 says , Doctor , for God's sake , what has happened ? ' Hu answered , 'this scout. drel ho struck inn down , and I had to shnrt hint to save nmysolf. ' He slowed ulo his hand amid the blood ran from it iutonmy hunt { . 1 ran to the store andtold Mr , lien , , and also Ca t. flight. When I returned there was t unto a crowd about. Wlluil I first met Dr.ICross I did not see amglhing of Dr. Mclumio. Dr. Cross stood by the lamp post for us to pass as we wont to Supper. I thought ho was going to cross time street toward Situ- gnrt'a building , but did hot look back to sue if lie did. It was mint over three or four muumutes after passnmg Dr. Cross be. fora I board the shut. OALMIa : LYoNs Lustiiud that he had just come through the , auk and was crossing h'irst avenue Dr. Weodbury's ollico. Saw two amen standing there and { vliemi I got to the corner hoard the report of a pistol , and looking around saw a nian fall. Ran down tlmro mind time mai who lied elnot hiur Intl walked west a few stops. As 1 got there lie cane back amid stood look- L iug at time faller aai. I asked him a wlmat was the smatter and ho said lie had shot hint. I askud hits what for anti ho said he was coining alomig and he as. snulted him. Ho said lie knoelced hum : duws and then jumped on his back and s I xnta choking hint. Hu said ho 1111(1 to shoot liful In eolf defense and held tip nia hand and said : "I shot n1) self . through hero , " Ito said , "Yon stay ' watch him and if anybody comes you'll fend f end me in mny ollee , I nnuthavo something done to the wound. " IIu asked for his lwtatd began looking for t and I found it for hum : , and he thou started for his office. Several others lien came up , atuong them Dr. Cook , who unbuttuued Dr. 3fcKuw ± s collar , and thoh romanced , "Ifu'a shot through ho heart. " 1 was the first per. f ou there after the shooting. I was only about a rod front thou : at the time i of time shnotisg , just about the length of Dr. Woodhury s ollico , but heard no words. They { rare not walking , but inn stmmtlimm winos I saw them but hero nothiim $ particularly attracting miy attention until Limo shot , Hoard no ; eulllu and satV none. Both : ton wore n their foot nil the timol saw tlio m , int. it Dr. 3lclituuu full.11rbun ho full , ho rae close to Dr. Cross ; in fact , at the lat. or 's feet. I don't know wlmthur they 1 ad a scufilu before I aaw thou : or not , e No ouu also wits there when I slaw tbum lid head the ehot. 1Vhon I saw thumii hey emeru steeling on the edge of thu idutvalk , facing ouch other. Dr. 3ru { uuu was cu time west situ of Cross , fao ng towards Pearl strcut. , Dr. McKuno gasped twice after I gut there. 11 : two r three mniuutea there w'uru several who I attic up. It is poseiblu tile ) might have Ii utd n seulllu before I saw thumii , 1 did nut nbtiru thorn tuitil l was coning out a ) f thu corner of tl.o park. DR. IIAOIIAn , 1 was worn : " 1 u'as asked to oxmmniuu time body of lr. 3lcluuu , which was tlnutt ly mug lit his own louse , There is an nbrit don on the lower hilt , evidently caused ' ' by a blow. On etrippnmg ltiem fommd a 1 ballot wound in thu coutel of time breast bolo , between the attaclnuett of thu fourth ribs. Thu bullet truck pointed towards time right , backward tluougti the right lung , probabably cutting the ul. uionary artery , glanced off the shnuldur I l.ladu , and loged uudurnealh the skim iliunodlatoly at the lower amiglu of time r right shoultlor bindo , 'I'Jmt wound was eulUcfont to cause iuetant death. The blow received of time ii , nnmst ha' : been hard ono , but a blow from tli p fist might have done it. " I vlt. M'KUNE'S COAT , was shown in evidence. It was evidently I W : R- - S buttoned at the time , the ball passing tltmugli bath lappets , Dr. C ; 11 , I'inuey nnxt testified : "On hearing of the affair , I immediately wont to time Place and found Dr , Melsne 1y in mttl on time sidewalk , with liialinmbs o11 into ) the street. Life as extinct , I suet for stretchers amid we carried 1mim to bin home , An examitfnatfon was made with Dr. Macrae and revealed substatm tinily the conditions as stated by Dr , Macrae , We extracted time ballnnd found it to be about a No , 38 ball Tlme nbra lion of th. lip was evidently caused by sumo injury recently inlfated. ' , UB , A , J , COOK testified that lie was called by tunno one at his office saying that Dr. McKuuo had been shot , " As I left the ofice I heard the clock strike half past six o'clock. I ran all the way to where hr. McEuno lay on time sklewalk. I found lime body yet wane but Ill ) pulse , and tutbuttu ° ing the vest amid placing my hand over the heart I felt a slight sensation or gurgling but for an metamit 'Thera were ten or fifteen 1)001110 there when I got there. Wommt with the body to Ur. hlcKuie's house amid assisted others in cx : mining time wound amid body. Fmlud the ball utuler the right shoulder blade , and Dr. Macrae cut it out , 1 was the first physician on time ground , PRANK SOANLAN , a boy who works for Dr. Cross , testified : I was aunt out al errand by Mrs. Cross , around to liadolut's. When 1 canto back I niut Dr. Cross by the Citizens' bank , Lie gave lime a half dollar to get two atrs for at time postollice. IVhen I back by the Citizoms' batik I saw Dr , Muluneehind Dr. Cross , fuliewimi hint u a I saw Dr. McKune hit Dr. Cross iii the back of the stock , alul Dr. Cross foil on the sidewalk , 1 did not hear thou say a word. I was by time Citizens' bank and they wore by Dr. Woodbury's uflice , both walkimig west , Whemi Dr , Cross { vent to getup , Dr. Mc. ICune choked trim with ohe hand and mannered him with the other , When Dr , Cross got ahnost up Dr , MCKnmle choked him with both hands up against the fumico back of Dr. Woodbury'a oflice , ran up , thinkimig I could get Dr. Mc. ltunu ail ; and just as I got there saw Dr. Cross have a revolver iii his hand. I got out of the road , and just then Dr. Cross ired. 3rcKuino held on t0 hium , old they went toward time ditch a little way , anti Dr. McKuno fell over , Then Dr. Cross told uu to go amid got a policetunmi. Dr. Cross was not atandiug quite up whuit ho ehot , lie had Ins back up ngainat the building and one leg bent , I ) curd no words. When I ih'et saw Dr. McKune strike him , I was at time corner by the Citizens' bank , a block away. When Dr , Cross shot Le had one humid u' ' , tryimig to keep Dr. McKulte mill : Dr. 3llcKuuu must have had somimething ma his hand when lie first struck for it looked white , Dr. Cross was walking right : head of Dr. Melunu when ho was struck. I did not sue anybody near thero.Vlmen I first saw then : Dr. Cross was about two feet ahead of Dr. McKuhe , as they were crosshQg over Pearl street. 't'hey were sctlllliugiu ; all shout four miminutes. Dr. Cross had lust cone up from his office to got a half dollar - lar clanged , and ineeting tun by the Citi zees' bunk , lie gave it to sue , and I went into the postoflico amid got it changed , while the doctor started back to go to he olticu. I gut the half dollar changed , and am 14ot by the Citizors' batik he was crossing l'otul street with Dr. McKunu close buhutd hiur. Dr. Cross is in the habit of carrying a revolver , After Dr. Cross had fired , ho emptied all the tridgea out of his revolver , the shell and all. TILE ItnYOLVEII was the one ahown the jury. It is a South S Wesson self cocker , No. 32 cal. ibru , Mr. Lyon being recalled said ho did not see tutu buy there , until two or three : minutes after the almootnng , A W. COWLSS , of Hnrlo , MoKuno & Co , , was uoxt sworn , lie thought that Dr. McKute , o : leaving for supper , went out of time Pearl street doe , as that was his euatomir. U v1U MAV AL testified that ho heard thu Sc11nlami boy may that time jury would try to mimake hfmii may sohuthimig , but they would'nt get it Put of hint. Mr , hrwoll , time enployo of Deere , 1Velle & Co. , who saw Ii'0mmr across time shout a fierce light between time twouiun , uul the substammco of whose stntemknt vas given in yestorday's BEE , was nut subptuuaud in time to gut his uvtde ° eo , boforu the jury , nod time verdict was made up without it Time verdict was : ' ) hut said jurors , impel : their outhe , do : y that said Dr , A , B McKunu came to mis denth out the uvemiiug of Suptenbur24 1883 , frorua gunehot wound , said wound buisg inflicted by a ellot frog a revolve : al time hands of Dr. B , D , Cross , amid urthur timid that said ehot was tired with Oleuieue intent. B , S. Truw 1LLluuln , Feremian , Euw , F , I'rln.mtoug , C. A. BEEBE. Dr , Cross was to have been brought before Justice Selutiz yesterday forr ox- auimiatiomi , but it was poatpome(1 for a ow days. Liu has secured as hia utter. tuy8right sod Bnldwiu. Hu still lies n Jail. Dr , hart was called in ycater day , but did tint dcumi : it necessary to droes his wimummt18 , ® - Dr. West , dentist , 14 Pearl street , l : . Stunoy , proprlotur of time Commercial 01150 mt Iluntburg , was in the city yu.terdny , umid tested the tables of the Ogden and l'acilia 1011505 , S , MoPhorsmi , of Iled Onk , is attending to IS duties as atturnoy to the Uitltod States sort bore , A. Booth's aulect oysters reoivcd daily atY. . 'I. Brauu'e. SPECIAL NOTICES. NO1'4CE.-Epeclal ie tertk.c0ent. , , ach a [ Awn , ut0d , I' ) Loan ; leer Eats , To tteut , want. , Iliwnl. ng , ctc „ will ho Iumertal Iri Mlta Coltiilmii at the low mtu of TEN CENTS I'hl : LINE for thu Ilrit he.rtion mid I'IVE CE'l'H i'Ett IJNI : icr each ut.sequomt In. eidloui , Leave wlterthunnents at our utacu , No. 7 earl Street , near Itroadwsy _ WANTS , pg ANTED-Emery IaNty' mu Cuunrf IIIUns to take ' ' T'ur11sa ' Bellveted bycarrlerat ormmy twenty enta a mwek , tTANTEO-A buy , with pony , to dellmcc Tmislie. ANTEt-1'o fret Clare coat maker. , at J , I ; Metter' . , $10 Broadwy , _ FOR SALE AND RENT , Oit 8ALK-A good last horw , et a bargain , Inquire at ( taco WUe's. I 0 ItENT-A olrely furnlrho'lroom ' , fur one or luustnglegen0umenat A. t.Siulths,125 6uuth atadlaontreet. UOIt8A1N lfouao and lot , northwest corner of p Tenth and tlmadway , Jolts W. IIAmso ) Dabs' IICIU4EF IL SAI.E Olt IIKAT-Th. tIt . , ; all nnoden. . SI pUatea ; % eU lue ad11Cfor as a or ea.e. Apply to OIIEhGa 1)AT , Cuuncll LUurrs , In. , 8epteniter 10 , Ib81 a . . : . Em kie Hard ware Co , 44 ' : - ' , _ _ _ J" V FtOLaEl 1 > x1IA : rtI . l H a r d LI F 0 ! r 140 and 111 S , Main Street COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. t : ir-t 1f y WIIOLESAiE DEAI.EItS IN HATS , CAPS BUCK GLOVES , 142 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Fi'u1 ! Conleotiollery Parties , Soembles and Picmiics supplied on short notice , and goods delivered tc all parts of time city. Vienna Bread , and Pies , Fine Cigars , W , T , BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 104 West Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS ISou ht noel 01c1. Done Loaned , Abstracts Furnished E' . J. MoM ELRON No , 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , MAYNE & P ALDER f nlLAL3RS IN Lime Louisville& IIICHIOAN PLASTER HAIR AND 8EWItR Ph'D , HARD AND eol'r COAL AT LOWFEV riuc. Tro , 030 Broadway - - - - ' - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. SMITH & TOLLER , R I II Ilia ! r , t W CD O i _ I. , . . . . . 1"1 P { , ' , ' t't7p g' 4 : a , , ® ,14 I erc an - ai ors. 7 and 9 Main Street , nIRTLIC7TOR S , C70VNGIIa Sx..VFFa , x. . . JOHN BENO & Ct 1 , OENERAL llxltCIIAN ° 'alc , le Yaln street and lT Pearl adroit. MUl3h , Gtoaq , 9151fa1a Street. CRESTON ITht.l h0U8E. , 917 and at. Rata sheet D R. J.v F , WfI'I'E , Gmar Yale and Filth .p-stain. Reeide.a,101 Willow anon. , N SO URZ JUsTicEOFmitPEACE , , Gala over American Expre.s. D , S AGiVEK , mew eoatraot for funeral. LIVERY at AND reaaonabi. TEED , rate. , 29 Fourth alraat J , M , ST. JOH N & CU.CA H BUYERS , "y and ini. ° Sh p'to'uss. . Urea by return null , 110 Broadway. HION WIUTEIt AND OIOAiNEit. D A BENEDICT v o01ce 337 Droadway , CuuncU Blue. , Iowa. JAIOB ; KU Off MEILCIiANT TAILOR , iltook Comdete. Suite made at reasonable prior. . No. $06 Slain at G F S ITH CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , , Corner 7th and Broadway , I'lanaand.peelllcatlon.twotshed. WI W SHItRMAN IEALER IN FINE IIAItNESS. , I bare the Satiety that bring , potronage. 124llaln street InUC JAMES FJIANEY , ArUctlo Work and reasonable charge. , eTE Droalwq. H WE & SON FUENITURE STOVES , t f , and Ilousebold 8u1tPIle. . 309 Broadway. LINDT & B ART . , ATTOIt , Jame. Block ' state and federal rourte , S AN ITARi UM And gomcry bath house , t. ll , , 421 l'hyelclnn and 423 , Broadway , L. Soverulgn , Prop , I' , J , Mont. EDVPTN J ABBOTT JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , , Notary l'ublloaud aeneram Coumoyancur. 415 Broadway , aEVrAEE IUUSE . Tem lloie,10Y'1Leftted , Broadwayoppo.ltoNew ° 1 , f I , 61,60 ) wrday SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , DEALERS IN iI'ooorio ' 1 , PrOYsiOlls ! , lOOtS Ell1 Slioo I IMMICiR11TION 11CIiNT i. UmtArrs oN THE BANK OF IRELAND , DUBLIN , FOIL SALE , 343 DILOADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFSC' C' fo C C ESTOi\ HOUSE , fr MAX MORN , - - - PROPRIETOR. 2L , 317 n3tzci : dXO ss. Main tr3troot , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - - - - IOWA MRS. D , A , BENEDICT , Si TILE LEADINO DEALER IN ° i cl Iii h 337 Bi'oadway , Council Bluffs. SKELr ® NnI N DRICKS & RICE 1 TAILORS , II xL02 A YN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS. ? ALL AND WINTER l STOCK NOW COMPLETE , EMBRACING MANY NOVELTIES 0 t ' 40T T0 BE FOUND ELSEWHERE.o' ' tom YOUR TRADE IS SOLICITED Is m 'I' s III.O .8.-M . , e-a ir. ( I'.a Special Sale for Thirty Days ' -COMMIlNC1NG- 't'u.rcl.ar t To reduce our stock and make room for a latge sleek of r PALL AND HOLIDAY OOBS We offer at reducedaprices our stock of I 'Il1oys ' , 1liOll O1Y , JSOO1IAJ1OOllS [ ! Books PIIOTOGRAPII ANDAL'TOGRAPII ' ; ALBUMS , Pocket Books , Purses & Lathes' Arm Bags FANCY COOS Steel Engravings and Other Pictul'es---Cabinet - - - Photograph - graph Frames , Parlor Easels. F9.i Scream , . F'rt J I11el . WALL POCKETS AND BRACKETS , .9 } ] Dc d1 , Ilii.ewe sef cif - -cr . . l 9 ConEisting ofull kind of ; Baskets---Cloth es Baskets and Hampers. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF OTHER GOODS. llrill Pay You to Call' and Look at Our Bargaiuz H. E. SEAMAN. , ! 06 Broadway. - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOW. Model Steam , aun.rP't. i . 712 BROADWAY , COUNCIL B U FF' . N. A. CHRISTIANSON , - - - roprietor. Ilan just opened a new and well fitted steam laundry. Guarantee goodi work , Please give mile a trial. IF YOU WANT r BOOTS , SHOES OR RUBBERS CALL ON " 1 Corner Main and First Avenue , Council Bluffs. Ile pmts Thenb. NEW GOODS ! JUST RECEIVED LA.3 IZES' E'VRNx19SINc-c-aS 5l , NOTIONS , LADIES' ' AND CHILDREN'S HOODS. Zophyre , Cormantown Yarne , Ribbons , Laces , Jewelry , Etc. At MRS , D , A. BENEDICT'S , 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. CURE OR NO PAY. 152x + O.L1M Springs ! We guarantee the cure of the tollowlng named dl. . ss , ornopay : Dheumnatim , Scrofula , Ulcer. , Ca. rth , all B1.odand Skin Diseases , Iyspepsla , Ll.er omplalnt , Kidney and madder ° iseascA , Gout , Neu. mIRla and Asthma. These S irInga nro the favorite resort of the tired and debilitated , and are thu Feeble Iadhs' boot lend. Goat hotel , Livery and Bathing accommodations , Locality htghly plcturcque amid healthy , Corroeonfc.co , solicited , Address ltov , M. M , TIIOMPSONManager. Slloam , Gentry Co. , IIo LTovelty Works 17 NOItTII MAINST. , COgNCIL. BLUFFS. KLENCK & JIIREY , PROPRIETORS , All kinds of repairing. Furnlture iepalred and iched. Chairs ru caned and ro seated. AU kinds U.holatering. Locks , Belle and Electric Inslnm- enja repaired. Speaking 'lobes put in old or new utldinge. Keys fitted and Slovos ref.aired . , 1'Irt as. . work guaranteed. Glmu Ls a . silos , orrlcaa , 11 , a. rosin. OFFICER & PUSEY . AMEn Council Ulutfs Is. Establislea - - 1856 Beaters In Furglen and Iomerflo ) Exchangoand emu Sectirhics. _ _ * .5R. VAUCHA6L Justice of the Peace. Omaha amid Council Bluffs , Ideal ettato and collection agency' , , Old Fellow' s nck , oerrknincs Bank , pan5Jl' MORgAN , KELLER , & CO. , UNDERTAKERS. The gnat quality and largest Ytockwest of Chicago Wooden old Metallo Ilssrs , tall. attended to at I hours. We defy competitlQn in gouty of goat priaw. Our Mr baorgan has sorted so undertaker r tort years ammo thoroughly understands hie bu.i abr. 1'arruouw$11 arlxdeay. Ul'II0151'EIt1NG all it. branches prunptly attended to ; also caret yang and lambrequlna. Telrgrapldo and mall en fined without delay. COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD TIB1E TABLE The tollowlng are the time of arrival and departnro t trains from the local depots. The trains start from , the Union l'aclIlo depot about tun minute. earlier than below stated , and arrive at the depot about ten minutes later. Trains on Pool line. and K. C. run on Chicago lima , a halt hour aster than local , 1Yahaslm train , run on St. Louis time , twenty minutes taster than local , U. P. and Lincoln trains run on Council Bluffs tine. . - C11ICA0o , ROCK ISLAND AND PACIYIC. B.ll rt Arrive. AtlanttcExt..6:30p.m. : PaeilloExt..9:40 : n F x and MaU' . , DSOe no. Ex and IlaU',06 ; p. en. . Dee Mulnesao . .T:15a : , m ] hs Moines ac.,8w3 p. m. ciilcAoo , rvamJNoros AND QUINCy. ( Depart , Arrive. a ChlcagoEx'.533p.m. Couuallbuaaex.,0.41. 1Iad and Ix..D i5 m Stall and lx . ,700 ; p. nn , C/IICAOO and NORTIIWKSTRRN. b Depart. Arrive. gaay A , Atlantic Ext.6.15pm. . f'acifoExt. , . 0:15a.in : . Nail and Ex . . .0:20 : a m. 51a11 and Ex. .0:15 : p. m. Accom ( Sat ) . , . . ,6.50 . p. m Accom ( Mon.1:45 p. ma. KANSAS CITT , aT , Joa AND COUKCIL 11LUYPa , ( hepart. Arrive. l trail and Cx , . . . ,0,55 , a in. F x bear. . . . , . .6a6 p , m Exprcar.9:25 p. nI. Mail and Lx . . , &L5 p , m. v UKION rACiriQ. Depart Arrlro , Overland Ex.,11:3Oa.ul : , OverlandEx..400p.ma. ; Ltnruin Re. . . . . 11:30 a , m , Dcuver Ex. . 800 ; a , m. Dcmcr Ex.,7:00 : p , in , Local Ex.e 30. , m. 1 Local Ex,7:25a.m : , " Ex.9:05 : a. mu. Eiulginut..5:20r.m , " Ex . . . . . .6:00 : a. mu. WANAr1I , ST. LAOIS 550 PACIFIC Depart. Arrive , Mall and Ee..DA6 a In , I Stall and Ex..4:30 : p , m. Cann on Ito11..451) ; p. m. Cannon hall. .lu05 a , m. Sioux CITY AND 1'ACIYIC. Depart. Arrive For Sioux City.7:55 a , m. Frm Sioux City8:5o : p m FDrF..rtNlobrara . Fein Fort Ntobmra Neb' , . . . . .7:55a.m. . . . . . . . . ' : . . For St. Paul. . . .7:40 : p , min From St.1'ani..8to : a , m CUICAOO , MILWAOKxx AND ST , PAUL , Lcnres Omaha. Arrl'cs at Omaha. ttatl aunt ix. : . . . 7:15 : a , m , I'arlilc Ex. . . . D:45 : a , m AtlanlloEY , , , 310 ; p. mufMallamid Ex. , 7zrpm All tralus dally. CIIICAnO , LILWAUNRR AND SL PAUL. leaveCouncil humUs. ArimesCouncilnluR. . flail and Ex.'D.U a m. Mad and Ex . ' 0,55 , p. m. , Atiantlo Ex..15:15 : p. m. I Atlantic Es . .iD10 ; a m. COUNCIL 111.01 AN' ' ) OYAIIA bTIiKST RAILWAY , LeasuCliuucllPlulls LeAe Olmiaha , 8 a , m. D a nr 10 a , m.1 , a. 18 a , um. D a , In. 10 a , m , 11 DL 1 p. um. 2 p , um , 3 pne4 14 , m , 1 in. 2p , mu. 3 p. Dr. p. m , 6 'm ' , uL 0 p , 01. p , in. 5 p , u , 0 p. in. Stn'ct cars rmm halt hourly to the Union depot , On Sunday the cars begin their tIE ' o'clock a. mu. , and run regularly during the day at 0 Il , 9 , 4.5 , and 0 o' eloek , and run to city time , ) f . R. Rice M CANCERS or other tumors removed witltoutthe ' knife or demising CI blood , 1 CHRONIC DISEASES of kind , a mr ; + clalty , Over ' thirty years practical experi.nea OUc. No. 5l'enrl street , Council IImeuo , L4rConsultatlon free. _ _ _ _ Mrs , H , J , Hilton , tt , p. , 1 PHYSICIAN & SURGEON A + 222 Droadway , CouucIl Blnda , 4