Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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    q. TII7 DAILY BL. .UDIAIIA , 1i'1EDNESI.AY , SI1L1113L1t . 2i. ( 1fEi
Puhll.hed every mnrnisg , except3Rnndey. The
Dills Monday mominR deity.
esha IT halt ,
nil Yn . . , . , , . , . . Threellontha.
me , , & One Month. . . . . . . . . 1,01
1 ttaharoettiu.
One Yetr.$2.00 Three Noeths.I 10
} Blx3lanthL. . . . . . . 1.00 I One Month , . . , , . , m
Ametk.n Nero Cnmpeny , 8o1 , Ageed +
.n In the URlted Rtatee. ,
alRUrornrn ;
A Cemnealeettone relating to Nem end TdltsrW
a marten A..M be eldrex.M to tke Hnroa\ie. Tsr
erelwM Letret4
All Rnataea Letter. end Remtttaecxa'ih.u11 ; be
Mdre.eMtoTuelei ranuennt. Colrur , OMAeL.
Draft. , Q eeks and r'oetoalce nnlm0 be tide par'
ib a to the eider of the .nmpeny.
RRegS11AT6R 1 > dltor. ;
1 n
SECnrrAln' FouiER enys thntthe resig
i' ' nation of Supcrr'ieing Architect 11111 will
t be Recopted he soon as 001110 cue can ho
( Olllid to succeed hint , DlullcU la etill
out of a job
\Vu.t. Lieutenant Dancnhowor vnltni
teor to lead an Arctic expedition in
search of Mr. Laird 1 There to a Polar
silence in the region of Stinking Water ,
with a falling political thermometer at
IbIlnAD cannot ho lawfully baked in
Now York on Sunday. Tire court lmae
decided in a toot case that it io "not nec
i i weary for either the good order , health
I or comfort. of the cotninunity. " The only
aoeasoary things in New York on Sunday
ago well equipped boor gardens.
Tun colored troops have auomblod at
, oulsvillo to fight bmvoly tot "more
social and political recognition , " Iteso
luttuna and conrentione cannot give rho
fret and the oocond will only bo reached
when solored politicians are as able and
colored votora as intolhgontae theirwlrito
, brethren.
LATER news from Washington state
Heat Lieutenant Robertaon'o eantonce for
iuplicating hie pay accounts is to a short
suoponaton. This woul i acorn to confirm
the early ropnrta that the Lieutenant was
the unfortunate victim of ciroumatancee
and the intent to deceive was not present
in his offense.
"You cannot well oxpeot to go into my
show without paying , but you can pay
without going in' , whioh is much mho
Hama , " remarked Artemuot Ward , the
great moral showman. We are all will.
fog to pay at the door , cash in advance ,
if Mr. Laird will only exhibit his colloc
lion of living curioeities ; the "liggers"
from Stinking \\'Ater , Will ho do it t
ACoonnitlo to the Republican ammo
Inn but iti editor ii editing Tuz Ban.
Tun Bae liae hatl mint etc editor ill ten
yoars'whilo the directory lnan inn horn
forced t0 revue lies list every year afire
a nil at the office of the Union Pactliu
I organ. Wea have riot consulted Re laa'
'directory , but we abould imagine tha t
, i Paul Vandervoort had been editing the
Ropubffoan for the last three weoka.
Tian late Governor Stnphona , of Ooor
a " gia , is safely buried , but the funeral ex
peuaos have not boon paid , at least no t
by the State. The sorrowful men i
it charge of the funeral supposed that th
State , o [ course , would pay all the huhi
and on that supposition undertook
,1 , bury the dead statesman in a style unu
! anal to Georgia , but now tile logisintur
kab spoiled their plane by a flat refusal t
in , bled.
Coianvaisru RontnaoN and Charle
Frauds Adana , Jr. , graduated togothi or
at Harvard in 1860 , "We little though t
f when wo graduated , that I would eve
I # do this thing for you , said Mr. Adamot
? , Ir. Robinson , when he moved his rum i
cation by acclamation Mr. Rubtleotl h
; auothor awful instance of the dennorali a
lag results of a college education , t
which Mr. Adams referred so feelingly i
Cambridge last June.
Tux management of the Sioux City
Pacific Itatilway have , it zoL understood
da6nitoly decided to build a hpndrod an
fifty mules of railroad next year , woo
from Valentine , their preheat torminu S
The line will probably run by way of
. Antelope crook and White river , from
which latter paint a branch will ho but
do the Black hills. The further oxto
f on of the 11110 will b0 towards rho Pot
dor river and Fort Fetterman.
Tne Republlean is not foolish enoug
to cumulutd the action of the l upublica
Central Connaittee of Dnuglto Cuuit Y
who took to theuuelves the power of ai
pointing delegates b the State Cunvut
ttou. .Tho procedunt is bad , and hi
Yule will come when those who ungiuee
ed the scheme wilt be carry for it.-R
jntht loan.
This is another caio of the pot callli
Yto kettle black , The action of thu Doi
glaa County Central Corymitteo was co
tiatunt with the precepts of the ilepub
1 # e in.and the practice of tine puliticin
who have worked it and the party in t
lnturu3ts of the riilroads.
Tun euggestionof Contractor Coats ti
f the frieze of tie new court house aho
be of stone instead of galvanized iron ,
a a good one , The cornice proper , wh
toots on the frieze , may as well be
' troll as of any other material and
decreased oxponae is an argument in
vor of its use. But the frieze , by wh
lsmeant the perpendicular baud butw
the hop of the wall and the project
cornice , should be carried up withl
same material as the facing of the bul
fug. A sheet iron f rioto will be ceC
to warp and bloat , and the effect of t
building will be much marred. Our n
curt house b too handiolno a struct
to be disfigured for the sake of eavlut
tow hundred dollar. ,
e Let ua have a stone frieze by all lnca
" " tl . _
The Republican State convention
meets at Lincoln today to place in noini
nation candidates for a sent nu the au
promo bench and three regents of thl
Douglas county Republicans will not
be teproiented at its session. The dole.
gates who attend from thin county will
represent nothing but the will of the
county central committee , by whom they
were app.intcd.
The co called Douglas county delega
ti.n will act as proxies for the Ifascalle ,
and Thuratona , and Yosty , who secured
their appointment , but they will repre
sent no one oleo. The great mass of lt. .
puhlicans hr. this county , defrauded of
their right to the eloctiott of delegates to
express their choice of n successor to
Ccorgo 13 , Lake , will remain without a
voice or vote nit Lincoln , i't is wall that
this should hu understood at time outset ,
\Vitlt its orgnt17. tion tiintod witla ;
fraud the convontinu ought to possesa
little interest for the Republicans of
Douglas county , The riligotera , tvli ,
have seized the Ilopuhlican organization
in tliie cnunry to register time decrees
and work tlio will of their railroad inns.
tare , should bo forced to do the electing
as well no the iiominatiiig. having
usurped powers which were never dole.
gated to thorn by the people , let dram
draw out wheat Republican votes they
call in endorsement of the outrage which
has boon perpetrated upon the voters of
this county.
The proper way to teach"those gentle.
men a lesson which they will not soon
forgot is to administer another dose of
themndicino of dofeat. which is "bitter
to the tacto , but sweet in the belly. "
The county central committee have
alienated fully fi00 Republican votes in
the county which will bo cast for James
w. Savage ,
WaAT is said by traveled visitors to bo
thu most perfectly arranged and finished
school in tie United State. , tlao Cathe
drat school for boys , wan opened lnst
week at Garden City , L , I , This nnag
niticent structure has been erected by
Mrs , A. ' 1' , Stewart hi memory of liar
husband. The building is unique and
blegant. It is in the curly English Gothic
style , 280 feet long , in the form of the
latter E , with wings at the ext euities
160 feat deep. The grand edifice , built
of brick mace on the premises , forams a
striking contrast to time beautiful Cntbo
drat in the iuuncdlnto vicinity. Its
nrrangeinente for the comfort and health
and reereatiou of time boys are complete
and well nigltt perfect , t
This work and tie Cathedral lints cn
gaged the deepest interest of Mrs. Stow.
art for years ; and ill all the details of the
gnat utldertnkiug she has been tided by
time counsel and active co operatiun o f
ox Judge Ililton , who is trying in al 1
waya to carry out Mr. Stowart'e origins 1
ideas in Gardmi City dhoti-a phtc
which is alreudy brautiful and will , grqu r
more so ovory'ytr. This city eta nlrie I
monunyit to Mr. Stowart's desire to d o
something useful with his vast wealth
Its elegant Cathedral and , school wit
stand for centuries no his memorial an
that of his devoted wife ,
The result of the New York conventii i
is not entirely satisfactory to tle hail
breed faction , but the breach made i
e the party put by the Saratoga cone
vention b healing with a healthy rapidit y
All is not entirely cerono along the tau d
sun , but the year for another 213,00
I Dennocratio majority , recruited from It 0
publican rotes , is a long way off , Whil
, the stalwart lion and the half breed lain
r are lying down , at seine ditance frog
0 each other , there are grounds for cm I
gratulation tiat ! the lamb is not inaid
S the lion ,
There sire comjalainta that the .Sta t
e committee is still strongly stalwart. Bt ,
Ii there is no denial that its complexion hi
boon chtngod. The Barney Biglins an
Stave French's have taken a nnoro retire
R seat , and the comiunittoe , as a while , ht
, boon liberalized , Thu one aiguifica
d fact in rosard to the nett o.mnttteo
1 that while it is an ndnniniatratiomi en
, Grant and Conkhing have had no had p
its composition. Slalwartism within
U these leaders is Sannilson shorn of h
It locks ,
a. 'I'lio Richfield Springs convention h
T assured a delegation front New York
188.t in the iritureats of Preeideit Arthu ,
The hand of the preaidont has be
it scarcely visible in the politica of the En
ti Aire State tube year , but his counuels an
: directing hnflunco have been heard n
I felt , There are growing indications o p
e party revival , under adutiuietration le
e.urehip. . Time olive branch has beoti
tended , hesitatingly it is trite , but thin
mg Sands of Republicans have accepted t
. tender ,
II. Those Democrats who expect that t
U. fatal quarrel of last year is to be repeat
its again this fall in the Republican ranks
he New York , will find tlemiisolvus seriou
mistaken , 'I'lme medicine of ( bloat
miniatered at the pulls , hue operated , a
mat tvohost political physicias are of
aid o , iuion that there ha no iced of rupe
is hug the dose ,
ich Now York Itopubllonns are harnnon
of fog on the basig lint of btahwartieln eir
tlmo llalf bruediam , but on Arthurieni ,
fa and that Is the putty tendency in a ec
lch of other States ,
eeu _ . _ - . - - . -
" ' ' ' ' ' "
lug Dw'T1dC771'A'S Db'T'JCTI"
Clio This is a quatiet which is puczl
id. many of our conternporarios inoru ll
tabu the Itoao Ambler case , Thorn are s u
he detectives wlioeo ahrewduess in detect
ow clues to their victims pocket book. is
ere questioned. Time residents of ovary la
a cityaroacquaintodwithtltieclauofalm
Their scent for a five dollar hill is enc
nc to that of a vulture for a carrion ,
their ability in making parties on both
sides of a case in which they are engaged
pay for their valuable services is only
equalled by the Inengreimeso of the results
gained ,
There are too many detectives whoso
principal detecting is in time line of perr
aieleut blackmailing of thieves and in
bleeding their victims ,
There are too many detectives not a
thousand miles away tram Nebraska who
are brilliant successes at putting up good
jobs and then detecting them when
committed ,
Such ( letectiveo undoubtedly "detect , "
but business thrives in proportion
so it is not in turn detected.
Tf1E air was thick with rumors last
night tlmat Judge Lake had reluctantly
consented to accolit a renomination at
the hands of the Itopublicau convention
ill case it was tuRlered trim by acciamnn
tiuu. Inrsoy knew it by sundown and
mio forluru hope ever becanne inure
radiant at time approach of reinforcements
thou Alpimabeticiil Dnrsey , as ho whis
itcrel time thrilling news to Frank Wail.
tars while calling the crowd ( of two ) up
to drink at time bar of the I'axtou.
Ifawall also upon receiving the inforina
tiol hurried down town and n search ax.
pcdition was suit out for Julun M.'I'hura
ton to carry the joyful intelligunco that
aGed had been found in Israel , and that
Judge Lake was a contingent candidate.
Several delegates , however , from the
western part of the state , refused to enthuse -
thuso , and were heard to do.
ciao that the Minden busi
ness would lose Lake hundreds of
votes , A number of Republicans from
Douglas county also tlmrew a gloom
over the mooting by the remark that as
Douglas county was not to be represented
in the cenvmution , it made little differ.
onto , as far as they wore concerned , who
was nominated , as they proposed to pro.
test at the polls against the arbitrary
action of the central committee.
however , the general impression
among railroad politicians was that Judge
Lake's imoruinatimn was the only hope of
Republican and railroad succca9 , and
there was much congratulation over the
Thu report may or may not be true.
It is possible that Judge Lake may have
consented to sacrifice himself upon rho
altar of his bleeding party. But , which , .
or Mr. Lake is willing to admit it or uot ,
his arc.ptance of a nomination atthohmnds
of time convention will ho an ondorsemient
of the outrageous mind unrepublican
methods which in this county , at least ,
have occasioned widespread and well de
served dissatisfaction with the Itepubli
can ormuiizauon. oiiiinatud under such
conditions , George B , Lake will enter
time cuuvfLia nit n diaadvnntno which ho
lmimself cat hardly estimate. 'mVo doubt
exceedingly whether he will purmnit hinl
soli to be rondo n political tuu pin to be
bowled dolvin at time coining election.
. _
ONE result of the changes in the revo
flue and tariff has been the breaking up s
of the Diamond match monopoly. 'Chi e
combination which was made up of unu Y
I companies blended in one , controlled th 0
prnduction of matches in this country an d
remorselessly crushed out all opposition
It will be remembered that its repro _
t s mtstivee appeared before the commit
, tees at Cotmgrcae and stoutly opposed th
a removal of the stamp tax and the change
, in lime tariff by which 11 * trade W& j
affected on time ortaneibla grounds the
, tire tax was not burdensome and did no
0 increase time cost of matches to'the con
sneers , but really bocauao both the i i n
0 ternal revenue tax and the duty aide
b powerfully in preserving its profitabl
a monopoly ,
. Time rest of the story is thus told b
the Now York Times :
On the let of July , however , the. oa E
, cant stamp tax on each package
t moraine was abolished , and through th
na abolition of duties on wrappings and
d custom-house charges and cmminiiesion s
d the tariff tax oh imported matches w
is reduced from 36 to 15 per colt. Matoln
it dropped in price at once , for the does
is matches of Sweden imamediatoly sough
o , this Inarkot , and the Diamond lmfate
„ company put down its prices. It h
ut now behead a circular price lief in whit
is it atmouncea a reduction of over 60 p
cunt , , or from $6.10 P ° case to $2.t
as and $2,60. Time company has bee
in forced t. take this step because the r
r , mural of the iutornsl tax and the ruin
III lion of time duty broke up its lannopol
ml. Match factories can now lie eatabliall
d without n large capital , and many am
mid ones are spriimging up ht the u.rthws
a lu n dates where lumber is cheap.
mid.a _ _ _
oz Tnr New York 7'ribuncis stung toll
u. quick by the Tiunce' reduetio11 in pri
he and drops to Utrue coils a copy bitter
observing , "if we were striving to ettm
he late a failing oireuhalioin , we shou
ed dmmbtloss nnaku a inoru startling redo
iii tine , " Every paper would like to soil f
Sly scent , if it could afliinl to , Lot us ha
ad. uo hyprocriay ulcer this , Dir. Itoid ,
mid - - - - - - - -
Tun Truth Out aL laabt.
Ctaclnnatl'1'iutee Star ,
'T'hu expluuntioli of Dfr. Wattersa
long , lim'uring visit to Dfr. Tildon ii
niz aunnour Tuts come out at lust. 'l'hure m
of "two h nulsone 1rem chi walmiut sic
amid bonrdD , wail aupldiud with tumpti
bottles , in time Gruydone nlausiut of t
era hospitable oagu.
T 'Tilden ,
Vow York herald ,
Mr. Tildumi eats eight timesadny , a
ing the at a time , witii a very little whit
man amid water , and ! mil takes pimosphutea ,
nu still converses nil mm low toile of voices
imig from hnhilt , not necessity ,
"Turn the ltasoal Out.
rge From the lkiston herald ,
rks. Datma has Presidel
They say Mr. a
qual bee in his bonnet , if this is so lot
And turn the rascal out.
Veiled In Mystery.
New York Timei.
Mr. Tildcn is time daiperato hops of time
party. The nmjority of its monbera turn
to lam with a vague feeling that they will
find in hhn some relief from time monotony -
ny of pottincao and frailty everywhere
else. If , however , he were really nomi
naled , and brought out in the light of
day , and surveyed with reference to the
requirements of the actual situation , ho
would bo found very unsatisfactory.
Seven years ago he was the hero of a
struggle in which everything favored his
party , and the memory of that contest a
the basis of the largely imaginative respect -
spect in which he is now held. But if
the veil should be lifted , the hundreds of
Democratic editors who are mow plagued
or inspired by his shadowy fiquu + would
be either ieatedorgrievedns ) well as astonished -
tonished to find that his real character is
the opposite of imposing.
What Caused the Paper to f3uspentl.
Ilelleville ( Toc. ) Times.
Time paf + cr was dated Saturday , and n
grand ball wnT conning off Friday night.
"nth all then Ilourishcs known to time
modern .hcnkimis time editor described that
ball , tie ? incidents "f time uv nimig , the
dreases horn by the ladies , and gave the
nanteS of whit purported to lit time par.
ticipauts. Thu Ih acumi was printed Friday
uvumiutr , and Friday night a terrific rant
prevented tun seuiblancu of a hall. This
was too much for ' [ 'ho Beacon , and it
suspended. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Startlhig dIronoinical News Froni
time East ,
Philadelphia Times ,
The planets that have been so long
strangers to time evening sky are return.
i"g , led of by the ring uncircled Saturn.
Saturn is now in time cunstollation Taurus
and in proximity to the star Aldebaran.
The steady goidei light of the planet exhibits -
hibits a fine contrast to the fiery ecintil
lation of the star , 'Toy rise at 0:30. :
Free Use of limo eugllsh Isanguage.
Wendell Phhllips.
"I dielrust and despias the Republicans -
cans ashypocrites and timeservers , as
double dlen , as soulless carrion , sans.
querading in the grave clothes of their
honored predecessors. They have no
right to seek their candidate among the
high minded and preferable. Let than
chooses leader from among the Teaks-
bury marches , the peddlers of poor men's
0. A , I'a Little Game.
l'hilsdolpbia Record.
The Now York Sau is trying to boost
Mr. IIolntnn into the I 'residential pear
tree while the pears are green.Vhat
will it ( Ii ) whoa the fruit is ripe amid ready -
dy to fall.
Schuylor Culfac thinks Secretary Liuoohn
the cumnlta Republican.
Ex Internal Revenue Comnlesioner , Ranm
has gene to Ohio to take pert ill the conpaign.
The harbor 'mmmnt sionerwho succeeded a
"Itepuhllcan rascal" ht San Frammcisco , line
stolen the grand jury funds , $8mi,000.
The recent ec uua of Indiana shows that
there are 979,838 voters hi the State'-nn in.
creuue at 980OT ; since the lust comleus of vuteit
wav taken.
Governor Sherman , of Iowa , predicts .10 ,
001) ltepublicau mnnjemity h , that State' in
October. The nutet suagmuito Deutocrate only
, tred1ct a clue vote.
Ono of the Georgia State Senators , accord.
in ; to Atlanta and Macon juurnala , cauunt
read sir vvrmte , and when nn antogrtiplt book b
seat ti , Nm a mark Is till titit ; ha can m.ako.
- The Cincinnati Cmnmereltlilazette ( aaye :
/ There are mluo recognized Republique can i
elutes for the United States Senate in Hamif
Wu curdy , and Governor Foster dues not
live hero. '
Virginia hinn 128,000 colored votes In a total
pull of : $3.1,000. Dow ninny Mahone will have
of the 1'28,000 is as yet miceradu , though wit h
hut fifteen cenGtloket plan he may be able to
buy a good many.
The weaknee. of the Greenback party to
Pennsylvaulawae plabdy shown at the con
vematImi of that party in Schuylkill county hue i
Monday. Oal thlrt'.four delegates Me re
) present , and a urge misority of tke.e favored
tk. plan of making so nominaloae.
s Congreeeman Itobinaon , the next Govemo r
s of Maseachuaotte , has always been a total nb
atinence eau as his record , both \Vashing
t ton amid at hie Chicopee home , will ehow , bu
t he aeudbly aays that Butlemiam not temper
once , in the kauo this year , antj that expert
once loads him to believe that the precon
Ilcrnee law , with local option. Is all the ro
nd striation that can now be accompliehod.
Ex Convrewman Manning , of Miesiedppi
0 who was one of the most active antl ltaudal
D.mncrsta In the Speakerehip .onteat fuu
yeah ago , wee naked In IVaehingtoa yeetor
y day if he believed Randall could be beats n
next winter. lie.aid : "The indication , ar
formidably o6alnet beating Randall , althoug h
ns 1 will nut leave a vote on that questlus , 1
of have maul watched it very closely , That I
the way it looks , however , upon the surface. '
The two living members of I'reddmmt Bu
of chanam'e uabinot , Joseph unit and ex Secre
, Lary Thonnpsun , are utagaged in a bitte
quarrel. Dtr. 'fhmnpenmm , in mm aiewruaper ; him
ca tomiow receutly , cluirged that Mr. Jiult w Ss
oa a Upton man frees him
Itch , who Is living quietly \Vaahington
1' hat said to a reenter of Tim , Stair of that city
at 1 cau explain Th"iiipe/iit'a / mimnllgnamit ha
red of time. 'lime canes is a matter of record
It lVhnn he w + nutouthaftor leuvhagthecuhhmet
ns ho node a ap.ech ill which its raid that For
h Sumter was reinforced through a 'trick' o
Bolt and General Scott , That word 'trick
er wu used with all time diehtmrstp and unscrup
r nlmisnras it hapllw. I re.ented the imputa
tinn , and in a letter addressed to Tliomitsnn
Ii fulaued upon him time charge of having bee
umifalthf + tl as well as disloyal to his 6over u
e maent. It was "l' ° ' iuforutaNun fureisded uf
a hium that the iaaple of Chnrleetmi learned n
tbo udaebm of the Star of the \Vest. But fu
y' Limit mforinastiun the relnforcemeuts wuul
ed have reaeled Sumter , as the govewdnuent b I
all teodod they should , heforo those iii robelllu
Were aware of lt. 'lhnwpeuml , a niewber
a the cabinet , and bumm t in hnnur while lie r
lnaimml in It to iruterve its secrete , sent ti
iaf rmatluu which tat to the iiring upon t
Star of the SYcet.
o 41k ld.
c o
l y
Exlstueo Among the Rlmiulc Mou n
a tarns of North Carollua-A.
ld Oondun'eed Itcmisueo.
or A corrmpeudolt of The i'hiladelph
1'O 1'ruaa writus : Dlount Dtitoltoll , the lug
cat peak of Muck ntomatuna , is 400 fe
higher than Jount Vaihinglon ; in fuu
it ms thu higiteat point of the whole Ai
Italncltiau range. Dlttelell , thuaurveyo
for when it WOO naued , lost lila life
ii'a fullhug over it precipice while wuudurim :
tat nn the moutatain after nightfall , lYh
o lie wato fuuild dead time fulluwimig d ty
t ions proposed to bury him where ho in
nag but nu old ntoumhdneer objecting tim
he lmis spirit would mint test vull pt the v
Icy , they wr.ipped ltta hod ) in n blank
and bore it to the sunsuit of the fiunn
peak that will bear his uanm foruv
Every visitor to this epot carries a stn
Iit to fdacu upon his grave , thus helping
build hie utoliuumeiit ,
Living o11 tlteau mountains are pear
who mover saw a wagon or whoelud vo h
ole of any kind. Bridle taths loud
their houses and all they know of t
world is contained within an area of
a low nines. There is an old umuntaimi
teal in this vicinity who is living on the fa
hint where ho was born. For a hind
years his ancestors have tilled the pal
soil. The reward of tliis century of toil
is fifty ncres of cleared land , a log house ,
) low sadly nut of repair , a smoke hout ,
ti no n i ale ircaa , and uno grape vine ,
Ono of fluIinael's , cherubs walked in
tube morning as we sat at breakfast. Ills
face was nmust ) angelic. Eyes us blue
as violets , regular features , exquisite
comploziO 1 , and bromize brexn lamr , lie
simM lie had come "tar borror two quarts
o' Intdy meal " Ho was 12 years old and
could scarcely read , having attended
school but throe months , lie said he
never expected to go again.
Time young ladies ajiumid their leisure
momenta in making ornaments of mica.
The mica its cut into nnmiiemus oval or
square pieces , which , after being fringed
with the scissors , are sowed on pasteboard
crosses of frames. Tito effect u quit.
There is a woman near hero who has
made blackberrying pay. Ilcr huaband
started out with her one afternoon in
search of berries , but , Bonn becoming
tired , ho stretched himself in time shade
of time buahea amid fell asleep. his wife
enuiimiued the ft uit pieking , was aeon
attracted by a laigu piece Ot mica lying
uu the ground beside lter.Vatkiug hum
sleupy lord , she told hum alma blhIOvOdall.
htd ; found ii mica mine ; but lie only
laughed at her amid turned over to take
iumother nap , The next day the woman
took a pick and shovel , and , ruturuimtg to
the nput , snecoudod in u icoveriug t titre
vein of eigi , from wimiel they realized
$20,000. 'Puri womimai furnmcrly dug giu
sung in order to furuiahherluisband with
mimomiuy to buy tobacco. Ile chows the
finest clmt now.
A wullkmiown artist , who is ninkin ;
sketches of primitive life in the Black
mountains , iron hard work gutting the
nmitivus to "pose" for him. One day ho
came across a picturesque log huusowith
loom amid spiumng wheel upon the porch ,
but the fair spinner objected to being
sketched. She said she was an orphan
quad had no frieudeaud , didn't want to be
putin. " however , a silver dollar overcame -
came her scruples.
Black Mounhin Station , which cmi-
sists of a small hotel and little else to
speak of , has been the scene of a ro
Inanco such as lie summer resort need be
need be ashanmud of. It is an old and
threadbare plot in novels , but ono unusual -
ual in real life. Last spring a young
lady from the North came down hare for
her health. It so hnpponod neat Itea'
photograph was sent to friends in
Enghumd and there met the eyes of a
young Englishmun , who exclaimed : "If
thut girl is as good a * she looks I should
like to mimrry hmcr. "
Coining to America , ho , too , oought the
sunny south , for his health , also , song
time ntoumitaius of Northa Carolinn , ammong
titmice primilitivo 1)001110 , the aristocratic
Englishman met .the yommg lady whoae
face he had so admired. Novel-like , it
was love at first sight ; nor was the city
girl daunted at tutu prospect of becoming
a farmer's wife ; for her lover proposed
that they settle upul a smeall farmit in this
self mno county.
Surprised at the gift of a magnificent
dianood ring , she tileuglit it necessary to
begin Caudle lectures at once , for surely
such jewels were quite beyond their
nteamis. Finally caumu time coufesaiol that
has so often trmubled on the lips of the
heroes of yellow-covered novels. That
lee migiit first gain her lore Ito had du
coiled lien ! He was worth , $000,000. A
few weeks ago the imunistor rode over
from his home , tweimtyftvo malice away ,
and the romance umdod with a quiet
morning wedding.
} 9r. 1350 "lrowri a L'ronehal ( Ti-ocacs" were
intruiluoodaudchoir aucceas ail u cure for
Culdd , Coughs , Asthma , and Bronehitis has
bean nnparalled , e33 m.ko cod3t
The New l'ostago Stamp. .
The American letter writer has for so
many ycnri had his patriotic sympathies
harrowed and his reverence for the Father
of. his Cuuutry sorely tried by the painful
caricature of George Washington , with
, its awollen jaw , brutal features , and
dropsical neck swathed in an untidy
dimmer napkin , on the three-cent postage
restamp , that the lot of October , with
its reduction of letter postage and
new issue of stamps , will br ng a double
rrelief. .
The now stamps are ready for issue ,
t but are to be with held. until that date.
In the new two-cent Stamp it is to be seui
that the aching molar has been pulled ,
and time facial swelliyg has subsided ,
while the head and face beareomu reaem-
bltnce to the Gilbert Stuart portrait in
I the re nementofthelinesandexpression
r of the features. There is an imnprovo
merit in the arrangement of the hair
e , and queue , The engraving is by Alfred
Jonee , frown a copy of Houdin's caa/taken
front life.
s The iiew head reeta in an oval medallion -
lion ou mini heraldic shlehi. Thu lettering
shows immure sharply and distinctly than
M in time present stamps ; at top , time
Iegmmd , United Status Postage , " mid
below the medallion , "Two 2 cents , "
. standing out clearly on groundwork
, darker than time body of the sump ; whiln
: the color , apale carmine red inkjmi which
oxide of fen ms a powerful couipollott ,
eutiiciuntly distinguishes tfodenonminatiou
( without blurting time dosgn ( ,
! Thu duublerute , or four coats tamp isof
n green color , amid boars the head of the
' Hero of Now Orleans , sonewhat loss
I nnkoupt amid frightful than tlhor Coy -
I ermnent caricaturing of the grand old
Dumnoemt , If Andrew Jackson actually
f resembled hie postal a stamps , ho needed
neither militay skill nor equipunouta. he
It had only to go forth and look upon his
foe "and time red field was won , "
n . 'lime process of printing these stanmps
If. differs essentially frump tlmat of England
a and continental natieno who coutinuu to
he nmake their plates directly from the origi
nail die , and to prat front raised designs
on blocks like types , The Ammerican
Batik Note Company's emcees is , how.
over , to cut the original die on soft steel
in sumikemi lines , and frou tuba , bein g
hardened , a roll of raisel transfers like
tpo ore obtained , and from these , i n
torn , are produced plates of two hundre d
steel copies of the original die , in Bunke "
ha lines , from wlmiclm time stamps are finall y
lm printed.
' " iiEMEDV
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P. . .
Dry Goods ! '
Waahuna7ton Avenue and Eifth Street , - - - ST. LOUIS. MO
Wholesale Grocers !
C1 g are a , mid Manufactured Tobacco .
Pailits , Oils , jyjijslios a.ud ¶ thdo' ifiass
Gropers of L iv Stock and Others. _
It le the beet and cheapest food for , took of s fly Brad. ( he pound ie equal to three pouode.1 oem
Stock ted with Oronnd'Oii Ceke in the Fat'and ) ' Wt t , as laetead of rnnning down , will iaireu. I. .eigh
aril he in good marketable condition In the epi i malryatmt , ar.eli a other , who ono it can testify
Ito morite , Try it and Judge ( or yonrelreere Pr a. ' 5.00 per tune no charge for sack , . A hlra.
, * o6nio i ODM'AN L1tiilE1D : OIL COMPANY , Omaha
On Long Time--Sinai , ' Payments.
IE1llUt'1dlluhOrS Priiiis5. r t 1
lain hODOIr TT1tE
.Q I
art is e . ac or .
1409 and' 1411' Dodge 9liroe Ft
OMAHA , - - - . - - - NEBRASLA.
- Manufactured by the- Omaha Dry Hop Feast Coe -
Buiea Carflaes atid Spru ! % Vaous
My Repository le oonstaany filled with a select ata. . Beet Workmaa.hlp guarwted.
Office and Factory S. W Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Qmaha
CQI , t
( r
A !
1 1 D
Reins Victories , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes om X60 f
to $120 per 1000.
Combination , Grapes , Fro rasa , Nebraska , WTYon'n and ,
: 1 JY. . . o
. Booths 'Ova 4 a id 1
X'rmteh 1II'isah at VV holowalo.
m n , B , BEEMER , A tOutaha. ,