- - : - _ _ - - - - . - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ 8 j'1-tti iAILY flE---OMAflA. ) , 1iUDA SI'TJi1E1R 21. , I - - - - - - - - - - - I 'rm DALY BE1 OMAHA. Friday Morning , Sept 21. Vcathcr 1tlIcatInii. For the uppct and Nioti. ri Y1cy8 , colder , fair weather and frost , twrth to west winds , higher barorncter in : aoutboi'n 1)otiois. - - - LOOAL BREVITIL3. : -tTh coH icaeha. zirthod In -r1u am ! 1t m1tnchoy dmy. ro evident. . ] y at htid. -The U. 1' . t.rntn from the wct hat evcn Ing WM two houra 'ath. ' -Mr. ilobert Garllcli , vIt1i McCord & Br 'ly , left ycvtcrday for Now Ydrk , to meet. hii mother ftnd vdBt.er who tTO returning from Lu. ' . Their steam. rope nft.r a fhe years' nbvonco. er will stnlre on Tuesday. -A te.m ntt.ached to a wagon load or Tn. c. 1o.q , an overload , italloti last evening at tim aosslng of 18th and liarnoy strcct.q , where the sewer trenthes are being ( lug anti were with difficulty rClCMOi. ' -A ploMant jarty WAS IMt evening 1'on t tim rovliienro of Mri. It. L. llo , N , . io Capital avenue. .irs. Itoss gave the outer. tiinmont M P. treat to her hoarlorn , and a Tory pleasant. affair it was. -Mr. II. C. Counsman , who liMbeon tilght clerk In the Omaha jostolflco fur some tlir.o , IM received an &IIointmont as route agent c sgont on the Union Pacific , and will shortly begin his runs between Omaha and Choycune. -Mrs. Annie \Voodbey will nddrs the .poopo at the entertainment to be giveti at the 3ti11 in Lytti&s block , by the Colored Baptist diurch thin evening. As no colored lady has slyer lectured hero before , wo anticipate a full nttendance. An admission fee of ton cente whll ho charged. -3. H. } 'oust. was yesterday ftrreated and taken before Jutigo Wright on the charge of nasault vIt1i a dcadiy weapon with intent to kill. The charge is made by John Williams , a Frenchman living south of Ilor's distillery , and the date is fixed for tim 111th Inst. It. ap. Ie sri that his neighbors nra mostly Germans , and that in a row Into winch ho was drnwma 1owt , throw a revolver , aimed it at him and fired. LuLkily the aim was not. good but the shooter Is arrested for his intentions. -A meeting of tim omaha Building and Loan association was hold last evening at ; Firemen's hall atmd it was largely attended. The treasurer made a reimort showlngthe nsso. elation to 1o in a 'ery flourishing condition. Its capital stock has returned an income , thur. ing the first six months of over fl ier cent. The Initiation fee was raiseti to $1 P ° ' idmare , 0 md several loans were made. 'l'hmo members are nfl enthusiastic over the success of the movement. . -s. p. Morse's clerks have not struck against the firm. They have simply struck customers as being rery lively. -Tho BEE notices with iloauro that its Lint has been taken and the mnud.holo around the public drinking fountain fihlod with brick. -The crossings at the imostoffice corner have xelapso l into their chronic condition of abso. Into and unfathomable mud , particularly time GflO runnitig east. -Lizzie Pound , the missing girl , has writ. . ten to her employer , Mrs. Ross , on Capitol avenue , that she had merely sprained Imer ankle. Omaha girls cannot stay hidden very long. -A man named Itagan , living in a cottage lmck of St. . Mary's hospital , was robbed Wed. nesday of $20 , by masked men , who cimloro. funned him , according to his story. His wife . .was absent at the thno in Columbus. k -A laughable Incident. occurred in North ; Omaha Wednesday. A dude searching for a late mash got into the wroimg house and was lasooked silly by a gontlemmman friend who hap. imned to ho spending the evening there. lie smald ho was looking for a party namnod Stommo. S lie probably imnaginod ho had found a whole quarry when ho caine to after the interview wIth the caller. -The timno decided upon by l'ostiamumter Coutantforclosing the Eastern mnahl , 1:1i. : p. Zn. , it was thought would not allow tlmnt cnugh to do imp the mail and gotitoit. Twen ; ty minutes hind always boon allowed , but. Mr. Coutant thought fifteen long enough. ia before yesterday tim imiall was thmmmo up iii -smoven muimautos and a half , and on the aecommd -trial yesterday , it was all ready in five muhi. lited. -The following rosined gentlemen werc iocted delegates to time State convention at the Lancaster county convention held at Liii. coin yesterday : Chmn.s. H. Gore , Sanniel J. , Martin , N. 14. Ifarwood , Henry \Vissonborg , v. j. Lamb , Martin Van 1)owego , II. K Iooro , Ilaskihi Warner , A. S. BaymnontiWal. ter J. Harris , J. C. McBride , M. if. Wesuott , 0. 1. . l3aumn , 0. \Vimodon , 0. U. Bullock , 11. P. Iiau , i1. Atklnsomm , H. "mV. lEanly , S. -iv. Burnhazn , U. It. Itamulahl , Wmmm. Quick , ] .tobert Doan , II. Ij. Carton , Chias. Magoon. - Eucklon's Aruba Salvo. ' ' The greatest medical vondcr of time world. Warranted to speedily cure Bun. . , Cuts Li ! . rs Salt Itheumu , Fever Sores Cancers iilos , Chilblains , Corns Totter , dimappoti limsuils , and all skin ei-Uitaiis ( , guaranteed tO cure iii every . Instance , or money refummdcd. i5 emits box. U. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A. Womnams In it. , Mr. I5axoi , . LAIIAMth Ciy , SCltemflbor 19. To the Editor of Tim ] licxm I eaw an article in Time Cheyenne Leader about. an interview between Mr. Wm. A. Paxton , of Onmaim , and a BEE rojort.er , in which the decision of lion. Judge Loimor , of Cheyenne , Wyo. Ter.1 agaiiis the fences , is very mwveio13 thought of by 1r. Paxtoti. Of course , by all nppeaaco , I consider Mr. Piixtor . to be ignoront of the real facts in iii case. But lie thinks there h a woman iii the bottom of it. o there is , Mr. l'ax , ton , and allow mo to tell you , withioul giving ffl.iiL8O ) , that If my case IliLd hem yours , thmori would ho a iminit at the but toimi. Time wonmami's mimim is Mrs. .1 , Odder , and ohio lives at Larnmnio City Very rcspcctfuhyMiin. ! J. Oinnii. : Atithitionni i'JeimsoiImii.s in ' .Vrinity Ca tIlIicIiL'l. in giving the ) it of xiiexnuria1i in Trin ity Cathedral WI ) oinit.kd three iinportaii olies , which are , the elegant. chiuido'juri ' p througlrnut 11w cathedral1 which are thu gift. of Tziziit Guild , nim organization o youngladioa in limo Paihl , amu the snat ifl the choir of limo cathedral , vhIchiiis tI elevated anto-ehancul , TJie.sire jihmice. thieve iii imieniozy of limo late ? 1r. Beau who was one of the imiost. valuable am oxemriplary iiieimiberii of ( ho parish aint vt.ryiimau1 mid all the altar and chmaiicc books , wiich are given by Mr. V. C 'Airnor , of Oiikao. , . . . . . , . - - FOIIRTIIDAY'SFIIIING.I I Th PrcBrnillary Piac1co ! Culihinns at Pt , Omaha Rile Ralle A Conipleto atiti Oorrcct Itccoril of Every 1)ay'H l'ma lice. Through time courtesy of Capt.in Coo. Ihlgo , who is the officer in clrnrgu of Limo department rifle contest. at Ft. Omaha , time Bun is enabled each clay to present. to its readers the earliest report from time range. As the firing continues until three o'clock in Limo afternoon , it will be 50011 that it requires lively work to have the record in each ovetming's Issuu. Itillo practice was resumed at Limo range at Fort Omaha yesterday , firing 1)011mg continued at time 200 and 800 yards ranges in the face of a wind blowing twuimty.tlmrco miles an hour. Time wind guago ntood so at 2 o'clock and time comi tinued gusts immndu high scores on imupos. silnhity , vhii1o itgreatly retarded the tiring. Corporal \VcngratF who hats fired over limany ranges says it Was time imardost. iviiiil in whelm ho ever eliot. . At. mmcn the following vcro the three highest. scores : Sergeant Sbty. 297 ; Corporal \Voagrafl 293 ; Lioutemmant Morriamim , 287 viiiwr liAr. Name. ) r.t.c.1).l'arkhmmrst I ; Cay. 2J5 2R 81 84 I'riy 7.achmariasou. II 7 html. 2' ) 27 27 81 Corp. Ii. Weagraif IC 14 1,11. 29 2fi 27 82 Sorgt. A. W. stay B 9 Imif. 28 2 28 8 ! Corp.KIf.Stevenn ( I 7 Inf. 29 21 2i ( 79 Scrgt. hLltnblnsoii IC 4 lnf. 27 28 21 79 Mus. 1I.T. Martin B U Inf. 21 27 27 78 Sergt. P. It. Iiiehile l 7 liii. 27 31. 19 77 Sergt. . .T. Iloroick. It 14 Inf , 2 $ 27 23 7fi Sergt. A. Itoehmnner B 9 liii. 2G 28 27 76 [ 'nv. .1. It. Clarke 0 6 liii. 25 24 23 7fl Sergt. C. Mayo. . . B 7 lnf. 27 29 20 76 HEC0iSI ) DAT. C ) i Namno ? l . B. $ ergt. A. W. Stay.V 9 inf 2fi 26 30 82 163 Cold. 11.WengrnlT..IC 11 inf 29 26 26 81 163 Lt.C.1).I'arkhurst. . fi cay 26 28 21 75 1MJ Prv.CZnchmarlaseii.A 7 infe2 29 22 73 160 Hergt. 1'.Jt. Iiehlo.E 7 luf 26 25 20 77 161 Sergt. It. . . . . . . I inf 29 29 26 81 ltd Coid. J. (3. Ioats. ) . .1) 4 ml 80 26 22 78 .162 Lt. L. Merriatim. . . 1 inf 26 25 28 79 160 Cm1ii. .1. Fiohuis. . . .0 7 iuf 2 26 2i ( 711 1 IS Scrgt. C. Mayo. . . . it 7 inf 21 29 19 72 118 Scrgt. Brim. liegimmuil ) 4 inf 19 26 29 71 147 Sorgt..J. Ihmrnlck.B 14 imif 21 23 22 69 145 . Tillill ) lAT. 'D Name. ' .Scrgzt. A. V. ' . Stay.V 9 lnf 28 27 30 86 294 Coiml. \Veagrali.IC 14 inf 26 22 30 713 211 Lt.O.J.l'nrkhmurst..E 5 cav2l 29 23 76 235 Corp. .1. 0. ] ) aats. .G 4 inf 24 29 30 83 285 LI. Ji. Merriam. . . .1 I iuf 211 80 27 83 233 Corim. C. Gregory . .1. 11 cmiv 23 : mi 29 83 227 Scrgt. 0. Mayo. . . .11 7 inf 27 27 24 78 226 Sorgt. . 3. llornick. .11 14 inf 29 22 27 78 223 Scmgt. Ii. Itico..C 1 limf 19 24 20 69 223 Mims. Ii. 'r. I4larLln.O (1 ( iuf 21 30 28 79 222 Corp.E. 11. Stovens.C 7 luf 26 25 31 82 222 l'rlv.CZackarlasoim.lI 7 inf 22 18 25 85 221 I'OUmtTil flAY. c' Name. 0 . o . . . Sergt. A. W. Stay.A 9 Iif 25 24 2 ! 73 821 Corp. Ii. Weagralf.K 14 luf 26 26 21 73 314 Lt , L. Merriammm. . . .1 4 inf 27 27 22 76 302 I Sergt. 0. Mayo. . . . B 7 inf 0 26 24 70 296 Corp. .1. 0. Doati. .G 4 inf 25 23 11 59 291 Sergt. .1. lfornick..B ii inf 22 2(1 ( 20 68 291 Corp. l.V.Gordon1C 1) ) inf 19 26 27 72 281 ] Sergt. B. Rico. . . . . . C 4 inf 25 26 16 66 289 1'riv.C./ackariasoni [ 7Inf it ) 28 20 67 288 14t. C. D. 1'arkhurmiti 5 cay J3 10 20 411 281 Corn. K II. StovensU 7 luf 19 26 16 60 282 Corp. C. Gregory. .Ia S cay 23 27 4 54 281 Excited Timousanda. All over the land are going into ecstasy over Dr. ICing's Now Discovery for Consumption. Their unlooked for recovery by thu timely use of this great life Savimig remedy , causci thorn to go nearly wild in its praise. It. ii guaranteed to positively cure Severe Coughs , Cold ; Asthma , 1 lay Foyer , Bronchitis , I [ name. floss , Loam of Voice , or army aloctiomm ot time s bmoat and Lumimi. TItI LUTIIERitNS. Amiimiittl Convention of time ' .V. It. & P. )1lsI4knaIy Society of time No- hraskri. Symul. The woimmuims' convention immet. iii thit Lutheran church Tuesday at 2:80 : v. in. Thu devotional mneotiimg , led by Mrs. .Jardino , ( if Omaha , wasof deep interest , I Thu address of wolconmo , mmmdc by Mism . Imlimirmie Call , , mts voi1 iroparct1 , heartily weiconmiimg time ladies of tim conveimtior r to our county , to our beautiful town , tc our ironies , swept. and garimishmed for thou . coming. The response was made in m well prepared paper by Miss Aimgiisbi Flahir , of Wayne , iii a clear , easy amid ha1)1)y immaiimier. Time subject "Pomsoua Responsibilities , " was Ojuflod by 11ev. L , Kimighit , of Cleat Crook , mmd further this. cussed by the president , Mmmi. Kimmmmoi , Mrs. Jardine , Roy. 0. 11. Schmnor amid others. Mrs. 11ev , A. B. Shrador , ol . Poimea , vas apIointod aecrcbtry pro tom , Time evening session ooncd at 7:8C : with a good audience , by slngi'mg "I love Thy ioii Lord , " litre. Staunton Lmresitliim at time organ. Tim treasurer's report showed about $30,000 raised by the societies during the year. ' 1:110 : residommt'e address was read by MISS kiln Day. The , address was an admirable lr duction , amid read with that force characteristic of thu do. cuttonist , of wimommi Tokiunahi mummy voi1 be 1)roud. Time presklenmt rocoummnumidod that I time inhniutos of this convenmtiomi , with aim abstract of the minutes of 1882 , be 1mb. lishimi iii pamnmh1ut form , and that mimeamu be tioviseti for defraying thu expenses. Time first clause was at once adopted , and tIme pastor of time chmurch was called on to jmmtk on the last amid. inmost difficult clause. lii about live nimitititoni lie raised : 111 time conmgroution $37. Miss May Wil. Non thou recited an adumimablo produc. ion elm time subject. 'Objoct of ? mlissioimmm , " 1mm her usual forcible mnnummior , 11ev , J , N. Lonker , of Ormuid lmminmmd , thmmi made mum admmmimnble address on thu I iuhoct , "Woimirin's Work for Luthiorrimi , Emnimgmnnts , " and the second session cluam' . Wudmmesday Mornmjti-DovotiomaI ox. om'cmt's , led by thu lirosidomit , and rcadin9 of mnmmnutes. rae AIIILOAI ) . . Letters of fmatormmni greeting were roan from Mrs. .1 , 5 , Dotwiler , Louisville , iCy. . l5resmdomit. of the general society ci time LI. 5 , From Mrs. 1) . L. Ryder , - tlollidaysbum'g , I'a. , corroslommdimmg socro. tan , of time Allczimeimy Synmodical society anti Mis. 0. F. l'utera , corrospommdimi mecmotary of thmeKanaasSynodicat society , I'imo luosident then mend her report. mu iologate to tine general convention hold in ; Sprimigliuhni , Ohio , last Juimo , Diacussioni of time subject "Puldb Mootimiga amid 110W to Conduct Them , ' 'Yes hamulluti with energy by time convert lion , Tine roioi't of time nonminating eomnmmmzit LCD 111 the election of ollicors for thmo cmi suing year us follows : President , Mrs , J. Vt' . ICumummmel , Te kaumali ; i'ecormiinng secretary , mIi85 Lizzi Stowo , I'onicmt ; corresponding secretary Miss Liaalo Loisenrimig , Omaha. Mrs. Lydia ItlillorVmtveriy , Mrs. , iardmno , Omaha , aDd Miss Mary Olinger , Teka. mmmaim , vice 1rrcsidents. ' 'Ilindramices to woman's work , " was ( liSCIlsCd by the cnnvenitiomm , and was of dco interest , But the dmacussmomm of thu subject. , "l'ussibilitics of time ftiture , " by Rev. 0. Ilubor , of Clear Creek , made the ladies feel that they ccuid and would overcome every tliti'iculty , and when woman says sue will , she .vii1. "Diflicultios of organizing and mamn t.ahiing women's socioties"wa iiiacued , in aim oxcoilatit paper by Miss Mary Ohm- ger , of Tekatnahi. Time lady was re t1uestoil to eimd it to the church pajmome for PUb1itifl. And one of time meat I profitable religious meetings ever held in [ 'ekamaim closed by slinging , "l'mnmso God , from vlmoni all blemmalurts flow. " Ilenedic. Lion by Rev , \V. 0. Oliuger. Wednesday cveTmimmg LImo synodmcai ier- niomi was picachied mu hits usual forcible style , by 11ev. Stollitig , 1) . 1 , ) . , of Onmmaiia. Time synod wihhcortimmuodurmnig time week. THE CONCORDIA. Cclcbratioii of 1h FfLclltli ! Allniyer- sFy of the Society , A Large Attemidmince aimmi a Guncral Good Timmmn. Time Commcordia nocicty , one of time best. known and most liopular siligilig soc'io- ties in Omaha , celebrated iL's fnfteenmth aimim'lversary last evening by a grammd con- cart and ball at Muta's hail , in which tIme fmusical Union orchestra iarLicipatod. The attendance vas very large , amid coin- 1moacd of the boat of our ( Jmirnmnmi citizeims ; also imicluding as 'isitoma , tIme large delega. Lion of prmninment m1ilwauicoo citizens who have been stopping at tire Millard for Lbs past two days At 9 o'clock precisely tIme concert was o1)Oimed imy the Musical Uftioms orchestra with Ofreimbach's grand overture "Or. phmuua"after wimich l'mlr. ' 0. E , Stratmmmanmmm , time lroaidemmt of ho Concordia , intro. ( IUCOd Mr. H. Ilanmmnammrm , ex.imrcerdenmtof Limo society , Vhm ( ) in well cimoson words delivered aim address of welcome , amid gave a briefimistorical sketch of time or- ganizatfoim. Time triple quartctto of the Concordma gave onto of its choicest. selections , follow. ad by a tenor solo , "Am Moor. " by Mr. 0. l1oyorwhiich called forth aim oimcoreto which ire rospommdod. Next caine a trio , iminno , violimt amid viola , Messrs. Blankemm feid , Iloirmnami amid Zerkowsky and a so- irammo solo , snlilau Auglomn , " by Madame Alit Puha. 'l'iro latter responded to an ontimasmastic encore , and as about. to leave the stage , site was stopped iy Mr. Stmntmmmanmim , wino presented her with a beautiful solid au. var vase , cont.ainmimmg an exquisite boquet , which he explained was given liar oni be half of tine Concordin society in comisid. eration of her ummronnittimmg interest in its welfare and her unmtirinig efForts iii its bo half. Although conisiderably surprised , Mrs. Almi-Puis gracefully accepted time I gift and returned her thanks for it. The renmmamimder of time progmammno comi sistedof two songs by time Concordia ; ii trio by Frau Fda amid 3esars. Meyer and Orobockor , two selections by time Mua'rcnil Uniomm , amid a solo by Mr. . Grobecker , all of which were received with unmboundo4 approbation and called forth numerous encores. Time concert was followed by a delight. ful bail vhmich continued until an early hour this morning. Time cornmmiittco of arrangements con I slated of herman Schwabe , Julius Mayor , lJonry Nester , Atmgust Dormuann , Mas : Bochit amid Louis Grobocker , whose efforts forts woroably supplemented by Presi. dent Stratmann , F. Biankemmfold , diroc. toe of the society , amid S. Hoffman , loader of time Musical Union orchestra. Time Concordia was instituted to pro immoto time itorests of vocal and immstrummmemm tal mnuBic , amid miow commmprises among its mmmomnbera muany of our icstdimmg citizemmr and mimost. ; ronmumiemmt. musicians. Althmoughi miot. a cimniritablo iiistitut'momi its desire tc I further time object for wimich it was stnrt ed inns hod to mmmiumy acts of assistammco amid eimcouragemmmommt to mmius'rcinuis amid atudcnitn viro showed especial talent , and times I muimmuni concerts niro nimnommg time mnost. pop mnlar almmmiveraary cmmtemtaiimments of each P succeeding year. ABlcsHImmgto all Manici mmI. In thmoso times when our Newspapers an ? flooded with imatout imiOlICiimO advertiseimments I gratifying to know what to procure thin will ceratiimly cure ymu. If you are Bilious I bll omit of order , Liver limactivo , orgonerail dohmllitated , there is mmothing iii time world tint I will cure you so quickly as Eiectrio Bitters They are a lles.qlmmg to all nnammkimntl , and carm . Lou ! for ommiy fifty cemmts a bottle of 0. F. oed immamm's. VISCONBI. VESITOItS. Tlme7 111(1(5 AIOUI. time City aunt Vial Limo Comicordlasa. The Board of Supervisors of Milw&u . koo couimty , % Visconain , whose visit tm our city was noted in yesterday's paper rommnmiii over until to.dmmy. They aliemit their timmie yesterday in : sighmt seeing. In conmpnny with Gun. C F , ( Mammdersomm , County Clerk ilaumnor , Deputy Shmoriul Crowehl amid Mr. Framml I \\'alturs , thmoy drove out to lianscon ; Park amid saw Limo rapidly growing addi Liomma out iii that portion of time city , They also visited time county farnir ant [ were milmoirn over it iy Superiimtcnmdemi Pierce , mmml expressed tlmeimisolves an mmmuclm pleased whim the general appear , aitco of thminne , Last overmmimg they visited Metz's intl , to attend time commcort. amid ball of time Conm cortlia society Timoy also mmmado mm Loin during time day through Meta's brewery amid took in time town gonmurally , ' .1'hme ' leave this afternoon ilL their smecmal en : ' 'Savnmmmmniii" for ? ililwmtukeo , via time 0. M. & St. . I' . It. It. They howe bcenm very cordially roceiren here , amid vil , it is Irejied , boar maim ivitim thmenmm a kindly recohiectioni of thmi Gate City. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Itopmmnilcaim Commvoimtlomi , OtnAlu , Neb , , Septemmiber 20 , 1883. At a mucetimig of the ltoiublican , jmmdi cial district central commmimmittee held tin : . day purauammt to tire call heretofore immado it was .llcsotved , Timat time judicial couvoni ( ion of time Thmirti judicial district be hmob I Iii time city ( if Omminmhma , emi time 11th tlay o I October , 1883 , at 2 p. mm. at tIre distric court Imouse. 3 Time duluates ( mcmii tIre several court p ties comnprismmmg said comm'ommtiomi to ho a . folloys Burt , 8 ; Washnimmgtonm1 8 ; Doug las , 1Q ; Sarpy , 4. It is recommmmimcnmdotl that mme proxies b . admmrmttod to time convention except suci as are mold by licreomma roaid'nmg 1mm tIn . conmmties train which time proxies ar U gmvcn. N , J , BuntNmlAan , Cimaimnmmamm. 'I' ' B , W. SIMEIIAL , Secretary. ALLEGED EMBEZZLEMENT. hc llllhtc Staics Goes for Its Bx- Coilsul. An Irmrportnnt Stilt Piietl In time U.S. Court. A petition hmas boon filed in the United States Court. by lion , Cl. M. Lrmnibortson , United States District Attorney , iii time case entitled time Uimited States vs. Louis E. Cropsoy , iticimard 0. Adams , and Nathaniel I'aige , time first. manned defen- nlnimt beimig sued as principal amid time last two as bondsmen , Mr. Cropmnoy is a voll knownn citizemi of Lincoimi , and time suit is a civil action , in vhmicim the simm of 82,483,60 nnmd interest hr denmanded , time anmiount alleged to be imimort in his nccouimts wim'mle actimmg its United States Consul at. Chmemimnita , Ocr- ninny , from 1873 to 1877. Time potitiomi is womd'd mis follows : "lii time Circuit Court of thmo United States for time district. of Nebraska , Time United States vs. Louis E. Cr01) . soy , Richard 0. Adamnis , Natimammmel l'aigo , [ icti tioners : Nov commies time Unmited States , plaiimtifl' , ammd commiplalmming of tine said defendammts Louis B. Cropsey , iticlmard 0. Adams aimd Natimanmiul I'nigc , defenidants , and says : That heretofore , to-wit. on the 3d day of .July , A. D. , 1873 , the said do. fommdanits mnadn , executed amid delivered to the said United States their certain bond amid nbligationm in writing whmercby time said defendants , Louis E. Cropsoy , Rich. ard 0. Aditmmms amid Nathmammiei Paige , bound themselves , their heirs , executers - tors amid assigims , joimmtiy and severally to limo said United States of Amnorica jim Limo simmni of $1,000. Time comidi- dorms of said boimd are such timat if time above bounden Louis B. Cropsey , ap. pointed consul of tIre Unmited States at Chmennimitz , Ocrumammy , shah truly amid faithfully discharge the duties of his said ollice accordimmg to law , amid simail truly anti friitimfuhiy account for , nty over and doiivur u ) all fees , goods , ollects , books , records amm4 paiors amid other property winicim simail conic to the hands of time said Louis E. Cropsoy , or to time imaimds of army for his use as audi consul mmdci ammy law now or hmerenftc'r enmacted , ammd Unit ho will trimly amid faithfully performim nil1 other duties imow or imeroafter lawfully mmmiposed tliOit imimn as suclm comisui. if tim , said Louis E. Cropsey shall conform to nil tire niboro conctitioims , thou time obliga- Lion to be void , otherwise to remain imn full force , A copy of said bond is imoretu nittachied marked exhibit. A amid mnmako a part hereof. Amid the said plaimmtitr for assigning a breach of time conditions ol said baud alleges that time said defendant Louis B. Cropsey , while holding said office , received into lila hnmmds fees and nmmonoya bcloimginig to time Unmited States for which lie has failed to account to said . imlairmtifl' . That while holding said oflic of consul of time United States at Chomim. intz , Germany , lie dii miot faithfully and truly discharges the dutic of a tid oflict according to law and did not truly amid faithfully accLunt for all muoneym . and foes that carne into him I hands as said consul at Clmemnitz , Germmmammy , but appropriated and con verted to his own use of said moneys thai I canto immto his hands as said ofl'mccr tim sum of $2,483.59 , as shown by Limo na . adjustment of time accoimmit of said L. E , Cropsey , of the date of April 20 , 1877 wiLls the accounting officer of the treas - ury departniont of tLo United States , i ' copy of said account is hierowithmilled wiLl : tins petition and marked exhibit B. " . Then follows time usual prayer for judg . niemit for time suniof $2,483.59 amid 0 pc ' cent. imitorest on time amount from Apri 27 , 1877. Time whole is signed by Mr Lambortson and thmo petition is acconmm ' panied by a copy of time bond amid time no . count. between time government am I Cropsoy. I litstliI'iiig's ltnmssia Salve best family salvo in I the 'world , mmmiii excellent br stable 450. 2c ! t . _ _ _ I A BIG ' 1'IMIi , 'I'hie POlimiIIiIg of' I lie I'ii'5t Cerimiami AimmcrImin Settloimmoint , te b I Celebrated. Aimnouimcemnemmt inns already becii mnnd S , of' time fact timat our Gormmman citizens pro t pose to celebrate time comimmg anivorsar of Limo founmding of time first Gormamm cob t ny ins Ammmorica , mmow known as ( berman ; town , Pa , . At time mneetinig hold on Wcdmmesd evening , time proect. was discussed aimd C0mmimmiitteo appomnmtod to arrange details 'rinis comnmnmittue consists of John ham t mimer , Iim Andrea , Ed Wittig Ed. Knmester , E. Schnako amid John ( .1 Brammdt , amid timey will report at a nuns . umeeting to be hold at. 3 o'clock p. iii. on Sunday nmoxt at Metz'a hail , ) Time ammnivom'sam'y occurs on October 6 , amid it is lmoloscd to imave all time Oernmmzmm societies 1)articilnto amid give a publi I parade , a grand comicort. iii time evening mmmd a ball. , _ , COMING FROM ZION , I Ama Exctmrahmmr Train to Arrive Nex - lVcdmmesIay , I On Wodmiesday afternoon mmoxt ant ox cursiomi varty of about onio hmunmdrcd per . 5(11mB priiicipally from tire ( ienmtile elenmion of Salt. Lake City , will arrive in Oniaima 1 cm rotmte to Cimicago. ; Tire cxcursionm is mmmado on account of i special offer froimi time Union Pacific p . wimicim gives time tourists a rate of $9 ! r from Salt. Lake City to Cimicago amid ro , turn , amid $02 front Salt. Lake City t Louis amid reLent. 1 Time vam'ty will leave Zion Mommdab Li nmmom'imiiig , rczmcim Onmahmni at 3:25Vedmmea : D day afternmoomm amid 1mrobably stop over i dnmy hero before proceeding eastwnmm'd , TIlE FROsT PILNI ) . B tt C3mld'miva l'ronmi time Noi'tit Irop I plug Iumvii Oil Us , i A ilispatchr vmts yesterday evemmimig me I coim'ed frommi W'asimimigtomi , dmnted Septommm t. ber 20 , signed by Gommeral Ifazemi , cub of time signal service , and addressed tm ; Observer Pollack , of tlmo Omiinima st.atiomm . 'rime diapatchi road ; "A cold. wave is advnmmcing Iromim the ii extrommie mmorthmwest , which will probabl Ii cause mlammmagirm frost 1mm time Upper ? mlrs U 81551lPL amid. Missouri valios amid UpIO C LAke region on Friday or bn'.turday. ' Tire cool wcatlmer of yeatordny was 1)rozmmonmttioni of time approacinimig hrorald a winter , ammni our fail is likely to be a short 0110 amid time winter long amid severe. A han. reporter last. evening inter- ViOWCl a gemitlomnan who is , ell posted on time condition of crops throughout Nebraska , and showing mini tire above dispatch inquired if ire thought a frost would seriously affect the corn , winds iums generally 1)00mm reported late thus season. lie replied that he had just rotnmnmetl from inspectimm imumla in Fillmore , Saline , Ciny and Ilammmnlttmni coummties ammd hind been vest mis far as Kearney amid l > hmelps. It was lila Olmmuiofl that tIme frost would done no hmnmrm except Perhaps on the low lands whore it had been necessary to re.piamit. Farnmmers gemmen-ally say that time corn on time high Inmitla is all secure amid if aiiy less at nil is occasionmed it wilt be in tire river counties. 'O" continmued our inmformamit , ' 'uvommhil rallier bonmcfit than injure ins , as if ivotilil kill time stickers amid time corn would mature arid ripen faster. It. Is late now for frost. amid our corn , with our soil , is tnmmdoubtediy out. of danger. Iii Northern Nebraska this must be eqtnnmily true , as time neil is quicker up there. " TIme annie gemitlemnami states ( lint from personal observation nimd immquiry , hme thinks time corn crop this year is as heavy iii Nebraska as any over raised in Ilhitmoimm or in time Wahashm valioy. SPECIAL NOTICES. , virSpeclala will Positively not bo inserted unless paid in advance. UEL ? WAN'rED. I7ANTCl-Ten indutrlotm , muon can earn 3O to ' Z40. It t week. . 'ii-.ply A. A. l'roxel Green Tree liouw. 704 22t - girl for lomcwork , , , no objection to 9TAN1EU-A child , aU.lrs , Frank6C , oUth m4tlm St. 705.22 ! \yANTEI-Agcnts , lii esary Countyin tIm state of N' braske , to eativass for standard sorks cx. ccptlommal Iiidnctnicnt , gisen to llrcagonts. Athiress r call on nie at time I relgliton Ucmiso Cmxlix Neb. Jon. E. i41i ri state sgcimt. 702-201 TANTEI-At the CarmildO house , iO table board. W I iS and can funmish 3 boarders with rooms and board. v. H , McCOY , l'roprnctor. 731'Ei ArANTnD-At 1OS. 2ath St. In a small private S v f , nmmy , s gmrm to .m peconti work. 0i4.2i 7ATEi-A $ nalm to work in Dairy. Inquire at S 1 tmmeti ! 3rotlicr , grocery store. Oi-2O' . ° ' KEEI'EIIWiNTED-A mnlkle aged lady I.I ircferreI , one ehull oinmi te mio objection , f r pamtcuar. , address L. C. Ii. Lock box47O , Dai Id City Nob. 09'21i t7 ANTED-Cook. Woman pr.'ferreI , at restaur v mumt 1518 1)odgti St. I. , DANiIAUSI 7mi.tf TANTlU-A gist shout 15 or 10 ycarsohi at 102k S V Douglas Ct. 712'201 ItTANTEi-A gout ! girl at the Emnmnci home , 11Y 00.221 % 7A'.TEU-Oirl for general housework at 2010 vs Iiurttrcct , i.2O . . ' ) good wonasmi cook , used to hotel or 1 y.ANTEmA $7 Cr week to one conipetct. , , Adlress "ltcstaimrant , lice olilco. 6Sm.221 I"Ah1ED-mnunetmiatcly , aoo4 cook and ditmirig L ru ° mn girl at 1)uckeo ) Sleet Markct. Oo.d wages. eoomst Ui ANTI-A god girl to do general housework. , , vi Ap "y at 15jU Jackson stroetbct. l5thamid 10th. 802'mOt I XTANTED-A woman to .wash and iron at the V V Emnuact 11use. 40322' i t ' 7ANTED-mnamodiatehy , 25 sesmiastressos at Can- V flehi's Ooraii factory. Steady work. 1i07 mar- : street , 3d lIior , 641.tf UTANTED-Ooot girls for good families. Best , TV wegis. Amply lunnethatohy at employment . bureau 217 N. lath t. No. 012cc fee. 022 tf a IA7ANTEU-A good Gennangirl , 23d stre&stcond 1 VV iioue imorth of } 'arzammI. 701.20 . 'iJ7'ANTED-Encrgcto men to sell our nursery V V st ck ; uiiequaicd facihlticsliberal ; inducement- . p. [ 'ike County Nur.'erics , Louls1ia , , Mo. 745.24 i ' 7ANTF.D-Two girls who umideratand general I louscaork. , Oood wages will ho paid. 740-221 CILiS. FLECK , Eagle house. . 1X7ATED-An exlerieiiccd girl to geroral house. V i wprk , iii small timidly. oricr l'arkWildo avenue and l1elen street , iouth ( Jmnla , 747-211 ( ANTEI-Oirls at ( lit , Shaven lintel 10th street. : 17TANTEII'emnm cteit , girl to cook and wash. I htiujurire No. 2520 Douglas street. 740.22 7ANTFI-Aipredico girls br dresansaking at V' ' 120 north mmli street. 743 221 1 ic AN1 E1)-Tcim stromig moon slo tro willing to S I work , Apply to Ju.M. ( JAhilAU ] Ci1ACKEIIC ( ) 721.201 12th arid Jackon , \7iNTfli-Anm cperitmicel Drcssnnnier to take V V charge of shop , Addrcs . C. Ii. TntEAlu'ET.L , 722.201 North Bcmd , NeC. ' II AN'iEim-A mmmlek , ' at the Vorcnce cut-off , V lnuuirc of J. C. 3IU1hiy , at time works. , , , I ' ' iabtr , , loreimcu Cut-off. La ' , TAN F'L'--Fifty ) mat I - V V..go4 race per day. Inquire of J , (7. IlurpImy , . . aithoworks , fl3.2m' y TANEI-A girl , N. W. cor.lDttmsnd loimgiae streets. 730.21 - . \\TANTEI-A boy abotmi 10 years ohd. Inquire N. V. c ° r. 10th cmiii Iougias. - 731.20 ! 7'ANlEL-bix g ed coat inakeri. hlest of i'rba V i&d. FIIASK J. ILASIUS , 732u1 I ANTED-Ldy agents for the "Qimeon l'rstect. . V' ' or. ' . A nosu' ummider garment for ladIes , made of . 'soft , flexil.ho rubber. Sure irotection to tIme under. . scar , when necessary to be worn , itotaUs for $9.00 I , fast a. , smtscan show it. . Large proilts. Addrems , . with stasrp , "l.a.iiei' bmimidergarnient Sianufacturlng 5 1'o. , No S , Maystrt'et , Clicao , 1.1. 7ea.3 t A7ANtEr-tJiri at No. imS6 ) iihermnazi avenue. 1' 234.tf ShiiSJM.COUNSMAN. SITUATIONS WA2TED. p m , 7ANTFIIIIy two girls , ( sItcrs ) situations 1mm one C S family as first arid eccommd guI , Addrcc N. ii. no nihlee , I AN'i EL ) iItuatloim ] as clerk un storoby a oung S lady nio scaLs EijlI.lm , and 8scdbh well. AultIr , , ' . "Ii , J. " ike nilbe. 745.201 7ANLlt1-I'otlonby a young man , four years' V t'xiuriemeo lii liamik amI , hiaihroad tlllco , Quid t isculmiftil. AdiIress "C. J. C , " liox IS , city. 735.211 Comnpetent 1ook keeper would bt gtaii of a set A of boots to keel , orany clerIcal work to , la , ever , . lrgs , or any time after 4'W : p. mu. Address J , Li. C , . thisoihico. _ 7Ol.2i ) ' Oil YCUNU I1KN in city or country to - take imice , light ammi n.iear.ant work at their own rulers ; 2 to 5 a day easily ani quietly made ; work t. sent by xmiaii , no t'ammvassiiry ; nmo btaiSij ) nor reply. i'ieae a'liress lleliablo Slarm'l'g. Co. , L'hlhatL'a , l'a. , , tirisserTi' . 47b.inaof MISOELLANCOU3 WANTS I V Ca3tol 11111 A fimriisbv.imoonnwitirounil.oard ( ) p suitailo for mm ) uring imnaim. iielerurcnrs , fumrmilsied. , 3 Ad ires , stating fermi , , Au. II. " thb onilce , 703.20' " : - ; rmntner ulth snnall capital to us. ) "S \rATifl-A Cl ! ) ' a'tl jam arm I mireservilsg 1tisi. limes. . Aiilro.s F. Li. Cliacona , potottico. 744.2 LI 7.tNTE1)-All lersomis first use tie useed , to cmli - on iiatmmueL liasusitz ( TIme sjwcui.stor In ManiC ) , I iSIIm amid Iarman. , 733-24 Iloarilers cam , be acoomnmnodatud at ltl3 I.dgv D St. 5)624' 'kTANTEi-To buy , a small jsriimtlmmg outfit I V V sense Ihetosim iii easterim Nebraska. Can IOY . i900dosn , balance in amne1mts. Address llENiY l'li'Ell , 087.22t Cerley , ShIby Co , lows. - ) - anil board Ly a lady cud snaIl . \ \TA5TEi-llOOm ( balms irerermcd. Answer ' . liii iiric , " 6. 1' , Ii , " jul. omflce. C13 201 - f 1TAN'ruD-3oo ) bushels of fresh lichued , rilioto S I iic&tiio , at ilsrris& I'i.ier'g. ; 127.tf 0Lt IUIHT--Bouoas and Lots. ° " ILENF-ilouse. 1uuiroN. mO. ear. ilttm and F 1..aseuwortt , street. J0i14 L , IIILL. S 750.29 ! V . ILIENT-Storo buirdbmg 13th steset , bctw.emm Jones arid Letmisowurib , 76l.2C r- on ltENT-Natly furnished cottsgo of semen .5. . room. with modern lmlrovenintl. No. 2443 1)avcnport etrect. All ineaccUent condition , I 712'tf C. F. 1)ltlSCOIL. : r : : ' - - Infants and Children Without Mo'phInn or Narootinis. What glyem our Children rosy cheeks , Vhat cures their fevers , makes them R1eOp , , rls C.torIte. When flabfes fret , and cry by turns , % ' 1mt cures their coUc , kills their worms unit Castorla. What qWcldy cures Coostipatlon , Sour 8t.OXTIAC1I , Colds , Indigestion : lint Castorlii. Pnrtwell then to Morphine Syrups , Castor Oil and Paregoric , and hail Cmnstorin. Centaur LInImoflt.-&b. sointo euro for flhoumxxtism , Sprains , Burns , GnUs , ito , , anil ni isistantunoons Pain-rollover , ITHE BESTTHREA'FoR SEWNC MACHINES II , , SIXCORB SPOOL COTTON IS BI4TI1LELY The Product of American Industry ! PRONOUNCED BY EXPERTS TO BE THE BEST THREAD IN THE WORLD FOR HAND AND MACHINE SEWING. FuU assortment constantly on Ilasid and for sale by HENRY PUHRMAN , Fremont , Web. F I flit lttNT-Tsvo ] nIcely furlshc,1 room , , very pleasantly located , 2117 Webater street , one block from streetcar , 75322 1 Ijjt ntENr-A tleasaimtroomn 1712 CalIfornia St. . , 1 713211 FoIl ltST-A ] new houc , veli , cistern arid cellar. liamliton ncar Ircmme street , near red car line. Rent $10. Inquire on locmnimcs. 710.251 IIENT-Nicely fumrnlshed rooms , 18th street , Flit bet. Dodge and Ca1it.1 avenue , east , ilc. 720.291 JOtt mtlNT-161f. 1)udgo street , haimdsoniely fur- nisled rooms , wIth board at reaonabio terms. 720-201 OFt IIENT-liouse of eight rooms , near oil nnihl. F 720.tf L'AIILStN&co. , 1509 Fanmiamn. 1011 ILENT-Two now cottaicca 5 rooms , full lot , 1 cljtern , $12. each , . D. L. T111)5Lt. ) 620 22 11ENT-lIoue with 8 rooms 2 stories and F brick basement nheasant sunrrouiisllrsge , No. 20 on Park avenue. hnquilro I. . J. Lomningon l'oppleton between 1ark and Catherine street. 038 24' Foil IIENT-No rooms furnished for light hiouo. keepIng. $15.00 per month. Beemurs liloek , car. 8th arid Ihoward. 705 201 Font IIENT-l'leasant fmrrikhed , cottogo , or furnl tore for sale , Apply 005 N. 18th street. 704-201 J0RlmENTNlrsly fumnistod rooms for the winter. Inquire at east side 18th St. between Douglas & Dodge. 10ht ItENT-The commuodious 12 room hommse suith I stable , etc. , cmi N. V. corner 20th and Coming streets , now occupied by cbarle. 5F. ) Sianderaijn. 1mm. quire upon l'rcnaiscs until October let , when possessIon - Ion sill be given. Auction sale of home hold goods Thursday , Sept. 27th. . -'ort 111NT-Four ronnie , pleasantly sltumatcliir street carschrurch , &c. Ternis $0 per month. 1mm. quire of P. W. hoc , Icing street , between Charles arid Seward. 070.22' fidrE-Y arid neatly FiThiiifitoomns , in suit or single , hot. arid cold baths. L'esimrsblo location. l72oCapitolAvenue , 0432I Tsort I1ENT-Three mmow stores , cor. 10th and Jones .I _ streets Emmquiro of Mrs. T. Kennedy , 8. 5. cor. 16th and Jackson , 035-ti 0ht CliNT-A nicely furnished moons 13m8 Jacson ! _ .t _ street. & 42.2tt tomt ltlNT-Smail cottage , 824 S. 23d , near Leav- I cnvortii , $11 neT month. T. J. Fitemorrlm ; Cr2 S. 16th street. 504.tf . . l..uoIt RENT-Two floors and tenement , Elevator .I _ _ attached. 1207 Farimamu street. 270-mao I lOht I1ENT-A new brick etore ' 05 foot deep on howard street , between 15th and 10th atreets. Iliquiro atiluihimian's dry goods storo. 531.tf RENT-Well furnished roonss at 1014 Web. I I star street. rsontnu1Nr-purnishod . roonm. Inquire at liospo's J _ , mu.io anal art store , Iodgo trcet. 300-ti I nit : . T-Hrick store , hmmqulre at. drug store , or , lath amid Douglas street. 310-ti Wit 1IENT-Twi ) Imoora smul basemnent , Elevator I attacheal. 12.07 l'arnamn street. . 210-ti 17'OR ' IIENT-Fermaislied and unfurnished rooms , I Fimme location. I'ECK , Opp. 1' . 0. $50-If ir'omi : RE2T-lC-ddences and etorebmilldings. BED. 1. 101W & SOUF.li , Real Estate Agemmcy. omee east side 14th street , between Farnamn and Douglas streets. 702.t. FOR SALL ALt-CholcooerelotsceaJ14 U and Dodge. 754.22 17501 SALI-'lhlrty quarter acre lots. J. Evans 14 _ I . anal Dodge. 755-22 'lOlt. SALE-Choice half acre hots. J. Esarre , 14 & I Doalge. 756-22 -i-'ont SALE-Slalenalld cook stove , nearly new , 220 _ I _ H 14th streat , second floor. leo-ti CAL. MARTIN. Felt SAl.E-Tso story heanso , 7 roomn , west front , ( aim m'aik a'enuecity mvater , etc. ( Jeap , $3,800. 757.20 SlIlIlvEit. .k ImmLL. : : i0li I4ALm7-Six morn imouse on lath St. t2.7(0. Six roumia house maca' , 100 feet from lark are , $9,500. Six room house 2itti St. south ofcrcightoam College , 21.800. 21.800.Th3.tf Th3.tf AMES , 15CC Fammiammm. 1solt. H i 1,11-Two beautiful acre lots nusrAcadenay .1. of Sacred heart , liargalrm , $2,300. Forty acres Inaproved , near Omraaiia , to trade for farnis lan,1 , Ooosi 'rimuber claim in Wheelercounty to trade for city laropertY , Full lot , corner , 3 house , , rents for $50 , 13th anal Ca , , . Cheap. $5.1 00. 7bU.2 SlifllVE1L4 fllLL. iuoit. 8.4 Lr.-adcsimablo haouo at a bargaIn. liouso _ I _ 6 roomlis , corner lot Oixl4O , cosered with , slmad trees , one block horn btrcet enre. Siumt be sold this sucek. Lounsbury a Martin , 51. SF , cor. Itch anal t'arimana. 7M-tf I 4Oli SALI-llarrm 6 aSahi , , ith , water , flood Inca. tloii. Blat be so'.d before Octolier let. Lung lease on ground. lsquiro Lit Ames' Real Estate Agency. 717.22' . I 'Olt SALE-One good maui hmerso and harness. At'o good road , art , cheap. Inquire of lii , I. , liurd nt enonacre , 14th slrtet , 730.ti 'Olt eA1.E-An entire oimtflt of haoam.ohIiI goods amai furialtinee nearly rita , , at 1007 8. 11th stied , two CInema. from J01ot , as ith house of elghat roorris tom remit , 707.20 ! rut : tiit. n.ii.m-muo ; tone or lvs , I ) . LI. Ikder I. bib amid Ilosard , 706 221 IOli SAIL'-Thrce of this beet residence ltcs iii I thaoclty , 2 uith houses , 2 lii 7 minutes usaik of lontoflice. IaECI6 , 038-if Opposite Potitflcc , ; "ohi SAI.F.-llestauraiat aim.i stock of groctries lm emmo Cf the bust courany scat tour , . In taastt'rii No. i.raska A imumnber one chance fur a nasa ol cherry. Addrvss " 1' . J.'V.'mnee office , 555.214 01t. SAI.E-'lws loriabic holier. , lOlaois'e puwcr. Apply at. U. FITZl'ATltlr1 , 503-ti 2111 South lithi htntaet. J0R SAI.E-Two iotdnalrsJaloIocmtioni , anal chacen. iach * 75 , on good terra. . Inquire at. thai cities. 334 ti . .1o11 3/Lhl-i'Assion , cnesp br cash. [ 'Arty want. .1 to lcsretownm , dm0 tSd street , hut. Ilaraey am.d en. SIan a esenus. 647.22J T'OII SALE-lJ..use 24xS feet with 7 rooms , aith _ L half acre lot near fr'rL o1La. 'tine $6)4caaha I : , dam , AdUeas James A. TsylorFod Xt7XjX VAPOR rcoo STOVE I Thei'loneemandonhy Viper Cook'Stome that has stood the test of 'eare sac given enliro and penf.o $ satisictiOn. Over 100,000 Now in Use I NEW PATENT hULL OVEN. l'atent. removable and iiiterchasngebie Jet Ori0oo rendering ourbmmrners indeaructmble. New One Vale. Ihunier on two Now Stoves. New Safety flescrioti I'oi' Summuser time these stoics era inamimpeniabls. For terms to egeints , lance hi't and catn1oue , AtIdres hULl. VA1'Olt STO'PI CO. , .C9t 21'm&CtW. Cleitlatid , 0. OR SALP.--200-Very desirable cottage , S rooms , F lot 0 'x163 ' feet , iouth front , easy temnis. llu- gain. $9,100. 220-Cottago flue rooms , barn , half acre ground , south Immil , Burt street , $2,100. SIT-Four choice lot. . , Ilanecom 'lace , each $700. 203-Spleimdld residence , U rooms , cast. front , 10th street. llargaimm. 218-Cottage 7 rooiias , barn , large lot , macar car line. Easy termnm. 337-Lot , Shlnim'e addition , outh front , $315. 323-Corner lot , Simian's additiorm , $725. Lots Is Boyd's additiorm , each $100. 042.21 S1IIIIVEfl & hElL ' 500 b'lF-Ahouso and lotat a eacrolice. 4. L } Marble , 217 N. 10th St. 023-ti . Oh LEA'41-E'cur choice lots on 2othm St. , long F time , 217 N , l03hm 't. .1. t Marble. f25.tt ron SALE-2CISFnrnam street 77 feet. frontage , 'I 125 depth , live roomed houaoL000. 61&.mot 011 SALE-Good busIness chances at 217 N. 10th F street , J. L. l'iARIiLE. rolt SAr.Y-Am aba.gaina small Ioslerlia' ' nazis amid Co's tIre Proof &afe. Inquire at. this 061cc.U SALE-A clean stock hardware. Bargain. 1 Easy terms. Addrcs 11. J. Vurk , Milford , Ncb. 311-lnd on SALE-flue terra close to the city. II 848-tf I'ECK , Opposite P. 0. ATILF. FOit BALE- C 300 yearling heifera 200 two year ehal hcifcrs \ 400 mixed calves , October delivery. 200 head yoirliimg steers , October delivery. 4 703 head snaootii two and three year old steers. Iowa stoek , STRANGE uno's , Cattle Contractors , l'ialo , Wool anal Tallow dealers , Sioux City. Iowa. 303 lm F OR SALE-A mimi class Second hand top buggy , Call at 1310 IDwmmcy strci-t. 897U F OR SALE-Iloaldence and business property in all parts of Omaha , and Farm Lands in all parts of the fitato. BEDFOIII ) & SOUER , 703-tf 213 S. 14th St. bet. Farnamn mind Douglas. F OR BALE Olt EXCIANGE-Full lot and three dwelling. corner of 11th and Pacific streets. Nine lots in south Omaha. Also 100 acres of land near Samaton , Nebraska , and building and stock of clothing No. 804 Tenth street Will exchange for Nebraska farm lands. Further particulars at Coo. 11. l'etorsoa's Cothimmg Store , 604 Tenth street. 403.tf F 011 BALE-Ole ccwipapers mm , large and small qant1tle at this c cc. U MISCELLANEOUS , ' 5O ( ) LA1IOItEIIII WANTED-un loveS. fifty nailes below Vicl.slaamrg , Stism. Thom ivorki , conmiimaemacedamaal lat rail daring. Wagin $2.00. I' . J , Kennedy , contractor. Apple for lmaformatiomm to mey Agemat , 11. SIASNWEILEIt , Onaaiua. 742.221 F 1 OUND-A go ket book fcommtainng sonic leper' railroad ticket. Owner can laio same at this chico . by laroiimaglroperty and paying charges. 737.22 TjlAlcEN IJI'-Oeme bay miasma .ony. J , D. itinstln _ J North Saunders street , 741 20j S' , ° STOl.EN-Two by motile , bmanded v. iv , " on right shoulder. $10.00 resard will be palal if returned to C. 5' . Williams , 1118 N. 10th street , 725.22 ! I Slits. SIISSIII , winnie mnalden nanac suasL. Evans , will call call at thIs ofllee , she will hear cit something of great iiaterst to her , 728.211 F OltSinrves naas or ralans of reel estate in or- out. of thro cIty , apply to 587-ti Jageimcy , Opposite 1' . 0. L OST-Thureday , Sept. 0th , a brown cow with wlaitepots ohm side. . Lefteyc hurt. Iiaai around lion , . uhen lost , l'hillllp Schmidt , 12th rope and Castellar streets , 673.20' SAVE OItDEIIS-For baggage , . L express or ear. riagc. ' to any part of itso city , at 213 8. 13th St. Tehophoame'No. 221.11,1 ! 1402 , A. F. KELLNR0. I wrumat. pale , , Urleen for soy prroo , see sydCan clan house , 201.1i EDWARD KUEHL , , SLtGlSTlQt OF ' I'ALmlYSTamty AND .tLIST , 408 Tenth street , between Famnam CONDrrIoh and Ut , . coy , will , with the aid of guardian .pldts , obtab far soyononglaceoft 'past and prnmit , neat 'in certala , cndttioiis ir the futnmraj , If'ii lonid Saae , natal. to tier. i'e'p3 Lstifept1n0 riarantual. jOY4 10YAL gtti7 4KI$6th POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never iarie. trengt A oared of purity , smmd asimilesomeniess , the ordjnaklid , , atid calliant iforo be sola ecoimommaical lmacommijctitlon thu Witlmthoc.uiliIual0 of low ttt , horL wi.lht , elmost Jahosphiate 'order , Sal I emily lii cana' , LtoaI not. . lag 1 owdr Co. , Vahi btrevt. .s.w Yort. . I