Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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TItOtSAtE ANt ) 1lETLfl ,
YIaII-Paer ad ' , 'iIdaw ' Shades and PaIntIng I all Its Drflches1
1'iTc. 18 cu.ti. XPoltZ.1 t. cc.i.rnoi1 31Jrt. .
( _ _ _ _ _ _ _
: i : a rdviraie.
504 Broadway and 10 and 12 Main St , Council Bluffs.
E. S. COLE & CO. ,
All the Most lifiproved Kinds of Lightning Rods
And Ornftment. Also \vonI Woo4 ntiI aiitl Irui ! ron I'1lIiiI. 1'tanq , , Wool Ortler 'I'tibIn will rccI aiit . ( . la. . . . , . . I'pe . . . . . . nniI l'lpc . Fixturci , for botI
o attention.
, . . . . . pronipt
. . .
No . I cli C04 South ( IIatn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BLUFFS , IOWA
c- C ) c : i a
. New Store , Fresh OxI , I&w t'tIc. antI Lollto Attcmitnt.
x'v t. : r Fii'st Door east of Metropolitan bid , t , T.ow1t Council ItitilTs.
1- * Heating and Baking.
Is on'y ' attaitied by using
' Stoves and Ranges ,
For sale by
( Chicago , Burlington & . Quincy Iallroad. )
; I : . & . "p'p '
. _ _ _ _
. 4
ZT . . . . . ' \ 1g :
I J..erTu\ rm
, I ]
: : " - - - ' - . _ . _ _ .
? . . : : : ? b .1
IUiI4 1 : ' .5 . , . , t"Lr
Elant Day Coaches , Parlor Cars. with Reclin
tn , Chairs ( seats free ) , SmoUng Cars , with Ito.
volving Chairs. ? n1imnn I'alaco Sleeping Cars and
the famous C. U. t Q. Dining Cars run daily to and
frori , Chicago & Kancas City , Chicago & CouncU
Bluffs , Chicago & Des Moines. Chicago. St. J0.
, eci)1I , Atchison & Topeka. Only through
1' twecit Chicago , Lincoln & Denver. Through cars
/ ' between indianapolis & Council I3luITs via Peoria
11 Mi connections maio in Union Depots. It is
. .f' knovnasthegrcatTilltOUGIICAit LINL.
Solid Trains or Elegant Da toaclies and l'uJl
man I'alaco Sleeping Cars are run daily to and1
from St Louis , via hannibal , Quincy , Keokuk , ! I
tft'rlington , Cedar Rapids and Albert Lea to St
Paul and 1lllnneapoIis I'nrlorCarswitli Rcc1Iiiing :
Chairs to and from St. Louis and Peoria and to I
and from St LOUt1'tflt Ottumwn. Only onel
change ot cars between St. Louis and fJe&
Nolnes Iowa , Lincoln , Nobrtska , and Denver.
It is unlversaUyadmlttcd to be the
? . Finest Equipped ? atIrod In the WorPd for all Classes of Trav& .
. . r. . . 1OflER. &I VicePrcs'tand Goal Manaer PERCEVAL LOWELL , Gon. Pass. Ag't , ChlcaO.j
I Boiler Sheet Troll works I
OMAIIA , - - - . . . NEBRASKA. t
, Build all kinds of Steam . Hollers. Smoke Stacks , flrcechlng Lard , Vator and Oil lanks , and do a genera
iIatO.lrOIl budtrcss. Itepairirig doria iii thty and Country , All work
Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted !
, . Seconil.hnd lloUcr sr Ill be kept on hand. lEaving had many ears oxperioncoiri tlro trade In tilirerent jiarts
of the country. I ala confident I can gt e satisfaction , having tire bo4 idrop arid toll lii tire ttato. thop C
. . . . . .
cor. lDtharnllicrcuStrects. J. M. WILSON Proprlotor. C
: , Anheuser-Busch
cc ? 1
. ,
1 '
iiv. ert' ; I
. . , . I II . LJSCII . . . - . . , . , . ; . .i ) SrA'I OR TilE ENTIJtL WESP , I
I Promptly Shipped.
c : cLID
Sole Agent for Oina1u anti thuVot. .
Cor. 0th Street and Capitol Avenue.
' 11io Lrulies oI Oiunlia are coriiially invited to inspect our elegant
stock o
, K Fall huts and Boniiets ,
? tfalo ( up with exquisite taste aitti in the most fu1iioiiub1e pinnuar , to lie
fOUlid ilL 110 other place in the city. Special attention is calleti to our
Origina Parisian Pattern Hats.
\VlliClt Ollly Cliii be seei in our estabhslnnent.
II , JIHISOJIBERU , 16th and Davenport ,
, . ' ,
t.- '
: - - , 3 . - - - -
ileal flqn ( Trniisroris.
TIio following deeds were filed for recon
con ! iii tim recorder's olilco , September
20 , roportel for the 13sr by 1' . .1. Mc.
Mitlioll . , real csttto agent :
.v. T. henderson to 0. M. Devitl , lots
1 , 2 aIItl 8 , block 1 , Baylias' 2t1 add , . $1.
0. M. Doval to E 1. Woodbury , lots
1 , 2 and 8 , block 1 , Baylia& 2d atlilition ,
E. 1. Woodbnry to K K. Cory , lot. 1 ,
block 1 , ilayliss' t1 ahl. , $2,900.
ThoInM Lyons to Dalliol F. Etcher , tot
0 , lilnok 4 , 13eor'ath1. , $150.
0 It I & I railroiid coinpmy to .T. 11.
Mobr , w , a w , 23 , 70 , 41 , $800.
C It I & . I' flilr(5al omptny to .1. II.
IIn1ir , a w L 3. 70 , .11 , 1,600.
Lucy a. 'Ptc ' to Clause Peterson , lots
1 itittI 2 , block 7 , 3terotliLh'8 atid. to
Avoc , $200.
.1. 1' . Casady to itla Casatly , tot ill nut !
20 , EIder's arid. , $1,500.
F. M. l3alinor to H. N. Mills , lot. 2 ,
block a , howard's utdd , , $100.
. ) ruluii llaiitliorii tO .1. t. tason , lot
2:3 : , 1 lantluorut's nih ! to Lovulniut , $ I.
Sadie IbrIOrtS ) tO S. A , Smith , part of
lot 2 , block 20 , ) Iill ntltL , $100.
H. II. 1ills tO II . :1 : ; . 1uyor , lot 2 ,
block 8 , IlOVllrt'3 mid. , $135.
3. S. Sales to .1. i'1 , Tiltsout : , lot 23 ,
Ilnutliurut's nun. to 1ovulantl , $150.
'l'tstal sntts , $11,887.
\\'hent-No. 2 pr1uug , 76c ; No. 3 , 0o ; ro.
jecteil , SOc ; good denunuil.
Corrr-lenIcr are pnyiltg 81 Th2c ; rojecteil
cons , Chicago , 1O@45e ; new nuixo't 4Cc ; white
corn , tOc : the receipts of corn are light.
Onbi-In geol deuirnuol at 2Ue.
lIlly-4 OOl3 00 per tots ; SOc per halo.
ilyo-iOc : light supply.
Cons Meal-I per 100 PtI1Ul5.
\VOOtl-UOOt supply ; vrice at yards , S 00Q
I ;
Coal-Delivered , Itanl , 11 00 irnr ton ; salt ,
5 fi0 ler tois.
lhittor-1'lcuuty anti In fair doinaitd at 25c ;
creamery 30c.
Eggs-heady sale at ir er dozen.
I arl.-Fairlaulk's , wholesaling at lie.
l'oultry-Firzu ; dealer. are paying for
chickens tOe ; live , 2 bO per ozon.
Vcgetal)1cs-l'otatoos , ( rOe ; onions , 50c cAl ) .
bages , 30@40c Po dozen ; 5PPl04. 3 50@4 00
oer barrel.
Flour-City flour , 1 60t3 40.
Brooms-2 O0@3 00 icr tioz.
Cattlo-3 0O@8 h calve , 1) 00@7 tO.
hogs-Market for hogs .ituit , n.s the pack. :
ing houses are closed ; shippers are isaying 1 00
I 4 W.
IlaunoiitIs ai Security.
From tIns York TIIUVq.
A recent advertisement in a morning
newspaper to the eltict that $500,000
worth of diamonds and jewelry were
tThrod III uxclinngu for real estate
[ rounptetl a relorter to iuiquiro vluo lund
to large a stock of genus for tratling pur.
P0205. It was nertniuied from the broker
who is managing the transaction that the
iiaunoucls wore the property of a ( lianlould
xwrchant who desired to losseui his stock ,
uitl it being the dull season of the year
book this uuicauss of accomplishing that
nut ! . "I do not often have ( Ilaunonti
rades , " said the broker , "but. I have
naiiaged several. I traded for several
louses 111 diamonds uiot long ago , the
argest auttount being $75,000. Titis was
ill 1)ail ill diamonds. A few weeks ago
[ traded a $20,000 1t of thamonds for it
muse that belonged to a woll.known
uocioty lady. After the bargain lund been
1oscd the dianiouitls ( lejositc ( ] . III ty
tafe , and the dcccl brought out for her
signature , she asked to see tim stones.
rlioy were jut a small paper-box , and
wlicui alto saw tliouii she exclaimed : 'Is
liat my house in that little box ? I won't
uign the deed. ' She did sign it , though ,
iut iiot ; until after much perstuasion. "
A member of a firm of diamond iiui-
orters said yesterday that there vero
ust two houses in this country who un-
) ortcd over $500,000 worth of diamonds
ast ynar through the custom.hoiise. Ho
van satisfied flint uieither of those estab.
ishuneuits was disposing of its stock for
aiytluiuig exceptiuig money. ' 'Din. t
uionds are largely used for trading
) urloscs , " ho said ; "they bring a
oady sale and counniand a sta-
ulo price. Tiucro is , however ,
ouch difiorenco between the selling and
) uying prices , am ! it t4tkes a pretty sharp
nd experienced buyer to avoid a deceprj
ion iii regard to the true value of a
tone. A sliort Limo it ( ) P. gentleman
mught $4,000 worth of stones front user
or cash. A few days afterward ho io
urned zuid sai(1 that ho would 1)urchiaao
u00,000 worth of stones , rovidcd we
ou1d value therm at ten 1e ccitt more
luau that if our Opililoll was ausketi by iuuy ¶ 1
) erson ivttuitiuug to buy them.Vo refused
at it iuuattcr of course , and ho left thu
rlhico. Last week a wealthy gentlouuinut
ailed on us and asked our opiuuion of thu
raluo of a nuolber of dialilou(1s he hind
rith liiuui. lie said that ho loaned a car.
alit auuut of IIIOl1 ( ) on them , and , as thu I
oan had not been returned , the stouics
voro forfeited.Vo examined thout and
ound that lie hadloaned iiucIi uuioro titan
hey vero worth. 'l'o our astoiuishuneuit
Ye found that all of $4,000 sale 1
vero luieluded in the lot.Vt told luiuut of "
his fact and described the IHILII , whom
S readily rccoguik'.ed. 1 nut glad , ' said
le , 'tlutt I ditlii't let hint have any iuuoro
honey. I otrured to lend him trout
nOO,000 to $200,000 on ( lialulonda , ) rO.
rUled ho would lot 1110 cull lucre nun ! have
lawn appraisati. ' I CZjllUhiC(1 ) thieii how
ho scamp lund tried to bribe us to liulis
hut cheat , and the loaner has purina.
uently retired from tim dinuutond busi.
less. 'J'hiure 'are tricks iii till trades , but
: tlujuik there itro liolic to excul those in
rur huiiiitrsu. "
- -
1illOSIjii atrul Fire. '
PITThIIIJIIO , Scut etninir 20.-Shortly
) afiu 2 O'clOck this afturnooui a battery I :
) f boilers n tIm iron mill of Lyon , Short
s Co. . outlt side , exploded with turrifle C
orco , hilliuig nuid injurilig a large nuiin 1
icr of l'articuilurs of tlnu ox.
ulosioii hia'u iiot yet. booui received as the C
: eleIIWIIO wires are ilown. 't'lio uutihl is
tow 1JUIIIIIIg : tuitl thu fire tiopartutuent and
I large force of P011C0 have 1)0011 dis.
ratchet1. to the scene of the disastur ,
I Iravy J'aIIisto ,
IiOSTON , Seirtcuiiber 20Ben. . .J Ituir.
css Sun's , sugar dealers , recently fail.
3(1 , have IIILICIS an litsigiulnont \Vilhiain I
: , Itogers ItIII Frankliui Ilaylso , Jr. Li.
tiuihities npuroxiluato $1,400,000 of v1uiehi
[ 1101 0 than $1 Z0,0(0 , ( is flCCUptanCCiS , 'IIio
rillCipal tissts for nuisocuirtul creilitors
110 claims , t : $700,000 ugaiuiet Jiarties ill
Cuba. 'k'ltu creditors nrc scottercul.
Fl re. )
'rucos , Arizona , Soptounbor 20.-
i'hio tOWII of Benson burned last
iight. . Lotus $70,000. Inuuuraiico $20 , . I
300. 'rue railway depot , Welts & Far.
'to's olhico and the post.rflico wore saved , i
t va the work of an incendiary.
p _
- - - - - - -
VflOtR Aluouit. Sorghituii ,
Tim commissions of
agricullura in a
small work on sugar.mnking , recently is
sited , states that the value of the seat ! of
sorghtiin is variously estimated. .1nu13
P'l10Ul1C0 it equal to ontaniut other grain
for the t1lIPO50 of stock food , auiul bolieo
that its vattio goes far toward defraying
the cost of cultivating the crop. Oiuu
raiser boils the seed , antI sthtesthuttwhien
preparoti this way mu ! fed to hogs it is
found that they (10 bettor than upon the
same quantity of corn. The averato
vroduction scouts to be from twenty to
thirty bushels ior acre , auuti its aIuuo is
stated in one locality to be 75 cents irer
bushel. OIlier 1)y.pQLUCf.5 do not seelui
to 1)0 uttlized , although it is stAteul in ouie
section that. thu first skimunings have
beoi f.und to lulako good fertilizers , niuui
that thus last are rich in sugar niurl inako
oed viluegar. Iii Cases whore vood alone
IS tusati it is fount ! that it. usually takes
oiie.tialf ctrt'd per each cue hiuntired gal.
louis of syrup. Soft coal is also uiscd at.
the rate of about. nile thuousauul Pouuitis to
each one hundreti gallolis uuuatitifacturctl.
in utulditioiu to these articles tused as fuel
thcue are ( coin ! litany east's liurs the b.t.
gnsstr 15 ; tuscul uts ntuxi1ia'y to otto or the
other , nut ! cite case is reported vluerc lru- :
gasso is used alone fer rululuilig :111 : ordi.
lut1'y : OVfllrfltoi' ) . 'J'he lrieo of coat is not
gtvauiiuiul tlutt of wood , whcu pureluasad ,
vatius from $ I to $2 51) ) pet. cord , 't'Iuero
is one reliort. of the iettiuii to the luuiuti of
the ashes of bagasse , but the testilts not.
shttid. An estimate of thio luriulit of
raising nit asro of tuorginint hurts been fur.
itislied , nut ! this protit , basuti Upoul all
C8.IlllittCl P0ttUCtilt of ten touts per
acre , is placed at $10 25 for erich nero.
'Flit , rtveitgo price ratIzet1 for siviui ; the
itegloct to state whether loartl is or is
lint included in the avorngo wages piitl ;
whether or not the yaluo of the owulur's
tituse , or that of the services of his tenuut
have been calculated ; wliethio ; the fuel
tusualty cut from the faruut has boouu uncas-
tired auuul accounted for , with other coui-
sidorations , make it ditilcult to compute
in alt intelligent uuuauiiier the prolit of the
manufacturer. The coat. of prt1tucitug
all acre of sorghum is stated at front
$5 25 to fi 38 as it stautds in the hold ,
and delivered at the uiull , from $10 to
15. The cost f ntanufncturimug a gallon
tlf sirup , after the cane is stripped , is
Placeti at from 5. to 0 ccutt3 ir gallon ,
Lmucltudiuug the 1)ttC0 of the cano , 1)11tCCtl at.
I 50 per toui , the cost of pro&luctioui per
ahloui is tulutceti by a large unautufach urur
t 23 cuuits , including 4 cents per gallon
far barreling.
iuuuiCt1 anti IJnMprotite(1 l'untotnm.
The Massachusetts Plougliuumut records
in cxpnrimeuit which goes to irovo.tliutt.
Liusprouted pothtoes nra the lesL ) for
[ ) lautiuug : ' 'To test the diIl'ereuico Irutweemi
) otatoes that lint ! looii sprotu ted nut ! those
vh'icli had utot a small pieCe of mitt ! was
ilauited Juno 10 ; the sprouts were six
uiclues or litoro ill length ; they were
tandlati very carefully so as itot to injure
lucius , auid ilauited with the slruts above
; round several inches , As the iotatoos
md been kept in the dark the sprouts
vera white nun ! very tender , so nuucli so
Iuat. it. was expected they wotulul tie ) ' up
tuiti liu before night , but uuituchi to our
urprise tile ) ' gradua1ly turned green anti
10011 began to grow ; by the side of
hose wa.a planted , at the satute tune ,
I portion of the Santo lot of potatoes ,
yithi the sprouts all taken oil ; ho-
ore those appeared above ground
hose * ith the sprouts left out were hear-
y a foot. in height , with stalks utearly
, vice as large uts those fromut the sprouteti
iceti ware wiucis they had attained the
nine size , The difioronco between thio
prouted and unaprouted seed hum comitiut-
icd UI ) to the present. time to be uuearly
qUnl to what , t was wlueui the sprouted
iced liad bceui above ground a veek.
[ 'hero is a market ! dilIureuico in thu size
uud vigor of the stalks nuid leaves , those
rolui the 81)routcd seed being the small-
ust. 'l'huit. the condition of the seed has
nuchi to (10 with the aunouuit. of the pro-
met we have long believed , but did uuot.
iuuloso that leaving the sprouts cli or
akiuig thouui oil' would uutake so lunch dif-
croncu mis appears iii the trial so hr. If
hue seed could be kept jut a cool place
rhere it would not sprout ally , yet kept
Ii good conditiouu , probably Into 1)OtatOOs
oiild do hIll1CIL butter than if exhausted
uy sprouting. "
tIPles for CovH.
'lie Dizuy.
Ecouiomiiy umuny nut sommietiunes wild ,
hieut it is a very costly substitute for the
nine article. It ruins wild wimomi 0mm
'saves at the spigot anti vastcs at the
uung. " It. is this kiuid of ecomuouny which
uuakes thu cow do MIICIL scavenging work
s the gatlucring of fallout woruny apples I
ii orchards out the rotten wimidfaiis.Ve
Lo uiot wnuut any wornus III ( ) tlC5 , however
viliingly otliertu lulay take their iunllc titus
lavored. ' 1'u Jutit the cow to this bimsi- I
11085 IS to jutut. liIthu" into the unilk.
L1hieuo its uiotlmiuug iii ami unripe vonny op-
ule that ctui iutul a particle to thu raw I
nuttoriat fromuu whuichu a COW IrouluJccs
nilk ; amid judging of a cov's atounach by ,
nuau'a-auud there is rcutsouualrlo
- a phuysl-
dogicat amualogy hctweeuu thtoni-it. is uiuL I
robablo that a uuioss of Inuui , unripe ,
out. fllllCII ) VitI 1)1) either tiitl oi couuufort I
0 the cow iii liar daily vork. Apples
re of qtIcstioIlrtlhtl 1150 , III Il way
nd at auuy timuue , for cows fodder.Vu
tavu frequently givomu thom to
Own , aiuul also fed the lromulaeo fronu
lie cider nuili , pritucituruily because the
uiimuuutis evinced a desire for thouxu ; but
lwn3's amid without oxecjution the umiitk
ins dccrcaed in couisequcuico , and suiluie- I
lIMeS very COIIHileflhiiy. Thucru is mia
touubt that at. timuucs seine ncil food jut
iealthufiui oven for a cow. Ozia may
cnernlly have comulidemuco , to souno extcmut.
afely , in the imisthict of a cow met regautis
lie soioctioii Of her fooul ; but. vo believe ,
uovor iii regard to the ( uantity of it.
I1uis is the duty of the feeder to regiuluito.
:3IZ1. sounutimnes time cow's aIpuLite hi
Ibhiorumlal nut ! tuiulierilthiful nmuut thou ic.
luuirca to ho controlled , amid this control
It necessary iii regnrtt to uluvoumriiig Uliripe
voriny aiiplcs , 115 imuueli as iii regard t
) vcr.lrrnkumug svnter ( miii foul puttdlos ,
viiicii iii souuuotiimics pueferrcul to cherni
rater. hogs IflLy ; IuiuaIs ) safely Cliii-
1111110 WFJI ) ajipicu' which fall froun tiuO
recs , brut. COWS umuilat not. be treitted an
togs flit ) by any niertlul.
Not cii.
, A ranchuimuami says it costs about $1 pur
ItutUl to raise a uiuarketuiblu steer iii time
Indian 'I'crritory.
( Joe of the best coatilugs fur tree
rotimiuis its guinm siunliuia lIt alcohol , I t
ffecttuuthIy excludes air amid thu wouamud
juickly heals over.
l1citr ti'ces comuie iiitui bcrttiuug after
dauitiiug sooner thtaii apple trues , aiim !
umimual crojus are uruore certniii with time
isual tucatunerut that 1)0th CFO8 get.
Joruorrthly , too , iuiu bring tue host
Time roofs of barns should be steep , and
f of wood the surface either painted or
lime shingles dipped in lime water , to
make them unoro durable. Straw auud
dirt collect timuuior flat-roofed shumuglea auitl
cause rapid decay.
To.ns farmers salt ! last year $59,000 , .
000 worth of eottoui , $8,000,000 worth
of cattle , $7,000,000 worth of vool auutl
luhulttOll nut ! $1,000,000 worth of horses
arid hides ,
Although the frost. unity huavo imijured
such crops as sweet titoes , yet it ; is rell
to allow thu potatoes to rcmulsn in time
ground as bug as the vines appear greeuu ,
for uuloro or 1tss growth is being uiuntle ,
amid if rniuis occult time prospects wilt 1)0
better for nut increase of the crop , aunt its
the season is still early tuo iusrun can be
domm time potatoes by reunmrimuiuug in time
ground a little longer.
An exporirnint was tried yearn ago iii
Emrghtnd , as to time relative value of
luorses and OICfl for aqriculturni labor.
'liro cxcii ate 250 Iholiulds of turnips a
day , each. Each horse ate sixteen
POtititis of oats daily , both Imaviuug omit-
straw rut lib.r1i110 c uucltustoit arrived at
wits that there , cmi farms , horses should
be useti exclusively.
Ars wiiudgalls are tif frequent occurS
ramwe , aIn't ofteut seouuu a litiglierir in thmo
eyes of sonic , 'we give the following fronu
the \ roteriumariourmmal , vlmiciu is good
autluor'mty ouu time trentimuemut of the dmhI'er.
emit. duscruses of iirrtes. It , SulysI ' ' \\'imrd-
gulls Imuny 1o reumloved by a stromug dococ.
trout o f 1ui I 0 oak bark uiuuui uuttuimu. ' [ 'lucy
mula3' h retiuucod by bhistriurg , from
stmbsequmeuut coumtrnctiomu of the skill ,
they mlpcnr [ ( lii colts uuumd ito tie immjtmu'y
uumtesa atteurded with inihruuuuuuuat tour , it
muriglmt probably be policy to let tluciut
aiouue ,
. A writer says : Sheep irftour go a bug
tiuuio wutluunut tiriuukiumg , eeiecially if hi a
proit ) ' gooti pristine , nut ! tIme dews are 51)
heavy that. time ) ' mIt fill U [ ) with wet grass
ill tire lulorumimlg ; butt whcuu they do vattt.
to drimuk vater it is as uuucessary to their
health utmuti coumifort. as to timuit of oIlier
numimrualiu , Therefore keep a supply of
lure vnter in the sheep IrastlIres as uuuuuclu
as jut mully other , nuuul if tire sheep do uuot
dr'mmuk fromur it give theumi a little srult
a week. ' [ 'lucy should have salt as ofteur
as 1)11CC it vcok iuurder airy circuurustaur'
1tUNit't'AY MA1tlt1tGES.
Tire Icumloummi'al Sub of EloIcmmreuriH
in lunilamma aunt Ioimt umeky.
lormis'1Iio Courier Journal ,
' 'That's all bosh , " remarked a vcit
kuiowmr pitysiciutti to a Couuv'icr-Jourmrahist ,
yestortlay , as ire threw dowmr a paper con-
talmurlug alt account. of a niluaway in wh'ueim
tire daughter of a local politiciauu higtlred
let the hcroimre.
' ' \\'luat's bosh , doctor" itsiceti the reporter -
porter , our the lookout for a possible I
" \Vhy , this ruurnwny nuittciu your luavo
just 1)Ublisiied. 'l'luat. girl's father is ii
siuarl ) utah , but tins is one of the uuirutrpcst
tricks ire has over played since I kmiew
hiun. That ClCmulCIlt. [ ) wars all a shaurt.
It's as siuriplo its can be. Tito girl's fath.
or is cure of tire best.kuown unen iii Lids
section of tire ton'ui , auni is a politician be.
sides. lb ira , uuecessariiy , a very large
aeqtuaimit.amice ammrouu tire elburrourt vhio are
always expectimug hurmmr to stand treat. upon
the slightest lretoxt , and , what with this
aurt ! time weddimig festivities-supper amid
other etceteras-luis tlaughmter's unarringo ,
soiunrurizcd in time oralulary unanuier , would
have coat. Imimmr a great deal of Imlorley. Aim
elopeuneirt saved all this , so ire just op.
posed his daughter's wisiucs stromlgly
emroimgiu to give a pretext to the two to
ruin over to Jetl'ersouivilio , where the ox
peurses of tue wedding , all told , didui't
aurrount to unoro t.luaut $5 or $10. Tiuers
were no flue dresses , flowers , gifts , or
auuytitillg of timni sort. , auud wiien timey rc-
turned imoune they lint ! it chance to o to
housekeeping quietly and uuroatentatmouus-
ly. It. was a shrewd liami and a sensible
0110 for all parties concerned.
"I iuavo kurown a number of runaway
umratclmos which imad 110 oIlier reason thaui
economuuy. I'arairts , relatives , arid uull
were willing for tito youurg ioeplo to corn.
unit ; uuratriumiouiy , btit tire OXJOIIBCS was a
serious coiiaiduratioui , amid a little t'muumely
opuositioii , which caused air elopemnout ,
smrmootiied out time crooked channel in
which time cotrrao of true love was rumu-
mriuug. Tire cost of time wedding was arty-
ed for housekeeping , time young cotmple
wore forgivemu murd nil wont our as umuorrily
RB if thmoro hd bceur airy irmnouurt of uurar
ringe.bolis ringing. "
"fir what classes of society do such
marriages oftenoat occur ? "
' 'G'omiorally in the imriddlo classes , thmoso
who are moderately auud wimo i
yet want to kce1i up ajpearnncos. Time
very poor and time extrcummoiy rich are
never troubled by suclu considerations ,
but time poor tumid lroud often luhaku use I
of this stratageiml , I've kumowim of soumm
very aristocratic couIhos startiumg out our
their hmratirirlommral journey t'itii air elolie-
imicuit viiicii was cruised by uuotiuiuug our
eartim iIILVO It wamrt of fuuuuds. 'J'iuesu faith-
ioumalule wetidiuuga cost large sums. "
' 'Are time youurg 1)001)10 over iur timis so-
erot ? "
' 'Sommiotiunes ' , buut mrot oftomu. Goumuualiy
they are iuumuoccnt 1)artiea to time decop.
Lion. This is uuir easy way to ionic itt nut
LulOjOuumOmmt , and it kimocks out all tite mui.
iuuaumco , but its time real oxpiaumatiomi of a
fOol ummaury , its 1 hcumow frouum poraouual oh.
servutloim. " _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _
JtmuIstm'eet oil I imo Hltmmittliiim.
] a ii very counproimeumaivo stateumiommt ,
unliracimug replies frommi suweurty.hi'ro lead.
immg iuuercaumtilo aird rumruumiufuictuHuug cities
of time Iiumioum , lradstrout'n [ shows timat time
Limo iumniiufuicturiimg imulmustries of time
United Status are oimjoyiuug it bettor bua'm. titan mnijimt imrtvo been supposed ,
'I'lmo ' oxim'mblt us time mmmost coumrpltstu which
Imas becum mtttcmuptcii , aumd nmado , as it is ,
IiiifltultIiuueu1M with tire immujuroved umuovo.
nuuimt imu wholesale rout ! jobbing coumnmer-
chit lures , commucs witim added tmigmmil'mnmmco.
It mup1icnrn timat with time exception of a
few hues of industry orders are huimmg uc-
coiveti by imutmmufroturors : tjruite imp to time
staumdarul of forimmar years , uumitl umr imuruuuy
hirrmumcimus iii excess timertiof. 'I'horu is
oytlum lurore um'mforimuity , iii time reports of ii
good outlook for a full avurago demmunuid
later iii the seasomi. 'J'Jmo so-cruiled airmail
ziuummuufnctirrei's through time iciugtim mud
brertdtim of time hiuiii , umimtl is immulicatcul by
time rr1mjumudctl , ruliorts , ni'o rcccivilmg , with
riorule UXCeltiitiH ) , IL gout ! line ( If ( Imlemit ,
aimul it iii worthy of imoto timat ummoro capital
is leiumg iirvoitctl , mmew uuuiilit aurd firetorics I
aimmi fouiumdemi us , are build ! mug nmuul ilul oirtrs
are cmuhurgiiug facilities. This is eajiuciahly
true in time Seutimerum muumd Nortimwemuterir
States , where time Fn1dtI Of time
agricuiltmirrmt lurduatrius aiim ! time ntteumd.
aumt prspcrity imat'o emeatoti an irmuporativu
ulunurtimd for it hmoumue silijitly of smmrall limit'
chmiumery , reprmim's , nod mtppimamrcct. I ii time
.Southi no immore satisfactory ovitlelmcu timutu
tluis calm Im adduced respecting time hu-
crcas'ummg prosperity of tire farimuoni , viarmt.
era , istorukuopors , mmd otiucra.
In Limo Northwest \Ycst.-partieul'iz. .
iy west of tlmoMississippi-iumdustrial coin.
umruiuitiea are spriuging UI On 0Y017 Imaumd ,
- - - -
They always have thc largest and best stock.
strut , our time whole , nra nttcmrdcul w'uthm
a fair degree of success , lum \\'rscusiur (
itiuti i I imummcsotiu t lie umnttrllfrlcttmriurg imrulturu.
tries are cmujoyilrg a full title of prosper.
it ) ' , umotaluly the ngricriiturrrl.iuuipiemutemrt
Wm'kB ) , foumunirios , iuuaclmimmo'slmops , almd es'
tnbiisimimucurts for tire ltrluuct ) ( 'tout of hard.
rare specaltics limrdimmg ready sale jut that
tJhmicngo iurduustrks , uuuler time lirhlumeurco
trf tire dur.urauud frouum time Nortirwcst iruuul
\Vest , mire imr I ito rulaimr imm r'Cco'mklt a fair
nmimotumrt of orders aurd are rulliurmug omr full
Pittsbturg , imrtltmtrsuusi3' siertking , is iur
bettor shape timmiur olie murigimt. have buour
led to ireli ye comusidering time drawbacks
whricim have mmmdc tiueurrsolvos felt. Time
glass rrrutmtumfrmctuurei's , uurnuuy of tlronr ( as iuu
Now Jersey ) , imrrve a fair trade , mmd are
lookiurg for nit immrprovomuteumt. orvimug 1mm
lttrt : to time strikes nrrromrg ginss.iurakors at
time \Vest , 'vviuielm is expected , to caruso a
diveu's'uoir of tratlo to time East. . ? ulrruuuufac.
tuir'mmrg is jut better rcquuust timaur for somne
timrre last , nun ! virulo donuairs couitiurtmo to
be based largo1olm prLrseimbmtcel , prrrcimas.
Cs iwo becounmug inoro frciiueutt , and umdllru
mire rululuimug Our full tiuumo.
Pimiliulolpimia reports aim iflhIrOvCd iur-
mluustrumrl aituunt.ioum. 'Piru dud d'mstuurb.
511CC , tlmereforu , to time urmauumfncturing lur.
iumstry of time coimmutry comrtimruues to be
uvitir tire uur'uils rodtuciurg time lower grades
If cotton fabrics at. Pimiladehiulmia , aurd
IrtrtieluittrlY ) ill Now Eurgiamrd , asiuotcd imm
Providource nurd Ilistoir reports
Iiuut oven iur tirose time lirospeet trot as uur
satisfactory as it. was soirro tiuiro ago.
Our tire wimole the imrtluvitries appear to
be uuuotleratuly velt emmrployed , timoumdu at
irarrow ruuarg'muruu of protit. . Orders are
smith , burt frequmeurt. , ururd prommriso to cour-
tiurime in good number. Tins is a ircaitir-
fiul courlrtron , itt. least.
I'ullcenran ld. I. heath , r ) North Street , i'ort.
land , Me. , May 11 , 1533 , w'ritua- :
' 'I have becri troulueri for a good miutry 3'car , with
irruhainatloim of tIre bla.ltlcr , riating as far hack as .itmr'
lug thu t lirro I ss'as iit'tiro nrniy. I srmuTert.l with rilili ,
lriavy l.aiiis iii letcic anti khlmruy , , too iIitciIo for
moo to , ioerlbo , aiiI tried saveral remrudie , , that wer.
recorirriiurrierl , soil , saa etnmriiricil by otro of our boat
ir11i1ciatrs , 5 % lir , uirorioliiicuri it iriularirinatloim of tire
bladder ; anti I scout to tire hospital for trcatriuun t ,
but all rne.iIeiiro airl tre'tinent ial seemilod to fail.
I as reconrirroritloti to try lluuut't , utoiried , as It had
beui smsel hi several .utii cast's lwro iii l'ortland attn
vicinity. I hrtirclraod a bottle at StnhLli'ai drug toru
lrcro , tonI fOtltltl after rising tire fIrst bottle that It
rehiercd mile greatlyI itnil after using .owemthottle. ,
found that it did too urnoro good thami all other mood.
lclmitrs turd treattilerit I linac receivent ooublnenl. And
to 11(1(1 to miry goon opinion Of 1lW1t8 ltemnedy , I beg
to state is closIng that my wlfo1has been for a 1orr
tlnwtrotmblnal with a woakirerns and inilautimatiorm o
tlio bhroinler , whir it eoitipllcatioii of other nhirteatu w.
culiar to wonren , After tutirig only two bottles sIno
Irarr becit cornjnlctely cured ; atol I eon sal' ( brat moy
wife is buLl lit liraiso of this won.icrftrl mueiicinu , arid
I , 'nrtbi highly rsenninniend it to intl selun arc suliering
horn kunliutiy dlsuasen ordiseaaos nrftbtu huaidcr , "
l'srtianii , Me. , Inlay II , 1553.
I lrcreliy certify tijut ikuow thu ( acts ) f tila sick.
11055 of Mr. . S. IC. Heath , antI thiattboy are correctly
dated in the foregoing cortillcato , arrul her criro sari
rccorrnidisbled by tlro mice of fltint' . Itonwnly.
A.V. . SMlTlIiruggir , ,
Cur , t'ortiarid aol ( Irceri Streets.
'flilri I , to certify that I Irate imserl hunt. ' . Itonicnly
br the kidney complaint , arid tlcri , cd , touch ninchi
Inoirolit front mtri rise.
I irate been alilictul aleut nrir year , and rocol cii
Irentiricirt front tire local physicians , nun usul a hum-
nor of , ru.aiulc.l without any imuterlal lieu , ,
I aiim happy to say , after tmirig three bottles of
hunt's ltciiiedy , I % as CtIipiCtel3' cureil.
I never fail to recoiimincri it , nnI 7011 art at libor.
Ly to usc iris' miarimo lit iu' mmnarmnor you miiay , icIrc.
Noutwmcmm Coon. , May 7 , 18.13.
A 11' 1 N
AIr III. , . , , 110 nor iu'reruon , , ra. , , , or ott.r ciii. , . ITS
we. t. jiii'i'J. , I. , , I'IliI' b , ; , Inysc.rIy 4rIut , * iii . .itli 10
Iruru umn'm .u him's ir..IrIy. CIII I , u nil mI Ih.m ; , rm& .
ii.I ) rinrem , wIIIut tiCI.IhI . IIiOiICIfli , mokr..i b r.eur ,
, , JUI.V'r. flh.i II , . . i.ri.,4 , Th. Al.U.I 10415 ITI I 'rm. . VIII
plc , . ' 1 hrr.IIn.rv , . . . ' . u.IIm ii . i'i. I . .I'I.i 'I.VNT. .t 0 ,
Ii wI.'Iy ' .Il.m.'I 14 'm'ii m : ru , t rii'iiN mmii l.uls.
i.o'kioi ; , nu.n. ; uIC.t .4 flthili ( ILIVI t.m 10 tnII $414 .er.
fuet . .iu Iiu.oI , $ in. I . iI.cil v. ci. .i , Iy , IIeULt. t.caII
ie I.II , O'.O.IIII , ni with , ' , , ' , rr. .
.t'T riv tii'r'r i' , , 0 0' ' 4r. .4. . W.
± : , : ! uLt : of the
iiiiiiaiI boiiy ertiarguil , ilut eloped atid sururigtuncncnl
rto. , is and Interesting ails ertleenront long run in ( tur
nailer , In rellly to inqtilrIe we sill say that there js
II , civinlejico ) limlirilitig about this. ( hi tire contrary
die alertlnrur , arc very highly iiIirrorl. , IntMroHterI
( reninis lofty get sealed circular. giving iii PartICUl9T5
ry anldrtsriing Irio Medical Co. , 1' 0. box 513 , Iirmilalo
I : . V . . ' , Seci , . mil4y
Ikainicriec , NO. 1407 .Torit St. . OIuIoi , No. UQI Fist
trails street , 0111cc hours , 12 un. to 1 ii. mu. , atirl S
In. to S I' . in. 'I'CIOlIliOiIO for eiSa , , i7 , Residence
Physician & Surgeon
oFFIci-raT1f AN ! ) JACKSON 5TH ,
Itosidenco , 13th Street , oyerIteimiirod & : Iormalr' .
.trrc miner Jackson street.
itderciicu' .t 2 year. ? practIcal exporitinco ,
Go. ; P. MULDOO ,
Cariago & Wagon Make
Jobbing of all lUnds Pronrptly Attondoti To ,
Now amid riccurid Ilaild buggies and snujoIrri alwa.
oil hand. Ul0. I' . IIULIJOON
Cor. lStim sod 1.eas'eiiwortli.
John D. Peabody , M. D. ,
l71 Douglas Street , - . . . . Omaha I
II ' The rise of the term " Shor
S M rti1' 1.iiio" iii rotitiectiori sith the
II U J clrI'om ftto iimtmno cia roatroan1 ,
. Il is ! , idea of lust shixil
rcqtmire.l by the trnxding
I l N E lic-.rt Shirt 1iiie , Quick Turn.
II rout the bcit ( If acconimnoda.
Is I tiowt-al ! of wirkir mire fiurms-
IMItni by the greatest railway lii Amnerlot.
And St. Paul.
II owns turd 0l1et * ' , oTcr 4roo unites of roisdi ii
Northern Illinois , Virieonsin , Miirtiota , Iowa anit
1)akotah arril flid is maui lines , bramiclie. arid con000-
tlori reach isIl the great lnuqines centres of tire
Northwest ismitl Far Vest , it naturally answers te
( lSlCrliitiOtI of Short Line , arid lict Itouto bctwo
Chicago , nrlivaultee , St. . Paul anti Minneapolis.
Chicago , Milwaukee , La Crosse anti Vinons. _
Chicago , I'IiIivsukoc , Aberdeen and iIlontia1.
Ciikrigo , Milwaukee , San Claire and
( 'hicago , iIhsaulcso , % 'auxan and Merrill ,
Chicago , MIlwaukee , fleas-cr 11am anti Ohkosh.
Chicago. Siliwitukee , Waukcslia anti Oconanrowoe.
Chicago , 1iliwuke , , i.tariomi nrr'I l'rmslrle thu OhMs.
Chicago , Iliiwaukco , Owntpnmma anti S'airibauit.
( irlemigo , IleloR , Janoseillo Miii Mineral L'olnt.
Chicago , nugism , Itockfortl isrmti fltmbuquo.
Chicago , Clinton , flock lslamui amid Cedat Itispids.
Chicago , Council luiimft , and Omaha.
Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Falls and Vankton.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell amid Cimamubseisin.
Itoek Island , lhmbuquo , St. u'ani anqi Minnunpafls.
lrtrcnport ) , Cahmnar , St. i'aul and Minneapolis.
PuhImn Sleepers and the Firmest liningCars ithhs
woridynra run on the irrainlitini ottlmo CHICAC
and erery attetitiol , is haiti to passengers by oourts
ous OiiiIiIOye $ of the company.
8. H. MeltltlT.L , A. V. ii. CAltPSNTISIt ,
Cciii Manager , ( lcn'l u'u. Agent.
CoIt'I Suip'b Ass't Gcmr'l Pass. Ag't.
IIM 1omn Inure ilestructi , o to hunntvn health anl a
tlmami war , i1ctilcneo arid famine ctninhluird. , So said
a tuuMtungurslrcLiWritermmranrycafll rngomnii.i it is as true
tn.ility its therm. 'limo l.or ictini of lrinl uiaeario Ii ,
drugged situ Mercury to cure the iuabaiiy arid then
tlo.etl isithi loiltle. to cure hint of tlio Mercurial I'oirt.
cuing : hut immsteat of relief , tIne first niro I. , cakri down
Iris general health aol iniakes hum a crlpmrlc , air,1 time
.iLiur Cr11115 Inu rmlgestii ii organs , 'It , I hoe alllictoni
in ( liii ii ny Sa lit's Smiociflo Is tiru greatest l'oon on
earth , anni iri sortli ninoru than Its s , 'liit lii goIti. I t
guititioten , tub Mercurial Pn'hoiitoiic , , up thu iryritent
anti brIng. thu sulTerer iack , to healtiranil happliresin.
Ecry i'cromi wlii has orer hL'Ii ) sailsatuil , sironihi by
nil mmicaim take is thorough course of this rcnmutly.
jtrimrnsosvui.x , 'I'Wmtmos Co. , Ga.
Fl s c yeses ago I Iiiiitiii nut nnty uilantation .a CllOiCd
lila ? , who was l.ahir illscaietl. Ihr , , tatmi thraL five
3 OSCS l.eforu ho hail eniltracteil a ' . iiiteiitcaso , of liIooU
iolson , anti hail liect , tm eatcil liv mans' oberilo.
Ian. nil falling to cure hum. I treated hum is iti $ nvlft' *
Specibic , antI itt a short tune lie is a' , soiiui.l arid well ,
arid has not lend a symnrltoiin of time disease sliree.
I. ) . M. rICUlISS.
One gentiemmiari s li Imadbt'en contlimenl to his be
six vceLs with Mcrcririah iUicumnatisinlialocn , cured
entIrely , amid SleftktI lit thu utuemest iirai.o of S. H. S _
CII I l.ir4 & ii lltItY ,
Cirattarmioga , Teon.
$1,000 REWARD.
Yili be Ilfti.i to hIlly Clncmmiist triro relli flhnil. ott an.
aisiisot booliottles S. 13. 8. , nhmup4rLlclo of Mercury ,
Iodide i'otasiuni , or any nilnerni iniir'.tiriieo.
T1ml swi II' sm'nctri Co. ,
Irascr ) 3 , Athammta , this.
LJWrltu for the little 1ook , .s lmkh will be mailed
i'rice1 Snirail sio , $1.00 ncr bottir , . Large aizo
( liolilirig , lommijiu lmu.nhitIt ) . $ 1.711 a buttme. All drug.
gitri sell it.
Capital , - - $250,000.
.JAS. II. IIuAmtTwSLL , l'reriuilent.
A. I. . CI.AltltS , Vlce.i'rcsliicmmt.
1. . C. % vsiusTmotlrreasurer ,
C. 1' . wnius'm'itmu. . Cashier ,
mttmrucl AloxmmnIor. Orivnalii OlIver
. I. . Clarke , K C. Webster ,
'no II m'ratt , dais. Im. hleartwuul ,
1) . 11 , McEJlIlniioy.l
first Mortgage Loans a Speoialtv
This Company tiirmrishes a pcmtanemnt home IrisUtu.
or : shear school lionmtiri anti other legally issued Mu.
dual Hectmritleri ti ) Nebraska cart ho negotiated n
iiiOt. i.vorallo torimiri , Loans toads omd imiprovod
.11.5 Ir. all well scttlei countle. of the state through
, ommil.Io ocal corresuommdcots , at
NOTNCE ! . '
TotheTraveling'Public !
ooc1LL , I.To3 : .
Is n ow ruruiergoimig tlrrorougli repairs , both wltldir and
without. and thu Iromirletor intends it shall be 550'
ONI ) 'I'O NONE iii thu State , next to Omaha.
i : . it.
, aug2l.2m Proprietor.
Nebraska Cornice
OrllaMeut !
r3iaax'V7iiac1'vv - ,
I'4t't'ltN'C Ml'I'ALIU SltYt.IOhV ,
iron Fencing !
Crebtmmi's , Iialiistraiics , 'craumdas , 0111cc amId Hank )
htalilmigs , Vimniow mmil Cellar Oulard , , Ltc.
N , W. Colt , N1N'rlI ANt ) JO4ES 5TH.
wsr , GAISEII , Manager ,
'I. . ) till 10 I' ' in.1r. it'Iin.
_ _ _ _ _ _
5 ii , iI ; i.iol ( imenu ti unertmiy ,
15 1 'it I lull I lo not , 'iimoi.iim
r . I , rjla ii Imil. situ 11cetile ii.'lt.
L , i _ " . I nmi eltl.o.m to , un' umm mumII
I QCI S iomi iai'iim mu pn , , It is rue
I , . ii . . . . , .
, , , r.lirIse.
. I , , , I UI gir mit b lhlurnlalloi , , ad , en .s Cia t ' , r
_ illS Itilollintloit 81 , , ( L&I'tngu. 'mm ' ,
' 14.tNI10flD-PosItively Iteritorod in tronitwo IS
.INi. tray. by Mozican Vegetabu. Confection. or
ParticularS a.tdrus Bait Mctco Medical Co. 1' . ' U , Dos , ,
rsi , st. Lou , Inn
G ,
- - -
- r'-