a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ e n.rn..t nn riE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS t Friday Morning , Sept. 21. BUBSCRIi'Ti01i RATN9t 1 my OArrler - - - - - - - 9D eats per xrr k V alai . - - - 81aoo per Yen OPP10Et 1 4 0 , 7 Poar1 street , Near Broadway. MINOR MENTION. Sco Joseph Roitor'e fall goods. Additional local on seventh page. Cheap Rnilro. d TtekoLs at Bushnell's. Dogs are being poisoned rather pro. miscuously. John Bohn anti Oliver Ifnigh are both losers of water spaniels. Perry Landon was arrested yesterday and brought before Justice Schurz on charge of assaulting , ) ohn Allen. Th o csse was sot for Saturday nfteruoon. C. S. Iteckless has received the and stews of tire death of his mother , which t occurred at her home in .lcrsuy City She has been in poor health for soul time. About thirty of the Hebrew citizen s hero united in the orgnutzatiun of a mutual relief society , of which L. II. 3fosler is elected president , nnd L. liar ris secretary. The broken rail brought hero as ovi dance in t e Crescent City railway ace ; dent case still lice on Broadwa by th e cif is building. Now that the case is ver it a whoso busiucss query it is to re atom it. Roy , Mr , Lemon , on Wednesday ovait ing married Mr. P. G. Itoynnrd to Mrs , ' C. E. Bassett , the ceremony being per formed at the residence.of the bndo' s another , corner of Second and Pierce atrcots. aE . Dan Sullivan , while drunk , picked u ( ' to a halter in " 1Vobtherboo's ' livery stable and putting it under his coat , snB6 'ere d ha oft Ho was thrown into the cooler , an d yesterday morning was sentenced to ten t days in jail. There have already a goodly numbero t business inoit subscribed for electric lights , and there is over' reason to bo Cho hove that eufliciunt support wi II ho au cured , so flint thu plant will b o entab off' liahed hare and the lights put in. The body of Ifoward guy Doughty , eon n t George Doughty , of this city , and broths r of Mrs. L. C. Brockott , arrived here yes and torday from Durango , Cut. The funeral will take place from the rosidencp of L. C. Brockutt , 120 Glen ' avenue , at 3 liar o'clock this afternoon. In the Olson case yesterday , bofor ° 1 Justice Scburz 1Y. 0. King , ono of tin parties charged with ass1tii h Olson K was acquitted. L. Basinont another u f e PartYr tlno was hold to the district cour t in bonds of $250 , the charge being as A sault with intent to kill. S. Danforth hag i1ocidod to put u P four two story brick buildings on hi e property an Broadway , near EiglltQont11 .Uo asfroad' lot thontractto Goo Taublo. It ie alao his intention , in tll o back spring , to put up a three story holosal house on the corner of Eighteenth an d Broadway. been There was a little frro at Krepbor' s boon place " ' , on Broadway early ycatorda y the no ng , but it was speedily put out b Y in buck ts , Marie White discovering the fir I ) tan 1 in time to suppress it. The fire ha d started in a 4ile of tobacco lying on th dand k floor , and it 18 thought originated from a 1G stove near by , though it was not su P that posed there had boon any frro in it fo of t aovoral hours. A number of )0011ds of 1t r. tobacco were spoiled , and a few hole s floor. burned in the . gat The defense in the of case G. Laraa n the who was acquitted the on charge of mar .alaughtor , in leaving the switch unlocko drafts , at Crescent City , causing the fatal railway . -way accident there produced Witlesso s and to ftow tlat two strange man , actin g svhau very auspiciously , vero scull in the vied ' ity of the switch shortly before the t110 Rea 1 air dent , intimating that , they wuro the 0110 e who tampered with it. Now that Laxo n is acquitted of all blame , it would ho out fine move to got holdof these two non fare possible. The idea of a train going t 0 etranvo lows snasl ) , killing tjvo Duel , and nobody t o 1 blame , is of course Iloilaolso , and w1I ° from money ever is to blame should be brught to ii ° Lnittca count if it is the ' among Posslbllittos t v iluaded r do 80. ; Woodbridgo , of the Omaha Jfcrakr ! A dressed up the city editors of the savors 1 daily Council Bluffs papers in pretty goo h ahnto for their art in "the boss ( , girl The.1'nil contest , . ' laretl in ) rotondiu The to reProduce time article froiu thi licrak chronicl took special phis to suppress the lase of all other papers hero and of all othe r tallow newspaper follows. The others nro mot Y friends as happy as larks at thus being f urnisllo ( 1 be another proof to substantiate the oft - Mr. rndo assertions that "Boas John" ca n tiny atoop to sonic vary little and dirty work girl Poor Clark isn't to blame. lie has t o fast , work under the shadow of a pormnpto lips order not to mention atothor Counc il ' ' ] fluffs japer , or newspaper man , uxco t services by special dispensation. IIo is to Lo ied , not blamed. p morning What ; s known as the old Monro o qunrtolta building still stands in thu middle of th e hllnku t atroot , an eye sore to all passers ing by , a „ obstruction , and a nuisance Road generally The Council scams a little tumid abou t of Coun doing anything in the matter for tea r Mr. the city will acknowledge its reepoitsn'bd . Bliss' itr in , bi eine wa mid involved hl nlnt aut. ; Coor6 s F. Wright v young appeared be for u t6 of the Council some time ago anti naked fo r 11 s airs , Monroe , that as the Juildiug ough t tau of to bo removed from the street , it slroul d known bo moved onto her lot , and with this hol p Coh she could ntannbo to secure to ntonoy ro men pair it. The city alderman seem afnlit 1 will to do that lest by moving it back on tll u liar lot thoT . acknowlod6a that the city is r I- j aponsiblo for moving it off the lot. Soul I ) Dr. thing should be done , that is corm' ' ¶ 11110 ti1O Yness shown ' n repairing ( Ii o bridges and other prollort ( luuaod b big y Doe the ' flood , , is uend coolnnont on ti 10 city's outerjwso. ; Stmnlos ; visititlh t ) charged city , and Booing the condition of allai the C , cannot but got the impression that Cou , i Judge cif Bluffs is a vary slow town. In ma at a charge cities they would have had nil signs ° f the flood wiped out before this. protunaca who A happy Tlu"t two Last night the Ancient Order of I In' uppcnr borniana gave an cnjoyaalo dance at fl o wdl Chu laany's hall. There was a largo attea d follows anco and a time. ' ' will , nervy 'I'le hall w , La finely decoratol with Cho flag of old Eni n witnes 1 ' the stars and atrlpcs , and the flag of t ho Omaha Itiborniaus , Over the stage a P' Thu 1)cared III letters of " , gold "Cead Mil f ° O1dCagU 1'lalteacll"which translated y ; thousand welcomles , " and in the cantor of ' Tribun -tliQ hall wcro limo words "lVolcotuo 'r tl0llt O1enn'a orchestra furnished the ulus iu , T 'ha and all wore merry , war is v . x TURNING NICKS , fluothcr Sascc liblc Flccccd Oat of a Fat Roll , The Draft in This Oalo Appoara to Bo ( lonuinor But Unfortunately It Ilnd 11ee01'ald 17CYCII,1C11rAAU11 , ' Yester day another confidence gmno was plnyad at the irnuaor. [ A farmer named 111 , IL Wiltso , of Lyons , hurt c + unty , Neb , , coma over from ODahn , nccompnuialby his wile , the two 'being on route to Dodge county , \Vis. , to visit Chair old home , which they had left nbouE fo urteen 'save ago , At the trnna ter , while fruiting for the Milwaukee and St . Paul train to go cut , Mr. Wiltsa fall in with n very pleasant young man who , ; n the atureo of half nn hour , 6a iugrn tinted hinaulf into Clio favor of Mr. 1Vi1tAO that ha congrntulntad himself all being fo und so pleasant a fellow to travel along with. The young mdn was going to JnncavillalVis-nt least h ° said so- going 0a the sauotraiu , After gutting on board time train , anti while talking about a0uru to trunks anti boa gage , n third man ca0tu in and talked ) rurricdly to , the young man for n ntinulu , about having found h is 'bola , ate , , anti the latter turning to Mr. 1Viltso asked if lie couldnt nut hit have aano mangy until tie could m out mul ace the goods. Ma 1Viltao thou g htloaslY took thdraft this proffered lrinl , net oven noticing the j amowtt ; t called far , as ttlo fallow said ho would be right buck , Mr. Wihao gave him 81(10 ( , and as the two want out the car ho glanced at tlla draft , mid ' found it costs for $1,02 , lbo then began think parlrn ho something was wrong , , and the more thought 0f it. the more bacanty satisfied that thorn was svuo thing wrap . Ile want out 011 the Plat- form and looked all around , but seeing city nothing of the men , anti as the train began to move alt ; Ito jumped on board , li' the time the conductor got around victim was satiaficd lie chitled old ' by advice of the conductor , ho got and off'nd took mother train back to this flan city , leav ing his u'itu to go on her jour - flora with out hint , lie reported to police laadqunrtore and haft 11 description of the Caul. . , but of course got no satbifactioii , does not stand much of a abvw of getting atty. ' 1'ho draft used in the ploy tuna n paceRobert one . It tuns apparently n draft which had boon genuine and lad 1)0111 % mid an d caucallud. It tens from the , erChallte' National lkudc of Fort. Scutt , dated July 14 , 1870 , and drawn l the Vnllay National Ilnnh of St , LOnIA , f or 410'1,110 , It tuna signed by 1 [ . 1'hlllips , cashier , and numbered 10,321. ; It wait in favor of the Ginger Manufa cturing Co , , and on the back had sou endorsed by the stamp of the compan y , tor ( lnrduar , that name says gthe , 1t also had on its and stnm , 0f the St , Louse Clearing pepsin house. Au oxaniuation of the drat tory showed that ; t had boon ourcolled by sera balk , road the cut in the center had patched up again. A bola had rondo also nl the signature , and had been patched up ; and the letters the si gnature whore flies cut out writ- in o n of ) ateh. The whole bore the to appeara nce having bast a draft paid , tinuo the date of the clearing house , In 1g7U indicated that it tuna aid nt lima Tim follows had evidently to hold of the cancelled tirnttr lultched up , anti thus uee(1 it , motion It wa s n little mystery just how they ] told of this old bnuh draft , for though seven 'care old , banks are nut in firm habit of having oven thaih cancelled flying about loose. The cathdelw business is getting n lit- Beck. too nunierouA around these parts , the way confidence uwnslitiothrough nwntnl c aught is virtually n premium u t 1 btieimeAa. Either witnesses are rat hearing or autnhl bail faxed lord forfeited , tech. by nidnlitnos found through which to creep , or aout0 dodge taken. The puupl u for about tared of these follows. It is , too , that there arc av many fal overrule slut callable of taking care ut their ] , mid who toed to be protected ruea sharpens. A vigilance cnut and a liureuty corps are bath for h ero. . - - - - , Booth's ' select oysters rocuvud ; hearing Moss at W.1' . Braun's. for TLo Little One Cuna , avorrulad Stntu Leader of Wednesday ilme ] es the bereavement which has Co , , upon a family who have nOlrmod ntnlly Nutt in this city , whose sympathy will trot called for by the avant : Lane . a nd Mrs. S , C , Sjrn4uo on 'aster- Court cloauti the uyoA of thou little baby ] Inugiu , cud 1'J months , and took n Cnrrt roe d by klea from liar little rosebud flat h1d but just 1uatTlad to ) rattle Court 'nuunntn" and ' 1)111)0. ) " The uuurlll State wore hot at 10 o'clock this . Stottnrtree conducted b Rev , JB vans , Clio tauily ro idnnce. A sou > : "Nhun lie Contuth to Des up his Jewels , " and other touch. Opinion sotto , Messrs. Frail Bliss , 0 , W , sooting , W in. Brewer , mid 1lfayor Vaughn , cil Blull's acted as pall benrora , trict Sprnlue ; is n brnkenat on Fred rock , trnut , and is n line , wall liked Morro tuna , who line the deepestpynqII Baran 1111 his friends in hia ntl cti0n , by wife was formerly Miss Kate IIongh Cocklin Council I3lutlh , wlturo alto is well order and loved. Sue is the niece of Quinto Ba bbitt , ono of thuuldust nutvepnpu r reversed in ilia State. All her old fremd re lloolaoy join us in sympathy for Cho lone of triut littl e girl , lInrria Court , W est , dentist. 14 Pearl street. \fuhed I7xnu11uM lu , 1'o n trial Baggs and his friend Kelley , Iron Bit with cuutidenciug a elan m 1 B , & Q , , out of $20 , wore before Aylaeautth yesterday nerving of t of ubiainiug atone' under fnls e Found , , anti the ntmn being on bun ( 1 big , etc , , wa s Ilacccd nut of the mate , ' , tin e tutu of ' ! ' waiveti uiauinntlon anti gore bail t and } 'IPR at the District Court , and abid o eorllon , decision et Ile grand jury. ' 1'hi it probably end the matterfor i E Cho usual run of ovals the hood A aithurbu forfeited or ilia prosecutiu taJANTFD-E ' s fail to nppulr , g route a - _ , OAloltg0 UI CeunuU Bhla1 ( . l cut on pasaelgor rates butwoa It and this ally , COIIt11111Ua 11Ua , U 7TORSALV e thus emus up ibo present situ n , Tenth P AUKING way in which the Council Blu 1f9 being carried on by the Iowa line a lease. cuua ( tl causes mush unfavorable comment. None of lllo rends have thug far roof oponl ' the rates rondo by the 1VnbrL + h , $9.80. They cmrtimuo t0 ehnrgo Clio fall ante , $14.80 , at. Choir t icket oflicoA , but passengers are given to undoratand that 1f they g0 to certain s calping nlUcen they can purchase their tick ets nE as lour n rate nn Clio lYn baAh sells them. Titus the public is ba lug educated to purchase their tickets aE scalping shops hlAtond nt at the regular ticket o0lces , which AIORa Jnat 1108 ill- care ihoso roads nro in their periodical attempts to farce time scalpers nut of bu eilioss . There is no hood rcasnu colt' these rends cannot g/ro / the amount of cmnnninsinn they allow the scalpers direst t0 t10 } pu blic. PEiL90NAI , , tilra , S , A , Orctdt has rctnriuol train this east amid will upend tire winter with her non 1r , ) I , Orclrtt and alto , Mrs. ] 'iulop Bunko , of Orange City , ie Taiting { her old home Nora , A , It , llaranpott , the chief clerk of the bftllnnl , Cando hia Initial volt to tlda tide of Cho dyer ycaterdny accounparuied by his wife and dnuvlder. .T. C. Adams of Thu Avoca Delta , was in the city ye sterday. ] inn , C , C , Cole , of TJoa Moines was at the Ogden yest erday. J , J. St ewart , of Scutt k Stewart , the wolf knoNU ntGrnoyN , , has returned ir.m hia silt hia old home in pakalosn , AasLtnnt Clliot Ryan , of the Omaha fire depnrtmmd , was hr the city yesterday. 1' ' . Is , Al exander , of St. Loulx , is at the Og don. Theo. W,1'lumb , of Afeddcn , Cam , , Is at Ogdrs. A. 0 . Rich nod Charles B , Conner w ern among the New Yorkeraarrtviug at the Ogden yesterday , C. J , W eatherby , of Kansas City , is at ttia I'aciIc ( , ,1 , L. M orris , of Neolaatdvodatthol'ndfic vcatcrrlny. 1'rmnontl3msJatnin , of Avers , was is the ycxtonlny , John T. Steward , now of Missouri , but tor- merly deputy U. S , lllanlhal hero , wax at Cho No Yncltia jeatorday , B , 1' . Clayton arrived in Cho city yesterday with T , J. Lynne loft for { { aurae' June. to attend n railway meeting to be held , they having seine land mxl Interests wlmro the Ihlo ) x proposed to be built. Oscar hcolhro anti . Bert 1vans started yes. terdny o0 n six weela' bunting trip through iuortuiorn T ows and Nebraska. Robert I'llgar , a [ Schuyler , Nab „ is hero visiting hi s non George. T. D , EdmumlAOU has returned from his Luropann trip , 1Y , J , ) Inncock , xuporintondent ut the Amartenu express , ] oft yostcrlay for Dakota. Iloraf0rd'd Achl 1'hoxphale , T onic for Overworked Men. Dr , J , C , lY1LY0N , Philadelphia , Pa. , : "I llavo used ; t as n [ ? on ° rat tonic , in particular iii the debility and dys of overworked men , with satisfac- resu lts. " Supreme Overt Decisions. The [ allowing opinions were filodia th e Supreme Court yesterday. Benne tt & Frantz ye. Straight. , motion DR n0rm ; overruled and motion to con sus tained. N. rowjll of Phillips vs , Phillips , motion S , afhrtlt sustained. lialranantous vs. Blair Town Lot Co , , J , to dismiss everruled. Draft Ockorsbn vu. Burnhtatn , motion to af ovorrulod. D , Hail vs. Thanes , petition for rehearing ovorrulod. Sttpplomeitul opinion by . Iliackaudorf vs. Lancaster , eupple- G , opinial by Soovara. Byingtmt vs. h aunt tire , petition for re o verruled Suppleneltal opinion W Day. W0a1 Ys , C , , Ii. I & I' . Ry „ pntition rehea ring overruled. Case vs , Dtrite , petition for rehearing d. iuord IG p CO , vs. Gotchiu , petition fo r rehpnriug overruled , linnunar vs. O. It. L AC P , Ity. , petition rehea ring wurrulad. Illnttvr vs. Puttaraon , petition for ra ovorrulod. vs , City of Burlington , petition rehearing ovorrulod. Pntmt vs. Baker , petition for rehearing , lfillor , trustee , vs. ] { , Ati p D , Ili , lty , Leo District. Court , modified annd , 0Iiuion ) by Day. v s. Mills Co. , Pottawnttamio Die Court , nitrnlud } , Opinion by Adams. v s. Moore , ltfontgomory District , alUrutod , Opinion by Adaure. fInrdin vs. White , Keokuk District , af firmed , Opinion by Adams. IIonton vs. Knight , Madison District , nOlruod , Opinion by Souvors. DRAFTS of Iotv11 vs. Crocker f Story Dis- Court , reversed. Opinion by See Bock dissenting. lIalCello county vs. B. AC M. It , R. , Mo ines Circuit Court ailirtllod , , by SuororeAdana and Beck die. MAX Rickunbnugh vs. Cook , Harrison DEs Court , ruvoreod , Opinion by Both w vs. 0 , , R , L & P. It. R , , Yni t COUNCIL D istrict Court , ntlirtnod , Opinion Rothrock. vs. liandig , motion to got avid of nlliruuuiee overruled , n Ya , Barton , LeolielrictCourt , . Opinion by Back , vs. I. O , 0. F , , Davis D18 Cou rt. , nllirmed , Opinion by hack , va. Palntor. 1 Iudiu ( District rovureoti , Opinion by Bock , - - atrongthen and build up the syaton t will convince you that Brown' ta ters is ilia boat mnediciute made SPECIAL NOTICES NCJICK-BlteClal Adl'CrtiBJIDUlIItl , YYCII A/ Lost Tu Goan , For Sale , To Bent , Want , , liua nl N'lll b0 IIIIOrted iii UIII nlx Whlnlll at ( lie la x 'EN UFh-ITS : 1'Elt LINE for tbu first ( nwrtto ( ( i 102 CFN'lU : I'Elt ' LINE for ouch subsequent 1 a lxnra whortlnowoub atuurolliro , No. 7 PearlStroutharllruadxoy WANTS , A : - rrylxxtyto ' . t'ormcll111uRnto tel. 0 1'uxltrtl. Nuuk. lkllrltud b , ' carrlord only twcnt 0J ' S TANTL'D-A buy , wrath { way , to dellror Tits ZOo POIt BALE AND 1tENT. llaueu and hut , northwest cantor of and ISroulNay. JouN 1Y.1fAtnu k4 O ' HOUaEF'Olt NAGS Olt RNNT-11 , e Onlel'eekinghouleeulrolly , IOOhrge I > ardu wlthanmodrraApldianaewail ; 1on/Grh lnrsale , Apply W UDCLL A DAY , lCaae , lo , , erht aber lo , 16d8. ' , Yl ; " . ' , : _ . , JCmpkIe Hardware Co . rb , . , tyt , a r d r „ „ r . ' D'ROLI3I5.L1iII . . . . ; i. t 1. 7 Hardware ! / . . ) y1 . s - 109 and 111 S , Mdn Street , _ J COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , WIIOLFSALE IEALEIIS IN HA TS , CAPS BUCK GLOVES , 342 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , 101YA e Coillectiollery Parties , Socfnbles and Picnics autphal , on short notice , anti goods delivered nil parts of the city. Viulma Bread , and Ties , Fiuu Ci6gars , w. T. BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 404 West Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS HO USES , LOTS AND LANDS t8ou ht i c1 o1d. Mon ey Loaned Abstracts Furnished . J. MaM ' No. 4 Pear ! Street , - - - E'1T30N - - COUNCIL Bluff S MAYNE & PALMER DF.ALER8 ii Lime Louisville NiCI110AN PLASTER , HAIR AND SEWER PIPE , HARD AND torB 60FT COAL AT LOWEST PRICE. , 630 B roadway , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFPB , IOWA SMITH & TOLLER , . I ° I 1 ( G Iji l tt I ! , t I 'A 1 a d 1 F i ' . s : e - , ' , _ : w r 'ere a n al ors. . U ) 7 and 9 Main Street. nIR7CTORY , COUNCIL SLUFI' i , IA. JUHN BEND & CU , i'eerlstreet. , 18 Main street and ii ' . MAX N1UHN CItESTON HOUSE , , Grocery 416SIaln Street. hotel 217 and 210aln street. . J , F . VPHITE OFFICE , Corner Slain and Fifth u p etalre , lteeldence , 800 w81aW areoua SC URZ. . ' OtQce over American Express. S WAGNER LIVERY AND FEED , y w18 contract for funerals at reasonable rates. 22 Fourth streak IUI. SI' ' ' , JOHN & CUI.CA4t H BUYERS , tyholesalobuttoreggspo butt. ; N. tryoud by return umQ , 148 Broadway. Ship to A , BENEDICT SIGN WIIITEIt AND OItAINEIL work ( Oface 337 Broadway , Camtell BIuQu , Iowa. JACUB gUCg SIEItCIIANT TAILOR , , Stock Complete , Suite made at reasonable priwe. No , 805 Mnln St. F , S M ITH , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDEit , Corner 7th and Broafway. ! 'Inns and sloclflratlmra , furnished. 9V , SHERMAN DEALER IN FINE HARNESS , , 1 have the varlet' that brings patronage , 124 Main street. JAMES FRANEY SIERCIANT TAILOR. , Artistic Work and reasonable charges. 872 Browlwa J HUGE & SON FURNITURE STOVES , I and IouerholJ Supplies. 303 Broadway. LINDT & HART . ATTORNEYS AT LAW , Br , James mock. ' 1'rnctlro in state and federal rousts. SANITARIUM AndC armed . /I'hyeician Broadway. L. Sovereign , Prop. I' . J. Moat t EDWIN J . ABBOTT JUSTICE OFTIlEI'EACE , A , , Notar J Puhllo and Oonclnl Conveyancer. 415 Broadway. REVSRE HOUSE SSIITIIIcN01tTON , , Broadway opposite New Opera house. Befitted Fl , 81,611 per day CI SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , DEALERS IN 1 Boots a.ii ' I IMMIGV R.A.TION IflN'I' Il. O N THE BANK 0 } ' IRELAND , DUBLIN , FOR SALE , 843 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFYS We tarrh Cornl ralgl a CRESTON HOUSE and 'llt eau Go cxl MORN , - - PROPRIETOR , .td 2113 , j317 said 2L0 S1. Maids ll troot , BLUFFS , - - - - - - IOWA lr MRS. D. A , BENEDICT , $ L All flul.h ed. TIIE LEADING DEALER IN flul.hholst ) build Ingtl olnsb 7' ' 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. 0 SKELTON H ENDRICKS & RICE , Est TAILORS flu alcn MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS. trl ts LAAND WINTER ile al est Clock use TOCK NOW COMPLETE , , EMBRACING MANY NOVELTIES U 71 e T To B E FOUND ELSEWHERE. or dl rl i' W h ' ntt ours. rx.lvu fur / , YOUR TRADE IS SOLICITED In ifi1 all ( ( /1 r Alk . . , . . .i : . ; . .tltJA . . + . 'W a Sp ecial Sale for Thirty Days -COMMENCiNO- ig ysd 1 To reduce our stock and make room for a 1nrgAstockof FA LL AND HOLIDAY 1 OBS ' . . We'ofl'cr at reduccdprices ; our stock of 1 'l ! soo1Iliooiis PIIOTOGRAPH AND AUTOGRAPII ALBUMS , y Poc ket Books , Purses & Ladies' Arm Bag t .c . FANCY COS ' I Steel Engravings and Other Pictures---Cabinet / - - - Photograph - graph Frames , Parlor Easels. . ° ® t ci , ° . WALL POCKETS AND BRACKETS , - 1 ! Consisting ofmll kind of Baskets---Clothes Baskets and Hampers. ALSO A. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF OTHER GOODS. w ill Pay Yu to Call' and ( Look at Our Bargains. H. E. SEAMAN. 1 lee B roadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA M odel earn Laundry ! " 1e BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. A. CHRISTIANSON , - - - roprietor. Has just opened a new and well fitted steam laundry. Guarantee ' , good Please give me ! t trial , IF YOU WANT BO OTS , SHOES OR RUBBERS CALL ON i Corner Main and First Avenue , Council Blufhs. 13e tilts Them. oadway ear. Laundry 72.4 'OValt ? T SR08D Oi'TA.Y. C , LAI SON II I I , - - - - - ' Proprietor. LATEST IMPROVED . RE ® R NO PAY f3ILO.A M li neral Springs ! guar antee Cho cure of the following named die erne may : IlhcunntlsulBcrolula , Ulcers , Cs all Blualmld Skbl Diseases , Dapc'.la ' , , Live : mint , Kidney and Bladder Diseases , Oout , Neu and Asthma dabllitatal are the farorlto resort of the tire I , old are the 1'cchlu Ladica bas t Ilotol , Livery and Bathing accommodations , Sty h ighly picturesque and hcalllq , rugwudence solicited. dra.a Roy. hi. S [ , TIfOSIPSONSIanager. Siloam , Gentry CoMo eve Works NatT1 ! nANSr [ „ ousel. , nhu'a ENCR & JUREY , PROPRIETORS ' klnde of repairing. Iltmltma repaired ant I . Chairs ro cnned amt ru seated. All kind . holst ering. Locks , hells and Sleclrlo Inelm tltepetrcd , SIraklug ' 111ba put 111 ofd or ne w . Keys fltled and Stoves rcI alrod , I'Irvt work guarankah Ohu nY n trial. ON , OrYlCxn , II. Y , YVtlaT , FFICER & PUSEM BANKERS. CounclllSluQ. , 1. . aGlishen ' - - 185 utkcudthu In } 'urgicu and 1WUrama Exchangoau I - . R. VAi CH ilre tice of the Peace . , Omaha amid Council ilhuiffs , ate r Sarlur. and collodlnnatanry hank. , , q (7 td rAlhrw' . ) urtp ,4fORCAN , IELIEII & Ca NDERT AA.J.1 i . . J1 , ' S Ansel rynnllly aril lAlrrYl NI + g/ / , w-.1 rtRdrAq and h Nstatln Cuss. 1'aIIN ' AIleMlert ( n We defy r + mgsl Ikm In yuu r'iieMtn / . , 1ti1 a , u aiirt ryrnllly + of ° r ke , Wgerunng8h IbgerlwAE I ' ' 11b r7rA/Nry ( / hehruubeepr'ae141ynI1wMlNltn aMt ( nudtc , + pdes. ar..brp . ' , + l wllhould + ut 7elgray6 and r rv , C OUNCIL DLIIPFB - RAILROAD I TIME TABLE The following nro the throe of errlrnl and t train. from the local depots. The train. start departure from the Union ' 1'achlo depot alxut , ten minute , earlier than below stated , std arrive at the depot about whudtn later. hen Trains ml 'tool ' lines and R. C , run on Chicago tSme e half hour faster than local , WALaxh , tralnN atlenlln time , run on twenty rn3nutes 1' , and Glualn traluN run an Council hasher 111u0tl than local. time. U. cilCAio ( , Ilona tsLAFD AND YACIYIC , ) Atlantic Cxl.b:30p. Icpnrk : m , Pacific Ex Arrive. . . . . .0:40 : m Ezand3lalP.ObOn : m. Ixand ' Dee Sulucsau [ . Sfoll'.85 ; p , m , , .7:15anr. : 1)os Sulnex [ ac.e 53 p. m. CIIICADn , nUa11nUI0x AND UUIxCY , . Depart. C hicago L'z' . , Gap ; , , Arnro ' , Stall mud Lx..0'4 5 I CnunalilsnQ .ez,0,46 ut Afall ' and } . CIIICAUU and KDRTIIWNIlixnN 1'.7 , : ii , w , , A tlantic Ex Depart. ) . , , G16 p , m. I'aclflo Arrive : . , Jlnlland : ' . , , : , , } fatlandE . , , ; a , m , ( ) . , , . . : ( , , AcamlSlon145 : N8m5pm , NASSAN CITE . ( ) „ ; p , m , , sl. Jox AND IUUACIL Depart , uaurrd , Eupru + s. . . . . . , . , .t25 , , ; : p. , at. . SlailandEr.,8:4 ' . Arrive. . , . , , : ; p.m . , , IINIUN YACIYIC , Icpnrt O verland Ez. . . Arrive , OL 11:3aaut : , L incoln , . . , . : , OverlandF.c..A:00pm : , I , . , . . , ; , , : , , , , : , , L ocal : . . , . , , . , ; , , Iocallfr.,0:3Uam. . . . . . , , , , , " Ex. . , , . , 0:05 : a , m , ' Ex . , . , , ' e00am ; , UcIwIrL w'AYAtln , Mr. WVIN ASU 1'AC'IYID. k M ali and Ix..D/S : Arrlro , ; / a , rn. Mail ( lemml . and Cz.130 ; , , . . . / ; ) p , iii. Cannon p m hail . .lhUS a , m. Sioux wry situ 1'Aclyie. Lrirart For Nloux lhty.T66 ; a , . Arrive F'urP.rtNlutraro to. Fun S1mx ' Cltye'fA p. In . . . . pan'urtNlubrora FINrSkI. . , ' 7itIn ; : , , ul. , ' . . , , ' , , , , ' ; . . , . . ( IUCAIU , , , . h 'riYU//lnwhq / SI6WAVaxa , AYn SL I'AVL , M ail anti lx : , . Arriver at Onalm. , .745 ; a , ' uL l l'ru Atlautlo Ia . . , B4U , , Ifleliz . , , 015 ; a , in. ul p Mull and I. . : „ TlG p , , it. All train. dally lrgtrvenulclllanu. I IIICAnO ) ANIi NT , nAUL. . , 11 .11 unl us . . ' 07..1 AdsrcCminc111lhifs , ; a , o , , ! lull Atladln L'1 .15,1 t , p 11,1 , Atlantic mud Rz , lOGfi ; p , in. r411Ng II , Aldq/ Cz..1U10 ; a , m. L'ai lin"uliBlnar ArrU4/r1Utx Y xr nAILwAY , A a , rn. D , Leave lhnaha , n m lUan , , , / , , , . / . a , Ills. e , , Da , nlon / , ul,1l p. u , . G I , , s , , . 0 p , in. , / , , , , , , $ I , , . tar , run h lf 14 p , m , G p , ol , 0 p , , , i. + deIa . tin hrn"ly to thu ilium , I'aeifla dllnck a. nl. Auudsy , a,4 , Inn ( hs tar. Iwglu their lrlpsat e 11 ? , , ' . ralulnlly . , nt , luring edtrtlnte. Ihu da at D ' h11Lll , , . . , / tl knd lho n , ) draslnl u4 blwxh t/ll llo lt 1 1Ab l/I of khlde 'I. ' . ' , irtryo.re / a sIKrlAllJ , P.nrl.eee.t , tnnnMl hluflyI I eiieoce , Onleu lib. Liyr nwtkafiee rrM. . .M1 > Sr ll / J.- 1 llir U , 1 I'firAlfSIC lAl ( & SURGEON , 323 6roadray , , Uuunofl IIlutfa ,