Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 7'III. ' DAILY f URfAi3A , FItTLAY , SEPTL BL + 21 , 183.
Pabllehed eTery morning , ezcep/lp.nday. The
erulp Monday morning dally.
ne Yet " , .u. 61aaJlThroeMenthe $3.00
Six ltontu , , . , . . . . 6.011 Ono Month. . . . , . , , . 1,00
tea VMxLT 19p rasLtenaDavtCT ; WaexUDAT.
Txauerartue ,
oaeYou $3.00 , , $ l0
a nlxMontha , , . , , , , 1.00 On. Month . . . . . . , 30
Amorlean News Company , SeleAgents ,
ere In the Ualted stelae , ,
A Oonmrilatlone relanag to Sews and FAlt + rl.l
mcstentbouldbsabin.od to the 1IntoaovTna ,
mIexee txrrrxe
AS Dulness totters and ftertt , iioee'sboull be
addn.Id to Tn. Dzx Pctusmte OowuT , OMAIII.
Dsfte , Cheolu cad rtnlomce order to be made pay
cble to the order of the company ,
WILL Mr. L tird content himself with a
general denial of the chargo5 inado
against him ? This is thu question which
at proeontie intorosUng his Conntitutonta.
PAvida must bo continued in th
spring. To continuo paving thu city will
need $100,000 additional paving bonds ,
which ought to bo volod at rho fall aloe
T1in Rcpubllolun publishes the Nebraska
braska law in regard to fraudulent bal
lots. According to Conductor Gallawny
Messrs , Thummol and Platt , of Oran a
Nand , can study it with profit.
' AnonITnor Hlht 1115 resigned , Hi
resignation should not prevent an investigation
tigation by the courts into his motlio dI
of conducting he contract 5orvico in th
Department of Public Buildings n
SSnoiw r STAY still stays there in th 0
tifio practice at Fort Omaha with Cor
porn. . Woagmff and Lieutenant Merriam
s good second and third , So far thi I
, week , the preliminary practice line beat
attended with excellent RUCCOSS unarm d
only in yesterday's firing by a trouble
501110 wind which cut down the scores ,
Captain Coolidge , the able director of
rifle practice in the doparhnont is ro
ooiving many well deserved command
atiolis for the completeness of the
arrangom ° nta on the range near For t
Ton Now York Tinter lelebratod Its
thirty-second birthday by reducing' it s
from four cents to two centaacopy
and its subscription rate from $10 to $
a yoar. This move on the part of t1
a lending Republican newspaper of tli
country bids fair to create a revolution if
Now York City journalism , It is no w
the only eight page , two co1t , first clas
pnpcr in the country. Ito competitor
in the metropolis cannot afford to main
t ' taiu the old prices in the face of thu no
l reduction ,
IA. uarowr on the llges case is oxIi cte
1 this week , The papers are in tile ham ]
'of Secretary Lincoln , who ie said to
ready to report to the president. Mul
tnry .non at Washington think that Col
ncl Ilges' objection to two members
the court martini will be sufficient to u P
sot tllo verdict , oven if it be one of di PI
missal , an 10 confidently oxpectod. Tli
fact that both tlieso challenged ofice
were on the previous trial is considore
by military lawyers n5 a valid objection
aulliciont to vitiate the verdict and to n
aside dismissal ,
1VI ; notice that 0 , K. Lucas has bee
nominated by the Democratic party
Sheriff of Pottawattamio comity , Iotr
Mr. Lucas in an old rosidnit of Oinaii
lie came Woat in 1800 and was onploy
for siz years on the Union Pacific ra' l
. road and as master mociianio for tie Go
onunont in the building of Fort Laranl
and Camp Douglas. . Mr. Lucas has r
udud for the past eight years on his fnr
In Pottawattamio county , but many
i Lis old frionde 1n Omaha have not forgo
ton him ,
demonstrated his incapacity by the wa
1 ho misinanagod tie Proteus mix oditio
writes a very officious ] utter to the olfi
8. . officer of the Signal Service , pointing o
that tle only way to Save the Oree
party is to send up a ship this fall nano
and of icorod by slob fn the navy. I
l has the usual fling at civilians and fo
oiguors , but cerLainly if , the captain
the ' ( antic is any judge , Garlington
not in a condition to throw mud at au
I One. Captain 1Vil'1or in his report d
t claros that the Proteus was "hatdl ,
( very unskilfully and her non bobav
' shamefully at the wreck , " Thu first 1 ;
{ of this criticism bears heavily on tl
! conunandor , and shows that mien
p would become him better than flings
I tboso who have nut received a nay
i ,
N , \V , Avzn di Soda , of Plliladeiphi
have published their Newspaper Anuu
I for 1883 , which is the most co uploto v o
line dl the hind which has yet come
our attention , It contains a careful
' prepared list of all newapapers turd p
riodieals in thu United States and Ca
da , ago of eatablidmmont , aizo old adv °
tisiug rates , spacial litt3 of all knot v
class journals , a compundum of tFo la
I census , political majorities at time in
Presidential election and much iinporta
. Information concerning the mineral at
agricultural productions sf the coma r
There is no other single publieati
&k within our knowledge which contains
formation of such varied use and val
1 for b'enaral business purposes. Comp. .
In all its do ) artmonts thorough m
details giving just timefo atien nu
d , and only that , simply arraugoduas
referred to , carefully compiled-it is
41 fact a model work of its kind ,
tai It will be sent postafo ; paid to any
lrea on receipt of the pries , f$3.00 ,
The logrolling river and harbor steal ,
in which dozens of eastern panda and
creeks were magnified into rivers in
order to secure plunder from the public
treasury for their improvement , was one
of the greatest blows wldclt a rational
development of our great western water.
ways lac received at the hands of Con
gross. The public who were being
educated into a knowledge of the im
porLnnce of a honest improvement of
our inland highways turned sway in
disgust when the jobbery and thievery
connected with the river and harbor
etosl woreoxposelto ; the sutdight. Those
most interested in making the Missis
sippi and Missouri river navigable
throughout a largo portion of their
courao , declare that the greed of eastern
politicians in the last Congress , as this.
played in their engineering of Lhmt
logrolling measure , wilt delay for
years the longed for and needed appro.
priation for our great western rivers ,
I Water routes are the great balance
wheel of our syston of inland trauspor
tatipn. They arc at ouio the medium for
securing cheap freights between points
upon and beyond their banks and of on.
forcing cheaper transportation on the
lines of railroad with which they are the
natural competitors. The influence which
they exorcise on the railroad systotn of
this country was forcibly brought out on
Monday before the Senate Labor Committee
mittoo at its session in New York City ,
when Albert Fink , the Pool Commission.
I or of the Eastern trunk lines , gave strong
testimony to their value ns competitors to
his road , Mr. Fink said :
e "The principal water connections of
t railroads are time inland bikes , the Erie
and Wolland canals and the Mississippi
river , They arc important factors in
fixing the rate of tmueportation , as they
secure cheap transportation and regulate
' railroad tlin/L / Water rates are
, cheap , Itailrond companies find water
routes strong competitors and are
compelled to regulate their charges largo.
I ly by whet trio tvatdr routua charge in
order to secure a fair share of the busi
11055 , The affect of water routes is not
felt at thin points of competition alone ,
but throughout the whole country. Conn ,
binotion between water routes is hardly
possible , for if steamship companies com
bine to charge 116do rates some now line
comes in and breaks up the arrangement.
It is easier to put on a now water route
than a now railroad in opposition to a
combination. Another tliinir , railroads
connot control rates out waterroutes , over
if they own the routes , as Is demonstrated
by the fact that several railroad com
panics own water routes and can't keep
0 rates up above competitors. The regu
latora of the price of railroad fares and of
° freight tariffs are the Mississippi river ,
o Erie canal and ocean coast lines. The
1 Erie canal has most to do with rates by
water , and it would be a good timing if
the government would improve the Miss.
5 issippi river route to Now Orleans , in
order that fares on all railroads cast o f
. tint river to the Atlantic would be kep t
w down to to the lowest point. "
Mr. Fink brings out the most import
ant point when ho declares that "corn
d binaUon between water routes is hardl y
ds possible. " The lakes and rivera are tin
be only lines of transportation which
i cannot be manipulated by gamblers , n
) wrested from a legitimate purpose b y
of sharks and wreckers. They cannot b
pooled and consolidated in order to in
, crease their earning capacity at the ox
0 penso of time public. Every citizen weal
rs thy enough to own a flat. boat , a schooner
d or a tug can partake of their benefits ant
I enter in the transportation market as
0t com eting common carrier. The fun
solution of the railroad question will b
largely connected with a broad and na
tionnl policy of river iinprovemontwhicl
iI will make our grant water routes ope
as highways whose opportunities for trafii
a' during a portion at least of the year , wi
a' exorcise forever a determining influonc
0d upon the charges of all other classes a
1. ronu on carriers.
° ' It is vary probable that Ceneral Ths
m or does not knew ( laving taken so litti
of interest in Grand Army matters of lat
t that there are over one hundred cases a
record whore time organization has d
mandud time reiiistttomont of eertni
members who have been dismissed from
s the public service without cause. If th
gunuril slid not know this fact ho is c0 r
ly tuiuly 111COIllputeilt , through ignorae 0
n , f ) pronommEu n wholesi1o censure upo
of his Nubraslau conlradea for their actin
Lit in the case of Vandorvoort.-Oniah
ly Republican ,
od Whether General Thayer knows
Io 1005 not know that time G , A R in
r bowl nunmipulated by politicians again
of time wish of a great portion of Its much
is bers is not to time point , But Geiier
'l'hayer and every other sensible an
honest man knows that a nuo m
od bereluip in the Grand Army
cd tlm Republic , is not and ought not
Iif be a should for incotnpetenoy and a b
10 againt removal for innubordinnlion ar
co iuefliciency iii time publio service. TI
at moniemit It bocoues so , that monolt tl
al Grand Army , created for a noble purpo
aid containing thousands of patriot
citizens iii its ranks , becomes a mena
to good goveriunent and a dangerous of
al a' nuont in the country. If the editor of t )
epublican line eyes and an oxehal
list , ho cauuot have failed to nato U
grn u injury to tie C , A , It , which f
° . connection with the Vandurvoot case li
La altcudy done that organization , Wi l
scarcely an exception , every lending ] t
n publienii journal in ire country Imes u
to held Mr. Gtebhaul'sacbionanddenounc u
to trio attumpt of 1ot leuse ! politicians
ut use a peofUSSCdly uuu pohtical organi caa
and tiou for punoly partisan amid utnvortl
minds 'J'lio charges ulwn which I'a
rVandnrvo0rt was removed run back
years before lie assumo'1 command of U
u0 society out of which le hiss attempted
ate mnko politiad capital. Five years a
Its an investigation was ordered into t
i ! y conduct of his ofico. Tbst invostigatt
upy failed in securing hie removal Qtly b
cause of thostromg political and person
id. preum uro which was brought to bear U1) (
the department. Since that data the
sands of complaints against Vandervoort's
office have been made and scores of them
filed at Washington. What ilas the
O. A , R or any other organization to do
with time retention of such a marl
Nor is it anything more to time point
whether or not tire a. A. R. , as vouched
for by thin Republican , has demanded
the reinstatement in a hundred canes on
record , of members who kayo been dis
missed from the public service "without
cause. " Ynndervoort was emphatically
dismissed for ample and suficient cause ,
which , according to time l'oatmaster Gen.
oral , who is himself a member of the 0.
A. IL , and who lost a leg in his country's
service , consisted of inefficiency , insub
ordination and lying.
The Grand Army of the Republic places
itself in a position to disgust its friends
and plenso its enemies when it takes up
the cudgels at political throats to rein.
state in office a mmuber wlmoso removal
was demnndod by every interest of good
Government and party policy.
tnurdurs. The moro recent ones of Mary
Stannard and Jennie Cranmer will readily
be recalled , both of which have never yet
been unrnvdlled. The latest ermine , time
11murdor of Rose Amnbler at Stratford in
that State , soents likely to remain as un
solved a mystery as its predecessors.
Every clue so far taken has led to noth
ing. Time discovery of particles of skin
under time nails of the nmurdored woman
proves , after microscopic analysis of it ,
that the murder was the work of a tvliito
mail. This relieves the negro arrested of
all Suapinion , and also several others an
whom the detectives had their eye.
Thorn was motive enough to fix the
crime on liar divorced husband , but ho
has proven an alibi beyond all doubt.
William Lewis , the young man to whom
Rose was engaged to married , is sus.
petted simply because tluero wore two
scratcheson his hands at tlmo time ha was
before the coronor's jury , but in
his case there is entire absence of motive.
On the Crory night of the murder
ho amid ltosu hind been planning together
for their housekeeping ; that the woman
loved him is beyond all doubt , and that
ho was devoted to her , and anxious for
the marriage , is also equally clear. It is
not likely , therefore , that lie would be
guilty of killing the woman to whom ho
was about to be married , and with when
he had had , so far an any one knows , no
misunderstanding. So time detectives
and the public are all at sea touching the
guilty party , and there is no prospect of
further light on tire mystery.
BnN BOTI.nlt has tnado a bold bid fo r
the negro vote of Massachusetts , in tlI e
appointment of Edwin 0. Walker , a
colored lawyer , as judge of the Charles
town district court , Mr. Walker is sai d
. to boa self made man and a lawyer o
. considerable ability , whose energies it i
not necessary to roiwark will be onrnestl y
o devoted towards aiding Butler in hi
i content with Robinson for the governor
r Illip.
Mn. MAItONN in agnili to the froth with
a now achemo for securing involuntar r
contributions from his political hunch
man. Mr. Mnhoe has lost the Republican
can party a great nanny votes , and tim o
number seems likely to be increased ,
1o 1
o The achnoli. of
Kearney opened with an c ii
rollmnontof 501.
I The blackleg Is reported in the Lowery liner
at ihixlcy , Custer county.
n Dmmithan has voted thmo necessary bond
c and will eruct a $2,000 , school house at once.
ll Bancroft and Eumerson , on the St. 1'nul
Onmhs road , were both burglarized last w cu k
Tluore was over $300,000 , In tire State tre a.
f tmry on the 15th , and more coming in ever
Under the new law the count troasune
will settle with time State on or fora Oc w.
bor lOtlm.
ho recent fair loaves the Lamcanter Agr
yU cu society with $400 in tote treasury , an
out of debt.
m , 'rho Cedar County Nonpareil probably lie
ml ruferonce to thu railroad situation wim
I. says : "Sioux City huts curried oft the baker
11 fu Cedar county. Now wlmt is Omaha gobs
n to do about itl"
e At Alexandria the other night a lady 8
years of rmgu fall tram the tratu wlmcn it w
ruuning thirty miles am hour. She was Hover o
' 1y shocked , but had ne bones broken and
n was thought alto would recover. '
ii 'Phone le unoru politics to thm Hquare Inch t
a tlmis comuitr hint now doom ammp tiuto for lumen
years , 1 u ftielans are thicker that Ill
or nrnumd onmpty sugar bnrnd , Time formnem
Seoul to Iw otteedimig t ° their work , huweve
s ms if nothhtF great was about to leippeil ,
at [ lbstlugs ( eozotto.
. Time Falls City News says a number of cas
u. of diphtheria have been reported in tin
al nelghburlmood , but as yet uul one death li
a resulted from the dice u n , P routs e.eiitmt , , I
tm earoful nitm ! their
chi lreu , as the diaea
15lluble to faeten upon tbmn befuiu its
mof once le dlwuvered.
] ii ayy farmers mnintahn that the corn crn
ia a safe , fro.tor uo trout , and thatlt
ar suOlclently nmatured so that it will not bo n
feeted by the weather. ( lee farmer who h'
ud about 200 acres of corn , say. that lie wuul
me like to sae a frost , as the Crop would morel
be hardened by it and ready sooner for t
me crib.
sa A { iroposlUon to issue 310,000 In Load. vii
i0 he submaittod to the voters of Llncnhm at
spacial eloctbom October 5 , The proeeade i
eo be used for the purpose of doopenlim time
e , lie well In tlmu city hark , so is to obtain a wt
tor flow of 50,000 gallons per liner to prowlt
ho 11 Water supply for a syulern of water vvor
' 0 for salt ! city of I.hmcoln.
llaatings boasts the pos.e.elon of an eccom
1e tile citlzeu , wlws ° meculiar mania is tlto dl
to sal of tither peopio a property. Ilis late
' "
as mina trotting a borrowed ! , urea fur
Hlwtgmm. This owners r000verod their proper (
h and did mint I rosecwto , Time Oazeltu Hay.
h + w more freaks of this bind will have a to
0 dency to daulago Jake Dlognn's reputatlo11
p a law ubhliug clizen. (
d 'i'lie peace of ( .rand . and the dleni t
of the great Statoof Nebraska havu beeemi s
to nloubly tnnIpromised liy auu dohmi 1Craf tswit ,
uulawfnlly , knoavmgly , willfully , amid wi
tnallra Mfurvtthnught ; ' did blunt nut the col
I ) merciki. gneo of time public from the imutei
ul of his saloon. Far this tramIsling of Slticu
t drrhot Jolum Is now booed duwu vv Itiu
0 l In the district aatt.
mo 'flue late sale of ( Ism land. I. 'iruuour '
to n fired and a hoax. But few of the blddc
will maku tint payaonte , , for the reason tli
go lima prleoa offered under the exeitemont of t
Im sale were inure than the land is worth or Ilk
Iy to be worth for sumo bolo to anao. if pM '
) ii rible there should be a now cabs , with sti pul
e. lionl tbat would shut out wildcat bildere am
al epoculuturD , and make the land uuly avallim
for actual suttleniort.
n It will be remembered that ] bright Eye. ,
U Omaha Indian ptrl , was emaoUme alOce tam
Tied to ] tov. T , It. Tibbles. Sims be living with
her husband at ] fancroft , and a correspondent
who recently saw her seysf "She is about 30
or 35 years of ego , email In stature , and lies
( lie habits of the white lady. She dresses in
good taste and as for neatnrsealxetthohouse
sbe is Imartt to boat. Everytldag is in apple.
pie order. T , H. Tibbles lies been married
once before. Ito hoe two children by his fret
wife , both daughters. '
All of the Northern Pacific road Ie now hal
The Calliope branch of thin Northwestern
Itailrad in Dakota was formally opened the
loth.The Correctionvllle line of the Chicago k
Northweetern road is now within fourteen
nlles of Sioux City.
The Central I'aclic Itailroad ( 'onpanr I.
erecting a water tank at Wlnnonmeca , Irev. ,
chat will hold 52,000gallonH of water.
The first regular passenger train over time
Utah th a g t
p oet with the NortherI'acifia at
Blackfoot , mode the trip on the 8th.
'fhe report comer from )
$23,000 worth of cigars and fluids had been
prnvidml for tic use of those who
collected to drive time last spike on tlmo Nartlt
ern i'meific
Thu Atlantln nod i'acific railway company
lies umado11pplicatiuu tO time I'resideut for the
uppuirmtumit of three cu ° nnhtfuuere to hrspect
1hU rolloi of completed road iii Arizona west
of time IUO mnllo post.
Track is laid on time Jane4own Northern
ciglmt or olio miles north of Carrhwton , IJako
ta , and the work ii bei ° g pnslmed along very
rapidly , 'rime rails are glee down on the
Sykeetatl branch as far as the Pipesteno river.
Time Chicago , Jturllngton h Quincy lies Just
completed a bridge across rho hock river at
Sterling , uhicl ) gives that road a direct line
lutoSturliog Ill , from Chicago. The bridge is
a substantial structure , amid cost about $500 ,
The Atlantic and ICaneas Cityrailroad com
parry , a project variously reported as being
backed by time Wabash and Milwaukee corn.
panics , is still advertising for contractors to
take grading. But little grading has as yet
been dune.
Judge Wingard of the Wnslmingtun Terri ,
Cory Supreme Court lies decided that time right
of way , roadbed , superstructure depot .
togs water tanks , etc „ of the Northern 1'aci-
foe Itailroad are not assessable. The decision
is based on sectlou 2 , of the company's char.
The construction of time main line of time 11.
k Df , from Kenosaw woet to Arapahoe , settloc
nimarily the mahu line of this great line via
I'Iattcuiouth , l.bicuhm mud h astings , west to
time Itocklec , and mmds all speculation as to time
octablishmout of its main line via Temmmsch ,
Wymoro , lied Cloud , and the ] tapubllcam m
Valley.-Mindmi Gazette.
Tlue weather favors work at time Florence
eut uf , near this city , and a large force h
engdovmL For ten hours the pay is S i im r
day , which is 25 cents better than can be oh
taiued on other jobs , The deepest cut is corn
pfeted , all excepting some ditching and clean
lug out , The Numallor amt , it was hoped
world be finished timid month , but it is not v
reckoned that ! t will be well on in October be
fore it is dune.
A comparative etuteniemit of the operation s
of time Chicago. Burlington and Quhncy rut sd
for four years shown an increase of niloai , $
d nce 1879 of 73.8 per cent ; an increase u
gross earnings of 45 per cent ; net enrninys
41.4 per cant. The increase in constructo
and equipment of the main line during time
period was $40,380,408 ; brunch lines , S7,859 ,
uOO. ; The hmcreaso in funded debt was $35 ,
150,825 ; capital stock , $38,016,2.10 ; total $73 ,
769,005. ,
Within the last few weeks there have bee
several accidents on the railways of this coum
try which have boon very fatal to life an
damaging to property , and on western road
lu nearly every case time accidents have boo
of a class whiclu ndglut have been avoided
They have resulted through carelessness u
time part of train dlcpatehorc in three cnce s
and from time fact that trainmen wore ova
w rked III four cases ; and it is quite evidem
I that accidents lrmn such causes can
Sicaiilmg of time rumored change of time 0
s the St. Paul day [ passenger trains , an expo
said : " 'I'heso trains wore put On to accommn
date local travel , and for that I do not e
tlatthe time could be changed for the betto
The passenger eats his breakfast in Sio u
1 City and hie supper in St. Paul , mini ) lies da uy
light on the road. If the time table is dime
pad up to give close connections mm time coat
. croesed , this advantage will bo lu.t. Time
train is the only uuu tliat purports t ° maim
through conuottbuai for Omaha amid Kane
There was a report yesterday that forty a
ditional miles were to be graded on the Cod
County ( Nob. ) line While the line vi
probably always stop at the mud of time pro
entsurvey at lfnrrington it is not likely th
army move to extmid will be made this yea
r probably not uoxt. Time grading is now con
, dated fo1 tlmo first tventyfive miles and ti :
Li iron is down as far as Concord. The gradi n
will be fmmrisltod this month , and as the si
tracks will be dorm after time main line , it
S expected tlmat thin iron will be down b y Oct
her 1. The completion of thfe line will nip o
k up n rick section to time business of this cmt
-Sioux [ City Journal.
Y Guardd thin Branchiseti.
St , Louis Republican.
. Cities cannot be too guarded in tl
gnumt of frauchises to corporations. It
i. mil the highest degree dwsirablo that rai
r1 roads , for inabmco , should be given tl
best facilities for roaclming time tatters
C trade , but tie city of Philadelphia iii
just awakened to time fact that n11 iuu
y co11t lookimi franchise for astroet railw
g lies suddoml blossomed into n full blow
0 charter for a tornuirmal eonnecti °
Is of tue lteading railroad systo
and the noisy lotonotvo is to take ti
it lmlace of time inolfensivu horse car. In tl
case , it is said , no great harm is done ,
y time route is not at improper one for
od stenam railway and time opla/Sitiou to t
r chaigo is nut serious. ' .hat iii more
r , gooyl luck , ho vovor. Hero fn St. Lou
- bill have been introduced iii Limo Asset
bly an oufraeliso streetcar lines vi
ut the proviso that the cars are t0
d iwn l ) P 10)180 or other putt
me the inmphcd intent being to per11mit
se change to thowibluatylu of traction. Su
5 priwilegea should be closely watched nt
speeinmtlly stated. What the bill fort
' heat and Power Furmuishiug conpa
f passed the gomeral hnpreSsiOli was that
was to enfraneltiso a atcmm lmuatiug cu
ae ( I Puny , bet it turned out eventually to
y a now gas company. In this case agar
his even though ne great harm should resu
it is logisiatlon obtained without that t
1 tad Opuu public discussion which is ge
II orally thoughtto be desirablo.
1 Orgammn of the It.hibora ,
le Boston Advertiser.
ks A Missouri editor retires front his
per , buecuso , as lie alleges , tluo journa
m time organ of the , ] ants boys , rl
.5t ro'olntion of the comprohoisivo syat
a of time outlaws is illtereet11g. Courts a :
y parties , and oeeaelounlly a large poli
a CiUh1 have their newspaper organs. ' 1'
u boys" are titua only glvumg elmo si i11
ne tler ) appreciation of time fact. that th
. are sovereigns. It would be inure p
te per , however , to speak of the Jamea ht )
„ , ale being uuavodablo deceased , 1'us
ti lily tire editor could stud being t
d , 1IUWSpa'CC ' 8pekeSlluul for two buys ,
or draws the limo at ouo.
an Itealrlctlug llre 3GunilliuUrro
ra Time Washburn i Dluon Dlan11faet
at log ° olilpalmy , 111almfflCtUreI'Sof barb w
his fencing , amd owuers of lholatents whi
0' controIme making of barb wire , file d
" ' etitioui for a writ of in'netion n aim
° ' tluu
Lyman Manufacturing ccompany ,
Is Chicago , iii the United tatus Crya
Court da , They re ) resoumt that tl
an are solo owners of patents for nlaki
barb wire , and as such owners they
comet ! the Chicago company , in January ,
1881 , to mmnufxctmire barb wire not to
exceed in quantity tuentyfivo hundred
( ouis a year , or to etnpoy theroi11 more
than twentytwo barb wire machhmos.
limit instond of stickimi to ti.ia . agreement
time Lyman com ) an lies , simico Janua '
1883 1rnamuufacturedi tons
1 , already : 100
bing in eight ntontlms 000 tons more
than they re entitled to in an entire
year , ad are et hard at work matting
or. Wherefore time Washburn aC
Moon company ask for $100,000 dam ,
ages and an mjunctfon restraining them
from snaking more than twcntyfivehun
Bred tons a year hereafter. The reason
offered whey this should be done fs that
time price of barb wire may not be less.
anal by overproduction and the monop.
ely of the patentees not disturbed.
An Arctic Tragedy ,
1'loneer frees.
The failure of the latest Arctic relief
expedition , by time sinking of the Proteus
in the ice floes of Smitll s sound , recalls
time history of the polar explorations of
which this last catastrophe is an addi
tionnl chapter. This last patty of voyagers
to time Arctic was led by m u officer front
1ho dopartmmlt of Dakota , mmd time fate
of time expedition strikes houmo to time
Northwest with a kucn realization of the
) arils of time Northern seas and the
bravery of time nmcn who dare to sail thorn.
Thu rsult only adds to time uniform ox-
) erienee thatit is full to attempt to
pierce thu cold wastes of the North It
must be acknowledged time inexplicable
desire of man to conquer the North , aui
mnko time northwest passage from time
Atlantic to time Pacific across theAmorican
Arctic regions , has led only to death and
disaster. It is time I'roteuc this time ; it
was time Rodgers last year. It was time
Jeau11ette before that-a tragedy such as
lice not been known in the polar seas
since time death of Franklin and his arty.
For all the death and loss in such ei edi
tiona , m ankind has absolutey nothing
helpful or useful in recon olse. Nor
denskjold made time voyage from time
Atlantic to time Paciic , across time
European amid Asiatic Arctic seas. Conm
morco has as yet reaped no advanhtgo
front it. Original exploration in the
North is not only foolhardy , but hardly
falls short ofcriuunalrecklessness. Thorn
is no justification for such risk of Busman
life. For relief expeditions there is but
one good reason , and that is what time
name aignilies. Men who peril their lives
for notoriety , or fancied knowledge to be
gaimmcd , are not worthy of time exertions
made by their fellows who wisely remain
: hchiimd them. But for those who go to
time rescue only tlmo kindest feeling canl.o
entertained. Tile Grecly expedition
, went out in this Spirit to help time
, Jeannette , whichl hind already passed
beyond the paths laid out by Lieut.
Grucly , and was out of possible roach by
d his party. 'l'lme Grecly expedition is
e equipped with provisiols to lnst until time
em summer of 1884 , and on time line of retreat
there are four magazines of provisions ,
t and it is believed that but sixty days
. journey would bring time party to time
. point where the Proteums expedition could
have reached them. The short seasoh of
navigation having passed , time prospect
ii before Grocly mid his men is to remain
d at their Station until next summer , wlmen
nnothor expedition will bosent for them.
'Their situation has beeonmo more than
. over perilous , and anxiety for tlmeir wel
mt fart will from this time on deepen twit ] n
, every passing months. The apparen t
it effort to criticise Lieut. Garlington fo r
hie time failure of time Protons perhaps grow
out of this anxiety. There is no braver
a man in time service titan Garlington , an d
rt few abler. It will be time art of wisdo m
o to sus ) end jndgment until all time fact i
eB are known. Another deternmined e6'or it
will be made to rescue these imprisoned
y- men from timeir living death. If tha t
pm fails , another tragedy will bo place a
ts iii time chronicles of man's folly in th o
ss State of time Weather Explained.
I. New York Tribune.
ar Yes , the air is rather chilly ] moreabou tor
hi for time first half of Septemmber But fo
nt really bitter September weatlmor , blac k
r frost , icicles a foot long , and winds tha
rm cut like abutcher knife , one must go t
5 the badly section of Ohio.
d0 110w to Blast a Character.
Isa. Chicago Intcr Ocean.
In If any woman wants a divorce from
r her husand without time trouble of col
lecting or manufacturing the evidence o
hie guilt , lot her persuade lminl to lie
canhidato for office.
me Narrow Escape of a School of Sharks
Is Rochester Post and Express.
1 It is reported that a school of shark
followed Governor Butler's yacht fee
o f nearly a hundred miles , hoping an a
s cident niiglmt occur. The absence of a
0' accident ms tlmeught to have been ve ry
ay fortunate for the sharks ,
r,1 . , , . THE GREIITGEQMA h
ifs Ihi tlhh
as ' ' , d
u tlllpM.'ICnWLifti'tIIGo f4 c
lie ' IIellsie + eudcure4
ly jIi Ih I Itll F UIA'1'ISil t
In . , ) , II Neurnigia ,
' t „ z "
11 'j j " f Sciatica , Lumbago ,
ih : Li.LW'U:7.riIIfNi5s ' : . ,
u.w rt.uttri : ,
h o !
er 1I
, nm
n ' ' , i , I fit SODS TNIIOAT .
chi } l ' , ° til QII/xNYKStn. . Yr. q
ma II , , r Yt It.tlar
ho I 'B4tuur ' mC1' 1 Soreness , Cuts , Unlisot ,
t i c ' Fno'nt'1 w ,
n I r
nt tlltrz sRtt.iLDA ,
! t ad ,
Auanilnib rladilyuki :
. '
lmm. , ' i9' i ! Si1 l and paie ,
im'l 'l ' rt FIFTY CENTS A 80TTI.1 ;
im ' ' ir' A i3old hyalinru .atun i
nenlrix nlreetmunr iii m
air ' i The Chcriii A. Vogeicr t t
ul t , , i l.r. . . „ a mLIY )
,1- ' . wn1Sf
- I im.u , r as. . r.t1
Lis 1 .
md ( SUOC1SS01ni TGDAYIS , s tixyDEnj
Ii. Gmera IADIcrsIn
he ' 9f
ai lliatad a.r
hue wA6FAnNAM lfr , . . . OMAHA.
tut _ _
have foreel. O000O.ere.arcfuliy selected lane
o { ii E itern Nebraska , at low priou amid on easy tern
lmproveti farms for ealo In Douglas Dodge , Culls
I'isttu. hurt , Cutnbtg , Sat iy , lyashu ( , on , Merle
Ur callmlere,10111 .
fro Tares paid In all 'arts of time State.
Money , leanat on lmprmed terns.
ell Notary Pobilo Alwey. lu otace. Cormponden
a _
of d
Bit Practical Horse Shoe r
la y
Yaks c epwoialty U Roadaten aod'tardedoot he
I j .5. Shop , Pedle tklosl bell 11th lad lrih , 0
ml. wurseli.u.e
Dry , Goods ! " t
. ,
Washington Avenue and Eifth Street , - - - . ST. LOUIS MO
Wholesale Gro ers I
Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco.
W ASII YUUIt UItOCBlt9 FDit Tllh o ,
s Manufactured b the Omaha Dr Bo Yeast Co
Wholesale Druggist I i
ElllltS Oils Yrlls1lo ! aii ffls
, ,
Grower of Live Stock and Others.
It Ie the beet and cheapest food for etoek of any kind. One pound le equal to throe pound. at corn I
Stock fed with Ground 011 Cake in the Fall And winter , instead of running down , wilm Increase in weigh r
and bo In good marketable condition In the epdng. Dairymen , as weii ae others , who use it car testify
Ito it and judge for youneehee.s 1'dce l26.IX1 per tau ; no charge /ar sacks , Address
, m. w'001)6fAxiJNCRhD OlL C011PANY , nmaha
Double and Single Acting Power and Hand
Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Belting , Hose , Brass and Iron Fittings.
Steani Packing at lvlmolesale and retail. HALLADAY WINDMILLS , CHURCH
Corner 10th Farnam St , , Omaha Neb.
Thirteenth Bete Farnam and Douglas Sts.
a 8 . A1 Fishblatt , ,
Throat and Lungs , Catarrh , Kidney and Bladder as Well
as all Chronic and Nervous Diseases.
I - _ ] I I L A. P I'
Tins discovered thel'rmteet ; cure In time world fur wenkuess of the lack mind limbs , involuntary d cchatga ,
Irpotency , genernlduodity , nerrousnemslanguor , confuelon of ideas , palpitation of the heart , timiditt , a
trembling , dluluees of eight or glddlnese diseases o1 limo head , tiiroat one or ekin , ifettlooe of the liver , T 1
lunge , stomach or bowels-thoso terrible laibit , arising from eolitary habit , of 'outh , and secret practice.
more fatal to time dethrms than the seay , s of Syrene to time mariners of Ulyee. , blighting their moat radiaL
hopes or anticipation , , rendering nmarlagu impossible.
7houo thataru , euferiug from Ue evil practice , which doetroy their mental and physical systems
The symptoms of which are a dull , daetruned mindwhmh , unite them for performing their bueinoes and
eoclal duties , makes happy mnarrlage impossble ditre.scs thu action of the heart , causing shushes of heat ,
depression of spirits , oiil forubrehngs , eowanllo , fears dreams , ritlesmiglmte , dizzirwsa , forgetfulness
' unnatural di.r marca , pt a in time baek and hlps , short Lucathmam . , nmtiauclmuly , the easily , at cuniauy aumi
hate prcfcrerIoe to be alone , feeltim ; ' , as tired in time mllernlrlg as wlie „ retirlmmg , eernlnal weaknesshoa ( moan.
hoot , white bone deposit lu time uiuo , aersoucuess , confusion of thought trembling , watery , and weak eyes ,
dyeiwi sn , Ciunbtlpatmarm , paluneav , pain mid wcaknees in the limbs , eta , should consult inc Inunedlatoly end
I be rector , , ! to lxrfuct hoalthm.
w'ho hale , beeomo ticthne of solitary rice , that dreadful and dwtructivo habit wlucn annuals } ' to ttl
untimely Irasu thou.ande of youngg { men of exalted talent and brilliant Intellect who might utberwim.
entrance w th full eoultdeaeo. listening senators with thu thunders of their eloquence or wako to ocetacy the living lyre , may aiil
Married persons or yonngmen contemplatin-marriage Idng aware of physical weakness , lama of procreative '
ewer , impotency , or any uthcrdis iuaiiaaihlon.pcedhhy rehcued. Ile who places hlums3It under the are ( t
) 1ishblatt may rualgdeubly onik'e ' in his honor a. a gentleman , and conHd"tly , rely upon mils ek1U as a
7 Immedlately cured and full vigor restored , 'this dietresshig aulletion-w9deh render. life a burden and
marriage imposslblu , me the penalty paid hiy the victim for lulproper Indulgence Young peopto ere apt to
cnmumltuseosiesfroum nut being ounce of time dreadful eon.egtmeuae that nmay ermine. Now who that
understande thts subject w ill deny that procretiuu is lost sooner by thaw falling into Improper habits titan
by prudentt it aidee Icing deIrimed ns the pmeasure of healthy olrspdngs , the most beriuue and deetrucnvu
eymItome of boot body amid umisd edee. 'hue system becomes deranged , time iih elcal and , rental functleue
weakou. Lose of { trucreativo puwere , ncriou. Irrltabllitydye epsiapatmsitettun of thuhemnt , indigestion ,
con.titutloual debility , wasting o1 tbu triune , cough , coimeun I tiun and death.
1'ereoue ruined in hualthby unlearned pretendere Mime keep them triNng mouthlaftor month taking
poeunoue ; and iajurlou Lompuuuds , shaull apply lmmediatciy. . w.
grnduaio of Vito of the mostmnlneat college. N the United Slates , hies effected some of lime mo. ( astonish.
lug cures that are otcr known ; lolly troubled nlth r.n'ing Iii the cars and head , whenaslee't ' , great.
nun'ousnese , using alanuud at certain commode , u'itim frequent tiushing , attended tunetimee with derange.
d , mentof time mind ImmuccUately ,
k , Dr. F. addresie , all those , rile love Injured themicivee be improper indulgence and bohtuy habits which
min both body and min1 , u.nittlnc tlmum for business , slimly , .ciety or uarriage.
1'tesu are ammo of the meiauoholy eructs produce.I by the early habitt at youth , mu : Weakness of the
back ao11linibspaineiiitiioheal anddhmino.iofsight , loss o , nnucularpewer , , paipiatioo of the hear { , .
ce dye1k1 mta , imervoLiirritability , derauaeweu ( of , digestive functions debility , coueumptlon.
CONSULTATION FfiW. Charges moderate end withln'the reach. . all who need scl.nttAe I + fatloal
n treatment. Tlroeowlmo reeldeat a dietanee and eaaut all , will reooiyc prompt attention through Itlehi by
Id simply .vartheir mpiom.with pwatago.
i Ad reas Lock Box 34 , Omaha , Rob ,