- - - - - - - - - - - I . Ti.I 1 ' . 1 ( lie Nebraska National Bank. Cr OMAII4 * , N&tfl. I 'id Up Ctta7 . tp1us 1und : , $2M1,000 May:1,1as3 71 000 IL JOIINso , 1'rch1ent , of Stoek , 3ohn Co E. ThUZAt. , Vice 1rcsiknt , of floton. w. V. M0ItSf , of W. V. ors ; & c. Jell COLT.N. ! a it , & j s. Coflln. t. wooLW'oITil , Counetk & Attorney t a * $ . flErt ) , of Itywn Itced . Co. w. ATI8CaIlerfor , nwy years Chic of the flrt Xetkn LlMlk of Otn&ht. Thie flank opened for bulnoisAfrfl fl , 1982 TUE IIItECTORS AND STOCKIIOLDER8 t. Ireong th. , adIi , tnfne , men of OrneJis sod Ri buelneM I Cothtuctod with cipccIt rcfcrcnco to the beet knit nereMttg 9tron. COLt1CrtON5 rocohe ptonpt etentIon an1 ehargei I ee ObLftItlftt)1O her. or dewhcro. INTEIIIsT : on ttmo einot. poi fMC.T. ib7e tcrm tuicl upon nccount of ( tnke eid bank. rORgIUN ixcii : Nut : , , , l9onde i.v' ' Conntv arI City ccurite touIi ni1 cold. I ; J. iv. fodder , Broker , St(4k' , fllk ) , CntncrciI ' . * 1'per end tII otn r ' ? cIaities de1t t1e , Roe % 4 , N. 28 l'tarfSL , Coundl t'Iiits , I FINANCE AND COMMERCE. ed FINANO1tTj. Nv : Yoiti , September 20. Money-Easy at 2@2 per cent , olowd oiler. r , 2 tor cent. Prime I'apor-7 Ier cent. Rxehango bi11-Stiady nt 4.82. ; dentaiid , 4.L. Si Goverumente-Strong except for 3e , whkh are lower at 2@2 Jcr ccnt. Stocke - . Spocuhition at tim Stock Ex. change to day Was claractrkod by confer 8iderablo irregularity. At the opcnlig ) the market wa firm and prce ! advancoti to 1. per ceit Northwestern and Northern Padflc common yare oxceptonai1y veak and fell off to 1 coot , 8nb8oqucntly the market was Irregular. About iiihlday the market began to linprovo and advanced to Dull 2 per cent. After this advance the bear * made a sharj ) attack on the Union PacUic v1dc1t wae carricil down to 89 per cent. Towards the close reenori , vero current that the 1ear , party in Villard eharc had covered and tbts led to another sharp UtV1fld Illovo. inent. On this ; drinco Villarti rcelicd the ttvo best figures of the tiny , Northern l'acific o1I. cash ing flj ) to 38 , preferred to 71k ; Deiiver to 2G ; her Waba1t ; to 22.j , and preferred to 31Vesteri ; ULion sold ex.dv. of 1 Ler cent at 80@81. her As compared with last night't closing prices tend are to per cent hkher for Villard's St. Paul and Now York Central. COUPONS. B'e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ® 41'iCoupons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 4 ' Pacific6'of'i5. . . . . . . . : : : : : : : : : : : : : 120 130 STOCKS A11 > BONI.S. higher American Ex ros. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Burl. , Cedar 1apidi Northern. . . . . 79 Central 1'cific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CTh Chicago & . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do 'do Pll. ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Chi. , Burl. & Quiocy- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 May. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do pII , . . . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 78 Tort \Vnviio & Chago. ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 ilannibal & St. JqepI1 asked. . . . . . . . 39 do tie do pid. . . . . . . . . . . 92 Illinois Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 lid. , Bloom.Vetorn. . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 insas& Texai. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 ber. Like Shore & Michigan So. . . . . . . . . . 103 eftchigaii Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:3 : Missouri l'aeth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Northern Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do do 91(1. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1orthwostern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 ew York Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Ohio & 31i8USpi. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 do do 1)fd. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oo nat Peoria , Decatur & Evaiisvillo. . . . . . . . W Bock leland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 toe " -t Paul & Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . taclutig p' do do do pid. . . . . . . . . . . 121 r ) 25 ; l'aul , Miun. & Maiiitoba. . . . . . . . 1O9 St. l'aul & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 weak do tic Ifd. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 II I riIIg , Union Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 I ; \Vabaali , St. L. & Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 bi good do do (10 1)fd. ) . . . . . . . . 3l. era , 3 Western Union Tolegrap t 80 Iotlncls + ASkC(1 . a fOfl Wyotniti L itouiiiln GRAIN ANI.PIOVJSIONS. Shteei . - medium - - - - - 4 00J1 CUICAQO sheep CIiCAC.o , September 20. Trading on 'change to.day was very heavy , though not nt. Sr. tentled with much oxcitcxnent. It ww largely generally ports , what is know as fenitlier trading. A short good time after the board opened a cold rain begtii to fair to fall with lowering skies nfl around. The Texans eignal service reported the temperature 40 le. 3 00 Sheep ; grees at Cheyenne anl predicted lower teici. 4 50. perature and fret Friihy iifght in the Upper Lake region. The effect thu had was to ieond corn up rapidly. Wheat foliowed , and these two Carricl up in syipathy. Though corn led the inoveizicnt , the heaviest OlucA trading wa. in vheat , and long tItLeS of shorts inetits were bebight in. One operator is reported n I have havingbought 700,000 bushels of short wheat , and that brokers hior bought over a 2nflhitn Flour , Vheat and a half bushels for New York jertie. : 0.rn , CiUctoo , September 20- Flour - Dull Oats , and unchanged. Rye , \Vheat-lcinalItl active and uiisettiod for Barley regular ; 93J0 for September ; 9IjU5 for NEw October ; 94iQ9e for Nuveminir ; 98c for eltiptuent d i Dceenber ; No. 2 Prnc Olc ; No. 3 spriflg , I have No. 2 red winter. I.00. ti rtl-EXCitel and higlir ; 50@50e for Wheat caTh ; 5o50gc for Senteinber 50o for ( icto. Corn , ber ; 49e for Noveinher ; 48@i8e for the Oats , 'er ; 0@50C for May. Kt3A Oau-\\'eak ; 27o for cash and Seltejnhcr ; I board. 27o for October ; 28@28e for Novcizber ; 26@2Te for the year ; 2Io for May. ftye-Quiot at tSC. CHICA Bane -In fair dennuid al. OOc. nenti. F'lax eed-h1igher aet$1 231 34. boon as Timothy -Iletter ; line br1it 1. 211 31 , Przno 1 25@1 20. 1To . L'orl-Deniauil ncivo and unsottleil ; It ) 75 Cattle. to , cash ; 10 7010 75for Seiitoniber ; 10 77 ® Sheep. l0 81) for October ; 10 07@10 70 for Novem- Si. be ; 10 Z0@10 55 for tim year ; 11 5l1 l7 riiettt.s for January. 1)0011 04 Lard-lit fair dezuatul zuni higher ; 7 95@ 7 for cash $ eptonilJor 80(1 October ; 7 72 CatUe. cIi 75 for kovemior 7 l7 T 70 ( or the Sheep. yer ; 7 7ti7 77 for January. Bulk 1 eats-in fair ticinanti ; shoulders , 5 U ; ; short tibs , (1 ( 15 ; short clear , 0 40. flutter-ilrziier ; falz to fancy creamery , i0iI27c ; good tO faiicy dairy , 12a22o. : ggs-1ngo'l ' dClItILlIi at 2if2lo. c'1itsky-Stoatly and lIflelillUgeCI at 1 10 , VALE. huMID - \Vheat-Ftrrner regu. lar t'Jo ) fo So1Iteulor ) ; V5o ( ° r October ; 97 ® 'rl 97'jo for Novoiuher ; 9c for Jecornber. ) Vorn-W'cakCr 50o for SeIteInIer ) ) ; f01e The fo October ; 19o for &OVCInbCr i8A iSo for by Jobbe thii year. chaittie , Qat.9-FLrmcr ; 27@27o for .Soptemher ; 2Ve foeOctoLcr2&o ; for Nuveinlier ; 7j@i27gc for qiuttoil tII year. iiiitl othe Jork-ijighert 10 k for October anil Nventber ; 10 t0 for the 3'ar ; 11 47 for Jan. \ViIi'A uay. Jectoti 42 ) nril-Quiet anil uuehiingod. itAIiI.i heeso-'Jarket lirtil end sup 1v HmaIi ; ltyi- chilco fill ereani cheuldars , ( ; chiieo Cotis fiil cream liat.ii , I ltitl e ; good iart skini OAm- ChlIlhU3 ntl lIat , tlUi 7v ; liaril shlnis 3CaI4. h1iIes-Iar1et ( weak and iuic1eaeiguif green sat , darziagol , 1c ; g1odn wait cureil , light , c ; FAI' S grcelt salt itoa'y , tic ; rccii salt ca'f ' , 1k ; tiry FAT C suIt1 , lie ; dry calf , ISo. flOGS Vailow-No. 1 , 7e ; set , 2. Ojo ; cake , 7.o. Sit : i' 'jsih1o eupply of grain--W'beat , 2l,47li,000 C v coil , 14,359,000 ; oats , 5,7 11,000 ; rye , l,8:3,000 : er.i' . j.toc baloy , 474,000. I'LosIwQ SALE8-icluIur ] wheat. 158,00 % Cn , 700,000 ; Oati , 31,000 ; I'ork , I3,70 , ; LiJ , 2,000. JIAi8 . . . . .dL - - - - ' . . TOI.tO. TeL no , eitteitiber \Vh'at-Aotivo &ntl hi ghier ; o. 2 reth inter cash and teenber , I Seit- . Cetrn -Atlvancetl 3c ; anti elsel eiitlet lugh ; mixeti , t3c ; No. 2 , cash and Seitteni. ber , t3 c. Oset.q c.1)nll and nwnlnal ; o. 2 ca1i and Septem ber. 2t' ' . PIOtttA F1t01UJ41. 1'ion TA , Selite1ttltcr20.-Corn-Steat1y hi'gh utixeel , 48@ ' ; No. 2 ntIod , 47'4Sc. ' ! 2OSo. Oats -Fiiii and active ; No. 2 whIte , 22Cd1 S'his ky-Stoady at 1 1. NEW TOI1I. Nicw Yoit , , Seitolnber 0.-Wheat-Cashi c high er ; i'PtIons ' opened seak and lower , ad 'ienc ed I e , clol og him ; ungraded roil , Jc@l 13 ; No. 1 reel , 93 : t4.eotetrr No. 3 red , Ol e : No. 3 red , 1 0T l1 07 delivered i\o. 2 r eil , I 12 In elevator ; 1 13jil 13 alloat , ; Corn - 00511 , quiet nitil vtcluls' : uttiOtll I hi gher nint firm ; No. 2 , ti1s ; i ; In eIcvat.or 02@02o afloat. Oats - - higher anti 11cm' tiiIetl ' d1tc ; ; s htt , tiJt3. 'LiO neil flint. I . . , . i u ; hriflhl. Mt'itfl , 8 f0S 45. Bu t ; , . ) cInuul fitli ittiti unit at t1j2c. ( ILU.T1 % OlIE. . ; . . % h rI uonl ; Septoinlier 20.-W'heat-W'est. el , Irre enlar attil cloilit' at thu bo'.t figures of th"'biy ; tNo. 2 % ilttc1 red cash , 1 2 Corn -W'esterii , frnier ) ; ndetl cash and Scptem bcr , SSe lLii. -I Oats- Firmer ; et'stcrn white , ' 39e ; mix. 3lj $0c. ityo- 1.ower nod quiet at 0ljI03c. Butte r-Steady ; wctrn packed , 10@20e ; creatticr y , 20@27c. .3 ] g' -Firm at 23c. w 1iik y-Stcady and quiet at 1 181 l8. t.IvinrooL Ltvin i'oot , September 20. - Brcailstuffs- Dull.Vfte'i a \Vfte'i t-Winter. 8t &d@Ss lOd. ; priit , &l@JS s tid. Corn- Now , Sit Sd. 3 iiLWAUffRR , MtLw AuKine September 20.WheatCiiou'i Strong ; 92c br casii nitil Seoiubor ; 938c Octo ber ; Olije for November ; 9So for 1)ecombe r. Corn- r.Nc. . 2 , 50c ; rjccted , 40c. ( ) at.s- Scarce anti firm ; \I ) . 2 , 27c , 'store. ] tye- Stronger ; No. 2 , S-ic. Barley -Stronger ; No. 2 , C.3c for cash. 2 NEW OIUJANS. Nxw OnuAsM , September 20.C.rn2 ; mi xed and white , tOc. Oats- Quiet at SSc. Corn Meal-Lower at 2 25. 5 case l'ork- Quiet and steady at 12 00. case Lard- Stcady tierce , 8c ; keg8.e. do Iltilk 1 ' .leat'e-IF'air demand and lower. Whisk y-Stc.tdy and unchanged. 0c Sr. LOUIS 1'i1OIUCI. ST. L ouis , September 20.-Wheat--Ac. 1 and hthlter ; No. 2 reel , tStI0.o ) for brig. ; 9S c hitl for Septcniler ; iflJAc for ( ) cto. ; 1 02 for November. Corn- Higher and teethe for the year and tb options ; 45-15gcfor cash ; 454'e for Septeiti. kegs ; 4i ( ® 46jc for October ; ' 14c for November. Oats- Slow an firm ; 25@2Sc for cash Seitt einber ; 2Sgc for October. Rye- Firm : 53c bid. ill Barley -Quiet ; 607Sc. iii Butter -Steady ; dairy , 18@22c ; creamery , do 252Sc. ' Eggs- Steady at 17@22c. Corn Meal-Steady at 2 15. Whisk y-i 11. CLOSIN I PittcEiWheat - Strong and choice ; Oti.c } bid for September ; 1 00j1 00. choice October ; 1 02i for November ; 1 04l1 05 for choice Decembe r ; U'Jc bid for the year ; 1 14 for % ITay. Corn- Strong and higher ; 45'c bid fur 11c Septemb er ; 4Gc bid for October ; 4444e Novemb er ; 42c for the year ; 45e bid for three . Oats- Finn ; 25c for October ; 2Gc bid for fleer Novemb er ; 31c for May. c1Nc1NATx. C1Ca ! NAT1 , September 20 - Wheat - satinet Stronger ; 1 03@1 04 fur cash. white Corn- f,1@52c , for cash ; 52c for Septeen. Kirk's Oats- Stronger at 29@J29c for cash. 1 Rye- Quiet at ti0c. 3 35 Whisk y-Steatly at 1 13. ball LiVE STOCK. 12o CHICAGO. loxos CirIcAc o , Septcntber2O.-ThoDrovers'Jour. I repor ts : S 10 ffogs- Light , l5lOc higher ; packing , 5@ lower ; shiipting , steatlypacking4 ; 40aj4 ( Dii ; iOc and si1Iping , 4 90@5 15 ; light , 4 95 © ® ski lis , 3 ® J4 50. governm Cattle -llest 14c grads strong ; common xxkx ; ex ports , S 9O0 35 ; good to choice ship. 5 0 0@5 80 ; common to medium , 3 85@ 18jc. S5iufe ror to fair con's , 2 006J2 75 ; medium , 3 2SJ3 ( 90 ; stockers , 3 ( )0@i ) 60 ; feed. 1)10 , 75 ( 5 20 ; range , steady ; 387 'I'enns , OW , 3 . 05 ; 328 Vyoining , 1,195 ltttuils 4 00 ; sacks haif .brceds , 1 , 17(1 iioiit1s , 4 00 ; 200 g , 1,237 1 > ends , 5 10300 ; Texas , 950 granulat , 4 05. ard -Steady ; infermr to fair , 2 40@3 00 ; low , to good , 8 25@3 75. cliolco to witra , 35Janibs ; , Ier head , 1 00@3 75 ; 'l'exas Stardi , 2 50@8 'JO. 25c Hr. LOUIS LIYI STOCK. d Lo uis , Sopteniber 20.-Cattlo-Supply poor iii qItality rrice. voak ; ox. Western ilo ilo here , bitt would lriIIg 58S0I0 10 ; 1 65 ; to c hoice slapping , 5 20@5 75 ; medium 4 OO@5 00 ; butchering stuff , 3 0O ( J4 00 ; , 3 4OJ4 00 ; Indians , 3 50d14 25. BItiW -Steady ; common to medium , 2 ton fai r to good , 3 25@3 ? ; lininG , 4 OO&J Buckeye ilango I [ uziest TItA1"FIC. Standar Lawren A , 8c FLOWI AND GnAfl. A , 8.3c Go , September 20.-ReceIpts and ship. FiK : of flour and grain for the vast 24 houra Alligato 1414 bee n wi follows , : C .1-.l Receipts. Ship'ts. A/t b bls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000 oooo Oc ; , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 182,000 I.OOO :1(5 : ( , 7'c bu shieli . . . . . . . . . . . . 368,000 739,000 lViunsnt bti ahc1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 115,000 127,000 BIEAC bus hitils. . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,000 41,000 9b : ; , bushels. . . . . . . . . . itooo : 27,0009e Y 0IIK , SejteIlIier ) 20.-Receipts mid 9e ; . auf 1loiiranl Krain forthto vat24 hours 124. IIttfialt bee n as follows ; Receipts ' I , cioibri , Shil't ; . , bushels. . . . . . . . . . sooo : ioooo I'011111)t iu shols. . . . . . . . . . . . .yjj ooooo l'ocilioii , bu hic1s. . . . . . . . . . . . 99,000 11,000 lieVa ; Iuctu- M Cz-rv , September 2O.-h1oliay ; no C , eirih do X' LivI tITOCIC. 12 1.2c GO , Soittomber 20-Iloceipta ani htlii- brtwn , of live stock for the Ilast 21 hours have tra heav f ohiows ; IL l.2c . Roceipt. . Shtip'ts , brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - , 11,000 . . . . 'rIcKr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sooo . . . . blue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,400 . . . . Hioiit Lo ulHSeptemher2O.-ltecoipts and situ' . hftuitilto of live stock for thu ilast 21 hours have neitalui l'oarl f ollows ; htocciitae , , ' stt-ijio , Sh11'ts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,000 , 100 Ycoitian . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 . . . . , Anuiovo 1iEIH Scotch OrAILAt : MAItKET $ . brown , Xx to IuI'II''II "VJIIiCHat ( , l'rlceH , i'cau'l lulije tutiu Oviicj : o' 'l'iti ; OrAlfA 1lt. CAMIII 21 inch itirsday flvuning , September 20. ulanhat f ollowing price.i ate chtargeil retailers do glaze rs , whioloalers antI COflIIOISSIOII titer. finish , with the exception of grain , which h sattoeit Coiii ; a t the inices furnished by the cluvators tecims , 7 r local buycrt. : Narraga CrQIH. teen 1'RUT , Us 'r-Cash . No. 2 , 74c ; No , 3 , OSe ; re Ile ; flor c. Juumlirk : Y-CW41i No , 2 , 13'c , ' ; No , 'J 40e. ( Utnices Casli lie. , 0e ; ! de -Mixod , 37e. be Homtt ; - 20c. bolt ) , S LI vu Stoo3. a ( ilNuI ; TF.KIIii-hlIglier at 3 OOQ,3 VS. Atlantic OW-2 75uf 15. ICoiiilwo -I 90i4 25. Cove ' --l'irm at 3 OO'3 21. Amnericu 'i.-Vairtiuahity1 SO5 00 ; goodbutehi. i3c ; ( , k , 6 00. strijues tuktit 13e ; 1 01150(1 3Leiits , sett shir York , ii -14J Sc. and fan 1lA' o-thichaegeel at l2l3c. Suou LnEus-Pnll at 1)itiu n 1li-1-to. 1.Atu 1 At D(1Oc ( In ticreci' . TALL ow-Firm at S t'0j0 25 In btirrels. Potilt t'y , F1811 * * * ( lame. StIII O CtltcKts - Small , unchatiged , 1 25If 2 00 ; laro , quiet at 8 (10 ( ; ohl , 3 2. . Prairie chickcnv , I 7J2 0(1 her doz , \'l4t Tl l'isit-Uncltatigctl , 9loc. ; iiiko and lak e treut the eattie. ( I enerisl l'i'oilmn'o. 1Gfl ! -1fC. lltrr tn-Common : to ooii , 7lOc ; choice dairy , 10@1TL sweet , hiIh col.red grass , 12 13c ; co eking , Sc. 1'OTA oIsNew quiet and itiarket well sup. lilieti at 15i'flOc Ier liii. ONIo -25C4 soc her bit. NR CAliiiAtn-7O@S5o ) tier eltzen , I ioNI : Y California , iii ciut , , tier iound , 20 G21e ; r itruuttieti , 1Ol2c. CiIE -Active , W o quote 9@llc. ' ' 1'osi. tor.-1Lomo grown , 5OCid 00 1mhi , UtIAt' iH-1n buskts anti crates , flc per lb. ( ; l.e' , It l'titI I S. l4mto xs-iiict at ( X7 ) SO ior hoe. VgAv1 us-Nntlee 'I 04Jtit 2t ier basket ; Catifi'ri tia at 2 250J2 50. C.i.t 9 'OitI A 1'I.UMSlii gOtt % dcinmitl ; 25@9 r.o r liix. 13.t.t .tut-Uiiehi&iiugetl ; per bunch , 2 OO © 00. Ar'i.i ; : s-8 00J'3 ISO , ior bbl. C.iit oiti : , l1A1ti.T ; I'itns-ln : gootl do. mflatti O t t 0Ocj I Mt her box. ( allforiiiiu 1)ichiss ) ; Ibterru , Clargeu , ot. . ierbou , OO3 SO. . O.I.lr olt.IA ( u.rN-2 0C'j2 So p' case.raw l'Ioiir antI i'ilIlstiii's. ) I \\'iT Eit \ % ) IHAThost iunhity , patcit ; , at 25@3 05. SII.'ON I ) QUM.ITV---2 90@8 25. St'Iti : G VltEAT--liO5t uality , iintent , at lr 593 CS. Scco n QUALITT-2 f'Oj3 25. 14. liliAN -SSc her cwt. . Ciiou'i iu FKEn-Per DO his. SSc. . . . , Colts Miu.-1 001 10 l' " curt. I ScituI : NIn-00ci0e per ewt. Grocers List. O.N En ( iooium-Oyst.era ( SLuidard ) , per case , 3 7 O8 90 ; stratlerrie , 2 1k , pt case , 10 ; ras pberries , 2 lb , iem case , 3 50 ; ltnrtlett huar , 2 40 ; uhiortieberrios , uer casd , 75 ; eg g Illume , 2 lii , per case , 2 90 ; green gages , 2 Ii , , er case , 2 90 ; do choice , 3 Ib , per ' , 4 50 little alilileti , 2 II' , 11cr case , 4 Ot ) @ 75 ; uio uciles , 2 Ib , iier Case , 3 00 ; do 3 lb. ler ) I 20c , 4 O O@I 50 ; do ( iiie ) , 3 tb , Per case , 2 00 ; Toe pie , U lb 11cr deizen , 2 80. bc iicn { -Louisianlu Prune to choice , 7c ; fair 2e ; Pat .ma , 0n 7c .Fiit -No. 1 titaclcemel , half bris. , 7 00 ; No. low ' niacke rel , kits , 1 00 ; mainily mackerel , hull 2'c . , S 25 ; fuottily itiackeicl klL. , SSc ; No. 1 2c white h alt , half brls. , 7 00 ; o. I kits 1 05. l _ Sviwi -Stunlartl : Cuiti. , 85c , bids ; 3tatiulart1 , .1. g allen kegs 1 85 ; Staniarl do , 1 gallon tune , 1 60. Sopi -Imi lb apors , 3 30 lcr case ; keg Niuv : 1'icKLt-\tetliI1tul , in barrels , (1 ( 00 ; do half b arnhs , 3 110 ; in barrels , 7 00 ; lo half b arrels , 4 00 ; gluerkmns in barrels , S 00 in hu ll barrels , 1 50. unit 'I'KAS -Gunpo\rilor , guoti , 45@hSc ; clmico 00 ti ) 75c ; g oed ltiipcritui , .lo1c' : ; choice , COSjGSc ( ; calf Young iiysoii , good , 30QSOc ; ; cltoico , kip CSc1 0 0 ; .J allan , iiLtuirul leaf , 35c ; .lapui : , hip , C 0@7tic ; Oulung , gooll , 35@lOc ; Oulong , tuots , 40@SSc ; Souchotig , good , S5@-lOc ; iuiuigs , 3 5j445e. I ReeK -Sisal , inch and larger , 10e , inth , itt ehi , 11e. I Soc V'OOi ) ENvAiIE-TWO hoop pails , I 75 ; I imo op Pails 2 00. Tubs , No. 1 , 8 50 ; Pie w as1iboarts , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ; Wehlbuc kets , 3 50. LEAI ) -Jlar , 1 65. SoArut -Kirk's Savout Imnpcr'tai , 3 45 ; Kirk's \ , 3 60 ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's at Russian , 5 25 ; Kirk's outoca , 2 15 ; ' l'rairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirk's 22 ' mntiguoll ut , doz. 0TM II-Pennsylvania calls , 4 case , in case , ; Ba bbts ball , 2 doi. in case , 1 90 ; Michior 22 , 2 d oz. in case , 1 50. PF.AN UT3-llOa.Mted , cholco , r.d Temiessoo , 22 ncr I b ; fincy white , 12.'c per lii ; raw-white Virginia , raw lie ; roasted , 13c No. CANn unu-hoxos , 40 lbs , lOs , 15c ; Si , 15c ; 40 ibs , 10 oi. , Cs , 15c. MATCh ES-Per caddie , 62e ; round , cases , oor ; squ nuro cases , 3 10. boamd C0FvE F.s-Ordiliarygrados , 3@0c ; fair 10 ; go od 10@J11c ; prime 12@JI2c1 choice ; iancy green and yellow , 14@15e ; old Trim ent .1 ava , 2O(20c ; Levertiug's roasted , Ar biecide's roasted , IOu ; rifct4aughlhin' , . I do , roasted , ISle ; imitation Java , 16 tier . each VINEG AR-New ork apple iCe ; Ohio ° i' ' Il' , 13c. to , SAL'r- D bails , IM 11 Ira , ; ray , ler , ; Ashton , Ii , . , 3 50' 111)15 tlairv ( ; O , S , 3 I0. .fc ; SuoAl us---1'ouvdcret , 1O\u \ ; cut loaf , i0c ; Buidon' ed , 9.u ; confectioners' A , Dc ; Staitd- ext ra C , SAc ; extra 0 , 8.jc ; nietlium yel- 7'c , ; dark yihiv. ' , 7c. STAIc : ii-l'earl , 4c ; Silcr Gloss , Dc ; Corti pwtler , Dc ; Etceelsior ( floss , 7e ; Corit , Sc. quarter S1101i- 3-I'eiijier , lTc ; allinco , 111e cloves ier cas sia , ISv. . IICEs E-li'uii cream , lie. rtu LYE- Amnerieul : ' 3 4o ; GreenwIch , 3 40 ; .1 00 ; , 2 75 ; N'ortlt Star , 2 00 ; Lovis' lye Iowa Je weli lye , 2 75. ) cites Dry Omtls. ) S ConoNs-Atiantic A 8c ; Ap4o' XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Sc ; ( loot F1 Sac , horses 14j ] , .1-I , 7c ; Cabot W , 7c ; Chitto. conmuulon A 6c ; CreatFallE 8c ; 1Ioosior,6e ; I lus 'itithi , Sc ; Inthian I bail A , Be ; Indian d A Bc ; Jiudian Orchiard , d. w. , 6c ! ; fair , ce I4i4 6i'c ; Mystic Ither , Vjc ; l'equot ; Utica C , Sic ; \Vucliuisett 119 , 7c ; do di , E 48 , 12c. ALco ; Buows . extra Currons-Allontlalo 4.4 7c r 3.1 , & ; Argyle ' 1.4 , 7.c ; Athuttic Proof Ilc ilailgo : State X 4.4 , 6.c ; Iiciiniitgt.on 1 23 I ; c ; Buckeye S .1-4 , 6Ac ; iniliui , Orcitaril 1 0O1 9-8 , 8c ; Lacnihiu 0 39 , 8.c 1.ohiigh E li i , tueky ' l'c iperell N O , Zc ; do ( J 32 , 7.c ; do It l'enmusyh ' ; di , J 39 , 8c ; ] 'ocwuiot 0 4-.1 , 7'c ; I3IIAN ta 4..f , 13c. 1 40@1 IICI ) CorroNs-Antlroscoggln L 4-i Gizui llla ekstone AA imperitil 8c ; tb do hale .I..i , Dc ; Cahiut .1.4 , 8o ; lldol1ty .l..i , Ituats Fru it iii the 1.ooni , file ; tie camlirlo 4.4 , 2 0O@4 ' tIti Water Twist , 10c ; Great Falls Q , Dc : l'P.ACI I lenil shtrutik 4.4 , l2c ; Loustlalo , lOc CIIAm ; c 37 , 12c ; New YrJc Mills , 12e ; 3-i 00 ; ) A , hOc ; 'epporei , N U 'i'wIhI , ; tan 1.4 , Pocasset ti..i , 8 ; Utica , \Va htlMlLt.a C ) X , l2c. ? uTonln - i ( Cilortal--AlIiuiy ) : ] brown , Sc ; do 18@lre , I ic ; do XX titriptis aiid lilalils , 12 1 .2c ; wauthutl browit antI drab , stripes antI Idaitis , 28c ; ; Arlhiigton fancy , IDe ; 1iniiislck , 8 1.2c ; ( . . .harlot fancy , 12 1.2c ; tlt ox. y , 20c ; Full IUvurbruwn , o-etra heavy , YINJi ; Jittliatia A bnawu , 13c ; Noprnisut A eec ; , I So , Crown Nos-Amnuinkeulg AC A32 , 190 ; tIn XX 8ioKL 32 , 18 1.2c ; itrruwauita , 'ii I.2c ; ( ilaro. haiti , H 15 11 , 15 I.2c ; Conestoga , extra , 17 1.2c 2 nz. , n 1) , lI 1.2c ; Lowistoti A80 , Ille ; Miii ; Soul . 1-I , 20o ; OIIiuHa , sujer extra 1.-I , 28v ; North lU rer i9 , 16 1-Ic ; I'tttititin XX butte liz , , 28c 1 2t : ; Slietticket 8 , 10 1.2c ; do 5 $ , 12c ol , ' ; ' 's buluto 29 , Dc. I'i.uti t4--itti1osiceai5 blue anti . horsesh brown,16 I .2c r 1)1. ) ) htiuto , 15 1.2c ; Arilitgtoti X Idijo ; Key's , ' , 18 I.2o ; Coitcurti 000 , blue niol 1 2 1.2c ; ilo AAA , do titi , 13 1.2 ; tin A i ii , iii , , 14 12c ; I I uyznnkcr's lultie tutu ( 1 l-2c Iiox No. Mystic htiveri)1)strljie IGI.2c , It iver , ( ilue anul brown , ICc ; tliuc.etvhlle , ; 2 iIi1 cu l brown , 14 1.2c. long btaiu IICS-lbufltitr,1 , Ste Allan , ' ; Etlilystono litting , double face , 8&e'iarJior ; A glazati , t4c ; tni : glove flitisli , bc ; Nuwxrt do , I4o : uliul No IIaUSO ti ti , 5c ; Puquot tiu , , ' , kiti dostruiiui wuoul . c. IOii ! , by rr . .f1ANI1A iJwry A muiroscoggin F or furth , 8e ; Ciareittlon fi3 Coneatogga siut. P.O , c ; I [ aliowuii , Sc ; lmiatt Oivha-tl , , 7iu , , ' J. nsett , imitliroved , 8e ; 1'ciperihi sat. e ; liockitort , oc. $ -A1ieIii , t ; American , 0c ; Iurithiii , , wick , 4c ; Cocitoon U ; Conu4u.ga , Ok ; , ijimutieli , ( i0iTe ; Et1113't4oflo ? o ; ter , 0e ; ifarnioumy , 5c ; Ktticietboc'ker , rrititau I ) , jc ; Myatic , 14c ; Hpiutuos , lmbtico ! , Cc ; do Gutug1maum , Tc ; luhmu-i. C Oriental , (4c. ( IAum--4t1oo.skoag Dc ; Aigyle , 10k ; , Sc ; Cumitherlauui , 7c ; Iligitiamid , 7c rthm , 'Je ; l'Iumiktt , Uc' Sussex , fc. ; NAlut-Abiuervlhlo , 13c ; Agate , 20i. ; un , lie ; Artlslaii , 20c ; Cairn ii amid 'V , ' lotion 1) ciii ! ' 1' , h7c ; lecait Ct' . 1 ) and ' 1' , 1Cc' Keystotie , l3e ; Nmiii , lDc Nonpareil , Jr ; Ocean .1) and 't' , r1h uyaf , ICc ; 8ussox , We ; 'I'kgsVaeimu. . _ J ) tiik tiug checks , i2ic ; do Natikimi i2e I nurvlru iaiii Nankimi 121c } CLtut.w lii , ; do cheeks , tripcs Seitit for cy , I2u ; do B uz , 20c. mxue tu& Sit KI -Aflt1NcogiIt ( 10.-i 27c ; s do 0-4 21 o ; do 31 , 32cm Coittliieiibml 0 42. lIe ; Fruit o f thai i.otitt 10-4 ; 27c ; New York * ii lie hk ; . 35 e : thi 78 , 30c ; do i'S , 24c ; I'emulroko , 10.4 , 2 5c ; l'eitiot 10.-f , 2c : ilo .4 . , 1t'o ' : tb .19 , ICc : I'e ipoioil 90 , 2Pc ; tin 07 , 21c : do , 1e ; Utica tkl , 8th ; do 55 , 22e ; do 48 , iTo. 1)rtigt , 1)iit cts A1I ) CIIIuIICAI.MAcid , Carbolic , ISo ; Acid , ' i'nrtari , t'c ; Ilaisatu Copabla , 'er lb , Too ; B ark Saruafras , Per 11 , l2c : Calomnol tier II ) , 75e ; IttIuuiiiitlia , uz , $1 05 ; Chtoro. fonu , l' ' It ) , SSe ; 1)oer'e l'owtiers , iier Ib , $1 25 ; Epeout SaiLs , tier Ib , 3c ; ( ltcrn-iimn , umro u ce Il ) 30cr 1.eatl , Acetate , er Ii' ' , 22c ; Oil , L'a ator. cti. I. ; ier gal , l 40 , 0 Cstnr , No. 3 per gal , $1 20 ; Oil , Olive , iCrgft1. l 50 Oil , , ( r iganumn. tSOc ; ( ) pitun , $5 (10 ; ( nItminei , I' . & " . a tid II. & S. , titir out , l 00 ; 1'otitmtim , ltthllO , per It ) , $1 65 ; Sallciti , u'r om , 40c ; Sulpha te of \tutrtiltituo , Pr OZ , $3 75 ; Suililnir flour , er Ib , Ic ; Strychitinri , l' ' ° oZ , H 25. l 'aliitsOIs ) and 'nrmmisIies. Oit.s -1l0 carhitum , ver giuhititi , 12c : i5O Imeatilig lut , tier gatloti , 1-ic ; 175 ° headlight , tier guul iini , twDc ; 150 ° vnter hito , ISo ; liii cccii , ra w , ; Ir gallium , t'ti. ' : hitueced , bulled , 11cr gahloim , Soc Niuril , siiiLcr str'd , jiergailon , 85c : Ni ) , 1 , TScNo. ; 2 , 7r ; castor , \X , gal C hut , I 4 0 : n. 8 , 1 20 ; sweet , piilntt 85 : ei 'cciii \V 1 1. , P'r gallon , I 00 : fish , \ \ . ii , , I 'orgailo ti , use : iniatefoot cx tra , tier gallon , DOe ; NO , I , ISo : buhuricuiti hg , zen' , tur gailumi , Sot' ; siumimitier , I Sc ; gohtteim utacitine , ? ui. I , tier gal- bit , SSc ; No. 2 , 25c ; uerlmm ) , signal , iwr gallon BOo ; tui petttitw , gallon , t'e ' ; uaptha , TI 11cr gall on , lSc. P.tN % Tm l ; Oi.-\Vhito loati , Oumlia P. 1' . , Cc ; htit o bind , St. i.ouis , 6.c : Siuioiilos : green 1 tti 5 lb calls , 20c : irottcti zitic green seal , 12 c : French .inc , red sod ; , lie ; im-encit 7.1110 , iii varnish n-set , 20c : 1m itc1i zinc. in oil zisst , iS o : raw mimiti hitmit umitber , 1 it' cane , be ; ' raw nit ti burtit Sienna , bc ; vtuiiiiyko brown tSc ; refi tted lamtiblaek , 12c ; coach black , tutu very b lack , ICc ; hilack , I tic ; l'ritssium blue , SO c ; ultramitrimm blue , lSc ; chrome gi-eoit lu. ? it. & I ) . 1Cc ; hilinul tumid shutter green , b. SI. .t 1 ) . fCc l'aris , ; green , iSo ; imlian roil , all ; Ve netian rel. tie ; ! l'uscmum roil , 22c ; Anion. can \'e nmtihlitoti 1. & 1' . , lSc ; chrome voilon' . Sf. , 0. . 1) . 0. , ISc ; yellow noire , Do ; gollicli nehru , be , itatelit dryer , Sc ; raiiiiimg hIs iteirs. l ight tiak , dark oak , vmthnttt , chestnut nih , iSv. ' Iry I'iIlmItH. Whit e load , 8c French zinc , lOc ; i'aris tabi v1iiting ' , 2u ; witkiug glitters , 1.c : v1iiting coiit'l l.3c ; iamopblack , U eruiant.tuwn , lie ; inmimplila ck , ordinary , bc ; Ptussiuut blue , ISSe ; nltnantiu nine , 18c vantlyko , biiivim , Sc ; tttmtbr , burnt , I c ; imuiber , nay , Ic ; sleutia , lmntit , ic ; sleitna , raw , Ic ; Paris green , genuine , 25e ; l'ttrie izr cen , cinnutuuli 20c : chrome green , N.Y. , ; ch roniw green , lu. , 12c ; vornibilion , ] iig. , butt ' ; veu rnulilimi , American , lSc ; Inulian roil , ; ros e iuittk , 14e ; 'Venetian roil , Cokuenas , lila ; V enetian neil , imnei-lcau , 1c ! ; roil lead , ; ch rome yeller , gonoino , 20c ; chiromimo yci.'I , IC. , 12c- nehru , rochiullo : te ; ochre , ] ? i.eimchi , 'I ; noi re , American , 2eViuter's ; tuitional , lit ) ; lLuh iih1 brown , 2c ; Spautish brown , 2c ; its riiic&s ittineral , Sc. 0 \rAtts mSItI1fit.OlM ' ' per gallon : } 'urnl. , ex tra , 1 10 ; furmture , No. 1 , $1 ; coach , 'shhlo extra , Si .i0 coach , No. 1 , 1 20 ; Damimar , their extra , 1 75 ; . ) , TIle ; a9IltaltttIfl , extra , SSc ; shellac , $8 50 ; hard 011 iiiish , , $1 50.j 04aIti I - 14e1t1 her. Iltet t _ a t. ole SSo tim 42c ; hetutlock solo2So to SSc ; it. I. kp , SOc to 1. 00 ; nuttier ( 'iSa to BOo ; tuule o calf , 8rio to 1 20 ; lieniloclc mippor , 23c Iii 2Cc ; oak 2-ic alligator 4 00 mmlutucr1 ; , to 5 50 ; tush kiti , 32@3S : ( , reiseti kitl,2 SO tCt 2 75 ; oak sex , Soc to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; Vreimcli , 1 1 0 to 1 55 : French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rile. , 5 50 hi 7 FiO ; linings , 6 00 to 10 50 ; top. , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. 1. Morocco , SOc to SSc ; if pebble 0. D. Morocco , SSe ; simon , 2 50 to 300. heart ILAuN EiuS-No. 1 st.u , oak , 42c' ; No 2 ito , the ; N o. 1 Ohio oa1c 38c ; No , 2 do , 35c ; No. fore Milw auktue Sic : l'o. 2 ito Sic. To would sytutcuim WHoI.KSAt.I. ihtiLitU tonIc \Vo q uoto lumber , lath and shimigies on oars froumi Omah a tut thto followiuig Prices : JoisT ANt ) SCANTLINU-lO ft. and untler 00 ; 1 8 ft , 23 50. hue It 'i'iimim xmts-l6 feut and tinder , 22 00. hut ecU Tiuii nmu ANI ) .Toiwr---18 ft , 23 ItO ; 20 It , 23 50 ; of ft , 26 tiC ; 24 It , 20 50. FENC ING-No. 1 , 4 amid 6 in , , 24 00 ; No. 2 , of 00. ho SIun rmNa-No. 1 (2l ( 'common boards ) , 20 00 ; of 2 , 1 800. later Lxm -Per barrel 1 25bulk ' , ; vor bushel' SSc ; tilotil cemnont , hbi , 2 25 ; Iowa pla.ster bid , 2 50 ; hair ho. t'iOc ; 'i'arred felt , 100 h , , i 50 ; straw , 3 50. Heavy Hardware List. , rates , 2 00 ; plow steel shecitd cast , 7e ; ' crucible , 8c ; eliocial or Genummu , tic' cast tool folla S'ho ! 15 © 20 ; wagon spuikes , set , 2 253 00 ; huibs of sot , 1 25 ; follies , sawed dry , 1 .10 ; tomiguteut , ( unRig , 70 @BSc ; axie , each , The ; square limits jer felt $ T6jl lc ; washers , per lii , 8Jl8c ( ; rivets , tier thieiso lie ; coil chain , per itt , 6@J12c ; ntallcabio , 8o takoi we tlges , Cc ; crrnvbars Cc ; harrow teeth sprin g tool , 7@8c ; 1tutnecui's horsoiioeut , S 25 ' inumieshiocs , 6 2b. itAlta clu 'iVIIIK-lIi car iota , 6.o vor 100. Num. -1tntes , 10 to 00 , 3 35. SIEOT -Shiot , 1 85 ; buck eliot , 2 10 ; , inientuul trouhileil Thom , icegs , 6 .fO do. , half kegs , : t .18 ; tb. , iler , kegs , 1 SB ; llautirig , kegs , 3 35 ; fuse , lug 100 foot , Soc. titlutitier COAru --Ciiimiabcrlalitl iilacksmmiitlu 12 00 : Tilor. liii ; mu ] 3lossbumrg , 12 \Vliiteiiroast ; hlmimul , , foutiuh 00V itltehjrotust mutt , 4 00 ; Iowa luttip , 4 00 ; cliauightug aJ ear nu t ' , .1 00 ; Ilock Siriuig , 7 00 ; Amuthra- ultauty , 11 f'i0J12 ( 00 ; Camni City , 7 00 , von toit. ( ho these. JIoj'n fluid Mules. auitl Extra uinuuft horses , 175225 ; comotoon draft gaits. Coiisuil , 100@150 ; extra farm hionies , lI0@Ji25 ; ilcu , to good ( anita horses , 90@iOO ; extra All , 6 0@7ri ; contitmon ) l1ig1 , 20J10. ( llcrtry MULr. uu-Extnit , 125il50 ( ; good , 100140 ; Thto 75 ® l0O ; coinmnont@75. l'ricc Vnguier , LiquorH. nor-188 proof , 2 2Spor ivlno gallon ; C alifornia spirits , I&t proof , 1 25 ga lloui ; triple refitted spirits , 187 proof , 11c r iuroof galltm ; ro.distilleti whiskies , I ) . so ; line blended , 1 50C2 50 ICoui- Cisho , , bourbotue , 2 007 00 ; 1Contuicy antI limuuiw vitnia rycs , 2 O0a17 00. hilt. fellow I)11a3-lniportoul , Ii 000ji600 ; tlomnestic sure tiutimieiitul ) Os 00. frotut -1mtiported , 4 S0(6 00 ; tbouuiestie , 1 40 cure frotu -Importoti , 4 t'iO@Il 00 ; New England , lhiiul 00 ; dilileStiC ( , 1 503 50. all our know I ANt ) AiILS JIItANnY-1 - Th@J4 00. tuner's I'AtmNis-Iuum1utrtctl , her COSO , 28 OOGiJ 41 uutoicaui , Pr case , 12 OOli ( 00. Wool. R o umtwzuuhoil , light 11@lCc ; heavy , ; muteihlummit imrtwuulicI , , light , 18@20c ; lit , choice , 32c ; fair SOc ; tub attil wauihioil , ottrw hur ry , blwk : tout catted wool , 26O 1OSH. great to Pr , ' of his 'ruituJcoH. : Cur-Cotuonon , 20@SOc ; good , 15 tiutfortcutt vies oil Ifo se Leaf , IOu ; l'nouniuutn , CiSc ; Jiatnouui cutulorbeul , SSc ; Sweet Sixteen , 47c. Iliti olileu Su-O , H , , 20c ; Muskuuvy , 25c ; Dur. fly elfecti o x. , SOc ; 1)imrhaumm , .1 ox. 52c ; Iimrhau , , tsr how' 55 c ; Seal of North Carocixta , 8 or. , 4 1o Iuuuiomniut ) of North Curolija 1 iii. .it ; Seal C arolina , 2 nz , , iL'o ' ; 0 , 1)urhani , 1 ; 0. IC. luurhnu' , , 2 ox. , SOc ; Uttelo Chro 4's , 2Jc ; 'l'ouut antI .lerry , 23c. ' ' 'J'oluAcco--Chintlux , ( 'Oc ' ; liulitout , SOc ; oe , 48c ; Star , 'Pie ; hludtiy , lie ; Jior. 'IS c ; Black. : tS4oc. Porsotil hYuguitr hi Islt switl a I will cure aity mcclii four 153 $ tir 1oi. . NO. lieu tuiodhtutc er suc re thu mutt olittlittitu OtilU 110 iiuuttur ( if ROW statiout diIig , States. ' s So/ut/c / / IWwlica t a' Bouflics mum Irthiu IIUC itiuoit of ctiIefi , eoiaIiIa ; , or alt of wait. , that tire certain to hruauiumo , iy.ieiia by g thu cuatingsol the wtoiuiuhu , I ic i So. li ii dniijgiww , or indict on rvcelj. of price. er u'arIIcuiar ' cciii ( or clrcuiur B ox 1,9:13 : , Hptclhlo C . ALLAN & Ca1 , lurticu si : Jo11i1 btrttt , Now 'i wl hiybiciui theIr sjtti studies un lueti titlot ttutlrcuesl ihisciutus $ iuuiutts , 1 IIrISU , ttihltato tesslul lh :1 13 Itu-iti miucuhiuth jijutjitcuitt mm Isutoiti light 5td , Ink Is thu uiitl sick oltotill Lu ( iii S 11111 t slnvct , Pe O nly l'orfcct substitute for Mother's Stir whuleh . Thu iitout uiounishliig itist for it , vr.ituis uuud t , iOticri. ) ( JiUiitdtsI , by mill I'hy.ltiarus 1' . 0. b sil cllinatts. Soul b1 till dntigiwtw. 76 ewuts. j ut , ; . 1' . % lI.'lCAI.F ilt Cc ) . , Kjrltuc th 2d I Central 1'Iuarf , lhietoo , Mass. $ pvdalit TH E NECESSITY FOI THE SPECIALIST , DR 5 H. WAGNER , Its. long been then acknostodgeut nut nior so at this uhy siy other. The Iltut foul of timehlcal eclenee ii Ceu ic rea.Iti , iiiii its numerous btiticiio arc btojiti . 111.51SF Mmii tiraror to perfection , .iiul no on ntsn esn an ? longer tbeni rap all ) ttiice t . ticcei'slty for iutiullug , the latior. Aiil it Is ire. be on0 cli , . Ic.ubt that dl.sas , , sIToctln thu get , ito-srli ry onan , Iioel special Ittmtl , hairs IRan aim. thing if ui 0 weulil underOstiul imul know how , trtt the m jiroperly. till. I I. M1Nl-io : i fafly awere that them irs many tulu yalOtuuus , Miii POIliS onlbts ' t'op1e , who sf3 copuilea , , , tutu fiu uirntJng tlul clasi of uhlucaw.s a ditty , tit it hiefsiis'py to 1utou that etth lnot son , ( if r efluiiuitiit end htttelliene per a muir , suutiglutetu oil VIew l ii takeit of ( its subject , auut that the . Ian , physic. u lit its , otel hhumigeif to rehloint the afllicteul atmil MuIng th icin fromut wuree tlu&ut ileath , Is mu less a html- lt iliul hucitefictor to liii . ; rice thiat thu , ur. gout , or iihYelclftu , who tiv , cloe situtlcatlott neat , In any othe r trench . of Ilq , profe'los. Auil , foimuiatcl , for Inuing . uthi. , the iiiuy ii , lswtiltig mu lit'ii the fto ti'tI lty I bet viuuuuletumreuf tIme , icthin. of four I liii , 1,1 , w the . dir leI.nns itiiilcr the , .Jowih iiu ltuie.iro.h . , to thu for has , sway. A Few Reasons Why ou shiumithul try the cutchunated Pr. II. 'nguier'e tiitutlioil , of Clint : 1. "D r. II , Vagtieu Is a tiuttural ith13slciut , " 0. i4. Iowi.Kuu , 'hue (1ntatet tjviutg l'lireuiolu'glst , 2. "I ' ow osti e.rel you as ii utuuetiut. " . DR. .1. Stunts , . Time ott.t ii Greatest t'hnek'guintukh. ' .1. ' ou aye C otuderftttiy Iroficlotit but t'i.w of th Io.uc 511th ttieuhtcttte. " . our ktiosi iui , .7 , MAniuss-w. 4. "il ie sulltlcte4 fluid . IGUIY reitci In your ture. euro. its. .1. Suutse. b. "h . II. r. Wagticr he a regular graduate from I flctletu Iloeplhat , New York has city ; hiatt mtry cx . tcui4i o li n.Iuluml i'ructlce , suit ii tluoroughity posteul on I hirstic lirs of Rh belo e.I scietito , cs1ieclahly on ctirouilcuh ieiuv. , . " Thus. Ileowasu. & Ewtso. 0. ' ' h r. I I. ' , agumer hums iimtnorttlzo.l : hltttsetf U wouutt erlut tUwtim cry of ppctiflo rciiicutloe lot ate suit " hr souiaI . thlscasos.-virgliila City Clicorulcte. 7. l mumuismuiihs of iiihIile Sock to see , . " - I'rauiclseo Chirotilelt' , S. "il ic Ittey bug tuiuelemieu as it iliflUlil re nder hilimi . ' . very Sow s. smmccosafimi.-ttuucky Mouti- Plain Facts Plainly Spoken. At cute tune a thlscuaulott of Otto secret mice was cn tirely ave ldoti by the professlout , suit nuahloiti muorkeul a . fouC ) ears ago uott1ui hanilly moulton It. 'lo.t1sb thu iliYblclaut is of a tiiUeneut nitituloui ; ho Ic tacaro . Iui at it Ic Iths iluty-thli.igrceahulo though It ) be-- to liatiullo title unatten mu ithout gluts cc anti isiteak ltta tuilv nhtottO lu ; situ ItiteUlgotit isurents mid gimanhlauts uui thank lilutu for iloluig so. lie res ults attcndtiig thu , Iestruetfo tlce were for utierly tiot tutiihet titoiiul , tir tiot ltroterl ; cctluiuuital ; nitil ltittuot Auiro betiug atttmdtvut tim it wuhijuet shlcfm by natutnu dee hot Ito dou'o ittveetlgatloii , It was tlhtmigly Igitorcul , 'Ilto Iuu bit Is geuteratiy entitmetcul by Ohio oumig att etmuhfuig eIiouul oluler comimpiuuilons through c.au ilc ; , ( uS ) . be repoiiMhlo for It , an it may ho njuitrctI thtougli ticelilemil , 'thu e.cttciiint oieo , c. crlciuccil , thu lenctlcu mu Ill to at0ui suit , un til itt lash tli habit bocoutics htrimi nitit etui letely eu isl.mves thto lctIiii. Metitat auth tiervous at liii , a re ittiahIy the ItnIuuiar3 results of eel.uubtmso. ( Ainouig th e IuJuriiuuu ettctu4 tony ho rncittlonci.1 IssI. , uhoj cctioui cur hrrumsiilUky , ut tctitpcr suith getcerat ilcbhlIty. The boy seeks seclustoum , nuiui rarely Johns the spo rts of lilt eoitupauilouic. if Ito ho a 'tiutig ho v. Ill ho Ittilo loutnil iii comnpaumylthi Ohio thor , 511th is trouhuheth ultli cxceoullutg alit ! auttioying hiaihtttuic si In their furtuscuico. lAscivIotiC tlrt'ams , cunlstoutw auuii entifltltitis on Ohio taco , etc. , are also urouttuieui ( t ii ) uiiptouuw. Ohio I umctk Is violently lensictod hut , nioro tuenloime thhturlcuui ccs take place. ( treAt IaliulUutiiium of tito , or tiluIlCIutiO coutiimIsiouis , are eajuerleticed , atid suffer er tuisy fall Itito a cotttplot4i st-ate of Itliooy be. , fluial ly , ilcuttli rohiuvos Itlumt. all O moso engagoui lit thil thiuigorouic , practice , I give say , first of all , stoji It at 011cc ; tuialiu every jt0slhtio e ffort to tb so ; but if you fall , If your tiervoite I s already too uumuucl ciattcrcul ) , attth cotiso. ) , your suul.powor broken , take souuio time m to a lit you itt yeutr otl.irt. Ilamltig ftoeut yourself the habit , I woithuh further counsel you to go throoglm a regular course of troattueuit , Ito ft. Is a great titistako t o 8UfiJOwO that atiy Otto Itia ) ' , for seine titito , ever y so IfOtlo gt o hluuiiehf up to thile fasduiatlug datug erous excitettient without suffering frotn Its voumbo qneuices at soutw future ( hue. Thu .ttutnlor youuig tuon witi , arc lutcapaciatoth t tIll Ohio duties etthuuluied by wedlock is aharuimlughy large , miii iti unost ult c ases this uuufurtuuuato cotiditloti of things cam , truiecul to the liractIco of sctf nbuso , which heat been abauitlon edyrnuru ago. Itudocuul , a few tautiths' ; inaetlcc thili lu mbit Is autlicietit to huduco , .pcrttuumtorrhtwa hum ea rsnttd I liamu unauty of tuuchi cases uutlur treat. at O hio liroseut day. Young Me tmrmy hue wumfferlumg frotti the offccts of youthful or Ittillecrotlomis will iii , mchl to avail theineclees tithe , th e greatest boost ci or laId at the altar of euf lmu utuntilty. ltt.Varit will guarnuitco to for' Ot ) for every Otto of ticutilnal mtcakticss or irlutute o f otty kind auth clianactsr muhldt hue utider. ton uid imihito cure. Middle Aged Men. CaI are fitiatty at Ohio ago of 30 to Oowlio tire m itli too frellutcut I. cm acimathuittu , of tIle luau. tuftoti acoutuiautIotl by a slight stitartitug or hunt. icutit itioti , suud a 0 cakeut hug of thu syiiteiuu lit a O hio I athetit tatttiot accoutuit for. Out uxutuutitu thu u rinary ilciuutolts a ropy itoullincuit mviii ulbiti lie , al uil suuunettmuies sinahl jiturticles of uuihiimincti us Itt , ti r thu color mu Ill Ito cut thlit itifikisit Rite , agiulu , tu , a ilak itutul titnlttul mmpearauico. ; There are tulo umy tutu , mi-hi , ii Ii' of hilt itltllculty , lguiorauit of cause , whiteR Is thu seenmiul itago of soitiIuunluuvak. P r. V. muihl guarautteo a luorfect cmtro Iii all cases a h ealthy reatoratloti of Ohio gcnlto.urluiary or. tatlout free , Thorough eiiauiiluiiuthoit nuud ash. 8. couu iniutilcathutte , , uhtouhh Ito tusluirossel , lr. Ilcuury W agner , I' . 0. e.'ISI , lmumor ) , , Colorssho. Y ooutg Slauts I'ocket Cotuupautlotu , by Dr. If , Is ii tirthi Its weIght Itt gotul to youttg mcii \V \ W , eti. hettt huy lush to tutty address. Le t Your Light Shine. Wa gner tito celcluratol specialIst of Iouiyer 313 larfiner street , licilovet hut lettuug ( tliuwoilui 1118 muhi at Ito titui ilut , nuuti I , iIuuluig for thiouiuutuud of utieti. Ills treatutiriut for lust itiatiltootl 1w , mu- It , hiftut a tiatito tlttit I utauterhty u Ill bless. 'Vett teuthuitusnluhs fninit mill am er the Utilleul Status tRo ts liii hums ctmreil , hu j ruuof IuituIhhi U that hioulou , thin luu'r $ cases of thuu.o ilisuasms. 'the nihiletuit chr uuiie attil tuoxutal dlseasui of every kind out hun thwln hst fnletud. Read liii aul erttsututetittut cit y loIters , autil call out ftltui for nilvlec , tee we you w Ill conrohttmrato us fit wa leg Ito Is Ohio suf tru e frleitd.- Rocky ! .iuuuirnlit News.i Lu elief to the Afflicted. tumed lcitics , as In scietico , h-lie specialIsts too the sio ) always coitus to titu froltt attd umeccittipilahi res ults. 'Ihils rettiark Is especially applicable to hi. \Vagtuur , of tutu cIty. IIu stamiuli at thto top luno fe.sloii , attil the cures lie htetfurius for the atut wouthul smctiu wouittunfttl If not IrolurtY Near in the light of , ucJeuitIhhii uucsiulneuuiettts. flu is hiy Ohio itiost euiilstetit of Ohio tutedheal faculty , nt 843 I4urattiir street , alters Ito will , tIucoiIh. t cure for thai suhterlutg of eithitt sex , Ito lust. ' cottillicutuil . their uuniplaiuit.-I'oitiuroys E nic Complaints Require pr Time for a Cure. . , at a tilstiutco utto wish toRe treatuul hiy Pr , u ids'.I mint foil backwarit hiCt'4titsU of hutahillIt h im. If tiiuy mIhI writs Oui thu ilocton lie elli lis t of iutitlott mm hilelt euiahjlus hihii to scud , ( siuuiMel auth sulm iccu to thiouttautuli lie his. h. its hail littltiultis lit oi cry tity , too Si aitu Ju t Colusrusio , we a cli as all over thom Iiuiltud Sue his tmtlIeuti lit liii aultertlsuumioutt. . lieu , nu. tiw Shall We Reform ? neuttuiltos for itiluitsuasos Is the thuory at hrosvlit of utluttateil atuil uxjutrlcuicb L . s ' suud lit till lange iouuitiiiiuiltlus tlituy lituu e - cl'aitlus , t4) excel lit uvhulehi tRuly direct flieR it lnctlcu , Pr. Waguitr Is a wtmecssfiii II. u of thu , iiodut it bilitSul of slwlaltles. auth Iii. euitetl tcittxestI lii thu trustuiicuit of 1rlviitc i s us woiiiIrfuh ass it Is ihuutterhiig.1 nsf , J OM l crwouis mu Ito ticuil utiouhlc.ul relief for the ittost o f iiIuao mm lii hhutil au iexniutilisluoul muuiti silo tybiCIui lit thu jersout of Pr.Vagtttr , No. ter street , o Ito i highly u ucsuuiiuiieuiufutl by thit rufutou , ut hiumiio tuuI iuh.o.und . , Ioluuveay s , ilIotry arid Litttriuiieu tutubO glue a ay to a uid the tu listi fhu itcItui liehbucus iii Iettittg liii 0 for Ohio glory of hIs fellow mticui , l'rItttvn , torch hiu ( aiim hiu.t tie IA , t.uihdu . flue weary i nto to thitm touuttalut of Itualtit. if thu urLlcl W hutstnuuiueuttal as it ' "i ( )1Il ( I fltu I II' set uuji. o guide auihTerluig Ittiuuisuilly ( U 8 13 Lutrltmiei ttier , Voloraslu , It sill auissur lAte u.unliose it stes munlttcu , , 1ululrt.t nit. HENRY WAUNEIt , us 2310,1 r maO at 313 Lerliiter $ treot. iltuttytur , t3v10. sl thtu columnum ) iuadttd "Thu Nueusaity fur tIi " OMAI Eas the Bcst Stock in Omaha andiMakos the Lowest Price F URNITURE ! Mirrors , Bedding , Feathers , Aii d Everything pertaining to the Furniture - ture and Upholstery Trade. P5h SEN'ER EL1VATOR CIIASI SFJIVEICK T 0 A , . " . .i P 1201 , 1208 attul l2lOFnrlumrn St. oriii1 , NEll. M AX MEYER & CO. , 1MPORTERSOF H AVANA CIGARS I AND JOBBERS OF DOMESPIO EJIa- AR , TOEADEJOg1PIPE $ SOKER' ' ABIPIOLE $ PflOPItIETORS OF THE EOLLQ WINO C ELEBRATED BRANDS : Rein a Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60 to $120 per 1000. AND TIlE FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CENT OIGARS : Com bination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and Brigands. WE DUPLICATE EASTERN PRICES. SEND FOIl. PItIOE LIST AN1 SAMPLES. S iu . I SALEM FLOUR. Tnt Flour is nutuhe at Salem , ltlehutnulsout Cor , Nebraska . , It , the Conibhtiod Roller Stone System. W EX . CLUSIVh sale of uuur flour to one 11cm Itt Ottialia. Write for Prices. Addros either a p100. We Iuuuo opoutud a bratmch at 1018 CapItol avonu . PI1'.3i , . Satom or Omaha Mob. : E. jrnt , DEALERS IN H all's Safe and Lock Comp'y . . lIRE AND BIIRGLAE PROOF SA FES , VAULTS , LOCKS , &c , :1. : a a :15'CLX-:13.ltm : : tr't. mnIua. , Iw _ OAI'IUYACTUIOEIO Ot voiied IrooCornics , Niudo CasFiniats ! SkylIghts &o Thihntcettthm Street Neb HENRY LEHMANN JOBBER OF , , - all Paper all \Yino \ Sllaes. EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED FARNAM STREET , . . OMAHA NEll , - . J. A. WAKEFIELD , - . Wll0USALE AND RETAIL IMfALft IN ffihier , Lath , hlilales , Pickets , SA H1 POOR , BLINDS1 MOIILPINUS , LIME , CEMENT , PLTIIR , . . SPATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CIIMENT COMPANY. Union Pacific Depot , - . - OMAHA , NEB itib1i1id iii . . ' u- r , . - ' - I ( LI1u.n.nnTl I \IIIIIIVIIII d. L)1I11JUUll ) TilE LEADING # 1/t i T' ' Factory ! t p * / . . -JO is 140) tuiti 1411 Dolgo Street , is..svZ . , I S , I , AHA , . - - - - : NEBRASKA , M. HELLMAN & CO. , holesale Clothiers e130/ AND 1303 FARNAM STREET COR. 13Th' , Lt , . . . NEDflAS1