F . - THE DAILY SLn 14ONDAY , SLrP1'EMBi:1Z 17 , Id89. j r , 1 t l 9 1 I i i ; sf" ft tit foil CD thwl wl sib are eitl 4 . I , , KIRKOOD r This is n new and beautiful addition to toll city of Omiima , situated iu the north pert of the city , fronting on ( Shdrutlut avenue , and is the most desirable location , for residences , thhl has been placed on the market - ket for years , . BEDFORD & SOUBR , KikwIud1 I Tins property is divided into regular size city lots and acre lots which will be sold at reasonable prices and on easv terms , BEbFOItD & SOUEIt. . KIRK WOOD. Fronting 700 feet met Sherman Avenue , This property cannot fail to be desirable and will be rapidly taken up and improved. No hills to clitnb , no ravines to cross , in getting to KIRKWOOD addition , Re- ineuiber , when you buy a lot mil this addition , you : will not have to pay : Jn anount equ.tl to first price to grade your lot before bnildiug , Kirkwood. . . Street cars will be run to this addition at an early day. These lots will double in value in 12 months. Call at our office and see plat and ulrlke soleotions early. BEDFOILD & SOUER. KIRKWOOD. Iaegallt Building Sites and at half the price of any other lots in ( ho city of equal distance and location , on the best street in the city. BEDFORD & SOUER , 14th Street bete Farnam . and Douglas. Improved Property. A 4 $ Tf00--12 room house , com. 18th and Csllrornta streets , 0 closets , cellar , city water , outhouses , eta 7 $ 700-0 roam house on N. 13th etrcct , cloocta , cellar , efstern , well , one. B.DEORD & Souxi. 12 42,800-Oood dx room houro on Davenport , bet. 23d and 24th , two story o oset8 , pantry cellar , cistern , wcU , fruit anti ehrublery , etatle and outharu0e. 15 831011-1t11 size lot on McCandlleh place , altll two frame cottegee , sue 5 room , ona S roam. For sale or exchange. 14 42,100-Good two and a half acre lot with Sye roam cottage , brick cellar , well , trulttreee , eta 17 One of the hest three ory brlckbusmese houses on Farnam street Tenn pnsato. 19 $3,200-New 7 room house on N. lath street , All modem Imrrovemcntc. Good location , Cheap. 10 $5,300-New two etory houao Queen Ann style. AU modern Improvements , city water , lot 100x 100. :2 Two full l& . St Diary's avenue and 20th , with 3 hoaee , . Will be Ont claas bualness property. Terms easy. .4 (14,750-Lot 04x00 , aitt. two houses. Cheep. 30 8500-Two ; houses In Nelson's addition , on Cen ter etrcct. Outnouees , chten , fruit trees , eta 3 ! llusineM house and lot on Douglas .tret , ( beL 14th end 15th. xl New 8 room house.nChlcago. bet. 24thand 25th. All improvements. 35 Two new houece , one six end orh.r 8 rooms. Firetclas3 em ! modern hnproveincnts. Tcnne } : aw. $8 9,700-lot 100x13 : , College Street , ltedlak's eubdh IJmr , new 6 room house , well hnproval , 3 tr'oo-Lot ' 50x150 , Convent street , 0 room cot , ago , largo bae0111eIt sultebk for rooms , barn , $ 0 ' 2 Soo-6 'nom house , Tlmrnell's addition , barn , well , clot en , good lurprowmmts , $0O cash , 91BUO on long time. 14,200-7 Loom house on Davenport , bet , 10th and 17th. 45 Lot 175x500 on Shcrman , largo houro , barn an 1 other improvements. Lot without Improve. rnente Is worth the money we ask for it. 47 f yo new houses cord two full Hizo Iota on park avenue , blot and cold svalur , and all modem , fretelaaa Improvements. llousee would coat what wa ask for whole. Extra goat' ' bargahu. 43 92,000-Lot82x150 car. 17th and Center , house 4 rooms , burn , water , trees , outbuildings. d0 $2,400-Five room house , ibta bet. Calttornla & Webater. Nice roperty. Tcrma easy. 50 91,100-but 0 , bock H , Shlnn's 2d addition , One and a half story house. Terms easy. 52 t1,0Ot-Good 7 room house on Sherman , Modern improvement. , .tablo , well , cistern. A bargain , 58 $0(100-Fug ( lot , one 8 room and one 5 room house , new , 5 block. from the opera hompv. Very cheap. 'e ! $ lyi20-Splendldlot on Iodao , near 11th , e7uap A7 $7,000-inrce house and small cottage. Excel lent Iocallon , full size lot , 1)aven1port ) , near 10th , a $4,6(0-but 00x200 , good 4 room house , modern mpravcinents , near ku.lnesson Sherman ave. 4 $7,000-Two tulllots , with two good h use. , 25th and Chicago. Val sell separately for each. ) 02 91,100-Two , lots , 126x140 , wlth house stable etc. Ipukere eub.4ldslon. 33 $ lIG1-lot and a half , good house , Redick' . sub. division , ( onrnes ) 05 Lot with 7 recta house , Chicago , bel. 13th and 14th. Ol 1,501-Lot and 5 room house , rlorbach' . addl. Non , wshl , chum , . Everything In good re. ! r. rO2 fT&O-iwt and Broom house , Gard , ber. l4Lh and 17th. Unimproved Property Felt SALE Dl' DEDFOItD1&SOUKIL No. 2 91,000-Lot 00x127 , Indiana and Dhlelon. 8 VOO each-Two lote84xl32 each , on 11th. Cheap , and 2lots 00x132 each ore 10th , 116o each-7 lots In Yates & Reed's addition , 23 $7,200-12 full size lots , Hanscom Place , one black west of Park avenue , 8850 each-Two lots on Park avenue. Bargains. DUelileas lots on ( lodge , between 11th aid 12th , 31 $400-Lot in Shinn's addltlon , on Seward ctreet. 33 $3,000-Full lot , Reed'slst addltlou , oa 25th and Chicago. 4$5,000-Six good hem In Ilanec.ra Place. Bar. gams. W e3,000-Lot 50x120 , on Farnam , near 20th. Vex cheep. f0 $ 'ML-Good lutln Lowce addltlon Cash. 50 FouracrosinwestOmaha. mkt $ .550-tut in Isaacs & Selden's addltlon. 05 Two lots 14th and Leavenworth , ( buslnesw hole , ) 07 $325-Lot 12 , Alien' aub dlvislon 61x110. A bar. gain. 08 e175-Lot 4 , block 1 , ruwo'elet , addition , Good Iocetlon , 09 81,600-Fine lot , Baldlck'e addition , Turk eve , 84 $400-52 feet of block M , Shine's addition , Flno view. to $2,200-Lot4lxOOon 18th. nuslness property , worth twlco the price asked. 04 ,47,500-Full Biro graded lot on Chicago , ; bet. 13th and 14th. 08 $ SO0-Ooal lot'hlgh location , south 10th. 100 (10,000-33x132 on IOtl , , bet. hlarnoy and blow. aid. 103 $750 each-Two extra good lot in ) lansaome addition , Coodhhililocatlon. Bargains in Farms & Lands No. 10 $27 per acro-100 acre improved farm , near Cros toil , Iowa , 10atreswootllaud,45 , acres corn , 25 acres Timothy amid ( 'Inver. 13 IlOa40 acres 3.4 of a mile west of Ft. Omaha , two hmees , tsvo barns , granary , corn crib , two wells , boo bearing fruit trees , 300 grape vines. will aed or uachangc. H $7,000-2On acres , halt tnllo N , W. ! 'Jkhanl , 110 aermin cultivation , balance pasture. Four room house , liable , etc. Terms easy , 51 $000-160 erns good land , 41 2 miles from Bun Iingtoii , Coltco county , Kansas. Will exchange for Omaha property. 55 $35,000 cash tine of the best stocked ranches bl the Stale , IIOO acres of deeded land , Call for 'Particulars. ' al $ i,40o.-210 acres adjoining city of Wilber , Saline county. All tinder fence and wolf hmprovirl. This property lit cheap al $10,000 4O $20pcracro-400 aricsa miles from waterloo , Douglas county. part in cultivation balance metailow , all good laid , WI8 sell orw II arrange with cattle man for co artnershlp , ur will con. tract to feed 300 or 400 Aced of Cottle ; 70 to 82-10 000 acres in Morrlek county. Oootlt ill. able IanJ , and will bn sold from d8 to $3 per acre. S k ) $7 ror acre-Will buy 100 acres In Cede Co , DO $15. pcr acre-320 acres 2 mllea from hlamburg I.wa $7 d15 , per acre-Improved near Logan Iowa , 104 Several hundred amen in Juming Co. Neb. 105 Six thousand acres In Stanton Co , Neb. 107 dl0' , cr acre 2200 acre. timbered land in Ray Co , Mo , three mnsllfarme outnia land , balancei good cottonwood timber , which wiU more than ay far lnveatment. For ealo or exchange Omaha property , gTea11 and examine other property not Isth , BEDFORD & SOUER , 213 S. 14th , bet Farnam and Douglas , : , , . . v . . . . _ LAY REPRESENTATION. The h4cthodist Coutercuce Passcs a Bcsotatiou Askta Lay Brothers to Come. Drlynett's Athlrepsa In Beussrd tothe Work of Ohurelt Uxtenalon , The Lay EI.ctoral confer.ne. mot at t1. ) cighteontln Street .hutch at 2 o'clock p , m , , Saturday and TM 0pSR.d with sing'and prayer , w G , Oliiibroreof Tekamah WM chosen chairman , aliii David Cole of 6otitk T.uth Streetchurch , Omaha , aecretary , Oa ( notion , the following were chosen a committee uu credentials : I ) , h1 , Ilaver 1y , .1 , T , Spencer and E , M , Crowollwllo , reported thocertificates of election of all presout tie correct , Mceere , Sanndera and Tucker were appointed a committec on resnluthms. On motion , the laymen proceeded to take an iuforual ballot for tiolegat.i to the general conference. Ilavorly and Ilotleo were Appointed tellers , ' 'his ballot reatQled in a inn' jority of votes for a. 1' , hall , of 'Peka- utsll ; iuul n motion was nmdo to make IL formal , anti declare (1 , 1' , hall the tnltulf- 111008 choice of this electoral conference 83 lay delegate to the general conference , which motion prevailed , Oa motion the meeting preceded to take nn informal ballot in respect to n reserve delegate , but no ono receiving a majority of the votes cast , at onCO took a formal ballot , Oii the third ballot W , ( ( ) linger was elected , BusolUTIONS , To exproes its op1ui0n on the chief (1UCatiOhl noy being discussed by the church , the electoral conference passed the fohlowheg Rcsolrcd , That the lnsy electoral coin- forencu of the north Nebraska annual conference is in favor of ne chamgo in the time limit iii respect to pastoI- service - vice , Thu following was passed also : RCBOlI'Cl , That it is the 801180' of this electoral college that we favor a frill lay roprcaentation in all our , annual confer- uncec , aid that we instruct our delegate to labor to obtain such a result at the next general conference. Ur , Knott , secretary of the Counee- tional Church Extoutfonsociety , address. ed thw conference in the evening on the theme that all the while etcr gnges his attention - tention , and set out the subject in a plain and in tthenatieal way. Below is a eon- tensed brief of nn. KYNl rl'H sl'RBCiI , Two questions 1 wish to discusa : 1. What is church oxtcnsiolt ? This department - ment is a permanent factor in society church building. Every church should have a corporate existence , each State leaving statutes respecting the ilicorpora Lion of churches , When you would so. cure a location , be aura that the title is not impaired. Next , the design of the church building is an essential part of making nn impression en the public. Our architects are very capable , and churches built from their plats are recognizable - ognizable all over the western country , and shy alteration in our plans is uoarl sure to 51)011 your building. Next comes the FINANCIAL FEAr'UItS case. Every pastor ha expected to preach oico a year on the subject of church extmtsion , and take up a collection - tion , which , jointly with the rovjmiue from other sources , is disposed by the patent society in multiplying the number - ber of churches. "Illany house shall be called the house of prayer" is the motto of God. 1Vu can't have the benefit of churches without work , 2d , The tol- tioiiii of this work to the general inter. eats of the country. You have looked over the geography of this country , and compared it with other Couitriea.A learned professor fifty oars ago predicted that the population the United States would be ill 1880. A Frenchman has latly sar- tled the continent with the circulati.n that in seventy the population of this country would be equal to all Europo. The star of empire has bean moving westward - ward five miles a year. The population doubles about every twenty-five years. TilibMAHHL'1 OF TILE 1'E01'LE are coming to us from foreign landswith habits and purp08c8 such as they possessed - sessed before crossing tuna ocean. What is the meaning of this oxcitonleut in to- spect to the saloons now TUTU already set up in this country ? Who pwn and 01)0- rate thorn ? 't'his is the crucial hour of America. Farewell to tire bettor iusti- tntinns of this country , except the effect of these saloons be counteracted , If we shall bu silent , we desire not burial upon American soil , Iustitutions teaching morality--church building nmiung the best mxuII1-must ho organized and the ullicieiit , i iOru thiau over , if the country shall not he given up to bad , and in- ceasingly bad , institutions. But this is our golden opportunity , and if not acted upon , ncreasiug time only makes morn diflmdt the working of a reform , 1Va are at work. A nine a few years no looking over thu map of 1 itnsas , sand the Methodists had given the State the ine491es. We have given to Nebraska $27,1170,00 , , 1111(1 loans of a large suni , and have planted 187 churches , and we expect a butter return thian a high license jhluor law. MOItHlNI SE8HION , 'Phis morning the conference again met , Rev. S,1 , Van Doozer conducting devotional exercises , William G , Olingor , bearing a cortifi onto from Tokanalt , on motion of J , II. Leedom , wan elected to older's orders. Ituports were received from the coin. inittecs on auditing , tracts , bible cause , Alaala , public worshilp , the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society , and Woman's Hume Missionary Societhe Freed- man's Aid Socie Y , and thee Steward of thu conference , Silas H , ' [ 'ticker and Chas , F , With. row were admitted on trial , The question of making Fullerton College - logo a university far this conference vas ( IiSCUSHCI and referred to a committee t0 decide during the year. This evening Dr. J , 0 , Ilsrtzell , I ) 1) , , will speak on the Freedman's ad work , 1)r. JC Pott of Philadelphia reaches to.inarruw morning ; orliuatiOIi to elders and den. Col's or lers by the Ilisho1 p in the after- 510011 , TIie following resolution , Introduced by .1. B , Maxfield , was adopted this riwrung : JleJolvcrl , That we very respectfully meaoriahizo the next general eedoroieu to fix as the western boundary of this colforolco thu line recununan ed by the Nebraska conforeiicout its sessioiiat York n 1881 , said line running as fellows : be. ginning at a paint whore the west ifno of flail county intersects the Platte river anti running thence duo north to the north line of this state , Reaovcd ( , That our delegate bo in. atructed to present this me iorial to the next general conference and to use his best ndeavor to secure favorable action on the same , ) tr.Vooltverlh's Ilook , TIIR CATIIRhnAl,1N TIllS AHRntcAN Citutcn- by James M,11'oulwvrth,1. , , L,1) , , Chain cellar of the 1)I.ccsoof ) Nohra + ka. Now York ; It , P,1)uttonlc Cpl. 8 , 0 , Caulfield , Omaha , Many who take up Mr , 1VDOlWOrth'S little book will be surprised to learn that the atitlredral is so halo an innovation in the American church , that at the separa Lion from the English church our stub. born rovultitionary prelates rejected ovorylhing English that wan non essen tial , - including the cathedral in that category. So deep was this Prejudice that not until Bishop Kip ahead his episcopal chair in Grac. hhurch San Iranmco and called it his c nthodrd , about thirty years ago , was any'att.mpL made to revive the negl.ctod institution , Agitation of the subject resulted in the erection of state ) ' edifices at FairbnulL Davenport , I'ortlaud Albany and other 1pointsr and to-day the im , ortncu of he cathedral in theI : pisco lal church n n ml the attention ( Pad to Its details call for an intelligent guide to church workers , just such as Blr , 1Voolsvorth has caun 1)110(1 , A very contplato , though not extended , sketch of the cathedral system is giver , front its rude nod simple exerttuus a1 the early days until it bucauea highly orgtn ized body' , amid a center of ulliun to thin whole diocese , 'I'Ime ' usoftllness of the council advisory to the bishop known as time chapter , is lhSCUa9Od , and the organ. ir'ltioa of time chapter in this State , in 1872 , touched upolm , The ditlure11cos iii the pmctiee5 of cathedrals , the cathedral nv n missionary ngeuuy , the cathedral told time Sec city and its aecessorios all form subjeets far ditl'urent chapwrs. 't'here is also a plea for nmaintainimig the daily oflico by the cathedral clergy. I n these days of sehiiuis the cnthmo. drtl will be found a healthy guide in daetrinal and cereuonial points nuti as their numbers inercasu in this country their sacred dignity and iullueneu will be moro and more a restraint 1131011 those fuutastic ( Iiverniots which urn pr.uo to occur in any diocese. The presmrcu of time bishops chair throws over time catime. dial au inportaoco whichi slmould protect it front patty disputations. Taw work is ono of general interest , one that will give light to the chutreluman and iutorest tlmo general reader , l'receed fn g by n few wees the cumlotion of the Nebrska cathedral , of which time autlwr is clmaucOllor , out which has been cote strueted very largely after valuable sug- gcstious from hum , limo book is , to say the leaat , tiulely , - - - - ® - - ltoal Estate Tranalbrs , Tho'follownng deeds wore filed for roe- cord in time county clerk1d olice Suptoumbor 16 , reported for THE BRe by A11ies' real estate agency : Ella A. Southmayd and husband to Fancy Dudley , w d , lots 7 , 8,11,10 , , Il and 12 , block 11 , in Shiun's first add , $2 , John Murtagh and wife t0 Agnes B. Willia11s , vv d , e k lot 7 6 71 , Onmahn $400 , Francis S Blaney to John E , David. sem , w d , n . lot 7 , b 7 , Shiun'H first add , $2,200x , , ; , „ yo0tsco'ates Alvin Sanders and wife to Mnds ' 'oft w d lot 11 , block 12 , Shimum's odd. , $1,225. Alexander 0. Troup to IIerbest A , Doud , w d lot 2 , Allen's sub , of lot hi , $300 , JnoL. McOaguo and wife to Alexander C , 'Proupty d lot 2 , Allan's sub , of lot 2 , $226. Jolui P , Cluck and wife to J , b , ltan- son , q c d all of block 12 , except lots 2 and 1 ; ) , in Florence , $2,00 , Herman Smith and wife to Wililmuut Mack , tv. d , , lot 5 , block J , John I , ltedick's subdivieion , $1,400. Wm , Wilson to J , F , Ransom , w , lot 6 , block 11 , Florence , $25. TIlE FOItGEIfIES OF M'KEIi. A Lincoln Memey Lender Badly Hg11eozed , Fairmont Signal , Geneva , aid in fact time whole county , is surprised aid ajitated ( over the discovery - covery of time rascality in ale of her citi- zeus. It , A , McKee , the Genoa lawyer , has been negotiating loans of real entitLe for diflorout parties , among then 1Vm. M. Clark , a lam broker of Lincoln. Ono of the loans made by Clark , through McKee , was money belonging to Mr. Yates , telegraph uma11mger. ( laving oc- 0851011 to use time money in other ways , Mr. Yates sold time umortgnge and it was sort to time county cleric to hnvu the as- signnmeu recorded , 'limo ] molder of thu mnortgitge tvns at omiCU notified by a1fr , 1Viutor'steen thit : no such papur was ever lCCOrdur , and that his signaturu to thu certificate of record wits a furgeny , Mr. Clark iuumediatuly cane hero to umvcali- gate nml found that he meld siumil8r wortluluss paper to the 8uuount of $5,400 , Intl of it forged by McKee. Ills uiaumer of proceeding vztn to hake an nppheatien , forge time 11anme of 801110 owimer of it good fern , than sign time moues of the Ann amid leis wife to a nmort- gage and to all tune notes , sign a justice's 1151110 to the mmCkIIWiedgmiient ) , sign the clerk's nano to the certificate of record , send in Limo papurn and ( boar tlio nouuy. The papers ware all ill proper shape , except - cept that every signature , About a dozun iim each case , wits a forgery. Among those whoso naves he thus forged wore James Bivius , Charles MmIc and Jesse 'J'honpson , 'l'ime latter loan had just been effected and a draft drawn for $1,000 , Lot ft was dineowred in time to stop time draft , On the otleri , , time moo who loaned the mnoey will lose it. La some way , McKee became aware that discov. cry wan inunimmnt and he came to Fair- mont Thursday and took time night trsin cast , silmco which time ho has not boon heard from , 'l'horo have baen ugly runmors afloat that thin Is not ? 1r. ) slc- lCee's first exporielmec in being 'too han day with his pout" but people wore hurl ly proparud for the uxposuro of sack a u1'stuinatic ph0ca of villainy. It is now a 8unplc gtestinu with iiim whether lie passes the 11uxt ten years in exile or in IIt SOn , McKee wasarrestel in ( Jidventaim , l'uxui , and is new on his way buck , MfCIOAN ) AI l"AIItH , Time Condltlor of Ihn Connlry nH Hhow11 by Ihol'insidonG'H ; Air.HSngu. s City or MExleo , Suptembur 10-'flue Prenidunt , in his message to Congress , says ; ltluxicsi s foreig11 rulatinns beconmo every mnore satisfactory ; that the conlituu of th0 couutr is good , though doers exists n u fiumcinl touhlcie wliich will bosiouudil y ' overcunw , 'J'he progress of internal iui reoveuent is hi ghl ' satisfactory and visible to ever - brul . ' has constructed mare than 150 kilonetors of roads time National Construction coin , any , mnore than 1,000 kilomet rs' tli total kilo. nmulors of railroad mnnntructutl in tue Be. public , 4,800 , , It wan necessary to modify DO NOTSTORU ( TIfE BYSTtM , WITiiv'fol.aNT CATIIAInt.4TIIAT ItACN AND TRAII ANT tYIAKFN Tait : UNIOnTNUATk IN' VALIDlUrTONNTIii ! STOMACIIkCLlkviTIIE : liOWRiSiiXGULAT ThiEl.lVkit ANDlnti'Rlmsif T11R NRRYIt9 WiT11 TARRANT'S EFFERVES OENT SELTZER APERIENT Wiii N T1IIt FIIIST STM1 OUS OF ii.LNIee4 AI'I'RAR. A MOkE DG i.IONTFVI. RFFRItYI lCBNr DIIAU01Ir 19 NOT TOSRTOUNDANDA MOiUt I'OTCNT itYMaiy FORDYarM'SIADIIOUSNW9,1 CORHTIPATION , xanyoun ii.ADACIIR , COLIC ANl ) GILNRIUL D1i01WTT , DOai ROT LUHF , SOLD aT ALL DNVOUbh , the agreement mnde bJ an uholficial ngens with time Brit'eh ' bondholdera , Ne'otmnti011e arc pro reesili for a loan of $20,000,000 abroad , bwhiclmf hope will 501)11 turminatu satisfactorily. Thu rove- mimics for time fneca ) yearmdcd June 30 last tvero $113e600,000 au increase of $1,600,000 over tim pru viumin year , 'I'lm revenues of limo prenuhit year bid fair to exceed time noun rnmr tioned , Nutilicntiunn of ilw euatuums tariif aru near ) , ' coumpleted. Thu new postal code will soon go into force , Ovurlnmid mlail collllmmtlimi 7tmo11 tvitit the Uniteti States is to > ee ilupruved , l'ublie instruction is ill a lluurisllinl condition , Every effort is being mmlu to attract a good elnss of ranijgrouts , 8mid large cott tracts to this mad have boon 11uulu. 'I'lmu early is in good eondition and pm1cu ruigmis throeghuut ; , thou republic , 'l'imo birthdas ' of l'nri'rio ' 1)i8zw-an cola- brated with great onthusiavn , TIte He. public , time orgnu of 1)r. Raumu11 Pernnn- ( luzl nonmiuntee Dinz for prceidmmt , 7'lmis rndmcates dons thin powerful following of Furnalmduz twill support 1)illx for time uuxt term. e- ' 1'l' IiEGltAE'Il NOTES , l'emisacnla ha ntlll health ; four mow caMex,1)5) ) ) deaths , at time navy yunl Ile time htmL 21 hours' The faculty of Lehi hglt Unlvonsity , nt Ilet11. lolmnl , I'a. , urn expelling all poplin mlgaged iu hnzhmg. Eleven lobos ) ) imlllael alts ! nororah Ofiiws were burned at ( .nroy , 111 , , Friday night , cuttxing a hoax of $80,111.10. Thu 1'ostumaxtor ( ; o0oral says the rednetlon in hotter pushy u still Cause a Ions to taw guv erumont of uvar $2,000,000. Copious rain full { u Spriugfineld , lll „ and viemnity early Sunday nwlrnimig , belug the firat raufall [ of any iumportnncu for a ts'uek. A firs at .1Nclrammvlii0 , Ain „ Snturdny , do. strayed twonty-two houses. Thu loan is caLI united at $50,000 ; lusuraleo , $10,000 , 'l'Iocottage of Miss Cnthorlmo 11'olf , at Newport , costing $500,000 , hats been made babitablowith $160,0(10 ( worth of furniture. , radlu Edgertmi ) ms decided that the 1)a kola Capital Commtaslmt is inn Illegal hotly , and hla order ouats tluout from their pewltiolma , with costs mm tlieni. Ira 1) . Sankey , having dissolved pnrtmmer nership with time evaugellstMoody , Is about to unite Ids singing with thin uxhortiug of Thommne llarriamta the buy preacher xs.'s. policemnau at Val laralvo , Amd , , witnesaed the cracking of a cafe In a store , from which $3,300 s'aa taken , The cop was uudor the shadow of a cocked ruvnlver/ / , ' Tiuiiiuiou n has appoared-lu tlm0 cmttio Imi lelmvaro , Chaster mend York cwtntles , I'm m. nylvnmita Abunt 300 have i eotm nlectml , a dozmi of which hnvu bemm killed. Lord Derby , Colonial Secretary , states that the Intperlnl IIovurunent deprecates tire pro. msml scheme of nnuexutlou of the l'nclfie Islands to the Australian enioules , 1 , B. Blno of Slduoy , 0 „ n gray hondod old loan , and an old amid of fifty , luunod Mlss , lulia Mniu , tvoro nmrriotl Saturdayin time do. put waiting room at 1)aytem.c. It wns Lilt 0101)0. , xnD - prxYmOeICHY1,0 , , The Dominion department of time interior known nothhmg of'clally ' of time report of the Uuitcd States soldiers Ittvading Canadian tor. ritory mid kidnnpphmg desertara of the Amnor- lenn army , q anaH3lauy gwlnll3lh , , The North Chicago Rolling Istlll cumpmy , have made nettlemnmd with Its coon to last tam romnaindor of the year , The ndll will reamue work 11oxt Monday , giving employment to about 2,000 coon , Tim mttgulficont Stewart cathedral , at ( inr den City long Iclaml , will be dedicated next Wodmesdny. It is said to ho time nmoat oxpeu nive pioeo et church architeoture in Amurlen , mind to leave cast $2,000,000. A suit ltas boon begun In 1'hlladalphin ngaimstVLirmerk AfarrItt , fonuor owimors of time steamer Tropic , for violating the United States lawn , tin carrying fifteen s"Idiure of lu surgeute from 1'Inuquo to llmyti,1. . . Time socool trial sd Jmuuus Kernan , clmrged with the nnurtlor of n nmau named lluusloy iu Chicago , roaulted iii n verdict of guilty , and he wns sontmmcod to time pmdtmrtlnry for life. 'rime first trial rueultod ! n a verdict of death , Tony Isilo Lind Julm AI , 1 + lwnrd , nntud manmmfncturere and mslmerx of "Limo queer , " fu bnsinoaa at I'hlladeiphin , have made nm met. slgnlneut to ( lie secret agents of the govern. nmmut , 'l'hoy wore jailed mud their tools car liscntad , 'fho ntaamer lVum , Ifarm nou , ( ruin IImmli tx Buatmu , hm ii fog riut Imitt , tluu stoumm collier I'ro fessor Moran , front Now York , Sattirdmy umruingg. 't'he Ifarrlson wow cat to time waters edge , l'liu 7s1nmwa befog an irnu vuxsel 1u ceivad tin daumgO , ! ilnch oxeitenelt ssaa caaaed i uumgthu pnssengcrx , : unrHOLs" ; ; , , (4co lxEe : ly k , { , 1'iN , ; rluanifaeturers of patunt tw11lobhidlmipg hrmr- seaterx , Litt' " Iliad their mnawur to 1) . AL ( its lyrn's , chitin for 1)ntuimt hlfrhiguuieit dtunagoa , mud malni a conuter clmium for $500,000. Os boom's snit suss for $ l,500,000. Thu troubla grows omit of tlmo distribution of cirmdars by amuse firma , each elnhnhlg to hnvu time great and only pntmmJ ; IIV/Ih.W / , : 'JSbnrtly before her doparturo' for Europe Mrs , Iaugtry stated that 8110 held extenslvu uumrtgngaa ea prnporty In Fifth nvmmuu and other streets In Now York. Saturday the troth of this ct'itmnont wars eontiruued by the fiiieg in the leglstor H ofhca of iaaiguulmimt4 of several mom lgagus to lire. Langtry by 1Vmm , foswulI min property in this city , time eoneidur ration belmig $ SI,000. , Sturiec havo' ' reached ilL , fohna , N. II. , of mutiny is the ( Jreuloy cmnp amid murder of the whole Party by inountnhm Intlim ma from ' ' unculiatmm I'sgahnanx e0urcen , 'J'Ime are tinted and tmruliabin , fine llnited States frigate l'owhattan arrived at St , Juhmmmc Suter. day , seven days out fromim Now Yurk. She will cruise ars mad Limo Newfnundluud cost and kmvuxtigato time causes of time colllslon and eomfllct betwcem the United States aid New. fomndliaul fishermen , Judge Mayo , of Virgjanln , wh commmnltted suicide om board a cteaumer bumind for Norfolk , Is ndd to have linen driven to It by Mahone { xdltics , Before hia mfeatim lie tohd a mitdeter tlmat when eiocted .ludgn he did tint rmgrate ital. itiadly with lmia cons , wise were protainont ro adjusters. Be wan told politlcs would not In terferu with lulus duties on time bench , Recently lie had buem urged to make rmnovols and imp. pnlntmonlx which afterward aIopearad in his oplulull n emulation or hasv , Ills political cite' rttk n Irritated hits and lie said Ito felt like amdhig lmis troubles by bluwhmg out hilts bralus , Col. Robert A1. Mayo , of 1V.stmnorolrnd anmty'Ylrgimbl , memler of congrccs.eluct , shut hhnaelf Saturday emi bn0ni Limo stoan er Ylrglmbs , from lialtlnoore for New Yurk , ' 1'lms.Gtmnchip llmduondet ( ) , ashore at Free. port , L. J , wns mores ! about her louKth shits mmrdngmt high water by the Coast 1Vicckhmg cnipany. , 'J'lluru are good pruapecl of get. thug lour utr. French ufiicinl dl.patchrx free Ianol [ state tlmo mmnerlcml strength of thu 01nck Flags lu thu recent hmttlo wmts 4,000 , 'flit , Black flag cotm11nander OX pitcted rd umorceneuta from toutug , limit thu Frunclm guubomta pruvented their arrival , 'l'imo Now York Pnllco have been nntifiod to junk for Abrtum A , Noshitt , the 10 your old mum of the prosidunt of the Second National Ilank of Eastom l'a. , who nut away from home. B ( e is said to lie heir to 550,000 , , 't'wo freight trains on tle ( Now York and Now Bogiamd road collided muar Wllllamaantiu Satunlay , Seven cars of muclmaudiw were wruekod , Nobody killed. Cause , dia ododluncu of orders , ! OMAHA MEDICAL DISPENSARY 1 i m OF FICIE AND PARLORS OVEIt TIIL ) NEW OMAIIA NATIONAL BANK , Thirteenth Bet. Farnam and Douglas Sts. Ar S AshbIatt M1 D1 , PROPRIETOR. 2'ho Rcason 11'hy 1)r , Fishblat1 fn l.n f oyinySuch UnparalledSNcccas , Thu aatomilshltmg cures affected by 1)r ) , I'lehblall , wf dlseascs lonucrly thought incurable , ltes-o given him a high rarik 111 ale mlletlle l ltrUietlslor , uI tills count ry , lie has won euch dcaetvcd calebelty , the people time far aret no 1ouger deeum t miccaasary to s Is It oaslenm cities to amol phyeldMIs comyslent to treat ompU- cated dlseaew. I Our Tos4timolninlssm 'lime tuthnonlal. and evlractr fromm letters publlshetl hr ' am only a few of the many thousands Ur , Fisllblaft le crostalay receidng , erd thruughont the uortlmwret and hi aeery county of No. bruska eanbe fuumid who to time of hie y ursouu can testify e0lcacy treatment ' i FROM A PROMINENT DitUOGIST OF BENNET'I' , NEB , 1' ; : I , aSidl ( $ , (1 J'rohmlinenl Jruyylnl (111(1 Land : lycnf of the 11 , and N R , R , ) f'riics : llnsartr , Ncbruka , March 2,1893. 1mL I'isnsmrrr-Ik'ar Sir. Appreciating the value of the'sen icea you have rculercd moo , I dcomltbut Mm act of shuplo Justice to you to erprere tlmo scnso of gratitmTu 1 fool tnw nnl you. After each etmiturlng as I lase had from catarrlm and throat troublev , lrtmt which all doctortmig 1 had heretofore done hall fatted to edicts e mime , however marveloni it may a year , tam dlsca.eIae nearly dlrapp 'aral alter your treatment of sroreely two month , , and in that tlmno I ) aru gaiuotl eight p0nndi lu weight. Couelder me , dear doctor , under es erla Ling obligations to ynuanl by rrfcrring any nun to mac , emllleted as I was , I ehall consider it in act of klmidnesatotltvuitoadslsothumto.ubnrittoyourln'ahucuL 1seryourfrIend , I' , A.SIUL5 , A lixriblc Clzsc of Catarrh Cured , 1loucn of fhc Nbsc DccaJ cd , Curcd in 114rce almlli8 , Fnn.oxT , Neb. , Anguet 2 , 1153. tn. ) I1smuLATr , Omaha : in view of the almost Ildraclmioma etmra you have eleclad in my case , l feel ta icy duty to you mind those eflietod ats I haw been to lw taw poet , ralso wheru it is duo. For years I have eutTersti fouum Catarrli lu the worst forum 'l'imo dlaclmrgo wac amstant cold very nffcu.h'o , amdth. bones of ulynose were luatad state ot decay. After docteringagreat deal withoutauccess , Iwas inducol to apply to you furtruatmont. Three umuntlo haw now scarcely elai , s d sluice you took charge of may case , and l am lopIty to mtport rnyxclf onnpletely evod of that dreadtul malady , and 1 am anxious to have all those trou blal wlnm Catarrh , whelp I curl hlamemmct'avaii tilommeoiv'as of } awr treatrmmermt. Tlankhlg you tuost heartily fortime greatiteon you Mate comlferreat elm mnmc , I amen aver gratellluy yours. 11118. JACKSON WILT l4MS , Fron a 1'ronfiient CUkcn of Boone tuny. 1)n. ) F1eunm.Arr-I ear Hlr : I do not know oxaetiv haw Ito separate may connection with you without sayiimg eomctimhmg to exprers my grateluhlevs tar relief brought by your treatment of nma My perslatency lu trylugoserything euggcvted by olbera for the cure of Cateerlt ham ! Jostled toy faith eanmewhat in the power of anyone brungllg relict. I oven mistrusted that your Proteanlama were haaevtehuplyolmtlmeorywhlch You desired to practice. But tom everlasting delightIwasleceiJed.'ourremediesandtroatnientworked like a clmarlti. I was nut only reileved of the s idresring IIiY of Catairlm , but was outlrely and , I boliove'ee frelly restored to health. I mu now no minors troubled with time effects of time disease whlch no alttlctal ma than it 1 never had the complaint , 1 do nut write thls puquNely for your use , to Imiduca others to teetyour skill In their behalf , butt think it my duty to nmake sumo kind of an ecknowlodgomeut , trilling and elinple , of how much good you Iavs mono ma in your safe and eertnln truahnent of a dlatroethlg uualaly J , w , bUMlILE. TCl'ltmofial from JFintboldl , N'cb , Mom ( moans ml , Hqumasof Iluudtollt , Nebraska , says : 1 have eugunxl for a long klme with rheuna- then , w itch has prostnmto.l lea to such an extent that I teas obllgotl to give up my farm. My left side was eepcclally affected , cold after trying nuuorous doctan without receiving any relief , i eubumlttat to your trcauucut ebtmt two mnonths ago. 1 inn happy to say that 1 ear uuw miuurla' scull , and conalder that you have pcrfonuevl on nmo a wondodnl cure. I laru gainal eight pounds and stn ; muw able to attnml to my work w Ithuut any tucuavunlence. Jtappincss FOI1OW8 Despair. TAT60a STATIon , Iowa , Fcbrua 7. Da. FrsuuLarr-/ear ) bir : 1 foci considerably bettor now than when arst m wrote to you , amid life le begluiug t0 haw cunmo charnms for time again , After having been bed rbldeu so tang , part of time time giving up all hope of es er beingablo to got up agahi , ! t seems ne tdco , l can hardly realize itto take my nmeals with a good appetite , to umevu about like other people do wlthmt Paine cold aches , allsf to have everybody congratulate - gratulato ne oil my Inm'roved ' appearance. And aim tile , doctor , Hanks to your treatment , which l ehan always believe , bias euakhed mu fronm the. adowro of death H11S. J , T CRAVEN. ' A DWloull Casc ( f Lun9j2loutlc Cured. 8cmuTLxa Nebraska , Feb. 7 , 1883. My 1)xaa 1l . FLIIDLIrr : I awe 7011 a debt gratitude wblclm 'i never will be able to repays for the erienlimio sklll you hnvu displayed itm reathlg time , I have for a long ( line teen conslderod a hopeless con. sungtlveMldeverybody , lndudingtayselfcon.blcredmydays mlmberud. My goal fortune led me to apply to you for trcetmmt last Novmubcrand iii Gds hmcredibly short tlmoyou have uffectudwhatnurnerouaotbor doslora Iave tailed 111 ; a complete reetoranor4 I have since gained fIfteen peuimda. and cunslder myeoll Umroagityouresb You are atiibertytuusethlaavareference forethers similarly afflicted. Yours Gratefully , ALES McINTOSiL Jl Is Frucourayiayl0 Read fie J'bllowny ( front a Lony b'ufferer Who has been oUndcr Dr , It'18hbrlt'e Treatment for About Two alfoymth8 , , IIAtauoxta , Iowa , January 20 , 1883. tin. FtelleLArr-Gear Hie My folks say I appear to have galnml twenty pounds since 1 commenced taking your umallciuu. Amid we I lhlnk timers was neverenytim ng like your treatment , 1 know that medl elite you cant nm was Just what I neal.L Yours truly , 111W. N. II. LONG. Cnt'Cl of Catarrh , $ Ifoorsa , Nebraska , February 1 , 1883. Da I'.rieLArT , , M , D „ Omaha , Nub-Dear Sir : I have boon sntlaring with cmtarrimIn the head everetne. I can renlmnher , and now I am twcutyadue years sit ago. 1 had lung thought a cure wets hnposalble , but use' . rrtlmuless plaoad myself under your lroatamt , limit with rather small faith I must confess. I am now haptytu say that I ant grua'ly reiluvud amid having strung Imopoaof a perfect cure. 1 have usurer used may mmlldnulcefore whlcim went right to limo scat of the disease as the mnodlelnu you gave time. ( loping may uthursutay Ilud relief at your hands , l ronaln yours respectfully , w , bl. MOY It A fort ! A'rat'alcd ' Casc of FCUIalC Trouble , I 'Ilmo lady who glues the fnllowlug tosUnmonlal duos not wish her naive to appear in print , but doer no0 object to law her naldresa given on applicatiotm. ' ' ' February 1 , 1883. A. H,1'isuemvrr-Iliad Hir Agnhu I wldm to spunk of the favor 011 coufurrel yon Ala. It sometimes scens too great to ho true tlat I uui cured. IYurtiutaii to express toy gratitude tn you , and ( sad it not paou for y ou ( ltdl only luvtwa where I would b now. l'erlmps yon tldnk 1 only say this merely for the sake u any Immg eunsetlilmig , lint , hulluve me when I say , that 1 never In my Ilfolmavu flit sograteful toward anyone for au act of klndueis , as I fuel toward you. Slay lutpphoe and prosperity attmld you through iifa , my bene- factor. , , JlojOiecd Over JI1H 1'cruunwnl Recovery. our ( Iennau friend ( rota Unalllla , , Nebraska , write. Juno 0 , 1583. la l'tamiaLsrp le nacht mlr verg,1uegen linen mlttholion x11 koenuen use fell jex0 Rut to wrgem mid smnmehuer alton Iranhuk silt Mauraulchta tnohr gcspuraht babe. ! ch fuuhle diesuY Fruehjah , pees * ale Ich or lamger melt gufuuhlt Inaba. Acbtu,1garoll. MARTIN iVEGNKl1 Ahdler etetlonsdat Fort llobrare , wheso friend was bed ridden , through a complication of disease writes minder date July 4th , 1833 : 1 aim pleavsll to inform you that my friend-is up again , and le gamin nicely tiruuglt time help of your valuable murUeluus. Ife cuutemnplatoa visiting you as coon as atroeg enoug Ma Ws , I--Tr , of l1.aarney writes Juno 5,1893 ; i have been takhmg'your medlelnes according dlrectiuna and tutu myself greatly hupruved. 'nmo Pahl iii my Imoud and any cheep much better , and I fo very muuch better In all respects and can go about mmiy work wltlm pleura 'Apprecaliny ( Wlid Dr.1'7shbktll Jlas Done for 11cr. GaAsD Istane , Nebraska , June 17 , 1883. 1)a. A. H , FIsmeWn ( : I eta fenllmig tiuita strung and looking much better. have galnsd asu youmtde welcht , % Vlsh 1 amid tell everybody how bad I felt anti how well l feel uuw , Yours , MISS. M. IIEIISTa T. lmtershe write. from luup CIty : My friends here had not seen coo for clx months ; were delighte4 with the lmprevement hi my Iialtim A young friend sayahe never saw me luoklmm ( sowell , ! 1188 IL 11 MSTIIELT. Mr. IL A lhmooatsof LynAei Nebraska , write. underdateol Apol23 1883 : Thu remedy whlsh I re- celvtslof yuu afforded great relief ; l fsel as thuugim 1 had born regenaratosi , A young gentlemsi from Eeeter , Nebraska , write.Junelet : IameaaeO.d that your meUcluea ' are hulplng mc ; l am not sa nervous , nor have the dluy spoils , 1n fact , Doctor , I feel as Iltougb I was aim- other buy altogether - 1i ldncy 'i oubc ( nndNervous l'roatrallon-ARernarkable Cure , ScmuytaaNeb. , July 12 , 1883 1)mL A , S I'LILLATT , Oinaha-1)earfir ; I'crmlt auto express to you my acknuwludgmemt of the great service pmm hnvu done lime 1mm rostnrlog too once more to healtim and etrengtlm. SVhun i first consulted you 1 ousted ltuyund deserlptlon Irvin kldnuy dlseaee and my nursous cyatenm seas In astate of eumpleto proetra , 110,1. 'I7efluttering ut my heart alter the elighteet exertlon , was buyund endurance. 'Ilmrongll yourtrea $ 1 went I and how completely restored an I vomistdur tulne n mimlraculoua sumo , l feel better than 1 have for ears , cud there are mo trauea of my old complaints left. Ysiy truly yours , JOIIN U. Slll'171. Savel fronts ( irtat4ulpflt'c'8 ' ( i'rat'e , Duxwr , IOWA , Septeiuber 3 , 1883 Att. Flemnm.Arr-i intended to conme and see you for a bug timimc , but IL seems iuqoswlble to do so. wMltod t0 10o y011 fare t0 face and retmnrl ) OU tiiall. , for what y'omm have slommo for illy wile' . healllt. Sb has peen batter Otevo last ela months than site has been for three years. She hoe nut taken any meloeno airmee the iaat ym StOut her timid itaa cotlua of it left , Situ has gained fuify 25 poumide under your truatulntl timid she Its uuw dhsg her work osery slay , 'l'imo iuully all jolt its seltdhig you their thanks. I advisu al contact whim , who mire troubbdwlthumigdictate / , to put thenutieed uudor your treatment. SVlahlug you , ue utd , I au , your frlond , J , H , MtCODUItEY. It wily bu oberrsd that Ilium above tustimno,1lala taro time.pontaneouv erpreasiousof those wlmo are , q have beemilmr , Fhhblatt'e patleate , are mot of am eminent data and fromsomu far oR place , but represent true YCUtimeutaof timotro who through his treatment have beeu reetored to health anti happiness All those cull , ring from Chronlo DIACaaeoof mu matter bow lougvtamdlug , , rant have au opportuolty o censulNligl'r , i'IuvArt : ovvicmts , OYEItTIIN OMAIM NATIONAL DANK , OMAHA , NFBEASKA CYNSUI.TA7ION Flt L Charge. nmdlarate and wlthfo the reacim of all who need selcnUSo modloa rnent 'iboea whu who reside al a dlatanco and ciuuut roll , will receive prompt attention throuiima mplyerl&ngthairgmpWuuwith yeatage. Addis. . Luck Bkx 84 , Ommala , Nab , m