Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1883, Image 1

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Te Capitol ReffloTal B11s1ucs3 Kllokc
Ilita a Coake ilat y the
Courts of Bakala.
Judge Edgorton Bounces thb Oom-
miasionors as an Illegal
Body , 'ivithOostu ,
1nnktoti JubIIntc nit l3cciirliig a
11attt 1'OiIght ' ( ( tOI7.
YANKTON , D. P. , Septombci lO.-Tho
full text of tim udgiaiont of tim court in
the quo varvnito cao against thu CapiLii
Commissioners was inado public
Judge Etigerton , of the District Court ,
after allirining his juristliction in the
preiiiisoi , recit the lugal service tIlOl1
each of the defotihmts nod their (1(10 ( np.
pearanco and answer to the coiipliiiant ,
4hrough thuir a'ithotizetl nttorneya :
_ ' 'That the case wa regularly ctllcd : for
L : : . trial at thu July (1883) ( ) turni , whereupon
llnifltilr , by itfi attoriiuys , duly
moved for judgment on said Plead
ingR , and by COOSCUt of SaUl
parties in opeii court , both of said inn-
tions were thereupon tried togothor. "
After mentioning various attorneys haying -
ing argued the case before tim court , the
dcci.ion continues : 'The court being
duly advised in the premises , overrules
aud motion for defeiieants , and grant3
and allows said motion for Plaintuif. It
18 therefore ordered and adjudged that
said defendants , each of theni be and are
hereby forever ousteil and excluded from
8aid office of commissioner mentioned ia
.atd act , in the COIflllfttIlt described , and
Ir9m all franchises and privileges iiainod ,
otiumorated and included therein ; that'
plaintiff have and recover of defendants
the sum of - - dollars' costa allowed
herein. "
The effect of the decision is to keep
the capital at Yanklon unless tlieSuproiuo
Court should otherwise order. It will
take three of the four justices of the
Supreme Court to reverse District Judge
Egorton's decision. Therefore the qao-
iion is looked upon hero as practically
settled in fnyor of Yankton.
] 3ISMA1WK , D. T. , September 16-The
decision of Judge Edgorton , ousting thio
Capital Commission , causes more niorri-
mont than fear here , pending the decisIon -
Ion of the Supreme Court. of the Tern-
tory and of the United States Supreme
Court , where the capit.'d removal bill
will urcly be taken by one side or the
other. The Comniissioncrs will continue
to act and have full control. This fact
Yeayes Bismarck (1uot afld confident that
the act of the Legislature repealing that
chapter of the political code which fixed
7 the scat of government permanently at
S Yankton will finally be sustained. The
contractors of tIm capitol building called
on the Commissioners to'day and assured -
sured thorn that they were ready to go on
with the work , which will be pushed to
completion before Christmas.
' . Wsitoro , September 16.-A corn-
pany of veterans of Sheridan's old corn-
\ mand , from Massachusetts and New
Hampshire , are in Washington on their
S way to his old battlefields in the Shounti-
doah valley. They kayo to-morrow for
Harper's Ferry , whore they holdtho first
camp-fire. From them th sy go toVin -
chester and other battloliulds , Sonic
- Confederates who took lart in the battles
have vlacos to meet the Union veterans
and visit the scenes of former struggles
with them. One object of visiting the
scoilos is to locate thu positions of troops
for the purpose of securing accuracy in
The report of the Commissioners of
Emigration for the State of Now York ,
show that 3G3,374 emigrants landed at
the port of Now York from August 3rd ,
1882 , to June 30th , 1883 , inclusive. Thu
largest number landed in any one month
was 69,593 in May , 1883 , and the smallest
8,343 to January of the sanie year.
Commodore English him received the
following telegramfrorn Ltsuteiiant Corn-
modoro Welsh at Pensacola : "I , on the
12th inst. , issued to the destitute about
1,800 rations , which I consider was all I
could do tinder orders of tim depart-
mont. I am reliably iiiforined that a deposit -
posit of $400 is now iii bank in I'onsaco-
In. subject to the rosurvo relief committee -
too , and last night I informed the treasurer -
urer thereof that 1 thought I had done
all I could at present under my orders.
No now cases and no deaths among the
naval forces , "
The Corean Enibaseadora arrived from
Chicago and were at once drivm to the
Arlington hotel. Nothing is determined
as to their future movements , but they
probably will remain hare only & few
days , thou go to New Ilork and possibly
to Bosthu , returning hero whiczi the president -
dent is in the city.
The Postolhice Department has begun
the distribution of two cent stamps , and
the requisition upon the contractors wa
the largest in miumbor of iiecos amid
value ever issued iii one day. Thu order
'was for 87,879,830 jmstago staIiii3 ,
' 7,131fJ59 14t411111)el ( envelope ; imiost of
these being , jf time t't ) cent deimoinimm.i.tioii ,
and 5,033,009 postd cards. Thu aggregate -
gate value of articles ordered was
; , \Vest Steuver , of this city , counsel for
Judge Itoburtsoii , of Lousiana , flied with
John J. Knox , Comptroller of time Cur-
' roiicy , a formal coimi1ilaint setting forth
'p the alleged violation of the law by the
Now Orheamia National Bank in substitut.
jug its name for that of the mnamiager of
thu lottery compauy in the advertise-
, , iI inelitEI which have appeared in various
journals throughout thu country. Steover
says it is thu iutxmtion of his client to
, * test the question whether or not a zui-
tional bank can lawfully go into the lot.
tery business.
Time N. 1' . ExcursIemmlHtR.
Ss.vrax , Vi' . T. , September 10.-Vu.
lard and party arrived. Thu city wai
illuminated in their honor. An address
of welcome was presented and responded
to by Villard , Carl Schura and others.
Nisw TAc0WA , 'V. T , , September 10-
- _
A party of journalists who nccomlamcd
the Viliard party , arrived this afternoon ,
and were entertained by the citizens ,
Speeches in behalf of Tacoma wore made
by General Sprague and the niayor.
lou. Win , Henry Smith , general moan-
gerof the Associated Press , General K
. Boynton and K V. Smalloy spoke in
behalf of the journalists.
l'oIiTi.&Nn , September 16.-lenny Vil.
lard with several of his gucts leave for
the East by spocialtraims to-morrow.
(1ItLMINAIi 1t1CItI ) .
, .
. w.niM FOR
PmN\ ; I 4 Ccl. , Sopt.mibor 16.-henry
: lI.4t'l' , it.i4 mlooro , who muntlored , lns.
; ill : lit , tiid .1 , II.Vonzehl ott the
't' , three miles from Chmuyemimio , last
l' imight , the object bning to secure
. : ) , in lOSSOSiiOIi ( \Venzoll , was ar-
L L5teLl ) 'ostertlay at Louisville , this State.
lie miinde no resistance. Ho said ho himul
to die but ommee , amid PrctlictQl lie would
mmcl lire five muimiutes after reaching
Choycono , oxpectiug to be lynched , Thin
greatest indignation is manifested , mmmiii
liiii vrovhiesy will probably lit ) fulfilled.
A BAr'ri.u von irm : ON c.u voi's.
IitwAsTnit , I'a. , September 16--TWO
tramps boarded a freight traimi on time
I'etmnsylvaiiia railroad at m1anietta Fiiday
evening , and cihubimig over time tops of
time cars mmmcl a brakeman and Railroad
Policeman ] Jergor , of ] 'huimidulpliia.
Drawing 1)iatOiS , the tramps ordererl the
two mcmi to throw up their lmiimds : , which
they did. Innuediately after thq ohlicci'
amid brakeman , catcimhmig the tramps oil'
their guard , grappled with &iemn , and
Hoeing they wore being worsted , one of
the trauips jUiijel off the traimi ammit es-
caped. Otlicer Berger fired at tim re-
mnaining 0110 , who , Iuttimig Ills hmamids to
his body , fell off the train , apparently
wounded. The train , whmih was run aimig
rapidly at the time , was stopped , but
nothiug could be seen of the tramps.
The object is believed to have been rob-
HumNaxarrA , Tex. , September 1(1.-Tue (
corpse of a man named Butler , a ringleader -
leader among the fonoo.cuttors , was
found yesterday moriling , perforated by
bullets. Two of his companions are
known to be badly wounded. The body
was found micar whore a fence had been
cut for several miles. ' A large number
of prominent stock men , heavily armed ,
loft last evonhig for the scono. Lively
times are anticipated.
RusI'IcIouH InATii.
Enir. , Pa. , September 16.-The mople
of Jackson station , a suburb of Erie , are
are excited over the suspicious death of
George Irvine and his two young sons ,
all of whozit were attacked by a malady
indicative of poison. They dieti in hor-
ribie agony , the bodies being fearfully
swollen. Foul play is suspected , amid a
former lover of the wife is involved. The
graves will be opened amid the bodies examined -
amined for traces of poison ,
ALIIANY , N. Y. , Septoimmbcr 16.-Rev.
Albert F. Vodder , pastor of the M. E.
church , \Vcst Wilton , Saratoga county ,
was arrested to-day as principal , and Dr.
James A , Patterson , as accessory , to the
crinlo of abortion. The complainant is
Annie Walter , aged 25 , di'ighter of a
well-to-do farmer. She alltoathat l'at-
terson iorfornied the oporatn at the request -
quest of Vedder. The woman became
dangerously ill , but recovered sufficiently
to come here and make complaint. Ved.
dor was arrested as he was about to enter
his church at Kingston , where ho was to
preach. Ho was brought to this city and
lodged iii jail. Both doiiy their guilt ;
SAN FRANCISCO , Septemmiber 17.-Time
Chronicle to-day publishes letters pros-
outed to it by time attorimoy of Miss Aggiu
hill , who recently caused the arrest of
Senator Sharoim Time letters show that
Sharon rccogmiizcd Miss Hill as hits wife ,
The civil marriage contract is else pub-
lisiied. ! tiSM 11111 is suiug , laimiiimmg
to be Simaromi's wilt' .
LeNnoN , Septoumbor 16.-Conflicts between -
tween the mmiilitary and the poopie howe
hiken place at Kostainisza in Croatia ,
Many pm-semis wore killed and wounded.
It is reported China and France may
subniit the dilferemices between timeimi to
time joint mueditatiomi of England and. time
Ummited Ststos.
There have leon fresh amiti.Jowishm disorders -
orders in the Sealada district , hluimgary.
lIUItItYINa in'
3IAImRILLm , September 1 6.-Two
transports , loading troops for Tonquimm ,
have boon ordered to Imastemi departure as
General Boimet makes urgent deimmand
for aid.
Mo'nitRAL , September 10.-Time three.
tom of the Exchange bank resolved this
evemumig to suspend to.mimorrow and put
time bank mu liquidation until time torn-
porary Pro5uio iii over , Liabilities ,
$2,000,000 deposits and $4'JOOOOcircula-
tmon. Time last statomneimt showed a surplus -
plus over all liabilities , imicluiuIg $500-
000 capital. The cause of time suspeim-
sion is ovor-discoummting amid a
large amnoimmmt locked up by itmac-
two estates , taken over fromn creditors.
The directors say thu ciruiatiomm will be
mntmt lrommultly ) , TImers iii fear of cotim-
mimercial troubles , as time irnmmk is said to
be carrying somime weak firms. 'lime dir.
cetera mmre wealthy mmmcmi , ummmd four out of
five hold umearly tiiree-fommrtims of the
stock , 'I'hmeir mmmcmi are ¶ flmos. Craig ,
presideimt ; A. V , Ogilvie , vice ; ) rosidommt ;
Alex lhiimtur , ru. ( ircen amid henry html-
moor. 'i'hiis is time second time time bank
Imas failed ,
CANToN , .Soptemnbur 1fl-'l'imoro am'o
lies ! SOVOR Chmimmesu gunboats mmmoored
alongside time English amid French mcii-
f.syar. Placards mm time valls threaten
time destruction of nillurojiuau proPerty
if time govornmimeimt decides that indemnity
1)1) vaid for danmago done time property of
Europeans during thu recent riots.
- - -
'I lIt , IIIiit ! > I SI mile Fair.
Czuctao , luptomnber 1 0.-Preparations
for time State fair are iii good simapu zmumd
will he commupieted by Saturday next. Of
time very large tract of licildimig space ,
there is not moore timaim fifty feet miow mmmi-
disposed of. Time space in time cemiter of
the field , coveniig several acres , iii
all taken up. ¶ l'iio ommiy way
which eximibitors , who have not
already entered , can ho acconmmodatod
msiy crowding time present entries. Thu
fair will be double time size of aimy former
St.atu fair over imeid in Illinois , both in
space occupied amid in nuimibor of oxhi.
bits. Over 200 horses tire on the ground
110w. The exhibits will begin to arrive
the hatter part , of the week , All ruimitnais
and articles for time exhibition must ho
in place iii the sovomi dopartmumits not
interthan Thursday , time 25th ult. Time
fair will last Enema September 24th to
- -
A nnX.tT ItACII A rtOVmDsxcs. )
PltQvInuNcz , September 15-Nat i-nrn
gnnsett Park. Iii this iostpomtcd race
for the 2:83 : class 1ittio Patcimuyomi ;
1)eSt tune , 2:24. : Class 2:20 : ( pacing
race ) Billie S won in straight heats ; Ed.
die D second.Vcstmnoiit amid Lotte slack
distanced. Plume , ii,10 , 2:2ti.j : , litifl. :
Time greatest interest of time tiny centered
in time nttenmpt of 1nv-oye.see to boat Imis
record of 2:14 : for a purse of 2,000. lIe
trotted his warming tip heat in 2:20 : , amid
wlmen Limo fimial trial caimie lie mumulu time
l'mmiest uximibitiomi of trtmttiulg evot seemm mit
timis track , Ills timmie to time first qmmmurttmr
ii-as 34 secomi's ' ; to time himil f in I : Oli % ;
tltroo.qumartcrs , 1 : i ) , mumul fium'thed the
immilo iii i:10. : lie vi.nmt over the ommtiro
course witiitnmt a 51(11) Oi' break of mummy
kimid , nmttl witoit ime emummo ummmdor time wire
showed no sigmmm of dimmtrcs.i. Spoct.ntors
were imiamidimig iii their seats nimtl ciioem'mmn'
lotmdiy as time lmltmciy little flyer camimo
dimwit time imommie stretch , imai'ing equalled
the host timmme on record withmitmut a hmmulf a
socommd. 1mm time 2:2i : race Ameiia C' w
time favs'mrite , but 11. \'immshuip nm
tlmreo straigimt heats.
Thu SLAIK'MITCIImLi , Flour ovr.
Nxw YomuK , September 15.-At a
ineet'mg between iI'mtclmeil , timul Siudes
backers this afternoon it was agreed to
declare the fight ofF. Mitchell's backer
inunedimutely covered a deposit of $1,000
recently made by Wimi , Siiurill , the
"Prussia , " who lately challenged Suili-
van. The arrangeimients are fora private
glove fight to hike place within two weeks
from date of signing of articles. 'rime
iRon are to fight according to time Marquis
of Queensbury rules until one of timum is
BOSTON September 15-Al Smith ,
Sullivan' backer , states that there will
be no match made between the champion
and Sheriff' "Tho Prmmssiami" at prosoimt.
a.s all that the lattor'a backers desire is to
adrertisohis man. Sullivan is shortiy to
start on an extended tour throughout time
country , amid does not ptOpOSO to post-
polio it to go into training to fight a mman
whsnm ho considers imiferior iii every re-
spect. Wlmen the tour is emmded ito will
be ready to fight "Time Prussian" pri-
vateiy for $1,000 a side , ten persons to
yitimess time encouxiter.
NEw YoluK , September 15.-Professor
liauer has challenged Duncan 0. Itoss ,
time wiimnerof Time I'olice Gazette trophy ,
to wrestle for thmo trophyand $500 a side ,
time match to take place atammy time Rich-
and Fox mnay miarno withumm two weeks
fromim signiimg of articles. Be also cx-
pressed his willingness to wrostie with
John Mahone or H. Dimrfur for $500 ,
Nnw YORK , Septommibor 15.-About
2,000orsoims witnessed the game to-day
between the New York and Ciovoland
nines. The game resulted in a draw ,
each side scoring one run. Time gnome
had to be stopped on accoummt of dark-
ness.PIIILAUELI'IIIA , September 15-Bmif-
fain ii , Philadelphia 5.
PIuo'IDRNOI : , September 15.-Provi-
donco 7 , Ohicamzo 8.
BOSTON , Septemmiber 15.-Boston 6 , Do.
troit 4.
PR0IIIA , September 15.-Grand Rap-
ida 8 , Peoria 8. ! l'cii innings. Camno
called on account of darkness.
IIARTFOIiD , September 16-William
hiockfehler's team , Cieora amid Independ.
mice , driveim by .J. P. Gilbert , trotted omm
Charter Oak park Saturday to beat 2:18 :
( Jim a private wager , mmmdc timurnilo in 2:17. :
O1TUM\VA , Septemimber 16.-lou. E. S
Stiles , former State Semmator , was agreed
111)011 III time Repubiicmum coimventiomm of
this county yesterday to be presented tote
to time Congressional commventioim at Ommca-
loosa Tuesday as its cimoico for Congress ,
to fill time vacancy occasioned by the
death of lion. M. E. Cults.
FAI.Li3 CITY , Nob. , September 15.-Time
Republican county colmvoimtioim to-day
miomnimmated lime followiimg county ticket :
Treasurer , J. II. Cain , time Irosont iii.
cunmbcimt ; Clerk , Mr. Mussehimmaum ; Simerifr ,
I-bury Fisher ; Clerk of time District
Court , J , L. Mead ; County Judge , Jacob
Ifaily ; Superiimtentluiit of Seimools , 11. L.
Caldrin ; Coummty Comnnilsaloimer , .1. V.
Ihuckmnami. Delegates to time judicial
convemmtioim Were instructed to vote for
lioN. August Scimoenimeit for Judge of the
first district.
STANTON , Nob. , September 15.-At a
lottie meeting to.dzmy of about fifteen Ito-
pulihiimms time following delegates were
cimosen to time State convemitiomi to be held
at Lincoln cii Septwlmbor 2itii ( : Dr. 'IV ,
rJ. hifliVmflaim anti A. B. Kearney ; for lime
fwlk'ial coimvommtiomm , "mY.V' . You ig and
, J , A. Erimmmrdt , 'rime delegates to time
State comiveiitioii irene immmmtructeml for Dr.
lhowimmamm for Itegemitof time tJlmiversily.
it ( JoimmeL Catcher I'i'oiim ,1mvmty Inck.
ltocminsvimm : , N. V. , SuItemmmbor 10- .
Prof. Swift , director of time \Varmor oh-
serrator , discovered mm conmet this uvutmirmg
iii time constellation of Draco. It is a
sigimificarmt fact that wily two conmots
wore discovered iii the smimime coiisteiin-
lion tutU ito imemur cxcii oIlier. l'rof. Suu'ift
receives time tTarmmer prize of $200 , Bril-
iimmnt imom-timorim iifimts provommtemi aIm ox-
tuimded observation , hut the mmiot'momm of
time conmut ismioutimenly.
11. Voom'iujm ( Actor IyIig. ,
MANCJIETEII.IiY.TimI'.SR % , Mass , , 8op.
temnber 10-Julius Ifnimlus hlootli , time
veteran a ; tor and mnaimager , irhmo has beemm
ill acvei'al days at limo Noscomiomimo imousu ,
of wimicim lie is proprietor , is jim a critical
condition to-night arid so rapidly aiiikmmig
that all iio1joa ( If m'ecovery mire abandoimed.
Mrs. Agimesifootim is at his bedside , Ed.
wilt boUt was hero all day , but left this
evening , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Jlomrd or 'J'z-iulo ( JleaniHg houND.
ChicAGo , Soteuiihior 16.-Time Board
of Trade cioariimg Imouso for time settlement -
mont of tradcs on time same basis as bank
clearing houses , will be put in opuratiomm
to-morrow , It is believed this will radi.
caliy leasoim bank clemmnhzigs.
The Border Line Crossc y the llefuecs
An Export Gang of Oouithrfelter8
in Old Mxib
A Bonanza ( br time Det ctito Fin.
tcrn tty. .
Ienieu' lew. , , '
' [ 'lie far \\'ust is fast lositig 1km uhistitict ,
ji't ) cimaracteristic of being the imlaco of
refuge for time fugitive cnimnimial of the
country. Aimienican civilization has
aliremul with such rapidity that time iaces
of refuge wlmero limo fugitives were vommt
to im'umlu timomnmuelvos tire miow for time most
hart reached by m'ailroads and telegraph , mmmiii imumimhie seittimnont has umuulor.
gommu a % 'eiy itmntem'mal chmaugo.
This , however , imns iii no way
mmmcmtusemm : viii : NUMIII'.tu
of crimimimuals iii need of a lihmice of refuge ,
iuimil imas emily seri'emt to drive them fm'ommt
time comtmmtry. Omumada served in a immeuii :
mire as ii place of relief for defaulters ,
but time country unu'i not of time kimul
suited to time ordimimury desperado ivhmu
iloumislied ito nbiy in time \Vct _ Time ox-
I " : mtlitiomm lairs Weme also trotmblcsoiuo to
qt classes of crimn'mitmuls wimo went to
' 'I ll mmnmommg the Ciumucks.
A mmciv field hums been found , however ,
wlmkii supplies time place of
by the desperadoes of time West. This is
Old Mexico. It was in the natural order
of tlmitmg that Mexico should furimish the
110w field.
Time htoumo of th desperado like tIme
Indiuumm amid bulI.ulo , has mnovet ! away as
civilization has advanced and Mexico was
of couimmu the only atoppimig off Place left
whuim uvwtm Now Mexico nod Aniisima immul
become too imigimly civiUsed to peacefully
endure imis prosemmce
The country bord ning botwo n time
United States amid Mexico , chiefly on
of time line , iii said to be full of fugitive
criminals who punsuo their operations
with seoniiiig impunity
It is clalimied that time United States
authorities have boon troubled for sonic
thno by time operations of a gang of coumm-
terfeitors who have locathd thieimiselves
iii time country described. They are , of
course , Amimericans , but they confute
themselves to Mexican soil , only sondimig
agoimts into time states to put in circula-
tiomi time counterfeit money which timoy
mammufiucture. 'rheir appliances for the
counterfeiting of bills and coins are said
to be iii advance of any previously devised -
vised ,
Their organization is said to be perfec-
tiomm itself , ami' to render interforoumco
a matter not timouglit of.
For some timno past 'the govornimiemit
secret service detectives have been PUs.
zled to account for the mnatmufacturo of
the large ameunt of paper amid silver
counterfeit money in circulation , no
plates or oIlmen nolds being found iii time
IOSSCsSiOfl of parties arreSted for puasimig
the bogus mnummey. Ordinarily it only re-
quirea close enough tracing in time mieigim-
borhood in which time bogus mmmommey is hut
in circulation to discover time vlammt of time
counterfeiters , but out of many cases of
arrest on this charge in time past two
years this could bedono in but few cases ,
and in these time spurious money
smiowv.D TRACES
of being mmmdc by bungling amateurs.
Large amounts of hills were found to be
in circulation which defied time mmimrowd-
iless of time ordinary lourik omployc to do.
tect. hOW time ilmitcs which time coummtur-
feiterri use cameo into their possession hiss
1)UZZlCd time oflicora beyond tlmeir powers
of gmmcssing , and the commclusion usually
arrived is that they wore geimuimmo 1hitcs ,
which hind beomi imsod iii time govorimmimemit
service. 'I'Imimm comicltisioim was all time
moore forcibly inmimrcssod UpOii their minds
by timu discovery that every sligimt flaw or
imperfection which could be discovered
by time mimost powerful gimmas oim lime face of
could rulso be seemm in lime same way emi time
counterfeited onos.
Time nuumberimmg was of course wrong ,
but titus fact could only be of misc to experts -
ports in detecting time bogus imature of time
For mine mnontirn past limo secret icr-
vice agemita have bewi kept on a kceim
jul11 ! ) , trying to discover time origiim of time
couimtetfoit inommoy. Timis was by ito
macails conflumed to bills , hinge ammmommnts
of bogus silven. amid gold coins being
found in circuistiomm , almost perfect in
their construction. These generally comm.
laimmed aim amount of gold or silver , as time
case might be , slightly in excess of ommu-
imalf of time amount which they ought to
comitalim. They were of
A mmui'i'zcmsNr TIIICKNIReI
to mmmako up for time loss iii weiglmt mm ac.
coimmmt of Using time debased imiotal and
i'resorvod time correct wimilim. 'rids render.
ed their detention a rustler of comopara-
lively rare occurrence , time ordimmisry coiim
detector mint rogarhimmg time ttmickmmess of
coil's ' ,
'I'imoy are found to be almost wholly of
natimer old dates and ampearanco wimicim
115(1 tIme effect of thmrowhmmg people cli'
their guard to a great exteiit. 'L'Imoy weru
of difl'orcmmt dates , ' 65 , ' 08 , ' 73 timid 81 ho.
immg favorite dates ,
Jim soimie way , wimicim imas mint. yet. beemi
made public , time govom'imtmmemmt luanmuomi or
was 10(1 IA ) smisjiect Limo true locality of lime
v1lhm'im JhAH IIEIN : IIOINO
sumcim a profitable bmisimmess. 4gOhitM of
time secret service uyero dinpatcimtul to
1exieo , timid for soitie mouths immuvu bocim
engaged iii mmtmiciyiimg tip time mmitmimmtiom ,
Lucre. Oimu of these humus just returoeti
( rota time border country , muimul rmtumycul mm
few ilays iii 1)emver wimilo mm liii way east.
Fromim imimim it watt loarimed timuut Limo suit-
h'mciolm ( If the govenimmnommt vaut wehi
founded , and that it will ho a mimmutler of
hut a few days wimemi time gsmmg viii be mir-
roatuti nuder a z'emjuisition.
'Fimia detective , jim conversation with a
News reporter , stated timid Limo nuombur of
Amnericami fugitives from justice ivimo have
takeim refuge tmvcrthme border is soiimut1immt ,
mmurpnisirmg. Timoro are cnimimimmals of mill
classes , imiammy of wimoiii Imavo
offered for thorn. It was a sort of crhmim.
immai Eidorado for him , and if Ito could
only bag all of time rioted fugitives urimozim
lie fouimd there imis fortune would ho
made beyond quostion. But there were
oliatacics lii the way. lie wisimeti to no-
turn vritht his life , amid felt that this
would ho an impossibility if ho tried to
take away any great nummmler of time
crimnitmala. Thou , too , there would be a
ditlicuulty km getting a requisition , and
besides the counterfeiting gang would be
giveim imotico of the presence of a detec-
live amid of time ( oct that time goverrnmummit
is oim their track , lie doclimmed to give
away either of Limo mmsnies of time notable
cnimmumunis , choosimmg ratimor to kec1m time
imiformmmntiomu for his own boimefit.
S1'tTL'i J OPrLNiH.
St. iilwaxul lm no saiootms.
Crete schools imzmve aim cimrshiimmont of It0.
At ioammoCoiloge Ll3studoimts iu'oie enrolled
time liNt uvetik.
; 'ithiuletm has a mmow imattommat bammk , itithm a
cmlital of $50,000.
September 10th tlma Wnterloo creamery will
be amrteci rititmilmug ,
Oskilumie u1l Nollgli are imuiiig mm lively time
over time coutmity seat.
A ienmoeratic paper will be sitsbiblmeil at
St.ammtomt 1mm a few wooks.
'l'imo pimbite I4cimlOIH of l'ttuvtmeo City opemmoil
whim aim emn'ollinummt of 300 ,
'rime immachihmery for time } ntip fictory at
l3cimtmyiem hiu : ; becmm mech'el. ,
'l'lme grzollitg of the Cedir county hue irhll
be comimpleted iii a few wedk.
A , iimllt of 5,700 vkees was one of the cmmrl.
OSitit's of Liii , Salute county fair.
Fiery whisky mum(1 fri's iigimt.a are becomalmig
a Utmimmerous miutiammcn at Norfolk ,
Timmmniuiay 011 tickets I , , Omalma timid tIme
litmite Fair were suit ! at Plattimnomitim.
The heavy traffic on time Norfolk line calls
for uti extra froiglm truimm mmlmmmost daily.
A lodge of time Ammckiit Order of Uuiteti
Vuorkmitoim lois beemi starteil at Coimmtmmbmms.
Uround WM broken isit SmiturdsT for the
flow f. ) , sermutory emi College lull , at Crete.
The girl. of South Aumiemrmm sr. botmud to be
heart ! . 'rhey hare organized a brwms taumi ,
Time iJitodmi Jourmmai haiti put its veto omm the
new P)5tal 00(65 byiofumlmig to accept thommi.
TIm hardware store of Roekwali k Semi , 1mm
Illair , % vwm burglarized of goods valued itt
The Burt county soldier's reunion uvili be
held at 'I'ekamnalm , cmi the 3d and 4th of hoyt
muon tim.
,1 , tiitm niovator anti a creamery are the
new bnimhrme vemituros on foot at liouth Au.
A pair of rottomi pants saved an Oscools boy
fronm being crushed in ii timrithhimg machiuo tIme
other day.
A section of land near Lincoln sold time
other day for $2,300 niore tluumm it cost three
months ngo
A wuli-kuown farmer dropped his "wad" of
.310 bucking chuck.luck at l1aatingi dunimmg
time rcunlun.
Two hundred sheep were drolped into time
river mmearOxford Imy time brecmkimig of a bridge.
All wore saved ,
'rommm O' is time Demnoonmutic candidate for
Jimdgo 1mm tIme Ninth ihtrlct. It will be a cld
Day if lie got. loft.
Time safe in time ofilco of time Centennial
milis. at 'rtcummmsshm , was cracked last week aimd
$100 him cash takoim ,
'l'ime average yield of wheat In Booue county
timis fall , so far as tlmroslmod , is over twenty
busimohs to the acre.
A little boy five years clii was so badly
crubhmcd by mu horsc.powcr timitt he died 1mm a
few muimmumtea , near \Vahoo ,
It , it. McKee time absconding money louder
of Geneva , kiss amen arrested at ( hmilvoston ,
aumd will ho brought back. -
rawnee county produces a twig from a crab
miuLie trcii , ciglitesim incites long , whkii lisa
upon it twentytwo apjioa.
Thimtschtsl wimicim oootipiei the old
tlormnit.oi'y buildimmg at Lincoln , has bcoim
tijmiummcd with eighty scholars.
Time tcleiiimommo isymmtomn Is new comupiototi to
Seward , : iimd conmiection ostmibllsimed botweoum
there imiul IAmmcoitm mmmii Omamilia.
1' . If. Murpimy , chief of tim@ l'lsttsmnouthi
j)0ll , limum resigned , lie will take the road
for aim ( Jinalma % YtOitMiSiO ) house.
Time Catholic , of % Vst Point are ailvorfising
for proposalm to huhiti mu large school lmiuee , Limo
cetimitatod cost of which is $7 000.
0t453 county ciaimn the iios buih of time
State , boimmg seven font imigim and weigimiug
: i.iio ( loummils. Bring aim your critters.
oiifr llammson , the mcmiii wimo hail liii leg aiim-
jnmtated last week from tim dreams of rmimimiluig
a Pitclmfrk hum his foot , tiled ohm Tuesday limit.
'fbero wire tlmirty.ouitm otlitors mind thirty
bammdim at time it. & , 'mt , rouuiiomi at 1Iasthiig.
\Vimmit ii hugo gathenlug of wlmmd immstrumnomit.sI
Every strauiger seoul in (1lomiaIiumo , Aimfo.
101)0 ounty , Ii iuiiiiittotl to liii ii hulled Staten
detective iooklmmg U crookedness in lammtl elm-
' ' the imouwo at
'l'he work of rerziodeiimmg ommtlum
the U. P. depot at Fremuoimt , traumiIirasmimig it
immto a llseimur iititioi , , wIll soomm coin-
Three doctors' offices ware destroyed by fire
1mm l'iimttimimuuth last week. 'rime tire omiginu
was out , html ito water could be foummd hearer
tlimimm thu river ,
l'cter Ymummgtmrn , near 1xetor , Fil Immore
county , Neb. , bad 000 juart4 of cherries , amid
Imiti 100 limishmuhs of apples tImid year on a simmall
Five sturdy yommmig lam , all uniter 22 years ,
froum 'rmmyhr commmmty , lit. , panned through I .1 ii.
colii tim , , other day on their way to the cimoaui
laumds of Custer ciumity ,
'i'imo yield ot tlio orelmard belonging to Mrs.
Jane Loveless , lii Noimmalma , will be greater
tlii year thmmmm last , it is isimi. Last neasomi the
liruduct was l,00U bimsimohi.
'rime amttimorltiei of 'l'octmmnnoim swuojiod oum
( ) imU of time ' 'imeatbuu ChmimmeoLoI thu tuwim who
was too lItmthmidetiOUi witim his Iiorsou , anti
socked It to hint iii time suit , of l4.t,0.
After time birds amid the boys had imad their
susie , Win. Lindsey , of N.mnaliacoummty lilckotl
lu olme day five iiummdred aimd twenty-eight
quarts of cherries ( ruin sovouiteen trees.
Cass and Nemnaima counLio4 both claim tue
mnoimiter miliplU which witi exhibIted mit. tIme Ccu.
toimmmmiml mmmiii a model of which Is 1mm tIme Smith.
iozmiatm lmmstltut.c , It weilmed 2'J oumicat ,
lr. Oliver , who was imiillcttmtl 1mm Fillmore
county ubuut a year mwti for imutrtmgitmg a lady
jiationt by mno.ems iii cimloroforom , imai besim air-
rested in Chic.igo zmmmii brought haclc for ti liii ,
A fmmiumlly retmimiomm at wimheim four guneratluams
wore muiireseumtcd took lilacu at time roimlmmce
of , Iamnem 0. hoyt , two aimilci eastof Fairziiwmt ,
elm Saturtimmy , thaw Htim limit. N hideout mmmuamm-
hers of time fmnmily stern presuimt.
Fifty timutmsatmil acres of time LI , P. imummik 1mm
the comatmtitm ( ii I I all mmmiii I I mWmu , l went , sub I ii
few mImys .limce , lam timmeo tr.mcts , tm Simmamimer &
Cii. of i'clmiiyiur , 'I' . .1 , Citmrksom , of Selmimyiur
mmmii 'i'iiimiimiriei , I'it&ttu & .Iuoro of ( I rammmj
Islatitl ,
A , N.Viswohi , of Ailamams couimty , iimms 150
acre , of hrouiim corim wimlehm wi I I go a hal I mm Liiim
( ci tue micro , imaklxmg soyummty.fivu tome , , worth
100 Par timm. i\ilios'lmtg 815 mm tuim for cmittlmig
soul i.illng , imo roahlus Limo imest .muum of t'G,375
for iml crii , ,
'J'hmu miecutatary of tue ( omyoraw cattle coomhia.
imy , .1. 5. Peck , has iillt , mlmwis mmmiii con , cribs
lii Jonme ( county Nebraulom , mimitI mb for time mic.
ciuhilgmohiLtltmt , ol 1,00' ' ) steers , wlmieli wIll lie
ilrjytjm , iliawi , frouim their \Vyoirulimg ranch this
fmmhl mind there ( attonoil
I1ro ( , 1)uzemmbery is imuperlimteimdtuit of the
ciioois o Sauumdurs , Comlmmty , ' 'Olal immzuam.
bery" was a famm.ihlar character aummuimg Limo
school iioys of York stat , twenty years ago , mm
sort if "I'orim CoUhrmi , " wimuimi oyer hotly Imuarml
1,1 htmL jiover saw , Iii this time lumi mitt
Jo,11 ) , Cowan , a laborer on thu Blair bridge ,
hail am trrnimormdomas fail last 'fimuremday , frtiamm time
imlgiiest trestle work cmi time Iowa side , lie fell
stout 60 foot , thu high , wlmml currying iiiit , just
clear of a projoctimmg piauak lii the way as lie
iauilod on tiio stool bar. Ills lujuritas mire nut
serious ,
] tlciardsomm coizmty goes totlieimeatl whOm imor
scab apples stonIe4 , Dame limb about twa feet
Iomm , of the tramwcemulrnt variety , held 38 fine
apples. Another about 18 Incites him length of
Limo Sihoniami neil variety held 46 , smid one slxnmt
1j inchM bug of Siberian yellow variety
hold 40 ,
Tiny had genuine fail "like a timousatid of
brick , " at Staunton , the ether day. Four mu.
worklmmg us the imow court house , were tureclid.
tateti ta time ground , mm iiItanci of ton loot , by
a scaitolillng giving way , secenipanh.tI by that
mmumnbnr of brick , buds mmml all , 'rho
maca were slightly
About fourwecknaigo seine partirim r.illeil a
SkUmO oim the m'uilroait track miinimL two mallen
west of Frleimtl , The engineer of Limo first train
saw the nintructiomi In titus to siert mum mu't'i.
ticimt. 'rho t'tuimitatl ) ' lmrmvo rfumen becim cm , limo
look out fur time guilty i'arties , ii'imo hroveti to
io 510mb hoyi , oman of whommm was murnisteti Tum.
icy last.
Time citizoim of illume Valley arc qumite ittit
iiimeo they ieqt timitir on Joe Costed , limo
halite vimo atteummitetl ; to oimtrao imii uIfa'n
ilmtr , ii girl of twelve. Time commst.'ublo wimo
lmstl hiimmi 1mm charge iullmmwed imhumi tim go to a
iirIng to ivaiter Imli temimn , soil when mit of
sight lie mmmouimmted omo of tlit hones amid ttkimtpe&l
out ,
'limo on'micn , of soucnail cotmmmtry 1)511cm ) are
holy nnjoylmmg time ' ' ( mit of Limti htimil" 1mm timim irgo.
table lime , . l'ime ) tilTer tuicm iiticmt irIses for
tlmo ti'st imidiiim , iitmumcimes of graeam , frmmits aumit
ittlier articles , dtmvotmr the articles emi tii iliot
mmmiii lOttilOmiO ) tlte auvarti till time eni is cx.
) mattitetl , I I. ii mm oltl selmommie , a sort iii free
himmieli ' 'uvithotmt. mmmommoy ammil iii timout itrice.
'lime skeletomi of mm wolimemi , thleoveroiI Oii mu
s&ilbar in thm i'lttttt ) river , tlmmee itmhlci ivest
Ill Nrthm , Uemmd , time 30th of Augmmst Imist , was
fimily idemmtit'aeii last veuk an time rcmmrn'mntm hf
'ttrs. Margmmm'ottmu Lommgmimnumi uthmn ivams tlruwmmcd
ii , te i'limtto biat May , widlo ilmo was try-
lug to resetme mm imimimi fromum ilmo fate that over-
to.k her.
Mr. ammil Mrs. ilatmry Seyimmommr , of York , ccl-
ebrateil Ilmeir smivor wetltlimmg ( In them i'tl , , A
large mmtmtiiher of relatives , Iriommds anti tiolghm.
bars voro hlreaemmt. Dime stnikimig clrcumimst..mmice
urmis prommmitmont. 'l'hio fatimors umiti mothers of
1)0th ' 'silver" bride smith groommi , 1lr. (1eomo
Bell simm ! ivlfi amid Josiah , hloymmmouir nhd wife ,
were there to gIve timair benediction , emmjoying
mm ripe old tmo , eameim imavlug passoil their goldeim
'i'he live stock Interest of Nebraska will no-
ceivmm ami immmpotus front the stock yard. amid
packing Itemise entem'priso just lmmsugurmitol at
Ommmaha. 'l'ho lmmiiortaimc of thin movement
nut oimiy ( t , Omuahmm , but to time wlule stito of
Nebraska , . can hardly be taken 1mm at lint
glatice. \o are right iii the mimlilit of the finest
stock rglomm in the world , and this in just wlmiu
Is rejumired tlevioji liii , iuturost-IWtwt
l'uint Republican.
117 ii ilocision monitored by Tmmdge I'ost in
time listnict Court of lmlornick county last
week , mill ienomis chargeil whOm horse , iteam'iuig ,
obtaining money under famine liretemines , em' illo.
gaily sciiimmgiiquor before time lint day of Jummme.
cannot he pUt impomi trial. Thmtt court rmmlctl
tlmimt ii demurrer totho imidictinents , , mum good ,
eu the groummd that tlmo laws littretoforo exist-
11mg ttnmchimmg said otfouces had been repealed
bytlio last 1egitmlatumro ,
TlmVmuhito base hmalllits have miotyt cooled
dowmm , timotigim a week loom passoil sluice time Co-
hiummminmn climb got awaj uvith , tlmo'mr ' 'uvatis. " 'rite
\Vaimoo Times sau's : 'haul the lCoyntoics , licim-
orably wn , time gamimo , aml , mmot stoloui it timroa h
thiiiioimornbhcm uimmipirl ug there ui'nmil mimic beau
iii ) ' 'kicking , " intL \'nImOo iticim tlomm't like Lu ho
rubhied jim tlmat sort of style. if Ciummummbut. imas
immIhmtiy tlUit 5575 that tim Koystoimas , ni they
imavo played , cmiii dowim Limo \Vailmaioii ui'itim fair
umimipirl 1mg , cii u'roimimds ' 1mm Oumimlia , lot Lhmoumm inm
UI ) atmd ummeot tIm' , lsiyn on minim grotimmihs , i'ilI
Limo boyi nik is fmilr 'lay amid mm , lavom's. "
North BOUl taint bo in a terribly ilsuigeroun
; mosition , jtmthgimig by Limo shrieks of Tb. Flail.
I'hie town Is mmlnmmaberiimg on mu crater , commiparoil
wIth which Incimimu amid , iava nimmk immto time sos
of lmmnlgmmificammco. hoar tlmin warmiimmg cry :
" \Vo wish , It ditlumctly nuidenstood timait this
town stands mm siaroml nmnnummmcnt of hod's
amaxiug mnorcy A careless mitauld or mm mmlmn.
imlimig nioumso , at any mnomfloumt , may start a
flniiio timat will slay ums "lmi1) and timigim" mind
devour tie "root and bramicim. ' We are sleeping
in the very craterofa sluimmbonlmmgvnlcano , and
with our fingers Ingunoans wowill not bear
tIme dolafimi throato ings of Its thammdeniuig
throes. Awake ! Around There Is yothopci
Call a iumectiumgl Vote imioimoyl Buy sum cn
ghmmol Organixot Drill ? ilu nimadyl Saved , "
'rho Matllsomm Chmnoniclo says : Dii Saturday
night last some house thieves stole two hones
fronm August lhlttner , brought themim to 1thidl-
semi , bitchiod thom to a buggy beiougIimgto ,
1)r _ Coihimis , wimich they drive am oliurt distance
, iuvmm , Sixth streeL Timey thou uvomit bmmhc to
l'iiimmer & Co.'s livery stable , whore time ) ' took
another bmuEgy mitmil hmftclmnl I t hielmiumil the tiuie
they already imnul. Fntnmm imere they want to
the lianmi i > f A.g. Sclmra.lor , aimit
six muon .otmtim of east of Matlisua , , where timey
imarumosnud his six hundred dtillar toammi. hitched
it to time extra buggy , mmd throve , liwum the
Stanton road. It vamn hot long hefri , , sovou'aj
of our clttxt'ns s'vri , aim thm'ir , trail iii clnn cr.
suit. Just at dmiyhmreak thia tiaives arrived at
time , cimool house out time smith sub of thu ilk-
hen , , nearly o1,1ioslto l'iigrimam sitzmthim. , In Strum.
tOil commmmty , at wlmicim iiactm oammm of j'mIr. ' Schirai-
don's horses died ( mmii being ovcrimestol 101(1
tim timiovei , fearlmmg Cahitliro , abai.iilimml time
stoleit rnierty miumil ilinnp1nmmrotl in time
thick WoOlis that 1inn time hlkhiorim at tlmls
'loitit. '
Time record of accitlemits muid iumjunlos Li , her.
140115 tIme iast week in mimmmisurihly large. A non
of ( li-comm Mmiyimers , llvluug near Beatrice wan
timrtiwui fromia a Jmursc amiti lust liii loot. little
Vat tue ion of .1. l. lCmieeiammid , of Fmiircimlid ,
I'1O4 t4etMel arotmmmtl liy a viclommi cow tumid immidly
I imjmmrtid. A. lieitamnod Cimniiiel , of Liumeol mm ,
was , mimot 1mm Limo calf of the leg 1w a maim prac.
ticimig at a tmrgot. 'I'imo ioim of ' 1'V. . Commmior ,
( If Ctrmmtriti City , imati his jaiw brokemm by a kick
fronm am strulhioti. George Emider. of i'amwimeo
ity , fail ( rein a sto1 , ltulIor , , wlmhlo pmimitiuig hum
mm store , and itruok am simow case , the giansjtool-
hag tiio flesh of one imammd to time boumo , ILumb ,
.loimimnomi , of hluhbal , collided witii time horny
fist. of Epim. Lommgiimm , aimd time cmmcusniom , dlii.
Iocatcl his mimmkle arid broke his leg , hmira.
Corder mumil mm little girl were thrown front their
wagon by cnn ( If time hmigh street crosnings 1mm
I'iattnimmommtii 1)0th , fiihilmmi omm their backs stun.
taimming painlui imijumnies. A firomnaum cmi tim B.
& lii , lotti hjiam toes cut cit by the cars , mmoar
Saionm ,
A mrunmt ( rota tue Nlobranamwitim four cimlhlron ,
sold tine of thieni to mu utramgnr at Coltiiumhiie ,
for$20. Time Democrat ( iefienlbcl , the jarti&mg
a , , mount affecting. ' "I'iie child again aim,1 ,
agalIm kIsetl lih brothers ammml sisters and blml
thmomam good by , and was Put into time stran.
ger's wmmgoi , , miii ntartl oil , but so grieved
anI , lnllmnal WIu3 hum ilttie imnart , over being
timims m'matimlennly torn trout those imn lovm'd , that
mifter going a ulmort dhstammuc , iii , jmmmnpaul out tif
time WIIgOmI. went hack mind zagain biggeil mmit ti )
ho scmmt with strntmgflri , limit lie was taume * ,
hack anmi jeit luLl ) time wagon , Ru tonchmliig
ivan timis I tmhmmmmmiaum ciremmnint ilict ) , that tIme wife
of time purchaser wojlt bitterly. "
'rimi , jtmiut serenity of life 1mm Norfolk was
tort , to tatters Hitmmrlav mmlghit a week ago , It
ivati a riot nit tbot im'iif.simoii ' 'whelm , fur hell'
liii mmci , , amid .loimh iio.tlh stithell novel Ly , ' ' Pl' ' "
to imiuvi' taliim the rlhdtii. Several cormimtry-
"maim lhilel thmemscivei witlm figiitlmg , whisky
mmiii st'irtu ii 1mm to tiumnip the tinvim , 'l'hmuy
simiggeal mmveryommo thimy mmmct , 'I'wn bimsines
mmmcml , It hinmikeirm rum , a drImnIlImer miami four or ii ye
uitiirs Vero lauti cmmt whOm brokeim mioses or
ilmmekeitl , i'itticm before time Silply % OX-
inimstetl , , sviioii the 1)01115 left for imomimu. 'rImiy
were ovorhmmtalctl by time sheriff , hiromighmt back
(4) ( towsm nmitl fumed $58 alaleco , wimicim they 1)51(1
lute sporthig mcii ,
Ciiiiislmim I' 'frail mis ,
OAilmo , Ill , , h'eptoimibcr 16.-A freight
train cmi tim Iroim ? tlouiitaimm road miuim iimto
alt express trumimi of time 'I'exrus imarrow
gauge at Iiohiimomit crossing , last imight ,
domimolisiming time imiahl and iiaggage cars ,
Nobody hurt ,
- _ _ _ _ _ _
NosvhIlmuper Cimmumigo ,
SAN FItANIJIHCO , Septeimmbor 16.-'i'ime
Alla California , time first newspamor estahi-
lishmed iii San Framicisco , was Lurchmasod
by ex-Liuutommammt Governor Joimimsoim , wimo
iviil chmammge It tim a Denmocratlo prpr.
'L'imo iessloim of time Now JlamnsiaIro I.egtslam.
lure which closed Samturdmmy was the longest
slim held 1 the Stato-102 days ,
Hey. FIhcr lliordau Consecrat in
Chicago OaIjn1or Bisliop of
San Francisco ,
The Partloipants in the Ceremony
and the Addrea of Bishop
Evnmmgehlnt. Meetly Gi'oetetl by Hugo
CreuvIls in ills Old
0 Ii mmci , ,
coNsmemuATioN : OF iiISiiOt' itIOmtDAJ ( ,
C1tiCAno , , Seimtemobor 10.-Time coimso-
cm'atmuim ° ! itar. Fmmtlmcr Patrick ltiordmu.m , ,
mms Coadjutor Ihinhmop to Ai'cimb'maimop Al-
lemmmammy , if San Francisco , occurred at St.
,1ummmes' , Catlmolic Chmurcim to.dmuy. Time cer-
oimioimy s as immmposimmg , bimmg rnrtic'mpatod
iii by thu an Arclmbislmup , timmrteeim limit.
"I mmmiii mu imire imummimber of Priests ft'omu
vauiomla iltuttit of Limo weit , Fuitimor lion-
ulami iii iur3' ilolmumluur amel much loved by
the iie0ii0 of his llanimlm , nimd lommg before
time cerolmiolmy began time gm'eat edifice was
1)nCkCtl witim Peollo. Arcirh'msiiop Fee-
han , of Cimicago diocese , acted
as coimsocrator , assisted by Dish-
01)5 Ireland amid Chmatard. The servic
were comidtmctcd in Latin amid occupied
over two hours , Tim mmmusio in commmmoc-
tion therewith was rendered by amm or-
cimestra of 200 pieces mmd a cimorus of 60
selected voices. 'rime soninomu was dcliv.
erod by Bishop J. L. Spaldimmg , of Peoria.
his thmemim was time coimimnaud , "Go ye
timereforo amid teach all nations. " Ho
dwelt cii time foolishmmess of such a coma-
nmatmd iimutl rasimimess of ammy attempt to
execute it tiimloss it. crummo froumm ( hod , Ho
duu'elt upomi time apostolic succession into
which time caimditlato was boimmg inducted
ammd time great work before imimmi iii Cali-
forum for which lie was so well fitted by
mmature amid lrahming , and concluded by
couimsoiiimg him iii his work to mimako a
special light against lime evils consequent
on hmteimipcraumce
After time ceremonies of consecration ,
Bislioi ltiordmumi amsummied time maitre and
passed tlmroumii time church aisles , lmstow.
mug his blessing UIOit time parisimiommors ,
fromu wimommi lie is about to sepaniuto.
Ainoimg time imnolatcs who ) tonic lart in the
ceremnommica were Very 11ev. Denim han-
domi amid Very Rev , M. .J. Marseilles ,
vresident of St. Viateuer's College , Kau.
kakoo , Ill , , Very Rev. B. S Savin , su-
ponior general ; 11ev , F' . Hocimaneider ,
Rocimeotor , N , V. ; Very Rev. henry One-
grove , admmiiumistrator of time diocese of
Davenport ; Very Iter. Jmmo. Mchlligott ,
Wimeolmnc , Va. ; Fathers Broimnaum and
Siogenied , Pimiladelpimia ; Very Rev.
Zoimmimmglor , Milwaukee ; Very Roy. I J.
Commway , Vicar Gemmeral of Chicago ; Dean
Terry amid Deami Butler.
DL. Moody , time Evammgelist , preached. .
at his old cimurcim in Cimicago avommuo this
mourning. Admimissiomi was by card. Time
church scala 2,200 and cards were issued
to 3,200 , and about 8,500 crowded into
time oimurcim , filling the aisles amid vestibules -
bulos to suffocation , amid demomistrating
t.iattimopooplo lost noimu oftheir regard
for their former jasWr. s. Time rnain'
emitrammco vmis not available owing to a do.
fectii'o sidewalk amid time entrance was
only possible at time narrow sidu door.
'l'imu street was blocked before the
door was opened amid when it tunmmed
Oil its imimmges there was a
great crush , A mmuimmbor of womnen and
cimihtiren , utmable to got out or iii , wore
seriously hurt , mmiii swime faiumlcd after
gutting iimmmklo. Time scrmnoim was Mr.
Moody's usual frngnmemmtary gospel ap.
peal , to wimicim a numimber responded for
pralyore. 1mm time afterimoomi imo delivered
IL siumpie illustrated talk to time Summday
school clmildremm. lit time evening the
cruimhm was scarcely lean Ihmami in time immorn-
ilmg , rumm(1 an oveflowiimg mimecting was held
iii ti1o lecti're roomim. Mr. Moody's con-
imectmoim with time ( Jlmristiaim workora , to
last timreu days , will begin Tuesday.
Ozimnhma Lanils.
'I'ima Bmmrtonlamm.
The appnaisors have completed their'
labors tUi(1 time iroclamnatiomm of sale will
soon lie issued. Time lenin of sale are : At
amy timimo witimlim ono year after date of
such lm'oclaumiiamtioim , each settler , occupy.
ilig mummy portion of said muds , amid having
s'iilumiblo irmiproveimieimts timercomi , who is a
citizen of time Ummited States or who
itims declared his iimtemitiomi to becoimme
such , shah be .cimtitled to purchase.
for cmii , time muds so occupied and
ihmm1)rovd by hminm , miot to oxceedoime bun-
drod mind sixty acres iii each case. The
secretary ummay dispose of thmeso lands on
limo following tennis as to paymnommts , that
is to say , omme-timird to becoiimo payable
0110 year maui said date , with immtorest. at
time rate of Ii per cent per amimmumn , but no
portion of said laud simall be sold at lca
thmaii two dollars amid fifty commts per acre.
Qumarammmtiuhimg Iexloo.
SAN FRANCISCO , Septonmber 16.-At s
special iuieetiimg of limo local board of
iiutllhm : yesterday resolutions were passed
cleciariimg Gauyummas amid Mazatliim ports
immfected with yellow fever , and ordered
time quarammtiimo of vessels front these
port. Time SImile Board of licaltim was
requested to eimforco qumtratmtimmu regula.
tiomma on passengers and freight by rail
froimu Mexico.
Time Mmusnic blhi'nm'y of Iowa.
CluA It ItAimnsm Septcmmmber 15-C mmmd
Master C. B. Vmumsauim to.diiy decided on
Cetlar htnimitis as time locatiomi for time ? tla-
stimC library 5of Jown , 'I'imo bmmildimmg is
to cost $31,000 , of im'hmichi sum tIme grammd
lodge hats nlIPm'opriated $14,000 , mind
Cedar Itapids $10,000 besides time build-
lull site. Thu building is to coiimimmemmco at
It 1oxlcausm Celobnzmtiomm ,
ATJLLo , Mexico , Sejmtciimber 16-The
Fiftccimtim umiimivensam'y of lilexmcamm Judo-
peimmiouico mmmcl time advemit of the filexican
Nationiul Ituilmomud vmma celebrated yesterday -
day by a itrmraulo of militia amid booming
of artillery. Time cimtiro city was decor-
otod with bammimers mmmii , streammmera .
Itmothmeri Editor Goim.
NEwauhLvroumr , Mass , , September 16.
-lion. Joseph B. Morse died this morn.
ing of apoplexy , aged 75 years. lIe wait
odder of l'ho Nowburyport Herald for
twommty.ozio years , afterwards of The
Bostoum Traveller and Courier , For muauy
years ho vas a Im-mimmemmt ) man azid hind
Imigh reputation as a journalist.