Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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H H. . josN GARNEAU ' ' ' : '
Our Factory , 12th and Jackson Streets , is the most complete establishment of its kind in this country .
Our Goods are the best in the Market.
k' ' ' four exhibit at , the State Fair will be the finest display of Crackers , Biscuits and Cakes ever seen in
' Nebraska.
' t
: r -
# ' II VISITORS TO OMAHA - , , Anald the public generally desiring to examine the workings of our institution will be welcome '
' JOSe GARNEAU Cracker CompanyTwelfth and Jackson streets. . .
i AdvertletngCheats1U
t i t erIt has become so coramontowritotho
beginning of an article , iu an elegant , in
a l terosting manner.
' 1'hon run it into mme advortiaetnont
that we avoid all such ,
j "And simply call attention to the ntor
f Its of Ho Dlttma in zm plain , honest
r terms as Posible
I , r , r
1' 1 " To induce people
. "To 6givo thamoltotrtal , whichsoprovos
, their raluo that they will rover ueo any.
i thiug also. " -
s n "Till : REMEDY so favorable noticed in
all papers ,
"Melt sous and secular , ie
' "Havn a large sale , and is supplant.
' big all other medicine.
, i "There is no denying the virtues of the
' Hop plant , and the proprietors of Hop
Bitters have shown great uhrowdnoss
' 'rAnd ability
' "In compounding a medicine whoso
virtues are so PalPable to every ono's ' ob
serration , "
Pitt sIieo ( ?
t "Nob
"Sho lin ore4 and suffered along , pin.
in awn all the Limo for years , "
f "The doctom doing her no rood ; "
"And at last was ured b IIoP
Bitters the papers say so much about. "
' "Indcedlindoedl'1 '
I "How thankful wo should be for that
medicine. "
A Daughter's Mlsory.
V "Eleven ears our dauglitdr suffered on
a bed of mteu
"From a complication of kidney , liver ,
t rheumatic trouble and Nervous debility ,
' "Under the carp of the boat th 'siciane
"Who gave her diaoaao various ImnloB t
I . "But no relief ,
Ip "And now she is restored to us in good
ll1 health by as simply a remedy us Hop Btt
' 1 I tors , that we . had shunned for years be.
i fore using it.-Tun PA1tENTS.
Father is Getting Well.
! f
"My deughtor uy.t
r &t "much better tether is since ho used Ho
"Ile U getting well otter his gong suaotng from
I dbwuedeclared incureble
I "And we ere wQtad that he ua d you Bitten. "
i A Lasv M Utln , N. Y.
1 ' IIR S11
I Have Found It l
d Nu lbe exctemation of . menwben he got s la x
al punka 1'Be Ointment , Which U a elmp1r and cur
are tor Pilo. and eB llhla Bieeuor. Filly crette b y
r maBrlaetl'd4
The American Diarrhoea Cure
Mae Mood the teat for twenty ) 'ern. 8ura cure to
W . Ner.r Yell. . Dlanhaea , p yeentary , and ( pal
Dean's ' Feior and Use Tonic & Cordial
M I.Impaasible to sup1 fy the npld rile of the time.
For F.rer wd Ague , and all MsIuW trouble. ,
1/ , f1J . Tl/iii ,
For Sale by all Druggists
r sent by Faureu on reelptt i rim , m&e4
1 INU.
Pormely Ol.h A J.cob.
t a
When I nut 1)ead.
Whoa I am load ,
I would not have the nalo and gaping crowd
Around urn gather , and , hold hanontatlmn
loud ,
Toll of my virtues , and with vain regret
ilomonn my loss , and , leaving one , forget ;
lint would have the few of kindly heart
Who , when inisfertune came , so nobly did
their part ,
And oft by thoughtful deeds their Iowa express -
Thaso would I have , no more , no less ,
When I am doadl
When I am dead ,
I would not have the high and storied stone
Placed o'er my grave , sod than be loft alone ;
Rut I would have svrao things I onto did love ,
Ere I did loavu the joyous world above ,
Placed der mo. And each succeeding year
I'd have my friends renew them , rued oft linger
roar ,
With loving thoughts upon the dear ono laid
below ,
And talk of times dcparted long ago ,
Whoa I inn dead )
When T nor dead ,
Forgivo-On this I pray far more than all-
The ruiguish I have caused , the dead beyond
Think kbolly on mo as I Ile so still
So tsar a subject for an riugerod wih.
Think of some generous deed , houto good word
spakun ,
Of hearts bout ! up I found all sad nod broken ;
1'lohuk gently , when this last looF rest is miuo ,
And gaze 1115)11 tit form with looks bonigu ,
1Vltcn Iyaut deal
Franklin I' , Daly , in the ( uardian.
. _ _ - f _
The cmnnhor tree is to ho cultivated in
Aroan ; turtle caught at CudariCoy , Pin , ,
weiglacil (1O ianudtl ,
A , N. Drenls , of Dhtberly , Dlo „ recently
sold a circus nuut a cow weighlug over IfS00
A roan of Virginia City has mt olectrlo
stove hum which tlm articles have to
he llited during a storm with silk handker-
Sono caunols were turned loose In Arizona
slxteon yours ago. They have w multiplied
as to he troublesome , and nro to be hutted
down ,
Daniel Ilurkott of Big Creek Gap , East
Tennessee , who s said to be 10 years old ,
weighs only : i0 pounds and is only 18 htchus
high ,
Several cat-fish measuring from nine t '
sloven Inches In length weru ound recently by
workmen la repairing an old hotel in 1)allns
Tax. , under the flour at tloj hall between the s
bathtubs ,
A wild pepper bush measuring fourteen foot
across the top and fortytwo foot aronmti l s
growheg uu mt island In ChurlaApopka lake
, In Florida. 'rte bush 1. only 3 ) roars old , an
! ears ua inllnenee quantity of fruit ,
Old Fancy , the war hone redo by Stun swat
Jackson , is tenderly enrol for at this 1'i inin
Military Institute at I exingtun , Ilea n
, lamhome sorrel of good foam , but his join nto
are still , Ito Is 10 years old ,
011 Mclonenglt street , Atlanta , them is a
cat with clx lees. ' 17te eoxtipede Is the rep
city of a . . The additional two
legs are just buldnd thu pat's trout legs , ant
are jolsd to them by a thin skin. Tle u
sat hooves with ease , mud is not at all mek
ward ,
Thu longest bridge in the world is in Chin a
lt. ruadway Is seventy feet wldu and sovunt y
feet high , There are 300 nrvos , anti each e
the plllms , witch me suvcnty.tiive foot nput
bears a pedestal on which is thu figure of
Ilea twutdyonu feet long , uud uuotu "tit of ou
block of marble ,
'Fie paeplo of ltrouklyn , Coun. , down Utel
old oak the east beautiful tree ht Now En ; ,
laud , A hundred years age its top vas cut of
g to use In "hushing f n" hayseed , anti the youu
tree then tut oil many brunches aonr tie
grownd , Sure of these tavugrewui to a lurwt
ul sixty feet and are very large ,
Dr , E , Eastman who lives netr Ralelgl h
N , 0. mud is a w'oihkuowa fanner , bias u 11111
of cur oeitioe la the sluopo of two setter dug s
These are perfect in farm , but Ins end of the
allowance of four feet , lmno Nature has oul
given there two each. Su they are compello
to walk erect , "stand up like a man , " so to
speak. These queer dogs can ho soon any
time at Ensttnan's mill , throe udlos east of
Two colored men begmr diggingawoll about
two weeks ago iu the yard of an electric light
cempauy tit I'hilsdelplia. The ground became
warmer as they deseeuded , and at a depth of
twenty-four feet boiling water peered in anti
drove thorn out. About thirty [ cot distant is
an old well into which the hotwator from large
toilers tins boon blown , anti it is believed that
this hot water has so boated the surrounding
gravel and spud that all thin water filt.rbug
through it is heated to the boiling point ,
A rose farm is a new Goorgiaindnstry. Two
gardeners in the vicinity of Savannah planted
three across in rose trees , This year they sold
? 2,000 trees to parties hr the north , , unit blot
orders for 60,0(10 ( , which they could not fill.
The trees moot with a rowdy solo at from 810
to 8:20 tor 100. Over half a million trees are
mnmaliy imported into this country from
Franco , Euglnnd and llullau 1 , nod the Savor
nnh News says it has Leon demonstrated that
Georgia has a better cliuato for the cultiva
tine of rose trees than that ht the southe of
llorrry Ilarris of DTorriwothor , bin. , claimed
to have sorno bullfrogs on his place which ,11arlo
a business of swallowing chickens and ducks ,
but noltody haliovedhim. Lust week , hearing
a [ urieus cuuutnution among his docks at the
pond , ho ran dew" iu time to capture an
moose frog that 11111 nearly swalhuv
iug n yauug deck , Dlr. Ilarris placed the
( mg , which was one of the largest over seen in
that vicinity , in a boz curd cnrriod it to town ,
where he exhibited it to the uw o stticken tut.
tiles. 'i'he legs of thu duck wire just visible
tin the throat of the croaker , Ito Intoruled to
nutku a tour of the uowepteI er oflleos in that
Jartlon ( if the state to exhibit tire uonsterbut
it , dlud before leo get cut of town ,
ICCOp the City Clean ,
Frurrt Egypt's suuuy fountains
1'o Javns coral strands ,
1Vtare big volcnmiu mountains
Roll dawn their rod lot souls ,
The cholera brioge conbotlou
Au i putrid doted are soon ;
It soeu will drnhs the ocean .
Su keep the city clear.
Au Ohl. wmumn , thirty-two years old , has
sued a ley of eighteen for bronchi of prounixo.
After a Gorman woddhug at Loarortwortlt , a
charirari party a1gaeared and was invited into
the house , wleori its members were attacked
with kuh'oe , three uiyt and one woman being
badly cut ,
'rho 11ev , Owen O'Brien , of St. Stephen's
Church , Brooklyn , bud thu pleasure of marry.
lug his father , Mr , Thomas O'Brien ' , to Miss
Ill , Ilnrley , 11'ondor if ho had tlm courage to
kiss his stepmother after the ceremony was
performed ,
An advertisement in a Lyons , France , ( ta
i or , says a young lady , 1'1 yore of age , and a
member of an honorabe funnily utters her love
hr marriage to the eau who vlll cotno to the
l aid of her paront. Age or looks are of no
a account , but ho trust have a good establisle
Youug Andrew hail , of Brooklyn , whose
mother is wealthy , has marrlod a regress , and
the fmniy are ourtoavoring to hove the rune
rings set aside on the gtrnuud that he is a bins
) tic. But Andrew vows lee is nut a lunatic ,
l mud that lee would rather lose $ .200,000 thtm e
his black Mary ,
Mies liorulersou wont to Pierre , Dakota , to
le a nrrietl to J , 1) , Scott , but Scott elicit be.
( cure the tlua sot , At the funeral Miss Ilan
deursmt told her syugtatltizlueg friends the
f Scott was thu fourth main to whoma she hued u
, boon engaged , acid that all had died before the
a titre flied for the nuptials ,
I At a recent wedding of a 'rruy lawyer , hu .
stiles nuuetnus and costly gifts to the bride ,
r there was one to the grata , eussistht of a 11111 ,
icy of accidental husurauw dating flout ue of
f of tie avoddiug day and oxpiritrg at ucan e f
g the day follouihug. 1115111 its face , in du
u furtu , e'aaendurouda"permission te ubrrynu
le oxeoeding mo thine eluriug the life of thi
policy , "
, 'l'ieu uuarnlno of Canutto l'ecci , noplew u
r the 1'o au , with Dliss Buena , will take place h
, l'aris this month. Mgr , do Runde will bit ,
I , it , and Mgr. Cataldi , the ierfuct of the land
y fecal cerouonios , will ruprescuet the foie , I
d is Mgr. Cataldi , who , for a great mauy years
has been the Pope's ngontfor all hbe family at-
fairs , and a sort of intermediary between the
1'occi and tire I1oly F atlor.
Hero and Yonder ,
I walk in the crowded city ,
And the pavemmrt pains m foot ,
Anti nothing but piles of buildings
Shut 1n the sLuros of the street ;
But I duly coo tits meadow
Anti the wood so cool and sweet.
I walk in the crowded city ,
And mix with the noisy throng ,
And then din is like to the beating
Of a great , incessant gong ;
But I only hear the brook flow
Aad the brown wood thrush's song ,
I walk in thecrowdod city ,
And daily the tnotry grow more ,
And fill up the street like a mill race
As hither and thither they pour ;
But I only see a cottage
And a maiden at the door.
I walk in the crowded city ,
Aad buy and soil in the mart ,
lint still in its crush and clamor
I fool that I have no part ;
For tlm sweet , fresh life of tire country
Forever abides in my heart.
I walk fu the crowded city ,
hut see the green meadow still ,
And look through the piles of buildings
' 1'e the wood that crowns the hill ,
And oleo with tire cuttago nueldeu
1 wmelor afar at will ,
-Edward Wfllott.
'r'ice only bleached hair now fashionable Is
that whdclo Fuetheor'1'iuuo hens operated on ,
A young lady calls bar beau "honeysuckle"
because le is always hanging over tim front
railings ,
111ulon veiling is light , soft and lovely for
suuuner dresses , and for oveui ng toilets is nil
seasons ,
Boor hots nro now worn on the conaego , not
at the belt , ' 19eoy should he largo loosely put
together and of urrly one kind of liowors.
.1 brilliant shade of plum color sod ate-
other of rich dark blue heave quite takmt the
taco of strawberry and terra cotta in lepti
unity ,
Any dress for the outunul , so very elastic
are the modes will be fashionable if it fits
well , has light sleeves cued well draped to a
narrow tocernure.
lie the lac west a mall advertises for a we.
man 'to wash , iron , anti milk one or two
cows , " What chess he want lela wnshod
and Ironopl fur'-Oil City Derrick.
\Ytolenmuslbea nro to be load in all lessihlo
shades of color-old copper , terra cottacruslr ,
out strawberry , and all the now colors as well
as all the classical ones.
A man inches au awful row if ids wife takes
hie razor t ) trim a little ncaire on her little nos
or sharpen a load poacil , but ho thinks it Is all
right , and scuffs at her , if she ehrloks her fee
ble protests wlueu lee takes her little ouebroId
or scissors to cut a toper telephone wire ,
"Don't hurt thee scissors at nil , its says ,
It is almost iunl oulblo t ) distinguish the
new velveteen from rust velvet , so silky is i to
surface and so soft ord even its face. Thn o
darkco'ors ' of this material n m vary hanelsonu e
alit ) they make bath stylish and wear dofyiee
walking skirts ; the now brand , it is claimer
being pnaf aagahst rain spats , etnd warranty l
Hover to fads ,
Yery long geiuutletto i gloves of Steeds cud
cash leatheer will be worn this autumn foe
driving , shosping , and with fwalking
tunas , 1 are t o latch )
lashdenable 'sale ' yellow or tan shades , bu
Cobb lee clerk reon , bronze , brown , olive , nut
other quiet colorsslighetlystitched uvitIe pal
pale gold silk , need Iavhag the gauutluts luor
c with the saute delicate tint ,
Oho of the features of dross trimmings thh
autumn is the cutting of the alga , of skirts
, tuutes mud paltenuisee fate turrets , Vaudyk
mutt as a f ashiuu so popular last , onset
ba Iigletor fabrics , ' ! 'wood dresses ors redo i u
f this mauuer with good sucquss , theu blocks o
t prints being 11ed with silk , mui turned bad k
sauothues to sleow a bright klltiug under
neathe. Suute of the blocks are quilts broad
t and uotonly trim Uo feat of tlue skirt nut
' tunic , but are sot in full double rows arouu d
the edge of the long fainted bodice in regular
Elizabethan style.
Shopping at Saratoga is uuusually brisk on
the closing days of thu season , and it is said
that many ladies of fashion linger into to got
bargains to laces , parasols , rugs , and fancy nr
titles at the shops that are about to cse.
Most of the summer staru arc branches of Now
York houses , but one enterprising Now
Orleans firm follows its customers to the
Springs with a choice stock. Rather than repack -
pack and reship their wares the merchants
mark down their prices to figures that tempt
visitors from tbo inland towns to buy.
Fruits are the favorite devices for ornamenting -
ing both brocaded and utinted dresses , and
bonnets and hats. Now that those luscious
productions of the orchard are to be admired
en all their perfection , they are more than
over closely copled from nature. It seems as
thougle lades had boon arrbogfng their dessert
upon their headgear. Apricots and Poaches
are tastefully combined with walnuts and
grapes , and apples cud pears appear noatiug in
muse tend foliage , surrounded with green almonds -
mends , Plttms and nectarines ,
The Ituliuue and the Trout.
The morning sun in splendor shouo
On tire mellow park of the Yellowstone.
'rice presidontat the break of tiny
had packed ifs duds and moved away.
A brave Shoshone chief camqout
With his willow pule to fish for trout.
It was half past Ii wlnoeu lee cast his line ,
And ha kept out frsldug till half-past 0 ;
And thorn 1 baited his hook allow
And patiently liehed until lealf past ° - -
Ties nueanwluile swcariug a powerful sight
For iisluing nil da with tinny a bite.
And lee swore mui fished , and fished and swore
Till his lilgiu watch tolled lealf past 9 ,
R'Ieeu a big , fat trout cause etwiuunileI , by
And winked at the chief with his cold , sad eye ;
"And do yen reckon , you ptgnn soul ,
You can catch us treat with a willow polo' '
The president taught us nuumors uvhilu
lieu fished fur us fu the latest style.
Yoa'vu iii ) idea 1m' proud we fuel
' 1'o be jerked usleoro with at Fnutkfort reel ! "
The rod eau gatheerod his dinmer pail
Aad eetartod home hey the shortest trail ,
And lee Gild his faiUufutl squat' ho guoss'd
'l'ie y'd better movestill f.rtleer west.
lt'lero prosideuets diehu't dunce fooling about ,
Tundug thuhuads of the giddy trout.
The ntelmtcholy days have come , the sweet.
est of thu year ,
Female suffrage noel the Keely motor are
still nentters of thus torture ,
'rho stal utees look as if they lord been
printerloby n "lelacksuuithe" art a eider press and
soft soap used ht Place of heck.
There way a touch of frost In Virginia on
Dlotulay morning , but the political tleormouece-
ter down there keeps stendy at about 200 °
Faheronleeit ,
It is said that when Jay Could has the Jim-
jams heo sees eeotbhng but water snakes , water
rats , got , lo eyed f'eih ' , unit other nnariuo uou-
stun , 'I hat is what conies of "uvaterhtg"
SO much stock , Water pity it is for poor
Jay ,
it was a happy tleoughet on the hart of our
Government to purchea o Uo l ullotvstono
country mud convert it into n National park.
It belongs to cull ties pee de of the Uulteel
States , tlee poor ets well as thee rich and all it
posts fern man livin ; lresido of civilization t )
v" titers anti roman is a theousmud dollars or
two , and perhaps his scalp--Nnrrietnsvut llor-
1 A 1laesachusetts matt leas fuvuntod nn ar-
rategnuiotet for hotuls w'birh lent enl calls n
ratan at muv gh mc borer , but ivhlche keeps hint
palled uuttl lieu rots up , It may le a useful in.
tt ioutlouebutuleattiestraveling pubhlo wants
t is ant eerraiep , euont that will ewt only call a
e clean , bttt niece shevec him out of beet , shave
l hire nd pay his hotel bill , 'floe invetor iii
such a pnctrs mtco could sell tin for .b
s apiece ,
' The Furious Fhurros.
Tlee chiefs of the Fire Dupartmenta , ro
eoaunbed the great pain banislior , St. Jar -
r cols Oil , Matlleow Brady , Esq. , Chief
Engineer Fire Department , San Fr ncis-
co Cal , W. A , art , p . , Cleiof Eu gi
I Hoer Fire Doiartnient Portland ) Oregon ,
endorse it. It conquers pain.
y Housse .ee ergs ,
- - Manufactured by the Omaha Dry Hop Yeast Co , ,
E tabhs Yi.ed ice. 1858.
Wit" ; L 1
l I U 9 "
I . X aura a Factory
w 1n '
' 1400 Bu(1 1411 Do(1ga Street ,
, - - - - - -
On Long Time--Small Payments.
FiOOS. A1 lloso Jr
1610 DODGE 4TItE
P is
Carraae ! , BugaiesRoadVagous , \
1515 rid horsey Street a S. 13th Street , ' OM
maichorsey AHA N EB
w lratal Caldecua lundtbed Ireo upon aplietIan ,
.a.ifa III.
Bu&es & ! , Carriages aitd Srill ¶ aolls
My Repository u cunltaatly flllod with. select .Got , Bert workmanship goarauteah
t Office and Factory S. W. Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Qmaha