Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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I I rtri IiAIIJ ? SEP'1'EMBEI 14. , 138.
I , -
Prithty Morning , Sept1 14 ,
: Weather IndicatlouN.
For the upper MMiMi1)Pi valley , Bglit
] ocal rains , IftrtIy doudy niidight1y
cooler weather , 8outhorly wnu1 , becoin.
ing ttiab1 , falling followed by rising
barometer. For the Mliisouri vnllcy ,
light ruins followed by cooler , pftrtly
cloudy wother winds 1iifLtng to wct
and nurh nnd rising barometer.
-Maribt Bk1)UN prccted vth s
o1d ) icaded cane by ] tun. Both Ilinman , (
1orth Platte , ye4crday.
-A nu WM MTf&Vd Iaqt 31ght for dmk.
.nneM who had on ltb In co1dc.h
' , lie WM in luck wren the poU got
% Itobi on
. . -A lip robe ai'l foot Tu vcre mtulen , from
.a. . . Harber' boim.e Wodsday
. nlgbLThoro
-Thoro wifi o rum 'qwrt mtt the St. Mary's
' . nyenvo bo b.ll lrk tl afternoon.
: -All the landing bu.ies houws ot Ilccnth
: itrect c1oed yorterdayibi ir1er to enable their
I crniloycs to attenlthe , Fair.
: , -A pocketbook containing &oo in Iimicoltm
county warrants walo.t ye.tcriky. A suit-
hilo rcwarti ofteredmor thdt returmi te this
t uffice.
-Tim Bi'.a is'is ' cecei1t of the iromimiimm lbt
, 01 tha First Annual Fat Show , to ho
2 liohi at flivcrvicw Park , Ksnias City , Mo. ,
. ovombcr 1st to 8th , 1883. The occasion
1mmn1os toh , aniinterasting one.
, ; -Ceo. M. .Kelsoy and 311ss Alice Tn.ner
. warc married In this city.n September 12 , by
.11ev. Charles W. Savidgo.
-Miss Nohhio ltapp wMpleManthy eurprisol
by.a numboof young friend. last Monday
eyening. The time was spent with an' ' !
dancing and.every one went home expressing
.tbomsohvos asbaving .pont a most enjoyable
. .ovoning.
-Mr. Wihl A. 1odickwas { married Wednes.
day afternoon te Miss Mary 0. Wood at the
residence of the bflds's varont by lii.hoi ,
'j Clarkson , and left for 3t. Louis amid an ox.
.c 4cndod eastern tour.
' r : -We saw a patchwork quilt yesterday
inado byAnnio E. ? ! athers of Crete , Nob. ,
. whiich contains t,817 pieces. It wium storied
byliorwhon hievas seven yea old and shoi
: 1ow fourteen.
-There were two drunks at the police court
this morning. Discharged. Tim city Is very
. . orderly. One man who inado a row at tim
fair grounds was released on his recognizance
to appear Saturday. By that than tim Juilgo
thinks ho will have room to elroad himself.
-The lawn party given by Miii. James
Woeworth Wednesday was a beautifully ar.
' ranged affair , ony ! marred by raimi which corn.
, xmnoed falling about9 o'clock. The grounls
were III. by Chimieso lanterns and a liiio , light
anti the music furnished by the tiaiul from thio
-Time Atchison Globe says : " 1'crhai the
proudest man in Oniahia is F. M. Mc.
Donagh. About twenty yeaes ago ho was
kicked by a nownpaper corrospoiiieut. 'I'hmat
correspondent iii now Stanley I. , 1mpcror of
. Congo. It is not everyone who can boast of
. having been kickati by a monarch. " We imoimi.
kate "Littlo Mao" for Vice Prosidotit of the
Congo ltOlUblk i
-Mr. lb ! . .J. Groovy , of Omaha , amid Miem
Addle Newton , 3llssouri Valley , In. , werc
married \ afternoon at the residence
of Edwin Newton near the junction , amid
passed through Omaha on their way to
Denver and tim tour of Colorado. The con.
ratulations of a host of Union Pacific mnomi
follow thorn , as well as of other friends.
-A fire was yesterday tliscovercd at the
, house of Chas. Hollow , on Sixteenth street ,
I near Burt. A young couple , married limit last
l 'week wore accommodated by Mr. hollow
vithi lodgings , and about seven imitho immorning
, their bed WM iisoovcremh to be mm fiio. A
c bucket brigade was organized which soomi ox.
tinguishied time fire. Mr. ILohlow was consid
$ crably damaged , his chllldrcn'14 clothing boimq
all burned.
S \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1 An Answer wantel.
Can .ny one brlimg us a case of kidney om
liver vommmplalnt that Elccttio Jit !
, tens will not S1)COdiIY cure ? \Vo usy thioy cati
. not , as thousatids of cases alreamly jiermimaimomit
ly ciircel and whim arti daily reconimimcnmiimm
i1 itlectric Bittern will p-ve. Bright's thioaso
c ! diabetes , weak back , or ammy tiriimarycoiimplaiml ,
quickly cured. They vumily Umo blood , remu
: late time bowels 110(1 act ( iirectly oim the ill
t 0550(1 parts. Every bottlu gimuramiteed. Foi
, sale at. 10o a hottlo by 0. P. toudmnan.
I GarzIciu'sCL1ImmetlEt1go City odm
't Orackera immult in ynum. mouth , lOimmiw
Everybody oats Omirmiunu cruckors.
: eycra1 Fih1s llc1 Oat thc State Pai' '
iut No 0mw 114 SerInmsNIy JnImmie(1.
State fair week atorted out compaiu
ttvoly quiet for Omnaim , and veRy ( ow mir
rusto have bucim mnado thmia far ,
i A. mmmii mmmccl Ed , hinmihoy wits arrest
ed about noon yesterday for picking i
ziman's pocket of a watch nut ! a smmmahl sumi
( if money.
J I4aat ovellimig lIr.V. . Ii Sumithi , on
of time proprietors of tIme mimlooli 01
Twelfth aiim ! Jluriwy , was imsunultoti ii
izont of time St. Charles lintel , hmmoekci
aowu , kicked nimd terribly hoatcim
OneV. . B , McCutchcomm vn
arrested as time perpetrator of time lued
McCutelmeon hind been in the saloon ii
time afternoon amiti bum ! a dilhicuhty smiti
Bmnith's partner , who was equal to thu
emergency nut ! cleaned hmiimm ommi , ' I I
aceimis to havu Imilmi up a grudge migatmis
3iiiitli , and uttacked bimim ne lie was ru
turning froum aupmr. South was quit
badly cut , 101(1 hmie wqumids wore dresaw
by a doctor nt time jail.
A sezous tight occurred on Fifteenth
, anmi Douglas , between a saloonkeeper au
a young man , which drew a crawd of twi
or three hitmmnirod 1)001)10. lioth mmmci
, ? were run ii ; and locked up.
m 'riiero wue a regular battle ju8t outeid
the gatee of time fair groundim about b
4 , o'clock , which aatod for half an hour
A couple of macn were nrro8tod and sub
i.eqticntly released.
Garncau's Lunch Water 1O.Ot
charneau'is Omaha Oyster , the bow
crs.ckor nu4o. lOmiw
- - _
B ! a Big CrowI
. . .
The State Pair Booms Despite AF'
verse Weather.
The itnccm I'ORtJHUCmt Until To.lity ,
'rleo fourth tlsy of time state fair dawned
clear and brl 'hit soul it was thought the rain
\Vednesday night wouhit miut affect the cx.
ibithi'n materially.
Icry : train iii brought cmw4 , of vI.tors ,
tie hmotel warn thronged am ! time streets
crowded , By mime o'dock a train of chiclcs
of escry .hescriptlon filled thin thcnvigImfnro
leading to the .irl-lmig hiark smut time
trains which went out wore loaded
dowmi with sight seers. 'I'bc senimo n4 tie multi
gateway was ii lktdy one hnl It WM5 whIm time
titintst tiitivulty that the bmiggics and foot
c iil.l crowd iii. it was ohlemmt
that the crowd was to be a isle' one , aimd so it
) ( , for there n.Ust have bean at least
20,000 cle tin time grounds before the lay
was over.
The ralim had somneslmai hurt thin cuimthitiomm
of timings , for great jwrnls of utter lay alomig
thto east sub and on time mmsil , ismds vero to
lie secti hem amid there anmi mmimmd everywhere.
N.mtwlthmstamiding this milsagrecahile state of
of tTair , the crow , ! seenmod dl1uscl tim make
time best of e'orytiming , nuil time ilay , , asoml off
in time idoasamitest mimmimmom imaginable , 'I ho
halls were all Iii c.mnimletomrtlcr , amid , together
with time , .lmov of stock anti ngricmmiturul iimm1de.
immonts , mimnilo iii , tin ox 1,11,1 , timmm wortim trmivelimig
iliamly mniic t , , moo , lii fact If time fair was
.icsigiio.l to show LImo iommmullcs , rcaomircos of
Nohraqica , it coulil not joislhly hiavo been
Immore of a succes , , amid soioe of time . commnty cx
hilbits were trimly wnmamiarfmii.
Time races vero of course atmi Important. lea.
tore of the day , mmmiii it was feared that tIm
truck wotilti not Ito In commditinn for them. 4 ii
attempt was mmmdc to drain time Course , bitt
about 11000 tIme sky ugalim becammio overcast
amid time rain vas soon failing In so hivoly a
nmnmmmmer that it WAS iletermiminod to give mmii ill
the races except the chariot race , which
IlCet1 tiio visitors probably immure titan any
other would have tlommo ,
The races announced for yesterday after.
noon will take place at 10 a. iii. tm1ay , amid
time regular Prramimmmme will follow in time ni.
terimoomi. Thmms it will ho seem , that. will
be thobiggcstmiay of time week iti point of at
tractiomme , and it will ito tiomtbt see the largest
attondammco yet hail.
A itrossure oil cmmr space irovonts time jmmblm.
cation of certalim muatter which will be , lmswov.
or , omimmahly good to.irmorrow , vhiori niention
will be inailo of several of the departmnotits Iii
which entries were toads late ,
cr.osiuo : cxiii ritm p.uim.
Time 13. & M. linilrmad , time Uniomi i'aeific
the i'tilssouri l'acltie the omaha t'c St.
roails , vill close their freight depots nil day
to.iay to amiable employees to attend the State
fair ,
) loIml : im.IN.
Another shower of rain fell last night , but
with a bright sun time grounds immny ho
in good shape for time races ,
i'ICK.I'OCmCEr $ ,
C , 11. Dm11 , of South hionti , Nebraska ashe
mmtoipotl off the train conming In froimm tfmo fair
grounds last night , had Iii. ijocket idcked of a
imoeketbook contaimming $2111 in currency and
several notes , one of $191 , moms of 5 , and
oIlmeN of different arnommntM.
MPrriN4m 01' i'mimm imtmmI ) .
A special meeting of the state board of agri.
culture , tlmo regular seimmi.anmmual mneetimig , was
hold at tim city council chamnimor last ovomimm
llumi , Eu Mcintyre jiresided iou ! \V. I
Barstow wa's clmosomm ni temporary secretary 1mm
the absommco of Major Wheeler.
'i'he roll vas cahlod amid several mmmcimibors
wore excused fur vood roasomms ,
Oim iimOtiiIi mill incmnlmrs who hind reported
mmd iveru engaged on time grinimids were ox.
cusod ,
Secretary Wheeler arrived nut ! took up tIme
work as secretary.
It i'as niovoti and carried that the state
fair iii 11484 be hold coimmmneimcing on time Friday
following the ciosimmg of tim Iowa state fair ,
nil continuing to tim Friday following. Thu
I will give oxbliitors a chance to get their goomis
all iii mihiapo by time first day of the week , and
gi Va ( ho fair five good ilays Instead of three ,
as imorotoforo. It was also tioterimilmiod to In'
rite soimlo noted divine , mmmmclm ns Boocher ox
Talmuage , to deliver a discourse at the fair
groummIs Oil Sunday , which will of cmmrso draw
a large attomniance ,
Ilomi , Ed. Mcintyre ias elected to repro.
sent the lsmard at the natiomial convention ,
called to moot. by tim commissioner of agri.
culture , anmi Iii case ho is ummabie to attend iii
) , Imo Is nuthoriznl to appoint his liroxy.
lnlbrniatlon For VlsltorM.
The followimmg list shows time lirimmcPal ! imotol
of Omnmmimti , location , number tlmmmt cxii be aecomn
modated at ouch , , amid into lcr day :
1'aron 110114 cor. i1tim amid } 'arnaimm , 1OO
$3.00 her day , imiclmmdhig cots.
Millartl J1oct , cor. 13th antI Iouglmmn , 350 :
CoemaJfommse , ( forniorly ( rand Facificmth ) ! :
. aiim ! liarmicy , 250 ; $2.00 , .2.50 ammil $3.00.
( . 'tumiield Itemise , 0th anii Fnrmmammm ; 200 : $2.00
Atropotitum , , 12th aimd 1)smmglas , 450 , lii
m chmdlmig cots ; $2,00.
i'tnt1er'a house , 10th and 1)ceigo , i0 ; $2.00
l'iiclfic itemise , 10th amid Caiiital avommtmo , 40
. OecidemLal JIotd , 10th mmd howard , 200
( Thddard Jtoue , Bhermniui avenue , cormmor o
Coittor , near fmur grommmui. 73 cents , $1.
To imkAcmm mm ( ii:0u4mm. :
S'treet Cars-Take Sixteontlm or Eighteenth
street earn at U , 1' . depot to terimmititis , when
transfer Is made to time gnnmmuls. Faro 15 cents
'l'o reach hlanscoimi park , take St. Mary's nut
l'amk avoummo cars , which m.smm time i'msxtom
every twenty minutes. Faro fi cents.
l,114rn J'aciftc , Trains every hour ( rein tin
10th street crossing. Fare iL cents , 25 couti
for the round trlii.
C , , $ t , 1' , , U , .tt 0. R. R. Trains honm'l
from the tiepot , corner of 'mVelmtor inn !
[ I streets , whichi can be reaclmed by 10th * mtreo
cars. Fare 15 ceimts , for resmuil trip 25 cents ,
Vemicks , Carryails and exlircsmies run fran
time isthllcocormer rt'gulmsrly , Fare 25centem
hacks hO ceimis.
JJoid' : ( ) pmx house , car. 15th and Yarnaim
streets. Katie l'utmiani , Monday ovommimig , ii
' 'Lemma , the Zmlwicap"Tuesmlmsy ; , ' ) lti Cmmriosit
. Slmop : " "Vetlmiesduy , ' 'Child of tIme hiegimmient
. Fay 'remnpietomi , ' 1 humittimsy ovomihimg in "Old
vette ; " .F'rl < imsy , " 1'Irates of l1enzaoco ;
Satmmrduy , "mlmumootto ; " Satimnixy mnatimiue
"Iniantho , "
Academy o/Muslc , 1)mimigias , between 13t
ammd 14th streets , 'I'lma Chmieusja Com.esiy Come
I imloiiiIayovemilmmglmi "hathiocim Ittavoum
10,0mm ; ' 'l'mtemoiay ' 'iavy ' CrockettVodmmes ;
day , ' 'Itimsodalo , ; " 'rliursday , ' 'Flirtation ;
U -
Huusuon'H Jtritcft alyo.
Time gceatest medIcal womnior of the world
Ii Varramttod to swiIly cure Burns , Cuts ' UI
ii curs. Salt ilimummin , Fever Smmm'cs , Oancers'Pllos
. Cimilbiabmmm , Cormum , 'l'etter , ( Imnppcd imuiidsmsmm
all .klu oruptiomms , gummrautced to cure iii uvor
S Immstanco , or immolmey rolmimidud , 21 ommtmm esi
' , , bust. eiO.0
; : l'4Y 't'liI
. Jtomimpm.msmmm iiin 1mm Ommnhimi 01' tIme Tent
Imltlmmim Oiiom'me Oommmluimy ,
'J'hio OJO1'iL Itotisu wait probably Imurur si
: i coimiplotuly Illicit as vae last night , a
) least we itover before saw jiorsoims ubhig
1 ed to leave for obsoluto vant of seats
miotwitlmstamling that uxtrai cltmm'mrmm wur
brought lmmt < i use , ' [ 'imo city is full a
. stnniger , amid it scommwd u.s if all ut thtwi
. had taken this opportummity 14) pay a visi
to Ommiaha's beautiful Timesp'ian temple
and then there was a heavy nttoiidammcu u
cRy people , called thioro by time IC5OflC
t of time old favorite , . Fey Teimqmluteii } 'a ;
ii juBt the seine as over , vivacious , capt
. - . . . . . . - . . - " - - - . - - - - - -
vaUng , of willowy formn and bird.hike
voice , 11cr wardrobe is immure liberal
oxpemis"vo " Limati all ) ' ahmo Imus exhibited iii
imres'iotts toirs in fact , time ct ttlml C0S
tumniug of the whole commipany npcars te
hmavo bCCfl immensely bettorcu. i'hte.
repertoire is the same 1)Ut more prop
prcsoiltcl. All of 1'ay'R costumes r
votto bnhittcd her chmarmnmngly. SI
her apponralice in a short skirt rene
stiii , w'itht olmormilous lint amid ' 'rmrmmago ho.
quct. mum big , atid changed It. a Mother
hubbard , of creamy Spr.zjh , loo. 1mm
time ccond act alma cumno < y % , vjth a silver
gray satimi , and in thotbh-d , was dressed
mu , Ii cabin.boy , In a. nit of 1iimk , silk
tighiti ; , followed by it long dress of black
silk and lace , with heavy veil , a Spuiiiah
costume , in wlmiclt , mho was moat bewitch.
imig of all.
11cr support is batter from time ladies
than time gentlomemi , with the exception ,
porlmaps , ( if Lu L.siito as CYogiiehicot.
The duet , "A 'lo 0 Cam , " between
Ohivetto amid time Countess , wan very well
A word must bo sat(1 (03 to time scoimory ,
for the stage last mmigiit. was jiarticimlarly
well sot , amid .ahied lortit imiuch adimmira.
thou. Jtm.nigltt time Tciimpletoim comIilany )
imlay "Pirates of l'cn7.ammco. "
' '
Machirmo' tieacrhlmtion by
the barrel or gallon at Uoodzmusn's ,
All firat.claas ClutIming houses can tell
you who 141m'l'vrr , LAK : & Co. aro.
slO nle&w
It Pcrforates ll llca all Lois Oat
His Braills ,
A CaMe of Ieilbcvnte .4imlclde.
About (1:30 ( : last evening Mr. Ilowomi ,
of time fmrmmm of liowon & McOroer , car-
pommters tint ! manufacturers , eliot himiiaolf
at his room on Dodge and Elovouth
Bowen w'ts a young titan about 21 years
of ago wlmoso people live about four miles
front Muscatino , Iowa. lIe was subject
to f'mta of molancimoly and hind 'oftoim
threatened to blow his braimis cut. Yes.
torday afternoon his partner and roommate -
mate , Mr. McGreor , wont to Limo fair ,
heaving liiiii in apparently good spirits.
When lie wont to ton in time evening
ho learned that liowon hind miot
iOOfl there but thought nothing of it un.
t'il lie went to his roommi about 0:30 : , wlioii
he found a ghastly sight awnitieg hmimn.
his partner lay stretched out on time
floor , his head toward the east , a pool
of blood surrounding him and his brains
oozing out through a fearful hole in his
skull. A revolver foummd lying by his
side with one empty chamber amid a box
of cartridges ontho wimmdow.aihl , told time
story. If additional coisfirinatiomi was
ixooded it was found in the bullot.hiolo ,
which showed itself just above tim riglmt
temple , and the hole iimndo by its exit ,
back of time loft ear. The bullet , somewhat -
what flattened , was also picked up in
0110 cornorof time rmormi.
Dr. Coo. 13. Ayres was aummimnoned and
Shierhir Miller and Met Baker , of Coroner
Jacobs , estabhishnmont were notified , and
all three soon put in mimi apponranco.
Bowen was Vronouncod beyond human
aid , and was ammiking rapidly at midnight
his death being only a question of it few
minutes. Thit pistol was a 32 calibre ,
liopkinmm & Allen , called the "Ranger. "
Bowemi had dressed hummisoif for time
grave and had laid his coat on the bed
before firing the fatal simot. Search failed
toreveal any letter explaining time cause
for Limo desperate deed.
Morsfor < l's Acid Phosphate.
Tonic for Overworked Men ,
Dr. J. C. Wilson Philadelphia , Pa. ,
says : "I ha'o used it as a general tonic ,
and in particular in time debility mmd
dyspepsia of overworked mmmcii , with ant-
isfactory results. "
, Chocolate snapimamado by Garnenu is
one of the finest. l0imilw
; All grocers sell Garimeau'arnckors be.
. cause they ate time boat. lOimmiw
p _ _ _
: Evaim , a. ii. hlansomm , cci. S.
Smnitlm moo ! wife , It. mfcGimmnis aimil vifo , 'r. .i.
l'arrisim , 0. .r. ilimrko , 0. l. Groom , , Hattie
I ammil Laura lrviime , all olKcarimoy , are at time
Lloimtcuammt Govorimur Ageo is iii time city.
Dr. 11 , 14. Paine , Harvey Liciity , Mr. and
1mIrs. Tom. hontumm ! , MIss Lemma Marshall ,
I 1tlss Curs Jlummiphmroy , .MIss Laura Vnrmdem-
I POOl CflfltO imp fromim Limmcolu yestormlmiy.
G. 11. Caltlwehl , C , itt. . .Cnrtor and A. ( .
m Kendall , it ! Jitmcoln , are at time mllllartl.
( b-oemm , I ) . II , Crummier , A. W. Cox ,
S ! irs. and Miss Ettm Cox , of hastings , arc at
time Pnxtomm.
Dr. Elimiwooti mimmd wife , antil , lowlimmg
I iti wife , Nortim ] ! ommd , are mit time l'nxt.'mmm.
Mr nimtl ? 1rs , Ooo , llimmne amiti thick daugim.
S ter ? mlnbol left em , time noon truiim for a immouth's
sojourn timrougim time West. They vili visit at
Groomt htivor , Ogdoim immmd Salt Lake , am ! ro'
i timrmm vIa 1)cmmver ,
m Mrs. S. S. 1)oshm , of Now Yorkcity , Mrs.
A , .1. lhmtckstatT , of Lincoln , , and Zmlrm , , 11yra
. C'ropiey , of Fairbury , are guests of Mr. ,
1 Jmi < lgo hail , in Ommicima , simm ! will leavofor Clii.
, cage ,
T. M , Orr anti wIfe amid her mmmothor , Mrs.
I- . Russell , have gommo to 1)oa'or for a week.
Henry's Carbolic Salve.
Time best salvo used in limo world for Omits ,
Brimlsemm , l'lle , , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Itimeimmn ,
'letter. Chapped hlaimmi , , Clmillmlaimmmi Corims
mmmmd all kinds < if Skin Ertmptiomm. , Frcc'kias amni
I. Piiimples , Thu Salve is guaranteed to give
Perfect satisfaction 1mm every case. lie sure
all , itimors mime but. iimmitatlomm. ammil coumiturfelts ,
) I'mico 25 commts.
Take Notice.
I ; 1ase imieotiimg of colored citizoims of
Douglas comimmty is called for Moiidimy
ovenilig , September in , 1881 , at time Col.
- ored ! mIasoiiic hall , Faritmun street , be-
tweomi Eiovemmtlm mmd 'I'wolfthm streets , for
the mmirposo of orgaii'iziimg a republican
city coimtral climb , fly request of
\v. It. GA.ilmlJi ,
t I'mucg , SAUNunw ,
v. ii. BiriLEmI ,
Aimd twcimtyotiiers.
'I'hme Oimia1umhturzmltivjl1 please copy.
f 'l'hto balsamimio healimmg mmd sootimimig
mm ProPerties of mS'asiiart zm AVCII'iHC are
t sommmethiimg mmmarvolous ,
. ' ? 'y brotlmum' . aged 111 , imad fits from
p , hits limlaiic. mS'arnarltas .N'crv1n cured
f Immimi. " A. W. OurtieOmmakis , Miimmm. $1.50
0 St Druggists. _ _ _ _ _
V Ask yourCirocorfor ( ltmrneau's Eagle
I Brand crackers. slO.0l
V'illuii 1orohants Elltortainc y thDlr
Offlaha Fridlls ,
They VIsit time Opera house amid Arc
htiifl(1UCtPd at time I'nxon. (
One of time neatest and most comnmnemid-
able features of time state fair week wims
that utmdcrthkwm by the jobbers and imman-
ufacturors of Omaha , iii cimtortnimiing
their visiting customers.
As stated in Tima ] limn recently circulars
wore sent. some time ago to time patrons of
Omnalma houses , inviting timoni to visit time
state fair as guests of our business umen.
Yesterday hamidsomno cards of invitation
were sent out , accommipanied with a ticket
to each invited guest , entitling him to a
reserved scat at , time opera house , to wit.
hess the performammcc of Ohivetto mmd
subscqucimtly nttcmmd a banquet
AT T111 i'.tXTON.
A badge of blue silk , bearing time word
l3ami < iiiet , s'as also cimcloscul , amid
time immvitatiomi was accepted by nbotmt
275 gemmtleinomm , mvkosu appearammco at time
opera house was a immnm'kcd feature of time
cVeiiilm.f. At tIme close of time performim-
nimc'o timey adjourimed to time Paxton , the
slmnciolis ohlicu hieing crowded ti its mit.
immust capacity. i bout imiitlmiight time
IiarLy assembled iii time clegammt purlom's
tmimd immarclied to the dimmiimg roommi , svhiero
long tables were spread for time feast.
'lito diiiiimg room mmd ordinary were
botim required to accoimminodato timeguests ,
aimd they presented a beautiful sight ,
gleaming witim glass amid silverware , amid
time tables laden with time melons , fruits
amid other delicacies of time season , while
ii whole rcgimiiuiit of waiters vcre in at
toudauce to serve time s'isitors.
On entering time mill the Mimsical
tlmiioim orclmmnmtra struck up a grand march
mind discoursed their sweetest music during -
ing time evening.
Supper was served at once in a style
peculiar to the I'nxton. A beautiful
) rogi'amuimie was furisimcd each guest , omm
which was pmimmted time following
Oystors-Jtaw , fried , stowed.
hors d'oeuvres-Olives , celery , ghcr-
kimma , clmow.clibw , sliced toimmatoos , pickled
beets , cold slaw.
Cold disimos-Laimib , smoked beef
tongue , hammi , sliced fowl , pressed cormmcd
Salads-Chicken salad decore , lobster
salad , simriimmp salad , sardimmes.
Plain and fancy cako-Maddeson cake ,
cake do Chambord , French mimacaroons ,
kisses , a Is mode ; frosted lady cake.
Creania and jellies-Meringue , a ha
pommiiactour ; Bavarian cream , clmnmnpagne
jolly , , jelly aaturne , vanilla ice cream ,
Ionioim ice crcammi.
Dessert-California grapes , bananas ,
pears , apples , assorlnI nuts.
Coffee , tea chocolate , creani.
An hour was spent in disposing of the
magnificent spread , wimicim it is safe to
say could not be equaled by any hotel in
time vest , amid timemi followed time toasts
amid spcccimes , interspersed by music from
a quartette from time Ornalma Glee Club.
This quartette consisted of Messrs. F.S.
Smnitim , Al. D. Morris , W. B. Wilkins
and Ilemiry B , Estabrook.
Among the solectiomis were the well
known ollmor's IimemnYoin song ,
Vogel's Waltz , "The Toast , " by
ZolTnor , and Marschncr's Serenade ,
among the best in timoirreportoiro amid
time frequent amid cntiiiisiastici encores tea-
tilled to time pleasure with * hicii they
were received. It may be said in timis
conncctioii tlmmit the most of the quartettes
which , are now required for public cmi-
tertainimment , came from time Oninima Glee
Club amid they are always first class.
Time banquet was in all respects a corn
pleto success , the Omaha men did themselves -
solves proud , time visitorawere well picas.
ed mmd Kitcimon Bros. added to time iau.
rels they already voro entitled to in
thus line. The Paxton was thrown wide
oloim ) to its gucsth and its hospitality
was umiboumided. The afFair was a most
auspicious one iii all respects.
- - -
Garneau's Jelly Tiu'ts and Wafers are
delicious slO.Gt
VA liii ,
Grace OmnmmilniiI PretIlct time VIolent.
Oyoztimrow of Monopoly.
New York Star.
Wanderimmg through \Vall street yesterday -
day immoruimmg , a reporter of Time Star raim
across Grace ( Jourtlamid coimming out of a
vrolmmimieut brokci"s office oim Broad street.
'l'lio Witch has lost nomie of her vivacity ,
ammd iter Western experiences , stummmpiimg
tim State of Kansas , have added immucit to
her stnre of expericimcn. Site is a trifle
graver tiluilm whemi sue left , but time fire of
her gypsy eyes hashes with all its forimior
vigor ,
"What are you doing here ? " asked the
Star imian ,
< 'You caim't guess , " said Mrs. Courtlamid.
"Never muted , you will hear of mu before
bug. Do you stiplioBo I nimm goiimg to givmm
UI ) the bmills amid bears ? Not mmiuchm. I
apemmt sonmo years getting cmi time iiiaido of
time immarkot , amid timoy can't freeze imie out.
It will be a wet day witoim I lotgo my hold
Oh this lmotbed of fasimiommablo gaimibliimg ,
I know timeimi aiim ! timey know I do. Timut
is suliiciemmt. "
"What acimenio are you working iiov
-sommiu deal to break tIme ltupublmcamm
iarty mmd help elect a Duitmocratic
I'reaidoimt imoxt tiiiio 1" asked time scribe
"I'll ' tell y mt what itia , " aaitl time \Vitclm.
' 'Titia country is goimig to time bad mis ( mist
as possible , W'hmat with umm'mversal gaimm.
biiimg , imorso racing , rnili'otul mmmomiopoliea ,
cormmem'mm iii food , corrtiptioims at time ballot.
box , ammd atnrvatioim for time laboring mmmamm ,
tue Republic is fast drifting immto nimnm'cimy.
.Jay Gouitl amid hits chimitmo are ctmttimig their
own throats. i'll ' toil you what is becoimi.
iimg time wateimword mu this laimd-tho
immotto on it bammimor 1mm tIme labor parade time
otime dim3' , it wits , ' < Evem'y mmmamm should
Imavo a breoch.loader , mimmel know how to
tibt jt , ' Time failure of time 'lommgshmorwnoii
to got twenty cents aim hour , tim failure
of time teleramplmie strikers to gotwimat ma
theirs by i'mgimt , ltiia struck deep imito time
smile of time laborers of time limmmd , Time ) '
retire defeated , but time ) ' wait for a hotter
day. It. is emily a ( ltmCatbohm of tiimw ,
kmmow what is goimmg uii , for I itmivo address.
0(1 every labor orgaimizntiomm froum Clmmcago
to time rocky mmmouimtaimis. I atummilmoil
lcansas in mmii opeim wagon whuim Jit ) '
( louhi's ' satellites , tim railroad mmmci , ,
prevented mmmc fm'ommm guttimig time halls or
cimurcimes. Tlm su imard.f'mstott immeim carried
inc aroimimd on thou' shoulders often. I
limmisimed ill ) ' lectures amid showed tliwti
imow they were being robbed. Every
farmmm in Kansas is mmmortagod to time r.ul.
road comnpammios ( lotmId talks about time
laboring mimamm buimig a iiabob out timere. I
have just boon tlmrougl ; time wimolo state ,
- -
not in a palace tar witim champagne
suppers , bmit. in reigimt care and on horseback -
back , amid kmiow wimat I ala thlkiimg
nlout , Tinif time farimmora iii 1Caims mmd
itlbiiri are mmcxl. door to Poverty.
They are robbed of ovorytlming , and live
omm baked squash amid corn coffee. Time
work of their lives is a slavery to time
corporatiomis. Time' arc dissatisfied aimd
unhappy. Their wives mmd clmmldrcim are
weak and sick trying to keep the wolf
frommm tiio door. They slave and lave ,
aimd time mimiddlemaim gets all they mmrnke ,
It takes four bushels of corim to get omm
bushel to market. Time ) ' are chiemmied mm
every imammd , Farming htims lost its dmgmmmty ,
for it will no longer tiny. I toll you timia
state of afluiirs cannot last imiuch lommger ,
Your Popuiatiomms in time city are imo bettor
oil' . It is starvmition iii time < mmmd , wlmmle
time mnonoycd class arc growing fat eu time
fruit. of toil. Logislatiomm aim tlio queatmoim
is a failure. We have trictl it and it
woim't work. Time law is powerless to
help us. We nro a nation of wimito slaves
imow alml worse off timamm time blacks over
wero. "
"Is timere aimy way out of time trouble ? '
asked time reporter.
"But one way. We must prepare to
fitiit. lteformmumtioims mmever coimmo about
wmtlmoimt contests of force. Read history
timid you will liimtl timat this is so. Time
body politic wammts purgiimg. It is sick ,
amid no doctor caim restore time patient
uxco1it time law of nmiglmt , wimicim mimakes
rigimt. I tell you time mmmcmi who miow rc-
fuse to immeet labor Imimlf way iim her just
demmiammds will timid it too late to commm-
prommiso < lime of timese days. I imavo
predicted before , amid mmmy pretlictioims ima'e
coimmo trpo. 1 now predict tlmat tlmcro is a
little cloud atimerimmg jim time hmorizoim as
big as a mimami s imatid. Timis cloud will go
< ) ii immitil front out its oi'miimous doptims time
higitimming will strike amid demmiolislm a fabric
that. limos ho basis jim justice , equity or
right. l'art'mes will go dowmm iii time geiieral
swcel ) and omit of time old will commie UI ) a
imow , tried as by lire amid foummtl better
than time old. it mmmatters not who sufrer.
Time primicile of progress will survive amid
carry on time great law of cimange amid
advancement , It was for timis timat time
Netimci'lntmds fought ciglmty years against
time cruel Pimilip. It was for timiathat
Cromnwoll starved and drilled hits scat
torcd Imoats. For tlmis time l'uritaims c.'mme
to Now England simores. For this Wash.
ingiomi toiled amid suffered , amid for this
our brotimers now sleep beimeatim time
Soutimerim soda. You caim't stave it oil' It
imiust come , ammd time echo of time ruimmhlimig
can now be heard in time distance. I
it ; witim time gift timat overcomes tiimmc nuil
distance. have a care wbcii it conmus
that tue bridges are imot burimed down ,
niommopolimita , for you will imood them all to
carry you out of the danger. "
I'iir ' File Com1exioll.
Positive reliefand immunity -
ty front complexional blemishes -
ishes innybe lound inllagan's
llagnolia Balm. A delicate
and harmless article. Sold
by ( Irliggists everywhere.
It iiiiparts tile most brilliant -
liant and ilfe-liko tints , and
flue closest scrutiny cannot
detect its use. All unsightly
] .liscoloratioiis , Eruptions ,
fling Marks under the eyes ,
Sallowness Iledness , Rough-
hess , 811(1 ( d10 flush of fatigue
aiid excitement are at once
( liSlCilCil by the MagnoJia
: Eialiii.
It is the one Incomparable
Tue. < da3' , Vu tliiesday. Tlmums < lay. Friday anl Satur.
( Is ) ' , teptemnber 11th , 12th , iith , i4th amid lth , ibS3.
Qamo Oa11oc. at 4
Atimmilmslon , it cent. . Grand Statol 25 < 'emits extra ,
LrSpecia1a will Poalttvoly not ho incortod
unless paid in acivanco.
TO LOAN-Money.
uoNr.y TO LOAN-The Onuiha Savlgs , lammk ( ii ,
I n new prepared to moak. icons on omaha city or
Douglas ronntyreal estatemit current rate .d literei.t. ,
No oommul.ision charged.
1ONE' TO LOAN-The lowest rates of luterest
11 flemis' Loan Aremcy , Situ _ & bougias. 344f
40NEYT0l.OAN-Caiiat Las olUco of I ) . L ,
IYI. Thomas , room 8 , Crelghtoa Hlok ,
- -
jii-g-ny LOANED-On Chattel mflartglge , roemmm 7
lvi Neliraska Natnal Iiankliuii.linmu. ist. tt
ONEY TO I/.N-J. T. fleatty calms on chattel _
.LYI property. 5m ( South 14th St. .eptll
St. J. l. LUND.
1ANTL ) Tuoglrl. atCi58outim ith it.
% 027.15
? . - time Flare , , : e ( , tt.om1 ,
\ . Iimqulro of J. C. Murphy . at the worhs. OC.l7t
- - - - - - - - -
- T,1'mi-.t : coiiipeteimt girl go' . wite , 1810
S laveiporI St.
- . .tNTIuGIrl to do geimeral biImeaorlu lim f.i'n.
\ 1 II , ' of two , I imiiulru ai , u'citer , , lluu.c , e < , ucr ,
i4tlm aimd Jackson ,
TA'FE1)GoojI gIri for o .i Tammlikuq. Imest
% , aucI. AppI ) ' Immmuimeiiiately at cimi.loy ilicut
Iimrcatm ,2m7 , . lath bt. o , aitim ft. , 0221 <
V 1717 cmicao ) Si , UiU.i5
, trnu . , .m girl tar faimmily of three. As' .
im ) . aoimti , , .kie Ctiimio .mtrvet , bet. irons mini
Jaimmt , , time immiy Imouc , (115.15 (
- ' rAci'F.I.tim , uxpcriciiee < i s.ilcsmmia , , in ge'icm-ai
S \rAci'F.I . , easy sort. Adirus ( I , it. X. , h.
0. box 4eward Nub. , O12.iti
( load eumas.eN tur.useImmg mimachimies.
' \rANTED < I'I.uu' aimtt Organs. AIres. !
A. S. : ' ,
GO'mai Central City , Ntb
AKrro : A gooti cook wlmo caim waslm ammi 1mm , .
I . % ll'i' &mt time l'atoim hotel ietstvm , 9 imm1 , 12
a. mu , Ucut. 5asom ! , lou ( ) immalimi.
1rAN'rEm-a g000 gin tor gemmsrmml Immusowork Ii ,
, S a stimuli faintly , Al1lI St 42 imorth Ibill mitrect ,
' < TANTgI ) At timmi Oonmnemciai Ilitel , Mi..our $
! V Valley , a goo4 11try oook , Must amo'iv by bat. .
uIay eeri1im ! , 1iU0W & WILUUII ,
j ) < 7'ANTu-A eomapstcntglmi to do second work
S V In a it-teats f&mnliy , Itefereaces required. Au-
v1r . . ocr. .orner 201) ) , Mmd Csl1 < urula iii. . 000.13'
' 1TANTEI-A good dresmuisker at Iced Douglas
' S street.'
JANTEU-A omiuimpetent girl at b. U.arnzsbas lteo.
V V tory , soath east corner of 1tim semi eaiifornia
streets. 577-if
) Infants and ChILcren
Without Morphine or Narootinsi.
What gives our Children rosy cheska ,
What cures their fevers , malice the sleep ;
< 'TI. OsLrbi.
When flables fret , and cry by turns ,
What cures their colic , kills their worms
1 lint Ciutoriti.
What quickly ciiieg Coaxtipatlon ,
Sour 8tomnnca , Colds , Indigestion :
lint Cnstnrts.
Farewri then to Morpimino Syrups ,
Castor Oil and l'aregorlc , smut
smuti&l Castorla.
Centaur Llnimoflt.-Anab.
solute onro for Rhonmatism ,
Sprains , Burn. , O1I , &o. , and nz
Lnthntanooui Pain-rollover.
- _ - . -
-----T--L/ _ . _
Broom Corn
I r I-
The Best in the Market
Manufactured by
Ualesburmj , Ii.
rSend for Circular nmt l'rice List.
The Product of American Industry !
Full assortmsnt constantly on Hand and for sale by
HENRY PUHRMAN , Fremont , Neb.
ITTASTED-Salcsmen to carry our line of Jeans ,
vy limmeumels , etc. , on commtais.Ion , , in connection
sith their nreentiincs. Address thinufacturere , St.
cmrsiwgl.t. : & co. , I'hlla < lelphia. iOt.14'comi
11ANTaD-A clerk well I'ested in the clothIng
V busir.ecs anti willing to do Justice to hIs em'
pioer. Good references required.
850.-is H. IAV1DSON , } 'ronont , Neb.
tTANTED-A c.mpetent girl for getters ! houno.
fl work. Apply at S. V. cor. 11armey and 20th St.
mAitOit WANTED-To do general tailoring , both
I cutt1n ann working on bench. Steady work &
good par to the right oman. Apply for one week at
i : . U. AS.IES , I'onca , Nob. 527.14
IITANTED-First-elass cook and laundress at 2420
' V Ilarney street.
' A ANTEI-A woman to wash and iron at the
il's Emmet ltouo. 463451
IITANTEb-A dimming room gte ! at time Creighton
V IIduso.
TITANTED-Lady agents for the ' < , imeen i'rotoct.
vv or. ' . A new under garment for ladles , made of
soft , flexible rubber. Sure protection to the under.
wear , iicn necessary to ho wool. itetalls for $2.00
as fast ai xnt. can chow It. Large profits. Address
wlt.lm stamp , "Ladles' Uundergarinemmt Imiamufacturlng
Co. , No ) S .Maystrect , Chicago , 1.1. 706-3m
IXTANTEI3-At. , once , iS gins atCanfleld's Overall
Iv Factory , 1107 Harney street , 3d liner. 415-tf
TXTANTEI-Gtrl , at No. 1086 Sherman avenue.
sTANTEU-A youimg mnam , ma years old , educated
fl inaGermany llighsclmool , rantsa idacoas a
clerk bm a , to'u or an office. lie writes a go.d hand
and counts figures quIck and correct. Inquire at
11ev. J. 0. Schaiblo's , 817 N. 18th street. 004'lSi
A Young 1,1mm who undcrstaimds GernianandEng.
lish 10 years old to get eniploymneat 1mm somne
store. Inhimmire of S. Lehman , 1106 Faniam
\ XTANTED-A Tiltuatlon as nmcat or pastry cook.
V Apply mit car. 18th and Webter. 603.18
W ANTED-Situation by two flrss.clmiss cooks.
litut of references. Admlres "X. Y. Z " 1100
L AIJiES Oil YOUNG MIIN 1mm city or country to
take nice , light and mdcnsant work at their own
homes ; $2 to $5 a day easily anti quietly made ; work
sent by mali ; oW cammvasmimnlp no sthuip icr reply.
Pieao address ltdieblo Man f'g. Co. , I'nhia.l a. Pa. ,
drawer TF. 478-lmoI
and room for lady anl child ,
suburbs rrcfcrrc1. Address L. F. B. Lice 0111cc.
L ITUATION WANTEI-As book.keeper or to do
0 gemmerat office work. Ilest of references. Ad.
iiressQ. LHoo ofliec. 513.111
i\TAN.rEo-A well furmmishei coon , for the whiter ,
by single Gentleman , wIll mmay $10. ror niomth. ,
Adircmis " 1g. C. 0. " at "thnalia lice. " olilce , 011.141
- \ yANTED3O00 bushel , of free ) , hilcke < l , ripe to
, mmatoes , ablIarrls& Fisimer's. 327.11
FOIL IIENT--ltouaon and Lots.
T-'omt IIENT-Warehouse on Jones street , between
ji ilIUm and litim streets , Omnala. lmqubo of 1. . J ,
ILeimnarti , 10th mmd Doige. 005.1 ;
I lOll mlnNr-1'h.'aaumt furniiiott cottage , or furni.
tmru for sale. AlIly 605 N. 18th strtet. 007.141
I ut RENT-A i es'imotie , iehl , chqtcrm , anil cellar. , , , war Iremmu itreet atar red car Ihimo.
imemimiro oil prcilih.C ( . SbmJ.14 I
IE ° ' ° mmmNT--t : iCrc'iit ' 'r1lohiuso , j
roimq , cii 6th etrect , near to lmrosnehi Ifail.
Cd ) imitcr anti cItcrrm Ah.l13' tO .m , it'larkson , of
Coigduim , tlarl.soim & llamt , vormcr of m4tlm and Far.
in. - _ _
I iillNT-Smnaii cottage , 821 14. 23.1 , near Ley.
cnmv.rttm , ci I her , imoimtli. 'F. J , Fitziimorrl i ; 012
S. lOOm strret.
F 011 RENT-Two hears uimi , bascmneit , Elevator
1 attached. 1207 l'arriaum street. 270'ino ,
0it gENT-A nicely furaWiLd room 1318 Jackson
street. 542.141
F ° ILENT-A new brick store feet deepoa
1 Howard street , lietseerm 15th mmcii 16th streets ,
InquIre at Iiuahmimman' . dry goods store ,
-romi 4 1IENT-lI.uso 0 cooing , two closet , aimitgoa.1
Iascmicnt. , hard and coft water. $ .oo I'r
inonttm , ( 'or. i4tim amid % S'etater.
' ° 'ti JAS , CALLAHAN.
I 011 Rr.NT-i'li < mmrmmi < hemt roomns at 1014 IS'elj.
ster street.
_ _ _ _ _
F'Oh ( imlNi'-A : Slimly turiilsmivi i.arior , to martics
rcfcrhiig rl'miis In a in i ate faimihiy , Si 6. Ad.
, imtis K , iirm. olOce.
I ; u iii ii 1NT-m72m ( capitoi atmiliu , fimrnl.iici roomms ,
stub or euiiIc , to guimm lemmi mm , oil wife , or gemm.
tlemmeii. 505.13 'lracbvmmts aca-oizmliJmtd f4hr liesk.
1 I1EN'l'-A itire , Imew ratlmgc : , 22x40 , 0
S hail aimil i'aimtry , , altar imimi Such roonm ,
Imantani sf1 % < ater. ( ioiiveiiumt , , , i'leasamt , ioeallty ,
one ilock from street ear line. Apuly situ rcferemcc ,
ati2i3 mmortimltltlm
I VOlt m1Exr-Tso mmlcely furmmt.iujd rommis hi , brIck
Imouie , 1410 Chicagoctreet.
I 1t itF.,1'-3 room cottare , new Seward etree ,
- ietweetm . Cam1beii au4 Iruimo , Slihiimm' addbtiom , ,
47(1.145 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tioit IIIINT-'mmrmhlieI ronmm. Imtiuiru ut hltoiw' ,
mmmu.i , , and art etore , Itodgu .treet. 330 if
I 'Oit ltE.T-imrhck store , Jmmriulru at drug etore ,
- - ( or.lOtimatmd JJuugasteeet. !
I 4lOit l1Eh".so floor. mmmi basemmmemfl. Ihevator
fltUwlwd.jO7 Fam-mamn stret.
l1ol1 uimfurnlslmcd
I 11110 location. PCCK , 0p , I' . 0.
Mo-t C
FOitt ) & SCUEII , heal Estate Agemmcy , 001cc
east ciii , , l4tlm etrect , betucru } 'arnamu smut foimgiat
streets. 793.t
hA I , E-A mum mimI lot at a macref ica I
_ I 3li&rbl. , 212 N. 101mm st.
Foil I.EASE-Fmmr m-imoleu huts nit tutu st. , long
- tlme,217NlOth Itarbie.
volt SALF.-.20t4 Farnama
125 depth , 11,0 roomed 014'mnot
-1'o It S.4LE-Thlrteeu , varietla- . fancy pigeon , , 'j'un.
_ J b1r , , 11011cr. , bwmillow , , Jacutln , , etc. ALe
ICWO 5i Scotch Terrier. ices , , , Ooutb avenue.
.r'oll SAL-Lot I In block 15 , llansooni Place. A
. .c beautiful corner lot. An oxcellentbaraIn , only
8733.00. Easy terms Elegant locatIon.
Twelve good lot 1106 each , $25 eash Iyment , hal.
alice $10 per month.
Nice cottage of S rooms , barn , trees and shrub.
bery , The fuli lots 60x124 each , with alley. l'rlce
m2,700. $300 cash raymcnt , balance 525 or 50 per
, , ; , , , south Omaha , In good ioeatl.rm. Will
double hi value Ic a short timo. Price $250 each.
537.13 Room 20 Omaha National Hank.
TIOIISALII-A well established hotel and restau.
U rant. Alsoelgar and cazmdv etand in main part
of city , dolig good bimsimiess. Addre < a "A. 11. Bce
0111cc. 520.17'
T'lOIt SALE-Splendit cook mitoTc , hard coal heater-
_ U and ioAensloim table. Only been used three
monihs. CAL. MAILTIN.
& 120 8. llthitreot , 2d floor.
-loll -I SALE CIIEAP-A good top buggy and han-
ness Aiso a ilium lot in Lowe's addmtlom , for $150.
Inquire of S. Y. Hoist , 130 ? Farnani street. 585.1St-
TIOiISALE CIIIIAI'-l'arior sct.amd cook stove
Ii Inquire 1015 Ilarnmey street. , & 63'l
F 4 Oh SALE-A general store In a growing country
town , doing a good busimcmis. , Object for seiilmg ,
ownerwishe , to elmamigo buslne < , . Immqulro at the corn.
nmhsslon dome of 11. Himighamn & Co.,319 8. ISUm street.
iUh SALE-Good business ehamicea at 217 N.lOth.
.1' street , J. f. . SIAHULE.
Tohl SALE-A boarding house with etablishcd
.F business , In good locaUon. Good reason given
for selling. Spstinaim , 12th audnouglas. 554.15(1
FOIL SALE-lloue 24c5 feet , with 7 rooms , with
1 half acre lot , near Fort Ommiaha. Price $000caah ,
or $700 on hums. Address Jarnee A. Taylor. Fore
Omaha , 525-wi
TiOR SALE-An excellent opportunity to buy a.
.L' home cheap on mmorth 20th street. Must be sold
soon. S. L. Marble , 217 N. 10th. 526.13
Ii OiL HALE-Phacton , cheap for eosii. l'arty wants.
to leave town. 440 23 < 1 street , bet. lfarn.y and
St. Mary's avenue. sio-ir
I I O1t SALF-A nearly new leather top mildobar bug
at No. 2510 St. Story's avenue. 455.101
F OIL SALE-At abavgaln , a small (10.1cr , Ilahmnans
and Co's fire rroed smile. InquIre at title office ,
-roIL SALE-Four lots In south Omaha. Good Ic-
.U cation , $250. each. Iimqufro at 11cc office.
.nomt SALE-A cicaim stock hardarc. Hargaln. .
. U Easy terms. Addres 31. J , Work , Mllford , Nob.
311.Inm I
F OIL SALC-A number onu horse , will drive cingle
or double and will be eli at a bargain. Inquire-
at tIme otflce of the Grand Union Tea Co. , 110 S. 15th
St. 10241
-Ijiolt 8ALE-200 Ewes.
: _ 100 1m JOHN St. SIIELLY.
T'tOIL SALE-Flue farm close to the city.
i : ' sis.t < 1'EcK.opmoio P. 0 ,
300 yeamling liehiers.
200 two year old hehfers.
400 mIxed colic , , October delIvery.
200 head yearling steers , October delivery ,
703 head enmooth two mind three year old stt < rs.
Iowa stcck.
STmLANaII 111108 ,
atUo Contractors , lIlde , Wool and Tallow dealers ,
Sioux City , Iowa. 303iui
; 'oim SALE-A Omit class second hand top buggy ,
Call at 1319 Hamey .trect. 807U
TJ1O1t SALE-Residence and busIness property in
.I _ all parts of Omaha , and Farm Lands 1mm aU parta
of the State. BEDFORD & SOUEIL , 213 8. 14th 81. bet. Farnanm and Douglas.
Foa SALE Oil EXCIANGE-Full lot amid three
dwelling. corner of 11th and Paciflo streets.
Nine lots in south Onmaha. Also 100 acres of land
near Santon , Nebraska , and building nm1 stock of
clothing No. 804 Tenth street , Yhil exchange for
Nobs.ska farm lends. Further partloulari at Coo.
11. Peterson's Clothing Store , 804 Tenth street.
. ,
.Itolt SALF.-Olo r.ewapapers ma large and iinafl
.1. aot1tie at tim ! . cfllco , 12
:1) : lACESMITII 51101' TO lEASE-A lhlack.mnitb S
.1) shopcompiete and iolmigmi good bim < lesin lisa.
111mg. Net , . , will lease to a rosporismhio marti for ou
or immoro years. Waimi to go out of builmes becau-
of or health. Address Jacob Itoh , hastings Neb.
L OST-At Uniorm l'aciflo depot ii , the city on , '
miesday cetmlng Sept. 12. a uoeket book about
500. wortlm In mmmmegltiablo Lineoin County warrant. .
'limo Slider < lii bu suitably rewarded by Icayimig same
at the lice < ) tbco. Ois'145
TEa ! "Ii. . '
_ L _ 575.175
± I r lIe .arii wtll me give , fer the return of may
, fl3 I , ) lied , white aid tam , setter , "L'ltllfll , " toNo.
i.u3 H. 25th street. No .limestloi , , asmot.
501.175 vJ , JIAlISlIA.
_ _ _ _ _
A TTho Millard until , eler ? ' evunlimgiimtll , tIme 15th.
1)calor. wishing to ecu I . W. IVehis ( let , . 'l'rmmvei.
lug Agt. for time L.a lieU. , S'agon to. , ibm Inc
Vhli llCbo call at time IlillarmI Hotel eveimhimgs , .
aiml at ltammes& Ur , on time faIr grommmmdstmmroiiglm thu
day vlmrro maimio , ilogomi calm ho seem , . . 581.151
Its. JUi.IA scllltoIlm : , Cimiceg , , time mmmost
i puwerful iiiageio , healer , jocate all ialu amid
, iI < eaio. Cure , aU tliosu giveim up by other pimy.
sichauis. Coimsimitatlon tree , 14. 1 % ' , ccc 11th aIm ! ( Jan.
ltolavciuejioonm 3. ' 413 i54
I 0T1C1-A ,
.L opera imoua brmckblock.Fairnomt Neb. ( lime of
limo best lucatiurms in town , for sale , at a bargain , it
soldmlmliiu taeimty , lav , . Aloa stock of Urocetits ,
A good buihiicmms estatilaimeti. l'otoffice address , loric
drawerNo.14Falnunt , , Neb. 558.14
LOAiUlNu.-11y tt ; '
< lay or seuk atijiH'jj
jbtreet , bctwuemm ilosard aol Ihmmracy Strerte. 4
1 EAVIJ OltliEitlj-'or baggage , expmma or cii ;
1..d riages , to any hart of the cIty , at 213 0. 13th St.
Telepiloime . No. 1402 , A. F. XELLNIW ,
221.1nI ,
TFyou want 1)iitU drison forxny purpose. .eeW
.IIicydcxiiileld House. 201.lmn
ALIHT,4SSTemthiircet. tetwoen Faniazn amid list.
ney , will , with the aid of guardian spIrits , obtab 13 :
ayQneaglameeof ipast and prusnit , aut o
ced&ldCUIdltl0n1tethofut 113) hand SOass
reed. to (2et ( , Pemles ixuitsa-tim gxxracted.