Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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I .
: , - The Nebraska National 8ani.
L c , tA1D1
r\ Ltd tip Captt&i . rnooo
\ Sllrplu5 Fund. May1118S3 000
blllEcmns :
R. JOhNSON , PreMdent. of Stede , Jobnet % Co
} : . T0t7zAtt ; , Vice I'rIdent , of Boeto' .
w. V. MOflSE , of W. V. MORR & Co.
Jon C0L.UNI. U IL&J S.Co11Ln.
M. wOOLWOI1TU , CounetIor & Attorney it taw.
S. I1ZD , offlron Reed & Co.
w. YATCahterfor niny ear * caefer of the
t NaUoi& hank of 0ah * .
This l&nk ojed f.r bnLneuApr11 ? T , 1U2
amog the 1.dIng buz1nei z.n of Otnis , and Ita
builne&i s .onduek4 with .iipecW ref.rt.oo to the
beet aiid Incr.atog intereit.ottamircantUe pMrooi.
C0LLC11ONS rtcelve prompl atttIon 1
ohar.kwret obtilaibte here or dckere.
1NTEtilT ow.d on tIre 4epoMt upon favor.
able terine antlton aecounti of banks and bnkeni.
FOIIEION EXCIIANGK , Govemmoot fonda aod
County and City SecilntfM bought and n.oht.
J. w. Rodofor , Broker ,
Stock , , flond , ComiercaI Paper anl all other
( dOCuu1tiN ( ltdt In
Itoom 4 No. 23 Peatl St. , Council Ifluff , Ia
NEW Y0UK , September 13.
Money-a.y at 2Q2 per cent.
Prune 1per-7 per cent ,
. , Exchange bills , quiet at 4.81 ; demand ,
, . 84 ,
' : i Qovcrnmenth-Ffrm.
) , Stock-Tho market was not active at any
thno It 1ma beemi remarkably firm and
there vas a gradual advance titiring the day.
The net rosnit of the day'8 trading va an ad.
* Vance of to 1 per cent.
8' 103
4V8 Couponme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
4 , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lit )
Padfic G.e .f ' 95. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
American Express. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Burl. , Cedar Rapht & Northern 79
Central l ¼ eific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chicago & Alton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
do do ) ) f(1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
' . , ChL , Bmmrl. & Quthey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Eria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
. ' . do phi , mueked. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Port Wayne &ctco. ) ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
' Hannibal & St. Joseph aeked. . . . . . . . 39
. , s do do do tfd. . . . . . . . . . .
.flh1noi5 Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
. ) lad. , Bloom. & We tern. . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Karman & Texa. " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Lake Shore & Mkhgan So. . . . . . . . . . 102
Michigan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
, lissouriPacfic.
Northern Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
do do pid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Northwestnrn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
do ! ifd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
New York Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Ohio & MiesissiIli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
do tb pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Peoria Decatur k Evanevillo. . . . . . . . 14
flock f11a. . . 122
St. Patti & Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
do ( it ) do 1)fd. . . . . . . . . . . 120
St. I'aul , Mum. & Manitoba. . . . . . . . 109.
St. . l'awI & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
do ( to imfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102.
Union Ptteific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
. Waba.sli , St. 1. & l'acific. . . . . . . . . . . . 22
(10 t1 do } ) f(1. . . . . . . . . 35
We tent Union To1egri > 1i. . . . . . . . . . . 82k
% . ' ,
Cemrcte.o , Scptiuber 13.-Flour-Quiet but
\Vheat-Activo , firm anl higher ; regular ,
00c for September ; 9SAc for October ; 1 00
bid for November ; 1 01I 01 for December ;
No. 2 sprIng , 96.3c ; No. 3 prthg , 86@87 ; No.
2 red winter , 1 03. .
Con-Unsett1od and generally higher ; 51
@ 52c for cMh , September , and October ; 51c
for November ; 49c for the year ; 52c for May ;
S ejected , 48k.
Oat-Activo , firma and hirher ; 27c for
C. 1 ; 27g@27c for September ; 28c for Octo.
bcrSo for November ; 27g27 for the
year ; 3kc for May.
Bye-Quiet ammil unchanged at 57c.
Jiar1oy-Stettiy amid unchamlgc(1 at COc.
FIii $ occiFirm at 1 31.
Timothy -.Iii good micmnand ; bright , 1 32 ®
1 35 ; prime , 1 30.
Pork -Unsettled andgcncrally higher ; 11 35
(11 4 ( ) for cash and September ; Ii 4511 47.
for ( . ) ctohur ; 11 $0i132. for November ; 11 1
@ 11 20 for the year ; 11 8011 82 for Janu.
Lard-Irregular ; 8 25@8 2T. for cash , Sep.
tember and October ; 8 00 bid for November ;
7 ( JQ,7 97 fur the year ; 05 for January.
Bulk Meat.-Ii , fair demand ; shoulders ,
S 75 ; ,4imort , ribs , 6 00 ; short ckar , 6 90.
Bimtter--In fair dennimid at 22j25c ; dairy ,
i5@21c' .
l.g . : $ -1 a good denmamid at 20c ,
\ hisky Steady maid unchanged at 1 16.
S Call lloard-\Vheat-Irregiiiar ; regular ,
fIic ) for September ; 98c for October ; 1 00 fur
Niivemmiber ; 1 O1@1 01 for December ; 1 06f
for the year.
CormiEaicr ; 51c for Soptemmiber and Octo.
her ; MAo for Novenmler ; 4'Jo for the year ;
4'Jc ' for .Jammmiary ; 52kc for May.
Oats-Irregular ; 27Ij28c for September ;
2Sc for October ; 28e for November ; 27e for
tIim yO4r ; 31c for May
I'orkIrregular ; ii 'l2@11 50 for October ;
11 27A11 U ) fuoNoveimiber ; 11 20fortho year ;
1 1 82 for .J ammmI.Lry.
J.arti-1)eelinetl 2.c.
Visillt ) mipjiIy of Grain-\VIeat , 23,515,000 ,
corn 13,18UO0 , ht $ 5,427,000 , rye 1,580,000 ,
barley .107,000.
Cheeu-.Market eteady ; choice full cream
checidard , tI.10c ; cbmce full cream 1lati ,
10@l1c ; fair to goat ! chedtlane amid ilati ,
2(1c ; hard ekimne , 2c3c.
I 1ido1arkct unchanged ; green salt cured ,
light , Sc ; green ealt tlamnaged , ( Ic ; green ealt I
'P. , 'V _ Sc ; green ealt caf , 12c ; dry ealted , lic ;
I , ,1f'c.
L'ulIow-Uiichanged ; No. 1 , 7 , . ' ; No. 2 , 64c ;
cake , 7c.
TOLEDO. ) , September 13Wheat - Active
anal lower ; No , 2 roil whiter , cash and Sep.
toinber , 1 0a } .
Corn -Steady nml in geol demand ; liIt'li
1I1I.OIl , 55c ; No. 2. cwth 011(1 ( September , 541e.
Oati-Quiet anti firimi ; No , 2 , eaeh , 28c.
Sr. Lo01i4 , September 13.-Wheat-Un.
8ettled anti lower ; 1 01(1 01 for ciili ;
1 Olj for Scptemiiler ; 1 03 for October ; 1 0
for 1\ovemler. )
CoriiActivti cash and izear by optiIis bet. I
ter ; Lir away nmoitlii , lower ; 47 ISo for
cash ; .17c fi'r Sej't.eiabtranil October ; 15j for
OuteSlow ; 2526o for ca.ilm ; 2S@25tm
for Sejtoiuler , ; 26c 1)1(1 for October.
Ilye-Jllgller 52@tic.
harley-Quiet at (065c. (
Egge-Ste.t'ly ' at l74@lSc.
CwIN'I ' P1IICI - \ heat-i 02j for October ,
I 05 for Njviimjer ) , 1 0S for the year.
Crii , Lower ; l7o for Septeimiber 17c lilil
for Octber , 45.o for November , l3e fur the
year , 46o for May ,
flmt I.ier ; 26o Iir , October , 26u hid fur
Noveuiber , 2ic for the year.
. - 4L.W.UKgg , September 13.-Wheat-
"b' oc for cash ; U7 for October ; tJo
, , Corn NotliIoc , Ioiie ,
( ) mte-luli ; o. 2 , 28c.
1iye ( ImIOt amid uncli.oiged ; o , 2 , 5Ge.
llarleyStrumlgCr ; No. 2 , 63 , .
CINCINNATI , September 13. - Wheat -
Stronger ; 1 0l@1 US for caah.
( 'ornFiruier at 53c.
Oat.-Fifmer at 2020c.
Jtyo-tCAlY at fi6e.
WhIyStro1g at 1 13.
NEW YonK , September 13.-Wheat-Cash
tritlo higher ; optIons opened @ilo lower ,
tyanced ; ® Ci cluln tirm ; angradod red ,
Tlc@1 17k ; No. 4 toti 91c ; Nn. 3 roil , 1 09
@ 1 0t ) and 1 ii ( lolVere4I ; No. 2 red , 1 14
ehore ; I 14elovator ; 1 15jj1 1t3 afloat anti
Cora-t1Mh ; AGe ) iI&icr ; optLnn , ? j@lo
higher ; ungradoti , 6l6b4c ; No. 2 , G363c
above aiidolos'ator ; 61o afloat.
Oats-Mixcd , @ 1o ldglier : white , barely
tontly ; mixed votorii , 32@3c ; white , 3t ;
1g-1)emanl fair amiti mimarket firma at 22
Pork-ukt aiitl nteady ; mess , 13 00.
Lard-l'irin ; trimmie steam , 8 60QS 62.
Butter-Firm and in good demand at D ®
LivEarooL , September 13. - Bre'adstuffe-
Wbet-Wlnter , 8s 8d0s. ; pnThg , Gd ®
Corn-sow , Sa 04.
BAt.TlMonr. , September 13.-Whcat-\Vet.
era , about teatly amid active ; No. 2 winter
red cash , I 11@1 12.
d orn-voatern , titill and iieglectetI mixed ,
caeli iui4 N einber , 60jcGlc.
( ) . .ltMlirin _ ; wettorn whIte , 30'38c ; mixed ,
lye Quiet itt 65@OTc.
'totter Steady ; vostcrn packed , 816c ;
110 imiery , ,
imiery4'rm at 2021c.
\ ldky-Steady amml , ,1ulot , at I 1S1 18.
) UNSAS CITY rmmonecI.
KANSAM CITT , September 13.-rho D.ily In.
dk'at.or iexrLq :
Wheat-Steady ; No. 2 red fall , 8TcI 1)1(1 )
for ; 8m : liti , for October ; 8S'c for o.
vetimber. I
Cera-Steaily ; 89j(3'39o ( for cash ; 38c bid
for October ; 3.c for November ; 34.f34c for
the ycar.
Oamti-SIow ; 21c bid for cash.
pOIUA rmmonvcg.
September 13.-Corn-Firma ; high
mmdxcii , 4t50c ) ; No. 2 mmilxetl , 49@4tc. )
ilvo-Firni ; now No. 2 , 51t55.
Whisky-Firm at 1 15.
NE\I OIILICANM , September 13.-Oath-
1"irimler at tOe. Others Grin amiti unchanged.
CUICACO , September 13.-TIme Drovors'Jour.
aal rolorts :
hogs-Market strong , active anti Iochighmcr ;
packing , 4 tiO@4 85 ; packing and shipping ,
.1 90c3J5 30 ; light , 4 85tzj5 30 ; skips , 3 254 50.
Closed firma ,
Cattle-Steady ; values firmer : exports , 6 00
@ 0 40 ; good to choice , S 25(5 75 ; common to
nmediummm , 3 90 a 5 00 ; inferior to fair cowe ,
2 403 00 ; moe hum to good , 3 254 00 ; stock.
cr3 , 8 003 75 ; feeders , 3 80@4 25 ; range cat.
tie steady at 3& ; ; Wyoming , 1,122 lbs. , sold
at 4 15 ; 283 head \Vyomning , 1,110 lbs. , sold at
1 55@4 60 ; grass Texans , strong at 3 75@J4 35 ;
Americans 1 O0@5 15.
Sheep-toady at recent decline ; inferior to
faire 2 25@3 00 ; medium to good 3 25@3 50 ;
choice to extra , 8 7@1 50 ; lnm1b imer head ,
1 25@3 25 ; ' 1'exa sheci , , 2 25@3 75.
ST. Louis , September 13.-Cattle-Active
and firm ; all grades in dommiand ; exports 6 00
f6 35 ; good to choice shipping , 5 405 90 ;
inedhmn to fair , 4 7@5 25 ; native butchering
stuff 3 t'0@4 50 ; Texans , 3 50@4 25 ; Indians ,
z 60@4,50.
Sheep-Steady ; common to medium , 250@
325 ; famrtogood , 3 404 85 ; prime , 4 00@4 25.
KANSAS CITY , September 13.-The Indicator
reports :
Cattle-Lower and weak ; natives , 4 75 ®
5 20.
hogs-higher at 4 754 80.
Sheep-Slow ; natives , 2 50.
CHICAGO , September 13.-Receipts and ship.
meats of flour and grain for the past 24 hours
have been as follows :
Receipts. Ship'ts.
Flour , bbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000 12,000
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 170,000 195,000
0Gm , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 413,000 218,000
Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 146,000 208,000
Rye , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . . 38,000 24,000
Barley , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 24,000 11,000
RA'3AS Cmr , Sontomnber 13.-Receipts and
ihipmoiith of grain for the paat 24 hours have
been wm follows :
Receipts. Ship'ta.
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 20,000 38,000
Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 13,000
NEw YORK , September 13-Receipts and
ehipmentsof flour and grain for the paet24 hours
have been as follows :
Receipts Ship'tes.
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 409,000 1,600
Con , bushols. . . . . . . . . . . . 309,000 49,500
Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 111,000 8,000
ChicAno , September 13.-Receipts anti ship
neiit. of live stock for the past 24 hours have
been as follows :
Receipts. Shlp'ts.
[ To . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,000 . . . .
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000 , . . .
Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 . . . .
ST. L0UIRSoptomnber 13.-llecoipts anti ship.
nemits of live stock for the la5t 24 hours hare
been tie , follows :
Receipts , Shlp'ts.
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,100 1,200
3liecii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,500 2,100
KANSAS CITY , September13ltcccipts and
iiipmnontts of live stock for the past 24 hours
mare been as follows :
ReCeiit8. Shlp'ts.
Jattlo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,200 . . . .
hogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,400 . . . .
Imeep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 . . . .
' .Vliolesalo I'a'Iccn ,
Thurtday Evening , September 1'J.
The fohlowiimg prices are charged retailers
by jobbers , wholesalers amid colnmisslon mner
lmants , with the exception of grain , which is
jutttotl at tltu itmices furnished by the elovator8
md other local buyers :
Gimilim ,
WIIEAT-CWt1I No. 2 , 7Th ; No. 3 , 68c ; re
ected 42c.
BARLEY-Cash No. 2 , .16c ; No. 3 , 40c.
Jtvi-Casli , 41o.
COIIN-Mixed , 35c.
OATS-25C. ,
Live Sttjck.
FAT STEEIIM-IiigIlor at 3 50@4 00.
FAT Covn-2 71tqJa ( 15.
1Ioas-1 25IiJ4 50.
SIIEKI-Firnm at 2 7r@3 15.
OAIXEtI-Fairquallty 4 505 Oofgood butch.
IN' btOck , 6 00.
OiiroU Moitis.
1iAcoN-UmIclIaneti at 12@j18c ,
SIfout.mnIus-Iultot : 8@8o
1)ItIEu Jiiii-1 Ic.
LAiII-At 9@lOo In tiercos.
TAIJOW--FIrII1 at l@flc in barrels.
1'tiill i'y , FIHII nimtl Game ,
SI'muNu CIJICKENS - SIflitil , unchanged ,
I 252 00 ; large , t1tilet at 3 00 ; old , 3 25.
I'rairiu chickens , 2 Z0(3 ( 00 ter doz.
\\'IIITU Fmsn-Umiclinttgud , 'JIOc. ; viko
rtnti lake trout the same ,
General J'z'otliico.
1IIJTTER-Colflhmlon ki good , 7@lOc ; choice
dairy , 1fi@17 : sweet , high colored grass , 12Q
l3c ; cooking , Sc.
1'OTATOIl-NOV quiet and mnarkc well sup.
1tlietl at 45@SOo per bu
ONIoNts-25j50a fer he.
Niw CLtRIIAaE-70@j85o P ° " dozen ,
ILONEY-CahIfornia , Incomnb , Iterpound , 20
@ 21c ; strained , 10@12c.
C1uv.tsE-Active , We quote 9llc.
' 1'OIATOEiS-hiOItmO grown , ( 'OCl 00 ler
bush. -
Green Fruits.
LEICONS-Quict at 6 007 50 11cr box.
1'ACIl53-NatIves 1 00l 25 i'er b.tket ;
CnIifoitIa at 2 2.2 50.
CAmiI'omuI.t 1'LUMS-ln good demnanti ;
2 25f)2 50 Pr box.
BANAN.tii-Uuciiange&l ; p ° bunch , 2 CO ®
ArrL3-.3 OO@3 50 Per bid ,
mijanti at l O0@4 50 Per box , Cl1fcirmtia
lticimoo ) hitmerm'e , Clargean , ete. loa , perbox ,
i3 Ot)3 ( .0.
CALII'onsIA ( inArgs-2 O0@2 50 ier case.
P10115' nittI MIIIstUfl8.
\VINTKR WHIA1'-lkt quality , patentat
S 2.3 ( .
SECONI ) Qt'AtXTT-2 9O3 25.
Sl1IINOVIIEAThleSt quality , patent , at
S tO@ $ Ch.
Seosn QUALITY-2 .O3 25.
I1IIAN-ttSO ver cwt.
CIIoI'I'Fn 1rn-1'er 00 lbs. SSc.
CORN MEAL-i ( IOQI1 Tb lcr cwt.
ScntENING-GOTOo Pr cvt ,
Grocers LISt.
CANNEn GooIls-Oystcrs ( Standard ) , lor
case , 3 70@3 90 ; strawberries , 2 II' , Iter case ,
2 10 ; raspberries , 2 11' , ca.e , 3 t0 ; Bartlett
IaN , ICr Cfl5O 2 40 ; whortloberrie.4 , case ,
2 75 ; egg itlumne , 2 Ib , per cAqe , 2 90 ; green
gagcs , 2 It. , ler case , 2 90 ; ilti choIce , 3 itt , ier
cI'e , 1 ( .0' Itilmo aitlilos , 2 11. , l'er C.15O , 'I O0 ®
S 75 ; peacltes , 2 Ib , er va.o , 3 00 ; thi 3 Ii , , per
case , 4 OO54 50 ; do ( ltle ) , 3 ii , , ier case , 2 I'.O ;
th ide , n if , , Iter dozeIm , 2 30.
flmcm--1.ouisiamma : inmto to choice , 7c ; fair
C4c ; l'atmns , 6c.
FItlit-NO. I mackerel , half brlq. , 7 00 ; No.
1 mackerel , kits , 1. 00 ; fIlmily mackerel , half
brie. , 5 25 ; family mnnckorel kits , 8'c ; No. 1
white fish , half bris. , 7 00 ; n. 1 kits , I OS.
Sviwl-Standartl Coum. , 3M , ittils ; Stamttlarl
titi , 4 gallon kegs 1 55 ; Stamulard sb , 4 gallon
kegs , 1 ( .0.
SODA-In Iii 1tauem , 3 30 icr case ; keg C
NE\v Piciir.s-Meditmm , in barnls , (1 ( 00 ; do
In hal f barrels , 3 50 ; smmttIl : iii btrrnle : , 7 00 ; tlti
In half barrels , 4 00 ; ghterlcitis , in barrels , 8 00 ;
tb iii half barrok , 1 50.
'lIAs-G : titmpovdor , good , 15iSSc ; choice Ct )
i75c ; good Iniperial , iUjl3c ; chnic , (0fj'i5c ( ( ;
Yotmug Ilysoim , good , 86Q5Ot ; clwko ,
( 'hc.Ji ; 00 ; . ) ntii , : , immiturat leaf , 85c ; ,1 ninul ,
choice , GOiSc ; ( ) olong , good , 35.10. ; Oolong ,
CltOiL'e , 40@SSc ; Souchong , gotid ,
choke , 85j ( : ISc.
lior-Sisal , . inch amid larger , 10c , i : 't
lici j inch , iflc.
\VoomENv.umE-Two hoop a1ln , 1 75 ;
three lmooppails 2 0 ( ) . Tubs , o. 1 , 8 50 ; l'to
acer wa.sliboam'tle , 1 85 ; Double Ciowu 2 90 ;
Welibuckets , 3 50.
LEAI-liar , 1 (15. (
SoArts-Kirk's Savon rmmmjeI4ai , .15 ; Xirk's
satimtet. , 3 (10 ; 1irk's stnmidmu-tl , 3 75 ; 1irk'te
white Ilussinim , 5 25 ; Kirk'ti eutoca , 2 15 ;
Kirk's l'rairio Queen , (100 ( cakc , ) .lOc ; Kirk's
magnolia , doz.
1 OTASII-l'emlnRylvania cane , 4 case , in case ,
3 35 ; llabbitts lali , 2 doz. iii case , 1 90 ; Anchor
ball , 2 tioz. in case , 1 50.
PEANUTS-ltoaStetl , choice , red Tennessee ,
12c per lb ; f'tncy white , 12c pat' Ib ; raw-white
Virginia , raw lie ; rentett , 13c
OArnr.ttm-Boxes , 40 lbs. lOs , 152 ; Se , 15c ;
boxes 40 lbs , 16 os. , Cs , 15c ! ,
MATcUE8-l'er caddie , 62c ; round , cases ,
5 10 ; square cases , S 40.
CoFnrs-OrdinarygrMia , 8@9c ; fair lO ®
10.c ; good 10@11c ; iflltnO , l212c' ohoice
i3@13c ; ? tumcy green and yellow , 14t15c ; oid
government Java , 2026c ; Levering's roasted ,
14c' Arbuckl&s roasted , iSe ; Mcbaughlin'e
xxkx roasted , iSo ; imitation .Tnra , 16 ®
VINEGAR-NOW York apple 1Cc ; OhIo up'
1)10 , 13c.
SALT-D ray loads , Iter hibi , ii ; Ashton , lit
sacks , 3 110 ; bbs dairy 60 , Os , 3 30.
SUoAmus-Fowderea , lOAc ; cut loaf , lOAc ;
granulated , 0c ; confectioners' A , 9c ; Stamiti.
ard extra 0 , 8c ; extra U , 8c ; medium ye1-
low , 7c ; dark yellow , 7c.
STAIICIL-l'earl , 4c ; Silver Gloss , Oc ; Corn
Starch , 9c ; Excelsior Gloss 7c ; Corim , Sc.
SrIcEs-1'cpper , lTc ; alisitmce , 15c ; cloves
250 ; cassia , 15c.
CIrEiesE-Fuhl cream , lIe.
LYE-American 3 4o ; Greenwich , 3 40 ;
Western , 2 75 ; I'tortlt Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye
4 65 ; JewelI lye , 2 75.
Dry Goods.
Bnows CorroNs-Atanttc ( A 8c ; Apple
ton XX , 7c ' Atlanta A , 8c ; hoot Fl" 8c ,
Buckeye LI'4 , 4.-I , 7c ; Cabot W , 7fc ; kittc.
A file' GreatFailsE 8c 1loosier,0c
nahigo ; , ;
iionestidtfm , Sc ; Indian head A , 8c ; Indian
StMidmtrd.A Sc ; Indian Orchard , d. w. , (3c ( ;
Lawrence LL , 6c ; ? 1.ystic River , 7c ; l'oquot
A , 8c ; Utica C , .5e ; Wachusott 13 , 71c ; do
A 8 do E 48 , 12c.
FINP. Bmtow Corross-Allendaio 4-4
Alligator 3.4 , 3. ' Argyle 4.4 , Vjc' Athintic
Lii , 6c' Badger tath X 4.4 , Ole ; Jleiinimgton
0 1-l , ( ; c ; Buckeye S 4.4 , 0c ; Imidina Orchard
AA 9.8 , 8e ; Lmicoiiia 0 39,8c ; Lehigh E 4-4 ,
94c ; l'eppcreli N : io , 7c ; do 0 32 , 74c ; do It
3 ( , . 7c ; do E 39 , Sic ; l'ocusaot C 4.1 , 7c ;
Vamnsutta 4.4 , 13c.
IILEAcIIEL ) Corross-Ammdroscoggin IA 4.1
9c ; Biaekstomio A.A imperial 8c ; do do halt
bleached 4.4 , Pc ; Cabot 4.1 , 8.'c ; Fidelity .1-I ,
9c ; Fruit of the Loom , t&c & ; do cambric 4.4 ,
12k ; do Water Twist , l0c ; Great Falls Q , Dc :
Indiami head hlirumlk 4.4 , 12c ; 1onsdalo , bc ;
C , cambric : ir , 12c ; New York Mills , l2c ;
Pequot A , 10c ; i'etporel , N (1 Twills , 12c ;
Pmea1monta 4.4 , tc ) l'ocassot 5.4 , 8 ; Utica ,
lie ; Wamnsutta 0 X X , i2jc.
1)UcKS ( Colore.l---iUbamiy . ) E brown , Sc ; do
0 , tiral , lie ; (1(1 trijtcts 10111 llflids , 12 l-2c ;
( it ) x.2c. : brown aimd drab , stripes anti tlflltIH ,
12 1.2c ; Arlington fancy , lIfe ; ] lruimnwlck I
lirtIWil , 8 1.2c ; Chariot fancy , 12 1.2c ; tb ox. I
tm heavy , 20c ; Fall lUwer browim , extra heavy ,
11 1.2c ; Imuliatta A brtwia , 13c ; Neponsot A
browim , 15c ,
TIcKINCS-Amnoskcag A C A 32 , iDe ; do XX I
blue 32 118 1.2c ; Arrowiummma , 9 1.2c ; 'Iaro.
ti1ttit ii is 1.2c ; Comiestoga , extra , 17 1.2c ;
lIttIitilt.OIi Ij , ii i.2c ; Luwitomm A30 , ilk ; Mm
nohaha 1.1 , 20c ; Omega , stpor extra 4-4 , 28c ;
l'eari River 32 , 16 1-Ic ; 1 otnamn XX blue
stripe , 12c ; Shotticket 5 , 10 1.2c ; do SS , 12c ;
Yeoman's blue 29 Dc.
1)iro mu3-Autos'keag ' , blue and brown , I 6 I.2c ;
Aimdover DD bino , 15 1.2c ; Arlington X itlimo
Scothim , 18 l.2c ; Concord 000 , blue aimd
brown , 12 1.2c ; do .AAA , do do , 13 1.2 ; do
xx ( .4) t1t tit , , ii l.Qc ; 11a3'inakcr'ti ltluo amid
lirowim 9 l.2c ; Mybtic 1iivcrDhetr'io , i01.2c ;
I'earl Itiver , lihtie iiii1 biowim , Ific ; Umlcasvillo ,
blue titmtl 1rowit , 11 1-2c.
CAimnhmmcs-1iaruartl , 5c ; Edtlystonn lining ,
24 litch double face , 8c ; Garner A glazed , &c ;
Manhattan Kltvu , finish , 5c ; Newport tl , , . 5c ;
ito glazed , 5c ; l'txiuot do , Sc ; Lockwood Iciti
i'mmiisim , Cc.
Coiisi JEANS-Atnory , Androttcoggln I
satteomi , 8c ; Clarontiomi 0c' Conostogga sat.
( Cells , 7.c ; IfiLlItavell , Sc ; lmfInn Orchard , 7c ;
Nurragtmiatt : , iitmpi'oved , 8c ; 1'epterIll sat.
( ccii , tIc ; Jtockpnrt1 Cc.
I 'IIIN rt1-4tlIonH , ( ac ; Amertcnn , 0c ; Arnold ,
5c ; Berwick , 4c ; Co.cheoo 6 ; Conestoga , Ole ;
lYalticirkIi' litinmiell , 6lf)7c ) ; Etitlystomie ' 7c ;
(1 ( loticester , Cisc ; I larmony , 5 c ; ICniclcorboc'kor ,
fllc ; Merrimnac 1) , 7c ; Mystic , SIc ; Spraguos ,
Sc ; Soimtlibritlgo , Cc ; do Ginghams , 7c ; Marl.
born , 5c ? ; Oriental , Ole ,
( ] INUIIAaI1S-Amoskeag Ole ; Axgyio , lOIc ;
Atlantic , Sc ; Cunborland , , lIe ; highland , 71c ;
Kcnilworth , tile ; Plunktt , tile ; Sussex , Sc ,
CorroNAmnts-Abbcrvillo , I'J4i. ; Agate , 20c ;
American , lie ; .Artlsittn , 2tk ; ( juir. , I ) and ' 1' ,
l3c ; Clarion I ) and ' 2 , 171c ; Pecan Co.
stripes 1) anti T , ] ( . Keystone , 133c ; Nan
Limckot , 19c Nontareif , 1Cc ; Ocean J ) zmimtl ' 1' ,
ISle ; lioyaf , iCIc ; StltIttCX , i2c ; Tioga , Wachu. 1
eett shirtiimg checks , 12&c & ; tie Nankln i2lcts
York , itlain Nankin , i2ic ; do checks , stripes
ammil ( nimoy , 121c ; do 8 oz , 20c.
SIIv.TiNas-AiiIroscsgIIm 10-4 27c ; do
i.J ) , 23c' ( It ) 3'l , 32cm C.ommtinemta , Ci 12. lIe ;
I"rult oj the l.otiti 104 ; 27cNow ; 'York in ll
iS , : Cr. ; di , 78 , 30c ; .1 , , 58 , 22c ; l'eniliroke
10.4 , 2T.c ; J'oquot i01 , 2hc ; (10 71 , lDc ; do 49 ,
ICc ; 1'eponaII PCI , 29c ; do (17 ( , 21c ; ut , 7 , ISe ;
Utica tiC , : o ; do 582e. ; tit , 18 , i7e ,
] ) imves AND CimSmmcAts Atith , Carbolic , lr ;
Acid 'I'artaric , 11.'c ; Jal.ttt t ' .i.nhin , iter Ib ,
rOe ; hark , Stmsatras , icr Ib , 12t ; Calontol per
Iii , 7Sc ; Cimioltonlthia , . ter 1t2 , 1 05 ; Clmloro.
IttilU , per Ib , J)0.5 l'owtlcrs , itur
1 25 ; Epsomn Salts , iter Ib , ale ; Glycerine ,
Itmire , iter itt , 30cr J.etl : , , Acetate , 11cr ib , 22c ;
Oil , Castor. No. 1. iter gal 81 10 , 0 Castor ,
st ) , : i , er gal. $1 20 ; Oil , buy0 , pergal. 1 50
1)11 , Orlgamimlmn , SOc' Opium , 5 00 ; (9uiitliio , I' .
kV. . anti It , S. , per oz , 1 tiC ; l'utassiumim ,
iodide , ir Iii , 81 65 ; Salicin jter vi , 40c ;
Sulphate of (1orit1IIIIe ( , 11cr OZ , 3 75 ; Sulphur
hour , ter Ib , Ic ; Stryciinlnuper ci , $1 2b.
CoDsuItIo afid Clvii EnIReer aDd -
Special attention to Surveying Town Addit on. tad
( .0(4. } 'urnttthei Ejiiuat.ts itt ircavaIioui , Mak1n
11118. Ilins , c.
OMAhA , HEft
Is not sgning a p1cdg
or taking a 3oleInn olth that
cannot be kcpt , because of
thenon-rcinovalofthc cause
-liquor. The iVytO illake
a man temperate is to kiIL
the ( leSke for those dreadful
artificial sthuiulants that carry -
ry so iay bright intellccts
to prenlature graves , and
desolAtion , strife and uti-
1Ialpi1eSS into SO 1fl3I1
Itisafact ! BROWN'SIRO )
liIrrias : , a true non-alcohol.
ic tOIlIC , Inalic in Ii.tltimnore , the Brown Chemical
Comapany , vho arc old drug.
gitits nmnt in every laticu.
lar reliable , vilI , by rcniov
ing the craving npetite of
( lie tirunkard , ammd by curing
the nervousness , wcakmies. ,
and general ill health result-
lug fm-omit intemperance , do
more to promote tCmfliCt.flCC ,
in time strictest sense tliii
anyotlmcr means now known ,
It is a 'cll autlicntkatcd
fact that many nicdcines ,
6 bitters , ' are iioth-
ing but cheap w1iskcyviIely
COflCOCtCl for use in local
Option countries. Such is
flot the case with BROVN'S
[ RON 13irrEIS. It is a mcdi-
due , a cure for weakness
and decay iii the nervous ,
muscular , and digestive or-
gais of the body , producing -
ing good , rich blood , health
and strength. Try one bot-
tie. Price $1.00.
This remedy being isjocte.i dtroetiy to the coat of
( tie di..cnse . , requirel flO chanje of diet or nauscou ,
mercurial or potssnou , mmietIIcino to be taI.on ( uteri , .
sHy. Wheii it.e. a a ilroycnhive by eItiur tax , it It
lmnposslllo to contract any Irirste tlm.ease ; hut In the
uu , sf tho.e alrctt.1y unfortunately aluletni we gear.
intei tliroe hoiut to cure , or we wUI refund the
money. l'rlee by mnafl , poetago paid , 2 per itox , or
three boxes for $5 ,
tenet ! by all authorized atrcnts.
C. F. aoodman , flruglst , Soia Agent , for Oniaha ,
tei , , Ut&.o wlv
Health is Wealth
: wts ,
Dr. H. 0. Vet Nerve and Braitm Treatment ,
uarantoxi pPeciSo for hysteria , 1)lzIness "Convul
, iOnm , FittI ? CTVOUt Neuralgia , lIea.tachelIcrou ,
I'rotttratlon caused bx ( Its use of alcohol or tobtuo ( , ,
YaketuInmcs , Moimtai lepreeslon , Siftimlitg of tt ,
tiraimi , reMimiting In Instuilty anti ! Jewllng tt ) misery ,
ilecay and ticath , L'romnature 01.1 Age , Iiarrouuetse
Loss of sewcr lit either tex , Involuntary
IermMrr1twa cauud by over exertlomit f
braimi , solf.alueo , or over.lndmmigonce. iacI ,
( &Iiis one ntomth'i , $ roatjnent. $1.00 a box , , r
boxes for 5.oo. Sent by mall prejiald en roocipi
l'o cure aimy case. WmUt each orIer recclvei by u ,
ror sIt txixw , acconipamtlctl with $ c.cM , wunllIend th
purchaser our written gnarftmltco to refund tito muommo
f the treatment does not alloct a cure. Ilutiranitoc ,
noti only by C. F. 0001)MAN
tn&nWI _ Iriii' f.t Oniahi. Ni ) .
Nebraska Cornice
- ) -
Orllamollt ¶ orks !
I'ron Fencing !
Crestingi , Ilalustraties , Vcrauda , Olfico anti flank
It.aillmigs , Window amid CeUaruuartls , Etc.
WM , CAISER , Manager.
Cores I'IVIAL& ( ( ; Dehilit
. . - . \ ( ImotmTsm. 1.1)13 )
- 1' ' ' OF MANI.YIWt ; , UrIatorr. :
. . . , hira , i'tc. , Itcit all otlicr rome
' tIles fall. 4 otre ysarattred.
I \ , ire t Iaottio , lottlo , ( cu ,
. . ( lutes the quantity , . lly ox
, ) > re's to flit ) ' nI.lrLe , . )301t1 ) 11 %
. nil tlrmIgts. lNi ( 1.1531 I .l Elt.
.AL iNs'riru'rt ; l'roprletors , 718 Obtu 8trcut , St
.omls , Mo. -
"I have ti.ld Sir Astloy Cooper's Vital Rvstoratlvc
or years. : vtr ) ' ctistomni' rpal,4 Itltilily of It. I
Jmimesltatimiglyett.lor.iu ) ( as a roittaly t.f Iruu imteni ( .
i'Ie. F , 000iILAN , Dr'igglt.
Omaha Feb. 1 1B83 , ' , IS nmi&st-to.lly , .
Nstrn CorDi-\Norks \ !
1111 1)ouIai St. . . Omaha , Neb.
IIANUI'/iYl ( (111131 ( OP
Galvanizeti Iroii Co'nices
j17Dornilcr Vlndow , Fintale Tin , troll anti f4lata
ttioftui3f Spceht'mi ietett iotafiio flkli ! ht , latent
aijusteil ltatcht ( Bar amid lracl.t.t ( UIu.lvlmig , I am
, Ite gt'mmtral guiit for thu Obol u limmu t.f goods. Iromt
Fenclng , Ceostimigs , Ilalustricios , % 'craidas , Iron hank
Itaitmug. , Window lillittis , teliar ( Juards : also gea.ral
gent for Person Ct 1(111 3At4nt hildo , llilnd. _ _ _ _ _
Practical Horse Sheer ,
Maktig a tpvctmJty of lttdittn aud tenderfoot ( so : .
S. . Slsu. , , fledge ttreot bct hum and 12th , Old
Ul1nzo house
lfislonitcn , achnosledge4 and macro to it ( Imle day
than any other. 'lb. s.fl 11s14 of mnetlcal'o I ,
c.r Inerea.sIn , amid ft.t imsmerou. branrh.i are
t.rought ueam.r and to I.crftttlon , and
no on man sin aay kiugir Rranp theni all
llenie the n.eeiiy f.r 4ll.tttmg the labor , And It Is
true beyond all doubt that ditoaa. , a.dInK ttm gvn
ltoninay orgaa. use.l speeW stutly niers than ally.
thIng rise , If w. woil.l unientzwmd and know h.w to
trost thell ( rcpot1y.
DII. Ii. WASINNII I. fafly as-ar. that ) a , .
utany phyeteLan. , and tOlIWI . .nilble t'.epi. . wku will
c.ndemm , Ititti for taakluE rita. of dltt-ae. a q.e.
daIly , tad heh hap.y to kn.w that wIth tnt ( i.r
pens of rsftm.mtmen $ act ! tht.hllense a anllg.ien. )
cd view I , t.keit of the sol.j.ei , and that lb. thyalo'
lami who det'tv , Lmu.eU to r.LIeilng the amleto.i and
MI ln thrni fp'n won. . than tleath , I , no lest a
lanthropls4 ami Lmic1ctor'to hi. race thaim time tur. or ) iiy'JrIam , who by nose apUIICAtIOII eae2s lii
ally ether brammeli of hi. I'rofc'.lon. Anti fortunatelt
for huinamilty. ( tie ttfty Ii tlawmliEwhoi , , , the falt' t'ht'
lanthro'1.hy ( ( itt L'undenillvd the vIctIms of folly or
tilimi , , ilki tt leIet.i tintlor the Jewleh lat , to tl )
tmtitaretl fur has paawtl away ,
A Few Reasons
Why you shotihi try the cvlebrnte.i hr II agiier's
iltetitud , of curt :
I. "lIt. II. 'ngmtcr I. a natural phyckla , , . "
0. N. Ia.
'hite tlrcatet lb lmt l'ltrcmuioglst. ,
2. ' ' } 'cw cxcvi "
tami ) Oti as a tlottot.
, I ) , .7 ,
. ilic \ orhi . , ( lrcate.t l'I , slt.gmmtmtst. )
S. ' 'ott are ot.tmtIrfttil 1.roiklimttm ) olin kitewl.
tlge of tiboasu tsmmd titetlichmmeti , "
ThiJ ,
4. ( ie utitiletett limit ! mFaty rclkf lii otIr re
0,5CC. " liii , .1. SI4i , .
t. . "or , ii.'n4nt't ii a mtgtmlar gratlitate from ) )
hieiic ue Iloslital , Now York city ; ha , , lot , ) tiry cx
ttiioi U ho.liulI 3InItttIti , nuti 14 tliorotmghl v l1tte.i ( lit
all Ltnitilas of his beiottl , , eioitce , csicclally cit
clironlo diseases. "
lIes. i3mow.aLt , , & Hwixu.
I ) . ' ' Pr. I \'agiter lois lttnontalltrti : , ) tintsvif by
his , ottdetfttl dlca cry tf si.edflc ronialits for 1,1
% ate istmi I.OltR ) dIoa.-- iilmtla I'll ) L'hromtklu.
7. "iiou.eutdi of litvttitis hock to toe ) , Iimi.San
I'raiiciio Citrotilcl , .
8. "flto Ioctor's long , xI.'rlt'tteo is a
) tt'iild rntmder Ititmi ' Cr ) smiecossful.-ltovI.y Muttim.
talim cs.
Plain Facts Plainly Spoken.
At one time a tikctis.sioii of the , t'eret . Ice nte entirely -
tirely a % olded by the Iirt.Icsisi ) , tutu matMilcal It oks of
hut a few , tars ago u cliii lisall v mnrittlon IL.
'l'o-da ) tito iii. , .lclttn lit If a dfiTm eat t'plnlon ; ( me Ii
all arc ( hat It Is ltl .ltmty , llsagrttioltltm though It
mitay be--to lutittilu tltli imatter o ltitttut glot ci atid
bileak Ilaililt' nl.otmt . It : anti Immtelligtmmt ( tirtitte and
gunesilatis ' 1111 tlitiik Ititim f.'i , tttiui tot.
'Ilte rtstmIts titciti itu I lii. , ltt'trtirt h o 5 let' w crc for.
mnerl3' hot. Uttiltim ci 01 I , ( ti tOIL 1 ( t Ci I. ) estlittatiti ; amiti
lit , Iiiti.ortaiito be.iitg ( tt , a sitliject. u ltlclm ( ty
Its ilattiro ttoei I , , 1 lit t ( itt tlo.e hit O5tllltiOit , It as
I' itiltigly lguttim eti
fltu Italilt l. gcperills eoutmctt'.i liv the otmmim
% % lillu tteiiitIti , . , Ii.i.I i.i.ltr . . . ) , , . through
theIr tamltIo ( , iIII ) It ItM.ItttIblU ( fat Ii , or It. amy be
nc.iuire.i throtigli toilet tIltI ucitetnettt oue.t Cx
I'erlemiotd , ( lit , IIt.iCtIu wilt ho repulted agatim and
tigahil. until at laMi timi. liatti Ittettitte tirin nmtd Coil )
) ictcy ( enlates tile ictIni. Mental imiI itervotis of.
tilcUont , ore usually ( ho InItnar reemits of self .nlnmo.
Among ( Ito InjurIous olhucts many ho immonticimeti lauxl.
tutle , tluJecUoim Or lrraslbillty of temnloer 1)11,1 goiteral
debility. Tite boy seeks , ieclimsiomi , told rartil ) jolits
In tile s1torte of Ills cotmmtpariioims. If ho Ito a young
10511 liii t III Uts little fouiitt Iii Coiilpttit ) II ltIi thu other
sex , ailot Is troubled wIth uxetetlImig aimol ftnlmoylitg
haslituloictis ( I , their presence. I.tutclllotll drosuas ,
elilibilOlItI ttmttl enlIltious Oil tito fare , etc. , are 11151)
Iroililiselit mtymnjitomiti. .
If thu ltraticu Is Iolenthy % , lot , moore serIous
disturbances take Place. tjrtiat IxIltitatloli of tlte
lIcart , or e1Ut1ttlo coi , ulsioits , ititi cxliurleneeol , Ruth
the sufferer uminy fall Into a CttlllIIhCtU state of Idiocy be.
fore , ililally , tlratlm rclIe es isimii.
To all those eulgagt'ol Iii tlthi tlaligert.ti.I . , htnlt-tloe , I
Would say , first. .tf nil , sti , ; , it at cult-c ; uiml.u ocry
jtoosihlo chart to .lo so ; but. II on fail , If yoour umcrou ,
l3 atemIt Is already tii , , macu u.hatterott , anti comsu.
, iUeultly , our 4il.iuo or ttrtieit , take titolue uicryo
tonIc to aid von Iii your oltorL I 1a log ( reel yourself
( ruIn thu habit , I % l OlIhi ( uniter ctttutsel , ou to ) go
throlIglilt uvgmliar colIrso of trelitluletit , fttr It Ii a great
iltiltakil ( U StlitKlMO that any ouns amy , for soittu tilile ,
be IL to cry sollttic , git U itilllteif up to title fasriutittluig
but daitgorotmt uxcmtotncitt IlItliolut etmilerluig froth Its
C ) II OuttitsltlCuiLCH mit sottue future tune , 'Ilto .
of young illoli WIlt ) 0CC lulonioteitted to ( Ill thu uitItlel
enjoined by eetIh.tck Is mslaruulillgly large , itutd Itt Itiost
of such ca'ics Lisle tllifortuuillto coutihitloui of tisiutge CAll
lie traced to , the itractico of itif-ahuso , % % ) IICII lOUt luii
abaulololmedyo.ars ago. luthtaMl , a fott mnoittite' PractIce
of tillS itltbit I , , omltideuit. ( ii ltutluro slerlluIrrimiell lit
later carsuiti I have utouly ( If such eases under treat-
ulliMit at Lisa jrent ( lay.
Yoing Mez.
1uts lIla ) ' lu slliferilug fron , (110 effects of yitutitfui
folit. . , or holdlseretionus IS hli un i cli Li , a oil thsenuiol t
( , f this , ( Iso grt.atctt. itooli 01cr lithi t thu altar of suf
f.rllig hiulllaltity , I lit.S'Atm VlL It III gmlaralltcu to for.
( cit ( )4) ) for ut cry ceto of seilliilllh ' .1 CitkilLiI , tr itrillit C
.Ii'.eatu of lIlly i Itoh 111101 cilllracter % I iticim ho initier.
takes to mutd faII to cure.
Middle Aged Men.
'lucre are illtuuv at ( Ito ago or : n to (1' ( ) loitti ore
tromilto.9h ' .1 ttl ttoo ire ltlCllt 0) lLQiu.IthitilI . .f I ito tutu
tier , oftuu liCOlIIlltj aitioui by It , ilgitt uuntam t I ttg or Itllrlt.
Itt. ieltHltti5fi ltiui ) LI It vakeuuiiig ttf tlsu s still iii a
ittuli nor ( Ito m alhuutt ruth lIt tiecttliut for. I lii txiuttitt ,
log thu iii lilary tci otsits It Oty t.euliiiicit t w Ii tufieli Ili
foius.h , , Illiti sutIltetilIleS ittail juitutii lee of uhltuttiett , ttiil
l4lpuar , or tlto ttuiitr t ill Ito if tIti ii lillikisti hue , agaiul
chatsgiitg to a lark neil ttt i .1,1 , quj eurilt : o. 'fuel U art
ilUIli , iiltit ) iiIt.ti .ilI , ( ii , 01 t itt. IiilIiItilt3 , Ijttutittilt , It
tue CiItluU , I ) lsiii li t li 1II' uu.I t , ts.ot , i ( setuiittth'a , vaI
uue 4M. hr. V. tt ill gimirustut. u II orbit , itru lit nil
Ililti II iiettltlsy r'stlusll.uu it tic gcutk'.ituittury or
Ctii , smiltatittlu fi cc , ri . ii lalttillal ittum nitil gui
ice , 5.
All ( tillilItli iticntiulii.4 MIlutlIlui Ii : ui luhreutih , I ir. I ieutr
I ( cur ) W'agtucr , I ' . I ) . I ) ulu ci , Cu .115 ? iou p
'Clue 's'.tisitg Mmii's . ( 'Pultu ) nipliut , hi ) Dr. II
\'aguuer , Is tp , prtii its w i.sJtt itt gil I ( it &tuilg ilICli
Price , LPI,5. SCIII. lu , 1111511 Lut lsiP 011111 ot , ,
Let Your Light Shine.
Dr. % Vagllcr titu c.h.thlsL , , uf lioiucr
Colt , . , 143 i.arliiuer it iii t , lii io s C 4 Iti lilting t Ito
know sitat Ito tzst , 1 , . , lIu lu I.Itp . iou tIllIliit.IllllI , otl
hls feiloti huh J H' i ro.i1 ii p. pa i iti I tat istaul ii itii Is
sure ( , usipi huh 5 lilt , p o rity sill tiles , Ieui
thlolihltltli tt.tlltullll SI. 0 l.u oil t ci hut , UititoI 8tnttui
frsus tisowi Ito lest cup . , u , ru. . 1 j , talt It is that ttuipcs
cure ( Ito attest. ciset , , . tIue.ui . , ttuiouI. ( ho tttiictt.l
frolli cltroimuio atiul 5ti.PlU iitotuIo4 of Ut er ) klittl u iii
Iluuol itlull their Isust ( a kitol. I U al Isle oil t em tiogtteutt lit
all our cit ) luuIlorN , tool odi tIlt Ititit for muitlcu. its 'st
know you V. lii turrubtumtttv iis Its ot hug Is , , Is ( li , , suf
ferer's I , ole friutsl , - lIoeLb II oulltioill $ Nctvs
Relief to the Afflicted.
Iii uncolleiooa. , alt In , eleitcn , ( lie l echlists are ( Itt
( IlILS witui alsays ( OilltS to ( ho lrtsttt sitU a Cu.umi&IIsIi
great results. 'hills Otilllsni : iS e4u4lally mstpIlea1thu tote
to Or , \Yiignur , of this city. lIe shusuls at tiso toll
of isis hroftuMiolt , 150511 tilt tiltilt Ito lerf1triiI for the
uomfortutita a ( titiul treuti wonthertitl If lIt cr1)
viewed Itu Uuit light our ttletstIle too jttit iitiiuittjt. 1 Ic It by thu ioust eutsiects t of ( JIO uustuullcusl faculty.
Ilk olliec at : iim : Iar.uttjr striot , whoru ha 'sill sieudl
Ii ) Cifoctit etiutt for ( iso sulforllcj 'f cititor see , iuo illut
for Iso's cuttmiuhlosstciI tiucli L&Pllluliiui t. l'oilmeruys
Chronic Complaints Require
Time for a Cure.
I'erMttC itt II iilstaiit , a li. ) ni , it bi iuu trcat'I it ) I i ,
S'agustr lUll utt feel tnttltst orpi iuun.ituoo tuf Iuinblhit
to ' . lait Itluti , I I tIle ) 's Ill w ( Ito to t iso tiustor lie all )
itttI It litti. i'f , ilio.t lusuti 's liii it eutuslle , ( ilium to eiid
pit..iltlitee , etjutssi'l intl ad t It 0 to t ItlIusattults lie has
utoter cccii , flu line illIttelItIt Iii uter ilty. Lucia noisi
itatioti Its Colorutulo , 114 5 ei ) tot all 'at t r thu ( Jititsud
hbitsie. lien. Isl guluhi 011 $ lii Isle aul t erleeuisomt t , I iti ,
or iiilLtuiti.
Shall We Reform ?
H1itelflo roinuiiu. br JI dtl uMOd iS thu tituory
1 ° " ( Pc itt I1UUuit of eduttiul autil ua t.rItice
1tsItLtot , utd Itt ithl large t'slitlisiliiltlu'I tlstiy 111511
tiu'ilr s3.uiltltiu . , I. , ext.el III atsitli titcy tllrect ( lieu
studIes also ) IractiCo hr. % V.siiitr Is a SU ecasful II.
histrstlou ( uf tisl illodei up , ils.s.i u s'vdsltIos. iusoh hsii
uts'rtt. 4 : lttttsjuj 1,1114 ( s's iii ( It' truAitteist of uu lotte
ill.easos Is as wostiiertui its it Is iluittenllig. I rid , .1.
'lItossi j 'tirsolts with maul uilttlllttl ( relief for ( lie umiost
4elicats of tllsouss.ui 's Ill Iltiul isa istullitil5ilC.l itit bUtt'
tessfsii Iii3dci4u , In ( ho ( It hr. % 'a'iser , No ,
313 Illriltser street , wlt I i hlglsly ituotiuiiuoietutsl by ( hi
, iiesiieal l.riifvssili at htultils tool aijoutrit , I'tslistirosy' .
heuuocrat. hiigttry aiiul lutttrausrit titlIst gil o V. It ) ' Let
wlauioigt itnI tile a iso i.iiblclaus tutilut 1144 iii iettiiti ( Isli
light tshslttu for ( lie glory of huh fellow uisoiii. I'rhtttur's
bsk Is the .ircm ) Isu can best usc to guide tile 'scary
itud bkk one IA ) thu focistalu of health. If 11th ltrlIle
iisoUll ( Iso iisbtruuseistsil gu a ' 'f0lIli I ( Ii I I I l itet tip.
( Jul a htlil to guitie tutleriisg itnullautity to 3 lb LJuilustii
.treet , Itcuiter , Colorado , It 'sill aulseer the
fur wiskh It waN Wittoit. Aol.1ess
V. 0 , besx 23SOr call at 113 Larluser htrtuet ,
Ihirm'cr , Cub.
tilitoati ( Ito column httaiiei "The Necessity fur ( iso
Has the Best Stock in Omaha and Makes th&Lowost Prices
Mirrors Bedding Feathers
, , ,
And . Everything pertaining to the Furni.
ture and Upholstery Trade.
To AU P1" , . It0fl ! , 1208 flilI .1210 Farnnmn St. .
w's. OMAhA. NETI.
T.k Flour . I. nook mit Salem , ltielmilsn Con , Nebraska , hi. the Robber Stone 5 stein W
LesRXL'l.lJ8I'itsaCottfutirilturtoopi flrm ( U it ilo. We hare OICuOd a branch at lOtS ealtoi aieuiu
xa1'vrx1TxI * 1
) nlcm or OntaM , Mid ) .
I : . rit : ,
Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y.
: i. c a * i'tr' . * . m , . z
v Heating and Baking
I ( Is only atta'miiodb3' hls'iiig ,
. , .
I Stoves and Ranges ,
. I
- For sale by
ml' . IL'JIIcI1D : : ,
aIvoiid IrooCoroices Node CapsFiD ials1
Skylights &a Thhrtsonth Street Neb
( Chicago , Burlington _ & . Quincy Railroad. )
; i- -----i- ie - - 1
irmi - . 'b
I- _
5 , ' .
jS\\\ . _
\ _ .
_ _
I ' '
, " M . a
IC A ? 4' . "
, , 1'I. _ _ , _ , _ _ _ arx _ _ UT. , . . ' _ _ :
lilgtillt Iity Coaches , Parlor Cars. wIth ReclIn SolId TraIn. of Elegnuit Day Coaches and Pull
big Cltalrie ( seats free ) , i3tsmoklng Carts , vlttm lIe man I'aluciu I3hoeping Cars nrc run daily to and
volving Clsalrs l'iillman l'nittci ) Sleeping Care antI from St Lottie , vIa Ihannlbal , Qulncy , Keokuk ,
I lii , flimllttils C. h. .t Q. Dlullng ( 'mire run daIly ( a and hhiurllngton , Cedar Itaptots anti Albert Lea to fit
rrriltu ( 'iticttgo , t Kaimsati CIty , ( .3dcngo & CoUncIl I'ntd and MInneapolIs ; l'nrborCars wIlls Iteellain
hlitmITti , ( lIlOlillo & los ) Moineg , Chicago , fit. Jo Cilatra to and from fit. louis anti l'eorla and to
' ) . I'tiVltiPtui 'i'opo'ka Only tiirnuugh lluio ho antI from Lit Iomila and Ottuniwa. Only one
:1w' : i'll ( ilsltatgo , LIno'olrm .t heller ) 'ihrough cars change of cars bvtveen St Louis nuol les
latweeri limtIIoiapollu. & Conuicli hilmille via l'eoda Moluios Iowa , Uncoin , Nebraska , and Denver ,
All tutiit'et looms , nnlo , In ( Jultimi Iopotn. It Isi Cobormulo ,
klstiwti : is I lit , groat.TIIIIOIJOIE CAR I.INE , it 1st unIversally admItted to be the
Finest Equipped Railroad in the World for all Ofassos of Travel.
it , JI'Ori'ERStl Vjco.l'ro'n'tanulOcnlManager PEItCF.VAr. LOWELL , Oan. Pass. Ag't , Chicago.
, - - . _ _ _
jj - wyr ; : q _
Boiler allif Sheet Troll ork 1
OMAhA , . . - - . . NEBRASKA.
lIllild isib kInds of fiteaun hollers. HfllOkit Iltacks , htroechhng Larul , Wuiter anti OIl Tanks , and do a eu.ra
I.Iatelroli Ituiitiie. Itupatirluig ( cue ili City iiuml Country , All work
Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted I
Stcottl.lianil , ilollers wlil be kept Cii iiiiul Ifatllig had in ormy years uxperloneolum the tradu In different parts
ef tin , coiiimt ry I ama itoistliluiit . i nut Ill Cu sttlsftethptui , liavIii thu ltoit shop amid fettle In the State. Shop
, , , , . ,
"or toib 150(1 ' J. M.WILSON Propriotor.
\ValI \ Paper 1llO S1iaes.
I 118 I1's1tNAM S'i'Itll'I' . . . OMAHA NEB.
Caroenters' Materials
Ssh1 Peers B1ills , Stairs , stair llai1ins , Ba1ustrs , 'iuo' & Boor Frailles , &el
FIrst-class facilities for thu iuanufMturu of all kInds of MoWdinge. i'ianlog and Match1n a rpecLilIj
Ortlers ( rum tlsu country all be iiruitsltly executed.
Address all cousuiuubcatisni to A MOTit , Fruprleto