Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1883, Page 8, Image 9

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WonoBdayMorning , opt 12
-ThIrty.fhc recrutt wtt wtst ye.ttIy to
rt -There 1 * movmcnt on foot to cono1l.
duo the threGrman iingIng .ooUei of th1
dty Into ouc.
-Some C1forntitt1 ind o&it rnnncm
from .tri'mi , prestted to .7. H. Co1IIn , by
Oencr1 Crook , syo exhlblto.4 In ColIIrii &
rctty' . Wifl(1OW , 2&n(1omey nonnteJ. There
zIo Reeti .pede. .
-Two dnink M the polkocourt Ibli ywiter.
4hy welt ( or State Fidr week. The
Jadgo will iavo i round tip Iriday nIght ,
-The No1rk home for ( ho FrIonIos. ! ,
.tuated at Lincoln , IM lut up Imxoi at dI1
brent phtcc5 in.Lho , FIrgrounrs ! zukIng fur
uint.r1lnt1nn. , Any amount I. ftccoptatilo enil
wflh go to frwnrd the good sork bclng done.
-Mr. nd Mr. . Charm. o. AhIquI.t and
Mr.nnd .Mri. It. S. Chd4Io were the rodp.
lout jontIy a IdoMAnt .urjrIo at their rot.
dance , North NIneteenth ticet , Mend Lyovcn.
ing. To iuiy that a got1 tltno wa bad I nut
8aying half.
- Mr. N. F. Murray I. In elutrgo of the
Jfolt county , MI.souri , exhibit of fruit at thu
-Mr. William . Way and Mi.4 $ itrah F.
Crowowero ina-iriod on the evening of So1t.
10 , at the vanono of the Firiit M. 1. church ,
: ljy Rev. Chaleii W. Savage.
-Councilman ItcdfIeicI wa 3)rcCtMI ( with
a tncercMInl pij)0 , box of Ifavanwi and simif
lxix Monthiiy by hi , follow councilmen , Iii
token of hi. work u znothbcr of the oquahka.
lion hoard.
-Tao qinpathyof the community hi with
1"crdnand Schroeder in the death of hi. ofti.
inablo wife , E.tola ) E. Schroeder. She wiv
the .eeond IaughUr of lion. Find Motz.
Union i'acifio baseball
-Every member of the
ball nnn has been prc.ented WIth an order for
1 coeIy overcoat by the ns.oclation.
Treasurer Taylor made the proontatIon
-The Sioux City Journal gives thio follow.
log rcminIenco of a vroininont Ombn lady :
'Ai old sttler who saw tim mention that
, said I. T. Martin taught the first school In
tw. city In l87 di.pntes tIm statement. The
( trat achool In the city , ho say. , was taught
t In 1856 by MI.a Wilkins , Davi. county
. . lady. , She snanled In thu city , as 0 many
achibol ma'en : . do , and Id flOW lrs. Cliarlci
ltu.tln of Omaha. "
-Mr. M. J. Groovy , .ocretary of Goid.
Paas. Agt. Mor.o , of the U. I' . , will be mar.
nod at Mirn.ourl Valley thii morning to
itlisa Addle Newton. A reception will ho
heM at the re4dcnco of the bride' . father , Ed.
win N wton , on the farm north of the Juno.
( Ion. The bridal tour will be through ( Yolora.
donut ! the west , anl all Mr. Greovy'd friend.
vhIi It to be 1 % mo.t happy trip.
Mr. . Samuel Shear. , with Mlsseai Mamle ,
wid ela Shears , and two stin , Stuart and
harry , arrivodye.terdzty mornIng from North
¶ Lake.
4 Mr. Mnrkoo , of Ahido , Ill. , IN boln'
' ahowu tlu city by hi. friend , ez.LIent..Gov.
Carnoi whom ho I. vklting.
Hon. James Laird , lia4rngii ; 0. 0. IlabIn ,
] 3eatz4ce ; John U. Harvey , Turhlngton ; A. J.
Cornish , Lincoln ; John IL floe , and who , D.
w. hoc , Sam'I. M Novin , , , Koaznoy , and W.
D. urn of Beatrice , are at the Paxton.
Dr. Vt. 13. Thompaon and Mr. , of
I. . Y. city , and Mrs. Qulnan , of Ban Francis.
0 paucd through Omah& yostordsy on their
) An Anewer % Vanted.
9 Can .uy one bring mi case of kidney or
liver complaint that htlectrio lilt-
tcrii will not je01Ily cure ? We my they can
4 r.ot , an tliout.aud. of caaes already ormanout.
! Y curei flfll who are .clally rocominondit ,
Kledrlo Bitter. will irove. Bright' . disease ,
tilabeto , , , weak back , or any urinary complaint
quickly cured. They purify tim blood , regu.
late the bowels and act directly on the dls.
ened lart4. Every bottle guarantoad. Fur
iaiu at fOc a bottle byc. F. ( madman.
Funeral l'ommtponcl.
The funeral of Mr. . E.tella Schroeder
linim been ictponed until ten o'clock
this morning. It will take vhaco ( room
the residence , on Tenth etroot bctweon
, iIowarm and ilarnoy.
' A Lifo Having Proont.
Mr. M. B. Ahli.on , liutchlm + on , Kan. :
Sawed his life by simple trial buttlo of Dr.
] ing's Now Jlecoycry forconsumption , which
c use'I lmi'u to vrcuro a large bottltha corn.
vlotolv vmrod hIm whom doctor. change of
dlimnato nd everything OISG had failed.
k . Inn , lreuchIt.Imi , hoanemmeas , sever comigh. , A1
ll throat amid lung disease. , t a maratood
to cure. Trial bottles free at C. Fi [ ooIiziau'a
drigimtore. Largesizofl.OO , "
Orneau'a crackura ro th
All firt..ohau Clothink ! ua can tsll
you who Liri'irr , Liy & Co are.
. * 1o me&w
Oarneau' fruit cake 8 'ery fine.
F Io.ot
. . . -
Seajod bids will bo received until Sat-
rdry evening for the lumber on the
m ground. of the B. & M. buo ball chub.
opt 11 3t it. f , Tioi& , Mamingur.
. .ii 5oliOarnsau'a crackeri be.
A cavao they are thbo.L , lOmiw
T1II OL1) 1TOltY.
'The "Portliurona" Got Therotgaim
j . , Hl to Three.
Am : early as 2 o'clock yesterday after.
noon , crowd. of excited lovers of our on
tional gamno could be seen hurrying to.
vavtl the Union Pacific bau ball Park , on
t. Mary's avenue , fearful 1e4 one .inglo
incident in time contoL imotwoen "Thm
Little ] ! ichiigamm Ckamplonn ° and time ' 'U.
The remarkable Hucceams the U. Pu. mmmci
with on their trip , only added interest1
anmi a close game ivan looked for , botLimm
beiimg about uvemi that "our boya" would
do time vi8itors Up
J A aharp contest remmulfMmi in ! oukIing
hio game in faster of the vlsftonm , by ii
score of aix to three ,
These awe clubs maout again this after.
moon , and tItoe who wemm to oo a good
game of bail ahouhl attend , as time U. P'n.
t are going to Put forth OToI ) effort t
down the Wolverine's.
t -
Carnoau' C mped Edge City Soda
Cr.icker , mit in your mouth , lOmiw
1 -
aen' Ozuaha Oyster , time boot
rackor zJdo.
_ _ . . . .
# _ ' _ _ _ - - - - - -
' : ; oi accesfn1Oyof the Sttq F8r ! ,
A Good Crowd VItnessei ( lie LtaccH.
. I
The econ1 day of the state faIr WM a cone
tlnuatlon of tha faorallo vrotnlse made In
inauguration. The weather continued
bright and beautiful as only Nebraska
weather can he , trnI the balance of tlis weak
will no (1,014 be equally good.
The sttonisnco on the ground yesterday
was quite large , though not .o great &s It will
he , and tim crowd4 will faIrly con-
monco with this afteritoomi and to.mnorrow.
A large imunther of oxhilItc entered before
tIme titne exi'irptl ' were taken to the grounds
ilmuring the isurenoon , nod the balls amid vsrious
( Iahuarmm000t headquarters won , filled up and
Liming. generally made ready for the coming
Tim mmvMIcAl. UNIoN.
The first notalku event , f tIme ilay was the
110 lviii of tluo mtusical Union orchestra , who
reached the ground. alauit noon Iii
mlmolr big baumul wagon and tumado time ci rcni t
hf the bdf.inile tuick , ,1aylng , as they wouut. .
'l'hls looked us if lousiuim ss was about to luejIum ,
& , imti In fact. It mild , , , after , fur at 2 o'clock
illi : UAcI4
were called , the tluruo uiulnuito trotting race
I uug thu Ii r.4 ( iii the j urogr.tuumnuo.
MnJ. ( luatnlors , Ii. U. Culloy , of Gletuwol , , , ,
fnwu , and . Cat. . lj : . 1) , 'lluimnas , of Ft. Nb-
t.r4mru , ui ro thu juuulgos , aumul for tIme first timmu
mum fll thu old s icke y stuuuml 'as occul
, y ollicbals and reporters , u nil time tl I , corIutn , t.
liute. of tIme luoll mitut. Iuuuperuitively amuml lou
tisuail to no eltec , for tluti ridcr.i always couuu :
when th..y get good nd , , rea'ly , and not be.
turo 'lImo grind .uiul WOl lumut mquarsely ou
cuipiol , thu mniujomity % satchuing thu races fromm :
oushlu thu truck.
tIiliuglm tiunin vero multmo entries in time
tritt.iuig bitt. four nIulouroul , . iz : tirade
I ) , hhilmy , J.iLtlo 'l'ouuu amid mmiii 1'sixtum. 'Iluis
, ace wiou luo ery oxelilmug. ( ; racia I ) winning
duo t.broo heats uuuuiIy. 'hum. . , , 2l2 : , 2:12 : numul
2:12 : , . Billy voum second motmey nmol I.itmlu
I'lli tlIl.
eanie next and was time only race of the after.
IICIOLI which crotod imumi'Iu ouutliusiasmn. it. xnuu
utiuui : vounnui attired iii lkuimumn co.tmnuuo , thu
former 1iviug fur , grays hnrimeascd abreast
oud ilum , latter four blacks , drove OnCO arouuiul
lo track n a break neck , the
looking Immure like ancient mutuwli tluurn musual
, uud exciting great auplauso and atlmniratioum.
Tli lady driver won a a matter of course.
limo only trouble almut. tubs race was thut It
Was Louu short. It will bu repeated each : rum-
inaimulmug tisy of time f.ilr.
im flUNNIN(3 mmcu
was luartbclPntod In by Intriuisic , Itoul Buck
uitiul l.lzzio B , thu first zmriuuued wl nmui mug In two
strsLidlmt heats. 'linio 11. : ! anul IS. Lizzie
H was distatuccul in tim Iwut lmeaL
Time ontibtms for tu.duy's races are as fol.
lows :
LT1omNa hAd : , 1:35-8600. :
A. II. Ayulswortb , Omnalas , 1 , . g. Little
S. ( ilubhimigum , Des MoIn , Ia. , b. in. KIttlu :
l'cterWuod , , Milwaukee , Whu. , r. mn. Annie
( Free for all. )
Vat : Amuhumnti , Fal's City , Little Vitlio.
, ; .v . J Wiugert , Dixon , Ill. , d. g. Frank
fi. N. MOumtrto , St. J0501hi , Mo. , b. g.
iinlor .Jnek.
a .it. Thompson , Do. Moines , In. , Ii. in.
Bell Muulioiuo.
llarvoy Ummnbugum , St. Joso1uli , Mo. , r. g.
Sailor tiny.
On the HCCOfl(1 tluiy was estimated at 2OoO , but.
there were Probably inure thzm tinut miummuihair
lresommt. Aunuuuug time how foatmmro in this
mnuslirooni villu.go was the nupearaumco of soy-
oral umow bullulimugum and other tulaces to be oc-
Culuied a. imeaduiuuurters. 'i'mu Bni and herald
mmcii luut up wall , tcuits aumui oumtnrtainoui their
friouidum In guoti style. rimum Bmc im located
alongside the handsome quarters of time Iowa
tund Nebruoskus Itmouramico cuinpmmny , whi'ro Mr.
Matt Goodwin thomuuslststutsumcretary , muudsted
by Mr. it. .1. iohusomm , lieU levees tinily from
B a. in , to ( I p. ma.
lion. 8. J. Alexander , manager of the mner-
cantlie departimment , was also vrosontyosterulay
ammd the visitors were regaled with minnie inter-
eimting yarns.
A large aow timing hail was begun
at S o'clock Inst umvenlumg by Mr.
'LiZZLrl , time former vo.tauraimteur on F'armmanm
treet. The workmen kept up the labor all
mulght aIui time bumilding will b occupied in
tlmumo forbreakfzuit this morning , The builul.
11mg 1. 60i10 feet hi Izo.
itAx lIlITRU
uqunneul out. lmIs imuulldingyestorday with a mnng.
mulllcomut layommt uuf di Luuuoumdd ummud timmo jewel ry.
A full hue of btelmmway aimul Chlckering piano.
nuuduf Slmnnbngur , Cynubella aumul other orgauuuu
occupy , ummo wiunhe side of tim Inuiluhimug whilu
the wuil are tmuuug met wit ) : mummuslcal % uust.rum.
mnont.s of vmurluuuum kimmuls. There is also thu
hurst lot of umlinmumus , toilet amuit tlreu.sing castus
over Imnluuuutod into this commmmtmy. l'ulcsuuruu.Vatm
Cott amid Clmtnlio Collins mussIt Mr. Max May.
or 1mm umuteitaimuing t.belr visitomum.
One of the greatest attractions on time fair
grounds Is tiom &llstuluiy of ] lmmcimanaum wugoumuu.
0mm of thmese Is of linrul wrod finish , decoruteul
and ormmnnmeumted with Cmlumestm ! clmnruuctera ii :
gold , chummy mummul oil colors-all iumnmd work-
and costing over one thouumaumtl dollars. 4tmm
other is of time finest fimmishucd painted work.
'rlmestu wuugommum am-c ninnufactureul by time Itomugli
Bro. . ' wagon vurks , of liucliumumiumi , Mich. ,
amid are exluibitotl luy Suuiumuol , Vu1luu , time su.
poriumtcnulomut of their wtirkum , and John F.
Jiumriuore , the gummeraVmtomut. ,
Thu acntkror Alt ,
The board of fish commissioners guut their
oxhlblt liuto iuhuauo ycumter&Uy , nmni tlu two
huatudsoine wjmmuirlunms attracted mimuchu attomu-
tiii to their Ilmmmuy occmpzmmmtuu. ' 4mmmoII thuo
fish sent up from time lmmutcheriums at booth :
Buumd imru twelve blackbaau , thrumu , mmvnutlms old ;
&uumvcum Golden Ides , two'carum of age ; sx ommo.
year.oid timid two two-yoar.olui German carl , ;
seven two.year.old California ; nnuntain trout ;
three two.yemmr.old and three. thmreo.year.old
s1uocklod trout and four Cmmijformmia salmuoum ,
'ilium water mouod Is filtered MIsouri river water
aumul I. as traumulmaruumt as-mnmmd.i
TIJm c , A.
0mm tlm op.ltAvil e1lorum3JLaJl ii a umew
lnmildin eroete , ' othu Y. M. . . 0.
A. by becretar )1flmn. 4les.ztableum , Pen
and imuk and r iLerlu ccommuuumouImmtum
time transIent titor. . ' .A. timntt daily Pamusr
called Time lie op ° Js I.mued tlirIng the ( air
week and free onte.rtrJummmeumti glycum each
evening at tlm ball.
The first COIY of the State Fair Journal op.
pearoti oum time grnmmmuds yesterday anti was uz.
tenmulvuly road , It iumtho ollicluil puor of the
board of managers Ji 'vhl dited unuul , ( mull of
ad. , . , P. . . ' .
.1 r rila n.ttnc ,
weru Imretty wohlfihied mmii yesterda71 capcjaft.
floral Imiull. Inluis Jotter otmmomug t4o seycruml
mmtuw eximiluihi was tlma $ nmadum iy the , U' ) cent
titer , , ' , luich Is s'ery creulitablu.
lewuy & Stbmme luwul imouu : tiz fliaau4
roommi set ever 4eeu in tlo west , and timu 1ud.
I stonel Is lit tim siei , Immhu. . hikctTnlmr ,
'year 5Q itz1t shirts. It ism.Imnluiygrauml ,
ummui womtim nearly as omuehi mu. time kin1 lieu.
u stunul V'arremm hiu8tIugumurct.etcd ) i.e hmI
limit IXIUNTY ) cxlclnmTmm
ore generally ctumniuletuuuh.
4ovmurul cuimmuty'lmai , already booms isomtt.jumruod
aulul her dLsuhumy of ilnu , rulmms of ivery
Iilumul , iummmniubiuuum jiutl so on is lodeod worthy f
great praise.
Kecrmuoy county m'omneum to time front with i
large shuuwlug of the finest kimudum of nmelon.
gralim mmii % t'qetaluin. . Iliu does tiohuly.
hail county mmeve.timeleums takes the cake In
tlm extent mund character u1 her dislulay tover
mull ruuuumty reiItwumsmtuui ii floral hmhl , Blue
lisi amumong cther ttuimgs : boomu corim 10 feet tall ,
L'io ' boit umuimins on time round ,
time largest cauliflower we hmovo
over .meuun. and seine irnnmtunaum luanhs of cab.
lunge. There are over thirty varietIes of
I graj'eum in thi. exlmit4t , ammmoumgwhulem they are
bs4 satisfied with their lelawareum. Time , ,
thu-rum are potatoes , melop. , and squashes , anti
rmmiil graiiu. , rod clover , flex and rye , wIth
, ) &t.4 five feet ten Inchem tall. Even the sue-
culumiut peanmut Is ropre.enteul by a spiemidid
. bunch of stilki covered whim the isrga4 of
, this fruit. A. large treui called time i'ammta
Ooll& aululum to the vamlety of Ilium show ,
anti Is flanked by fine specimen.
of cotton.wood , ash , box-elder and
) iumchberry cot in sections , There Is also a
lisle of finn timothy grass and two of native
imonip. Time Granul Island Brick ? danufac.
turhmug cnmlany lmn.q a stnmcbnen of It-s goods
lucre , anti the I'lanet F lumr mill , an intutitu.
tion which cost over 835 000 sends sooral
sack. of its different brands oi flotmr mode by
time hmateiit iurocess. Onioumum anti beans are
turonminent for their perfection. This exhibit
is In charge of Mr. 1) . II. Van Tine , secretary
of time hell County Agricultural . .i.oclation
assisteti by Messrs. MartIn Ennis and Ii. M.
ban a good showing , bet nut so extensive as
shmouhi have been mumule. It furnIshes time fin.
c.4 sweet 1)Otat.OC. raised by A. J. Smith ,
rhubarb raised by 'Fousloy hiros. , tobacco by
time sauna men , and an on.runous lot of the
biggest egg plant ereui soon. l'oter BoMflIm
cnuls in some bi cabbage , anti Henry Ebcko
501110 very line atiul carrots.
Time Agricultural Collage scuds 163 ratio.
of potatoes ,
0Th. ! : )4HW XVIIIIlT4 ,
in Floral hail inclndo a big dIsplay of
iuiamrns amid organs byV. . II. l'reuioott , af him.
coIn ; butter , by the Lommo 1'ron creamery ; many
variety. seouls , by , Tuhtm Bvans ; tilidulomt' , ,
steel Iarl , wire' Imarumess by I ) . M.Velty ; tumd
frauu lmmcim by the Twin itros''eaSt coucluoumy.
Vmuu. Snyu or , time csrrluugo umuaker hans mu road
wagon weiglmitmg but P3 luotmmmda , a beauty. it
is 1mm yellow hmuko fimiIm , witim Imaumdsomne mats.
luuugzmuuy luox. Mr. Smmydor has several othmer
curritugos ummud iumg4ios'usnul nxhmibit timauui in his
own isvilloum , , west of Fluent lush.
imoyn's ol'uit.t hloetti : .
Time nuthbemmco at time opera houmo inst nlgimt
was immmumucmmsu , atmd uumostly couniuoseul of utramu.
gerum visitIng time tity. As tIto weelc goo mum
tIme cruwul will ho greater , 'I'u iui.v " 011
Cuirioty ( Shop , " ammul it won very gr.sficahiy
ircsoumtuul , after iickeum's trmmo imuutlo'.i. , ' 2lisi
lCutje I 'titnaumu mms'utmmtuetl ' a. tltuimlIu luirt , mumtl
carried both mutut c.upiLully uw "fimum 'utnrchuiumm.
L'$4 ifimul LiLtIm Neil , " Atm time MtIrcillnul4 Cs.
tuccimuilY tlmertu suns nit oxcelloimt field for 'sIismt
I'mmO :0mm' . I ucutmhlar fort , , , tlmst : of thu Imecuhlesm
neglected girl. 11cr umako up vuu8 imemfect mnmd
time Lucrormmmammco cal leul out rounds uf um uplamuso.
'lime whole troop is eerttimmly very goiuui , aumd
ilmm Siulumo c.irofmml , stuuhbod actlmm , Tu.mmight
limo KatIe l'tmtnamn Cutumluamly luhsy "Child of
the lteglmmmoumt , "
Noteu 1mm Town.
Au thmo batuks 1mm tIme city will close at noon
\Vctlumestlay , 'I'lmurumday auth Friday to oumabho
their etlmltytMi to attend time fuir.
Gmsrmoaum'um iimmnmcmso cracker factory will be
illummumluated ( ruin tolu t lituttoun arid thrown
tupoum to visitors \Veulmmestlmsy evemuing. It is
sm&uited on time cxrmmcrof 'L'wolftis muhid .lackauum
We desire to call time attention of visItor.
aumd time traveling ; ubhic to time railway time
tumbles iumhhished on nmmutimor iuato of Tim lir.u ,
a , beiiug time tuimly correct ummd rohi.sble table
rlmmted In any ( ) mnalus valuer.
Thin street cars arc , mull rnammnnul with condtmc.
tori now , aimd time fars.boxce closed up , tern.
LuurArilf durimug time week.
Velmleies to cunmveyuasumongersto tiiegromimtim
cams be founti all the wayup mud deaut Farmoun
and Iotuglmma streets. A regular stapd is ism
frommt of time l'nxton.
Six coaches loaded witim orcurutlommista to time
fair caine in on the B. & M. yetcrti.iy.
Serentoen coaches are expected froni the Soimtlm
Platte country on the ii. , t M. excursion train
this mnoriming.
The various sImw window. around town are
gorueeumsiy clresseti mmp to attract lmabuutcrls.b3r ,
'rime 1)dUd1)tbl atreots moo veil apmiukleul ,
'rise whmolosumie iuorcimnumts of Oimmmuha hmmtoiud
to give a busntjuot to time retail umerchmumts of
the mutate amid msthJoinimug territory 'l'imurstlay
osemmitug. 'rhsoir : ' will bu first takoui to
the oiuerzs house to see lay Tenwieton Iii
'tJhivetto , " uumd will timom : adjourn to omme of
timoclty lmttolum , either thu Fmsxtumn or the Mi ! .
lard , and iisvo a grttmd bammqumot. About fif-
teems hundred dollars will be robed.
Immfuvnmatlolm For ViItorau.
Time following list shows time irinciial hotel ,
of Omnima , location , number thmat can ho mccorn-
mandated at each , and rate iwr day :
J'a4omu Jlomrme , cur. 14th amul Fmmruamn , 600 ;
$3.00 per clay , including cots.
Millard lfotd , cor. Eith and Douglas , 350 ;
( ezxms Mouse , ( formerly Grand Patdflo , ) 9th
and Ilarmmoy r,0 ; $2.00 , 2.60 mind 83.00.
I aniteld lioiue , 0th ammd Farmmam ; 200 : $2.00.
Mv1ropoiitan , 1'2tIm mind D.uglaa , 460 , in-
ciuuhiuug cots : $2.00.
J iankr'a house , 16th and Dodge , 60 ; 82.00.
J'acilfc Jlouu , 10thm and Capital avenue , 40 ;
Occidentat Hotd , 10th and Howard , 200 ;
To umiAclI 'THU QImOUDm4.
Street Cars-Take Sixteomth Eighteenth
street cars at U. 1' . depot to tornulimus where
transfer is izuado to the grounds. 1"are 15 cents.
'l'o reach ilatmicoma park , take St. Mary's and
I'umrk avenue cue. , which pass the Paxten
every twenty minutes , Fare 5 oontum.
Uio , ; J'acifc , Train , every imour ( room the
10th street cruutssimmg. Fare 16 cents , 25 csmumts
for the rummmr'd trip.
C. , 't. 1' . , M. .t 0. fl. II. Trains hmotmrl
( rein the uhmpuut , corner \Vostor and 1St
streets , wlmicim can ho reached by 16th street
cars. I"are 111 coimt , for rounti trip 25 comuts.
I'e/mklu , Carrymshls amid exjuros.os run from
time postotircu corner regularly. Yare 45o.uts.
hack. ( u0 cents.
rl.ACus or AMuumnImmNr.
° ' " Opera 110014 Cur. lStim and Farnamu
streets. , Katie Ptmtnuun , Monday evoumimug , in
I l.ertus , the hulaticap ; " 'l'uusmtimsy , "Oh Ciuriosil
Simop ; " Wedimesday , "Child of timeltegiument ;
} msy l'omphet.on , 'tlmurmmtlusy eremui&ig itt "Oil.
Ycitte ; " Friday , "l'irmuteum of ltemznmmcoi : ;
Smuttirtiusy , "fmlmucotte ; " I3aturuiay matinee ,
"lumlusmutimo , "
4cadenmi ofMusie. Douglas , between 13th
aim , ! 14th .trcetum , 'rime Cimiwo Cou.'edy Commi.
vnmmy , Moimdayeveningium "Kmmtimleom , Istmsvoimr-
mmeomm ; " Tuceday "Davy Crockett ; " Wedneum.
( lIly , ' 'louuotltmle { , ; " Tlmmmrtmdumy , ' 'Fhirtmstmomm ; "
FrI-day , "hiumdcr Odd.Fehiow ; " Saturday
mmmatiimee , "The l'Iammter's SVIIo. "
2'/ictUcr Cornfue , cor. 12th and Dodge
streets. Varieties every evoimiug.
/Jtie IallTime Ummion l'msciflcs will ia time
l'urt. llurumm , every muuturnqoim timIs usoek on time
U 1' . base ball grouumds , St. Mary' . avenue
nimut Soventaeumth streets , roacheul by t. Mary'um
ammul l'uxk muvomsue care. ( haute called at 4
o'clock ,
Mairug IZink.-Tluirtl floor of lucCroary irous
building , east of Millard lotol. Oiuun every
evetulmug ,
seAoug IlaU-Ball for time benefit of the
Sotmtim Oumusha school , ( Catholic ) , \Vednotmtimsy
evetmimmg , at Croummee's Hall , cur. SIxteenth ammd
Cajuitl , , asyommue.
4i ( . C. 4-Free etmtertalnmnont every
evtmtmimmg .t tlmo roouns , cormior of Farnumnm amid
Fiftoummthm stmeots , opomm froums 8 a. am. to 9 mum ,
See Bumiletlum ,
C sm J.4brtmry.-Free reading room , corner of
Fifteenth nmmti Imutige etu-cots , Opsm : all stay.
4W. It. Confcrewe-Sessiommu , dali7 at First
M. E. Clturclm , Iiusvommport and hoveteeuths
liuw&mrn'r. Itrmiica Ma4vn ,
The greatest mmsotilcai wonder of the urorid.
Warrmumtett to 5l0elIlY cure Burns , Cuts , Ui-
car. , Salt lihtommun , Fuer Sore. , Cmsmmcurs Piles
Cimilbiudius , Corns , Totter , CImampeuj hauluauim
all skin orujuUous , gtmnrusmmteetl to ctmze in every
lmmstaccu , or mmmonoy refumamuhoul , 2.S cent. our
Ask ' ( '
yommrGroco'orOarmmoau'e Eagle
flrand crackers.
1'lL.HON t1j.
Iavid Anderson , Coiuummbtaum1 Is In time city.
Semmator Yam , \\'yck ammul famamily arrIved 1mm
Ommmaha yesterday and are at time I'axtoui.
rr. Olof I.imiqulst loivos to-day for Mor ,
: vdomm1 whore lmo mulakuM his imemue for the fu'
rhe l'urt I [ siren bail cmii arrived ye.tumr
day , amud uuo at the MihlarulV , 11Vmstkimm , ,
imiasnegor ; hufommtjoy , mturrisoum , Tbommmpsom , ,
l'aekusrdColhin , , Beck , MyersCnrrollWhito.
i'itIo anti Punt , make mmii time roster ,
Wimon in Fromnomit , Nub , , call at limo
Now York hotel , whuoru you will find bet.
toe accomnmoulations than um any hotel
west pf Omnaimma
house entirely now
and very handsomely furnished , 9mlw
qarneau'a Jelly Tarte ammil Wafers ro
delicious , slO.Ct
An Important Meeting a Lots of Bnsi
'less' '
Rovcral New l'ohlcoamicmm AppoInted ,
Etc. , Etc.
Time citycouncil held a regular meet.
lag last evening , all time mommmbers being
present ,
; 'ztIrxosms AND ItnQULATIONM.
From the Mayor-Approving several
ordinances ; moving 5IeCmal liii asmmd assumes-
mont on lotus within pavimmg district No.
11 ; cimammging grade of homey street ; vn
cating portitun of Twentieth street ; exclu.
ding districts 2 and 3 froim : provisions of
ordinammee No. 592 ; appropriation ordi.
mince for August. Filed.
Froni time Mayor - Noma.approval of
time oriinanco ordering water pipes amid
foummtnjms , jIm Ilanscomum park , as there are
imo plusims mmmd epecificatiomis In time city on.
gilmeors' ouilco. .
From time Mayor-Appoimitiimg E. D.
Pratt ita inspector of tIme Union I'umcilic
HO'Cr , Referred ,
From time W'aterwcarbs Company-No.
t'ifying time council of time imlacing of four
imydrammts. Iteturred.
Frommi time board of edtmcatmon-Askmng
Twemmtjutl , street , hotweemm Dodge amid
DAVOIIpOIt , amid Capital Avoimmie , iutvoeIm
Niimeteeimtit ammd 'J'wcmmtietlm be graded.
Fromas time city inaraimal-Suapemiding
Thiiicoimmatm Micimaul MeEnory for drutmk.
onnesa ,
mmmd of Joist : Wilson , mmmemnbor of
board of Imuiiic works. Almproved.
PCtitjlIi for grading 'lwolftlm street ,
from Center to l'mlusrthmui. ' Referred.
Suverul Petitiomis for various street nmm-
provemnumits amid repairs. Iteferred ,
l'etitiomms from propolty holders in
paving districts Noum. 8 , 4 , 5 , Ii amid 7 ,
( Elovcnthm , Twelfth , Timirtcummth , Four-
toonti : mtmud Fjfteemmth streets ] muskimig that.
said dimutrich , he lmaved witim asjmhmalt. ito.
Various bills were referred.
I'otitioii of Socotid ward citmzens protesting -
testing against time granting of a liquor
license to Gottiiob iimmmmmermnmii : , who Imna
opened a beer hail nuar the IJmmion I'umcitic
base ball hark.
Fromu U. lCouuitze-ltelatiimg to grad.
tog of South : Tenth : street. Referred.
From the nmayor-Appointing An-
( lrew hogan a regular olicemaii. Cots-
By Behm- That time city engineer engage -
gage two assistant emmgitieers amid one rod.
moan until May 1 , 1884 , amid that all otimur
assistants , rodmmmen and flagnoii be die.
mtmiaecd ne soon as thioir services can be
dispensed with : . Adopted.
By MeOuckin-Timat the board of pub.
lie works advertise for bide for paving
alleys. Adopted.
Several maiduwalk resolutions were
By Thrana-That time board of public
works curb and gutter southeast center
of Ninth and Harumoy streets as far as is
required to go ott with the paving of
Husrumoy street , witimout delay. Adopted.
By Anderson-That time Northwestern
Electric Lighmt and Power comumpatmy be
alloWed control , amid that it be confirmed.
Laid on time t ublo.
Judiciary-Timat time suit. of Luehia Wil-
soil be commiproimilsed for $ i,00. Adopted.
Judiciary-1ucommmimmeimding paaago of
ordinmimmecs for issuimug paving 3onds for
district No. 8 , amnoumitnig to $32,000 , amid
for district No , hi , amnoummtimmg to $24,000.
Fimmatmce-Recommomiding the purchase
of polir.o patrol wagon , aimd that station
houses , as recomumnumnded by time marsimni ,
ho erected whoim the muds will pormn'it.
i'olice-Recommending confirniatiom :
of Jamnoa O'Boyloaa policeman. Adopted.
Public property mmd iniprovemonts-
Allowing Wulsimaima % Brother to place
amid operate a wagon scale on Jacksomi
street , mmear Nineteentim.
The council emit imito coinmmitteo of time
whiumle to comisidor time mmmatter of the fmmmal
omtimmmato of the Tummath street paving.
Thtey concluded t , meet as a board of
eltmushzatiolm : at. 9 a. in. Soptombur 20th.
Report was ado1) ted ,
By McGuckimm-Timot Anderson's reso
lmmtiom : concerning time Northwestern Eloo-
tnic Ligimt commmpaimy ho referred to comma.
nmitteo on gas.
The resolution was referred.
To divide time Fifth wand into two
election aistricta.
An ordimmammce appropriating $2,412.14
out of the Chmicago street sewer 'ftmnd
in favor of Mchugh & McOavuck.
Am : ordinaco eatmibliehing time grade of
Tonthm street frommi Davomiport. to Chicago
ADd Chicago frommi Tommtii to Elovomitit
street. ltefunreu.
Aim ordinance appropm-iatimmg 86,004,46
for time Ommmaima Sewer comupany ; 81,038,36
for J E. Riley , for curbimmg and gutter.
big ; $1,376 30 for Wnm. Mock & Co. , for
curbimmg mmmiii gutteniimg. Paaaed.
Am : ordimmusimcu creating time ofl'mco of
sewer inspector , atatlmmg his duties and
mnaking regulations for the use of sewers.
Read twice mind referred , with instruc-
tiomma to Print.
An ordimmammco prohibiting the imso of
any hart of time streets , alleys , etc. , of
time city for bulldiamg purpe without.
PnIur pormmmissiomm , amid roguiatimmg time
excavations of mihleys , ete ,
Mr. IlascAll said this was ammoammt to ro
neal time ordimmammct , whmicim ruquirga a immoit.
orty hmolder to give a : mmortgage on his
prmmierty , if lie xnmtkea ama alloy , amiul alaum
time alley ordinmtmmco , whiitii aiowa ii mu o
nun time alley way. 'l'Iais ordimmummeo , Ito
clusmmmteti , was fair to both parties ,
Passed ,
An OmIhimaflCo to build a sewer iii die.
trmct No , 11 luassed.
Am : ordimiunmee deelanlmmg time necesuity of
apprtmmrnmtmmug vnis'ato jiruuorty for tito
oxtumsi'nm ; of Vn'gimmia avoimmie imassoul.
Orulinammces to isetmu $32,000 pavilmg
1)011(18 for dlmatrjct.No , , 8 amid $24,000 for
district No , 1)ae ) 1maseed.
Aim onulimiammen for the cutting and gut.
tem-hig mmf Nicholas street from Fifteentim
to 'I'went'mctim streets passed.
Aim ordiiatmu'o to opproprmto 8,014.88
otmt of Cause street siimkimmg fund to Dutfy
Bros. vassrd.
Adjourned ,
- _ - -
Rr'al Estate 'rrnimsfrra.
'rho following tet. tiled for rec
cord in time county den' 'a oluice September
11 , reported for TIlE Bins by Amos' real
estate agoticy :
MargaretOrager to (1eorge ( Cs. Cruer , W ml ,
lot 10 , Ii 0 , DwIght & Lymmmad'am add. $1.00.
Augustus Kountze and wife to Paul Beam-
moor , w J , w lot 8 , in Kuuutze' . 2d add ,
$525 ,
henry 0 , Jones itid wife to Mrs. Mary A.
Chuso , w ml , lot 3 , ii 2 , in Elkitorn $25.00.
l'oul Sommuor and wife to John Dun.
rich , u d , a of w of mt 8 , Kountzo's
2ladd , $ lbOO.
Er.ra Millard amud wife to , luiia Bechtel ,
'V ml , lot 11 , in Millard and Caidwohl's
odd , $2,000.
Isaac E. Congdon to Kathrinm Iloch.
strasser , 0 22ft of hot 2 blk 122 , Omaha ,
hixrmtmlNo'mu ItussIa Salve is unequalled for
chilblains , clmapjued hands , frost bite. , ate'
Try it.
The GromnJ. M. flrunswlek & Haiko
Counpammy anti tlmoirOmalims
Thattho r. M. Brunswick and Baiko Co.
have excelled everything hiorotofono umi-
dertakon , is shown by the brandies cs
tablisimed iii every first class city. One of
the latest offices established by Limo fmrnm
is the Kansas City ofilue. Although so close
to this city time Omaha chico , hans domie
a remnarkusbie busitmeas tinder time
able timanagonmeamt of ? mir. , T , Ilocimetrasser
wimoso sales alurmm every resort. front
Omimaima to Salt Lako. The Onmaimo alike
hia.a a line supply of all kitida of tumbles ,
auth iii commimectiotm Imas also a nejmair simop
wimene work oat billiard tables is executed
s'itim prommmptmmess and dispatcim. Ommo of
time gneitot : immtrmtlueLmolms of time great
Brunswick amid Bumiko Co. . is time bnilhiammt
Novelty table. which has imiot a ith audi
fmmor in large cities.
'i'Imo unit laboratory and of aflico ii : this
city is located at 500 Soutim 10th street ,
mmd Tulr. liocimetrasser will veheomo nil
vaitorum who mumny desire to call.
or io Coffi1oxioll
Positive rollefaiid Inimuni-
ty fi'oni coniploxional bloni-
! shes innybo fount ! in liagan's
Magnolia Balm. A delicate
am ! harmless article. Sold
by druggists everywhere.
It iiiipaits the most brilliant -
liant 1111(1 htfe-Iik tints , anti
the closest scrutiny cannot
detect its use. All iins1htly
Discolorations , Eruptions ,
lUng Marks under the eyes , . '
Sallowness Itedness , Rough-
lICS8ah1d , tito flush offatigno
and excitoinoiit are at once
dispelled by the Magnolia
It is the one incomparable
Cosnietic. .
_ _ _ s-
Thcday , WodnesdayThunslay. Friday anul Satur.
day , bepteniber lmth , 12th , 13th , 140k and Itth , 1533
Qamo Ca11e at 4 p. iii ,
Adml..elon 21 ceutum. Oranti Stauti 1 cents extra ,
SPeCIa1B Will Positively not be Inserted
unless paid in advance.
TO LOAN-Money.
U0NEY TO LOAN-The Omaha Sasings Bank I.
I ri new priarc1 to make tears on Ounaba clSy or
1)ouglu wtirmuy mat omt.ste at current rate ot Interest.
No counnl.eton charged. 385-U
ONEY TO . LOAN-The losest rate. , of lntcreuut
tyt Iteuh. loan Agency , hUm m D.sstIwm.
JONEY ) LOAN-Cull aS Lac omftce of I ) . I.
: m.Y Thou. . , rooo. 8.Qrut1tutoum Imlock.
k I NEY LOANED-Oum t.Smattol nsrcgage , rosin T
lvi Nebraska NaLlon1 Ratik flullUnr. 154. U
1 [ ONEY TO LOAN-J. T. iSoatty .auu. oo chattel
ivi property. 2t3 So'ath 14th St. M'pt10m
_ _ ITELP WAWrEti. _ _
V57AN'1ElA oomnpotumt girl at S. Itarnabas lic.
V V tory , south east corner of 19th and Cattfornla
street , .
17ANTKD-c.o4 carpcntors at Holy Taummily
V V Church 16th mund turd t. OMALLEY IlIIu.
' % TAN'TEI-A conmlcuerut ma , , as saIeunsn In &
y y general .tore. Must bum temnmerate , well rocon.
mended anti Ilrst clam , stock keopsr , Address C. H.
TIIEADWELL , North I3ouud Nob.
' 7ANTED-A No. 1 hsrna immautor waiuted for one
V S your or lead time , at going ssacs ; I on $ a
mar , that , loc. not spree all tIme shame. I wusimt a goat !
humuestimuan. A. 11. IXIICK , WakoSumli. Nob.
17ArED-oouj baker at Omaha Bakery 610
, S south 10th .tt..t. 1. . I'ElEILSON ,
% ! JANTED-tsio.mnanat ! oncost WIIg and Vest-
V 1 Lurg. . 655-3m
TANTED-Oel ! at 2102Hurt StresS
51 5m mi *
UTANTEIJ-Ull for geuurat houmework aS S. W.
I 7 cor. CalteIl end t'mer .tmoet.s , ) ulnaa' . addlUoum ,
tA AN'fiibBoy ut 15 or 10 ta wur. hum store.
V V practIcal tiuusuuuhtb. Ap.Iy at o.ce at 2407
CuuuminKs Street , 103.270
17ANtEP-I2arbor m5tody eniploynment hr a
I 1 gosl man. AtI 1Y Ot JOO Curby' , 5ttO , uorttm
16ttmetr.ot , t.fl tI
IITANTED-A gotI girl for wamh'ng ' , cooling sail
1 truniriE. 00.4 . wu&guu halt ( 'Ill at 1011 Capt.
tel sysnume , .uuUma.t cot of Ltmth atre.t ,
SxTANTCO-At once , a walter iltl smut ! one thaau.
' I termmuald. Julia Frsnk , cuttftmrmls humus. .
. line of Jeans ,
S ANTED-Suio.uuun to carry out
5 , 5 Etsianul. , etc. , uum cotiumulsslon , , In eoiuncction
with their iir..oimt1no. J.ihIruums Mantmfacturcrsa , 14.
cttitmVj Li. CO. , I'lmILasJttlaIe. 645mt.eod
1I7ANTID-A goot girl Iii s suuma I Iauumly , lumqulre
' ' st law oSke of AiuiIrw Usvlas , N. W. cur , 1311 *
and itiet. I 012'
i7TNTV.1)-uIrl mor gemunium ! tuou.usorlt. Uummm
I prcterr ml , J , 1. k'mauIuaut , S1 LeavetusorU ,
aimtI2ltiaesi , si.mmi
' tNTEI-A ( lerk wemi 0mWd him the etotlulng
'ST Lu-li us. stud whlll to ulo ) usmlci to his ulu-
jIouer. Good rut rumucu , erutuetI ,
0 _ _ _ H. ItAVI 1030N , IrenonTob.
% t7/.NhI'.LI-A . . hrl br general tmou. , .
I york , Aptly at . V. cur. Iisriuoyaiatl2otlu $1.
t5315I JA11I NES'Ild.E.
, - uAlI.UIIWANTSu-Tu'du guiiorst mtm tn. , bjulm
uttuig ! anti Wor4lng ot , hiruosu. 'uttady work a
gout ! , auy tottie rIlmt mow. A.ply tar otue we , ! , at
t : . 1' . A'ItK3 ,
t'b 1-h lrstous'odlntng rjirlan.i . a chain-
' ' tsr mush. ! and lsuiniry gmrh imnnuvdlstelyst thu
cbs ' lintel , 5l5.1t
) _ _ _ . .
- - - - - - - -
7ANiEUIr.1 class ou and l.uuimdre , . ut 2430
S S hlarmcy tui.utS _ _ _ _ _ -
'tVANTED-OIrh for housework. Geruman or
flprsferroL Ill south 0th street. 135.12
UAN'rY.D-Tuumu is ly whtues aslttmatlorm as oopy
I Y I. ! . " 14. 11 " 2u5 I 53 street. . 135-LI'
) fltuil lIEN msaumtett for Levee work. , I' . J. Ken-
_ utJU luidy , Cestractor. Al m4y
544.111 _ _ _ _ _ 11th itluest , mica , Firnemu.
ssi.m beagooi cook , Call
list ant itIcImmgum avenue. 651.11
\TANTED-La4t. . anti 7 ° nnE imsonwlshlng to earn
I 1 8' to 3 .ycry dwy 'psiotly a their boum.suuorhc :
lurnIsluasi : 13.s4 'i 'tiati ; usa camaas.lumg ; no stamps
ecuqutred fet ri ly , 1'l.&ie address EDVA8t1) F. DAViS
to.I 13 8. Slain 114. , Vsth IU.r Maim. b412
ANTIW-A wumato ems , ! Ito , , ati
% house.
Infants and Chuchen
Without Morphine or Nmuootfne.
Vhat ' gfre our Children rosy chesk. ,
'hat cures theIr foyers , malice then sheep ;
'TI. ( 'siorja ,
When flabic. fret , and y by turns ,
What cures their coRe , kills their worms ,
lInt CflJitnrlul.
What quickly cures Oonstlpumtlomt ,
Sour memaca , Colds
Hilt Castorla ,
Parewell then to Morpitin , , Syrups
castor oil and Paregoric , amui
Contnur LnImpnt-jj.
solute euro for Rhonmistism ,
Sprains , Barns , OnhiR , &c. , anuj a
lnstaiitanoons Pain-rollover ,
. Broom Corn \ \
: E 1 ? j
1Ltob. . m
The Best in the Market
Manufactured by
byC. . D. COLTON & Co. ,
Ualesburg , U.
ZHSemmtl for Circular and I'rlce Lit . .
- , - - , a
The Product of American Industry !
Fall anortment constantly on hand and for sale by
HENRY FUHRMAN , Premont , Web ,
flTANTED-Olri for general houewor5 , S. W ,
1 V cor. CalilwuIl amid kir treeta , Shlummu's additIon.
545-Il -
1TANTEI-A Sesm-cla. . carpet layer. Apply at
7 1 J. 13. Detwller' . , isms Farnarn etrott. . 383.11
UANTEb-A dining room girt at the Crehghtoo
Yr House.
UTANTED-A tmoed crrIago bLwksmnith No.5218.
Yr l3thmstreet , Hauuon &Son. 411 lii
% I7ANTEI.-Lndy agents for thu "queen I'ratect.
V V or. ' . A new unimor garment fur ladle , , made of
soft , IlexihIe rubber , Sure protection to the under.
'ucar , when necessary to So worn. RetaIls for $2.O
as fast as 3nts can show It. Large rroftts. Address
with atauu , 'tadiea' Uundergarmnouit ilammufacturlng
Co. , No C .Maytroet. Ebmengo. 1.1. 798-Sun
7AsTgu-A onoc , 15 gtrh at Camufiolil's Overall
V 1 Yactory , 1107 Iharney sta eet , 3.1 floor. 415-tI
UTANTEIJ-OIrI at No. 1O6 Sherumaum avenue.
S V 284-ti MmtS.J. 14. OCUNOMAN.
UTANTED By a oung man Iron
S V atlonas clerk. Good , cuumuian ant ! quck et fig.
ores. Ad.Iro-s "J , 11. C. ' liceottice. 66521'
17ANlED-Sjmuist1on. by two ttrss-c1a53 co.I.i.
V y n.t of references. Address 'X. ' 1' . 7. " lIce
lrxijTiI..i Olt Y3UNG SIgN 1mm cty ! or countrT to
Li take , uke. light an , ! .leasauut work at their own
uiuues ; 3'J to 55 a day eadIy , ni quIetly made ; work
sotit by mall , no canvsn..tmug ; no Stan ) , toe reply.
Pleamc addrea , Itelable Manf'g , Co. , Philal's. l'a. ,
drawer 'UT. 478-lnmo3
UTANTEt-Ioard and roam for lady smut child ,
V V suburb. Vrefcrmrd. Address L. F. Ii. Imeoonmcc.
6 0160
7ANTED-sooo bushels of fresh picket , ripe to
V V nuatoes , at harris & i'iuher's. 32'.U
19R and Lots.
1 ; "oit RENT-Upper story at 1214 Iodge lit. In.
_ 1 _ quite on the prcmuics. 575-lit
TJIO1t I1ENT-A i e ehoimse , well , cistern ant ! cellar.
I Ilium iton , flea- Irene street ntar red car line.
InquIre on 580-141
tiolt RENT-One furnished front south room to
I ttuo aingla gentlLrnei or gutntlemnan and alfo.
Mrs. W. II , nuverly , 1712 Cepitol aveumue. 6"3-11
trousil TO ImENT-A Yer. ' commit .t53b'o hont , of 13
iI roomnm en uCth street , near to Drounneil 11:11.
Cut wumter and ciutern Apply Di J. U. Ciaruon. of
Congdon , & ( tart , corner of lsthu and Par.
nan : . ssi.u ;
-TmoIt ItENT-SinnU cottage , 821 5. 23u1 , near T.uw.
I enw.nth , 1l ir month. T. J. Fitzummorrl I , 6 t2
3. 10th etroot. . 594tf
Tuomt IIENT-l'urnl4id rooms with board In irTie
_ I _ funnily 1814 Vaven.ort IJL 48o.1I
17'oIt ' luF.NT-Funulsho.1 rootesby the day , wool , or
I unontim. liocrner's lliock , cot. Eighmthm ant how.
art .
FOR ltPN'l'-lIou , , of eight rosin. and furniture
for sale at a crest sacmillos , 1007 south 11th St.
550-12 *
uoit ILENT-Two floor. anti basement. Elevator
attachud. 10u7 Faroanm etrott. 270-Irno
uoii EENT-A nicely lurniuuhuett room IllS Jack
stroct. 544 14'
FoiL ItEN'P-A new brick I re 03 tent deel , on
floward street , between 16th , and 16th streets.
hmuqu'ro at iJumhmnan's dry goods store. m3.U
ToI _ % RENT.-louly turnsiaid front mount , 2117
.L' Webtqr strost- 641.11
Ol ItINT-llOuw 13 roommuim. two clos..ts nut good
El basenment. hard alit soft water. 420.00 iwr
month Cor. 14th and Webster.
603.t $ JAH. CA LLAIIA N.
I on IIENT-Wdll furnlslIed coon , . mit 1014 Web.
I , terutreeL
'oil REN'r-A fInumly furnished parlor , to parties
peuferliag roan : . tim a urinate haimuily , 811' . Ad.
dress K.1.tes chico. 5053sf
I ' % dWItENT- 50 capitol ass-cane , furnished too
sulto or single , to gootluirnan aimO wife , or g
tlenuen , Trujuclenta secomnuodatud fair week ,
805 131
I I ) REN'I'-A nice , new cottame , 22x44P. 0 roonis ,
1 3 oio.ti , hail and pantry , cellar and fuel room ,
hardanduoft umater , t.'oumvonhmsmt , pleasant localIty ,
one block iron : street car line. Apmtty with rcfcreuuce ,
St 1213 north 113th strecS
Volt 1thiN'fo nicely turnbhod romus in brick
- ! ! - 1410 Chlcagostreet . 455-13'
Foil RENT-A furnished room with board , gas and
bath roan , , at 1753 Dodge strest. , iOl.12t
I uOtt IIENT-3 ruomn cottage , new Seward .teet ,
betuen Campbell and hrosue , Shulnu' . addlticnm.
11011 11ENT-Cottago of U rooms , oornor t'hulceo
anul 18th stmeet. S. LEhMAN.
1'1OlTiiiEN1'-mT bOtoss 67 to 171 P'r mouth.
i 420-12 IIIITIVEII& hlEh.L , opp. 1' . 0.
U'oit lmEr-Furnlohuefimn. Iumquiro at
I mumslc usumul art store , Dodge strech $001f
I unit itil T-lJricJc store. Inquire at utnig store ,
L' cor , 10th and Ilougla. truoI. 310-tf
Ioit IIENT-Two flooen.l baaemcumt. Elevator
I attacluuul. 1107 Faumuani street. 27013
i'Oil 1tENTVuiiiiiandunturiaI'hod rooms.
1' Fine location. I'EGK , Op. 1' . 0. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
iS ii IIENT-Ito.liinumous fltbudtihng. . ImED.
jf FOul ) 4. SOUKII , Real Estate Agvxmey. Omtmco
, 'ad ' sIde 14th street , between ismnamn and toumgia ,
, Irests. 702.1
- - - - - - - -
volt BAL5 ,
r-oitsALi-Let ; 1 in block 10 , Iharsoon ; liar. , A
j4 teautttuui cornur lot. .sn escellout barialn , ooiy
433.thJ Easy terms Eieans .
Tumelse go"3 hot 353 cacxm , 25 payment , bal.
sac. 410 1 r iuuonuhm.
Mrs cut ge of 0 room. , barn , trees and shrub-
bery. 'Iwo toil lots Stahl each , will , alloy , i'rico
ei.oo _ 3co cash laymeot. balance 626 or 60 jet
Fourlotumlu south Oniaba , km nod location , WIll
doubts In value In a short toni. PrIu 0 6250 each.
UtJLLlNmi & 51011 Itt ! ,
191.1 * Room 23 Oimish National Dank ,
yOltaALU-A mush estiWmh.j htitel and Prouau.
.i , ant. Alsoclear and cs.nmdy stand In main m'art
of cIty , doing good busIness. Amidcess "A. Il. " Hoe
ottoa ! ,
_ _ _ _ _ _
TWIt SALX-Oj4nmdid cookstov. , mard coal keator
[ 1 4 eattushoum taUs. Oily boon nest three
mouths. CAL. MARTIN ,
5a4tt itS II. l4thstaest , lii door ,
_ _ _ _ _ _
yjon SALE C8EAh'-A good top buggy and her.
I. ness me a thu. lot lu Lowe's addition for 6150.
hnulre of S. V. Ii-iiet , ISO Farnaun Stroct. . 685.1Sf
ufllLSALE CIIEAP-i'aclor set and cookii
inquire 1015 1luruey street. .636.1
tIOR 8.IT.R-htetaurant an ' stock of grocerIes is
I one of th' best county seat towns in cistern No.
braska A number one chtumce f.r a man of ener
Address ' 1' . J. T. " Bee office.
Fl,1l SALE-A genernistoro In a growlngcountry
towtu , dotage , teed business. Object for selling
owner wui.iie. in change boIno um , inquire at the corn.
mIss olu store vi K. IlL ghamn & Co.,319 S. 13th attest
1 SALE-Good buudnea , chances at 217 N. 1615
street , J. 1. . SLAIIIILE.
iuoit SALtS-Choke acre lob'ln city limits , very
.1 cheap. EVANS , 1 timand Dodge , 610-it
-Tiolt 'ALE-A boarding luou'e with estabilmhed
.1 buelneuuum , In genii location , Good reason glvee
for soilIng. 8.etunan , 12th and Douglas. 554.156
JOl1 SAL18-tIuumo 21x5 feet , with 7 roonmm , with
half acre lot , near t ort Omniha. PrIce $8 'Ocash ' ,
or $700 on , lnie. Address James A. Taylor , Fort
0mabi. 525.131
uoil SALE-An szcuull.nt opportunity to buy a
home CS isp on north 20th utreet. Must be sold
ettl. Ii. L. Marble , 217 N. 15Cm. 526l3
F cheap f.'r cash. Party wants
to leave town. 440 280 street , bet. Ilarn.y and S
St. 5arys ( avenue. 51O-15
T'OitSALE-A nearly now leather top ahdobar bug
.1 _ gy at No. 2510 ii. ilary's avenue. 455-101
1u0K SALtS-Two lot. ootta.go 0 rGtn5 , S cisterns ,
.1 barn , 2 hjocus from 111gb School , Plattenmouth 1. /
exchange forcuusha a'ruperty.
Four beautiful Wct 1rut1ots , Georgia au-c. Hans.
corn l'lace 82Soo.
Ta'lots new hoe , . , beautIful residence Ooorg4
eve. W. front , $3,000.
Forty acts tract ucarolty , $4,000.
! 3tlcndlo rratdmoce 9 rooms , en mOth st. . .o front.
4i1 ellmtivgR&m2LL.
FOR SAUl-Ac aba gain , a small osler , Eta' mann
and Ce' , fire proof sale. Iumq Ire at this otlice.
Foil SALE-Tour loss In south Omaha. Good lo-
cation , tC.50. each. Inquru at lIce othloe ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 334-U
-1-uomt SALK-A deem , stock ) uaruiwaTt&rj
.1 Fe.4y terms. Addre H. J. SY..rk , ilhlford , 3eh.
FoIt SALE-A number ouio horse , will .trtvu .iuigts
01 double and will be sold at a ba.ulmm. luquire
at the otilco of the Grand Union Tea Co. , 110 8. lath
St. mom-u
Fen home , now , about one-half acre
iot Easy l'rIce only $ o.
mu-u 1608 Farnam Street
rmon sALE-sooEw.
_ L' leo-ins' JOhN SI. SIIEIILT.
B 111CR FOil SALE ChillAl'-At 16th street , south
of Hetlovue road , or 008 North 13th at. 080.1mg
T-uo1l SALE-Fino farm close to the cIty ,
_ t , 842-If I'Y.CK , Opposite I' . 0.
300 ycarlrug heifer. .
200 two jeer old hoifers.
400 mixed c.iyss , October delivery.
200 head yourllng steers , October delivery.
70 ( head smooth two nd tluree year old steer , .
Iowa stock.
SIflJNOE 13110'S ,
Cattle Contractor. , 1110. , W ol mmd Tallow dealers
Sioux CIty , Iowa. 803-lm
F LtLE-A Sot eia socoumd hand top buggy.
Call at 2819 llarney utreet 39711
U'OIISALII-ltesldenco anti buiuinoss rroperty in -
.11 all parts of Omaha , and Farm Luumd in oH l'rte
of time State. llEIFOIID & SOUElt ,
793-If 218 H. 14th fit. bet. Farnanm and Douglas.
-I-loll HALE 0 ! ! EXO1IANUIt-Full hut anFi
U dwellIngs seamer of hUm amid l'aciSo streets.
NIne lots In south Omaha. .tIao 100 acres of land
near Santun , Nobruka and building and stock of
clothier No. 604 T.utb utrecS % Vhll exchang. for
Nebraska farm lint , , Further pautlcuiari at Gee.
It. ? etereon'e Clothing Store , 504 Tooth street
T'Oll SALE-Old riaspaper. In large aimS small
_ Jirantitie. . at this cf6oo. If
i ! "a' ,
I 575.17 *
* 5 Ue..artl will be give-i for thr retumrn of my
I .1 black , white suit tan setter , "l'IIIDE , " toNe ,
20S 14. 26th street No question , sited.
501.170 5 ; , W. J , IIARCIIA.
A T'fluuMllltmruliiotei , ever1 enonluguntll the 11th ,
Dealers mulshulrug to sue } . SV. Wlle Oon , Travel.
inm Agt. fur thu L.a Sclle tVtugon Co. , Fe , du l.a
lvi , . V'ill please rail at tIme Ilihiard lintel evemalegs ,
an4 at lIanci& Itro. on the Felt grouuaiDthrough the
ilay uhuere saiflido usugoum caum be seen. , 551.151
-It 111S JULIA SCliltumIEll , Chicago , time roost
LIt Iwerful maguietlu' htar ! , locates all Issln aunt
disumais. Cures all given up by other i'1my
iiclaum , . Consultation tree. S. V , cur 15th asuati uap.
Itol avenue. itoomu : 3 , 41315t
N OTlCtt-4 nirmuer lot an4 store roam , oppo.i
ohious Imouso bnckblockl'alfimmou , , eb One of
the bst Lcsstlons Pm towu , , for wile , at a bargalum , it
soil wlthulua 154 cuity dnye. Aiaa stuck of Ur-ji les.
A good ) uusluauaume4al hiehed. h'vstotticu addrea , lork
drawer No. 14 , katrnmont Nib ,
r 'o the .eols altcuuiii3g thu. fjfj : - l'svmmty of t
ronius at l'acillu hlou.e. 10th auth I > .idcii.ot ,
101.111 ) 'IIANK 1mAY15 , I'roiirlctor ,
OAliLmINO-Hy thu day or suosk at 412 8 , Eth
I i sliest , betacu. Ilowerd arid Ilaruey Street. , _
Ill-itt . . . C 4
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
- -
- - - - - - - "I
SOUND-Two sets of ehitl. hiarrets , a 1manumo
and a ruilk n. Owner caum h-eve anus by oiuilinj
at Dth and ( fldcs.joat hunter' . bmlu&ard , and -
1n charge. . lay- '
37O-l'tl - :
r EAVE omtflElos-h bagmag , , calera , or rar.
1.1 , to any pail cf the Uty , am 213 a 13th
Telephone No. 1402 , A. F. KEI.LNlai _
22 i-lan
I yyou . want jtles drnmn for any puzce , poe hone.
IfAulsyga op PALMytm-rIly AND CONDITIoN.
AUJT 494Teathstiostjwees Yarnan and Hi , .
eel , will , WhOm the sit of gumadte spirits , obtalm be
Lay one a glaics ef th 'past and procral , scud so
oUt&tarcnlitloeiste tbsfuturm. .aa iuaa,4 Nsan *
tiitiO I. ) ILIC : . hams e-muefactie * gaimsetoct .
- - - -