Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1883, Page 8, Image 9

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' 8 - - - - - . - - - . - - - Th1i-DAILY - - EiLkOMAtLTTJESDAY ' - - . - - - . - - - - - - - . - - - - . - - . - . . - - - - . - . - - - - . , 2PTJi1BER ' _ - - _ 11 13 , : - . _ - _
I P . Tuesday 11 ,
: WAslnNnroN , September 10.-For the
, qpor MiSMSSI1)P1 flHl Missouri vahloyA
carrn , fnlr weather , cast to out1i cim1R ,
1ocr barometer.
--Tim Indlitn who recenfly went north on
a vIt to their frlcntq at the wInnoingo net * .
c3 , IWO returnthgln , iquad. Thobulk of them
) ) Mod through on Snnday.
-A argo number of 1IatI ) hOOtC hive
comb In from the yarou nrmy pnt out
I woRt , to participate In the coming rifle shoot.
-The br At the ij. p iiopot itu. been
! noved Into it. now qtmrter wticii are very
convenient , neat anti attracth e.
-A COIOFOtI quartette from the dintuR room
uf the l'axt.on ng very weetIy In the oulico
of that hotel Inst nugit. )
. -Mr. i. F. Murray b In charge of the
unit C011flt3 , MIotid , exhubut of fruit at tIu
-The Y. M. C. A. are 1Ru1ng a ilafly bul
] etln during the fair.
-A gaino of bMe ball was playel Sin'ia
between the flr8t nine of the 'Sbonnan I Lc
I lute& , anti the " 19.ycaroIl Torments" Iroii
: South Omaha. Tho1atterwore _ ( lefcntc ( ' by
4 : Fcorcof 24th .
-Sxtocnth trect will be open to traffi
tht morning. Both Sixteenth nnd 11gi )
toezth arc to be thoroughly apr1nk1od i1urIn
-Wa medc a iillght m1tnko In nunaking o
: MorI&N ; new irnO toro Saturday. The flrii
1 ; not A. : u. & Co.but iiIn'1y A. L
1 The Scth Omaha choo I11 occur
'WednedayOVoninR1fl rounz0'R .IiaII. Tb
comm1tteeM are : nrran'monui , i. D. } ' ( ) IO3
G. M. O'Donovan , Daniel O'Kecfo ; floor , I
P. MoriM'ty , A. Fahy , John Moore , P. 11
MclCoon4 ; reception , John 1tufi111 A. I ) . F (
] oy , tDr. 1cXcnna.
-Itemombor Paril IndoI , luG Farnar
An Ancnvcr Wanteti.
t Can ny one bring ui a case of kidney
lvcr complaint that Electric ill
t ter'wIII not JoOauIy elite ? Wo.ay they ca
not , w tbouanduof cae already Iermaneli
ly cured and who &ro daily rocommendin
. 1LectHe EltterowIII prvo. Ih'ght' . dIwi
. -tHaboter , weak back , cc an urinary complair
.qulckiy cured. They purify the blood , regi
'lath the boweh and act directly on the II
eaied parts ; . Every bot1e guarantee.4 , F
, IiAO At tiOc a bott1oby 0. F. ( joodman ,
iie Falallal Dry Goods House
. . Farilam Street Tlirolle
With lathes ,
BOW1N ot Per1nmrtI Water and 8In
I ang Birds Anildt Itaro Tropl.
I cal
Saturday evening the windows
41 runobaum' Btoro were for the firet tin
revealed tA public 'viow an under ti
fu1I glare of the electric 1iht , the
p1endor arrested the eLope of ovei
pauor by. Dry geode were pilodin the
to tiLe roof , not caro1es1y , but with U
I most artiatic grace. The right ban
window waa a ehimmoring maae of colorc
* 11kB , eOft hued eatins and rich p1unho
which contratod widely with the aombi
lrossing of the 1t ( window , ehowing
orio8 of atopti made of upright boRn
nt which the firm oxpoote to make
poeia1ty. Everyone wan informed
the beautiful sign which hung in fron
to whonm the etoro belonged , an a1t
gather g1oriou eigim , shaped like a a1mio
and bearing agonalIy on m field
hammered gilt the name of the firm i
raiBed black lottere.
Monday morning the etoro iteolf wi
thrown open to the publi. , and wi
thronged nil day with crowd8 of faahiOm
ab1o ladioa , who oxpresod their approvl
with .lio higlicet ; cotnplimnente UJOfl Ui
variety and quality of the goods di ,
played and the general
Just at the door stood a little
ivho prerentod each poraon who ontcr
With a boukinniero , and lri basket
flowers eeomnod foyer to nmpty notwiti
itandiug that hundrede of tIre Iitt
bouquotie wore ilispood of hourly. )
( tito end of each long counter , etood
monster plant from Erfling' , and doi
the center ot the Rtoro , hero and then
. on the teposty carpet was placed a plai
t or 1loworh1gshrub alternating with
. graceful atatuo , and ju8t at the cent
-waa a vace of eau do cologne , aa cuet
more paasod along a boy took their ban
. kerchiefs and 5prinklcd thorn with tl
perfume from a fern loaf. Above we
cages of birde , bultlnchoa cananlee am :
znocking birds , and wo iecLnio highte ,
A novel feature in Orunebaum Bret ]
4re' atoro , le the plainly painted eigi
which direct atthntionto the different d
partmonta. Prending over the silk d
partmont we found Mr. L. Swart
. . foriuorly with Good & Taylor , No
York ; Mr. 0. D. Sycinor , late of
Crwck5luulk & Co. , Juts charge of th
; black geode , and WM diaplaying thorn i
a large number of hia old aeqUintance
Mr. 0. 'V. Lucu , formerly of It.
flulLaa , Chicago , wium econ in the tire
4 geode thvieion ; Mr. P. F. Ander8emI lit
tire domeatio geode ; ho i into of L.
Williamne tt Son. Mr. Wilhiant Barn
late of J. Edward Bird Co. , Jialtizuor
.1iia boon ) in charge of the hfitemi
1iaBMolhio Holland hai the tnimmiiiiiiq
and the
15 attended to by Miss henrietta Roan
There le an oxteniivo dieplay of cloal
I azid wraps in the lateet BtyIes ; the dejiat
' ment i carpeted and there are luxunioi
. cltaira for lady viaitore.
I Timofirm of Crunobaum lirothorm , corn
to tom from Baltimore , and the three mirem
I bore arc all gifted withi thio epinit
onthrprieo. Mr. Chanloa Orunebaur
w1io &rrangod tire windows , won a cost
aouvernr ri Jialtimoro for wiudow.dre
ing , Their force of aasistanta Poreommal
request th.o Jlo8uro of a visit from the
- .fniend&
Huckcn' JIriiioa * iyo.
Ik Tbe greatt medical wonder of the won !
Waztazztod to speedily cure Buroi , Cutii 1J
ws. Salt BLown , Fever Hones , Canci P1It
. Ir1lbWua , Coma , Tatter , Chapped hathaar
* H skin &uptlons , guaranteed to cure In cyot
fuatancI pj noney jelunded. 25 citi p
. .
For Saprdlllaey i the Fc1 ! , Taf Rll
Farm ,
The Gathering of Grain Growers
and Stoolc. Raisers ,
Who are JoinAng Forces to Make
the P'air a Success.
IetnII oC YctertIf'M 1)olnga In
I'rogrori1c or time Inuc 11.O. , for
Mr intiny WM In reality thteopenlug day of
the , fair and thehirlghtcool , fall weather
we , , inot encouraging to this nanagers n well
a to vIltoni P.fll exhIhItor , who at an early
1i' itir. began t.irronglng In the direction of the
C IrivItig i.ark.
I The tralnu.over the Omaha am ! St. Paul
I , mat ! were tiot to begin nmonlug until this
mourning , so that , all sorts of s'ehllclelI were
callotl liito requisition , thuc street cars were
CTOWicd anti many went. out. oil foot ,
On arrival at the grountis oCrytIllIlg wa.
r found In bustle anti confuslomi. In fact
. reigned ILIIOIIt. slllretno. t luclug tire flint
iiay , anti as of coiirno no f..nrnal . .pcnhtig waii
a Intontlol , many were hate getting in their ox'
lIbIt , aim. ! arrahiing them for Inspection.
People had already bcgiiit tO pour In ; nomn
C . night. seeing , others Intent on turningtho aim
bic iuny and gathering their .ocuiuiary . ha )
R WillIe time suit of ironpcrity .hone on thorn.
People , lottc.1 the lawn' . everywhere , am
f tcntn traverse. ! tue grotin.iu. In all directions
a TIIO stock sheds voro filled with lowing cattle
. tim inmiarehs of their lreotis-opon 1)0219 ) lieu
fat niul gnii.tini . Borkslilren , with nkIts sof
and shining its satin , l'oianl Cuban as rotimi. .
.5 as , iiutniiiings , and wooiy vacant.eyed sheep.i
0 all , from a Cotswed natui to the 3outhi
( lowil hamb.
- , lien. , null there In the tour about thui
: . grouiiils wore met sonic splentild hrorno , moo
[ . tionod bnieliyyesterday. hero Is eon fur In
stance , with impatient tonning head , a lomo
) black riiamo and ferolock , pointed ears , ant
eye , . Iluahilag with aniinatkun atitl vitality. Al. .
n uurely here ii ; the war home of Job's .Iescrlp
tion. " Jili. neck Is ciotiie
withi thunder , the glory of liii
nostrils Is terrIble. 11 pawotlr in the vallo )
and goeth on to iitet the itriiied muon. 11.
. : iiiockothi at fear ; ho swaihowoth ( lie groan.
with ragc 1w saitli among the trumpets ha
t hal amid h0 iiiuioliotli the battle afar oil tlu
thunder of tim cajitalnii and tile nhoutiig. '
\Vhat a magnificent l.ors . Is before us. Ito I
L a full bred imported Norman stallion of imzu
I. nificont i.roinrtions ; this is the stoci
. from while ) . to breed work horses. Lee
fi. at his mieck and breast-what bunion con ! '
) r cmnbarans or weary him ? Boo thono nzansiv
joiiitiu anti rent hoofs ; want a foothold Ii
taken , and yet the strain Is i.t.t likely t
trouble those muscles oral .inews which swe
Int4) prominence oven in Inaction.
But we have soon the iioraen am ! must i'
On to the machinery department , which in. .
II also 1)000 greatly added to slnco on
last report. flora several miew boothi
linvhhions and touts have boon hastily coii
strutted or begun , the mnoviiig breeze play
with the sails of the score or uzoro progeny u
Don Quixote's omiomnies and sonda the wheel
whirling In mid air swiftly au those on th
Jarrott amid l'ahnor train. 'l'huo oniue o
; - l'owor halt was not yet started , but the nini
of the hammer and the labor of skillful ms
chiniati. gave evidence of the determined eior
to have all in readiness by
The secretary and hits asslitamits wet
busied until Into at night receivini
) f and recording entries , whichi were limited ii
time toG I. m. , and the vrosidont wan not Ion
l0 busily employer ! In lssuIiig iwse to exhibiter
l0 and others entitled to thorn.
. Badgo.4 . of red , white and other colors wer
tr uiuttoning from the lapels of the coats c
I officers , representatives of thu press and other.
the guards wore on their boats , the' gat
rn kooi. at their st.iitioii , and everything bc
10 tokonlug the ralid transformation of chaos t
a Its TilE Dint yesterday contained a genor ,
d tlescrlptlon of the general and loading feature
of the fair It I. chlolly necessary t
a , speak of the departments which have horet.c
m fore boon neglected.
1'iIiIt Exilinir.
) f Fish Commissioner Kennedy was a
day getting thing. . . ready for the reception
dolegatci front the finny inhabitants of ti ,
a Imuds at the South ] 3entI fisheries , which wl
l arrive in chiargo of Supt. O'Brien
t the Iiatclienlon. There are two large tank. .
, . three comnn.odiouus wiuarlumns and iiluinboz
a. apparatus for carrying oil the waste wate
Id Among the varieties of fish to be exhibited at
of the black bane , nlocklotl trout , rainbow troni
Lu ( Jerman cart. atiti golden lilas.
i'LOIIAL 11M1. .
i'll rapidly filled U ! ) yesterday , and hat nigi :
' 8 gave Iin.tso of exceeding In attractiveness a
. former yearn.
ii. Amos m.g . other exItibitorn hiero hi the firm
ii hiram $ lbloy tt Co. , the famziowi oodsmuei
Lu who have a large exhibit of garden noodstlrle
5. grasses and green house cutlery.
FLowzn. ANI ) rzur.u. .
The north.oant corner wing of Floral hail I
0 devoted to tIm exhibitions of our florists , an
1(1 among these the center table is , lovoted to th
C display of Mr James Y. Craig , the landseni. .
O gardner and florist , who hias a beautiful w
Ii. sortnzent of plants and flowers , ferns , hahn
ho nod everything known to his i.rofosIomi. Mr
t Craig ban , amneilu ; other thing. , the finest col
a loction of begonias ever soomi In this country
and a general collection of tropical i.lant . Ii
ra the bent ofslulm. A separate .utantl , occuplo
0 , entirely bya large cQlloctlon of geraiilum. . . h
itt full bloom , Is one of tire most attractive oh :
a J' in flora ! hail.
or"i' Ilesser , of l'latb.mouth , notwith :
standing his great daniago from a recent hia
0- storm , Is ht01it with a good general unset
ii. taunt , including irhmnost everything , III. cad
10 IIIItI collection of value and fetus are splendid
ro " Adeils Mcl'iienson , of Mlii statler
id % VAShiflgtU county , iiuiko.s , say the flrlst.
the best display for an amateur they have ovc
l'oou. Ilor exhibit includes linincipally ot
door flowers and dried Bowonem and grasso.
ii. but they are exquisitely arranged and sot o ,
lie ly ii lettered background am ! by numneror
0 lovely banging bankotn and other ortmazuonti
Mr. John Ivaiis has the best showing.
0 seeds , dried flowers amid grasses he has ovu
z , iiiado and they are nio..t . artistically arramigot
v 'I'io center iieco is a huge hiouiio shoe wit
. Masonic emblems In the center.
w ' pliun. .
to In the opposite wIng there s sonic fin
8 fruit. JIIramn CraIg , of Ft. Calhoun ' who Iii
I ' orchtarti of five acres boanimig amit'i twont
. acres In till of fruit treon has a beautiful lot
as apples , anti Ioar $ , nun 1' . K Fuller , of th :
ru same piaco , Juan one hiuiidred i1utca of Ib :
I. ! . ainiles itiul thirty platen of gmio. .
0 Isaac \Viids , of Cuss county. one ititlo veu
p bI I'lattsrnouthi shows one hiundrbd idatea of a
C , . i'len. ' lie hue a remarkable exhibit In a gnu
N , inutle in 1l11y amiti bonduig two large apple.
8 , WIUl i branchi coyote. ! with tito sunno frul
looking like a huugo cluster of grapes ,
HOEv ,
0. % . . luscious sight is the exhibit of honey I
Cs all forills , In atid out of thuo conih. , liv I 1. . /
1- , r4111 JuioiiV. . it. 'J'uckor and 11. unrig ,
us Onahiu and by N , l'eaEtMfl , of Florence. A
apiary Oil the is tnt attractive foatuni
ilolt county , Iilissoimni soiitis a hoi'ely oxh.ib .
Ca of u.ples . and oth..r . fruit whIio In the center I
U. thuls wing is an exhiiltioii of jellies iiimtl canuc
of frult.n tuiui heAr by re case of "evaporate
LI , fruit , " vrecntcd by Ex.Ut.vcrn..r F0r0U4.
8- In thso section . .f . tize hail connecting tiuo t
I wIngs , are a nuinborof flue exhibits. OiioIs
/ light runt ! sYago. . , welglitiig 115 i.oui.ds . aim
in iuuviiiv acapacitytocarry 400ioiinds. It wI :
built by Mr. ! .lcadimimber of the Novelty Ca
niegu works. 'l'ho runnllg gearl. of Iiickor
and stool and the beth of mahogany.
d. ( 'eo. Bennett the blacksmith , scuds
ri. siIendi.l array vi horse shoes , framne4 in glas
an.igoid. ,
Ut \ \ , L. Gratton shows some fine leather bu
r7 gy toiw , nail the largest tanned Iddu in Nt
( a. branku , containing So square feet out itn sum
face ,
_ a .
liinlclnlugh anti Taylor exhibit a well ari
rnned lot of scales nnti edge tooi.
The long table in the canter of the Jun11 is
decorated at one end by a rare variety of ox. I
tract.s , baking iW(1er. eto , , handsomely nr
rantzol in iynsumldal form , and all from tlu' ,
estabhIsh.memit of if , (1. Clark k Co. Ont , ,
othret' on. ! of the same table is the conicr , , . .
ray of crackers ( rein Jos. ( iarnoau .i . e
factory , on Twelfth an.1 . Jackson
widchmi a marvelous exhIbition of t'o1akor' .
has an office micar by , am ! hands & usher tire
among the first to cTflilO'.u ) ) their .hlspiay ,
which Is of title , ! timid canhl n.h meats , 'fm in.
uuilliar eagio anti cost of add to the oaia
umonthi apearatmcc ) of tmls .lispiay.
virn C0VNXT ) xIImilTM
arc slow in gcttinj re..iy for hunninens , but
clhi be very c. > miOctc finally.
The Itahi , Sate nntiuock Co. have the stain !
neroN from. . Crau.'s . stautti of gerariums.
'I'he poultry house Is filliuig up and iltaws
many visItors. There is an excellent , .liowlumg .
, ) f 1'lymnommti& flock chickens ; reil nut ! .huite
1)yio irame ) , ttntatns , idack lironsteui anti no. !
gaulle I'OWIS , all the Asiatlcs , itimnetfemis , i'o.
mails white J4eglitruln , black , lnva aim. ! nj.alr .
Brazihati geese , nhi looking creatures. 'I hero
are nmv over fifty cool.s ani ninny tile still
exi.ccteti. .
Fnn , eATTt.r. .
Jim a general Inspection of the cattle stalls , it
is seen that tIIo short hon. . . . amid .Ierseys pro-
, Iomniiiato , aim. ! tlio display as a vlioic Is pro.
qotinced Limo host over neon Iii this reglomm. rime
11cr. ! of 21 Frlesiammti cattle , Imported directly
from the little island mmortk of holland , by
Clauniiims , Jouion and n.ui , of Scwarii , Is a great
novelty , 'I'lie finn have tilI othier on their
farm , tttu. . ! claim that they are best milkers in
the world , as vehi as goo.l ic..f cattle. 'I hey
are jmrn black with a few white The
huh , "i4inlmramm , " is IMit three yearn old , au. . !
wcighn 1830 ixuinds.
S. Ii. Atwood of Plnttsmoumthm , shown a
I hum hen ! of lcrcI.rls . , , eight hea.1 , iii all , at,1
' 1'V. . harvey , of Syracuse , eighteen licati of
black l'ollcd Angus , mimuch almond of the state
, , ioltn lhmrlntmtl , of Stantomi county , ham 18
. liemul of ( luiernicys , salt ! to rival the Jerseys
for muiilk and butter.
Thin 1(00 ( I'Ett
file. ! up SltWly , the exhibits are very an-
I .aimah In merit. Tiara are , lersoy Rcl anti
. Icrkshire. . , anti a lot of thormigli bred York.
I itmrcs .mwne.l him .lohiu , Borland ( inontiomioti
' shove Irui 1.1 . . lawnom. . , of lieumm.ett mmcl same
t splomit it ! , .pociinonms of l'olaumti Ciinan ,
anti a few good Chester Whites are to be seem , .
. iuNuam I'll ! vuI.Eana. :
A neat little dlniumghaul 1. . . rum , on the etat
z slile of time race track ly itrouti Brothers of
. Florence , where tim cost of treatment Is giveti
- along witim a good slimmare mnotil. It is sure to
! satisfy all the luatrotus ; and is run by gentle-
I moo.
. Is the patriotic name of tim big dining hail
I near floral hail , nun Iy ? .Irn. Steplmoums. This
I Itall will feed 250 at one thee amid Is admirably
p arrangoth both as. t.m convenience atul coin.
I fort. . The emnpioyoa call wait emi their guests
I with ease tind dispatch , amid the taimles are
loathe. ! with the 1cst the umarket affords and
cooked iii time host style.
H A general live stock hoatiqmmartors Is a'mow
feature of the stuits fair this year , which ha
boon nrraimged thromigli the board )1 managers
I by time ohlicers of the Nebraska fhumo stock
breotlern aim. ! bull growers associations , jointly.
0 Thin tent is located at the right of the nmain
0 entrance and vIsitors aim. ! members of the press
; willimero finlwnltlngmaterlaltables , , etc. , and
all live stock breeders and exhibitors are Invited
to call and register their names. Time No.
Is bro.amka lrectTsrn association heartily Invite all
H brrcoderm , In tlmo state to come anti get aequmain.
r ted withu each other and withi the brootlers from
I , abroati.
An Informal meeting of tIme "Nebraska
7 Fine Stock anti l3reotlorn Association , " will be
hold at twi a. Iii. , this Tuesday morning , amid
S meeting of time wool growers and i.hioeim
broe.lors . \Vodnesday at ton a. in. , for con.
sultation and the discussion of such topics as
may be of common interest during fair week.
} ollowing are the ollicers of the Nebrask.
Breeders Association , viz :
Woof growers and sheep breedera.-Poter
0 Jensen , ir0it10u1ts Fairbury , Nob. ; C.V
Louume , vice 1resldent , Crete ; W. It. Bar.
m stow. treasurer , Crete ; W. C. B. Allen , secre
S tary , Ommiaha.
H Fine .S'fock JlrwIcrs' Asrocation. - C.
II. Va1ker , prenldomt , Lincoln ; Thmeron
? Yo Frenont ; J. F. Wootis i3 huyier ; Goo.
. v. k. Dorsey Frenmont ; 11. b. mmwsou , lieu. .
' , : niett , anti W. ft. Itarstow , Crete , vice prosi.
. dents ; \V. C. B. Allen , Omaha , secretary.
The imrs generally will be welcome and
0 will fluid tables provided fortlmeir accoinmoda.
'null vntmtes
0 begin running regularly this umlorning , heaving
) . the Tenth street creasing at each oven baum
train U ii. in. to 1) . ni. The run t. Fair sta.
tion takes twenty imuImmuto and a stay is mad.
there of ton minutes , returning at 3:50 , 1OtO
II etc. , eXCOlt at 6 p. am. , wlmomi time last train
If loaves tluo nithimig. The fare is a quarter fem
a round trip.
II ymun aTItamrr cAne
are doing a good busimmess , emit ! under time nblc
4 , mnauingornoumt of Soperintontloumt Smith art
giviuig good sntisfactltmii to the imuhlic.
1 ; A ItOLI )
, During the aftcrnooum the first robbery Per
imotrateil am , tile groimumtla this year , lost for Mr.
ninytlor , ngoimt for tim Slmmger newlmmg niachiumo
it his vent , ii valuable guild watch mmd 3O i ,
hi Iflommey. It wais cnmnie.l oil while h.o was work ,
lug on their liavillon anti although several par
if tie. . . wore arrcnto.i time right one was not din
I covoreti.
Tuesday , Septemimber 11th , 1883.
Classl.-llonm.os , mules and asses :
La Lot 1. ' ' ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . : a. nm
.1 Lot 0. Mules anti Asses..10:30 a. in ,
0 Lot 7. Walking ltormmom3 . . . . . . . . . .11:00 : a. mu' ' .
0 Chase 2.-Cattle :
I. Lot 1. Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : a. am ,
5 Lot 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : a. in ,
. . Lot 3. Aluiornoyn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:00 p. in.
I. Lot 4. .Ierseya. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 ii. in.
, Lot fi. ( ; tmorim.eys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Oo l. mu ,
m Lot 6. Ayrshmiron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:00 p. mo
ii Races begin at 2 o'clock.
. Lot 1. Three uuminuto trotting race , imaso ci
I. $300. First 1orno , $180 ; second horse $90
. third horse , $30.
; Lot .L Running taco , purse of $2l0. First
horse , $150 ; secoumd horse , 8W ; third horse , $25.
I , 'limo following oimtrics hiavo been made
I , Grace 1) , Mo.hier Saturn , Billy , Mnmiirimmc
I' hole , Jockey , iIIh l'axton , Sneak aim. ! Little
ir Toni.
it mmUNUO miomleKum.
, , lied Buick , Lizzie B Brown Eagle , lntrlim
If sic , Itosumption , Lluuitar Jim.
Tiutcilowl )
) f in expected to be a large one ant ! timc
IT fair will boom the rest of the week.
At 0 o'clock heat evening over 500 oumtniei
cad. , iii cattle. sheep amtti Imogn , had beer
made , and over 3S0 ! in horses ,
A Cool ) TIIINU ,
0 TIme "Chock htoouui" ( or imarcels and baggag ,
7 at time IttlUtim side of time iuiaiim entrance to tin
) f fair grouumti. in a tiew feattmro which the manna
10 gets have initioti thuin year. As a place ci
me safety anti reliability i. ro.'puirod . , time check
ooiim vill POV0 ii coavoumieumcu ,
1. A special inoetiimg of the city council we.
t lieu ! last evenIng fur the iurixmm.0 of authoriz
3 , lug tlieIthiiyor to appoint twelve slmecial Po
t , hidOulleum to iumtrol the city witim tIme reul
.luniuti' fair week. A resolutiomm was imassod
tillS appoiiltmimemmts ummatle and couufirumed amid tim. .
mimeottug adjourned.
ii . AT TIlE tcAimgiIy.
The Acatloiny of Music wan well filled Ian
) umsgimt. h'r ) a lighuly uvimroclativo audience. immad. .
a ump Imartly mciii the Omnalni p.mlmllo auid jarti )
by . .traumgen. iii tire city. 'I'hio tleLlter he.
f bow , tiiorotmghiy renovated amid it looks like
veritable little ialaco of juuiuusenleimt. lCati&
leoum ! siavotiriioon hut too veil knowmm to war
I. ramit any extended cnitlelsmn as to it. . . merits
'l'h.o ceilipammy , the Chicago Coimietly comzu.ammy
is a g.m. ! nuic uud hmrt'seumtu .1 the iia In t
'I strikingly stroumg immautmor. 'rho hart .mf iCath
a loon , za takemm by Susie Chuu.o Nell , who ii
( i 11110 of them riiiclpai actresses of time l.arti
, i Site played Iii a 'ory pleaniumg % % A amid tIn
r. htlmetio 1mar15 , of which there are uirnum' , wet.
y ui ! reutioretl with .q'irit . ' aumd true lmatios. , 'nit
other characters were well asatainod , ani
a thorem zm.pears to iso no sticks or lay figures hr
l the comupammy , The scenery in all now nut
elaborate , anti will comirnro favorably wit ) :
p that of any theater in tim wont.
: AT&5
Tue opening penformnauco at Boyd's
PVM 'Lona , the MadCMty t'tth att
PLit.nttm cornpafl , nUti the nutlionco lie-
, kttned what a rush llmcre will be during
the week , for the house was packed full ,
lat'io PLitimlIm , of course , took the part
of I..cna , a tirtahing , carolcas girl , innocent
yet ; mischievous , anti iflClimieI to 1)0 ti Tom
boy. This cimaracter site carried out
completely amid with much grace and
case. her impersonation and voice
sliowerl tlmrit she had sonmowliore acquired
a thorough olocutiommal tramidng. Ret
support WitS abtwe the average nail her
duet with fjjhinour as Cloudy ltlormmington
was a very beautiful thing , The whole
licco is replete With ral'itl cliamigos fromim
the sublimmie to thu ridiculous. 'ro.imigimt
she llays ' 'Little Nell " amid tito ' ' 1.Inrchi.
1omiea3" ill time Old Curiosity Shop.
lnforummatlohl Ior VisItorn.
'limo ' foiltuwing list shows time prlndpal lrntols
of Omaha , location , imumber that can be accom.
modateti at each , and rate lcr day :
J'axlon house , cor. 14th imul Farnarn , 500 ;
$3.00 lien day , including cots.
.M'illartl ibm ! , con. 13th aumd Douglas , 350 ;
Cocns JI0UU , ( formerly Unnail l'ncific , ) 9th
and Ilaney , , 250 ; $2.00 , $3.50 and $3.00.
Canikid house , 9th and Fari.auui . ; 200 : 82.00.
MClrOOlitifl , 1211r an.1 . Datiglas , 450 , iii.
clti.iiimg cots : $2.00.
J'Iantcr's Jtonc , , 10th and Dodge , 50 ; 82.00.
J'aCific JIottsc , Otim and Capitai avenue , 40 ;
OccitIcntat hoW , 10th , an. . ! Howard , 200 ;
TO iIEACII 'tilE OmtOt'Nlt4.
Street Cars-Take Sixteenth or Eighteenth ,
street cars at U. I' . tiepot to terminus , wimero
transfer is made to tim grounds. Faro 15 coats.
'l'o roach. laumncoin ! park , take St. Mary's ama !
l'nrk'avenue cat-u , whIch pass the Paxtoum
every twenty mnitmutes. Fare S ccmmtn.
Uii5nr I'ucf/ic , Trains om'cry limit from time
lot ) , street crossing. Fare 15 cents , 25 cents
for tIme rommuttl trhi. .
a , st. 1' . , 11f. .C o. u. n. , Trtiins hmotmrly
froumm tim .lepot , Corner ofVebster amid 15th
streets , wiuicht can be reacimoti by 16th street
cars. } 'nro Iii cents , for rotund trip 25 cemmts.
Vehicles , Carryahls aimti cxi.resnen . run from
the imont.otlice corner regularly. Fare 25 cents.
hacks 50 cooLs.
I'LAcEC or' AmlcsmniP.Nr.
lloyd' : Opera house , cor. 15th and Farnam
streets. Katie Putnam. Moulday evening , in
"Lena , the Madcnp"Tuesdny ; , " 01. ! Conlosity
Shop : " \Votlncs'.lav , "Child of tIme ltegiment ; '
' ' . In "Ohmi.
Fay 'remnmietOn , .tiumrstlay evening ,
vetto ; " ) ? nitlay , "Pirates of Penzanco'i ;
Saturday , ' 'Mascotto ; " Saturday matinee ,
"lolanthe. "
Acwicmof Music , Douglas , between 13th
and 14th streets. The Che.'mgo ! Comedy Corn-
puny , MoumdayaveninRin "Kathleen Mavour.
noon ; " Tuesday "Davy Crockett ; " Wednesday
' 'itoe.iiJe " Thursday ' sFhirtation
day , , ; , ;
' , "hoosIer Odd.FehIow ; " Saturday
xnntimmoo , "rho Plnntor'n Wife. "
Theater Conffqu4 con. 12th and Dodge
streets. Vumniotiesovery ovemming.
A Lifo Saving Present.
ifr. M. E. Allison , Ilutchinuon. Kan. :
Saved his life by a simple trial bottle of Dr.
King's New Discovery forconsumption , which
cause , ! hi'n to procure a large bottle that corn-
1)letsiy i.irod him when doctornchango of
clirnabm .mnd everything else had failed. Anth.
inn , bronchmitis , hoarseness , severe coughs , and
all tlmroat nut ! lung diseases , it is guaranteed
to cure. Trial bottles free at C. F. Goodman's
drug store. Large size $1.00.
A Bisceesslul Experimnent.
A reporter of Tue BEE , recognking
. that Omaha is becoming one of the
money centers of tlmo west , deemed it
well yesterday to feel ofono of tIme mono-
tarypulses of the city. Thereupon ho
called upon Mr. John E. Wilbur , cashier
Omaha Savings bank , and found that
busy gentleman able to give hint a few
rninuts of time.
ltoportei'-"Mr. Wilbur , are the banks
of Omaha showing , by any increase of
businos , that they are participants in
the general prosperity of Onmahal"
: ir' Wilbur-Yes , air , most decidedly.
The deposits of the banks of this town
I approximate a this time $7,000,000 , and
the business is increasing with great
rahmidity , shiowing that the people of
Oinalua are rapidly accumulating for-
I tunes. "
' "Your bank Imas boon in operation for
about (1110 year , line it noti"
"We opened for business September 4 ,
. 1882 , amid thmo business of the year has
far exceeded our most sanguine expecta-
tions. "
"What classes appear to make the
: most use of your inatitutioni"
"Wo number now nearly 3,000 deposi-
torn of nfl nationalities , all ages and both
sexes. Since we opouiod business there
baa been a steady increase in the number
of those anxious to avail themselves of a
: safe place whioro they cami deposit their
earnings and recoivo5 percent interest. "
" \Yliat is time anouuit of thio deposits
of your bank ? "
"Over half a million of do'lars. ' "
imuuinor is interest paid to
. doimositors ? "
"Every six months the interest on
every depositors account is computed ,
and credited to his account. By this pro-
; cons the interest is compounded , to thuo
benefit of the depositor. If adepositor's
: account is closed , by the withdrawal of
lits money , flio imiterest duo is computed
. amid paid o him. "
: ' \Viiat amount of interest have you
paid depositors during time past yoarl"
" \Yo have paid to them $7,881.83 , amid
there is credited to their accounts ,
. interest earmiod since July 1 , 1883 , 5 , .
$08. In other words , wo have Paid to
depositors as interest $13,189.33. "
3 "Must money be loft with you for any
deflumito timno to obtain interosti"
"No. Uimder our present system every
; dollar deposited draws interest for every
day. The usual rule of saviligs banks is
: o pity' interest upoii muonoyonly when it
) IS loft for at least one month. On Jan.
) tuiry 1st , 1884 , this bank will probably
f adopt such a rule. "
"When cami money be drawn out of
your bammkl"
. "At army tirnotlto depositorploasesdur.
I aug business hours , vhiic1i are daily fromim
. 1) ) a. ni. to 3:30 : ii. iii. , amid froimi 0 to 8
. o'clock omi'Snturday ovciiings. "
I "Iii any notice to the bammk required to
: t1ra umioumey. "
"No ; wo mnoiioy on demimaud , ox
edIt that under our rules we have the
t annie right that is enacted by every vcll
; organized savings batik , that WO can do.
I mmmaum.1 . 60 duys notice. This rule is for
I thto bsmieilt of the depositors rather LImit
. tIme bank , and is usually a1.pliod during
. tuummes of financial 1)U111C limo lnumguae
. of our by-laws in this respect in , 'TIlls
rule usually enforced only in time of
. finimuicial excitoimiomit , or of runs upon
. bauikimm imistitutiomms , is necessary for time
, lrotectiomt tsf deponitors amid stockhuoldore
3 fummds sayjugs banks are required to
be loaned upon real estate amid similar
I securities , and timito to ot imi tire cammio
I 15 necessary emi OCCitSIOmIS of mnomioy
I ' "
, "Vhmat is tire nature of your corpora.
tidu , and what are tliOBtOJatakoli for the
cecunityof tho8u yhto t1epit with you ? "
" 'l'liu Omaha savings bank is incorpo.
. , . . , ' . . . -
rated under the general laws of tim state.
Its capital stock Ic $50 000 , but tim iiabhl-
ity upon the , stockhoiderc is $300,000.
The funmd of the bamik , under the laws
of ( La creatiomi , can only be invested iii
real estate and other ample securities.
No money a loaned to unmy man upon his
personal credit , and lii every instance
where loans are mnatle , permanent amid
( ltirlble security , to time amount tisually ,
of three dollars for every dollar of knit is
taken. The motto of this bank is , "No
risk and full security. " The stock.
holders of time bank are all well known
thmroughmout the state as men of large
menus , and I do not think I exaggerate
the fact wiiemi I say timat their agrcgato
wealth would be over $3,000,000.
"What amount of money ) mna been
loaneti by tim batik tipout neal estate so-
entity ? "
"rime real csfAtto loans of time bank are
to-day $397,000.00 , and I have umo question -
tion but that the real estate securing
these loans is worth $1,500,000. "
'What rates of interest do you charge
for loans ? "
"We confine ourselves to the legal
rates. This bank will under ito circurn-
shuices charge usurious interest. Our
rates an. at front 8 to 10 per cent. per
annum. Interest usually payable seimmi-
annually. "
"Is there much demand for money at
this time ? "
"Yes. 'rime large aumiouimt of building
iii Onmaha , and elsewhere , causes great
dotmiand for money , amid I feel that otmo
of the indirect bciiofita of our imistitutiout
has been the fact tlmat wo hmutvo bocmm able
to supply , with perfect security to ourselves -
selves , considerable part of time money
that 1mm gommo iimto imernmammcmmt buildings
iii Omaha during 188:1. :
When iii Frornont , Nob. , call at Limo
New York hotel , where you will find better -
ter accommodations than in any lintel
west of Omaha 'House entirely new
and very hmandsomolyfurnshetl. ! Omiw
-TIme patrons of S. 1' . Morse & Co. , will he
gratified to learn that this enterprising fh-rn
are now opening by far tiio largest stock of
dry goods that ommr Omnahum ladies have ever
had the privilege of examining. All the
cashmeres , slits , velvets and novelties shown
by Morse & Co. arc of their own importation
nod are of the same high standard of excel
hence In quality and exclusiveness of style as
those shown in past seasons.
From thcso sources arise threo.fourths of
limo diseases of time human race. These
tnrton intitcato thoirexistenco : Los. oZ
, 'Lppcttto , Ilowelu costive , ifick headache -
ache , tbUn..s after eating , nver.ion to
sacrtlofl of body or mind , Eructatlon
. or food , IrritabIiIt7 of temper , Low
spirits , A ( rating orluwlng neglecteti
seine duty , DIzztncv.Flnttcrlng sit the
heart 1)oti lerore the .yeeiIghiycol. .
oreci untie , ( iOiVSTIPATION , and do.
inand the use oma rornottythat acts dirocfl
on the 1.Iver. AaaLtvormetUcIumoTUTT' .
PILLS imavonoeuft1. ThelrncttommOnthO
KIt1neyStitflt8lIfl1SUlSO prompt ; removing
aU Impurities through tlmesotimreo"ncav-
ngerU oC the sygt.m , " producing tippo.
tito , sound digestion , regular stools. a olear
shlnandavIgorounbodv. XtYTT'N PILrS
cause no nausea or griping nor interfere
with daily wonlr anti are a perfect
SoideverywhrP,2S0. Otlies.44 Mirray8t..N.Y.
GOAT DAmn on WIIm81dERS cliangctt iii.
stantly to a (3L0S8r BLACIC by a single all.
plicatlon of this DTC. Sold Dy Druggists ,
or sent by express on receipt of 1.
0111cc , 44turray Street , New ionic.
Tucstiay , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday anl Satur.
day , boptcmber 11th , 12th , math , 14th antI lit ! . , 1b83.
aame Ca11e at p. in ,
AdmIssIon 25 cents. Grand Stand ? li cents extra ,
TSpecials will Positively not be inserted
unless patd in advance.
TO LOAN-Money.
UoNEY TO LOAN-The Omaha Saylugi , Hank in
1vJ _ new preparo.Fto mate loans on Omalma city or
Douglas county real estate at cUrrent rate ot Interest.
No conunlaloim charged.
7QNKY TO LOAN-The lowest rates of interest
ITL Bemis' Loan Agermcy litim & Ddugla.a.
ONE91) LOAN-Call at Law oSlo. , of ii. I. .
.151 Thomas. rooe. 8 , Crelghtoim Bleek.
, t oNhmy i04uEu-on Chattel mortgage , room 7
.1.L Nebraka Nation&l ilanit fluildin. 184iS
ONEY TO LOAN-J. T. fleshy oajis on chattel
ITt prolcrty. 215 South 14th _ Nt. eiIlO
TANTEi-At once , a waiter girl aol ume cli am.
VT tiennald. John Frank , CalifornIa house.
ill ANTED-Salesnan to carry our iliac of Jeane ,
VT FIsnnel. , etc. , , um commission , in connuction
with theIr IresentIhIues .Adlrcus Manufacturers. 1.1 ,
cIuSsvF.LI4 : & Co. , ihuIaddhia. r65.14.eod
UTANTI-A g.'ot dining room gIrl anti good
T 7 co.Ic at Carey's , No. 1102 Davenport street.
1ATATL-A good gIrl Ins sinai fimily. Inquire
V V at law oflice of Ainirow herbs , N. V. cor. 13th
and Fsrnam.m street , 318.12'
IhTANTED-0ir1 at 2102 Webster street.
! ! *
TANTED-alri for gcnersi housework. German
' I preferred. J. i , Fguthiauf , 818 Leavenworth ,
aimd 21 $ street. 671.111
TANTEI-Cook and laundry girl .ii.1 a runner
y at i'aclfic house. 660.101
% IrANTF.1)-A clerk weii Iestod Ii , time clothIng
! V business an4 stiling to do Justice to his ciii'
p1er. ( luod references remulrod.
659-i5 ii. iAVI1)ON , Fremont , Nob.
1TANTED-A cunipeteimt girl tot general lmoue.
I S sork , .4'ply at e. W. cur. hlsrimuy smith 20th Nt.
1.03 16 * JAME. NEVILLI1.
7ANTii-O1ri to , general housework at iioo
V S north 18th street. iCO'lOi
r "AIIAlt WXWFELJ-To do enor51 tailoring , bith
cutting ann working en bosch. Steady work &
good jay to the right mnnum. Apply for one week at
! I ) . AYIIES.VoimcaNeb. 627.14
, IITAN'rFI-1r4 cassdunummgrooum ! gIrlan.l sclmaum.
I her uminil and laummiry girls Iunummediatelyat the
City hotel. 62S.111
1 T.N iEU-Voumm luau for Iiortiwnrostoro , Near
I boy for hm0t0grajti gallery. Young lila , . to at.
bud to tearnand do ciiOrU. tttt'ady eummploynmeimt.
miommmeuiti3ureaU , i'll N. 16th , street. fdt.I0
l"AN'i'ED-I'1nst'ciann cool. and lujjjssai 2420
11arncy street. 644'tf
-1 rA Nl'EiiTr1 for housework. ( herman or Nwedt
I ! ireferred. ill south , 18th street. 636 12
TANTEU-Younr lady alolan a .ituatioum as copy.
S V tnt. Address "M. l % . ' 205 11th street. 636.111
) flAfl MEN mianted mor Levee work. . 1' . J. Eon.
L.UUU fleily , Coatractor. Apply
11. MAN1iWEILE1t ,
6I 1l1 i1tmneet. near Fii'nam.
'rANTED.-.GxIjij1. Must besgood cook. Call
' V i.t S3dstrect antI Michigan axeumuc. 331.11
1rAN'i'ED-Ledted youmg meniielmlumg bean ,
V V $1 to t3 emery day quietly a ; their bomueawork :
tunumWmod : Need by mall ; mme cazvuiiig , ; .me stampe
requIred to : reply. address EiIVAitU F. PAVlN
t ; CO. 68 ti. Slain Nt. , Fall iiivci iii , , . 349.12
I -
rfor 1. TI kIP <
for Infants and Children.
ChlStflVillrUhlO ttS _ 1)Igot1 on 'Thtit gives our Children rosy cheeks ,
. What cures their fevers maies thorn sheen I
nnUovorcommurn thatuiency , Lou5tlpa. 'Tin Castorhum.
tion , Sour Stomach , Diarrhcea , anti . ,
' . iaiiles trot an. ! cry by turns
F'ovenishmneas. It insures health and what citron their colic , kills their worms ,
natural sleep , 'without morIhlnc. hut Castonla.
\Vimat quickie cures Constipation ,
- Sour rnma5m , Colds IndigestIon , . .
" Caittenltt is so well atlapte. ! to Children blunt hit Ctistoni.m.
itnown I re'commentl to me. " it as stmpcrior 'ii , A , Autciizm. to any prcscrlpUon , 74. P. , Farewell then to ' Zdorphino , Snmps
castor oii and l'aregonlc mu
82'Pot1and Ave. , flrkhyn , N , Y. hail Castorin ?
- -
CENTAUR LINIMENT-aim nbsoluto cure for Ehotinia-
tisin , sprains , flursig , Galls , &c. The niost Poweritti and iono-
trating Pnizi-rcllovliig nitel ilcailmig Remimedy known to man.
_ _ _ _ ! iiiMailLri
The Product of American Industry !
Full assortment constantly on Hand and for sale by
HENRY PtJIIRMAN , Promont , Neb. '
U7ANTED-A , woman to wash anti Iron atthe
VI Enimetiloume. 43345
1TANTED-A good girl for general luousesork in
VT email family. Apply at42. ) N. 18th St. 547.IOt
fl7ANTED-Oirl for general houowork , H. tV ,
Ti cor. Caidwell and lion etreots , SImtnns a4dlthon.
1TANTED-A first-clue carpet layer. Apply at
1' V J. U. Detwiior's , 1313 Farnam street. 653.11
U7'ANTED-Two good boys , about 15 yearn old. at
V Y Omaha Broom Vorka,15th and paci6c.
XTANTED-A dimming room girl at the Creighton
V V house. 620-ti
' and Short Order
% TAhTED-i'irnt-class Pantry
VT 'ok , at 1106 Farnain street. 623.lOf
ITATED-First-ciam cook at iloiton Itestaurant ,
V V between 14th and 16th street , on Douglas.
TANTED-A good carriage blaehcsmith No. 521 S.
V V 13th street. hanson & Son. 471 111
IVANTED-Two gIna at the Ocoidental hotel tin-
V V mediately. 437.10
IhTAI4TED-Lady agents for the "queen t'retect.
V V or.A now under garment for ladle. , made of
soft. flexible rubber. Sure protection to the under.
wear , when necessary to be worn. Retail. for . P2.00
as fast as agnte can show it. Large profIts. Address
wlthstamp , "Ladles' hjundergarment 3lazmufo.ctuniimg
Co. , No 0 S .Slay street , Chicago , 1.1. 7116-3m
UTAKb-At once , 15 girls at'Oanfleld' . . Overall
V V 1107 ilarney street , 3d floor. 415-If
XTA4TED-OLXI at No. 1086 Sherman avenue.
V V 234.U 31112. J. 61. COUNEMAN.
'ITANTED-DY a young man from Boston , asitu-
VT ationascierk. Coed , penman and qu&ck at 3g.
ores. Address " .1. 11. C. ' ilocotUce , 66S.11 ,
1TANTED-BY a young man , 20 yearn old , a posi.
V V tion to work about premises in private family.
Address "U. Bee office. 545.101
'UTANTED-Sltuatiorm as cerk I. , store by a young
VS lady. Speak. Oerman anti Ecuglish. Exper.
ienceand best of references. Addrcn "A. A. C. "
I'ostotllco. 660-101
17'ANTED-Nltuatlons by two fimsa-clasa cooks.
V V B.t of references. Address "X. Y. Z " Boo
0111cc. 606.139
L A1)1ES OIL VOUNU MEN in city or country to
take nice. light and pleasant won. at their own
iio.aes ; t2 to $5 a day easIly and quietly made ; work
sent by mall ; no canvassln ; no stamp ion reply.
i'lea.e address Reliable Maim Fg. Co. , I'Lmlial'a , l'a. ,
drawer TF. 478-lmoI
7ANTEL-Asituation as bakcrbvayoung Get
V man. Inquire at Peter Goon's , iarnam street ,
between 15th and 16th 515.101
UTAN'rED-To buy , a young riding horse or pen
VT J. S. Shropshirc , 264 Conveumt street , or (1. (
building , Ounaim. L37.10t
UTANTED-T n tnousane ladies to go to Mn , . .
V I Und' to have their dress-ranking dune , 207
northioth street. 423'lO
TANTED-3O00 bushels of fresh picliod , ripe to
V V mates. , at harris 8. Fisher's. 32741
Felt RENT--flousea and LotB.
FOIL ItENT-Funxmislmedrootna wlthboarl In private
family 1814 Davenport St. 430-111
Jt)1t IIENT-Funimisliod roo.nnby time day , week or
month. Beenmer' , Block , cor. Eight ) , and how.
ard. 682.111
; ' .oit hIENT-h.fouso of eight teems and furniture
for sale at a crest sacnl11o , 1007 seuth 11th St.
566.12 !
toIt 1IENT-Te.'o . Soar. and basement. Elevator
_ J . attached. 1207 Parnam street. 270.lmo
_ _ _
oit MENT-A likely funlitalied roomlSlS Jackson
.trct. 642.141
F ° ' iIENT-A now cottage neatly famished , in.
ciutllng good piano very cheap , 315.00 per month
muG children , 8th house north of Si , Mary a ave. on
20th Nt. , east Mdc St. 630.lQ
-FoilRENT-A new _ brick store 01 feet deepen
howard abed , between 15th and 16th. streets.
hiqulre at IJuhmnan's dry goods atoro. 631.U
on htENT-Ntceiy furnished front room , Sill
Webster street. 64t.h1
fj'Oit IIENT-liouso 9 rooms. two choects and good
I basement. Ilar.l and soft water. $26.00 vet
month. Con , 14th acid Webster ,
6o3.tI . JAS. CALLAhAN.
Li OIL 1IENT-Weil furnished rooms at 1914 Web.
_ I _ ster street.
; olt 1IENT-Furnlshed rooms at 2t13 cuss street ,
Foil IIENT-l720 capitol avenuufunmml.hed room-s
ulte or single , to genthenman and wife , or gen.
tlemen. Trancients imoconmniodated fair wesk ,
i'out RENT-A nice , new cotiare , 22x40 , 6 rooms ,
I3 dosets. hull amid pantry , cellar and fuel room ,
hardami soft sater , L'oneeuilent , plessant locality ,
nit block from street air line. % j'nly with refcrcmc , , ,
at 1213 north 19th street 602'l8
F ° R RENT-Two nicely furnished rooms In brick
-Iboone , 1416 Chiragostreet. 4811-13'
fiOlt RENT-A furnishodrooni with boardgaaaa4
bail , teens , at 171C Dodge street. ( .oi'12t
"OIIIIENT-a room rettegt. , new. Ses&rd , .trcct ,
between CaimmpbeU au't Irene , Otilna's sdditlon.
blENT-To a mam , and wlfo , without children ,
FoIl very cormienient for heunekoepimig
} 'ront amid titan entrance , Imard and soft water. 310
Nottim 17th street. 453-ti
i'oir IIEN7-Cottage of 6 rooms , earlier CImIcago
_ I anti tith itmeet , S. LEIULtN ,
1IKNT-i7 ) $7 to 975 vet month.
420-12 tII1TIVEII& lilLLopiI. P.O.
T'olt 1tENT-Funnuabed recta. Inquire at lionpe' .
I _ muoloandartstore , Dodge street. 500-U
; 'oit IIE'.T-Unick store , inquire at drug store ,
1 and Pougias treet. 310-U
litoit 1tENT-Two floor. antI baseumment. Elevate ,
. Fanimam street. 270-U
: ! _ ! tt&ied.1607 -
° R IIENT-Yunuishmed and unfurntshed rooms. ,
F Fine location. I'ECK , Opp. 1' , 0.
.1loit ItENT-lteslitencos sad .torebudding. . DEt.
i. : FOIID & 8OUEII , Real Estate Agency. OUloo
east side 14th tired , bet'neen ia.rcaum amid Douglas
streets. 7921
Inquire 1015 liarneystroct. 603-139
011 SALE.-ltostaurant an'I stock 01 groceries In
Ii one of th. , best county scat towns in eastern Nebraska -
braska , A imunmhor one chance for a man of energy.
Address " 1' . J1'.Bee oillce. 555.21 !
Fen SALE-A general store in a growing country
town , doinga good business. Object for selling
wnorw1shes to busine. , . Inquire at the cam.
mission store iI , It. hhi.gham & Co.,3i0 S. 13th street.
Felt SALE-Good business chance. at 217 N. 10th
, strect. .1. L. MAI1BLE.
E'oit SALE-Choice acre iots'ln city limits , very
.L cheap. EVANS , l4thand Dodge , 540'hl
F Oil t'ALE-A boarding houm.e with established
business , in goo4 location. Good reason given
for selling. Spetman , 12th and Douglas. 654-139
Foil SALE-house 24x& feet , with 7 rooms , with
hail acre lot , near kurt Omaha. Price $000 cash ,
or $700 on time. Address James A. Taylor , Fort
Omaha. 525-131
Fen SALE-An excellent opportunity to buy e
home elm op on north 20th street. Must be sold
000. S. L. Marble , 217 N. 16th. 626-iS
'dolt SALE-Nice cottage six rooms , barn and
_ I _ full lot , trec antI shrubbery. Desufiful location ,
52,800 , .500 cash , balancc$25per monh. ,
494.10 Omaha National Bank Building.
-U'oit SALE-Phaeton , cheap for cash. Party wants
I to Leave town , 448 23.1 street , bet. hlarnoy and
St. Mary's avenue. sio-is'
mlqn SALE-A imcaniy mew leather top sidebar ug
1. gy at No. 2510 St. Mary's avenue. 465-lot
1OR BALE-Two lots cottage 6 rooms , 2 cIsterns ,
_ A _ barn , S blocks from 111gb School , l'iatt.s.nouth to
exchange torOmmha property.
Four beautiful West frontiots , Georgia aye. Hans.
corn Piano $2,800.
'two hots now houo , beautiful rcsWenco Georgia p '
aye. W. front , $3,000. _ ,
Forty acre tract nearcity , 34,0CC.
Spiendia residence 11 rooms , on 10th St. . east front. '
474-11 snnivmnt& BELL ,
F0RBALE-Shontngor Organ , Bell atop , two knee
swells Inquire at N. P. Lindqubt's , 253 street ,
bet. Leaenworth and Mason. 416.101
Fen SALE-At aba.galna small osicr,11a1nmann
and Co's tire Proof safe. hnqoire at this 0111cc.
Fomt SALE-Four lots in south Omaha. Good 1.
caUon , 8250. each. Inquire at Dec otUca ,
'J710i1 SALE-A clean stock hardware. Bargain.
1. Easy terms. Addren 31. J. Work , SiIiSord , Eel , .
Foit SALE-One fresh milk cow , also young calf
Inquire at lldholm anti Erickson's Jewelry store
1olt _ SALE-A number one horse , wili drive .l.i8k
I or double and will be sold at a bargsi , , . InquIre
at the otlice of the Orand Union Tea Co. , 110 8. 15th
St. 162-U
oa SALE-tIm-ill house , new , about one-half ae
.12 hot. Easy terms. I'rlce only $5.0.
144.U 1500 Fannam Street
' 1011 HALE-SeQ Ewes.
.P 100-Ito' JOhN If. S1ISELY.
] 3R1CKFOIl SALE ChEAP-At 15th street , Kouth
of hieiIevue _ road. or 600 North 13th itt. P80-hal
F OIISALE-Fino farm close to the city.
643-ti I'ECK , Opposite P. 0.
300 yearlIng hollers.
200 iwo car old heifers.
400 mIxed calves , October delivery.
200 bead yearling steers , October doilvery.
700 heat ! NuliQOth two and threu year old steers. '
STtANE 11110'S ,
Osttie Contractors , Hide , Wool and TaUow doalore ,
Sioux City , Iowa. 303'lin
TlOht SALE-A first clrs second hand top buggy ,
_ L' Call at 1319 Ilarneystreet. SPit ,
.IJloit SALE-Itenidence and bualnes , property us
.v all pnts of Omaha , and Farm Lands in all parts
of the State. BEDFORD & tiOUEit ,
703.11 213 3. 14th St. bet. Farnani anti Douglas.
dALE 011 EXCHANGE-Full lot and three
.1' decilingi. corner of 11th and PaclOc streets.
Nine lot. Its south Omaha. Also 160 acres of hand
near Sazmton , Nebraska , and building amid stock oh
chotlmlug No. 804 Tenth street Will exchange for
Nobrasla Satin hinds. Further particulars at Oeo.
IL I'etorson's Clothing Store , 504 Tenth street
-IJ'omt HALE-Ole eewpapena In large and email
_ h qszmtIties at this cOlon. if
.tRS , JULIA SChihtOflElt , Chicago , time moat
. tvJ _ i.werflml magnetic healer , locates all main and
disease , Cures all those given up by oilier phy.
sicians. Conmultation free. S. W. cot 15th and Cap. , . ,
itol avenue , Room 3. 443-15 !
N OTICE-A. corner hot and store room , opposite
opera house bnckbhockFalnumom , , Neb. Ono of
the best hucatloumis in tow , , , for sale , at a bargain , if
soldwithuim , tiOult ) ' days. Aloes stock of Groceries.
A good business entaiIihsd. i'oatoihhoo address , lork
drawer No. 14 , } 'alrmnout , Eel .
ro time leoi4e attending this fair , l'Ienty of good
. I _ rectums at l'aciiio hlouso , 10th and Davermi.ort.
661-li ! FRANK DAVIS , i'epriotor.
- OST-iletseen Cmmlning street and Fair grounds ,
_ J ladIes' shmsal. Eluder Ui licaic lena , at lice
ottlec. 513-10
I _ _ .OAIIIING-hIy the tiny or week at 412 8. 8th
Ih street , bettn hiesard amid liarney Streets.
' 7iOUNJ-1\so set-s of single lmarnesn , a hammock
.1 and mm miik can , Owner con. have seams by caiiimmg
at 25th , amid Chicagoa1 Huutcr's bnickyard , andpay.
lug charges , 370-I'll
L EME DIIIJERS-For baggage , express or : -
' ' nii.gcs , to any tart ci the city , at 213 5. 13th St.
'l'tle'plone No. 1402 , A. F , lELLNE1I.
221-lu , !
Fou want vibes dtmtu for any purpose , ace 1Y
llsyclCaxmOeli house.
4LIPIT , WdTenthstreetbetween Fsrmmam and list.
nor , gill , with , the aid of gurdlan spirits , obtain lit
Icy ens a giaioo of lb , past and presrat , and On
eertaincCtudltioniththefutura. o hand Celta
raids to ( eden. t'exts satWaction nyantecd.