Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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I t S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -i : _ - . - - -
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Tuesday MorningSoptombor , 11
Iiidlcat Ions for To.dn3r4
\VAsilucoroN , SopOmlCr ( 10.-For the
ipper Mississippi and Missouri valleys
wftrrn , fair wetber , ca.sL to south winds ,
lower broinetor.
--Ilie IndianR who recently went north on
n vIsl to their friends at \Vlnnobago ngon.
cy , cr0 ictrnlng In squAds. The bulk of them
pused through on Stinday.
-A large number of sliatp hnoteri limvo
come In from the vnriou nrmy pn.d $ out
. to inttlclpate In the coming iilo heeL
-The bitt nt the U. 1' . depot lin been
moved Into lt. new quarterS which are % ery
convenient , neat. and nttractite.
. -A colored (1I1ftTtAtLO from the dining room
) f the I'nxt.on sang very sweetly in tim office
of that hotel last night.
-Mr. N. F. 3lurray Is In chuirgo of thi
Molt county , MIintiri , exhibit of fruit at thia
-Tias Y. 3 ! . 0. A. are Isulng zt daily huh
letin thiring the fair.
-A gatno of base ball wzu played
Ipetwoen the first nine of the 'Shicnnan Jjo
flues" sud the " 1O.ycar.'ohct Torinentq" frnii
South Omaha. Tholatterwere ( icfeatc'by
cor&of 24t i.
-Sixteenth street will be open to traiTh
this morning. lioth Sixteenth atub 1ighi
tomth are to be thoroughly sprinkled. durini
fa1r week.
-We mads slight nthtako in sneaking o
: . % OT5&fl flew hne l4thro Saturday. The firn
s not A. D. Itorse & Co. , but sin'piy A. I )
, ! orsc.
1 The Seuth Omaha school bail ( ) CCUI1
Vodnesc1ay ovoningin Crounso'H hal1. Thu
.vommittOei4 are : arranments , P. 1) . } oley
G. M. O'flonovnn , Daniel O'Kecfe ; floor , E
P. MoriM'ty , A. Paby , John Moore , 1' . II
McKoen ; recoptiou John Itufihi , A. P. Fe
Icy , Dr. McKcnna.
-Iteinomber ratl Nindol , 1116 Farnan
troet. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .01)6.9) ) ;
An Aw.vcr
Can iny one bring UB a cioio of kidney n
liver complaint that 1IectrIo lilt
t4Th 'will not speedily core ? We .ay they ca' '
not , M thouandof cMos already permanent
lv cirotl and who are daily rocommendin
) .lectHo Bitteriiwi prove. Bright's di0Me
-diabetes , weak back , cc any urinary complain
'quickly cured. They purify the blood , regii
Iato the bowok and act directly on the ( tie
cased parts. Every bottle guaranteed , Fe
ijalo at roc a bottle by C. F. ( loodman.
iie Palallal Dry Uoos House o
. rarilam Irct Throll
With Ladies.
: nowIf4 ( If PerI'umccl Water anti 8Inj
ing Birds ArnidNt Ilaro Tropl.
: Saturday evening the windows
'G runobauzn'e store were for the first tiir
revealed to public view ana under Q
-full glare of the electric light , the
. plcndor arrested the aops of ovoi
IJissor by. Dry goods were piled In thoi
o the roof , not carelessly , but with Lu
most artistic grace. The rght han
window was a shimmering mass of colore
&ilkn , soft hued satins and rich plusho
which ontrnatod widely with the somb
dressing of the loft window , showing
; zones of stops mido of upright bolts
which thii firm expects to make
zpoeialty. Everyone was informed b
the beautiful sign which hung in froni
to whom time store belonged , an a1L
gother glorious sigim , shaped like a alibi
and bearin ? diagonally on a field
lianminored gilt the name of the lirin i
raised black letters.
Monday morning tlie store itself wi
thrown open to the pnbii anti we
thmrigod all day with crowds of fashbom :
lo ladies , who expressed their approve
'with the highest compliments upon tim
variety and quality of Limo goods dii
played and the general
Just at the door stood little pag
who nrofentod each person who ontoro
'with a boutonniere , and his basket
flowers seemed never to mpty notwitl
itanding that hundreds of tim liul
bouquets wore ilisposod of hourly. ft
t the end of each long counter , stood
monster plant ; ( rein Erfiing'a , and dow
the center oI the store , hero and thort
I cii the tapos4y carpet was piacod a
t or flowerimig shrub alternating with
graceful statue , and just at the cdnt (
-was a Yaco of cau do cologne , as cuab
; inors Vauod along a boy took their lian (
kerchiefs and sprinkled thorn with ti :
perfume from a fern leaf. Above woi
cagosof birds , bulfinches canaries au
mocking birda , and two oiecLrio lights.
A novel feature in Grunobaum Broti
( 4rs store , is time plainly painted aigi
which direct attontbonto the difforcyit di
partutonts. Presiding over the silk d
partmnont we found Mr. L. warL
formerly with Good & Taylor , No
York ; Mr. C. B. Sydnor , lath of
Cruicksluuik & Co. , has charge of ti
black goods , and was displaying thouut I
a large number of his old &equiintance :
% Mr. 0.V. . Lucus , formerly of it.
flillas , Chicago , wam scout in the dre
goods division ; Mr. P. F. Anderson hi
the domestic gooda ho is late of L.
' , Villiamns tt Son , Mr. William Uarri
'ath of J. Edward Birch & Co. , Baltiunor
. ] .u1 s boon placed in charge of the linen
Missfolhio Holland hues thio triumnint
* ud tim
wn &i. ir.I'LItTMIrNT
U attended to by Miss llunrioUa Ruan
4 4Fhioro is an extensive display of dual
and Wras in tim lateatatylea ; the depsi
nment is carpeted and there are luxurio
. chairs for lady visitors.
* Thiofirm of Cruuiobaum Brothers coin
. 'to us fron Baltimore , and the three met
1)di.s are all gifted with tine spirit
entorprise. Mr. Charles Grunubaut
-wino &rrauged the windows , won a cost
asouveuir iii Baitirnoro ( or window.drci
inig , 'Their force of assistants loiOflah
request tJ L8 pleasure of a visit from tin
- friends. ,
: _
- -
fluckjen's : arnic
, This 6at55t ZflO&C53 wend of the won
Warranted to lly cure Burns , Cuts 1
6 ceni , Halt Jthsuxn , Fever Sore. , Cnos 'P11 ,
, 'ChIlblains , Corn' , Tatter , Chapped hawssi
.r . * 2I skin eiuptloni , gwinanteod o euro In ou
1Jm&tAas. s. noney xetuudod. 26 ccih. p
. ,
- - - - '
-r : = = : :
For Snprdlllacylll the F1o , TilFi all
Tim Gathering of Grain Growers
and Stoolc. Raisers ,
Who are Joiing Forces to Make
the P'tir a ucce5s ,
l'tniIs iC YctcrIn'M Doings In
vial' ' .
1'rogrnrp10 or than Inec 1ho. , fin
Mt , nday was In reality tiao ejiening day of
the t itsto fair and thahrlgiatcool , fall weather
we , , iiiot encouraging to thus managers as well
as visitors and oxiaibitor , who at an early
Ii' jun began tirronging In the direction of the
I Iriving iark.
The traltasnvor , the Omaha no.1 St. l'aul
I mail were not to hieglin ninning ti1 this
morning , so that all . .orts of vehicles were
called into reqiiiILioti , the , itreot cars were
. cflWlOd and ninny went out on foot.
On arrival at the groundn evarytiduag was
r founil in bustle ainil confuiiu. Chijas In fact
. reigned almost tiuprelno. t being tim first
I tiny , and as of course no fonnal opening was
Intended , many were late getting in their cx
hibit , , atul arraiiiinig them for inspection.
l'eo1de had aircasly hegiati to lsmr In ; Some
. sight seeing , others Intent on turnlngtho nun.
blo penny amid gathmorimig their .ccimiIary . hay
f while the cmiii of , srospcrity shone on them.
l'eoido ilotted the lawns everywhere , and
I thanis travorseil the grounds In all , hiroctionn.
I 'rho stock sheds wore filled sith lowing cattle
tito monarchs of their breOdS-Oleli ) )0mis ) lieu
. fat aiii , grunting liorkshiros , wIth kimi soft
and .shiining los satiti , I'olaiiil China. as round
S AR duimmnlimigs , and wooly vacant-eyed sheep , of
3 all kintb , from a Cotswod rain to the South.
down lamb.
, hero and there in the tour almut the
. grounds wore met sonic splemidhi horses , mcii.
. tionoil brlcllyycisterday. hero is one for in
. stance , with Impatient tossing hicasl , a hump
black Tulane and ferehock , rn1iitcd oars , and
eyes flashing with animation and vitality. Al. . !
usurciy bore is the war horse of JOl's descrip
thin. ' Ills neck is clothed
with thunder , the glory of ins
mnustrihis Is terrible. 11 umwcth iii the valley
anti goethi on to meet thmo armed muon. lie
, r . imiocketh at fear ; lie swallowoth the ground
with rage ho sattli anmomag the trumimi.cts lie ,
a , . ha ! amid lie smiaclloth the battle afar off , the
thornIer of the captatnis anil the slmuting. '
\Vhat a man1ficoiit horse is before us. lie i ,
L full bred mmmiporteI Nom-uimami stallion of meg.
. nificamit proportions ; this 1. the stoch
. from which to breed work horses. Looh
at his mituck amid brcmust-wlimut burden cmultl
r omnbarwss or weary htmn Sea those numusslv
joints and neat hoofs ; vnat a foothold In
takes , amid yet time straimi Is not likely t
trouble theism muscles and ilnews which .swol.
Into promninomico cvcam iii Inaction.
But wo have aeon the Imonses and must lMl
Oh to the machinery dopartmemit , which ham
II also been greatly added to inco on
last report. Hero several now booth.
imvllions amid touts have been hastily coma
structod or begumm , the moving breeze playi
with the sails of the score or nuoro umrogcny o
Domi Quixote's enemies amid send. the wheolu
whirling in mid air swiftly ami thee on this
Jarrott and l'aimncr train. The en1mao o
. l'owcr hell was not yet itarted , but the nlnf
of the hemmer and the labor of skillful ms
chinists gave evidence of the determined efiori
to have udi in readiness by
Tim secretary and his asalatamitsa won
busioi until late at umight reccivimm
) f and recording entries , which were limited I ,
time to 6 ) . in. , amid the president was not lease
so busily cumployod in lasuing imasse to exhibIter
me and others entitled to theme.
. Badges of red , white umud other colors won
in fluttering froma the lapels of the cents o
.7 officers , representatIves of time press end others
the guards were on their beats , th& gate
am koeie. at their stations and everything be
10 tokenliag thonapid transformation of chaos t
d Tunic Bsa yesterday contained a genera
d description of the general and loading feature
of the fair It Is chiefly necessary to.dmuy ti
3 , speak of the ( lohmartmenta which have hereto
o fore been nCgieCtO(1.
TilE P1811 EXilifli ? .
) f Fish Commissioner Kennedy was ba.y al
day getting thmimigs ready for the reception o
delegates mrommi the fimmy inhabitants of tim
a vumds at the South Bend fishones , which wil
y arrive to.lay in charge of Suimt. O'Bniomi o
I , the hiatchmeniois. There anti two large taimlas
. three ceaummuodious aquariums and jlumber
) amparmutus for carrying off time * aeto water
d Anmoimg the varieties of fish to be exhibited ar
) f the black bass , speckled trout , rainbow trout
mm 0oiman carp anti gohiomi ides.
IJ4 wits rapidly filled up yesterday , and last nigh
La gave vrmimtso of exceeding in attractiveimcss a !
former years.
I- Ams mm otimer exhibitors here is the finn o
.1 HIram ibloy & Co. , the famnou.s soodemmien
0 who have a large exhibit of gmurtlezt nootlsdrle
a. grasses amid green house cutlery.
The nortit.oaat corner wing of Floral hell ii
a devoted to the exhibitions of our florists , ant
1 aumong these the center table Is devoted to titi
C display of Mr James Y. Craig , the immndseapi
I gardner amid florist , who lots a beautiful as
a. .ortnient of llmUitS ) and flowers , ferns , lialmi
o and evorythIamf kamown to his 'rofasaiomm. ' Mr.
t Craig has , amnong oIlier things , time finest ccl
a lOCticiui of begonias ever NeOn in this country
and me general collection of tii.pleal vluuts ii
ii the hoist of NIajmo. ) A IsOharmtto stand , ocouiIo
I , ematlrehy by a lame collection of gerammlummu. I ;
Lt full bloom , is ommo of time most attractive oh
a jects in floral hell ,
mr W J. Ilesser , of Fiattomouth , notwitim
. stamudlug We great damunuge from a recent Intl
) . storm , is iresciit with a good gomieral amssor
1. mnwmt , Including alumost ovorythming. Iliscact
10 amid coliectioum of ialmn amid fonts are splezailkl
rim Alella Mcl'heraon , of Mill station
a Washiugtout county , makes , say the florists
the beat dIsplay for aim amimatour they hmmtve eve
seen. ILer tuximibit includes uiamclpa11y out
door flowers end dried flowers anti grasses
i. but they are oxjuisit.ely arramigeti and set oh
15 by a lettered background amuiby numnerou
0 lovolyhaaaigiamg baskets and other ortimimenti
. Mr. John Jvamma lmu the boat showing c
0 seeds , dried flowers amid grasses he himii cvi
z , mimetic mind they are most artistically murramigot ]
uY 'flue commtor pl co is a huge horse shoe wIt
. Masonic emimbloma In the cantor.
10 ? IVIT.
14) Iii the opposite wimmg there s some flu
:5 fruit. ilirtumim Craig , of Ft. Calhuumm , who liii
i oito orchard of five acres bearfaig mmmiii tweamt
, acres In all of fruit trees hits mu beautiful lot
as apples , amid pears , amid 1' . E. Fuller , of tli
tul Semite llaCO , has cam hundred slmmte of limi
[ 3. tmlidos and thirty jilatos of gnmtptw.
o lsmuwVildd , of Case county. emma anile woi
. .5 of 1'Iattmmioutht shows ommo hmundrbd imlates of mu
, h'los. ' lie imas a neumimurkabic exhibit lii a gra
IS imiado in ! tlmuy amid boanimig tWmu large npimo !
: , with a branch covered with the mmaaio ( mi
hnmkiamg like a itugo cluster of gnmqmcs ,
o. A luscious sight is time uxltibit. of htoimey I
s all formats , in mtamtl out of the cumuli , by I 1 , 1
rI. . ] ) uromi1V. . It , 'l'tmckor amid ii. Cmaig ,
us Onmmthta muitti imy N , l'omusoim , of Florence. A
apitiry out tlt out.silo is an attractive featum
ilult county , Isltbsottri semtdsa lovely exhdb
Cs of aisisles aim. ! other fruit while iii the editor .
. title wimmg I. exhibition
ft. cmi of jellies timid camamte
of fruits itaid macam by a case of "evaporate
mm , fruits , " ImiueXttetl by Ex.Jovemnor ( Fitrumu. .
I a the uoctltmmu of the hail conmmoctimmg thom ttu
1 wlitgs , are mu number of hate exhibIts , One I ,
/ light road wagon , vcIghilimg nounds eu
utr itityimmi , mm capacity to carry 400 ionmnls. It we
built by Mn , Momuilisatbon of the Novelty Ott
nitigu works. 'Iite rummmang gearis of hlckoi
aitci stool end the bed of mnahtogummy.
d. ( lea. Bennett ' the biacksattith , send.
ii. splendhil array of'horso shoes , framate3 in gin
is aamilgoitl.
d w i. Unatton .ltows soamme fine loather
ry gy tops , amid the largest tanned In Ni
02. I1r4ka contaluin 50 iun feet on Its so :
.tt - _
Jiimobauglm and Taylor exhibit a veil an.
ranesl lot of icales tind edge tools.
Time long table in the center of the ball is
decorateil at. one aim4 by a rare variety of cx'
tracts , lunking l5mT(10 , ole , , hittndinmnely nr
ratmgcsi in PYrAmii1at fomimu sunl all from tb'
estebilslmmneumi of II. 0. Cfark & Co. Ont
itimer , end of the sauo table is time coaler , , , . .
ray of crackers franc , los. ( larnean's e
ansi Jackson
factory , on Twelfth
which hi e. mnarvelotus oxitibitiomu of t lal < er'n
hre an office tient Iy , ntmd llar , . } 'isiier are
among time first to comllC .4 their display ,
whicit Is of , lrlol run,1 canmm roat , 'fl fit.
mmiilistr eagle at"1 coat. of r.rmns add to tim ommia
umontal nhParance , of t'mis display.
1101 CotNxT } X11hflh14
are slow In gettiii measly for business , but
utihi be very comhiacte flnmmilly ,
Time Hell , Safe itmail Lock Co. have the stand
' st.iunsi of geraimlumats.
act , ) ' , , frommi CnaIt's
'flit , ouitry house is filling imp anal .lnzuvs
many visit.ors. There i aim excellent showing
of l'lymnouitli Rock chicketm ; rcii amid white
I'yle gatne bantams black breasted anti me , !
gammmii ( twlq , mull thmo Asiatic. , limmamedemis , l't ) .
hntds white J4eghmornms , black Java amid a pair
himazhliami goose , odd looking creatures. 'I'Imere
are mmow over fifty COlS ) and mmmammy ama still
lam a general inspection tmf the cattlostauhs , it
is scram that the iiltort Imorims aiim ! . ! crseys pr
sisimnitiato , amid the dislay mmii a whole Is pro.
qoumnced the best ever neon lam tlti regiomi. rho
fiord of 21 Fnieslnmui cattle , dircctiy
( mimi the little island imortlL of Iioihimmd , by
Cinuiditas , loiies , atmd soma , of Seward , is a great
imovelty. The finn have still others on titeir
farm , ansi claim thmitt tiny are brst. milkers lam
time world , as well its good beef cattle. They
are imumro black vitlm it few white s'ots. ' Than
mill , ' 'Sielmrami , " Is but three years old , mimad
weighs 1830 ioumnds.
S. II. Atwood ' of Plattssnunmthm , shows a
latin herd of Ilcrcf'orsls , eigltt bead in all , nod
'P. V. Harvey , of .Syracatso , eiglttecn itoad of
imhiuck l'ollod Angels , imicit ahead of the state
, Jolmn Jiorlanti , of Stanton cmammity , Ima 18
haoad sal ( iumemuseys , said to rival time Jerseys
for milk amid iuttcr.
TIlE 111)0 I'ENtt
filled tip slowly , but time exhibits cr0 very umn
tmsual iii mncnlt. 'I'Itero are Jersey lfel , amid
hlorkalaires , and a lot of thorough lived York
itircs imvrtsl ho , lohmm Borlatad ( mneimtinmmcd
abtmve 1mm M. 1)awsomm , of liommmmett and ammmno I
simiem ii s1ccimncims of l'olamtsl Chimes ,
and a few good Chestom Whites are to be secmm.
ImShia i'mttvmI.Eons.
A neat little dinitaglmall is runt on the cast
sub of time riaco track by Stroud Brothers of
Ji'lorommco , where time fomtof treatment isgivemi
along witim a good juaaro meal. it is sure tt
satisfy all the Imatrolmi ; amid is rumi by gentle.
TIlE , mAmwmEri )
is time patriotic nanmo of time big dimming hall
imear hloral hail , rummu lay l'rrmi. Stephens. Titia
. inthi will food 2tO at one time and 1. admirably
murraumgcti both as ( a comtveuieimco and comn
furL Time emnpioyos cart wait on their guacstai
with ease anal i11s1atcli amud the tables are
loaded witim the best the market affords amid
I cooked in tim best style.
A general live stock headquarters is ameuv
. feature ofthe stat. fair this year , which ham
: boon arranged througlt time board mf mmtnagen
I by the olilcerua of the Nebraska flame istocli
breeders anti bull growers associations , jointly ,
a 'l'itbi tent is located at time right of time nmaim
m entrance and vissitorsaamdmomnborn of time presi
: willlnero finti writingmnatenimmi , tables , etc. , an
all live stock brotIers mind oximibltors ar's invatc&
to call and register their nnmmmes. The No
5 braska breeders association heartily hmivito al
4 bmrceders In the state to comno and got acqtmairt
r ted with each ether itmid with thebrooderm. froir
I nbromtd.
An informal meeting of the "Nebnmmskm
; Fine Stock and Breeders Association , " will bs
held at taUt A. ! Ii. this Tuesday morning , ant
4 a meeting of the wool growers arid slieoi
breeders ort Wedmiesday at term a. m. , for con
sultatiomi and the discussion of such topics am
f my be of common Interest during fair week ,
Following are time ofilcors of the Nebraska
t Breeders Association , viz :
iVooi growers and sheep &reders.-Potcm
h Jansen , prcsitIont Fairbmary , Nab. ; 0. V ?
Desano , vice president , Cmote ; W. .11. lIar
I stow. treasurer , Crete ; V , ' . 0. B. Alien , socre
ii tary , Ontialta.
B Fine tifock flrei1crs' . .iasociaori. -
II. Walker , president , Linmcolrt ; Thoron
Nyc Fremonit ; J. F. Woods Schumyler ; Ceo
. \v. ii' . Jiorsey Fremnont ; II. b. Dawnoam , lieu
. , nett , anti \V. 11. Barstow , Crete , vice presi
I. . dents ; W. C. B. Mien , Omaha , secretary.
I. Time mrouas generally will be welcome and
I ) will fimtd tables lmrovidod for their accomnmoda
I tlomt.
I ) boginrunning regularly this mrmorning , leavini
. time Tenth street croesiug at each even hen :
from 9 a. mn. to 5 1) . ni. The rime t. Fair ste
tion takes twenty nmirmutes and a stay is mnadi
timoro of teat muinutcis , returniamg at 9:50 , iflbO
I etc. , CxCoimt at 6 . iii. , wimon tlmo last train
f loaves tin siding. Time fare is a quarter fo
0 round trip.
are doing a good bumsimmess , amid under time embi
: mnmuamagomnentt of Stminrirttomidomtt Smith ar
. giving good satisfactIon to time public.
A mtOLi ) mmomanmanT.
During time aftcrnooat time first robbery vet
lmotratcd on time groumnnds this year , host for lilt
snyder , uigomit for the Simmger sewing mummechinie
t his vest , mu valuable gold watch nummd 3O ii
1 umiofloy. It WilS carried oil whIle lie was work
lug cmi timuir imavillon anti although several tier
I ties were arrested , time right otis , was not die
Tuesday , Seiiteuiibor 11th , 1883.
Ciassl.-llorsos , ummules and asses :
a Lot 1. Tltoroemghbrods..10)60 ii. mu
I LotG , Mules ante ! Asses..10:30 : a. in
I Lot 7. Walking Iiomi.ea . . . . . . . . . .11:00 : a. iii
Class 2.-Cattle :
. JJQt 1. Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : a. mu
S Lot 2. Dovonu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11:00 : mm. me
Lot 3. Aidomnoyas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:00 1) . Ut
. I4ot 4. .Jerseys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:00 : i , . mit
, Lot 6. ( itmonamseys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3)60 p. mu
I LOt 6. Ayrsimlras. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:00 : p. ni
Runes begin at 2 o'clock.
. LOt 1. 'l'itroo mmtluuto trotting race , pueso o
$300. First horse , 18O ; second horse , $90 I
. third iterate , 3O.
; Lot 2. ltuunminmg race , purse of 82f0. Firs
horse , $150 ; second horse , $75 ; third Imoraso , $2
TitQTrmNO unomusr.ti.
'limo following omatrica have been made
I Grace I ) , Moiltier Satunum , Billy , Mambrini
, Belle , Jockey , Bhfl Paxton , Satoak anti Lilt ! .
m. Tune ,
t ittflSNINI hiOhiSEti.
, Roil h.hmclc , Lizzie U Brown Eagle , intnia ;
1 sic , Itesummuption , ijinmiier Jim.
ii is , xpocted to be a large one and tii
r fair will boommi the rest of the week.
h At a o'clock last evening over tMO ontnie
eacim , in cattle , malmeep and Imogmi , had boo
mimamlo , anmd over 3.'SO lam imorses.
A (1001) rHiNe ,
Time "Chock ltoommt" for Imarcels amid baggag
y at time aoutlm side of time mammuinu omitramice I tim
if fair gruunmds is it now feature whIch the immane
Ia gers lmmmvo mititieti title year. Au mm place c
10 safety amid relIabilIty imi roupmlred , time choci
coma uvili imnavo a ilocltioti comuvomtientco.
m. A sPCciutl muoetinmg of the city councIl wu
It iaoht last evumming for time ptmrmose of miuthoni ;
I , mug tlmotIayor to ampuiaat twelve elmccimti p
I , hlcommaenm It , patrOl tIme city with time m-egulmu
duniaw fair week. A resoiamtiumt wits liassoc
time ajmptmlamtmmmenit. . made anmel corifirumed and lii
inicotlnmg atljuunimetl.
am AT TIlE .WAiIlY.
Time Acadomamy of aLamslo was well filled Item
amgimt by a itiglaly apimreclative audience , naiad
at amp IartIy fromum time ( Jmnimeima inalmilo anti l'arti
Li l by . .trmummgorm. ma the city. 'limo theater Inc
f bemoan timorotmgltly renovated ammel it looks like
veritable little vahmuce of anmmtasoimmomat. Kati
ii : Icon Almtvutmrianomi is too vull known to vai
rant many extended criticism as to its mmmtmrih
'lIme comnipamay , tIne Chicago Ctmammedy cuummpanm
lii mm gimod onto toad imresenmto d time ialay In
rt .itnlktmmgly strommg nnmanmner. Thu vent of lamti
a butt trims takemm Imy Susie Clothe NeIT , who I
it ! name of tlmo nImmcIpal iwtrusmes of tlto Partl
15 Site played lam a very ploasinug way amid tli
r. Imutlmotio ; parts , of wimicim theme mere Iaiamiy , won
.y mtli romuloroti witla simirit amad true Imatitos. 'ri
satimor clearacten. were well ktastaimmed , atm
a timore appear. to iao no sticks or lay figures 1
is time connipetny. Time scommery is all umow an
elaborate , amid will ctmnnimare favorably wit
. that of any theater in the west.
Thu opening performance at Boyd' '
was ' . Lena , the ! adCp'y ! tim Kak !
Iti + niki the be-
. .nrtin compitfl , nutHono -
I , .skonod whtt ft rshi l.haro will be during
the week , for the house was packed full.
Ktio Pntnam , of course , took time part
of Lena , a dmuihing , careless girl , innocent
yet mischievous , and inclined to ho a Tom
boy. This character site carried out
completely amid with mnumcit grace amid
cage. 11cr innpersonatioui and voice
slaowed tinat alto had somimowbero acqunred
a thorough elocutional traumming. 11cr
support was ab9vo the average aunt her
duet. with Omlmnour its Cloudy 1Iormmington
was am ver3' beautiful ilmiumg. Time wimolo
piece is replete Witlt rapid clanmigos fromam
time aumllimo to time ridiculous. 'ro.night
lte plays "Littlo Nell " amid time ' 'j5lnrchm.
boumoac" in the Old Curiosity Shop.
lamfonimmnthiii For Vlsitoru.
The following llt shows time principal hotels
of Omaha , locatiumi , miumber that can he aecom
niodmiteti at eacia , and rate per clay :
) axto7m Itemise , con. 14th unsl Farnamn , 1)60 ;
$3.00 ver duty , inmciamtling cots.
. .ifillarui hotel , cur. l3tit amid 1)oughauu , 3rmO ;
ConcniJIoit' , , ( formerly Granl , PncificOth )
mini ! Ilarimey 2f0 ; $2.00 , S2.J0 ( amid $3.00.
Caamie1mI house , iltim aimsi Fiumnammu ; 200 : 82.00.
ifctrojmoiitctn , 12th ansi Douglas , 450 , in'
eluding cots ; $2.00.
J'tanter's HouC , 16th amid 1)oige , 1)6 ; 82.00.
J'acifc ( lfomuc , 10th amid Calmatuel avemmue , 40 ;
Occidental Iotd , 10th ansI lEeward , 200 ;
TO imEAcul TilE OmIOUNIN4.
SIreet Cars-Take Sixteontit or Eighteenth
atrcet cars mit U. 1' . deimt to terminus witero
transfer is mnasle to tim grotanmis. Fame Ifi corals.
'l'o reach limumcotmm park , take St. ? ulary's autti
1'ark avenue cars , which ias the Paxtoam
every twommty mninmtitos. Fare 6 cents.
Uniwn l'acijtc , 'rrains every hour ( noun time
l0tlm street croesing. Fare ifi cents , 25 cemita
for time rotmnid trip.
C. , St. P. , M. .t' 0. Il. B. , Trains imotmrly
fromn time depot , cornier of Webster amid 15th
streets , wimlchm can ho reacimed by ICtia street
cars. Fimno hi ceamts , for motammd trip 25 cents.
Vc/micks , Carryalls amid xiresses , run from
time lmsttlice coramer regularly. Fare 25 cents.
hacks 50 conmts.
iLAcmn Oi' AumesEsaacNr.
flpd' : Opcrez house , cor. l5tlt and Fztrnam
streets. Kmttie Putnamn. Momfday eveninmg , in
" " "Old Cairbosit
"Lomia time Madcap"Tuemstlay ; ,
I Shop ; ' \Vcdnems'.lar , "Cimilui of time Regiment ;
: Fay 'romnplothn , 'Dhiurstiay evening , In "Olmi.
. vetto ; " Friday , "Pirates of ionzanco'i ;
Satumrday , "Mascotte ; " Saturday matinee ,
"lmlantlme. "
I . . .tcadcm. . , , ofMusic. Douglas , between 13th
a and 14th streets. Time Cieie.imgo Comi'edy ' Corn.
. paumy , Mimndayevenuingin "Kathleen Mevour.
. " " Crockett " Wedneut
neon ; Tuesday "Davy ;
day , ' 'Itosedmale , ; " Timunsday , "Flirtation ; "
I ' , "hoosier Odcl.Fcilow ; " Saturday
L matinee , "The Planter's Wife. "
T/aeakr Comqaie , con. 12th and Dodge
streots. Varieties every evening.
; A Life Saving Present.
. Mr. M. E. Allison , llutchinson , Kan. :
Saved his life by a sirnpio trial bottle of Dr.
. King's New Discovery for consumption , which
a cause. ! him to precure a large bottlc that corn.
S il0tMlY r.'mrod him when doctorschange of
I clinnato tmd everything ciso had failed. Aeth-
1 ma , bronchitis , hoarseness , severe coughs , and
. all throat aitti itmmg diseases , it is guaranteed
I to cure. Trial bottles free at C. F. Goodman's
- drug store. Large size $1.00.
i _
A Successlul F.ixporhmncnt.
A reporter of Tint BEE , recognizing
I that Omaha is becoming one of the
money centers of the west , deemed it
. well yesterday to feel ofono of Lice mono.
: tary pulses of the city. Thereupon ho
called upon ifr. John E. Wilbur , cashier
Omaha Savings bank , and found that
. busy I gentleman able to give hint a few
: minuts of time.
Reporter'-"Mr. ' Wilbur , are the banks
t.of t. Omaha showing , by any increase of
businos , that they are participants in
the general prosperity of Omnhai"
Mr Wilbur-Yen , sir , most decidedly.
. Tito deposits of the banks of this town
approximate a this time $7,000,000 , and
the busimiess is increasing with great
r rapidity , siiowimig that the people of
Omalma arc rapidly accumulatimig for-
0 tunics. "
Ii "Your bank has been in operation for
about one year , line it. notV'
"We opened for business Septomnber 4 ,
- 1882 , and time business of time year has
, far exceeded our : nest sanguine expecta-
t tiouma. "
. "What classes appear to make the
. . moat use of your instmtutionl"
"Wo number now nearly 3,000 dcpoi-
tons of all nationalities , all ages and both
foxes. Since we o1ienod business timero
lana becmm a steady increase in the miuniber
of Litoso anxious to avail titommiseives of ii
: safe place where they can deposit their
. earnings amid rocoivc5 lorcont interest. "
"Wimat is time amuoummt of time deposits
. of your banki"
"Over imaif a million of dollars. "
. "Iui'iimutt mummer is interest paid to
: dopositoral"
. "Every six : months the interest on
every depositors account is computed ,
f amid credited to his account. By this pro.
; the interest is compounded , to tim
I benefit of limo dopositor. if a'dopesitor's
. account is closed , by the wltimdrawal of
itis money , time bitterest duo is computed
. amid paid to Imini. "
'Whtat amnount of interest have you
m paid depositors during timu pastycarl"
"We have paid to theme 87,881.33 , and
there is to-day credited to their accoumita ,
I. interest earned since July 1 , 1883 , $5-
308. In other words , we have paid to
depositors as interest $13,189.33. "
e "Must money be heft with you for any
definite timmie t.o obtmuirt intoresti"
a "No. Ummder our present system every
n dollar deposited drawe interest for every
day. Time usual rub of savings banks is
to iiav interest upon mmioneyommly when it
0 iS left for at least one mnonmtim , On Jan.
a umiry 1st , 1884 , this bank will vrobably
f adolt sucim a rule. "
. . " \Viteit can muommoy bo drawn out. of
your batik ? "
. "At ammy tiniotlie depositorpleasosdur.
ma mug busimiuss hours , wimicin are daily frommi
d. I ) a. ni. to 3:30 : im. ftltd froimt 6 to 8
) . o'clock oui'Saturaay evomminmgmm. "
s "Is mm' miotico to time bammk required to
its ) draw mrtomioy. "
"No ; wo may umloney eli doumiamid , exCept -
Cept that umidor our rules we imavo time
mt situate right timat is oumacted by every well
to orgammized savimigs bank , that we ccii do-
mmmammd 60 days notice. 'i'htia rule is for
It time beuieflt of tine depositors nitimer Linen
mtime bank , amid is usually niplbod dunimig
r. timamea of financial pztmm'ic 'limo lammguao
, of our by.Iawa iii this respect is , 'Thins
im rnnlu usually enforced only imi timno of
m. imianmicimil excitemnemit , or of ruin upon
Is bamnkinm imustitutiomna , is miecossary for time
r , Imrotcctnoiu ef depositors and atockitolderms
IC fumids of sayjmigs banks are required to
: be baited upon real estate anti simamiiar
ci securities , amid timmio to et iii tine samnme
ni 15 imccesmsary on occasions of mmiouiuy
Cl ' "
crises ,
ii , "Vinat is limo nature of your corpora.
Lion , amid wimat are tinestepatakomu for the
socurityof timoso vimo deposit with youl"
a ' 'Tine Omaha savings bank is incorpo.
rated under the general laws of the state.
Its capitAl stock Ili 5O,00O , but the liabii.
ity upon the uttockimoldera is $300,000.
Time ftmumd of time bank , under tlto laws
of its creation , can only bo invested iii
real estate asmd other ample securities.
No money is loaned to any man upon his
personal credit , and imi ovary instance
whore loans arc immado , permanent and
durable security , to tim amount usually
of three dollars for every dollar of loami as
taken. Time motto of this bank is , "No
risk anti full security. " Thmo stock.
holders of the bank are all well known
tiiroumgiiotut time state as men of large
muenmis , amiti I do not think I exaggerate
time fact whmemi I say that their agjregato
wcaltin woulti be over $3,000,000.
" \Vhmat nnuioaimit of money 1mm boon
loaned by time batik upon real sthto so-
"Time real estate loans of time bank are $3)7,000.00 ( ) , and I have umo ques
Lion but that the real estate securing
these loans is wortit $1,500,000. "
"What raths of immtercsl do you cimarge
for lottie ? "
" \Vo confine ourselves to the legal
rates. Tints bank will umidor no c'nrcumn-
atamicos charge usurious interest. Our
rates are at from 8 to 10 iiet cent. per
aniUnfl , Interest usually payable aerni
nuimiualiy. "
" 1mm tlioro much demand for money at
this timnoV'
"Yes. 'rime large anioumit of buildimmg
imi Ontaha , anti cisowimero , causes great
demand for money , attd I feel timat one
of time indirect bottefits of our imistitutiomt
limes been tim fact that we hero boemi able
to supply , with perfect security to our.
selves , comisiderable part of the mommy
that mae gone iimto jmerniamient buildimmgs
iii Omnaima during 1883.
When iii Freniont , Nob. , call at the
Now York imotel , where you will find bet.
ter acconunodalions than in any hotel
west of Omaha 'Rouse entirely now
amid very Imamidsomelyfurnislted. Oitmlw
-Time patrons of S. P. Morse & Co. , iviii be
gratified to learn that this entcrpnisimmg firma
are now opotirig by far the largest stock of
dry goods that our Onmialma ladies have over
had time privilege of examining. Au the
cashmere. , elks , velvcta and novelties elmowa
by Morse & Co. are of their own importatiomm
and are of th seine imigh stamidard of excellence -
lence in quality and exclusiveness of style as
timose shown in past seasons.
From these sources arise tiiroe.ourths of
ilio diseases of time human race. These
sycntoms1mmdlcatothO1rcxiatcflcOL05s o
.Lppatlto , Jioweli costive , Hick Jisad-
echo , mulInssS alter oettn , aversion to
exertion of body or mind , EructatiOn
. of food , Irritability of temper , Low
spirits , A ( rating ofIiavIn neglected
some duty , IhtzzLuessFluttcrlmigm't the
ilenrt Ints betoro the .ycsltIghlycol'
ored jYrimmo , CONSTIPATION , and do.
unmmndtho use ole. remomlytlimet acts dimecti
on the Liver. AzaLtvermediclmtoTUTT' . , .
PILLS immivo no omua1. Their aotionon the
Kidneys mend Skin Is also prompt ; removing
all impurities through these tlmroo "scaT-
angers of the syttt.n * , " producing appo.
Ute , sound digestion , regular stool9 , a clear
sktnandavlgorousbodv. TUTT'N PILf.S
cetnso no nausea or griping nor Interiors
with daily wonir and are a pcrrect
Sold everywh.r , 2fte. thiies'.Ci Mimniiy St..N.Y.
GnAT UAITh OTt WuiiSittUS changed instantly -
stantly to a GLOSSY IiLACIC by a single ftp.
phicatlorn of Slits urn. Sold ny Druggists ,
or Sent by express on rccelptot , 6.
Omen , 44 Murray Street , 1ew orir.
Tuesday , Weduesd5yTlmursday. Friday anmI Satur.
day , beptomber 11th , i2th , lath , 14th and hlth , 2b83.
aamo Callod. at 'i p. m ,
Admission 2t. cents. Grand Stand 25 cents extra ,
tSpecIa1s wiU Positively not be inserted
unless paid in advance.
TO LOAN-Money.
74ONEY TO LOAN-The Omaha Savings Bank Li
1V1 neuc prevarcto make loans on Omaha city or
Douglas county real estate itt current rate of interest.
No commission charged.
4QNY TO LOAN-The lowest rates of interest
.LTI Uenfs' Loan Agemicy , ibth It Diuglas. 234 tI
UNEYTO LOAN-dali at Law omfici , of I ) . t. .
.iu Thomas , soon 8 , Crelghton ihi k.
/I tINIlY IOANEU-On Cimsttcl mortgage , room 7
.LVt Nebraska Nstlonsl Bank BuUdlac , 184.11
IONEY TO LOAN-S. T. fleatty omuma on charIot
IYI prolwmrty , 2iS South 14th St. sept10
ATANTED-At - once , a waiter gun sad eec cii sin.
TV bonnald. John Frank , Catltormmia ifouse ,
tAt ANTED-Saiesnmn to carry our iimma of Jean , ,
5v Flannel. , etc. , , , mi commamisslon , in conmuctlou ,
isith their prusenittirmos AtldrcseMiumufacturorn , 1.1.
C1dESNIVELL & CO. , l'itlladelphta. 55-i4 eod
( TANTED-A g"c4 dining room girt and good
7 7 it Carey. , No. i10.f Davcmilort struct.
A7ANTW-A good girl Ina snns'i family , Iniquiro
V v t law 051cc of Andrew Ltuvirn. , N , W. cor. 13th
ammul Farnammi street. 670.12'
tTANTEfl-Oiri st 2102 Webster street.
V ! 573.iOf
IITANTEI-Oini let geumersi imumisework. ( Jcmnian
V 1 preferred. J. I. Fruthauf , 810 Leavenwortlm
and 21.1 street. 671.111
17AN'rEU-Cook amid Immummdry gin amid a runner
, , at imecltlo house. 600.101
1TANTF.I-A clerk well posted In time clothing
I V buuievsm , anti alilimig to do Jostles to liii tmmm
.loj Cr. ( hood reference , required.
559.15 Ii. lAVIISON , Fremommt , Nob.
I1TANTEH-A cvmopetermt girl ttr genera ! house.
V V sormu. Apply at . W. cur. ularmmey anad 20th St.
iOh 15 * JAMFi NnVILLR.
7ANTED-Oirl for general housework at 140th
V V amortim 18th strcet. LS0iO1
I "AlLoit % VANTEL-To do general tailoring , bath
cutting anma working omm bemmctm. Steady work mi
good ay tu time tight ru.smm , Apply for tome week at
' AVitIS.l'ommoiNeb. 527.14
. vANrFI-rhdclau diningroonim girtand scimaum.
I V her maid aunt laummmtry girls Immedlatclyat the
City hotel. :
tNrSo-YotmmmJ Immama for himrdwmrotoro. Stuar
I boy for ihotomrraph gallery. 'Vuumtg amman to at.
temid to human arid do elmer. . . Steady enimpleynnmetmt.
i'll N.lCtIm street. 684.10
' % TANTEI-Flrst.ciass cook ntiTaunidresat 2420
V V ilarnrystreet. _ 64-tf
1I7AN1'Lh-Ulrl for housework. herman orSsud
V I vrefernd. 111 south 18th street. 636-12
' 7ANTEi-Votanplady 1shme.s.Ituatloo as copy.
V V tat. Address " 11. 1 % . " 205 11th street. sss-tni
' ) ( uulfl lIEN suited ion Leuco work. . 1' . J , Eon.
Uut , airily , Costrscjor. APPlY
644.111 11th Street , near yaniam.
UTANTED-Uootlglrl. Must beagood cook. dali
1 5 at E3mlitreot anti Michigan avenue. 651.11
YTAKiEU-La4Icsand young meneishing beam
V V $1 to $3 siery day quietly a ; their hommmeswomk :
furnished : Send by mumu ; mio cs.umviulig ; mao stamps
rvqulrutl for reply , i'Iease address EVtVAIU ( F. DAVIS
& co. , 63 8 , Slatu lit. , frfl ittve # Mass. 649.12
- - - - - -
- -
' \ ' \
Lw i' 1 ' I F / '
L1A\\ ' &
for Infants and Children.
CZlatOrlfllrThlOtCS 1) igeation What gives cii : Citlidren rosy checks ,
What cures their fevers , mares them muloen I
nfl'orcoumis 1'1ntu1cmtcy , Gonstipa- 'TI. . . Castorla.
tion , Sour Stonmacim , Diarritca , and bahuies fret and cry by turns ,
Feverisimmiects , It Insures hmealtlt and what cures their colic , kills thmclr worms ,
natural sleep , 'without muorithiuc. hut ; CastorI ,
Wimat quickly cures Constipation ,
- Sour t.omtmdin , Co1d , Indigestion ,
'I Castonia is so well atlapted to Children that flt Cuestonlat.
I known recommend to me , " it as summuenlor 1I. A. Acngte to any prrscrlplion , Pd. D. , wehl then to Morphine , Smupa ,
castor on and rargoric ann
8e'roodand Ave. , flnklyn , N. Y. Itch Cast animal
CENTAUR LINIMENT-nit absolute euro for ithotinia-
tismn , Sprains , Burns , Galls , &c. TILe imiost Powerfiul anti ionc-
trating l'aln-rcllovlug anti Healing Bouncily known to man.
The Product of American Industry !
Full assortment constantly on Hand and for sale by
HENRY FUHRMAN , Premont , Nob.
tx7 ANTED-A woman to wash and iron at the
VI Emmetilouse. 453.151
' % TANTED-A good girl fem general Iiouosomk in
TV small family. Apptyat4lu N. 18th St. 647-lot
1P.7ANTED-O1rl for general housework , 8. W ,
V 1 cor. Cahdweil and Her streets , Shinto' , aidition.
1TANTED-A firat-dasi. carpet layer , Apply at
VT J. B. Detwlion's , 1313 Famnam street. 553.11
17ANTED-Two good boys , about 15 years old. at
yr Omaha Broom Workslbth and t'acltlc.
1J7ANTED-A dimmIng room girl at the Creighton
V V house . 620-ti
17ANTED-PIrst-cI s Pastry amid Short Onltr
TV .ok , at 1106 Farnain street. 623-lOt
UTANTED-Ftrst-ciaas , cook at lioton Restaurant ,
I V between 14th and 15th street , on Douglas.
VANTED-A goo1 carriage blaricomith No. 521 S.
V V 13th street. hanson & Son. 471 111
UTANTED-Two girls at the Occidental hotel Ira.
V V meetuatchy. 437.10
7ANTED-Lady agents for the "Queen Protect.
V V or. ' . A new under garment for ladle , , made 01
soil , flexible rubber. Bore protectIon to the under.
wear , when noceawy to ho worn. Retail. for.2.OO
as fast au agrits can show it. Large proilts. Addroe
with starroi , 'Lad1ee' Uundcrgarment Manufacturing
Co. . No U S .Maystreet. Chicago , I. ) . 708-3m
UTANTEi-AI once , 15 gIrls atCanflelds Overall
V V Factory , 1107 llarney street , 3d floor. 415-tI
-xTA1crED-o1ni at No. 1088 tlhennan avenue.
fl MItE. J. It. COUNEMAN ,
'UTANTED-Dy a young man from Boston , &sltu-
TV atiormas clerk. ( hood tenman and qumck at flg.
urea Address "J. 11. C. Bee office. 553.1j'
1TANT11D-DY a young man , 20 years old , a posi.
VV tlon to work about premises in ImiTate family.
Address "U. lt. ' lies olilce. 645-101
rANTED-Situation an c'erk 1mm store by a young
Vi lady. Speed , . German and Emmgiih Exper.
ienand best of references. Address 'IA. A. C. "
UTANTED-Situations bf two Same-class cooks.
vi ilset of references. Adiross "X. Y. Z ' lice
0111cc. 506-139
L ADIES 011 YOUNG MEN In city or country to
take nice , iight anti mdeaant work at their own
liomimos ; $2 to 85 no day easiiy and quietly made ; work
scumt by mail ; no canvassInf : HO stamp nor reply.
l'lease address Reliable milan l'g. Co. , l'hilami'a. i'a. ,
drawer TV. 478-imol
7ANTED-Asttuation eta butter bva3-oung Gem
V V nnan. Immquirc at Peter Goes's , i'amnam street ,
between 15th and 10th 515-101
'V1TAEU-To buy , a young riding horse or pen
V V J. S. Shroptihire , 28-i Convejat street , or U. .
building , Omaha. 107-lot
rANTED-Tun meousana macem to go to Mrs.
TV Unid's to have their dress-makIng dorms. 207
niomthloth street. 428-10
TANTED-3O0O bushels of fresh picked , ripe to
TV niatoes. atllarnls& Fisher's.
Pelt ItENT--flouaoB and Lots.
FoIl 1tENT-FurmmLihedroonna witimboard tnpnlvate
family 1514 Davenport St. 480-111
JO1t IIENT-Furmaimmhmod roomiby the day , week or
month. Dccmmier's Block , cor , Elgimtim arid how.
'irmi. 561.111
; oit IIENT-liouse of eight roams and furniture
for sale at a wrcai eacrlllce , 1007 south 11th St.
1'Oa 1tENT-Tyo flcera anti basement. met-atom
J _ attached. 1207 Farnans street. 270.Irno
1OitMENT-A amlcely furnished roomnlhiS Jackson
_ L street. . 542-140
F ° R ItENT-A now cottage neatly tarnished. in.
chiding good piano verycheap , $ i&Ooper muonth
no eblidren , 8th house north of lIt. Mary a aye. on
20th 81. , east side SL 630-10
J 'Oit IIKNT-A new brick itomo 03 feet deep on
howard itreet , 'between 16th and lOtim streets.
Inquire at Bushman's dry goods etomu. 631.U
I OR RENT-Nicely furnished front room , 2117
Webster street. 641.11
tm'ott IIENT-Iloumo 0 rooms. two closets and iJ
I baemnent. . hard antI soil water. $26.00 iwr
month. Con , 14th and Webster ,
603.1 ; . JAB. CALLAhAN.
I. , _ OR IIENT-Well furnished roums at 1014 Web.
_ I _ ster street. tooti
ii'oit : 1IENT-Furtiislmed rooms at 2013 Qeas street.
_ U 604.10
JOl1 ItF.NT-1720 cairitol aveuauefumnlshsal rooms
suite or stogie , to gontiemitan and wife , or gee-
tiemen. Tramiclemits acoonmutodated fair week.
608 1S
-ioit ; IIENT-A nice , now cott&Zo , 22x40. S moms ,
j _ 3 closet , , hail amid pantry , octiar arid fuel room ,
hard and sfb a ater. Comiveamlent , pleMant locality ,
one block from street car line. Aptdy aitli reference ,
at 1213 north 10th street. 502-nms'
? Oht RENT-Two nicely fumniehed rooms in brick
_ i house , 1415 ChicagostreeL 480-13'
FoIl RENT-A fumnishmedroormi with board , gas auiJ
1 baUm mono , at 1718 Dodge street. 501.121
fMiiciENT-3 roonncottagu , new , Sesard street ,
I' betsuemm Canmpbeit and lime , i3tiinn' &ddltion.
-flout 1tENT-To a maui arid wife , without chiidmcn ,
L1 4 chambers very commtenienl fun housekeeping
Froamb amid m tetr onmtraimco , hatd arid soft water. 310
North 17th btrCet. 458-ti
TtORitEN'T-Cottege of 0 rooms , cormmcr Chicago
_ I1 amid 18th stmcct. S. LEhMAN ,
.tOit RENT-llltoues $7 to 975 per month.
. .L 420.12 SiITIYEII& hitLLopp. P.O.
1--toil itiNl'Eurruishe3Toomn. htmjiiiijat tije
.Unnuelo and art store , Dodge street. to-tf
i'olt 1tE'.T-Ddck store. luqulmo at drug etore ,
1. ocr. 10th arid Douglas atract , 31O.U
1i'Olt IIENT-Two floors and taseanent , mevat
.1 attached. lWlYarnam street. rio-ti
joit 1tENTlumWitmd and unturntshed rooms. ,
.1. Fine location. i'ECK , Opp. 1' . 0.
Y itItENT-itesidence. sad store bulidtngg. nEi
_ 1 _ I'OltD & SOIJEit , Ideal Estate Agency. osioo
east side 14th mtrcct , between Faxrmam mind Douglas
FOIl SALE CIIEAI'-l'arlor set arid cook stove.
1 InquIre 1015 lIancmcy8trect. 503.138
ijuOR SALII-flesthurant and stock of groceries In
.1 one of Cbs best county scat towns irm cistern No-
braska. A numimber one chance for a mae of energy.
Address "I' . .1.T."Ihco oillco. 555-210
F ° 'l SAI.P.-A general store in a growing country
town , doinga good business. Object for selling
ownorwishes to change busimmo's. Inquire at the corn-
minion store ci 11. Ihiighamn & Co.,310 8. 13th street.
Poll SALE-Good brnhmmcsa chance , at 217 N. 10th
.strect. J. L. MAIIIiLE.
-r'oit _ SALE-Choice acre tots'ln city limits , very
_ 1 _ choa1i. EVANS , 1th amid Iodge , 540-It
F Oil ALE-A boarding house with established
business , in p004 location. Good reason given
for selling. Sietm , 12th and Douglas. 684.139
Foil SALE-house 24x5 feet , with 7 rooms , with
halt acre lot , near Fort Omaha. l'nico tdOOcaah ,
or$700 on mime. Addres Jamea A. Ta3ior , Port
Omaha. 525-139
Fen SALE-An excellent opportunity to buy a
homn cli op on north 20th street. Must be sold
soon. S. I. . . Marble , 217 N. 16th. 528-18
ion SALE-Nice cottage six rooms , barn and
.1. ioU lot , trees aunt shrubbery. Beautiful location ,
S2,800 , .500 cash , balancc$25per nionib.
494.10 Omaha National flank Building.
tiolt SALE-Phaeton , cheap for cash. Party wants
I to leave town. 440 28th street , bet. homey arid
St. Mary's avenue. ste-is'
Lio.R SALE-A nr1y cow leather top .idebar
.I _ gy at No. 2510 St. Mary' , avenue. 455-lot
1iOR SALE-Two lots cottage 6 rooms , 2 cisterns ,
.1. barn , 2 blocks moan high School , l'lsttsmnouth to
exchange torOmiha property. .1
Four beautiful West fronbiots , Georgia two. lions.
corn Place 2,80o.
Two Iota new house , beautiful residence Georgia
aye. W. front , $3,000.
Forty acne tract nearcity , $4,000.
8phnditt residence 9 rooms , on 10th St. . cost front.
oRSALEshoninger Organ , Boll stop , two knee
sweii. Inquire at N. I' . Llodqulu.t's , 224 street ,
bet. Leaenworth anti Mason. 450.101
Foil SALE-At aba'geln , a small oslerBatmmtana
arid Co's fire Proof safe. InquIre at this office.
Fen SALE-Four lots in south Omaha. Good to.
cation , $250. each. Inquire at lieu office.334u
FOIt SALE-A clean stock hardware. Bargain.
Easy terms. Addre. , A ! . J. Work , iit1ord , Nolt.
t'oit SALE-Omo fresh milk cow , also young calf
J _ Inquire at Edholm and Erickson's Jewelry store
ijiOlt SALE-A number one boa-se , wiii drive siaigle
_ 1 _ or double amid will be old at a bargain. Inquire
at the othlce of the Grand Union Tout Co. , 119 8. 15th
St. . 102-U
y'aoa SALE-Small house , now , about one.half aa
.12 lot. Easy terms. l'nice only $ St 0.
144-U 1506 Farnam Street.
i'oit SALE-Ice Ewes.
U 1004m' JOIIN it ShIRELY.
VOlt SALE C1IilkI'-At 15th street , south
of hlellevue road. or 608 North 13th .t 9513.lrn
OIISALE-Fino farm close to the city.
PECK. OpposIte P. 0.
C 800 yearlIng heliera.
200 twocaro1d heifer , .
400 mixed calves , October delivery.
200 head yearling steers , October delIvery.
700 bead siaioet.h two and three yuan old steam.
Iowa steele.
STI1ANUE nub's ,
Oattlo Contractor , hIde , VOO1 and Taliow dealers ,
SIoux CityIowa. 303 lni
F OR SALE-A Stat ciaai second hand top buggy ,
Gail at 1319 flamey street. . SOltt
LioR SALE-Residence and busIness property m
I eli parts of Omaha , and Farm Land. . to ami pails -
of the Btato. BELFOICD & SOURII ,
7(13-ti ( 213 8. 14th St. bet. Farrmamn snid Douglas.
1Oh dALE 011 EXCIIANt1E-FuiI lot arid three
[ 1 daeilingm , oem-nor ci 11th mend Paciflo streets.
Nine lots in south Omaha. Also 180 acres of land
near Sammtoo , Nebraska , and building amid stock ot
clotMIug No. 804 Teeth street. Will exchange for
Nebraska farm lands. Further particulars at Oeo.
if. I'etereou , Clothing Store , 504 Tenth street.
-iioa : ; BALE-Old ceaspapera In large and small
.l _ qanitit1e. at this once. ci
1(41W. JULA SCIIIIODEII , Chicago , the most
lvi p.wernmh magnetio healer , locates all pale and
disease. Cures sU those given up by other phy.
aiciana. Consultation free. S. W. con 15th and Ca
itol ntvohUe. Itoorn 3. 443.15
N OTICE-/m. cormer lot antI store roomn , oInotito
opera house bnckbiockFalrmmmoumi , Nt-b. ( inc of
time best lucationas hi towmm , for sale , at a bargain If
soliwithmin tacuty day. . Aires atoolt of Groceries.
A g004 bueitmessostmtblhhed. 1'otoihi address , lork
drawer No. 14 , Fairmeomit , Feb.
r 'so time people attending tim. lair , i'icnty of good
tennis at i'acit1 ilouro , 10th and Iavemaport ,
551-110 FRANK DAViS , I'rslmrlctor ,
ONT-Iletaceim thmmmminmg street mmcii Fair grounds ,
_ 4 ladle , ' ilmasl. Fluder slit Imleaso lease at Bee
i.OAlWING-Imy the day or tieck at 412 8. 8th
I601rI3ert , between llosard mmmd hiarney Streets.
j'OUND-1\so ' sets of
single harness , a hamnmnnck
.1. mind a milk can. Owner can huvo saute imy calling
at Shim sad ChuIcagoat hitmuter. brlckyam-d , and pay.
i'L ,
870-it ,
T RA" dilDEtiS-For tsemjgag' .
, osmmress or car.
.1.4 ri _ , s , to any Ian of Umu city , at 213 8. 13th St.
Teicphiome . No. 1402 , A. P. KELLNER.
Pro want lure driteni for soy purpose , see IV
itsydC&zmmield house.
ALIuST , 4118 Teeth Street , between Fanmaurm and lhr'
nrey , a iii , with the aid of guardian spirits , ottab 1f
5.07 000 a glace of tb ipimet and presrat , &ric !
certain oodilionma to the future. Po hand Sales
ZeUs to ciclni. Penis ; eatWactlocm guiranteud.
- , Ow-a