Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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    ' q TI3E DAILY BEE OMt1.FTA , TIESiAY , SE1"rEbiBEIt 11 , lBEd
tubllahed every morning , exceptjSundy , The
oalyMonday momingdally , ,
no Test . ° tThreeMonths , ,
StzMonutt.5.O lone Month.1.03
Tna WUtLT axa , ru.Lr.n.DarnnT UD IMDAL
rl Mdr017TAtD. ,
One Ycar t2.0o I Three Montha. . . . . . /
SliMonlha. . , . . . , , 1.00 One Month. . . . . . . . . t20
Amerdan News Company , Sole ;
en In the United statoe :
A Oommunteatlona rclLting to News and Edltortel
maUeriihouddbeaddrerrcd to the Emmi orjUR
xUalnarm tInra4
All Dn.lnses Letrcn and Itemlnanem should be
addreeeed to Tns flRR PCRuemto GDMrAiiT , oMAru.
Dmfte , Checkk and l'odolaee order. to be made pay'
ebb to the order of the oompeny.
' E , AOSEWATEREdltor.
THE war on Chinn is browiw ! , but
there is no sign of a reduction hi crock.
I BUSiNE.3 failures nro on the docroaso.
The impresaion tliat the country has an
impending panic concealed soinowhero
about ita person is rapidly diminishing.
Mn. VILLAIth was boomed along the
Northoan Pacific , and the foreign vlsi
tom wore also enthusiastically received
q but Gcu. Grant after all had the most on
tliusiastic reception ,
PnE.nnENT Artrnun has returned , but
the clerks who have boon running the
govcrmnont during his abso co , tvi11 take
it as easy as ovor. It takes very little
energy to govern the country during the
dog days and a congressional adjourn.
THE Virginia readjuators who have organized -
ganized a political party with repudiation
as the loading plunk and officeholding as
the final mid have received n black eye
in the decision of Judge Bond , of the
United States circuit court , whicht effect.
unlly disposes of the recent readjuster
legislation in regard to the coupons for
the state bonds. The legislature of Vir
ginia had passed a law declaring these
i conpoua , when presented to the tax col.
doctors , legal tenders for all debts duo the
state. But the readjuster legislature
subsequently passed an obstructive er-
actmomt , by virtue of which collectors
ware not required to receive the coupons
until certain legal formalities to test
their genuineness were complied with.
After refusing the coupons the official s
i could levy upon the ProPorsY of the hold
ers for taxes duo the state. The supren °
court decided that it could not interfere
with the manner in which the state pays
its debts.
Judge Bond , in interpreting this do.
ciaion , holds that a tender of coupons fo r
taxes is a Irgal tender , just as any other
legal tender , for debts , That point
established , it follows that the tax colloc-
t' m ' tors must accept the coupons for deb
duo the state of Virginia without hag
glino. Yf the officials of Virginia levy
neon the property of a creditor afto r
teuderof the coupons tl.oy will be re
strained from proceeding further by in
i junction. The effect of the decision ms t o
restore to the couponstho validity origin
ally given them by the legislature 0 f
Virginia ,
An appeal will be taken to the supreme
court , but if Judge Bond's decision i s
sustained , as it probably will be , the Ro
adjustor party without readjustment will
be like Hamlet with Handel loft out ,
and Mr. William Mahono will be force d
to seek other fields of political entor.
Tun attempt of Paul Vandorvoort an d
his friends to secure his roinatatemen t
through the snap endorsement of tin o
Grand Army encampment at Hastings wil
not succeed , In the first place , Vander .
voorut's incompotency and inefficion L
ware well known at Washington long be
fore ho became prominently comiecto d
with the 0 , A , R. His removal was mad e
t solely on the grounds of civil service re
form. Ho was the worst official in tli e
railway mail s3rvieo and the plac
and the interests of the patrons of tin
mails in this division demanded that m
. change should be made ; The fact the
he was a member of the 0 , A , R. , which
claims to bd'in no seiiso'a ' political organ
ization , had no bearing whatever upoi
his removal or rototttion ;
ThotGrand Armyin Nebraska cauno
permit themselves to bo7plneod hl the im
aition of demanding the roistatcmen
of a member who has been renova
. ) from political office on the ground
' of incompetency , They can still loss afd i
ford to join with that demand an impllo
threat of revenge at the polls , union
their request is eompliodi with. Sue
action furainhea the bunt of nU handle
t for the often repeated charge made b
their enemies that the 0. A. R , is aimpl
a machine worked in the interests of d o
signing politicians and chronic o01
seekers. As patriotIo citizens who hay
shown their patriotism on the battle fiol d
' the Grand Army should be the last o
ganization to allow themselves to be use i
as a cover for scallawags and a shield b
, hind whicht dishonest or Ijncompotol
. ioffice holders can dodge 4o escape the e
fecta of their oflicial miscpl > duct , lb
the half a million patrons of the mails
the west alb more interested in Vamde
voort's removal that the 20,000 utoinbe
of the G , A , R. who permitted the p an
sago of the snap resolution denatdh
his reinstatomont. Thorn is scarce
a merchant in Nobrasky , Cc
etude , Wyoming and Monta
who has not suffered ht a business poi
'of view from the shameful mdnma Cage-
mont of Vandorvoort's ofhico. By ti
patron of the mail.Vandorvoort's tout e
al will be and brow cordially ndors
and the department in refusing to hint
' to any and all demands for his roineta
mont will consult the Intoronta of go
government and anhonont - civil aoryl
. - - , t , . _
The Nebraska state fair opened yestor'
day under more fayorablo auspices than
any of its predecessors. The line of'ex
hibih In the various departments Is
larger , the facilities for their exhibition
greater , and the various details of the
management have been arranged on a
more satisfactory basis than ever before.
Those who attend , and their number will
be thousands , will have an opportunity
of seeing and learning in person the
capacity of our state as an agricultural
territory , the wealth of its soil , and the
variety of its productions. The displays
from the harvest fields and orchards ,
from the garden and the dairy , from the
stock yards and the apiary , give the lie
to the chronic croakers who periodically
vent their views on the superior advantages -
tages in the agricultural line possessed
by other states and the uncertainty of
Nebraska harvests. While other states
nro complaining of a deficiency in small
grain , of injury to the corn crop
and the scanty yield of their
orchards , Iebraska boasts of the
largest harvest std the prospect of the
most bountiful corn crop in her history.
Our farmers are well satisfied and a all
o ur other interests hinge largely on those
of our farmers our people generally have
no reason for complaint.
Oinnha , herself , takcsam especial degrco
of gratification in the present fair. Its
predecessors have proved that the nie
tropolis of the slate is the only place
whore a satisfactory oxhibitioi and a paying -
ing attendance can be attracted , Her
merchants have contributed in times
past largely towards the forwarding of
the enterprise and the line grounds and
buildings and the exhibits of local industries -
tries are largely the results of
their efforts. This year the city
welcomes the visitors to the state fair
with some pride. Since last year Omaha
has made rapid strides towards assuming
time position of a well built and haidsomo
metropolis worthy of state whoso trade
she commands. Public improvementa
have been begun and prosecuted with
a vigor which both shows results in the
present and bespeaks still greater ones in
the immediate future. To the crowd of
citizens from the statoamd elsewhere who
will visit us during the week the city
offers ample and ozcellont hotel accommodations -
modations , which have boon extended
and perfected since the last fair. There
will be no grounds for complaint on this
scoreand all Nebraska farmers with theme
sisters , and cosains , and aunts , may safe.
ly venture to Omaha , assured of finding
a welcome , aim interesting and instructive
exhibition , and tam boat of lodging and
acoomnodationa ,
The last spike wasdriven on the North ,
ern Pacific line on Saturday , mind the
now transcontinental route was opened
to traflie from the coast to the lakes , with
demonstrations worthy of the event. The
completion of the road aigmializos the comm.
summation of a great inanciering scheme
which has boar carried through by tire
less energy and dauntless pluck , Time
panic of 1873 seemed to be time death
blow of time road. Time projector , Jay
Cooke , failed for millions , and hie downfall -
fall carried grief to 11,000 bondholders
in American homes. Mr. Cooke raised
$25,000,000 by time Sale of his bonds.
After nearly ton years his successors have
raised and expanded $40,000,000 addi
tional. Failure has boon converted into
success , and time completed line stands as
a monument to business sagacity aid
public cmmidence iu time wealth-earning
capacity of the country througlm which i t
passes. Fromm time Springfield lkpubtlcrn t
I we glean time following statistics of time
road's construction :
r Whoa time panic carne on time coimipammy
. had 4110 miles of railroad constructed
through northern Minnesota. Scarcely
ally sattlenent lmad thou been nand
. along time proposed ; route , except a
small our in lifontaua , Time railroad 1
o planted End to wait for population t 0
o grow around it and grow the freigh t
t which was to afrord it revenue , Thm °
t dopresalou of time bonds resulted in thei r
t being converted by the holders inn °
lands , but those sales did not sufilco fen r
n many years to pay the interest on thm o
defaulted bonds , But time sales di d
t bring population and ultimately railroa d
. earnings , In 1876 , time bomidholdars , mm
t der the load of Frederick Billings , fore
d closed upon au arrangement while ]
e was very fair , Time nominal stoc k
of $100,000,000 , which had never boa
d issued , was divided into two parts-tout
a men $40,000,000 and preferred $51,000 , ,
Im 000. The preferred was issued Iu ox
e change for tine Jay Cooke bonds , $1,4 0)
y for $1,000 , to cover interest , dofaulte
y and to accrue , Tlmie absorbed 842,000 ,
. 000 of time preferred stock. The remain
co mug $0,000,000 was issued by time con
a pany. Time eoiversion of preferred stoci
, into land lone reduced the anmount our t
etandiug to about $42,000,000 , which I
d orititled to 3 per cent interest , if time moo
earnings will pay it. Time common etoa
it was distributed to the proprietary into r
f _ oat and will have a elmaro in time not earn
ut lugs , after the other charges are paid ,
in there is anytimimg loft , 'r'ime accession
r time Villard mntereat to time control i
re 1881 united the fortunes of time North
urn Pacific amid of time Orego
ig Railway and Navigation conpany , while
ly controlled the river and rail tramnpor ta
I. tion interests of time Columbia river , aim
na is fact of all Oregon , This wan a pract
at cal consolidation of time Northern Paci
Cagewith the oxistimg trasportatloim plant
e Orogou and with time now rail connecti
ov with Californla now approaching com
ed pletion , Time Oregon and Transcon ] i
an nental company , ilmrough which Hen
M Villard sustains and "financiers" all thr
od of those entorprboa , in a great cro
co company , with $40,000,000 of capl tat
which "has no directly 'owned prop e
ties , " but leases or owns a controlling
amount of stock in rho others. Mr , Vil-
lard head at the start one of the hest pay'
ing properties in time United Status in
the common carrying business in the
Oregon llailway and Navigation company ,
whicht pays 10 per cent. dividends on its
presmtt earnings. The credit company ,
time Oregon and Transcontinental , paid
last year 4 } per cent. on its capital.
Time capitalization of time Northern Pacific -
cific railroad is about $35,000 per mile in
stock ; debt by general mortgage , $25,000
per mile with a reserve to take up time
divisional mortgages on the divisions
covered by them ; the total therefore is
about $60,000 per mile agaimmet $110,000 ,
on time Union Pnciicand$120,000 , on the
Central I'acific. The main line and
branches owned by time cmnpauy amount
to 2,600 mimics. The distauco from Su
perior City on hake Superior to Portland
on Puget sonud is 1,032 miles ; from
Portland to San Francisco 785 , fronNew
York to Portland 3,276 , boiug almost
identically time same via Sat Francisco
and via time Northern Pacific , So far as
first cost and burden of indebtedness go ,
therefore time newroadto thoI'acifiic coast
has a smaller load to carry than the old
one. It has ho govcr mnemit debt to pay
oft' , 1Vliile it lies north of time median
line of time contimmemit it is quito as direct
to Asia. The interests of great capital.
lath are , however , so manifestly iii time di-
rectiom of harmony , rather than of coma-
petition , that we are not likely to ace
any open warfare between the old mid
time new routes to the Pacific coast- Each
will look nioro and more to its own local
population far prosperity , amid all there
will find their real conpotition in the
Suez canal , time sailing vessels of time
great occana , amid ultimately , perhaps , time
Panama canal. It is rather oxtmoldi-
nary timat time Northern Pacific preferred
stack was quoted before time road was
opened at 88 , while the Central Pacific
was at 71 amid time Union Pacific at 02.
Time Nortimorn Pacific must find its profit
in time population and time wise develop.
meat of all time immaterial interests of time
great eoction which it opens and binds to
time rest of the Union-not in a narrow ,
selfish or grasping policy , but in a broad ,
ibend and paternal one.
Thin agent of the associated press telegraphs -
graphs to know how much damage line
been done to time corn crop in Nebraska
by frosts. So far as we can leant the
damage , if any , line been trifling , A few
weeks more of warm weather will assure
to our fanners time heaviest crop on re ,
cord. Much of our corn is too far advanced -
vanced to be seriously injured by frosts.
Thisis one of the advantages of a Nebraska
braska clinmate. ,
Slmpira Dorsey Is what they call Idnt now.
Colonel It. G. Ingersoll is not the great pomp
ular ran ho was before lde cmlgagoment in the
star route defense ,
Ilondrieks has ] mid a visit to time ango 0 f
Groystotmo. Ito is moro hi favor of the old
tlckot than ho was before.
"Constant Heather : " No Judge Thurman
duosn't take much interest in time affair you
stook of. lie is sitting on the back fence
chewing gums.
Judge IIuiulloy Is not as sick as ho migh t
bo. We shmeorelp hone the voter of Ohio will
noteutfor thomeolvos to be deceived by any
Camille racket.
The Brooklyn Eagle speaks of Rostao Conk
ling "elevating the tall feathers of ilia pride. "
We thought tiroy would all fail out after that
scald fit the Yellowstone butlm ,
The removal of Henry Clap Doan into Illi
miois would soma to afford the Itilssourt press
touchimi opportunity for tender pathos nits n
the subject , "Another Old Landmark Gone. "
It is understood that all Carlisle wants the
s eakorship for is to got time gold watch ant
cimin invariably presmtt ° d to the prosid
lug otiicar sf cougress at the close of the sos
melon ,
David Davis will not appear ulan time pout.
teal stage this season but , all time saute , ] o i
practicing a non , anal dance whichH may beCome
Como very lapular with tlto audiences of th o
Jolut Jacsb Astor hiss deeded over $60,000 ,
000 wortil of real oetato to hia only son , th u
trosout minister to Italy , and time young mat a
( s 110W the riciioat perooa of his years hm thi m
PrincoJeronte Napoleon is going to issue i
mnnuifestn , Koo n your coats , ladies , there t
no occasion for manor. , leronto is in time labl r
of doing this sort of thing whenever ho feels a
chill conmiug on.
Sande and Mitchell slmould have selected St
Louis ns thick battle groand if they wanted t o
kept time affair front time knowledge of the po
lice , 'fhot St , Louis police ore mot suppos ° t
to do anythfiig but but lost girls ,
Little Chief a Choywino warrior , is rapidi y
becoming civitlzed. Ito has writtoa to tim
secretary ( of the Interior for a now suit o
clothes , Among other timings lie twks ° fo
the best white hat you can timid In the mar
C , 1' , IItmitington , the railroad na
. a lx or lay , and u ltartl working nman , lie di
not bogie to acelanmlat ° his imnmonso fortun
m until ho was past forty , wlmon lie staked al
hits savings on time schmno of the Pacific rail
We discredit the statement that Frramm
Janes will at once enter a nunnery , our tic
. quaintance with the gentleman's record am
irodilectiorts leads us to believe that I
lie enters anything it will be a bank or an ex
) proms car , , : : t- unss
d Lillian Hassell is said to be already woarie
of life lu London red anxious to got back t
New York , whore same figured for so tartg
. time as queen of time duties. Time trouble wt th
Lillian seem. to have , been that she t lda'
know a good thing when she laid it.
k The l'rtncess Dolgorouki is still in dee 1
muuurning for tier royal lover , the late czar o
ts Ituseia. They throw her mitof St. 1'e
s burg and her grip sack after her , but the
t uhln't deprive her of ] mor loyalty to th
of the stem old monarch she loved ,
k It is now discovurod that "Clara hello , " tam
mysterious jarson who has lvrittou euclm hi 1
ly flavored letters to thu Cincinnati Enqulre
' for ma long a time anti has mnanagod to cones aV
If her identity is Airs. Lord wife of taw mmm sg
tug editor of ttmu Now Yurlt Suit. ( sourgu Al
of Irod ruwmwmut lima. been charged with time AlI.
n tlwrship of thaso letters , aid he never dons al
it , 'l'imo' wore so fragrant it was not suspoc
I cdthey could umouato front a Wuuuun ,
R Alts. Cltaumborlahm , tlso Cleveland girl vim
h ii setLtntdunfolks toravingover herbeaut y
Is not going to marry the son of nn otirl or tl
son of a duke , or the son of a ntarkue. lit
d awoptod suitor lea 'dau ' ( Amuorlcan Lotm of
Mttn , by time manna of J fiu Cain , . . .1im Ill'
1' out emu Choymumo , and owns a big catt
110 ranclie , lie rides a broueho , twists steer
tails , wears a broad brimmned felt list , amid
° f generally a bad citizen from Bitter crook , ii
on has two rows of teethe amid room for two menu
and whoa lie howls time morn turns rod and ti
mm' d0yot555 imull their holes ism after them , Lund
i exclmanges pleaaocopy ,
ry Some StronK nded Wonton
00 Can regulate their husbands amazingly f set
should they not do their duty , litmfork ilium
Lit /litters are a good regulator of the circalatio
They are exclusively a blood tonic , and co
, queutiy.frrkc a ( the root of many serious all
or meats.
From SMlen Fort Robinson is the
ac Driver's ' Box ,
Mhlniglit Antltaerrlents at a lYny
Station-The I' , rt and Surrounding -
rounding unties.
Editorial Correspondence of Tim BEE.
FORT fouINaoN , Nob. , Sept. 0 , 1888.
-Time Pacific Express retc'tes Sidney at
250 ; in time morning. The Deadwood
stage loaves at 8 o'clock , an timeto is a
gap of five hours to be filled as boat it
can , I tried to occupy my than in bed
at the Itailroad hotel , but time breaking
down } of that necessary article of furniture -
ture , drove me to the office whore I sat
until time breaking of daylight , wntclming
time thin line of stores and houses which
front tine railroad track , as tlmoy'alorly
carne out of the gloom and gat'o time first
indieatiot of the oxistenro of the town of
can scarcely be said to be booming , but
silo is holdmm r her own firmly mid shows
no signs of decline. Time o of time
Pierre route to Deadwood was aserious
aid almost fatal blow to the business of
freighting to the hills , frmn whiclt the
town has slowly rallied ; but tlmo cattle in.
terests to time north aid west have increased -
creased rapidly mumd time local trade is
being maintained with much nioro firm ,
11 ° 85 than might have boon expected.
.hest now Sidney is feeling happy over
the certainty of a revival of the Black
hills freighting business. This is time cc-
suit of dissatisfaction eu the part of
Deadwood merchanta with the conduct of
time freighters fromn Ft. Pierre and time
Northwestern road. Within time past few
weeks , a largo number of time leading
merchants of Inalmid City mid Deadwood
have signed an agreement to have their
brought U way of the Union PAcific -
conditional u on securing favorable -
able rates which have been assured them
by the railroad company and time freight-
era. At present the largest portion of
time freight outward bound from Sidniey
conies to this point , Fort Robinson , G.
H. Jewett being the contractor , but a
considerable amount of local freighting is
douo to points between the railroad and
Running Water , for the supply of time
ranchos. So these who have been calcu
hating on the furtimer decline of Sidney
trust revise their estimates.
Fort Sidney is now time headquarters
of time Fourteenthm infantry , recently cc-
moved to this department from White
river. The Fifth cavalry , which was its
predecessor in time garrison , hmas taken its
head uarters at McKinne one of its
companies , Capt. PaYno'sr coming to this
post , wlmero it is now in camp waiting
time construction of its now quarters. The
Fifth was always a favorite with time Sidney -
ney people , as it is throunut ] the department -
partment , Fort Sidney is one of the
posts recommended to be retained as a
permanent garrison by Generals Slier-
man and Sheridan , and if a generous
congress does its duty we may look within -
in the next few ears for time construction -
tion of neat and durable officers' and aol-
diem' quarters.
It was nearly J o'clock when the Dead.
wood stage of time Wyoming stage con-
pany drew up in front of the atatiom to
receive its cargo. Sixteen hundred
poundh of : rut was loaded behind and
strapped on top and by time time the pas-
son gars imad boon packed inside and
stowed on the boothere was so little
space to spare that several hundred
pounds of express matter and some bag-
gage was necessarily left behind for lack
of room. Time corn any is doing a
tine business amd too coaches and
stock of time line are of time
host. Sixtoom coaches , 160 horses and
90 employoa form time equipment of the
line , which , under the superintendence
of Mr. Thos , W. Furlong , is ono of time
best conducted in the west , lauding its
mass ° ngers in Deadwood 50 hours from
Sidno and JO hours from Chicago or
several hours shorter than time Piero
line , Time natural result of the decreased
time line bemt an increased pasonor and
express traflic , which at present is test.
immg to time utmost time capacity of time
eonpany , Coach loads of eight or flume
passengers are coping into Sidney daily ,
while time outgoing coaches are hardly
less heavil filled.
We leave Sidney to the right and the
mules strike a brik trot as we wind to-
wards the west and take time road overtime
buttes wlmiclm skirt time town to the north.
For time first seven smiles froi Sidney time
road is hard mid excellent ; it becomes
rougher as we npproaehWator Holes , time
first station out but , as stage roads go ,
ms oxcellomt lnmtil beyond Greenwood , ° J
'miles front Sidcey' where we stop fo r
dimor and are gouged $1.00 or a
i wretched meal of salt pork , bad butter
mid s.ur bread. Beteen Groouwood
and Camp Clarke we moot with occas-
ioimnlatretchneaof heavy sand. Attholatto r
drtce is time great bride over time Platte
r or "Clarke' Bonanza ' as it is called in
that section. hero we catch a glmos °
of Charle Kolse fornorl of Onmala
d who is mtow re treamttin g Mr. Clarke's iii-
° terests at the store sud bridge. Time
bridge leis been a fortune in da e past
but since the decline of the Deadwood {
k freighting its receipts have become seri
. ousl impaired. Even at the resen t
d time it pays handsomely on limmvost
I moat of w1 Ichr a ] elf waa clear den
' tion fromn time people ,
d 1Vhmou stage travollumg , by all mmeans , i f
do possible , seek a seat emi time box with tim °
driver , In the first lace the air is bettor ' ,
the view is wider , and ten chancoe to out
t time society is nioo agreeable. Our dri
ver was art umcomnmumirative old stager ,
) who Iutd drifted fromn one stage line to at
other in tight states and territories , any d
who began our acquaintance by remuark
y e ing that the trouble with moat box
seat passengers was that they asko d
o too many d-n fool questions , II
r did not aroma to place time inquiry ,
V "Whether ho would take a cigaeh" under
this cato gory , amid froi Cautp Clarke t o
Rod Willow made iuimaclf moat enter.
I. taming with rontiniaceneea of stage driv
fug which would fill a largo sized volume ,
t' Inside time stage a Deadwood nmorelnant
Hospital Stewart Borgold and time wife of
° 1Vlmoehvright Itainey , of thin post , with n
' two children are iglttiug to kue P
r their seats as time stage away s
a front aide to side umulor it
ma lmeay load , or 'cups up an d
le ' down on time tliorou hbraco as we leav
is time nod and cut across thehills to coca
e time heavy sands. As time afterhoet draw
eoil time and flies aid mosquitoes put ii
to an appeanmco and mnufled somidso
omm groans , relieved by the dull thuds o
lmea ales roach may oar from time coach
as I sit serenely on time box above tlm
, clouds of dust which the wheels thro w
, a up. It b excessively warn and nul
° ; try , and ever the periodlo chang
, of horses seems unable tea
draw the coach along the heavy road at
Tl10SE " 306" FELLOWS ,
Lately me4d. Flth the name of , their redptenta
nealbal thereon and natkod " 300" were sent to the
men who blowel Grant' . horn at the LTicageeomen-
lion. Thal splendid compound , Dr. Thomas' Eelectrlc
011 la dallyglvtngmedatiflncilhan these men ever
dreamed of , I. e. the unsolicited compUmenta of
thousands whom It has freedtrem aeheaspraln , , and
pain. . Some awni that these men at Chicago were
not worthy of their modals' but none of the purchaa
ersof Thomas' idecirio Oil daredeny that It I. anti.
tied to its medats , ii. purpoeo In this world I + not
the pronctlon of any one man's interests , but the
wnl being of every human soul. Ii nomlasla and
elects to comfort with every appUatlon. It Is certain
efficient , and economical. It Is obviously certain be.
cause it is unfailing , efficient because It relieves , an' '
.conornlal Lecauee a few drop. will cure a bruise , a
Ito , an ache , or a lameness , a small battle will cure
rheumatism , or neuralgia , and inhaled or ewollowed
for car.rrh and colds its caecta are wonderfully hen ,
o0dal , The sale of Thomas'Ec'mtrioOil'attest. its
worth ; vast quantities of it are shlppel daily to all
parts of the United States , Every bottle renivcs a
medal-the unqualilicd caul unttinted praisoa of its
pace faster that that of a cominnonmly mm-
nitro snail , Time children bocane nervous
and sleepy and roll frmn rote mid of time
stage to time otiwr to t'he great discomfort
of the passengers. Time snoring uman begins -
gins tq got in his work , amid his misal
nmonotone rises above time creaking of the
laboring conveyameo and time cry of the
driver , We are row fotlrtcrn malice
from Red Willow aid at hour late. Time
stun is just beginning to sot over a line of
buttes to our right aid the scone is one
hover to be forgottone though hardly to
be fully appreciated urmder time present
discomforts. All are thoroughly tired and
cross and lingry as we plunge across a
little streami aid time horacs striking a
brisk trot roll up to time little stage sta.
tion of Red Willow where a stop of
twenty minutes is made for supper ,
here I left time passengers mid spent
time night. I wish I could speak a good
word for time faro and beds of Red Willow -
low , but I fommd too hmuchm con1many oc-
cup in my room before me and enjoyed
au overcoat and a cigar out of doors fron
ntidni6hmt until 4 o clock , when daylight
to break. The rest of my journey
was pleasantly made behind the a
team of Major J. W , Paddock whicim
was sent to time Willow for my conveyance -
ance and with which we covered time sixty -
ty miles between that point and Fort
Robinson in thirteen hours with a two
hours' rest at Half Way Hollow , From
Snake Creek to the Humming Water ,
which further east becomes the Niobrara.
the country is true prairie land gently
undulatimmg and covered with ,
luxuriant growth of ass. Time
valley of time RunflinB Water its well taken
up with cattle ranches , and considerable
fencing in list been done along the line
of the strewn , There are no such immense -
mense herds as we find in Wyoming , but
the tendency is to improve time stock , and
many of the ranchmen are cutting largo
quantities of hay for winter
consumption. Further north and
west , along Hat creek , at Buffalo -
falo Gap and Buckhorn , time
time cattle interests are larger and several
wealthy English corporations are conducting -
ing time business on a heavier scale. Time
extension of the Sioux City & Pacificroad
to this section of time country is one of
the certainties of time near future , when
shipments car be made without the long
drive which is now necessary. Valentino
tire present terminus of the road , is
only 160 miles distant in a direct line ,
mid time prcliuminary surveys have boon
already run through to time Powder river
in Wyoming. With time building of time
railroad to this section of time state time
the Black Hills trade would once more
pass almost entirely through Nebraska , as
the line would be fully fifty tiles shorter
than time present route by way of Fort
Leaving' Running Water we catch our
first view of time long broken crests of
buttes , mvhiclm enclose Iobinson in asemi-
circle of pine-crowned turretta. Time
ride from about six miles from the river
into the valley of the Wlmito Clay , in
which the past is beautifully located , ms a
picturesque and interesting one. From
above Breakneck Hill , a few miles south
of White Clay stage station , a turn of time
road brings us to a vista of scenery which
of its class is unsurpassed in the west.
Around amid about usrise tlmebuttes , with
their rounded tops brokemi at intervals by
Lower-hike promontories from wlmichm
run to their bases , nminaturo canyons ,
carpeted with grass and lined with lofty
pihos. Far to the right Crow Buttes ,
looking like the broken nrchitectual pile
of aumedievalcastlowith turretamd tower ,
aid chapel , and flying buttresses of
sandatone , perched upon a rocky
premonitory of some Ithitmolaurl umovnt
air , send tlmeir Loads above their fellows.
Crow Buttes is almistoriclandnmark of this
region and lies a little nmore thane eight
miles from time party. Leaving White
Clay Station we pass through time valley
of time White river , whore Fort Robinson
inn its center lies before us.
W , E. A.
cilhIgI ! FOR PAIN.
Reiluvet amid cures
Neuralgia ,
4 Sciatica , Lumbago ,
imACiLACuE ,
Nl'1tINs ,
Soreness Cuts , Orultee ,
' ' '
® FIIOYI'UI'l'leJS ,
And all miter hadily acIme.
and peltts.
Huidbyall Drugglsts.nd
r Diaiima.imlrtcllunr in 11
mho Charles A , Vogeler f t ,
ta.oww. " a A. vouxmie itx I
, , s.mss. . r.a t
f , qg
f Yet
e I' ' -
at Pi h i
l l os
Dry Goods ! /
Washington Avenue and ElRh Street , - - - $ T LOUIS. MO
Wholesale Grocers !
Cigars and Manufactured Tobaccos
LuMber , Lath , Shlnales , Pcket ! , '
Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB
Wholesale Druggist I f' 1
Oils , Yarilislies aiia ¶ thdo 1ass
On Long Time--Small Payments. ,
ies. Ae lloo J. 1
1510 DODOit gTRE
A. I3. DA L'Y
Buios f Cares aild 3prill ¶ aous 1 '
My Rapoeltory b constantly Stied with a select stoalc Host Workmanship guaranteed. t '
Office and Factory S : W. Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Omaha r
A (
Reina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60
to $120 per 1000.
Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and
[ jWjHFd
Grower of Live Stock and Others.
TOCake. . 1t t 1
It to the beet and eheapeet food for stock of any kind. One pound , . equal to throe pounds o10010
Stock fed with Ground Oil Cake in the Fall and Winter , instead of running down , will Increase In wetgh'
and be in good marketable condition in the spring. Dairymen , as wall as other. , who use it can taetify
its . merits. Try it and Judge for youraeIvos. i'rlco 026.00 per ton' no charge for sacks. Address
o/.eod me wooDMAN/LiNsE1Dto1L : COMPANY. Omaha
Double and Single Acting Power and Hand
Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Bolting , Hose , Brass and Iron Fittings
Steam Packimm at wholesale and ro ail. HALLADAY WINDMILLS CRUROH
Corner 10th Farnam'St. ' , Omaha Neb. ;
.i .i. viour Is male at Salem , Riclmardaon Car , Nebraska , mu the Combined holler those Systems. W , , x
gfro ; EXCLUSIYi . sale of . our flour to sue arm hi a place , We have opened a branrh at mote pmwi avenu f
Omaha Writ. for i'ricee. Address either g
Salem or Omahu , Mob.
Lumber Sash Doors Blnds Bu' ldln Paper
Office and Yard , Cor , 13th and California Streets , - . . OMAHA , NEIL
. . - .v " "x .t. . 4" . ' . . r1.1.tW. , Wr. + 7W . , HIU Grrl' ' j
i i Frt