Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1883, Image 4

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Publlbed eTtrT mornn , exccptjsund.y. The
onLy Montlay morning dtty.
no Te.r. . . elo.cmllliree Menthe
8lxltonthe &oOIOneMonth . . . .
One Thar . . . . . . . 2.OO I Three Menthe . . . . . 3
81 * Months. . . . . 1.00 I One Month . 20
Amerk tn Newe Company , So1cAgcnee iiIca1.
.rc In the UnIted 8tt
A Communication. reatn ti cw tflht FAItor1t
tnUtri .houl4 t'o 1rccI to the EDIIVR OP . THI
' ! T7tl UTTP. $
All UU'IflC' tdOttCTh ftfld Itemtttane h1I i
.4dXCeIed InTaic fun I'ijiueitia orv , ( hiAUA
DtTt. Check enI 1'usWfllco onere ! to ho niJo py
&hlc to the ( ) ner of the company.
E. flOEWATrnEdttor.
: Nov TIItT tilt ) PreskicuL 1iai rctItrlIet
\VMbillgtoII , tim seat of govorI1nIcII is
I ( ) longer 'tnnt.
Tiii : licratil is clanoriitg , for informa.
t ion from tim Stinking W'ntor regirm.
\T0 hoiw i will 1)0 ) ccoHtflo1acd ( viL1i
what ttt1 ho eory way stUsfactory : ,
OOI. !
: 4tH TiI } P001)I0 of this state iru dcsirou
t1iat the judicial ofllco fiotu which .1 tiIgo
' Lake ii soon to retire shall noL Iow , any
( if it.s 4ignity nor sufror any 1os in the
abiliLy vhic1i has tlistiiiguislietl it , they
cannot go amiss iii supporting atul voting
I for lion. .Taincs W. Savao.
Tim poatiitaatcr at Iflair Jiai just tils.
covered that this iapcriievor was true to
T131)UbliCafl We adsnit the
F nelL impeachment. if true iciniblicait
lIrincilhes obligate a vapor to endorse
I knave and jobber who happens to
got into a federal ollico.
Tin main object. of the nnti.rnonopohy
iiio'cinciit in this state is to better thu
condition of the producers. They have
the balance of Iower and they propose tii
"go it intelligently not by throwing
away their votes , Iitit by Inassiiig theni
'where they will do thu most good.
. Tin rounioi , is over. Thu coast is
clear for the state fair. This is a bounti.
Lul year for the farmers of Nebraska , Hnd
tons of thousands of them will ho hero.
. g wilt do thorn good to come , and will do
115 good to have thorn come. They will
have a chance to observe how fiuib the
; metropolis of the state is growing , and
their visit will bring the city and country
into closer and more profiblo relations.
I GltEAr ability and iiidopondonco of
t I thought ar riot ; sure l)5PO to ioini.
iarity. Wizen oinployod in the advocacy
in a community of that to which the soii
. .timont of the community is obstinately
opposed , they may have quite a contrary
4ffoct. Henry \Vard Bcochor hiac always
t 1)0011 outspoken in opposition to laws
forbidding the Chinese to become resi.
doiits of this country. 110 ISI1OW ill San
rqcicQ , whereiu was engaged to v
'Tour locturcs for the sum of ; 4OO.
Two of the lccturcs , whiicl& have booii
given , were thinly attoinlod , onnccount ,
it is said , of the prejudices which exist
j against liiiii on the Pacific coast , arising
from lthi expressed views on the Chinese
ornigratloit question. It wa not so
. in Chicago when Mr. Beochor was there
t few weeks ago. Hundreds wore dot -
t barred from hearing him because there
' was no room for them. ] hut thou the
i : Chinese question was not uppermost in
the minds of the voopio of Chicago.
t It. is seldom wise to refuse to hear ii
* great 101111 because his ideas do not coincide -
cido with your own.
J 'Fun Italian colony in Now York is
: . said to number about 25,000 adult umles ,
L sovon-tentlni of whom , it iii claimed ,
possess the rights of sufrrag.
A movement is now inarogrcss , headed
) ) y some of thu itioro influential of the
colonists , ( lesigned to bring the colonists
r under tito influomico of a represeittittive
organization for political iurvosoa. An
organization has boon ofrocted calLed the
r' "Italian Independent Association , " with
Ii. Morossi as It0MdO1it. The principal
object of the association , as 0x1)lRiIietl
; by the president , . is to prepare the Ital-
: iaiis to vote intelligently. The proposed
means to this end. will be the holding of
public meetings , and the printing and
dlstribuUonofpaniphlots for the diffusion
't4 zsu hi infornrntion as shall tumid to
q inako good citizens and intelligent voters.
t Mr. Morossi , the president , says that
they will ho nuithor strictly deinocz'atio
nor strictly republican , but independent ,
: with the beet inthreate of th community
ln view ; that the boat platform and boat
I , .ndldatos will receive their support , and
'that they rill have nothing to do with
poLitic3aa of the pAvement. "But as to
1itstformns , " says Mr. Moroasi , "we will
ho particular Qfl one point ; we do not
want the total abolition of the tariff , only
a judicious reform. "
The orgftnization .ia certainly ii coin.
mendable one , Natives of a foreign
country , but American citizens now , they
proIo8o tO act politically , not as partizans
but ai citizens having 1mm view the best
interests of the country , how long they
will remain non-partivui romaine to b
soon. They will haven good imamIy temp
tations to ate ! ) aside from the line 11103
lm.aro marked OUt.
Thu ( Iroemiliackors in time State of Nu
York lmvo held their convention , zimath
their zmomu ; ations and adopted their pint
form. Itoaolutioiis were adopted whicl
emnboditn4 the well known views of thin
party that lImo govermnoiit bonds shiotib
ho ia1I as rapidly mi possible , that tin
sutitixiat banks should be ubohisimod , am'
( hat the currency of the country aimoult
ho supplied by lime issue of legal tundui
Time 1atform which was adopted ii
, strong ugaimist All kinds of monopoly , azi
- .
w.--- -
, w ;
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- -
ftrrtdgna the Iow York Centriditaliroad
a.i having "watered dobta" to time amount
of $1000,000,000 , and time Edo Railway
its having 6OOOOOOO of 1ock time
proceeds of which wore approprintod to
the icrsommal use and bomiofit of time ofil.
con ; , 'ILS testified to by a director. "
Tim platformm deimotijicos time contract
lrison labor system , and holds that lris.
oils should ie ioclmtel ( ii the mimimmeral
lami(1S owned by time state in nortimerim sec.
tiomis ; that tim lrisomlemA shiouhi ho cm-
PI0YCl in tlevelomimig thmo mnimmeral rosmmr-
ces of limo state so timat their lahiors will
not comlic in comnpotitioim iitit time proti.
mmcta if linmest mechanics' toil , and that
time lrisoflers almoLmidi ho Paid for nil thmoy
earn hi excess of the actmmtml cost of their
keepimig ; that time ballot box is time ommly
ji1eo through wimiciL Ammmer'mcan workimmg
mmmemm can strike anti obtaimi ldermnalmcmmt 10
lid ( remit their ihescmmt wrongs.
The suggestion in regard k tJmo ihisio-
smtiomi of 1)1151)11 labor has imm it a good ileni
timat is wortimy of cimsklenttion.
The fifth resohtmtinmm of their pintformmi
is romimarkablo. If it calm lo , takemm as coim-
taimmimig mmumkht trimtim , it is a miuvaro commi-
immumitamy cmi time intelifgcmmco of limo , eop1o
of the state. I I sommuds , hiowovcr , mt geol
mical I ike immiliscri mmm i unto amid mum i mit cli igi 1 lu
demmmnciatiomm. I I roads : s frliomvs , :
Fifth. ' 1lmat itmtmst of time laws comitaimmel
imm time cmmai code of time state nra ngastiim
the whole theory of free govurmmmmmummt iiimtl
a stamnlimmg immstmlt to time citizuims mmd
shmommld ho repealed.
imisi' op TilE ifISSOURI.
Time recent invasion of Wyomnimmg by
Bothwell surveying marty , imas stirrel imp
a great deal of speculation as to time in-
tentiomma of the party amid their backers.
Time route mmmappcil is timat over which time
presidential arty rocemitly traveled frommi
Fort Vasimnkio to the Yellowstone park.
Sormio enthusiasts affect to believe it
nicans a mmorth and south. road from limo
park to Demivor , timers to connect with
Limo Domivor & Now Orieamms limmu : immd
timenco to time Gulf. Others mimap ( lit a
hoW o.iat amid west himmu froum Chicago to
time jiark , over whichi time products of a
great wheat and stock raining region
would iass. Neither of these michmenmcs
have much foundation to rest upon. To
begin with the Sioux City & Pacific ,
Chicago ; ; Northwostormi amid Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. Paul are mmioving in
that diroctiomi with roasomma"blo rapidity ,
which will preclude , possibly for all timmie ,
the construction of a fourth line to Clii.
ca"o. Time Sioux city road will probably -
ably reach the Black hills iii time course
of ammothor year. Thu mmmalmagor amid chief
engineer of timat company immivo rcccimtly
returimod from a trip over the imiterven.
ing region and repOrt thonisolvos svoll
satisfied with thu route and tue hros-
pods of time coimmitry which womild be
tribulary to it. The Northwestern and
l'llmlwammknu ' are ptmsiiiimg through time hart
of Southern Dakota as fast as time tie.
volopimmemit of 1kv coummtry will adimmit amid
bualnosa securod.
l'erlmaps time safest explaiiiitomi
of the jresent mmiovo is to ascribe it
to time Ummion Pacilie , to protect itself
frcni (1w ( c1ivcrivii of traffic caused by the
oonimig of the Northern Paeiuiq , Ti
nnmnbur of tourists to Ilto Vark will
imlorense rapidly now that the ( liscomnfortn
of staging are done away with. Time
Northern 1'mcific with its branch to time
park mmmakcs it time umost desirable vommto ,
with which time Ummiomi Pacific amil Utah
( t Northern camimiot compote. ] Jusidcs a
road say frommi Cheyenne north would secure
cure time emmds aimned at by a north and
south or aim east. amid west line , connect.
ing by a direct llnb with Domiver emi the
soutim amid Omaha in time cast.
There cmiii bo little doubt that time
Union l'adllic viIl build mmorth timroimgim
Wyonming at an earl ) ' day. It 1mm already
agreed with Cimoycimmie muiti Taramie
coumit.y , , iii coimanluration of lo1ldH voted ,
to 1)1111(1 100 miles ot road within a cor-
lain timmi , , , amid witim time complotiomm of time
Oregon Simort Linu time commatruction force
of time conipammy will doubtless begimi
oIOrlitiOlis \Vyommiing. .
Time final order ( if time supreme court.
of % Vyomnimig iii time famous cases
was entered by Judge Scimer at Cimoy-
omimio , a few days ago. It decrees timatan
injumictioii be awarded time dofommdnmmts or
their agents restrainimmg them1i "froimi , comm-
tiniming 1mm the possessiomi of lii.imtl Cm.
part thereof alleged by the cmmmpiuiimant
to be a vart of time public dommisimi of time
United States , amid iilOii 'rhicii it is a-
loged ( amid for all purimosos hero muir so
simowmi ) to lie mmmilawfully immtruded Imlml cmi.
croachmed upoim by these defendaimts by
time erection of aim immilawftml eIicinlro or
fomice cmi time followimmg ( loscribed hart ( , f
the said 1)mmblie ( lomnain of the United
Status ; " also ' 'That they discommtiimmmu time
use of time imimids so umilawfmmliy imitrtmdud
and ommcroaclmed upomi , amid restore the
humds to their formmier nimd..imsmmal conditiomm.
Amid it is further adjudged , ordered amiti
decreed that said defendants be further
restrained fromim continuing omm said public
domain time said fumice or uimciosuro by
thom built , " or , iii other words , time
fences must go. "Aimd it is further or-
durod , the Unitcd Status district , attorimoy
\Yyomning comisemitimig thereto , it seemmi.
immg to time court that timmiu wilL 1)0 requir.
ud for removal of time immjury iii time bill
comnplaimiod of , timmit time operation of thin
Lmmjunction order be atistiolitloti for nimmety
Secretary Toiler , of time Interior Do.
partmunt , who lute rocemmtly traveled
. through time cattle regions of Colorado
and ICamisan , roponen to 8u1)jlOImmunt ) tlmti
decision of Judge Somior with vigorous mic-
, tion against thmo fomicimmg of imuWic I mmmd
I along time borders of Immdimimi Tcrritor' .
. 1mm a late immterviuw limo secretary saul the
p interior dupartimiemit imad rocuiveit almimmer.
oils commiplaimits imiriimg time milmlmmmmmor , mostly -
ly frommi mmmli imerdumim vim wcmu lmimig
p crowded to time vmmhl by tIme fiSt gromvimmg
, cattle imtoimtjmoLImts of time vost. "Time
. nimmahl dealer is btmimmg crowtlotl opt by the
I 1artor one , mmml time immwtmms employed by
t thu latter are not imommurublu , " said tno
I secretory. ' 'One jroceis by fumwimig thu
1miuimis , mmd the other is by tovtrimmg , time
manges with great imertis of omttlo , to time
I oxciusiomi of time imerds of tie Jmummmbiu
1 rammchnmaii. 'l'lme mmmimmi with imiammy coin.
ilUteiY absozhma time lesnurmiummibor , so timid '
milieu tim roumnl.ui ) taken Place it is a ! .
imiost imimpossible for time little fuilow to
I get out his herd , especially if the big Eel.
I low La tricky or bears a grudge. It is a
sort of a freeze out proccodtmro. For time
little follow , disheartened amid broken
down iii every way , will in time end give
U ! ) the contest amil ida "patch" witim time
covt.etl water pnvileges as well as
provemomite , wiil go whore imis cattle wotit ,
to buigo omit time pocket of limo cormrant
who is imi noigimlor. it iS iy these miicami
time wealthy cattle mimami iii grahmaiiy ab.
aorlilmg with a imarommial nmmibitiomm nil
acres of ida neighbors. Time rcstmlt.will ie
vast nuinopolics Imobling stvay over nst
acres of latmd. A few cases like this
Clmoycimmie affair will , I tliimmk , teach ii
wlmoiesonmo lessomi mmmml ( stoj , tlmts iimjlmstico.
You cimmi readily mimmlerstammd time imijmmry
that is effected by timi fcmmthiimg in f time
rammges , and 141) timere is no imucessity of
lweilimmg nm timmit . \'imeie there ame
cases of 11mm cimmiracter there imccd be imo
( Itmesti(1Ii an tO the speedy mmmii accmmrate
aIilicatiomm of time law. It will ho swift
nmmd , nc.sidod , for thl'lU 15 oimiy timle stile
to time immcsLimm , amid that. is iii favor of time
smmmall imertlor ammil ngmmimmst time fencing tim of
time rammges. "
Dr. Gcafi of Omialmit , win is engineer.
immg time ( luvclopmuemit ( If time oil field of
\Vymmnimlg , lma3 ruturmmcl frommm a visit to
itmgiammd , whore 1w is supposed to imave
secmmrctl time miccesmary capital for active
work , 'rho comimpalmy , of which ito is time
wnmkummg imcimd , rojss , to erect a large
mufhmmery at l'oimit of itcks station , which
is situated sixty nimme mimiie.i sommtii of time
( il I'iulda. Tim ! , ; will have a capacity of
: i,000 barrels of rel'iImei ticrosimme ier day.
A pipe himmu viil ho built to time rclin at a
cost of about $225,000 , to coimvoy time
crmmde emil , amid hmmil trauma will ILiad ) nut
betweomi tiio vulls amid Poimit Itocks ,
trnmmsportimmg 1mmbricatimi oil. 'I'ime oil , lii
trammsmt thmrotmgim time iumPe line , s'il1 have
to be carried over aim oicvatiomi of 2,000
feet , but heavy bumps vihi do time mork.
Dr. flnalY exirncta to have time pipe iimmo
in olmenatioli this fall ammd time refimmery
tmimder roof. A I'emmmmsylvaimia exportwimo
recemmtly oxammmimicd timeso oil 1101(18 , timimika
that time oil , if foumid lit time paying iluamm-
titios will be used ' '
imoanticipatca , 'primm-
cipaily as fuel and for snieltimig time ores
found in such abumidamico iii time iimoumm-
taimms of time territory. Smmmeltiimg is mmow a
very expemisivo process , as coke nammges in
from $25 to $10 per tomm. l'ctro-
ioumn protluccd at time price imow ruling
iii this regiolm , would cost but $7 per tomm ,
and a tomi of petroiommmmm would do abtnmt
three timmmea time work of a tomm of coke.
It would undoubtedly , 1mm time , prove a
vigoroims cozmmletitor of I'cmmmms1ylvnmmia oil
for higimtiiig rebmiod potro.
loumim now soils iii time territory at tweimty
cents imer gallon.Vith comitimmued growth
of the vcst there will be no lack of a
iiommm market. for all that camm be i -
Aim import4tmmt coal strike has bocim mmmndo
imi time Bull 1Iountaimma , Itommtamma , which
promises immmmonse rattmrims in the imoar fu-
turo. Time locality called Bull Mouim.
talus are a hue of bare but not very imigim
imiils about fifty mimiles frommi Bihlimmgs , oim
time line of time proposed Nortimermi Pacific
brammch from Biilimmg to Bonton. Itis time
Imeart. of a section that stammd8 iimtmchm 1mm
miecd of a slmpily of fuel before it cami be
generally settled. To supply time do-
immamla of time railroad aloumu will tax time
capacity of pretty extemmaivo mummies. All
reports from time mmmv field mica very en-
couragimig , time intent oxatmiimmatioim report.
ing a vein sovcmiteemm feet imm thickmicsn.
Thu Oregon 11Qrt Line uf the thilon
T'acfie is raphily aproae1mmig completion.
It is cnnfidcmitiy eximected lust time road
will be fimusimcl to Bmmnimt river , wimere it
comimmects witim the Oregon railwmiy , before
show 111cm. TIme gradiimg is finished to
that jmill cay abotmt 80 mmiiics to iron ,
wimicli is vtmt down at time rate of
two amid a imalf immiles a tiny. Almommt 448
mmmiiea of road are now iii oporatiomm , cx
temmdimmg frommm CrammgcrVyo. . , to ICuima ,
Itlaimo. Besides this time Wood River
branch , 67 immilen , will be 1mimt iii operatiomi
ilmis season.
\Vymuoro In imnonilsoci a $30,000 imotmi.
Time flcrmmiiimm Iutiicrammn of F'rumoimt are
going to limlitI a $2,000 chimrcim.
There tcro 31 edItors uiitl 80 inuidi iii anti
about lIasttlmg4 ltmnlmg the reimilon.
Time Augmmst pay nil of time B. & ? m ! . at
PlttttflUlmtim I , t.iOOO larger titan that of time
IrOvioW ) month.
'l'iio Imody f Neik JoimlmMtmn , a farimmer of
llowartl coumty , WI' . mmmii a few immmles foimm
1)aiiebrng , last week , ic iumviimg died imddoim-
ly if imuart tihciuo.
Time B. & It ! . Hue ( moirm JicatmicetoNubraska
City In TecIllilehm , Is imlimcty.fommr itmiles In
loiglim , mmtl time nil itmie sin I .mmictdim , Is about
0110 ImimmimOd aid toil.
.1. V. I hover mmmd .1 . .1. Fnckler are nInmt
t ) start a ilILcilhlmo ten ! wagim Ihmujm at 'nIimg-
fish ! , Sari ) ) ' , ititti tim twit hussoimms , cit st. a
maim ufnctimrimig taint.
'I'Iio tjmiloim Faciflu coii iamiy Is , ugtlatlimg
for ahommt sovommty-flvo foot of land mm ummeit silo
If Court. street , Jicatilco , east oftimo track. It
Is the litoimtiomm , ti erect a largiS imssuimgcr Ic-
jsit ( Iii the miortim shia.
'J'imo tallest grmmmml imrmmy mmmli at time ilast-
iligs m-enmlomm camimo ( rout time ) itmiim lst. 1 to
I serum loot two Immoimos tall mini fnigimt in a
Virgimim regimmiotiL 1 Ic hive. , 4mm mm farmim it few
idles below Aimmia.
'rio smiimply dopartniomit. of time B. & t1.
ron ! immul boom tm-ammeferred fromim Ommmnlmzi to
liatUmnomithm with ! mlr. Barr hi cimmmrgo. 'l'tmo
storage ammml , mmqiy dopmirtmiment are lmow mmmi.
ler Oimi nmammttgommmmimt.
'I'Imo Beatrice Canmmlng Co. , has , oicmmrol a
tract ci hum ! In Soimtim Beatrice for bmlhuin
IuurlHs. Two tmtmiidhmgi , muich Wx8O footwl
be erected. Ozi , mviii ho inmilt thIs ( mill , work
t41 ic cmnmmueucei Noveumber 1st.
'rime suirwmie commrt 1mM grautci time eximocteil
stay of rooUtiilIgs 1mm the case of ,1mek Mar.
lou , wimo wa sentenced to himimig lot Friday.
Time immotioim for & 110W tm-Itt will ho pased
1115mm at time .Jantmary t.ermmm of time supreme
Fred iI'lnms , mm railroad employs , wmim
crimsimed to thuatli at McC'ook last Mommilay. lie
va.u , iwlteimlmmg oil mm car of steel emit ! 1mm sonic
% Ya ) imi hemul was caught botseeu this car
iiimul it hrnx cam- , amid cnimsimol horribly , cmmumlimg
I miatimmut clottim.
Time surveyors nm \Vakefietl ! branch of
tic Sioux Cit7 & St. j'amil railmmul are in time
viclimity of liiymiile , Kmmox coulmty. They
lu-u fohiosm iimu the oil , omrvey of time Covlngton ,
Columumbums & Black hills mmurrow gauge ,
tuavartl Niobrara.
'Iio Blair brhlgu romusists of three iler .quamms
of 333 feet. each set mm four stImo iders mtiti
tvi ) set iii cumlmIomm lers. TIme Imklt ,
m.ihl lit , ilimishmol aim ! ready for tmaims by tfo
last of ovcumm1ar. 'limo cimanmiol ipso on time
o1iakmi itle Is Lime last m. ho built.
osimmiimg (1 time misuv in ! lOt.Wteim heat-
mice nil elrmska ilty , last reek ras an
event. if mmmcli local immijortumeum. ' 1lmo nutu
shomLoimu time ditamiee eumms1hm-alo ! _ 'l'imm ilo.
imrtumre ammul nirival 01 time lint tmailu4 calbuiti
taut hurgo tmovulu of uolu him ioth bavim.
'Flue editor of tie 'ieCuok I'rlbummmtm inmau
strmigglotl in aIii to jutilsim mu 2.XJ ( maier in
a twenty lime cent bmvli. lIii vahtiIctory ts
intemmeuly brief mutil atimetio : "hiostiers of time
' 1 m iiummufor mmmciii timmmn one yuan we lava Ucuim
your tervsmmmt.Vc are out , out. uI office emit !
umit of immummey. ' '
A ammo by time namumo of Isaac 'uS' . W'rlghtbmuu
Iosmmmcommmnmlttiig several forgeries 1mm Gmo amid
adjuimmiimg euuiitlon. 'rho bsimks of Beatrice
imolu ! about &iOO worth ( If these mmotcsm time bank
at I.iberty shout 81,000 ; mIuti the banki mit
rawmeo City and Table flock hold notes to the
anmoimnt of about uI,50O. .
8jcaklng of tail corn ronminli us that ll n
\Voods has some "wayum , . " lie contemplates
cimttltmg mit the mws to the wiiith reqimired for
hum imumy stacks tacklng liii hay timercon smn(1
tying the nmmtaftio rows over tie top for hang-
ems. Thu IihiCtn with liii I , hoW to lenl
tie ta1k over time stack , ticy sure so big cmi
still. [ Custer County l.cauler
( , , ivmiI Itti Iii lIuflmilu mini l'iuitlc
Comimit lea.
Corrospmihetueu of Tim i.j. !
1CnAmtuv , Nd , . , Sc1tombcr 8.-'l'ime
ammti.mmmommopoiists of time lOtim .1 tmdicini 1)is-
tiict lucid timuir coumvemmtiomi here to.d.iy ,
amid ihmceul , iii time tIck ! I Iomm. B. I . 1 I in-
mmmaim , of North 1'latte , for .J udgu , amid
11IIm. fl. Ii. C.tlkiims , ( if iCoanmmuy , fur 1)is.
trict l'rosucutor. Time ileimmocnmts illmmmmc-
diately imcld timeir cummvemmtimm amid cmi-
( brae time ticket iii fimli , wlmertmmmpoim mu
coimmnmmttco snuom npoimmtcd to notify the
mmomnhmiccs of time actiomm of time two Cli-
vcmmtmonu , vhto in em ruimurt tmmmie rcre 1mm-
trolmiced ama ! cacim set fmtim , strommg rmmmti
mmmomiopol mt lmrimicipics. i'1m is commiliimiit 1011
imims faiiemm hike a thumidor iMlt iii tiii i'mtil
road cummimi ) , mitt soiime of their IcaICm'R mmd-
limit that Imi 8 ticket which time 1)nwes ump
polmitecK emmilimot defeat. I term. 11. 1. 1 11mm-
maim is ( umme of tim oldest amid
ablest imttormmeys imi title district , mis lmlL8t
recant ! its mm State Summator mtimtl
a citmzemm iii time iiitcm'emutu of time 1)0(11)10 ) amu
uigailist conp ratiomms line simowmm that this
COiiVCmitmlm ( line mmutdu mme mmmialmmke iii timuir
clmomce.Vimiiu hits ciuico beturceim time
Lw ) great mmatiommal artius is demimociatic ,
time mlmmmmmiistnntion ( iawcs ) mcpublicnmu
ftiemmds cmiii mmmake ho fuss , for time gov.
ormmor has already set time lrcCCiemit ) of
pmmttiimg ticimmocrats cmi time bemmcim. lion ,
E. C. Calkimma him becmm a resident. of
BmmliLtIo county for Lime 1)I.St ) : twi years.
lie is of repmmblicaim nmmtecetleimts , served in
time state semmate of 1877 with distimmctiomm
amid credit , amid altimoumgii mm cwmmparatively
yoummg mmmcmi lie stammds at time imead of time
bar iii timis section , amid eslcciaily iS lie
commaidured stroimg in time professiomm am a
a pmtsoctmter. ' 1'akeim all together Limis
ticket is uric of time ablest mmd hist timid
could imuivo beeim selected iii this district
hind mmii thiq attormmeya iii time diatmict bocim
before the commvcntmmmm for nomninatiommamid
will in , elected by him mvcrwiielimi.
mug immajority , as time pcoplo arc
gcttimmg tired of beimmg dictated to
by tue railroads wimo shall rule over them
amid who shall preside in timc'mr courts.
.Judge Savidgo , time appoimitee , hmas stocked
time coimvention iii hits own iimtereata amid
is mmimmkimmg suflicient trades in the pure (1) ( )
rotmbhicamm party to immure hits mmomnimmat'mon
but will meet with certaimi defeat in No-
vommmber from the Imammds of time rotors of
timis district , who will refuse to ratify time
railmoad appointmimeimc. Amid when you
imear fronm thus judicial districtin Novemmm-
bar it will ho that Mr. Dawes' aplOifltees
1mm time persomma of Savidgo and Bmxlorhavo
becim laid omit and that. the PC0l)10 have
dcterimmiimcd to select. umiun wimo are free
froimm time corporatittm and admnimmistration
nimmgs viiichm have goverimed this state so
lOmm'4 timid unjustly. Vomit.
SPecial Dispatch to Tim Baa.
CoLuamnus , Web. , September 8.-At.
time lteptmbhican couimt.y convention to-day
delegatiomms to time State amid judicial comi-
vemitiomis were selected. Nommmimmatiomms for
cotmiity oihice vero postpomied umitil Octo-
ben. Thu foflowingrtrntion was umiami-
immioumsly itt1simted as rellcctimmg time soimti.
nvnt of time Repimblicaims of Platte coumi-
JISO1VC(1 , 'runt. time Republicamis of
l'lattu coumity endorse time action of Coy.
Ditwos iii appointing lion. A. M. Post
Jmmdge of time Fourth Judicial district , and
that they look with pride at the high position -
sition time appointee lice achieved in time
estimimatioti of time bar and people of the
district. and State as an able and mumpar-
hal jurist , and timid we hereby , iii
voimtmomm assemimbletl , instruct time delegates
frommi l'iatte cotmmmty to Limo Republican
judicial convention td cast. the solid vote
( If said cotmntyimm favom' of lila imomninatiomi
to time judgeship.
l'oiitlcs Elsewhere.
BUImLINgToN. Iowa , Septemmiber 9.-Time
( lomimocratie coummty coiiveiitioii held yesterday -
torday aftcrimoomm was one of time largest
ciii best gatherimigs of time kind over imeld
in Burlimmtmm. Stroimg nommilnatiomma were
mmmatlo mis follows : For time legiuulattmro ,
\Vmn. Lymmcii , W. Culbertson ; auditor ,
l'uiuml ( huehicim ; treasurer , AC. . liutchin-
soil ; slmonilr , Ceo. lCrieciibatmmn ; supervi-
sur , C. F. Baescim ; school superintend-
emmt , it. L. Aishmeelm.
Skill vtu iglmOm'LLIICO.
As a perfect limarmummmcemmtical lmropra-
tmomm , we are told timid Hood's Sarsaparmila
surpasses ammy 1mroprietnry article upon
time mmmarket. Lyon to our inexperienced
eye mo see positive imidications of time
truth of time foregoimmg. A glance at Limo
article alLows time scrmipulous imoatnossamid
care with wimicim time detail of its mnanu-
( admire amid puttmmmg up immimat be comiduct.
ed. These liimmts iwo of umilortauce imi
ammy buuiimmeuiu , but in time mumtiiipulatiomis of
romimedies for tim relief of hmummmaimsuffcrimmg
they bocommmo of supreme imimportnimce , amid
emily atmeim immedicimmes are worthy public
PI1IlAlI5Ll'ilI.t , September 9.-Time
iio. base ball association is to be known
as Limo Umilon League of Professional Base
Ball Chubs , to be organized itt Earle's
hotel , New York , So1tcnibor 25th , l'ar-
tics immtcrcated have beemi working the
echuimie quietly shmco the begmmmmmmmm of the
presemmt. seasomm , and , reprosenthtmvca are
expected from ltjciimimoimd ( Va. ) , Wash-
ingtomm , Bpitiniore , Wilmingt.omm , Plum.
dolphin , Trenton , New York , Brookiymi ,
Albamy , Boatomm amid Hartford. Ommly
eight clubs will ho admitted The new
aaaOCilitimi ( does mmot. ) jm0a0 to contlict
with time league orAmnuricau association ,
ORAiui lam'imam { , Soptemmibur 8.-Puoricu
6 , Gramid ltimjiids 4.
Toaamio , September 8.-Toledo 11
Qtmiiicy mmono
EAST S.tamAw , September -Sprimmg
fl'ehd 7 , Sagimmawum ii.
DAY Cimy , September 8.-Bay Cit3
forfeited giummo to Ft.Vaymios cmi accoummi
of lmmmvimmg iii catchier.
i'mIiLAmuiLm'lmi.t , Se1)tummibor 8-Noi
orkmu Id , T'imiladulphmias ( I. Gjiiuio caliod
at time umni of time 7tim immmmimmg eu nccoummt
of darkmmtyss.
lh'mrA mo , Septommibem' 8.-Butful , 11
Ciuvulamitlim 1 , ( laumO called at the timid
of the 7tlm imummimmg cmi mmeeoummt of rain.
llOToN , Soptemubor 8-Bostomma 't
I'rovidcimce 8. , Septemabtmr 8-Chicngon 12 ,
Dbtroita 8.
Cuictoo , September 9-in time lawn
temimiis toui-imamnermt at Pulhmmaim yesterday ,
after the close of an excmtnmg contest bo.
Royal , Rich , ltet B1ooi1. '
In this codntry we arc all kings ,
rind wc arc all cntmtlcd to have as
good bloOd -ts that vlmic1i courses
through the veins ofeniperors.
'l'here are princes amid Inillion.
aires languishing in feebleness and
broken.down bodily health who
% % 'ommid lC ghicl to have the strength
of time htmmhlcst laboring mail.
And there arc many PeoPle who
re neither kings , cmnpcrors , nor
mniilbn.aircs , whosc ? blood is tiliml ,
vimose circuhatiomi is poor , who are
suffering from lassitude nnd debility ,
anti who know miot the pleasure of'a
hearty meal , nor the CmijOynient of
being able to do zt good day's work.
Ifsttchm people will pUt SOfllC iromi
into their Llood , they will vitaBzc
and enrich it. They cami do this by
time tise of llros'n'mi Iromi Bitters , the
purest and most excellent iron miled-
iChie ever made. 'I'hotmsamids who
vfcm.c weak , iammguid , pale , anl prt-
t.atcd , are now happy to say ti t
lii'own's Trout Bitters brought thcLn
up and gave themnew life.
twoomi Stuart mind O'Orady ngaimist (1mmb.
limiim itmiti ? eedimmmmmmt for time (10111)10 clmnmmm-
pioiititip , time fommmier svomm. 1mm time plmy
oh'of wimmmmc'ra for the simmgln Cimmmmmllumomm-
euhmii ) time comitest was brougimt dowmm to mm
11Imuit ( m'liemc it. rests between Stuart muul
\1cLommmmamm , both of ICemiwood. ' .I'hi
vill be humycd I'tmestlumy.
L.'coem To iltNLAN.
SIN FmtANGIs'o , Septemmiber 9.-A let-
toy fromim Slmmey , Amistraiium , to time \\ost _
orimtssocmntcd piess , states it cimaliemigo
will be issmmud to liammiami by Elms La-
cock , to row a race on time l'mmramnotta
rivet' , Sydmioy , for time ciiamnpionsimip of
time world , 1,000 a side , llamiiaim to be
allowed 200 for expenses , time race to
come ofr prior to time 81st of Mardi ,
1884. Mr. Platt , purser of time steammmer
City of New York , is bearer of time cimnil.
iommge , wimicim imo formvarded to 1-immmulmmmm
frommi hero by mmmcii.
Proiumgel ( siiock. of cartiiqimako art , felt in
I.hnm , Peru , out the Gtim lust.
'rime mlil of time Count tIe Chammiberd heaves
40,000 fraimes to time fmmmmd of l'cter's eimco.
Time Elkhorim tammmmery at StrommisluIrg , l'a , ,
owned by Michael U. .Kesstier , burnett. LOSS ,
8150,000 ; IIruierty insured.
] iishmoi , Becker , of time W9imnlngton ( lei. )
diocese , sailed for Itonme Satumrtlay. It i mum-
dcm'stood 1mm Catholic circles timat hu uill ho
mmmdc an nrchb'msimop.
Aim Imicemmdiary limo early Stmnday 1mm the vii-
ino uf Deep Creek , Norfolk coummty , Va. , on
Dismmmal Swahili canal , destroyed cviirythiing en
thu west side of time cnmmai. Loss , $30,000.
.Jimdgo Edmm'imm Baimeruift , of Texamknna ,
forumorly a jroumuilmemmb editor amid repmmbuicaim
iohiticiummm , lint beemm declared Immsauue amid or-
( toted seuit to time asyimmmim at Little Itock ,
At 11 o'clock Saturday umigiut a fire broke
out in the comfeetlumuery store of C. II. Adauuis ,
Auburn , ICy. , arid hail the busimmess halt If
tonum m'as ( lestroycti LOSS $23,000 , iimsmmrnimco
1S00. Immccntliary ,
Satmmrtlay evommiug Coimatantimmo ? ttumnda , confined -
fined 1mm the Stanford , ICy. , jail for wife muIr.
tier , hmaimgcd himself. 'l'ho murder was mm imor
rible one. The woumman's throat was ctmt from
ear to ear with mm Imatcimet.
A moan imauuiel Itobert Wilson , formerly of
l'cumnsylvaiiia , amid very wealthy , was killed
omm 0110 of bun Earns 14 miles imortim of Sioux
City by mm runaway teamim drawing a mowing
uumachimme which mused over iii , hcd _
A number of icatlimig colored immon of St.
Louis have taken pmnlimimuary steps looking to
time appoimmtmmmemmtof delegates to represent the
state at the colored natiommal comivention to bo
ijelul at Louisville time Qltim ,
Feurtecim Moruimon priests of Salt Lake City
ire holdimug iocctins in Mimmncapolhu for time
IIurlose ) of obtairummmg converts. They lowe
beeui proseltimmg thrco imoutius in imlinmesota
and secured ten commverts , one a wommmnu ,
'l'imu Northwcsterum Editorial excurmiomm ,
which lies beemi visiting time Louisville expo.
PoSitiOmi , retmmrmmed from the trii , to lammothm
Cave amid wore eumterteiumod witim a baumquet at.
time Stamidefumid house. Time party started for
itomume last muighmt ,
George V. Coiik , Uuilted States timber
agommt for Colorado iii 1882 , comnmommccd silt jim
the superior curt of timat state agailmatVmn. .
'roller to recover $10,000 ilamages lie clahns t.
have sustaimmed because of time latter's nmisrep-
tescuitatioums to iii brother , the secretary of
t1i interior , by whicim ho was roummoved from
of lice.
Heavy frost Friday might jim Miumuiesota ,
Dakota amid Nortliermm Wisconsin. Jioports
indicate that tlumimago vas (10110 corn in all
lartil of time former state especIally near the
Manitoba road and time bicuic City divjsiomm of
time St. Paul amid Omaha road. Time acreage
of corn timers Is comnparatimoly smumall , a , timeless
loss is not Severe.
Only omme bid WaS imialo on the ( irooboy
fmmrimm , wimicim was sold Smmtunuumy uumder
forced altr that of Gnbriilo ( ireeboy , who
bougimt It mr $10,000. Time proputty , with
buildings , drainage aimd cultivatiom , cost C roe-
icy $70,000. It coumiprises sorcuty-eiglmt acres.
A few mielgimbors were present , prepared to , immt would not bid migajumet ? Iisu
( ireoloy. N , Now York iiarties were present.
t Cmtm'tl ,
CouNciL BLUrS'S , Iowa , Sept. 8
To thu 1dltor of tie Bee.
I wish to say a few words in regard to
tIme arrest amid immmprisommmmient of numy son ,
Theodore Brown , wimo wums arrested at
Bimmin' , Nd , . , nit Aumgmmst $0 , lie is not
yet 18 ycmmmu of umgu , amid limes always hived
mit imommie m'itim mime , amid knmowimig imimim as
only a lammemit calm kmmow a child , I mmmii
fully comtviimced timid Ito was mmmado time
tool jim time hmummmds of older hmcads , amid
timid it ii time dtmty of limo autimorities at
timat poimut tum endeavor ti ) ferret out time
leaders tiE timmd alflm'mm' . his mmmothmor and
myself are alimiost imcart-brokeu aboimt
him , amid imevcr thought lie could be ac-
cased of such a thiimig , as lie 1mM alwayi
been a huirti workimmg and dutiful boy.
'iVhmile imojummg for time beat , I remain ,
His SolumowiNo FATHER.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Remievrs au
_ _ _ N o Li ra 1gm
Sciatica , Lumbago ,
5E = *
, N i A I NS ,
Soreness , Cuts , Urulses ,
, dumm FitoaTumm'miu.
ElliliNs , SV.tLIs ,
r I tim1 uumlomlirIu'dImy trIes
r a ' sd i'aIIs.
Il Filly CEUTS
iIflLl dlibIl m ! I l' tmm I ) riigglst. p1
L1k mIumfnI LiTI ? fl alt r. iIrtmluns is I
p Ii' 'a
The Charles L Vogeler ( I.
. , . . , , ,
I. . , . _ _ _ _ _ l1ltj ti.s.4.tAiUULi-EitC 5
_ llltIM. , . ' . IU. , e.ii. I
Under the ears of the l're.byterlarm Syiiod at No.
brnl.L ftgtn Siptuinber 10th. Cuume1 sal
SciontiSo rour , with preparatory depsrtment ; am. ,
mltmsicam sod Art ih'partiueut , all open to boOm SOCCL
Tuitlea low. Location besuUiiml sect healthful. Onmy
Dtn.mUestromOirAh&ozm the II. & M. it. K Ad.
drrIoz ciceiri , IROV , W. .7. IIOLLUAN cii.-
u uo , Net. SyL8J.cod m&c&wm
w-EIoI1H ] S..A..1TIIT'J '
Dry Goods !
SA1YI'L ci. DAVIS & CO. ,
Wasliscnqfon Avenue and Elutli Street , - - - ST. LOU/S. MO
Whoiea1e Grocers I
AND Jotmnmius : i
Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco.
LuMher , Laili , Shuiigles , Picketa ,
Near - Union Pacific Depot , - . - OMAHA , NEB'
Wholesale Druggist I
Pthuts , . Oils , Yarslies and ¶ illdoGIass
On Long Time--Small Payments.
Al Ellh1flI O1flrOrS 11foos. ! A. lloso Jr
1510 J)000E STIlE
A. ha
Buios , Cirries Si'iu ¶ Olls -
My Repocitory is constantly filled with a select stock. Best Workmanshmp guaranteed.
Office and Fuctory S. W. Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Omaha
MAX MEYER & CUe , , .
Reina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60
to $120 per 1000.
Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and
$30,000 for $2.
I Regr Monthly Drawing will take ; iaco
Ilit , Msouimo 11.1 , MasonIc Tenulilo iluild.
S I n , ii I.oui.vUIo , Ky.
' 27 1883
Thui'sday , September , ,
ALawful Lottery and Fair Drawings ,
Imszt4rred by the kgldsture of Ky. , and twice dcci. , .
cii legal by the hugmest court mu the 51st. . Bond
liven to nmenry Court In the sum of 100oo0 for the
prompt psyinent of all i'rires .old.
IrKuerv ticket holder hLown supervisor , cam oail
out the number on his ticket end eu the rreapond.
Ing nunibr on the tag pieced lii tie wheel In his
resonoe. Those duswIns sill occur on the lest
ti urs4& ) of every month. Read the rnagulScent
SeDtember Scheme ,
I Prime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
m 1'rie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iooco
I I'rIze. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Prices , lO0e4cB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. l'rlmts , 1,000 oath. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5ocxm
20 rmmt. , boo ioooo
moo Vri&e , ice cacti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !
200 i'rIze , , CO each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ioooo
ecu irmees , 20 usc ) , , , , , ; ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ioooo
1oo i'rlzei , 10 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
U Irises , 800 each.4. oxlmnation I'rizes 2,7ijO
a mrIz , 2(10 raci " ' 1,800
I , lrize , 100 each ' " 000
mS.51 Prizes. imomoo
Whole Tickets , $2. flaIf Tickets , $1.
37 Tickets , $ eo. 55 TIcireta , Sloe.
mmeunmt IuiOuie1 or flank Draft a l.ctter , or srntl by
( lrt4. ib'I' ( ' SlNm ) lI't' mmEUmS1E1111) m.irraa
oil m'o.rr oti'uciommmnut : , utUl turtle , notice. Or
tmeOS 5 Sill U1iard by exmrtbs , call b , icit at omit
P' ' ° . Addres aU urdcrs to J. J , iOUOLts ,
LouISIlluK ) . ii SAttutI.&Wiit Sw ciii
.1 . I ' 'c. II. , , , , ,
JS tb "C ) . .tI IiC IIOluLII IOJU , I ' '
. . . . , I I 0 1 I P % LI I
11.1 .5.I 4 ac iii i
.10 I ii 'm P'U34I"N ,
cmli mm' ur t , P'U34I"-
' ' .
i''m i .uiim
I'U , ! oufl , 3011 tSI 'I..lIbL
llIte'I .0 tliII .4' , . II
, .ow . uu.i .i , tijii
'uum1.Jwu . AUII1I.t _ . ' _
) :4.1.l j . , '
I.IJi puuuum _ J 7 -
U..h mU.uiiumtim lIui -7pta)3'1 ) '
lutomu vu sj JJ 'lL A
. .
Uv43.UlIW4uJ4 . * l Jo'j' ; . .isu _ ) 5 $
. Ja Iti. . .n'i40 1 55)
.5.55 , Ju Jo vuiu : I'U.
western CorAice-oks !
miii 1)ouglas St. . . Omaha , Nob.
Galvanizea Iron Cornices
trDotmer Wtndowe , Finish 'rio , Iwo end SIM.
Rooflng Iipecht' . patent MetfUo Skyilijht , I'sleet
&sjustoJ Retchet Bar end Bracket Shclythg , I sin
t } . general igont for the ebore ilno of gIbed. . iron
Fnc1ng , Crestlng. , Balustrade. , Terandas , Iron Heck
Itihinge , Window Blind. , Cellar Querds ; else generelu
Igect Icr Fecrorm & 1101 stsut inside Blind ,
I _ II. _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ ' I '
_ _ Jlr ' . ' - : _ _ _
# ' '
, , ,
'I Lr'