Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1883, Image 1

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T IIItT NTII YEAR. LG,6ort , UbiAFIA , NEB..1IOND1IY MORNING , STPTL\iBlit tU , 1883. NO. 72.
. , , S
: : . . . . , : I _ ] IP0DS I . ' I
I . . I
Street. . .
1eefel'1In g t0 Olltintroductory announcements , we ai c I ) leased to state that file improvements { on , our building are completed , and with this issue
we formally announce that our Gt A.ND OPENII4G will take 1)lace
„ 10th ' 11th
tAonday r
w ' c trust no lad will neglect the opportunity of visiting out establ > < sllulcltt on this occasion as the attractions in decorations and display of
, Goods shall and will create a lasting impression on the minds of oltt ' visitors and by placing before t he publtc , an assortment of goods in all the de-
artments which our patrons well always fin d frill and ( meinIbete , we earnestly ! hope to merit the 1 ) atrona a of the people.
.I. . t r 1 Will be under e personal charge o e o oWx n experienced Lathes' an en emen ' : 4 rA , . .
, , The Silk Department . .Mr , L . Swartz , tw - . . formerly with Lord & Taylor , New York , , . . - . ' '
s . a The Black Goods M r. C. D S door ACruickshank & Co. , Oma. ha ,
. + The Dress Goods 'r , G .W ; Lucas a R. V Hellas Ica go ,
' The Domestic Mr. P F Andresen _ , B Willie & So n , Omaha. . .
i' . . - The Linen , U Mr , Win. Barrie , . , Edwar.Bird o , > ' Baltimore. I
, .
. The Wrap Miss H. Ruane. r dlwa w
i " Iv q 'n 1 f , The Trimming Miss M , Heelan )1 , , , a ) ! y . ' s '
' , 1 . 44
, f ' ' - + Our fo cc , of assistants personally 't a nest the leasul a of a last flIll alt 1F , fi . tl , nd .stn . ac , oat tsu , cos and hope that their cn deavols't , , . . . to . Ploose and.
satisfy ,
OPENING. Monday' and Tuesday , Se tembet LOth and 11th will be an occa5lou never brrfuic , witnessed it , maha. - ' . . .
r' GRUNEBAUM BROS. , w , arnxri , Street.
a e
Nature's Barriers to Comlicrcc Sar-
luouuted by the Third Iron
Bi hway ,
The Northern Pacific Finally
. Spiked , in the Presence of a
' Vast Audience.
4 A Bemarkable Historical Scene
on the Western Slope of the
. Rocky Mountains ,
tA Grapbie Sketch of mho Golden
, Splkini ; .
fl ILSNA , M. 'T. , SeptumIber 8-It is
eiqht nmilc8 from IIelcnn to thu point
where the eteu ) grade of the Rocky
Mountains iIc gills , ails twe1vo from there
to thu mouth of Mullet tunnul. Ai the
tunnel is not completed , Mullen pass fa
crossed by rumen gin curves at adiataioo
' of about our miles. Timn grade is the
aamo na at Bozeman. The sections were
safely lifted over the height and the de.
scent made to this point , where the corc
pony of driving the bat aplko has just
boon concluded. The db tanco from this
I point to Iiolea is fifty live miles. , Phu
train arrived hero in good shape. From
Portlaud'there came a splendid train ,
bearing prominent citizens to participate
in the coremouics.
The occasion was rcpiarded as a remark.
able one anti as promising a prosperous
future. All were surprised at what they
beheld lnstead of a w'ildurnoss there
gl " ' wan a uagnilic nt pavillton capable of
seating noire than 1,000 pcoplo. In front
ss there was an extensive Iproruunadu , The
k Fifth C. S. Infant band enter.
tamed the cungpauy with music , llun
drods of hardy mountaineers had gather.
od to wolcuWO the party. The coremo
' + flies wyru opened by I'reaident Villard
t whodivided , the attention of the ethu %
mastic multitude with Gen. Grant 8ented
on tlia platform. Villard concluded amid
trClflefldnma applause. Ile thou intro.
ducad the urutor of the occasion , lion ,
Wma , M , Evarta ,
The orator was very heartily applauded.
After music Villard introduced ticcretary
l Tailor , who spoke of the great energy and
i capital required to complete the various
ti transcontinental limes and the pros octive
benefits to the nation This ente rise
of the Northern Pacific railway , along
whose lines there ° would bo in a yours
nine million pco to could not ho
local in character. It was more than ra
tiomsl. It concerned the welfare of other
pooploe , It now rmnains for the man.
agcrs to justify in time future the wisdom
of the government in what it had done
and that they will if the Policy announced
by Villard ii carried out.
Secretary Toiler was followed be cx
President s ,
Villard then itroducod Minister Sack.
villa West , of England , who in turn in.
troducod Sir James Ilennen , na the En.
gush representative for tae occasion ,
Sir Janes Said the English guests were
filled with wonder at the magnificent
country- . The German mmnister , Von
Eiscndecker , was then presented and cx
pressed the hearty good wishes of his
countrymen Ior this enterprise. Dr.
Ereip , of Berlin university , them ) spoke
at length in behalf of time German van.
tors. Dr , llohnann , time greatest micro-
5Cepist of time ago , said tau' construction
of the Northern Pacific was a modern
miracle , mind unlike recent miracles was
periutmed in eompliancuwith the laws of
nattne. - Thu governors of 1isconsin ,
% Iinnesota , Dakota , llfnntamm , Oregon
\Yusiington'i'erritory ) were suverally
introduced anal mode appropr1ate ro-
There were loud cries for ( 'en. Grawt ,
and as the ( funeral came forward the air
was rent with cheers. He mmndu a few
remarks suitable to the occasion. He
said he wan reminded by time speeches to
which he listened of the fact that he laud
had soniotiming to do with the great
Northern Pacific enterprise. 1Vhe Gov.
Stevens , thirty years ago , otgulized : his
surveying party.ho wit adioutena t acting -
ing us quartermaster on the Columbia ,
and he issued time supplies for time oxpu-
dition. Was ho not , then , entitled to
somu credit which Iillings had uppor-
tionod out to others ? It was true , while
Billings had contributed of his own mou
oy , ho paid cut Uncle Sant's.
The many veterans ont became
perfectly wid when he said that tlmoso
inter-colonial railroads would have
amounted to but little but for the coon
wItn after the war sought time territories
as fields of dnterprise. At the conclusion
three cheers were given. A photograph
was thou taken of the foreign guests and
Willard funnily. After that a horse that
had helped build the road frmn its ince )
, timi was brought anon the tlatfnrm.
Then 300 men Fuickl laid time iron and
drove the spikes lomi the thousand foot of
unconn tut track , except the last spike.
the progress of the work , wliel n
amazed the foreigners , time hand played
mid the people shouted. Whom nearly
conqIcted ) a cannon salute was fired ,
Time last spike was fimdly driven houmu by
ii , C , Davis , assistant general passeligm'
agent of the road , svlo drove the lirat
spike on the opening of the road , and
mud this spike eves the same one first
ditveit by hum , The end was reached mi
the sot w as settimtg. ' 1'Jmo enthusiasm of
the 5,000 pcoplo was indescribable , 'Phis
brought to ar happy ternminus one of the
greatest events of Amoriean history.
1'ho trains were reforuued and time guesta
departed , a few for time east , time balance
westward ,
A Church Flcetl 1VIth Powder.
CmO.OO , September 0-A Quincy ,
III , , special says ; Early yesterday morning -
ing , at Erwin , a smelt settlontet in
bchuy1er count , at attempt was made
to blow up Bev , C , A. Obenshain , organ.
iuer of the sect known as time "Pilgrim , "
who are Olrcnsivo1 , polygamous , Last
July a number of cttizous were arrested
mind punished for tearing down time tout
which the pilgrims erected. 'r'ime feeling
against t has been rowing over since
' sect had just a now
church Friday , and it was to be dodt
Bated in two or three weeks on time urn-
rat of the high priest from Europe.
Cbemhain slept rat time building. A
largo quantity of giant powder was
placed under the structure , which wag
fired , mind an explosion followed , coma-
pletely wrecking thu building. Fortn-
nateiy for Obenshaiu he avts , not in time
church at time time.
VIG11TINU 1'1.00119. '
Snuttrern 'rexaa Irchiged mind Grant
Ilnimago Done ,
GAI.vlt8ToN , September ! l.-Dispatclics
from the Corpus Christi country say
heavy local rains lavu fallen. Creeks
have suddenly become raging streams :0
to 40 feet dee1 , , mad spreading mieross time
country , washnig everything before thunm.
horses , cattle and sheep were seem tlVnt-
imm by hundreds clnwii time current , wind
mills and out houses avure swept away.
The loss to stock cannot be estimated , as
nearly time umtiru ivest is flooded. Thu
Tomas and Mexican railway lost eleven
bridges mind culverts and several stiles of
track within a width of 60 miles. At
Pura stattomi , 100 smiles west , time sitaa-
tion is very had , One sectimt east of
there , five bridges and a mile acid a half
of roadbed amid track ' '
are gone , 1'le
situation is even worse at Reuli
bos , along the coast southwest of
Corpus Christi , The damage to stock
will exceed time loss in the districts stated
above , as various streams debouch in time
larger Mudro , old the country being low
and flat , with no rotoction from floods
except sand drains , time waters carry
everything before tom. At
two horses with saddles and
bridles on swain ashore. 'I're riders mire
supposed to be drowned while striviii to
cross the fierce currents , As Imloxlcan
huts are situated um sparsely settled dims.
tricts anti commmmnicatiml between them
is interrupted , time loss of lifo will not be
ascertained for some timno. Nearly all
time tanks for watering stock have enim
burned. The bridge at San Diego , fifty.
four mhlems west , was swept away last
uveling. It was 450 miles long and one
of the strongest on time Texas old Mcxi-
can road ,
l4AIt.ADo , 'Fox. , September 0.--7'he report -
port that time Solado bridge , on time Muxi
can National railroad had been carried
away by the floods , isincorreet. 'l'ime lain
has euntrnnud in showers today in time
vicinity of Lorado and the weather is
mint yet settled.
Boston's Ihtnqumt to Colerldge ,
BosToN , Soptuuibcr Q-A large corn.
pauy assumbled at the I'urkur house last
evening to participulo in thu banquet
tendered by the city govurmnont to Lord
iuief .lustmco Coleridge. Mayor I'almnor
, rcakie d , lie spoke hrtofl and intro.
duced.Juslico Coleridge , whn said lie tee.
ognired the testimonial as to time English
pcoplo and himself. Americans were
wrong in saying they had no history ,
You have laid , and have anti , Webster ,
Oliver 1Vmtdoll helm es , .John ltussull
Lowell mil time liowolls , T'hoso mina
make your history , Lord Coleridge was
followed by Govurnor Butler , Governor
.lurvie , of 'oral Carolina , and others.
Concordia College.
ST. Louts , September 0-'Chu tier.
rnam Lutheran theological seminary , to
be known as time Coucordia college , is ,
flew anti costly odilcu , situated on
Cherokee street anti Jefrorson avmumu ,
was dedicated today with very imposing
ceremonies. Fully 10,000 people were
The Rclatioas of Fraucc aad China
Abaiu Tcudiii Toward War ,
National Demonstrations and
Strong Talk by the Irishl
at Holne ,
'rho Riots ut Agraum-The Java. Erup
tinn-GladHUmmu's 19easueo
Trip , Etc.
YmtANcn A ? I ) mnNA.
LONDmN , September 0-'l'imo Chinese
etnbassader bed ruiother uuuferonce with
the French Minister of Foreign A1liirs.
This dep trluru of Mmrrguis 'l'zmmg for
England is pustpoucd. A 1'ttris din'mtch '
says a menbrr of the Chinese uumbass
ntaris stales that mothiu g in time nature
of a treat ) ' between France and Chien
hers yet been agreed upon. China situ.
pitted her prop"sul , and now awaits a
courier proposal fromm France.
The Standards ilommg Knnmg dispatch
says time absence of the British fleet at
the proseid time fromu Chinese waters ox.
cites the duupust indignation aumong time
Eoglislt residents there mud at all otter
Cillrmeso ports , as limo rolutions between
Europeans and time smative8 have alto
tether ehauged since time opening of time
b'roncli policy of aggression in 'I'ouquin.
' ) 'Ile Daily Celograph has advicea front
Paris , stating that a telogrmis ons sent
frous Paris to l'ekim yesterday evening ,
asking time American nmiuistur to sound
the Chinese govermmneitt mt time subject
of Amurican arbitration , if such wore
suggested by P'nincu. Tho'Pulegmnnt added -
ded that Earl ( lrmutvile was mhoemrting
British arbitration , but time Dmimaunt had
arrived to assert. time conunereinl nillumco
of Anmuricam curmmorcu it Clmina. It is
reported that the Chinese mire erecting
defottaus betwcmm Cultnn ; mid time nuntli
of the river ilaiphong. Time question
there now is ant , will there ho war but
when and whore will it begin ,
Tlla JtvA rlmulTlox.
'I'Jic 11Aour , Suptnnmbur 0-it. is of.
ficiully ram pounced that the pussy"o of limo
strait of Sunda is low clear , t'be mealy
physiad chaugu boimig butwemm Krukaloo
and Subockol , 'Cho light louse mat
Erstcpuut is intact. Advicws from ' 1't
lougbutong , Smuatra , say the Dutch
residents house , fortress and prison arm
sail standing , but teat ovurythimg
else was dustroyudby time eruption , No
further deumilmi have boon received front
time coast districts.
LGNIN , September 11.-Advlces from
Sonda , west Africa , dated August 17 ,
slate that Henry M , Stanley , after lu11o
tracing ( tin into the interior , returmmed to
Stanley I'oo1. It is believed that Stan
ley intends to travel time country covered
in his former journey aloltg limo cast
11118 adopted very important measures in
regard to time church question in Prussia ,
which will permit removal of misundor
staudutga butwuotl time Prussian govern-
trtemtt tad time Pepe , mrimd render resumnp
timi of negotiations probable.
i'om'u1.,1rt itOT4. (
AnIrAN , Septnnihur 1/--A / crowd of
persons yesterday suurslod the windows
of n cafe tumid several houses occupied by
Juws , The mmilita'y fired nit time nob.
Sevunil riutm'a wore arrested. The ills-
orders wore oat auppressed turd !
o'cinek this morning , The commtnutl
oleethuun to mnrrw were poatpoaed
through femur of ftu'tlmer ontbrouks ,
LmNOnN , September 0.-Prinmo Dliuis-
ter t.httlshmu with fuuuily etimlurked to.
day on the stuttmmer I'uumilroh o Cuathe for
a cruise along time west coast of Scutiuud ,
AII'oN8o $ TOCR ,
A cnrrespouduntnt l'uris snys ; 1iug
Alfonstis Ii mat , iiitoil tion its to Imis ! no
jected ) 'uurnoY wn9 to visit Eigluutl Iiul
giuni , Austria and Ii urumany , mud rettu'u
to liladrid by way of France , hat Quuotl
Victurua smmt mu request to time king heg
ging htinm to defer his visit to Eoghutl
owing to time prururiuus state of lien
nmmyemsty's heultlt , 'I'Imu ' king arrived at
Vimumu this evening , flu was net mat
time depot by time Eumpuror , Crowe l'riuw
Itudolldm mmd Arclmdukus Albert , Villintt
mid Eugmme , who greeted hint cordially ,
King Alfonso wits escorted to time palace.
He rmuuus him Vieimn until time 10th ,
Iluhh Law , lord chmmeellur of Ireland ,
is seriously ill ,
A deinoustratio11 under time aus mites of
the Irish rmatiemal league was told at
Waterford Urdny in which several wolf
known agitators took art , imficlmuul
Devitt in a Stuecit said time object of time
league wits to achieve matioiuil indepuud
emcc for lrulmutd. At a buunnot , it time
evonia g Richard Power , nomulier o ! lair.
lisiaeut for 1Vaturford City , rodyiug to u
toast. , "Irehuimd as a natrm " described
Emmgluml us a nation insulted by Franco ,
lintel by Europe mind hnrasled mind ems-
barnissed by Iruluud.
aiti11INrtiJ It1Saltll.
miLA01ItiAml. lilt AIUI.TKIuY ,
SAN FRANCISCO , Suptmnbur 0Em. .
Seiutur Nei , Sharon was arrested yester
day uflurnolrtm , on time cburgo of udultemy ,
ism ho was tithing time train for do east ,
'I'Imu ciuurge was preferred by Miss Agnie
hill , troll known iii society cliches. Thu
lady cluiuis a contract of nmua'inge was
drawn up'uittl ugreccl to hutween tloul ;
thmd it addition she bummed hint $ ! 10,000 ;
$78,000 of which lie had repaid her.
Sate pbaccd nudtors in the hamds of it matt
minted SY , ] dt , Nullmson , of unenviable
repubtimm , with itstructimts to
clams the bnlmtco of $1.,000 ,
said to be duo imer , mid at time sane time
swore out mu writ charging Sharem witlm
adultery. It is stated that Sharon drew
his check for time amount and gave bonds
in $5,000 , to auswur the charge. Miss
11111 bases tier claim of nmarriapo on time
fact of an agreement. of marriage , as also
states , having booms entered into between
Sharon and hermself , holdimm g that in point
of law It Is u uivalerlt to time marriage
Imavlmi been consunnuated. 'l'Imoulluirgis
openly pronounced a miserable case of
blackmailing , kept back until time last
nimnmtwhen Shnrom was leavimm6 for
the East.
MJxtD1t : f , Couu , , Soptontber 0.-lung.
bars entered time large jewelry store of
llemy Ai. Ilitther this nmorniug and
opomed time safe by cutlimg the doors to
pieces with costly tools which the loft
' [ 'hey secured about 100 ; , old
silver watches nnd senl rings , valued at
over $3,000. ) 'art of tltu same stoic , occupied
cupied by 11. Brooks t1 Co , stationers ,
bad their aafo nlao forced opcmt and about
$300 in cash taken.
SAx FIt.tNelwxp , Suptmubor l-Ex. )
Senator Sluirnmi s fltmmdms mire connpicaous-
ly mibseimt today. Nano mf tlomm mire to be
Son. ' 1'lme lmntse of Frank 0. Newltntd ,
Sbnrumt'n Son iu Imnv , is lucked up. No. .
land has npparuully gone out cif town. It
its said this evemmmg tlmat Sua-
r. + n's politiat onemmioa nro concerned
ill time plot whielm they have
bmpircd to Mies Bill , smut claims to be
hhsyumfu , to bake , for time purpomso of do.
cinaswg Sharon's political udtuonco in
Nevada. 'l'imo ux-smentnr gave $5,000
hmnl tin appoar'I'uusday ' next before time
Iulicu ; court to answer time adultery
charge , bust nit Ito ons gore east and calm-
uot appuar a beimehm wmrrrnut for him ar-
rust will be isauud , Irma emiuumos being du
tunimtitmed to immiku time mimttur as mumImea.9
out for ! tint as possible ,
- M--
A Jeir Davis' Omit
Bnply to tolsnts-Itu-
purnuttAddttlous o history.
l IitLAUr.LI'muA , September 0-Judo
Blacks postimamoua rally to Jefl Davis
record attack upml lout cones in time
ahnio ) of at interview with time great
jurist by one of limo editors of 'Vito I'ress ,
who was a personal friend of black's.
It is fully authenticated smut deals with
iasportuut msubjuta. Thu respotmso to
Davis' crlticisma forms but a stimuli part
of the romper .Judge Black isvorysevere
u time mix , confederate president. He
asserts that Davie was talking to
iiuehnuum anti dmimiuimi war tmid always
tr ing to gut IJuehmmam u ) yield to the
de wands of
time socessfonist'Cite moat
itmml'om'tmnt pmirt of time artiole relates to
his issncintimt witu liucliamum during the
bst three ourmtha of his adnmintstratiomm ,
lmlueh of time imnor hhitory of that period
i9 sot out hit forcible Imtguago , ' 1'Iio '
artielo time ) .iudgo Black it a now light
before country.
Iliiveu for thn
tbuu. tie , September 0.--'I'lo order of
time stud Cross , a tmtutunl bmmlit mssocia
ttombmis issued mu circular proposingtornts
upon wuichm nioinbera of the recent
brotherhood telegraphers may bo trans.
furred to its rummies in a body , and A..J.
iInTIS , lieu mnator rvorlrmnu of time
lirothurhood fn Chicago , hits Issued a circular -
1 cular to its mumubors usking them to par.
tieilato in time new movement aml mssur-
iug thorn it will met be a violation of
pledges nmdu by theta to time R'estorm
Unimm corm ram wlot tummy returned to
work after Lime mitrike. It is not known
whutlmer time late strikers will regard time
new mauve favorably or cool ,
No ( rest reported iii % Vileommbin. Time timer.
nwmueter rmmgud miboul 15 degrevs above zero
7uimf time sky was avrrcast , ' 1'w ! proximity of I
taw lake alto proved a pruteetlou. No tars
1YW'e cxpuw.bad cmi'cimamigu amid ire dtspatchi s
weruroceived which so mutme m is Muted at dun.
gar ,
. .
A Vast Are ! ! ; ' of Hortheru Coaatr
S cpt by a 'j , thcriu Blast ,
Field After Field of Coln Laict" '
Low by the Frost of Tao
. . _
Vtcotm4lml llltt umebotn , Iowa mad Da. t
kuln time Prtrutpul Sullerers.
CuleAno , September 0.-Asnoeiatod
creams advicus mind scattering specials to
1'le Inter Ocean and' ewa seem to indicate -
dicate that time frosts of lust eight amid
time night before did little damage to.
area throughout time central and aouth-
urn portimm of Illinois. Reports from
time northern portion of this state , however -
ever , and throughout Iowa audNebraeka ,
on the same parallel , and throughout
time entire norfltwest , miortir of the line
indicated , mire gmmarally to the effect that
frost was heavy mid corn sharply nipped ,
uspccially on low ; 'round. No estimatoa
arc 6iveir , of the dmmnago doue , The ox-
1aressroma of Comma ) ctmdenta v itt all
degrees , ffront ; alight to crops
codool ruined , t will be several
days boforo'nn accurate estimate of the
da na go dono'Can'be ' made.
ToLrno So mtembor9.-Tho black froet
tlmts nrorniut rr 1m those parts was pretty
severe on small garden atutLand tender
vines , as far as Can be learned. Report. .
received at a into hour tonight from
tn Bay and that region are that the grab
crop is uninjured. All local ruportsugress
that asfar as corn is concornedtmo damage
will be sustained exctmpt a light chock
timat may occur to the growth mid ripen-
lug lime frost is by far the earliest mid
mid most severe ono kmolvn hero for
ygura maid oxtunds very generally throughout -
out this locality.
DA1BN1'OIrT , Septenmber 0-A heavy
frost full throughout Scott county Suter-
da might , 'loaataos. cabbage , etc. ,
killed im umun I minces. Most of time corn
is us yct slightly Fatal ed ,
'ruts Frnet.
Kuoltux , Sopternber 0.-Light frost
last night , but no damu ge done corn.
MrrwnuxnK ) September 0.-The frost
in Wisconsin scouts to have beat very
general mod iii moat directions very
severe. At Sturgeon Buy there was n
rupotitiun on Saturday night and crop
was totally rained. In Oconomowoc frost
'cuuninatcd Saturday night , a.ld buckwheat -
wheat and sorghum suffered accordingly.
Black frost put in an appearance on the
] owlmtde , mid the corn in such placeswae
ruined , I'wo weeks more are needed to
mature corn. Appleton dispatches Say
Bunn is ruined chore , it was muted late
and is nowhere mcur maturity. Wheat
amid barley are doimi well at Marailall.
Corn will yield nothing , am
IyuzANArous , Soptomnber -Timero
was a slight frost it this locality last
night , but no serious damage was done to
Amotlmer theatre "The Standard "
now , , was
opened In St. Louts Saturday night , mskla
t tl u fifth first.clamJ theatre now is the city , Ia6
has a seating capacity of . ,600 ,