- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - - : I I 4 1sIIpj DAILY iIUEA11A , WgDNES1LA'8EPTEMBE1 _ - - - 5 , 1883. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - I TILE o:1A1IIA : uEE. pitl4hed ; Y(3 mriIii , , , ° i4. * * J , tII&7 iu.rntiigIII. t IIMNITMAtL i De tr . . . . , $ lO.91 1br % t..rutha . . . . . .itOO * M.iithi 1.ftI I ' 'Ii t.dU i ttI WPRtT Sn , Pt1Ul1IP UPV WWI.PA ? . URtv14ttal ) . . neYMr . . . . . . . $ Ltit ThreeMoitt . . . . . . $ 10 1titith . . . . l. ( hi. M.tith . . . . tO Anet1nu * News Cntnpny , $ .1e Agemt. i.wdetI. : ' Pu Ui United 6tte A OornmuiiettIiin # rel.tIii to ? ( .wu inJ 4Itnrl1 IIte4 d IJIOUld tu gJ lrisr to the IMI. : . .r Tiii iL SUINN L)1tTtjp. MI 8ulne. . Lett4ll si4 lteiiItt.ie shuM be SMrti . .i.1 te Thu lieu Lvjueitit , LiMAT , IJW&Il * . Drft. . , Mitt I' p4idIi e . .ritvta In he mi.Ie pap .ba4 . tju urtler ii ? Iia rntilpAy , TilE BBB BUBMll1NU CU1 , PRUPSI E. ROSWAT1KEdItot. . Ii' i8 fl little too vnrni yo ( or cntevilg Ipon a red lioL campaigli. PAUI4 VANDr.ILvooltr will now liavo EIOFU kiuto than ecr Ii'r juiiletizig &riuiid thu country , buL Unclu Saua will ao fouL thu b1115 , ¶ Itaioar from .liit'a indicat.o that the ethiiated 1)8 ( if lilu roportud liiis I > eun .xiger.ttud. It wilt taku RoillO tiiiiu bu. furu the aoual fact. become known. 4 AH ft tnonopaly tlio St&indaril Oil Coin. . MIY taIpre ulluctivu and coinptuti tlinn any raIlroad. Bu withui thu riilroi1 ; tku Staiidarl iiuvr coeld Iivo become a I iozitur monopoly. Nnwn froni Cainip Sherdn , whom the g r&vut army are ) ( , is not. vary oxcititig. Wa shall have inert roliahiti iflOrlflatiOhI WhCfl the intolliguiit contra. iaiii1 arrivL. Ouit county oflicura have loen aeon btoly by Ilartea who claini to ho doing a bEvy and paying brokuragu In woikiiig ' IUOII'3 votes , 'rue7 have not put uii yu , bu it thuy do the chinicea aru the bin. , kom can't dulivor an3'ttiing nnno thin thok UILItVIILU ii votca. CnvjNi is h01)UfUI that the Union P4cifio will orict a hin'liuno dujiot at l kit tmint.-Dcnvcr ( rtibuiic. . I Oinlia is also hopoful. She has boon ' ; boiufu1 tlIo3o ton long yn ra that the in. >iificuit cow.ihod oroetoJ. by the Uiiion , Pteitiu as a $109,000 depot , would aouio i day ahmno iltu inaluLgura of that road into ! _ building a liinilinn ii dolmt titan hey Lii1t at Otiuicil , Bluirs with the $200- . 000 lh)11d1 tionatuil by Oitinlia. i . TIlE tail o the "old tickut" will tie. : liver Iiiniat l of a carufully prepared t ipeucit at ; Council BlufFa nuxt Tuon1ity. , ' i \o rufur. of couro , to Toiti LleIldrickN. . lie vrodict that wliiit lie aaya nit the cj 4olnlwranco queatizi in that iptech will .o of gient intureat to ihu puoic. It Ia ttu a hoped tliiu Mi , Ilundi kka will . . , .kpoff the funcd on which ha lovue to , tjii lt und let. u hear aoinutliiiig freali : siidfortiblo. Dn. Nonvx GJtIKr , prcaiden of the. Yuatorit Union 1 eIegrnih coinpiuiy , . duaorea credit for candor in lihi tuati- 1ll loony bufuro the sonata apucial commit. too on litbor end education. lit reply to tim quwidomi whether lila commipany could not , in Viotv of thu imniiuIau emirimiliga , : [ Et higher % vagos t oporatorim , Dr. Grucn I , bluntly doclarud that corporatLoita woru : organizud to make niommoy. yr110 nit. county republican central I communittue lmtvu ojitcludtl miot to call it 1 county comtvuiitioit to clout duluito to : Ull ) atato COItVOmLtLlt * . 'rite comnmmiittuu will take ii UIUil tliomitolvua to apuiiIt . the dulogatot aiid reiuvo thu roiiublieamnt 1 of unit county fromit furtliur troublu. I Such a aolf.ueting tttoliitmu La vary handy. I It lmerPutUttea the ctnnumittoammd provumita the bmcuking of ilatta. ¶ lhiat Ia the old 11iiliiiii him111 ihmut Lou xi rdu Cutiimj county aoiolid in c nvnium U. I . , . TrN ycara ago Jay Cok ai limo iroRl Ufli Puz 111111 Hi 4U cmliii. lie hmmd I reLLiLatly itdlated tlo oitImtiii FatI v Lubblo in ci pmvcipitatcd a craah that I wreekod nad ruined tliouaanda of thu beat buaimmou inca , amid brought on nit era of ' deproaaion ( rain which ho country did . not rucciver until 1830. To.day Jay Cooke's namnu ahimiot forth with n blaze of glory a the founder of otto of the great . trantoontluomital ndlroada to thu Paeitio. . Trnt editor of the Republican aska the Baa to dolimie what ii a duniocrat. Acoordimmg to our boat. knowledo amid bo. hut a democrat it a puraun bulouglug to that branch of time iollLical fmunily who . . mxt oarnuatly in favur of turmilmig the ic. , publtetmia nut a ! otlico iso that they mmmmty got itt. Amid is republic.mu bulouga to thu political fatally which now enjoys thu Z1OnUjUIY of fodurul oflieca and wamite to hold miii to thuni. In othiur tyottia , thu dithrenco , butwoen republican amid 'hutno. crit at tItle day h , thu dumnucrat ia out of olllm. , and w4mtt to gut thioru , amid thu ru- pubhloimt Is in ultIo and wmits to atay . thore. . ) . ' [ 'hero woreyltal andmitomnomituua i3aUe $ upon which uupubhlc.imia amid dumuoiruta ( dilfrud widuly twunLy year migo , but , thmuro bi mint a ainglo broad iaiio to.day- excoptimag , aloitu , the atrugglu for poier , / * ; , , miu1 Ptr011aU upon which ropubhicammi anti doniocrats as a body liohitlo dutl ur vs. , omitiuUy , liothi hirau about civil buiYIVL rofo.itu , which miuitlwr has a aincuro desire sire to inaugurate ; both imled n greatem 4coIi.)1ay 1mm admalulstratiomi , uiid both art I divided in thu mniddlu over thu thrilE . . Bothi pamidor to corporate mnoimopoly. Ito r\ pubiteans possess hiu adyantago of Ihieb t rt\ alduvoiuommt.s in the past , whumi thmo ' , wore a unit on 1.1w Lundamumital quca I Liazi.i of thu kodoni and oijua3Jty of at Lan. ? . , , Ixfl , VAND 1VOUfl7' Poatmukr Comicral Orehuitn deaervo great cietlit for hrimm1hit , amid deciaivo aethomi In dopnaimmg I'itmil Vandervnort fruimi the poitIou of chief of the mahiwity immitil aort'ico in thmie tikisiomi. Vinmder. viiiit baa for ycnra 1iatd mm attantloti to thu serv1o and lila aubstitutos dotailcd (11)111 tuetivo IOrICO 1mm ViOlation of time po.'tmul rcgmilatiomia ) nio for time niost part been immcomimpetomit amid ruckica.Iy audi gcimt. Vuuimuhum v.Hmrt . timadmi Iii. mtclvomit in thimaha eLhit years ago with the avowed deigmi of mLuyimig a eomiqiicuuua vart 1mm NehlMka Lihitka. flu hunt all lila eriorzics in ( hat dirco. thu aiid btcammio , tIme nsiiciato mid boon oimuipitnhiiit of wruil bumimumiers nail dead beats. lii. commdimct acammdaiized thu rc lmillhiCIimi hIartY iummd dummtriuhizctt , thu rail. tuny mmmli aurvicu. Dimming umearly o.ery ( flp4jfl the Postal cars were immamimiul by nih mite of riff.niff 1iehet , iii , iii our street. aimil tomnporurily iismmtcred iflto time mmmtil , aervicu a rowmtid for dimLy wmnk nimil to relieve rotpmlar pimatmul cIum'is whm.iimi Vaimdorvoomt. hind tr.uimmrd to naiat iii pacdmmg primimaries immid emtImcuNcB Every protest migahmiat this flngmnmst alimiso wioi ulohiiuithy jeered at. Vnmidttm vumm t bin uteul that lie was imliovu Limo romichi of amiyhmody , including uvuil thu semmntora ( mmmi Nebraska lie assortoti that the postmnastor.gcnemmtt 1ii out mmot rommmovo hiiii , , bocntmio it wouhml give uifremisi , to Justice filler , of the Ummitcul States aupraummo court , who relative of Mrs. Vander. voort. If ft in true that Justice Miller diul imiturposo his imifluomice to Eecj , an inufliciomit amid dmsroputiublo ofli. cur iii the 1ioathl airvice , it atFordan most. hiumimhlat imig communmitary on thme degrada. thu ( if flit , high tribunal of which ? .Ir. Juitico Miller is A mmmenmbcr. 'tVo ' immi- mtg iime , huiwover , that Vitnilervoort has Ift en uummppuirtott by ammothor iiifluisiict , anti timiut ft tIme great Uniomi Picifmu mmmoimopoly. It i miotoiioiis that Vamidervoot. has had immthimmiitcd atithiom ily to furnish free trmumisiuimtumti . mm over time timminmi Pacific moad. lie eamriod llatmk pa hooks amid hums , assed huumuirecla of his friends over the road wherever they desired to go. It Was by time jimdkious use of thmese Ummiomi Paciflo 1)03505 that Vita. durvotri auccoeded In workimig till lila booiii mis coummmnmumhc.mr of time Grand Army. It is prcsummmablu , however , thiattho Uimhimi P.ucitie railroad mnanagormi have received full ay for this unhitimited supmIy of fice rides. Vatmiduz'voort has served thu I imiumiopoiy in iiioro ways thmmin ( illo-unt. ommly na nit active it4blistammt ; iii ickimmg Imrimmmarics mumid mmmamlifm. utiating cumneezitiomis iii thu rmuilruad , litter eat hint III mmmttura ( list afFect thieiriucuimio frotmi thu _ mmmii service. l'hmctlmer Vmuiidorvoort , through this 1mm. fluenco , uvihl ho restored to thu imimuil sum'- vicu at toimme iithmer point , as be coufiduimt- ly uXjH3ctt , ruftuiiiImm to bu scum. Sulhice it to say thimit the railway mmmiii ! service iii this suotiumi hits beumi placed undue mmmiii a coimmpoteiit. mind muhiablu simaimmugoummummt. Fim. thmi tIme citizumma ( if Omimahia muuid pun phu of time wboiu nuetiomi botwueii Omimaimmi mitid OtIuim tumder dov.uL thmammks to I'otit- imimiatur Ceimoruul Gruhmumn ulid Goimural Supurimitumudumit 'l'hmoimpsimm. Biivoiui tlmo cIty authorities condemn th&Vmirhig auwormugo miystoiim they should give it mu fair trial. Thu emily trouble ox- luLiulieud so far has been from immipropur 1130 of thu sewer mumid frommu defective comm umectiona. Aa bug as uplo can crutmn time sewer with biluk bats , bottles , spiillgt's timid sticks Lucre vihl be stoppage iii thu LIIIJ5 timid en meuqummmit hooting of cellars itittt bmtaunuummta . 'l'hie city ommgimmeur bus timmmu amid again Puimitud out Limo tumnody. lie tucomnmmmemmds ili.i I uihulhmmg of mnammhoIs I t . a y tiloek amid Itmu.muiiiuimtLuiuiit. ( If U Conipu. t omit sunor itibpueLor. Thu immiummhiiaen will amiable thu street. comnmisalommor to tImid amid a ear iut amiy obstrtmctjiii with. iut dimging down to the sewer timid wi 1 * comp.urittvuiy little Oxpuniso. The in. Specter should iiujurvisu every comimioc. huh amid strictly umifurce the reuIathirma that uvihl lI uvont time imuiuu of time tow- era. Ilisimectora have boumi ommipioyed in other cities thimit hmmivo cummistriucted suwera , amid thmoy must ho emnjdo3 ccl in this city , ito muattor what system of suwermigo wo mnay ittio1t. All tolk about itbiundommimig time Varing system is shore ilOiIsUmiaO. Iii time that 1micu , a ayetouii of brick sewers such as has boon built 1mm time older cities bofoio the \Varimmg sys- turn cammin lit vogue , would take mummy yuimira to construct , amid tue outimuy fin covering the area which we have sowored for loss titan $60,000 , would mint fall short of a immihhinu. TIme amimmual imiturust on $1,000,000 at ( I ccitt would be equal to time whole coat of our lresumit systummi. ] tut even if we himuul the mmuumiuy amid could roi.laco Li imi ommo seutsoum , it woLmhul bu ummwiso to di , mtvmiy with it. The \Variiig souvur syatummm ts Dim mull hands ntlimiittttL , to ho thin mmmciii liorluct sammitnry syatummm iii existummco , amid imubile hmuuuitli is of lirimiuarY imuportauiro. IVithi stick a systummi of aoworuigo amid her wide atroutmi , Oimmaita will soomi be ommu of thu itealtiuicat citieii out time globe. Davatuhmas ml umtetl the \V.mrimig system of suwetagu , muter thmmimouigim imivestigation lute lLii iiiurits , amid mhuomi alma guts a rhiiu. : liiu syatuimi of wnterworks shmo can safely fiilOW Oumumihimi iii time bimildumig of suwems. I Tin' coruior atomic of time imow capitol of I Pakotut wilt Ijo imtitt at lhiBmimrck today , : 'VimIs u'mll give the wiltl.imat spuculatorm another boomnq ) Mr. Arlstld.i Marie Is probably time richaI . ( flflfl Of color him iiiriou. lie wi. a burg. . 'iavo oWmmr before tloi war. smith Iii. Imionmns from the reimts of his t.roiemty In New Or1ea'i p f miot less thaim ' : oooo m y'ar. ikulmies thu . lie imuui a buige iw'raonai estate , coimulatlug o first.cius miocurittum. Mr. Mad I. a imismi of I fine accouimpibbmnemmts , a graduate of one o the be.t hmatltuttpn. of Fiance , anti iIvvi abroad about half 'at ea.ii year , . - - l'Elwou.Lr1J1. fontome Blair left only $7t.,000 when hi , WA. . itiiitioed W be woi Iii at ie.ist. quarter of a nuhlhluum. ilts. Dashmi Davis sfl(1N worth from Ihhhimois to her ueui'.o In N.irth Carolina thiiut list mmir. micti liFe is exircnmeiy Ii.ippy. Mr. Mike Sheridso's exi.iolt.u. In tt Vohi.w. slum , , h&.vn ekarly ( IenouatraieI , huh soeuulmig 1tmshificLIummi for tIms Immiptisima , tiutics of time ie3dor of a bind wsgon. The only thimig th..t is now ift for Oscar SVlhle , utica hun hue tidied In the .1mm , ! , , armil time .lranimu , 14 to go late the mnImiIr.i bmiihmue.s , his wmmhl make a capitmul sail emami In a snap cumu.amly. . If Semator Tab. , , me.t.a with many more ios.oa-his lat at i set down at. 9O00 by the failure of the Icaihultie Itmunk-be mu lie ohiIgd to cnrt4i expeesea him the matter of night shirts. When Mr. Frink .Tsumes took the witness tutmd I n iii , , iwii , tlofeio , , I t I retiutnii , 'lmo honked time Jury stumit I i thin f.uce. " Jeitmg well simumed anmi kimi.wiimg thmit ii wai mu bluff , time J imry did iamt IImruw up I ta Imnumds. l'itti Is to m'oei4vmi ,0O0 a miiglit .immring her Ammiemle.un emig.ig.mnemmt , limit ihmu h ohuIg.d to i.iiig ohimmo $ ei.nthuiiiouely fir ta n or thireo hui.urs . , 'hmsrens Mr. .Johmmm SImhiiv4mm miikin i.e imimimy thm.mmiimmde . 1mm sunmethil mig leo. thumuim mu dizemi immiiimtes. , I Nhi1e Arthur , timmmgii but a cimhimi , goeu p ii' ' ' 'j.i mig iii gr.uat atlitAi mu hiemi lit \'mhil uigi.imm. lmo Iti Imauk nlmiio iii time carri.ig.i . , gitci hm.mr niulur to tim. , foutmmmi.mm , uhu. , rtpemut.a it to time .hiirr. amid away tim efIumhILIRII g.Ifii. l'imu almmmjtke.pers tro.ut her miii , , ; tusferomitt tHy. .1oulo Iiiukmmrr. time wuumian uhmi , is bchioi'i't , to ii ivo iimutIo time umisuimief timmut led to tim. , ii I mirder of mu hmichi I ommgres.mimami 1huinui t Mull , of Kentucky , % Vli $ guilty , Is gsimig Iii omake simime Immotier hut ( If im'r mmut.Ir icty , iuiiii I , motymurtlicil to muppumur J4t a Now York thi.ut.er Iii 3opicmn. bar. bar.C'.rnehi says hue liii nol lone a quarter of a mimitHumi , and 1 .oke . , sst mmiiehmed when ti.'ide mit. . tumnhll t.i comidola with him. It Is ii Polmit in a Iuiaiiii favor when hue pocket. ' . a 1o45 % , f thini a u hi mu.pcr . amid forgets all iutmnmit IL l3u ii requirue liii avfui do.ul of cheek ti do so oniotimioa. It Is stated that thin raid nams of thin North. urn Pemcitic preslilnit in Ileimirleli Ililgitrit. "usury" h a trmuums1ntin , , sod "VillarmF' is is relic of thin ti .ys wheim the rmiilrn.ud m.ugnmite WM a mmewpuper cimrrepiim.htit mud uaitl it ui It iloni ito jmltmiiu5. 1'rrimmue the SPory is true , but. whit's hi a utica ? .Tuhn ? iltmrmiuimhu ; .hiyetl . the hero successfully 1mm Silt 1uuke City for mu w.ek. lie ciii lol , .mme thrill lii is sHmg miimil miuui thmnt he imud hurt it by mu fail. 'I lieu hiicuiiuemior.ute. Willi tin N.uy. hr. caine forwammi tutu a thililhmig iuc.uUut of hiving lican ribbed by Imighw.mtimm , who uu'o mid iuiuve imiuirdred , , imfimu unit tmit 2uloramiml g..liiirmtly foUihmt thmemmi if. iIL.5 , 5 ( ) iltt lii , lied msbut , bin 'situ , " Nitylor added : It Is w.imnile.l , by u bultat. The scoundrels tisik my list. iIihl ii , limit eu SOiiii a's I gut is re liuilt Ole. , ( rota New York hi.i's'gmt ti t.eke ide ros'mtriL. " Both men worn liii Ihiy rut.rt..lumo.l whIle trotantilmig to wsit for ; imm tirmift , , u.i1 tiny f.iuimml lteiisy to bmmrrow several lmtmtudreul ijumhinri beftiro the tiumo U.mulO for their dimaim. paar.uflCO. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Geim. Grttmmt. Chicago Times. Bet. 2 Gemi. Grant urriromi at. fits Palmer house ymiteriIy mmmamnimig. lb stmi'd for smiitl time in front of thu lintel tsshlim.g to triummda. 'I'ho immovi'abhu cigar * cci.mmlIPos. : led hum , . \Vithi orery appearance in Clii. C ( ) lie tiOCiiiS to have juuci uit-eti iii flesh amid wuighiL Time grimy is cruepin. imito time bn'hy heat ti , muzid imia tishi vimi ii imd dark gray ntit of clothes , wimh the , uoimitmwiimtt awkward style of uvali.iiiir , oi'i , imimmi time app. arauicu of a wuhl.t' .di coummtmy imwrchmuiimt. imp to thu city to buy i'ommdM. Eveiyhaidy whim knew luimii. itimut the \TjihiiriI cXCmmrMtsIt , cnimtahmed imummny ot hula friumumle , emihit ti to tulk with Imimmi. 'l'im mi cmiimgrewsui.mm.il . f lend Imu talkiI a 11 ° tIe umil ticn. liii naid I limit. lie ( hat iitit thiimmk Armhmiir wiuld , gut tIme imoiiiimutmmi. , , nod i' ho did lie could mint carry the ommitry , mutt ommu re.meoiu rmii ihimit rtimimr tv..ui.i . mliii. lie miblo ti ut. time Vote of his movim i.tto , that of Iiew York. G n. ( Iiai.t , r..io out in time afterimsomi with l'mtter , I'athmuiur , amid multi tinit. the city was grow- itit. Et'ury tiimmu ho iaitl Ui a visiL , lit , i.uumd , lie coO r ( see v. 'mmdvi ' ( ut jmm.igrus. imimirhed on time cimy's hiusbmry. He ii- mimer ; cml tlutt liii 'as ghmiti tm sue simchi mud. i muite8. cmi lilly in time iiowspmiper urns- , , f tilmkumg ' , fur mu hick lie omitertmiimied jir. . found resuit.ci. l'oiuui [ Loicgmuilm. CiImgo 'Tribune. Who can iio so dull as mint to mica that the traimsmmuusi.n . , of news by tolegrophm is mis prmmper ii function of giiverimmmmciit us Lime tr.umimmmiasi.'mi of miews by mmmmuilS'himit ? is there so uiiaturious and sacred about it tulegrmiihi wire that time govuruinommt mummy mint uiwum , uio muuiti misc it. for the comivomt jomicu of time meoplu ? 'I'lio essence imf all argumnonta in favor of vstal telegraphy in this commmitry lies iii time fmtct. timmub the bumsitmess of Beuulimmg imOwa by tulegruuphi lie miow in time hands of It hmge mumommopoly whmkit hits time pubiic at its mmlerey ; amid timia lioweris too great. amid time cimmtsurlUommuus of abusing it. too itmo- mnuimtuotus to lmurmiitof , its boimig comutimmued uxulumtively 1mm tim Itamuds umf privmitu iii. 'lLu'iduala. ' 'We do wish to interfere withu uxistin tiguts umrlfrmiimchmise , iuz we , to imisiet thmmit tii i iovorimiumomit , imuuvimig lmntit time right amid thu pimtvor , alunmhd bu. gin forthwith to supphummiumit its raiLwmiy , aumiti steamboat , amid stage-coach l)05n11 nirvko with it fosbul telegraph service , tiiuuihiii'r ttititmumttulv to every Part ( if the U lttdStatus. I'mnitimnn Vstor Huipply. I'alI Mall Gazette. Five of time metropolitan water corn- uanies draw their ( win the t'hiammues above Teddimigtumi rock. 'Flit , average daily flow ot the miter at the in- tithes ma 500,000,000 gallon. . The coum. jimuilics abstract 68,000,000 or day-that ml , a little mmmro thmamm one-eighth of the 1.01411 fliw. They mtmesusa ,0Wer , to au. stnuct 110,000,000 gallons iwr day. Oii time tlrmuiumtge areui of time 'Funnies there twuhi 000,000 people ( fiouduiig , 200,000 In tcwmms of upwmuid of 2,000immimabitiuimts ) , Mill UOfl It timuic live 60,000 himirsen , 1(10,000 ( cattle , 000,000aiieup amid 120,000 .igs. . 'rlmuir sewage mumid refuse 111015 imito the 't'lvtmmtea oltimum .iircctly or indirectly. 'limu theory that i'i'llutud ' ' iivor water purifies itself iii its flow hams been Lrtn'utl to ho ( guise. Aftum rmltummttinn timue water ii atmtmt to I4umdtlmm. I t is coimsiticred vumy satisfactory wimumm iiltunttiiumm ruiimimves 28 mur remit of the orimimmtl : imulmmrLtius ) , icavimig 72 Per ccitt to he stmiulmiietL iii iodtmtiumt to the iou. .umnuu'r. 'rime conipammies uhurivu a giuss amiitumtl income of 8750,001) for titia sup. ply. 'l'liu vudummmo ) f t lie flow i ii Limo river ma fairly CIllibtutilt , but. time muecmnmuts of its 1iihmithuii mumtl spi time qimamitities mubstracteui Imuih ) ' nra iicctmmtsmuiily lucriasimig ommus. 'l'lmu yiiiulo of timei.u figumies are taken fr.mmmi bhmme.boke , uimmil' if ulhilumiteti thit reference for each will be givuim. If it utere lissu1uIo for these comulpauilcu IA ) ituivu a moservoir coutmt'iimiiig 08,000,0(10 ( gihlommus of ubsumlutuly l' ' ° water , stint into it. vuro allowed to go the ct.iituumtis . iii imiti-chtuauts , hmousvhmilul , shills mumul mumnium- facturimig refuse of 112,1100 hieiutile iii time I uiimume : i1riPrth1)mi lii wimkhi time ) ' rtmapccth'ui. iy enter the 'l'hammtes at. tue lti'scumt tiumic , muiRl lii atiditlomi as munch of time ittumimuro if 7rmUo horses 20,000 cattle , 112,509 sheep mmii 15,000 pge as could timid Its silty then. , I muiutl if 28 i'ent. or even 50 per ccitt , ' Of these orgaumia imunurities wore reinovetl I by filtratioui , is tierum any houeoh'iider ' iii r Lommdon who would use it for driuikLiir atud donmostlo puuimosoil 'Yet title is I rata what they mimicomiila1n1n1y recinyc ami use evoq day. = : : : - - _ ! ! THE POLITICAL OUTLOOK. Issues That will flhic ! tb Conhtry 111 ' 84 , Wihlim M. Evans on tli Situation. C1mlco Tim. , , PepI. 5. Wihliamn M Events , who is to ho the "rotor at the coremmm'.mmiea attcmmdmumit ujr , ii the i'puuulmmg of the Nsrtimern I'aeifle tail. road , spoilt mu few iniuns at time ( Iramid I'uu. cilia hotel yesterday iuiormilmig. As sacrum buy of state under l'rosidummt Hmtytiu , Mr. Evmutt is ren.mwiicd in dijiommiacy. In Politics lie is ii rohlUbileiutI , but of time order of George WiiiimumnCurtiui , a good uleul of it thvriit , , uiid a worker for that Ut''pimimm ' ' st.auulnrd of lohmtict immorality wiiereiui the piirty ummanimi to , is to ho imilul oil time shelf amid political statuemmieti will take nuik usitit tue nuder of salute. Mr. Eu art eetui day i.ruseuitI . time mtlihmemir- miimeu of umiuu.uI gnmth hemtitli. lie lasmimall oI stuttum U , tint nhumiit iii phmymdm1tie , hut , lie imu ml P1 odigiomis w.mknr , . , mtmm.I yustuntlay , in de'ei ihutig mime ihitie.tl aituttlium of time .JuUimtry amiul cXiLu5iiui.g . imius mpiuiou timeru ( Hi to ii reporter of 'I'Ime Tisumus , lila clear blui eyes zutleuteuL thu hrilliaiicy tif his iuiiinl , miuiowliitmuii 1.atehlect . utidimimnied and a reneonimmg frummi ttitrvmuti..mt . s.f public isVuiitii whiicim imiuko Imis comlchuimu.mmmu worth ) ' of imoto. lie caimmu dimwit limb the mummummi 'mtrltir ' of time hotel amid greeted the vu- lrLer 1mm a cheerful way. "F'roumi your standpoint , Mr. Evans , what simuijiu do you think imoliticat events are tkiumI" . "It aeoiims to nue that we are approach. 11mg a crisis km our jiulitml history whets thu w olfmtru of time immaterial imiteresti of Lime ciiuuutry is to be parmumit'uumit ' amid pro. vidud fr by both thu doumuinant partici. 't'imo outlik , respectimig thu alqlr..sttiumig . prtm.uldoutial esmituuit shows that it is to be 0110 iii which vitumperatim.mt . vill play imo hart. whatever I think both Parties will 1iut u , reE.lhctablo ! camididmutes. 'I'iie old issues which kept alive suctiuumAl atmimutos. itics are dead siud buried. The country is at imeaeo with time wirId. , Time timmmo lute come when time issues mire t. . ho time social , mural and iuidustriat elevmttiomm of comuummuhmities. Thu IlartY that mmmakus time greatest advances iii tims direction will be time successful uiuiu. " "Do you think thoopubhicans in New York state are ummited ? " ° Yes , I believe they are agreed on all essential Time rebuke time Ilmirty mulct with bust full hums had a wiuiulesumime efriact. The leaders are comivimmeed that crowding umisatisfactory IJCOPIU on the PitY tluit't mmuutko it any larger. I doum't ktiow miiuicit iibomit. time dummmocrautic disen. 814,118 , , exCept tiiuut time race to control time puitroimage in New York city is , auumomig time ciumtustuuflhim , above alt the imitemosts of time state amid limitmoim , amid sum I.immg mu thin desire for pmttr.iiumigu is preeimiimmoumt utimmong the dumumocmacy of New 'tirk vity , sum ioui uvill they be mit vani.ummco with o4ciiotliur. ° Do you hielievu that tue inumue in 1884 uvihi be timat of time tumiifl" "I tititmk it will. Omi Limo tariff time ro- pubIicaumi are sImd. We umitst. hmuive $200- u00,000 to ruim thu giverimiout-to umeet its amniumat exjmetiditur.a. 'I'liuii is aduuimt- ted , 'Fun reptuhuicin l irty commeutes this , amid the domuiour.utic Imarty agrees to it. 'I'Iiu ruliulilicumi PattY 101)9 WO will i aho title mmuonuy by duties out immiport , which nut mit time smumume tumimu f.oter Amour. ciii enterprises amid jirtect the Ammioric.ui luuli'rur. ' 'lime duimiutiatiu LautY Suttt it wants a iiipdorttu imumport duty. 'I'ho limutty does most. say tluit it woiti , ( striku .ttiwui . Aumenie.umi iuiduatries amid dugr.ude , Aumnricmtmi hmib'r. it it did , defeat would uncut it mill at once , amid tlmut w.mmid be nit end mif time queiitiumm. Yet imr.mctiemiiiy tue dummitrimmu hmulut by , thu ui'-mumoeiautiu jmirty under tutu guise of free tnudtm amid tmnitI for revenue ommly vould uuom'k duir.idatiiui tim Juitior amid ruimi to iiidustiiee Jj10 duotriute of thu duummocratie purty on the turilf mit the ductriimu tiumit prevailed iii the timmiu of sluvemy , whemi it was to time inter. umit mf time muoutti to strko dotumi n.mrtiiurmi immdua rica because as those ajmning up stave labor tvotuld immivu to go. 'literuforu , wltcvur nit industry uiroac iii time nonihi Limo south struck at. it in order to protect slavery. These are tiiiiigs thmtt time coumitry is mub.ut. til be emuled oui to commaidur. Time fullmicy of time dummiocrmutie foiiutioui omm tIme tmirmll is best sii'ami ' by the iumtdumuuss with which itmumidulpim 'I'tickor amid mmmcii like hlr. ltaimthmihl rush to thin rescue at time industries fit thick unit aee tioim , , wimuit timey mire mulamtit to lie ilmipurilud by reiim'mvimig ' or Ioworiimg tue duty cmi south atmclo iuiummufieturud iii these ioc.iljtitni. " "It. buimmg admitted thimit the tarifr vil1 be nit issue , whit mime sonic of the othui questiomma to ho disouaiied ? " "There is a good dual of talk about. our ocuan-carlyiuig trade iiavimmg beemi destroy. ed. It iiumiy be tiimit we need to mesturu it. It ; is a ( Luoiition atilutiimg our welfamu , but I uimit inelimied to thup opimiiuim that just its Simon as we timid tita more immonny cmiii be made bj putting cajiital into ocemun tramm- port tltiii luau lute raiiroads amid imito time duVulO1iuumuimit of sectiomma of our country , just so sure will we put our ocean cciii. macrue cii a footing aiuiihar to whimtt it. was before time war. " ' lJiJ you favor the abohitiomi of time en- thu hiturnmmt revommue systuimmi" . 1 think , practically , imitunummil taxation Is already abolished. Virgimmia thumika time tx ought Lu be taken oil tobacco , but thu would not. be wise just yet. As to the titxout wiiisky , it is not felt , and whisky will boar taxation about us well mis uuiiy article I kimow of. " "Vliat is time prusidumitial talk iii New Yorki" " 1 have heard miono. We do miot svake ( ml ) to tiiis mmimutter until just before mmii mic- tmvu cmuimt aigmi. You have mi'ked imic mib.iiit Artimur. I can oimiy s.ty timat ho is givimmg suttisfactiumi as mt Luiimduuit , carutul amid wise iui4ii. Aim I smuid before , I thummtc time eouim mmig comiteat tuill brmuim forth on butit sluice oh wimoimm mm aggreaske war caut ho mitmidi , mund the l irty thimit keeps imacu with ihmu demmmmumde iii time hour forsimlving hnmhmleitus , whimeb vili bettor us miii a iuitioui : tvuli take fromut tuimmkVmtii respect to civil service ruformi , , I thiiimk already the lmtltticimuuii mitt ) exwmIuimeimmg good results frommm thu i'uceiit lmi' , becmiuo tlmny moe mimit Postul Ctl fti mulilmiitmmmeimts . , , unit time' light fur time ttiSli.uiimul of iumimior Iatromimlgu iii mit mimi .11 how trill you lemmimutmu 1 1 muvo umutcu vieiLtL Stmt Fnumiteisco , aimul I mmmay take this oppomttfuity to di , so. I f so , by mibueimco mm mmmy vmiemtt ion mmmuuy be mriiluimmgel. I tvn invited to mmimuku thom uddremi mit the opeitimmg of the rumad , mud I dictum fully do SO , becauue I thtmimk tiuu , euiturimrhu is gmand in coueclmtioii , mimmd ito ommu cmii mitjmiuato hmu ' ) , of the comumitry that vihl result fromut the vork. " New York hailer says 1 was select ed h'eeuiurio ommu of immy cmmtommcne uoiild uutrutehi across time c'mmtiumeut ' , , I thought that I hid got over bobmg joked abuul omm Liii. score , hut its I remmimirkutl to mu frinmul mit a public dumuier , ( Ito uihy lle1mio I ever met who wore opposed to long sentences wore thu criminal classes. " Thu suljuet uf the oloctoal commte siozvand Mr. Evuirts' work as counsel be. fore It was brought up , when ho no : - . : = :1r _ imianimed : "Yea , It wasa greatsuit. Ihail l8i votes to hiiiik after , amid time dcii , , , . cruli would liavo lomi tim4umkful to get Illie. I imtid , 14 , look limick amid cover time I ear , limit. time mnmtt'er us over and peace was preserved The only tidng that Inn , , sue wruiig itboiit time buahmess limis been time talk about tue settiemiieimt of the case by an 8 to 7 vte , , Thin was Limo oi.l ) imethod of , tuttiumont , and both itles knew it at time start. Either ' 'tie aide or thin other would have tue ouhml vote. " 1't1i1cmiiiiiui City fJovctiuuuiCflt. lioston Transcmii ( lisp. ) . Time dowuwiurd tendency so apparent In tue ummunicilmal commeertus o our gmemt : t iies forces a discussion , f the question whether or miot this deteriorttioim can be ciieckd , muid , if so , how ? Are mint thimmige getting worse yearly at alt the cemmtrus of l.oliUtmitiOmulVtih . universal aullr.ugu m.o clarify itself thumut time tax.o.uter will dent jimati ) ' iy time taxilavoru ? Leaving , mmt of time acc.iiimt. time tiatigerouis cimusies hiving in all cities of mnmuguituile , amid dismmiissiuug time umiercemiary bmiiid wimo hiru' tipoim time immummicipal body politic , time Ititureat of time iiliti * of ui.mm.taxeiymimu. , citizemus is fur ecnhmmmimmai , , itmmnest mulimiinfitr.ttioui , Uii. hiammipered by i.olitictl . , uumder.utomus , ; such wise uuiid tirumi mimumiagelmltmiit as sumail mmmaku mro.erty . feel secure , amid emmci.ur-.uge those large eimterium lies which l.rotvmit . mimi overstocked - stocked imulsir imiam-ket , smith emiable t lie workmnmun to obtaimi the huigimist rewatil for his eiuuiumr.uuicu amid sImlh. I t is ulsun a ic- viral of a cnimmmmnmuity of fetdiimg tmct eeui taxpayers amid the thmuses having an jinup- erty tlrnt in mcii , , f thu hope of u ts1erabtv psjenu1 iiiuuid1cut future hangut. If summumiitry measures srm f.ummd uuuavniduNs to cm-h out scoummdnt.hi'mti iti iumumukilul ulatteiS , itany , omiio will i.rfer gou'eni. uncut by cmnumiissmnn rather than restrc- tiomus Upon sntfr8e. Vanderbtlts Chain. Saratoga Latter. Mr. Vanderbilt. h&s one particular friemmd. Ills nauuis iii Destey. 1eirty is a thorough muan of the world. liii Ia of inediuumu size and duirk. lie never irid a. book iii liii life. 11. kmiowa all about horses , is a very clou-iiiuthcd luau. and a most excellent. cant piaur. lie has plemuty of uumumisy , andhasno favors toa.sk \Tmummderbilt. . 'l'hu two 1mLuy cards to. ethmer a great drat.'imumi Dewey i'.sc ho juiays with the saimme conmpoiume is whumi he gains. So , in gimug "it in this quiet , umuoiitrusivo way with Vandert.i t , lie oftuimi iicks u , tin iuuipertamit h.imut oil tutu mummunket. Title ho ues itim great discroti..ii. . It is said he is woiuh at hoaat $2,000,000 , the greater part of ' 5 ii ch lie iimis 1.icked imp in his imutimumacy with Vaimderhi t , without tue latter lot- ing :1 : cent. Dewey gothimi orgiimmul eapi. tam front Tweed. lie held time saitue role. tmomm to Tweed , bef"re the downfall of thu boss , that lie how hills , , to Vumuder- blt. 1ltru is a nimuim mu Ito u.s jilitmmuieul his fiurtummie mimud muumide it froimi time . .killful fr ciudmiuuip ho h48 built up with two tory jiummiciful nien. Time old keeper imf t'iseed , after his final uurret , a here , amid is , out. to every one. Be is ii ale , rcd.faced Irishniarm , w ith vu y sharp featuir. a , a tiuiui.hippd mitiuthm , with i liii it immuir aimit a 811101) white butiul. lie walks about nearly a ummuch an oiuj ct of imuter- o'.t a whwii Tweed wu time great topic of time day. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A MO'I'ANA GIjUIFR. Discovery by T'uof. I 'ii iii uP ! ' "n Party otthmn i'irst ( lutcerF'uiuuutt fit lte ltockte4 linlena mile enuiont. 'I' , , Puiif. Cmmiuiiy , a tuoniher of Pnrnpnl- Iy'mt Noititurmi 'i'numiuC.mitimueuutit surviy imurty , wit aru iimtlebtc.i . for time fiill.wig , , accuutimit of thu dimcovery of mu glmwitmr by time hmaity , auth mu uiescriptoimu of thu couiitry mtr.umd time mmpptmr lumiruns I'mtimi , bttwcoi , tIme imuamlquaiIurut if Lime Fiatimct river west. uO Limit itieky ltl.iuiituuum rmummge , ammil Ciut Batik creek , a ist of thu smite. 'l'iie lucidity is about 150 ummiles north of Mis. soula. I'rof. Cuinby says that. on the let of Ammgmiuet timu party , after hmaviumg left the tmi'pur Fhmititumed river ( muimuiut 8 mimilca above time lake ) utitorud time g'.rge . that leads up thu mmiuutitmijit to the Pass. This is walled iii by steep imiiumntaimie whuicit mire crowned by rmmggeul iiroiuice8 thmommsmimudms of feet iii height , s''ummutimumem ' turiuuimimttitig iii knife like emiges , mmmii sommmotimmmcs rummmiiimg up into shiurp lug. gud comiCs , which mumake time akylimmce of time miwUtitalits muuost varied mmmd pictutreaqumo. At time summit. of the Puts thireo maui ampiiitiiuMrcs commmo togutimumTimi.y arc mmuarly htinsttthoe , iii aummuiw. } 'rommt time Puisa there are iii full view ton or twelve high iemiks , oftumm ruummmimug up into regular shmiip rocky c.iies. Suuiio tint in fifteen ntiiesmuway. lookinc to time westward , a groat. imumuss of snow- covered iuiotummtiiius wore iii 'iew , and lie- low thioso summtimmita was suemi a true glacier , Iimivimmg a frommtngu of mit least a mmiiie , mmmi Lii s.mmiio uiacus a face catimmimuted mit 50 ( tot in height. Frumn undunumeathi title diaciur fl.ws a stream of umilky-colored glacier water I'rof. I'imumipehhy 'with the Indian guide penetrated time atophithmuatro in which this glaciet lies , amid coummted twenty-two cascades over SOQ feet iii height , boshhes seeing many sumimuhler omies. 'rime skies of tint iiioUuitaiims which surround this simm. imititheatro are covered with uiout , boihice 4,1 ammow which are time sources of time immaumy stteammia fIowing lutto the valleys below. 'l'hmero was but little snow on the liaRs , aim" with care it was mint difficult to cross. In descending the eastern aide of tue mnoummtoimus , time gorge 'resents ' soimmo re- umnurkably lofty nmnt atuieimdoua vruei. Lmmces. 'L'hmoeu gemitlummiomm of time unity srlui Immid visited time Yosomnito valley , cmmii. . , idercut time scenery of Marine I'uimis ta but hf a imiore vmum'iud character amid gmumsder iii every respect. 'rime , muuimtimit of time Pass was found to lie 7,800 feet abot'e time sea luvel. We slmmuhl wait with umiuchi imiterest for a iii' ' ire thmuirotigit mmmd comiipleta survey of this miuw iuim.l . wonderful imtOUiltaium district of 1cimmtamua , . .4'u ? e4q : J \ 'fi-t li ; Ak 4 ti , - , - I 4 ' g ( 1t ) THE GREAT F1 = - C II Ii E B thcumatism , Fetiral jla , ScIatica , Lumbago , Uacitathe. Headache , Toothache , 'urs'Tiirst.Niu , Iaiui.Hiiruhit' iriuiIC $ , lilirNi. . $ ciis.1. . Ii'i. . nm. . . . sk IlL uulullil 511011 % rsis. . ati uiiiu. 4.t4b iir.titrAsti i.si.r.o.rwbrs. Vif % Os.mus mnt.itm. . I. ii I.,4iun. TMnEmtttLi.E4 A.0ulF.m.EU ( ' 0. i. . VII.1S a MlUis , , it4V. I. 1 , . . . - - - ' - - - - - ' - - -vcrIIbDk1i SA..T-dJ Dry G 0dSVL SAM'L C..DAVIS & CO. , , ST. LOUIS. MO , Washington Avenue and Eifih Sirect - - - STEELE , JOHNSON & Co. , Wholesale ' Grocers ! . ANt ) JOUflP.RS IN FLOUR3 SALT , $ llARS , CANNED GUO1 t. ND ALL URUCERS' ' llPPLIll A FUIL LINE OF TIlE BEST BRANDS OF Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco. AGENTS FOR BENW000 f/AILS AND LAFLIM & RA NO POWDER CO 1 _ _ _ .a , . : , . _ _ , ' e , , s : t . 1 " 4tfmii ' ; -i - _ L Nay OatHs. , August 1. 083. TO THE PUBLIC ! investigate for Yourselves. P.itma.iur.UcumeraI Oresh.'n havimig pmmbtIshed s wlflfmlanI tnnliclimuifst.chid In , emariittthe chit. aeteruiThe LuuI.ii.nii Slats Lottery Couupauiy , the ( , itI.wtni fscts .rc given to the puilic to trove hi. ptmuoncuutthit we at. euigaged to fraudulent bus. Incs.toj'aIaIe , and untrue Atiutnt"I tize , pail by The tnutstana State Lot.- tery C'o'stmtlY frhtuuJ4uuuary I , I$7g tuprca.uutd.te : i.I1 to S.otherui Exr..ss .oNc. uirhaume , T. ii We.cott , Manisgor IaIuI to TAmutsiaria National flank. .toe. II. Otlusby , PrrsiIemt 403 000 matIti , hotit-tt'n nt.t. , Natlinal flank , i4. II. mcmuummuivproiuitcumt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125,100 i'altt ii , OW Omiraui' . Nmutloimai floik , A I aklwtt , i're.tc.imt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89,150 Pttti to ITmitn latlumai umank , S. Chaularr , , ia.lulcr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cliiu i'eld to ( itIzumi flaru'c , m : . I. . Carrier , , t'ree dent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67nxi 1.11 to t2ermuanla , atuaI Batik , , Jilt. , , Gear , ! , t'eimlomt . . . . . . . . . . . . . S ,00O maIi I' Itibirumla ? 'atuimut flank , Ctas t'.uIfr y , t aemler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Snts' ' iauut toC.ntIflank , Iii. 'roby. Cumiler. . . . 13.150 m'ald to Mutui 1 att'inal Bunk. Jul. . iltemem , Cashier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8U0 iitt maid as shove. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i &uitI mum -urns of utidor sio 0 at the iariou , omttcce ( if the tnmiamy tturougmiout theUiiltediit.utes. . . . . . . . . . 2,51,4i0 Total paid for it . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ I.531 , .0' . ' FarL" truth .f the , t , .vo fa.t. , we refer the 1umdic iithe ltfleer4 , , f the abue , iaum ii cir 'ration. . a 4 for . 'ttr Iezai.ty amid -lauding to time tliiyoraiti I ithucie . .ttli , City f No . ) rfciu. . to Lime 4 a'uautimorIti.sI I , .u slatma. , mimi ats , to the U. S. i iItidat if I , ulsana. tys eiiltiu to ii , . I gui houueat timil ciriect tim all , itu , irsioactiimms , iii tiudi en as aumy bit.ltme.e ii , iiiuc nun try. liurstau , iii iso inceded by am wit , wtll invu. . tttsteutii ourstiuck ha. for oar' buemi s i.t.t ott , Bigot 'if 13r.utmer. . mind owmtc I by rnamiy of our imisi kumuwii mind rumipected citizens. M. A. DAuPhIN , i'restdent. rCAPITAL PRIZE $75,000. Tickete 0th to , Shares In Proportion. - Lonisiall3 8tato Lottery Coll1pall . . we tie heiC&ti .efl'.v that we itpervi.e the a 'uiimflmentu br ad the M'nfhIi aol Serni-4nnua. utritwiuqd/ liiiaumi , SCmute 1ot erjj Ciii1anj 4,1. ! It 1)esmi , mfl.s.etmJi. ant coitrui the flrawsnj. heosi1w. . tmntUiut f/ia ettie. are csni4ucted witi I 'urn ! im JOdIaCth tower ! aLL rat , ieli en , ! we authore the coismpmny to use ( hO' cet ' ( Peale. wtIifac.sitrmites of our uipwtureg altachu.i ii Ltd adrerluseneyuts " Coisistssmosiu. Inoorperated in 1888 fir 25 years by the legislator' iii educatl.uuiai arid charitable pumrpiises-with a cat' tal of 81iwmOtXX-ti , which a reserve turn ! of over amfoooo Its. . iice beam , ddcd. mty an uu.mwheInuiui popular vote it. franebti. 1s made a part ut the , presetmt state constituit , . , tdoptbd flceeniber 24 , A. Ii. 1579. Ph only Lotttry ever acted on and emdorud br tA peopLe 0Ofl It never .qcalea or Postponu , Its graimd single number drawings tak. place niuuuitimly. A iii'LKNIJIi ) ( IPPOItTUNITY TO WIN A J'UNI. Ninth Grariul Drawing , Clas. I , at New 0 , sans , TUE8DAY , SEPT. Ii , 1583-100th Montht tirawijig. CAPITAL PRIZE , 175,000. i00.00OT1Oi9TtI at FIVE DOhLAIW MACU. .gme : lion , , to Fifths in Proportion. UNTo ? russ. I CAPITAL PRIZE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 'to do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iooo S PRiZES OF 14000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,00 a do 2000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . jooo to do 1000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . looo 20 do tOO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,00 moo do 200. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 do 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90,00 800 do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , cxx , do 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ocs APrIummu 1105 Palace. 0 Appromlunatton 1irmre.of 7M ) . . . . . . . . . . . 5,18' a ito do too. . 4,11) 9 ito do 550. . . . . . . . . . . 2,25' Litres , smounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , tpilic'uito : , for rate , Ii , climb. .huid i.e madu onI , ( time oltioc 4)1 the c.mmnimuy iii New Orleans. For fuurtimur iuufmrtnatimt , write clearly gtving ftuI' ' ililtvu. . hake i . 0. Money Order. iaabie amid iddreu. iivmzi.trt'i letters to NI\V omtLiAs : NATiOAT. tiANIC , I'iew lirlesti , , La , of tinury letters by 1hiil or iiiirI.sJxtJiIiIN. : or 4 A. IAtJm'IIIN. New orlenim , , La. 01)7 iievemith St. , tYahimigtouu ii C LOUAA ! $ ! STATE LOTTERY O B. Frank ( i1oore. 127 La Salle Street. CIzicag , ( Forrneriy SmO amid 212 iiroadway , N. 'IVI Now Manager of Cimicuigo ltfiou. To wimetu apply tom hulormnatton s.nd ticket. . 1CUtIt Monthly Drawing , Tuesday , Sept. 11. FInitCapItal i'riic,47t,0O0. Ticete $5. SoM hi Filth. at $ i each. Sc. ioU achenme chi.s here. a wiI&.at.w.bw 4ANIIOOD-P.sitJrsly Itut.r.d iii froa 0. to to lu dii. y U.tto V.gstabl. Von.ctitm ( * . For paflhcidati & ldr.si sea iist. . M,4kil Co. P. 0. flex , , Mi,8Lsoi.M Msiaui , - - EBRAKA LOAN 'AND TRII8T CU flAirniNos , xu. Capital , - - $25O.OOd1 JAS. It. IIEA1ITWY.t.L , FrosUuit. A. L. d1.AiIKU , Vicu.t're.ideut. L 0 , WEBS iKit , Trea.urer. C. P. WEiiTKiL Cashmor. DUtEfl'OitS : .jset Aleusadit , flawshmi OiIy.r ii. I. Clark , , It. C. Webtee , ' -us II Prstt , .las. B. it.srtwefl , I D. It. 31.Eiitiissey.1 irit Mortgage Loana a Spooialtv This ( t.nup.ny fertutuhos a h.ose suit. . Sr wher , , di..ai hint. eel oCier loyalty ttisu.i Mit. cigil Securities C , Nebraska ca. be , icg.itatt.4 mod arimiabhe t.ruis. Loan. tussle em , mnprue.4 ' 5. It. all well .ettle.i cemmetie. .t the .tato through .flntim. , 'nrrreuo'i.t..n ( . . 0 DR. FELIX LE ! 3RUN'S G4xG - PtVENTYE A NI ) CURE. FOR EITHER SEX. Tht reuuodv being Injeetsi dmrrctiy to the seat ot the .Ilseaiu , teqimire. no chatige of itiet or nauteous , otercunal or psm.snous meticimie. toimotakeum itutaru. ally. Whet , ict ! aS 1ee.tive by either sex , ii Lu Iui1.o.Mble to contrai any private di.ease ; but I , , the tale s.f tho.e 5lread ummfortuusteiy atlilctemt we gusT. antee three bozes to cure , mr ws witi refunit tim. utI.tmey , 'a Price by mnsii , potage paid , * per box , ci three bzu for & ; wmrI'rEN GUArtANTEES wind by all authorized agent. . Dr.Felix Le Bran &Co SOLE PiIOPIIIE'BItt. ) C. F. Ooottnsn , Dru7ist. 8de Aucut , for Omaha , Nrt , fluke wir Heatth is Wealth CitAimi lit. C. C. % Vest e Nrvo and BraIn Treatment , guaranteed . , eciflc for iiyterIa. tlzzlneii. Cinyut totla , nit. , Norvimu. Netmrnl4a , ltoa.tache , Nervous lrstratliim , , cau.ed ha the moo of alcihnt . .r tobacco , tt'iikettmlrie.is , tletmtai Ie1.resimiim ) , Sifteuiirmg ut the Brain , resulting in i".manity and lcaititm to misery , decay titid iteatim , Pretnattmre 4)14 Age , flarrunneims T.me. ! f l"cr In either sex , Involturitary Los.e .iern1u0irriia catmumi by mn'cr exerti'tms ml hratmm. m.eIf.abuso or ovs..i'imiiutgenco , Kawh 1aims , one mmiumthm. I rA'i , etmt $1.00 a box , ar himiemi for 85.00. Serml by 'nail preatil on receipt irtoe WE OUAILAN'I'EE mlix BOXES To a Ire any case. With eacii order received by us for six im.maesaocilmtm.anicii wIth $ h.0O , wewilisend thue purchaser our written gumaramtee t.refut.I the miuney if the treatment does not , .ffcet a cure. Ouaratmteee issUid . .umly Sy C. I. OOiuiiMAN mkP Wi Dot , . I. , Omaha Neb rnI4- I Have Found It I Wa. the exclatnatlon of a toatu whet , he got a box ml Eureka iile ( ) ltmetmt , , , which is a .iiiiimde ant sure ttru for Plies aunt alt Skin Iliseases. Iufty centd by cflaiI , postpaid. The American Diarrhea Cure i Hal stood the test for twenty years. Suite cure for ill Never Falls. Diaruhitea. imymientary , and Chole- . vs Morhus. callc's ' Peer an Ano TOhic & Cordial , it I. Impossible to .upmiy the rapid eule of the same. suitE CUIIE WAiIuIANTED For Fever and Amtutm , tuiI au Malarial troubles. 1,111cr. $1.00. w.J. WHITEHOUSE IAflItATOItY ) , 16Th lIT. , IIMAIIA , NEIL For Sale by all Druggists C sent by Exiurras on receipt of iiriee. misS Nebraska Cornice -AND- Orllaillelit ¶ OrS L MANUFAC'TtIItEIt.S OY GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES Qr33aex- FINIALS , WINDO\V CAPS , TIN , IRON AND SM TE ROOF/MG. PATENT METAI.iO SKYLtOUT , Iron Fencing ! Crestitigs , BaIuitradr. , % 'eratmdas , 01Cc , and Bask lfaliings , Wimdmw end CeliarOtiard , , Etc. N. % V. COlt. NINTh AND JiNEC 818. S'I'M. OAISEI { , Manager. Broom Corn MACHINERY I A FULL. LIN1I-CONSIsTINQ 43' : E : ri ? DOUBLE CYLINDER SCRAPERS -4tNI- HORSE POWERS rc. Izttob. . The Best in the Market. UasfutuM ti O.D.COLT0N&co. , ' ° ' IL WBssd toe tuJag a Fda. U' w----- -5iw