Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 05, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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The Nebraska National Rank.
) k Paid Vp ( s1ta1
Surplui 1jn1 , May 1VM3 OO (
JOTTNON , Proldan , t Steele , Jnhn. I
A. . TOUY.AIJN , % 'Iee Prchnnt. of floton.
v. V. ftILSE ) , ni W , V. MOItSE & Co.
Jon COI.LINf. 0. Ii. & J S. ColIIn * .
J. M. Wlftt.SVflITfl ) , CounefIor & Attorne7 &
L. S. REEl ) . f Hymn Ree'l & Co.
1 ! , v. VATIS,4sqhIcrfor rnny erI ahier of Lb.
flM Natuin1 flank of fmhi.
Thl flink opened for huifneeAprI1 27 , 1.q2 !
TIIN UIItEC'flIL.q ANt ) STOCKIItflEtt $ ir.
Itnong the lodIni bwtIIIe4i men of Omhi. arni It
buInc' , I CflhlIICteSl ) vfth crpeclt rcforeiice to Lb.
I beet aiof In'reai.iig Iiitcrestiofltmrcantt1a Lron' .
CO1A.ErIINM ) reecho ptrnft ) attention so.
chsrgN towet , . % .taliiifIe hcro or eIe here.
IN'FERESr sfl..we.I 1)11 thUG .lOjn'4tIl t1f.fl IAIt
sble tcrtn4 atni % I.I1 ttCIIlfltC 0 ? LUUIk AtiI 1)511 ker-
} 'OILKIlN ( : x 'I 1.1 N , Unvenhltieit , flnI in'
Cnnit .uf ( ' 0 'i''ilritli. ' . h.thL sn.f . . . .1I
J. w. Rodefer , Broker ,
Stork , , flfltHfC , Commercial L'aper snif sf1 other
, eeiirltk , iltalt ii
Roon 4 , Sn. 2S I'erI St. , CouncU fliniT , , Is
Niw YQILLC , September .1.
) .I000y-EMy V.t fer cent.
Prliiio 1\lercatitllo ? . - ver cent.
Stertitig Exeliango-Ifankerri' blue , (1010t
gtt ' 4.I1 : ticinanil. $4S.
- . GnvrrIIlILt'IIts-ttoa1y and rnot1y acttvo.
St.oeke-Sock , weroall hiwer thk foronbon ,
TIi not .IecUiuo on tim must active stockq up
to 1f:3O : van per cent , end on other
StOCkR 'f per cent. Between 1:3O and .f
o'clock the titarkot was stronger and a vrt of
the ( ICCIIUO of t1it forenoon wa' recovered. In
the lost hour kiLo market wi. mor iwttvo and
higher , the advatice ruigIng Fron * to 1 pfI
coilt. Itlitioli Ceotr .1 advanced to 12 ,
r \Veitern U.inn tO 7J , Northwestern to
125A. COlflI,8tOI WIth hi't night , irico are
If ) j1 per ccitt. Tim oarn1ng of some of
the Itu1k3 iiorthwet.rii , re1Iroad. ( or August
were made ItlIIiC ; , They showed large
gtl&ie , and this in terLdIy assIsted the uIw.rIl
lnoveuatmt which set In ehurty after midday.
8' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
4'i Conpons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
4e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11P
Pacific 6' of ' 95. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
' AmeHcau Express. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Burl. , Cedar IfaI'l' & Northern 79
Central L'acitie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( i7
Chicago & A1t4)It. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13L :
do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
CM. , Burl. & tui'y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
do > 1t1 , asked. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Fort \Vayno &C'r'ago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Hannibal & St. .1t"i > 1i . . . . . . . . .
do do do Pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . 932
Illinois Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
md. , Illimin. & Ve.stcrn. . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Kaiisas & .Toxas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12i
' Leke Shore & Michigan S . . . . . . . . . . 10.
Michigan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
MISSOUn l'abCiIic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Northern l'acific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
do do vfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7i
Northwestrii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
do ufti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Jew York Ceutr.d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1i6
I olin & MtnsIsippi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' do ( to Pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
' : IjPeorla. . & Evansville. . . . . . . . 13 ?
IRock Is antI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
frf f St. Paul & Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O5
, , 110 411) do phi. . . . . . . . . . . 119
/ St. Patti , Mmii. & Manitoba. . . . . . . . 11)8 )
St. Patti & ; Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144.
do ho pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103.
Union Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
J Wabash , ut. 1. & Pacific . . . . . . . . . . . 20
) do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . 33
Western tTnI.iti T.-legraph. . . . . . . . . . . 79
Aiked. lEx. mt.
OflICAC.O September 4 , - Flour1a1er ;
flot qtiotably lower.
Wheat-I ) cLIuIIld active , unsettled and low.
er ; 9fic for Ser.eznher ; 98u for October ;
100 for Noveiiiber ; 1 02 for December ; No.
2pnng , Ofic ; No. 3 , epriLig , ftOc ; No. 2 red
winter , I 0.j.
Coru-1xeitotl , unsettled and 1oer ; 47
for ca.h ; 4747c for SoItelnler ; 46@4Gc
for OctoIer ) ; 45451c for N.veinher ; 44) )
4lc for the yer ; 4@45c for May.
Oat.s-E.o.ier ; 25c for e.IL ; 25@25c for
September ; 2i25c for October ; 20@26u
for Nuveinhiw ; 95@2c for the year.
ltye-l.ower nt
Barley -Quiet ; 5c for cash ; 57@58 for Sep.
tember ad t ) ct'ber.
Fla'c Sea I-Low , r at 1 28.
F TiizioIiy Seed QuIet and ( Itill ; prime to
oxtr.b bri,1it 1 15'J1 28 ; dark and etuninon
tOIOl ) , 1 201 23.
l'iirk-Actlvo an(1 lower ; 11 G011 70 for
cash 11 57&1l 60 for September ; 11G7. ©
11 70 for tctiibur ; 11 20(1l ( 25 fur 1\o.
vomber ; 10 'J5iJ11 00 for the year ; 11 47
115(1 for .January.
Lard-Active and lower ; 8 20 for cash ;
8 20p.8 22 for CIto1nher : 8 17@820 for
October ; 7 87@7 90 for Nuvenibur ; 7 85 ©
7 87 for the ye.r ; 7 90dJ7 9 ! for .Ianuary.
ifitIk Meats-In fair demand ; shoulders
5 85 ; sh.rt rfts. Li 75 ; short clear , 7 00.
Butter-Unchanged ; creamery , 152'2c ;
deiry , 12a 17c.
Eggs-Ljiich.uiged : westcrn fresh , 222'2c.
VhIskyUncli..nged. .
Cheoso-1arket faIr and supply good :
choice full croabill clitnltlars 'J9c ; choice full
cream flats , 1IJ@1Oc ; hsr to good cheddars
ucl flats , 27@i'Jc ; kardskiins , 2Th3c. (
hides-Lower ; green salt cured light , 8c ;
do , he.uvy , 8c ; green sell dainageul , fib ; green
aIt ca f , 12c ; dry salted , lie ; dry calf , 15c.
Tallow-No. 1 , Vu ; No. 2 , file ; cake , 7o.
e4w _ .
r Toutno , september 4-Wheat-Active and
lower. No. 2 red winter , caeli and September ,
1 071.
Corn-Dull miii low'r : 1ulli mixed , 51c ; No ,
2 cash or Sejt0111)er , rc asked.
Ot-Dull attul uoinLrul ; Ntu. 2 cash , 271c
TCM4SAC Cur , SepteLnbcr4.-Tlue Daily In
dicator rOIorts :
Wheat -lnwor : No. 2 red fall , 8fl7o
for c.edi ; 881@88c for October ; 891(89o ( lou'
. November ,
Corn-lMwor :3Gb : for cash ; 31@347o bid
for October.
Oats-Lus'er and slow ; 21o tilL ! for cash.
r.IviIu'poL :
Livgitroor , Suptcuuuber 4. - Breadtuffs-
Q tuiet ani I lulucloLLugell ,
\Vfueat-WIRter , 8s 8tlc9i 2d ; spring , ) 'b
8d(84 ( thi.
jrzu-NeW , 1s 4t1.
i3ArTI'uoR. Sopteniluor 4-\Vlueat-Wost.
erui. dull cud louver : No. 2 winter reul ,
and SCfJtelItl'F , I 1(1 : ) 1-I.
ICorn\Ve5tetfl , dull and lower ; nuixod , cuh : ,
( "Jo 0skod.
( ) . .tt.sFirm and 1tulct ; ss'euuteru vlnto , 30'
38c : mixed , 33'a35c.
IlycStsaly : at IGGuc.
] lutter-Ste.dy westera packed , 811)c ;
cranluery , 184t2k.
, ' , , ' ' , . Etga - Firm at 20c.
. 4'f pnldskySteakly p at I 18@l 18.
I . ' tw Tonic.
Nr.w Yonic , September 4-Wheat--Cash ,
1@1e all1 iuut&ouuui 4 a lu lower , closing heavy ;
UulgrutI0I roil , pj i io , . No. 4 rod , 9 u ;
eteLuer , to. . roil , OUc ; No. 3 reul 1 10 a
1 13 dhiverd ; steauuier No. 2 re , I 13 :
No. 2 red , 1 15t1 16k in elevator , 1 1fi@
I 1 174 dehIvere1
S Corn-C.1.I1 lots 1@2c lower ; options open.
' oul @l1o lower , recovered 4itc closing 'lull ' ;
ungraded , ( .3@li3c ; No. 2 , 61t62o afloat ;
n fib free on hoard.
ii Oats-1@c lower ; mixed wisteru , 32@
0 3.'c : whik we.4erui , a138c.
ci ' -Western fresh higher snd firm &t 22
. -
Pork-Dull nd lower ; new mo'e , 13 0 ®
13 W.
laruh-Wek ; Priune RtMm , S tC8 6i
Butter-Firm for choice , ut 'J@23C.
MILVAVIEI , Septemluer 4-Wheat-Lower ;
970 fnrSepteiuber9S ; for October ; 1 00 for
Corn-Dull stuth ulrnopIn : 48o for No. 2.
Oast' ; 2fi1c for white.
Ilyo-Lnwer ; No. 2 , tub.
liarley-Unsottleul anul lower.
Sr. Louis.
Sr. Levi , Setoinicr ; t.-Wlmat-Marlcet
lower ; No. 2 ted , 1 ( r21t1 02 fur c Lshu : I 0.f
for September ; 1 U1 br October ; No. 3 red ,
1 0b0i1. OdI.
Corn-Market howrr ; 4o for cash : 44@
4r for Sept.ouuiber ; 41 for October ; 42@121
for Nnveinta'r.
Out-Murket tirmsr : 2@2flc for caehu
24c for Scjutuuuiubu'r ; 25@2c for October.
Ity.i-DnIl at 'bSc.
1lar1uus - Qiuiu.t ; northern ,
Butter-Quiet ; dairy. 12@tTc ; creamery ,
17120e. (
Eggs-Quiet at. 1'1@14c.
l'icOILtA , -Corn-Dull high
unix' d , 47.Cau48 : No. 2 nuixel. 4U.2b7c.
Ii ' -li-i-c 'IuleLr ; utiun' 2 , ti2o63 ,
'u'huislcy-'irIL1 at 1 li
ngw ouutAns. )
Nn Om.nAns , Septomter .l.Corn-1..asler ;
ttR'u0. ;
( ) .tts-Qniet ; ehuulcu' , .b041C.
1' . irkS to uly .IIILI I ti g. 'o I icinniul at 13 25.
1.uirul l.wu'r , : tlen.o , 8 ; keg , IJj.
Ilulk LleL14'Fii'uuer ; others LuuICIIaLugOh.
CI NCI N .t ri.
CIwiNATI. September .1. - Wheat-Lower ;
Nu. 2 rail , 1 O.v1 ( u : ; . for cash.
C.urnQuiet , Lt SI c.
Oaks-1)uiII at 273e.
1ye-luh1 niil , ubrooplug ; t15tJ5Gc.
1ALrl-lower ; 8 12A.
Bulk Me.its-E.isier.
I1iVl &iL'OOI.
S'r. T.ouie , September 4-Cattle-Scarce
and in light denvuid : ospuirters , r 85@fl 10 ;
go.d to choice uuhippuuig , 5 25@3 75 ; cmuitnnui
to fair , 4 socpr 20 : 'l'u'xuuis , stu'enu slow mid
WOILk at 3 253 83 ; choIce IudLsu steers 4 00
@ 4 40.
SheeI-Stoacly ; cmnmon to fair , 2 753 50 ;
oed to extra , 3 754 50 ; Texan , , 2 50(3 ( 75 ,
ChICAnO , September 4.-The Drovers' .Tuur.
tilL ) rejuorts :
II.g.m1arlcet opened steady anti choed 10
@ 150 lower ; p.tckiuug , 4 60'til4 ( 85 ; iacktuig
auth shiuiiig , 4 905 33 : light , 5 20@5 83 ;
skips , 3 50at4 75. Closeul dull.
0 ittle-Activo and firm ; exports , 5 90(3) ( )
0 35 ; good to choice ehilIjIulg , S 4(8 90 coin.
In , 10 tO niedi uuuui , 4 th(5 ) 10 : c1mnnuig ( and
Iaitchieriuig , slow : inferior to fair COWS lUld
nuixu'd , 2 25@3 00 ; imieuliiuiii to goiud , 3
4 00 : sti'ckcre , 3 304o3 75 : feeder. 3 S01 30.
good Texans , 3 7t4 ( 30 ; wiuitcied 'l'cxauie ,
3 40 J4 3) : Atnoric nu , 3 9 23.
SIuu'epStroimg ; iiiferinr to fair , 2 90@3 50 ;
mneliuln tO goiud , 3 75a4 ( 25 ; choice to extra.
4 lthizI 75 ; IdtLlbS , 4 0(1 hrnrhlead ; Texas ehieeii
275@4 10.
lCANAs CITY , Sopteinber 4.-The Indicator
reports :
CattleSteadynatiwes ; , 4 83Q5 25 ; stockers
atiti feeders , 3 50j4 ( 50 ; ¶ 1 o .as steers 3 iS ®
3 65.
hogs-Lower ; light , S 05(5 ( 20 ; mixed , 4 90
@ 5 00 : heavy1 ' 1 SC4 90.
Sheep-Slow ; naties , 2 40.
TItA I'I'1O.
Cuic&aoS.pteiuber 4.-Receipts and chip.
niemits of floor suit ! gr.du fir the pt 24 hours
have beeui as follows :
fleccipti. Ship'ts.
flour , bbls . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,04k ) 6.Oik )
Wheat , liiisholui. . . . . . . . . . 162,000 10.000
C.rus , busliolus. . . . . . . . . . . . 469,000 235,0011
Oats , lILhOlft. . . . . . . . . . . . 290,000 16(1,000 (
' ( yo. bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,1)00 ) 17,000
Barley , bnshel . . . . . . . . . . 14,000 4,000
Nw Y0ILK , Septeniber 4.-ltecetpts .nd
.uhlpiuientsuuf flour and graiui for the ) 24 hour4
have been as follows :
Beceipta Shlp'ts.
SVheat , luuhiehc. . . . . . . . . . 325,000 26,000
Cant , buushole. . . . . . . . . . . . 238,1)00 ) 21,000
Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 108,000 . . . .
KA'AS CITTSenteznber -Receipts and
shiptuuciute of grain for the Past 24 hours have
been as followi :
' 1COlIts. Ship'tc.
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 33,000 46,000
Corn , busbele. . . . . . . . . . . . 33,000 27,000
ChicAno , September 4.-Receipts and chip.
menU. of live stock for the pt 24 hours have
been as followu. :
Iteceiltuu. Sldp'ta.
hinge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 18,000 . . . .
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,000 3,200
Shleel ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 1,500
ECANSAM CITY , September 4.-Itoceipte and
shuffuuiLOuit $ of live stock for the past 24 liouiru
have been uia follows :
Receipts. Ship't8 ,
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,400 . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . .
Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 . . . .
ST. I.ouuui , September 4.-lioceipte and ship.
monte of hive stock for the past 24 hours hisve
been AS follows ;
Receipts , Ship'ts.
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,31)0 ) 800
Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . 1.600 1,000
] ) ItY (4)O1)S.
NEW YoRK , September 4.-The dry goods
ohhing trade sluuiws a steady nnhirovcnmnhit
Buyers arc 'lreieuit lu very I.iige force and
free Purchases with agents. 'I'hioru hia beeui z.
11811k trade , uisittl to this day of the sy.k , mit.
uulscellaneouis asr.ortuuuoiits mire , f suichL rtqed
thou wlh deliveries on pru1s euugagu'mnouit.
, s t. m return a g. 11)11 vol nine of Inisiumess iii
mnvcuument. , Agents have iuiado revised Irices
L'l fihlows : Atliuitic 4t bruwt , cuitt.'Juis , 74e. !
ttlantic If , 71c ; Atlantic I ) , file ; Atlantic 6 ,
Sc ; Atlantic N , fllc ; Atlantic L. l , 5jc ; itt.
Isuitie C , 7c ; AthmLutjJ E , 40 mdi , 8c. Other
clian this inarkpt is v1thuut cliacuge and a
4t.eUhier tone ii revaiIItig. I'iiuiti iii steady
reiltitat. hierwick huriiits at 41c , ( oroxculbouice
'ml styles , brilli muucy ( if colors auiul other dii.
4rable features suraRs any 1)iuviUs prodiuc
doum 110(1 are t.ii be had of loadiog Jhbors , iii umli
narkots , Demauuil.for stockings and umu1tiuig
doing ver' well , Fianuielmu uin I ig satisfusu.
torily. .Jobbera or their ropro.euItatives fruuum ,
LII uu.arkrtiu are preseuit to tIttk'nhi t.h.i Ilanket
trade sale toinorroW. iCentiucky Je.mns mire
Imouuug lellvoned uiuuit largely Iii the OXOCUtI , , ,
if tui'ders bit uiew requcs is mnotherate. ? iioui' .
.voar in wmsleii mini Ii better general liimuiruul ,
Clothiuig auiui cloth house trade are expreuuiuig
muon ciuifideumce iii tim's future by large iuu'
11,1505 for time i mimic' ' hate season mum 0 uumone ml is
thin t.ti oritor CCI t.siui riuitil I ties muf sjui I V
.omjiIs for IICXt Huiduifl , .Aiitiiumn skirts hm.sve
, ice , , I mm good re umi der ass.mrtuient. , amid uumuchi
imnefercnce is shown ( or huh mmml Bluickuimuim.
t.yh's. Fureigum , styles uuuat mctivt , , hut a gomimi
iumd thy tradmu is i ii uumnvuuuim'uut.
OitIIA Mit lt1CI'r $ .
\VlLoIesulIe I'rlcos ,
Ovvicn oi 'I'itic OuIAIIA iter ,
'ruuuului' Evemmiumir , Sej mteuimber .1
Thu following jmutcau are vii mrgoil rotailmrs
Iy jumhlf3ruf ) , whuuhes.Lter.1 anil cuummummiiouu iner
cmiii ts , 'itI the exce1mtioii of graiui , which is
i1umumteml at the iumicei furnished by thu elevators
and other local bu'ers ;
, ( aiiiIui ,
\Virr..vr-Ccsh Smu , ¶ 2 , E0c ; No. 3 , 7tlc ; re.
iccteml 42c.
BAILI.nv - Cash No , 2 , 52c ; No. 3 , ' 12c
h-Cashi ( , 43c.
( oItN-Iihfxeml , 37c.
0 &Tml-.29c.
Live I4tnnk ,
FAr STEEIui-Qtmiet and ummchianged at 3 00
@ 3 50.
FAT Cowe-3 00(3'3 ( 25.
lloni-l 25fl4 50.
SIiIUn'-FInn met 3 O0@3 50.
OLvics-Falrguahlty 4 S0t5 O0fgood butcb
era' stock , 600.
Cured Meats.
Jbt.coN-Usichuamigetl at 12J13c. (
iII'JLuLLuL1LsIfumil ' at 8g8 ( .
. ln1E1 ligin'-lSe.
lAnl At ( ) C 10C in thflI'Cfii.
TAU.ow-F'irin at. 6Qflo iii barrels.
Puitilt ry , l'latL hull flnnici.
Si'uINI CIIIVKKNC - $ iumall , ( uuichanFed ,
1 2J'ia2 ( ) : large. ( ) IuIfut ut. ( 00 : olil , .i la.
l'rmdrlo chmickeii , , 2I3 ) 00 fer dol.
\\IIITC Fisut 1.Jnclauigoti , 11us1c. ! ) $ tuike
and liuke trout time callus.
arnurft1 l'rcohicu' ,
Eaos-Unchang'd at 1I'@lSc.
1IL1TTEILitetive tenil firm ; cbuuiunum to P1011
7@lOc : choice tlairy. 1-I ( 16 : sweet , high coloret
grass , 12@13c ; cooking , $ c.
1'orAToii-Nnv ,1tmbut 1111(1 imimurkot vcll sup.
Plicil lit 3O110O )53r lit ) .
ONIONS-Quiet mit 4 00'm114 25 per bid.
NKv CARIIAOR70q8Sc lieu' d.'zon.
hIosiCalilonuim , iii cuuiul , , muer i'onntl ' , 20
f2lc : ctrmduioil , 10@1tic.
CIlr.EsI-Active , Vi n quote ( ) (3llo. (
I'otIAToic'i-lIomume grown , SOe1 00 per
Grei'ui l"u'uultp.
1lLuInnItILIs-1rumlsc u1itart ,
hiI.ACiIIRltIu1lM211(0)220 ( luer lul.irt.
1.n . osQmmi.'t 'it i ; 1k ) .i7 Sil jei. , box.
( ) uAnui'iimlifuirumia 1 01) ) l'rr Imu't.
1'iArIInM-NmLtivs I lX&J'1 ) 2'i er ba1cet :
C.uhifmmuumimt at 2 2J'.2 50.
CAI.II'OILI.t l'u.u us -I ii gost ( lomaLumIl ;
2 25mz)2 r4I Pc" , , ,
Il..tN.s-UumclIangeml : l'r buiuich , 2 00fl
I 00.
00.Ari'i.ica2 50C6'3 00 h'm' Idmi ,
C.t i.i I'ulLIA I IA It rir I ' i : ut's-I ii giinul un.
tiiLilll : mmt . 1 ( huu ) ) I 50 11cr lt'c. C.thi foruih
lmn'lmuas Ilumerre , Cluurcaui , etc. luet : , lmirbt ) ,
$3 ( )0I3 ) ( 50
CAr.woIttA GhtArEe-2 00j2 50 per case.
ll on m' ii ii ( I 'L I I lust i mli's.
\ VINTI'.IL'IuA'rlinst ittaIity , Imatnhut , at
3 255i,8 05.
SEON1) ( . ) tAI.trY-2 00,8 25.
S'luIU ) VRKAD--hitait jiimility , 1atiiuit , at
3 59q)8 ( ) 65.
S1coNn : ( ? UAI.ITY-2 S03 25.
lIlIAN tSc Ier csvt.
Ciioi'er.u I"KLl : ) - l'er 'JO lbs. 85c.
( 'outN Mr.t.- ] 0ql ( ) ) II ) Iltir cwt.
ScRENINU-60700 mcr cwt.
Gruieors luI ( .
CANNr.n ( ioOii-Oyten ( Staumuhmird ) , jp , .
case , 3 70(3)3 ( 90 : strawlnujies , 2 Il. , fair case.
2 10 ; rmuupi'crries , 2 lb , tr case , 3 ( 'ml ) ; lhmirtltutt
P ° ' ° ' fmer c.ise , 2 40 ; wlmirtl.birrIes , , per case.
2 75 ; egg liltuuuis , 2 llm , per ease , 2 110 ; green
g'igeuI , 2 Itu , ier case , 2 'JO ; do limmIc , 3 U , , pci
case , 4 t,0 ; inno ap1es , 2 ib , Per case , 4 00a
1u 75 ; Pemtehi's , 2 lb. p.'r cie , 3 1)0 ) ; iii 3 II , , , ei
case. 4 0lH'mi4 50 ; ( Ii ) ( lie ) , 3 Ib , per case , 2 00 :
elt , ole , 6 Ib , ( luZen , 2 30.
itlex - J..ouulsiauua to choice , 71@7c.
fair , 7(3j7 ; liittii , 0'c.
Fiuiti-Nu. 1 inmckeroh , half bris. , 7 00 ; No
t uiiackerel , ldts , I 00 ; f.sumlly mnmsckereh , hull
hrls , , 11 25 ; fmmiily inmc'cereh : kits. 8k ; No. I
white fish , huh huls. , 7 lIft ; 'lO. I kits , I 03.
St nurStuniiarui Coin. , Sbc , luols ; StanihLrul
ill , , 4 galimuut kegs I Si ; Staumberul (10 , 4 gahliuim
kegs , I 00.
SolA-in lb i.ipers , 3 30 per cae keg
New l'ieictr.'i-3lemliiuium , in buirrrh4 , 8 50 ; i
iii liiIf barrels , 3 70 ; siiiutll , In barrels , 7 40 ; di.
Iii half barrels , 5 42 ; jthierkimms' iii bmtrrols , B 40 ;
'ii ) lum half bcrrets , 4 iO.
'I'IAs--Gniilmowdor : , good , 45SSc ; choice 60
( a)75c ; good Linimerial , 40@43c ; choice , 60aflSc ;
'olullg llycimn , good , 30a5c ( ; choice ,
ui.rC1 00 ; .Jauan natural leaf , 35c ;
chitulco , ( ; 0(7ric ; ( Solnuig , good , 85)40c ) ; Oooumg ,
clumice , 40SSc ; Snimehmong , goomh , 3."u4lc ( :
choice. 8@ lc ,
ItOPKSis.Ll & inch and larger , iOo ,
LIc ; inch , l1c.
WOOIU'.XtYAItC-TWO hoop incUs , 1 75 ;
three hoop jiuiils 2 00. Tubs , No 1 , 8 50 ; lju , .
uieer wmeulilmmmtris , , 1 85 ; Doubh. Crowa 2 90 :
VellbnckeLs , 3 50.
LEAD-Bar , 1 rs.
SOAPul-Kirk's Sayen 1mperia1,3 45 ; Kirk's
atinet , 3 60 ; KIrk's staummiarmi , 3 75 ; Kirk' , .
white Itiissimsn , 5 213 ; Kirk's cutocs , 2 15 ;
Kirke [ 'radii. Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirk's
ruiagiuohis , dna.
Lori.sic-l'euiuiuuylvusnla cans , 4 case , In case ,
3 35 ; 11 LblmittM ball , 2 dnz. lii case , 1 90 ; Anchmr ,
ball , 2 dna. in case , 1 liD.
1'ee CTlt4JuL.Std. choice , red Tennessee ,
12c per IL ; f'mncy white , 19IcpcrIbracw-whuite ;
Virginia , raw lie ; rosated. l3o
OAxnus-hoxes , 40 lies , iCe , 15c ; 8. , 15c ;
boxes 40 Il ) , , 16 ox. , Os , 15jc.
MATCHES-Per caddie , 62o ; r.und , .ase ,
S 19 ; qu.srs cim8 ( , 3 40.
Corixuu-Ordinary gramleus , 3(3lUc ; fair lO ®
LIc ) ; good 10@1ic ; prime , l2@12e ; choice
1313c ; ? ancy green mend yellow , 11@Iric ; old
governumient , lava , 20211c ; Ler ering's roasted ,
l4c' Arbucklo's muisted , i5c ; Mchatmghliui'm.
xxkx roasted , lSc ; Imitation .1vus , 16u
VINr.OAt-New Yorkapiuh. 16c ; Ohio ap
, mle. 13c.
SALT-fl ray loads , Jer html. 31 ; Ashton , Ii.
uiaek , 3 50 ; bluls dairy 60 , r , . , 3 30.
ScA814-Pmiwdered , lOAc ; cal lomif , lOAc ;
granulated , 9c ; confectIoners' A , 9c ; Stand.
ard extra C , 8gc ; extra C , 8.c ; medium yellOW -
lOW , 8Ac ; dark yellow , 7c.
SrARcuL-l'earl , 4c ; Silver Gloss , 9c ; Corn
Starch , Pc ; Fxcelsior Gloss , 74c ; Corn , Sc.
Srucr.s-Peppcr , llc ; allspice , 15c ; cloves
25c ; cusasia , lSc.
CIICE1iIC-FlLIl creauui , lic.
1.yic-Amnedcan ' 3 40 ; Greenwich , 3 40 ;
Westeruu , 2 71i ; N'ortlu Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye4
4 65 ; tewell lye , 2 75.
Dry Good , , ,
BROWN 00Vr0N14-Atlauutic A 8c ; Apple
ton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; hoot FF e ,
Buckeye LL , 4.4 , 7c ; Cabot W , 74c ; chitto
imalmgo A , 6c Great Falls E 8c ; hoosier , 6c ;
honest \Vhltfm , Sc ; Indiaui lhousd A , Sc ; Indian
Stumnuhuird A Sc ; Iuidluin Orclutrd , d. iv. , lc ;
Lawrence i.L , fllc ; Mystic lOver , The ; Pe.juiml.
A , 8'c ; Utica 1) . Sc ; Wmschuumett 13 , 7c ; dm
A , 8c do E 48 , 12c.
Fe BROWN CorroNs-Allcndah. 4-4 7o ,
Alligator 3.4 , 3.,3 Argyle 4.4 , 7cAtiantic
1.14 , 6c ; liwlger State X 4-4 , 6c ; 1enui1uugtnmi
C 4.4 , ( ic ; Bmmckeyo S 4-4 , 6Ac ; Iuidian Orchard
A.A 9.8 , 8c ; l1mcoiuia 0 39 , 8c Lehigh l .1. ! ,
iC ) ( Peluimeroll N 3) , Tc ; do ( i 32 , TIc ; do 11
31 , . 7c ; do } 39 , 8c ; Pecamiect C ) 4.4 , 7c ;
Wmunuuiutta 4.4. 13c.
BLEACIIICI ) COVroNl-Andrmacoggln J 4-I ,
9c ; Illackstomme AA I impi rid Sic ; .10 do half
bleached I.4 , Pc ; Cabot 4.4 , 8c ; Fidelity 4.4 ,
1Jc ; [ ruuit of the l.ooumi , tile ; do cambric 4-4 ,
12kdo Water Twist , 10c ; ( heat Fahl Q , tic :
Iimiiaum head chmruimk 4.1 , 12c ; i.ouusihmle , lOd ;
I , canmhmric 37 , 1.Mc ; N iw urk Mills , 12c ;
I'cquot A , be ; l'eipdneh , N U Twihli , l2c ;
l'mcahuitas 4.4 , 9cj I'ocmoset 5. I , 8 ; Utica ,
lic ; Wnunsutt C ) X X , 12c.
Ducics ( Colored-4llnsuly E brown , Sc ; dci
C , .lrisb lic ; do XX strijmes aiim1 , 19 l.2c ;
ui ) XXk hiruwmi and drab , stripes aumil plaimla ,
12 1.2c ; Arliumgtuni fusimcy , itic ; liriuumswick
browum , 8 1.2c ; Chariot. fancy , 12 1.2c ; tIn ex.
tn , heavy , 20c ; Fall Jtiver brown , extra hituavy ,
11 1.2c : huithiuiua st. brown , 13c ; Nejsuusut A
lurmmwu , ilic ,
'Ftemtisua-Ainoslceag A C A32 itic ; do XN
lube 32 18 1.2c ; Arrowuiimia , , 1J I.2c ; Claris.
miuiit lhi ' 11 , 1.2c ; Coumrsoiga , extra , 17 l.2c ;
I ( uulmmlltOmi 'lJ , 1 1 1.2c ; Lewistsum it 30 , ISo ; \liui
iiehiilu&1.4 ; , 20e ; Ouuuoga. Hillier extra 4..l , 21k' ;
l'earl lilver 82 , 10 1.'bc ; Pmmtui.iuum XX lihiu.
Itrijue , 12c : Simetucket 5 , 1(1 ( 1.2c ; do [ 35 , 120 ,
YtlliIILII'li , Imliie 29 , tIc. blue miii browiiifl 1'2c ;
4tIimlover Dl ) blimmu , 15 1.2m : ; Arblmmgt.mii s bluut'
Scmmtchi , 18 1.2c ; ( Joimcorml I 101 ) , Id no uuuul
hmrowii . , 12 l.2c ; sIn Aitit , lo dmu , 13 1.9 ; uhmu
. 'sx t..i iii , ml. , , I 4 1 . ' 2c ; I I ayuriaker's I mlumuu mimumi
brmmwii , ii l.2my Mystic lOver lIstripo , 1011k ;
l'tiarh I Uver , ( d mue isimml I mr , iwo , ll'uc ; IJumc.u.vIlh.i ,
hue ammul briuwim , ii l.i. ,
CA SI Imlulni - llanmmmrmi , 5c ; Idmlystiuimo liuiiimg ,
2 I i imelu ilotihimu ftco , 'te ; I uirinir A ditamil , tc :
\I mUm liuittiii : gl.uvu . Ii iiisi , 14u ; Newi , a , t I lo , , r.Sa
iii , , tuc ; l'oujuuut mb , Sc ; I.iuckw.'omi . kl.l
fiuiishi , lb.
Coiuuo7r ,1 'CANK-Aflhuury1 A ui'lr.usooggiu. ' .
Ii tttui'mu , 8c ; CI.treimilmmmi lucCouiestnggu suit
tllis. 7c ; I I ahluormull , 8n ; I niiais ( ) rulmttrml , , 7c'
Nutrrtnoisott ; : , I miii ir.vel . , , 8.c ; I merill sat. .
tuteui , (1c ( ; I bucklumirt. Iku.
l'RLNTi'fitlicuis. . lii : A iuier&t'aui , lc ; roolul ,
lic ; Ilerwick , .Pjc ; Cocluissi , (1 ( ; Cummmistogui. :
I lauikirke ; It.iiiiell . , ( ( 'i7c ; Emhmlysts.uie 7e ;
I I luuuleester , fl ( ' ; 1 frin. . Iii ) ' , 5c ; ICumic'kerl .occer ,
le ; ; Merrimumac I ) , 7c ; Mystic , te ; Siruuuuas1
Ib ; Snutlibrimlie , Oc ; ulf ( iumghiauna , 7c ; ! .lurJ. .
bmurm , , Sic ; ( ) riouitml , 6o.
GuciIlAtIH-Aurmissk.uag tic ; Argyle , 10k' ;
.1 % thoitle , Sc ; Cipini merln'nI , 7c ; I I lilmlmnmml , 7c ;
Keuimilworth , 9c ; Pluinlc-tt , ( lIc ; .quissiX. Ho ,
CovrmNArnas-/s bberville , I3e ; Agate , 21k' ;
American , lie ; Artisian , 20c ; Cairo 1) msimul ' 1' ,
1i.c : ; Clarion 1) and T , l7c ; Ihscutn .C. . ' ,
strljmeu. 1) timiul T , 1'ic ( 1Cey4omme , 13c ; Nisim
Picket , Ibic ; Nonpareif , iSo ; Ocean 1) anmi 'F ,
13c ; lloyd , 16o ; 8t11450x , l2c ; 'I'hmga , Wachu.
ui.itt. shirtiuig checks , l2c ; do Narmkln I2cs
\'mrk , 1ludui Nankin , _ , ; do checks , stripes
nail fancy , l2c ; do 8 or , 20c ,
SlF.lTI3GK-Aflulro8cogin 10-4 27c ; do
0-4 , 23e' do 3-4 , 32ou ( .oimtineuutuf 0 42. lIe ;
lruit oi tin , Joouui 10.-I ; 27c ; New York in Ibu
93. $ Sc ; do 78 , $ Oc ; do 5 $ , 22c ; l'nmhroke
10.4 , tUic ; I'tsmptot 10.4 , 28cl uluu g4 , lfk' do 49 ,
jOe ; PlujsemII ¶ 10 , 21k' ; (10 ( .7 , 21c : do :7 , iSe ;
Utica Lit ; , Stbc ; the 58 , 22c ; Iii ) 48 , lTc.
lILVOS ANU CIUOIICALN-Ac4.1 . , Carbolic , 4k' ? ;
Aciti 'I'art.m.rie , ibSe ; flalsauui Copiulda , ir lb.
i'c ) ; Ilark Suu"mifrmis , i'r Ib , 12c : Cislotiwl l'cr
IL , , 75c : iiuhihhimt , , , ir 07. , 81 05 ; CluIiru. ,
fuuruui , jwr It , , 8'sc : ; Laver'c I'n'vicra , Per IIu ,
til 25 ; lisuisiu SidLi , tier 11 , , 3c ; ( ilccrluie ,
lmir Per lb 30cr i.eaitl , Acetate , juer lii , 22c ;
Oil , biustor. o. I. per gal , $1 40 , (5 'Jsstumr ,
No. 3 , Ier gal , $1 20 ; OIl , Olive , pcrguml , SI ( a )
( ill Orlgmtnuin , tuc ( ; Opium , $3 ( Xl ; Qmuiniime , P.
& anmi It. & . S. her UZ , 81 00 ; I'otassliiui ,
Iodide , ocr II , , t1 ( 'i ; 8tlle1fl : uuz , 40c ; \turhuIiLiin , ) ' ' 05 , u3 5 ; Suliuhmuur
flour , lair lb. 4c : Strychnine , P'r UZ , l 23.
t'mil Ills , ohs iluuil 'uLt'lI Islies.
Oit.iiI 10 c carbon , lutr galb0li l2c ; 11,0 °
hueamiblglmt Per gallon , 14c ; 171. - luo.muhlighit , gidlout , ltc ) ; iS ( ) ° wmmter wliltn , lSc liii.
seed , raw , suer PsIliuui , SIb ; liuiseul , htuibeul , Icr
gmilloim , ( Stic ; larul , is'inter str'd , urgmlloui , 8..c
Zo. 1 , The ; No. 2 , 71w ; castor , \X.X ler gal
Imuui , 1 40 ; No. 3 , 1 20 ; sweet , Pt" ' SSe ;
'i.S' , Il. , Ia'r gallon , 1 io ; ; fish , \ % , It. ,
lieu' gallon , l's'c ; liemitSInOt etrmi. ocr guilluii , ' .klc :
N.u . , 1 , 7t : ; liihrimamtiuug , , zen' , iwr gallumi. : uk' ;
suuimuimur , hue ; guulmleui lumLChihIhO , No. I , 'Cr gui.
lom i , 35c ; Ni. . 2 , 25c ; 5lut'i'iII , siguuimi , luer g.uli.uii
tide ; tuurpeumtiumti , 11cr gallu ii , I'S. ; 111)1 ihmut , 74
luer guthl.mi . , iSo.
I'ALNTh 1 $ Oii-\Vhitc tenul , ( ) miiahuum P. I' . ,
1k' , ' tvhite lciul , St. I , oiila , i unie , I c : i1 iii $ t'IlIt'M
gut-el ) 1 tt' I , lii t'uina 21)c ) ; l"reumcli xi tic. goemi
'iiil , 12c Fn'uicli zinc , roil sc.l , 1 Ic ; Fouiuc'h
, .iuui. . iii varuulal i asst. 21k't I' u em cli iumi _ ' . Ii , uiI
.u.sst , lSc ; u nsv mi.litl hiuruit. ummihuet' , I II . e.ii me , hi mc ,
raw isuid bmmrimt Sk'iiiimi , I 1k' ; vmltmui'kii I im"wuI ,
18c ; reliuied lmimlilullumck , , l2c caehu Imhuiek , , mimul
I S , rv black , I 1k' ; drop I ml itch , Ilk' : I 'rmi'i'dmui
bimue , 30c : tmltruimmmidiu , tiluuti , iSo : t'Lmrmuie gi'ec'ui
I . . : i , & I ) . I ib ; I .liuiml . miiiI shutte , ' g'ri"ui , I. .
.I , & U. , uk' ; i'.U'is f(3'Cl'ti , lc ; tuiult imi iCml ,
flue ; Veuittliui rtsl. .lo ; l'uscaui red , ? 'u. ; A Iiiu'i I.
call Veruimilhtu.ui I. & . I' . , ISo ; cimnuimme ' .ublumw
I. . 1l. , 0. & I ) , 0. , ISe ; yellow nefine , tic ;
p.hloui . OClino , ldc , patent dryer , So : graimiiuig
, .ilmurs. light oak , ulerk nuitu , walnut , chieatmnmv
Lull mdi , ISo.
Iry l'utltUs.
\'hmit leash , 1k' ; I"t'uiieli zinc , lOc ; Puns
whiting , 2c ; wlmitiuig giltuers , lgc ! ! : ts'hmitimmg
oiin'l 1 c ; tutu ; ilhutelc , I ; cruiiumuituisvim , I Ic ;
: , m black , imi'uii ilary , ilk' ; L'ruuus.'uiisit blue , 5."uc ;
' : ' ' .tu'i iie , IMo ; vuouclyko , hi , ma.ui , Sc ; iuuiutuer ,
, , be ; uiiitu'r , rmlYI c ; siuniim , , bmurimt , 4c ;
.01111115 VSW , 4c ; l'iLt'll ( greeui , geiumiiume , 2s. ;
L'IU 15 gu cell , coiiimmoii1 20c ; eltrommue grecil , N . V. ,
'tic ; clii miiis is. . , 12c' vi'riiithti. . in , I'img. ,
roe ; t'uuniimihl imiuu , unenlesui , lSc ; 1 imuli.ui roil ,
[ tic ; no. 1uiumk , I Ic ; Vouietimtmm red , Cukiusos , ,
c ; Vciietimiii roil , Auiieniiatui , 1c' red lead ,
T.u ; chruiii me yclltutv , gen tube , 20c ; chroumue yet.
low , Ii. , 12c' , uchre , rochelle , c ; ( ) OIU'tl , F'remmchi ,
2c ; ochnu , A niericaim , 2cVintcr's ; uuulueruml ,
c ; lehigh Lirtymi , 2c ; Simaiuishi bnumwii , 2c ;
I ni mmco's uiuiuienmd , Sc.
VAIIb'ImiIIiciShtlUTClM gallon : ltmrni.
t.tirc , ei.trms , 1 10 ; ftunumitimro , No. 1 , 81 : coach ,
extris , 1 40 coach , No. 1 , $1 20 ; lhimimutr ,
satin. $1 75Jmm1uan ; , 70cIssl.huuLitntn ; . , extra , SSo
. .hichlmic , u3 50 ; hunt nil Ii utah. 1 60
liCilL hoe.
' . ' Is s.sle SSc to 42c ; homiilock sole28c to 3uc ;
. - , 1 kIt' , 80c to 1 00 ; ntniuuer 'iSc to 80e ;
' .fli I 1. calf , Stlc to 1 20 ; hieiuiluck Luhuluer , 2k'
) 20c ; oak tipper , 2k' ; ahligmet..r . , I 00 to S liD ;
calf kid , 32@:13 : : I , , 'umen kiil , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak
kip , SOc to 1 00 ; oik calf , I 20 to I 30 ; Freuiclm
kip , 1 10 to I. liS ; , Frcumchm calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; ms.
sets , 5 50 Lii 7 50 ; lluiiiugs , Ii 00 to 10 50 ; tOt. .
I1ilmP , t. 10 t0 ; 11. h. Morocco , SOc to SSc ;
pelulile 0. 1) , Muirocco , 'JSc ; stiflOul , 9 51) to 3 00 ,
ltAtNK$3No. ! . 1. star oik , 42c ; No 2 dci ,
31k' ; No. 1 ( Mmiii eisk , , SHe ; No. 2 di , 33c ; No.
1 Mllwaukes 37. ; Ii. . t do 34 , .
' Iiunhcr.
\v. quis loniber , lath atmul ushiuglcs' . . * cars
it Omnsh.c , mit th , following Imrioeiu :
.101ST ANSI SCANTI.nca-10 f. iuI * .der
2200 ; ISIL,2350.
'l'IMftiItM-lft feet and under , 22 0) .
Tiusxit AND .Joir--18 1 $ , 23 60 ; 20 1 % , 23 50 ;
22 It , 26 hO ; 21 ft , 211 50.
Fr.nciiao-No. 1 , 4 aid S in. , 24 90 ; N. . 2 ,
SlixicruNa-No. 1 (2d ( oouaton beards ) , 20 00 ;
No. 2 , 18 00.
l41IE-I'Cl barrel , 1 25bnlk ; hier bushel' 35c ;
cement , bll , 2 2fu ; 1.wms plaster bbl , 2 50 ; haIr
P but , SOc ; 'l'isrremt felt , ltU s 50 ; straw
board , 3 50
50hleayy l1ardwar hiit.
Iron , rates , 2 00 ; plow steel speclid cast , l'c ;
crucible , Sc ; special or German , Ib : cist tool
itO , 15@20 ; w&mgouu upjskea , set , 2 253 .10 ; hubs
per set , 1 25 ; felInes , sawed dry , 1 40 ; Iongueum ,
each , 70@85c ; axles , each , 71k' ; square ultiti. per
Ii , , 7@llc : washers , tier Ib , 8SfllSo ; rivets , imor
tli , lic ; cuuil chain , Jer lii , tk12c ; ucall salile , Sc ;
molt wcitgeuu , Sc ; crowbars 1k' ; harrow teeth ,
'be ; ,1mHn ted , 761J8c ; liurteui'shorumehnes , 5 25 ;
Bardei'i unulemuhoes , 6 23 ,
BAIUISU\VIlut-In car lots , s per 100 ,
NAIus-1atea , 10 to GO , 3 35.
SlI01'-'Shit , 1 85 ; hock shot , 2 10 ; ciniental
ptrmler , ke's , , I ; 40 ; do. , half keg'm , 3 48 ; edo. ,
uiuarter kegs , 1 83 ; blaatiuug , kegs , 3 35 ; fuse ,
per100 feet , SOC.
C0AL-CumnuIerlsnd blusckrnnitli , 12 00 : Mar.
rlu run ltlossbnrg , 12 \Vhitebreuuut ; luuumup ,
I \Vhitcbreast ; nut , 4 00 ; lows hutuump , 4 00 ;
[ uwa uiut. 4 0(1 ( ; ibck Spriiug , 7 00 ; Anthmnme
cites , 11 5O12 00 ; Cmsnun City , 7 00 , per Lou ,
florses ittiti Z'.Iuulea.
Extra draft. hiurnais , i75fTdJ225 ; cflhilflifl draft
liorm.eui , loo@lSlJ ; extra farni horses 11o12r ;
coimulnoil to good farumi horses , 90gJIOO ( ; extra
I logs , 00@J75 ; ctiuuiumOn 2010.
Mtti.r. i Extra , l2Soi 150 : goad , 100@140 ,
fish , 75100 ; cwnunun , 60@75.
141(1 ( L
Ar.conot-188 pnu'uuf , 2 25 per win. gallon
extra California spirits. 188 prmumuf , 1. 25 jor
tiroof gallon ; triple roflimod sJdniLM , 187 j.roof . ,
I 23 per proof galluumi ; re.dist.ihIed whickliss ,
I OOQI1 50 ; flume bleumdcd , 1 502 50 ; Ken
titcky boimrlions , 2 01K1j7 00 ; Kentucky miii
I'eu.isylvania ryes , 2 00)7 ) 00.
IIILANIIIEInported , 6 00I6 00 ; d.mestlc
I 404 00.
GINS-Imported , 4 5e@6 00 ; ulomistIc , 1 41
@ 300.
Itusnu-lunported , 4 6O@6 00 ; New iiuglanmi
2 00@4 00 ; doumestie , 1 6O(3 tO.
I'EACII SNI ) Aio' EtLANIY--1 764 00.
Cui.&sli'Ainr.-u-tuimjsirted lien came , 28 004u
: ii 00 ; Auuuuiinaum , case , 12 00uJlt ( $ 00 ,
Mci-joe unwashed , light 14(3)lflc ( ; heavy ,
l3'bISc ; niudhimuuum unwashed , lgbt , 18@20c'
washed , choice. 32c ; fair , 3Dm. ; tumliand washueui
28c ; butry'blwk ; mmii cmmttoml wool , 2@6C 10is ,
FuN Cui-Coinmuioiu , 20(8SOc ; good , 454i
OOc ; lb so I .eaf , 70c ; I 'rcuumiinuu , l'5c ; 1)iaunonui
Crown , ( 'Sc ; Sweet SIxt.oeui , 47c.
SMoicnci-O. 14. , 200 ; MlLslciYy , 25c ; 1)mir
haiui , 8 ox. , flOc ; Ttmrlmaun , 4 ox. r'2c ; Imurhmuiim ,
2 nz , , T , ( : Suiud of Numrtlu Carofiun , 8 ox , , 4-bc ;
Heal of North Carmitimia , 4 lu. . , Ilk' ; S.iumh of
N'imrthi Cunmliuiui , 2 o.t. , 48c ; 0. IC , turhusuim , 4
4,1. , 28c ; 0. K. Imurlmiur : , 2 oz , , SOc ; Unchim
Neil , f's , 2-Ic ; 'Fouui antI Jerry , 23e.
1'tii 'FoulAccoClimax , riDe ; Itulhloii , fiGo ;
fliurmesiuie , 48c : Stur , lHe ; Iluuimly , 44c ; lien-
soy'sISo ; Ilhmiak. 3a1lci. ( )
I'hiis lIuutrie 14u1t is-ill Uuui'u thu lohlow.
I I I' ' I ) i smiasis V f hiuui I m huul I Cl ) 10.
I 'allis tiu I him , Ituch , I I 1)14 ) I &ia.I or Iliuihis , Ncns .u'
) eblIty , l.umiImugu , , Oouer.I , I ) . ; llIlt ) , ltbmuuiiuuuitiumi
' . ' . 'eumriitalui. lsllea , Ii.eisu if thu htltluiuyu
sjhiial I ibseasis. , l'iir1hI 1.ti er. ( . .Imt , $ iuiai Ketmu.mi
hum , lvmmmluih ImmmtsI 'Pa , /i.t litmus , I heart Ifl.casu
, I 515:1 eli. , Cmmuu'l hiSti 'II , hr ) sli silas , him.liestiuiim
( erumia or dmmj.t.uurc , inmjioteumcy , Cat arrh1 i'lIe , , hjui
uuuMy , Pimiuui. Amour. .
$5,000 Would Uot Buy It.
tIn. hIoa'ie - I iruvo 114011 3'IIIr 19UutrIU , Pelt for
5'lnlU tlimiu , amil it hiuis ibeum. , mmli tim it our Ageumt
' 'lalima-mi sir IL A iuy 'un I riuimluhe.l silt Ii rhienuimuitisumi
an sc-1411c.i , I w.muklmemy , buy Iluiriw's Itetutrio iit.ltf'o
( limo ot the thirty , imuIlsns hi Its tuirul iou .1 LImo mibou u
uI.eao Iii a shmoiL thimiii , ii ) ' OlmU si'lshmlumg I I. eoiufur
all Ii iuie , tuom miiio I wrltliig or cal lug at 3mm ) ' itiur
1420 Ilouglas bt. ( ) mmmama ? hli.
I cheerfully rime urmummeuiul I Ioruits I'Itetrio : PilL as ai
rltIcIuuiL cure fur rhuemumimatluio , hiaiumg $ a cmii ( isle for
'limit ummahauhy , 'rrmmly
. A , t. IJNIEIlfI1t. ) .
h-or sale hiy Fratcr Iiro'i , Coiiiicll lEulfa ,
MAIN llVl"iC'g-O11.oalio I'otmultlc'c , Vrui icr Hoct !
j4ji'or Hale at 0. F , ( Ju'qdiiai , , " linac' moore , hi RI
I'xrtau , I-mi ru.rt ( Inialu' .
JAS. H , PEABODY h. . 2.
Iteslulcuicu , flu. 1407 Joumes 8 $ . Ottos , lb. itO ? Fir
liMO Strlucl , 0151cc hour. , 12 flu. to I p. in. , irI I
0 p. ui. Telephone for Ohio. , 7 , Itasidsuc ,
thks long been scheriwlalgemi anti umsore co it tht ds
thin any 0)1151' . 'l'h. .st flell of une'hle.sI cclciic. I ,
el e Iie'ieasmuug , iimI It' umnurerultul tirr.tmchuis in
bruuuighmt neil.r intl aesrer Li' erlestlun , suud
usa , .ne inunu cm sni I ) nmrer grs.u then. . ill
Ileuuc-e this siec'nslty tsr dihIuug the hshor. Auth It I
true h'ey iuul ill doubt thud dIM'SSC , sfTectln the ceo'
Ito ii hiur ( It'gPliS lure I .1''eIsl u.tmuily Inure hum iti ) "
thIng else , If Wi would uildersilid ) nuitl know how to
treat thu-rn I't.uh'erbr.
lilt. hi , WAUNiut : I. hilly iwire thu timer. are
Instil' ; iliyslclsni , iiui , olne .euiilbls i'ci''lC ' , a tm a-Ill
cofeiiii , , hulni fur , , st.Iiug thIs tls , of 0 saws a
ililty , tout huets hi py Lii kno i thist aluhu umlisi icr
cuuus . 'fretluienmrumi simul limtmIllgetmnv c euflgtiini.
ed leiv Is taken 'f thu iii jt't , intl thmt tue . ) ir"lo
iii , a be l't ra hmhiiievll to re-lies Ium I ho ilill teL aiI
cal hmiic thicumu fru , , a orsm , thuiiu tei hi , Is ii , , less s PhI
hIIfltburnhuIst cliii tuemmeuus tu'r to Iii. nc. thai. . this -or
gen or .IiysIu'isui iiluo by C'ow ' iuIieatl , , , , et ci' itt
cliv uutlicr iii cii'hu of liii 1.nfe iou. Aimt futtuuiutel i'
I , , , hiuiiimni. . ty , Liii ' or I. , la-tmiuig a tic ( lie til-t' , .uj
Iustithru1.hi thmt ciuuuuleuuuuieI time net liis itt full i' or
I I lint' , II u I Ie , he , o-s utmilcr I lie Joe him lisa , to die
tumcurctI % for baa i.eiI iii as' .
A Few Reasons
'hiy you chioumlui tr the eshibrateti Pr. II. Wagner'i
imuulhiods oh cuurm5
1. 'Ur ' , II , Vegner Is s saint. ) iuliyiltii , "
0. $ . t'oau.v.n ,
'lIme tire utest 1.hi himg I'hmieiioh.ult. ,
2. "lomv cat , eu-el ) oii mis a , hukur. "
. I in. .1 , ( mimtts.
. 'Iii , % t tuihul i , .teatet. Ilii'slt'giiemuihs
a " ou era ii.uiuhuurhmmhh ) ' I uotkhemmt'Iumyuur kihuli )
eilgs of auth tuuuailviuiu , . "
liii. .1 Ianuivw , .
4. "lime ahIllet.h thud ionly uuhlc'f lii 'ouir Inn'
nine. " lOt , I. $ uiuN , .
f , . "Or. hi. S'agmicr is is i-eguilar iuiahu.tts fu'siin
Ilelle , uue his' , Itch , .Neiv or I'll ) ' ; lies hid , ry r'
tt'isl , i 5 hmos _ toO 't mccli e. cliii I LlioruuumlII3' ISIStU I UI.
mull Iur4uichic , . mf tiI .hiuume'e , es e tally miii
clmruimI ehlwase , . "
lii , . IliuwsKi.t.Zc 1a-use. :
e. ' ' I Ir , I I. 'usmtmer has Inuumuurtudluu.I Imlui.t'1f Ii'
Iii , isniideittih illscu.ury of s ii I Ic rvimedkms , for t'I
sale . 511,1 smmtiumI shlseum.os , , " t'Irghuuls CIty IJhiruiI.ho ,
; , , , I'hmuusiui ha of Iii i muilula lloc , to .ed hmlmmu.-Sat ,
l'rsui Is 0 Chmnuuii Ia.
a " I hi. hoctor's loul. ! . * Iierleiin. a. , a
shmoulj ueimder hihm * ey sucve.lul.-itcky llouu.
tale uw. .
Plain Facts Plainly Spoken ,
At eu. Limo. s dhicuslsimnf Lb. secret s m's was ii ,
tim ely is , illeI 113' tIme rhesshu. , . , mumit iumahhiuml mviii ki oh
ljui. is few ) 'ears imi iu'uuulI luau .hhy uimemiti em It. .
'I o.dsy this 1.hy'.Iclaui Is ut s dumtui emit u. limious ; hi. Ii
awls , . thmt. It. Is his -etlsagrecimblo though Ii
uuixy ba-to Imaimihlo ( huts umiatter ieIliutmt. gle . ci smut )
N , emk Lshiily about. IL ; .ini Iite Ilgent 1sreiuts lieu
guanittuma su III thmaimk hmtiiu fir mituIng so.
'I li ieaihtu ittlclittiuig Oils detrueih. . iii. v.eiw fur.
leer y uioi uiiuioisOo.t , or mist. 1.ru1 erly oithiiialcI ; ammim
ut ) himmpurtmumm'e beliugmittus list Lu a subject ahichi b.s
Its imatUrs due' , 1101 hut IL. ida. . ho. . .ttgatlou , , It a ma
sslhlhimghy Ignored 'a
'liii lmuibti. is geimenutihy csimtrac'tel by Dis youmaj
isimhIa ntleuiltmmg ache ) 'I ' : older cmii , aimlomis Ihirummgl
their uxniiu lii , I2)a ) Iii rem , umisibhs for Ic , or II imims' b
ae'ituhicI Iluruutugh cc. I timi , I liii ecItsmmmeuI ( ulmes e'
I culemiret , time inaclIi , situ b. ruzitud migimle ammo
mmgdii , umi III at. la-st. thus habIt beiioiuue , Ilnuui mind miii ,
L Ia ely eiiliie thu. ilethuim. ) Ismital suit ijervous al
lIk'Llomms in S usu.mhhy tIme 1uluuiary u esuhti of .u.Il.mmtuuiu
Aimmulmi this Imijucluims elTao. RimsV _ tia immeuitlimual IssI
tute , dejection or trios lUShLy oh niiI guimemmel
, heblllty. This boy socks suidulmui , mimiml rsrshy johmi ,
Iii thmd s1ortmu of hmIs coil , , mujlumis. 11 Ii. ho s yoummg
Ills , . lie a III i. little f.ummd Iii coumu auuy with tl. uthme ,
, cx , slid Is truutiluJ alUm sn'eehuig sail , euuohuuj
humshuftihimes I , , their iesemmcu. I.uiateIu drw.mmims ,
, iiiilsIumma amid orutIuuis oc thu. face , ct' . , sue slav
i.roumlhuuemit syni1.timins.
If this , nactI , e is i Iuhomithy ersiatoil lii , bore serhuu ,
ihheturbaimeus tak. lace. tiruat pmehItatIuim of this
lucia , or 0 , Ihu.tto coumiulsiona , a , . cx , urkti , ' cii. aui ,
thu sulterur ua.iy fall Into is coiiu1 lets stats of hit cy hiu
fine , thumaIly , mhuamthi rehisie. lmhuu.
'i'o all titus , emmgaui Iii IhmIa daugerous , tur'tim's ,
would say , lint oh all , ito . It at. mmiii o , tusks sier
1osIbl eltert 1.0 do so ; but. It you lilt , II your uiurtmu.
systeumm Is already iuiueh shmuittuietl , amid commas
iuelmtIy , your esllh.oasr , bruka , , , take .unie merii
timhu to aid you Iii sour cifurt. thai luig trial yuurselJ
fnuni thus hiatmlt , h coat , ! further cmUmiel you Lu
through a regular cuuiras oh tru.mtiiiouit , for It Is me gicum
iiml'itaLu to su ' ) , oss that aiiy oim. timsy , fur soul. thou
be It e.ery su'lhttle , glue Imimusslf U , , to this fas'hiiustlmi.
butmlaumgeroua schteiiueut.witliuut vulturhiug Irvin it
nil commouemimes mit suiums futur. thus. 'I lie imttuimbei
'If young immom , a-lie at s humcaisehitud to flit thus uUo.
emijuhimed by weihuuck Is shmrmhimgly I.mrgs , mud In mmii
oh .u , li cases Ihuls uafurtumusts cumidlthimut of thhuugs cue ,
be true-ed to lime 1.ravtlce iii ceIf-abusu , whulelu heat best
mebamudoumeil year. ceo , Iudoo.I , s f. isuuithe' practIce
, if this habit. is .utliclent to Iuiluc. sertnumtorrlni.a It
hater yeueraaial I ham s muMmy of suhi cases sidor tr.t.
tIleut it the preceut diy.
Young MeL
Who stay 'I. sufferher frsa the orecteif y.uuthfil
follies or hndh.vrethous will di well to svsil theemsshee
of thIs , iii. gresteat huoum ecr held it Liis sitar of sit
( erluhuuaaimhty. lii. Wssses wihlguarmeuito. to Sir
fell $ , iXl for ii e17 cab. of scunltmal weakness .r PrIestu
dlsemess of suiy khiid aumi cbaruecterwLmhe b. usder.
tmekeat.iudhiU.tocuto. , , , _ _ _ _ _ . . . .u
U Middle Aged Men. "
'Iier , ire muao3' at time ago if 80 I. SO who are
troubled with to. frehuatit eimeuetioms of time blued
der , ofteut mmccoum,1amul.J hi ) ' a ehiglut stiiarthmg or burn-
lug icumuatloim , aim , ! s eakeuiIiug of the ay'.tuuu Iii i
imiomimor the hatleimt cammimot secoumit for Out exatiulii
trig tIme urliusry deuisIta , a ro.y so I himiumit will mftun b.
foummd , and s'uunc.tluuuuus , iiimuehl 1artkhius oh melbummuueti ii It ,
a'iear , or time color is Ill hue ut thmlum uimhlluhihm hue , agahi
etiuuighimg to ii thick alit torIdil a,1 earnmi'a , Timers ur.
immali , ! ummeli ) . tileR whmmi eII of thmh dIhhletulty , Igtion&eimt UI
ihie eaUc , snitch Ii this secormil stage of , .eiumhummul.wcusk
ime.s. hr W. a-Ill gu.eraumteuaj erfuietcuru lii mill eusue
.eud a huahthmy rcatoratlomm of time gouilto.urliiary mit
gao. .
( jioultuetlus tree. 'I'hmorcugh exstuluuatleu arid ad'
. .1cc.11 .
/.11 coinuiuumlcatlmis ihmoull us aildressemh , Or. hIciir
floury Vmigimer , l. em. zaii , Iemier , t.mhorailo
Thu % 'uuumg Man's I'imeket Cmiii uuimltimi , by Ir. II
IS'agimur , Li seortlu its se'milghit hi. . gtAI to youuig ole , .
I'rbce , hcuL by imuatl to auiy sddteui ,
Let 'your Light Shine.
flr , Wagner this rclebrsteul epechahist , of Denier
Cole. , 14'J IArtuimer street , behlermu' . Iii Lutthtig tII1WUrIJ
Itiow ti-hat lie csui do , sn.l Is mtuhmig for tI.u'.aiidi , ml
mh fehlowimem , , , I lii treat iuicimt for lust iumueimhooI Is
sure to who hihuui a , iuiuiio that , 'iuturlty ii III bhosi. 'leim
tlimusaid , , tosthiumuiil it , frulmu all miser time Iiumlteh Statet
trommu those ho Imiescuunoui , Is 4nismf puslulie Ihmuit hiedoep
curs thme corat cases uf thmesii diseases. 'Lime milhhhcted
from ehirmnihmu cud sexual dhau.esus of every khiuI , all )
unid : liOn theIr best frIend. head hil ads crtlseuiiuuit In
cli liur city u suid unit on Jmlmui for match-u , mis we alit corroborate us In sayhuig hi. Is tIm. .ut
Isrer' . true Mouimrumhmi Nea's.I
Relief to the Afflicted.
in. in. hiclnc , a , . Iii sciein. , thus specialIsts are thm
"lice ishmo uha'aya comimes to tIle trout. mind a ciii , hl.hi
reatresu1ts. i ) ik cciii ok Is os , ucl.dly .mp.hlcmetmhs . to
Lu Or. II. Wagner , of thIs city , lie shetidu at lImo t..1'
'if ' tile 1rufuaehoum , nimd LImo cures he si funimis for tli
uuiifortumnat. wu'ih ' veani wutmilurful If unit Ire , SrI )
vlca'eI Iii thu lhghmt of sclouii I Ito mscsjmmhi culmeim ts , liv ii
, umiuiursu.i by tlmu imiat oiiihimeimt. of tIm' immimdkseh facuti ,
ills , hhl a met : ns e .ier.mjuhr , atroot , myliurs his will s1cetll'
my effect a car. fir the simlterlmig if chimer .sx , no ummuet'
er how cutmm1.llcsto.I thmehr cuhu1.laiut.-i'oiumtroyi
Cihronic Complaints Require
Time for a Cure.
! 'creGlm. at a dlst'uiro alma wIsh tobe treatu1 by Di
tVuugumeur ticul hot. led ba kward hoc'.eusu of limuehihilt
ti , i hIt. lmhiui. If tlmey sit I ss'htu to thu doctor liii ii I
'sail a lIst. of 1iuastIm1i Si lmht'hi tii mebus ! hihimi to .0mm.
miolk Inca , euouiuecl alit nh 0 a to thmousainhs ho Imumi
1101cr CCCII , liii has 1.metIuimt iii ciery cIty. howl. aiim.
, tatlums lii (3oIrai , , as ii ed as mci ii , or the IJumltn
'dated. $ eu lila muddmesa Iii hue adenthumtmtimt.- , ,
sum 'lilbumuc.
Shall We Reform ?
Hjcriflo rI.'liItdiUi for all mlmsoasos Is Limo theory
Imractl o at irvecumt of uduicatol mmmiii cx etloimne
Iilmxsht Ia , , . , ueiiil lii mmli l.u'gu eoiuiiimuiuiltlua ChiC ) ' lvii. .
ihteir sbt'chumltlcS. l.a cx cI Iii ss'hulchm tImely dIrect tlmel
atim this. moil ' 'tlc a , lit , % 'sgiitr Is a Nti ciasful II
hiitratloim .11 . thIs tiidm.'i ti .cbmoul , mf a ochalthus. umimil hI
iimi1rmutoiuiitod eutess in thit' trc.dmmivimt of irIeat
-itoasu. Ia as wouiderlul mis It is lbumttsumlmmg. - i'rm.if. .1
ilmosu I 0$0li5 Who ticod nuicullail relief fur thu umios
hlhcumte ( if .1 Isv.u.u , is Ill lhmuI , cii miccoiui1.hlshieil alit Nut
' t'imsfuui iImiehcluu Ii , thu ci soil of hr. % agmior , Ni
: ua Larhuiie'r , , ' Is hilhdy ruouimunenmhed by tim ,
, uuudh'al irofolsa at. hiomlmu mmimil aboard. l'.uiIel ui' ,
I 'emumom.'rat. ' Ihigotry auiI Igimoruerucu itmust gi' , u way 0
alalolni suit this es-Isa ) ' huihiuis Iii huttttig lit
lIght chime for this ghry of hihs fellow uimumm , l'rlimtur' ,
Ink Is tIme torch tie can hiest. use to guIde thu 'seiur.
.umucl sick one to limo fountumhui of lismalthi. It tliI , athi'hi
ahioulil be lumitrunmenutal as a "l'ORChiL.t. ii 1 et Uu
oil auth to guIde sulTerlimg liutmiaiitty to 3)3 Luurleme
street , Icnmcr , ( iolorusmlu , It. aIll aumswsr the purpoo
for It isal wrlttuim. Address
I. . 0 , box 231s9 , or cal at II Lust-limier Street
Ileimvuur , CcO.
t-WIInsI tIme coluuuun lmesded "The Uaceisily for the
afflARg , TOBAafflJ , BIP $ OKER' ' ARPIOLE8
1'1(1 ) I'ItI ETtItS ) ( ) } i" ' [ 'lIE 1'tt4L1 ) ) VI NI ;
Reina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60
to $120 per 1000.
Combination , Grapes , Proress , Nebi'aska , Wyoming and
SEN D F ( ill Phi I CE lt i'I' AN1) SAM l'LES
- -
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IIL. _ _ _ _ WW _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '
- - '
MANUFArrUitlthI ( OP
GdIvDild IroCorniccs1 Iidov CsFiiatsi ;
Rkhtirhli &c ThIrtseulh , Street N.'lu
I :
On Long Time--Small Payments.
t IfflIllfOIllrO1S Pricos. . A. ilospo Jul
IC" 1101)1W SlIUC
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4 _ _ Ill. ] DLx.II--4r'- : ,
Buies , Ca 11111 ± n os air ! Sprill ¶ aolls
My iej'iu.ltiry Ii euuimtmit1y , tIlIel wiLl , a vehect e0ick. Itei.t Vturm.n.IhIi ) gnsrauitroI.
Office and Fc'm'tory S. W. Corner 16th and Capitol Aventie , Omaha
TIs Flour Is suatte it Haleui , Itlcluanlaui , ( tor , Netriuks , , ii , thy Uuimmliliiol Itoller Stuns iystuln. tV
ls nXrLUsiVi sale of our t1utur to cue ulrun Ic a , sOe. Ws have opuiio'I a hrmmuiclm , it IdOl CapItol isvonu
mmsls. , WrIts for PrIce. . Adlrou. culthuer
T'X'X1'iII * , 2lIax-sr.
, Naheut or Ouuuih , M.D. .
Caroenters' Materials
sash , Doors , B1ills , Stairs , Sthir RaiIillgs , BalllSters , Wino & Boor Fraffles. &
FIrst-dim's fachlhtien. . for the tivitiufactutre . of iii kind. tmf MmuIihhms. I'hiitmliimt and MitchItig s specialty
'rlers fruunu the o.umlltry wihi be iriuttii.tlv exeunted.
, , , , . ,
Au free all enunuiinirntluni. to M'rII ( , Prorieti , ,
: E. : icrn ,
Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y.
ia 0 I'iti-x is tg'v-t , 'e.ti siP-us.
: . . , . . 1rIoT
. ' , - IN
I- Heating and Baking
- . t ; Is only attained by usuiug
' - . a'5
- jr I st'c- ' Stoves and Ranges ,
I r ,
. ,1
( ) ItlA lfm. .
" .
Grower of Live Stock and Others.
Our Cround Oil Cake , '
ft Ic thu host piuml CItexjit , foisi for etusk if aimy liltitl. Oims 1.tmud Is equal , t" three lourids of , con
lt.'ck fiiil will , Ii nitmnih I Ill I ate Iii time Fail ir'tI % Yinler , initead of rIiiiIiiIig , ihus ii , will , Iumrreavu hi - sIgh
IiI , hs lit give1 iii. rkctahuto , iinmuiltiiu , , Iii the sprIlig. I iii lryuiieui , as a cli , s , thsers , win , Uve It 051) teittfy
, , , .
. .
Is iiurits , , I'ry ih amid Jumilam' ' for ) uuurseiues. I'rlru $ U'.OO Icy to : iii imirge for eac' ' Addrei's
,4. . . , , , , , , , . iv. J'Jt/N II'5I'I is liii , ( ' ( ) tt'ANY ( ijpehn
-vcrM _ S irr DH : P . ,
Garriaes , Buggiefioa , RftOllS
1dm ) slid It'll ltsr'o.y auth 403 ' . . 15th ctrst , s' JMALA. : : , NEB
U bitted ( it , h ue IUrUJ1ICII free uponappticstlan. ;
. .