Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 05, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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2 , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
t(1Yel1ltIng Chnetit : !
"R hits bOCflfl3 CflIIIOfltO WfltO tb
( ( ) ( ) ( ) )
bcgnniug of nil article , n an oogant , in.
toreRting tflftIHItr
"Thon rim it into mo advorttoniont
that we avoid all uc1i ,
"Arni AliflitlY call nttontion to the met.
"I of hop Bittois In n plain , houe
tonus M pnib1o ,
'tTo litchico people
"To give them oHutfltI , whic1 iopmvc
their vltte that they will neor uao any.
thing olso. " -
"Tim 1tEM1TV 80 faorablo noticed in
lL PatOr ) ,
"R4Iiitu , ) nitti ieettlar. i
"having ii Iitrgo RlIlt ) liUd $ upplint.
tug all tiur tIIelCIflO. (
"Theru i flt ) donyitig the virttie of&lio
flop plant. aiil the proprietnr nf Llip
Bitters hare Rhuwli great lirowttness
' 'Aziti ability
compouinling a mt'licino wlino
1rttie are HO itliia1ile to every oflo'a oh.
servation , "
JItI Sli 91' . ?
! "No !
"SIjo lingered and utferod along , pin.
ing a'.va3' all LIw tfmu fur years , "
"l'lio dt.cUr . tbiliig her uu
"Aitti at bust. was eurud by this 1101)
Bittvrs thu palur8 2lt' SO niucli about. "
' 'Indccd I I iiitictl'h
11ow tlianaful wo should be for that
uiodiciiio. " -
I A I)4ltIghtcrN Mhery.
"Eleven yea our dauglLLraufforodon
I a bed of iniury ,
. "From a Cull ) ' lication of kidney , Iiwur ,
rheumatic trulu ( , ! and Nurvous dubility ,
"Uiidur the cLru If , the bust jIllydiciane ,
. "Who gao hut diduaso various iiaius , ,
, "But no ruliuf ,
' "And flOW alto is rcstAred to us in good
) health by as simply a rutiiutly as flop Ilit.
' tera , that wu Iuut eliuiutd , for years bu.
fore using iL"-Tm LAaETs.
Li. I PatI1crNOctittIgVcIl.
"ly daughter .iyu :
"flow much bettor fattier a sInce ho used Ho
. DttterL "lie Li goltlnr .ll sftur II long .uffeilng from
I d1rMO docliro.I Ineumbl&
"And we rO , iCtu1 that ho uiod your BIttErs. "
A L&oy of Utica. N. V.
- - -
- - - -
, :
. Know
' : i That BaowN'sInoN BrrTERS
. . vil1 cure the worst case
. of dyspepsia.
.1 Will insureahearty appetite
t . and increased digestion.
Cures general debility , and
4 . gives a new lease 'f 1if
4 Dispels nervous depression
j and low spirits.
: : Rcstores an exhausted nurs-
and gives abundant sus-
. , tenance for her child.
' . Strengthens the niuscies and
nervesenriches the blood.
, .
, . Overcomeswcakncssakc-
' ,
t lk
L ' Kep9 oflThit chills fevers ,
, , ndother malarial poison.
Will infuse with new life
. the weakest invalid.
37W&lkerSt. , flaitimor , , Dec. t8i.
, , . Fo sfx years I hra been s great
rffercr ( rom I3Iod Disease , lip.
I pepila andCon.tIptlon Dndbccam ,
10 deblUsated thatl could roictiiin
QnyLhin on my atornich. Is ( act ,
4 Ut. had almoat bocoma * burden.
, Finally , when hope had Imoat left
Inc. ct ! hutband seeing BMowH.
] ROU litTcuI5 dvcriiseit In the
. r3per , Induced ma toalv. It a triaL
am now takln tha third bottle
and have not ( alt so well In six
iran as I do at ( lie peeaant lime.
1rs.L V.
BRowrfs IRoN Bzrrzns
will have a Letter tonic
' effect upon any one who
, : needs " bracing up , " than
. any medicine made.
H ' -
, .
I 5).flA1HlZC wrf'iz THE HO FE OJ
, , M-
Sure Cure ( or nil UH3IALU SVEAI. .
NEt48EM , JncIndot ! Lencoriiiart * , k.
regular awl PuIiiil , Uoustrustlor.5
Iullnmrnutlou uwd tllrerulots ( of
tbo Womb , rIooung , L'IO. (
L.tJThJUt UTEIU , &o.
2rPcas'zittothutoate.emecku. pod tmn.sflai
Ltstect. jCjiotret.tIelpln regmuie7 , acid
x. * raj during ( boradt rCLr
insitiissvsrJt * surursn1u yr
WJa au. SVurlrz5zs gf tb' op.rUv.
cUbrx cc : . i jsucuwoZtu ( tctz.ajtluL L. . . 1.4
? n hetcru U.S . pubUo and ( r at ) d.eaa.s utV (
. . .jlLu . il .s t1a ZrstedV ( ' ' 4 ITGPIt
1 ILinL'S' CoI'L.T8otJler : , ( ef
. EIud Great UclIerlu 1Li IJi.o.
& . 1TPR n. ) YzNuJlx ; ; JILIIIII )
: c1 ra'1iW eV4l7 taru ( ( 44 Il.uoja tt.z I ,
oed , at tu , 14100 Itmo wit ; lO ( I"t.e &n. ) .tr. ttetb
5a'etW4. Aju&syruat'I ' Il4Llta $ ) (
IVilththeCctifr11tn4au4 n1tiir.r or. ls
; rcd eS t ; end s:3 : Y4atCU , cOu. , L-tui , tai
tco , toithtr. t. UlxL.ottlre'rF. & fl. .
p4 ; . t.r I'ytuaU thUto.nnctp.flt , ere Iueoo.i
. L 'el't of 4t pr t'c' ft , either. Sir' . V.a
t.iy IJJwci.s au ktta of Iwulsy , Lot Los. . I a
: - * . fore.iuUrt , j4.ak6t ( St. lUj.r
f-V I.Y4& E. hscn. WaJ.syxn P1741 onex C'.r4 ,
4 , , 51 ( UI1OUIXaA5L417fitC7 If tLu Ur r. ma
; A vl.tlw of sari , lreprud.noe cauiiag nervous dabS. .
, pts1eaLua .cay , Ie. . bsalcte tried Is vale is.
. . awn 1ai e1iqosra4 a elmpl. n.ans .1 sit
, . WI. t.clo 1. vill aena PtiVit lo liii ( tow.ioft.ers.
t % I\ .444i , J. M. LYX , 3 c&ut.h. . Zs .
j .J
- - _ _
ll o Uncle Sm is'llcfanc Oat of
baroyciiuos _ ,
4 Speolni Trenntry 4gont fllsoIoRcH
( Ito f4cerot of CliNfolil flu.
N ew York Wor.
"Ntv is the time we have to keep our
e yes oen , " satd a lirotililiwIt muinbur of
( tt1)tlIfl % Brackutt'g stafr of ctistoiti.hotiso
d utcctivcs to a reporter of the \Vorld
esturday. "All the gay birds of f.'sh
11 )11 ) svIit spotid tito utntnur abroad are on
t ho wing for lllflO , aiid if they CftU slip
in ovoti it fu4 yards of costly Jaco with.
ut J'ayiIIg duty it t'.ould save them the
e xpenses of their trip. "
"Do ladies eiigagu in amateur smug.
' ' 4t11 of thorn don't , ailci 50,110 , are so
o vor.coiiscioiitious tliiit thuy oroti olfur to
; i ay duty oil iion.tliitiablu goods. ! iit
li tuiittii nature is thu snotu , witutliur it isa
f asliloitablu ( Irusfltntlkur or tim wifu of a
lI rolninuIlt clergyuittii , like the oiio vIio
h ad 20 yttids ( if iint Vnlencioiiiies lace
t acked iii her IotticlItt. ) : I catiii.t . give
y ou her ntttitu for itlhuic.tirin , for iio
c oetliiigs voro tahuii tigititist her except to
h ave thu lace ruiiiovctt front thu giiriiiciit
it tid sent. to thu pulilo store , froiii wliiuh
h er husband afterwards obtained it by
. ayiug $1 a yard duty. "
" 4tro tim Indies cunning in the devices
t hey adn1itV'g
' 1'liuir iiigeiiulty is UflbOUfllCd. Take.
f or instance , tim case of ? tltuo. Leone , the
f ashionable itiodistu , who was arrested for
s titugglirig some thou ago. Situ clerlitred
tld uit situ was au actress and that the
d resses svhicli she attempted to pass
th rough without ntyilIg duby fortiied her
th eatrical wardiobu ititti were entitled to
b e aunt free under the section relatitig to
t eels of trade. , ito slitovad a coittnu.t iii
w hich she was engaged to iierfirin , the
l eading futitalo roles iii a ituinber of plns.
O n the truth this cwttri.ut was rot cU to
b e a foriuiy.
bs "Llies rih1 bring over sealokin
s acqitea in the iiiiddlv of isuinmer and
w ear them ' 'iieii thu thoinoniettir is III
t im tutlotis ( , siniply to Lie able to a'.vertr .
t hat they huivu bi.un worn. I rumeniber
it lady who roro a 1)rand now camel's.
ith h air slittwl valued at $2,500. lii her .
tt runk wait atiothursimwl of the same itia-
tt t uritil , worth itbutit $500.-Sho claimed
t o own both of tliunl , but the dearer enc '
w aa coiifiscatctl iiitd hover afterwards call. .
e d for. It wna subsequently ascertained I
t hat. the ho had
tc pursuit givuti her flit I
c ommission had nindo liar a present ol F
ti he cheaper shituvi with the uiidurstaiid. .
i ng that she was to got the other uti
t hrough free.
"Another device of the ladioi is to fold I
h ow tli WO $ , S iiiidu of their old ones , tutu L
ut t takes nit experienced eye o detect thu t
t inud. In one case a Jtidy covered n$1O ( )
S ' /ortli druss with , an ordinary calicI (
. t ra ) pr niticli t hit s''nrM ( for w.'ar. I know
tt hat site was too aristocratic to wear any. .
t litiig ss huuliu , its cit jet , , tutU I
z twnkeiiud toy ausIIieioius. had she Inhon
1 ,110 , of her urdiiiiiry wearing dresses iii- .
it teitul of her uiviut'o the fraud might
li l owe beutu sucecsuuftml. Sonic hmidies dii
i t'it husitato to rusirt , tr trunks u'ithm .
. , tt , , I . , t , , . ( ) n ft 1 t iii .k . j ii .art . icitlat .
h mnd ftuhaoidca as voll , and whomi I 1ttmlled
a couple of screws out it all cunie tc
l ) iecc0. "
; I'Di ) yOU uV.l ( arrcst the tlntlios when I
y ou it1t iiitbuTuUdtim1t to o'iiiuglo ? "
' 'No , 'U'Ii i. , 'ii ly 'tis' , of arrest that J :
r onmeuit'or is that of fiimo. Leone. W I
rs ra ru contented to eutuliscate thugouds. \ \ ' I
s cud the articles to the public store , and I
t he owners call obtain timitni either l , ,
1o 1 ' 3 ing duty on thiont , or proving midom
o ath that IIO duty is duo. "We take thud
c .Iursu oven in cases of a'.ispicin , and I
e diumit thitit inmiocontpassomigoro somnetimmiet I
s , ufrer delay timid hitrdslii1u ott this nectitmut. .
\ vo mmiust be extra cautious or Umiclu I
S tun's revenue would bo striously diutimi .
i shiod. You lmavu an idea of our worhi :
when I say that over $80,000 are atmual .
J y collected at the docks of the vnriou i
a toamnalups for duty on baggage broughul
o ver by ttissugoro. This is oxelutivo ci I
what itssoa ; tliruiugh the customn.hioiisu it : i
t he ozdinary coulsu of business. hots
l arge ami nmnotiiit the govorumimemit is dc .
f rauded of in the year by P0tllO wltc I
s vould ho horrified to ho called smugglers
t utu u lu ii ti iiiL IJII.tebblOlItullY . cigaged I
i ii the illoal trade , I czuiiimot. lirotund t ,
' 'ilavo 3'oti had much experience with L
t he tricks tumid vices of lrofcssiomuoh smug
g luro"
"I should ny I did , ' replied time detec .
t 'tve , suithu a amiolo , iii ho took from hit
lu'sk a hmoflow boot. heel fasbititied of iron
tu o which was attachivd atm iron clammip , amid L
u hiua id it to the ri'Ioutur.
' 'Do you iuce this ? That chuop svam I
fh astcmujtj'to a nina's boot after the lenthitti .
h eel of the latter had been remmioveul.
Then this iron hue ) was filled with cliii.
i mminida anti bcrowed to the clamp. 'hic I
himipo miii color ni a exactly hiku that eli
a i ordinary Imeul , and were it not that thu I
utiugght'r's imorvousiluss betrayed him , hit I
i iiiiht luivo defrauded the guvormuneul
out of almut 1OflO in duty.
"Atinthuor case happened ott board ont ;
of the llavamus steamers , I was lookin ;
for stmtiigglod cigars , and having , as [
thought , satisfied myself that there won I
80110 Ott board , was about to leave
svhioim I noticed that the cheat o
the window of the barbor.shio , which i
was ott the upper dock , wasa trifle loose .
I caught hold of it timid pulled , the patio 1
catmie out , IA ) liIi great surjiriso , reveahimit
an aperture about thirco filet bight and on' ' Li
foot in ( lepthl , anti rumtmuiim along tb a
whole width below thu window. Thi S
a1taco was filled with liXeIi of thn choices t
cigars.tftcr mimy muon hind seized then it
thu Inuibur timid tIn , t'.towmutL of the s.csoo 1
i itysti'riouiuly ' dinipcartd ; , and imavu no t
ohiuwit tijt nroumid thu ship again. "
' 'Did not thu ciuptahu ktmuss of thisi"
' 'No , front his uxphiinatiomt I felt con .
s iuced that the snitigghitig wits being don Li
1)11 Il ely tim thotut ii is l iitss1edge. I I o lint .1
ro , huts crow and only one vair I
oyt.s to watch themut while they wet I
5' nuchihig hiiit. 1 wish I could say tutu
uIl t lulutltiiis of inhoutmul 't'ssuls are us in .
lioculit ( if comimphicity in uimnugghimmg no thi II
lutticulnr Cite tvtIs. Other fmis'orit
mituthods of sinuguhimug in cigars ate t' '
jack thtuimmu in thit c'emitro of ) numtjls o f
onuigos or iii between baskets of lanana a
amid other ft tilts. "
' hs it imot risky to have a man searcImel ii
unless you have good cause for sUsji 1.
"I'horo's no pecuttiary risk , but ye U
are liable to discharge front lbs sortie , e
on comnjilaimmts mitaulut by thu innocent su r.
furors. We insist usuour best judgmonl I ,
timid OVUU then we arti sometimes put o a
the right track by tuoro luck.
CII ruimmiwubor otto day searching a n
Ezighishimnu , who was highly indignar tt
when nothing was found upon him. W ' 0
thkl him that lie had been Pointhd out I 0
us having susugled articles In his po : I.
- - - : -T:1 : - - ' -
s ession. I know who told you , " he ox.
c labmied , In his broad dialect. lie uion
ca ct ioned the namno of a fellow.paasenger ,
a nd ndtled that ho had shown suinu attomi.
tie oiis to the nu'.sorigers .vifo on the way
o ver. Tlmat had , ' ho sidd , aroused the
lmh ttsbamuls juahiusy , amid Ito tittist Ittivo do.
h ound d him fur ruvemmgo. 'I'll gut oven
w ith him , ' Ito added , 9io's got a lot of
j ewelry ccretcd In a trunk. lie told me
s o Ititmisulf. Now , I'll walk up to himiti
sa mid olmaku hint by the lmntid , amid then
y ou'll know who ha is. ' Now , as a mat.
t or of fact , tiw Englishman had not been
d enounced by the oren ho mitentluned ,
b itt it wits all thu same to us.Vo found
t he jewelry and confiscated it. "
Another Iift $ , Savrnl ,
M rs. harriet Cummings , Clndnnzuti , Ohio ,
ltriy last winter mnydaughter was attacked
w ith a severe cohul which suited on her lungs.
\ Vo tricil several inedicitius , 110mb of which
s eemed ti do Iter atty go.l . , hut lto ctiittituod ,
t o get .utr.e tuitil Si mmiii ly citlieti I n a faiitl I .
I i b skliuti , h11 t. ho filleil tO do her atty goo. .
\ Vo thou called I ii a I'hysici.uIm-a mitupit skillful
i. . rofts.t'r iii itmin of our colleges-lie st.1l that
s lut c'nltl ttiit get .oIl. A t this tliiio it ft lumul
sw ho hiul Ieeim wired bV 1)lV.I. { . . I 1 % 1I , '
fl s'.l.4M FOlt 'I'hi ] LUNGS , adviseth tue I
t o witu It a tn ii. , Vo tli gut a bottle niitl .
1 , efiru ibo haul imetl It I ii p slto begot tu , I iii. .
p 1.01/c , tititl by the use of thicu b.ttlcs wits cmi. .
t iroly cured.
it 1)mtltuIitI3 I i I tivomitlon.
I rwin the Chicago Herald.
' 'Vouhd you like tubuy seine condensed .
c od iisli1"a
' \Vliat is condensed codfish ? "
Thu itnuti ( ) luned a box amud showed a
reptruLtimi which ho naid wuso siumply
g rttitnI codfish.
"What Jitit it iii your hicuid to grind it .
i ii this mmlunlmcr ? "
" % VlI , I wits iii time fish business , bare-
l y timakitig omiolighi to hoop body amid soul .
u 'gtutlor , when ii friend caine iii and
c Iiutrnd mmmc for nut going immtu somno other :
b tisiies. , lie picked up a big codlisim
s cornfully amid stud : 'No w , that's a pitt tty
t hing to offer a liia'i ; it's just a mmmeas of
s triiigs thmmut nobody calm chow. ' And tc
c haff inc still further , Ito said in a sort of
j ocular way : 'You ought to hire a
b oy to chew tiiitt , fish for your custommiers.
I got. au idea front that , itmid bof'ro mmiglit
I loud a grinding machine , and next
m tmormuilmg I put out bigli , ' 'Ct'iidunsed ' Cod.
f ish. " Everybody wontlerud what that ,
wits , and imiost of thetmi bought seine t : ,
t ry. It took like lire and in less than ii
i mmouithi I was clearing thirty five dollars ii
d uty emi that alone tuid had a dozemi instead L
( If ottO boy to do time chewing for timy cus. .
t umnoms. It is a big bualmiess now. Ian , : i
s iiippiiig it nil over this country amid an : I
about to close nrrauiegtuients for supply. .
i tig thiu Etmglisli mniurkut through a Nest !
York liotue. If it succeeds I can retirt
i n five years with a fortumme. Ny friumic '
i s keepimmg books for inc amid says ho is thu I
i mivuntur of chewed codfish. "
Nri name Is better and more pleasantly am I
widely known thou that of Air. .1. A. l'oz , .
z uni. 1"or years Ito lets muncie liltoicif fatiiouu 4
by the elegatit ioruiuu&cs atid c.ntploxiumm ; iuiuu
t ier that lcars luls mtj.tuo , thin Ititter hiavimit
f ound itR wily ti , the belles of l'uuris , Germntunl3 P
u uid Luzidoti. E'.tmryb.uly ati miuires beauty Ii
l uutileeg. Nutkiiig will do mijoro to pruduco aim I.
o iihiumico It. titan a use of ? .lr. 1'.jzutmiu urepar. .
n ti.nt . , .
The Dublin 1molico frrce and. consL'tbui .
a ry nrc sul'ji ct to saute curious requlirum -
i itemmtm ; . l'tlicemimijmi whiomi fiii'y enter thu 3
s ervico must be siligle itiemi , and mnusi b
m ubmumidoti all thmougith ofitiarriage until tlw , ,
have sorvud five years ; whuI , in thu :
constabulary tm luau tony marry unti
s even yeuuI a have expired. To all intent.u m
and puirjioacs tlitiy imiust bo ivoodemi mmmcii ,
without dommuestiri tics or emijaiymneiito , dur.
i lig this prttbatioxmary 1eiiod. ha tIm cast I
of the comistable , urea tufter lie is permint
t ed to take a wife ohio is absolutely for .
biddcti to add to the faummily imiconmo i ,
omuungiiig iii atiy trade or busiimcss. on flit t
ground that. a coirnttiblc should not imuuv
t ill ) ' relations with time public which mnighd !
i miturferu whit time impartial dischmargti of ;
h is tint ) ' . 'rime rules reguhuttitig muarriagu I
a re bused on the tiectiasity of keeping a
f orce with sunii.mnilhitary disciphmmmo nu
i mitichu at quarters as possible , which , con
s ideriimg the s1irit , of unrest whmieli :
l iurvadus all Ireland , wa.itlul appear to hu I
a whiolesotito measure. Should the systoimi .
extend to this country there would pro
buibhy be fuwur coitilIaints ) of the bi ;
PtJhicomiiau iii tIm kitciiemi , who is invari :
a bly ' 'lIly COUSiII , Ilium. "
Lynn , Mass. , always was a good piact I
f or health , but it hits beconmo a mimodori : I
Bethesda simmco Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkhianni
of 233 Western Avomiuo , 'antic liar grea
discovery of the Vectabio Conmmpouiid , o
h ) ittlmtCeii for the piimmcipmul ills that nihlic
t ime fair creation. 'l'liis difFers , however
f rom the ancient acetic of iitarveious curd I
i ti this inulort4umit particular : 'I'Iio hicalimit ,
a gent , with all its virtues , can be sumil
t o order by express or' until ou'or thu I
world ,
Time 31t'talliziutlomt of'Vootl ,
Lea 2ifondco describes time fniIowin ,
process , inrommted by Mr. Ilubennick , fem :
metalhizing tytmoul. hue svood is first im
m noisetl br three or four ulays , accordimil ; ,
t o its porimicabihity , in a cauatmo ahkalint
l ye ( cnknrenus soda ) at a temnperaturo o :
from 7fi to 90 degrees. Front thence ii t
passes imiummediatoiy into a biuthi of hydro
i uulphmito of calcium , to which is addet i
after 24 or 80 hours a comicumitrated solu .
timi of auhphiimr in caustic ) . Thu )
duration of thus bath .
is nb.mmt 48 hiouri S
and its temnperatmmro is ( mciii 85 to 60 dog
Fimmahly time wood is imummiorsed for 30 or 41
hours in a hot solmmtiomi i5 to 50 dog. o f
muceatmito of lend. 'rhiti as mmiay b Li
scull , is a long 0mw , but thu results ar 13
( auirprisiug. ' .I'lto svoocl tlmmis prepared ,
zufter haviimg ummtkigoimo a vrvor dryin ; :
at a mliailerafc tcimtiionituirn.
. acquires umi
tier a btmmtiituhtjr pf haiti vootI a polisliet i
aumfitco and asauimles a ery brilliant mutt .
hub lustre. 'I'his lustre is still furthic r
iimcrt'nsed if the surface of tim wooul b U
first. rubbed with ii iuioco of lead , timi n r
51110 auth be afteruuarti PohiBimeti with m
glass or porcuhmuimi burmilohur. ' ! 'hie woo' ' I
thus astlmnes time appearance of a true inc t.
tahic umirror , and is very solid amid ru t ,
Beautiful skinmumudfuuir cmnploxiommrc , I-
mist hmualthm , nitul towcms of cndtiruumcu fo ] 1-
low the tuse of llrown's Iruni ilittera ,
Naut itfsnhuIol'htndowH.
ItiiIlamitpoili Timn' ( Rep , ) .
Time Ummited Shutcs hiss a sot of chromil .0 .
wouiltl.lio ' iso mnuit.whuu otto lmutigor to thi 0
goveriminemit in every imteaouro ltmi'.sed I.
'L'lds class are now busily engaged i mm
scmidimmg forth diamnal craakitmgs about tim ?
damiger that politictul emrruptiuu all t
ovetitual overtJirow p1 thu gowenmmmmem I
ilt follow a postal telegraph. They so
in every operator a bloody.nminded cci : :
Bvirstor. These croakers are narrou . .
inintled , jaundiced fellows , siio cmiii ic o
iiothiimg but evil imu ovcryoiio but then t.
selves. It is PrettY safe to conclude thin it
a mitaim who is always auspicious of cvcr r
body is judging others by what ho knosi r
ho would be under lilcu circumstances.
.i _
RMUGGl1O ( IN TIlt 1hOhIllIt.
h ow time Tuuilfr Jiatv4 1U0 Jvaded
Itiomig the NIi.guira Itiver-
Flotutismn : Kerosene Oil
to Canada.
The subject of smuggling has bean of
u nusual imuturust thmbu sumumniur , suus duo
l iulhitlo Ixiruss. Its pohtw1 ; I uittit ox
h ave becomiio more Jimmii11e1mt oil both
8 lleB of the border. Custnuim.iiuuoo ouhi.
c iuuis lrofu.s , to bellovo that thai otliummoc is
m iot iuicrensing. .iVcll.imufurmmmed dttte-
t ives aver tilult thu systoiu& of smnugglimig
ht h uts liecommie about lotfcct. According to
t heir statcuuiunt it takes on new phases
fi rommu year to year , but the gemiunul u.sjiect
i s umuchuunged. Kurusumitu oil is
a cross Nmitguum'mi river every miighmt iii emuor-
l ulutlo I1UuiiltLtmtiO. fluttur spirituous Ii.
q uors , tumd silks cumuic just ax steadily
I rommi tiuuut side to this iuuutrkut.
T hese are thu stujule of time
s muiughiiig buximmess Item. Iiutaveemi Ver.
l imomut amid ( Jatmmatlut ilmumme is iirubably memo
f muttid chui iespeet to 1i.tior tluuumi any
o ther article , 1 lucre are clubs , wemuttimy
v itieiuu , nmmd scores of dealers who obtatmi
i oulmur supplies of i'duiitueuul bruumudied ,
W hiCh mund wiskics free of ( iciLy by mneatus
, f the irtmfedomtiuuuul xmuuimglur. lii return
t ime Cuumiadiuiux are ftiimmisiued whim stylish
( Jr ' ' 11.1511" juwolty tumid multummy tither arti-
c leit , for thu uiuaumufaueture of ss'lmichi time
Yuukces imuvu sujiuuiuu' faeimitiex , Next
t o time conies tito Detroit. river in
a hImdiumg olluriuuity for evuudimug tIme
c ustommus reguluttiomus. Thu trafhic carried
o il iii tim vmciiiity of Detroit um fully iii
d is'tuisitied its jut citimer of thu ether see-
t montm.
A trill across Niagara river in a row.
b oat tmtkes about hmuilt atm hour , A couple
o f mmmcmi fammmilmar with time lamudimmg pimuies
c ami immako four or live ruins botvceui
Black Rock amid Fort Erie easily iii thu
c ourse of a miughut. Ayuiwl or clinker will
c arry live or tax humudied pouumds of bitt-
t u.'r , iutmd as there ma a ditty of 4 vents mu
p ound out thus article imi addition to time
e ntry fee , it is jeuulily seumi timuit high
wages iumay be canted. There ix little or
r io danger of detection , the river being
t iltimost umititely unguarded. 'I'hio few
u hlicers omumiilyud , itt thtie dhutmict are
c lmiully engaged in the daytittue on the
t i'mtitmo amid j.uIxxemmgcr boats. 'l'ime hJIlior-
t tuum of autuggl ng iii those regular citami-
u cla of trade ix very smmmall. it is umi
q uestiommablu that ishemo 81. worth of
g oods is brought over surreptitiously
by train or steamer , $1,000 s'Vurthi mx
brought across time river in stimuli boats
uidercovcr , ot dtirkmmess. Not lesS thuami
f ifty itighit watciumnumi would be required
t o repress mmmmutmgglummg nlommg time ft-cattier
h im fruimi Luwistun of N nigaril Falls
s , , uthiward tt ) lititlalo , hhiituibitrg , tumid
Dumikirk. ltesidcmtta of Fort Erie nihhcge
t hat a dozen or a score of barrels of
l ceroseuu mine frequently seemi lying hi time
woods south of tim old fort. The uuiar
i miuthmod of gettimtg this 1iruduct acrosx the
river ix to Plutce time barrels jim the water
amid have a batch of tlmemn fuistemmed to-
gethtuir by mmmeiuts of ruiles , when they ate
tmikumi iii tow by a bo.ittumaii amid hauled
t o time Cummaditim shore. The satiity
displayed ma thus lilmimi Cttimtmieitds itself at
aliCe. Tine tow hue inmny lie teli or .
l ifteen rods iii leuigiht , and should tim
sl umuggler be a.prvhiuuudtmd suiuilc en route
l ie lute only to hit go o it amid time proof
° his guilt vmtmiislic dowui sticautuu. lieT
s ides , time barrels tune self sustaiuiitfg iii
t hu riser , wLumuas ihicy would irove very
cumiuberoumie imm the stmtall boats which are
required itt the sinum.g1mumg bnximies. Time
duty omm kerusemmu at. Cutiaduami puimmtx is
7 cents r gallium , sr oser 3 per bar- ,
i ul. The muunmf who takes a tow of a dozeim
barrels ucm t'ss ' the river hunts cained itt nit
h uour a sithitry fur wlmiehi mumammy a phiyxiuiuitmm ,
l awyer or joUiiialiSt toils ii whole week ,
\'ith ' almumost peifect imnnmunity frouii do-
t tmcti..n . . , ix it mummy wonder tlitut.smauggliumg
f iounishmes as mu itrofeuxion mumid hits becommie I
t horoughly systetuuizect ? It is nut thu itt-
t eimtiua Lu ) rellect uutfavorably upon the I
o lhicials. Thioforco ot detectives amid in-
s 1jcctots imu tlmis district were greatly di-
m itimmishued dutitig 1las' term at
t he triuitmo , tim steamers , and the inter-
i matiotmuti bridges , time idea being that the t
m umiiutmmit of goods recovered was umot. suf-
f icietit to justify time expemisu of imight
t vatelumiiun. 'l'ito ntmthtotmties ovidemutly ,
d id mmot realize that the exixtoimco of such :
m u force deterred scumcs of vetsmus froiui I
o mugagimig in the buximmess of tuttmuggliumg. .
Time Camuad on govermmtmmemit now ttmulhilllym
a mdv decetive br time IttIrt ( if Fort Eta , .
Her pmiuci1ilo duties ale to search woniumut I
who are SUdpected of ittuvimug valuablen I
c outcealed in their clothmimmg. Situ iumt I
to akeim goods froni several , mud this formmu
o f sinmmgghiimg is being checked.
It is molutted that one of the custotmis
ofhicoro a Victoria 1aid $80 recently omm a
quantity of silver wamu whimchi was a wed-
dtmmg preoommt fuamiim rehmutives. Thu goods I
h iatt becim smuggled Irotum ilitifalo , amid the
f mict luavimmg become mieigltbomhood gossip
t he ohiieial syuts called upoti to 1111Y duty.
Fort Eriu has ever been a v ritabic
m timtugghirs' paradise. A promtmimucnt
Catmadumum cuatotti.hiuttso detective died L
s uddeumly of heart disease there lust ss'imm-
t ot , just as lie hitul cutmipleted a chmniti of
evidence against a ziummiber of citizens ,
Alt of timesti CiLses were settled , however1 '
by PaYIoiit of mnommey to the govorimmnoiit.
A wenitimy itmorcitauit was mulutod in tin ,
summu of $500 , tue ah1ogatimmo , against hut : I
being of a higitly seitsiutiotmal chiaruuctor ,
It was ahtowii timuim timat smttumggiimmmz amid I
Politics Wome commsiderabiy muixed uj )
I n time Dotnimmion. Swtuo of the mumire ito .
torlous anmuggiers arc liberal commtributem'u I
to time caumptuign funds of time conservmutiv I
party , witich imw has dotnitmanmco amid ap .
1)ttiIit time customtis ofilcers itt that. coumm .
ti7 'l'hds class emmjoy a degree of imnmmmu .
miity wim'ieii wutihil be wonderful but foi r
time kimuwledgu of their political relation .
ship , \'iieimtivoi ami migit.utioml of the sub -
joeL arises a few of time leaders are hittet
timid a decided stir is mmmdc iii seareiuimm1 r
time imusigniticuuit luilferere who immiest titi rj
triuimis uimttl fcmry.boatmt , but no attempt i S
ever muncie to go tam tIm reid of the evil ,
\Thihe , the stirreptitous trnmliic imm kcctseni
known to alt mmmcmi ammd is mttakiimg doz
wealthy , mu 1mioxectttioit 'in this jartieu .
hmmr line mmeklomn occurs. 'I'itu advocates o f
free tmnde on both sides of time bammdttt- hut .1
, tui excellent aurgtmmmicimt iii the smmimmgghmm
symutetmm. 'l'iie mcpnbl'icamus lucre ciuver I t
Up its muiumeit no possible , tlue'tv 1crt : buimi
reBpunsihle for thu imnumuigetmmemut of lit ' :
custommum , lJr , hhuitmhmmiolul , tite specie ,
treasury agent , who hititi sUlum'ViSimii o , ' c
this district , huts 1iro1itbt' done titore ti a
repress time tulnixu titmimi muhmumust rummy othie ,
mtmau could Imaso done with time limuitci
force cmitployed Ott time fiomitior , A S
iegaids knowledge tumid experience iii timi it
br.mneii of service thu govemmimmiemml. hun .5 .
hind itis t'itmtil , Nevertheless I
smnuggiiuig hlotirixinea , atmul three score c
lumen equally sziiuciottx nimul f.itlmtiml wotuh : .
be rutitired to stIli it.
hhi't Haters ofthmut Atmiazon ,
Ftom ha. ( lrmclnnitl Enquirur ,
"You say they are dirt eaters ? "
"Ye , , mitt ; and I utetum it in its uteri ul
sense. You kmiow time French travoliot
Macmis , who explored time sources of tim U
river Amazon , found a tribe of Indiana a ( )
infernally lazy that , having aton up aa
: - .
Mischievous Malaria.
To say that malaria is , niscMcvcu.
is to put it very mildly. It is all that
and more. I is cunning , deceitful ,
treacherous , sly , and underhanded.
It does its work in the dark , and in
such a sly way that much ofthc mis.
chiefis done before it is discovered.
It saps the foundations of a health
tystcm. . It robsthcblo Jofits vita -
ity , demoralizes the liver , confounds
the stomach , and makes the victim
wish he were in his grave. Itussad
tosec peoplesitdown in their misery ,
content to be the victims of mischkv-
ous malaria , and thinking that noth.
i ng can be done for them. The power
ol l3nowN's IRON J3ITTEnS over the
nischicfs ofmnalaria has been so amply -
ply proved that there is no reason
why anybody who can procure a
bottle of this Prince of Tonics shall
suffer. Great isthe power of malaria ,
and great are its dsastrotms effects.
But greater far is the beneficent in-
u luence ofURowN's Inot BITTERS.
The preparation of ; ron in this favor.
i ts family remedy can be taken
without ruIning the teeth or produc.
l ug constipation and headache.
t Ime fotmr.foter , amm'tmnais in timeir reach ,
im mcluditmg Laurrots and mmwmtke s , snakes
a nti cmiiejiumg , thuiuugi , were reduced to
hi vimmg subtly tum ) bugs tumid imiseetti. Timese
O ttommmac arc fimihy uuu bitI , Tlmoy lis'e
tu lImui ) mumudbalis stimemi time river hi high amud
fi siiimmg ceases. It is mu sort of uncttmuus ,
c lay of mu peculiar kimmtl which hue fluids
u pomt ltuuks ; of streatits It is soft to time
t ouch , like 1immtty. 1mm its natural state it
is of a yehloss'ishm.gruuy color , hut wimemi
im rumdemmtd before the fire it asuuines a
t ingut of roil , owimug to the oxide of iromm
t iiutt it COIitJitms. "
' 'Is it iuotmtitmlming ? "
ttNotjtm time least. Itmeroly fills up-
p rothmces a Batiety and satisfies the aumgs
o f lmuimger _ I Inure been told by t.'hiemtuists
a nti imiedical mmmcmi who lutuvo amnulyzu'd the
l ittle balls immto wlmichu they raill it to store
a way that it comttaimmtid imotlmiumgmiiuu ishilug.
s immtuiy silex itiud niumnimum , with 3 sir 4 per
c emmt , of hitmue. lIe calls titeo balls i' ' ° ' .
m md stores timoumi up imtt.i little pyramids ,
j tiBt. LU4 Cmiimmlmli ( bails are lulled iii mu fort
K achi bail is 3 or 4 indies iii diatimuter.
\'Iucmi hmumigry , ho takes a ball and a' ' tiremis
i t by wettiimg , mmd cuits abimut a imumtd a
( l Ily Tiietc is soiuuetitiumg itt the dirt-
e ullimig ittubit which prodtmces a sort of
c m-.uvmmg ! for it. I io not think that time
it ubit is confined exclusively to the Otto-
ti mes , iuut believe that it is genemahly
k mmowim iuiiioflg time immtlituns of time tropics.
I luave heaid of a poor clans of wimites
l iving lit North Carolina wimo , whueti
i irssei by imumuger , eat the immud dauhings
t hat hide time ciminh.s iii their ca'hiums. "
Thu umiost popiilarnorvmmo tonic in the
w orld jim Dr. Rmchumumummd's , S'anzaritan
L VCit'iflC. S1.Fi ( )
"F'jts rendered my daughter dle.uf ,
d immimb nmmd ! uirutlyzed , .Suzarian .tVcr-
c lime cumtd lieu' . " l'otor ltui , Sirmimg.
s water , Wis. At Dmtmggistx.
A % 'OMAN .Jb tVEjER.
T Itcstmceesu Which has Greeted a
YoutmgVoimuiui , In Catifuu'tuia.
S at , FroncIco Clironicic.
'tlhttvu you auty jewelry that yotm wish
m neimda ± d , or 1uck to repair or regulate ? "
It wits a youimg woimmu , neatly di exited ,
who mu.hed time qui'stiutu itt tliq mitmuut door
o f the hmotaw omm 'l'aylor sticet yesterday.
T ime immistrexti of time eittabiisittutctmt re-
m imunibtim cut that she hind a bioch with a
p in luckjum ; tuiid imatuded it over to time
i tiutoramit jeweller to ohierate upon. Her
a ctions slmowed timat site unto tom adept at
t he bitsimiess. Jim ii mivat box , about hf-
t een immehtea lommg mmd five high , wore rang.
c ci a full kmt umf'josvelier's tools , includmmig
a spirit tumid blow idim , A ties' ' iiimm
was speedily uuttuteited to time bmooch amid
t urmued ovct to its owner.
' 'Ilinv mmmdi is it ? "
. 'Twemmty.fmve cents , " was time reply.
Has mug Putiti time atumount , the imiquisi.
t ive imad oh time imouxe asked the travelhiumg
j eweller wimuitimer site hind imiuchi work to
d o.
o."Oh. . plenty , " site answered , "In seine
h mousex I itttu bi'pt mme.uIy a day overiumumhimmg
c locks atmd ditiimg little odd jobs of iticiud.
1 1mg. In sotuto liltuces I have mixed as Itmammy
S Li dozoim chucktm. "
"Do OU have mimuchi regulating of clocks
t o attend to ? "
"You would be surlrisod ) ir I should
t ell oti 1mw mmiatuy people there are who
d o imit , kimow how to tutako a clock rumm
f aster or sio''er. But there arc very
i natiy. 'l'hiere tire Bonito people , too , trIte
i tavo sofia oxpelms'tve clocks , who do imut
c are to tammmper with timemmi , amid iii such
mlaccs I mutt alwiiyx aiticed to look .mftor
t hem. ' '
"how do oum nmanago to make
r epairs where it is mmuccssary to drill
holes ? " -
"Oh , that is simple enough. I have
dt rills amid a suumahl lathe that I cati attach
t o ii sowiimg.tuuachuiiuo , atid there is
s carcely a house imauw that doca not possess
o imoof titose ttitefui articles , "
"Aro there other ladies emmgagcd in time
work yOU arel"
'NtJt iii this city timat 1 know of. But
I expect timat there will soomu be plemity of
cummipetitioti , as there are mimany young
girls learitimig time business at time East ,
But we cait all fitmd plenty of work , I
gtieuus , an there is aim awful ntimoumt , of
breakage hi jewelry , atuti. svo can , if worse
COIiICO to nurse , always work for less titan
m cii with big estmublislitmuemuta amid bight
rents to iay. "
Ihnufis'd's Ada ! l'lt.iHpltato.
For Women and Children ,
Dr. Joe , hoLy , Now Orleauts , La. , says
' ' 1 hmztvo fmeqiiemitly faiutud it of oxcoiltimit
service iii cases of debility , loss of apo. ,
cite , 1111(1 iii Cuifl'fllesccutcO front cxhumuus.
tivo illtmess , amid pimrtictmlumrly of service
treatmumemmt of womumemi amid eiiiidrwm. "
lhihiig on limo Old Ticket.
trnIlanaiIillJuurtrui ( ihtil' , )
Thu relmubhiraim iiirty ofl'era ut ) objection
tt the tiltl ticket , Let ; it l'n.tugaimi jutit UI ) .
'l'Ite Iihiuthirmim on which it immiust stamid was
run ovum' anti wmecked three yeats ago ,
timid it vili be evvum hess potent mtext yeni- .
Time repubiicamm party will be comitemmt t
fight for iivimmg issue amid to siimtph ) ' recal
It ) ltillie ntteimtmoti time mmrniiy corrupt
practmcea roortcd to iii 1870 by time intl.
minute fritimiula amid relatives of ulr Tildemm
mm the vain lmopo of cahiturimmi. that which
hme so tmeariy giaxped , hut winch did mmot
belong to hiiiim , anti vIt1 ' mmovor comae so
near lila migiuili.
Skcpticiani was muted wiicmt 11w poo-
Pie knew the virtues of Satimaritan
Norvitie , No cure no pay ,
"M' child ii rosy checked amid cured
Samaritan Norvimie did it. " Mrs. Wm.
Scholpeper , Nichols , Iowa , 1.5O at '
druggists ,
- .
- - - - -
Has the Best Stock hi Omaha and Makes the Lowest Pr con.
Mirrors , Bedding , Feathers ,
And Everything pertaining to the Furni'
ture and Upholstery Trade.
Chas. Shiverick ,
1 206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Streets.
: E : E5JE i .
Booth's 'qyal' Brand
. . ,
: 'rotsab. 'ii3. * t W11ois1o.
. . .
1) II. BEEMER. ( uinnh's.
( Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy iahlrond. )
Et'nnt Day Coaches , Parlor Cars with Recitu
l ag Claln ( teats free ) , Smocing Cars. with ito
voIvtnR Chairs. t".tnan I'Uztce Sieepinm Cars end
t ime tamnu C. II. & Q. Dlningtnrs rundailyto ciii
( mm Chicago & } Carisas City , Uticat-o & ( ouccil
t iitmfTh , Chicago flea Moines. rlmeago. , St. Ja
. epli. AtchIson & Topetni Only through line be
1tt Weofl Chicago , Lmnenmn . Denver Through cars
t wtwcen indi.tnapoiI .t Council iIIutT ' 'la Peoria
Alt connt't'Iluns maile In Union IX'pots. it ix
known as Ute greatTmlROUOfl CItE LINE.
SolId Trains of Elegant Da Coaches and Puull
tnmn , l'alimce Sieeptiig Cars are ron daily to and
from St Louis , Ia Ilniunthal , Qiminey. Keokuk
ni'rmungton. Cedar Itapids and Albert Lea to St
Paul and Itlttineapoits. PariorCarewlth IteciInin ,
Ciiat to and from St Louis and Peoria azmd 0
and rrom St Lottie and Ottumwa. Only one
change of cars between St Louis ant tie
uIoines , Iowa , Uncalem , Nebreaka , awl Denver ,
It ix ueiversallyadmlttod to be tIme
I Finest Equipped Railroad In the World for all Classes of Travol.
! JPOfl'EIt , 3d Vico.I'res'tnnd Gaul Manager PERCEVAL. LOWELL. Oen Pau. Ag't , ChicagO.
i :
WIT ] ' .
Boiler aililSheet Troll works , .
, . .
- - - - - NEBRASKA.
iuil,1 , eli kinds of Steam . Boilers. Smolce . Stack. , linieching , Lard , Water and . Oil Tank , , axil di i gea.ra
ltate.iron business. Itepairliug dcte in City and Country. All work
Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted I
. , .
So econd.hanl fetters wtli ho kept on irunit. Having , , had , inny years . axpericeco , lit the trail. In . duftereet . parSe
o f the . country I sun coitflilent . I can gire aatlxfactio htvlntiii. best shop 'aid toils lii th. State. shop
c or. mOth end Pierce Streets. J M. W I LSO N Prop riotor.
Double and Single Acting Powe , ' and Hand
Engine Trimmings , Mining Tttachminery , Bolting , Hose , Brass and Iron Fittings
Stenitu Fackitig at wholesale and reiail. IIALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OHUItOhI
Corner 10th Farnam 'St. ' , Omaha Neb.
. 'I
Luber , Lath , Shlilgies , Pickets ,
Near Union PacThcDepot , : _ OMAHA , NEBj
_ :
Wholesale Druggist I
Pllts , Oils , Yarllisft8s aid ¶ illE1O ifiass ,
V/all / Paper allif 'Nillffo ' Sliaffea I I
1118 FA1INAM STREET , - . OMAhA NEB. j
- _ _ - _ - ' .
Wholesale Clothiers !
OMABA , , '
- 0 I
' - - , , -