. - . I ' 'I - - . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. I : ' i : irr i i N'l' I I V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( ) IA 11 . . N E B.VE DN ES I ) V M 0 R N N ( ; SE p'1 E MBE I 5 , 88. N 0. (8. ( - I3 wiT To TIlE QUICK. , Tli Utah CflflllliSsiOil : Praiiau . / AillSt Picrccpout an the Butire Press. , The Extirpation of Polygamy uoooaful aul Satisfaotory to Themsc1vo , Arohitect Hill 11)OUI to lt"tIt'n n : JtVfliL I'it.sts re- VILI'Iety k Wai.tiii LIIt : ( j'l ri1 i'i'is. : TI1I UTAIt COMMISSiON. W7ASHINITON , S. . ituiubi 4--Tho fol. ] OwjtI6' ttiuiliitltijeat i..I . . itS I tt etijd to day at. thu iEtvi'Ir , ( I.IlrI1flL2Lt . SALT LAJc C1T , Atigisst JO.-Sxu : In . , the l.leIIe.j tif tny is.tittvs on thu Utah * CtIlnnsHjlII , % VhOaIVO oil a few weeks vii catiiiis , I t.iIu thi . hue , ty of athIresiig - .fll In t1ttji. buhialf * 4 veh1 as n.y own. Ilithurto yu have i.aid but Iittht , atteji. M ttiot , ' thu sit my f do st.ItuIiaLi oi thu prt eui ta ititi fr.tn this cky , but I I 'J ihid in thu iius spaet hat put Et port. to bt 8tatOIfltIt iii.du ! Y Lliii. Edaid S. PitrrcIi..iit . to Pita. identvtIitir at National 1'trk , which ought bit tO go uiiiioticed. ' 1'Ja'o . tatuniuahs I find in z grain fii.ni Ohicago dated August I 24 , which I uuie1osu heroin. If the 10)11. , / orahlu gelItlolulunI inadu thunso stuiteunent , 110 has cu1hlhIhy gathered an iuusnIouust Cr. ) ! ) of llllbiIlfOrIluItjOfl dlni13L' his britf stay in this city. 'riuc source of his faIst inforuuunti in hi ie11 kuiowzi to us 1111(1 ii 4 plaIluI ) . iIltiCat It1 lfl the conversations. ' 1 i'iio c..uuiiussi. . , 'fl will , sounu tiuiuc before the uuiectiuig Of congu 058 , IflakU a full nfld detailed report. uf all our prceetliuig ailic' ' . wo uuiteteI UtOfl the dic1nugu iii our dtitisj In this tcriitory , from % l1ieh ; Piurru1s.iut will ho has leufl badly . \ . IIll1)fSCtL U1)OI1.Vithunut taking tiuut.i . to 3lOtiCO the Ilulnorouls errors contained in this CIlIVelBatitI1 , I only wish to 88) ' 1)0W OIl bhaIf of tlu c H111111481011 th t every chat'ge or ituteuziltu that tile guntleunni COttipOsilIg this b ard hive been impru ) . .rhy iallueiieed or have f.titd to disuhaite their whole duty under the ltiw to the beet of their ability niud judguutcuut , hi based tIII.JII iiufuruuuatioiz iltully nuid wieLedly fudsu. This boaud is vluargwl under the law witit the ( luty of excluduuig ( all . . , Iygauuuisbu frouit voting and fr..uii . . ( eligibility to ofhice. 'lhis is the full cxtciut of our authority under the liiw and in huts our work mis beezi coiiujuIet1y t auccesfuul. We excluded souuic 12.00(1 ( JOlygIIuuuiHts fri.uuu the i..lls . at the Iovcun. 4 ) I r eltctioinu of 1882 , IIIIIL uuitfly uiuuuuieipil ¼ t 1octii.ns siuictu that tuuie and at the gelu. - . . eral election in Augut , 1883 , embracing ' ' -about 800 officers , who were elected , we pjuavtu excluded all polyganuists front eligi. - bihity. in short the cointuuissioii 1as . tuictJy anti stringently oxuoutuid thejaw ( " of eungreaauudlia atretchedth&legal I tether o its utiuuost tension 'in order to i make it ; as etrective as possible , in . ; , much that th ? uiornn.uus hVe sued I zuueuuubera of thhi board in ten several caues for what they allege to be excess L. _ . of authority against thenu. I wish ou 7lr\ ' --to consider this ins an official c..uuuuluuIIuca " Lion aud liuing it to tile atttntioii of thu \ ? resideuit l's early as 1)rncticlblo. ' ) A. B. CAILTON , Of tim UndI Ouuuiuuuiissioii To henry 1)1. Teller , Secretary of th luterior. rilE LOTT1tY 0AS1. In the case of the manager of the New Oreans ] Lottery couuuplIuy agailust the Jot1uI1ser geiuuriI , iii the action for $100,000 ilauiuagcs itt issuing 1111 ojuler to PreSc11t.th1u dedvery of letterM addrtisstd f to liiuuu. &e. , Pioutinaster General ( rta.1iaun to.duiy fiietl , I.y Solicitor Oeuieriil Phillips , hi , answer ti , the lUtittITl. Ho pluiuis ; at general denial to tim charges agaulist hiut. lIe alI.ges l'ostuuuistor General Key was satistied , aifter hearing the evidence iii the Case , LIIIIt the plaintiff vuts conduct. iug a scheme for obtaining wouuoy through the uuiaiils by uuicauis of fuilo and fraudu. . lent prutelises ; that he ( Gi esilalul ) refused to ruviake Keys order , lUt ( Ill the other baud strictly enforced it. Gueshuuim 1)iladS his duty in enforcing thu order originally is3ued by Key. 4 , , TilE HILL CAS1. Acting Suicretary New , chairman of the q Hill invtutiu1ting Coluliuuitteu , declares : that all 1)Ubllcatioflu ) purporting to relate h to the teuiir of the couuuiuitttue's report , are merely aull llliuulns. N.iiuu. . if the coIul inittee's eoIlclIIMiI.nR Iiivu ; Ileeli given out , and uiouie will be givuul out until the ic. port lots lieuui subnuitted to Secretary rolger. There is no doubt , however , thuiit the ruj.rt will reflect severely upon Hill for gciueral hase lnauuuigeuiiuut of his ollico anid f.ivoritiuuin to contractAlrs , Cs. - ) cially in awuircis for safeM anti he4ting i 'rittus of the Chicago custom hiouauti , il anti iron iiutturs for the Cincinnati building. 1u lIE WILL itETIR. / Supervising Ar.thitcet 11111 is making ; , l. prejmrations to resign and go into private 4 bUSIIICBB. Tim VOLEH MUMT 00. Thu'csterui Union , U<imuioro & Ohio and tuucu leali 1ipid telegraph cuuuuiji tides have heeui notified by the district couum- unissiohler ) ) , that uio fleW telegraph , , .des k can ho euceted by them iii the hiuuujt.s of thu city uif Vashuiiugtoau , 'I'kiey rceouuu ! t . mneuuul the uutoler ground aystuuui to ttlu. gruipit COiuuiiauules. , ¶ \VAtilIoTuIN , Septenuluer 4.-Adviecs t.fuouii . Pciisutcohui p dited 80th , state thuiit no ( new CaseS of fever utuiti no ( lO1tllu3 in the t yaid hu.s1iltal . or caini. . .ttccuiratu ili. I 1' ' , ruuutt ; luui n ti , ti ic i tu.ut ii in uuuu .uug . resi. dents cud the ICBCIVC arc uuot at hi.nui1 , I t Ito ( e114 ivan \hIi Mutohi of ( ho ' , % 'cetl lii Iuil.o aunt Z1zint. ) I c1uueltu , .iI' . SrniN0FiEL , Matu. , September 4.- I , Quito a iicatvy frost viMiteul JJfilulhiC1I ) , . ; tt , . . Iatnpshuire ut'uul ' Franklin cotinticuu , 1uloii. p lay uuitlit. 'l'tuo t.ulmc. , crop is daumoiged , I ) BII1O 1)1.1dB severely , 14088C5 ill Fiuiiik- in atuull hlaiuiujishiro counties estiuuisteul ; at 50,00C ) . 'l'hue farmers of that sectjui u tati already cut and housed about half lie crop. I LAT1iiThO damage by frost last , right iii llauui1udn , Ilauuipshiro and Frank. ln counties is estiiuiated at t.vur I25 , . 000. Vhiately & Dorhield artu the primu cIjai stilhirurs , Tue loss to tobacco ill ' ) lbts k' ' h iulaco is iitiutit , $25.000 'L'hiei .0 15 to t.uiMcco . ( liehia , In so tie III CtOl ) total loss. It will siiuui1 , ta. , nughel ttuidui. IIANUOII , lute. , SohuLuuItht.r .tlteIorts front PuuoI.vcuut , county ithlirni the heavy iuo4 did couusuuicr.thlo uluuuuiituze to cr..p * . Forest tires aire ratihlug throughout e.uut UI.I I 101(1 iu.urtluuri i t .ii lie. POUUIIKnnL'In , . V. , Soi.tiunhor 4.- I I envy fi , sts III i lie II tidsuut river vahlu t thus nu orui hug lii ni I' ' ispeets if ii into t u uuighit. lliu huiirvest is uiidu.l and d ii..aIgu yill nIutoUtit to hittlO. TLCfl I.LJ . . t at ) The Nir Ii.iu n .atjILC A ° I II LI hut * 1 I I 'ii i.gu. FAltao , Dik. , Stptuiabur 4-The flru.t ucctiuii i4 the \'ilhiii d uxcu' ' inuui Lu 11111 itt. I ib iti huerii itt. 1 t o'clock aunt thut. latt tuuiti itt 12:30. : All Nuui tluii'n l'aeihie buitt1ui.is ( Ill I lie city a cue gaily dccliited , , tvithi tvhaeiIt , uvergl CellS niuti huiuituuig. F is'e car hiattis of uttarglvc1i8 101(1 45 11C1C5 iii I IittS utuuti wheat vci u uied iut the ihusphai ll.niihi . s stars atuiti uttrllues thue flags .f Fuituiee , Oeuiiuuuuy antI Euiglauid were dis. ud. Archit s uxttittletl u' . er thu rail. ruiid tr.ieks. Suvtiruil tlt.tianti . , . . ' ) lii leit tltu plattoi'iui iuid b50 scli.i. .1 chuildu cli tt ci u ilk the i.ark. S1eechie wine uiaule by a dozen or iii. .r excutsiouilsis. Fresitlent Vii. lord iiiitiatteL this jiurtioui of thu vro. gu.uumuc with a fvv niproj.ii.itu reuuairks. ( jelu. Grant then ajioku as fodiws : ' ' 1 clIuu tut. litae to be iliul.rtuised , but I see grtater et'itlcnco of ciuteijuihie in your city muid Prosl.elitY ill 3 siur country tluaiui I anticipaLd. All great for the future. Aluhiuiughi I lowe crossed the Outited States niuchi iiuid visited titiatly tivel.y ten itoI , ItS well its state , this is the first time I over eel lily foot on Dakota ; I mini glad to bu out a 5(11111 uttitl BlIlBtflhitllI ( founlatiiun. I do not. like ti. uuasku a speech , but I ivould like ti ) shake hiuiit1 wthi utti ti you. 1'iio tlilue , however - ever , is too short. It is btitzi few yeiua SlZitU : it secuiutid as it I shuoik hands with every iuuaui. woluiftu nuiL child in this coUlitly. Thiankiuig you for your kind. 1iLss , I beg leave to rutire. " Ainouig the slieuukurs wore Carl Sehurz , Suereniuy Puller , e L'resideuit Bhhitiugs tr Lhuta Nuu tlierui l'aeitir , Guv. Itusk ofVii. . colisilu , ( hut' . l'illsbury of ? tliiuuiosunt. Senator Cu.iugeu . ut lliciiigauu , ( Joy. Fdr. chuhds iii Wicoiisii , Judge Vi igiut. of Iuwii , Senator Kuiuaiii ti : k"y'i Evaurts UI New Yotk end As the tniuul di eu out ut wan followed by thu iuiost. deuiiouistrativo tixhiIiultioli of g . . .d tiII. 'l'hio l.urty . wilt luave it ccii. tinulous receiltiun hroug1t Dakota. pIto.1 1'O % ' hILT Y 'ro A FtbU1iNCti. The Stilly II1 it Trzstesrnattt'ua Success , lit Stall. iiuI1tliui. NEW YonK , September 4.-The senate sub.cuiiuiuiitteu on labor and educatiout continued iii session to.d.y. Jul111 itiMell , shill. builder , testitied he euuployed about. 3.000 muon , WIle reireseuttud ttoiity.fivo difftreiibratithca. Witmiesa begaii i work Tittwcive : shillings a week , bu at tluat. tinie wages were very low. Siatee that. tulle the condition of 'the workiuigiuuatc gi'aduadly iuuiirovud 'and the hours iiavti largely becut reduc'd. lie thuuuiht theme was ii. , reasout why every industrious workiuiaui should not own his own liounta. Uti buuleed thu govermimuieuit wits bound to legislate iii the iliterest of the v.ik- i.iguiuauu. . Vitness said at 0110 tillltu hi. . vas a , traunp ( iii the pu airirs of lhujui.is , without a dollar iii his pi.ekut . , atuid yet miuver hliuicheul in the duteruiuuuittuomi to succeed. Years ago has bought the ship yard at Chester , amid at thu pieselit time II1)10 ) tltitit 1f00 , inca ucru employed there , WhoM ) wages avut-aged $2. 10 ii day. of these , 287 , wuued their hiuuutes , the vithutu of which m niuged from $1,200 to $5,000. Itoach said lie was hut. opposed to tiitdes tuitions ; while ho yuulsi allow lila meat Is ) aiuusu thueluiclves with trades umiiouis just as with their rcligomi or uoli. tics , lie would allow no counbimiatiuzi or much to run huias hiup. Roach cumutiu.ued . his testimommy in the aftturuuoni oui thue tibject of free iuiii and bihor. Ilti utdyucatud prtectiiui of tutu govuruuincmut to shii.pimug only P.S Ii lilt ntis of galiiuillg supreuliutcy oii the seat. lit , stated that ships could bohuuilt. in this c..untry clicaiper than in Euuglaiid at the daiy , that the burdeuis were only inipued . .mi the ship itself utfter construe. tion , which made it umiprofitablu for Amuiei icuiii to Own vusBuls. To.inurrow Jay Gould will 1w examniiued. JOVzVs laiG I'Itt. . Tin , Lnrgeust 1v.ar Ilulul In I'ojnt of 1uitrlta aimuil Itteolj.ts. DES MOINXt3 , Sciututuihor 4.-The sec omul uxhiibitioii day of the Iowai state fair shows that it will be one of thue largest in loiu1t ; of entries amid receipts ever hold iii the west. Thuere wuru full ) 20,000 ) ( , out the ground to.duiy. Ex'Goy. Kirkwimd will deliver an ad. dress Vtuhuutisday. l'hiti Sii.uz . war clileua , Sittilug hull , ltaimu.in.the.Facu , Orov ICing utmiti Oath , ill arrivu ill the miiorn ing and rumiiaiu during the fair. 'Phie laces tAa.diLy and e4terdaiy are te hurst ever held in tlue state atmuil all claiMseB are full'for thu btlauuce of the week. 'I' . , . mn..rriiw . will liii old siulditurs' daiy nuud thuugaiids of thisun will be umeseiit. 'fhit vtatthiur is sjihtuiithil amid thu next titita. , .ltys ; will see fully 40.000 to 50,000 peo. i.io hi nttemudaiucu eitchiuhay. J)1S't.3 t'iiit.4 % . t Hl. % . I.stiuictlyo Stti aui.i cii the N.l thi Al. hui.uitlti. Nnw Yor.i , Sehltcumibur4.-'l'hio steaumu. shi i I' I utceul o . i i'm , ii II 'eI t o.t1ty , rc " iris the t.tkiiug u.hl.of . thu Swethisi ) bark David thu ii Ci It au mu's wi ft amid tri u cli i Id I cii , tu otto auth wife nun ! si of time ci uw. 'l'buo ace. t.uuul mulatto aumid ealpcuiter wouc wasltl uiverbuund bto , the Macedonia sighted the hii k. Si , J111 N. F. , .Supteinber . ! .Dis. puttelies received ironi St. I'icrre , give. fresher iiitehhigt.uuee of the thisauutem's on hti ( Jrauid Ikemuks fu oni the cyclone cii Sunihiy , August 20 , iiiiul the st.i.rmns of 'Fhiuurs'lay ' fohlowiuig. Betweeu , forty-five aiuh fifty of thu Fiejujehi hauukiiig fleL srI - I I vitl in nnuhs at. St. Pierre iii a shunt. tered coiiditiuiu , their cable chaiuus , aujeluors , batteaus , tlouie auth lines were all swept away. 'l'he loss of lift , is very great. Oue banker , owned by Jaquet Ives , lost 0 bell ; hardy's banker ti Vincent's 0 ; Lciiil Cmli's 4 , and the to mitindur of the fleet , with Iuw exceptions , i or 3 each. Over 80 vessels are uuuissini utuutl grave utiuit ohicuisueuis lire out ortained. l'hie sterno. , ere thin uimost yIoleitt ever kuiuiwn out the banks. Neitluer gave any witrnhiutt but. broke furiotusly tipout the ibid. when 1111)51 of the liu'ies were away trom the shIijS ovorhiuituhiiig Mitt setting tntwls. Not more thiuiit luau an lucite lund rhuiietI ( rout tutu hirst Iiidiitiomi be. f''ro the guile omit ! the sea hint reached their greatest yluulcuuce. IIAL1F.tC , September 4 - ' . large itut- knuiwii stuauumer is stunk itt 07 fiithiouuis of waiter , four uuuiloi .IF . i nuliani harbor. 00) 51)011) . Distiiittitlttl sills , it bout flhil P'1 ' hi.nmso . Wuru 1.ieketl . of , , but. no iiauiue wit ) ; ( Ill thiHult. Vesels couutiuiuct tei rnrive , shiot lug toi'illIe eultutt of the recciut mitriu's. Outu shtu , t ii ir 1 ails lost , vi t I i uI I , i u hi uatr.I . , Ito luau ! nuuouug heir crew , \Vnri en Suuullu , 0 irsluluui iii. 'eyuuicuuLi hi biidge , Arthium I I a , , si , at stihinol tt'uichut.'r. ututti three. h iys , lit ( ( ho a i aift a id w o I 11 .huim ug 'a ( ruhui th's l.tt.o. 'l'hicu unit. ( atid all were tirowned but tunc ) uov. TItI t'tj1 Ib' L'llI [ ' 001j9. i'hicy Propu.uo I ii I uiuut1) .1 tt'.t1ti.itt.q to Iioev to lIttir VIhI ut. L'ay Local L'itlghlt. Hates. ChICAGO , Sept enubeir 4-Tim execu tju Culiilulittee of the Suiuthwesteri , ibtil. t % lty alasociul ? itl I II let ti i.tlay t decide ujunui ittitliull relative Ii , the iuujluluetiuuil suP lim iiight t by thu u C. ut tiiueuital S 'igiur ' trhl no' of ltostoui to hurevulit the euolunuissiouium , .1 the iissceiatiolt fr 'itt ' divvrtiimg con- igiiuuiemits fru.mn the ituck Islutuutl to ithior I. , tdti itt i lie P1oI. I t. uvts tltClleI hut t I ciuiteiit time stilt , as it was iudiiiittetl thiort. 4it8 flu leizal deifeuisu for diversi.ui . fmoii , I hue route billed ovcr , umuless the bill , f hauling cuiutuui teal at clause gaulting such urivilegu. A re iu.lutiiuiu v.ss paiscd , the N.mlsu , of wlulehu was hunt whuilt hun roads the iii auss ciaiubn are coumiluwn c.trrie u U , the. ) ' aim a muotcomnmiioii ftiu wardens ; tiunt ii caistuiui sIlillears ) juusiuut umpuiui bill. lug by ceutaun lliius , the go..ds will bu ite. eu1uttd fnuui thus eauitctn truuek lines and I , urwair&kd 114 di i ected , cii umge buutig iiuutdn at Icucal rates from tihticago ; but that. if a through bill of lading cutututimus a ciniusu uerinittiuug diversion , gouuds vihl be for. it aimuletl itt. tIm through rate , 'P1w Iuyii Trunk Lmics and Colorado Tritfilu mao- clatiun Passed suiiiilnrm'osolutiumis. Thr' I'roultlnithuul Party itt Chicago. CuzwAoo , Sept.'muiher 4.-'l'hiu s1ueciaul trsiui , wllvoynlg Presitleiuit Arthur , Ccii- t'ral hueritluiii aini other tuisuuiberti of the Yehl.wgt.iuie . hutrty , which left this city 01111 liii imith iug i yesterday , arrived fri , uu * ; t. Paul , ut 01. thuo Nuirihvesturii road , at 2:05 : o'chiuek this afternoon. A grout crowd haul gutthuered to wituicas thutir dis uuuilmrkuiiouit , hut the tuhiefl.il reception , ciwing to thu mumicertsimut.y whuiehi hiul ; tire- vailed as to tutu l'reiuieiit's mnuveluieuits , wait imufornual The Iecelltiuml couiuiuiittee awaited tin , Precidouit's arrival at the dii- Pet , iii carrhui.li uiuiul uuiouuihers of his limirty were at cites drivemu to tue ' rand Pacilic huitel miiitler escort of ( 'lie huuidreul veterans. Tue formal reception of the Vmeident.wiU not..occnr. .tihl.-to.uuorrow ' I utghit. The Presiuleint alid party ocotipiud boxes at Mciekw'ui tlwuitr& , atud witnt.ssed ttatrvaret Ifsthur's immipurs'imimttion of Jti. liii in thu lluiuichhnck. During the hier. fi.ruiianee . Iuliss Nattier preseitted the President with a hoautiful thurail tribute , which the chief executive received very graeiouusl , lowimug iilterauitely to tIn' cii , . nor uimiti to thin cheemitig audience. 'hi1e thio play prorossed a numuitwr uf acquaitu. tnulcu4 of the President , cihhed on huimut in his hot. At thie chine m 'sL of time audi- euice remained to catehi a ghimiipo of I lie Presidential PairtY as it iuaset1 out bo. ttveen the hues of ciniupirug hinmids. It. ItIIV 01' i'1isriiio , * . Sr. Joiis , N. F. , Sopteuuuhor -Ad. . iiiirail Couuineral , of the British flag ship Northmamspt.imu , to.duty investigated the serious otitraco veriuctrated cii four Brit hilt venusels by Frenchi fishuoriuten , headed I iy a 511(110 capta it , itt Caupo Oiueons , emu thai iiorthieautt coast of New Foumudluind. A miiimmibetr of Fremichmmien , in August , strip. jued finur British fishiing vessels and for. IUL(1U thlulli to fish. Two (111)5 litter the sails and gear 1. , the vessels were restor. cii aunt they werci orIerol to quilt the hiarhur. Thu peji1e of Nev Fiuuimudlamid are , imidignauit at the violemut. outriige , and it it is hOt simuhikely tluait it will Iraid to in- ternatiomiaci ccumtujuhmeaut.nuus. Frightful JLaliroitit , % ccltlcxut. CinoAGo , Septuimuher 4.Thu litter- Ocuutui Springfield ( Ill. ) says : A luriv'ite dispstchi says Co. A. , Ninth regi. muuent .1 Infantry , StatIc Militia , return. hug home to Grutyvillu frouuu the emicaumup. memit of this Second Brigade , umuot with a dreusdftul accident oui the Mt. Louis uimuul Evansville' , between ( aruiti and ( Jrnvvihle , . The train ran thirough a bunch of cat.tio and ran over semite of thuouiu. 'rIte car in 5 , hichu the uimtimuibt rs of thu COlill ) uty were wits live ! turned , killiumg nine mud woumnd. ing fifteen. No furthiem.paitieiuhuiragivcui. Sr. Louis , Solitolulber -Diaupitchues : friiiuu Carnii , Ill. , amid 'Viuiceuiuies , Iuitl. , i'emiy ' thieru was a railway accident uiiuul thu killing of uiuilitiaiuiueu and thu wound. hug of fiftecut othueru. . 'Elm Osmi I Pill puiuuk Yards , Chuiyemauie L..aohr . , , September 1. Mi.rntouu Frewouu , one of the Euuclishi capitalists whuti are iuitumested iii the I'iuiv. doe rivet' cattle cliuuijuiluly , % ves iii Limo city nil 'i'tmesd 1) , utuiel i uloiige.uI hi i miisel I 1. , 1.I r 0. It. Sehauhtir to liuterest huimumsuhf with , thu e 1uigl jab sy mid icait o vhi ichi I ius ; m i. thiuied su I nuiichi luimu ii ii cii r ( ) uu unhun fi ir tech yards iumuul hiat'l.i mIh. hi ° taitit. etc t1r Fres oil sri I hue anuuld uuivt'st.C500,000 or 2.6OO.O00. 'l'huis will ulmuitu the Swuuui muruul F'i'oweui cutt ho iuultau usia , amid uiiahu Omaha thu Ii enuhi uuai tiers , Ioyoy uitil utyhivarul , ClulcAau , , Suiuteuuiht'r 4.-'Cuuh. Alfred i\yl ivitrul , couum i'i ii I uhu lit I if thu i : ig ! is Ii forces iii 'l'rniisvuoil iii 1877 , ii , war with iii. . , ihueri , fmirmishuo tins , te'ci ititul Presi with iii open letter to .liiluui Iuvciy. ru I ii Ic c if 'l'hi ta 1 i5l Null. iii , ttl ; hi uug ciii 111111 to aupoimit vilhiiui teli days , fivu or u4ii'ri airhilt raibirs froui , the Irish Nnthnuiil Iiuuiuvobeuit ii55)Ciitilfl4 of 1 Ihinuuls , ti tie .eiuil decide titus truth or f.ihu.ity o time ciuuirgo iv.iniuist Ayhuuwiirul'uc cuiaractor mail ii in tli ii ccl it anal cc .1 Ilium us c if 'i'l Ic Nation. mu couimuoetwui AyI ward recites Itis in 'I'ruinsvaal services , - - _ _ Newsboys cii I'aracle. CJuIuAuo1 Suiutemiuber -Eii'luL himuum- died newsboys indulged in a street partuhi tn.day , and a1t.rward jourmicyrd to South i'ark , where a uieuuio haul beemi armangeul for them hiy , thus uzmeumihsrs of thu Young Men's Christian association. THE OLD WORLD. The llya1ists Pi'ouanc fr Con 0 ! Paris as the Leitill1to KiJff of Frallce1 The Recent Ooiivula'ioiis Wipe Out Several Towns atid 10,000 , People in Sumatra iremtehi Iteinibi cettileiuis i'tirvnrelt'ti it , 1'ouuqitli-t'lu. , ' slegi (7. Cahuititily -I'hitt Iteist o11"ieIeI leg UmivelleiL GINtit.ta NI'.VS. jill : 2'uiQUIN TIIUU1tLES , LoNuoN , e1tetiiber 4.-'l 1w Freutohu cabuiet. lucid ii Ilituethlug tu.thiiy. uit tthiielu l'riiuuu Itiiujt ' l'rc..itluiit . tar Fcri'y , , lii .ui coiisultmitiuiui tleuatlett to scud Jingo ieiui Cell CCItt ii to 'lomiqu I Ii , ceuisistiulg III titiuipai front Algeruti mid the fueuugui leghi in. 'l'hi.i Pall ? ulmtll Gazette states that Miut1uiit 'l'zeiug leuie5 Lunduui'fur I'ui s to.uaori tity. A 11.110 . 13 htIlhishiCl lii Berlin , ovitleuitly IL'.ilii the peit iii the OfiunLuut ) itijilistul rt bug thuact. miolaudy aeqututinted with thuti _ .ituoiis of Citinut cuutablurs that she . , hl ever give lice c.fltsu.iuit . iti the trealt ) butivmi Fiuttiec amid Aunamn. 'l'iw latest iid'ieee fioni Pttkiui show thniu the Clunesu authwrit.es atuu ii , favor of tu'air. Ntiithiui the Obtuieso leg.itiumi at P.tri ikIli t liii Fi such guveriniuclit is lilforiuted of tue unitty of the Chiiiirsu hoops upon the tea xitoi'y hf 'l'oiiquiui. I'AltIs , eptuuutor 4.-It is currently relutirteti thtzit Marquis 'I'seiuig , Ciiuiiesu eiiebuiuusadur , CXuct $ daily to resuiuilu with Chuutloiiiul Lacour , .1"reutehi' itliliuster of foreign istlutirs , the ui4utiatmuuui w htichi httgielt luutweui& Tricon and L lluiug Ohuamag , amid irhuehi were' ' broken oil b Mari1uiis i'ueeuig. LoSooN , boptembcr4.-Thuo Standard's flung l'oiug slueclull uutatta thia 4,000 Chiiiueo tiullulls , uetatiomied at Parktii , haive' btaun oidcied to thu fioiitier. A'iiuaniites still thirtntten Nauidiiili. 'l'here is iiitiehi excitenuont at hung Kong culasequment Uptti the receipt en 11(158 hero thintCliineau , troops are cross hug uIiimig ICial. l'hiia nieclis Chiiia hats aiceojuted the gage , France has thirowut d..aai inid war us iiiovhtable. 1tair.'ia.l , the 1iaiutun , in , is de.i'l. iaCfAmtlfl0 FO it. tt0U.P Dii iA1t1ui. Seventh griiups of Fecuich &oyuhsts hold at niuctilig at tJ.ritz yestuidaty , at whiehi resolutiunus were iuiuptud declaring imi favor of C..unt . de Iuirjui as.thio successor ( if Cliuuiiboitl. Omis of the rtisotutioiis is signed by Ciuiit Itocluufuuauild mid ex. Pu esses devotion to the primiciLitus of the iiiuimiarchiy itmiti welctiuits Ocunt do Paris its the head. of the huuuti' of ( irlusna ' Ammthier resolutiuni sfguieid by B.irtii tL4reiuity , rucogmuzes 0 itihit. do Putuls as. hiu reupreselitativo qf thie tjiciples. : Nd adUresa sTail s.uiitto , . Cdiitti Chain. bord. FRANCE AD Thu 'ATXCAN. ' The French aiaiihuissiedor to thai Vatican haul several imiturviuwai with Cardhuinl Jitcuibiiii , secretary of atacte , for tim huuIriuMo of arriving itt a dutluiite.i agree- 1Oct11. , smicuriliuug the iuiterpretntiomi of the ctuttuuiditt iii relation to salaries of clergy in Fiutmicu. Tliti declaim , of the Vatican is exiuected to 1)11 nuunounced to.mnuirrow. [ 'liree , ticaths frciumi chi'ilera ' at. Alexanu- driat ytisturdsy. The epidemic jut now considered nearly extiuuet. JAMY.a M'iBIIMOTT was lrouglit before the cutmrt in Liver. jiuuiil agaiti li.tlaiy auud further ruuiiuiuidtd upon lb request of the couiisul for thu prosecution , who stated that it hiocket. book fiuuuud amliumig the ellccts contained very imiup.urtant . entries , but thu nature was not iuudicnted. MeDerullott. cciuuiiIauimted to thto judge ais an Aiiierieuiui citizjn lie was subjected to very harsh treatuutuiit and states lie was tout uveut uiiareuf the muituro of thiuchiumges against hiiiii. TIlE 8TEOLtZ OAL.AiimrY. Thio fatal railroad disaster at Stoglita lint 1011.4 buemi aqupruhemided. The gov. oruiuuiemut , after its purchase of the Berlin & Pottadamn railroad , .tsked tue Diet to vote a ainmi suihicicuit to alter suid enlarge the depot at Steglitz , the imiinintur of hi. minuet , , iii the rt'quiest thiorof'urstating thuuet. lie WitS uuiatbic , under uxiatimig tlaiiguroums circuuuustauics to tindertaku , the , reshiulmati. bulLy , fur thu lives of a great number of passeilgerau tvhuich wemo coiisuamutly liii jier. illed , if tue grant sought to be obtained seals refused. A vottj % tfl5 tiktZi ! upon this request by the Diet. amid iejectod 'Phue rcutetiuuruutry liresa thu ow the hlluluilu for the aceuilujit upon thus Nittiomiact Lituer iils in thu Diet , tht'y huavimug rt'fmueied to vcitu ujirim , thu qulelutitimi. 'l'h.e Biuporcir has ordered at c.uiiuumuitteo to utauko rigid inquimius jute the caau of thue accident. Tim JAVA (2ONVULMIi"S. The goveiruin of the D mt.ch l i'it fuiulio telegriqihus the town of Tel ikhetomug trim lirluuitJy touchy destroyed by the mecelit vokaiuiie ci U1tutimi. 'l'hiu disti ict in which dtt teovii is sittuatted is elitim ely imuacces. Si iii t. , as at I mounts tire uulihi t crud Ni it ii i I ug In 'ii ' i Lamiuj utuuug , om i time miii I ii erii couut. I if Suu iiuauI ral. Sui lilt , of t iiu ugh t Ito hates iii thu uitiaitui utro tauiidjiii. bust thu lights mile extinct. 1'hiiu i epcirt , iii thu dustruicti.uuu uf ljeureiuuuimio by a tidal waive niiel thu drowiuiuig of 10,000 peojibe there , is con fumed , FATAtI 11Iii\VOuitu. Duirimug a PYrI'toehiuihe ' dis1uhuiy at. Col. ( liii IC,1 , lu'i.e I I L 0 , I us I ; U CC I I j uug ii ho miihi tix. iihuii I ccl iii uiiuuug tb u aj ieeuttiti , i ii , l il I I tug tvo a iid buiti Iy Wi .ml uuul lug seventh ithuers. AN ALLEOIu : OUTUAO1 ( . 'l'lil' Presi Asuieuiutiii , status the ad. uuuitiully ; hits kmiulwluii4u thiuit. thu fiigntu Ni irtiuuiuui i i Pumi hiuis gi ilk ) I i i (3ri. ( ti ti , N usy [ 'uuuiuu.lhuiuuih . , ti ) iui'u'stigutu thu uillegtnl 'iuitraugu thiuue by Frcuiehi aettlura pwm 1leitihi suuhije'ctuu. AiiiitIeYAN IiUi'.LIar LtIUiILATRD , 'l'hiu governuimuiit of Switzeriuumid refused to oxtraihitu I4uuiliig , the Aniuricaui stiu. uluuit , who killed a feilhuor stumeleut , iii at duel iii ( lurumiany , its diuclhiuig is nut iiaimnrd ill the extruiuhiiiuun treauty ; lii tie' coreIiuleu with this eleeisithi , tile Court or ilurod the release of I4cuiiuig froiui custody tumid he vuus titut cimpomi liberated , vhs LAFAYrx aloNuMgNr. Walker , United States consul general at i'aris , the UnIted States comisul at by. oils amid Comigressunain Ochiiltree , of 'l'.xais , will atisud thu unveiling f thu Lafayette miionunieuit , , htn Tutlm't.r. ALLIANCE. 'Pita Cologuic ( lazetto aseerts thin pro- inuugiettoti of the Atiitn.Oeriiiaiu alhiniut's was t.urmiiauiy uerrauiged at the uuutuotluug at S.dsburg , btitt cult lhismuuaerck auth Ctutuuit kuthiioky , A uustro. I luingariami tilbihattir of foicugu utiftirs. : l'lme l'aris l"igaro states thto Orleans ; ) ruitcess viIl retummi tiI l'iurliu fiuttliwhihi. Primuct , , ltil'tiiii ) Nap ihe.oui hae gone to l'lie vilhaugo iii It utteuicoturh , tucar Auli'n ' , lhulgiuuuti , t.uis totally but lieth yesterday ; 1 1 2 hiuuues ulesi ruiyt'il. UNvuiu.mNa A utusy or rmnt.nia. ll hudater Lowell , itt 'I'ettuuitumi , Euntinnul , to ihty , iiiiveiltnl the hiuit. of I Ieuuu'y Fielding , dr.uuuuattist aeud uutivelist. ? uliiuiy I , uU known iii literary uuiuul dnuuuuatiti elm- C'es w'Iu hurestlut. 14 'utu'll liutiti ii huiht tuhumte to the iuiullhhuios4 ) ( If the ehiuuiuietor I if I ho tlt'eaitql no t hi ur , iii iii ii ole i ielcul t lie will ls of Fiehuitig Innit the chlargtu ( if Ci'uuI'stiiiess atiuul iuuimuuiir.ulHy. l.ONiRN , Selutuuulhuor 4.-The khig of Piurtiugad Iota issued it cii cuhuir uunlvriuug thu count IIltiI luiouiriuiuui fu ) four duty iii 'I I cliii i ry if Chiati oh em ci . 'l'hiu PCI it tl iii I Ill lilCi ii I ug ait. I hue I ii I ti1 iuil con rtU eruiiaitiy , hutus buui inuitlu eight. days. S1'OItI'INU ' ( ) iI' . siuI'iitsuIiAm ) hAY IIACES. SliiiitramuuiAn BAY , Soptouuiber 4.- I'i'aick hait . 1ht i. e. ft iii rtb mu ilit' , iti I utge , Duu1lcx , A ratmizi second , Fellowplny thini ; hub 1l6j. : ' [ 'ii reta.f'iurthi ' utile , mnaidon two year .ulels , E uieiidur 't iii , lcouitutiiy iuecoiid Iemtout third ; tiimuu 1:17. : 1'.tilu ucuiti thit cc .ujtuueuIers , three year uhils , George iemiuit'y % tuumu , llIuu.i ( t 1183 ltd Ic sue. uiid , Fii : locals I Ii itS' I ; i i it ic 3:09. : utile anti tluiou limu bugs , Dcliii tt'iuu , , Muittie [ t.iptiumi aiiiumd , Cardiuial lifcOtes. key third ; tinie 2:21. : uIi1e , Ru erue won ; l'tlenk ' second , Niuuhilefiuut thiirtl ; tiiuti 1:40. : Stueple.eliuisu , iu&u4ulo couimso , Puritamu lv iii , Abnihuutni uiueoiul , Bride Cake third time tu:0T. : IIAItTFOIID UACII. IIAI1rPouun , C.uiiui. , Septuuitber 4.-Thu hirat , they , full uiieutiuig of Clunuter O.il [ 'ark Diviug association. 'reack in flue euuiuhltiiiit. Ficu for all pachmug , $2,000 divitled , Itich Ball womi , Flou'a hello iicriuuitl , Cciii third ; tiunu 2:1l : , 2:17 : , 2:18 : , 1:1d : ) , ( jhIss 2:23 : , purse $ i,000 divided ; 1h'uuv. utril Juty wolu , Gluiuhiuit.ir . iut.c.mtel , , tuit.u tcCall , Frank and Luluhimie titled ciii Yniiig Futlurt.uui , the piol faivou'it..u , whit thi tirst hitiait , aunt iii thu uuccuiuid wuis diii. muucuul ; titmie 2:20 : , 2:21k : , 2:2hk : , 2:24 : , - . Vuhhiain Rock.fslter'a diuttiulu toauii , Cleura amid , , , trotted an ex- liibitiiiii ititttui lii .luhii Splint , diiver iii ut ulutune ? .Iauinn- tulle , beuit Myrtl.i Bec ; in the running race , best. two out of thire. 1'itovxniuSui iuAOL'S. I'utovtuutNeui , September 4 - Aqul. dueck P.iik tuuimiimtg races : Five br. ( , , Suibad womi , Vivian , isucouid ; Bjn- bast , third I ; time . . . . , 1:10. : , , 0 " ' wcilI ; Veruatt.a secumid ; timnu 1:22k. : , , Thiree.qum.irtuir utile , 'r.UehlstuilO . VOl ) ; viviuiti , iiuinuuutl ; tune 1:20. : AMATIU1L 0itBltUit. LAKIS MA1tAN0i ( , Suptyinluer 4.-Pro feiieiiumiuil skull nicus was utotroivud , nwuui to rough water , 5,000 Persolis disuip. Puilited. 'l'hio Junior amnatour aimuglos , two mmiile'a with Ii turn , was woai by J. P. Gibsumis ; tinie 15:10. : Sumiior Amuuituur , single , same course wait won by ONuihl , of Jiostout ; ito tliuiu wais takemi. . ANOi11i1t r.uo.trrx. \VArurLNsSulituai1hiur-1.Thie utiauiage's ( if Sutluis bay nod Siuuithuurn ruiahi.uiid eoiui. paitiy h'wu arrauigeti for ii regatta mit Su tius I'oiuit , Septuimibur 18 mud 19. Couti'- ' lucy , 'I'uiiuyoclc , Elliott , 1ruiuk 11111 , .Joliii ZttciCay , Giusol amid lUley are ithicately entered. ' [ 'cud hiouts thu first diy ; himiail mid cuuisuhlduitioii race second day. UAHII DALL. Nnw YanK , Suptuuiiber 4.-Boston 8 , New Yomk 2. 'I'oauiuo , SOitomuibur 4.-Peoria 8 , Tub. do 4 ; tum I i nuui ugs. hAY Ciry , Septunmiber 4.-Biy OitysG , Sirimighiehl 5. EAse SAIZNAW , Stptembor 4.-S.ii. liaW 7 , Putt t'uyiio 4. UIIASI ; ltAi'lms , eptcniber 4.-Grand ltii1Iils 14 , Quuiuic % 0. BUVYALO , Sipteiubor -Buflii'o 9 , Cluvelniud 3. CIIICACO , Soptoniber 4.-Chicago 13 , Detroit 1. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'I'hio Cliiciiuiiiitl I'iio. CiNCINNAT ! September 4.-Later iu Vestigatioii swells thu inmmmibur mnussliig au. Duehiiiiaii's r.ig wairuhi use flu o Ic uiiuiu. 'l'hiu list is : Olivia , lturiuiitim , Itusu OCiuui. null , Maiy Buiku , Miiy Lynch liesiiu Itraidy , Nuhhitu Kiuhly , Mary Leo , sisturs , 3hueIley Ntimiu cii thueuiu i.itve ruptirted tsi their liomuies , iuil iii ! Were kiiuwui to be iii the huuuiIduui at. the tinie ot thu fire. 'I'hu cuituuc building has fallen exceuut a jitt1uimi ( if the fiont. of the auuuthiuu mu huh , iluxt ti , I'iiu Tiuuiu.St.ar bmuildiiugs. Itagi. nyu stil I huriuiuigauid aLt uauuus of watt r I . the euugiuuuis istmll julaiyiuug on thu duiiiat. l'hiu trurk iii te.uchiuug for the dead cuiui uiuit be uudoi tutIti3i yet. 'l'huo 'l'iuuies'Stau will issue mimi edition itt. 12 o'tiloelc , iti , hilessea iire nut. injured and will be used , l'hiu type wits util dcstro'ett and thu euhi I , , ruul r"ouuus destroyed , 'Flue Vol kshuuitt give theuui typo mid authitol liii rooiui tu.duiy , ( ' ( I. II iul'l'i ity I hey t'i I I lelul u iv. . , th tu ci u iii iosiulg nail editorial xouuuis to thu build. uiig vuitiuetcul by the late News cuiuiI.auiy . , whuei ti they 11111 ruuuluiuu uunt.il ttiluaii'th tire nuadu. - Iohumu Ioihy lie hIuuiiiuiiuy. , Niw Yuuumc , Suiiieuuilaai' 4.-At tin , I itce ti I ig u if t.hu e ' 1'uii ii uaii ly CO iii lii I LI cc om u 01 gain i'4a1t101 I tui ii ig hi t , , J ii i mi lCd ly sumg. gested the aijiuuiiuituuueuit cut a etmmmuuiitteo to 0 lillY mup lea ii U thin s iii ! v icati u u I saruuiuu I ) ' , utah m'eeuiiu i ii meiud i lug that ii iuui i t ud dci ugut. tmuimi lit , stint. te , the ituuhlubo convemutioul , II ihiuuu vcue douuu , iii. saud , theme is mio rea still why tue eIuuuoeritm , C hurl y shuou Id no ( ( liii ) ii uuiuuiuoraible victoiy iii Now You k suite this full , auth it. wuiuhtl he nut ibo. bite guarunitcu of a united dubogatiomu iii the comivututiunu iuext year. 'Flu. comuuuui ittee Wits uhihiom uuted iii necordamuce with Eehly'as suggestiout , _ - - 'Ilie Now Ynik ( Jet. . nbacIce'r , Itocuusuteinu , N. Y. , Suiutouuulmr 4.-The tiito COliVtilltioti of thu uiuitiuuuuul green- hlalek.llibur vuzty comiveutuui to.day. ( leo. Jones , ehusiriutami of the state couuniittco , , cabled the eoiivemution to ordor. AIlezi 'ood witS tutunle Permnaulent chuilriiiaui. ( hen. 0. J.uiiea was ittiudo ciuuujiunu.iu . of thur cemunhiuttcu on resohuitiuuus. 'Phtu eumnuuiit. tt'ti hut behuug at tidy to trlu.prL at tlit' .leliilug Bt'Bltnuu , thu conveutiob ad- jouruir(1 uiitit tu.miiorruw , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CIttM.N % L4 1tIC01I ) . lI } : noitsu' nisriuinurioi n INDIAN.trtL1s , Suiuttuuuil'ur 4.-Wieuu the gr.tiid jury uuiut ycaterthaty .1 uelgu uur. iou of the erjuituuuutl count ittlit b. tire it ii letter fi.uuut .1 \'oiiu1uttI , a coru , , , tiugutlit't it itht shhius of lieu , buuiruiug tipiiiu the Hillel ) ' utiitl Doue ) iiitui % iuu S. lumuiru p iu'tkuulai ly with i't'for- uuuieq.j LI tInt nuhegeti ehiuuleiusuuiututt ut $100 , . 01(0 ( iii t liii , sbite itt. the lust l tiatutlviitluut Cutiul laugh. 'rhue .1 uthgu huejih stress ii p. , u i i Ii ii be.remig iuielu m ho stiltultu iii liuuul miliehuis I I ugh I. itt't : , tijiu u the mit htigeut tithe i u ic utm u ii ( lieu tuiu'iieul the euutire .ititter over for the cuituulduniuiout of the july. JiALOUMY. : Mr.uor. , hi.u. . . , S'hteiulluor ) 5.-Dr. .1. IC Ititehity , i't. this ( iiiee' , shut auul iiiou I liii ) ' tvu , ul lit1 tail his Iti Ic last e ' ci i I I g iii ii I tiutuui fled. I , ) lhlerruu ai u now iii scutuehi oh bun. .Jtaltutusy. TALKifl Pout JAfittiS , OALL.viN , Selitoumuber .1.'rlmo argum. itteuit iii thu , hutuiiui ti iuil juiigrcatsetl to- tlaiy. J ucige I lmeh.humu oiioiittl tins iuus'miu. ill8 fur thu state. Cot , Shover , of luohi' . lueuutiemuec , fiulhoweil for thu tlufuuusu. iiuuit lii gurU in favor of the fmur iuiumi theory. AN IiLVATOit T1tAGKnV. Ciuteao , September 4.-Thu boy hi euuutrAu of time Isuligor eluvatcur iii the ( Jruuuol Pacithti lititel lost cuiuttrul s.f the I totuhii mi. , Li i is liii 11111 itg its 1 t. teas u iuuik I tug thu upwaivtl aunt uttleised two ( iii lie ted at the tutitu to juuu , till'mit the imoXt lutmielhug. lii atteuuuitiuug to thu au , Chiruatiuin Jutckuii , it culihhiti ) eel in tiuc hutch , was kihhul , , l'huu truigeuiy uueudtuss , as tIm unittuimnil Ic all phutiuuco e.tustutl the uluvat'ur ( ii stup uuaiLtlnelly on rcaehuiiug thu tipper story. A tu.trlsr lIUaQ. iuEAva'Im.i..I : , IC ) ' . , Soptviuul.cr 4.-Sauui. uml hltuhter , eiihuumt d , vhui p couuuuuuitt , ci III ) ii gtu'l twelve ) ' ( .81it olti , dutuigliter of huir. i1. \ uluiru , on her tray luouuuu fm'oiuu uiehmiol , was hiuuigetl to'duuy in I lie jail yuurd lie wits bai1itized by mi Cuithauhue liriest , Suuitluty. lit. sluuit. miouulu last. night , iitti hea.rtily . this iilou liltug , yutS utttoiitled by tltu hiriest out Lhuu uwsiFold aunt duuul in nine iniiiutei. 'l'iiu uxecu. thin wits lurivaitu. SiiOl' 1115 hrrnmrxrnr.n. CLEVEL.ND , 0. , Se1itcuuiber 4.-Jaunos Di outhu ume , augetd 211 , thi is m it. u ru u u ug del lbeu. mutely uuuiul witninit. ai , ireuit. . , shut and killed lila atetuluithier , i'.Iichtaiul OCiutiuehl , miged 51. ( IltItutiNAl. 1.11)1(1. ) . CImIUAOOSepteuuuher4lUcliau'd Mich. atolls , tutlitur iii 'h'iiu Fi'ou Press , 11 Uer. uiuuiml daily , Ivum arrestiuci to.eiuty fur , criuum imuuti libel , tin a stun gut. sw.'rut nulL by A tmuiiust. Shies , vhi. , edits mu nt ails i'atl1ei Mit hinehiat was utm'rusted last Siunrelay for enihitig Suits a thief. lie rulu.uuitI't the asserthomi ycusterduiy mat wea aecurdiuigly rearrested. . , . , , . , , ' , . :4'r ' - r. , , . ' PI1IL.tiEiilIA' SVptuLi'45- . .The jauuitiir iii IUrtlimi Colored Oritinimniriuclutiol buiiidiiug , nit 0th street , itlaivo Ie'nutaurd , tilatcovurtal this iifttii'tiuiiui the bsithirs iii tIll ) tailored infuuiut.i , iii the eeuuisu.uol hi thu t'etirof the building. lliithi iiuuuieui , iiu. puuroiitly live nieiuuthis utmuti thiruc uuioiithuus old. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . , .t Iictuslouu ; cIPI tlu Virginia. IidL ltmcuunoNli , Vii. , Soplemuuhaur 4.-.Jumdge Iiuumd ( , of the Uiiite.I . Suites circuit court , I , . iday remnlered nut imiu1 " 'rtaui I , decusutiti cumicuenhtug the state t'bL. 'I'hie .1 umdge hiil.ls . thiati. thu teunher iii'eouuhions fur taxi's iii legal tuneh.'r ; that oflicuns of the state be euijipiiiutl trout luvyiiug oh tax I.tyers priuerty ifter the tender of coullui.Ils. 'nit , .Jmmdge zuhuicu holds tluait t ho cmrcuult ciimu t of the Uiiittaul Stautes hats full juii'is. ( licliiuli over thue matter. I f die dutishim , ataiutls it wouulil seouii thilit tim state cliii collect no uuilll'e revenue umitil she lire. vides for thu l.numt..uia Vi'etikt'tI ey ii. Itiuiiaitt ft3. \\'ILMINOTIN D..ih. , Septuuuuhiur 4.-A rob Iiicii ii , i iccil crud lauuit ii ighi t. ci i thu Dclii. ware ruihtroiuil mietir Croci. . Sirimug , caused by Ii rumtawuiy hiucotiuntive fromii Chuiyttumu , which was started by a tr.uuip who ututo , 'cuii hi huuuird it atmiul thiuui jiuuimll 1)11. 'hue siiimrhi bouuid pasuiumigur truuimm , which , wits rut ii ning fueuut , un ut tue ii icomu. . it ivo iiuuui hiothi euugimies % uor' wriuclotil. Viu. Cul. liiu , flreuuiauu , was biulby scabbed. Sevuiul ) asuemlgerus received tiuhhiuug illjimrieau. Jtuuhli'oaicll itg ( uu tlexttu. : ? uluxico , tit.hittuiuiwr , 4-'l'i'atek haying ( iii thur ! .lexicauu Nuitiouitil raiilway uaui mu. sumiied this side of 1oruhiai. It is cx- heeled to im couiuiibctuti to thumit city by ( lie 15th iustauit. 'l'hiis iu'.dicuutes it settle. mlIt.lir. of tlispiutes wiih the static iii ? iliehi- ( laicliui. It is expecteti thuait. truck hat ) lug oIl ( hue Ceuitruil ranireaul will be flutishud iii Aguiuseahieuitu hythu 15th. Uhj.hiM $ A.Nl CONL'JtACT4 , The Board of l'eitHluVork. . hlidil a hilcethilK . auiii ttceeiumiphishi MiiuIi. Thus board of public worksiicld a meet- hug tuuunluiy iiight uiiud letsuveirait ccuiituuicts , buiules auditiii , a chaiiuui or two witichi , with est'iuuuuitea itpirove1 lit. flick uimtuethuug lilt Sutturthuty umigbit , foruuioul a big buudgeut iii iiuiaiuiesti , 'J'huo whole its suinmimud up thus : 'l'huu fohiowimug cstiuuintcs of thu city uiiguucer t'ub'u Ithuhim'iiveul : Viut. iiaiek i'u Cci. , Jaiviuig 'l'uuuth street , 3t1.2d2,5t ) . Vi i u. It I uc k t Co. , i iiai I I' cmi cu iii uimii I ttui'or.u1 ' 'I'ciitli Stieuit , fl,810 02 , Ihughi uIurphuy t ( .1. , , , St. uiur"uc tivonuut , iitiWel'1 $ ] ,0i2 05 , Wuii. Fitch & Cii. , Jwueu street. sea eu. $11,079.50. Muulughi i" " Melavucbc ( , layisug Wni'uuug suWor li1ht. 44Uh3tl0. it. 11.Vuulkcr , work cii Vuiruiug fuuit of Duulge street , $278.05 , lhuuizots Ilamuiul , gruudiuig , 8I0. Jtlorz'is ! ttiui'isoui , giuuhiuig , 2i711. : ' 1' , I ? ilurjuhuy t Co , gmutdimig , 1 ,022,85. Met itivoek Gibhuouu , gradiuug , $1539.Vun. . 1'buurk & Co. , uxtiut % 'iil k on 'l'cuitii street on wuisliout , ; 1 ,37J ( 3t $ . Ciiuutraets wore lot as fellows : Fur huh Idi uig suvrr . iii N I ii tat temu tI u an ci Futi- 10011 street , .1 . E. Itiiuy , for $13213 , 00 , Ji' , , ' grading St. Mairy's nvouuuu , Itear Nevada street , to ( I. \Vuhliatmus , for 10 ceuuutn per cubic yard. For eui'bing and gutter- umig 'L'luii'teoisthi ' street , ( mcmii liarnoy to Leuivuuiwortli , with lifuimikuito limuurstonu , to Win. Mack & Go , , for $2.83 put liii eal toot. AMIGHTY BLAST. . ' That V1hih Woo the ces 0 ! llst. 1iis aii Viillhty , A Parade of' Tweuty-On Brafl Bands With Every Horn Tooting1 Thin ttoumuuiin at 8uiutesui : hli'.yuuiuti All luxp.uutauLIuuus-'l'Iie City Croweleul. Sistctai 'liipttc1i to 'l'iua liKe. It.tsiitts , Noti. , Sehutoutilier 4.-- The Ii. iuL. tei.iui t.u.uhuuy ( 'uuutti ) iii with twelve cuatehuts baled to thu full eziemit of timeir St. inchIng ealuutcity. ' [ 'hue uuuutlit. wn.ui au uut- usual ly lii hierious flue , uuntl c' nibu iuieut uiuau 7 brass tuaiuteh in full dress. It is eatii.uuttcd . that. fully ttvui thai tied LiCUPbO are hereto to hiiirtucuIuuit in uuiiul yitiuess the gruittulest I eiuiiuut iii the ago. 'I'hie city is hitiutil. iutiuuui'ly decorated tt'itht hlaigs utuiti eutihtouns 'if welctuiuue. Every ciuufort. us g laraul- teeth speebituws , who will hhtuti ituiiplu liro. 'iituus for eiittartauinuutuiit. Cuuunp Shun- thtiui is iu.luw with the busy and juit'ihaut cuitinudes , Inlet the domestic c.uittl'i hires of yuuii emily two utihles distant , wlture nra funimuul aihucutly soimuo thu cc Jsuuuudmcd tents iii trim iuiihhtiiry style. B. . ( t. truihto i.tlm , ( A ) C.tlill ) every thirty mnhuiutcsVtiath - Cr hum. Tim Iiaiiui I'aiaulo. 11..ei'mii ni.1 itch to I'uax flits. liAati'iNGS1 Nub , Septemiibor 4.-The excituiiwm.t . of the fifth uinmiuail routmiiiuu of Vutentut s'oluuiteers hats rumi high all duty. Stiecicit atuitl regular truuimts ( cciii miii ( hiree- thins ceOut iuiuu b arrive vull loathed with ' uverybuhy atmid t.huuir wives , eqiuiijeti for picket ditty. Thu iaiuud miracle to.daiy vats ii graini success. 'ihe tuimiiingoiiieiit of ? uhu.juw l'enibertumi , musaisted by this etiuint imuuujora amid leathers of twenty.oits brims hiuttiels and druuiui corps , vais admitud ii ) ' fiuliy ten tiuouistuuud spcctaitiirs. A atlighit utecitlemut , befell iuie of the 1amid iuyui this uuiou liluig. him uuatine is I..iuii Dittuit , tim county clerk of OLeo county. ho tins thrown hr'umi a ciuuli.igo and ia- eivtud ii hii'liomi leg. Ciuuu1i , Slwridauu Iil)11' contauns 350 tents , nuud for ci itiit. or uluhityutl cauuvas sonia twii thuiuusaiid , Lt'OPIU lire obliged to stick ( httuuu't.rs iii thu biwut. All vutc.uit , r umns , tuitl chuitechiet utru 1111cct wuthi cuts. Several - I rieiiia tit lie' 'lute ' are expected to.utiin row , for witichi aimuphe ruiauuttuiuuus nun betmug uiiaide for eouuuforbtbhu aecutmuuiiodaitiumi , \Veathier tutu. lIAt'1nua , September 4.-The itnnutal reumuloui of the ( h'auid Army of the ito. public uif'Nubrastuu is in sossioji. berm . . c' , , > S TILihG1tA'1 NOTES , Tue ste'imihilp "Vhkiuig" hi auhioro at An. ttste Islaueti , a h.ijiulss 'smock. Time Mmumuitiihus 1aiilwaay ( Lum idge over ths , MIsIssihhhuI river at uIhiui.e.tiohis tuok lire ye. . terilicy aiut..ruooui ( roan sp.trk's friimui a pueiihuug eiughuuo , ii stroag , whuuil Ido big. 'rhuut.tiu'o you- tur p iuuS ware eoauiplutuhy , Iumuithlsheil uuuud loll hiutu thi , , rivir. Lu" . $ OtIOO. Ii wIll is uioaiao thins iiolore tiutu .haitiiiga 1. repaIred. 'Fui ihious.uuu,1 po iiulo % tltosscui , , the huicuig. uuraetiui , 01 ? lIeu. .1. t'riiabir ICn.iut it. governor , if iCeuutuayk , yutterih.ey , F'rauukfiirt. was . 'l.boriteiv door .tud. Utivcriuur eleeb 1Cuuot , I ii at'ihiuu t I uu.uuguur41 uiildnus sauhul : ' 'I tiucluro hot ii dI.tli uctiy aiu I b . that I ii ut , cat a utihl 1 grout iardiiiu cur ictiult peiiuuh CiIutiiO- uiuleuueii , of ctJiui ichiut fur crimniuiutl itfcauii nut. less 1 bui fully isatsiioh ( ii wuuld bo an unjutat coil vletmouu ' ' At a uuieothuig of Liii , directors oh the Nat. tiumuul hhlthei uuuueiatluu. , . , Ccl. howard u qut'ihu of thu Aant'jlc.iui to um , r'uauiuuuoiuilol thit iuhiuw. dirty tiowiher huti ahiohi'hioul omit ! ii. hitt.iiier billet liii iuucoil at thai muut nastelt. A coin. tuuivshut. was tilio1.uttitl to arejiaro for next yCir' . maitttyh. Zulus. ( baruer .1 ) tiiueirt Toomnbs died ycstcr. daty itt. CI.irkusvihlui , htrr uiuliiuiuuur residence , of i.urulyshs. 'rlio ormutral Il'iauiuii ' fair opened at Petiulo yesteaud y with f.iviirahls hirishircts of suiccous , 'l'iioro hiaui hinoji at d14..truts explosion in this lrat.t..vilhtu muulucs iii l'eiuuiuu'eii : .A number of uiuhiucric were' kihhual but how unnmiy cuamnot be a.ccrtaiiuieuii. Thus ( liii. , state di'iimocrattlo couuniittee sync iii s.iilouu itt Coltuiuibuii. . . . .ter.l..y. hteniliers oi the eiuuumuihiteti , itrciiuiiuiIy thomuy it was uvor C .uutuiiuhi tied ihi.tt 1l.i.eull.y shutild be witIa. ( lrawtu Friuiu , the ticket. I euuju.uiilmu hiurg.is , & Sons , dealers It sugar , iistiui , fisileil. fhe unit Is cmi old one , Fhe ' ( .Jhuuu'tu wuis mcc.'Iveut with surhulsi. 'Plus firm w..a ihiiiiuihit 'hiivei unado tiIOOUth ) two years ago. It dealt iuiauchiihIy Isi % Vest. luudhat siganu. J'x.Guuv , Talhuit , prciuniuiently momutlonod ni lb ueiiiibhc.mi clidhtlto fur ovcrxiur of huusuuat. uhui.tttn , llei. ih&ttad posItIvely to alluw the use of iii. zuutnuui. l'nuf , Auuiitin Pht'lp'i , of Boston , is roporteti d.iuigeroiiihy Ill at. erlimrbor , the result of the do ithu , if liii iiiui , , l'rof. t'li.'hiis , cii Anthirur , sthuui uaccduuitahly ( killed hiliucoli In ! uLmluio wo.uh. u'ulawgio 3. hluivelin , Ehlzahuutth lmnniomus ntu Auuuilui .huusy wri , drciwuuud while boating en tiuuueNJti ulvrr , Now York. 'l'hio I'ttnuuu.ylvauulu l.sIsl.tuurei decided to to- mioihuu lmi sru'-huu uuiutll the uutiuidated of the ccii- sthtiutluit art ) carm it d omit. Zuh iehullu , 1'iuiititii.ht . , J umuetliun nuiti Borualtag. humuu busy. , uabiui-lu'ih qtiitm'ustatiuuo uigshuuuit l'eui. It cola 'hiiu chy Is iuuaithth.y . , liii uaow c.sus at the iu.tvy yuimd up to noon ) euitcnhay. liuuittirwirthi & Cu. , muiamuuafatciuurers and , h.'ahiims I ii 15)1114 nod shuueai , I i uiehuiuuai tunIc an uis-i.auuiiui.t. ( Noiuiiiiul : , ouicts , ,1OtituuJU ; lLhhi. ltiesitmhuiatum1 ; lit 'Ji1O0O , , ] hijsli Ilt , ii ci Lizeim iii Spilmugflehel , Ill. , shuiu h841 , eliot tliui u hi..t eveuulaig , aiguil 87. lie , sihuihuihiu'tt the first ptir ) theze , itiurn there Were hut niuuuu fiutuhli's Iii thu phc. . lie Wa' . state nauat.r Iii 1811 amid 18i0 , seuturuil the 1. eietluui if thu e iuuut.y suit line , cliii iho- uiatu I iliti gi ouuuiul on which the emit huu4s holy iiL.Uths , Ilti icuty. at a hare Iirtuliurt.y. F'fltLi.i IaI , o LANoAsTv.u l'uu , , Su1utuuiiher 4.-A dis. case kuowuu ais spleusie fever attackutul cat- tie iii this cuiiiuty and is rugiuug situ great viulea.cei. A largo umumuhur of cases luave aircuidy 1uivcd fatal , 'I'huo disease is uip. iiatriiuutly cult the iiucreaso , uceusi. iluimig great alariut luimiiuuittt.o } shitk , ouvuicis. CuI Ititsiet i , rIi'i.o. ( GaaENViJ.Ls , Pa , , September 4.-Thio ml cent ahuiuig thin hue of tim Shteimiigo t Ahltighueiuy railroad are utU on a atriko ' boiiiuuuu of thu ruductiomu of teuu vet cent per toiu except the ini'iersat Coahtownaind hlirrisyihle , they hmivhmug utecepted the ru- duotion tiud gone to work. . - -