I.I G THE DAILY REF---COUNCIL BLUF11 , l1igN.DAY , SEPTEMBER i , 1883. Y . . fLf ' DAILY BELL. 1 ' 1 F CO UNCIL BLUFFS. Saturday Morning , September 1. ItATES : ! ti Carrier - - - - - - - 20 cents Per week By Ma - - - - - - - /alts her Year it f OFFICE o. 7 Pearl 8troot , Near Broadway. F Uolnttrll ° nn County Convctminn. + The rc'iublknns ' of Pottnwattatnio county will meet in delc ate cmwmttiun ° nt the court 111)1180 in Council IllufT , a Thursday , Scptctuber 1.'I , at 10 o'clck ( a. In , , fir tilt ) ur aso of dncnn in nolnlna aandidn csbfor the following offices. to wit : One etato senator , twn ropreson tives sherill treasurer , auditor sur vo 'or. s I , oHntondmlt of public schools , coroner , and members of thu bard of au Icrvisors. Each township will he 0t1 titleil to thu following ropruscntattott : Ksne , Est preclct..b I.nyt.un. . . . . . . . .A Krno,2dpreduct. .8 Llnudn , , , . . . . . . 2 Kane , 9d preduct..7 I.ewls . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Knno,4th preclnct..9 itlacodonla . . . , . , .3 Il00. . . . . . . . . . . . .2 MfiuIerr , Ilolknap. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Noma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Croacout. . . , , , , . , . . 2 NorWnik.n .u.u.2 Carron . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 I'lnwsat , „ . . . . . . . 2 Center . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 1tockturd. . . . . . . . . . . . . Grove . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Silver Creek. . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 lrnrtliu. . . . . . . . . . .2 Valley ngton . . . . . . . . hazel Dell . . . . . . . . . \Vnvelanl. . . . . . . . , ! Tnmos . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 1Vrlght. . . . . . . . . . . 2 Knox. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ri York. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' + Kcp Creek. . . . .2 The , rimnrks in each townshi'p ' , unles a otlionviso i l aered by the town'lri1 n coin . will beheld Monday , Septembu r 10 at 7 p. m. By ordet of JOHN W. BAInD , Chairman Co , Itop Cant. Cum MINOR MENTION. Sod Joseph Ueiter'a fall goods. Additional local on seventh pago. Cheap Iblflroad Tickets at Bushnell's ' The publfo schools of the city open to day , Officer Hayyea yesterday arrested Gee ' DoasinB , n ! , loin drunk , St. Albans Lodge , K , of P , give a so vial and dance to ntorraw ovunmg. Itov , A. S. Marshal , of Marion , Iowa ' preached at the 1'resbytnrmn church yes torday. L. S. Snpdor , of tie denomination o f Dunkarde , held religious services in Ina Y - hiss' puck yeaterkay. It is uxpect.'d that the Union Pacific will begin laying its tracks on Unin r avenue in a few days. St. Joseph's academy , under the man .agomont of Prof. Slattery , connnmrcu a another year's work today , T R. Owens and Ed. DoLong an ° booked at plico , headquarters for dis Curbing the ; uaco by fngtttulg. The Mills county democrats have n0 m inatod Dr. Brothers for repress nttativ u and D. A. Furrcll for ahurilt Tire Harrison county democrats hav ° tomin ttua a lady , Mies Jenny Barret t ' of Dunlap , for county superintendent , J. A. Rolr , of the Chicago & Roe k Island office , new rejoices in the safe ° r rival of No , 2. Thu little ono is a mrl. Roy. 0. Hamlin having roturnad fro m hie vacation and eastern trip , preached 1)t the Congregational church yusturda jl as eual , Dr. Wade OAry'a flyers came out alien d rt , „ at Rod Oak , his black mare Lnreno wi n ° f * : , ning in the 2GU : class , and his pacer Oar y Owen in the free for all , The board of cogiatration moots tin 1 ° avoning at the office of the township olor k No. 605 First avenue. Thu board wi 1 Li , in session three weeks , The right to wed was Saturday give n to Chatlcs Boyce and Elton SVilllsurs , of Woodbine ; also to Ilenjanin F. Kite an d Ida V Lougneckor , bath of SYahrdt. Standing boards have been attached to the aide of the hook and ladder truck ' 0 as to carry tine Babcock extinguiahor a' and give room also for one or two non n n a aide , A man arrived at the trnn8for Saturd ray from Salt Lake , with a ticket through to Now York , but as ho was tau sick to pr ° coed an his journey , and had no cash , Ii u waa taken to the hospital in Omaha , Manager Brown , of the tohgrap h ofllco , hurried to the scone of tine wruc k at Crescent , and though the wires wet 1) all buried under the wrecked cars , h 1)a the line working inside of 30 minutes. A night blooming corpus blossomed it rho residence of Mr. and Mrs. 'I'nylur , o n Mynstor str4et yesterday evening , and n large number of friends 'athurud b h t vitatiun to enl'0Y itatraBrdnco and buau ht y , The fair management hiss arranged f fatally season tickets which unto place t on sale this week , and which can be ha a by applylug to Mr , hoary Eiseman , tl 10 treasurer , of whom all information no o wary can be gained. Charles 0 and Edward P. Fite J , known familiarly among their man y friends hero as tine Filch buys , ltavo 4u r , chased F. F , Ford's short factory amid ii : , tend devoting their time and oe t o snaking it more of a success than ovee John Keller has been greatly annoyo d cau the boys atcaling his grapes. Hu Itt two and took them dowu to tl to police headquarters , and on his rote r n found threotherpillaging t r a , + Ho now declares war , thboys ad Letter look a little ot. The engine houses have boon whiten od and painted. In the Reacuo house U to liorsea' stalls have been shut oft b door which fly uen when the alarm la noun ad and lvhich are a great im ro 0 t rat over the chains , which wore liable to catch or hurt the horYes loge. The jury in the case of 1Vataoa vs. ti o Kansas Uity & St. Joe railway compan y , in which time ' plalntitf' sumaht t0 n coo 1)r damanus for a hor.o killed by time car failed to agree , and wore discharged S nt t wnlay , after having been locked p of ro attonnoou and oto night , F. L. Clark , the assistant suporin dent of the Atnurloau express cootInau Inns started east and it is undurttooJ tin nc be ezpocta not to return alone. Bufo r1) leaving rho wuployoe eurprMed hint wl ill a gold watch and clyaln , a silver wan or tervicu and a purao of $100 A man waned Andrew was arreakd f or r ; being drunk , amid with him IIIs stop e o n g med Burke , who , though only 10 or 12 yeara old , was also rlrw k. Thu man w is put in jurn , and the boy not free An a t tenpt is being 1na do to gut at the part ] ea who sold or gsvu liquor to the b1) Y . Tlr 1)y ought to b1) 1aumlalttd , . z rl WICKED WRECK. The Dctalls of the Fatal Railway Smash , ll at C recent. T he Bodioll of the Oonduotor and Engine r Found in the Wreak. I lia Dllrauulnux 1xcnpo of Othorx. The news of time railway accident at C rescent , about six miles Frum this city , ca used no little excitement bore , and a n umber of our citizens , bcide Coroner F uel , Undertaker Ounncll , tire Jury , etc. , visited the scene. It was n horrible lo eking wrack , 'l'imo enuinu lay in th v ditch batwm side up , and badly dmnol fished , while twelve freight corn were li kewise piled rap and snmnsluod and spun. ( Or'd , some being thrown over the ditch on ouo aide of the track , and others urn rho other side. Next to the engine ere two flat aura loaded with bridge timber. , 1(1 ( lurches square. q'hero tiulbore warn th rown into a Pile 12 fact or more i1)o height , Then two car loads of fmlcu pasta were scattered about pnnniacuuus Jy. Nuxt caaw n ruftitonawr ; car a1) , ta ming bettor ; thin was lnnaud 1)u top of nuothur ear , but its cmtcuta were out anuuagod. Thu next car was loaded with b arrels of dried currants. llue air lord struck time telegraph polo , knocking itj down amid buryuld the wires under the dubnet thus cutting nit' telu grnphio cnuunmuultiun A art loud 1)t s toves consigned to Council Blutl'a were badly wrecked , while at + uraing erosawuya 1)t' tlw track was a ear loaded mostly with gbasa , ' ' 1'hun camp one of buggies , u1)t b adly anumgoa , amid several cars of gun , oral nuruhnudleu. Tire fureu with which the altgineatruck the nulrohy , dutch where it ! ray nhunat 1 a cuugdute wrack , was sltuwd avunuwlmt by the taut that mud wins 111CUlYn . , It to t1nU ecny tap of telegraph poles , while ! h1) tope of the vary null standwg 1)u the , taut , w ere covered with debris , Time wruckof prpurty , ban as it scene ed , is of course out to b1) cuuqulrcd with the tuns of life. ' 19to cunaucpr 1)t this f reight troiu , Wesley D1uu , end the 1)u giueur , John hhdun , wore killed 1)u , right , and their buawa horribly ulnuglca i1) the wrack. Iuth were 1)u the mgwu rat the time , ne was also the tirouuuy' h. DI Buliulur ; , Aethuatgiwuleft tlohmck 1)t the switch , bath juuqud , , caul after tht other , and tire cure came piling upon them bulyiug thmm a1) that it was e1)utu t ime bufutu the bodies of could b ° f ound. That of the algiueur wua found lira , , but that of the umrductur was riot fduud until law Saturday Ili id. ' 1'11 ' u limumn was delayed in jmuwg Mfr b y other two being i1) bin w1) dot just r1) + themBite , ; , svnsnring over nn its eidu L u 'um pad tronrthu cni window , the uthar e utharHe ttuvtn g 'cam red from time gn gwa He b y summon strange freak of good yrtuu u Ml „ ,1)l death ar very serious iu'u , but r eceived sumo bruises amid outs , being rt t hrown with eumu force against the barbed wire toneu slung tine trunk. An old man named 1Villinm J1)hmeat w + le riding between tire two flat cu luadud with rho heavy bridge tenders llu wua buried in the debris , but euut ' r ecovered couIsciousnoas and crawled out hiwaolf , the blood Aowiug frum a mwound in the loud , but ° 'Ipnrunt ' ' 1 Y nut seriously injured. lie is ! ' over sixty years old , mind war remaing around tire count withou t ntunns looking far work. On cruwliu B out h1) had iris satchel lJnnl insland it , hie hand , but bemoaned the lass of hi s hat mid CQIIt , for which Ire begbnu , diligent ealrch , fie was afterward brought to khu city namid soot out t ° the county bhuua 0 for tratnnunt. A. I ) , Gnnb , n brnkoman , was on to p of the train at time tf no of tlo aceidumt , and w + m walkiugnlong rho top of the cure r toward the rear , rag b1) felt tlo stuckh Li looked about , adrag seeing rho oars tau . bliug iutu the ditch , ho jumped off , h t doing use h1) wow badly ahukuu up , nod i r' is feared that time shock to his spine um lnuvu n auri1)ua nod purlupa ] punuuuat injury. He wa , Lit an nuciaunt 8uwa tw o years ago , rind gut his , knee twisted e u badly that he hn a out been able to rail ' roan any until vary lintel ) ' . ' 1'118 Is said + i1) fact , to have bvuu unity his third tai p attar Iravm b humu laid u1 1 or two YMors , 'l'ima ' hand brnkvurun , David Julwson waa at the rear of tim train amid uaeape d injury. It was u great nervous Shock t " lout , however , rand h1) was untiring ih hn work 1)u the wreck , not allulviu g liimsul f a mmuuut'Y rant until the bodies of ti ti unfoltunato emi binour cord cunductur war v , Maud , Time body of the onginour , .iolw Dtabin , waaB fret found , nod that w + le nut uuti 1 after several hunra work. It was bruugh t t ° thta city , and after being cared for b' ' the mlaurtnkur terra euut by special tndl I to Bouuo , where iii. home was. flu w1) a u emu between .15 mid 40 yaua of age m ind leaves a wife and two children , 11 U to said to be 'natty ' counfut tubly fiw d Onauclull , and that ! w intouded our Y 50011 to leave the rand amid settle ' down n upon a turn , which he bought seine tim ° ago. It was late at night before the body o f Conductor Ddmul wlla tumid , Mud it to l e terribly crushed by fie boiug uudur th ° "ruck. It was yuaturday brought her o + and thou sent w Boauo , whom } tta hear ° wads also. lie bravos a wife amid a daugi I. fur , aged about lU. Bath uou wet ° Idglnly thought of by rho company , va rY 1uulur , amen their eo omlopna au a had many friends outside of ruilwliY at L - clue , ' 1'horo ' le much difficulty in getting rat just wire was to blame for time uocideu t but it appwlre that rho switch volts at t looked , ' 1'nu ! train ) vhf , h was ti it wrecked was duo hero shortly bufot v nuu , , It reached Oruacont 1)u tune , 1)n va was moving out 1)t only 12 mile n hut 1rhe11 It reached t1lU fatal switch , 1n tin O south cud of time yard , whoa eudamt l amid without wurmuig the engine daahe ' fromt time trunk and. the cars cuutu piliu B , tumbling after. Mr. 1' , S Palmer , rho Chicago & Northwuatorn agent at Crescent , nn that ho noticed time switch utter No. yU pessud at lUlb ; u,1) , „ and it wee thou u 11 r tght amid jock. d. After the uceidont ii U und tie switch upon , mad Chu pin ann l a lock lyhlg wm the baud hock , nna th 'ts 0cnda out have burnt duwu by time Unh Ito ulauetaGa thaw buforo tire ucciaol It Ile aootiuu forunnuu opunea the switch { „ suit u hnrtd tar of tics out 1)n the unu lIl frock , rind thin was time lust that purse a over the switch before tire acciduirt , 'l'ima ' auction lurausn , 0 Larson , Btat Oe that utter rho } rand car passed h1) leak 1)d rho switch himself. A man caned ( 1)a Jolmsor soya flout ho saw Larson clo se rho awttoh , but ctnunt saw whether 1 10 locked it or not. A man named Po to 1lamuvn also saw Lanmr close tire awltu In , but old not env him put tbD pin bt Or lock it , Ialremt lnitusolf is poeilit o tbnk ho lucked it , but it seems that ha mast bravo boon mistaken i1) this , or elan 50 1110 ono also unhckd it afterwards , Dr. Weet , dentist , ! 4 Pcarl street , ( tack Fr nr Llncrht , Chfof Templeton , of time Piro depart , moral , has returned from time tn.umnanuemit , a t Lincoln , nod a'annot any too much of the hospltublu unnuucr in which 110 was tr eated. By the published reports of the Grurnnmont , it nppunrs that the chief was quite ptmuiuont ht time judging. and mnamn a ging the rnco + and being h good dual ° ( n s oturan in such unntture , lhuugh not in y ears , his assistance thuro war valuable , nnaecome id hove bean gauntly nppruuist 1)d , 'l'imo Cuuucil lllutls dupntUnvut was not in rho rncca of cuttreu , butyuteoutu 1)E the hnairidunle from here won i1) sonic of the special contests , In time ; 100 ynta tout tutu bldnuy 1 etc , of Council Bluflx , w ° 1) first. nrunuy , , uua U. 1V , Dldchull thilh t hnrlus htchule1)u and Jueso Wai tern won the eec1)ud ptizu fur wuplute. ' 1'ltrle 4 seconds , alld that Wnt1 doing pretty wall , whuD they had to c1)ugwtu with the two Duero couplers from Mo. h ue , acuu 1 tire xurld , nod who at Liuoln i1) taking tire , , ri2u cut the re cord dawn to Prairie chtukeiis amid A. Booth's select o ysters toluivua daily 1)t W. 'I' . Bruuu'e , Itenl t'mtatu Tratlelbrs. The following deeds wuro filed for to- Cora in the recorder's ufUco , Suptumb0r 1 , reported for the IInR by 1' . J. Mc. M inion , real estate agent ; T , C. Studdmd ut ni , to Thomas Scutt , raw , } , aej. 3G , 70 , 42 ; $460. M.1' , linker to h. L. Henry , part of auj , sss # , 1 , 74 , 94 ; $1roo. 11 L. Iluury to J. N Cnendy , part of lots 10 + lud 17 , black 17 , Mill add ; b700. Charles Il Fetsou to G. E , lersuu , tut 8 , block 1 , Gnlosbutg odd ; ti60. Jurnlus P Gouidun to City of Council Blullruu ; tof lute 100 Mud 101 , urigitual plot ; $ ; 1,000 , 'fatal sales , $ G,7 0 , 4 Mr , Goes , tine letter carrier , who says ho w + 1) , dropped fruw the aurviru without any roneuu buiuq assigned , is coutrnaict 1)d i1) this by Pustuuatcr Auunur , who soya flora , the rulsar , was that Gaxs wnaa uvurluauugly gruulbliug until h1) cauldu't sumd it uuy luugur , uua t11ut Dlr. Guns w ith nfurunua that Elus was the reason , Sonic of the waterworks neon are raising - ing a ' , utsu to buy n horse fur n buy uul , l1).1)d b the caul 1)w a whose horse died go rrnab1) u few as s u , ' ) is uulY hi Hurl futbfull More old , is + to au , rort a wiaua ud mutLor nun several uun'or brothers amid aiatura. It is uvi dvutly n worthy case fur ehuwiub such BelnurueitY , Congressman PGesy received n talc , grow Saturday aumuuae1)g } the duutln of lfuu b [ , B. Cotta , imiunmibur nil emigres. from the Susuuth district , amid whose huwu is 1)t Oakaa1)usu. Thu funeral scr vice take place this nttvuwou. Mr. Cutts lea bvuu i1) ill hxulth far auvulul y'cure , nna Maly ruturnua u week ago front Dluxia , , wlncru h1) had beau i1) Chu h1)1w 0f iutprovuunuut , 1V. A. Linton amid Charles Boardeley hlra n bloody light Hour the Itut ure house Sutwrlny , m , Lich both gat auwusvhut uuuialod , thou $ Linton gat the uwat , rand uIIeaa , tu luvu deserved the Most , 'l'ima ddlfvulty ujueo over'n wouuun , Lin- tau being jealous of the attomitiat being tmin her by sumo wan , and thinking that B.iltd8l was time ntrut. Bath Hen were a rrested , ybut Boardeluy was diachn 1)a and Linen lucked ut1 Ono of Council Bhdfa"business men hod rho pulicu hutnting Sutmdny for a $ IlU chock amid two $20 belle , which h ° thought had bvuu snntdnud fronn his dock 1)a h1) etuupud out of rho ulOcu fur la nliu ate , Ho ufterwnras fumed t7ta wiasiug property , n gust of wind Laving bluwu it unto the fear together with n blotting Pud which ln ' 1)n tap , hiding tire chuck and nnonuy , am ) that i1) the scorch for it i1) rho allicv , it wits out noticed. 'Cho police suuka gaua cigars how ,1)rought l1) . Rev. A Rogers , 'wino hue filled rho 1)0. aiti1)u 1)i Supuriutuuauut 1)E the inetitu two for rho acnf amid dumb , hna boon udl0a to the pustuullo u ( the C1)ugrogn tiuuul clwrch at Duulnp , and will eater u pen Chu duties of this new pueitu.u e1) xuou as iii. successor Inure guts wall nit work. Dlr. 1Ggure , , ne u pulpituur , is ubuvu the average , mind as as uuun ruin pals , fur , can11at but prove n wulcuuw utlamiun to Dunln n. lie hna xenres of wnrnl fiuuda hfru whose best wishes will nc cuuluumy him i1) Chu now hold of labor , Mayor Buwnnan , in his mcseagu to rho c ouncil blot spring , ruwumuuuaua that enwu nrrnngumuut b1) Duran with . Curpuutur , a lunaatatpv gut dmur , 1)f Gnlua burg , to make auudry iuqruvuul0uts in' I''nnrnuput pam k , h1) having done suuw 1)x culluut work in that line 1)t Ulavebm g , A ) otter tom that guntluuuut euntus flue h1) will b1) hero at tire fair , with views of work dams by him old other exhibits , i1) which Chu.uttxuna conuunlud fn beautify , fog Fninuont pork will l1) ulturuetua 1Y , lk , Vaughan apmnt Sunday' 1)t ham u and ruhlnned to Dun Aluiuus but uvaniub to liuiah 1)l , his llunlic buaiuusa timers. Tire lierdtc were gut 0n thY etreuth titers curate w they being iutraluoed ae g Thu togIatue "with a flourish and rr frum tot by n procession , of tut r headed tinen coaches , b1 tine Yar and 'nro ' priotor in a buggy arid eiztuen aout Her. die in which n biasa laud played i t o ubho melodies to attract and dlatrno tt attention , " hit. Yuu ghan wdl ) 0 1)t ) Due Moines , ) umhusud Jud a Cole' 0e ' tau ( until carriage and team its a ear Ilriea birthday prrauut for his wino , th O lined being $11G0 , SPECIAL NOTICES . NtYI'ICR.-S , + aclal sdrertlwnmts , , such w G + . t , Found , To Gan , Fur Sale , Ta Rant , { Pants , Umn t. lu , ete „ x111 Vs hwrloJ ha thl. return , , at th l1) t.w rote of TEN CENTS t'F.it LINE for the dot lus.rtlo snJFl1'GURN'all'Rltt.lNEloreuhsubsequent l sottlua , Leave adremhameuta at our olacs , Nu , 7 t'eaal Struot , nest Itn + a + lway wAtlTS , tt ANTRU-FbnryLayIU t'ountllIIluasto 1st a . TuinsN , Dulhuvd by carrier at unly txcnt Y , .oats sxuuk. . 1AN'I'Ill-A ; g.exl girl. Apply at TJLUe Wfnd sot rc.lsurudLllUruedxoy , 11ANTEU-A - boy , wltltwnytudethorTn.Us , E „ 7AVTL'I-APprcnllc ghls b learn drua rns Ir . lu , .tMa , A. E , tS'IdtWler , Maims sttc u t ' opwslluw.tollltn. ; , % 7'tNTED-rTItdDnFurrc.ldmroc tTopurtyI U Council llIORa , choice lauds lit ale'Mali pway , Me Address Nugent k Smith 7 1)d , 8 Ma u , 1)ataut. . FOR BALE AND ItSNT , , tOItSALR-house and lot , northwest sorest of J tenth sod ltruadwsy. JoIN , IV. Dsraa , Ott IlN'IT-11rml.hed room , with hoard , it N ' T6eMywterstrovt J.INCA8ADr F. 11 , OIWU1T. CA ADY & ORCUTT f 602 Broalway , - Council Bluffs , Iowa , WHOLESALE AND Iu TAIL and Oil CURTAINS , Fixtures 9 ND A C ( MI'LLTJ / .CK OF CHOICE llolle1 Novelties 0 Mail Orders "fromptlY Filled ' CASADY & ORCUTT , - - Council Bluffs Iowa , A. H. MAYNE & CO. , DI ? t'.EIel . IN Liffle Louisville&Podland Itl'IIIOAN PI.ASTEII , tiAll ( AND SEIVl1t PII'R , HARD AND SOFT COAL AT LOWEST PRICE. No , 819 Broadway - - COUNCIL FLUFFS , IOWA NUGENT & "MITD' , t , , ' vl . W + WO , ; i r- C rr ' w I- a s 11.1 t -I Merchant Tailors. , 7 Mud 11 11miin Str' L. nIR13CJTORY , c rnwIL IaTJFS'J9 , X4. . JOHN BEN 0 CI GENERAL MERC1ANDISE. ( , is hair , , tract and 17 t'earl .tree , Wit I'f , Orucury , 216IIaln Street. CRESTON hotel HOUSE. , 217 and 210 Matra street. J , B A BS i OW D ' 1C1. + , Corner P'llth'street and Filth are. 1(1. J , 1 + E , Carne , f lstn and Filth upstairs. OFFICE dtesldence,1109 , WIllow avenue. OF TilE PEACE , . ' u , Otllro over Ameracau Express. S W A G' E ti LIVERY AND FEED , , wlu conlnct tor tunorat. at rca.onable rates. 22 Foutth dreet J ' IIQ . a i , JUH & Ii . . , Cdr H BUYI 'RS , Whuleealebutter tryaad antra. ahlp eggs , lane. pool. Uraft by return mall. 140 Broadway. NEW BOOT AND rp1IDE STOItE , , , , Comer Main and Flret arenua B , A , BENEDICT , SIGN Office WRITER alt Dmadrray AND ORAINER. , l'ouncll DIuEe , Iowa. JA , B gI CH IIERCIIANT TAILOR , , Stack Complete Suite made et rcseonable prices. No , 805 Nda 8t , a . F S 1TH CONTItACfOIt AND BUILDER , , , Corner 7th ,1)d Broadway. Plane and specl0cattone furnished. W VY SHtaRMAN BEALRtIINFINEIIAItNESS. , , I lure the variety that , brhigs patronage 144 Main street. JAMIS FRANIIY , Artistic Work 'MERUIIANTTAILOR. and reaenabb charges. 674 Broadway. + H WE & SON FUIINITUItE STOVES , v 1 and Boueehotd Suppllee 801 Dlnadway , L I N .DT & H ART ATTOItNRYS AT LAW , ' , James Block Practice In elate andledoral courts. S A N ITAR U' And b.m , house , 121 uid2J Druadxay. ] . Sovereign/Prop. I' . J. Mont ' . . gauery , n. U. I'hydclan. VADIr ( A Y VETEIt1NAIIY SURGEON , , UtBca , Bray's stable a No. 12 Scott street. El V1N J ABB' TT JUSTICE OF TIIEPEACE , . ' , Notary 1 uLlleaud Oouerol Conruyancer , 116 Broadway. h Eli rl 11 i + ill I 'P S F , SMITH A NORTON , U , Broadway opposite New ll era Iluuao , ateatted 8L60 per do 3 H ALMY NEW AND SECOND l1AND IIOUSEImOLD GOODS , , Bought and cold. 212 urnadwey SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , DEALERS IN , 1 iiocorios , FflY1S1OIIS , ' BOOtS . lioos IMMIC + RA Txc J p t3 NTrr3. , ' DRAIN ON TIIR flANROF IItRLAND , DUBLIN , F/lit SALE , 911 BItnADWAY , COUNCIL HLUFFi ' r C RESTON HOUSE , . MAX MORN , . sal © 817 and 819 . Mais > L l troot , COUNCIL BLUFFS IOW q , - - - - - - MRS , D. A , BENEDICT , TILE LCADINU DEALER IN 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. SKE L'IO N HENDRICHS & RICE TAILORS 102 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS FALL AND WINTER STOCK NOW COMPLITF t ; . EMBRACING MANY NOVELT IE NOT T 0 BE FOUND ELSEWHERE , Y OUR TRADE IS SOLICITED I r n. , . , , . . > To The Trade ! . 1Yetake plaae > ire in callmb uurattention to thetractt1 natweharetaadoeuckarrango mounts as will arable us t sell you Rllbher + F Bootg , Slioo , Btc ° , Eere , as Low as you can buy them East , 'Writa for further information , CO. , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. f . . _ ti . : . Y Em kle Hai dware Co pan , ; y. , wsoxr s. .xa r -J- , i 1 M 4 f " } Hardwnre I - ! . I ' ; 1 109 and 111 S. Main Street , . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. r- * vf y- ] etc 1f WHOLESALE DIALEHS : IN HATSCAPS EUCKGLOVES , " ; 3 42 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. ' CreaMFruuts , Parties , Soctnbles and Prance supplied on short notice , and woods delivered to all parts of this city. Vienna Bread , anti Pies. Fine Cigars. W. T. BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 4 04 West Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS c % b.t raasei ole3. Money Loaned , Abstracts Furnished , 1P s. MoMA-SON - No. ,4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. II. ] a s J 1I 1 - . r i Special Sale or Thirty a s l -COMMENCING- : tlc , $ L1rci1EL , .L 1.1Last . To reduce our stock anti malco room for a large steck of F ALL AB II OLID Al G 0 OB S owe offer at reducedprices ; our Itock : of StEI1I111ery , iCO1llgOllS ! Boofl PHOTOGRAPH ANDAUTOGII.APH ALBUMS , ' , Pocket Bo oksf.Purses & Ladies' Arm Bags FANCY GOODS Steel Engravings and Other Pictures---Cabinet Photo , graph Frames , Parlor Easels. Fire I creen Frames WALL POCKE PS AND BRACKETS , 1 f IOlls wi rxu o w. . . r i , I Consisting of ell kind oI ; Bas kets---Clothes Baskets and Hampers. ' ALSO A LARGE ASSOIITMENT OF OTHER GOODS. s will Pay You to Call' and Look at Our Bargains , Na Ea SEAMAN 405 Broadway , - - . - COUNCIL BLUFI'S , IOWA , / i . . . . . . + - , + n.rr. wr- . . . . . . - . . . . .W. . + . + er. . . , ,