Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1883, Image 4

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Pnb1Ihe evcT3 tflOTflIfl , except. undy. Th.
Dt7 110ThJA7 2flOfllfl ( ! &IIy.
? , e Yer.$1O.K ) Three Mnnths $300
-SIzMonthe . . . . . . . . 5.00 I One Mrnth . . . . . . . . 1.li0
! rONtrAID.
OieTet $3.&IThreeMnnths $ E,0
Six )4nnthi . . . . . . . 1.00 I One IrOth . . . . fl
Mnerlen Neu Cntnpny , Sole Agenta News'dNt.
St. Ifl thO UhItd States.
A CinniuntctIon re1tn ! in News an4 FAItnrW
aLtiiNhoukIt.eaddrew1 t , the EDitoR 0 ? 1
alTNflflM : LIVmNA.
All fluslne.s Letter. and fleinlttwee * iihruI' be
p4irt * i'.et1 tnTiiiifliui PVPLtNtJtO ( rnrA , ( PelitlA.
Th attp , ( 'bc'c. and I'otofliee orter. t be me4e pay.
able to the nrder of the cnmptny.
. RostwATERutor.
EX.SVEARER K1FEI 1if8 1II COffin lid
'to rornark that Binino will not ltoa factor
in the coming presidential struggle.
Sr.cIurAIw TELLr.n is doing cxccllcnt
service to the country in protecting tim
zationaI domain against land sharks and
corporate land grabbers.
Tun government at WMhington still
lives , although the president , his cabinet
anti General Sheridan are more than a
thousaid miles away.
Tint flow of gold from Europe to this
country is a healthy sign of American
prosperity. During the past week the
amount reached nearly a million and a
half. -
Tnx president has pasted through
loll's ilaif Acre , and tim Dcvii's caul.
dzon. Now lie will be prepared to go
through another siege from the oflico
Tna trial of Frank Jamts , the MisS
aouri bandit chief , is liable to lastas long
a the trial of Dorsoy , the star route
thief , and the result will b the same
both cases. Fat fees for the. lawyers.
Tnn muster r li of the gratid , army of
postmasters of the United States fooLs
UI ) 48,049 , of whom ernly 1,176 are ap.
pointed by tIm president. A fact worthy
of note is that among thea presidential
postmatora few die and none ever ro.
$ ; , n unless tloy got a bettor office.
If Garfield lead lived , what an inter.
eating supplement he could have written
to Dorsey's confession. . - Ncw YorL
( ar.
if Garfield lead lived , Porsoy would
never had. dared to utter the dMtardly
libQ1 tktt hu has published or hi uon
fossions.-to bosmurch the name of a man
whQ i in his grnve ,
IT now transpires that Dr. George L.
1il1er , the editor of the Otimhia 1Icrakl ,
goes abroad for the purpose of examining
Queen Victoria's lame knee.- Chicago
Naw wo have a rational explanation of
the mission of our osteonied colleague at
well as the object in yiow in getting hap.
tbod by Bishop Cnrkson ] , of tlie high
. church. When her majesty's knee is pa
sot by the distinguished Pawnee doctoi
she can do nothing less titan confer or
him her garter , and let him go back tc
America "ICuighit of tIm Garter. " lloui
ioU qui tnat.ypcnac.
Tim fact that corporations have uc
souls has again boon forcibly illustrated
. Tim cowardly action of the Ainoricap
Italid Telegraph company in accodiuc tc
the demands of thu striking operatori
and now going back on their vo1untar
arraugoinont with the iiion bocausa thu
Western Union ha dofozted the strike ,
is something that $ hio iublio and tin
operators ought not to forgot. Coin
pared with the American Rapid. tin
Wcatom Union is a striking example o
corporate fair play.
AccoRDING to the Graphic Uncle Ru
fus Hatch is finding some elephants , oi
perhaps we should say hogs , among liii
noble British guests. In a dispatch fron
Yellowstone park ono of the John Bul
touriaLs is said to have coat Hatch $25O
i1 moo lie loft England. fho British tray
olors consume much costly wino , and oni
of thio IftrtY oven had tim undorclothin1
which ho brought on his journey chiargot
"to thu host. " Lord hloadloy is said ti
- bo much mortified at such exhibitions
f and poor Uncle Itufus is quoted as sayin
that if lie gets out of this scrape wiLl
enough inoioy to keep his family througi
the winter ho will never do tim lik
CoMMRINa On the latest edition o
] Ionry V. I'oor's railroad manual th
Sprtngfield Republican calls attention t
thp effects of 8tock watering y raliron
I jobbers as follows : "The weakness
the American railroad system Is the cor
stantly widening gap botwecit nomini
caitaliZatiofl acid real coat. IL is both
flnanoial and a moral weakiees. It wi
a financial weakness in the long poric
of depression , when hundred sof nihl1
of so.cahlod stock was foreclosed out
poueesion , and is always a zuopil weal
lieu from the fact that a ficticou ! capit
Ia not entitled to that ' 'reasonable" r
turn which thy common law allows LI
common carrier. Mr. I'oor shows tk
the last 28,000 miles of railroad in iii
country , the Product of the last tIzr
years. has been accompanied by an e
Panpion of capiLsi and debt amounting
12,033,000,000 , or $70,000 a mile , wher
aa the actual cost was nt over $30,000
3nile , At $30,000 , a not earning
$1,800 will pay 6 per cent on tue cot
but at $70,000 , it takes a net earning
$4,200 pet. utile to pay 0 itcr ccitt on LI
Tuz Ohiocampaigiiwhjch Pr0m18
at the ouLsot such a sweeping victory f
Boadloy and the democratic ticket , ba
vety blue at hue sta4:0 : of the canva
Judge Iloadloy is sick "under the strali
'wldch Ito is supposed to have been woo
lug siiico his nonilnation. Tim Capital ,
a democratic newspaper at Cleveland ,
announces that it "will not be parade as
the purchiated chattel of Iohin SVcsiuy
t3ookwaltor and Ocorgo hloadley , ' " and
that ' 'no trading , iiihlionniro in news
PftPCP back ofilces in Cincinnati ftiinhl
transfer its irO1rietY Interest
in our ahlbgiatico at a dorn.
ocrat to the highest. bidder. "
In iiort. "we diall oppose the election of
badly. " Thu Cincinnati Comnzcroial.
Gazdllc throws light on what is hero re
forrul to by giving the doLsila of the pur.
chase of the ( lolegates to the recent dam-
( ) crAtio county convention. The swag
WM $10,026 , divided among 92 delegates.
Time regular plico of a delegate was 8100 ,
but the Eleventh ward bohogation of thir.
teen imiomi hind to ho 1aid , twice over , as
time custodian of time fuii L the IrsL tnuo
took the $1,300 and "lit Qut. " There
were other cases of slight varia.Uons and
DiNvaiI is organizing a rival street rail.
road line. Tim charter of the Don.
vor City Street Railway company grants
to it tiio excitisico privihego of operating
hrrso cars witiming the limits of Denver.
This would iirevent any rival line from
comneting , provided the oxciusivo privi.
logo , or rather monopoly , was uphold by
the courts. All recent decisions , how.
over , tnaitiLin that no legislative body
can grant tim privilege to the exclusive
use of the streets of any city for tIme conveyance -
veyanco of passengers. But the projec.
'tops of the rival street railway line do
not propose to contest that provision of
the hmorso car charter nor to compete with
itin time use of horse cars. Its plan is
to adupt another mnotivo power. They
propose to establish a cable line propelled
by steam or electric motors. This may
be suggestive to Omaha capitalists who
wish to boom Omaha by extensions of
street railway lines.
Tim British 1)arhiamIloim was prorogued
by the tiucemi last Saturday. Time session
just closed has by no moans fulfilled all
the vromisos made by Oladstouo at its
opening , but it hiss notboemi entirely bar.
ion of good results , Several very impor.
tant measures have boon enacted. Fore.
most among these are Mr. Chamberlain's
bankruptcy bill , time ajricultura1 holdings
bill , and the corrupt pacticea at election
bill. The agricultural holdings bill is of
vitiil importance to time farmmmers of En.
gland and Scotland. It introduces
the principle of tenant right
and secures compensation for unoxiinust.
d iinprovomonfsm made during occupancy.
Thu Corrupt Practices bill , will dt munch
to prevent bribery and corruption at
Emighisit elcctiumms , if it does not put aim
end to time Practice altogether. To tlmeoe
acts should ho added , tim Pitasongor's
Duty bill which oxemnpts from taxation
railroads that carry nassomigers at the rate
of oio lCiittY iir mile. Only few acts
L atirmg directly to Jrolnmd , were actually
passed , Amimomig these 'J. P. OComimiera'
. Laborers' 1ihi , time steam Traimmwnys bill ,
time Fislmoiica bill. Time 'l'i'ammiwnys bill
I vill bo of vast a'lvantago ' in nfirdiiig ro
I lid to tim distresoed Irish fitrimmers. The
bill appropriates a quarter of a
million for assisting emigration
I It also appropriates an eqtmal summi for time
reclaumat.iomi of IOrtioflB of Irchtumd par.
I tinily or wholly uncultivated amid for re
) moving fA ) those districts families front
, time over Populous districts. It also con.
r toimmplatcs the encotmrngomncmit of time siunc
) work by local compammio , Time bill goto
its nammie from those sections whelm guar.
I antco to porsomma comistructimig iiarr w
. gauge itteamu railways in Ireland a certain
I ) OrCOfltagO on time investment.
The English house of lords soommi bout
upon keeping the English people avart
. that Mr. Parnoll
and his followers art
p not tIm only body of obstrLmctionista it
S parliament. They have defeated thrut
measures this session on which the pimblh
1 generally liati agreed , amm4 they hmavi
) emasculated a fourtlm. They flush3
. throw out the 1)111 to legalize tmmr
S riDge with a deceased wife's sister ,
; They voted down thu bill to PP0
I iumbit the abomnimmablo cruelty of pigeon
m shooting niatchics ; but as the princess 0
, \Vaics has mfltUbO tliomii unfasimioumblo b
announcing bier purpoo to attend ut
IL mnoro of them this vote will not niatto
Ii much.SIt. . will not save an ariatocrati
3 present discredit and speedy oblivion
They have thirowut out Limit bill to reduc
the suirrago in the Irish boroughs I
f seunotlmiumg like Limo English and ScoLd
0 level , tints giving time Irish agitators an
0 other good reason for insisting that timer
d ia one rule for England amid another fo
) f Ireland.
i The French war Ii ; Ammamn bias outdo
a more suddenly than amiy one expected
Is Thu capitulation of the emperor was xi
d much of a surprise to Limo French timon
is solves as to time rest of mankind. H
f was not only convimiced that further rt
c.sisLsnco would be useless , 1)ut mmarrowi
al escapimig with his life dimrhig time fin
0 day's bombardment of the forts and ba
mu tories at this umioutix of the River Jitmo , i
itt thoroughly scared. By time tones
itS the treaty ho is willing to signs From
a accorded an absolute ltitOCtoraI
x. time cimipiro ; Limo native troops are I
to 1)0 placed under tim counmnamid ( if ( loiter
0. Donut , time Froumcim coimunmmndor ; hio At
a to iy time costs of time wit
of and all outstanding diflicuitics rosimecth ,
it the eumforcomnomut of existing treaties t
0 ; ! suriumg limo riidmti of foreigners and time
lie immunity ( remit attack vih1 ho satiafim
tririly adjusted. In short , Frammeogatex
site Insisted upon at time outset , ami
id good deal more. But Fraimee will at
ox. have to contend with time inborn proj
Ice I1co of nfl Eastern Auiatlca against to
5. oiglera ) amid their chronic umeapacity
1" uuuleretammd tim binding force of trea
aobligations. . They agree to the tornia
order to cacapo from a difficulty , and
forgot every jroiniso when time cxi.
gemicy hiss gene by. And though China
hiss no alSOlUtO control over Annaun nuni
no direct claim to justify intcrft-srcrmcO , it
looks with increasing jealousy on the extension -
tension of French influence in Cochmin
China , and time diversion of a tradot has
foummd ; Irofitailc. And nithmnut. engaging
iii actual war the Chmmmieeo calm give time
French a vast deal of trouble. Indeed ,
tim PriflciPl rcsisthne Limo French titut
in Annamn was frouit the Chinese ,
The hold of France on Animaimi is cor
tahily firm enough now. hut its value to
France in the hear future is likely to be
very small.
Time example sot by America in time
niatter of rapid reduction of time national
( bitt iS alleged iii England as a reason
for moving mnoro quickly in ( list dircc.
Lion ; but tlmt' specific vroposals scro not
connected with American example , as
( lucy originated in 18i9 , since whelm date
time debt has becim reduced from 787 , .
000,000 to something like 700,000,000.
Of late years , thin rethtictiomi hiss 1)0011 at
the rate ( if 8,000,000 a year , but for the
whole jmermini the average is not halt so
much. Time bill Feforo parliament
ltriiscd to pay ofF 173,000.000 , or a
trifle less thami a fourth of time ( bit , in
the next twoumty years. At this rate Limo
whole tluiit , would be discharged by 10(13 ( ,
Time Ihritish national debt may be said
to exist only in time shape of perpetual
annuities. As Limo debt was contracted
by accepting bids much below par , tim
mtoimmirmal interest is very low-thrco per
conL , in fact. But the imiterest on the
Bums actually received by the Treasury is
very considerable. As a consequence ,
time debt can be discharged only at a
loss to the government , uumless at times
when time interest of money is very low.
If money is worth as much as three amid a
quarter per cent. a year , it is more prof.
itablo to go on payiimg thireo pounds
atcrhimmg a year to time holders of one
hundred pommmmds sterhing in ' 'consols , "
than to pay imiimi time one hundred pouuids
atcrhiimg and be done with hun. But
for the boumds which represent this thimn
time gdveninont received but eighty or
utiuiety piummtIs sterling at time start. So
the English debt is in the worst possible
51151)0 for diecimare ; it bears really a
high immtorcst , but ith nomimmal interest in
Ho low thattlio principnlciii be paid only
at a hans. The English pcomie ; , however ,
prefer to bko time loss and do something
towards the discimargo of thin debt before
time coal nlincs are exhausted or sotno
other calamity 1mm occurred to put a stop
to their national ProtperitY. This they-
do in a characteristic fashion , Whoever
holds "coimsois , " and wishes to convert it
lerpotual into a tcrnmiimal annuity of a
proportionally larger ammiount , can efl'cct
time change by an arrangement with the
conmnhissioners Of the aimildug fund.
The resigimation of the Spanish ministry
shows that constitutional govormimuemit in
Spain is little or nothing more titan a
naimic , Tim ministry which has resigned
bodily was nominally liberal , amid , in
theory , at least , represented time prepon.
doratmmm sontinietit of the coumitry repro.
settLed mum tIme congress , or elective clmm.
her of the cortes. As in thin English
coumatitutioum , its ciiaraetor , as defined in
the terums of time commstitution , was that of
a respomisibbe executive , its rosjonsibility
being imot to time kin , but to the congress ,
immid its functions being tho.imumiumtummanco
itS vell its the exnut'mnn of the constitu.
tioum. Yet it resigns not by reason of a
loss of its supportimmg mmiajnrity in the coui-
gross , intL by roasomi of a withidrasval of
inibhic contidemico. but ott accoummt of a
( ivisiomi among its own nmounborn on the
i1tiostioii vlmothor it shah or siiiill not ru-
instate time suspended law of its own ox
iiitoumce , or overturn it idefinitoly.
Primmie nmiumister Sagasta , who is recognized
let 0110 of the ablest loaders of liberal
( though not ultrn ) opinion , has resolutely
imsmated , tiiuin it promimit restoration of time
comitititutiomial guarantees , which wore nu-
PeI'CetleI by time rule of umilitary force
111)011 time recent. outbreaks ; hutin this lie
hiss becim ammtagoumized by Ocuieral Mar-
timmez do Cainme , time umminister of var ,
and by uommmo others of his colleagues.
In mme country whore constitutional
. gevernumient , uimder a reaponsibbo executive -
tivo , is aruahity , could such an event
occur. It. could imot occur in Spain if it
I really a state goverimea under a con-
- stitutiomi , or if tIme bulk of Spammisli pen.
. 1)10 svcro IPted to maintain or to receive
constitutional govermmmmmemmt.
Time Swiss are beginning to worry
about time great increase iii their foreign
pouttilatinim. This in tim country at large
I l snmall-oimly 7 ior cent , but in semite
I caimtomms , vmtrticulitrly these near the bar.
durs , time foreign-born residemmts number
I from 34 to Th var ccitt of Limo emmtiro pop.
I uhittinim.Vimeui iLLs considered , too , that
time immilux of foreigners has for time past
I ten yearn just shout equaled time emnigra
tioim , amid thmuit this hiss averaged 0,000 a
year , the growing nervousness of time
. Swiss vclbo doea not seem Btzlmngo. A
, alight increase in time ratio , ngaiumst time
. mmatives , might vlaco time foreigners iii
. these caimtomms in the majority , and icaci
LA ) disagreeable if not disastrous comma.
I quences itt imimy time , About 00,000 ol
, time foreigners in Switzerland are Our.
) lIHUIB axmd theme are over fiO,000 French ,
Italiamma amid Austrians ,
r _ .
a Time wiidest disorder contiumuenin hlumm
. gariami and Cro itiaim towumn. At Egorseg
C Itumigary , time shops are closed and thmt
.Juw are fled , 1mm time Croatian towmmm
cm time 1)e0Pb0 imayo fought so Pomsisteiitl3
Ii against time public use of time hlimmigariam
I. language Lust the satrapa of time conquer
C are afraid to put up time procammmationi ]
which caused time trouble. At ? iworioi
p three officials were .wounded amid foci
imeasalita killed , Time peasants intro flat
to Limo bight hill , The cabinet at Viommam
( I is between two fires. It umust kee1t Liii
1. iugmmacious Crests iii Auatria.ilumigary
a amid yet it immust so Iulmiaii thmeimi as Li
Bmimlttil time rufiled feathers of time hun
Igariamma. .
gariamma. _ _ _ _ _ _
Time volcanic eruptioum on time Islammd o
Java is time most dreadful calamity tim
y hum boon ciirommicled since time dostructiom
it Ptrnmpeii amid hlorculanoumu nearly twi
L. thousand years ago. Time P01)tmlatiofl o
10 Java aggregates over 10,000,000. Ful1
V inhma1itammta Imerisimod in the brmrie
) L mind submerged cities and villages. Do
m bills of time eruptiouma mmd overflows ate
to burning cinders mmml lava wimicim have out
Lo gimirod whole sectioums of time ialammd
I buried cities amid towims , ammd of tidu
a which have swept away tliousammd
Ii. ( people , are most graphic. Thu scout
r , of horror has iorimuipn never beau sum
mg imimesuil In time world's history.
. hhatavia itmiui Amijur have sutlmred moat
U. Thu are time two muost iimmloptammt cities I
ir tim Islaimil of Java. Botim are itt lii
C. vestupim oim .l of tue islammil itumil hear tim
dl tititlut of the Straits of Fimumdy , a mmarro
cimanimel wmicii ] separates Java ( rein Sun
. a stat. 'l'Iie first eruption acorns to hay
ill comno fr'-'umi cue of the ammumil islamids In tim
U- straits , thmetm to have Iasaetl speedily
r- time coast. anti is a short tixmmo time old viii
tocaumo of Ounotmg Salak , back of Jbatavlii
was in full eruptiomm , for time first. tiuim
ty sluice 1609. Thu destruction of life seem :
1mm to imavo resulted chIefly front fires atarte
- -
- -
lmy time red-imot stones anti lava , and from
'tiilitl ' waves , which washed away -whole
.vihiages of fishmerunen on thocoast between
Batavia aumd Anjer head. Time great
disatter is one whicim might have been expected -
pected at any time , as .Java is situated in
time very center of volcamtic activity.
Au time lsiammds which stretch from
Java timid Borneo to time lmido.Chineso
extant are of volcanic origin and include
109 active voicammoes. There is imot , an
Island , it is said , wimicim is imot pierced
with one or more outict4. , fava bias 45
volcaimoes , 28 of wimicim are active. A long
range tif volcanoes mu ( rein these islands
through Formosa to .Iniiaii and thence to
ICamnschatka , wimichi hiss fourteen. They
cross the I'acifio in a semi.clrcuiar line to
our own coumtiiient , htmL ( lumnlumisil in mmm-
ber in : tlio nmouumthin elevations which
stretch nloumg time whole Pacific coast of
North am ! South America.
Time scemmo of Mr. George WCiis
now novel , "Dr. Savior , " in laid itt Now
Orleans , time Limo being time eve of Limo.
Into civil war , a glimpse of time beginning
of wimicim is c&i.cI to be given iii Limo don.
ing idiapters. Besides time creole types ,
of which Mr. Cable is kumowum as time
origumaLor in fiction , timis story is said to
present avarioty of ciiaractcrsof dfrcroumt
nationality , drawum with Mr. Cable's
wail knowim nmsigiit and solute of iiuummor ,
The ziovel will be an important feature of
the mmow volume of Time Century , the first
ciutlitera appearing in time Noveimmbcr
The Ventern Hctmooinma'nm.
chkago Trbuno. (
Not baxiiFui , nor yet ororboid ,
Amid oimly twenty-two ;
With hair like threads of gloaming gold ,
With eyes of azure blue ;
\Vitlm ilttho hand , , with pretty face ,
, luet taumnod a healthful brown-
She Is the daIy of the iIaca.
Thu flower of time town.
With kindly wordN , witim friendehip warm ,
In aprons wimito nuid cloami ,
The ciilhiren swami aboimt her form
Like bees about their queen.
By iotro she moves and sways their imearts ;
'I'hcy think imer wounlro rt wio ,
And all her gracious acts and art. ,
eCnm Perfect in their eyes.
No smiles to them seems imaif soswaot ,
Ni frowns an imard to hoar ,
No look of pity so eompleti ,
As those her faattmros wear ;
No voice more dear than im9rs to hear ,
In poetry or prose ;
No pratee more ioant to th oar
Than that wimuch simo bestows. -
The village boys , wimensho goes by ,
Can scarcely speak orstlr ;
She is the object of eimcim.oyo ;
Timoy ( alriy worship her.
I.Iko sante hwoet fairy sprite she seems.
A breath nmfght blow away-
Thu spirIt of their midnight drezuns ,
Their Idol all the day.
She draws them to the village church
Far Immoro than sermon strong ,
Witim anxious eyes the choir they search ;
They l.jok at her and long.
Aimd , wimon witim sulendid voice she sings ,
They moss their heads in love ;
Their fevorleim fanelea float on wings
Boyontl time clouds above.
The gmave tild fatimers of the town
Gaze with ndmir'uig ' eyes ,
When like aim angel elmo conies dowum ,
They camnmot hIde tht'ir sigims.
Tue buxoun selves , with glances sour ,
Soon lead thoumm from the Place ;
For they are jmboiis of her power ,
Auth envious ofImer face.
her suid is 111cc a sparkling brook
That babbles on its way
Tlmrnimgim simnimy fields , through shady nook ,
By h.mnks withm blossoms gamy.
All ilny , at , aclmool , witim vtlont grace
Site rules the noisy crowl ;
Thou Imoanewnrd wttlka with happy face
iiitl soul wltlmommt a cloud. :
In simmmplo hatof llnlteI straw ,
Iii ta-stefut mnimshiut gowim.
11cr hanilsouno face and forni I saw
\'iijtri : IssiIlg through time town.
I wtmtciteti her , whim alan sweetly itmniled ,
\Yinmim clmlhlremm vero alliunlssnal :
I wIKlwI I were once unore a child ,
A cherub to ho kIsedl
Jc'it % T HAU. .
Time public schools of Coluunbus , 0. , cost
$38Ooo ium 1882.
Cinciumnitti imad ama enrollment of 31,2il lU
pus 1882. Cost ier capita on enrohluimont
Wait $18.28 ,
Thu total mmmmunhcr of children of school age
In Iowa Is 6GI,73 ( ) whillo the average attend.
once It but 253,688.
Chicago hmad on onrohlmoumt of 68,614 PuPils
In 1882. The cost per capita on enroilment oum
this tax was 81T.37.
Time average nuummbor of teachers for each of
the 32 Irimicilal8 ifi th Intermediate and
district schools In Cluiciumnati Is just 18.2. Salary -
ary $1,000 eacim.
Time Rev. Dr. .T , A. Llppincott , professor of
mathiounatics in Dickinson college , has accept.
edtlmo clmmicohlorahalp of the tmnlvorsityof JCtmn.
, Has , which was u-ecommtly offered to 1dm.
Ttvo imoimses , 18 toachiis eacim ; four , 17 ;
- three , 111 ; foimr , 14 ; soveci , 13 ; nIne , 12 ; one ,
11 ; two , 10 ; four , 0 ; three , 8 ; six , 6 ; tlmreo , 5 ;
two , 4 ; total , 55-I teachmers-an average of 11
teachers for oich priutcipal.
An Industrial school for Indian girls will
Noon be ostahlihed at Mmakngeo , , lumdian Tar.
mitory. Cooking , sewing , amid all time details of
tlommmestic arts Li Iroiaru timem for timorouglm
. ( 'lmrlstian hmotmsekeopmtmg , nit well as fremam text
I ) inok izm time scimoal rotmm , svihl be tauglmt the
. girls.Time
Time first grnmnmar school in Clncinnatiwithi
twvimty.ons teachers , has oumo principal , salary
82,100. Jio4on luau fifty gramnmnamr schools ,
each under tim care of a nmale lmead mnaster
at a salary of t2.8tO. Excluding lrincIiaie ,
I these grammar scirnols imave the following
3 Lcachemsu
C The I'arls municipal council imas voted timt
r simmim of 35,000 ( rammes to enahlo pupils 1mm tlm
dillereumt colleges to mnake holiday jotmrnoys t'
m . ahifturomt countries for of instrmmetimm ,
It hi also prnpoaetl send three teachers , twal
a iudes , ammil one female , to time exhibition now
I beiiag Imelil tim Zurich to study Siviss mothodi
I' of imastructioum as ihltmtrateal timers.
Preshlcuit Seelo , of Aimmlmerst college , saye
t that a four years scioumtiflo course wits orgamm
Ized which am atmuhent otmld liursime with imc
: m noWlolgo of Greek ammi only a slight kumowl.
. edge of Latin. After an experience of tar
J years it imas been fotmnd that tim beast sciemitific
. ItUlOntS unto , in every year , without a almaghi
axc.ptton. bean tim cla-teicil students , amid tii hams become sj tlmoromighmly crnmvinced
f that time beet work 1mm science is to be done omml
4 cam time ba'is of it thorough gronummhlug in thi
classics that It bas tiicontiimmied its eckimtitit
I as separate from its classical course.
- - -
'l'ho Rev. hfonryWarmhh1echer Is In Port
land , Oregon , ammd expects to be in San Frsn
I cisco on September 1.
. Canon ( lotlfrey Pope , Is mentionDl as i
1)rttabio auccessor to tIme late Bishop Coicuisi
, alt bishop of Natal.
mIr. , Teremisim MIhImmm4c , of Now York , ivil
a build it church to cost 5,0O0 in the towum a
0 Milbamk , 1)ak , , wiakim 'i ' naummed after imluim ,
- tnmo thmatm 800 piigm-Iiu-igea ; viIl lao mamade t
the saimctuarv tif I.atmrtrs iii France this ycam
. q'akiig , aim av.r.mgs of 1,200 1am eaclm iilgrtuma
Ii total remmciaae (100,000 ( , mmot coimmatimig Limos
wimii go itleimo or in i'i-lrate j4rtiea.
Time Nauinnuii Iluptist says that tIm tips
a Simimilay school of 8w , mlsta was started 3
s yoam i ago In Stockhioluim. Now timers are iiI
I- that city 4i3 acimnnl. , with 630 teachers an
ti C'.4 ? . ' scimniari' , in timit wimli' or Sweden 20,00
0 teachers , ammmd over 200,000 scholars.
0 Time first I'rcabytarinn church in Nebrask
I. established in Nebraska City by time item
ii. M , Clitmier iii 185th. Time boil used wa
I , train a wrockeal i'toaimmtoat , time Genoa , atm
0 was bought by Mr. F. 8. Nuckolhs , of Nebrask
:3 City , auil given Lii the church.
LI It iii seriously proposed t1at seventh of tb
_ - - - - 0
European imwera eimoubl uit.o , , In the suppres.
don of Mohiamuiedan piigiimimges to Mecca ,
by the occiiiat1mni of time iloly City , w iakh is
0 charged with iiotIlenoe almost always , and
which 'ends so frequently the scourge of chol.
eras over J-gyit : end the east.
A religious community that seems to bear a
cloec rescbiaice , , , tii timat ofOncid.mami wimuae
Icaders claim thi power to work umiracles , hat
I net been dicoveretl ima Sclmuylcr county Ill.
It is kimowim as the l'hlgrim baumal , itnd 4i grow.
lug rapidly. The success of its prooeiytlng
unuvemneilts it being shown throughout Schuy.
icr county , amid in several other countlea.
There are about .1,000 Meumnomites , or Ana.
baptiet. , in Matmit.oha , disideil into ten or
twelve viilage4 , awl occupying the richest mmmd.
They canto seveim years nyu , a large rei'orvatiiim
being set apart b7 time overiun , nt for their
excimmeive use. rimeir elders decide minor
dieputos , hut time power belongs to the people ,
without whose consent imo business of impor.
Lance can be tramimsactemi. Timoy are , of course ,
subject to tlmu Prom'iiaciai law.
The hi'altim Cairo convention at Old Orcimimrd ,
Mo. , imas closed limit prayer meetings will be
commtinued tines titmice a ilmy for several weeks.
Abotmt. 230 5tt431mlOIl this coimvantion.
Time most sttlkiuig climes in amiewcr to lirayers
during thorecomat sestion are alleged to have
occurred In Limo ca-mo of Mist Gibbsof Oshawn ,
Caumada , w1moe icrebro spinal mameningitis , of
six years' stamitiluig , was suddenly cured , amid
iii the case of Miss Jetmimie C , Cimirk , of Her-
wick , Me. , whom lmearb mItsea-to scarcely allow.
oil to roach the vonvoimtlon.
The centenimial convention of time I'rotcstant
Episcopal cimurclm In the United States will
cotiveno in October for it npeiiimmg service at
Christ charcim In Pimiiauioiliaia , the Piaco mm'lacro
time first coimvcimtion met one imundred years
ago. Ncmriy 6,000 have Loon expommtictl 1mm
rcstorlimg time church as imearly as uossiblo to its
tIpiearnneo when tIme first convention assemn.
bled within it-9 wiahla. Time imistory of time
church in interesting. It was erected iii 1693 ,
(111111mg the reign of Wihliani III. , amid was
ilimilt partly of ooml and partly of brick. In
1727 thu Irssent edifice was bimllt , anal was
imitte years in tirocces , , fconstrtmcttnu. In 1751
time tower ammal steeple were built and a chime
of tigimt 1)eIlt Wits imtmmmg ; a portion of the
motley to defray time expenses was raised by
lottery. Many relics of anti-Revolutionary
date hmavo been collected by the coummmltteo of
the clmurchm. There are nmany interestiiig asso-
ciamtionii connected with this cimurcim that are
deserving of unontiorm ; time cuumtimontal congress
asseinimlod hero for worship on the 20dm of
lmmly , 1775. tIme ilay having been sat apart for
goumeral hiunmillation , fasting , and prayer
throughout all the American provinces. Ben-
I cmiii Frammkhiam and Itobert Morris were meat.
bert of time vestry of the churcim.
Brotlmcr flialne.
The party hopes may wilt and wane ,
The party sick anal shattoreti be ,
lot JlrotherJamos Gihles1do Blaine
Is imapy In his libraree ;
l'or .Taummes U.
Blatine , ho
Is writing sonic sort of a historee.
lie sees how mighty Conlding fell-
Rolled down train higim atubition's Alp ;
lie hears the Indepeudent yell
Gloat over Billy Chandler's scalp.
Ho sees and wears mm cheerful grin ,
Poor Windomn burled out of sight :
Ho sees , and doesn't care a pin.
The Stalwarts and time Half-Broods fight.
Ho sees aspiring candidates
Bring up with care minutest boome ;
The ummiaking nor the breaking slates
May lure , him from his studious rooms.
Ho sees Grant ( loing Gould's belmest ;
Ben. Butler devilling FribIa hoar ;
From out the wild and whooping % Vest
He hears Jack Logan's Injon roar.
Is , Tamea a candidate ? 0 Sal
He's nut at present on the track ;
Perhaps he doosn'tcaro to try
When party prospects look no black.
But ho's a man of so much vim -
And if ito credits bland Dapew ,
Amid finds tue otlico cimoosing Immmn ,
Wimat Woull you have the oor man do ?
And so when comes Convention D.iy ,
Simould you be nmuch surprised to see
That Brotimor Blahme had notch to say
About time slaste of G. 0. P. ?
For Jamiies G.
Blaitie , ho
'Wants - a good end forhms imastoree.
-N. Y. Sun.
Extreme Tired Feeling.
A lady tolls us "time first bottle 1mm
done mmmy daughter a great deal of good ,
imor food does not distress her , mow , nor
does she sufrer train timat extreummo tired
feelimig which site did before takmmmg
Hood's Sarsapariila. " A second bottle
effected. a euro. No other preparation
contaiuma such a concentration of vitahzimmg ,
omiricimimig , 1)tmrifying and invigorating
properties as Rood's Sarsaparilla.
its Atlvnmmtnge for Sloul Raising aimd
Fumnmtwg-Soimmo L'laiim PnctH.
WILEIILER , August 20 , 1883.
The Wimeoler crops are lookimmg well.
Grass is very imeavy. It imas beomi a very
wet season mum those parts , bitt time storms
and water imavo not done amity damage.
We have not imad aumy hails to speak of
or wind tlmat has done ammy damage ,
This county is like all Nebraska. It is
good to make momm ricim. I'll tell you
lmow we do it. Iii time first place we buy
a imord of cattle or sheep and turn timonm
omit on time grass to fat thorn , for we imave
pieimty of perimmanent grazing. Titan we
get imay put up for 75c. per tout or do it
ourselves. We imave time best water
privileges ium the state ; time sand
hills are foil of ponds of good
water , They do imot dry p in sunmnmor
nor amtumgmmato. Timis coummty is umot a
farmiutg cotmimty. timoughi we have soune
good farumm laud , about oumo.fourtlm is clay
soil. time valley hand is a sandy , illuvial
, soil. The valley mmmd is tIme boss hand
forgrass. We think we can conmpeto
, witim ammy county iii time state for hay aumd
slmmmmnmur grass. Seine ummen imave settled
, on time valley laud with Limo iuitentiom of
a farmimimmg. ' .L'hmose ummon imave failed because
they Imad uo mimonoy to buy stock , They
I have to depommd on faruummmmg-and its u'o
, go-to imiako immeney. Such mimen would
I sell cheap , Men witim unoumoy would do
; well to come thus way. Timers is umo tmmmm.
: bor here nor stoimo. Our umearest market
I if fifty mmdles. Thin preseumt couumty scat
is Cedar coummty Cattle does bettor tutu
slump , though simeop do very well. We
I haviimg fine Imsy wcatmer , amid time
i raumclm uncut art , immmproving it ,
b pcp.cUREG
a Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backache , headache , joothache ,
Sere'Iitisiasl.Se e.iflsgIIIiI. lIrislat. ,
_ t INtirns. hru.iI. . . b sit. Chic- .
50 SIL lIlatU Iwlaily ImIms 5th tiil.
a s.ibj tuuI.wi.a4 II.Or'.rib't5. vIraJ c.u. ItiUs-
. . Is hi i..sissrs.
'SuE eiimiu.ts . m.euit.nii to ,
0 l'm' . & . veeim.iim I ca ) id. . C.i. a ,
Visit of cntors 11oall , Cilloron
Dascs to ionx City ,
Thin fleservatlutu Qtmcstlon-Laumtla in
Scverahlty-Thmo Gcmmcrni and
His Army F'ricimdn.
Sioux City Journal.
There were thee real , smmro.emmougii
semiators in time city yesterday , Limo trio
constituted a slmociai seimitc : conmmnittee to
investigate thu Sioux qmiestiomm. 'hmese
seimatorn wore Geut. Johimi A. Logan of
illinois , II. L. Dawen of Massachusetts ,
and Aumpus Camneroim of Wiscummsimm. Timoy
came over Limo Mihlwaukeo road front
Cimnmmmberiain , arrivimig at this city at LI a.
in. After a breakfast at time hubbard
house , amid stroll aroummd
a town , they returned -
turned to timoir Pulhmnitum car on Limo Sec.
oumd street union truck amid caimimly await.
ed time coining of a reporter.
lie caRte.
Iii respoumso to 1mm request for a sommator
to iiitoiviow ,
was sent iimto time dressiimg.rooimm at time
end of time car , wimero time mmowspapor mnamm
waited for Iis prey. Thin scoimo was un-
hrcssivo. 0mm tIme luftimand looking mmortim ,
anti clone beside , rose time ruins of wimat
uvas a imotol away back in war time , but
.imad several times been partly bunmed
down , ammd is umow given Up decay and
tramps. Out time left was time alleged
Ummiomm depot. a mnonunmemmt to early railroad -
road days in Sioux City. Around were
freight cars , and dircctly itt time fore-
rouumd were time marble mvanh-basimms , put
in regardless of oipenso by Mr. Pulhumman ,
and not yet cleaned that morning by time
hmorter. Senator Cameramm wore a grey
woollen shirt amid a kimmdly simmilu , time frosty
stubble of a two weeks' board acquired in
time Indian coumitry softommimig time outlines
of a strong and Imoaltimy-looking face.
Time reporter asked about time party. Time
acumator saithatd
as appointed consisted of the three sena.
tore already inentiotmed , Senator Morgan ,
of Alabama. Senator Vest , of Missouri ,
amid Delegate McGinnis , of Moatmimmum.
'Time two last named imad gone U time Mis.
sourito visit time Assimmaboines and Black.
feet. Senator Morgan had telegraphed
justas Limo party was about to start uvest
that imo could not conic , Time commmmnitteo
lmad been appoimmtecl to visit the Sioux
mmmd report wimat was best for the government -
mont to do witim timeun. The committee
had first
visirnn TITIl CROWS
on the Mussclehmell in Mommtana. Timis
tribe imas a reservation of 0,000,000 acres ,
butis.doiumg almost nothing for its own
support , immmd must bo furtimer civilized
before it will be practicable to give the
m-mbers ofihe tube lam-I in severalLy.
Time first Sioux agency visited was
Standing Rock , Here is about 3.500 Indians -
dians , among thoni Sittixmg Bull , Gaul ,
Little Wolf and otimers whmo were lately
hostiles. The agent , McLmmuguhin , speaks
Sioux and is doing well vitim tire peole
ho bias in cimarge. Timeso Sioux under-
st.ammd wimat it is to imavo
Some of timoni imavo umlready taken allot.
unents of land. Somimo oftimesoahlotmmmeimta
are oi 160 acres and soumie 320 acres.
'l'iiis agemicy is on time mvust side of time
river on a 1mart of time great Sioux resor-
At Clmoyenne river agency time Smoux
hind itt one time beau in clmnrge of' Swan ,
a mnilit.ary man , and afterwards a civil
a"cumt of time same nanmo. ' .l'lmo Iimdmaims
made commaiderable progress ummder these
two areumts. but lost it all under the
agoumtsimip of Love. A Pommnsylvnnia man
is now nm cimargo , and ummder imimmi time In.
diumns are doimmg ivell.
Time reporter asked if time prospect of
removing this band to a mmew imgouicy north
of time Cimuycmmne river did not discourage -
courage ammy attempts at mnaking permi
iment inmprovemeumts.
Senator Cameron sat down out time seat
at time end of time basimi beimcim , and said
quietly timat imo Imad not noticed that time
( Jhmeycumne river Sioux feared remmioval.
Time senator was mmot to be cimeaply trapped -
pod 1to stating wimetimer time Cheycuimmes
would be renmovecl timis way.
Titan lie contiumuod time story of time
are on time east side of the rivor. Their
reservation is otto mmmade by executive
order , not a part of time great Sioux res-
ervatiomm , and comprises some 600,000
acres of excellent lumnda. Some of time
Indians imero are raising creditable crops ,
aumil time entire band is dolmig well.
The lower Brules were time last bammd
visited. Timeso had utterly refused to
sigim Limo treaty for ceding a part of their
reservation. 'rime Sioux at this agemmey
are a fine-looking people amid have soimm
flourishing crops.
Titereporterasked about tlm treaty time
Brules refused to sign.
Time Wisconsin senator explained ;
"When time Sioux treaty of 1808 was
made , by wimich the Platte coummtry was
ceded , it vas stipulated that hereafter in
ceding ay Sioux lands timreo.quarters of
tlm men of time tribe ummust sigh , Wimen
time treaty ceding the Black Hills was
made this stipuiatioum was uiot observed ,
but congress ratified time treaty. 'hije
.Curos $ crofula , Ezyjpo1aS ,
Pimples and Face Grubs ,
Blotches , Boils , Tumors totter -
tor Humors , Salt .fl1.zoum ,
Scald Head. Sores , Mercurial
Disonsos , Female Weakness
and Irrogularitics , Dizzincss ,
Loss of Appetite , J'uandico ,
Affections 0. ! the Liver , mdi-
irost.ion , Biliousness , Dyspop-
sum and General Debility.
A cure of flurdock fllo,4 flitters will smtisfy the
not skepikal thea it Is the Createst libel Puiltef on
earth , , . desiero .
SoIl by meRck eeywhere.
DOetiloes in .Ietn isogusges. PRice , $ ( . .
2ER , MlLtJRN & CO , , Pro'z , Dutla's , N.Y.
commission appointed last year to treat
wmtim time Sioux for a part of their tenor-
vation took time Black hills as a preen-
dent , and did mint attempt to secure Limo
signatures of three-fourths of time nmemm of
time tube. Time senate might imavo imp-
proved time trcaty aimy way , but it canum in
durmmtg time last dmys ; of the session , wimen
tlmero was not timmie to discuss so imnpor. (
taut a subject. and so it went over. Because -
cause of tiii unratified treaty tue aemmato-
appommmted the committee of senators to
visit time Sioux. '
\Vouid time committee report favorably
on ratifyimmg time troatyb
Timis , the sonatr said , had , been
discussedby time committee. Time cotnmit-
toe would prepare a report and presoimti
to the senate.
This wan a eenatorialwayof saying that
time report would be to its peers and not
to time reporter.
Overlooking this stand-off , the reporter
aslced about time 1)1mm for
It imuni been urged , the sa.mator said ,
that time Sioux should imavo a start in
stock. This was auwered by time argu.
memit timat with stock alone time humdians
would retain tlmeir mionmadic imalhts. Time .
men who know timenm best favored imay- '
ing the Indians farm in time . white way ,
both in stock aumd grain raismng. "Time
Sioux , " Ito said , "are sutiici ntiy advanced -
vancod to take land in severimlty. We
imavo a very good opinion of this people ,
now that we have seen timom. "
From what Senator Cameron said anti
from time way he said it , as wel1 as from
what lie declined to say , the reporter
infers that th. senate committee's
1. That time so.culled Sioux treaty be
2. That time Sioux be required to select
land iii severmlty.
3. Thmmit time great reservation generally
be oitemi to tlmenm for selection.
4 , That time ianls not sciected be nold Ate
to settlers. k. ' .
I ; . That the proceeds of the sale be used
to further Sioux civilization. \ -
'New a' regards tlme presidential sit-
uatin- " begau the reporter , persua.
"Etcuso me , " said time sommator , "but
we imavo been ium time Immdiami country so
bug that we have ceased to timimmk of poi-
itics. "
Tlieum lie inquired of Iowa politics , and , t
said that Wisconsin was jut luck timis fall
jim timat it did not hold an election to
choose so unuchm as a road supervisor , and
time reporter took him leave.
vas , of course , time lion of time party. A '
nmnmmber of his old army comrades paid
their mespects to hint , aimmong others Ma.
Cimemmey , Capt. Culver and H C. McNei
Ail fimeso had belonmzed to the corps that
wore time forty rounds badge. Postman.
ter Kirk and other politicians also called
on time senators. Gen. Logan was not
vell , imarimmg caugimt a severe cold while
fisimiumg for bullheads from time stern of the
steamumur Batchelor as ito voyaged down
thio Missouri front ngemmcy to agency.
This cold imal been followed by a almgiit
congestion of time luumgs. On accommuit of
this indisposition Limo senator did not go
out to dinner yesterday , timemr diumner be.
ing sent them from time Hubbard imouso.
Timeir car was attaciied to time outgoing
Pacific traium in time afternoon , and they'
are now mveil on timeir way to Valentine ,
wimemmco they go by ambulance to Pine
Ridge and Rosebud agencies.
Time ispimnlt Itolilmig Out Rapidly on
Sixtecutlit Street.
Contractor Grant , wimo is pusiming time
imspimalt. pavimmg on Sixtecntim street , says
that they have laid 2400 yards in two
days , 1322 yards Thursday , aumd 1100 time
dimy before. This is i'a1)id work. Time
last block of those Lucy intend to finish
before time fair will have the stone down
'Juesday noon ,
There ivill be five blocks in all , from
Cass to Izard ntcets , before the fair. A
force was put on Harnoy street plough-
ium it ; Up yesterday , so that durmuug time
fair week time ummaciimimery and rollers can
be transferred to hlarumey street , and no
time be lost.
-w-EJ : a I-i : ST Ti ]
Dry Goods !
Washington Avenue and Elfib street , - - - ST. LOUIS. MO , .
Wholesale Grocers !
Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco.