Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1883, Image 5

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MAflRY mcli.
Th1 I. ry good zthlee , Itt. It you et heitthy
mAn with the cah , but II you ocure ft 'reIb ' , nor.
ouqi dppoJo $ klIOW yet re ctrtft1nytn harti lick ,
tot whkt goi m ho except to wear your life out th
his grumbllng i.nd htmcntftUon ? aloe u the m.n
with ound , tomch , anti ft 1)lotnt word for nil.
lYe woui1 tnko hlin It hehndn' n doli&rwciw4 look.
Ing for n husband jiit now. lionith l bttcr thnn
i1che , you may dopend. llowcer , If you have the
iIl.luelc to own nn lnvtild huiband mkn the most of
K. We cn ugot to you i rnenn , of helping him
.ut. liurdock DIOOd flcttorg , for the msn with dye.
pepI , for the man who is bliloug , for mnn who Ic
debilitated , or for tIi mnn with en enfeebled circu.
lation , are bctter than n gold mine. And rcmomber ,
iir1 , thu aiondli medicine I. just ni good far the
oppoeite eel ; for a cotir , fornn Impure breoth
nd for nerouenct we moet hoitrtiiy rerommerni It.
flurdock fllo.d I3ittere em nnoxcell.d In their epec.
Mr. It. OI1b , of flufaio , . Y. , writee ; "Heating
your liurdock Iflood Bitten faorabiy epoken of , I
WM Iniuco4 ( to watch their cfloct.i , and flnd that In
chronic diec of the biooj , liter and kidney. , your
bitter. ha'o boon , .Ignally tuftelieti with euece.e. I
hive used them myself with bostresulb , for torpitlty
of the iIver and In the caoo of a friend of mine eufTer.
lug from dropsy , the cITLct uric nrreIou. "
Nw OnLiitsc , Atitit I , 1833.
Investigate for Yoursolvos.
rostniter.iciernl , GrcIinin Iviiig , puhlIsiic4 a
willful ftni rnaiIcbiti falschouil in i eIart to the char.
acterof The Luuiilana State Lottery Coiiipiiiy , the
followlig , lacts ale gicoti to the IuLIIo to Irovo hi.
Utcnicnt , that ic arc erigaed In a fraudulent bus.
torso , to Ic faoo ! aud uiitruu
Amount of iirlZci Paul by Thu LnulIana State Lot-
fcry Comjnuy from J.tnuary 1 , 1870 , to irccut dte :
Paiti to Southern Ixj'rts ( , o , , Ncw Orluans ,
T. M. Wcocott. Manager . . . . . . . . . . .i,3C6,3OO
I'ald to 1.otiiqaiia Nationul flank.
.305. II. Oilcsby. I'roldont . . . . . . . . 463.900
raid to Louleiaiia State National llank
8. it. Ienncd , I'rosident. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125,100
t Fald to Now tifeaiii National flank ,
A laidwln I'reslccnt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85,550
Paid to Union atIaI , hank ,
S. Cliatiarin , Ca.iaIer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04,450
Paid to Citizotis' flank ,
ij : . L. Carriere , I'ro , dent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67,000
I'ild to Gorinanla Nat'unal Iiitik ,
Julcq C .sard , I'reskient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000
PAId to Ilihertila Natlinal hank ,
Clia. l'aifr.y. ( aahlcr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
mlii to Canal flank , U4. Toby , Cashier. . . . 13,150
PaId to Mutu 1 atIoial flank.
Jo5. 1btcIel , Cashiitr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,200
Totl iaid as . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ , ,
Paid in sums of under eitio at the
various othlcos of thin ( Joinpaijy
throughout thu UilteditaWs. . . . . . . . . . 2,027410
Total patti foril . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,8.SiO0)
Far the truth of the above fa.'ts we refer the public
totho offlecrs of the nbove , iantd corpration9 , aid
for our ieailty and "landing to the liayorniid Otilcers
p of Liis City .f Noworlaans , totho State authoriticeof
Louisiana , and niu hi ) the U. S. Olfiolali of Lotilsiana.
We claim to be hgal. honest rind correct In all our
transactions , us much so as any buineas in the ciiuli.
try. OuretanIIng Isconceded by ailwliri will Inves.
; tiTato , and our stock Iia.i for years been s id at our
Board of hirokuts , atiti owned by ninny of our best
known anti roepoched citizens.
H. A. DAUPhIN , l'resldent.
TCAPITAL PIUZE $75,000. Tickets On ! ;
$6 , Sharea In proportion.
Lollisialla tath 5LoItry Comh1all
'W .1. heieb , cerify Mae we 5tLCtU86 the a ,
rangemente for ahh th , . % Ionthly and Sen-4nnuai
Drauinj vf the Loufsiamt State Lotter.j Compaiiy
add n poison , , iaaiaye aoL contrli the Drawn' ,
thenselvet. od that the cause re conducted wtI
? ionesty.fairiirse. and in yoodfaCh tou'arti ohi vet
tia and we autkoize the coinpatiij Lo use tids cer
tflcate , withfac.siniteii .f eur nignatures attadiM
n iCs advertucnenf9
Incorporated In 1863 for 25 years bytho icgtslaturi
for educatloijal and charittthlo purposes-with a cap
iti1 ? ital of 21,000,000-to which z rosurvo fund of ova ,
$550oo0 has eiiico huuii addilkl.
cn. By an ocrwhclrnIng popular vote Its franchis.
; ' was made a part of the vresont shato consthtutto ,
, . , idoptod Decenihier 2d , A. P. 1879.
l'io only Iottry ever voted on anti eodoraeh Zip
Mepeophe of any state
4 ' . It i&ever Scales or PORtpOfles ,
Its grand siliglo number drawings take
place monthly.
TUlE. Ninth Grand Urawing , Class I , at New Or
lean. , TUESDAY , SEI'T. ii , 1883-160th Honthl )
tiona , In Fifths In t'roportion.
LIST OF rIuauhl .
1 CAPITAL P11hZ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,001
1 do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,001
2 PRIZES OF t6000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,00C
5 rIO 2000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
' ' 10 do 1000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
, , 20 do 500. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,00t
100 do 200. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,00c
800 tb 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00,001) )
500 do 50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,00t
1000 do 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000
9 Approxlnmtton Irtzcs of $750. . . . . . . . . . .
9 do do 500. . . . . . . . . . . 4,50C
9 do do 250. . . . . . . . . . .
t 1987 Prlcea , amounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ,
. ' .ppllcatloii for rates to c1uii should he made only
to the otilco of the Company In New Oricane.
'e For further Iformatlo : , write clearly giving full
; , address. Slake 1' . 0. Money Orders Iayabie guid
&ddres 1tcgIt'rod letters to
New Orleans , T.
) Orhlnary letters by Mall or hxpress to
L r 8 ! A. DAUPhIN. New Orheane , La.
J 607 Seventh St. , Washlnxton U. C
ts4. , . . MA. . .
fT'h On1 Perfect cubetitute for Mother'i
.1. Milk. ¶ the most nourishlng'ict for toynlidi ant
nursIng iniithcr , . Conuncndad by all Physlchanc
t Koch. In all climate. . Sold by all druggist. . 75 cente
0y Itond for the pamphlet. T. I 9Tt3ALF& CO. ,
i iue4u&th.26h ' 41 Central Wharf. Boston , Mass.
. B. Frank Moore
.127 La Salle Street. Chicago
( Formerly 310 and 212 Broadway N. Y. )
Now Manager of ( flicaro 018cc. To wfom apply to
. . Information and tickets. 160th ? 1onthly
Irawlug ,
Tuesday , Sept. 11.
First Capital Prize , 75O00. Tickets 3. Hold I
YUthe at $1 each. Sue IoU scheme clean here.
(3 wel&iat.w.8w _ _
Capital , - - ,
JAR. hi. hIlAl1TWELL , peceideet.
A. L. LtLAIIKI : , Vlce.t're.itdont.
, ) , L C. lF.BSTKII,71rea.iurer ,
. . C. P. WEIISTV.ll. Caiihter.
IJIIIEC'rOlt $ : C
eonuel Aloxinder , ( ) .waid Oilier
I. . Ii. ( flarle , i : . ( . Webster ,
'Ll. ii 1ratt , Jae. II. lfcndweU ,
p. u. MclOtflriuey.l
9rt : Mortgage Loans a Spoolalt
This Company furatahcs a perninneot home Indit
e where ichool honda and other legnily teeiied U
dliii ecurhtIee to flebrukn cn be negotiated
mopt i.voribl termi , . Lonne * na4 ccl mpro
1. .U.5 Ii. all well ecttled oountka OX the itM Uzou
S IPUQ4IU. ecu ccfle9oa4em I ,
Romance of a Poor 1Oflll Man ,
Whose JInpines Its In SerlouM Ian-
There 18 a considerable elegroc of phil.
antliropliy dormant ito tito broM of thu
average 0111I1lftfl. It frequently risc to
the surface , 6.11(1 15 over nlo9t pronounceel
VhOII 801110 unlucky wgltt would icolii to
be iii 1)OSSOSSiOtl of what it familiarly
known its "a lioart bowed down. "
There is a coterie of friends in tltii
city , a band of cltoiu collgoiiittl spirit8 ,
all of whom Iia'o 1)0011 b thu oiijoynioiit
of ocolIont times , ill tito variatl8 ic
uro resorta of the west , during thu
slimmer liiclt is iow tlraving to a
There was nit informal gnthcring of
thesu festive Rvirits a few niglitct silIct ) ,
the PrillCilal fuitturo of which was the
hearty good.iittttiro with which each
greeted the other , and the fund of burn-
iiient nntl ItliOCdOtO which chnracturizul
tilt ) illdiVldhltlItl. .L\hhlOllg the l1thlflICP of
thesu light-hearted , elIIbryolliO iiiihlioit-
nines , S1I3 0110 ttIIOSC CXCCCtlilbg gooti
nature , aitti fund of wit , htiiuor atiitl dcv-
11111 was largely itt excess of that of any
of his COlIfl01u8. his songs verc thu
tcveutcst , his voice the richest , Ins johces
the funniest , 1111(1 his antics thin most
grotesuu of all. lii all this there was
iiiuchi that was unusual. The younggehi
tlunmami , JitIo itot a imichitmichiohy Dttiu ,
tva.'i certaifily not such as ohio would tte.
lect to flhmItIst ) fl varied company. And ,
While Ito wotilti not. be successful h the
last respect , Itotts fir front approaching
the other extreme of ittillitess ittid iiiibo.
dility. his friciids now amid thteit claimed
that ho hugged very warmly a certaiti
medium butwocit both extremes. It wts
natural , therefore , that thu yotntg malt's
Inlanity on this occasioli should attract
the atteuttoit of lila coinpaltions. And
attract it , it ( lid , and that before the
YOUIIg 111011 hind beeii long together.
Sitting on a luunious settee , in an
alcove of thio apartment , complacently
enjoying a tete-a-tete , tIm while content-
plating thu busy gathering from behind
veil-like clouds of amethystine smnolce ,
were a couple of geutleimmen of Ittuidsomno
Said the elder :
"Do OU observe how particularly vol.
.atile seoums X's disposition to-nighti"
"That's so. Notv that you speak of it ,
1 do notice that lie appears as if under
the influence of 'it1adattio ChIqutL' I
don't thiimk lie is thought , because lie
never drimiks enough to have it so affect
his spirits. "
At this juncture ) a hearty peal of
laughter caIne from a circle of young muemi
vhto , surrounditig the gentleman iii question -
tion , scented to ltmtmmg upon his every
word , except t'rlieit they rose to time en-
joyiiment of the hmlOhhlCllt ill a burst of
"tie's been away for seine tinto , and
I'll ' bet lie's going to get mimarnied , " sai
the first speaker above introduced. "Let's
go and see. "
The twain joined the circle and sooti
were interested , like the others , ill the
recital of soimie ludicrous episode which
x had witnessed in tIm vicimiitv of Hot
Springs , Ark. Tue narrative was colt-
cluded , fresh cigars were passed around ,
and by acclamation , X was requested to
relate another story which ho had told
anlier iii tile evening. X was proceed.
ing to COtHjhy titli time demand , when in
rushed a young fellow , a youthful Adonis ,
breathing ierlummmo from his curly hocks
amid rcspirimmg with a weight which told
of hmastu and physical client. Ho rushed
over to time circle , amid for a time , dis.
tracted the attention which the parties in
the nimig were preparing to pay to X's
story. X himself was distracted for a
mmiomeiit , but becoming composed , recoin-
iitemmced his title ,
Thu gentle Adonis , after oalutimmg time
nearer of the young folks , asked to bo
excused , and said : ' 'Gemitlemnen , in the
midst of life we are in death. We shmouid
always have a respect for proprieties. It
Is not aU fait to laugh while others Wed ) .
All that gltttcrs is iiot gold. Sonic are
saddest when timey sing-I mean , when
they laugh. Memory is the only friend
timat grief camt call its own- "
It is not known how many more aphor-
jamS Mr. Adonis would have quoted , if
soimmobody hind not elegamitly hmimited it
might be svell to iimformmi tito coimllaliy to
what 1)oimit ho was driving.
Significant glaimces wore exchanged be-
twecit X. and Mr. .Adommis , and a move
was made by the former to approach time
latter Time attemlt was not successful ,
however , because the crowd miowgathered
around Mr. A. , if possible to learn what
it was all about. Tue hatter betrayed a
difildumice and an evident tremor which
immade the young imien all the macro anxious
to learn what it all meant ,
Adonis started to tell : "Gontlemcn , I
move so adjourn. Timero is oiie of our
number . ! the agony 9f despair. Tue
truculent , time fierce , the unrelenting de-
Inoil o muhamicholy is about to seize in
his insatiate grasp a gentlemmian upon
whose brow not yet appears titu tirat
graved line of care , This nionstor will
walk beside imimmi in the Htrcets , follow hint
to his room , haumit hint in his sieojt , an-
Imoy himmi iii labors , and ovemmtuaily bring
I him to tui untimely and ignoble grave.
I Aim , gontlenmemi , sad is the fate of ou
. heart-broken mimuimiber ; time wild doer and
wolf to a- "
"Say , " shouted a very pragmatical
loohiiig individuhl , "what. are you get-
titmg at ? Gut down to the pinim Boor and
speak Ehmghishi. I don't like poetry , "
This itrotest was generally assented
to , and Mr. Adonis saw time necessity of
coming to tIme tpino floor , " which meant
to speak to the point and in much plainer
lie looked to where X Imad stood , but
, time latter was not there now , During
the rhaimsody of Adonis , X had disii1t'
I peared , lie was now generally rmiissed
and searched for , lmiit couldn't ' be found.
Ho had ovidommtly left Limo roommm ,
This mimadu the matter assitimme time ap.
a pearance of a mystery. Especially wimoii
Adoimis stated iii a whisper that what lit
- iiiit.l to say related to X humusohf. In
stantly every ear was 01)ened amid Adonim
I coimmiericed to tell that X Imad been bu
Jiaying a part. lIe laughed. when lit
felt like crying , and he joked when iti
feelings proimipiod to oljurgation. Ii
. fact , lie hind been jilted , at. least in
claimed some of his friends ,
Objection was mmiale by a number h
time ungentiomnaimly cltargo Itailmst thi
lady , 'who , it was claimed , hind tloiiu tit' '
jilting and , thu charge was with
drawn , or at icatif. 1uahifiud. It rathe
offended Adonis , atid , while lie could no
prove that a jilting had taken place , It
woiit on to toll that evpryhod
V thought X and time lady wer
, going tAt be imiarriod , lIt fact thought the
U wore married ,
; Somebody sneered at what "uverybod
' thought. "
jb Adonis wa mad"Yee , " hosaidI"didn
overybodyluu'o riglmt to think ? Who
bought the lady c.Vfl ) 111111 Paid lien car
far and took her to die ilhimmo InImseulu ,
flue1 danced twelve oul. of' 0VO1' thmirteemi
diumces at thio surpnico ' Vt 1w
walked with imer moonliglmt mmftifs and
atmim'hight days awl carrieti her timiibrella
anti towed hierovorshmoes'Imo ? gotoll the
right slilo of her mother , and the wr.mmg
SilO of lmor father ? Wimo swore itt imur
hittlo brother becatmso Ito knew what
yotmlmg bitch called 111)011 3'Otli1t Woimmoim for ?
\S'hio wa , savimmg his nickels and wimat. waIte
Ito s'ing tiidlmi for ? For imothimmg but
mnatnimommy , of courso. lIe did all liii. ,
YOU can't. deny it. And now alto's gomme
anti got immarried. Simo's livimmg on capitol
lull , and 1 a.ttv Imernoif amid litmebanel just
driven oror the to1) , "
There tvas sommic truth in tIme story.
\\'ith heavy hearts , thio mmmeotiimg adjourned
1111(1 tituit resolved itself into it thtmorImlu of
comidolenco , to search forammd commsoie itr.
x. it ; vits long search. litit lie tva.
found at last. iii his roommm. Alas , t'hiat a
cmaimgo ) hmad taken place. No mlmote vzts
there Lust rimmgihmg laugh , that mmmerry voice ,
tlmittt lively hummnr niul ilasii'mug wit. 'l'lme
demimeamior of a votmtmded , nay a cntisimed
spirit 1111(1 already overalirettol hiinm , atiti
lie was imo loimger susceptible to the
kilmdly ( ) liiCes vhiehi his friummds tend.
ercd him. Nervotma prostratiomt hail
succceled time cubit to tip-
peir light-hearted and free , mmd immomttal
aumgtmishm was airealy tvhiligiimg a desperate -
ate tribute of flumysicill 1aimm , 1\lammy a
Ieaily ) tear glisteimed withmimi Limo eyc of
tlioso young mmtemi , as they stit : , to tvhmnt
they too , socitet' or litter might commmu.
Tue yotumg mmuilh nipoimited a comnimtil-
tee to wait Imimmi X all thud. mmighmt , to
nmihuistct to his wants amid to comisole Itimmi
ill his grief.
Time walls of his roomn vcro timickly coy-
ered with 1)icttmres. hero ittiti there were
kimick.ktmacks , articles of virtu tutU little
8tecitmlelms of hitunhiwork tvhmieli ilitimity
timmgers had wrotmgiit. ' .Fimcre was a simg-
gestiveime8s iii the last mmmemitimmtud which
caimsed C to aigmm , ( Iictiimsu lme l'momld mmot
sPeak ) to time yotmmmg titen to take thtemit
tiOWlt mIZItI de1)OSit them where lie could
mint gaze agaulm upon timemmi. 'l'hiis3
tciiderly amid lovimmgiy domie , it vchl as
several oilier mtcts , to mmmako the poor
yoummg guntlemuamm comufortaitle.Vlmomm
last heard frmmm , , , X was iii a 'ery feeble
conditiomm. It cami mint mmmv be told lmow
the iimatter nItty olmtl.
There is a suggestion of exceeelimmg sad.
ness in the roimmammeo of this poor yoummg
A lop Aliout Oimr Necks ,
A weak stontacim or an ommfeobioti circuiatiomm
Is like a rope about our imecks.Vo are strtmimg
UI , iUml omnatrumig altoritately till exhtencu bu-
conies ummbetrabie. : llunlock ) ; IOOd IJuc's tytil
arrest all title nmisery. Jturdoc1 Jloe1 Iitlers
are ta boon to tint nick. Let tic runicumber this
Mr. and Mrs. ( co. Barney returned from
their bridal tour yesterday.
P. F. ibmlTmier and 1) . S. Draper , of 1'iatt-
mouth , were in the city yosterdaytiio stain Coil-
vemmtion bciimg tue attraction.
Madaimie Ciiarlton Edhiolin heft yesterday
to join hior hmimsbaid iii 'l'oxas amid OflJOy a :
wecke' suif batimiiig at Gitivestoim.
A. D. Siimmpson , the carriage maim , Is out on
a tour through thu Ycilowstoiio park. lie
iont off : o quiekly mme emma Icitow ho was
goimmg till Ito was goime.
ii. ir. Mc1zotiigoi , Dr.V. . If , ii. Dummm , ,
Gco. W. Blake , Gcmm. NT. Montgomery , J. C.
Cooker amid Henry Lewis , allof Limicolmm , item
amitong the genial rClresdiitat'iVes ) Iii , fmoimm the
capital yesterdity.
l1o. P. 9. Sturdovarit. stata troasurorammd
lion. C. Ii. Berne , one of thu ( lologates frommm
Fihlmiorocoumtty , to time dcmnocmatic state comm.
veittiorm , were itt the city yesterday and paid
Tims Bmm : oflico a pleasamit cull.
Tito followimmg arc amnomig time arrivals at tlio
l'axtorm yesterday : IL E. Lewis , Lincoi.n ;
S. .1. Aiextimidcr , Lhimcoiim ; Ii. C. Jiowon ,
Geneva ; . .loimnViilianmc , Waverly ; F E.
White , J. K lloffrnnim , A. W. Trites , .1. ? i
Patterson , George M. Miller , 11. 15. Wallace ,
ammd 11. S. Carter , l'l.tttsinotmtii ; FL 11. Clark ,
Now York ; W' , II. Farnsworth . C. Sea.
ton , lilair ; , Jarnes Fimidlay , Glasgow , Scot.
iammti ; G. Ii. Limitiberger , Lonievillo , Ky. ; A.
L. Vail , ? hiddietomm ; 1) . ,1. hlyntomi amid .j'nmmmos
McNiity , Noriolk ; ii. B. Golden , O'Neill ; 1) .
Burr , Norfolk ; M , E. Groemm , St. Loimli ;
11. E. Iiackma , , , ' 1' . Jormkiims mmii lady , St.
Louis ; .1. F. l'ratt , Soomtliimgton , , Ky. ; I 1. A.
SVaitt , Boston ; II. , lohnson , Pitliadeliilmia ; .1.
2' . Clarksom , Schomylem ; G. W. Logan , Battle
Creek ; U . It. i'emsimmger , Central City ; S. F.
J3lrclm , Papiilion ; l. ii. Osbomn , Blair ; ? d. L.
Watibach , Baltin , rtm ; L. I ) . Joiit , Ii. K
Demit , C. S. Stoddlinmr , lIastlng ; J. K l3imomi.
da , , , Fremmoimt ; B. S. Colby , Shmeitomi ; W. IL
Cash , ICenrimey ; Geo. B Ilopehel , James
Cleary , Adam \Vynndortlm , , Tamnes 1omncb ,
Grammd Island ; Chits Ivan , Gmamid Isluol , ;
.l"hn FrmarmV , , II. l'rhtt , Grand Iclanel ;
\v. 'r. Jiamilstm , .1. E. Nortim , Colomimibuis ; F.
A. l'ritcliett , Illinois ; S. M. lrew , .1. W.
Itlmimmchiart , lavid City ; Abner Bomiscltotteim ,
H. S. Black , M. Ii. Ray , A. Ii. ] hislmoi , Clii-
cage ; 1" . Goodrich , Coomimecticut ; I ) . Bird ,
.Ii'lmn Farbaugh amid lady ; St , Louis ; B. 1' .
I < Immmmoy , C , I ! . Van Wyck , A. itt. Smmlti , ,
Neiraslca City ; G , hi , lioal , St. Joe ; Adolph
royer , G. F. Brown , ' .1' . C. Massey , N. Y. ;
Iti. t [ , Green ammI wife , J. Shmorwootl , Clins.
hliracim , B. Aloxaoder , Fred Sermour , .1. G.
Miller , New York ; Thtos. iCarim , Middlotorm ,
ICy , ; S. II. Bradley , Crete ; I' . 1) . Sturdovamit ,
\v. H. H. Dtmnmm , .1. Ii. McManmmigal , U. W ,
Blake , .Tudge .1 , C. Crocker , J , S. Tibbett ,
Lirmcoln ; K lIooiicr , i'liiladclpbin ; U. F.
, Tarnison , Hall county ; R , N , Jones , Nupon.
cot , Ill. ; Arthur G. Gmanger , Leeds , Erig. ; K
lirubnkar , New York ; Win , T. Carshmadiier ,
Maryland ; Fr.tmmk Brown , Nebraska Cityj
: B. Cohen , J. Nowgans , Now York ; W. S.
Burhimg , Buffalo ; B T. Shmtmcklo , Chicago ;
, . J , J , Kecimaim , New York ; Mlie , Kate Lani.
Iir Jnrrmes and mmaid , Council Bluffs ; I. S.
. Nirticim , Nebraska ; .Jolmm .1 , King , \Vimite
Point ; II. B. itlulky , city ; T. Nowbouce , Clii.
: outgo ; .1. B. Slossorm , Leavonwortim ; Ii. Cltarloi ,
, .
Atehisom _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
UeCarci'iil oh thu liiii ics ,
If your children are threatoomod with CTOUII
I or army throat .illiiculty , tqply a ( ow drops ol
Thomas' I clcctric tJil. Jt Is thu iiicmt niocli.
I cirie for time little cries we know of.
t fflmmO ( Very Good Singing Apr'eeIa
I h'eiy Iteimileroit.
: Jt was no WOhilOr that a large audienci
0 usacuiblud tot time Christiamm churchiTuesda
uveniimg to attend this concert aitnoumicoc
; for some days past , for the published vro
t granilno was full of immenit amid thu iimgor
(3 ammiong our best local talent , wlmmlo tim' '
y additional attraction offered in Mrs
ziot the less
I ) 14at41y15 participating was
y of time musical mnagnetmi to draw
crowd. .
I Tue chancel waa imeatly decorated wit
vinci. and piazmts and many lute bouquet
.t stint by fnunds of tlio church , which ii
nil 1flow was recently deakatnl and oc
ctmpmetl by thmo comigregation.
'fhmo qtantotto of the Omnalet ( flcoo club
ivas cmi for time first imummtbor , am ! sng
8ovcral tiimmos ihmning time evening. Tfray
ivere M tiMitli ol1timlSiiltie.'thIy % receiv6ti ,
ammd tlid simlemitildly. Time1 were 1tlossrs.
Crallo , S oodburmi , 'Vnmm Ktmraui aunt \S'il.
tIiss l'enimeli , Miss Maul , Mr. France
and 'Ir. ' I'eimmiehl nil samig to the satisfac-
tiomi of their friolids and received the
mmmost grittifyimig approval in time shape of
Mrs. Latoy was received itm a immomnliot
ts'imielt showed that shin Imati lost itono of
her formmmer popularity iy her nbsommco antI
that. simo had ivoit munch in Imur mnmmicni
attainmnummts. TIme volume anti ss'L'etmmcs.
of her voice are mmmoro mmmarketl ut'ett thmum
before nmmd abc chmitrimied all
by the delightful mmmnnhmor iii whicit she
rendered time vanloims aelections 011 this
occn.qmoli , time "Staccato beimig
immost. adimmired Imenlmaps. She ivits emmcored
arid resnimtlcol with an exquisite little
bthlad'imnt : , suitli I do ? " I icr secomul
mititmilor. a lallaml , , 'l'osti's itcautiful ' 'Goinot
bye , ' ' ittms f.'i'oit with ireat fee'hiimg amid
limmishi , ' .Pm the recail which mnttmmrnll3
followed she res1mnded with Adammi's
' ' 4wake , my hut. "
Time concert wits a Peifect Success iii
cvei.y way.
\ Vorketl'ontlnrs. .
I'ly riangliter ivas Yen' latl itT 00 nccommmmt
of it clil , mumil itiI mm irm lmerlimiig. I ) i. . 'ihont , * '
I rlecric ( iil cure1 her ri tWtity./.mr ! iuti's.
0mm of tlnm Imoys iViul comntil of sro , , t1imiat , ,
Tiilt mmiOthiCitiO lm.L4 worked ivomioler.i in our fain.
ill. . , \lvali l'iiickmny , l.nkoltiliutac , N. \ .
Rcii1ar aii ( Sliccial Ti'aiii Pc1ayc by
. All Accidoilt \VathIm1o \ ,
Commmmmmrtimtiery itmill St. . Ilrtmo l { .
turmiltig iiiit Sitmi l"i'ammtsto. :
At one o'clock ) o t Ii Ii't umunnulmg two
freight trains collided eli the tjrmioit
l'acilie railroad mmearVatenioo , nmmd mmiulu :
a terrible wreck. No one ivan killeol ,
thought the emmgimieers rtnmiaimn'd at tlmuir
posts. Tim fmremumui of tIme out-goimig
train was hurt by jimmmmping frofmt his cmi-
gimme. Tomi freight cars loaded with fmtrmn-
immg utemisils were piled all up together ,
mmmaicilmg an immqmassiblo place , mtrotmmmol
which rt temporary track imal to 'be haitI.
\Vlien this ii'as constructed the tittimms
which 5110111(1 imai'u arrived hero
commimnemicod commmilmg ill. Time Detivor
traimi uuilctl itt at 12Oli : , amm(1 two excimr-
siomi traimis immimmmctliritoly loiiimnl , it. The
first ivas a lommg and imaitdsomne traimi mmmdc
UI ) emitirehy of l'ulhmman sieeimors , sommto of
time roumid ommd ittitterhi for obset'vntiomi
car3. Six of these cars comititimied the
Mary Commimmmaimdury No. 15 , lCnighits Temmi-
lar , of Piiihmtdelpimia , a very hileiuntmmt
jturty of gontiummien with their ladies.
' 1lme two rear cats comitailmcd St. Elnmo ,
No. 9 , of Now haven , Comtmmcctictmt , , itmiol
they were taken ott at Ogden. 'l'lio hitt-
tur ivcrtt on iii the rtftei'lmuoIk viathe C. , l'ti.
I ; St. P. rotul , time Pliilaclclpliiit cars by
wiLy of time 0. & N.V. . road.
Till : 1ImILAhmh'I.l'JmI.t KNIOBTO
have beemi froimi hommic since the .itii of
Ammgiist , visiting St. Louis , Demiver , Smtlt
Lake ttmml time Immimming district amid arriving
in Stiti I"rancisco time 18th. lr. Demumis
F. lemaly , of the Cimreniicle-Llerald mmd
S4unday iiercimry , Plmiladelplmiit , with
ivhiormi we had time pleasure of talking , in-
fdrmmmcd us that everybody had cmljoycd
oxccllcmmt hiettitit amid , a good timno ammd
timat they ivere altogether a jolly crowd ,
( site hundred and sixty-fivo knights amid
their ladies.
"Don't forgot to nicittion the eagle , "
said mm very pretty girl into mmd joimied
tip. , ihiqimisitive group that hind gathered
aroimitd time reporter.
"Oh , yes , " said Mr. Dealey , "at Man-
itotm we secured
which we have nammied "Mitniton Mary. "
\Ve took her to time coast with tis amid on
our rottmrn will present it to time Zooiogi-
cal gardoit at Phpha"
' 'Do OU bear tIme eagle as tin enibloni
of the :13d : degree ? "
"Wem mmmighit if it were a double-tailed
bird , " said time gemmtJemmmarm , laughingly.
Ammiong tIm jarty wore \Vilhimtmmi T.
Iloyrmolds , past cmnrmmtmnlor , : of Iiuloshm ,
No. 29 ; Emmi. Sir , Kuiloy , emmmimieitt comn
lmmaiider of ! mlary ; A. C. Btmttn mmd wife
' ) f Plmiladelpimia , ithml Sir ICimighi is .Jehi-
kilma amid \Vitzel of Allegheny.
Pulled ifl a few imminutos ziftor amid time reporter -
porter himrricd over to see whimtt it comm.
tauimed. Jt was made u1 , of scatteretidel-
egutions of lCiiiglmt.s 'tcmmiplmir rotmmrnimmg
fronni Suit Franicico to Ohio amul otlmer
eastern states. Ott board wore Sir Knights
Carson , of Cimicinmmmtti amid Frank Jlcnry ,
of Cleveland-proniminemit Tuinphtirs.
Among the other passeimcrn were a IthrtY
of ' .l'cxmums , ivhm.s had just disposed of
sevttmt thousammd head of cattle on time
Laralmimo Jiiiimmfl , I ) . 'mV. Ilirmkiu zimmdV ,
F. DirtIer , of Siiii Aiitoitio , aridV. . S.
Butler , of helena , Texims. Aimothner car
comitaimied a Jnpalieso missionary , wlmo
was rcttmrnimmg from a ton years' stay in
that country , and Dr. .J. K Stubbert , on
iris way frormi China to New York.
Furtimer iimformnation imi regard to the
wreclc states that it was caused by aimu of
Limo west hioutmd freight trains , No. 1 ] ,
running into tut east bound freight , No.
12 , as site was takimmg the sidetraclc at
Waterloo station. No , 12 was.not yet
oxm.tlmtm sidimmg , time emgina amid six cars
still beixmg out on time hmmajni track , wimeit
No. 11 catmio dowmi on her arid demimoijeimed
, lmotii ommgilmes aimd a lilmlnicr of cars arm
both trains.
Beautiful skin , andfnir comn1loxiormro-
butit health , tiitl of endurance follow -
low the use of thrown's Iron hitters ,
Enterprmsiitg local a" wanted in timis
I LOWU 'for aim article tlat is sure to sell.
r Live tIrimgi sts and grocers preferred ,
. Address hiumiston Food i'rcsorvativo Co. ,
72 Kilby treot , Itostoim. in&c&wJ iii
- -
N r , I' . 'V. O'Ilriitmm , a tr.ivuhlrg , cormos-
poimdctit armd solicitor of thu Now York Fn'c
. : naii"t Jurnal , , I. Iii this city in the interest oh
that excellent nrmd jioimh.r'papom lie ai'Ihh
reutalni hero until Saturday tool will then g' '
i'aimcw' .
: i to '
t' (100 , ii. Foote , ivlm , , upeimemil tip the city
I ticket chico of the Missouri l'aciiic in Omaha ,
. amid now westerit trititmilog l' ' ' ' tmgent ol
time Lake Shiorim and Michigan Southtermm , Is in
I , tue city on huisiniesit , mmd is warmly woloommoi
. by imI mutiny friends. lEe Is a cry optilar
t , ohticlal.
Time remtccwned swimmer , I'aul Iioytomm
It says lie i never without. a bottle of St
,8 Jacob's Oil , the great paul-cure , it. lcihl
s pain.
TIlE AthUI or nu.tloua cotta ,
7IIF iNlItitIfl.l. l'ANI3 ( ) I CIlItONIcI INfli
ilI3tJiTINfl FilTif A cosFlVf it I3I C , St tV flit
cFRT.tlNly : A'O'PF.I ) ii' , ' liIhtIT.TlNa T1111
MVII LI % 'hThI THAT Aa1ilcIAimlo : ANt ) iii : .
AT ALT , flhitluUisT4.
Jne Lake bibs That lb Is Rc
taino by the Efl1ih
SylltiCath ,
Sommie Ittiiiiorts iets to a light on thin iIt.
Iriel Jimilgesimip.
4 few weeks ago a statommment , very nf.
hinnmiatively ihtmtlO , mippenred in a Limmeolmi
PiIPUP to thu ohl't'ct that. Chief , lustico
Laim , of the auprenime court of Nebraska ,
whose termmt ut nlout. to exhtirti , mini nc
copied a position as coumisohlor for time
cymitlicate of Emmghishi capitalists wino have
itcttmm mimitldimg atmohi astommishiimmg litlhChmitscs
Intel ) ' in Ommmima iiiUi time object of erecting -
ing PttCki tmg lunises.
1mm order to letrmi : imow mmmdi ti'imtim there
ivau ; iii time stittttimtoiit , it llm : , : representative
tive called on .1 utige lanile Itl. Isis rcsi
deuce yestontlity amid leitrnicml that
thmero wims mio trtmtht in it itt mill.
' 'I cammmmot imlimigilie how time miewapit.
Liars ennui orgimtate such a stoiy' , " said
, ) udgu 14mk : , . , , ' 'because thieve is
NOT ThIfl S1.tommTRsr l'OtiNlt.tTiON
for it. o propositiomi hits been mmmdc to
toe ity time lmighisit symmdicatc. I have ye-
LCtitCIIY ( ntid thmitt 1 ivotmld mmot ngitiim he a
tnmtlitlate hr the aupreimmo bemicim. 1
imave imisisted upon that for a year pitst-
ithtimougli how I camimmot 8:1) : ' itlitti. I miiity
lo.-.bimt I lmitve sitlil mmotiming ttboiit. going
immto practice .tgtti mm ' '
' 'Sommmti of yotmr friemids miltay Imvo sitkl
' 'Oh , yes ; some ammo mmmay have said
tlmat I could mmmmmku rimoro money at time bar
tlmitit cmi time bemmcii , if I shiommid lnllctiCu )
ifter leaving thu stipromlmu conit , mitiel
that immity have irnomi twisted into time last
mmeivspapor statemmmeitL Time imowsmnpera
shmotmld be moore careful whimit they Pnimit
or time Ptmblic will hose coiil'mdummco imi timemir
BttttCmmielmts. 1 ce titat sbmmmo of time
Ommmalma ltitvers co1iicd tlto article. "
ml. lrommimmohtt mneimmber of tIme Imar was immot
at thu court. house and time imikuiry ivits
imimido of Itima tvhmetimer time mmmeet.immg of the
bar of Douglas , Smn'py , Bui't and \Vash-
immgtomi cotimmtics ; elk this aftorhmoolt
would be eimtiroly umtamiuuimUs in regard
to ret.ainiimmg time presemit district bomiclt.
' "i'imero is sommmo possibility of it little
OihOsitiomm iii certain qtmam'ters , "lie reiplied ,
' 'aunt 1 tliimik that mitt attemmmpt will be
mmmdc to 1tmmt time mimummo of .ludgo Lithe
Itlolig-side that of . .ludgeVakeluy. . lie
iii very fmti'omitbly looked impomi by a large
mmmemmmbcr of hitivyors , epceiahly time \\Tash-
iimgttii cotmnty mimulm. ' '
how mmmmmch trutIm thmere is iii this Tiii :
limi : : dldi3 mmot venttmre to assert.
romn those sources nrlso thtreufourtims of
limo eltaumuies of time liumimitu nice. ¶ tIicSo
ymnptoiiishirtlicato thoiroxtetcilco : .Loia of
ej,1otit ( , Jiowcbs oontmvo , t4tcit Ilimad-
ache , tsth1micmi em fLcr citti , , averamoit to
exertion obodp or iniimd , Ilruct.fttloet
of furd , Jrritubtilty of temper , Lot ,
lIritg , A ( voting orliRving ncIccted
C4110 ilialy , JIzzIticgu J'1iettarIig , 't tRio
heart IotC Jierorm the cye.imlglabyoul-
orcil brimi , CONSTIPATION , aiil do.
mand tlmo imso ofri. rrnnodytlmmtt acts tilniotl
emi the Liver. AnaLlvormncdlolmmo'PUTT'
PrL.Ls have no equal. Their notion art tIme
IUdimoyii2mtt Sicimi is also prompt ; ronovhmmg ,
all lrmiItrItICS ) through these tlmco " scaT-
riger1 ot' tile Syutcin , " pmolmmcIni appo.
Lito , tioimmtl tIlgestion , rt'jtutiLr stools , fl clear
skhzmnmmdavlgorotmslmodv. Tu'r'r's 1'ILJ.i4
caiiso no immumsna or griping nor Interfere
wiW diiiv : worlc rout ama a liorteot
SoRt ovvrywir.3Th0.Oflirt.41 ) % lirrsiyHt.N.Y.
GrOAT llAma OR VmnlsRhuB clmnrigoU jn.
timtly toatir/utOT ] lLAcIC lyntshiglo op.
phlemttlon of hlmis flr1. floUt by flrug lat.4 ,
or Sent by exrrc89 Ott rncttpt , of til.
OIIleo,41iImrr'iy , fltrotNew , York.
TUfT'S r4NhlA1 OF ulRrrm , , prPrtPT ! FnF.g.
$30,000 for $2.
I Bogular Monthly Drawing wIll take
1mm thu Masoiio hail , Masonic Tenijiio hluikl.
S T lug , In Loui.tiilo , Ky.
Thursday , September 27 , 1883 ,
A Lawful Lottery and Fair Drawing. ,
cliarterel by the icgliuturoof Ky. , amid ttko declar.
el legal i'y ' the highest court In tIme htnto. Ilonil
gibe , , hi , Henry , the , umn of emooooo for time
h.rorimvt 1nyieit , of nfl lrizuc noid.
: rerv : ticket holder Idsown , .uervicor , can nil
out the , imiimber , o , , his tkket and ccc the currsspomiii.
lug nuuimiber ( ii , the tag PiceiI ii , thu wheel iii liii
uiflosimire , Thoce dranings will occur on thu last
lliur.iday of cery month , head the imiagiiflcciit
Beptumnber Bcltome.
itt'riie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I n'vlze. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,0C
I hvita. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 l'rLew' , * 2500 carl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
S i'rPcs , 1,000 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
21) l'vlzc& , ( .00 etch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,004
100 prices , II 0 caci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,0(5
lit ) m'lves , 55) ) oath. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00,001
foe Prizes , 2i ) each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bout
ILS ) f'rizes , 10 carli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,015
I , l'rlw , 0011 acls AIhroemultkiri lrizes 2,701
0 lriies , 200 .ael , " " 1,841
a I'rize , 100 " ' Out
1,057 PrIce. . 1110,40
Whole Tickete , 82. Half TicIceta , Si
.17 TiclcetB,60 , 5 Tickotu , 10U.
Iternit money or hank lratt In I etter , or icud I ,
exirt.i , . jb"I ( ) HKNI ) flY 1tn10It rI1ItEIl I.1'I'TV.l
Olt l'OSl' 01iIgoloIEmm ( , until further notice. 0
Ivrs of $5 cmiii iltiwarin by exhireac , ( 'Ar , uS iut , , Ut OU
caildnee , Ailtiruwi nil ordunc to J , J , IIOUGLA8
Iijulvfle ! , ! Y _ dsat4ii.Uwjat5Werfl
VJebraska CornicE
---AN- !
OrllaMellt 'N'orks '
: IDQr'mor cixi dc ,
ron Fencing
, Cr0stinc , lIalutradb'J , Veranda , , Otflcond 11am
. ILailliigi , Wldow cud CumlsruartIs , Etc.
ii N. W. COlt. IHNT1I ANI ) JONY.1 } bTt4.
Wi ! . U.t1iU1t , Manager ,
- - 1
Thirteenth , Bet. F&rnani and Douglas Sts.-
A1 SM isIibfntt M1 .D1 ,
. . I
, . ,
% 4 , _ ,
'IYSC 1i'T8O1i 1Wij Jr. PiqMikit is Eijoyirq aStiCh Utijarrl1cd,5'cccso ,
The ntoitsintt , elirce IITCCtCLI by lr. 1'i.lbltt , , of diseases formerly thought lmeuraiio , , bisuglcn hltx
ii high rank iii the mcilkal , , i'rfustomi of this count ry. lie lies won umeim dceertttl etelsrlty , ti'mu ' PCOPIO of
the far tstit iii , loiiger itevum it necessary to slut e'odem citica to find 1,1yslciae , cormI stunt te. treat compli.
eatt'l , ilseu'is.
. .ttx'I'o JtiL1a.cJ.xi1s.1E : 8
lIme tttimomlals , , , anti extracts front letters lIlIismecl , ) in tlmcso 'colomime are emily a fw of the maimy
tlmuanI , 1)r ) , Fisliidatt I , comttnmitiy rceuiiltig , ord tliromighorit time northwest antI In every county of No-
iiraska camitie totmmml who e.ui testify to the cifleacy of uk trc.atmmermt.
.p . . ISC11C , ( I J'ronincnt 1)ruygist and Land .Agcn q1so ii. aimI'Ah' ' ' .11. .R.
1rie :
Ilaasiorr. Nebracima , Maroi.Z ) 1533.
limo. Fmsmnntrr-Ikr Him : AprcrIatiimg the vmdmmo of timo'crviccs you imivi , remnieral ins , I ileuruti bat
un act of .immmplo Jutku to you tm , cxrsl ; Clii eaim of grtlttrlo I foi tIviriI you. After smelt stmrOr1mmi as I
kite hail fromim ottarrim miii I himrmt trumbimc , from ivIiei , , nil dtrltmi I Im il iierutoforo dimmo ii t I titled t
rallaic mm , , , hitiuror , nireciommc it inty mIpoir , tfmo tileamim has , iorly ) Iisap1oirolnfhor your treatwjmI of
iitnrteJy It , , , lnIitfm , nut in that titus hare gatimo I eight tinlmtItt In weight. Conl.ior Imm3 , dear dtor ,
imnilur ci orlastilig .lmiigatioime to yomlaimil by referring any uo , to time , attlictuti nu I wat , I haIl c mrlidlor It nit
, Lct of kiimmimoci , , to timemmi to advIse timomn to , imbmmmIttytimmr tru.itmmieuL l'ter your friend , 1' . A. 8101.134.
A 2'crrible th80 of C'marrh Oureci. .flozcn of (1w Nose Dccaycd. Cured itt
L/ercd .iltbiiIss.
Fnr.aocT , Neb , , Angust 2,1883.
flit. FrmlmnArr , Onaimat , Iii view of time milinost ntirnrtmlomm cure vomm have elToctod In rmmy cafe , I feel it
my ilmmtv to yutm nuil linus nitilotat mi I imito bsoii to lston Jimil 1rahe , ahmero Ii 1 dime. For soar. I have
, , fTcrettfromn C.ttiirrlm iii tin , wart forum. 'time diselmargim wts coitaimt and very oiteiiiive , armiltimo bumes of
il ) iOIO Were I , , a I , , t , tto of ibit iy. After iiottriim a gre it ileat withommtiIc&u.4 , I was Irmducotl to apply
to you for trsatmnmmt. 'l'irco uommUm 4 Ii ito , mOw saremi eitis , I eiric you tok eiimtrgu of toy aaie , no.1 I aim
itliipy to report iii , sIf a iimistei cureit of that , lrs.itfimi iii ain Iy , mmmi t I am mumiu to have all three trots.
tutu will , Cittarrh , , whim , , I can imiliruimea , aviit tIiOiiiiitCi of your trcatmmmemmL 'rti'inkiimg you heartily
fortime great lion , you hive comiferreil emi imma , I ama over rotcfomhmyyouu. HitS. JAUl1tU WtL.l.IAM3.
From a l'romincnf Citicn of Jloonc CounV.
fin. i'Is'rmn.Lrr--lear Sirt I ( II ) riot know onnetly lmGw ito , , sp.tmato my coniiaetlomm with you without
iIn3-limtc e'nmmsthuimt to uxirci" roy gratcfulmmoi4 for relief lroughmt. by your truatmuimmit 'if imio. My iwrslstncy
iii tr mug ui eryiimimm.c smm.fgcitotI Iy , othurc t'r , time cimru of t7itarrlm I , iI Jiistlo I toy f tthm ) c.mnawhat 1mm thu
mmi , yr id amyotu iirimigiim.r relief. I cccii tmistrustui , tli.rt yommr , rofusslomms teuru bisei slmmtphymmm thmeorywlmich
voim dulreii to liractco , , lint to , imy ut'orIaomimg delight , I w. Juivu&i. Your ruLmullulmomi Lreatmmiuiit worked
like so cimartim. I w.ic ri it emily relieve I of the ilioroi.tiig lili of Catzirr , , , but was , 'mitlruiy niitl , I behave , lor-
fi'ctly restored t. , Imealt" . I a'i , mow 110 , mtru trimmblo I with time otloebi of the iliwaso niiichm co aiilictoI me
thimtii It R tmuver ii t i time ciimil liit , I ito , i&b write thu lUriioiY foryommr 114i ) , to lii Imice iittsr , to tu.ityouc r
ekill lit thmulr h.eiuif , ho I timiik it imy ilmity t s , , ma'co ' etmimmo Ii lijil of au miokrowlcdg.i'mouit. , triitiiitc and slumi1a ,
of bus iiiuclgotI ytm imavu uoimo mu , lii 'our .tfu mtimd corhalmm truatnmomit , of a tlistrosing , miaiadv.
J , lY. bUSlflLi.
Tcs irnonkti front Ifuntholdi , 1kb.
MR. ( ir.onan 31 , SQUIOr.5 , of tIimmt'oIlt , Nslirmtikmt ' says : I lmavo ntittorsi for a long tints with rhouni.
tiimm , which Im i lrJtra U I Imma tn s % If aim Otto it Lii it' we. ohiIj.u I t , give u , mimy farm. My Rfi aIds was
( IIIIHICiiiiy , mtffctwl , umiti Lftr tryimi , , utsroiml iIeom4 without rocoleltig aity relief , I etmbmiiittd I. , your
treatmciit , it ? , 'ob t.eo ti , , , tls , ago. I nun ha , , . , t sty that I am , rm , v im irly w.ii , , em I a hut lot that you jvrf.rnctl uim , mu n Wiktjrftil cure. 1 iiave galmmmiil eight jiounils and emit , , omv mtbh , to atntl totny
work nitlmotmt aiy liconvelenicc. , ,
JfIpJIUCM I"villowa Despair.
TAYWILSTtTmos , Iowa , February7. .
In. l'mKmmnLe'rr-lear Sir : I feel con'simk'rabiy Ibctter now than wiiei mmret I ivrotmi to you , and itfo in lb
icgiilmg , ti ) mmto , .imime charms for rite azai , , . After lmmmvlg , bueim bc.1.rhldomeo Ioimg , hanoi the time gIvIng
rip mill lmoo , of ever iuiiigaiilu I , get iii' apoli , , It seurmo 5' ' ) , , Ice , I aiim liarilly realize mtto take my mncald with
a lootl mmputlte , to rimovo mtiommt , lite utimar i'e ilo .lo without lalne atI , , ncime4 aimd to have over body con-
gratutato mile tim , iimy limmprovtm I amipearmillce. tiiI ai hfml , tlotor , timank to your treatmnut , , , wich 1 abut
mtlwft)5 blievu , hiss emmatcimud rime fromim lime ehadows of death. ' 511114. 3. P ( JRAVEN.
A J&lcuU Case of Lung Trouble Orcd.
i5cmmcywum Nebraska , Fob. 7 , 1883.
Mv IHIAS fin. FmnIIL4'rr , : I owe you a debt gratitimile which 1 mister will bu able to repaY for the
.cleimtiflo skill flare dieiIayctl I , , troatimig , miu. L , for a bug thus boa , , coocilered a Imopeloss comm.
, uruptive , immi cV.ryii my , limchmmdlim immycoif , coii.Icr. ii ll ) ' days , imimitered. Mm' good fortune led in , , to apply
to yoim for trcmmtmimtiimt lait NovemnbermuR iii timI lmmcchhisIy shirt thou you imavuulTmctstwimabmutmmorouother
, lector Imave ftilemI iii ; a co.ilcte , rtutormttt'nm. I Imaro chico gaimmel tlrteeim soimd comiider mmiymml.f
tmiorotigimty cured. You arc at lIberty t moo Llmi nsa rolurumca for etheri cimnitariy amilictod.
Your. Gratefully , ALEXMcINTOSIT.
Ii is .EiC0litg1liJ to JeCld ( he J"o11ou1njfrom a Long S'vffcrcr JV/io lums been.
Under 1) , ' . J"isIsblatt'ts rcaiicnfor ilboue 2uo Mont/is.
MAclmi,0N1A , Iowa , J5mmuary 20,13.
1)mt , Fmsmimr.a'rr-Ioar , Sir : Mv folke ay I appear to have galimoil tmvemty ) ' , , bimicI , I conmnemmco,1
t.aieiimg your , mmedicime. , Arid we all tliiimk there wa , , muvcrmumytlmlmg , hIke your treatmment. I know that mcdl.
dna you cUilt rue was Just what I nccdod. Yuure tru'lv , o N. 11. LONU. ,
CILI'Cd of Cliarrh , 4
lloom'mum , Nebraska , February 19 , 1833.
pa. Emsisn.An' , , M. 1) . , Omnaima , Nch-Iear Sir : I Imave licerm eui1nmg wRit c.itarrim , n the head evercimmots
I carm remmtimiur , , , aim I ov I mum , twimty , mlie years of mice. m la.I brIg tlmotitlmt a cure tyss Imp salblu. hut
, meverthmulec , , iotl , iy4elt , mimlor your treatmime it , limit with rather smith faith , I imiiiVcnmfas. I eta now
liltilil ) ' P.O Ca ) timat I sun gr.a'ly vol oval in I Iiavir , . etroig , Imupti of is m'rfuci cure. I tiara never used any
mimeilielimo hefru , wlilcim wimt rltimt t , the uat of tima , llse mit , mi 4 Liii , inc licinme yti gave ma. IIo'Ing many
otlmermlmmmfty limit ! relief at your lmaimd , I renulim yours resiectfmnlly , w. ir. iuygim.
A Vcrrj .4igrat'accl ' Case . .l"vinatc 2-oublc.
-Time laily who glvc thu I , llowimmg tetimnmlal , dooi mmot wlli lmer name to mmtlpoar 1mm mInt , but doM not.
bjoct to have 1mev n.lIrcse gIven oh mmmilicatlomI. iumruary 1 , 1883.
A. 14. flemuLATr-JC'imtI , ' Sir : Ammlim I wih t , spaic of time favor cmi conferred you ins. Ii eometlmes
, eoims too Kretmt to be true that I alit cured , % V.irdc fall to uxrucc , , my ts you , mnt had It cot beca
for iou ( lint , iiy , kit wturu I iv mul I b now. l'Crim.ti $ you think I only cay this mnaruly for the 'sake at
saying .onmiethmlmg , , but , Itsllova ins wiieim I eay , that I Imover lii niy llu : have full cogratetul toward acyonu for
a , , act of ktndmeu , , mis I feel toward you. May Imappimmuss auti lrohvrity ) attend you through life , umy beno.
teeter ,
.Rejolccd Over ff18 l'errnrncnt Recoveij. . J
Our ( lernimin frleni from tJnailllIa , Nebraska. writes June 0 , 1881.
11. . . FmcIibAVr , Ii , macut itmir Vurgmtooim , 11mm nItthciIam , ems koerucn , i1n Icit jest gut to wugo bin
und vonimmeinur alterm krmmimolt "eit Maorzimlcimt5 inohir gesmureht lutbe , Icim fuelilo diec , , , l'ruehmjah bossor
LIe Icim vor lammger .cit. mtefuulmlt babo. Acimturmgmmvoll. MARTIN SYtUkEIL
A , ubIier etattonedat Fort flhbrara , wlm'iiofrlemmd wacbeI ridder , , timrougii a complication of dtceacci ,
I writes uitlet , date Jute 4th , , 1d'l : I am iIe ci to lformn you timat toy fricnii-ts up agaimi , rind l go.1tn
uicsly through time imel , of your valuable muitcbueg. its outomuplmtm , vieitimmg you as coon as stroug etougmi.
' Mm' . Wil. Is-TI , of Ketrnuy , writec Juno 23 , 1833 : I have bowi taking your , nedlolnoa aooormhlng t , ,
I dieecti'flm4 nmi , tlmil , nyeeil rumctly lmmmprovetl. Time lairs Irm my head mind roy aleop much batter , and I fce
very , mtich better 1mm all r.spvct and aiim go about roy work witim pleasure.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4
ApprCClathifl IV/iaf Dr. Fi8hbta ( 1108 .Dorwfor 11cr.
) aRise .tctsmw , Nebraska , Juno 17 , 1883.
) 1)11. A. S. FieIimLLfl I , irnfeellngqmmlte atrorm aniliooktmmg timmicli better. Ilavu gained tire PUfl.l Ia
wclcimt. Wish I could tell cvurybody how ha. ! I to t anti imuw well I feel now , Your. , I ,
811135. ) ! . II1IMSTREET.
lAter mime writes frorm LoUi' City : lily friend. hmcre hail tint aeon inc for clx immontlm. ; were dollghte .
with time lmn1)raterurlt In mimy health. A youmg , triemmd naycimo , memvr eaw mnoluokl sotclt.
mini 81. IIEMSTItEE'i' .
kfr , K.s. . itimomnw.of Lymden Nebraska , writu urmderdateof Almril25 , 1883 ; TIme roimedy whIch I ir-
C eclyodof you relief ; I tad as Ilmoughm I had bemmim rcgemmerated ,
- -
- A' yOunlC $ gentiemiuill from Extter , Nebraska , rIIcsJimrme let : I sin iatisfled that your medicine.
are lief1iiig rime ; I limit imot tot mmrvuus , mmur htitto Ilmu dizzy cileltS. 1mm fact , , Doctor , I fc.l as tlmoughi . wu a.-
othmr boy miltogetimer
.KlducV 'JrOt4bO ! ( tind fl'omls.1'ro81raioi..I1 .llcniarkabtc Cure.
T IoCmITyLeaNeb. , , July 12 , 1888
C bIte. A. S. FmsnmstA'n , Omiha-icar Sir : l'crmnlt mu to exircs to you itmy acknowledgment oftlmo grea ,
eunIce You hive ilommelimu 1mm roturimmg mime ormcu Immure to Iioltii amid .trermgtim. SVlwim I first consulted you
sufleruti beyond dccrljiti'ii ftimmm i.Idmmuy iliecaso suit my rmsrsous ey.tu'u was I'm ' misr.ateof cenpleto proatm-
tIoi , . 'l'ime fluttering of roy heart utter time nthgltu4 oxortlonm , was beyond emmdurmmneu. 'i'Itruuglm your treat
imeiit I SOt 110W oommm.ktoiy restored mit , I commslhcr nulrmu a UmIraculOus cure. I Icel better thamm I nave for yca
I , anti titeruamo notraresof Immy old uomimplainte left. Very trulyyours , JOhN Ii. UNlilt.
I t i Ill be observed tlmat timu nbovo temtimnoiml , ie ; nro time .VontalmOtut mxpremslomt. of tlmovc who are , o
baic loVnh1 > r , VhimbIatt'd lmatlelmtI , are smot of an ammclent datenmd trc rim come far cit iJaco , but roprecent
S true 5OrmtlICntd of thoec who through h1 tvuatmnummt have beemm teetered to health amid happiness -
All thcoec euffering front ClmrenI Lieoasos of no matter how Iongetanmitn , can have an opportualty o 4
I , vrmiultlimg lit. Flsiiblntt at Imle , , I
CONSULTATION FlUtE. Chargoc moilorate and withIn the reach ci ill who aced ec1.utlt medic. ,
umont. Those who who reelde at a dtctaooo .ini umuot tU , win receive Vrompt attention threugla umi.
mph evntting their with povtaie.
Address Lock Box CI , Oiuntt , Nab ,
. . , t
, ,