Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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j : i .4 1'HL DAILY iiEJ ° OviAIlA , TIIUItSliAY , ALGUS'I' 30 , 1863. i
14 m ( TIIE G AIIA BEE e
Publlthtd every mornmug , except , Sunday , The
Diy alonday morning dally.
I faasr wait.
i i no Year10.00 ThtreMenths . .n,63,00
p r BlxMonts „ . . . , . One klonlh. . , . , . I.OJ
TURw a olurratn.
I One Year. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .6
Six blonthe..1.00 One Month . . . mf7
Amedn + nNew , Companysolo lAgents Newedod
erintbeUnited Statee.
A Communicatlonr rclatlug to New , and Edlloriat
.utter should be suldroeeol to the Eottop. or Taa
srettrr a LxtuUL
All Bat1nei Lcttere and Itemlltancee'ehotdd be
addressed to Tile fl n i'unuetttno COwrAIT , OMAIIA
Drat , Choke and I'netotnce order to a made pay.
able to the order of the company.
I CtnAN the city or enlarge the grave
t y and is the mild sutzgeation of the CAfcn ,
WnAT Champion S. Chase doesn't ' lcnow
bout eoworngo would fill several vol.
. umes ,
MAYOR CItAME FRS sohored up a little
j during tlto last fete days , but ho still exp -
m hibits unnlisllkablo aylnptoms Of a
How are the mighty fallen , TOmMnr
phy , ox-collector of the port of Now
York , who was a mighty power during
the Grant administration , has been arrested -
rested for obGtiuing , ,600 on n fraudulent
J. STEnLINa NORTON pulled the demo-
ratio platform out of hfs vest pocket ,
it and it was adopted with a hurrah.
1i . Storting has a happy faculty for platform
building , but ho was never known to
swallow his own prescription.
i NIitlwucA expects every doinocrat to
t , do his duty to dag--herald.
H What duty are Nebraska Bourbons ox-
) , potted to porformlVero they ell ex
I m peeled to take a hand in the denocrtic
utata convention ?
TimR lost has boon found again. Miss
Phlobo Couzins escapedfrom the terrible
Rochester cyclone nil right , and she has
the gratification of creating a sensation
that iiaa evoked much sympathy all over
lie country.
U , A 1C&r s .s Ctrv sharpsllootor firoe a
mdnnfo ball from n smooth born repeating
rifle in the following paragraph ;
i ! Phil Sheridan will succeed Gen Slier-
iI I man , October 1st , Tito two cent stamp )
succeeds tide throe cent stamp on the
t iamb day.
t'A ItltolIIGAN man claims to have invented -
; vented a telephone by moans of which a
I le conversation can ho married of for a distance
tanco of 1,000 miles. 'l'imo crying demaid
of the hour is for a tolophnnu that can be
i ( effectively used for a distnneo of ten or
: twenty rods. 'Chlcalo iferald
That's about the size of it in Otnaha
\VrrnIN sixty days no loss than twenty-
' five artesian wells have boot sulk in
I Denver , each of which is flowing pure
f water. Their average depth is 326 foot.
( " And still the good people of Denver are
a' tliimty and in want of a supply of water
; ' that will meet the ordinary wants.
A COUNCILDIAN who runs a wurking
' man's s _ aloon in one of the lower wards
d watts an order issued for the wholesale
' removal of prostitutes. lie should by
. ell means be accommodated if the or-
I . dor includes males that are larlotting
with every jobber that wants to buy
) J : than.
MAven GUAss P ° P' ° to demolish
the Waring sewer system just to undo
I what Mayor Boyd has dote during time
' preceding term. To replace the Waring
system with brick sewom would involve
an outlay of from $300,000 to half a mall-
lion , but we presume Mayor Chase is
ready to plank down half a million to
i gratify his idiotic spleen
> t CIIIOA ° o is liable to be abandoned as
its hoadquurtors of the military division of
i " the Missouri , after Genural Sheridan
takes up his headquarters \Vaslmimigtoo
1 It is sot ltccussary that thorn should be
' such a division after the Lieutenant gen-
t crnl will have tukmr Lis new Bold , mold it
1 really isn'tlmaterial ' to the well beinv of
l Chicago thuat'milituyhcadqulrtorsshould
have an existence there.
IT is an ill wind that blows nobody
' food. The steamship companies appear
to have struck a good thing. They bring
over "assisted emigrants" and the United
ir States governaneut pays than for carrying
thou back. Another steamship brings
over again to another port , whence , in
turn , they are sou L back. ' Iu this way
the government has paid $1,000,000 Thu
law forbids the landing of thesu uufor
tunatos , but providoe tun penalties for
puniehtnont. It orders that they be aunt
back , which is done at tim cost of the
government We love dearly to euour-
ago foreign commerce.
'fart Denver exposition has proved a
d'usmal ( allure. It is now admitted on all
' hands that Delver has undertakoi mote
than she could aushtin , 'l'ie Denvu y
Tribune makes time following comment
On the collapse : "Tlio four propriotora
m had hotter shut up the exposition. t It is
an honor neither to themselves nor to time
state. We are ratter , inclined
to respect their imttonti ° us , bu t
the execution has boon a failure
Thorn should never be another oxpo.
eitiom lucre until time tnurcllauta take some
interest in it and run it. Thu presolit
oxperimeut has proven au utter failure.
g The tluing most to be regretted le that the
names of Denver and Colorado should
i ave boon used for what has boon purely
private enterprise. Thu mineral cx.
hibit may be fair , but the fact remains
that , to a stranger , the exposition seems
to ho a vast emptiness. It has done
. + - risack at4re harrn than good to Colorado. "
.I r ,
.g . . .fl' . . , , - -
Till : N1.D' SOUTIf ,
Eighteen years have elapsed since time
close of the tvar. The states that wore
devastated by four years of a most bloody
conflict have recovered front the drain of
men and mommy. A new generation has
tpltillg lip , more thrifty , active and enterprising -
terprising that the shiftless old chivalry.
that subsisted on the toil of four million
bondsmen. The now south is begimming
to emulate the enterprise and industry of
the northm in time munber and extent of
their manufactures.
There arc already scores of cotton
mills scattered through Teineasoo , South
Carolina , Georgia , and Alabama , in a
liigldy favored region , where , before time
war , there were scarcely half a dozemi.
Woolen mills are springing tip hero and
thieve , and in certain districts there are
iron furnaces and mills whichr are so fmn-
porllnt that they potverfully incline the
states in which they are toward a protec-
Live policy. All the states montieicd ,
its well as Arkansas and Texas , ofFer
every facility for the manufacturer. The
South Atlantic and Gulf Slates and Ten-
ncssco are intersected by time Cumber.
land ratgo of mountauis , which is the
source of hundrude of stroans , furnish-
lug ample and inexpensive motioo P ° ' '
1Vestcrmt Arkansas and norlhorn and
northwesterii Tcxan are similar in physical -
cal characteristics. The' whole reginmi
thus diversified is elevated , healthy amid
so mild in clinmato as to ofur no impcdi-
meat to manufacturers at any season of
the year. Iron amid coal are abundant ,
railroads are ovctywhere , and as the
country is fertile and well developed , the
cost of living is moderate. It is , therefore -
fore , not atrauge to hear that time cotton
mills iii South Carolina have already
realized more than 10 per coot on their
There dro advantages in this extouaion
of manufactures at the south not entirely -
ly material. Common interests are do.
veloped that produce sinifbtrity of opinion -
ion , amid bring time north amid south nearer
together. When the southm had time
patriarchal system of slavery and was exclusively -
clusivoly agricultural , it had little sym
patluy except with those who bought Its
cotton and wool. The northu and south
had few paints of contactand those were
aristocratic. Now every now nianufactory
opened iii time south takes skilled work.
men and operatives from time north ,
brings experienced mechanics from time
sane section and makes thu country
morodesirable to northern imiercimants mind
immigrants from all classes who desire
legitimate invostment.Vith those varied
interests amid increased communication
with other regions the south will become
less provincial and more disposed to regard -
gard as friends those who hitherto seemed
more aliens. Thus in the process of time
sectional reaontmonts will be displaced by
common interests and sympathies , mail
that highlyy colored hit of political oratory -
tory , "No North , no South , no East , neWest
West , " will cetso to be rhetorical amid
become a simnplo matter of fact.
Turtun out of five of time democratic
platform cou uittee were doctors. Two
doctors wore nominated for time board of
regmits and it looks now as if time case
was very ciesporate.
Titus tire the democratic bird is out
-Sonator Chaffee , of Colorado , says ho is
out of politics.
Now Yoric has cloven rolico judges , and
they ouch draw ama annual salary of 88 ,
000 ,
Grootlbackcrs are ahlimig time democratic
ticket ht Iowa as the proldbitiouists arc in
lix Sonutor Oglesby , of Illinois , Is the load.
log republican mutdtdato for governor of thin s
state ,
l'lncltback of Lonisluua , favor the re.
uloetlon of Arthur , lie nays Illaiuo has mi o
Lieutenant Govor or Amos of Mansaclum.
sotts , is In the race as a ropubitean eaudldut
for guvernor
There have boon 21 holdover senators of the
republican porsuaalon him the Iowa senate , put p
one denioorat emrly.
aclumsotts will be time first state h ) time
Uuimm to choose delegates to time dmnocratiu
national comn uutlun.
Snnant Cox claims to have as mnammy veto s
) lodged to plum fur speaker as Itaudall , lint
Imo produces no lignros ,
Missuurl dmnucrnts compluhtthat Governor
Crittuudeu is iujurlug the ) arty by his firm
pttnitlan ht favor of time hlglm Ilcmuo law ,
Atdiuua democrats say their state will no t
ho roproaontod on the uutiomml dumoerati o
th'kct umiloss Mclonald and lioadricks atom
wrangling ,
Enmury Storrs , of Chicago rather expects to
moo time ticket of Arthur urmd Foster elected Ii I
188L lie Was emdideut that ( waist woul d
Whit in ISS0 ,
AIr. Tlmunnan is no small , cold potato t a
time aftoctiumie of the older claws o1 enstert
dmnoeruts , mind many of then would like him
to ruu jur presldeut.
A Poxamu pa er advocates holding the nex t
dorm credo ualletal ewnvuatlon him Galveston
pleadlug that ( or ) toady a quarter of a centur y
no party bus held a national couventlon la a
aouthern c)3y. )
'Pumice stock is looming among time hflssour
1)onmocrats , lidltor Mummforl , of time Kaua
City 'rimes , who oLgosud the old man ii
Chmclttnati , l ° 1560 , has beemi vidting No m t
York , and Is sow unxioae , to see ldur ngml
Time roaults Of tlmo calmvaaaos Of Ohio matt o
by the republican and dmmnoeratie state wm
ndttooa hat'u boon puhlislmd , Thu rvpuhlicam
cuuvoss cluiuma a majority of 21,833 for time rim
nmblieaur 'rime dmnocratic canvass clalum
10,220 umajority for time deimiocri.
Timroo mblio ntilclula iii time city mud county
of Now Yurk lmavn imUnnes Guam their ollict
amounting to double the aalarm' of time preel
dent of time United Status , l Ile palite of thm I
txmuuty cleric ( run fees range Grant 8100,000
8160,000ayoar. , 'Tie royiater of deeds is mil
pull by fees andaquosxoa out of the elli a
every year ainttmt 82110,000 , 'I'hoshmodll's elli eu
la another gold rube , yiuhdfug a yearly incem u
of mot leee than 8100,000 ,
rE tsONALI'1'lll '
Cu ! . Fred Grant boa settled down in No w
.fwstmy ,
] ivangeliet Moody drives a fast Imorso whoa
over lie calm.
Stanley Africanus seemas to be bulldhmg up u
little kingdom on the Congo ,
So It Boots , that 11111 Cimandlor's plq m e
shut Bollins resulted la a Pike agu mist him
self ,
England's prize calf , whilee ndonl y
caught the tongue dl while e
side ,
Freddie ( lebhard's nma'o friends try to ox
rue 1dm by saying that the youth was do
imrivcd of the care of a father whom ho was a
smmill boy ,
.f udgo hiold , of the United States Supreme
Court , talks politics too much for n mnn In ids
position ,
Field Marslmal Von Mollko was taken for a
trnnlp recently mind ordered out of one of the
German Inland village , .
Emory A Storrs wore a monster eun0ower
in ids lapel the other evening , and won a
wager of u lox of cigars.
The emperor of Austria and the lung of
Servia mire about to meet If urgary. The king
of Scrvla is probably looking for another
Mr. Conkhing roared to the engineer of time
Yellowstone geysers to turn on cold water ,
limit the order was not obeyed. Bence the dis
Mr ; Slade rind Mr. Mitchell will punch ) onch
other with their barn fists. This will be more
satisfactory to all of its. The next best thing
they could do world be to use clubs.
The Duke of Cnnbnuglmt better known in
this country as Prince Artiuir , recently acted
its a bartender at a charitable entertaimmnent ,
and sold mixed drinks to dlstinguished driuk
cms at high prices.
Time three oldest Iivingcnmpositor in I'mm
sylvania rcaidu in Ilarrisburg. They are Con.
crnl Summon Cannon , aged 80 yeses ; Oeo. W ,
Scott , aged 85 year , and Jacob Babb , aged
83 years.
Mr. Sullivan , the gentleman who punched
Mr. Slade , lies taken time pledge of total nbstl
nenco forma m year. Ito did so at his mother's
request. Sulflvnn may yet turn etmt to be as
nice a mnn as Ben. Ilogan ,
Miss Chambcrlaiue , Limo American beauty
wlmmn all lieglaud { , is crazy over , hints refused
five lords amt sovmt dukes for time Lund of time
mar who tuuk Lilo first mrm o 11m the hmwmm telm
nit trntrnnumemmL What are lords anti mhmmkmt
when ounp ° red withi a champion lawn tmuds
pltiyer , nmiyhow ?
Mrs. Ittmtsoll dremmo is a amart old lady
living en Clifford street , ht l'rovhionce , 11 , ly
Sian is clglmtyamiuo years old , does all her own
worm and recently site wlmitewashcd a long
board fence between her own and a neighboring -
ing , gardcu. Shin rises every tnsrnhmg at 1
o'clock , mind gets her work dune before most
people mire up for time day ,
Mite Mary Ai. Carey , young , fair and gen.
tIe is emmIployed by time St. 1'uul , i tf ° nenpolis
S lnnitnbn raliruad at Nitrate as depot amid
oxuress n , 'ent. She lies charge of yard work
anti slguuls nrotmd time station. Slum is at her
post from C mm , rim , to 10 p , m. much of the
thno. She is respected by all , and minder-
stantis lice dntfes thornoqFly. Sumo is time old.
eat of four orphan girls , who live and keep
lmouso together , ,
Mr. Aristido Marie is prbably the richest
mnn orcolnr in Autmica. lie was a largo
slave owner before time tvar , mad his income
Gomm time rents of his prnpcrLy In New Orlemr
is mint less than 850,000 a year. liesides this
ho Ias a largo mersonal estate , ' consisting of
first-claws secmrILies. Air , Marlois a nman of
fume nccnmplislmmmmts , agraduato of euo.f the
best institutiona of France , amid lives abroad
about half of oncim year ,
One Seclcs to Tricit Unele Sam , and
the Other Grrmmn Visitors ,
NEw YOIiK. Aug , 27-Lt time course
of the remarks coiccrining affairs "in and
alit ofVnll street , " The Sun says this
rmiorning ; It is the general belief , as it is
time general talk , Hutt Wall street is pass.
iuig tin-ougim a leriod of liquidation , but
that is not to. Time process wimich it is
passing tlu'oulhm is merely that of nmark
mg down prices aid selling out in sonic
instauc ° s below cost. Wall street is
notlming but a big shop of fancy and adul
terated goods of whicim it is trying to get
rid of now , It is a forced sale , but there
is no actual liquidation yet. Mr. Villard
is tryimmg to remedy time evil at least as
far us his stocks are cmmcerucd by brimming -
ing over a cargo of Gornmame , whom he ms
hucimig out to time far northwest with a
view of iutroddcing thmonl to the ouex-
hnustiblu resources of that womidcrland.m
limit as lee br uglmt bvor mostiy doctors ,
professors , and lournulists , . there is net
mach chance that the expedition will ro-
stilt fmi any influx of Germman monov into
the 'hliml pool' treasury. Time Geruans
nro very fond of free lunches , free ox-
Ctnsions , mid everything free , but they
are still mor ; found of time thmtlers and
imarks , and tlmo intellectual and dis
tinguiahcd conmpany now at Bismarck
doua not represent any large amount of
this kimmd of coin. Tlroy will probably rc-
ciproeate time courtesy of Mr. Villard and
write glowing articles on Limo beauties of
Ammerican accner , but they woi't mnako
anybody buy a share of Villurd's stock ,
"Several parties of imitelligemit Wall
street mar have rocmmtly taken vacation
trips to time Northern Pacitie region , turd
mill of then agree in time opinion that it
will take years and years to Populate it
and give buaimiess to time road. As one
of tlmmu reuarked : 'There are too mommy
egaaro micros to time inl ttbitanta at pres-
omit , ' If 11Ir , Villard ms to leave Now
York to niorrow [ it would be very appropriate
propriato on hula part before ] oaving to
Itmiawer time gtiestiom which imas so oftmm
been put to hm ) , privately amid publicly ,
tnmdwhicl ) is said to bu now iu time lire-
cuss of being put to him through time
courts. mho tpmestion is a very simple
ammo : 'Aro time bonds and stocks consti-
toting tim property of time Oregon &
'l'ranscemtfnunhtlcmupmryimmtime treasury
of that eoumpany , or are they pawned ,
mid if so , to what extelti'
"Gouldelatomtsclreniemaynotsucceed ,
but it is , nevertheless , omo of time smartest
hu over Concuivcd For the past two
years lie huts been working hard to start a
publio discussion on time subject of time
governnmout going into time telegraph busi
mess , J. G liunnett , who hates Gould ,
imas fallen into time trap , and is now crying
that time bovcrnment ouglmt to build anew
now system of hues , 'this is just what
Gould wants , for lie knows Limit while
liunnutt is socking to ruin time Western
Unimm , his cry , if successful , can result
only in time purchase of time existing
laws. Gould knows it would take
the government ton years to build
400,000 miles of poles nndwires , , for 40-
000 miles a year would be fast building.
Then aafn , time government could not
make itself a part' to a confiscation
sobeuo by placing itself in conmwption
II with private or corporate mmterprisos ,
Apart ( coin Could 's iutoruat in the 11 eat.
t ore Union , therm are probably ever $50 ,
000,000 invcated all over time country in
telogrnpli entorpriscs , and that capital
could net be attacked by gov ° rrmmmit
. competition without a heal of public in.
digmiatlon Of course thin only complete
e ayaton whielm the goverrunent could
purchase mud make any innn ° diatu
r use of would be Westermi
s Union , and Gould appears to have a neat
. little achenn read' U ) 1'r ° p ° s ° as soon as
thb publio discussion of time suhjoct has
bocomilo ripe cnouim. IIo intends to oiler
) to give up to time govermment the whittle
of the 1Vustern Union property upon the
basis of yearly poyumnnts of the eu' piua
etrimiugs for twenty year's to com ie. rime
payutomit is to be niudo him bonds or cub ,
its the provurnnwnt prefer , Titus umv
Ian ivould give time immnediatu possession
of time notlrin since time yearly
m'mimemtawould consist enl of time
time anf
over and above ox mmtses
g time ceucorn a tor time baste
of oxieiin + rates for nmossa ee , It is
by a sunflar arras6Tonemtthat time liritislm
, ovurnment ) urcimsed time telogrn pima
mud Gould sees there a very acceptable
uecudent Time effort , It successful
would give Irhn' mind his associates in
twenty-years souwtltfng like $ l50.000 , .
, 000 for time meet earuimm s are ustim-
atet at $ 7r500t000 a year. It would
be a very fine piece of business to
scoop in $160,000,000 for what
cannot be sold in time market for one-third
that Arica. A strong lobby is said to he
getting ready , and friends of Gauld's aver
that time fight between hire and Iiennott
is on tluo surface and that timings have
been so arranged that tire liorald will help
roll time ball if omico sot in motion ,
Time Trrncndona Infltmx of Euro-
penms to time Umltcd States-
A New Natlon Every
Ten Years ,
Time London Times , in discussing time
emi ration problem , says : Extraordinary
as imps beau the Amricanpowcr of
European olenments , they exert an
hdluenco in turn. Whatever time fabric
of American society and character is , it
would have been something very dissimf-
Iar except for the European imnu nation
of the mat fifty 'ears. Within time fift
cars front 183to 1880 , nearly ten mil
limns of Euro means hn'e swelld time o )
ulation of timeUnited States , Innni6mitts
multiply faster thmut native Americans.
liueli more tlmom their npparent proper.
Linn of time incrcaso of time American
Population frown time seventeen mil-
liomis to which IL had rismt in 1840
to the fifty millions of 1880 may be set
down to thou. Each successsvo decade
a whole nation in nunmbers is traimsplaut-
cd across time AL1almtic. To this troncml-
ous influx is to be traced time difficulty of
fixing the qualities of Anmoricln nntion-
amity , Time characteristics would be still
less stable if particular ingredients did
mint regularly predominate in time Itumau
imports , ' German id the United
Kin'dom furaislm time , amid the rest
arot uietl absorbed. By time United States
statistics Eumrland is deprived of its priority -
ity favor of Gomimui , But when + in
eo nformit tvilh ordinary rules , British
imnmi rammta arc reckonetogether , they
are acmt to outnumiber thosu frmmi any
other state. They naturally amllganratu
more readily witlm time native population
of Limo ante extraction , and help to keep
Limo general curroit of national life tin its
oxiatirmg channel
Time United States suffer dangers and
iiicommveniences Rani time imeterogeueuus-
tmess of their population. They have
however , grown to their acttuil gramidour
in virtue of Imcce mtimig that cmidition of
mttional developuiemit. Tummy would be
committing emi uljustico to time world
were they to close their territory to inn-
. They arc its trustees for time
borefit of rethmdamit hmnauity elsewhere.
In fairness to them it must ho admiiitted
that they have shown no reluctuce to
comply with the terms on which they
hold their vast possessions. For time late
outcries ngainat a few pour passengora time
American people must miot be held ac-
countable. It does not claim omy capric
ious right to pick mid choose. Provided
time inunigrants rensouably represent time
reperabumdant population of their native
country , America is content to give
theta hospitality , and finds its advantage -
vantage m tlien accordimT
to their various degrees of strength amt
capacity. Europe materially is umhuost as
intimately coucolmed as America in time
comistant lion' of American imumigration.
A complete appropriation of fertile American -
ican soil by human labor is mts iumportant
to time world at largo as to the owners of
time donaitm. The Ammorican people min
make n0 loss or gain pmt time alllicatimm of
its enormous natural resources in which
Europe will not rateably share. From a
point of view lmigher though ) less abstract ,
time , hugq dimensions of North American
immigration regard Europe mis closely as
tliu Ummited States. Much as time European -
pean emigmut carries with him ho sur-
rumides iudelimiitoly more. Time old emi-
grntnts shuddered at emigration as a tear-
img asunder of body and soul , Kliowl-
edge timat hundreds of tlmousands and
millions of their relatives Imavo borne
time , op ° ratiorm amid survived mitigates time
personal horror rather tlmui lessens time
extout of the personal revolution. For
tun English or Irish laborer of German
peasant to be uprooted from the soil of
which lie forms a portion , and to ho
transferred to circumstances utterly dill'-
erent morally and physically , remains as
it was , somotlung betweomi a nettv birtlm
mid death. Time uxperimmmnt is so violent
tint time euhaucenemt of time earth's stock
of available riches by enmioation would
hardly justify it wore not time benefit to
its individual subjects manifest amid iu-
dis ; utuble By time great mass of emi
gramits their gain is confessed and vaunted
with absolute conviction. A voluntary
returit to their previous atato is
inconceivable to tlmum Their life
is not geuerally easy. Toll in a
new country is lmeav amid lam" . Had
they boon disposed to work as strenuous ]
iumil intelligently in their old count ' as
in time now tlmo often need never heave
moved from tlmoir quarters. But it is to
he reckoned among time foremost advan
tnges of tifumigratmn that it both produces
exurtiomi and supplies opportunities for
using it. A farnmer or plowman whose
soul has been stmmgnating h ) Brandenburg
or Coumiauprlmt discovers hinisolf to be a
diajinct bong nt hl innesota , or Texas , or
Mauitoba Active spirita resolute to
create a career need not quit Europe for
time purpose. Europe iu ith most densely -
ly occupied districts , keeps a deco for
nn onu determined not to be un-
provided. A notw countr like America
motes which Y Europe has
no longer of atinlulatimmg menu endowed
with the pow or to work and not the
ens will to seek it. Human
nature isof three sorts in respect of its
car macity for time full mm p ticatioof its fuc-
ulties. Besides the few who can be pre-
vomited from their fruitful uxorciso , them
are nmany who wait to dmavo tau work
brought to theme. Anmerica stilts then as
It amid Europe equally suit time fornmor.
For the thirclass , time swum tvho uoitime r
look forward nor ccept it , Europe and
America are equally barren. Time are
as muclm m ° uuos timid utauale + with tim °
choice mil ions of silunre milea of virgin
soil as in tim Sevemi 1)iala
1 aiiuus Oaths.
Clo olmmd liorettl ,
It was a customiary timing iu what nr °
rolled time dark ages rat ; a swearer to lay
life hmmid on a crucifix as a sacred /abol
or touch time altar while lie sworeby time
God to wlmom it was dedicated. Soamm he
eamiw to swear by time crucifix itself or "b
time rooi , Of kindred Sri iu is time oath
"btime amass , " "b' time wounds " lmenco
"swommda"and "z unds. " Time sacred
wafer was to time vulgar mind a part of
' hence "God's
God's eorporotit nature ,
bodkin , a favorite oath of the Eliza.
bethan age.
'lime custom of placing the rigimt hand
mmt sous sacred object was couaiderod
of time uttiiost inn portanco , and there was
quite a mUlleruncu in tlia degree of time
soluumit of tlmo oath according as the
object stunt b was more or less sacred ,
Wlcmi Ifarold of Emm lard swore to Wil-
lion time Conqueror that ho would not
push hia clahn to time crown , he supposed
that lc was eel awearin on a masal or
urn er book wlwch was 1 n on thochest
anti 1lemco could do so with a mental ro- -
sorvatiou , but the oath was really the
"Pan In gentlemen , part In , "
shouted a tall , red faced man the
other ecenlnr. A dente crowd of
people hail gathered In front of
Smiths drug store , and all Sere
etnmggling with might and mein to
get within hearing of the speaker's
yoke. Thelatter sea twleting him.
self ; mckward end forward w Ith the
celerity of a lack rabbit , and ex
chinning with much unction and
many geaturee , "Push ahead gen.
Uomenl Crowd in ! Jam yourelvee
through thedoorl the bigger the
rush the better I like it. " We finally
tell Into line and purcharel one of
the packeges he was handing out.
It mew a neat little bribe labelled
Thomas' Eclectrie 011 , which we
have since dl coered A a quick ,
eafe and lewerful remedy for eprine and pains , sad
a certain cure forrheumatitm
Peter iteiger , cos Clinton and ecnnctt streon , Bub
tale , was badly bittenby a horse , and appllcd Thomas'
I electric Oil , which Immollately relieved the pain ,
and in tour days the wound was healed.
IThomu' } klectrlo 011 sold everywhere by drug.
gists , I
most binding possible , an was
hfterward disclosed , whmt William ro-
nmoved time cloth with which time chest
was covered mmd diacloscd time authemitic
relics of a saint. It was clainmcd at ono
tune iu the Irish troubles , in James
I I.'s time that time onth upon time euelmr-
ist of an Irish Catholic could not ho relied -
lied upon in time coma , ummless the priest
who comsecratel it was in synlpatiry with
time English government. For it was said
flint time trausubstantiatioi depemmded omi-
tirely upon time will of the priest , mull if
ho did not wish the bread of tlmo wafer
to ho changed into time body amid blood
it would ho notlming but a bit of baked
dough , which evcryoue could swear falsely -
ly upon without colmunitting perjumy ,
An Abvssiniai chief , wlmd hind sworn
nn oath imo disliked , was a ° ot to scrape
it ofF his tongue with his lumif ° mid spit
it out. And in Germilany , to this day ,
lucre are place where time witness wlmeu
he wants to tell a lie or swear falsely ,
crooks his finger , as if to indicate to his
comcimmce that his oaths was crooked ,
A Sketch of Ills Somewhat Eveumtful
San Francisco Chronicle ,
Robert E. Withers , time newly elected
Grand Blaster , has , in his own state , Vir
ginia , ( mold every position both in Masonry -
sonry aid knight Tetnplaristn , havnmg
bent Grand llaster of Masons and Gramid
Conmmand ° r of time state of Virginia of
the Kmmights Tonylar. In public life Mr.
Withers has held equally high positions ,
having boon lieutenant governor and
United States senator , In the army pro
also was very pronrinemt on the confederate -
erate aide.
Graud itlastor Withers was born in
Campbell county , Va. , September 18 ,
1821 , and is therefore almnost 02 years of
ago. He received a good education amid
entered time medical department of time
Umiivemsity \rirginia , where ho graduated -
ated in 1841. For seventeen years ho
practiced Fla profession in his native
county , and that in 1858 , removed to
Dansville , Va. , where he resunmed his
nrnctiee as a physician until time commencement -
mencement of time war. Ho was a Whig
in politics amid a Union mom until time
passage of the ordim .4nco of secession
by Virginia , and took his stand by his fel
low mien , mud in April , ' 61 , entered time
confederate army as nmajor of infantry ,
and during time ammo year was promoted
to thu'cololelcy of time Eiahteertii Vir-
givia regiment , which he commanded
withm great credit o hminmsolf , until he was
compelled to retire in consequence of nu-
nmerous disabling wounds. He then was
nppointed to command the fort at Danville -
villo , Virginia , at which position lie con-
tiouod until the close of time war. In the
early part of 1860 ho removed to Lynchburg -
burg amid established there a daily paper
devoted to the interests of tlmu conservative -
tivo party , and hue cmmtinued to edit it
until 1868 , when he was nominated for
governor of Virginia by time conservative
party at time convention hold at Rich-
mmmd. Ho then canvassed the state iii
opposition to the Underwood constitution -
tion , which time military authorities refused -
fused to submit to a veto of the people.
In 18611 lto withdrew from time gubernatorial -
torial race in favor of Gilbert C. Walker ,
nominated far governor by time liberal
republicana. In 1872 ho was appointed
elector for time state at largo on the
Greeley ticket , and the following year
was elected lieutenant-governor , as acon-
servativo , by a majority of 27,640 over
Imis republican coopetitor , C. P. Rams.
dull , and 'he following year lie was
elected United States senator front Virginia -
ginia as a conservative , to succeed
John F. Lewis , republican , and took
hia seat Marcum 4 , 1875. His tormit
of souvico expired in 1881 , when William
Mahone , time readjuster , succeeded ( limn
in time senate. Since then Mr. Withers
has led a retired life , having witlmdniwn
for time present from politics.
At time last trianniul conclave , hold at
Chicago in 1880 , Mr. Withers , who thou
held time position of grand senior Warden ,
was elected to time position of deputy
gaud master , wlriclm positionm hohas filled
mvltlm nueh credit for time past three years.
His election as gaud master is but a just
recognition of time mammy services lie had
rendered for and time a/Feetivo / work ho
hhd done in the order.
Relieves mad cures
1111 EU,1IA'I'ISM ,
Nouralgip ,
Sciatloat LumbaUo ,
etu'aacne ;
IBADAC1IE,1'0OTlia01111 ! ,
masuamIW Soreness , Cuts. Orulsel ,
' " . lY F1t01I'n11'FS ,
nltlmr. Nl'A61)8 ,
Amidnml011.1ht illy uchos
; ml' rllsfl ! , !
it 11 , Wddbyallpm gltt.nnd
hull h gj.i ail h"tauuxtw ) , , is. 1)1rectiune , In 11
rp t , lte , Charles A , voectcr Co.
, . . .
.A.TUUxttna dw. )
, .alh u.ui. . . , , we. R , u a ,
Traveling.PubIic !
- ooQ1 L , Nob. ,
Is now undergoing throrough rolair , both within and
without sad thoproprietor bmteuds IL shall be SEC.
OND 1d NONE is the state , next to Omaha.
tug rt rm Droiuktor.
Dry Goods ! '
SAM'L C. CO. ,
Waslffngton Avenue and Eiftl , Street , - - - ST. LOUIS MO ,
Wholesale Grocers !
Cigars and IYIan ufactured Tobacco. ,
LlIMhIell , Latli , Shuiigles , Pickets , !
Near Union Pacific Depot , , - - OMAHA , NEB '
Wholesale : Druggist I t
P1llllt , Oils , YarllislI8s aild VilldO Glass
-E I ® "rnR cc. ,
Hall's Safe and Oc one , .
1of a li'rerszam , 15trocst. Omaha.
Ta11 Paper all \VllO \ ! Sliae i
T'l. HELLMA N& CO. ,
Clothiers !
, 4f4 BRE'NING ' ASSOCIATION : ! .1 t
, . -
: t % 4t.4
r..34 & , . , ' t- 're CELEBRATED
C , a Keg and Bottled Beer
This Excellent Boor speaks for itnmelt
4b . ,
A , SPg '
ST LOUIS MO. Promptly Shipped ,
Of Our G ° u. rrt , ntee.
Solo Agent for Omaha and the Wert. 9
Office Corner 13th and Harney Streets ,
Growers of Live Stock and Others. '
Our Ground Oil Cake.
It le the beat and cheapeet food tor stock of any kind. One pound Is equal to three pounds of corn' ,
Stock ted with . Ground Oil Cake hi the Fall and winter , htstoed of running down , will Increase in peigh g
and be hi . ga.l marketable cmmdltluu In Limo airing , Ialrynle0 , as well as utlmee , , She use It pit tomtlty
its . merits. Try It and ludme for yuureeleee. 1'rlce t23.oe per tutu . au . rhargo fur , sacks. Address
nt.eelma WOOPM/Nt1.INi.Fl l'toil POMPANY Omeha
Ne hrnitore Store r
. i
Call and get Our Eastern Prices before
purchasing elsewhere.