- - . . - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - g.w.- ' - . . - - - , ' - - - _ _ . . . , . . . . . - _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - _ ---1 - - - - - - - . - - - , - - - . _ _ ----T' , , , _ , I I DAILY BEE---TITURSDAY AUUEST 30 , 188g. - _ - - - The Nebraska National Bank. CF OUtL. raid tip capttal . 52fl,000 _ A _ Surplus Fund1 May 1,5I183 1 000 , - , DIR1cmRs : n. joiiNso , ; , PrIdent , of Stette , Johns ' Co A. E. TOUZALIN , Vko PrchIent , of floeton. w. V. MOflE , of W. V. MORSE Co. Jolt COLLINg. U. II. & 3 , 8. ColIlue. J. M. wOOLWOtTII , Counsellor & Attornc it t&w. L. S. REED , of Byron It.cd Co. 11. W. 'tATECaiihtorfor tnn7 yora ciier of the Thet NItlonIt fl&nk of Omh& , Th flank openot for buneeIApril 27 , 1882 TIlE flhltECTOItS AND 8TOCK1tOLDEU ire tnong the , Id1ng bunce ! men of Omaha , it busfneu Is conductoL wtth cepeclol reference to the bcet nd ncroMli Intereeteoflt.m.rcantIIe petron. CoLLrION8 recof , . ptompt ttentlon ami ch&rgee towe8t obtalnbIe here or eeewherc. 1NT1111'.ST ejiowoil on tline koeItl upon favor. eble terms tUttIUi'ofl accounte of banke and tankere. FOREIGN } XCIL&NGI , Government fonda ani County end City ecuntlce bouhtind eofd. J. w. Rodofer , Broker , 8tocke , Bonds , Commercial I'aIcr and all other pectiritic , iknlt in floom 4 , No. 28 t'earl st. , Council Illuff , , 1a FINANCE AND COMMERCE. ' _ _ _ _ ) NKv Yoiu. August 29. Money-Easy at 26j3 Ier cent. Prinio Mcrcuitllo 1'aper-51@6 ior cunt , Sterling Exchango-Bankor& bite quiet nt $4.82 exchange ; doinuid , $4,81 ? . ( ioveriitiicnte-A frnettoii lower for COUIOlk 4' and 3'e , Stofker-Dnring the forenoon tim etock inar ket wan agilii coiistderably unsettled but the general range of prices va ; higher than yes. torday. In the last 1ur the market wa gon. orally 1pvor , the (1ccU119 being to ier cent the general hat , As compared with Iat lilght'8 close IrfCOS are down to 2 pc cent , except for Burlington & Qutucy , Chicago & .Alton , St. Paul , lock lebind anti Erie pro- 3 ferroti , whtch are t ) per cent higher. , ) coUroN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 L 4'sCoupous. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 , hW 4e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1194 , ' Pacific G'a of ' 95. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 STOCKH AD BONDS. 4. American Express. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 BurL , Cedar ltapnb & Northern 70 " Contra ! Padfic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Chiczgo & Alton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 ilo do pM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Burl. & Qui'cy. . . . . Erio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 do pfdaskel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Port \Vayno &Cl'ag } ( ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Hannibal & St. , Tsc1,1i , asked. . . . . . . . * 37 do do do pM. . . . . . . . . . . Illinois Contral. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 md. , Bloom. & Western. . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Kansa.q & Teza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Lake Shore & Micingan So. . . . . . . . . . ( Michigan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Et Miosouri Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Northern I'acific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 do' tb ifd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Northwestern 120k do lfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 New York Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Ohio & Mi&dssippi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Peoria Decat & Eyanevlllo. . . . . . . . 13 Bock Is and. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 St. l'aul & Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 do do do 9fd. . . . . . . . . . . 117 St. Paul , Miiiii. & Manitoba. . . . . . . . 107 St. Paul & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 do do pit1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 " "I , F Union Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Wabash , St. L. & Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . 18 do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . 30 , Western Union Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . 76 ked GRAIN ANI ) L'ItOVISIONS. CHWAOO CUIOAGQ , August 29.-Flour-Quiet and - . . ' unchanged. - Wheat-Regular dieat uneottled and lower - \ or ; 1 00 for AlwuHt ; 1 OCR for September ; .lh 02 for October ; 1 04 for November ; 1 00 , fortho ycarNo.2spriug ; , 1 00 ; No. 3 prtng , 901J03c ; No. 2 red winter , 109. . .C rn-Unettled and i'enerally lower ; Mc ; for cash and August : 00,50c for Sep. e tomber ; 49@49 for October ; 48c fo7 No- h vember40c ; for the yoar.1 Oats-Firm ; 28c for caeh : 29c for August ; 26c for September ; 26g2Gc for October ; 27c for November ; 20.c for the year. 1tye-liaior ; OGc. Barley-Quiet at 64cfor cash ; 62e02c for September. 11ax Seed-Steady at 1 30@1 31. and lower and market Timothy-Dull over- stockedprime ; to bigli grade , 1 381 42. I'ork-In fair donanl , , and noinizially no- .ba'jed ; 11 92@12 00 for cash ; 11 92 © 11 9) for August and September ; 12 0501J12. O7 for October ; 11 60 for Noveiiiber ; 11 00 . , . for the year ; 12 1012 12 for January. Lard-Quiet Lflt1 noudnally unchanged ; 8 30 for cali , August and Soptcmbor8 ; 40 ' 42 for October ; 8 12 for November ; 8 10 for time year ; 8 17. for January. l3ullc lCatM-StOady and in fair demand ; shoulders , 0 75 ; short ribs , 0 60 ; short clear , 705. Butter-Qu'mot aiim ! uncllan ° ' ol. - E"gs-Qiiiet nut ! iimmchaiige'I. \hsky-Steady and unchanged. Cheeo-Unchangod. ' 1Lide3Unchanged. . TaUow-tlnchangod. TOLEDO. 29.-Wheat-Diill and ToLEno , August - - firm ; No , 2 rod winter , cash and August , 109k. Corn-bull and firm ; No. 2 cash , August . and Soptemimber , fi3io. 4 Oatm-Quict and linn ; No. 2 cash , August ' J Bj0. MILWAUKEE. MILWAUKEE , August 29.-Wheat-Market quiet and weak ; 1 00J1 ! O0 for September ; 1 02 for October ; 1 O4 for November. I Corn-Scarce and firma ; No. 2. 1114c. Oats-Scarce atiti firm ; mmew , 31@J3c. ltye-I3eareo and firm ; No. 2 , fiOc , Barley-Quiet ; No , 2 , GOc. ' ; NEW OImLEAMS , c NEw ORLEANS , Aigust 29.-Corn-Ea.kr ; V mixr'I fi9C60c ; white , G0c5fllc. Oats-Weaker ; western , 39@41c. Corn Meal-QLIIOb ammil lower at 2 40@2 09. ( 15ork-Market steady , and In fair demand at 13 12. Lard-QuIet and firm ; tierce , 9 00 ; keg , ( 9 ] lmlk Moats-In fMr demand , p 'V1mIsky-1'irm and unchanged. CINCINNATI , CINCINNATI , August 29-Wheat-In fair ' demand at 1 0I3@1 07. p Corn-Market dull anti mlroommimig ; 02o for caslm. caslm.OaUmDull OaUm-Dull at 29@20c. ltyo-Firmer at ( ; . ; . . , Whisky-Firm at 1 13. . NEW 1011K , NEw Yoitmc , August 29.-Wheat-Cash , a slmado lower ; options opened a trifle lower , but subsequently advanced closing weaker ; No. 4 roil , I Ol1@)1 ) 02 ; No , 3 red , 1 12 ; steamer No. 2 rod , 1 15k ; No. 2 rel 1 J7j J8 in elevator ; 1 133 In store ; 1 19 9at , , ; orn-Cash lob , lower , closing eady ; urigratleti , l51i5c ; No. 2 , 0363c ; n oluvator ; & ; 0lc afloat , Oats-Mixed , 4o lower. aol white lower ; mixed western , 3l@.7c ; white , 3710e. ] ggi-\\'esterms fresh , temnamit1 fair ammil firim , l'ork-.luIi and lower ; mew IImes 11 00. , Lard-Stronger ; lrIIno steam , 8 u7. IlutterDull ammil s'eak. IJALTLIIOIIE. If BALTIMORr , August 29.-Wheat-Steady. .nmtl Inactive for No. 2 woiterim winter red cash anti August' 1 15 bit for September. ora-Wetermj dull ; mimixed cash , 0l61c. Oats-Steady amil ( air Inquiry ; western white , 3&i39u ; do Inlxel , 33 35C. Rye-Quiet , at 65C8Tc. Butter-Steady , western packed , 8@lCe ; l'eaulery , l823c. _ Eggs-Easy at 20c , Whlsky-Qtmiotand steady at I l8@J1 18k. LIVEI1IOOI. . LIVE8I'OOt , August 29. - llrcndstuffs- Steady. \Vheat-Wlnter , Sc 10d9s 3d ; smrlng , 6a Gd@t ) ' . corn-New , Os 7tI. KANSAS CITT rnonuc8. XANSAS CITY , August 29-The Daily Imli. cater report1 \Vlmeat-Stoady ; No. 2 red fall , 8@j89o for cash ; 8S@SSc for Se4emnber ; 8t&c bid for October. Corn-Weaker at 38o forIcMl1 ; 383c for September ; 31o bid for October ; 32c for time year. Osbi-Slow at 21o bid for cash. ST. LOUIS I'IIOIUCIi. 3T , Louis , August 29.-Flour-bull anti cass' . Wheat-Lower ; No. 2 roil , I 01@J1 0I ; No. 3 red , 9G@97c. Corn-Slow at. 45A@ fCo Oats--higher at 20@27c. Whisky-Steady at I 14. Pork-Slow at 12 60. Bacon-Quiet at 7 25 ; short rib , 7 3001J7 37 ; etmtrt , clear , 7 60. Bulk Meats-Nouminal. Lard-Nominal , LLV1 STOCK. ChICAnO. ClucAn o , August 29.-Time Drovers' Journal reports : 11tgs-Mnrket steady anti4 unchanged packing. 4 00@4 90 : iacking and IIiiltlitIht , 4 90@t 30 ; lIght , 0 200j5 70 ; skips , 3 f$0@l $ 70. Cattle-Slower woaker4mmti lower ; exports. S 90(116 ( 30 ; gOti to choice shilmpImlgr 3005 $0 ; commmnmon tO immeditmum 4 00j1 15 ; cumnimig antI tmimtcherimmg itealy ; inferiorto fair , 2 406'3 ' 00 ; immeditmmn to good 3 23@3 90 ; stocker , , strait' , 3 20@3 00 ; feeders , 3 80@ 1 30 ; range cattlu Welk. S11001)FtrmII and brisk ; inferior to fair , 2 750ij3 00 ; immeditmmn to good , 3 7l@4 20 ; chico to extra , 4 40@1 70 ; lambs , per head , 1 O0@3 711. K tN14AE CITY , KANSAS CITY , August 28.-The Indicator reorts : Cattle-Market lower and weak ; natives , 5 40 ; stockers and fceder , 3 300jH 20 ; coin. mutt 2 bO@3 11- , , 11ogs-Lover ; light 4 855 00 ; heavy 4 75 .t 80. Slmeep-l'jativcs , 2 85. ST. LOUIS LIVE STOCK. Sr. Louis , August 29.-Cattle-ActIve anti firmer anti generally higher ; exporters 5 80@ 6 15 ; good to choice , S 250J5 75 ; light shippers , 4 75 20 Indian steers , 3 40@4 25. Sheep -Strong and higher ; common to moo- dhun , 2 75@3 50 ; good to choice , 3 65cj4 25 ; 'l'exaiis , 2 0051j3 75. TItAFFIO. . 8L0UI1 ANI ) GRAIN. ChIcAno , August 29.-Receipts anti ship. bouts of flour and grain for the Past 24 hours have been ni follows : IIOCCiftS. Ship'ts. Flour , bbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,000 4.000 Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 116,000 13,000 C.rmm , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 701,000 201,000 Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 241,000 85,000 Rye , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . . 31,000 4,001) ) Barley , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 4,000 3,000 NEw YonK , August 29.-Receipts and ship imients of flour and grain for the past 21 hours have been as follows : fleceipts Slmip'ts. \Vlmeat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 187,000 Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 162,000 97,000 Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . 105,000 12,000 KA.AS ) Ctrx August 29.-Receipt anti lum. ; niomits of grain for the past 24 hours have been as follows : Receipts. Ship'ts. Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 28,000 23,000 Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 24,000 28,000 LIVE STOCK. ChIcAno , August 29.-Receipts and ship. mounts of live stock for the past 24 itours have been as follows : Receipts. Ship'ts. hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,000 . . . . Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,000 . . . . Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,300 . . . . KANSA8 Crrr , August 29.-Receipts snd shipments of live stock for the past 24 hours lusve been as follows : Receipts. Ship'ts. Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 . . . . Hogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,900 . . . . Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 . . . . - , Sr. Louis , August 29.-Receipts and ship. nteimt.s of live stock for the last 24 hours have been as follows : Receipts , Ship't.s. hogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,600 050 Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 700 .I)1IY ( OODS. AUCTION I'ItICE. NEW YORK , August 9.-Tlio peremptory sale of 7,000 pieces of 3 by 4 Caslimneres anti 000 iiccci of 6 by 4 cassimmleres by order of Knower & ¶ l'homnas took place to-day. Thu following riqes vcro received : Arlington mimihls 3.4 fancy ca.ssimorcs o1tl at 0G60 ver yard ; seconds , 51@52c ; hlmtrm'is ] nill comapamly's 3.4 fancy cessimmicres brought 5(61e ( , hyde immills , t.4 faimey cassmmmleres , 35c ; 1) . $ . Brown & Co's. 3-3 fmiImty cassimimelem , : ; o@J4o.c ; 40 1)Icces ) cassimneres aid at 38c to eloo cit lot ; herbotmrimo iiiiIls : i..i f.simcy casshmmmeres , 24 © 2tJc ; 1Lmunjs1mime three-quarter yari fancy caM- sitimeres 21j23c ; Stunbmm mimI1m , three.quar. ter yard fancy c.tssiimicrcs vcro kmmoekel ilowit at 12012 let' yard ; itt. A. Stramiti & Suit's tlmrce.qwlrtL'r yard faimey cassilimeres sold at 13t513 ; Simipsomi cuuimmieres : brought. 10fhj 11c ! ; Ilmight's mmmills G. } yard fancy ovorenatimigs rowed at 1 200Jl 3u P ° yard ; Ogden mills ( ; _ fancy uremcoatilmgs tiltt nt 70@70e ; Column. bus mills fi.f yard f.mncy overcoatimmgs sold at 72AZ80c ( ; Alsop mnamumftctimrimig comupammy , 6.j yard blue large sold at 70oT7 1.Oc ; U yard ( buy cassinmc'ren , sammie imiko , brought 60ajOc ; black beavers of three otimmees , Alsop nmanu. factmiriimg company's omaha , 75e jar yard. Many laicos received are comisiderod very low. - . OiIA1A MAIIKETL3. Whiolcsnlepz-iccsi , Oyvic or TIIX OAIIA BEE , Wednesday Evonimig , August 29. The following itrices are charged retailers by jobbers , wholesalers anti commission moor. chants , with the exception of grain , whichi is quoted at the irlces furaishmotl by the elevators and ether local buyers : Grain. WhEAT-Cash No. 2 , & 'o ; No , 3 , 77c ; re jected 42c. BAIILEY-Cashi No. 2 , flOc ; No.3 , 42c , IIYK-Cash , 44c. COIIN-Mixed , 37c. OLTs-16c. Live Stock. FAT Srssmum-Quiet anduzmchangodatJ 3 00 360. FAT Cows-3 00@3 25. lloos-4 254 50. SmmEEI'-FIrmn at 3 003 TO. OAI.Vv.H-Falr quality 1 6055 0Ogood ; buteim- Ore' stock , 6 00. Ciircl Moats. JfAi8-1'l@l4C. BACON-Umlchmalmgotl at 12ii13. , . ShioULInuts-JiIll at 815j8r ] ) itnn BERI'-15u. LAIw-At 95j10o iii tiercos. TALm.ow-FirIml at 6QIi.o lit barrels. r151)Ultry , Fish amid Game. Si'nINa CIIICKENS - Small , unchanged , 1 25I2 00 ; large , quiet at 3 00 ; old , 3 2o. I'rairlo clmlckemis , 20u3 ; O0Cr , loz. \VIIITII Fismt-lliwhangud , ( J1.0C. ; like and lake trout the saute. Gemiermil l'rotluoo } : aos-Unthmaimged at 1ll5c , BurrElt-Activo ammd firma ; commnon to good 710c : choice dairy 14fllG ; sweet , high colored grass , 12l3 ; cooking , Sc. POTATOES -New quiet and market well sup. plied at 30@400 ler he. ONIONS-Quiet at 81 O04 25 ler bhl. NEW OAmIAQE-70@85c P ° dozen. II0NET-Callfonmia , Its comb , ver pound , 20 @ 21c ; strained 10i4l2c. ( CIIEsr-1)ufl. We quote U@hlo. TOSIATOE.'I-hIOUle grown , SOc1 0) per bush. Green Vruiq , 13I.vEeannlm-IT'lc pt'r quart. ] iIAcKImKnhIIm-2D@22o mer qiarL 1.ESIONS-Quiet at 6 OO7 50 lr box. ( ) mtANngs-Cahifornia 4 00 Ier box. I'EACIIES-Natlvc'i 1 OO1 25 Ier basket ; California at 2 202 tO. CAIIFOIINIA 1'LUMC-Tti good demand ; 2 2062 SO Per box , BANANAs-Unchanged ; PO bunch , 2 OOl 4 Arrrm-2 TO@3 00 Imor bbl , . CAI.Ir0RNIA IIARTI.ET 1'EABS-In ootl tl. tnmsmul at $1 001J4 50 ior box , California Iucitss ) htuerre , Clargenu , etc. pears , per box , 3 0O@3 SO. CALIr0IINIA Gitrs-2 OO@2 50 Pr case. hour ammt Millatimifa. WINTER WhEAT-host quality , vatemitat 320(365. SEcoNim QUALITY-2 9O3 20. M1'mmINclVIIEATllcst miumihity , patent , at 3 0@3 65. SECONI ) QUALITY-2 T'O3 25. lhIAS-550 icr owl. CnorI'r.I Fr.i-l'er 90 lbs. SOc. Coax MEAL-I 0O15J1 10 iter ctvt. SCIIEENING-tiOTOcper cvt. Grocers lust. CANNr.n 000IS-03'stom'n ( Stammtlnrtl ) , [ per case , 3 70@3 90 ; strawberrIes , 2 lb , lr case , 2 10 ; raspberrIes , 2 Ib , per case , 3 00 ; Bartlett tears , Ier CBO , 2 40 ; vhortIo1errios , or case , 2 75 ; egg plumims , 2 It , Per case , 2 ff0 ; green gages , 2 Ib , ; er case , 2 1X ; tim ) choice , 3 Il , her case , 4 00 ; flmio nildes , 2 II , , Per oNe , 4 flU ® 11 75 ; elmc. , 2 Ib , for case , 8 00 ; do 8 ii , , lor case , 'I 00514 fO ; tb ( pie ) , 3 Ib , lcr case , 2 0 ; ti , lie , 6 Ib , per dozen , 2 80. lticn-Louisinma : to choice , 7.7.c ; fair , 7@7 : Patmun , 0c. Fisu-No. 1 imusckereh , half bris. , 7 00 ; No. 1 immnekerel , kilt , 1 00 ; fatally immackerel , half brIe. , 5 20 ; fitmaily immickerel kits , 85c ; No. I white helm , half IrIs. , I 00 ; o , I kits 1 03. SrmtUl'-Stamidarti Commi. , 83c , htls ; 3tsmmtlaul : do , 4b gthlmn , kegs 1 S' ; Stamidarti do , 4 gallon kes , I ( jo. bou.t-In ii , nipcrs , 3 80 icr case ; keg soda , Nr.v Picmu.r.-retihmiit , lit barrels , 6 tO ; do In Imahf barrels , 8 70 ; entaIl , in larreli , , 7 10 ; dl ) lit hitlf : barrels , S 42 ; ghmerkiims lit barrel , , 8 40 ; lit ) iii lutlf barrels , 'I 70. 'i'EAS-Glmnpowder , good , 45@SOc ; clmo'mco 60 ( d7Sc ; good Iniporial , I0@43c ; choice , G05ii5c ( ; Ytuiig ilyson , good , 8Gfj5t1c : choice , flOc@1 00 ; . ) ahahI miatural leaf , OOc ; .Tapan , choice , 6070c ; olong , good , 3540c ; Oulomig , choice , 40@OOc ; Souchommg , good , 351& ; clmolce , O5Cai4Sc. 1ioi'E-Sisal , immchi amid larger , 10c , 11crn Iimchm , 11c. % , OOIENVAi1E-TWo hoop 1aihs , 1 70 ; three 11001) tails 2 00. Tubs , No. 1 , 8 50 ; Plo. imeer washboards , 1 & ; Double Crown 2 90 ; Wehlbuckct.s , 3 00. IEAD-Ilar , 1 fill. SoArs-Kirk's Savon Immmperlal , 3 40 ; Kirk's sntinot , 3 60 ; KIrk's stantlard , 3 70 ; 1irk's wimito Itussiam ) , 5 25 ; Kirk's eutoca , 2 10 ; IUrk' Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirk's muagimohia , doz. 1 OTASII-l'enftsylvauimt cans , 4 case , Imi casa , 3 35 ; Babbitts bail , 2 tloz. In cam , 1 90 ; Ammelior ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 50. PnsNuTs-11oasted. chmoico , red Tcnmmcssce , 12c ier Ib ; fincy white , 12c ierlb ; raw-white Virgimmia , raw lie ; roasted , I3c CANILES-iloxes , 40 lbs lOs , 15cc ; Be , 15c ; bOXeS 40 lbs , 1(1 ( oz. , Os , 15c. MATChES-Per .caddio , 62c ; round , cases , 5 10 ; square cases , 3 40. CovrEEs-Ordinary grades , 3@9c ; fair 10153 lOic ; good , 10@11c ; primno , 1212.c choice l:313c : ; fancy gTCCI1 mmmd yellow , 1'lfll11c ; olti govorummmcnt .1 mIva , 201532Cc ; Levoriimg's roaqtetl , 14c ; Arbucklo's roasted , lOb ; McLaughmlin's xxxx roasted , iSo ; imnitatiomi Java , 10c53 184c.VINEGARNow VINEGAR-Now york apple lOb ; Ohio ap- 1)10 , iSc. SALr-D ray loads , per bbl , 11 ; Asliton , 1mm sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy 60 , 5 , 3 30. SuoAIus-l'owdorcth , lOAc ; cut loaf , 10c ; granuhated , tJc ; confectioners' A , flAc ; Stamil. aid extra C , 8c ; extra 0 , 8.c ; mmmedium yellow - low , 8Ac ; dark yellow , 7c. STAmI0IE-Pearl , 4c ; Silver Gloss , 9c ; Corn Starchm , tIc ; Excelsior Gloss , 7t\c \ ; Cormm , 8c. S1'ICES-Pepjer , 17c ; ailSlICO , lOc ; cloves 25c ; cassma , ISa. ChEESE-Full cream , lb. LYK-Americaim 3 4o ; Greenwich , 3 40 Western , 2 75 ; ? 'lortlm Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' Iyoj 4 6.5 ; JewehI lye , 2 75. Dry Goods. BnowN Corross-Jttlantto A 8c ; Apple' ton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Lioot FF 8c , Btmckeyo JaJj , 4.4 , 7c ; Cabot W , 7c ; Chitto- miango A , Gjc ; Great Falls B 8c ; Hoosier , 6c ; Honest Witith , 8c ; Indian head A , 8c ; Indian Standard A 8c ; Indian Orchard , d. w. , 6c ; Lawrence Li , 6c ; Mystic River , 7c ; Poquot A , 8c ; Utica C , 5c ; Wachiusott 13 , 72c ; do A 8c do E 48 , 12Tc , F'1NE BmIOWN CoroNs-Ahlendal 4-4 7c , Alligator 3.4 , 3c ; Argyle 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic iL , (3c ( Badger State X 4.4 , 6c ; Bennington C 4.4 , 6/c / ; Buckeye S 4-4 , 6c ; Indian Orchard AA 9.8 , 8c ; Laconia 0 39 , 8c Lehigh B t-4 9.c ; l'cpparchi N 30 , 7c ; do ti 32 , 7c ; do it at , . 7'c ' ; do B 39. 8c ; Pocmissot C ' 1.4 , 7c ; Wammmsutta 4.4 , 130. 1LEAcIIEu CorroNs-Androscoggin L 4-4 ftc ; ] ilackstoimo Ait imperial 8c ! ; do do halt blcaemed ] 4.4 Pc ; Cabot 4.4 , 8c ; Fidelity 4.1 , 9c ; Fruit ot the Loomu , 94c ; do cammibric 4.4 , 12f do Water Twist , 10c' ; Great Fails Q , flu : Iimtfian head slmrtmnk 4.4 , 12c ; Lommsdalo , IOu ; 0 cammibric 37 , 12c ; Now York Mills , 12c ; l'ojuot A , lOb ; I'cpperel , N G Twill , I'4c ; 1.'oeahommtas 4.4 , 'Jc l'ocasset 5-4 , 8 ; tjticmi , lie ; \Vamsuttmt 0 X X , 12c. Duemui ( Colorcd-Albauy ) B brown , Sc ; do C , drib lie ; do XX stripes meal plaids , 121.2c ; do XX.k browmi amid tlrmtb , stripes amitl jilalilt , 19 i.2c ; Arhimmgtoim fancy , Plc ; Brunswick bruwim , 8 1.2c ; Cimariot fancy , 12 1.2c ; tin ox. tm Imeavy , 20c ; Full Ilivor browmm , extra heavy , ii 1-2c ; Intilamma A browim , 13c ; Nopoimsot A browim , iOu , 'rIcIcINoN-Amnoskoag A C A82 , 19c ; do X blue 32 18 I.2c ; Arrowmtnmia , 9 1.2c ; ( Jlmtro. ' immont J'l13 10 i.2c ; Coimettoga , extra , 17 1.2c ; 11iimtiltomt ! [ ) ii l.2c ; Lewiston A 30 , lOc ; Mm mehaha 4-I , 0a ; Omega , stiper extra 4.4 , 28c ; l'oarl River 82 , 16 1.'lc ; Putimammi XX bltme stilpe , 12c ; Sltiichcot 5 , 10 l.2 , ( lo SS , i2u ; Ycomnamm's blue 29 , 'Jo. ¶ DENIIIS-Alaoskeag. blue atmltjq4Jl6 1.2c ; Andover Dl ) bhue , 15 1.2c ; Arhidt4.jfX hluo Scotch , 18 l.2c Concord 000 , ilItmo amid bruwmi , 12 1.2c ; do AAA , do tin , 13 1.2 ; do xx tI ) do do , 14 l.2c ; Ilaymnaker's hilue and brown 9 1.2c ; Myttic ltlvcrlJistripo , 161.2c ; l'carl Itiver , bhimo amid browim , We ; Uucasvllle , 1)1110 amid browim , 14 1.2c. CAnliltics-Baruard , 5c ; i'ddystono lining , 24 imichi double face , 8cUarner ; A glazed , 5c ; Mmtmihattan glove finish , 5c ; Nowpart do. 5c do glazed , 54c ; l'equot do , Sc ; Lockwood kid flumishi , 6c , Comtmi JANs-Amory , Androtcoggln satteen , 8c ; Ciarondon 6c Conettoggis tat. . teomia , 74c ; Ifahiowell , Sc ; lotion Orchard , 7c ; Narragansett , improved , 8i ; Pepporill sat- teen , Ilc ; liockliort , Cc. Pitirti-AlIemmii , Cc ; AmerLcan , Cc ; Arnold , 6c ; Berwick , 4c ; Cochiooo 6 ; Conestoga , file ; 1)ankirkc' Dunnoll , Cfj7c ; Edysthzio ! ' ? c ; a lntmccster , 6c I I mtrmnony , lila ; JCmiickorboc'ker , file ; Merrimnnu 1) , Tc ; Mystic , SIc ; Spraguet , Ut : ; Soimthtbrldgo , tic ; do Ginghams , 7c ; Marl. bro , 5c ; Oriental , file. GINumIAsw-Anmutkcag Ole ; Argyle , lOIc ; Atlantic , Sc ; Cumberlanti , 7c ; highland , 7c ; heiiilwurthi , 9c ; l'lunktt , tIc ; Sussex , So. CorroAnr.s-AhJbervihlo , 13c ; Agate , 20c ; Aniericurl , lie ; Artisian , 20c ; Cairo I ) and 'I' , l3c ; Clarion I ) amiti T , 17c ; ] ) ecmimi C' . stripes I ) anti T , Iflo' Keystone , 13o ; Nami tucket , hOc' Nomiparull , iCe ; Ocean Ii and ' 1' , l3c ; Boyd , 161c Sussex , 12c ; 'I'logaVachiu. . sett simirtlug checfut , 191c ; do Namikln 121ct Yurk , iilttimi Ninkimi , 121c ; tie chocks , trl jet auth fancy , 121c ; tb 8 oz , 20o. Smn'rINaS-AIidroscoghmi : 10.4 27c ; ti , 9.4 , 23c' ( It ) 3-i , 32cm Contlimemital 0 ' 12. lIe ; ] 'ruit ' ol thte Looni 10-4 ; 271c ; New York in lit 98 , 850 ; do 78 , 30c ; do 58 , 221e ; Pemmmbroku 1O..I , 20c ; Potimmut 10-4 , 281c ; do 74 , lUc : do 49 , 1Gb ; 1'epasIl thi , 29c ; do 67' , 21c ; thu 7 , ISa ; Utica 1)6 , 3Cc ; do 58 , ? 2 c ; do 48 , 17o. Irtsgit , DIIIJUK AND CJIEIIICAIs-At1d , Carbolic , 'tOe ; Achil Tartar'mc , SOc ; Balsam Copabia , joy lb , 70a ; hark , Sumiiafras , er lii , 12c' Calomrmel per ii , , 75c ; Cimmohmunl.llmt , jor oz , 1 05 ; Chiloro. fmrmn , per hb , hOc ; Iover't I owders , per lii , ihi 2. ; Bpsomn Salts , 1cr II , , 3b ; Glycerine , pure , jor II ) 30cr Leal , , Acetate , per II , , 22c ; Oil , Castor. o. 1. Ier gal 81 40 , 0 Castor , No. 3 , per gal , 1 20 ; OIl , bhivo , pergal , l SO Oil Origanum , fife ; Opium , $5 00 ; QuinIne , 1' , & anti 11. 1t 8. per ox , 31 00 ; , l'otmuuisium , Iodide , ver hb , 8 ! 65 ; Sailiii par or , 4Cc ; Sulphate of Morjiblrme , per oz , t3 75 ; Sulphur flour , per lii , 4c ; Strychmlae , icr 0 ; i 251 PaintssOhls and Varnishes. Oiut-11O ° eMbeD , per gallon l2c ; 150 ° headlight , per gallon , 140 ; 175 headlight , per gallon , hOc ; 150 ° water white , iSc ; Un. poetl , raw , per gallon , t6c ; linseed , boiled , ; er gallon , ( 'Oc ; lard winter str'd , sergni1on , 80c : No , I , 75cNo. ; , 7t'c ; castor , . .X.ler gel Ion , 1 40 No. , 1 20 ; sweet , per gallon1 sOc ; ppenn \ ' . B. , Cr gallon , 1 60 ; Chi V , . ii. , Per gaiion , 6.'lc ; neatsfootoxtra , ser gallon , 110c ; No , I , 70c ; lubricating , em , per gallon , 3Cc ; stmnhtner , ISo ; goltien machine , No. 1 , lr gal. lou , SOc ; No. 2 , 23e ; eperni , signal , her gihIon SOc ; turpentine , per gallon , bOo ; miaptha , 740 l' ° ' . gallon , ISo. PAINTh IN Oit-White bail , Omnahus P. 1' . , Cc ; white loath , St. Louis pure , 64c ; Marseilles green I to 11 II' cans , 2&t French zlmmc1 green seal , I2c ; French zinc , roth coal , lie ; 1reimchi 1mic , In varnish aset , 2Cc : Piench ximmc. in oil nest , ISo ; raw anti 1)10111. umber , I It , camie , ICc ; raw atmtl burnt Sienna , IOcyantlykc ; brown 1c : ; ; refined latniblnek , I2c ; coach black , anti Ivory tihack , itlo ; tlrop bhisok , ICc ; l'ruesiams ltltio , 8Cc ; ultranarimrn ; blue , ISo ; chrome green Ta. itt. & D. , 1Cc ; blind amul shutter green , I , . M , k D. , 1Cc ; l'ails green , ISo ; Ititlian retl , ISo ; Venetian red. tic ; Ttisean roth , 22c ; Macmi. can Vormnilhion 1. & 1' . ISo ; chromo yellow 14. M. , 0. & . b. o. , lc ; yellow ociro , the ; goitlomi uchiro , ifie , Pateilt dryer , Sc ; gralning colors. light oak , dark oak , walnut , ehiestinit anti ash , ifIc. 1)17 l'ains , White bail , Sc ; French zinc be ; l'aris whtititmg , 2ic ; whithig giltiers , lcI whiting ctmit'l 1c ; Imumiphlack , Uermnantovu , lic ; laiiipblack , ordimmitry , lOb ; l'rtiesiami blue , SOc ; tiitraimiariiio , iSa ; , 'antlyke , browmm , Sc ; timber , Intrnt , 4c ; number , raw Ic ; alumina , burnt , 4c ; sleimima , raw , Ic ; 1'arq grocim , gontilimo , 23c ; l'aris green , comm1iimomi2o ) ; ChtrOInO5TCCli , N.Y. , 20c ; chrommie green , h. . , 12c ; vermntlhioii , Eng. , 70c ; vorinihlion , .utnierlcaii , I So ; I iiiian retI , 1tk rote piiik1 lIe ; Venetian roth , Cukusoss , 2c ; Venetian rotl , Aimieric.tn Ic : red heal , 7c ; clirumimo yellow , gomniiiio , ! 0c ; cbrtumio ye1. low , K. , 12e uchro , rtchchlo 8o ; ochre , French , 2'c ; oclirt , American , 2cVluter's ; mmmiimertsl , 2c ; lchiight brown , 2o ; Slaittsht brown , 2c ; Prliico't mnlncrd : , 3o , VAIINIMIIIN-BtL-m'CIS : per gallon : Vurmti. tore , extra , $1 10 ; furmilturo , No. 1 , $1 : catch , extra , I I0 attach , No. 1 , $1 20 ; iamnar ) , extra , $1 70 ; .1 spat , 70c ; asphinittim extra , SOc ; shellac , $3 TO ; hiarti , oil linishi , $1 1utittIier. Oitk solo OSo tO .l2c ; hommmloek poio28o to 85c ; htunhock kp , Sa to 1 00 ; runner O.'c to 800 ; hicmiih.ck calf , Stie to 1 20 ; hemlock tipper , 23a (4) ( 2lc ( ; oak uper4 24c ; alligator , 4 00 to S SO ; calf kid , 82@30 : ( .iiteii : kiti , 2 00 t. ' 2 75 ; oak 1(11) ) , 800 to 1 ( Xi ; talc ctif : , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French ku , , i io to 1 Oil ; French calf , 1 20 to 2 00 ; rits sets , 5 00 t.t ) 7 50 ; linings , 6 00 to 10 tO ; top. limigit , 9 00 to 10 50 ; II. b. Morocco , 800 to SOt ; jrnhbho 0. D. Morocco , SOc ; simon , 2 tO to 3 00. lIMINESS-NO , 1 star oak , 42c ; No 2 do , 39c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 8c ; No. 2 do , BOo ; No. 1 Milwaukee , STc ; No.2tio , Sic. . Lumber. WII0LESAI.E. \Vo ( mote lutmtber lath antI ehtingle&ion cars at Omaha at the following Iriccs : Jomsr AND SCANTLINO-lO ft. amid untier 2200 ; hS ft. , 23 110. TmsmnEus-l6 feet anti antler , 22 00. TINnER AND .JOIHT-18 ft. , 23 50 ; 20 fI , 23 50 ; 22 ft. , 26 110 ; 21 11 , 26 50. FRNCING-No. 1 , 4 and 6 in. , 24 00 ; No. 2 , 22 00. SIIEr.TINO-No. 1 (2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ; No. 2 , 18 00. LIME-l'cr barrel , 1 25 ; bulk per bushel' STic ; camnomit , bid , 2 25 ; lows ihter bbl , 2 50 ; hair ocr bu , SOc ; 'l'arrcd felt , 100 Ibs , 3 50 ; straw board , 3 110. heavy Hardware List. Iron , rates , 2 (10 ( ; plow steel epeclahcast , 7c crucible , Sc ; special or Gcminan , Cc ; cast tool do , 15@20 ; wagon dUkes , sot , 2 25@3 00 ; hubs ver tot , 1 20 ; felInes , mtavcti dry , 1 40 ; ttIgumo4 ) , each , 7015381k , ; axles , each , 70c ; square miuits per It , , ifdJlic : wmwhiermm , h ° lb 818c ; rivets , or Ib , lie : coil chain , icr ib , b@12c ; malleable , Sc ; iron wotLes , Cc ; crowbars , Cc ; harrow teeth , 4o ; shTin. tool , 7@Sc ; lhtmrticn'shioreohmoei , 5 25 ; Buid.'ui muloshoes ' 6 25. BAIIBED Viim-1'n car lots , 0o or 100. NAILS-hiatus , 10 to 60 , 3 30. Smior-Shiot , 1 85 ; buck eliot , 2 10 ; .riental powder , kegs , 6 40 ; do. , half kegs , 3 .18 ; 110. , qtmartor kegs , 1 88 ; blasting , kegs , 3 35 ; fuss , per 100 feet , OOc. CoAa-Cumberlanti blacksmith 12 00 : Mar- ris run Photsburg , 12 00 ; WhuItelreast humimp , 4 00 ; Whmitobreast nut , 4 00 ; Iowa humimp , .1 00 ; Iowa nut , 4 00 ; Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Aatbrmt- cites , 11 11O@12 00 ; Canon City , 7 00 , ver ton. Horses and Mules. Extra draft horses , 17r225 ; common draft horses , 100@150 ; extra farm homes , 110(53125 ( ; comnmumi to good farm horses , 90(53100 ; extra thugs , fiO@75 ; coimimnon ) lug8 , 2015J40. MULES-Extra , 1250'JItO ; good , lOO@140 ; tale , 75100 ; commnonfiO@751 Liquors. Aacoiioa-188 lroof , 2 25 icr wino gallon ; extra CalIfornia spirits , 188 proof , 1 25 per jroof gallon ; triple refined spirits , 187 proof , 1 23 or proof gallon ; re-distilled whiskies , 1 0015j1 50 ; fine blended , 1 1i015J2 110 ; ICon. ttmcky bourbon , , 2 0O@7 00 ; ICeatucky and Panittylvitnia ryes , 2 OO@7 00. BRANDIES-Imported , C 0O@16 00 ; domeuutlo 1 404 00. ( IINE-lmnportod , 4 110(536 00 ; domestic , I 40 @ 300 , ltusts-Iimiportetl , 4 11O@6 00 ; Now Emmglaud , 2 0O@4 00 ; domestic , 1 5O@3 50. PIACII : AN ! ) l'tI'l'f.E BmIANIr-1 7@4 00 , CImAsl'AONEM-Imnportod hcr cause , 28 00153 34 00 ; Amno.lcaimpcr case , 12 00l6 00. 'sVool. Marina unwasheti , highit 1.11531Cc ; heavy , iSlflc ; umiedimima umiwutlmetl , highit , I8@20o ; watlicd , chitice , 82c ; fair , SOc ; tub anti wa.shmotl , 28c ; hurry , black aimtl catted wool , 2@Go ett , Tobaccos. FINn Crrr-Comnmmion , 20@30c ; good , 40@ flOe ; hmso { , Leaf , 70c ; I'remmmimmnm , GOc ; Diamond Crown , Sb ; Sweet Sixteen , 47c. SOI0KINU-O. S. , 20c ; Muskovy , 20c ; .Dmur. ham , 8 oz. , OOc ; 1)iirliani , 4 o , . 02c ; 1)tmrhmammi , 2 ox. , OSc ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 OZ. , 'lIe' Seal of North Carolina 4 or , 'Plc ; Seal at North Carolina , 2 oz. , .thc ; 0. Ic. 1)imrbmtmn , 4 flz , , 28c ; 0. IC. Diirhair , 2 oz. , 30c ; Uiiclo Ned , f's , 21o ; 'roimi and Jerry 23o. 1zua TomiAcco-Chimnax , so0 ; Bullion , tOo ; hloriueshmoo , 'ISo. Star ISa ; Ruddy , lie ; 11cr. soy's , 48c ; Bhao < , 381.l0a. ILIMEIIAUGJI , MERRIAM & Co. , I'itoi'itmimroaslJnmon Em.mtvromut A. smea 13. reccivere anti , thipcrof gralnOnmahaNeb. Also buy ended ) graIn amiI provisions on mnarghuialmi Now York ( Thlcngo. Mfluvaukco , lIt. . Louis art Toledo , Scelal ; teIegrnphio facilities lii 0111cc , Itarkct reports recolv. el every lIteemi ( minutes , s'hmlch we will furnish on ap. plicatlon , together wIth our specisi circular , Intlicilt. lag Ito tendency of limo markets. Ofilco corner of Douglas and 13th street. EstatlIehod 157& . JulotfmmmeDfl. Dfl. IIOIUE'S ; w'F' : . * : . . . . ; ,1 ' : , . This Electric o1 will Cure tim Elollow. lug Disoaaos WiLliout. Medicine. I'nlmi , Iii the Itack , hips , fleaul or Ltnbs , Nervous febllty Luruhago , Gemmeral lobhhlty , lthieumimntlsmn , I'aral3'is ! , Neuralla , Sciatica , DIsease of the Nidneys SjInaI Diseases. 'lor.ld ; LtverOout , Eoxual Exhau. . tion , temmlmoI $ inlssloii * , Actions , llimrt Plseaso , DyepepIn , , constipatIon , Erylpclas , Immilgestlon , hernia tm Rupture ; hmimpotericy , Catsrrhm , I'Ifss , Epi. Icsy , liumab Ages. $5,000 Would Not IIuy It. lIlt. Ilomtte-I hate uce , ! your Icctrio ! Dolt for some thee , amid It Ins lore all that your Agent chaIned for it. A ny' cow tn'uIeI ! wIth ricumnat ) cmii or sciatIca , I scold soy , hutiy Hone' , l3cctric ItvItfor out if tie thIrty dollars bchtscurtd tic of thu above hlseao in a churt tutu , Amiy one wIshing to toiler 'I Itti lie , ( &ii tb so by wrIting or cahhmig at ; iiy store 1421) ) liouglas NL Oracles Ne ) . ViLTAAM LYONS I clicerfmPv reconumneid l1riu'a , ElectrIc Ihelt. a. en ettlcfvmt. , cuic for rhieuimuutlsmii , having worn coo for lIst imalatly. Truly It. M. tN1)111111L1 ? ) , . For salu by Foster lIro's , Council fliulls , lowis. MA IN OFFICE-Qjposlto l'ottofllce , I'renzer IJIock , fsj'f'or Kale at ( I. F , Uuo'Iriaaim'c Irug htore , II 10 1'arnamn Street Onusla FAME8 MoVEY , Practical Horse Sheer , 'Mskoe a ejockity of Roadster , end tenderfoot hoe. Sc. ) ftio ; , Dodge streetIbethIhIthi and 12th , Old BeIlvue lunianu JOHN C.JACOBS Formerly Dish lace _ UNDERTAKER. - - - - - - - -s _ _ _ _ Railway Time Tablo. U. I' . U. IL , MAIN UNR. LsAtL l'acIfIe F.mpress.l2Q& : p in Atlantlo ExpreM7:80 : arm IVectern Empress 8Oc ; pm Eastoyn Express. S:20i : ; m Omit ) Island l'ais 430 p in 0. Island lass : .11:40 : 1 OMAhA ANt ) LINcOLN LINK.-TJ. I' , DKI'OT teArs. seaiya. Uncoin F.t..l2O ; ii in I t.tneotmi Fx , , , .12:85 : p in DU8lM' TltsIhs-tiltlDag DIVISION , Duinmytralns lease omaha is folles. : 8OOsm : , 0:00 : a in , 10:00 : a in , 11:00 : a ni,2oOp : in , 8:00 : p m,400 P fl , &a ) P in 5s p mu. , 10:10 : p. in. Dmnrny trains leave Council Ultilfe as ( cOrn : 8:21 : a in , 025 a in , 10:25 : a in , 11:25 : a in , 1:25 : in , 2:21 : I , mu , 8:21. : p in , 4:21 : p in , h:26 : p tnGf.Opin. : 10:30 : ) 'm Smintlays'he lununy ( talus Irate OnialmI at 000 , 11:0) : a in ; 2Nk' ' , 40) 8:1)0 : ) , eye emil 10.11) ) ; in. loaves Couicfl , liftiff , at 9:25 : alit ) 11:21 : a in , 2:21 : , 1:21 : , 5:21 : and 8:80 : amid 10:80 : p in. TIIIIOUOII ANt ) LoCAL thASSRN(1RI8 TIIA1NI3.- . SIoUX CITY a I'ACIt'IO-DRI'oT N , Ibth StteeL Leave Ommiaha for O'NeIll vIa St. PattI f.imio for flaIr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arrive rein Nelleb..4 :10 : p in IfItIIcJE DIVISION , LaAa OMAhA. LsAs C.OVIIIL PtCVTS. pass No , 2. .7:85 : a in No , 0 , , 7:28 : a in No , 10..1:41 : p in " No. 15 , . . . 11:10 : a mu 'I No. . . . . . : , mu " No 3 , . . .11:20 : a in Pays. No. 8..8Ioaiii : " No. 1. . . 731p in 'I N. . 6..OI1em : C. , 1.1 , & St. I' , It , It.-U. I' . DRI'O ? , LIIAVII. ARIUVI. kIahl & E . , . . . . 7:41 : a in MM ) Ex..7:21 : p in AtlantIc Ex..3:10 : p in I'aelflo It..9:45 : a am 1)aIIy DaIly. WAUASII , ST. LOUIS & PAIIIFICI1. U.-U , I' DITOT. I.IIAYx. ARRive. Oniaha..7:41 : a in Omnatma . . . , , . , 11:30 : is , ii 'S . . . . . . . . . .8:40pm : I' . . . . . . . . . 1:20) : ) ' a. , Ii , & Q It. IL-U , I' . iRI'OT. ARRIVe Leave. Mali'.7:11 : a in . . . . . . . . . : a iii . . . . . . . . . . . . I' mu Ilall' . . , . , . . . . , 7:21 : p am N. Y. Exiress LtiuiosCoumcll liltille at 3:17 : p am SI is arrlses 'S S 8:20 : a ni 'Sundays exretetI. tOnmalue thins , , C. , H. . 1. .t I' . It. 11.-U. 1' , IRPOT. Attmuris. . . . . . . . . . . . . , a ni EZrcs . . . . . . . . .7:45 : a in . . . .7:0th : i' am * . . . . . . . . . . . . : p in 0. . N. V. IL 11.-U , I' . DEPOT. Mali'.7:45 : a in Esucu..0:411 ) : a in ' ? . . .8:40 : ; , in ' . . . . . . . . . : p iii t3uiilay . excelte , ' 'StilittitI S exreitctI. . 8. (3. & P. II. 11.-U. 1' . iJII'OT. . . . . . . . . . . . . : a in Empress . . . . . . . .0:1.0 : is ni Express..e.ts ) I' iii ItalIt . . . . . . . . . . .7'lOp iii tSiimmtlaye ctt'CtOtI. ) ST. PAUL & OMAIIA-NEUIIASICA DiVISION- 1)E1'OT N. I1I'II ST. No.2. . . . . . . . . . . 8:00am : No.1 . . . . . . . . . . 4f'Olnn : No. 4 . .12:41 : i , mu No. . . . . . . . . . . . : a in Suidal's oxretel. , , r. JOE & C. I ) . It. IL-fl. & r. DKI'OT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : a ma , . . . . . . . . . : a in Expires..7:20 : I' ifl . . . . . . . . . . . . : p iii U. & itt. IN NEBRASKA. Denver Express. . , Sl5 : a iii AtlantIo . . . . . eSop : in Pacific Express. .6:31 : p iii , Domner Ex1reMD:40 : a in IIISSOUIII PACIFIU-U. 1' . DIiJ'OT ARRIVe. , OCrART. heiress . . . 88O a in ECPTOHS..7:21 : , P in . . . . . . . . . . . . : p in . . . . . . . . . . . . . : a am TraIn. Ie&vIumj at 7:25 : p am amid arrivlmig at 0:50 : a in have Pullmitan sleepers. Openingand Closing or Malls , ROUTe ores. cLot. . Lam. p.m. ft.iii. p.m. Chicago Nortlisestemn..11:00 : 9:00 : 5:80 : 2:40 : Ubleago , Itock IIamml&I'aciflo.IloO : 11:00 : 5:80 : 2:40 : CIiIeagoIhirIlrmgtomiA , Qulncy..1)O0 : 0:01) : 6:30 : 2:4 : ( Chicago , lllluuaukeu & St. 1' . .11:20 : 0:00 : 5:30 : 2:4 : WatatIi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:80 : 5:30 : Sioux City & i'acfflc , iii iowa. 0:00 : 5:30 : UmIon I'aclflo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 : 4:00 : 11:40 : 0:30 : Dimmaha & Itopubllcan 'alloy. . . 2:00 : 11:10 : 13. M.lmi } , ebrnka. . . . . . . . . 0:00 : 7:40 : ChIcago , 81. 1' . N. & 0. . . . . . . . . 5:00 : 7:20 : lilsotmi I'achflo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ese : 5:30 : SlouxClty& I' . , ImiNebraska. . 5:00 : 7:20 : SvccIal math for I'Iattsmnoutli , Ashland and I mcdii closes itt 5:30 : I' . iii. , opens at 10:30 : a. iii. OlIlco open Sundays from 12:00 : am. to 1:00 : m. m. C. K. COUTANT , I'ostmiiastor SIOUX FALLS JASPER : . STONE Company. ( IROORi'ORATRD.J ThIs company Is now IrePare1 to rood , orders br SIOUX FALLS JASL'EII STONE , for Building Purpoe , Anti wIll make figures on rounI lots for Prompt. deli , ' cry. Tie comnimim y Is shippIng Paving Blocks t.o both Chicago and OinsIi , anil solIcits correelond. oiled emil other , from contractors erigaget in lavhmig streets In any of time , vesterii cities. TESTI lION JAbS. SUiIIRmNTIuNDRNT'K Oi'i'icx , ChIcago , lVcst DIv. Is , Hallway , Chicago Ihocouher 8 , 1852. I ) . EIwcII , PresIdent Sioux l'aIIi Water l'oser Corn. Iamiy. 1)r.Aii Itimm-I taco received from your company chico October 1 , 1882 , clout 11)0 ) carloo.hs of gramihtc tavi mg IlocI.s aid hiai'o laid thmemi lctwccmi thu rails of jut .trcct railway tracks Iii thu heart of tIe cIty. I liao been ushmg pavlig mimaterlal lii title cIty for timaity' year , , , cmii I tithe lessoro Iii saying that him may ojhri. Ion the granite lavIjig hitch , tiirmihshcul II' Yiir Cii ) any are the must regular In shiajo and perfect lii fermi , amid at far as I late licemi abho It , Jimilgu , are lossestOd of as ihuriblo feature as city mitaterlal that IiM Over betii offerts ) em laid In tIme cIty. Yours , JAS. K. IJilE. "jComy.J 131' . Louis , March 23 , 1883. TO SYIIOII IT MAY CONCEIIN- 'l'hht to certify that I have xeinlmich a ileco of granIte taken from tIe Ifioux Fails Un&riht.o Quarries , arid , In iuuyoIIriIOn , It Is the best st.omiofor street lay. big I have I 5th 1mm AmerIca. ( t3Igued ) JIENIIY FL.AI ) audI I'r.e. hIoarl j'ubIIc lrmmproymuicmutl. Stone foe" Paving Purposes. ? 'And any person interested In such IWIrovcmmmcmut will fInd It greatly to hit ahvaiitago to comnmittumuicato with us. We invIte correspondence on ( lie subject. The general mnanagcnmeuut emil cuperyislomi of tno company' ' . business is now ha the handset Win. Mc. Rain. Rain.Address Address y.ur letters to U AUCUSENEYSI mI.m.&tf Pros. of Jasper Stone Co , DR. WHITTIER , 617 Sf , Charles SI , , St. Louis , Mo , A IIEGULAR GRADUATE of two mnohIcaI colleges , has Icon ongageil longer iii the treatmiment. of CIIIIUN ' 1t3 NEIIVOUS , SKIN ANDIII.O1)I ) Ulseaset tIiui ami ttlicr IIiyskhau lii St. LeVis , as city lalierd chow amid all till reshuierits know , foisultatlon , freu amid hmivlto.I lYlucis it I. hmiconvenmoot to vIsIt tIe cIty for treat luuemit , mnciihclnes can bu sent by naIl orcxreiss every slurs . Curalht , cases qiaraiteeI' , whites doubt ox lets It is frankly stated. Call or write. Nervous ! ltmbIhItIL Mental auull'biyshcah Wuakatsis , lfercimrhal amuiii tIicr atlectiomis of Thiroa ! , Skims amid hhomiesIblootl hmmjurlties ummidhllnI lohitoui lug , Skits alfectierusI1 Sores mtmiIflhccrs , Jmnpeif iiiCiiit to harrTage , Ithieuniath.uui , I'IIes. Special at. tentlomi to ante. Irvin okrwor1etI brain , I4IJILOICAI. (3A8114 recelvo jjecTaTmdjouitiori. flkeasosarl.Irug from imnprtmdenco , Emct'ucs , Imidulgoumous MARRIGE ; a-tJxiii. : uiarrywIiomiusyno ? why , caucus comi.uiueoecs and a re , Salhcil for 25o IitEO or 514101115 , "d&wly Safety Fund System. Lit. Inluramicelortcct In security end at the lowest poeshblo cOist comisistomit therewith. IIAIL'I'FOItD LIFE & ANNUITY oc , IIAIITFthiD , CONN , AUS. 11. I'IETY , OanemeI Aeimt. At th I isxton. aood Agents Wiatotil . . - - - - - - MAX MEYER & CO. IMPORTERS OF HAVANA CIGARS I AND JO111IERS OF DOMESTIC aiiai1 TOBAaOO , PIPES 8MoKEE' : : ' AI1TIOLE . PI1OI'ItIETOIIS OF TIlE FOLLOWING 'OELEBRATED BRANDS : Reina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60 to $120 per 10OO AND TilE FOLLOWING LEADUCI FIVE CENT CIGA1IS : Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and Brigands. WE DUPLICATE EASTERN PRICES. SEND FOlt P1tICE LiST AND SAMPLES. t1ef DII ; ) SALEM FLOUR. Tate . Hour . Is misdo at Salon , I1chiartioii ( Car , Noluniska . iii the Counbinel Itolhor Stone Syctemn. W give K.XCI.IISIVE . sale of . our heir to one firma iii a Ihaso. 'Yo have opommod a bruichi at 1618 Ilapltol isTenu Ouumejiit. lVrIte for I'rlcu. Address either Px dS m Salem or Omaha , Meb. GTauiteI IIPOILING. I1AiCtNO. ' ' 4'k ' I : .L1 BOILING , PXIEsERVINO , ' ' , 1.T0flT. HANDSOME , . . WJIOLLSOME , DU11ABLIL ' The Best Ware Mtido l'oi' the Kitclieii. \ MANUFACTURED WILY flY THy \y/ ST. LOUIS STAMPINO COMPANY , SI , buS. Far liv 11 tovo. } Toi1wr aiu TIoiirftiii1iiii fl1nr , . , / f . AJliL : Tiuhiei1s' Stock /4'OFALL KINDS ' ,1II : : FORSALEB'Y . 4 _ _ _ _ - Excelsior 12'is ' - L& Ci ' TJflhJIMO On Time--Small : Long - - Payments At aiiufdllios Proo. ! A , lloo J 15)QDOIGESTRK ' aii. . IL&NUFAOTUIII13I OF FINE . llhliBs , CfliO8 all SpriII llOllS ' . . . My ReposItory Ia constantly fillet ) with a select stocIc. heel Workmnanshulp guaramiteed. Office and Fufory S. W Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Qmaha ] A. M. OLARK , : JIi . ' ' : SIGN WRITER & DECORATOR. . IYIIOLESALE & IIETAIL PAPER : . INDOW SllADS OURTAINS , Cornices , Curtain Poles and FLxturos. . . , iPAINTS , OIL & BRUSHES , _ _ _ _ _ 107 South 14th Street , . . . NEBRAS1 , . ' . .s WM . S NCDH : R , a P ( p ; . . ' MANUYAUItE1I OF OF STItl.Y FtIT.OS8 Carriages , BuaaeRoa ! , ages AND TWO WHEEL CARTS. . 11 tested Catulogue 1310 and furmuhshcd 1320 Ilaniey free Street upon apulicatIan amid 403 8. , 18th Street , } OTAs.ffA ] , NEB LOUIS BRADFORD , DEALER IN ' Lumber , Sash , Doors , Bliuds , Su1o.Lath , t ETO , ; LOW PRICES AND GOOD GRADES. Call anti Oct my Prices before buying sow1tero. Yards , corner 9t ttnd Doug1a. Also 7th and Douglas.