S . I t - . " , , ' - - \ y\ I ' S ' , $ r : * . . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. . . : THITEETll YF Oi\EA1JA \ , NEB. TIIURSDAYMORNtNG , AGUT 30 , 1883. NO (3. ( THE IOWA CAMPAIGN. Tile Callta1es for Goycruor Mt Jolilt llebte at 1IOIIIICIICLL Six Thousand People WitnosB the Political Battle of the Gladiators , ProhLbltlon anil Protection the l'rln. CIjUI1 [ 'olnt.a 1)cbatoI-TIireo IIOLIVH of Solid Shut. Dunuqui , tiust 29.-Tho first of the series of joint discussions between Judgti Rhino and Governor Sherman , res1)ectivcy ) the candidates of the demo. cratic and republican parties for gov. ernor , wms hold at lmlClelidCIlCO to.day. There was an inimneliso concourse of peo. plo present , which vaa put at fully (1,000. ( Scatiiig capacity had burnt arranged for about 3,50 and. there vam ! very nearly , I' not quite a mommy , standinmz a svere seated. Proparatioii had beezi made in the court house park under the joint direction of the deimiocr.itie and ru publican comity committco3 , the chairmen of which two bod- lea had charge of the meetiicg , and of all afliir3. Governor Sherman arrived about 10 o'clock this morning from Cedar Falls , where ho yc8torday re- calved the inilit.y now in camp there. Mr. Kinne caine in an hour later from Dubuque , 'whero he hatE made a speech to ' a large crowd last evening. The speaking began promptly at 2 o'clock , and closed r shortly alter 5. Goornor Sherman , being - ; ing the challenged party , had the choice of positions and time , and he chose the opening and close. He spoke for one hour , after which Mr. Kinno spoke for one hour and a half , and Governor Slier- man then closed in half an hour. Without any preliminaries , joint chair man or referees , or anything except music from the band , Gov. Sherman was introduced - duced to thin large audience by H. br- ' back , chairman of the republican county committee , an4 plunged at once into his arguments Ho reviewed rapidly the history of the democratic party during the past thirty years and clammed that its policy hind been all the time hostile to the best interests of the PCOPIO. Ho spoke fluently and rapiIly and was us- tened to with great attention and with frequent alplauso from political corn- ra .1u3. ' When tirn was called Mr. Kinne at once came to the front and was introduced - duced by L. F. Springer , chrnirmau of the democratic comnmitteo. Ho talked for an hour and a half , devoting himself for about one third of the time to the tar- ' ifiquestions , and the balance of the time to prohibition. Ho stated. that ho proposed - posed to deal only with a live questions , r tltcso that were in issue before the pcu- plo of Iowa , and would lot the dead past take care of itself. He , like General Sherman , was listened to with the greatest attention and was in. terruptod with frequest applause . : ifritn his friends as he made his puinth 'S After his time was up Governor Sherman apoko in halfan hour's speech , and comi- lIned himself mostly to answering the diffcroit questions that had been asked , . and the 1)OiIlts that had. been raised by " his opponent. Thu debate was conducted - ducted with all fairnea. and.grcat courtesy - tesy on the part of the two disputants , and both sides scorned to be well 1)leased with the manner in which their sides had been presented. Colonel 13. Hender- son , and Chairman Donnan , of time republican state central cmmittco , ' caine to the help of the governor on two \ occasions by replying to sonic of the r statements made by Mr. lCiimnu , thought the governor seemed fully competent to take care of himself and his side of time t argument. During the debate , General Weaver , greenback candidate for guy- ornor , sat upon the sthge , having beemi debarred front taking part in thto dis- cussion. lie replied to tiieiit in the evening , when he especially analyzed Governor Sherman. Mr. linme amid Govorimor Shermnami will have amiothici joiiitdiscussion at Postvihh , . DIVIDED DEMOOUACY. Time Simoll Iltimiteis of' Cincimmnati Spill hi time MltltlIe. CINCINNATI Augtst 20.-The adjourned inoetimig of the duittocrats dissatisfied witi the orgaimization of the late county con vension was hold this afternoon to hicam the report of the committee appointed tc prepare a plan of action. The commit toe's report declared time late conventier was held contrary to rules amid precedent aiid its work was fraudulent , and math r' arrangements for calling a convention one from ouch prcciimct in time county , selected from among persons signing thui report , with instructions to macct Septomn. bor 8th , amid nominate a ticket to b . called the democratic reform ticket and p' be headed by the state democratic tickc and that a committee of fifteen to be np pointed to make arrangqmonta. Larkir McHugh offered a substitute donouncmut the late convention but favoring iti ticket. Time substitute was lost and tin committee's report adopted. - - TilE GLtsS MAKERS. Their Ultimatum in time Matt.r o ' VimgeH-I. Htlko Ccmtahim. f CmzIoAoo , August 20 . - TimoVostorz Window Glass Manufacturers' associatiom t held a session bore to-day , to fmmially dc tormaino upon the scaleof wages to bupak omnployes. All the loathing mmmanufae . turors of Illinois , Imidiamma , Micimigami Olmhm and. l'eimnsylvaimia are each repro aented. 'rime comiiimiitteo emi wages re t ported time following scale of waes1 \ which is time samimo as was subumitted bj them to time workmmiemi at a recumit confer L mice iii l'ittsburg ; For blowing , 10 P01 p. coat reduction on the present list foi simiglo atreiigth , amid 20 cent reduc tiomi for double stroimgtim ; for gatimcriimm &i per cent of blowers' wages for simmgTi and 52 to fii cent for double. J3i this reduction , accordimig to timi manufacturers , single strength blower will mmiako fromu 10O to $116 a mouth amid double strength bipwers $150 am upwards. Single strength tending boy will make 75 a mnoiitii , and doubt strength $125 , Flattorners of simmgl strength will make $100 per month am attmners oldoublu strengtii$125. Manu facturers nssemmtin is will make a total reduction of five per ccitt. , which they claim has beemi efl cted by changes in time tariff. This is claimed to be time ultmnia. thin of the mnanufactmmrers , mid that. GO per cent. of all the country lowe piemlgel themselves uncompromisingly to nbmde by it. 'rho muanufacturors hl declare they look for a bug fight , but expect to win kin the ommd. They assort that time union iii workers in glass is one of time strommgost iii time coumttm7 , but has grown arbitrary and dictatorial to a do. roe that timey are compelled to.umiako limo fight an offomisivo omie. Nothmn is known hero as to the imrobablu action of the workmnemi. sroit'iqsG NOTES. Time itaco of ( ho Omnahmn. iioyi at Cedar itnpiUu. Special dispatch to 'l'ns lim. OnnAlt itArliM' , Iowa , August 20.-Time gamime botweomi tim Union Pacific base ball club of Ommialia and time CedarRapids , oh time grounds of the latter , to-day , was a foot race for time visito rs , they scoring 23 to (1 ( for time lmomne club. The batting of time Onmlma boys was tremnemuloims. Baker was hurt in time sixth inning , and MclCulvey pitched. time remainder of time gomno. Time score by innings is as fol. lows : Union Pacifics.3 3 2 8 0 4 2 1 0-23 Cedar ltali(1s. .0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 1Ii Thirteen of the Imomno club struck "three times amid out. " Thu Ummiomi l'a. cifmcs made 17 safe hits amid the Cedar Rapids 3. The boys are jubilantovor their comi- tinued victories , and are all enjoying good health. ornmn GAMES. CmucAoo , August 29.-Ciiicagos 7 , Cleveland nothummg. DETROIT , August 29.-Detroita 8 , Buffalos 2. TOLEOO , August 20. - Toledos 7 , Fort Wayne 8. EAsT SAOmNAw , August 29.-Sigammaws 12 , Quimicy 6. BAY CITY , August 29.-Bay City 6 , Peoria 5 , 11 immnimmgs. nmuomrrox nEAcmI RACES. BRIGHTON BEACh , August 29.-One mnilo , Eimmmn. E. wumi , PImirshah second , Macco third ; timne , 1:43g. : Timrce.quartors of a mmmilo , LittloButter. CU wnmi , Giamitwa secomid , Odott third ; time , 1:17k. Five-eighths of a mile , all ages , Plmmn- ger won , Clara A. secomid , Spiegot third ; time , 1:02. : Five furlongs , all ages , Granite won , riss Brewster amid Carrie Stcwart a dead . imeat for sceomid place ; timno , 1:02k. : Mile and one furlong , Metropolis won , Marie second , Monk third ; time , 1:52k. : Seven furlongs , all ages. Lytton womi , Orange Blossomn second , John Ledford third ; time , 1:29. : IiArn'nmn ( PARK RACES. SrnuaF1ELD , Mass. , August 29.-Bun. ning race , five miles , - betw en Myrtle reek and , Mad Marantllo thforme bne.oightrofaiiiilin 11' ' niinutcA and 17cconds. Jay Eye See was exhibited and trotted a quarter iii 321. in time 2:25 : class , Don won , King Al- niomit second , Barbara Patchmeri third , Stephiemi G , Prince amid Ilorsoy ruled out ; time , 2:25k : , 2:25 , 2:27 : , 2:25 : , 2:26 : , 2:30k. : Free for all , \Vimmslow womi in str.might heats , Edwimi Thorne secomid , Director third , Fanny \Vitherspoomi fourth ; best timne , 2:20. : . ANY'I'IIING To HEtt'I' ItANDAI4L. I3litcklmurui ' .Vjt hum aws frommm time Speaket 1mmce 1m Iteasons Tersely Stateti. FIIANKF0wr , Ky. , Augimat 29.-Hon. J. 0. S. Blackburn was imi timis city to-dhmiy , and mumamle icmiowmi his deterimminatiomi to vitimdraw from time fight for the mpcaker- mdiii ) of time house of represemitatives. lie authorized Cshommel .J. Stoddard .lolmnson , : editor of Ihmu Fimtmikftrt Ycomimami , to aim- noulico that lie was mio lunger a camididmito for time shmeakurslmil ) . l\Ir lliackburii Buys lie was pniffered time support of a large number of umiemmibers jim caucus. . "But , ' ' said ime , ' 'I ammi satisfied that , in order tolcfeat tue nmciuiumatioums of time protectiommists and secure time ciectiomi of a speaker who will rehlect. time true dcmmmo- I cratic theory of taritl for revenue only , it m . will be necessary to comiceumtratu rather titan have to immany candidates representing simniimtr views to prommioto , . time chauices of time comnmmion candidate , mmnd I shalt lend all mmiy energies to time I of that candidate who success , repro- : aenting the true principles of tariff re I formmm , shall show time beat prospect of defeating - feating Mr. Blacburmi stated there were time con- I . considerations of a public ummituro which ledimirn to time conclu8ionof witimdrawiumg. I Ho also stated there were erouia1 L reasons whicim supplemented those above given. Blackburn aisoanuounccs himmmsohf . a candidate for time United States semmate I and autimomizes time Yeommian to aimnoumice t hAZING CADETS. Time itouglis at time Naval Acadciuui to be Ilounecti. r ANNAI'OLIH , AuguBt 29.-Regarding tim imazimig at time nas'mml academmmy , time reammll of wimicim is fifteemm cadets are to be dis. mmmissed ( rota time service , Capuiimm ltumumsay m being asked what time character of tin I Imazimmg was amid whmetimor or riot it was . slight. He respommded it consisted iii 1 turiming time fourth class muon out of thou . imanmumocka at mmighmt , making thoumm cal I stamid cmi their heads , turn suuimnier- . sauls , silmg somigs , etc. , and iii every WU3 . immako tilemnselveM as ridiculous as pus aiblo. Seine peojilo , lie added , uuma r , regard this as slight. Calmtuin htauulsa3 - says tiio.imazera hind no exemisa for then 1 conduct. Time law of congress has hoot r constantly kept before their eyes amid mmd - remnaimmed Posted U 1mm timeir juartors tin , wimoho year , Time captain stated timat ca Li dots had beemi disummissud last. Noveiimbcr , for hazing Cmimnpbelt ; also one for hmaziu ; 11 Tisdalo. two for hmaziumg Tuggie , cite fo S imazingVimmram , and now timeso very boyi have been hazing others. itanmay is do 1 termnined to break up hazimig. lie sak S if some of time accused tried to plead thmo 0 did notimiumg , were merely lookmumg on , e would avail notiiog because by tlmoi I presence they assiateti amid wore ecuail : . respomisiblu as otimers. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. An Imortllt Bcthioll ; oil th Rs1 of Lalls o1 to ctua1 ot11ers. The Oholoraio Condition of Ooir stantinoplo Dooribcd by the American Oonsul. A. Pethlcuitloai ihtch Yavns itommnit thmo Goitleum Itorum , Seutltiig VortIm Ieatlm him Every HrceLc. CAPITAb NOTES. A itCiSIO mOmi ACTUAl. S.TTI.i1tS. \VASIImNOTON , August 29.-In the case of Craig vs. l'mlmirgmum ' , time acting secretary of time iimtcm'ior ti.iiny deckleti a suttlu- macmit mmmdc emi thu Osage trust auth di. mnimiisimel reserved lands iii lamimmas , wimere the settler had arramiged to simhl tiioiamls to otimurs , tines mmnt. give time right of cmmtry tumder the act of 1Iay 28 , 1880 , providimig for time stile of timeso imumds to actual settlers only. 1JANKS ANt ) IIONIS. ) Time treasury dclmimrtummemmt is recoivimig daily called bommds bcariimg assk'nmmieumts witnessed by cashiers or Presideumts of mmatmommnl bamiks , but smut verilied by time bamik's seal. heretofore time signatures of bank otlicers had been certitied by treasury otilcial after coimmImarisoli vitim time signatures on file in time olhico of time eoummjmtrollcr of time curremicy muml known to be genuine. it hits been decided - cided , however , that this practice imi- volves too mauch risk , and hereafter whmemm the seal of a bammic is immissimig time bomids will be roturmied to time senders. ThE CHOSEN ILOMI : OF CiOLEiiA. Tim duparttmmemmt of ststo has received dispatches froumi time Ummitcd States consul gemieral at Commstammtinoplo in rcgmird. to time cholera iii Egypt amid the umammitary commdition of Commstamitimmojmlo at present. lie says : Time ditch dnmmmiimmg into titu Golden Horn , which drains about two square mimiles of laud thickly built aimd domisely ppmmlated , receives through a tiiounumd tributaries all time 'sewago of that large district It. is ami open stmemitn of filth ; its mmoxious gasses arc spread with every breeze to distant quarters. This pestiiemitial ditcim still yawmms and befouls time atmnoslimero of all those quarters fac- immg the golden horn.Vhile time authorities - ties are diseussitmg mlieusurcs to immmpruvo time sanitary coumditiomm of the city , time streets roummain uuiswept , sewers arc choked amid overflowimig with iuidescriba- ble filti which is comistmumtly increasimig. " Time consul closes his rolort with time statememit , "Evcrytimimmg scums to have been done to create amid propagate cholera and it is quite useless to seek its origin imi India wimen audi abummdiuit causes for its generation exist in every hart of time Delta. " TILE ATIj.NTlC FLOOD. . - ' - S GrcatlDamagoDonotatttholSeas1do ATirIc Cxrv , Augmmst 29.-There is not a imhtico emi our beach frommt that has not been dammmmtged to sonic extent by high tide amid heavy surf to-day. Total loss $75,000. Time higher beach alommg time : centre of time city is a immass of debris. Batim hoimses , rcstaimrammts , pimitographm galleries , stores with dwchlimigs attached , which vere built so fmmr from time surf that it wits tiiommghmt mme sea could reach timouum , were uumtleruumiumed , carried bodily into time OCean and beaten by time waved into frag- mmiommt.s. Two hmotims uifter time huiglm water to mmiglmt time tide had fallout but little Great ammxiety is felt abomit Lime miext imigh ivater , its time wimmd frommm thu miortimeast is imucreasilug and slmould it comitimimmu ummtil high water to-mmmorrow tIme daummago viil be mimore Luau double that of to.day. Thme surf was by fur time heaviest ever seen hero. 1'VthiiIltiuI IN 1'1IHl4Oimi'i. Sr. LouJM , August 29.-Gus' . Crittemm. demi is re1ioited to be seriously coimsider. imug the ti1mestiim of calling aim extra scs Rimiim of the legisiatumo to eitimor imuimcimd time Dowimiumg imLw so as to mmmmmko it tmjjIy to St. Louis or Li ) PiClititO ahmU subummit mu prohibition anmemiduumumit to time commstitmi. tiomm at time iiext geumermil election. 'l'hmu goverumor iii ami immterview spoke as folhiws : ' 1 uma an aumti.priihiibitiommist fromum the sole of my feet to time crowim of my imrnd , but I feel witim time copio of time state that if time law is to be dulled iii St. L'imuis timid I have to chmoso betwecum iawlemmsmmess amid prohibition , I aiim a proiiilmitiinmiumt. Under such circimummatammees jirohmibitiuim will carry by 50,000 immajority in time state. " ICUnAs CITY , August 29.-Time decisiomm of Judge Moran , at St. Louis , in time test case ngmmimist Mr. Lemup , arrested fu selling boor on Sunday , hits ito ollbet upon - on other cities in timis state. By special legislation , Itrior to time Downing law , tin authorities of St. Louis vero purunittodt I grant , under a majority of the legal voters , permission to sell refresinumeutta ol any kummd , distilled lijurs executed , on any day of time week. Time rcceumt proo cution in St. Louis was mmummdo ummder tin . Dowmming law , while in tiiiim city they imavt beemm muuado under time old statute of 1845 which hmcret.ofome imas been a dead letter but is now revived under time rucemit a'i tation , 'rime beer gardens here will1 therefore , still reummaim , closed oti Sumiday Thmo Piro Uderwrhteus. , ChicAno , August 28.-TIme fourteonti I anmiumil commveumtioum of time flue uxmdcr I . writers of time nortimwemmt begium to.dtq antI was attemided by fully two hmtmumdret repreumomit-ativeum of couumpammmetdoiumg hess Ill time imortimveat timid in Ohio , Jim diana , 'I'cmumessee , Kentucky , Iowa , \Vimm - coumumium amid iCauisami. I mm his annual ad r dress Presidotmt F. M. DeCauump , of Ciii p cimmnati , referred hi time beumoflcmmml resulti 1 time orgmumizatioum of state boards o I mmnderwriters. After time apomutumiouit 0 I mmtandimmg counamittees for the ensuing yea time convemmtioti tmdjmurmmul till to-mumonow 'i'lmo liidlmui I uivetlg.storH. p Sioux Cmrv , Iowa , August 29.-Semis r toys Logami , Dawcs amid Caummoroum of tim S special hjidjaim counmnittco reached Siou : . City to-day front their tour of mspectioi 1 of time Missouri river hmmdinmi migeumeics r They go hence to I'irme Ridge anti Itoume bud agencieB. 'l'hmo seimators are not r pared to say what time comniutittee ivil V rocoumimnoimd , lmut they express time Opiuuio that the Sioux are ready for lands mu aei - _ F- - I orally. OIlier umicinbors of the committee - too mire prosectit'mmtg time hmivestigatioum iii Mo ii taumi. TELEOItAL'lt NOTES. The California Cottoum ? dIit company has lCmI Incorporatmiui. Cnuiitmil stock , G0O,0O0. Tim factory \ hiI be bested at Uskliuiml. By time Imillimig of a staging mit Ihirdeti dock , iltimisoti , Now York , l'mmtrick Congstcr was fit- tally Immiured and four others .orlommsly. Ammotliar day hiss iassetl vlt1mout any .lck- arM at I'ni'acola , % Ith a population of 10,000. l'ayimmaster 1" . 1. lhrowmt , at time navy ymud , Is deal. Another chhl(1 ofSmmrgeomi Owomis Is to ported , lck. A moan miamucd 0. 1' . Keller , of ow York , called at tlmoVimlto Iloimse yesterday , anil left. with the door-keeper a biumuhlo of .ni1m1et.s , cit ' 'Timo 4mlvantages of hiltic Stiuly , " whIch , hi saul , ho wkhietl to Ito given to the resI. dommt the mmmomnemit of his retimrn. Tiio iortabho , iMv mmmlil of Irvhmm & \\'ct1 at ( ieorgetuwm , oldi , exiloho1 , 3'CRtCtthiiy , kmlilng Newntmm lrwhim nmm , .hosi'ii VO4t , time oivmiem-s , amid b.mihly vuund1mmg hileimmirti Steele , mum cmmm iho o. 'rime boiler In the saw huh of Uaries , & .1 tmmits , at Imrmugi , , Cmiii , . , cx itlotieti , kIllI uig cmmmiloyes mtuimed : Ilailard mmmmd Clark. ilcmmry Villarmi , tireshleuit of time Nrtimt'rn , l'midie ( roa(1 , , sitht 1114 lerimmnmm'gucsL , l'mfty.fivo 1mm the party , are mit Nlng.mva Faib. 'rime City of i'cklui , fur SImmum8hmaI , took on boimil evemmty.tiso ctso , itt cartridges antI 100 c.ises of i-lOom amid rovoiven. . HEMPED IN. A Network of troug Toslilliolly VOYdll ( IiFoiiiitl the ii- SOll1'1 Ollt1a\.5 \ a A Conmicctlcut l'hthantimiopl.st Comm. . vicrect .01. tLlmm Limo Mmills Dir Swlntihlmig.t. CUIMINAL lt1COlti ) . Emma JAMES TRIAL1 Sr. Louis , Atmgtmst 20.-Time Post. Dispatch , ( Jahiatimi Mo. , special says : Time court remtsscnmhed this mourning aimd ( IW ) . W. Mulan , a farmer iii , lmmcksoum county , testified to Dick LIdilill loading ii vagomi at his house sommmo'tinio after time Wiuistomi afFair. Time books of time lieu- mimomid express office were put in cvi- domico to umimow time receipt of Jese's guns amid Mrs. .iatmmes sewiimg mumaciiiuie. Iiliss Ella 1imulig mmd her imiotimer , living four immiles froumm \Vimmsttmmm , idemitithuid Dick biddill and , Jusso James as beimig together omm time day of time r.ihbory.Vmmi. . Bray , a farmer - or into took Jessie .Jaimmes in a buggy to Iiaimiltomm , at time t'mmno the eximedition was abamidommed at Gtmhlatimm oil accoumit of , Tosso'g aickiioss , miccordimig to Dick Liddill's ecouimtof time atihir , positively itkmmtified ? ramik Jammies and three mumemubers of time gang that visit. ed his fmtrmmi witim their sick counpaniomi. II. E. Bray , son of time furcgo'mmmg witness , testified to time visit of the gang to iii. fatimer'mm Imouso. Mrs. Bm'corrobomted her hmmmsbmumd and soim , miiIYwaa mnucim clearer in heridemitifid tb.k ' 4ihan oitlmer .041 * r5Ia KANSAS ,1T , Aug 2-Tho Jour t to supply all Immissiuig links and comupiete time ihmaumi of evidence which time state has been forag. big for , for time Past four days , amid whieui time state rested its case to-day , little dcubt wits left in time mniimds of timoso wimo hmmivo imemird time evilCuICe from tim lmcgimm. Imilig , of its comnioteuiess. Time abite hums woven mi. miotwork ot circumstances umromuumd time accused fmoumi wiuicim it vill reqtmim'e , time immost direct and positive testi- mumony iii mclmtmttal to oxtriiiito iiimmm , but all that cmi be done by able I lawyers will be drnme. Time witumtumsos for time ( icfcmiso bear good characters miamI timimir testiuumoimy will be eumlitled to great wmrth. Time defeumse ivill doubtless lam I cmumlocted ( oimmmmi two theories : First , tmi SilOW tliiit .Jauumtu yns uitt . PLrticiPftlmt iii I time \'iumstomi roihiery auth that Limhdml I swore fimsely. ' [ 'lie other positiomm iviii 1)1) ) that uvoum if time tlufciutlimit wits at \STimmstoii , it ; has mint becum mmimowmi timit : lie took aim active iamt , imm time auimir , or timmit ime killed Mc1mlitimiii or moiibetl the cxIrcs , . car. This is briully time himme of defemmume mmmarlel ommt. .Jttmmmes attorneys were ium commaultatiomm all time miftorumoomi amid even- A S\VINILlmt coNvI(1E1) . : Ns' llAvmN. : Comma. , August 29.-Thuo trial of Isaac ii. Lockwood emi time charge I of usimmg time United States immils for tue PurhmSo of defrmtmmdimmg those win , wrote I I hmium by cimmiumming lie would lend. umminmey left by mm deceased lammiker to time ammmouimt ( , f $780,000 to deinuiters aud those who Imad stoiemm uumommey , was emmimeluded to day timid time Priumuier foumud guilty amid Scum- temiced to mimic year amml to i'y a flume of $50. Time judge's cimuirgo was rmitimer fmmvor. able. Lockwood was ummeeimIisappimmtcd mit time fimiding ( if time jury as hue coumtkleumthy expected to go ( iUt. riding at time comm citmumion of tim trial. It was time irmtmimm. I tiomiofLockwood to ( ibtaimi $1,000,000 amid go \Vasiuingbmn time comnimmg aesaiwm ot I coumgress to go imito tim busimiess tif hirimig dianmoumds tO ladies at 10 imer cemmt of timuit value so they could go to parties and receptions witlmommt time exhmemmse of bmmyium Limo necessary jewelry. Wimomi time ver diet. wims remmdered the prisoner buried imit I ( mice iii his hmmtmidum amid yaium comuiplettml ) overcouiio witlm omumotloim. lie was takem I to lriumoui to.mmigimt. - TIlE CItUEIi 't'IVKSUUflY. Taimnlng time hides or thu i'nupcri 1IImuIea PmiIlltjmil Iotuo. BOSTON , August 29.-'Fhio repubhieni . state commmummitteu issued an addmcsa tim tIm minim kiuig time mpemnmmg of tim I cimmmmpmmigmm iii this state. I t says : No oum . calm overhi'k time imiguuifienuico of time ro . smut in lllimumsacimusettum this uumtumnim iijmoi . time iiuxt Pmeaitiential clectioum. At tim - satin. , tiumue it would be woru timaim idle ti - disguise time fact that. time comumiuig eloctiot It iS cstemitiauiy a stmtu cauumpaigli. 'l'o tin f titaijilu of Mimssacimummmuttum Limo state issue f of ahmnmbt uimjrecedontod gravity arc jumstl r ouglmtwviglmed at this tiiumu by other cmiii . sitlcrmitiouimm , Musumaehmusette hits beem foully umiammdored for imersnumi and jiart roaummnmmi by her supreme executive uimagis . - trato timid him , followers , aiim ] imriuum tim 0 ovortimrow of time imoer respoumumiblo fri I mmuchm primmciiieus. mm Aumothr Itmaumul , ( ) peumcd. ICamoAno , August 29.-TIme Chicago Nortimweaterim railway commiparmy will begi Ii rulmrmimmg regular passenger traummum over II mm recently commipieted braumcim to Auror , . next Monday. THE OLD WORLD The Natioll1 Lcllo Conra1n1te Irishullell Oil ftc Bribt Pros- heats of the Fathor1all. The German Roiohstag Oahlod . Together to Ratify tilO Treaty with Silaiti , Time Itaco itlots In itaingary-Tho Annatim Trenty-Erimjmt lusts 1mm Afl'lo'R InterIor. a EN ERA1m jro ItEIUN NEWS. AN AFmtIJAN ( ammuermox. AinxAmmmtm.t , August 29.-Adviccs fm'ommm Smmakimmt says time rebels occupy time eimtmnmices to lmositiomm cmi time mmitmtmmitaii , ninils frommm ilerbur amid Kassain , ammdcoumm. mimmummicatitmim by 1ost and toiegnmph are immterrtmimted. vita mutisit T.noum , LoNno' , ' August 29.At time imicetimig of time Irmaim imntiommmil iommgmmo iii Dublin to.day , Darmtt , Sexton and i'anmcll vero ltrcsemmt. Parumeli , iii a speech , referred to time success O the elforts of Irisim mmmciii. lmers of parhiimmmmemmt to lroimmto time labor- 015 , tmnmnvnys mid immigration acts. lie said ito hmelioved time day imear whmcmm time Irmsh would gauui time full prgrammtiiio of measures for which time league html boon formmied. Parmiehl tlmmiked the lrislmmnemm of America amid Australia for their sup. Port of time caumso of progress iii Irolmumd , wiuch , lie said , inul been immost oil. coumragimmg. ilusaid Lime bulk of Emmglisim mnemmmbera of the eommmmmions comicedmal that , home nib was mmecessar for iroimumid rima ( IEIISIAN 11EtCiISTAO opemmedto.tlay. Time message of time out- opelmimig time sessmomm declares time remchistmtg wits called to ratify the Spammisim troaty. 'l'uvo hundred amid sixty deputies were presemut. WAR IN AmIYSRINIA. It is reported time emperor of Abyumsimmia , Imavimig heard timat King Imlemmelek of Simon intended to send an rnmibassy ta France to BOliCit a French protectorate ovem Sinai , him declared war agmuimmat Kimmg l1eumeick , amid time Abyssiumimutm army 1mm already iumviuled Siiomu cmxAMmmomutH corrn , i'LATIl. Time imiate Oii time coffin of Count d Cimammibord is imiscribed witit tue foilowium words : "liemiry the Filth , by time gracu of God kimmg of France amid Navarro. " TimE T1IEA1Y between France amid Aimmmani shlmuhatem that France shah imiuvo absolute cummtro over Amimmamumite fhummimices itimd custommis tiiuit the Frommchm shah recogmiizo lIi.ipimmmiii as time new king mf Ammonia. Time stipula. tion for Imormimaiiommt immilitary occilpatiomi by the Fremich of time forts oiL tlmeTimumnami and Vimmgcimuma hues implies timat time blockade of tim Tourone and Hue riven wii1ho replaced by z mmiinutu immspectior of all forign arrivals. rita nr.&NismI MINISTRY. of Sain1'ritid 1iiiitF ' ' . cidud mmot to.iuisist upon time rosigmmation of time cabinet at present. AFAIIUJ IN ( , aoAnIA ! , A dismatcim from Agranm says : Meni bers of time umatiommal party iii time dcii utica mmmect Septouuibor (1 ( to ( liactiss thit situmatiomi iii Croatia amid time attitmmmle tiio idimull assumume. Occurremmces at mugoniui 1iloumdmuy , in wimichm ii mmumnber woio and woummdeml , hums mmmimde a deep imum pressiomi. It is believed time foehiumt against time Niugyars is titue to time agita timmm commdmicteml isoimme years ago by emumis sarics mummoulg time lmeastmmmta of Croatia , ittid also to immcmeaaimmg exactimmims of tax giuthi urors , for wimicim Iluumgary is lucid direeti iummswcritbio. Although order is restored at Ezergig Ilmumigitry , time sceume of time late attach upimum thu luivs , nil nimmims arc still closed , luwimmim famumilies huavO lied amid trade ii amimmimcmmded. H1'AIN IN 'rum : Arr.XANCI : . TIme joiirmmaumm of Vienuma say time sum iii oid ug of time C u rmimimim iumi : inmumemit mum eammi S1jaitm lisa betmmm tulimmitted iuito tIme iulliammcm of time great 1)osI'ur. ) FIIANCI AS A mmnmummLie. : li. ] taymmzul , Spmumisim mniumister of works , in mu speech at time ojmcumimmg of thu heW niuiluvay yesterday , said flue recumil electitimi for cUmmuimmelors.gemiermil mmhmowed Frammee formmietl time heist mmyumteuui of gov crummuicum. 'l'iiu pumiomi of time revoiumtion imo mould , was imded amid pemuec ahoumo could secure the prosperity of the miiitiomi. ' ' " . " . O'miOS.SA'H 000m.umYE. lii time examnimimitiomi of Jamneum MeDer mutt , who is sumpoumetl to be coimimectet witim time dymmamnite cummspiratorum , ium Liver tm0l , it was shited that curtis were fimummu ( mum the lmniaoumcr mdgmmed by .Jas. Stuphiemmi and O'Donovaim itossa. 0mm time hmittor'i card , wimicim was to bid M'eDerumwtt good bye , time following was written : "Tel the boys over Lucre I will do my utuumos I to help doatioy the comuummmoum flemmiy , IIUIIHIANS IN IutUIAitIA. : The Vi mna I'resse says time Prussini I rupreumemitative at Sopimimi told time huh giuriun deputatioui timat time Ituasian clii I cimmia mmow mim Bulgaria would , by time czar' wish , riuummuizi tsm'ui years longer , amid 1ioumititmum to their etayimig would be r gmmr led mis rebellion agmuiuist Russia. SmiuNnlmAl , August. 211.-Two tiiotisaimi S tmtmojis imuuve imcieum sent to Caumtoum , aim torjiedcicum amid mummmuumuutitiomm are beimmg imr 1mared for that 1iiticu. LONumON , Augimst 29.-Twclvo deatl LI frommm cimuiera jim Aiexaumdria 'emmterday. mm m'EAtE : JIF.TWEEN FIIANCIiNI ) ANNA ? . ! , . Admmuiral l'oyroum , Freimeim minister 1 lumanimmo , roceiveml a demipateim ( mmmi tF Fm govoruior of Coachmimm , Ohmimma , tmmmnounelui i that l'iI , Chmammmpemmx arrived at. Bingo ) hearimig time treaty of peace betuvoc Frammcu amid Ammmmammm , wlmicim was sigmied I L hue mm time 25tim just. S A LOST Ex1'LOIIINO vusnni. : h - Stcammicr Eiiida left 1Imummmmmmorfeum in rm week to umeclc for time ummiumummuug Arctmo c I , plorimig vessel , Narita ; (100 ( gumldors w subscribed imero to aid time search , 'l'i Li givermmuuiermt , grammted 30,000 guulder r 'limo Nmurmma was bust mmccii ut thu auttmuu of 1882 , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Fire sit JmmlJusIum. s. Duiuuqui , August 29-Time boat sto Ii amid general olilccmm ( if time 1)iamnoud J s line of stoamuers , of timium city , was total destroyed by lire at half past 5 o'clo this imioniuimig , 'rime loss to time comnpai will exceed $20,000 ; immsmmraneo , $10,000. Time building was owned imy Messrs. Stewart t Boumsoim amid was valued at $8,000 ; iuisum-aimce , $4,000 , The Ivaro house of time Nonwegiamm Plow comnpatmy , adjoiuming the b at store , was dnmn'tgcd to time extomut. of $2 000 ; fully instmrual. Time catiso oftlmo fine hasnot been uletoninincti , l'olltloal hillel Stilt , ltociizsrnmm , Aumgumst 29.-Timos. Drown , Jr. , a immemmibor of the democratic state commmmmmmtteo , directml his attorney to brummg stilt agauiist Time Now York ' [ 'iummos for libel mum time puimlication of faiso state imiommts lii reforcmmco to time attemmdance cml time meetings of time commimnittee. Daimm. ages , $5,000. BSKINU UNTHE BEACH. All Tostillg thcii Shills on the SusVashc \ y Yc11o- stone Lake , A Chmcorfmti ? , teottuig of head amid I.Ltlmtg FossIls lii time Na- Itommal Pzti'k. OAsm' OA.ti'lmmiaL , AT YmtiT.owsroNn PAmum , August 21J.-Timo presklemit and party arrl'ed lucre at noon to.dmty , imav. mug immrchcd froimm time tipper ommd of tIme lithe , a distamico of twenty-two miulies. Thu trail we , cammue over woumnd artmummcl time borders of the lake , alimiost emmtiroly timnmmugim time timmiber amid the agreeable airnde and absemmce of dumat. immade time m4tle timiD of time mimost enjoyable of time vImoie jounimoy. At time 1moint whore we rommmaimm to.miiglmt. there is alnmumdammt grass. 0mm entoil is iii time frimmge of flue idmmo timmibur vhichu covers time immoummtauim side amm is elevated emmotmgim to overlook time simlemmdid fllOalOW upoui which omit ammiummals are feeding mmmiii to coummmmmamnl I tm eommmpreimcmisivo View of time hike wimose c-atcm wiusim time lmrccilmitmmums 1 of Shio. I sluommo mimoummitaimus. l3eyommd , imiammy of time imoahum nmo umumow-eampch , wimich , iii time light. of time settimm ? suimm , mire mmmdc visible lou' mummy mimilus. .l'ime presklemmt , umccomtm- Pammieui Imy Capt. Clark , veimt I'mshimmg timis muftorumoon , while time rest of time lmartr wore comitommtcd to rest and enjoy time - paimorammia 8lreuu(1 otmt before thtemmi. Time : Imreaidemmt emmugimt thirty-live t'isim weigimimig forty-tiye Imoummmtts. Time head of aim ox- timmet specie of rimimioceros amid two vet- tebram of time large fossil soumriomm , imm an m excellent state of preservmutkmmm , vere foummid Ott tim bamik of time lake imear I our cammip by our summgcon amid imaturaliumt \v. H. Forwood. Time slmeciumiemms are iimtoreatiimg ammu will ho sent to Prof. Cape , of l'lmiladelpimia. I _ _ I The ittvcvdaieVrcck , ; NEW YomuK , August 29.-Crowds elI I curiosity seekers gathered to-clay on tin . uvhiiurf jim froumt of Limo spot wiucro timu I itiverdalo samik yestorduty tumid watcimed boats plying around time wreck mickimmg wimatuver floated. No bodies were fuuuid I simmco yesterday amid time belief atrommgtlmemms I tiiat timero are miouio in time wreck. Time list of time mnisshmig is boiimg grmidually timiuneit out. Iimoso supposed to have : , . hy mnasemmgors are hoard froumi a safe imm this city or at timuin homes up time river. Time full ox- tout of time caiammmity 1mm been stated. . Time wreck will be taken to Jersey fiats where seumrcii caii be mmiumdo for immore . bodies if mummy are there. Tlmreo of time iii- I jutted mcmi are doing well iii time hospital. r [ tight 1ev. hlOWeil Ommrdumer is seriously I scalded bumt mumay recover. I . 'l'hmoimmtum .1. Souls , injured on time River- dale , died at immiduiglmt. 'l'ime fohlowimmg c mnissiumg peovle hmmuvti boon iuiqumireti for : llir. - Lommgimtreut , l\lr. Archibald amid Mr. 1'mle ' - Commmmelh , Mrs. Emmuily Mordali' , of liaver- L . mmtmawr Abrammi Toimmplcimimm , of 'I'am'ry towum , nun timroe ladies lviii ) IVUrU p with imimum ; E.V. . 'mV. ' ' 1' . Sipmoy , Pain- saides 1mImmmmtIimm : house ; ex-Semmatur Itoh. p ( ft JJ Stmiuimaum , 1Jms. Louigfumro muimd : dmmuglmter , of 'l'nrrytowumV. ; . \V' . A. , Ilmirris , of time Belt railway ; Moses U , I Oeumtly , of Youmlcers , nun ! Mr. itoso , of Simig imn' . . A HAl ) CtSF , I1u' , , Jiimmm Ho3II Ijruim'mmmm of I lit , Ieatli II1 1118 Homi lit Vt. F'cttcm'ummaum. It was numuumorod elm time streets Tuesday I that Harvey lloyd , eldest somm of Mr. . Joimu lloyd , of timimi city , amid mmmammmiger of . Imis brotimer'mm mackumg house , hind beeti killed at Limo cattle much imear Ft. Fot- ' I terimmaii. Jmmqumiry at time office proved time sad hews to be bat too true. A dislmateim win . rceivcd imm time foroumoomm , dated Tuesday1 I from J. 13. Moreimemul , wim is in cimmurg . ( if time rammehm , sayimmg simmipiy , "harvey I Boyd was gored to.day by a cow and S killed. ' ' S Why time message did imot comae Tues . day is not kmiQwmm , but its tidings fei ] I omm time paremith with crusimimmg weight. t Time yommuug titan was nearly 18 years ol age amid only left Imomno for time ranch sb weeks ago. Mr. Times , Boyd loft on time noon traim Ii . yostsrda1y for time scene of time tragedy with . a metallic casket iii which to bnimmg bad time romnaifla , S A dispatch received later in time da ' . stated timat time accidemmt occurred wimml I. they were brammding catttlo in time corral I harvey Boyd was 1mm time corral witi I of time mmmcd eummpioyed a Boyd's rammel . . amid timoy were brnmmd'mumg mu cal. At timi juncture : oimo of time cuwalmroku loom amid mmmdc for time tsr lit witi , at oumco mi for the feuico umurroummdimmg time emiclosurt 'I'hme mmmii umucceodud iii leaping over , bL ) f harvey stopimed timid turned about to lee mc at time furious aniummal which was uunsuim 1k ! hmiium , ' and this coat imium Imis life , Sli ui ( mvcrtook imimmi as Imo lmtmmmg with otto lii to time feumco tumid gored himmi , one of In ut hmonma masumimig directly timroumgim time rogme of time hitmart. - JJL1) . Mt . IIiXON-Tmm Oils city , Amigim.t 29th , at 4:30 : x. Bertha , wife of A. M. Ilixon , aged 115 years. mu Fummmeral will take place to-day , Amigo 5 , BOth , at. 2 o'clock p. , mo. , frommi tlm rrsidommc am lllxtuommthm street betweemm Ilowzmrd mmmiii Jac semi , FIIENOI-Imm tiila cityomm Vodmmeumday met re lug Aml8tmst 2tftlm itmilpim Hubert umlaut s 00 of 1. E. mmmd i. M. 1m-umicim , ngut 3 mimonti ly Fummurtul fromm , time fammmily rosidommco , cormi ek Ilaumidems amid ] hmmnlltotm streets , ou 'rhurumd ny mimoruming mit 10 o'clock. I OLD , JAVA BOILING. Fifleon tOkTWCflIy Volcanos Acilyoly lloa1ll ! ant Death an Dostruotioll. . The Surrounding Oountry Deluged with Showers ofSulphor , Mud and Boiling water. ViiIlo , MomiHIer Tidal Waves Eumgmmif VImolo Towmmit timid Isinntla- Frightful Loss of Life. Sr. Loums , August 29.-Detaiis no- cehud by atmec'mals trout Lommdomt of the volcanic ortmtiomms ammil resimltimig tidal ivaves iii time mshiummd of .fava , whelm bcgamm last Saturday mmimmimt , mmd still cont'mmiuos show there svius frigimifumi loss of life mimic ! deatrmmetiomm of Priilmolty. Sommie two tItan. saud Cimimieso living oim time low groummid mit. tIme ciitnummco of Batavht harbor were drowmmed Imy the vaves , and of 3,500 Etmt'ouicitii amid Amnonieamms hivimmg iii that city , 800 are said to ime lost. At Ammgior showers cit rocks , mmmd aumcl lava , followed by tidal waves , destroyed 2,000 people. F'ommtaimm is ommtirely covered witim water amid 1,000 to 1,500 poromm arc drowmmed. 'l'hme islammul of Soriummg was submmierged amid mull its immimabihumite ( mmot stated how mnaiiy tmcrislted. Several other places mire said to immuve simared a hike fate. Nearly 0mb- ' half of time forty voicamioos omm time isiamici are imm eruptiomi amid tiurmiatoning it. It. us feared mme umectiomi of time iahammd will escalme great loss tmf life anti dammmmugo to Prolmerty. lIoumitMmms whmicii immive imot erupted aiuice last cemittmry are mmcmlv active , timrowimmg cmtut imi , imiimumomuso ( lulmimitities stilimimumr , muuud italics , rocks , amid boiling water , wimicii is scattered civer a great oxtemmt of coumitry. BATAs'mA , Atmumst 29.-Simmco iioomi yes- tum'ciay evcrythmmmg is quiet. Time sky mum clear tumid comumiitmmiiciitiomi with Serazig is restored. Time teumqmoratumre full ton degrees - grees Monday , but is miow normmuai. Time t.ciwii is tilled witim a timimm immyor of asiic which lvarm so hot wiieui failing that it killed birds. Toiegrnjmh limmenien , wiuilo ' omit repairing umear Amigier early Monday imiormmimmg , suuiv a hugh eolummm of sea tip- pm'oaeimimig with a rcmarimmg mmuiso. They tied witimout caring for time fateof tim in- imabitnmmta , Time qumarrios at Merak dmsap- peanod amid all of time imeolmle of tlieplaco S imerisiteul. Time Iloatimig dock at. time island of Ommrumst , umear Batavia , is adrift amid badly tlammiaged LoNmmoN , August 29.-A dispatch from Batavia , Java , says time towns ( If Angmer , 'I'jrimigimicm amid Tilmrk , were destroyed by volcammic eruptions. All time light houses iii Sumida straits disappeared , amid I whore time imioummtmtimi Kraimmataimi formerly I stood time sea now flows. Time aspect of Sumidmm straits is much cimammged amid mimmvl- gittioum Jslammgeromms. A tidal wave coma- pictoiy destroyed Asmgicr. Mammy persons . I were killed. Time loss of life among both Europeans and natives at north Baltamnz I is ommotlmiou9 ; - . - , Excursion Stestimmor RimiiAsbure.j - - ' . Bos "Augtist 20.-Tho excurumibzr , . - . ' ' steammuor Joimmi Tliommmer , witim 70O Imassen. gera for Nammtucket , was this mmiorning struck by a heavy mien , tearing off a pad. die wheel mmd state roommm. Site was run ashore out Gumhlup Islamic ] , amid time passen. gets were safely tiukemi ofr by tiicsteammier Rose Stamidisim. Timero was quite a pammio , but no one svums hurt. FIgImtIimg Ecilwrs. Corustimmm , Ohio , ! mugumst 29.-CoI. U. B. Taylor , ctmricspoumclummt for time Cimucin- anti Nuws..Jmtmrmmiml , , timidV .L Elliott , editor oftimu Sumiday Capital , had tin en- commuter mm time street toclay , 1mm wimich btmtim received mmiigimt immjuries amud store mum'rostcd , 'I'hreats of a mimore serious chmuractnr : have miussemI butsvccum time muon. 'I'ime trmmumbio svmui over aim article iii time News.Jommrmmmml rellectimmg emi time persoumal ammd imohitical record of Jlliott. 'l'iio W'anls 0 VomicImigimmcn. Nuts' Youuc , Ammgumst 29.-Time sub- comimimmittee of time semamito comummmmittco on labor ammd emlucatitmmm , reimummied session to- tIny. 'F. .1. MeGuire furuuialmed teumtimumomy reg'irdiumg ' time orgammizatiomi amid aiumms of time Central Lalmur ummiomm. JIm , said time ° mmmemimbermmimip svium 200,000. Time mmuoummbcrs ' of tue ummmioum regam (10(1 time tanill' question mmml a iIgimt liotweoum time oximorter timid iou- porter , labor mmot beimig afbcted.Vuii. . 0. Anderson , bricklayer , wauited an eight hour law. Time ArchmiteotH. PRovInENcic , August 29.-Time 17th Aimmmmmal Cummveimtiomi of timeAmumerican Insti- I Lute of Architects , ummet timis morumhuig , 25 or3O mmmeummbursbcimig prcsommt frommm lo'umts of time couimtry ; Thomas V.Vai. . L her , presided. lie said tthmeae ammnual imieotimmgmi proved of iumcaiculabio service in . promoting time advancummiomit 'of arciuitco. I tunuul SCIC11CO ill all ccimtona of civilization . in time coummtry , Cockmall Commvomulenccs. : LouuSvxLam : , August 29.-A special to the Courier-Journal from Big Spring , m Mead county , says : A strange sighmt eb- 1 time eyes of our people yesterday imi time C iimnpe of a shower of wheat straws which aetunily muted dowmm for five minutes. V The strange feature of time affair is timat Li there were mmcitimer clouds nor wimmd np- . maremiL at time time , TIme only solution Im giveli is timat "time mmian in time mimoomu was Ii thmreumitimig his wimttat amid somno of the mu straws foil outside. " 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA ig ie Ii a aretuiiy u-ep3reti cztrct of It's best temedisi Id g Cia yegetabis kingdom known to mnetlicat .ci- r ence ums Aitcrttivcs , Viood l'urillers , DiureUca and 'baits , tuel , Aa Sar8aiiartmLi , Yeiiow Dock , Stlmlthgti. PU 1)andeUon , Jiinhiier lierrieg , XiIamdrukc , , Wmi4 Cberry Iiatk sail oilier stiecteti roots , iarki and lietbi. A Inedmnuc , like umtytimlng else , cams be ts1rly Judgeil only by iii results , ms liollitwith .athfacUoa to lbs ii. glorious record mLoois Saas'.mrffln baa entered for " 3 IIMU upon the beatti ot tiiouzaiid * pf people In Ne Engiiuiti who maya nersouaiiy or lud1rcctm been re- listed of terribtum .ulrcriug witc1i AU otber ttmedles st i4o1tor. ( ii 5 , , lteurs. 0. 1. tfoo4 to.t. Gents-rmesao eend me k by exrreu IWO bOIUCI Imootri 14.ir.aparifln and a ( ow t.oo iiooi. ICC itl.txibuUon. Your prepatailoa pa. worked woreteri lii time case 05 IUY wife , who u been Uombiemi , with 1ck he.utacimo mind idUouueu tot . year , . She only took one-halt teaspoonful at a dose , a. nd Iita not iiwp so veii fur live year. ci now1 She liii Sound Iteti witammi week aittr astng mc .ho toti er touch hemt.r suit i now enUremy free Item those some - me , wro hoidaclies. She has aol t4m s ° i of &n 50- Cowli line. loll spring. un4 wLms unto site hod is Lent Ut toooouitrsmcoo4anuwo iowa navettuith , house. YOUTh lbiJ , IIUMEiI ii. NAtlil , ritufloid , iul. sy . iisM.