6 TIIE DAILY 8EE---CUUNCIL BLUFFS 11'EDNESDAY'AUGU T 29 ; 16t3. _ _ I.HE DAILY BEE , : i COUNC TL BLUFFS I , ia i ' Weduosdny Morning , August 201 a i . . SUAscnirr10N ilATlq : 1 , By Canter - _ . . . - 20 centa per week 8y Mal - - _ $10.00 per Tear G I _ _ _ - OFFICE : I o. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway , IteputHcan County Convention , t Tlio rolublicans ) of PoUawattamio t e count will meet in delegate convention nt tha court house in Council Bluffs Thursday , September 13 , at 10 o'clock a , In , , for the purpose of placing in nominn- ' tion candidates for the following o01ce , to wit : One state senator , two represen tines , sherifr , treasurer , auditor , surveyor - voyor , euporintcndunt of public schools , coroner , and nienbera of the board of supervisors. Each township will be cn titled to the following reIrusontatien ) Kane , 1st prodnct.IG Layton ,4 Kane , 2d precinct. . ,8 Llneln,2 Kane , 3d preCI lct,7 Lcwk 12 r Kane , 4th precinct..0 Maeedelln..3 Iloomer . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Niedeu,2 I Bolkuap.,3 Neola . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Crescent . . . , , . . . . . . .2 Norwalk , , . , . , , , . . . , ' Carson . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 l'leasnn t. , . . . . , . , , . .2 Center . . . . . . , . . . . .4 Rockfnrd. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Crovo. . . , . . , . . y..3 Silver Crock ,2 ( larner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Valley , ,4 Ilanlin.2 Wtwhingon. . . . . . . . 2 1b zed Dell . . ,2 1Vavelalld. . . . . . . . . . 2 James .3 Wrlght..2 Knox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 'I York..2 KeRCreek. . , . ,11 The rrimnriea in each totvnshi , unless otherwise ordered by the townMhi coui mitteo will be huld ondaYr Sc 1 ) t inbur 10 at ? lp , min. BY order of Joiix W. BAlltI ) , ( Chairman Co. 1tep. Ceti. Cant MINOR MENTION ) 9 Sec Joseph Iteitur's fall goods , Cheap Itnilroad Tlgkots at Bushnoll's. t Business at the stock yards begins to boom. t Business man , begin to clean up , as the fall trade in Council Blu1I' opens up rather booming. Bechtolob lintel is fast nearing complo tAon , and will ho ready for husinoss in two weeks or 00. Jolui McComb , while making a coup. ling in the Union Pacific yards yusturday , gut n finger smashed , Time Soptonbor tornn of the supreme court opens text Monday. There arc about 70 cases duckuted. The work of curbing on Mmtimi street is progressing very slow. Littlu rock is arrivmg'mtd oven that little is not being put m place very rapidly , All the veterans who belonged to the Twontythird Iowa are expected to re port at the rotminn to be held in I1tasot tt City , September 13th , L Alvin Clarendon , one of Tit : : BEE car- 1 : tier boys , a son of Prof. Olareldon , yes- Corday full from a true while gatlieramg upplus , and sufrurud a broker arm , Mr. J A Ithonds amid Miss Alice An- ; dcrson both of Carson ' ) , , tvur'u happily 'I married Monday evening at the residence k , of 0 , A , Beebe , and left yesterday for the cast. Janes Mann and James Watson wore the names givot by two men who yostur- : day morning plaided guilty to being , drunk the might , before , and were fined i the usual amount. .11 The Episcopalian ladies are to have a 'booth at the coming fair. They won I much credit fur thomselvus at the Inst al fair , and their patronage will surely be greater at this ono. Charles Daku , of Ottuniwn , was duly fl joined in marriage to Miss Grace E. Clark , at the rosidaico of the brides parents - rents , in this city , Moudny uvatiug. Rev. Dlr Lonen oflicinting , The editorial fraternity have a hard duty to perform in solectimig the bust girl fn western Iowa to receive tlo $75 sew. ling machine at time fair , 'There are so many , nud each editor hits , of course , a favorite. By one of those atrnngo streaks of fancy which c0mos across Lilo police fdree , + 1 "S art" Milhr was arrestut for buimi i drunk. It was su)1)osud ) that he had a 1 sort of early 1tees p or was min time free I list some WntY. Time Monroe building seams to be I ; tuumbliug more sad mare , Itfa not only an obstacle in the street , but iii justice to i the wane a moo : ht so heavy n loss , it should at lutist belitit I back oto her lot. a A peddler , claiming to ho front ] ndinn npolis , full in a lit min Bnmdway yostur day , IIe W1w taken up and carried into Eiscman's store , and on rucoveiug , said lie anted to Ko to Iamsaa City and hail no money. A purse was nmadu up and lie was suet on his way. There will bo a big allow of thorough. bred cattle at the fair hero. Time pru niiunt offered for tire boat herd is $200 , and for the best and largest turd regard. ] ells of sex or age $150 , and r time best ] cord of pure bred dairy ttlo $100. This will bring than ! . The annouucomott that the slaughter Os unlfcemaed canines would begin sup totnber 1 , caused a uuinbor of the dcliu quanta to atep to the front yusterluy , and gut brass tags for their dogs' collars. Still there are loss titan thirty do B licenses taken .ut In all , and theranu t be more dogs titan tht in the city- a tow more , Nine IIordics bid goodbye to Comnci Bluffs yesterday amid were ski ) ) mid to 1)u Moines whore N , R. Vauglian Laa us tablislied a lice. It is understood thin Des Mloiiiea is to give thoum ml ovatlol and a hurrah ) welcome when they rent there , amid they will at once be set roll inli over the paved streets of that outer prising city. The omgiue house of thu water work is about completed , the plastering iaviu boon fhlishiedp amid time engines ammd lluiml ) being amt in place. A large nrurblu slam in the building bears the imanics of tfm uldernion who voted for time charter , ala time names of thin present council amid ti directors and officers of the Crater work company. In time circuit court yesterday time errs of Story vs. Callison was put of trial In the case time rlafntifr seeks to recovo several thousand dollars damages on th ground that Callison nmalicioushy pros c cuted ihm. Story , it trill ho rontoubero by many , wwas rested for having ) t . jurud himself in a case against Calliso and was held to time diatrict court , L am relea Dn a writ of habeas copu a d ' ' Now no wants to gut damages , t 11ev. A , K. Batea , of Luna , N. Y. I 4 1 / w who has for several Sundays occupied the pulpit of tire Presbyterian church hero ivon a mmnninious call to ba comoita , patmr , Mr. Bntcs fa a young man of fine culture , and is an excellent preacher , besides cining hero with the reputation of being no less excellent a pastor. lie will bo heartily welcomed in Council Blulgas citizen , as well as givotu time hearty supDortof the church to which he has been called. - - - - BOUNI ) IIOMEWAItI ) . Hnlglmts lteturning lzrom Han Fran. clsco Take n Peep at. Uellllell Blurb. Yesterday morning n party of Knights Templnr and their ladies , mostly fromm Philadelphia , arrived her. on their return - turn from their San Francisco trip. They were delayed lmero by time giving out of the truck of ono of their special cars in which they were traveling , and bmprovcd time opportmtity presorted to view Common - on Bltdra. Under the guidance of Mayer Bovmnmi nud the ollicials of time wrtturworks company they wore given a drive about the city in carriages. Besides sides viewing the principal streets they viewed time waterworks old Fairnotuit park , and , also took a look through time Ogden house. Their visit was , neccs airily brief , but they expressed them. aulvea surprised at time size and advami tapes of time city , mmd greatly chnnnud with its beauty. The following wore iii theparty ; : L. E. Rumor , Isaac Albortmn , T. B. Bickerton , L. L. Balluy1 Mrs. L , 0. Bailey , OW ) . Brackiuruelt Ellwood Becker - or , 1 , : . Bolnir Ittl.h Buckley ianmes CnawaY + 1V , Colmeun1 .J , Iil , Cum 1 ) bull . ' : 'Houma It. Cowoll , wife nud son , Joshua Evamis amid wife , J. II. Edward , Sai.nrul Fretchur , Coo , Cream : and wife , Phineas Garrett , D. H. Iluisoy , ( bo.V. . 1utch- inson , II. E , Iloo mes , 0. II. Ilamatmi and wife , L , It , Kulkur Oco , W. Kor drick , J. , amid wife , N. . F , Lightner and wife , Fred Liebramidt , Jr , . Alex , Moore , David ] lineyor , James Mifflin , J , A. Moore , .1. D1cCohami and wife , 0..1 , Nay- her , .1St , l'hiili Is Miss Itos Theo. 3. Jolur A. . Scott D. N. . Schu fur and son ) Godfrey Stolp , A. Smith , F. A. Simmith , Joseph S. 1VrightVm. . E. 1Vil- linnisumi , 'W. K. 1Villinuts , M. D. , D. A. 1Vortz , N. A. Williams. COLL.1.ItS OF T111 : 1lLUE COATS. The California hails , Landlord Iid Not ltob JLu phy-Tcit Iays Ibr nut Going ; Bmtretbotoil. ] n the superior court yesterday morning - ing further evidence was lakcn in time case of Taescltlur , time prnpriotor of time California house , charged with stealing $30 from n drunker patlon of his bar. ' 1'toachler swore that thu mnamey which the mar was carelessly dropping about coratated of a $10 bill and a $10 gglu piece , amid tlutt ham had Gallon taro of it for iini , as lie was too drulnk to take care of it himself. 1Vlrun time maim llurphy dunuaided the money , lie offered it to itiiu , but Murphy denianded $22 amid would not take time $20. The reason 'l'nuachler denied to OlRcor Morse that he hind time money was that he did not know Morse , but when Chief Field came thurc he kmiuw hint and gave up tlio money. ' 1'huro were two other witnesses who tom- tilled that Whelm'l'aeschlur picked up the muneyhe called on then , to see it count. oil , amid timer ? was only $20. 'l'imo judge discharged limn. A uiiddlo n gud man giving his mmno as 0. Evans , amid who has boumi of In a doing collie cm pemrtoriug ou time Prcab iorian church , hind eat got sufiicieimt piety from comitwt with time smmetunr him ft'om iudmil gin iii the va s of time world , lie of a little too much drink aboard ) amid while iii this coilitiomi shnteited a pair of shoes front Sullivan ( l Fitzgo'ald's stoic , Mr. Sullivan gave hint chase , caught hiui , and recovered time shoes. After giving iium a leeturu , mrmmd r0cuiviim g ttaStrnllimCu ? f m'e ) ontallce alt time mtrt of time fellow , ho hut tmini q0 , but time olllcers afturwaeda areustel hium amid thought boat to prolucmite. lie pleaded guilty to punt l ucouy , nud wits santuiiced to ton daya iii jail. A Cliii Ig'OV Clir'tiN. Couxuli , BLUFFa , IA. , August 27 , 1883. -We the tmdur'sigimod colored voters of Cuuucil lilulfe and of Puttnwtittoniu county , do ash fur time nppoirttmumtt of Charles Curtis as tt dulegm to to time Louis- yule eouvantiom , to be held in Louisville , 1y , , Suptunlbur 2.4. R'u being in favor of anti prohihition , do aign our uanmes , nud vote for Charles Curtis to represent Limo anti proitibitiom nub in time said cots Yumition : funuphm Lowla , Oscar JolmBon , Frutkllurpeq Jraxb 1Yashlugton , Uuvld Butts , Ilulnor Jaukaur ) , 1 luyd Cuzzmus Janes Brown , Julia lluyus , NIIasJackson , Anderson 11111'q N.1''runmor , ( iuoe tV. Jullnsun , B , S. Strong , Nalt liundhi , Julius Frouomat Jolt I'erkiims , JohO Jehnaou , sr , , Lowly Moor , John Julumuuu , (3ourgeI'ayoo , OurrettUreemm J , 11 , Blourldiold , Aaron Boll 'arenas Murtim , ' 1'hoa liuckner , IYm. Juhmlaou , Chuxloa rltoulaa 3auttol Ntuut , liemdursun 1Valiaco , 1)uulul Thunpsmi ) , A , .1. Burinott , Ammw ( indeu , 1V. B , Brown , Fuurgo Ohecn , ( lee , hued , Dan Andennou , Win. Murton , rulm Butler Sauuol Davis , Oeurgo 11. * att , ( loorgu Clulonter. Curtis hiteimda to start Thursday on a stumping expoditiet through several of time adluudmig counties , apuakiug agaume t I pruLibiUem. . . S lteal Estalu Transfurs. t Time following deed , were tiled for record cord iii time recorder's office , Augus t 28 , reported for time BEE by 1' , J , DI Mnilon , real estate agent : A , 0. Nowmmr to Frederick Jones ' s awl ne j 0 , 75f .11-$1,000. g 1 honae Olbcer ut mil to lttartha Rudd a lot G , block al , Buylias and I'nlumer' ti b addition-$00. e jJ. , B , ,1 Q , IL II. Co. ; to lf. 0 ( ) Jetlert amt nl. , lots 1 and 2 , railroad addi 0 tioa to Canmon-$500 , a 0. A. llbbits to Katie Itarirugtou lot 1 , block 8 , ' 1'ibblt's and llurruld' subdivision-$200. Joha Casey to Peter Koll , part of lo l 14 , block 15 , Walnut-$750. r C , , B , j lC 1' . It , lt to 1. Culbertson lot 17 , block 3 , Carson _ $300 , cd 1V. P. Vgubator 1n N , I , Dodge , par t d of 0 , 74 , 43-$050. ' Cathermo Andersen to Charles ULdeit t part of 9 , 77 , 39--50. E , A. Oammull to Jannes Stagonlan ' sw nw - , 14 , 75 , uJ-$500. Total sales , $1-10. 'Petal sales fur the week , $30,452 , I A Martin Flies Away Loaoin His Creditors and Wifc Behind , Ills Disappearance Caused by FInnn cinl Troubles. John Martin , whose nnumo has become sgmowhnt familiar as proprietor of time Chicago plumbing works , on Pearl street , has disappeared eudlody and mysteri ously. Time boy , Harvey linrmer , who was in his employ , and who attcndcil to the store , while Martin was nttoiding to outside business , says that time last 1mb saw of lrla employer was on Saturday after. coon last , wlmun ho said he was gomn' out to dra { l + $ 25 with wlmiclm to nay some little hills , p romiain g that on Iis ) rotuni lie woud a time bo o0 ; Ile did not come back , and has not been seem simmae. It is audrstood that Iiartiu has got involved financially , null that flu was unable to meet , his obligations as fast a tiny became duo , and coucluded to give mmpthe struggle. His stock is sand to be fully covered by n snort gagu , and lils plumbing tools ho seons to have taker with lnbnr. lie ltns butt behind him , besides nmounrimig creditors , a wife , wit ) is in rathora lecu ) liarly dhstressiim condition fnmrcmlly. She amid her husband were lately n rusted emi the charge of munltreatin g a litle child the hind adopted. 7'hu clrld was given back to its mamid time court while it acquitted Marti , found Mrs. Martin guilty , lull flamed her $25 , and costa , time whole amount being over $10 , 'limo was nllowal for iur husband to gat time nmoney , but ha has never paid , ail as she huts bcol left without mileamis , slam imm liablu to be taken on time ummpaid fine and placed in jail. Atleastshu fours this , tlmougi umider the circunmatanccs immure leniency unity be shown her. It is said that slam is left withoutaty mans of support amid sloe is comparatively a xtnnmgor here , she mmd her husband Nav- in beam here only since last winter. Martin is amid to be ami excellent workman - man , and it scans that lee was getting business enough to have enabled hum : : to , ) ell out of any financial troubles tvhici he mitiimt intro hind , but his nerve a ) ar- ently line given out. Just how nmci nmonoy lie took withr iimii , or time extemmt of lams miulubtudmsa , is not known , but there sterna lam other plnusiblo reason for hill strange disappearance cxcopt finan- cinl embarrassment. Prairie chickens and A. liooti's select oysters rucuived daily at W. ' 1' . Brauu'r , ----e - J'E1tSONALS. Smnnel Ihras left yesterday for his wcstenr cattle ranges , Mrs. Lynn , of Sidney , Iowa , was in the city yesterday , 0. A. Cnhiwell , of Vittalold , Ill , , was at time Pacific yesterday. G , T. Monier , of Milwaukee , was a Pacific imouso guest yesterday. C. B , iacquomiu , the Jailer , is quito 111 wftlr interudtteit fever , ll [ . J. Miclmaols luui gone east after inure goods for his custrnnors. Mlas I1lattio Dagum , principal of the high school , dual returned from a vacation visit to hur frleuds in Rod Oak anti Avoca , , lames Porterfoid started east yesterday , his vvlfo accmnpauylug hiom 1)s far an Iluliai- spolis , wlero she tvfll visit friends. Mr , and Mrs , Witham Moore , who are so J ) undng at Colfax Sprhlgs , are quite anxious cotconilug time conditier of their babe , which i4 quito ill , 1V , A. Page , one of Omaha's live boot and shoe salosmnou , was hero yesterday , and sped omit on time C. , B , S ; Q , railroad with an oyu for bushiest . S , S. Stovers and vvifo , and their daughter Carle , left yesterday for time east , to meet 11i , , Nally , the daughter who heel been so long in Europe , aecorleg musical fnstructhumi. They will also visit eastern friends before their return , Prot , Farnham was yesterday getting his housuhuld goads ready fur simipimmemit to lilt may huuc Iii fern , Nub , , where ho is to servo as suporhtetlent of tlru state nornnal school. they lmito dislike to eco Conulcil Blufis 11)80 ldui and his , lout. hls friends comet bit be gold that hu'hns been loured by such n aO iin- purtnet position. Dr. inn , 0. Ilakwoll , of Cheyenne , was h ) time city yesterday , bin dnughtor being here on a visit to Mr. S. lieu ; ' . Dr , ] larkwoll beskles being pnnnhment him his profossiun , Is the chairaar of time fish conuuisaiumi , anal rutnty of tllo association for the protection of gnome him tie territory , lie loft list evening for Cedar Rapids to get inoro fish , expecting to talc hack 30,000 wltla hhn. Lm tiny last tire conunlsslut pleated 00,000 , mid they are gutting the rivers amd 1)4)0(11 pretty w'oll stmxkod , amid tic oxperiminents mire resulting wui1. The phuuts are of trout , salmnm ) , base , and lurch. Tads thou ha will take hick maustly trout amid bus , f Dr. West , dentist , 14 Pearl street. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE.-s1wclsl adyertlsenments , such as Let , Fuuutl , 'F ) Ieran , For Bale , Te lteut , Wads , lloerd Imig , etc „ wBl be inserted in this c.luum at the low rote of TEN CENTS 1'Ett LiNE tor the first lns.rUoa and YIYE eeNTS 1'Ea LINE for each subsequent in. sertlon. Leave s.dyertlsementi at our otace , N. . 7 Pearl Street , oar Broadway WANTS , i ANTEU-Emery buoy ram Council alums to tale T1itllta Delivered by earderat only twenty cent. a week , . \7ANT1l-Agood glrl. AI'plyat Uttle Windsor F1 restaurant , 031 ( roadway , WANTIU-A boy , with pony , to ddlrerTuaast. ; - \TANTialduvy waiter , mm ALouie's , 525 and iY7 FOR SALE AND RENT , I AItSI l'Olt SALI : . BI Idy acres Inglrolal , clght udles froiu eoeua huff. Addn's. d , lice olllca I + ( alt HALE-Mr now house , uinl lot , sheer cf Frank slum { uorlmee ltreett , Council 111uffe. Ii. qulruof 'iii. hobla 4 OItsALE Iiou.e aid lot , uurthwout comer o Tenth , _ - - _ and - liruadwa ) , Jo a W , BaIN0. lu..nr 1w lpYreroa 9 " d r1S , , , ti (6r ( nnv mil d , ' , ieaua.uP ; 0r taw' arurrolt ' ll rollfr 7 h I + no uu s i. , . 'mrwt Iii. ht i . t unnou. .trcaur i. ei . rout . . ' FOa Tltl i my h' ' ihmvuuk II r ) ant - usw . Ilmm A , ; lup.l. W inrltlU ' am sum. IM riot ( ( miu.nd ti O'f Inn , eltb . IJat/Nc iual. adurti..lto rum all mils 4 ( b00NI lli 'clay IUtr'wM1r urrlnulu.ulvin , . : nrurmatlun lug addn.Qlarirr a ( ' , , I.- nl tAtictlmofari Imepradeoeq cauam1 nervousd.hi' , premature . _ haemaj trllug itr in rata d.cayeto enq , , a . . . . . our. , witch h.will seed i'IIEEtoLi.toiiow.aurl.rert ACdreu , J. ILREEVEtI , d3 Watbaam 6t , New York. 3.1 N. CASABT F. R. OIWt77T. CASADY & ORCUTT } 502 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa , ' % VIIOLIISALE ANDJtETAIL CURTAINS , Curtain Fixtures , AND AICOMPLETEr'4 af ; CKCOF CHOICE Fllrllllh1l ! Novo1tie B Ma11 Orders r romptly Filled e 3 ® CASADY' & ORCUTT Counoil Bluffs , - - , Iowa. A. H.MAYNE & CO DEALEItS IN Bulk and Barrel Lime Louisville&Podland Cement MiCIiIOAN rr.ASTEIt , IfAIt [ AND SEWIat I'n'E , iIABD AND SOFT COAL AT LOWEST I'IiICF No , 630 Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , NUGENT & rMITH , i t II ; CG p . spS f ' ' . - a a r ' . . art-3 c-i- 4 arc n. Tailors . a 7 and 9 Mmmin Street , aIRLCJTOR Y , cOVNc7xL SL LTg' > E'15 , 7C ® . JOHN KENO & GENERAL MEI1CIIANDISF. CU 18 Slain street and 17 Pearl street L . B , CLARK & CU „ Prcamcrlptions Compoundcsl DRUGGISTS. at all hours. 100 Broadway. MAX IV1lIHN , Grocery , 215 1alnStrreet . Hotel IIO , 2t77 and 210 Mnfn street. J ii : B ARSTO W M D. OFFICE , , . , . , Corner Filth street and Fifth aro. R. J F W RITE OFFICE. . , , I Corner Main and I'Bth up stalrs , 8CD Willow avenue. JUSTICE OF TILE PEACE , N C N URZ A , OOlce over American lxpress. : : : . S VPAGNER . , { VIII contract far funerals nt AND rensenabla , rotes. 22 Fourth , treat. J M Sl JOH V & CU.CASH BUYERS Whnlesale butter eggs , pout. , , , . , , try and fruit. Ship to us. Draft by return mall. 148 Broadway. . .NEwBOOT ANDSIIUESTOitE , S A PIERCE. Gorier Maln and First avenue. SIGN { AND D , A , BENEDICT , Ofieo 331 Broadway , Council DIuQe , ] ewe. MEIiCi TAILOR , JACOB ROCH , Stock Complete , Suite aorta at reasonable prices. No. 805 Main At. G F . S ITH , Corner 7th and Broadway. CONTRACTOR I'lais AND and BUILDEII specifications , furnished. vv. SHERMAN , i have mho variety DEALER that brhlgn ltd flat nags.S. 12 . ! M.In street. .JAMES FRANEY , Artletic Work and 51EIeilANT reasonable TAILOR. charges. e72 y , Broadway. HOVVE & SON ) and Household Supplies. FURNITURE STOVES , 903 Broadway. ATTORNEYS Al' LAW , LINDT & HART , James Block. Practice In state and federal courts. And bath house , 421 and 423 Broadway , L Sovereign , l'rop. 1' . J. Mout SAN : TAR 1 gmuery , SD. . I'hslclau. vF r1iItINAItY SURGEON , WADE CA ttY , 00icohroy'sstablc , No. 12 Scott street. BD'PIN J , ABBOTT , Notary I'ubllo and JUSTICE ( lcuerol ON Conw ' ) PEACE anar , , 415 Broadway. - SMITH & NORTON , REVEEE HOUSE ) Broadway opposite NowUpcralousc. Refitted$1$1.10perda ) NEW AND SECONIblANI ) IIOL'SEIIOLD GIOUS. W H , ALMY , Ilmightnilsold. 21211ruadwwny SECO T ANNU4L F air ; OF THE Council Bluffs O RIV IN G PARK & . FAIR ASSOCIATION SEPTEMBER , 10 , U , 12 , 13 , 14 , $15.000 in Premiums I $3,500 FOR SPEED , Liberal Promniumns for every Product of the Fare , Workshop and Fireside. The 'rottingltunning and 1'aclng hares will ha The Most Exciting ! EYEft WITNESSED , CHARIOT AND HURDLE RACES Evury/day , The Track , Exposition BuRJing and grand stand stool to any lithe West. EXCURSION RATES on all railroad , extremely low , ZION. TIOS. A. IIENDIIICEB , of Indiana , x111 deliver the 01'ENINU ADDIIESS on theafternoon of Tuesday , iirl'or premlenilet address TllOMAS BOWMAN , Secretary , r TOol. OyriC.a , 11 , L. iCSST. . OFFICER & PUSEY SANKERSU Council Bluffs , Ia. Establislhea - - 1856 Dealers In Forglen and Domestlo Exchange anti Moms Securlttes WI R.VAUGHAN. Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffs , Seal estate and collection eaoy. 01d Fellow r block , over Sayings Bank. lani/p MORGAN , KELLER , & CO. , UNDERTAKERS. The finest quality and largest stock west of Chicago of Wooden anti ietalio Uasea Calls attended to at all hours. We defy competition his quality of goods or prices Our Mr , Morgan has served as undertake ) for forty years anu thoroughly understand. Its bu.l nose. w'areroomnsSii Broadway , OI'II06STERING xn all its branches promptly attended to ; also carpet lasing and hambre.lulna Telegrsphlo and urai JJcru , filledwlthout delay , SKELTON , HENDRICKS & RICE , TAILORS , 102 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS. FALL AND WINTER STOCK NOW COMPLETE , EMBRACING MANY NOVELTIES NOT TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE. YOUR TRADE IS SOLICITED. - . , .T T . ii .5 . To The Trade I . We take pleasure in calling yourpttontion to the fnct tlmatwohavomndo such arrnaga-- monte as will euablo us to sell you ' I Rllbbei' Boots , Slioe , Etc Here , as Low as you can buy them East , 'Write for further information , t a T . LIN . CO. , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , a r Em kie Hardware Co. . ' 'VV' 30LL ALL f n t a ' . Hardware ! t t . : - Y „ a . 109 and 111 S Main Street , ' ! i : COUNCIL BLUFFS - IOWA. . eCa . ri C , WIIOLESALE DEALERS IN 1 HATS 9 CAPS BUCK 342 amid 344 Broadway , - - - . - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. S Fruits CollIeelollery ! m Parties , Socmables amid Pteucs supplied on short notice , and goods delivered to all parts of time city. yiennna Bread , and Pies. Fine Cigars. W. T. BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 404 West Broadway , - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. Model Steam m Laundry I . 1 712 BROADWAY' COUNCIL BLUFFS. N. A. CHRISTIANSON . , - - - - Proprietor. Iles just opened a new mind well fitted steam laundry. Guarantee good work , Please give me a trial. r , ' 4 m r Special Sale for Thirty Days -COImIMENCING- r To reduce our stock and make room for a large stockof r . GOOBS ' l 1Vo oiler at reducedprices ; our stock o@ ' ) Filoys 1 S.tfflOllO1 1 J.EOO1llOOllS ! $ ! Boots , 1 PIIOTOGRAPH AND AUTOGBAPH ALBUMS , Pocket Books Purses & Ladies Arm Bags . FANCY C0S z s 1 Steel Engravings and Other Pictul'es---Cabinet Photograph - graph Framla , Parlor Easels. f g 4 Firr Screen. F'ra izae WALL POCKETS AND BRACKETS , . f , , OlllS . W l = xI. = , c -I e6 i aa . V o .i Consisting ( f all kind of Baskets.-Clothes ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF OTIIER GOODS. will Pay You to Call' and : Look at Our Bargains , H. E. SEAMAN , 405 Broadway , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , r