1IIL DAILY isLE -ivfAliA : , WEDNESDAY , AUGU'1' 29 , 1833. E TiE OMAHA rlbttvhnl every mnrning , oxctpt SondAy. The e nty Monday morning flatly. IRT NAIt. ee Trar.tiaro ThrcoMenthe a.00 , . Month. . . . . . . . Tax rnatLT INR , rvRLteIiKo ITRRT TTRDNAIDAT , TLfMA rOATTAID. Ie Yeat . . . . , . . . , . $ to0 reo Month , . . . . . . $ rO zMonlhe . , . . . . , . . . . . fYl American Nets Company , Sole , Agents Newedeal a In the United Statea CORRR.roNDxXLL A CommunkatlonArelatingtoNoweandPrlltorIaI In tten should tai addressed to the EDITOR OP Thu liz. ADAtsiai LTTTRR& At1 ftiainea' Lepers and Remlttane ahonld be lddreAAaltoTnlfiRPURLIRInNO (0R&NT , OMAHA. DrR. , checks and i'ogolflro Orden to be mule pay. .11e b the order of the company. TDE BEE BUBLISRING COG , PROPSI E. ROSEwATEREdltor. Tint MinnosoLa cyclone has inspired the enstorn pros with many novel Aug. gestions for protection ngaiI1At cyclone. Among these various RclIenos wo note a desire to transform mho inhabitants of the a ttortl1wost into cave dwollore , 4 Tito lcgitimato homy to the crowd which the Count DeChalnbord did not wear IA 4.lio Comto do Pura who sorvcd on Gun. McOlellan's Staff during the early part of the war. If ho ever ascondA tim throne Get. McClellan may bo tendered a posi Hot on his majesty's staff , Is TII1 country safe ? Will the Republic public survive 7 The preAident and noc roL ary of war with little Phil. are in dnn gor of being kidnapped ; the aocrottry of our navy is gene on a voyage and dot. Sherman is buried in the inaccossi boa and trackless wilds of , Washington territory. Whore is Got. Sherman , any. Low ? Ttiii recent decision of the U. S cir suit court for the district of Massachu setts on the validity of the law restrict. ing Chinese immigration has created a great sensation on the Paciflo'coast. ' All the San Francisco papers denounce thu decision as a most damaging blow to the prosperity of California , and some of t titem are extremely bitter. The San Francisco Call declares that "so far as ' the decision of a United States circuit court has offuct , the Chinese restriction is stamped out of existence. So far as a decision of a United States Circuit Court has effect , the Chinese rom - m etriction act is stamped out of oxietouco. This decision is in a line of other nullify. ing actsby the atto , troasur and justicli departments , and is doubLlq s inspired by the executive It is a bald attempt on the part of the executive and judiciary to undo the work the legialative department I has done. It is vvull known that time president signed the restriction act under imonttl 1protestI and there is now reason i to believe that he proposes to accomplish by indirect moans that which' ha ! lacked the courage to accomplish by a . , positive assertion of his prerogative , r It was in his power to have vetoed the Chtncae restriction bill , but ho refrained # I . from doing so. It now appears that tfw Iaw is to be stabbed to death under his 6 administration. A veto of the bill would c have boon an act of hostility toward the e Pacific coat. An overthrow of tholaw , is an offence against the entire American j , people. The effect of the Boston dcci eioi is that the Chinese who are subjects 1 of Great Britain are not ineludud under oho terms of the restriction act , ' * * * * * * I , 1 ' [ ho decision , as a matter of law , is ridiculous. A sovereign nation hna.a tight to restrict all immigration if it no trills. Ter publication of thu pension lists has been delayed for nnanyyeare owing to the immense labor involved in proparmng correct lists of the grant army of pen efo era. Commissioner Dudley denies a repor t ti that too pension list will be kept as much i as possible from public inspection wet n triutod , On the contrary it will be give nn j iho widest circulation , as the hest poaaibl e I correction of the evils incident to public . ttion. These evils , it is easy to see , ar a Ivory real and very many , ' Chief aunomm g . x Thom , perhaus , will be Ut0 use pension , 3 daim agents will make of the list as tin Roane of g4ttimig at pemisiouors to indue ' / Vm om an varuua proLbxts to a uk fa incrouo pension from the government On the ether hand mho publicity of thi ' j f inted list. will help to unearth roe frauds , and there is a reasouablo fuelin , ' throughout the country that it is entitle t to know who the snort are to whom it i ; eakndim j its bounty. The pension o01c is trying as hard as possible t0 bond o a iho unnecessary corroapondemico the list _ , Ifld fair to evoke by nlpending to oac t tinmo , the injury , whore its nature wi ° pot embarrass ( lie sufferer. It can Ii readily soon that thla lnaa involved a anormoua amount of extra work , and ik doubtful if it more than partly acco m RAn itl purpose , An incident which is vouched for l pension bureau ofilcisls afford a touchil illustration of time pathetic aide of ti V pension bureau work. A few days ago when the clerks can to work in the morning they found rofcled bnoup crouchwl at the oft Lxor , so ragged and dirty and miaor.ib that It woe mnnpolslblu at first to t . rluthur they wore men or women , Tim crowd to be a man and Ilia wife and fo hildren , too youngest only five years of Tbo roan was a recent grailuato from Li regular army , who had boon injured limo writs. Being dissatisfied with theVi his casoliad been mamiagua by Lis ponsi agent , the whole family had Iralk ° d IIhhe way from the Black lulls to pin their claim in person. These cases , H bureau officers say , are by no moans rar . . It is not uncommon for men to walk fro temoto place. , oven from Oregon , and Lid whoa ragged , and footaoro and hum . . ' 'Sry they reached Waahington'.that the w'1 no real dahn tor a pension Jtor al au 1 R' ' f L TITS CAMPAIGN IN IOWA. Within six weeks the contest now waging in Iowa will culminate in the election. For an ofd' year the Iowa campaign - paign has evolved nearer red heat than any political contest within the memory of time oldest inhabitant. Ten years ago time Ilawkoyo state was badly shako11 up by the granger movement , but at no pet iod since 1873 have the people of Iowa boon agitated so much over the outcome of an impending election , The overshadowing issue this year is prolmibition , and the most intense interest centers in the election of Limo legialaturo. Ostensibly the supreme judge is time prin. cipal figure in the campaign , but inn reality the law makers are the bone of contention. The prohibitionists have mounted time republican chariot which tlmey are driving at a reckless taco over very dangerous ground. AL the omtaot of the cmmpaign time election of asuprenio judge presented the prolIibitiomi issue in its mimost direct form , Time prohibition nntotdmont sub. minittcd last year was a political irobrand , but time supreme court decision declnrimig the anendnont void was-to borrow it phrase used by a Dcs Moines correspond. eat-a whole torchlight processlou. 'I'ho court , by four of its judges , ( Day , Roth- rock , Seavers and Adams ) , handed down this decision in March last , Judge Beck moue dissoctig. Thu decision was based upon tochmiical defects or omissions in thu legislative record that should attest oho passage of time nmeudment in duo furni before its submiasion to the ycoplu At once the cry was raised that thu amendtuomt was "not dead , but sleep- uthm , " and that by changes in thu per- sommel of the court , which could bt offuctud in Limo eections thus year and iiext , the liostilo decision might ho re viewed and reversed , and time nmond meat itself eattblislied in tune fundamun cal law by a shorter cut than too process of ru enactnont amid resubmissiem , ' 1'hc republican shato convention , to Limo coi trol of wliicli the friends of prohibition hnd bout their energies , declared that time popular mimajority of 29,97'4 in favor of the amendment trust be accepted as "thu verdict of the people , " and was , it is said , only restrained from adopting a uioro pointed rebuke of the court's du- cismon. Judge Day's ' term expires this year , amid the convention nouniuated as his successor Judge Joseph It , Reed ( a district judge ) , of Council Blufid. At once time trouble began. Prouiinunt. republicans - publicans , among whom ox Gov. Kirk- wood may ho named as most prouninunt , declared that the defeat of Day was an assault upon the independence of the highest court , and that time action of time comivautiom must mid should bo rebuked. Time 1Vutorloo protest , pronnulgatod by the indopondoit republicans , became a lirubramid that for n timu threatened to swaugp tlmo republican ticket. Thin pro. Lost declares that tlu + convomtimi had "struck down am able and comisciuutious judge for the faithful discharge of his duty , " and , futther , that the whole policy of prohibition is intolerant , ium warrnmited , and a substitution of legal coercion for those great moral focca on which Limo cause of true tempurancu must rely. How extensively this feeling runs through republican ranks in the state it will be impossible to tell till the returns come in , but the fooling is known to bo oxtoisivu , ' 1'io democrats are , if anything , more distracted over the prohibition issue than the ropublican4. Thu democratic cnndi ditto for time nupreno bunch isValtor it. IIayes , of Chutomi. It was in Hayes' court that Limo test case was brought from Davenport involy fug time validity of the anondment , and i t wits Judge IIayos' ' decision which time higher court affirmed. To the extent o f his record , therefore , IIayos is connnitto d to still hold the aumeidmimort invalid ; ante d to the extent that Judge iteed is very , nccephtblo to too prohibitionists lie inn y be eomisiaured willing to review and ru verse the mow ( millions decision. Beyond the support of "anti-force republicans" in all parts of time state , Judge IIayos i s expected to ram largely ahead of tom u e democratic ticket. Whmlu lima chances fn r a success are decidedly slim , many of th e r democratie leaders claim hia oluction , am asaurad , a As a matter of fact the conies i has narrowed down to proliibitioi an d g regulation mid time state , regarllura o d party , is divided on that supreme issue a Iii thecoutestover thelogialaturoovor 0 other issue hiss dropped out of sight If Even the United States somiaturslmip m regarded as a minor affair. What tim ti outcouo wmll bnwo cannot safely attonp B to predict. Should the ultra prolmib t w tiuniate carry the day limo praliibitfo n anondnment will be resubmitted and tom it struggle will be carried into another can I pnign. The closing weeks from now until th iy 9th of October avlll intensify time intero ig in tutu Iowa election situ we shall not it. surprised if time outconio should resu disastrously to tow republicans , who inn mom discover to their sorrow tint the prohib a tire ) alliance was a grave blundur , ' le SrEAtrtNU of amells , did you evorlrav all two miles west on time U,1' , ? Su nubal ay said Hutt Gun , O'Brien ' buried ifs boo umr out timuro.-Republican , a ' 1'hat's olainly a case of nilalakon iden t me ty. T4mo miudoiloroua vapor that stun inn the traveller , as ho onmurgus from LI Suuunit down the Mud Crook Vnll y on proceeds all limo way from time Fromof all cometury whore Timoron Nyu's two sti iii born booms lie intorrod. 10 o , Tun Georgia domnocratithavo passed In apportiomuont bill by which six of Li to ton districts have negro ma oHtiea , T of them have 10,000 majority eacim , whi ' time other four have 25,000 of negro an y plus , OmaAas lferad , I. The Georgia dpmocrat fool periec Asfo about their congressional districts. They know they can overcome Liaise negro majorities as long as they keep control of the ballot boxes and returning board. Tits post mortem over Countde Clnam borl shows that he died of too much name , Henri , Clmarles , Ferdinand , Marie , Dieudonmio would have killed a much bigger man than ho waa years ago. It is said that democratic primaries wore held in thin city Munday. They wore decidedly harmonious and u ani moue. The delegates elected themselves without opposition. Maclcity's Telegrnpli Ilan. San Francisco Chronicle. It is givemm out that .Jolmn Mackay , late of time bonam t firm in Nevada , proposes to build opposition lines of telegraph to douse of the IVesturn Union , wherever opposition will be nmost efFective , and that after ho slmall have got his plan well started , ho will sell out to time Ruvern meat "at n fair , but handsome protit. " 'I'Ito work is all to be tlmmu at caslm rates , No water is to be injected into time stock. The govurnnnont is to be charged so nocim for actual labor and capital , plus Limo handsome profit. " \Ylat 11Ir. Mackay would regard as a hamdaouu Prot'mt ' is not now nurumisablu , l'robahly 10 tor cent o1 his iuvesttummt. It Into often been asserted that time Western Union systuum , now hull at 880,000,000 , did not cost over 830,01)0,900 It Mackay and lima company should coo- atruct am uqunlly etlieiunt and elaborate syaten for $30,000,000 meld charge the govorunoit $33,000,000 for it , govern. mart telegraphy could of course be supplied - plied at lower rates titan Western Union on a capital of $80,000,000 , aid Mackay' would earn the aistinetimt of a public benefactor. But time over critical public will naturally ask , Why should any company stop hmto the postal tulegraph bliSItleaa , with time view of nmakmg u hamidsomime profit elF time governutolat by 4ellitmg out to it ? Time govurumnent has a largo yearly surplus of cash. It can use this for than work Mackay pmpo5o5 to do a4 well as time Mackay. The governmemt borrows at 3 per emit. Mackay's cou patty would charge at least 10 per ccitt , amid it would be at oxceptimi to all poratiotms if it failed to overcharge iii Comm. struction , The British govermuuomt a few years ago bought out all the telegrgdm companies iii time United Kimig dome , h ayumg in 3 pcr cent booths , amid it linds , after discharging the interestanl footing all opuratimig expenses amid cost of repairs and extensions ncedud , that tlturu is ii clear profit ranging from $1,500,000 or' $1,800,000 a year. We lean to time opinion that time government of time Uni teri Slates could construct an ellmcie11t telegraph systen on $30,000,000 at three per cunt , atld make it pay at lower rates for tlis patches than any corporation would have to charbo to pay four per cent dividends to its stockholders. But time m ovur11aimmt could not do this by purr cliasmg n corporation aystem at a lmmd ammo hirotit to time corporation , or by pay. lug as much for water as for boom tide property. Blundering ttetorunerN. Providence Journal ( Itop. ) ' 1'Itu advocates of labor reforms are guilty of time most mumvring iuipractict : bilitY aml delusion iii regard to sumac of time measures wlmicli they propoe. Nothing - ing is mere cenm a mm , for inatance , ns mtt time present sessions of senatorial eouuuit- tees on education and labor , titan for ulemi to domaud min oiglmt Itour law in all time ugtiomial workaimops , 'l'hmey do not seen to see that that instmtly creates a priv ileged class among tlmemimselvus , and give special advantage ii ) employees , not 011 account of their quality as workumea , but from time chance or udluence that secures thetmi govurilmemit situatiumis If them is mummy justice in , an eight-hour law , it should be made uuiformn , instead of Creating a privileged class by favor of the gooru. meat. 'l'huy cammot expect that time ox- antpie would aomomit to troy. thing , for what work is Bono for the govurnnient now is believed no to der ) pond wholly 111)011 quality amid industry in aetial , cemmipetition with ordinary' en pl0ytimemts , but to be rntlmer a umatter of privilege in case and pay , and to be oh. trued by other qualities and in ndditioim al skill. To create further privilege woul d be to intensify time struggle for time plaeoe turd Limo fueling of injustice , without nc emm plislming any timing fur the cause eve mm i time way of touviiteiug time 1)001)10 tha t it would be ss iaa and eeonoumie for time ( ; overununt to take charge of time whole uidustrlal ayston of time cuuutry. Ono.Coa 1'ostau ; In Cities. Now Yik Tribune 'l'hore is uu old saying to time effect thn you nevur kmmow what you can do till you try , 'l'imo late poatmaster general , Mr Uowo , was so timid about time propose d reduction of letter poatno ( ; to two cent that ho suggested in its stead an od d schuuic for'ruducing time cost of atauipet t ommvulopcs. Yet the ruluras of the 1post ailico tte'partmout ' slow now that it tlm u rate loud not been reduced lime govern f Wont would probabl have found Li ii middle of 1884 tluat it Ipad made a lmuav y Y profit out of time pcoplo for carrying tom m ails , which it neyur wants to do , l + rene e Prusunt iudicatioua it ought not to be don g before time letter rate inn cities wlmer o thuro are carriurs is reduced to ono cent t 'l'imo business of time postofice depart nmunt grown so fast that oven time olllcial catmmiut anticipate its progress. 'l'ime ' du mm lartummmt estiaato for time fiscal year ommd o mug.iu o 30 , 1883 , trade at a time whin a large proportion of time saving on tim star routes hind been ascertaned , wit that it would leave n deficiency of $920 0 000 ; it is numv nearly two mmmths sine At time fiscal year ended , and time depart bo mttMt usti0otes that there will be a su r It plus of about $2,500,000-an increase o more than $1,000,000 over time surplus of y last year , 'r'ime surplus would be eve i lager but for two reusomia , 'j'lo ap proaeim of the reduction of postage ha duuiuislmud sonmewhat time sale thrue cemt ataupp ss and ntaunpud cn of volopos ; and congress by a blund by nuttlu time readjustument of poatnastur inn salaries , which wu4 to prevent thou to Hunt would otherwise ceuuto tllunu uud tI too reduced postagu , take olti ct sore tI1a months before time rctluctiun did. 11'hu 1a time ! ' 01St Otllco ApproIpriatiuu limit w me aubnmitted tO time housu last Dceeuber , oy w ns estinuitcd timid , with time nntu mt growth of limo business done by time mood II and without any reduction of time left nwto ; time ttscal year umidmng Jimmie $ ( 1884 , would show a surplus pf noarl $7,000,000 ' 1'lme probability is that would have boon oven larger. It w an estimated at time sanmo flume that a redu ma tion to two cumits beginning Janua 1 , 1881 , would cause a roductio to m time rovatuos of over $5,000,0C r -if thorn wore no increase in the amuui of business as a result of the reductie n fly But even then there would be a eurpl - _ r - of $150,000,000 , Congress finally pushed time date of time two eent rate forward to October 1 next making time reduction take effect through nine months of time fiscal year. Evan if this lowered the revenues 87,500,000-which it can hard. ly do , because every reduction iii rates ha4 always been followed by as largo iii. crease in business-time deficiency ought' not , apparermlly , to be muru titan $1,000 , 000 , 'l'imo ebances mire that time drpart miment will find it elf either with books about evenly balanced or with mu surplus. As 50011 a4 it k clear dint the service will be sehf aupporting at time two ceimt rate , the city rate aluould be reduced to 0110 cant , 'There has bcon a good deal of sgaibbimig in the newshuapors because , after Oct. 1 , it will vest as much to scud a letteraround time corner as it will to seed it to Cidiformia. But ono timing is true. A republican congress huts mmmdc time great reductiom mmmid reulered time minor ono poasibla. Duming time fiscal year ending Jimmie , 1882 , then were 90 , 000,000 letters carried in cities by the tvu cent stung , A reduetiomi of the rate to Duo cunt , would lm.ive mimdu a loss of Duly $90,000 , limit here , too , the imi- crease imt husitm ° ss would probably be large , 'l'imo one cent rate for cities can commie in anutimer year or two , A NOVELi TItic1I , how Two TrnmimpM bfitki ii Laiviiig Omit of ' 1'heir Ouvmi hued. Chicago Tlmcn. 'flue sluarpe or took time largo atomic , wet it , mmd rubbed time knife over it two or tlireu times. 'flier hue took time sinai. lcr and did time sauna I Imimig , amid , with two or three scrapes 011 the waxed strop , he iimiished the blade , and fu a few seconds lie hiad time other omit sharpuned , lie tlmeim closed time knife up mud Lauded it to the eustoumer , who had been rugmrdiug hint uieatwlmilu with wide apen eyes. "You domi't menu to tell mime that knife is sitar ( , , " lie said , whom time nmami handed it to limn. "Yes , sir , it will share you. " " \VLy , you aui t been thrtmu niimiute , " " 'That don't umaku ' any dill'uruuce. this knife will shavuyou. Look ! " Amid , opening time Imrsu blade , the man bold the imtstrumett between the thummib and time two first fingers of time right Baal , caught htie chum with his left sad ram time blade duwmi his cheek. 'Time two day's' heard dropped oil as it would before a barber's razor. ' IVuil , l mina binwed , " exclaimed time oustomimer , 'If that don't beat mull , Tlmu sluirpeuer larked pleased , but lie seemietl to think tile couuttrynmat wninted umoo couviueing , for , rollimlg up the sleeve or his left arm , lie said : "Maybe you ain't satisfied. Now watch mine , " Holding the knife mtt his hand as a phyaiciaui dues his lance whets dissecting time leg of his subject the man drew the sharp edge of time blade down hmis bare arm. Time pressure - sure ime put ( iii it was tot nmoru than mu featlmer weiglat , but time eoumitryman grew Palo and couuuemccd to howl. "hold on , hold on. Don't. Say , what time thunder are you doing , anyhow ? Stop. Ugh , " and its lie proimouuced time last word time nmtn took the blade o1C IIe Lad drawn it the full length of his inside arum from the elboww to the wrist , "Nov , p'rlmmups you duim't tlmink I cut it , " ! w said. 'Pliers was 110 bland for met iushuit , but in a second time red liquid rose to time SurGtcu amid a cardinal lure showed where tee blade of the knife hod traversed its wiry. Amid yet time inatruumont looked as if it had not touched time akin mss time uuuum drew itdown his aria. The sight "f time long limo of blood , whmclm did not wail oat , but nmerely suffused time skin , was too omen for time countryman , amid lie turned away , \Vhen lie turned round to said : "Well , 1311 dmumged if you ant't a bigger foul thmut I thought you was. Hmu s a quarter. Time miuni took it and said time custouuer would timid that his knife would rutmin its edge. Gatlor ing up his tools the nmmi hurried out o E time hotel. A reporter had been a wit. apessof time little scow amid followed Liam init. Once on Limo street the nmmi vmn s joined by smother mite , dirtier aid immure repulsive in his apptmarauco than time knifu simarpener. The reporter follows a then aid came up with than at time nor ucr of Madison amid State streets , At time corner a policeman was stindimmg swing ing Lis climb , lie eyed time two nmcii m they passed , and said "hello" itmdulfer untly amid tm red about "Do you know tlmemn ? " aakod the re porter , "Yes , I do. They are two quce chaps. "What is time racket they work ? " "Have you never seen them ? " ' 'Yes , I mmcun that otu on time otttsid e rip the skits of hia arum open to uight amid 1 mum curious to know what time Y mire , " " 1Vrite'em ' up , They're worth it. I'1 tell you. They have one of time coos urigiual sclmemiies on hand you our saw , L Tlmey are tamp cutlurs , and two as fan m knife.aharpuners I guess as are in Chi ergo , 'They do time timing like ligimtling but they ate bmns and they Late work s They profess to sharpen m knife for tIv cents , Now at live cumita each one woul I have to sharpen twenty kmiiyos to mak $1 , The. would be too ntuelm work , and they have struck this plat to decreasq lh amiount of labor amid yet maintain tome o sauo capital. It is a contest , with limbo its time victor , for their 1n'act'cO ' is to care o tlteneves } with time knives they hay m sparmood l in the way You say you aw tit tall ono do to uigimt ' 1'Imey work time ho u tuts and rpshmtirauta , amid by shaving per . tiers of thick beards with time newly sharuencdkuivciaidomttiimg their arias s they provoke a species of sympathy , aui people give titer a quarter whore other wise they would oily give tlmeum a nickel m Do ) OU tuamblu ? " u "Yen , but don't this cutting of the arum S hurt tlmemmm ? " " 'That is where time duet conies in. T n u niglmt time hall tame does time aharpunimi tumid cuts Lis arm in several dIfuromi ! places. If business is good hue cimalmgc f otfund cuts the other arm , lie is sur u , gut a gmtrtur mnyhow , aid somimutime It ho gets a half n dollar , limit bout of time are cute. Time ) ' can size up a tuan jum s has well as time next follow , if they. ale of ii bloke that they ci mcludu is norvou r they cut a bug slit amid gut a half a cas e 0r but if tlwy think a chop ain't ' wort s' guru that a quarter , time ) emit only a li is tie bit , Soinetmiues they don't cut at al er because a umn isn't good fur m0ro than It nickel , Bat that isn't time beat heart mm it. So much cutting , though it's uud its skin deep and no blood is lost , is hard it stand , so time chaps trtde olG One thou ml time racket tonight and 'tothor to mo a , row ni'lmt , and flint gives 'eat a chap or to ) atchm tip. Thu9 put ono Otto tl , rae.e one evemiu wlmet 1 tries about d y collar 'en for suspmciutma clmarmctera. T1 m it. tall one showed i o has arm , all plastoro tai tight. with strips of aomimu sort of pluate c which he said hind grunt hoalumg powu ry Ito carried a bundle of it , Well , u struck mo as so novel that I let time chat 0 go , and tlmoy nut u time beer.Vlm S it them fellows snake $4 or $ b a night , a n , the div It aid o amid sit all night me eotno of the Rha ehoPa playing cards and drinking. They toll mime they Late worked Now York , Philadelphia , Dos- ton , Baltimore and SL Louis beside Chi ego , and they have been on time racket Aix imuolntlma. ' dT. MAI11'MAItitii:1) Ali \411)OW , The Ceremony Huid to Have Been 1'erGprnied T'syIoe-WisJilum Time Knot T4cd Agnin. New York Tribune. A young man and a young woman , whoso looks of confusion ted laimil elmOuJ'h that they were a "nowt a nrriod cou ) lu "a oeard , at time bureau of yibul abitistics yesterday in search of advice amid illforalion , Time groom was tall and slemmdcr , with blonde groomamid blue eyes. Ile wore a libt auniipier suit amid a straw lint , amid his manner wits mild , 'l'ime bride was an athletic brunette , whoso rosyy checks , ilzL9hing black ayes and olas- tie atop bespoke abutmdant health anti do. cislou of clmarrctor. Sue was dressed cx pomaively mid alma did the talking for the two , 'Thu story alma told was as followa : For private remmsomis they had beau mnr rred on August 1 by a Itonan Catholic lreiest. Situ did not wishm her fatally to know of time numrrino out nccouut of prop- em tY wlmich her children ( if alma laud an' ) milight inherit , but some wanted lair stand. itig its a wife fixed beymmd any dispute. When time wedding ceremony was per formed she gave au assured natne amid lint ! described herself as a widow , al. thought site wan only eigimtecn years old. IIcr husband ascertained a day or two ago that his umarriago with a "widow" of a 11amme other timam her own hind bucd reg. istured by time health depatmment , amid 501110 of lair friends had advised liar that chic urns not legally married. Site desired to know if limo records'cuuld not ho changed - ed without publicity. Dr. , Johmi T. Na- le , time deputy register , infornmed her that sucha chaogo in the records could be made only by time order of the board of health iii a public wily. Not wishing to advise her in time matter , ho directed liar to the oflico of rencrel Stealer , time president of time board of health , where she again related liar story. She was then told that thin bostway out of time dif ficulty was to have amotlmer marriage core utony perfnrmua. ' 'Out" she quid , "wo have been to time priest and have asked imimii to marry us over again , but he refused , " She was advised to appeal to some other priest , or to be uiarrted by sono other authorized person , mad the couple went away with tlmo intention of following - ing such a plan. A reporter learnedlast night , however , tlumt the couple were married first by the lies' . Mr. Sclmnoidur , a Lutheran nmiuister , of No. Ol Second avelue , and that then they were remarried by a Catholic priest. From a large pile of mtrriago eertlientes MrSchneidor took out that of time couple in question , It was dated August 1 , mmd it slowed that on that day Robert H. Hayes , Jr. , aged twenty-four , a physu- ciao , living at Tmvoityninth Street anti. Broadway , was married to Clara Mnrson , a widow , umnidon name Dunn. The certificate further sets forth that lobs. Morsop lmad one lmusbaud before - fore , mmd that her father's nano wmt4 .Janes Duuu.Villiain Ryan and Cecilia Schneider , time parson's daughter hind signed as witnesses. The signature of bride amid groom were made in a firm haul , especially that of the bride"Cla nu Morse. "She called on me to day , " said time Rev. m\lr , Sclupeldor , 'and told me that site hind given u wrong name ; that in fact she hpd never beet married before , and that her nano was Clara Dumt. She wanted mime to change time record , but I told her I could not do it , and I sent liar to time bureau of vital statistics. 1 will not marry them over again. Both were very cool and collects el when I nmrried tlmcin amid know what tile ) were about. ' ItYns All Itight Syali Street News , A men who was looking through a secondhand store in Brooklyn , with a view of minding a bedstead to suit him , finally exausimiud one , and asked : "Are you sure there are ho bugs in this ? " "Bugs" " Vhy dat pedstoad was oudt o E mum ) ' own familyVu ! gut it vhen my brudder Muses vhas here , timid now. lie has gumie away I sell it for half-price. " ' 'Say ' , I helievo it has hind bugs iii. " Ompossiblo , my friomdt. lily wife vhas so neat dot if she knew of such tiugs in der house sine go grmizy. " "And I'll b r ] ranged if horn isn't proof ! " exclainmo d time customer , as lie pointed to an u11 impeachable evmdence. " Vholll vltnll ! ' 'Flo custonmer was boi11b out with a heart broken hook of his face , when time othe r detained Jiim , and said : "Dot's all righ t after all. Ef you pay dot pedsteud yo u I lumow you have bugs front a respectable family ! Moses was head-clerk inn loch t ester , turd you know I vhas hero twenty seven years iii peesness. " u THE GREATGERMAN od o r : REMEDY d PAINS u t a7nr1 16 io d t"I "I " , Rellsvrsanacuria e lilt I'UMA'PIS9ii ; u Nouralgla , r I Sciatica , Lumbago , U , NI' ' CRI'Jl toe 1t A 14C.I t Ie : , e .01111 m IIEADACtiETO0TDAChI , a aelsm > y SOME THROsT I N- , 4UINi4rn.tLt NrttAtnN , Soreness , Cuts , Bruises , 1 I 1 'uSYJ Futx rurrlw , ISIIitNN , N.tLlN , Aud al t miliirr l.ndliy actin 11114 paill , I ' 'II FIFTT CENTS A DOTTLE , ! P jjii a N nld bysllnr,1ggl"s , nee n'idrra Ilrrcmiumi.lu ) 11 Ili l"nuag-i. I1N ' Time Charles A , Vogelor Co , a LB UNFAILING u AND INFATddlmLE a is cettiNG u EVER FAILS. st EpUepUc 1''Ifa , Ii Spann , Nnlling s Sickness , Commvul- ; dons , St. Vitus .Damco , Alcoimolism , it Opium Eating , Seminnl Wcukaeas , Im L PalcncY , Syphllle , Scrofula , and all 11 Nervous and Blood Discuses. a Ij 'To Clergymen , Lnmr ern , LltomrMen , of Merchants , Ikaukere , Lades and all whose y eedenlary employment caused Nervous 1'ros t0 tmtlan , Inr'"ularlties of time blood stomach , bowels or Lldney's , or who require a nerve s tonic , nppellzororetimuulcutSarnnrlae J1'cr r sip" is luviduable. co t Tlmousande THE GREAT mu proclaim it thsaost a wonderful Invigor ant that ever sustain. N G d E a cd a sinking system. 111.50 , at Druggists , rr The DR. S A.RICIIMOND r , NEDICALCO.SotePro GOM U WloRl it prielore , SL Joseph , Mo. ) s For tostimoaisLs sad clrculus send etamp , ( IB ) ' it ANtiOODi oeid + cl' Rastoral In from tvo fo t Ira days by Maclean Yegotabla t'onfcction ' , F ° u1.n s44roei 55.0 Malmo Medkal Ca P . 0. Do ttQ1 , aL Loale Mom , ' t ! rM iw - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - , 4 ' Goods ! Dry' I s SAM'L C. CO. , t Washington Avenue and Elf ! ! , Street , - - - ST. LOUIS. MO , . STEELE1 JOHNSON & CO. , Wholesale Grocers I AND lonnnns IN FLOUR , SALT , SUGARf S CANNED GOOrL ND ALL GROCERS' ' SUPPLIES A FULL LINE OF THE BEST BIIANDS OF e Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco. AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO Je A , WAKEFIELD , uWIIOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ' rs LuMber 9 Lalli , t Poket ! . SASH BOORS , BLINDS MOULDINGS LIME CEMENT , PLASTER , &C STATE FOR MILWAUKEE CEME GENT NT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - 1 - OMAHA , NEB C. Fa GOODMAN ' Wholesale : Drjfgjt. ! 1 AND DEALER IN PEIIIItS , Oils , Yarilislios arid ¶ ! Mo r OMAHA. NEBRASKA. DEALERS IN Hall's Safe and f FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES VAULTS LOCKS &o. " 1t92 ® rasana f. troast. Omahil , . i HENRY LEHMANN 7 JOBBER OF OFl TvVaIl Pape 1 alidVo \ Sliaffe. EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED , + 1118 FARNAM STREET , - - OMAHA NEB. M. HELLMAAN & C0a Wholesale Clothiers ! 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET COR.13TH , OMAHA , NERRAFK Anheuser-Busch pG Mq ASSOCIATION : . „ tt.1'8 ' .a5i V i. ' ' } 'a yr CELEBRATED t 'I'll Tt v Li' . . ' ' Keg and Bott-led Beer x'11 This Excellent Boor speaks for itself , . ' I h. ( N N E A. . s . . z , , . R BU SCH Bft ORDERSEFROMTHEANY THE 5t10U - 8M L > ' t Promptly Shipped. i' ALL OUR GOODS ARE MADE TO THE STANDARD Cif C u.r Guarani GEORGE HENNIN G Sole Agent for Omaha and Limo West. Office Corner 13thi and Ilarney Streets. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers . of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO t Our Ground Oil CakeI It la the best Mud cheapest food for stack of any kind. One poupd la egeal to three l ounda of eon' Stock fat with Oround cmi Cale hr the J'q11 and IS'inter , inbtead of running lox" , tall incrcasa Iii t tlgh t amid Iw in . . goat marketable condition In this . sprinr : , 1)alr3mien ) . , as tell as others , mho ube It can testily Its merit. . , Try it and Judea for yonreelvos. lace S2A.Otl mer ton : uu charge for cache. Address nr e.LI Ur wnrnftANpLINFECmhoiL i'l ill'A1i' "mobs Now urnitiire Store I. r r 1 i p CHA1VIBERLAIN & HOWE. Call and et Our Eastern Prices before ere purchasing elsewhere. ' vISITORS PURCHASERS EQUALLY wBLCOIIEa i