Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1883, Image 1

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. ' . ' alIb. ft' NEBS WEDNES1)AY MORNINGAUGUST 29 , 1883. NO. 62.
\ TIIIRTEENTII YEAR. - _ _ _ _ _ _
UCll Co11is of a P1oatin Oo
iii north Riyer , llcw York1
An Unknown Number Blown U
and Out or Gathered Into
the Whirlpool.
Two Bodies Recovered tnd ever
Soaldod and Maimed Turned
Over to the Dootors ,
' The Fop itnil flottoin 1)IowI % t
PlcceH attil the $ kttti Dlsnppcat.
Under Water.
NEW YonK , August 28.-At about to
flUl1UC8 tu four this afternoon peopi
who vero in tito iieghborhood of til
. foot or Fourteenth street and Nort
River Voro startled by the sound of a
0X1)IOS fl cotnwg from tim Uroctiou t
- c' the river. Looking out i iiiidstroat
. they saw the hull of thu ateiuuer Rivrn
dub ciivcloped in atwim. In less tha
aix irihiutes she keeled to the skia an
j C14)8tZOd opposite Sixteenth street , eli
. having floated that far. Intant1y abou
fifteen difluren tugs eteamed from thi
city and Hoboketi to where the 8unkcI
' vessel lay. There vero over 10
paasoIiwjrs on board of the Itirordal
. when eho loft the foot of flirrison etroc
, for Mavorstraw. Some of Lheeo were
I and then full back into thu water , an
othore vorc compelled to jump into th
river to c'scapo the hissing etcain that ha
, filled all parts of the vessel , or to avoi
going dowii with her. The cause of tli
disasttr vae the oiiloioii of the boUc
which was placed aiiiidstiips. When th
boiler burst the air was filled wth flyin
debrie and broken wood work. Tb
Io ! lidueo.enapjed 1ko a litOitefll all
topplccL kwer into the water. Aboc
epmo being blown into eternity , and oU
era knot their death by bring drawzi dow
. with thu whirlpool , eauaed by tim eiiikin
of the vessel. Tlioso who wore floatin
or swinuning about in the river , wer
. picked UI ) 1Y the tugs and row boati tha
CR1110 to the rescue. Three dead bodic
wore also brought in by the boats. Mr
' Sisson , of Tarrytown , N. unkuow
man , v1ioso body vas takeii to the inorgu
and a boy w1ioo identity has ) ut bee
, ascertained. was also taken to thc morgut
, , . \ TIlE INJUREI ) ,
Howard Gardner , the Evange1ie of Yox
. . ota N. Y , t.ikoi. to thoNow .rIc iopkt
I ) , John .Iortui , deck hud , \Vllliamsbun
I I N. Y. , Ioi4 and tddecrwshed ; taken to the '
. Y. hcsi1iaI.
Thoii.a.J. Saul , p1eengor , ] 3rooklyn , ecaic
, ed : Lckeii totho N. Y. huiii.t.
1L # ' I ) . 11. .Jqncciccg , Brorcklyn. fin
. . and 1iinde burnedlakon ; to N. Y. hopitaI.
' 1 John Salair , IIIatn of the vesc1. Ief thig
. badly crushed ; t.akcn to thoNow York ho1i
, - . Gifer , this cIty aged 24 years , bad
( C ecatbd , iii tin oxtroi efy.ccitIdaI ociditioci.t
' ken to tliaNw York hopica ! ; . , .
4 GeorgciA. Ditucci , Irecnacc of the ioat bac
t . , ' 1y bcftlded ; tkaci to S. Vincent hospital
( IIgLPINU 1lANni.
I Thu fioeiuen of several cngine ( U )
. hook and ) atlder cocnpauio9 stationc
J . ' % . iioirest to the scene of the disaster war
l'.e : called out , without. their apparatus , lion
,4 , 'i over , and did good eervic'o , as did ale
mciiibcrs of the ateaniboat scuad. Polic
5 31)1111 PcIIChat)1 ICihhila , of Uharles strec
Atatioli , WOS thio first to help the WOvilde
firecijan , GeorgeA. Dimes , oct shore froi
e the bout itt the foot of 'rwelftli street
I . . "I : icuvor saw a lUau Ilk such sufl'ering ,
-t. / gaul thieoffieer , ' 'acid 1 hope I iciay iic
witncc such another sight nain. TJ
p ° follow sqiciriciud and lice flesh we
peeling Off in blisters. .1 called at enc
au llIbclhlIilCO ) driver nearest cue and ha
, the unfortuccato IIiII sciit to St. Vicibcc
hospital. I then WIII1L ill aotrcli : of otlit
itijuied lcursc Ills iiiicl whiit I caiiio to tic
' foot cif Fourteeictli ictroict I easy a ma
pulling rapidly to the wharf. His bdci
I. contained the lody of a wOman wlios
legs vero evidently brokeji. She icitic
Iiiivo hicczi crcci.hccd by failing ticciboc
while 2ittilW ( cii the deck and then blow
overboard. "
0 ! the passengers aboard the Itivoi
L 4ctlp souls voro blowii UI ) witji the uxtiht
; - . ' BiqO , bcct fron the best accounts obt.aii ,
abiq the nwciher was 81115111 its there wor
few iii the abiiis cit the thou. No exac
, ' idea call at present be gained as'to tli
I nuccibr of lives lost. Accounts of tt
c number of passeclgeri vary Irma 50
I. 200 and of the killed front 10 to 50. Tli
I most trustworthy accouiita vlaco tic
( I number of killed from 4 to Ii. There
) reason to believe that nearly all had
. 't : . chaicce to CSCfljO whoii the cxplosioii oc
curred. 'I'iio engineer was about antorin
the wigino room to alow up , as anotlu
I , BtOalflIOat W1L5 itt their landuig , when tli
olninou ruinbhin was heard , proceedin
from the boiler , niid in a inomoiit a terr
blo expleion ) occurred , biowin out t
entire inside oftho vessel , leaving only
helpless ainkiiig hull. Thu torcu of tli
explosion was downward , the apparci
rapidity with which the vessel ean
, hcwing the bottom was blown ou
I ilardly a minute elapsed between the o
, plosion Mill and sinking of the shattert
I hull iii the whirlpool into which ti
atruggling swiuiiiiere wore drivoxi. Ti
. ; , river was strewn with wreckage.
' policeicuui w1i' was standing at ti
7 foot of Bloonifield street licid Ii
; attention . ittiacted by tim sound
Looling out oii the river ho saw ti
Itivordalu going U ( ) stream partly onvc
I' . oped in steam that escaped with a lot
' . roar Iruicc her side. lie saw people rio
from the lower tu the upper deck ai
snake ready to throw tlieuisolres into U
I river. The next minute the oxjiloaii
, : . came. "The Reliance , " a coal Car boa
was near the Riverdalo when the bic
. tip , ai immediately began th work
. rescuing the drowning PeoIIc.
Jicicrew di ow nearly 40 fromt1io vata
I Others atcaniera and tugs hcnstwceci to ti
. , Beoflo , and so quickly did they reach
. that it is thought iiono of those who. e
. IC4 iiijuryby the explosion had time
drown. Tue rescued wore taken asher
and sent to their 1ioine. The injurl
. and dead wore talon to tli foot ofVc
I ' Thirteenth street , where the entire ai
bulanco force of the city had been sui
3noncd. Tue following is a list of tim
, lcnowntobe
. Mre. Jiia Sisson , ngd 68 , of Tare
towu , drowned ; body recovered.
ThOmas Urigg , aged 82 , tIti city ; bo
i I
_ _ _ _
found wedged in on the port sub of ti
vessel. These ate the only oiice positivi
ly kiiown to be lost.
.Joiin Croret , firemen , is missing , bc
liovoil to be kilkd , It is feared othoi
who have not yet been reported wore au
lost , lut the iiuinbor is not believed I
bo large. The following were injured :
George A. Dimes , aged 21 , fireman , sealdo
cannot live.
Orville Gcudncr the Evangelist , cced f
Brooklyn , soahloti 'badly. not thonght fat.ail
Thco. J. Snuis , aoil 1O , badly ac.idccl.
Nicholas Saints , aged 4G , right. thigh brokot
Wni. 1' . Itcicry , aged 18 , bantli and fec
! zeaii Lazarus , deck hand , badly bruls.d ,
Jcicnes Tobin and Nelson McGee , scaith
and bruised.
Edward Tailnian , engineer , said I
could not oxpliin the cnuso of the ace
dciit by any theory whatever. The bol
era were now four years ago , when ti :
boat was entirely rebuilt and reflttccl
The explosion was apparently the reeti
of soicio hidden defect. The ltivorda
was built thirty.flvoycars ago.
Another Victory 11)1 ( lie OmaIia1Ioy
Spoclal dlsptch to Tiii : Bsa.
OceAn itAriDs , IA. , August 8.-Ti
Unioti Pacific base otll club had an cue
victory over the Cedar Rapids club hal It was a pitciiors game , the ott
fielders having nothing to do. Ti :
Omaha boya scored two each Hi tli
fourth , sixth and cigldh innings , a toti
of six , while tue home club stole a tall
in tIm fourth. Salisbury was again
his best , and fourteen died at ( ho lioiii
plate. Thikor supported Salisbury splor
didly. The batting was light on bet
sides. The Ouialia boys made eight bib
the Cedar Rtpids two. Errors , Oinaha
four ; Cedar ilapids , fivo.
BosToN , August 28.-Bost.ons 1
Providence 1.
Nnw YoRK , AUgust , 28.Now Yor1
9 , Bostoith 3.
TOLEDO , August S.-Gamo postpone
011 account of rain.
MONMOUTII PAnK , August 28.-Mu
acid a furlong , Cirnution won , Brcezc
second , Pizarro third ; time 1:50. :
Three.quartors of a mile for two.ycn
olds , Turk won , \'later Lily second , Lat
i'a Gould third ; time 117.
rociitoutIi stakes , nub and a hub
Edo won , Mary Kinney second , Monitc
third ; tinco 2:3Wi. :
Mile and a quar4cr , Bootjack woi
Giroflu seciiid , Printo third ; tune 2:1I :
Three-fourths of a , nile , Vigil Friiici
( alloy ) WO1I , Cheerful second , Battledor
third ; itcco 1:16. :
SteellO chase , full course , Capt. Yor
won , tJ1capcla econd , Major \Vheuh
third ; ticico 1:1i. : (
BRIUT0N BEACh , August 28-On
utile , Brunswick von , Henry B. socon
\Veasel third ; time , 1:46. :
Tlii.eoqttctrtore . ofa''nil , Eloctuifh
Zacii1 second , Verzcenary tltirc
tilcO , 1:18.1w. :
Three-quarters ofa milo , Peerless woi
Calderun second , Mary Lewis tiiir
tinie , 1:15. :
Mile acid a quarter , all ages , Hilarit
won , ICiicg Swift second , \Vyztudotl
third ; tinie , 2:12k. :
Seven furlocigs , threo.year-oids , Cot
teciccial won , Retort Becond , Laura I
thud ; tinie , 1:30. :
Mile cuid occo furlong. four.yoar-oldi
( 'Jeoi go Hokes won , Flanders eccont
Lord Edward third ; ticcie , 1:57. :
'rho 8outhwoturit tu1 "GrLtciolIsly
Cocicedo Use ItI.rIitc ot S1ei.pcr.
Cecicwo , August 28.-It is given ou
hero cii good authority tlrnt thai Souti
vesterci ltuclr ad association will tiot cot
test the suit of the Boston sugtrrctiner
icistututtid to teat the questioci wiiotlct
the railway 1)utPlU have the right. t
divert freight hoot the recd to wcccii it
cleccally coningiced by sicipcrcc. Tic
B4JstlIi cocnpctny tendered certain freigi
to the itoek lshiicd joad , but tlio coci
clcsMoliLit5 of thu iool said the froigi
would have to go over aciother line ill ciii
c'yixig out the vroccss of cvcliiclg UI ) Ui
business of all Lice 1)001 roads. Undt
the pressure of the suit , the Boston coci
laiiY has bouci allowed to have its wit
without dispute , acid freight has gor
over the road indicated. This is accepte
cis a confession that the pool manage :
realize that they have no stacidiug in Ui
suit in question : Naiciuly , tlutt the rd
way , as a coccucmn catTier , is boucid I
ctcce1t all frcioht tendered in spite of tic
pool regulations.
A Delegation offlrltb.hors to Wituoc
tim Opening of the Northieru
Naw YouR , August 28.-TIm Englis
contingent of Ilwiry Viliard's liil'ty
witness the oenitig corotciociios of Li
Northern l'acifio road , iiichttdes Pro
James Bryce , Hon. Albert Grey , tUbe
Pell , Samuel Itatliburci , floury B. Situ
uclucen , J. H. Puieston , horace Davu
arid henry Edwards , all niezutiiurs of LI
British piirliaiiieiit ; Sir Win. B. Ouordoi
of her iiiajeaty'a treasury ; H. 11 , Gihlc
governor of the Bank of Englacici ; Rigi
Ifoti. Sir Arthur Ilalluotisu , Earl Di
liousco , Earl and Couictoss of Ocialoi
Lord JuccUcu Bowen and Lord Carrin
toi. 'l'ju , guests wore ehowii the ci
this ufturnoon. 'I'iio party ci ( ierziiai
left for Niagara Falls this evening.
The Itlouthipleco or Iowa flocccocra
at JuiIuque ,
DUIIUQUM , I9wa , August 28.-Jon.
U. IChicie , doniocratio cacididatojor go
ernor , made a speech at the court iiou
this erecting to a 1)k0d house. Ito di
cussed niumly the tariff and prohibitii
quostioiis. After the meeting lie a
dressed act overflow meeting in front
the building , those who had beohi unal
to gain admittance to the ball. He go
front hero to Independence , t
lirat of the series of joint discussions 1
tvcoui liini and Got' . Sherman will
imid to.morrow.
- - - -
The Footprints of the Nissollri nr
rcr Distillolly Trae Ill
Graphio Dosoription of Hito' '
"Wake" and the Burial
at Midnight.
.An Indianapoli8 Suit at La'
Transferred to the Supreme
Oour Witlia Shotgun.
L'iolhicvics , ShiootIlIg4 ittiti Other Out
htttwry-Toin ? , Ltirplty Arrested. ,
Sr. Louis , August 23.-Thio Fraiui
.Jatiics trial vts cestitited this liiol'liiicg
Uiio dfeuiso cisked PUrcItlisiIl to intro
tiuco siciflcatioIus agaiuuatVtttios Mrs
thiitott , whit ci view to attack their croci
ilillity. Tim intention tvac to open iii
tviUt the murder ofVood lute at tin
I"oi'd house , for which Lidclui is iiot
tinder iiidictineiit anti of which iutrs
Boltuti and C.ipt Ford were witciucsu. .
The court doubled Mrs. llolt x
conic ! be recalled citai oxcuutiuced , iict. a'
to the killing , but as to wlmt. site told tIn
icoigitbors , tviio called tipulk Icur oci Suit
clay , December 5 , 1881 , and ate dinner ,
white Lice lifeless body tif lute was iii
stairs. 111i'o. Biltoii tustitied tiicttVocid
flito was killed in the dining room ciud
Lice body vcis taken up stitit's , The crns
excicniiiatjoii fulled to bring out atiythiii
doflucit as to the killing or btzricil ci
Elite's body iii an old spring in the pas.
Lure. She citiier out a refusi1 Ic
itciewor or else could not rinnuicibor.
Captain Ford was tiext called mid ex
ainined as to the buriaL of lute's body.
[ ( lii Boltoit , aged 14 , daugittor of Mrs.
Bolton , was the iiext witness. Site tva
present at thu killing of Wood Rite , but
witness' was icot 1)oriciitted to SiI tvlio dlii
it. Situ cicirrated the details of the burici ]
( If the body and deinting of thu roculi ,
[ Jar iciotlier ( lid tue latter. This tvas act
nidirect dutiicil of Iicriuiotiior'ci testinluciy.
\Villie Bucitun , sixtceir years old , wa.
tics last WineBs for' thu stitte. 'l'hiu
tnorcuiicg h't3'ptcsitivuly idcntil'ced Fntnk
Jcunes as t'zo associate of 1.idelil , .Jessc
Jcitiies acid the two [ ILtesVitncsa' do.
ucriitIon ) of the burial of lute % 'lI
.iraphic and thrilluig. Capt. Ford , Bo1
Ford , and \Vilbur Ford tiiutrcciud tlt :
body where it. Icitd lain oti the floor nil
chiiy ; wratppetl 'in a inirso' bhuciket. They
t.iicti took it out and buried it iii the pitt.
turo. On cross.exi6iiicicttioii witness ad.
nutted having said that although lie did
clot know JJti ciiid Fraiuk J11111. in ior.
sill ) ice iccteiidt'cl to swear to it anyhow.
James T. Hughes itccd J. F. Foid gave
uciiiicportactt tnbtilnoiiy. Recesit.
Jul1105 Mailory , a fuxincr Jiving eigiiI
miles from Octhlatin , testified that oc
'I'hiuradity bforo iliuVicistui , robbery Icc
saw Fr'icik Jcunes at Potts' blctcksinitii
ccliop , where Ice was having'a horse shod ,
\Vltcic had a discussion with Jaiice
cioiccrliiccg the ftSS.ISSiilLtiOit of I'residcnl
Oarfiehd. Janice told witness ho win
living iii Caldwell cocinty. Jocccis Potts1
the blnckscnith who shod , the liorAc
referred to by Mcdloi'y , testified
Ice believed ho had. SCOtt the prisoner ii :
his siio the hatter jctrt of Jucio , 1881 ,
and lie was there again cii Lice 18th ci
14th of July. On both occissotis witilec
so'1 a. hlurbc fct the prisocier accl iniothici
man whiwii Ice reeogciized as Dick Liddill ,
\Vctcii'bs was cross.uxaiiiitccd at great
liigthc as to the iclontihiection of' tin
lriscciicr , but scuccied ccttciic on tii
icoilit. Oct i'tj.dii'tict , Cxlttiliticithcl witnes
atitted that whicui having his luc'su shod
Frank Jctuies gave his mono cis Cii'ecci
Cooper , a cattle thiclur of Ray cocicity.
\ Vitstc.Vhiitt4 Il1 it ficriccor , testified , cur
l'OlIL'iiticig 1otts' citcitciciccit , he hIiIviiI
been at the huiickscuiith cciii p wlicci tiuc
hciirso was shod the IcicrliiuJg before tin
\Viccston robbery. 1\Irs. Potts eorrohc
acted icur 1tibttcd's 8titeuiieiit anti ideciti
fled tue , iiscuiur its ohlu of the cccutc win
brutkf.ucted at. her lccusu , tim dciy bu
fccro tim Viustojc , roibui'y. Fruck 1t
O'Ncil , reporter of 'I'hie Missonr
Ropublicaci , tcstiliui'I to having in
alt interview with Frank .biciics in l'ilis '
souri ci wool tue littLer aul'rtilc
doi'ed. He ruhicirsod soccie of this iuitut
view its to Whiuru Fi'&uck Jaicies livuc
while in 'L'rncuesue , whicit lie ( liii , winei
and why Ice left Licuro , etc. Circuit At
trnuy Ilaiciitton then asked wititesi
where tin ) interview ucceurrod , to which
witness replied he lIlufetroti not to act
swul.Viticcss was asked who svLcc pra
cut at tim interview. lie replied ' 'Praici
Janice' wile. " ' ' % VIce else wits presuictl'
wnA asked. SVitinucs stated he felt uudui
obligation not to answer. 'rice court scili
he iciust answer. % Vitnees explaicied iii
was under a. plcidgu not to name tue othie :
persons lrcseult. Tim court said wittiest
iiiuat , answer tue quccitioli if it wore in
siatod oci , but gave iiiuci until to.uitorro'
to do so. HciIIIiitOU thou asked when
the interview wccs lccilcl ittud whether thci
j)0O1)B ) then lruscxct wore in the list o
witnesses iiiuiciioiiiid hi tue case. Both
tiiusu quostiolis Iliuciiiloii insisted nuts
be answered to.cnorrow. Adjourned.
INIIANAI'OLl $ , , August 28.-Jucol
Oltiucibarger cuid , Jacob tlusii had , a lat
suit this merucuig iii the justice court
wiiichi wait ( ItiCiliod icc tue latter's favor
Meeting Bush out the treeL about
o'cicuk. Oldunbirgor drew a pistol cull
hired , killing Iiucthi instantly. ' 1'tiruiii
frocn Bush , lie slicci. Sacciucul Canijibehl
who was passing at the time , prbcihi ;
fatally. Ito then crossed the street , an
jUttiIig Lice Iitit4)l to ide own head , situ
shot. himself dutid. It is prtthablo Lb
alcooticig of Caicijiboll wa'c accidental , a
lie was iii no way connected with tl
TaEroN , N. J. , Au , ust 28.-Tb
Titciect states that Captain Joicti J. 11cc ! ,
the alleged defaulting controller of Lii
l'ciinsylvaiiia railroad , was scott at Dci
I Colorado , Wednesday last , by
friend , aini ticcut lie tout the latter Ice wa
Dli his way tO New Mexico , Further ii
i vestigation shows hull's iiidebtednos
eb'eit greater titan atflrst supposed. 'l'ii
I I'ennccylvania railroad ofliciaicc are ucuabl
to estimate tin , loss as yet.
Pirranuitu , August 28.-The rcaI
James NuLL , the siayor of Lyman Duke
will COIflfliOtCO itt. Uniontown , TlnINdc ;
of next week. District Attoriiey Julci
salt P.ttl , Tolun Boyle will oniittt , lii
prosecution and \V. II. Playforcl and .t
D.1loyd will be counsel for the dofeulsI
A ) tOflRtt KILLED DY illS I'lL.
Naw Yoncc , A'igtust .28-Jules Bac
bet , an old and tvell known actor , Wcl
knocked ( lOWlu acid rOlbOl by icigiuwa )
111011 last cuiglut. lie called for licip , an
a lolicnhcucucu ) pminitly responded , true
the rubbers tied , One was cctptuuretl h
aluotiitr ) policocitan coining fnnci an ( pw
site direction , when a shot was fired , lull
the hiiglcwcuynmuu fell death. it. is belkive
the eliot true fired by his pal , trill ) eliot ii
the Poilcolilan. ilcurbut is itot seriousi
B.tLTIMOItr.i'lI.l. , August 28-Jolici A
Ucitue. arrested for burglary at Brook
vilic' , h1.o ! , , 1111(1 for robbitig ci inufo , un
caught while exciciniging b iuiteii State
for Ouruiucu itilmoy. lie Itiuti ocitcugc
p'u'ttgo : 1)1 % Lice stouttor : Strnsubcirg , while ]
sails to.tuorrow for liretneut.
Nuw'ocn , Autgtist 28.--'Sttit was ite
iriiit by 1lt utuiccul Stupliecisoic ugnitis
'I'ItlItflaS Iutrtiuy , ex.enilcctor ( if the hct
lit Now 'York , for recovery of nicionuit o
alleged franilulciut ( trait tipicu i lugi
I hastings , .n1it.r of 'l'lce Coiiiticei'ciccl
verticer. dcuy 1111111,011tjhtu , for ciii aide
of tin est against Mr. ] 'tltLrl)113' ' ) was nuni
iii lice superior court utpici ) iClitlavits b
Piltitititt'cucid , tr. llaMtAngn. 'l'hii jlcuiiut ii
shtt ? utitr1chy , 101 Jutue (1 , ccskc'd iditu It
elicit it tInt t on H cetitigi fur $30 ] ) inn
stud ho IIIUI boeci aittliorizad Lu draw ni
iiitii for that actinutut. 'l'huo thiaft tvccs no
flC'Oltei.l ) niol hastings deities lnuvhiu
l'uttiiorizel lrurthuy to ulnuw au htini
Tue order of arrest Wits granted.
Ciiicuao , August 28.-Dr. D , Newell
a phuysicicut of iitflhtlluIg , cocuutititteul sni
chic to'dny by taking an overdose a
iiirtriihuiiio. lie licuil cuitrured frtniu ill
itutult ii ittid eustohued a nuiuuber of hitian
cliii reverses.
Rig Pireic.
WILLTAM.Mi'Octr , PA. , Aupist28.-A fin
Inst evening at the saw-mill of Fininy
Youicg & Co. , quickly destroyed it. TIc. .
flcctiic sprealling nlrLiuwcwcl destroyed tli. .
i1flice of tim firm of l'tlurriain ' iSoiis , thtut
oiitered thin lumber yitcds xuiid bicricun
over ci square , destroying alargo quantit
of Icicuhior. Several dwclliiigs ctiuul linrin
ivuro also iuurtccd. it. is estinuuted tiucul
thirty iiiillion feetof luntber veve bunted
Total loss , $500,000,000. Thu princilia ]
lasers auo Finley , Young & Co. , 11. Nur
cinch Soics , laytie , Coehriuno t Co.
Kr.uiierintutt Co. Edgar Miciuson cucid L.
ScIctuieiihcur. Eicgincs cnciiu friuccu Stcitbiirt
ncillLowisburg \Vntsotitown. . 'l'hetirc
cicuihi hot be checked until it notched thu
limits of the iucccbcr hue.
SAN ANToNIO , Ttux. , August 28-A
fire iii lingo Seicetiiutzur's wiuiclesak
grocery stole acid Oroeso & Co. 'is bunk1
entirely destroyed both. Liss lueavy
The htiildiiuc. wcui ( , itO of the IicueiilsiIuivs
blocks iii Scucc Acct..ecio. Chiesti
loss on btuihdicnr , $300,000 ; icisurcuico
$91,000. Hugo & Schuuneltz'r , grceur , ,
$100,000 ; iusurel for UU00. roosi
& Go. , hacckcrs40C0O ; ; iisted'f.w 18 ,
000. llcuiutinic & Sbucdou , $8,000 ; in
sitred. Dciii's Mereaiitiiucigeiiey , 81,000
'hue origiti ofIho fire is ucukiuiuvn , 'Phirci
nien wore quite badly bciniied mid tw
firenuctu csoinouu'hciitinjcirticl.
Thin Pace ol Huitithi I"ctruuni's.
NEw Yotin , Atcgust 28.-Tue sunati
sitb.eotnuiitteu on labor and ediucitticu
resucuoci its cuo.tiliit today.Vihlicun (
tIicly. Of Brooklyn , the ciutitor of ' 'Liuci
cutid Labor , " tvtis the first ts'itnoss. Iii
called attention to the fueL tluiit. cctait
foreign citiitalist cure purchasing lccrgi
tracts . , f bucd iii the siicctlc acid ivost , ciia
Icy thick wholesale systuicu of fnrciuiccg hum
drit'cii the American fancier frotuc Liut
Iiiciitisteati and icito the raicics of the wlcgi
slave. lilost of these sitiahl fiu'nuorcc arc
tiot cublo to secure a uiueuiit cocciputocicy
cia tine farms vec'o niortgageil , cund tite
gt'mliiiuliy fell into the ii nidi of grelt
cupitithiitts. 'l'hiu only rucciochy for ticict will
lice cilnilitiocu tf itrivato hrhiurty ill icuid
\Vitiics coccteccled ticcit. a email fciriiuu
cc nih icc tt en ! ti unto Ic is fnnicc iciud profit
ably dispose of his Pr'titcco for thu i
thccct Ii u tvcts overtidil cit by n ten ci
greater eapibil , into sitouhul supply nie
chicucuical hiuhcr , and laud greicutur fcioihitie
of getting the IIFIIIIUCO It ) , iiiu'ket.
'rt , ( ; cirIcuIct : I1u)4pItcuI Moluoiuo.
WASiIINUTON , August 28.-Untih tlt
retuui of Secretny Folgur , A'tuiistnti
Secretary Now will net cut secretary. 'l'Ii
stittelcIulut hits recently been pUhhisliul ( t
the effect that Lice pliuic of estchlisiiiicg
Ocuhiuld ijiecuncriat hospital in this ott ;
hind been abuidoicccl ; for uncut of udeqitcut
suipiiurt ) , and that the citoney thus In
cacitnibuted would be turned over Lu Lii
Gicriflild ncnuuiicunt fund. 'Vitae. 1isiiui
of thu ( Jiirficid ntocnitniiul board , suit ! I :
reply LI. ) iIiIUiliCs fj.dcuy , ticcit Lho ttIfl (
of Lice aiiaicdoiicneict. of thu Icosjilte
sehcuucc was entirely witicouL fouccdatioi :
CIntihiciuuil 1'ctee.
CucInNATI , August. 28.-Herr Solici
dick. lute of Liuhictic coiuisurvntory
music , has arrived tw Lake charge of Lii
violizi dcpartcnen of the college of music
this city.
The comituittee of fifteen democral
appoliuted by the secret itceuthtig of den
ociats yesterday , are to.chiy considiric ,
tue quttistioci ( if caiiing a new count
coiuvetction , 'i'liey will report to.znorros
\Viii. II. Hoyt , thcuitostul clerk injure
in yesterday's disaLor nit tue l'aiu Hundi
rIiiui , at iliicgo. .Junction , died at 0 inc
night. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Au Act lye Vailcitilu Isiniul ,
BATAVIA , August 28.-'l'Iie eruption
the volencut isiiucd of ICrakatocu continuel
North linutea , . Java , is covered wit
cisices , lava and taiie. 'l'hie crops LU
ttiiiuoci , roads intul bridges daniaged. Tii
Eui'opuctii quarter .f Acigier mid tii
Ohihuesu caucci ) ILL 'I'orait wore swept awn
by ticu overflow of Lice rivers. 'rite tid
wave also swamped tim lowur quarter
Batavia , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
N. P. Guests.
Niw YORK , August 28.-The sLoan
sluiju Galhia ci ! the titinard hue arrived
thu dock early this iiiornicc , bringin
aiccoctg lien puusccccigers distitiguishic
1ccglictlccnen , coining to attend the opei
lug of the Nortlionic I'cucifio road.
Hcttoarcet 1"ouncleretl.
CIuoAc'io , August 28.-Intelligence it
beecu received hero to Lice effect ticat 6
American sehtosnor Dot formerly ti
Canadian scicoocuor Mary TerritL , with
cargo of iron ore1 fouccdored oft Orac
Maniat , Lab Superior , Sunday. ' 11
crow wore ayod ,
The Spis'Ministry , Diic Aaill
usd1 , Finally Fall ,
The Slayer of Informer Oaro
Shipped to England for
Trial ,
Tnts Annain Treit t y-Ltlot e hi ) Iun
gary-Thin Utucruirtueti Khtugit I'm.
curd 1'iuritluer Miuttere.
o'IuoNsEt.L'8 ritiAL.
LuoN , Atiguat 28.-'l'hiu crown tvii
deiucciud ticiut O'Donnell , s'iuu billet
1Jcttiies Caucy , ho roituovecl to Eugicuid
by ci witurcitit issued by the Govuccuor u
Oitito Colcicty , nuder ectihui 3. of tic
ititiiet'iiil fugitivu olfointuts act of 1881.
. tuhlle 8tIlt'UIttO ) court ef Cu1nutouvn ic
jucted the atpetut of O'DttIiOhI to hi
( tied tict vu. O'Doiuctuhl stilled for litig
liuiuti Lo.ticcy.
AI.voNSo ANt ) nUANCE.
The Daily News corrosicocident , a
1Itlc'il , sayit the cucluisters , u Ito uioeet ,
Kiuug Atftttio' visit Li ) ( iuruiuuiny , icrgtui
it would be inure polite fur tue king it
sttrreitder the icleic , bucitiso of thu nm
binge Funiccu would take if hcu carriud li
out ,
Tue EgytLiiutc ituiniatur of the ititorioc
itcus 5t1U'Lcui ii fumini for the relief or vie
thus of oliolcira. Large suctuts are iur1tum
ised. The Ecugliii troops iii Eiypt wil
subsoribo one dcuy s
'L'iio Pcir ! Ocutlinci sciya t Icears tiici
Priiuco Jerinnu Niiiuolonu ititciuds to pub
luIc a uucatuifesto to be isstcc'cl coiticiduic
with the futuorcul of , Ciucutuhorul.
itUSSIA'S WicitAT 0801' .
Ohl'iciuul ostititateci of wlceict cucud oticem
ercips of itussicu show Lice yield to be goti
orally scitisficetory.
'l'uyelvu clecitlis fretn cholera iii Aloxan.
dricu yestcrdccy.
A IIUMitEl ) IuEvoLUrIor.
A corrcsicoiideitt cut hong Kong says ii
is rututorud that ci revolution has broker
out at hue.
The EmnpcriorViiliiuiuu and other nov
creiglis have eecutcutttogtcucli luttert ci
COiidcICflcI to Cccitupteecuo Do Citcutubonit ,
Eccipiuror Frcutci'c J ose1uiu tvill versiccucull
tender his eoicduloiieu to the Cotcilcicasu
'rite hiui'iiii eutict will go into uciucui'uiuut
for uIiu dcuy.
Thu sultan pressed1 Piincu Nilcita , tin
I'dcIutotuegritu ' ) nuhur , to proh'img ' his visit. at
CiistiiH ticcccplu. 'I'Iie iiccjrussisuc is gain.
lug ground thuuut it is the iutczctt'iu ' of
Motiteciegi'.t to oppose acty further ad.
valicu of Austria into Turkey.
Act encounter icics tiikuuu , iucco bot.wc'r
brigands mcd 1ilieu cuectr Qiutcunicuuziuro ,
icc tue , tim acimilo nautue , ltuily ,
Oltiof iticca cind one policuncoit wuic
killed amid two wotintled. .
'l'lireo bakers were itrrested in Conic
chcurged with cotuecaihig anus. 'l'Ice ,
WCL'ti rumucutdel fur ii wuulc. A.riflu , ru
volvu'r antI ciii iiifet'iiicl , iciiciuiiiu , the it
icr identical tritlu the iniehcitiu : foutul iii
hItssessiomc of Decuty , 11110 of tint ciiieiai
dy tiiitt cit U C ( mcua1iirccti II'S , WCi'U d iici : I vet'ucl
( Iii tue t tY Icuru thu prisoiluri
A dispcttcit fiomit Mcudrid actys : l'ritnc
tlJuciate kcgatta trill to.dtiy tiutidur t (
King Alfomuic the resigucutiucu of Lice cab
I 'rime ? cI ituisterSagicstct Lo.dcuy tcnudoiei ,
ICim ig 4t I lotte i thu rusigi tathuic c if tic u mc i in
irttc'y. Sagiusla iifornued Lice kiiug of tlit
lIce cIivclgcleu ) of opictioli icc thu cicbituul
cohiuLivu to ciicspt'lcui.iic . ) f cutuatitutimmict
gciiucciitces 1111(1 the king's pri iinscci viuii
I ) ( uI'lsitmIy. 'J'Iu kiui pcst.pocieil Iii ,
Ii i ccii rust iI ci t CU ) tCUt'ttl iig thu icuinistr )
uicutil his retucic froicc Curuiciua.
JLumno4 MuDerimtott , chtiirgud with hut'
ilig iiuci eoitiiiictecl with thu dynaiciiti
cOiiSImic'iICy , was broctltt huLa ouch L ii
Liveriiuiol for uxcuuciiicuutioic tc.tiity. I
ivila showii that thu lltiSt)1101 was CicIcIliJut
ed with the CciuSic'&Ltir [ , FcatIcursctiumuti1
recocutly VOliViCteI , cucid that alto card ii
Lice latter , imutroducitig McDuniuuott ti
Dalton , anoticor coiutpirator , Wail stttcituc
to the collar of a dress CiLtt. which Will
fouicd in McDuriiioLt's box.
riti : ANNASI mEATY.
The otciporor of Aiimiuini line not ye
accepted tim ticaty sulincittud to htiici 1 ,
lhcuiccoud , Lice French civil coiciuciisaiuiior
Icit will probably accept it , iii audditioti ti
thu conditions before amutuounced. Tb
treaty requires guicrapea that. Liii
Freiiclc liretctnuto be Yucognizod eve
nil Aiitucuii. The success of the Frond
ill Aciciatit baa rendered China micoro icon
tile to ticuutcu. Chinese troops coiitiiiue 1
arrive oil Lice Yuu Nat frontier. Gotiurn
'I'imuliatidimi , Froiucic iiiiitiatur1 hits no
ttinited frocti a tour of ilialtuettoli of Lii
foiL1.oaimes Oil tim ciusturit ficictior , H
will Uciirily pioceud l.a thu Alpine fromi
tier to oxiuncino LIne fortrtiases ,
in various qttirLom's 'If Paris Icuvil
hug citizens to rally to the supliort of tht
iinpnarehiy under Louise 11cihlippo II
'I'Ice ilacards wore dsLroyed by th
Several flour acid corn mills were bun
0(1 cit Toulouse. Dainuigus 2,000,00
franca ,
Time couiL.uutantial , trying soldiers whu
participated icc thu citassacres in Aioxcn
dijut lust year , has soictoicced thirtee
culprits , charged with iiitvhiig organize
tue mciasacrea , to be Icanged opposite ti
IOiiCe atutioti ; two to twelve jeurs all
six to five years voIIaI servitude.
'rico French after taking Jlardnocui
jiursued tue Aciatnitus three days. Tin
alsusuizol Lice village of I'icubinn.
Mcniday there wore 165 deaths fro
cholera in Upper Egylit , six iii Lowc
' ' ( line stark
Egypt. 'I'hio steamer Joorgo
front Archacigel to seek Lice Dutch Poll
vessel Varna , for Lice discovery of wbli
a reward of 2,8O' . is offered ,
A largo band of peasants armed wi
guns and axes entered Zoalninhovo , liuci
gary , to.dcuy rnd lulundored thirteen Jaw
mu shops. They subsequently icfL Liii
dcico , but. tiunoateneci to return. Troop
have boon summoned to Iroveiut furthuc
disturbunuces. TIm atununi fairs liar
boon forbidden. A government. cscnmis
slitiu lute been ordered to inquire into tlic
disorders ,
A Itcvlcw of' Icupurtatut Evonte ii
Euugiauuil atul t Ito Cant luctut.
Citblo lotion to N. V. Sun.
LONIION , August. 20.-lion Majesty'
speech hits heist ructct , and a tedious atui
lu'otniucted acasioli of panliumnotut hiaseonuc
Lu ) RU cciii. itouted iutid debated in over
dirooiuiu ( , the t'ovenlutnctut. yet rotuuaiti
nicister of tue held. The oppi'nitiout i
mluuiuiuntlizetl iii ovorr purL , and licue tin
tuitully disbatiuitid. Sir Stcihl'ortt North
onto luas 1uuthhisltcd Lice upilutoli of hispity
sleuth that ho must retire frtitui thu
l'Cit1iotiSIlil'ttlCS of the lotulurniclp
his icc'ty , and has tied to it yaclu
amid tiu ! opcitu era. Lird Sails
l.ctt' ) ' huts covered hitcisoif with obloqu
by uk nocceulings in the Ilocmsu of Lord
in rtmlcctioit to bills tltctt. aIi'cuteut lila 1101
soiictt iiuterest. Lonul itiutudoipli Cintichi
hufil 1tlcachud fiuntily nflucctioci ; 1111(1 ruth
ed to a ( Jurtnctn Spit , before the storci
fiuirhy burst , and as for the rust of tb
party , it. titus dniuti tip and blocviu away
Such is Liuc cotidithutu of coucititUtlocici
OlIlOSItiOfl iii the face Of the coiciphicci
titian hito wh'cciu the guvtiricyuelit hut
PItttIgetl itself. Nothing catch ! be iflOI'i
COtli1)lOti ) than its tUsgritco in Egypt. am
South Africa ; uuotluutcg inure enubarnitaclu
ticuiti its relations trhthu Frntuco whuim
its fcciittrca iii respect to OVUI
ifcmportcutt measure of legislation wocub
licuvo uttccdo it ( ho easy iuuy , at iutiy iito
itiotut , of such ci leader nit Lort1 Bu.tconcc
ibid.'iiilo the mmli ilarty ituns had in
liticuti in crocutimug the troubles Liucut hcurac
Lice govuniiciuuiit ( rout abroad , it hats , b
itcupc'thitcg the prcigross of daccuestie logic.
icitlon niud wealcoicitig lice credit of ti
liberitl cabinet. , senicttsly itcilunireti tIc
guttural atrutugtlt 01 the itu'inucutry , and re
tuurded it 1coiioy that. nuigict.otliorwise hiatt
proved far citoru vigorous.
Nothing could look more dismal foi
libotuti cctcd conservative alike thiunc thu
hurcnliuct for the icuxi esctliun. in Liii
Irish qttutrtor , the iuusoiuiut rejection by a :
tipsy timid currogctiut hntudful of Lteorc oh
the rogistrittioct bill , on which tltu Irish
1)001110 licid sot their luectrts , tviIL no doubt
rub thu natiomualiats of uluminy a voLt' , but
it hits created widespread itudigmuatioc
cututi disgust , thai antiat , in sauce degree
I ) i'OVO it cotutpciiucntwii. Its receptini
In F.ngliuiud shown that a larg
proportion of the public are no
ciulitfiul of the exercise of any arbLLrar
function by the house of lands. 'I'Ica
body will be tolerated its long oucly as I
prunertes its ontctciiotikul citat'ttct.ur , ntc
its rccuhi stlctmltcctly roject't.ic of Incuusure :
which tiuro sent to it , alproved by over
tu'Iiuhiuuiug icmjurities iii the liiuao o
CitctitUHctt1 luiem oiJcasioiieti widespread aii
general dcssuutisfactiocc.
Mr. Labouolcc'ro expresses well tin
general fueling of English niuliciulce at thu
currocit juncture. 'I'Icu Irish uiioinbonci
liti ttyii , ought. to uitiltu whIt the Etugical
rcidiciultc titiit IL COiflhllOil plcttfurciu. Vl1u1i
they wiicct for Ireland , the radicals want
' 'Like tine Irish " hue
for Eicglaucdi , says ,
' 'uvu wcuict ; to Pitt cull end L.a the doiniuccu
6ouc of hurodoerath. 'l'iio 1)0Cm cure tict
iitt.urest , utiuculitia ( If Irulccucd ; they art
ours iuiso. Lot. us join iiacuds mcd lighul
our conuition fijes. "
Before 1uurlicctiuuict. asnemnbies agaic
Licuce uvill be great. chuuinges in the ucctir
1Miiticicl siLuittioli , hiadgorudnuid beat ci
hit it. lS time govuricuiluliti survives its iauia
fortuicea , iccid recuuaimcmu iciccatur of Lice hold
mcd the cotcrsu by which it will aucic u
fortify itself will be au ituturcating subject
to study.
'I'liu nItlIrossiomi prevails at tue fonoigi
cinti svcir ohl'ceucc tutu Fraicco Icuta gottui
iccli , Li very curious ltcuthiccitmloilt iii tiic
T.icit1iilii 0X1)tlditiOIl , and ticict it. is goiii
to ictvu , disaeitcoua cintL oiiubicccr.issiiig
ictit only t.t herself , bitt to uvurv iuue1
having ciutureats in tiut' renuoto octet , aund
to g113i11111i particular. Oiciiuc is dou1ii
tiisttirluc'ti , atuti time entire white lmltcthcc
thai of every icationuulity is phciuigeii ii
lilcUtailcess ut the umucoicctialcd hiostihit )
whiiolc is iituiicifc.stciul.
'l'Jiu killing of ci collie aiid woticudicig o
two others cut Ciuctiii , by mu Europecu
ohliciuci , Iccut iuuud thu chilict of icilliuicitui
Lice jiccicichiltioli to ii ictost. ducucguruua do
British coitaccl ititn lob
"I'uC , scud Lice
gi'atiioiI for prtituetiott , Lice dud nuiiiuucc
of Lice EcigliMic colony at the limo buint
lilt Amicericucu ticmuii'of'wcur , wlcicco coin
unalcdor w.iuid dii what. In' coulil fur thcuiiu
In l'iuria tue death of Coccito do Cianmit
bord , long cx1wetod , Iccics hewt diacctimitci
iii it.'i chFct , iut it. is ut'hiuhiy ovurctiuadnw
cii by the hgitatioii icroduceci by Lice no
uiit. ictellacing article iac the Ncii
Dcnatachuu uitung. Pnitcee l3icuciark'
uditcicisi uttuncincte 1189 thoroacglcly upaci
I. roiceit tquiniiiiity. , : A ncctjor&ty of tlu
repel hut accusations miii unjus
tiiid tinwarratctuibio , but Lice fouling Ii
has evoked is of Liio deepest.
Two views ltlu Lakuec of lila urvoao
000 that ice nought to miiouid thu reich
stag. whukii lie hues lSUidtflily convoked
Li ) hue cuihoged uturvae of iecuriiig a vet
of crcilct. for Lice iciobihizittloic of oaue ci
two Germaci arniy corps as an answer t
Lice intucided micobihizatcuac of a Fruicc
corps oat Lhuc ocaturit frontier ; tue otlcui
that atiticipating tim death of tue Count
do Chccnnboni , lie desired to uucouru
the two iiuonutrcIcIci futotiocca who at
HOW reunited iii tue imitoroatci of ti
gramidsoci of Louis Piuillippu. IL is ecu
thicit hue ii timed of the i'opubiio and wicthci
Lo see France cnurvcctivo , (111CC aguiiu.
A T'fuiiunuuiit LI ) lilcutitril.
Si'huXNIVLELIJ , Ill. , August. 28.TI
colcniiissii'Icera ' selected by AIr. Chant
A. Ciunuitunu , uI St. Louis , amid lIon.
Ii , SVittliburii , of Chicago , to uirraugo b
Lice erection id it inoicunietci to l'iurj
Meziard , thu hirat LiotmLuiiaiit Oovuniuor
Illinois , coot. iii this city yesterday . Thu
detoricuimied to jtlacu the unoicutaccit iii lb
state house grouicdci , intL Lice details i
to tim character anti design wore left I
a. coincnictsknc consiatitig of Mr.Vun
bunt , George hlamniltoic and Secretary
Stats Dunuemib , wlcu , will advertise f
a marble bust. and bromize statute , wi
gnuicito 1)oIoataI. Mr. Choutoau and,1
coicucciasiocuent wero.eiuturtainecllast.nig
itt the executive mansion by Govern
Haxciiltou. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Alicatetir Hiuiggorc.
Nuw You ; August 28-Ihial H , Ste
dard , of Syracuse , and Jack Davis ,
Bircninglnuum , Eng. , agreed to box I
35o0 a aide , iii tItle city1 between S
tembor 20 anti 2(1. (
V - - -
A llasca11 Peilsioll Silllor ? Arros1e
au llcl for the Grand Jury.
The World's ' Arbitration Loagno .
Puthing the Millonium . V
of Peace. ,
Ncnv l'octotflco and 1'otnh 1toute-
General News.
A UIIANQE or arrxos
\VASILINGT0N , D. 0. , August 28. -
( leitorcul Shierinami rocoitunutuded tii.
ruveuuty.first inicutitny , iu'w mu Lice Pacihlo ,
witlu liendquuuntora cut. Fort. Vancouver5
Viuihcingtotc territory , ci citamugo of eta.
tloluct tvithu Lice Tutit.ii infntttry , iuow' oa
the lakes , tvitit huuadqci.trturs at. DotroiL
If aprovcd ) by the secretary of tvar Lb.
etnuige wilt be tunudo Lute fail.
Cotunuodoro EtigUsic received the fol.
lowing tulogruucu trout Liouctodant Coin. .
icuittutlicr Welsh , at Pensacola tide inora-
lug : "Oite lieu c.uu yesterdiy , tue
socomuti dccuiglitur of Mrs. Owcn. On.
death , l'ilrs. ' Owoii. "
Railway postoflico service on this
Northern Piicitluuatiroiul lucia boonordened
hiut Micsotmlct amid Helena , Motitalun ,
to take uhl'ucL tlco 2icd P ° ' . This will
uniuku cocctiiuuous railroad postoflico nor.
vice via thu Northern Pitcitie railroad
froitu St. l'aul to l'ontlcun d , a distance of
1020 iiuiies.
Tlcore nto now 48,084 imostotUces in thto
Uuuitod Status , of which iiuinber 117.1 cure
itt'esklouitucul anti 6278 inoitey ordurollicea ,
ineu tue year 187(1 Utu nucuber of post-
ottkea Iccivu icicroaauti 4 imer cccii.
Iiuvestig.ution of the facts connected
with tccu itnis of $1,000 national batik
tuotea iii t.huo trenmctcry dcpcntttcciut , aimwe
tutu the ciotcis mud boon cinicolled qcul
uisuic'ts 14) thu lhcdur , mcd no lass could ia
buy event Iccuvo secucrod totho depart.
mont. The lucia is tiri'Iy accidental acid
iuo blanue can ho attaciced to auuy clerk or
eiuuploye of the treasury.
Aicotluer case of cclicgod aitocnptccl
uvitnliitug iti puitsion eicuitcua was brougict
to light U.thcuy by thu arrest. of Goul1 P.
.tisLcmt , a duccluiurged clerk m the peiision
(1111cc , who it is said lucia bueci su nititug tc
itt1Iimdit1uts far imuiisiocs , representing
ictuutacif as stilt conmicuted with the du.
iiurtci1uIat , aiid liable to secure fcuvorablo
uuutioiu oh tluuir claiiiia. , A quaictity of
nhiiciiul iiuiiui ) amid a ciuma of coirespotid.
( cicco tILLS tound in lila remit svlaumi arriust. .
od. Ho trim hculd $1,500 bail to apeat'
ill court. The sjteeihlu citargo agatncut
huicnis the eorrespuiidwucu'describcd with V V
St,5 'helen It. Richcanclaon , at Tocunisob , '
.AL a icucetimig of tim \Vocld'a Arbitra-
Lion League huiirti to.uight resolutioci.
iYulVo atiu)1)ted favoring iiolding a world's V
uXloMitioIi ( If un amid industry at' thu
ciipit.iil of the United Stcuteui in 1892 , the
fotcrtlt cutitominicul of ( lie discovery of
Aticonica , rucoccuncuding it. be hold iii
CtIctitICtiIIi tvitii it reprectitictativo congi can
of itcitiocia for discussion if quost.iocuce af-
footing Lice mutual 1111(1 sociuul relcutiniutu of
mice hiucnuiuu race. It licis liecii decided to
. ( ihuiicit it coiccmnittutt of seven ciceuicbcr
ccl tue league to wait upiuc tim 1n'csiduait
cutni requtost him to take icutu colcaidena-
thlflu LIce piopniuty of reclautmuundiilg to
I ice iiuxt cocigress 8011)0 legislation look-
lug to mi ceasful attaiiumiiutitci of tim etude
conteinphuutiid. V
Chicago ShiIptnm's Otgicmiize Against V
ititilnaini Iisurhiachcuctioiu. ,
ChicAGo , August. 23.-About a week
ago Lice iccurciciucts of the city alupoiluted
It comacmcuitteo to drafL cc coicatitucttoic acid
by.iiiws fat. nil oigiccizatiiin to be ktiown
115 'l'hco Chicago Freight Bureau. " The
uhcaitlaig coiuiiiuittee to.dny noported to
thu , iub-comcmiiiitttiu amid tim batter hiavo
c'cuikd a guicural ccicuting of iciui'chnnta
amid siuippcrct for Thiutraciucy next to con-
tidur iumcd icutify tico constitution aid per- V
foci tue orgcuiizcLtiolu. 'l'hio concctitutiin
submitted I > rovides fora general nuccilager
1111(1 nesiduccL , the fonicier to he a salaried
oflicur. 'rite orgiucizat.con is purely local
uuitci for Lice urpcto of obtaining uniform
freight. rictus for its icceccibers t" all V
Points. AbouL all ccl the large wlcol.- -
suilce and LccanmIfacttlritcg icuturcnta of
Cicicagn arc icteucuburs. Tue prime may-
era itt the organizing bureau nra said to
iuo thmo troll ktuuuvcu icousos of liiarshiull ,
Field , J ii8 V. Fnrwuli & Co. , an
Fncuukhicu MuVoughu & Co. It is claiine
the railroads have boeii discnitniciatiug in
furor of cuithimi shippers. This bureac
will hierocifter render such *
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
St. 1'iumtVIII Celebrate.
Sr. PAuL August 29.-Arncucgocnents
for Lice celebration of the opening of the
Northern Pacific rend next Monday j
now coiuiiiluitte , liwiry Vihhmird nuud lila
ItarlY of4Otguostu } will arrive in the city
iiuxt Saturday night , goliug direct to lake
Mhcitietoitha , wicolo they tvill reictain un-
UI Monday cuurtcing cue tim guestaof the
tity of St. I'auI. 'licen tlce liarLy rutuni
to St. Paul amid visit the
gracii illustrating the vanioui
trades and conmiziorcial industries alone
the great road , President Arthur oiL
jIatty tviii probably bo prosolit , alt they
will rues ticroughi this city about timt
tune. Monday ciigitt a graicd banqu.
uvill be givcin the city's guests 'at the La.
fciyotto hotel. Eihct hiutidred illatea wiU
be laid. 'lice invitatiouis to the banquet ,
Issued by tini mayor and city coucied of 4
St. 1utul , are elaborately gotten cup.
After the baciquot the jaunty tvill leave fo
Portiacid in three sIoccal tnititis. The ci- '
Liinatcd cost of Lice celebration is
A Deathly fuel. V
ORloAGo , August 28.-A special roponia
that Louis Phillips and Jacob itosun. .
, brook , two young men residing near Vum.
r dahia , ill. , had a duel near that city oar
ycatorday morning. The weapons us
. were pistois and both wore killed at the
first tire.
a V