- - - - - - _ - - ---J . - - - - - - - - - J- - - - - : MJ . - - - . _ . . - - - - - - - . . - - - 1IE DAILY BEES - . - - S O1VHA. Tuesday Morning , Augunt 28. Xndlcatlonn for To-day. For the upper MiRiMippi a1tey , fttr , rothor , windft mosfl7 northweaterlj , tionary temperature an the upper porIon , tionary or rising temperature in lower portion , falling followed by ruing b&mmeter. For the MiasouH Yalley , fMr wotithor 'windino3tIy norhorn , rising barometer , stationary or lower temperature. LOOAL BREVITIL3. -WEe re IAppIt , Leak & Co. zn.e&w. -T. M. Br1ntn11 I 8topplng ut the Millarti 11ouO. Mr. i3rntnall Ia pedat agent for the ] 3card t' 13m. Safe and Lock Co. of St. Lotili , for Neb , lie 1eadi with the ratent Circuler And Round Jolnt.odSCnEW ] ) oonburgar.proof ! Bale. -Three Pullman cri , with about a roan to each car , went out on the weitern train' thu ! % 000. Monda Ii a "Inu1' Ila -The J , M. Thuriton use company leave , for Lincoln at B o'clock this morning ft.h their running maclime , to take Iurt In the tournament. They have a ipeclal train over the Union Pacific. -Some thtvc.i broke into J , Kendk' place on Thirteenth , near Leavenworth , caxlyyoiter. day morning , but were icared away. All they took was a canary in iti cage. The early thief catchei the bird. -The Tormenti and the St. Charici Qtck teps played a game of ball sunday afternoon on the South Omaha groundi. The game terminated In favor' ofthoTorinontnby a acorn 41 18 to 12. Golden did some fine pitching. -A vocal concert Is to be given at the Christian church , corner TwonUeth and Far. Earn itrcte , thu evening , for the bone. fit of the church with a very excellent pro. graxnnlo. In which Mr. and Mn. Ponnoll. , Mn. latoy , MIM Maul , and Mr. Prance take part , -.Bilndorff's team ran away yeAtorday and scattered ice cream from Farnam , , troet to DougiM in a most liberal manner , and wouniI 1lJ by tr'liig to climb the telegraph polo In front of the Republican office. Not iucceed. ing In this , they itopped and were taken homo troinbllngiuid torn , -The regular weekly mooting of the Gath. olin ltz'ig1its of AmonIc will be hold at the hail U. C. L. Aa. roomi thin ( Tuei. day evening. ) All membera are requested to be preont , as buainoM of Importance will bo tranactod-ltIcI1AnD COWZfl , Soc. f The Dougaa county teachona' inatltuto , now n inadon at the high ichool , will close Thune- day evening. Nearly sixty teachenii have t boon enrolled. Friday and Saturday vIll be c devoted to the examination of inch zi'i may 'wish to teach during the coming term. The . examination will abie ho bold at the high achooh , -"Dr. G. Stanley Hall , of Boston , recently whited the publlc schoobi In Omaha , and naked the p'zpiia a number of qualoni , saya an inatorn newspaper and followa the statement With spocimona of the chlldrons' replloe. This has got Into patent plate circulation and Is being printed all over the country. The quos. thai were those propounded totho little ones the lower grades by a reporter of TIlE BEE at thu time this paper made such an elaborate zeviow of Omaha's pbl1o schools 'ast ' Juno , and Dr. G. Stanley Halt was not hero nor had lie anything whatever to do wIth the matter. The Chicago Times publIshed some of the chlld answers In Its humorous colunu , . ; ANDERSON VILLAINS , I . fir Men 'llom AildorsOli ont llp to th oo1cr To-Day WHi& a. Short 1)oscrlptlon of What WitH ( lie Matter VItIi Them. john Dovino wa one , bocauno' ho could not pay two dollaro and the nocos- aary adjunct intlio way of costs for din. turbiog tim peace , moans two dollars and a half , His Dovino nature did not nave him. Ho wont up. Dan Flyiin forfeited his recognizance , sliieli the annie amounted to ton dollars. The judge put the caglo in his official pocket , the one on the right aide of his pantaloons. Thu other is lii personal pocket , because ho usually finds it loft. A. Swiuuon and J. P. taxidberg , ( not &ndburr ) haj a slight altercation in a down town clothing store over a purchase one of them had ziiado , and tlioy oven WKNT & 40 YAU a to indulge in blows about the matter In hup a of a spoediorsottloiiiont Two dollars find costn , Take 'Las along ! S. Mauror was another man who for. foited his rocogniaanco , and another gold piece went into Judge Auderson'a 'capa. cios right hand pocket. 4 The number f men who wore arrested for dilturbing the quiet of th'o 8abbati ] waz about as largo as usual. Tim Ryan and E. B , Imrigio wore dli. charod fos' this , but James Orillin iuid William Howell had each to pay two dol. Jax and , casts , and Howard Elihs was akirmlshlng ai'ound Wwn.Iookihg for a fnend.In.need.li.a-frjond.lndeod to pay Jun fine. Frank Vordino was sent up. Thor upon the judo heaved a sigh and aent out for suinG ioo.wator. TurnIng Jils ppcketii iniklo out , ho found exactly forty dollars and twenty conta the pro. 4100d4 of * half hour'a work. lie piled it all up in a little tower on his dusk and LnLlod at it fondly. The court then ad. jour ncd , and when the reporter tuniiud the key in his jnivato box and 1eft the Imil the judge was smiling over some very funny photogniphii that the chief ol the firedopartment was oxlitbkteg. . N1W VNiFORMH. The Police Foron Coming Out Iii fleguLatlon Blue and Buttona. . The now uniforms for the l)011C0 force , asack coath of blue with vests and liants te iiatcli , are expected hero about the 10th of September. The police force need zew clothing badly and when they got liioao will be much improved in soldierly appearance , 'Ilie suitsaro being made in Now York. ¶ Vliaiata , stlffDerbys , stili remain In the , xpreis offlcM hare , became no arrange. ' znn waa made Ir their examination. FJ The ast.cu'flrthhiavo beeuuked to allow the boys t4 look at the hati before taking * Jiemaada replyisexpeotod soon. : 1atorpri.thglocaIagent.iwntad inthli ' towforauarti l that iasureto sell. Liv drurgi sta .and grooers prefjirrod. , A4drm jlumlitonFood Preaervalive Co. i LIby 4 , I3 ft. U . - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - QUEERLETTERS. IllfliSiiiO Poo1e Who Thtn the ayer Rails A1utC1IiOllCO 0111cc. A Pew HpccImcnN of' tlio Quentlolia to WlIol& fin In SuIJect. Dropping in to Mayor Chase's chico yesterday we found him opening his mail and smfllig over a letter ho had just received. Upon being naked what good flows ho had learned ho replied that it. was not any good news but. just one of the characteristic lotIon which ho La constant.- ly receiving from all parta of the country on all sorts of inquiries , foolish and otherwise. To many of those ho , of course , finds no occasion to reply , and to some , when ho thinks the case worthy of attention , ho aniwora as best ho hi able. Omaha is such a contra ! city that. It in the deatma- Lion or the sthling ott ilaco of a large drifting population , and so if any one in thoeast lies lost a friend or a relative nil ho thinks is necessary In to write to the mayor of Omaha and make Inquiries. The mayor is upposcd to have iiotliing in the world to do but run around and make Indefatigable and ; ieraistont. search after persons , statistics of various kinds and ititormation of agonural character. AN INVF.MTIQATION WANrEI ) . A man in St. Louis wrote , not. long ago , the following inandatery epistle : City mayor. Omaha , I want ou to make a thorough sheanch in your city for a man ans. tim following diacription : a foot 2 mcli dark haired Eyes broad shoulder rather fine personal appearance , dark inustash not long high Cheek bone. right name - - - Want your invcatigation to be tlio very best. l'uL your best men at work ! and send tel. what sUccou. you have $500 for man when cot. Send tel. to 11. Smith , doct. p. doant fail to amer and see to bus. Incas , " This is just one of a dozen. Hero is one liloro politely framed but just as nit. poMiblo to answer : 1'KOVJDENCE , July 10. To 1118 IIONOIL TUE nAyoIi.-SnI-Tlie : undonaignud intends to publish a Direct. ory coiltaining the names of all the bsid , loaders and music teachers in the United States and begs the favor of your assist- anco. If you will be kind enough to forward - ward , on the enclosed citrd thio hames ol all the band lcitdeiS and music teachers ill your city , you will greatly oblige , Yours Respectfully , - - . One of a mono general clinracter comes front' Galveston , Texas , The gentlemen evidently ivan vnin LtrrLn CONF1DNCE in brother merchants of lila own branch of trade : The lion , Mayor , Dr. Sir : Will you confer a favor by sending mc the name and address of a responsible commission merchant. In fruits , vegetables - ablos , etc. I graw and ship largely of early vegetables for northern markets and desire to make the experiment oh shipping to your city. Success depends largely upon the honesty of the mor. chant , as there is a phenomenal propon. sity among commission mon to report re- collita in bad. order and make returns ac- cordingly. Respectfully , "Phenomenal proponsity"isgood. A very common hotter is that making in- IIIY after relatives who liavo drifted to this city. Hero i a specimen from a man in Arizoni : August 18 , 1883. To the honorable Mayor : Sin-You will confer a great favor and kindness if you vill use some means in your official capacity to ascertain if thieve be a woman in your city by tim name of - - , Any information in regards hot whereabouts will bo very thankfully received - coived by her father amid if'you vill ut a card in scone if not. all your leadnu' vapors nut ! whatever the charges is I will forward the same amount to you on receipt - coipt of an return anser. Enclosed find statnI. tiouiicil Illuilim to copy. " This last hotter miiet with attention , uotwithstandimig its illoibility , because It wa evidently a deserving case. happy ru-unions are sometimes brought about iii this way and the iziayor takespleastmre in doing what. lies in his imwer to help whoa he thinks the demand proper , - BuuJ&len H:4trneu : Salvo. Tbo greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted to speedily cure Bunims , Cuts , UI. ,00ns , Salt lihoumi , , Fever Bones , Camit.une Pilci Uhilbialni , Corns , Totter , Chapped IiaiusummJ * 11 aklmi eruptions , guaranteed to cure In ever instance , or money refunded , 2S vents nor box _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Real EeLitLTransfors , The following do&s m'iiod ! for roe- cord in the county clonl'a office August 25 , reported for Tim Bxa by Amos' real state agency : - Augustus Kountzo and wfo , to Isano S. hlascall , w d , slot4nd n lot Li in b 12 , Kountao'i 3d adds 850 , . Etiono O'Neill and wife to John 0. Hopkins , w d , lot b 10 , Boyd's add , A00. rroderlk Drexel and wife to i.overott N : , Anderson , w ii , part sections 3 and 4 town 14 range 13 , $40,040.85. ( ihanles B. Harmon and wife to Charles B. Mayor , w d , lot 2 b 2 , Bogg's and Hill's add , $050. Himobaugh Place to Omaha , pint , dedication of pint , sub-division of lots 5 , 0 , 7 antI 8 , Bartlett's add. : Moso F. Shlnn and wife to Joseph MoOlano , lots 1 and 2 b 1 , t3)ilnn's ) Qd add , $600 , Jon , Mc0lamio , to Henry E. Ostlamn wd , Iota 1 & 2 , blk. "J" Shinas Add. , $054. : VI11 A. Cushnian to Alrnu 8 , Vincent L Wd.IQt 8 , block K. Lowcs Add. $135 , Eu-a Millard anti vifo to Julia Bechtel wd. . N. . , lot 14 , , oxcoitiug east 10 ft. , said [ otin Millard and Caidwolls add. , $700. Amldrcw Harmon anti vifo to Bertha Jakuluk wd , , lot 8 , block 2 , Boggi amid hfilladd. , $050. Many tunes youwant to keep moat oa flak for several days. Lay It In a solu. tion of Rex Manus over night , and you can keel ) it tr weeks. You can also keep milk a week or atone by stirring in a lit. . tie of the "Snow . Flake" brand , in&-e&wlm CURIOUS CHAIIACTBIIS. A Man WIii , 'Will Navlgittt , the Yol. IlWStOUO anti Misimuri. It Is almost a atorotypod expression that Omaha , the gatuw'y between 'hio bait and west , Ii time jauago way of a groat. mizany curious chaz-a Qtors who range from the cast to the west , to say notlilmmg of thi presidents , senators , l'ings , ithices and potentatee. Almost , ovQry diatimi- uishad person Is be soon poiivr er - - - - - - later by those who watch the trains and time curiosities in the way of express and freight. goods in course of their triES atrona tim continent , sea lions , cargoes of ton , tons of hosiery , silk aiim ! wines , being common sights. Occasionally somethiiiig a little beyond the usual limit of fame or oddity comes along and on one was a passenger on Sun- day's west. bound U. 1' . train , This Individual was from Connecticut. and was oil his way to Montana , where Ito expects to take the head waters of tIme Yellow. atone for a sthrtin point and go down to New Orleans , a trip over 8,000 miles. The mnoatsingular thing about.tho man was his dress and general appearance , whichat first glance gave one the im pression that ho was a crank and a very bad one , lie was of a swarthy complex. ion , were his hair long amid falling over his shoulders and had earrings on and bi-acolots on his wrists. Conversation with him , however , showed hini to be a man of considerable intelligence. PAXTON UNFENCINIL Ho Declares Ilie ficcision in Rcar to EllO1OSill Ct11c Rallcs To Ba the Meanest Given By Any Judge ill Any Oountry. . Time Matter to 116 'rakemi to tlio Simpromno Court and ComIgrcsH. Mr. William A. l'axton had just risen from a comfortable dinner yesterday at. the hotel which is graced with his nalno , cud had comae out lute the rotunda , when the omnniprosont Dna man who hind beomi hovering about in wait for a victim espied himand waiting until lie liadcomfottably placed himself in one of thin numerous arni chairs the reporter soaroildownupon his proy. "You are so largely interested in the western cattle business , Mr. Paxten , " said time reporter , "we would like to learn what you think of the late dccli- ion by Judge Senor in regard to the fencing , of governmnemit land by cattle ' 'non. Wiping from his lips thin last traces of ice crealmi with a silk handkerchief , liberally - orally perfumed with heliotrope , Mr. Paxton said : S "That decision , air , is nltog thier the moat contemptible , TIlE MEANEST flECISION , over rendered by any judge in any coun- ryl , , That's my opinion of the dooms iou. "Weroyou largely interested i that part of the country ? " "Yes , I have considerable land , forty or fifty thousand acres altogether , fenced in. " "What do you use for fonc'imigl" "Barbed wire altogether. " j most of this fencing domiol" : ontinuod time miowapaper man as he jotted down the remarks of Nebraska's cattle kimu in his note book. Moatly Wyoming , I believe , very little in Nebraska , except what Coo and Carter , and I hiavo put. Ui ) . " Who lives in thmat roiomt that wouhd be disturbed by this foncmgl" "Not a soul lives there , " said Mr Paxton , "save the cow-boys and the ramichmnen Not a soul to be disturbed. There's not ONE ACEE u PITrY THOUSAND , u : toll your that will overbear nnythiing at. nil. All its good for is cattle raising. A las-go hart of the land is railroad as well Iii government land , and a great amount of railroad hand has boon fenced , but this thin decision doesn't apply to. " "Y1iat will ho thin effect of this dcci. siomi ? " "Well , I think the ofl'oct will be to drive out of that country some of the finest stock interests we have in time vest , 'Flint is , if the decision holds good. But. we're going to sco to that , We're not going to atop hero , by any menus. Imi urn first place is-c shin ! ! take it TO TIlE SUI'IIEME cOuit'r and wo fool pretty confident thin decision will be broken there. Thou we vnuit congress to scud out a special comnmuitteo tt look into this mnattermfhittlo. An ollrt will ho muado by tim stockunon of the wont this vimitor to get congress interested iii the matter , It is for thin good of the country that those ranges should be pro- tooted. They are fifty amid a hundred timiles fromn any place ; they are iii 'to- body's way. Seine of our atockinomi hitivo gone into the business of brooding tine stock and hiavooxpendod vast. autos of momi y cmi blooded aimimmiala. Now it will miovor do in the world to liavo those amiiinnls IIUNNINU AitOUND LOOSE , with the comnmnon range cattle , you see. That's what noimo of time fomicos are for. " "Who are the parties that brought this suit ? " inquired the interoated rem iortor. "Uko a good many oIlier things , my young friend , " said Mr. Paxton , "There's a woman at the bottoimi of it. 51w brought the suit. I don't know her name , but that's wlmat they say. " "Do rou intend to romnovo any of your fences ? miotablaniedono of 'omn"naid Mr. Paxton , determninedly , leant not until we got soniothilug , more definte ; we've Injured nobody ( quid i'm going to follow this to time jumnThg.ofFplace before I take down any of my fences. " Amid adjusting a stylish white tile to hi. head Mr. l'axtoui bid tao reporter good day and walked out imito the venmui- dali , Well Rowartloti. A liberal reward will be liaid to any party who will irodtmco a case of Liver , Kldminy or Stomach oomnplalnt that } loctnle hitters will not 'poodily cure. lining them alomig , it vlll cost you uiothlimg for the modicum If it fnlla to cure and you v1ll be wuhl m'owardctl for your tnouidn boiiltles. All Blood diseases , Bilious- lien , , Jaundice , Coiistlpatiun auth general dab. ility are quickly cured. atisactloii gauranteod or mooney refunded. Prtee only fifty c-omits per bottle , For sale by C. F , GoODMAN. Army Ortlcz-ti. On thin recommuontlation of. the chief eommuiiiasary of subsistence of the dopart. imient , Counnissary Sergeant Frederick Nirk is tomnporatily assigned to duty at Fort Sidtioy , Nob. Thin journey porforinod by First Lieu. tenant T. Ii. Capron , Ninth infantry , , from Fort BridgetWyn. . ; to Ogden , Utoli , amid return , under thin authiozity of the department comnnmamider , is confli-med. Thin followimmg unmet ! muon enlisted at Fotta Dbue'las , Ijtaii , anti Omaha , Nob. , are assigiod as follows : Recruit Emiianucl Jacobsen to soinpaiiy A , ( liii infaiitr' , - Recruit Stakes S. Newton to company 11 , 6th infantry. rtecruit Newton will ho sent to the stittioii of hmI company , Fort Douglas , Vtahi , Wi the first fayorabl opportunity. - - - - - ' IMPORTANT DECISION. The RcstraInIll 0ror Dellic in the Pcaoy ease. Wimichi Will Now Cso Over to the Oc. CObol' Tcrzn of the District Court. Eliza J. B. Peabody recently brought. a suit. , in thin district. court , against. the city of Omaha , the mayor , city council and board of public works , and the contractors - tractors engaged in the work of grading Jones and Fourteenth streets , alleging that prior to 1873 thin city had established - od the grades of said Jones and Four. thentli streets , respectfully , and after. ward the plaintilT and her grantors , site owning Iota 1 and 2 , block 106 , mmmdc valuable imnprovomnents on said pToporty , worth at least $8,000 , which improvements - monts wore made In respect to , and in. conformity with thin said grades , as es- tabhishad prior to 1874. Thin plaintiff avers that after said imu- provemimemits wore inado and during time present mmionth time city passed certain orthinamices changing thin grade of Jones and liourtoentii streets iii such a way as to require Jones street to bn cut. eight. feat below the old grade , and Fourteommth street sovemi feet below its old grade , in front of the property of plaititilf , alleg- tug also that no appraisora wore appomntod to determine time damage from said chmange of gratlo amid that no damages iii thmnt behalf - half hind ever been tendered hior , although alto would be damaged at least $5,000 ; that contracts hind boon made amid the work of grnding actually begun under thmoso"contraeth , and that said ordinances and nil proceedings thieround'-r wore null and void on the latter account. Judgn Neville granted a tiporary rn- straining order until Saturdayat which tiuno the suit came on for a hearing. At that. time thin city filed its answer and nummiorous affidavits1 aihoging as its defense - fenso that the plaintifFs husband , Dr. Jam,105 , H , Peabody , hind waived ilaiuitiff's right. to damages by signing papers to that effect. Plaintiff then filed a counter nflldav it. domiying her husband's right. to sign such waivers. Thin paiers , signet ? waived the damages which might be caused by the new grade of Fourteenth street. After arguments hind. beau heard , the matter was taken under advisemmiont until yesterday , ivhien thu court decided : First. That if no waiver had been signed the court was bound to grant the injunction , as thin case the made by the Plaintiff clearly came under thin purview of the decision of our aupromno court in thin ease of ilurford vs. the City of Omnahia. The only q ostion to be decided , then , wan that of whether there had been such a. waiver. That ho felt convinced that plaintifPs husband hind authority to sign for his wife , and that. as papers hind been signed , waiviumg damnages by thin grade on Fourteenth street , thin damages by reason of the grade on Jones street , which is one of the njproaches thereto , were necessarily waived as vell , as it would have to be graded to make tlmt portion of the city passable. He thought. thin iiapora would operate as a waiver and thinrcfore refused to grant the temporary injunction. This is not considered as fatal to the case , which will be proceeded with and tried on its merits at the October term , when thmoy will not only ask for a perma- uient injunction of the work , which will by that time bo completed , but that the assessment. of nil taxes , paying for the grmding of.Jones street be enjoined. .1k Run on a. Drug Htoro. Never was such a rush made on any drug store I as is now at 0. li' . Goodman's for a trial hot tIe of Dr. Klimg'a New Discovery for Con. sumptloim , Cough. flid Colds. All iorsou. I lfroctCI with asthma , broncimitis ' hoarseness , severe coughs or amiy affection of'tue throat and lungs , can get a trial bottle of thii great remedy tree by calling at above drug store. Itci'ulai - size . , _ 81.00. _ PERSONAL. L. Ogilvy , of Demiver , is at time Millard. 'v. B. hiamnmnomid , of Deadwood , Is at the \1illard. Eugene Moore , the stenographer , Is In town. 0 , Townsend and vlfo , Beatrice ; W. II. Baiter , 1'lattinmonthi , and Joe Cams , Seward , are guests at thin Millard. B. D. Wenge , of Bowen , Ills. , l at the Motropolltami , Janies Firthi , of Mohino , is a guest of the Metropolitan. Mrs. N. J. Barton , of Nebraska City , is at the Metropolitan. Vim. Saylos , of Denver , Is at time Metro lohitan , J. N. Black , of Weeping Water , Is at the Metropolitaim. Itur. Dr. Shilling has been suddenly called onatby the serious illness of his father. \v. Ii. Monger , of Fremont , L. C. Burr and U. S. liarwood of Lincoln are at' the Paxton. Time pInt of hllinobaughi place , a subdivislor of Ilorbachi's addition to the city was filed In the county clerk's office to-day. T. B. Bnintnall , agent for Beard & Bros' . Safe and Lock company , St. Louis , Is stop. l)1 at the Millard. M. C. llurkwell , of Cheyenne , wAs at the Millard yesterday. Sir Percy liargreaves , of Lancashire , lng hand , was a guest of the Millard yesterday. F. G. lianior , of Koaraoy ; S. W. Swltzlcr of Bloomuinglon ; J. N. Black and Miss Carrie 1.1mm , of l'lattsmnouthm ; B. 0. Carpenter , ol Elm Creek ; U , B. Waldo , of Ulysses ; M.Y. . Stone , of Wahoo ; W , McKay and wife , o Fremnont ; Johiui W. 3ows , and 'mV. ' B. White of Tekmuuah , are at the Millard. The fnhlowlnr were among time arnlvali at the Paxtoim yosterdaym J. W. Tiilhol anti lady , Syracuse , Nob. ; Ii , A. Emonomi Mrs. Emerson , amid children , Atchmison ; 5. . Ii , Krause , J. DiwI.tFm'eLl. J. Evans , N.v York , BM. . Dawkiiis , hlooiio , iii. ; J. A. McQulhhmui1 Now York ; J , W , lianuumim , Boone , la. A. A , Fonim'oy , Cetlar Itapids ; M , Ishaimi and wile , Alex. Majors , Bazooui , Ill.V. ; . .1 'iVayomim , Denmscr , ha. ; .1rs. A. F. Sliiitii : Beatrice , Nob. ; Jos. A. Tart , Decatur , Ill. K A. Ileaten , Weston , Nob. ; Chins. Coomabs lit. Louis ; Chas. A. lean , Des Molimes ; l Mcintyre , Sewal ; J. 'V. Dewcase , Lincoln 0. 11. Pierce. Iorthmflehtl , Miup. ; Lewis A Keith , Milwaukee ; 'V' . M. Chine , B. 3) liaise ) , T. B , llopwood , l'helps ; J. Ii Ritdiey zuui wife , Independence , Is. ; Ida M Clark , Mt. l'tmgali , In. ; MaryTPurmtou , Howard \v , J , KOlyon , J. S. Kimmelatad and wife Julius Ballomisbung , nail 0 , F. Leuthior , CM ca'o ; Jay Reynolds and wife , Manly Rogers WilUmtmn Marshall , and W. t. Munger , Fm mmmd ; Mrs. French , John lid. Proctor , Dr Peter Piner , and 0. F. hamilton , Boston ; 13. S. Cryer , Ilock Island ; 1k 0. Adamus , Gale. an , lu. ; II , 13. W'ymidhmamn , Plattemouth ; E. 0 MoXain , ew York ; Charles Vest , Lincoln ; Ii. C. White , Canton , Ohio ; .1. 0. Mlachier , Perry , Iowa ; B. C. Hanson , Hardy , Nob. ; 1. 3 ! . Nelson , Nebraska ; S. ( I. Brown , Now York ; T. It. . Canon and wife , Shenandoah , Iowa ; Miss Nellie Rogers , La l'orto , Indians ; \v , C. Wardhiurat , PaclfioJunctton ; J , Brown , Cambridge , Mass. ; A. B. Rmuheniand , City ; ir. A. Sturgcag , J. T. lIopkns , II. 1 ! . Mulky , city ; hlomi. II. B. Wyndham , l'iattiemoutb ; N. S. Ilarwood , Lincoln ; J. F. lhrrls , Lln. coin ; K. J. Kimball , Pulman l'nlaco car conS ductor ; Miss Cash , , North I'hatto ; Mrs. N. Sweetiand , Cheyenne ; 1. C. Burr , Lincoln ; Jacob Mortonam , Warsaw , \Vla. ; If. IL Flook , l'ulman Palace car conductor ; \V. .T. hancock and family , Council Bluffs ; John Flynn , Dubuque ; B. M , Gibson , Plum Creek ; George llichmnrtlson and wife , A. Constable , Fort Collins ; A. A. F.gbort , superIntendent Colorado Central , Denver ; Mrs. Vernon Miss Nernon , Frank , Tamison , Des Moines ; Charles M. Orluder , Cheyenne ; John W. Bar. nani , Weschmeit.er ; Johu Sparks , Choy. enne ; George 5 , Smith , Plattimouth ; Tom. Connehy , Dubuque , Iowa ; II. I ) . Lock. wool , Ottawa. K , ; Guorvo S. SmlthN'orfollk ; j. Koongsthn , Norfolk ; } ' A. Durkeo , St. Lotus ; 1r , A. Ilear , New York ; T. 0. litiy. dock , Philadelphia ; B , Ii. Peterson , Tekanma , Nd , , ; B. M. Crone ! ! , Pc. CaihmounW. ; .1 , .Tackman , city ; J. P. Ilnmngton. St. Louis ; Charles A. Quigley , Dubtique ; H , J. Robin. son , Champaign , Ill ; S J. Paris , North Au- buni , Net , . Frank P Ireland , Nebraska City ; , T. F. loop , Nebraska City ; A. D. Webster , Now York ; E. B. hniio , SL Louis ; M A.Ma. hills , Now haven ; W. 1' . Dustln , Mars ; Mor gan It. ICavaitaughi , New York ; Edwin Mur- flu , Nebraski City ; M. E. Wheeler , Plat.ts- mouth 3) . H. Wheeler , Plattamimouthm ; S. S. MerrIll , Milwakoe ; .1. ii. Bhoomhnrdt , N , Y. BALL'S ' .1 CORSETS Every Corset is wtmxmaiitod atIs- Xaetory to its wearer In , ver7 way , or the money 'will be refunded by the person from vehom it was bought. ' 1:1,0 : 0017 COISOt pronounesi by our Ieadln pbyitetai sot Injurious to ihewesrer , andendoried ladles si ibo "uiostoonifort&sle and perfect ntuar Vorie sYs' mid. . PUIOESby Mali. Po.te I'AId $ Health 1'rciertng. Sl.5O. Beit.AdJu.tJnZ. 51. &bd.mIn.i ( extra bony ! ) $0.00. Nur.ig , $1.45 eait Prtiert" ( One ceutti ) $0.00. Parsios Bklrt-SopportZvt , $1.40. r. . . . a , ie4ta ILVW I Diters emwos 4IUWAGO Qflr , r\t t SPECIAL NOTTOES. -Spocta1B will Positively not be inserted unless iaId in advance. TO LOAN-Money. AumtoAn TICKETS-To sit points at reduced R rates A. FOItMAN , 2i3 South 15th St. 8Oi-imt % JI'ONEY TO LOAN-The Omaha Savings flank I. . , y1 now prepared to make loans on Omaha city or Douglas count rni estate at current rate of Interest. No commission charred. 388-it IONEY TO LOAN-The lowest rates of interest IyJ _ Born ! . ' LoanAgoncy , 15th & Douglas. 2z4tf ] IONEY TO LQAN-call atlaw office of D. L. LVI ThOmas , room 8 , Crolghton Biock. ONEY LOANED-On Chattel mortgage , room 7 .Lyi Nebmka National Bank BuiIdIn. 1St. it 1IIONEY TO LOAN-J. T. Beatty can , on chattel INL iromert. 218 South 14th St. 844-mci' HELP wAri'rlam. ' % X7'ANTL'D-A icon to work around house , and V Y take care of horses and cows , etc. Apply at i112 Eainan , street. 7ANTED-A good girt Must ho a geol cook 7 y rasher cud ironer. miatmumro southcat cor. 'loCh and Capitol mu. Call bet. U and i2 a ma. 326 2T % 7ANTEI-A ) iirbt.cIas second cook at 3ItropoII- 7 ! taziJJuteI. Hi2o.U TANTEI-A gtxxiseamnotross to sork in fiarni. I S tu.e store. elMs. Sill VEICICI. 83i.21 ' _ inirso to take care of otie chui.I. \ \ Coed wsgs to a l.rocr jolson. umiquiro at t'axton ilauso , Itootu 1J. ( 7AN't'E'i3iiliilrig room , , girls at iiiiiioiise , S V luth and llniem.ort. , 3oI I ' 7ANrEi-it girl iron , U to 15 years of ago to V ialp about OtiS h0u40 in a , miili ftumily , 1201 howard Si , 7ANTW-Man to work In garden. ' yr 'LtJUSLEY 131105. , 31St , Nuit FaIr ( mounds. % A" 1iNTED-Cook amid dishwashcrmnan or woman , vy at t'aciilo House , ' 1'nth'atmd Capitol avenue , 319-27' Oermnan girl waut a sltuatloi ; na I 1 cook in apnlvi4u faiiiimy. iYdtIzig to help will , m waahlng. 1114u1r5 of fis. iluff , itCh street , bet. Webster and CalifornIa , 38Q-21J1 I 7ANTED-A good girl for gaucral bouework at yr ysis Douglas , L ' (7ANIED-A girl for generai houoswork , 7it V V south 13th stroet. . - . 322.281 I % 7ANTED-Three flrst'ciasa taffd coat makers VV anti 1 an mailer. Steady work. Ap1y at once to A 0. Itocken , North i'i.tte , Neb. S'2i'27 1) IDS WANTED-For takIng trees out of streets .1 ) and alleys of a cur addition of 30 acres. Must be taken out bygubbi3ig mnachiuoi and cut Intocord wood or posts. Pflie must furnish themnaciveowith macblue , . BtO4' itEM. StTAlHAUENUY , 2110-tt 15th and Puuglas St. . lUANTED-Thinty good railroad bands to go west. yr Wsgei5l.73. 2U N 16th saoeL tO6.2 UTANTEU-A dIahwaler at the Emniet house , Vy 517.30' 1TANTED-Glni at No. 1085 Shennanav.nuo. r Vi 284.tf MtC5.J , M. COUMAN. U71'NTED-A good nurse girl at corner hiaaiihtoim r T V amid Ller , blilnu a aduttluu. host wages. 7ANTEt9-A good cook , a dining room girl and a V V dishwasher , iii the Crriglitou house. 2W.tf 7ANrED-Aim experloricod nurse girl. Refereim. , I ce required , "qidru lilid 1:54.1101 avenue , betsucu lOut and 20th stocats. TANTEhJ-tilni at 1718 Douglai street , itt a mmli ; Vltamnliy , . 881.271 ' TTANTED-A good girl to do guttural housework ' ! lit a amnail faintly. Aiply immediately , N. I- . career 2mvt and Ca..s streets. 276.27 i1TANTlD-TWO lIre , cimergetlo mime' , to solicit or- ' ! dorm br S Itrattlsas article. Salary or comim- , , u1sLomm , Steady eiimldoymeut. UaII at 421 south 101mm . struct. 277.27 $ , _ _ _ _ _ ; iIgTh WANTIT-'or Sirs. Owenm Cook Hook ' ± 1. mcmii Uoumeliolti Uuldo , thu best soil caslost seil- . inc book in themarkct. ther2O,000soid .1nc first . ; ubilshsd baa than two years ago. htecentJy ro1i.ed S , unicni.irged. Eerynivipo Imasbocutestod. Item' . his , economies ! amid ltimL Large 1wodt to the , agents. Address " 1. . L. ' fl office. 238.27 . II7AIrrED-An experienced competent and el1 . 1'l reconucenthit Urug cicrk. Nonuother need sj i'll. Apl.1y to A. scomumipmd I3rtt , Kuarney Nob. 200.31 I EN WANTED-TO grub out brush , Jj nines . .1.11 from postotlice. $ iV.OO per acre will be paid. IIEMIS' hEAL } STATE AUKKIJY , 084.tf 11th and Dougiss fits. . T ADmmsoiIYouNasinN to city or constryto , .La t&ke imice , light . .nd I1ea.aant work t their own betas ; V2 to 55 a day easily sail quIet imiads ; work sent by maO ; U. cauvs.uiog ; tie 3 ' reply i1easo iddee4 11omble lianutadur n l'a. , darer 17. S0e-Iuth-iat Auz28t I ) I R . _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - - - - - _ - - - . if . for Infant5 and Children. I CnstorIiwomotRs _ Dignatlon _ nndoverconmes FlatulemicyConstip. . tion , Sour Stomach , Diarrhmcpa , anti Fovorishmnecs. It insures health and natural sleep , without morphIne. a' Onstonla Is so well adnptodtoChlidron that I recommend it as superior to any prvacripUoei known ; o me. " IL A , Micnzit , L D. , S2'I'ortiaad Aie. , flrboldyn , N. T. CENTAUR LINIMENT-an absolute euro for Rhouma. . tisni , Sprains , Burns , Oaths , &c. The most Powcrfii anti 10n0- tratlug Pain-relieving and Healing ltemcdy known to man. THE BESTTHREAD FOR SEWING MACHINES ] SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTON , IS RNTIItIiLY The Product of American Industry ! PRONOUNCED BY EXIE1tTS TO BE , THE BEST THREAD IN TH WORLD FOR HAND AID MACHINE SEWING. Pull assortment constantly on hand and for sale by HENItY PUHFMAN , Ptemont , Neb. 7tNTED-Lady migosts for the "Qseen Protect. V V or.A new under garment for lmdle , made of soft , flexible rubber. Sure protection to the under. wear , shcn necessary to be worn. Retail. for 52.oo as fast as agents can .how it. Large profits. Address with stanmi , , "Ladics' 1Junclerganxncnt Manufact4nlrmg Co. , No. U S. May street , Chicago , hit. 7t10.Sm 1TANTED-PITht-e1AIs woman cook at the Gauht V V house , neargoyornmcmit corral. 143-U ATANTED-OIrls at the Staven house. Tenth VV Street. 278.27' 17ANTED-Good prettiest tinner , steady job , $4 V V penmonth. LOUIS m4VANSON , 937-Immit Ulysses , Nab. 'X7ANTED-A compositor who can do job work It Vi required , must be a gooJ steady Imamid. Ad. dress , stating rcicrences , quallficauons and wages asked , Lock box o. i , Tabur , lows. 314-It' SITUATLU2IB WAKTD. X7'ANTED-F.mpioyment in a hotel , by man and V ! wife. Man mivaka French , Cernman and Englkh. iVoll exi.enlenced in hotel busliies. Wife as cham- bennalu or dinIng room gIrL Address It. T. , ' Bce otioc. 324.30' UTANTED-flltuatlon as house keeger , hotel ji V 1 torred , by relhmblu woniati. Best of referemce , Address Sirs. " .tI. A. U. " lice office. 170.301 A BOY about fifteen sith menlo experience In ary .tj . goods and . notion business , wants situation. Cddress "C. ' thlii office , 255.tt 1TANTED-A nuns of experience mts a mltuatlon V 1 as book keeper on other sicilian employment. Moderate salary. Address 'T. H. J. " Bee attica. 235-28' I1ANTED-A situation In a wholesale or retail V 1 grocery house , ton years experience. Best references. Address F. 13. Mattlicwm , Bra oltioc. Aug2e.it I ) ItACTICAL stenographer of iO years experience prepared to takoono ortwo more evoninpupits. Best , stenm1 shorthand thoroughly taught.'J'erins very niodorate. Addrea. A. K. floooittce. 160.315 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS (7ANTED-3,000 bushels of trash picked , ripe to. Yl nmtoca , atflrrlsk Fl-her's. 321.tf ' TANTHD-ThoImiM Fitratnimon to send his ad. dress to his brother , .losemh Fittilnimon , at Easter , , Uotel , opposite U. I' . depot , Onasha. 280-28 $ . % TANTEDTwo unfurnilsej room , suitable for 1 light house keepimmg. Address it. E. Dee otlIca , stating tarnis. 280-ti TANTED-Lodgcns and boarders at 416 north ry sixteenth b.tweencmmkagoandcass. Comfortable - able rooms and reasonable terms. 254.27' 1ThNTED-5oo0 worth of building and repair S jol , mit once , at 918 S. lOtli street. Good work 'Sr 110 pay. S. S. lrAltDY , i03-27t Poll RENT--Rouses and Lots. non mtENT-Unfurn1hod romus , 1724 Douglas. 10015 -'cit itEN'F-Furniahed muid unlurimisheil rooms , -4 219 14th street. near Davenport. 3i3.201 0ht it1N'l'-1'wo new loiiies , well , cistern arni I 1 cellar. hamilton. near Irene street , miear rod car line , Inquire on iresce. 3i7'30 Foil lilNT-A new store , 15th and Capitol avenue. 303t * Finn RENT-A rooni and barn . at 1808 Davenport _ Ij atreet. 281 31 I O1t hinhI-Cottagu of ' 7 mcnms MS Eighteenth , II" hoar Chicago street. S. LEhMAN. 269.11 iJ-oR , its 'I'-Brlck .tore. inquire at drug stone , _ [ 1 con , 10th and Iioughas , tmeet , 3i0'tf L"Oit 4tENT-T'o Soon and basemept. Elewathr I atac1med. 11.07 Earnazu street. 270-ti Fijn ltrN'r-oie : large front room and two ones , 105 nottIs huh street. 300-27' F ° a nElrr-Cotts.gi of four rot.nss on 17th St. betweanchicago and Oasis. 244-28' iliNT-Thrso unfurnished rooms at the N w. corner of 1)ougias and 26th streets , 88.00 pen month. ' 2'20-28i i-'ott htENT-Cottage Ova room. , 10th and ihiiij V at. . J. i'hlppa lIes. 5th and flpru3f.0.fJ OiIitENT-Furnlhed room. s ith board , gas. I bath room &c. Finest location 1 Ibo city , 2421 Farualmi St. i70.tf iiiiIou8ES AND tlTOitES-For rent cheap. Rot. I U line m Ilottor , moons 20 , OmaHa Nationam Bank , 138-ti O ROAN For re..t and rntai.plied an purchase. i07-tf i'ltESCOTr a co , Foil1IENT-A pleasant front room ; also .mnaller room _ , with beam-il. 1812 Dodge St 045-lieS L'tOiI it88rr-yunmtshed and umifunmished rooms. I Fine location , l'ECK , Opp. I' . 0. 850-If Tj'oit RENT-ltes1.Ience and storebutldings. BED I FOil ! ) & SOUKR , Real Estate Agency. Oiflcu east side ilth street , betsoen Farnam anti Douglas streets. 702-tf Foit IIENT-New roomnstunilshed or unfunniahod , with board. Reference. required. lOiO Bayou. 1)011. 4&6 tt , koht SALE. % , , business , low rent. Inquire ike office. 310-285 F.ALESTATn F ALE-h 'lmaie 1) - 80 tracts of _ 1i _ , land of lisa acres near the city , at 571 , iwr acre. 300-29' 3. B. CLAIIRE , Heal Estate Agent. ? Oit SALE-A clean stock imardwani. BargaIn , Easy terms. A4dres 11. J.Vurk , 3IIiforml , Neb. Si l.lmul FOR UALH-2614 Famnatu Street. lfou of flyc roonis. LOt ? ? 1.2x125 1.2 , l,000. 312.1 D STORE FOL HALE-Stock amid fisture , ab new , Conmimleto stock , will invoice dI,800. Sail fur $1,400. Thnimimig tow , , and payhimg terminus of railroad which tI11 ts coin.Ictcrl ; $ n 00 days. Termes half cash and balauoocoiistel-4ms. Location , central Nebraska , 1 $ relies from II. .i 31. 13ta , Satlofac. tory rossons fet idling , Address A.IIWENSON & 11110. , . ' 315.28' iiearney , Nob. 'pOlL SALE-Four elegant Iota In Ilanscom 1'l&oe , _ i. cheap. i3eautiful view , Special bargain for a tow da-i toly , ICOLLINS .k 1O'LTEit , 288-2S Os.i&jia N&Uonal Bank. -poll SAL-A scfl establishrd busIcu of 10 years I standing , In the heart 0 : trarsl and trade. . ' , .d- dross "A. Ii. tv' Omaha , 3Ot-61 E-- ' : : ; - * our Children 'Wht cures When babies trot and crybytumns , 'Vb.at cures their colic , 'tvhat quiekl enrol ; Constipation , flour 8wmac , Colds , Indigestion , lint Ca.stnTI. _ Farewell then to 1orphIne Snpn , Carton Oil and l'aregonic , Cstoriai - A UAUR CIIANCE-For sate , house and large lot , .L-1 on S. 30th street , one mile Irons Fanimam. Price e000. Inquire 812 8. 10th street. 291-27' TJOlt.SALR-j1ouoand two lots in south Omaha , .1 cheap and easy lixyment. Inquire Chas. Joseph , ' 10th and Castellar itreet , Koch's Beer Garden , 395.7 . , S Foit SALE-A good double team and spring wagesm cheap. inquire at 1521 Dodge street. 274-27 -13'oIt SALE-Ten large sate , capacity i,500 gallons .1cach.Inquirc at 1621 Dodge street. 273-27 -1J'oht ' SALR-Two new show eass. Inquire at 1821 .tflodgcstreet. 272.29 lots Shinn's addition east front , must be sold. Si.lendid farm 320 acres , stone buildings , orchard , thnber , eight acres fish Pond stocked , two fine atohe quarries. Best bed fire clay in Nebraska. Land can be divided. Handsomest residence property Nelson's add. barn &c. A bargain. Three businos lots on Jackson , Two kouse on time ; bargain. 249.27 SililuvEft & BELL. -lolt SALE-A jour acre block in West Omaha , . .L : ' siooo. 18 lots cheap , $25 cash , balance monthly payments. I'AUiIIES&CO. , 230-was 1500 Farnani street , Foil SALE-One fresh imsilk cow , also young colt. Inquire at Edhohn and Erickson's Jewelry store. 21841 ' 4' , Tl'OIt SALE-Delrabie cottage , tuB ' 1t in Shulig .1 addition , south front , $ 2o0. . , Splendid residence , east front , mOth St. near line. A bargain. SuIltiVElt & HELL. 2T.27 F on SALE-A bay mare , fine atepper. 1808 Web- terstreet. 197.11 ' . -m'olt _ SALE-A number one horse , will drive , inle .1. or double and will be sold at a bargain. Inquire at the oSice of the Grand Union Tea Co. , 110 S. 15th 102-if L - - F Olt SALE-Smallhouso.now. about one.ball acre hot. Easy terms. Price only tao. AMES , 144.tl 1500 Farnam Street. F Oil SALE-itostaurantancl lodgisghoiise Orooms. . Apply or address , 942 1. St. Lincoln Nob. 007.3 $ nan SALE-200 Ewes. .1' lOOlmn' JOhN If. SIIEELY. B ItICK Foil SALE CIIIIAP-At 15th street , south of Believus road. or 008 North 13th st. Did-lint TtOht SALE-Fine farm close to the city. .1' sis.ti I'ECK , Opposite P.O. FOIl SALE.- JAVILE 300 yearlIng belier , . 20(1 ( two scar old heifer , . I 400 mmmlxed calves , Ottobor delivery. 200 licid yearling steers , October delivery. 7o head , , nsciuth two mind three year oiJ stoma's. Iowa sleek , STRANGE 13110'S , Cattle Contractors , hide , Wool amid 'laliow dealcrs , . Sioux City , 1ova. 103 un . FOR SALE. SEVEN GOOD INVEST ENTS. No. 1-Isares & Slielden's additlo , , , on Coburn street , . two lots OiIxl'24 each. Cued houim , six rooms at $2,300. A fine , uburbai , homiio. No. 2-A residence ot between Farnani and Barney streets at $1,700. A fine location. No. 3-Four lots and house 3 blocks south of St. Mary's avenue at $2,600. Cheap. No. 4-'Fs-o lots on i'ark avenue , 'Ihe beet values on the avenue. No. 8-iedlch'a { Second addition. Good lot and first. cIsc , imnprumcments. Two housca , east fronts. Look at this at 82,0 10 No. 0-A 320 aces far , , , , 12 miles west of Omaha , 4 miles irons Elkhorn Station at $30' per acre. No , 7-Beautiful residence site , 20) feet cast. front. 144 feet south front. Finest view irs the city. . Cab for price. . SIcOACUE , 138.31 ' ' Oppu1to i'ostofllce. Li'Ui _ 3ALH-4 ScsI dOss second icuid top buggy. I Call at _ 18111 ilamnev streoL SOIlS LOttt1ALii-1tcstdeiioa amid binituema property us .1. , .li part. of Omaha , and Farm Lands in all maxte of the State. I3EOFOICD La SOUEII , 703-tf 2i38. 14th St..bQt. Farnlunand Douglas. 4 uon SALE Oh EXChANGE-Full lot and thre. _ U dwelling. corner of hIS and Paciflo streets. Nm , lots in soul ) , Omaha.lgo 160 acre. of Ian , ) near Santo , , , Nebraska , and buildIng and stock of clothing No. 804 Tenth street. Will exchange for Nebraska farm lands. Further panticu1ar at Gao. IL Petinon Clothing Store , 804 Tenth street. 460-vod.U . I lOR tJALE-Ohtrssrpapers in large and smafl .1. qvanutlc. at this Cifice. it z 3IISCELLANEOUS. : S TIIJiYED Olt STOLEN-Ono light bay horse , 10 to 13 years old , about 15 liatius higlixi medium condition , weighs about 000 lounds. had halter on when last semen. h'lease 1eae Iiifornatio , , at Excel. i-ion llacliiie Wor3s , hharnoy bet. 14th and 11th Ste. 32024 II r. V.4AWI'Ottu , ; mmultig ioniu , hlimne. ' _ bough & Taylor , IltiSslo Scau Cu. , Omaha , bob. 272 20 IA04l'A Nolihler's dheliargo papers in a bur die of hirt. Iietug-n to Janice llrcimimaim , Siamem house. iilStf L (1ST-A puclet book , containing papers of no - aluetoanyone butthoowmtr , Alsoa.railroad has , . Lilcial rosard sill be gireim if left at Beu office. 271.275 T EAVE OIIDEICS-I'or lrnggsgo , express or car- _ 1.J napes , to ftfl3 tart of the tity , si 213 8. 1311 , St. Teiclimiomie No. 1402 , A. r. ICELLNEIC. 221.lrmfl - 1 piles dnivoim for any purpose , see W Boyd , Caimfield Rouse. 201-li fl'AIiRN U1'-Ono bay gelding sub insall star and .L little white spot on the imose , 14 1.2 hand , hIgh andabout iiyearsold , byJohu T , l'aulsemImiear2is and Lake streets , hem-ti , Omaha. bw.ltew 9'VIIiEN Ui'-Two Ii5 , will the deliver same to 1. Owlier on paymasent of damages and costs. W , J.1I&hu , Court house. 860-51 lewk. VJIAREN Ui'-A a yesr old black mare , about 000 .L pounds weight. (2. A , Jensen , ou Military head , 4 mllei troi town. 8O3.3t Iewj _ EDWARD KUEHL , M4GISTER OF PALiIYSTERY AND CONDITION. 'I MAST. 408 Tenth street , betweeu Famnazu and liar. 9y , will , with tlmo aid of guardian spirits , obtain to , any one a glance at the past and present , and on certain conditions in Use future. Dooti and bhoe loads $0 $ order. l'srfect satIsfaction guaranteed. -B , . . l . . - - - - - , -