Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 TILE DAILY uE O.vfAIIA , TUESDAY , 1ttC4US'P 28 , 1883. a
I'nhltsbod.erery monuug , txcept SnndA7 The
only nondsy morning dally ,
xmiais sr WArt.
ne Ya + r . , . ) ( . $3.00
8lxbonthe. . . , . , $ . (1 One Month , . , . . . . , . I.O )
r I1et V I LT xxx , rVFG1axDxt1T WIDYISDAT.
One . $ n Three Mnnlh , . , , , .1 lA
SltltonthL. , . . , .1X1 I Oaenonth . . . . 20
Amedean News Company , 8oleUtgenta Newedeal
ere la the United Sates ,
A Commnnk tlnn , rekting to News amid Fdilsdal
rattan should be uldrei.ed to the Sono or Tnx
? DtllxMi txTTIRL
AS nueinea Letter. end Ilemlttenee. should 1
oddrMeedtoTnsnxs t'eeLlenlan COMPAIcT , OuAn
Darts , Chocks end Po + tofaro order to be roado pe
- g" abla to the order of the company.
Tile slate workers nro very busy nil
over this atnto. Thorn is to bo nn election
within ton whcks
GnNE1ui. VAN 1Vvci has been iii
vital to &ty something at the Cass county
fair-GOncral Van Wyck nlwaya has
something to say Schell Ile talks.
BtaatAlWK has scored another great
victory. The American hog is to be inspected
spocted at Chicago before IL is packed for
t hipmont across the big pond.
An now it turns out thnt the Utnh
commission is given to dining and win
ing withm the Mormons. Tim commission
was a farce from the outsctnnd time mnin
object of its creation was to create posi
tions for retired statesmen who can't nf
ford to live ml loss than $5,000 a year
and porquieitcs.
CINCINNATI has t.hkon a now departure.
The following ordinance leis boon ei-
acted by the board .of nidermon and
council :
AN OImIHM C1-NO.3ill.
To rrgulato the ealo of beer and native wino
on Sunday.
Be it ordained by the Common Council of
lboCityof Cincinnati :
SacTiON 1. That the solo of boor and native
wino on tire first day of the week commonly
caned Sunday , be and the same to lioroby por-
Snc. 2. That all ordinances and parts of
ottlinancei conflicting with this onlinrouo ho
and the smno arc hereby repealed.
Sze. 3 , This ordinance shrill take effect and
be In force from and after the earlieet pelted
allowed by law.
Passed August 10 , A. 0.1883
President Board of Councilmen.
A 8 It. 8MITII , , ,
Pmaldmnt Board of Aldermen ,
i t Attcstt EDWIN IIENDEIUIOH , City Clerk.
The oarlist period allowed by law w the
10th day of Soptenbor. After that date
champagne , Jamaica rum , gin , sour mash
arts old Irish rye will be labelled and on
aalo in Cincinnati every Sunday na native
ing the good example of Ohio , l'ennayl
vania and California , IL1s enacted a law
regulnting prinary olection8. Aa might
have boon expected there is a good deal
of kicking ngainst this by the Denver
ward bummers and ropeatore iilioso
rights and liberties have bees trampiod
on. But the honest and roputubl3 men
of ell parties are heartily in favor of the
: primary election law , and will son to
it that it is rigidly enforced.
We would have had such a law in No.
braska four years ago If rho political
managers of the U. P , and B , & M
roads had kept their hands off. Two
years ago the slate sonata passed the bill
t for purifying Pritnary olootions and it
was again pigeon-holed. Had that bill
passed and gone into effect there might
have boon some chance of reformn within
Use republican party. Aa it is the p ty
machinery acting through packed primaa
rics and bogus caucus returnnsbdofua
every ulTort to nominate honest and re
met on a ringing platform. A e
a natural eonsoquelco there mist be
bolting and third party nloveunents.
Tmmes weeks ago the "sandatono nine"
of the council rejected the bid rondo b y
TnM. BEn for city advertising , although h
its bid waa way below all other cotnpeti
tore. The publishers of Tim Bats offered
to insert advertisements for the city fo r
ono aid a half cents per line , fur which
all otter patrons pay us from five to tor
routs per lino. We had no desire to go
the contract at those rates , and mad
Uiat very low bid liocauau we know i ii
would bo rejected. We simply sought t o
show up the stupid malice of the jobbu rI
and rogues to whom the people of Omahm
have temporarily entrusted the Damage
meat of their buusiuoss , it. turned eu
1 just as wo expected. Tito cottnci
siwardod part of the advertising to
concern that had just boon launcliod mu
cannot possibly aurvivo ninety days fro m
this date.
Our bid was contompthously rejectu
and now proposals invited for time s
called legal advertising which inchide
ordinances , sidewalk notices , proposa
for grading , paving , aoworimg gutturin
and curbing and supplies purchased fro
time to titno by the city. Mr. Husca
m d his jumping jacks will nowawnrd tam
' contract for this advertising to the san
abou tly condom , on the plea that ii
latest bid 1e a trifle lower than that nmd
by time Iles : . Lot then tuako that cot
tract by all means. Omaha has
more cited of two ofiiciul papo
than a cat hits of two tail
' But wo hereby servo notice on all who
It may comicorn that neither Tin Jim
nor any other established Omaha dui
will compete for the city advertising.
a Hereafter time city of Omaha instead
payimig 15 to JO cents pur square w'
pay full legal rates , $1 for every squn
for iea city advertising. When the dish
rag that is made thu official organ
Hascall & Co , is laid In its little bed ti
bondsntuu who become auroty mm the
' . contract will be compelled to snake go
the diforonco between time contract pr1
and time legal rate. That will aggregate
Elio noxtton months at the $ I per squat
rate , over 1(3,000r ( and we propose to at
to ft that t11o bondsmen don't shift thu
responldbility on this tax pav.I e
+ , t g..n.p. . . . . . .w . .uw-\ . . . .
TJtR IM1L11111' SliliYlC6.
Postmaster General Gresham has done
much during his brief carrier at the head
of the postof ice department toward plac
ing the postal service on a strict business
footing , lie has weeded out incontpo
tent larnacles and elevated time standard
of efficiency by enforcing civil service
rules that rocogmm zo close attention
to official duties , as the train test of mori-
Lorious promotion.
It is passing strange , however , that
tmtoraonoraiOrosham'a now broom
as yet failed to reach the railway mail
'co in this section.
maha is one of the most important
tree of postal distribution ht time
country. At the gateway of time great
highway that carries the bulk of time
transcontinental mails , as well as time
mails to and from Australia , China and
.Japan , Omaha has long been time fiend.
quarters of one of the chiefs of time rail.
way mail service. This cliiof has supervisory -
visory control over a small army of rail.
way postal clerks. Very naturally the
efficiency of time postal service in tlmis
section must largely dopund upon
time competency , energy and vigilance of
the chief. 1'osbnastor General Greahanm
will doubtless be aurprisod to learn that
tam railway mail service in this city has
boon without n lmeadl for more thou a year ,
and in consequence of the most shameful
neglect , is in a comiditiomi bordering on ro-
volt. General discontent , lrevauis among
tau route ngonta and postal clerks in time
division , and there is an utter lack of
How could itbo otherwise. Paul Van.
dorvoort , the chief of time railway mail
sertdco , has boon away front hia post of
duty for nearly fifteen months-and dura
lug that time time duties devolving upon
himn lmavo been performed by subordi
miatea who are notoriously iuconpetomit ,
negligent and worthless.
During many months , before lie ho-
canme commander of time Grand Army ,
Vandorvoort spent alnmost hia entire 'ne
traimig around time country , setting ho
pima for hula elevation , and lie openly
bonatod in his apoccl1 delivered lust mm ntlu
at time national reunion , that ho had tray-
clod nearly ovary day for twelve months
and visited ovary state from Maine to
Oregon. Paul Vandorvoort was on the
pay roll of the railway. mail service , and
also on time pay roll of time Omaha post.
office during all that time , whdo lie rumi-
dortid no service whatever to the govern.
Why did this man draw pay when inn
was notoriously rendering no service ?
Why was ho allowed to draw a salary as
clerk of time Omaha postofliuo whet lie
never was ommployed in that capacity ?
Why did the postofficO dopartmeit allow
Vandorvoort to draw higher lay than is
allowed by time postal regulations to any
hamut clerk in fhe railway mail service ?
Since tvhms has time postoffico depart.
moat become a pomisi0n bureau ? Under
what law and unuler what authority is
Vandorvoort kept on two pay roils while
ho u jeikoting around time country ? Out
of respect for time Grand Arnmy of time
Republic , which he has imposed 01t and
disgraced , we have borne time dmunnging
irregularities and mismanngoment of the
railway postal service without cemiplaint
during Vandorvoort's incumbency as
Grand Army commander. But more
than a month has passed since Ito was
retired at Denver , and still ho remains
away from hia post of duty. Instead
or promptly returning to Omaha to resume
sumo his long neglected duties , lm bocamn 0
interested in some wildcat ntinimg spocu
latiem which carried Imiui to Idaho , n'her 0
lee is putting in ltia limo at Uncle Sam' s
expense. '
We do mot believe that Poatmitastu
Oemiermll Groaham is aware of thmaso abuse
nor do we believe ho will continue an y
subordinate in time service vhoso enly in
tomcat in it is to draw $1,800 a year au
Of th ? tfoasUry. ,
But sf Paul Vandorvoort must be pensioned
sionod on time j stollico pay mile , wo do
I mans on behalf of the people of thhh
i section that time position of chief of tim
t railway mail service at Omaha be Elliot
) by mimic exporiunced railway postal clerk
tvho is trilling to devote his whole thn
anal all his energy to expediting th
mails and maintaining disoiplino in tin
a railway puaU % car sorvico.
' -
1 Tlmoro iea marked improvovteut in tam
a condition of general trade throughout tin
d country during the past tendnya. Thor
has been a moderate increase in time d (
tributlon of all kinds of merchandise from
d time leading couunercial' manufuotu r
0 lug centres on time Atlantio so :
e board. A decided improvouent he
la also taken place in time mov o
g manta of grain and provisiomis f
m oxpurt. In this city jobborasmmd banker
11 have noted a marked increase in gemeC
0 business and trio prospect for a goo
to trade is excellent. Tim small grain ii :
o nil Leon harvested amid time yield is quit
lu heavy and the weather has boon ye :
fuvomable to time corn crap , wlmicim iii son :
no auctions of this state will be ono
rs moons. ' 1'1u evidences of rovivil t
a , trade have increased cnnfdoneo aul hi
m gutton a more hopeful foeliug nmmug a
e braucllea of legitimate trade. 'l'imo wua
ly mioss of railway stocks amid other apucul
tivo securities has a depressing off'e
of upon stock jobbers , but fn time ntaimi it
ell a Imealtimy sign of returning coummm
re semso tumid sound tinanuioriug. Time ova
of the past week in Now York was tl
of time great dry goods sale , at whit
ma upwanls of sixteen thoueaml pad
fr ages of donmoatio cotton fnbrice wo
od disposed of at auction on one day. Tim
co large anomtt of goods was ntarketod
in a considerable joss to manufaetnrar
o This forced sale indlcatw time extent
0o which over production Iona boon pusm
Ir In tide branch of trade. According
Now York and Phlladelphia oxclmang
the woolen goods trade is improv
ing and time worsted trade is active.
Wool has been selling fairly
at lower rates , and the outlook tines not
promise any advance. Time iron trade
itas not unproved. Tire demand only
covers actual wants because lower prices
are still expected. On the tlhole time
trade outlook is not at all discouraging
for time great centres of manufacture and
commerce , and it certainly bids to be
quito favornbla in our own section ,
Tita I'hiladclphia Press quotes , with
apparent approval , a Chicago Times editorial -
torial that expresses grave fears as to time
practical result of merging tire telegraph
system with tire postal service , In the
same number of Time I'rcas wo note an
interesting London letter about time Brit-
ishm postal service , from which we quote
time following extract :
The great amid growing popularity of
time postal tefegmpim is silowlm by figures
equally cmmcl0srvo , fur time ntunber of
nmcasagca trananmitled during time year
was 32,092,020 , an increase over time lire.
ceding twelve months of 740,105.
IT now tunes out that Shapira did not
atriko a bomiatlzu when IIo found time
musty old pnrclunent timat was repro-
aetmted as an original copy of the book of
Deuturomomy. An expert cominccted
tvitli time British museum ptronouncas time
document a forgery , Mr , Slapira ought
to change hia name to Snphmira , just to be
in accord with otermal fitness of things ,
MORAT IIALSTEAD Ims time niglmtmarc ,
lie hoe gone wild over the thought that
lloscno Coltkling wants to be president.
All this comes from taking stock in a
canard that was telegraphed from time
Yehiowstome Park seno days ago. Hal-
stead is so excited tlmat ho discusses Conk.
ding's candidacy in all seriousness in a
half column editorial in the Cincinnati
CommercialGacc. ( ( .
OIL is always struck several tines a
week in every state in time Union from
Now York to Nebraska , as long as crude
hovers in the neighborhood at $1.10 per
barrel.-Philndciplmia [ Z'iBtcs.
Amid time crude will eotmtinud to hover
in that neighborhood as long as time
Standard oil monopoly controls the
Tins Omaha street railway should ho
required to run its care. free 0 a. m , mm.
til mniduiglmt Time street cars are patronized -
ized libomllyby all classes and the public
is entitled to lhboral accommodations.
JoaN SIIEnuAN has taken the stump
for Forakor , but Senator Pendleton 1ms
miot a word to say in favor of Hoadley.
'rhmoro is not vey much harmony in the
demmiocratic camp out in Ohio.
Strolnsbimrv hadpetltioned time commia dolmrs
for uncorporatlon as a village.
Crickets are fining mueh damngo to twine
1)01111(1 grahu hm Dawsnu county.
Thu O'Neil Trihumio is a nmv candidate for
1)111 > 1k patranagu fu Holt county.
I'arogon 15 the dgnifcont name of m now
town now bolug surveyed in Cedar county.
It is said to be a conmmoa thing for Buffalo
county wheat to average 24 , to 30 bushels to
time acre.
Nebraska City and Beatricewill have direct
rail connection and through traina on the first
of Soptunber.
The drowning of little Davy Childs while
batldng amid time birridng of $000 worth of corn
make up time weeks eVeita at TeeuOaeh.
Slmmennann , the murderer of Sheriff
1Vood at Aflndou , haw been granted n now
trial by tau supreme court. Ito was sentenced
to hnmig
Blair is a little worried over time report
Eliot Missouri Va11eyIewa will be the peruma
hunt division qum tors of the Sioux City amid
Contractor Fitzgerald has bepmn ; work ou
m tire B , & 111 , cutoff between 1 t mmesaw mud Min.
, dun. 'Phis will slmurteu time Paueake route to
Denver 3U ndles , '
B.V. . Audcrsou , luring northwestof Utica ,
t Seward county , thraslud hits oats last week
time average per acme being sixty bushels , amid
1,700 , bushels lm mill.
Time little daughter of Val H. Bunn , o f
- Washingtum county impact a pat of hullln g
cntfuo omm herself , scaldlug her Ludy s0 frightfully -
s fully that sumo dlod soon rafter ,
a Time U. P , nmanmvurs have made time Gramm d
Islamd trnimi an excuntun train east on Sun
days , rodueim time price oft all round trlp
r tickets to half htim regular fare.
o Lancaster county ciaimq to posseas th o
a tallest pair of giants hi the state. Omi oo
0oasures six feet six and time othieraix fee
0 allln , Thom are gimrts in our day , but miglmt y
scarce ,
Jun Dmdane , of Blair , got off with out y
sixty days him tall for what tllo I'fot calls "
crimengnhmst nature , which for atrocity hra as
no parallel In flu criminal animals of thl
' , "
0 COlllltry'
e Chu , Lawrence is running the first etonr
threslror ever ueud imi Colfex county , and i
e successfully o leratltmg it. Tim treslmor is taker
Iby Its own locomotion from the farm to
At ' 1'eeumtseh time otimer dayy consldorabl
m ueoywaput upon a foot recd and plumed im
, flu referee's trends. Whom the race ivaa a
its bight time referee disappeared in time weed
s mind time umoeey withm hhml.
Crab Orchard , a totem six montha old , not
or supports four gmural Mares , two Imardwaro
two dru gs , ono Imarauss shop amid unufundtur
rs storm . A hotel and re + taurmlt , two black
a1 snmith shupw , two luumhor yards mind a leer
stable ,
Ikdfalu county democrats have put tau for
s luwhng tlekrt Itm thu field ; County judge
Prank hull ; troasnrur , C , F , Budiusuu ; clue
0 tlfatriut court , E , .l { Watsoncountyclerk , ll
y 0 , Colby' ; suparhdmtdOut , J , E UIlkaiplu
sheriff , Jolum 'onroy'cmnudsiuner ; , lions Gum
to blo.
C. Fails City Imasalwastly till com'mmnulor ' melt
g ep0lmtld imps leisure itunra In thrualminpg hla wif
wmd stepdaughter , timid a nolglmbor metro hate r
fared 1r. time limutbuuiueontiy teethed mum ugh rI
11 giwh 1m time nun with n knlfo. ' 1'iu resident
k arc tldldug of frhug him out of the town ,
1 colfaxanudy f uuiorwtitod to the Schuy
m Icr Sun ; " 1)urimg time eluvemm yera 1 hav
et lived hero theru Imam boon frost four seasona n
ie early as the 7th of Suptohmber mid if it simih
tumn as semi thud year , it nu i map time uum
om forward phueca of uuru to bu found agwimua
hr the "
it comity ;
A caul ncddeht occurred a few mmiles lout
su of tIlrhualluld last Smitunlay , mesulting in ell
it deatlm rat a lay about U years Did belowglag t
k Alp. 91cCrmue ' 1'lln buy was feeding th
huroovprain ; to time stahlo , when mimic of timer
ru kicked ldui , taking olfuct just back of time umi
Is and ciamahg death very semi.
"Time Empch Anton '
at coumbluatiow of 11'atc r
lo"struck 1Vahoo last week and the exili w
s , 1Suouh came to em schatuhu time. 'rho Thu
say tire audience would gladly attend th
fumioral of time entire combination. They we :
od strandodoretheir geniomw had a fair airow
t ) bloamum , but pruvhtfemmco smiled with tam
weather et the homeward "go as you plops
ca OCTOe8lots. "
, xJV . -j.
, . . . . . . . .
. . .w.w..w rtee +
Life 00 the Duck Valley intllnn ltcser.
ration ,
ylrglnle Chronicle August ii.
Itov Father Callan , am ominentCatho
lie divine , returned recently from the
Western Shoshone Indian Agency , whore
he has .been employed for the past four
months as teacher under a commission
from the Department of time Interior ,
Father Callan was formerly of time pastorate
rate of Marysville , but for a short time
previous to tlmo appointment at the
agency was atationed at St , Mary's
Church in this city. In conversation with
a Clrront clo representative yesterday ha
gave a graphic descriptimt of hia works
and oxperlences during his four months'
Ills WESTERN $ IEa911oNF n ntAY AGENCY ,
Is situated in Duck valley , Elko county ,
and onmbrnces a track of land 20 miles
square , or having an area of of 400 square
miles : Time reservation is about 125 miles
front Elko and extends northward into
Idaho territory , a section live miles wide
lying within this territory. Time north.
only border of time reseavation is about 75
miles from Silver City , time utetra olis of
southern Idaho. Time ronc is watered
by time Ow imee river , which runs
tmrough time valley cfrom south to nortlm
The stream is of rcfreslmimmg coolnesa and
teems with fish ,
'fho school building for time education
of both saxes cotlsistl of a largo two-story
structure of adobe. In time nortimeru
wing are time kitchen mid teacher's room.
The kitclmm is largo enough to accomo-
odato thirty boarders. The schoolroom
is liberally supplied by time government
with books , maps , charts ; globes : otc :
The average daily attendahcu is 30 schol
ars-20 males and 10 females , Thoaver-
rage ago of Elmo former is 12 years and of
the girls 131 ears , Time progress they lmavu
mate is extraordinary. They tud
geography l , aritlunetic reading , ,
nin fact nil time English bran has mil
all tau let in the rimer nd g rauminar
deyartmonts uublic chiool.g
of a . Ten of
the pupils have ono through time first
four rules of nritl emetic can write a good
business hmmd , and read in the ixth
render. Timey have a passiots for art and
excel in drawing and painting. They
have also a great love for nmusic and are
able to accom am the or ran of thick
teacher in man beautifulbumd diflicult
iioces , They are all educated in time
[ mrinciplos of Ite Catholicroli don , Ton
boys have been trahnedl up 6to servo as
acolytes. They are dressed in uicao altar
suits and acquit themaolv'e as creditably
as any ten boys in white congregation
possibly could. All sing at divine ser
vice before amid after Mass mud chant
with aweotness in Latin tire Litany of
our Lady of Loretto Tltey have the
most profound respect for their teacher.
His authority is undisputed and his word
is the law. Their
In a school and at play would put to time
blush the pupils of many of our public
schools ,
Time Indians of time reservation tried
cemnunity lifo for four years. Not find-
ing' it satisfactory , owing to the large
number of ablc bodied moon who were
unwilling to work , they resolved to settle
et farms by dividimg tiptlwirreservation.
To this mid time government has lately
purchased amid forwarded to the reservation -
tion nimio fmmrm wagons witlm harness ,
etc. , two mowers , one rake and a nmnber
of plows. Mammy of time heads of fanmilies
have houses built of lumber , amid some of
logs in wlmiclr they milk front two to three
cows , raised hogs , chickens , etc , The
Indians have sown about 200 acres of
wheat this year which wi11 soon be liar-
vomited amts yield am nun ) lo reward for
their indust . All of the Shoslmoncs
haven garden of two or three acres in
which are raised excellent potatoes peas ,
turnips , ] aranips , onions and other vege-
tables--tlto seed boimi furmiislmed by time
overnniont. The Indiana are well lad
well fed and have advanced many do. .
gross in civilization , Their hutimi
grounds abound with doer , antelope amid
other gang Time buildings consist of
time school mouse , a'gent's house , black-
suiith shop , farmer's residence and a
flouring umill which is rmi by a steam
Time aboriimius have a staff of native
policO appointed from thorr number by
time governnmett and paid$37 , 50 par quar-
ter. Those policenmen are armed with
pistols for suminnmirily omiforciug order ,
should it beceuo necessary. In addition
to these , two Indian interpreters are employed -
ployed by time govertmmant at the same
salary , and a bincksmith who is tcachimg
the trade to an Indian youth is paid $40
P ° ' . month.
Father Callan spoke in eulogistic tarn a
of Jolut S , Maylmugh , Uuitod States Iim -
dints agent at time reservation , who , li
said , has demo and is doing nil in hi s
power for time aumelioratios of time In
ditms' cunditioi and their udvnnceten t
in civilization ; lie mnkov no false promm
teas , and they consequomitly know- that lm 0
speaks time truth.
between time govcnmnmaut amid Shoshone a
expires next October. At that time al aI
, annuities will cease , tumid the aborigine s
a will be forced to rely on their own re
sources , and on whatever appropriation s
a congress may be pleased to make. It i
Father Callans belief that if the govern
n mont deals with them fn a nerou
a spirit , in a short period of tinie they wil
' babe to make tlmoir own livim ndu
) undeit of otlmors. They are happy amm d
o contemmteds amid declare throu6im thui
om clmiefa thet the highest aim nnd aubitiom
t arc to live do amicable terms withh tin
a ivlmito mmL
Father Callan will return about tin
v 231 of time prosomt miloith Time princf
ii pal object of Imis conmimig to timis city is t
. solicit aid for time Lmdian childremm , in tlh
y shape of religious books , pictures , bulls
tops , numrblcs and other toys. At th
ratu time cottributious a'e at prusen
k pom'ing fn fromm time Comatock boys , tin
reverend futltor fears lie will have t t
eimnrtur a special car in wlmich to conve tY
the articles to time rasorvation
" Ilea , Johm A , Logan , SSen&itot & 1'rou
I John A. Logaan was born of Irish pr. r
a outage in Jackson county , 11L,1"obruar
0 , 1820 , Time infrequent sussiamma of tim
school in time nmv sattlehumit ivlmuro h
e lmvud led Imis fatlmur to take upon lmiuisoh
hie early education ,
t Upon time dcclarntion of war betwet
0 the United Santos uud 11Tuxhco , ltu volmmi n
teevd ; vmms umadu lieutunamit of the Firs
h llhhnois infantry , amid was for mu them
u adjutant of his regimont. At time doe
mm of time war ho studied law with Itfe ummel u
1C Aloxaulor Dl , Iemkins , In 1819lme ivt
r clerk of Jackson comity.
Subsequently lu eommpietxd his loge
studies at time Louisville university , an
t was admitted to time bar fu 1812.
wes his popularity may be jnforrod from
o time fact that in time year of Lis gmaduatho
0 Ito was elected to time state legislature
to and iii time next to the office of pprosocu t
e ° imm g attorney of time Third judicial dim
tr tr holdig d that otffco until 185 7
. . r.m . . . 4. . .
MARRY 111011. t4
This li very good odiice , girls. It yotl iret s healthy
man with the cash , but it you secure a prevbh , ncr.
ous , dywpep tic fellow you are certalnlym hand lark ,
for What good it he except to wcar your life out with
his grumblings and Ismentation + t live u + the main ,
with mipound Stom.chend n plea + snl word torah.
We would take him If hehadn't s dollatwerewe look.
log for ahueband jut now , Ileslth Is tetter than
riches , you may depend , ldowever , It you have the
Ill luck to own in Invalid husband make the most of
it. wean suggest to you a meant of helping him
out. Burdock imlood dkttere , for the men with dye.
pepsle , foe the man who ii bllfous , for man who Is
debilltstedor for the man with an enfeebled circm
lation , are better than a gold mine. And remember ,
girls , this splendid medicine ii just a , goal far the
oppoeite sex ; for s sour etomachforen impure breath
and for nctvoumoas we mod heartily recommend it
Burdock mood flitter. ere unexcelled In their .pec-
Mr. It. (1ihbs , of negate , N. Y „ writes ; "Nearing
your Burdock Nod Ritter.r favorably spoken of , l
wu InduceI to watch their effects , mind and that in
chronic diseases of the blood , liver mind iciineye. your
bitten hale been signally marked with eucecee.
bsve need them myself with betresulls , for torpidity
of the iirer ; and In the sue of a friend of mine suffer.
lag from drop + y , the effect was maneloue "
He urns elected to time state legislature Vin
17 + 3,1850 amid 1857 , and was presidential
elector on time Buchanan and Breckimi
ridge ticket ,
let 1858 and 1800 Ile was elected repro.
sentativo in congress ,
In July , 1861 , lie left Isla seat in time
extra session of congress and joined time
Uuiem troops on their way to limo dims.
trolls battle of Bull Run , and } vas one of
time last to leave time field.
Ile was made colonel of tam Thirty-first
Illinois infantry , in September , mid in
November mat the foe atBelniont , wlmero
his horse was slmot beneath him during a
successful bayonet charge. He led time
charge on Fort Donelson , was wounded
and compelled to leave the ihoM for sev
ems months ,
In Marcum , 1862 , ha joined Grant at
Littabur Lamidimi and was a1)Phinted )
brigadier general of volunteers.
During time summner of 1862 , lie was
urged for con gross but replied : "I have
entered the field to die if need be far this
government , amid never expect to return
to peaceful pursuits until time object of
this war of preservation' leas become a
fact established , "
His bravery in Grant's northern Mis-
siSSipi movements stet with a prommi tion
to a rank of najor gemerah , At Vicks =
burg his colummi led time entrance on Juno
25 , and ito was time first utilitary governor.
Ha succeeded Slierrnan at time head of
the Fifteenth Army Corps iii November ,
1803 , and when McPhpreon lost his life
on the 22d of Judy , Logan succeeded him
and commanded time Army of the Tenn-
cssee with the saay ability and Auccess
which hind characterized his command of
smaller numbers. Ho was with Sherman
on his "Illarch to time Sea , " remaining
with him until Johnson's surrender ,
From the close of the war until 1871
ho occupied various poaitiona honor ,
which attended his frequent gdtions aim
Representative in his atat t Wnsh-
ington. In 1871 and ag' 1879 he
was senator from Illinois.
Senator Logan has plays 'r a brilliant
part in time political history of time United
States during the last twenty-five year.
Isis speeches in time house and in time
sonata are famous for their impressive
power ,
His horoismand courage , his eloquence
amid ability are attributes , of w liicb no
0110 has aver questioned his possession.
Give It'1'hne
Utica herald ( flop. )
Time carrying trade umst fallow time
cimief producers and the masters of time
markets. At present Great Brittan probably -
ably collects 10 per comit frofn our coin-
marco conveyed in her bottome. She is
building ships on time Clyde , where jprof
its are stated by Britishm authorities to be
at only 2A per cent. Our mechanics are
not content with that rata They are ,
therefore , building railroads and thick
equipments and establishing a domestic
trade nmarveloue in its extontand variety ,
and already overflowing into all oceans.
But our flag will in due time return to
the sea. Any foreign conflict to which
Britain shall engage will restore our ships
to time waters. Without war the energy
of our people will win conquests hmm time
sphere whore they hove before won so
tunny triumphs. The sheer farce of our
own cmnnorco will compel time construction -
tion of Ships , W'oaro ' fast rushing to time
front in trade with all time world. IVlmon
ere get a good ready wo will take tlmo
profit of currying our own merchandise.
But wlmilu we emu make 10 per cemmt in
railroads and 6 per cent in mamiufmctures ,
we twill notseek 2A per cent in shipbuilding -
ing , Ono of titmice days some Ameican
will build a shill of a now fashion which
will m u faster mud cheaper thmm time pres.
out vessels , and then comupotition will begin -
gin hr. earnest , Give us twemmty years to
baconme time greatest conunorcialnation on
time globe , and thou leisure will coino'to
float our flag on every ocean.
Toni Thhmbdied comparatively yuu11g for
a dm'arf Richard Gibson , mntniaturo [ ) afnter
and court dwarf to Charles L , lived to be ccv.
I m.tyfivo , and hits dwarf wife , Ann Slmopperd
to be eighty-five , Sir Geoffrey Iludaon , ewarf
and diplomotlet to Charles ll. , expired at
slxtythree , and the little gentleman's span of
life was shortened by his Incarceration on sue-
I plclea ut connivance in the Popish plot , in the
gate house at Wostndnster , where ho died.
T'he far farnod Pouch dwarf , Coummt Boru-
a lawako , for whom Charles IV. provided , died
I also at min mlvancod ago , Dwarfs are butter
eonstltuted , so Itanmm say's , tlman giants , both
a ontally and physically.
r The dead chamber in the cathedral at lire-
a men contains mumnntfei several hundred years
old. The pocullarity of time nmnmmnies la that
0 they are almost as well preserved today as
it Ilen they were buried. limo features , lhnbe ,
u etc , mire perfect. I nuticed ou tlmhmg on one
. of tire nnhs of time Fugllsh countess who (110(1
o about 150 yours urn a wull reaeriod glove ,
kiuwn tO the ladres of AlllcmIea as the Sara
u Bernlmardtglove. It reicbod to tire elbow ,
r and ehows tlwt 0000150 years ago gloves of
a the now latest fashion ecru worn. There is
t nu reason why there bodies shmnld bu so well
.1 ecerv'ud , save that near by timem was once a
lewad foundry , and it Id thought the mimics ini
I prccnatod time walls a11d brought alx.ut this
; wculiar affect. Thu chambers mm taw scone
floor with thu body of the cathiodral , and is
opom to time air ,
tlT'CfrIr2nnL1neJ ! E 1V3 Cg . f
ry , jJ . ptlluLa , Z x 'lll ' rr F1 RI
e J I afWJ' p0.6lWGu 'b ' t
U 'll ' I ? jug lil Ilrlloses wd cures
i 1 'Jill EU3IATISI
Nournlgla ,
l l'I
Sciatica , Lumbago r
' c
nt naeuacnT : ,
t > u' ' - ' wc (
a V
11' + , Da + _ ' guir4v.Httc..ntia
nruAaNea ,
Soreness , Cuts , Bruises ,
l a 'uwllwp 1'ltUa'1'Ir t t } aa ,
d IuttnNM , NUAI.hy ,
.end aliulhrr t.odllyachn
sad pamw.
mm eoldbyaminrn gFtsmnd
Ihmiere. IIrcctmurw lu ii
' lupgui.gra
' Time Charles A , Vogtter Co ,
I- te + awew. , w 6100121. Cat
, - - ' a.uiltonnt.1..L
n iii e r .
Dry GoodsF
SAM'L CO. , 1
Washington Avenue and Eifth Street , . - - - ST. LOUIS. Moe
Wholesale Grocers I ! '
Cigars and Manufactured Tobaccos
LuMber , Lath , Slia1es , Pickets , I
Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB
e Y C. Fe GOODMAN > t
Druggist t
Plits , Oils , Yarllisli8s alid ¶ do Glass i
P. BCJYER. C3 cc
Hall's . Lock Comp'y.
. A
, , , i t
10201''mar sn.m iStraeet. © mcmhu. 1
o 1. . ,
\NallFaper \ anifVdo \ Sliae'
Wholesale Clothiers !
4 Rl G i Mqp 1r : I ,
V j
r Ke and Bottled Beer
( 4 ) , This Excellent Boor speaks for iteelt. '
„ . .
Nt H : a. e
t StLOUISGAO. , - Promptly ship ed. '
® fOurG'u.arEL 1'188.
Solo Agent for Omaha and the West.
Office Corner 13th and Harney Streets.
Grower of Live Stock and Other
Our Cround Oil Cakes
it it the lest mad cheapest tool for stock er any kind. One pound is equal to throe pound , of corn'
Stock fat with Ornund chi Cake In the' fall sad Winter , Instead of running down , will increase In x elgh 1
mud be In , gael marketable cendillon in tl + e . vpning , Dairymen . , as well as others , she use n tan testily
Its merits . Try it and judge for yourselves. Prlco 825.00 per tom no charge for sacks. Address
nt w'mODmmANILiNaln7hmle COMPANY , thnnhs
No urn hture Store I
Call and get Our Eastern Prices before
purchasing elsewhere.
\ IC