Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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    - . -
' - ; iIE-Di4 ; ;
r' 6 - ? BEMAllATllURSDAAUGUST 23,1883k - _ _
ThursdayMorning , August23.
Intlicatlona for To.iliiy.
For the upper vri1oy , fair
woit.hor , preceded by light local rainzi n
t.ho oxtrorno Routhorn portion , wituI
* t Lly nor1iory , thing banniotor , ata-
tiom17 or falling tomporaturo.
For tim ? ! i3SOUri valley , fair weather ,
northerly winds , becoming , ariablo , ris
ing barometer in southern portion , rnntig
followed by falling toinporatuto south ,
and stationary or rising north.
- % Vho are TAppt , Loac & Go. m.e&w.
-Tlia OMAHA BItE baud gees to Rod Oak ,
Iowa , % ) OR afl excurSIon. } out coac1.e' .
cli rereI anti tito o'
&fl ( a bagaa car are %
ur.loniti Iov at 7:3 o'clock.
-A te1gram rccotved lai.t nl1&t from Mr ,
James hood , or Lincoln , Infor.nN . u tlrnt l.a .
did not eli'ot Doc. Malone , aul that the ru
tnr ( which pravallod hero o that affect wn.
groftfllli. Wo are glati t learn tl.t . It I.
0 , and , Iii fact , Mrs. 110d'H ftlunI hero did
iot licliavo It could In , , . . . .lo upon N0r10119
pmvoctlon , as Mr. 1100(1 1. not by any
moans that kind of a follow.
-The Anierican Dir.r1ct . Telegraph corn.
ny lIao aent for Irniiroc..l'bsxes . to put in
their circu1t. . In Omaha.
-Frank itibbard oitortay arrotod on
the complaint of John Tithperly , for naauI
&ad battery , and was thul c1 In the mun of
f2' .
-.4Tho B. & M. tahi from ] ) cuvar fd not
coma in Tuesday night until after 12 o'clockan.I
brought a load of weary vl.o .
sought our comfortable hotels with much
lid. 4
-Tim celebrated "FI.tg4.ff't'rnlno cao of
A. S. l'attlck vi. . Erwiti DaviM I to bo-car.
rcd to the suireinocourt. ) The case La ono of
15oOOO , and so the bond to tim uprcmo court
Is in twko that amount , $100,000. .1. N. It.
Fatrick nod Dr. Gco. Ti. Miller axe thobonda-
. -/kyoung pcOplO'R fe..tival . wili ho Iiod in . of tl.o . Swedish Lutheran church ,
' urner Nineteenth nnd Cai iitrocb , this
eyeuin , Aug. 23 , In benefit of tim build
. . . lag funib Admi..sion . 60 conta. An interest-
k. & .rogrammo. General 0. 0. ] toward will
pcak , All era welcome.
-Biock Watchman 1'ovor. . , last night din.
covered two bualnesn 1.ounos . on Lower Far-
nm street with their doom taeding wide
ipen. 'rho propriotces wore notified , and
emo dswn to take care of their ntor os , find.
lag nothing had been molested.
-Everything Is progrennlng finely for the
opening at the opera house to.nfgl.t.
"Iolantho" will be i.rosontod in a t. perior
inanflor. The Ideals torformnnco of this opera
t $ commended highly. "The Sorcerer" wilt bo
i vdn Friday. "I'attonc& ' matinee and "l'ina-
fore" Saturday evening.
-A double team daslo.l down , Twelfth ,
& * rcet yestrday afternoon , narri.wly . escap.
big a street ca anil bronking the buggy all to
pieces on the career of the Wosten Nowspa-
or Union office , where the horses brolco loose
nail vero soon after caught. It wits said to bo
Dr. Grossman's team , but liaing tailed 1dm
by telephone he said ho sves much obliged , but
lila tonnLwaa eafelyin the stalio.
' ---Among the tttracttons at 1aton' . pliot
igraph gallery nra the crayonportraits of Mr.
p and Mrs. Gcc , . Hoagland and lien. B , , Wood
The work ya. ' . executed bMrs. . Eaton
who ban no tiui.erior an nit artist , and is ire
nioumicod by the iimont compltont critics to ho far
iupcrlor to anything ever before jicen in the
city. A reporter In takini' a casual glance at
iib work on hand and under way arrived at
tboconciwiiun that Mr. Eaton is doing onsid.
erablo work at night Iy electric 1it1j which
aethod of taking pictures seems to ) gnlning
.10 popularity.
1 _ - _ .
A Had Day for i1rHN anti VeIl Jos ,
. ,
There won. two1runaways mat evening ,
0110 of which ru1toiI 1nthor euriouely.
This one ocurred DQut 8 . two
Ii raeii attached t& nb ggy cohiaining
tw'o ' ioiia , of Mr. GoorgoMtrnr
; frigJit ; and rumiing down Dodge street ut
, , . fearful pace.Vl.p . near Twulfth .
istroot. an oJMituctioU wns niot in the
, ahapo of a liouso which was being
4 nioveil , and the outfit. crd1idh
; with this , the lioya.wero thrown out , and
one ol hoiii tsulflrod a dialocation of time
arm ,
The iecoiid runaway wn that of the
4eam bpjungiiig to lion , .J. H. Millard ,
which dashed Uf ) Douglas atroot at a 240 ;
. gait. Tim only oecu1)ants were the dii.
4 ver .iiiMia . Millard. The etrout wan I
j crowded wIth pQoplo amid vehicles , but
ao.ekilIfdlIy WM time team handled that
there was no collision , and as tire horsc I
'were Btoorcd Up the hilt they aooi tLrc I
, out , and were wheeled about aild drWor i
quietly down the sumo etroot. '
T.iwy do Duty Again and Without n .
After much tribulation the "hercbaute
Poltco"wonton duty again Tuesday nigh
aud escaped without interference from
the regular force.
There wore twenty-four men a. work
aiid timy wore sent out with simply a
cane and lantoni , instead of their former
regalia , the bolt mind billy being discarded
for tIme present. One Of the , force
walki'd UI ) to one of thu merchants police
during the night anti naked him what ho
was doing , but on receiving a frank ru
ply I.e went Ii'is way without making any
1zeiazatlons lbr m ho Rtzimo I'silr mimiti
IIomin Jx1)o8Itlmn ,
: lou. ri. MeAlviu , of the Union
I'aciflu railway , loftycaterdayfor Denver ,
from which point ho will return on Fri.
day and leave on Monday for Boston ,
with a car load of pecimnemis for thu Un.
loll Pacific Erltibit. at time Now Emiland
} Tanufacturiug and Industrial ] z1mibmtion ,
whIch begins in t3eptombor. Mr. Mo.
. &lv&n came in from Demivor not long ago
with a large assprtmnent of apecimiiuns ,
which he thought would be ample for
both exhIbits but na his company desired
to snake a bigger spread a4 Boston than
was at first contemplated ho gooa back to
l&icrtMe ) liii stock.
7 ,
- - - - - -
Frsccts for the Comillif t8to T urn
Toploms to Coma UI ) for IIsouesion at
the Uonventioti.
We clip the following from the Chicago
Western Fireman , a few itomns uijpoarmng
therein relative to our coining state tour.
tiamnort , a evincing Limo wide spread interest -
torost felt in it :
As the preparations mature for the
coming convention atid tourmmamnont of
the Nobranka State association , we are
glad to notice features which proml9o nfl.
minimally well for the success of the mneut-
ting. Excellent arratigomimotits have
been nmado with most of the rail.
road hues converging towards Liii-
coin , fair prizes limmvo boon ofFered
to competitors , anti all isbcing tiono that
CoUld be done to insure , an intoroating
time. Especially we unto that. a list ol
important topics i.o.u . been imroimareml for
commsidcratioim , atitl L1Itt the spare timni' ,
ovdnuligs , etc. , ivill be devoted to their
.liscmaiou . , , which will be imrodtictm'o o
good results in Immure WftS titan ommo. Full
of hope iii regard to tim rcstilt-'m of the
convention , Chief Lyman , of Limmcolmi ,
secretary of the aseocimitioli , writes ,
' "I.Imo now me that our forth-
cQmuuImg toimrmmaimmunt will be a mmmagmmlticom.L .
success , so far ne numitbers nhI(1 onthusi.
muimli can nmaho it mmcli. Evcrytimimmg ver-
taimming to time event. lma'i beemi org.mmm'.cl .
-created , as it wore , front chaos ; but 1
ale fully satisficil that results will amimply
comnpoiiaato for the toil nhm(1 sactilico its
lircvmiratiomm has coat , Time
state gathicriiig ivihl be a school for fire-
mull , wimoso lcssoiis if heeded iiust. , bone-
lit incalculably time irospcrmms cities
whose ( ioJrnrtmnolmt ImartiC'Pat'8 'ma contesti
and dolmates , mmd it is gratifying to know
that every tovim jim the stmitu hmnvimig a lire
organheition expects to be represented in
force. "
Time ir8I)0CL of HO general a ropiesoimt.
zitioim amid time carimost sidrit immanifeated by
tim oflicials of time nsociat'mon give jromii.
150 that tlm initial muouting will be of great
significance to time interests of tile pro'
t ction in time great tnto of Nebraska ,
TOi'iOl YOft Vtfi itnmtA8i CONV1NT1ON.
Cikf Emiginotir. , . Lymaim , of Lincoln ,
Nebraska , aecretnry.of tue state 'snocia-
tuna , lion proimared time following list of
t01)iCfI , winch will bo discuscd as occasiori
pormitnat tin , coining nieting of LImo as-
sociatioti :
1. Best fire apparatus fyxitles ( of the
third class ,
2 , OimemnicI engines as auxiliaries to
water maclimos. -
8. Care of hose.
4. Cisterns , their cost , capacity and
value. .
f ; . Relief valves and spray nozzles.
0. Imimportanco of cimiofongincors aavin
property from damagoby water no ell a ,
7 , . Best fire alarm for cities with volun.
Leer dtpartimients.
. 8.S lint is the best nozzle for fire nor-
vice ?
ft. How alinfl we maintain interest
among tiremnun ?
10. Fire Police and their diiLiu ,
11. Tournaumommta , timeir ) urpose3 and
benefits ,
12. The fire department and municipal
13. Does military drill for flicmncu
ray ?
14. How to select aopartrnemmt ofli.
15. TIme State Fironmon's association ,
ita aimmms , objects amid benefits.
16. Taximig iminuranco premiums for
benefit of fire dopartmimcmmts.
17. Fines in volunteer dopartmnomits ,
'their uses and abuses ,
18. Driveim wells for water supply.
10. Extension ladders amid ladder-
trucks ,
20 , Spontaneous combustion as an or-
igimi of mmmysterious fires.
On imoarly alt of timeac points correct
knowledge is gained not only by
tical pemommmil experience , btmt by time
comnparisomm of experiences and thu inter.
uimammgo cf ; ideas aniomm enteli other , Din-
ctiasit1m loads to invuNtigatiomi , itimil imives-
tigntioim to imeprovemimtmmt. anti time comm.
n'mderntioim of 1)racticml topics at timono
shLto convommtioima temmd to .lttveloim . just
those ideas and brinm out. jImt tim'n.e ' . .ox-
1)eriOIlCcS wimicim mold to the comm
mnoim stock of hr..wIrdge. . . ii' time
I)055058i011 of whelm immemeusm. d of-
licicilcy is eetmmoil , \Vt , nrc
Pleased to imoto tlmd nt time first state
eoii'enmtioii of I'obnsh.i . zoomi to be held ,
neiural tOlicS ) of Pr4sImt. iimtorent are
likely to be cmjnmsimlermml . . far mis timmie
.wiU ncrmimit , numd vu dtulmt mm' ' , r time pro-
gramnimmu for iiext year's ( mmnmvOmmtuIi ivil
be nrrammgod with refem'eim'u ' to time discus-
iu1i of practical questiomms fur a ; rnrtiomm
of tue seasiommn , We tmmmdcrstaimd timmit an
efFort will ho iamb to nut nh1rt a Portion
of time ut the mmcxt immeotimmg of time Iowa
azmioohttion at Des Moimmos for a hike puv-
I080 amid 1101)0 to hoar that otimmir mis3o-
emmitmons commt4mnliato , a tiimnilar
\Vimilo time tournament feature intl not
aufi'oiby timis arrangement , thu gommoral
avcrgo . of beimefit will be incrcased
Railroad fare for limo comimimmg Nebraska
urmmainont will be as follows :
, , Otm Limo Burlington & Missouri , one
coit per mile for coumpetimig firommiumi iii
, paifQrul. On the Uniomi Pacific two-
: titrls of one fare buys it round trip
tpkot"for"firemncim ; excursion rates on
botk'rd1n oat ) and ommo-fourth fare for
the genera ) public. Tickets to time
yroumtda an'tl bail free to fmremnomi. Time
Canis" 5P ° CUl prize will be $51) ,
. _ _
; ' A flienalm.g to all
1nm theno t1mmm.s wimqii our Now.pawss mire
flooded with i.tmmt inetlicimmo Mlvertisommmemmte. . ,
It is gmiitifyimmg to know whit to inC.ire ) flint
will corattmmiy cure yomi. if you mire Bhilommi. ,
bid out of order , lAyer Immactive , orgommorimily
ilobllltmto,1 , there m * mmothimmg Ii. time world limat
vlll cure yomi no qickiy mum Electric hitters.
They are mm blessing to nil mnmmmmkimtd , mmii camm ho
Imad fur emily fifty comits a bottle of 0 , Jf. ( ooil.
1II AuNpielohtsVntltllnmg at time Ifoly
F'tsimmiiy CImimvolt ,
Oim ? , Toudny eyoImimmg wi tim. . ' lust t'acoa ;
of a beautiful ammimnot were Iid1img fromim
time western kius , aim Uyont of fuhicitous
iImljOrt traminimirod 1mm tue Olmuroim of thu
holy Famnily , corntmr'pfOn.mumitmg timmil Sub--
cnteoimtim street. It was time limarriago of
Mr. Jmnnos Iq Murpimy , to Miss Tcnsio It ,
Riley , botm of tlmis city ,
Rev , Father ShalFoll , S. J. , Later of
Limo chmurcim , tied time nuptial knot. Time
bride was dressed in a traveling costume
of rich texture , while tim groomn wore
time convommtmozmal black. Mia Pendur-
gait of Jlockford , Ill. , acted. mis brides-
mall , amid MrY , F , McDovitt as bust
luau. The affair was eutiruly private ,
rx _
- - I. , . -
hone but thu inmmodiato relatives of time
happy pair imaimmg been invited.
Time bride is a daugimtcr of ono of
Oninima's oldest and best known citizens ,
lr. Timomimmin Riley. Sue in a lady (10-
sorvediy popular 1mm tlmo circles in wimicim
simo unoCM. Endowed witim rare gifts of
imeart and mninil sime immammy ac.
coimiplinlnmicimts whmielm Imavo 1111100 hnmr at
once Limo favom-ito anti delight. of the social
sliiero. "A 1.rizo wortim time wooing wits
alma , "
Time fortunate anti happy groom is a
rmatl'o of time city of Brotherly Love.
Piiiiadchi'hmla. ' For several years Imo Imna
reailcd iii Onmaima , dmmrimig wltichm timmio imu
iota iwen , and is now , a trusted cmnimloyn
of the wholesale dry goods house of
Tootle , ? iaul t' Co. But to time catimolie
cornimnmnity Mr. Murpimy is mmmoro lati.
cularhy known as time baritommo 1mm time
choir of St. I'im'mlommieimn Catimodral whore
limo ileb soft tones of imia hmigimly gifted
Voice have often ( k'ligimted nut ! imaver
failed to ilcasc. lie in amino a mnemimer of
time Glee ciuii. 1mm time esteem of p
host , of ncquMmmtammommces his mnammy
aterilimg traits of clmnrmictor
have won for him aim enviable ulimen.
Amid Imideod if time iiwtrttolt commgratmmln.
tiomma and wiiics 1,1 Inmummerablo friends
were to bear frimi few would be mimic
gftcd whim imal pimmes ; niul lironjomity in
life thai : ? mlr. mumd 1,1rs , .1. P.Immrpimy. .
May caj.ricimmma . , fortummu cast imer cltomeemmt
rimacs m'er ' timuir 1mitIm amid crowmm timuit
j oiirmmy whim t1modiu1cmmiefmmucccss.
Ton COllhlthlIthS of tie : Nbr8ska ITa-
liollal Gnar ill Camp at Crto.
ContetN In lm'i lilmig amiti Shooting fom'
IlnimtlHnmmmn [ 'rue , . .
Frommi a gonticmnamm who came in omm time
nmormiiimg traiim frommi Crete we learn that
time nimimual cmmcamnpmmmemmt of time Nebraska
Nmmtiommnl guard , wlm'mcim is being held dtmr'
immg tlmia week at Crete , scemmim to be at-
tcmmded witim success thmisyear. Tim camp'
ground is beautifully situated and hii tIre
arrniiommieiits imuido by Crete people.
Abotit 400 muon are vreacmit in eiglmtp
telitil of time
PoLLOwINO coii.&zzs.
Co. 4t , f York , O.mpt. Scott ; 6 muon.
Co. 11 , of Sutton , Capt. Young ; 48 maui. . ,
Co. 0 , of Beatrice , Capt. Pimulpa ; 4Omnomm.
Co D , of Coitmimibun , Capt. J . v. EmIL 13' ;
20 mmmcmi. Co. F , of .Tummiata , Capt. Cole ;
45 mmmcml. Co. 0 , of Oemmovn , Capt. Wimi-
torsteen ; 20 macmm. ' Co. A , of Nelson ,
Capt. J. lUttciibtmni'm ; 31 maim. Co. I , of
Bennett , CapL L. P. Derby ; 41 Immuim.
Co K , of C9lmtrnl City , Cijmt. , L. S
\Viaor1 imiemj. Co. A , I3'uo Spriiig
Iiglmt atillry , Capt. Mmirdock.
: toNnmoi uwaa
and 1mm atafl'aro present aim. ? lime full list
, of regimental officers flint ) with one or two
bxcoptmons. There nm'u . , ttimo cammip E. I' .
Ittgon. adjuhumt nenernl ; Coi. 0. N.
Utmmmd. qtmartornmaater goimt'ral ; Otptimin .1.
S. LtulIew , judge advocate general mmd
Mmijom' Frammklinm Sweet , ;
Surgc6n General Stomue , of Wmtimoo.
'lime prmmmted JrnraIm1o of time ulmcamp-
mimolit gireii time fnllowimig 1i8t lmrlzes :
1"or oust driljed cnmiIiany"Omj'uior' '
CImil1emmo , Cup , " yalucd at $160 , by Oov
, Jammmes V. Dawtma.
For second bust drilled COmmiaiuy-By
citizeims of ( rcte , casim : ; 75 ,
For third beat drilied comnpmmny-By
citizemms of Crete , cash 25.
[ "or best single shot , wmtim regulatiomm
rifle , $100 yards-Gold w'4eim vaimmad at
$100 , by Col. L V. Colby ,
For heat targut slmoutimmg by comupunuy ,
100 yards-Caalm. by citizens of Crete ,
For second best target s1mootin by
comnIany , 100 ymmrds-Cumuim , by
of Crete , $26.
For bust target shooting by squad of
twelvu-200 ynm'ds , ommly one squad frommi
-.micim commmpmumy-Oilicvr's rub , valued at
$50 , by Adjmmt.aimt ( icimum-al E. P. Roggoim.
For secommd best-Cash by citizcmms of
Crete , $26 ,
For bout target shooting by squad of
nsix-300 yards -pimly one squad frummi caclm
commiliany , valued at $50 , by Col , C. N.
Uammd , .iuartulmmmastui . gummenil.
For best drilled sqmimmd o twelve of mir-
tilicry 1mm saber exurthw-eaaim , by Dr.
Cfmamlcs limmmitl , of Crete , $25.
For best drilled sqUad of twclvp "icim
froum wLclm comimpnmmy 1mm aiicimt immammimmimil of
imm-mmmn-casim , Imy e'mLizoims of Crete , $25.
Time follnwimmg jirizes will be giveim for
bamids iim uimif.iimm , All bands commipotmmmg
for timese lrizc wjll I'e reluired to rim-
immimmim dtmrimmg timu'cimtiro cmmcammmpmmmeimt sub-
jeetto omdurs
For boat band- Cash by c'mtiz ins o
Crete , $ liO.
For mmccoimd best , bmmid-Cttsim : by ciii-
zeilti of Crete , $40.
For tlminl boat band-Cash by citizens
of Crete , $25.
Excited Timomisaimils.
All over Lime land are gvmlmg imito ecattsy over
Dr. KIIIg'II New Discovery for Commnuimmiution.
Timoir unlooked for recovery by time timimely
tine of this great life. Saimig reznody , cause.
timommm tq go miserly iUd 1mm It. . irse. it is
guarautceul t. ) isositively cure liavortu Coughs ,
Colds , Asthma , hay Fuvor , ltrencldtislloarse.
ties. , JAMS of Voice , or tiny uilrctiomm of
the n anti Lungs ,
HitItATOG % . NEWH ,
A Lively Iclmool Meeting Anticipated .
-1H)2 r.r I'z'ics' Lake ,
SAn.vroat1 Aug. 2Otim , 1883 ,
At time Himecial micimool maccling timis eve-
mmliii : ; ; bimsimmess of iimuport4mmuco will be
trausacted. It 'ma also expected that time
cimarg's brouimL agmimmet. Teacher ihailoy
ivill lie subatammtiatcul as time ) ' camm be , ens-
'ml ) . 0mm of these is a false statummmeimt ff
the district fimi : ip , to , mccmmro n.gmmaturos
to limo Imctitiomm for an nmssiatmimi tuacimer
Ezteim&mvo ImclmIritiomms ) imavu been mmmdc
for the piemmic of time Umm'momm Sunday
Scimnoi , at l'rius' Laku to-morrow , nmmd a
Lpoll timmme itm emcpectod. fotir-in
iuiimds will be 1mm limit , . 'L'hmo scimool ivill
mmmcii ; at Lycotmmm : limmil at I ) o'clock nimil
leave at 9:30. : TIme Imlemida of time scimoul
arc immvitcd.
Miss Young , Irvimigtoim'a PoPUiltrBcimooi
toacimor , who is timugimest 'f Mr. mtmnl Mrs.
F. N. Smuitim , loaves to-tiny for her imonme
1mm loiva , wimoro alme in called by time ill.
imess of imor mmmotimer.
'l'imo Misses Ormumo and Slmropslmiru , of
your city. are time guests of Mimi. Meamiuy ,
mmd ivill attend time vlcmmic of time LJniomm
Sunday school to-mmmorrow. CvoKoo.
. Many [ mines - you want to keep moat or .
fish for several days. Lay it in a solu
tion of 1to Magnus over zmiglmt , and you
calm keep it for week. . You can also keo
milk a week or more by sLurring in m lit.
Uo of the "Smiow Flake" brand.
wste&wlmi :
. - . - - . . . . . . . . .
A hIi1aukco Drilmilier Refuses
Assist at tli FnllcraI Au
Oniaha Mali
flciaimac 110 Iid fut idiom In Any
Icimmonstratioti Over a
1)emmti lI all.
In thoSt. .Ioncpim Gazette of Motuday
appears an indigmmant letter from a numim-
bee of travelliimg muons wmittcn from Ited
Cloud , Ummlur time head lumen , ' 'Died
Among Straumgors-A DrumnrnerVimo Did
Not Iloliuvo 1mm ! ! nmkimug Ammy Denmommatra-
tion Over a Dead Miii's Body. "
Am ; it relates to [ ho doatim of J.
Stiliman , an Omaima commumercial tourist ,
we vtmbliaim time letter mm full , 'Fimo letter
is fromn Ited Ciommul , Nebraska :
"Time immdlridimnl ruforrcdtoabovo is one
whmnimm all Imommeat tra'olilmg muon ivihl ru-
mmmommmbcr rit Ii thu mmmost
tmul'lmr.MR coNTaMer ,
tim mrcumnstmmmces occaniolutig atmch ro-
mmmaik being tIim deatim of mm fellow tmavcier
111011 ud .1 . Sti I lmmmtmm : , of Ommitima , Neb , , at ,
limo holland Im'mne ' , , Itud Cloud , Nub. , amid
time stmbsc.1mmeii . I. miCtioilaf time 1.0150mm above
reformed to-Ileimly T. Ardloy , a sewimig
mammeimfimo mmmliii frommm ? ul'mlwmumkue. Last
Summdmiy ltIr Sililmimam : caimmo itmto
Cloud , and was simort'y ' tiller lirtstrmmted
will. . a lmumnom'rimage of 1mo lungs , frommm
wlmich imu imuver recovered , imimd ott 'ritura.
day u'elmimmg imu broatimeil imi last. Amimumig
stimimgcra , wHim umm relatives or imear
friends witimimm 1,000 mimmles , it imaturally
devolved Ujlomm tm-avelimmg mmmcmi to care for
Jima rcmnaimm's amid ace timat. lie was
DECENTLY flUlt15i.
\Vord ims bit gi-n lieu his fatally iii
Now York by Ilir , ISr.mach , Ida ouiiphoyor ,
vImo caine imera immmmnedmateiy upomu receipt
of tire hews. Every posa'mbio mimealms
big been uximaimst.ed witimout avail to hoar
fm-oimm his friemmds , it uu'an decided to bury
iiiii , here , and that traveling mmmcii simould
act as Imoil bearers , six of whom were
here at time tiume. Five iummnmcdiatciy tent-
dorod their sum-vices ; time sixtlm hairy 1.
Aedhoy , a auwimmg mmmaclmino mmmaim ,
to act , with the remnark timmit it ii'ILB
, ,
beaidc whelm ho did not believe in any
demonstratioU over a dead nimmum's body.
The imarnes herewith apcimded arc wit-
miesses to time truth of time uiOV0 state-
mimcmmt , amid we call upomi all traveling inca
to bear thin follow iii mind Wo are
each amid every one of u liable to be
cnugimt iii time saimme unfortunate position
mut any timmue.Vlmat would your nmotimcr ,
your sister , or your wife timimmk of a fm-
terimity [ limit wommid associate with a per-
Sc ) t SO devoid of all irmmmciilo us this miman ,
henry T. Artiloy , of Milwaukee.
F. luL LocK ,
Fl ; . Scott , Ean.
C. B. WiasoN ,
Kansas City.
Cits. E. Houc ,
, Lcarcnwortim.
JommN J. JunsoN ,
St. , J08e1)h.
. , I PAL : . BY..tIEIt.M , AND
. ' - ALL TimAvmLLlNa Mi.
Gr.o. B. IIOLLAM ) ,
Proprietor 1-lollumid House , "
UtiuKiuli's % rmmica Snlvn.
Time greatest mmmedtcal wonder of the world.
Varmammtod to smaodi1y cure humus , Cutn , UI.
cars , Salt lilmeun. , Fever Sores , Cancer.I'ilos
Clmllolaimms , Curtis , 'I'otterChapped Imamjiisammtl ,
cli akin OrUltlO&m8 , guiuraumteedto cure In OVOi3
I imntamioe , or money refunded , 25 coats uc.
13. & ifl.'t'i ) MINDEN.
The 1)cnver SIm.rt ( imi to be Pushed
ElghmLoent' ' MIies
Time B. & M. extension from Kenesaw
to Mimmdeui is to be pushed right almond ,
aIya General Mammagor Hoidrogo , and will
probably be commiploted witlmin six or
eight weeks. Thu is part of the Demiver
simort cut to be built from Konesaw to
sonic poiimt hear Arapnimoe , but beyond
Mmdcii time route iii not yet decided
umpon. B. & M. cligimmeers are engaged
110W iii surveyimmg dill'cremmt. routes. Time
noad to Mimideim will im operated as a stub
hue mmlii time rest is coimmplctcd.
'I'imis will timrowilimmdemt oim to time mmmiii
himme , leave lied Cloud on tire ICnnsas.i'mmmc
mtimd simorteim thu route to Denivor by 30
mmiilos. 1mo ii. & l1. is also builtimmg ? a
liiticc of hue frommm Nwnmmima City to Saleimi ,
ii mmtroteim of 22 mullen , which will soon be
coiiipiotod. Timis will strmtigimtomm time line
betwecim Nebraska City amid Falls City
ammdmumakes mm very direct route.
Enterpnsing local agcmmta'wanted. in this
town for an article that is sure to sell ,
Lmo drtmj ala and grocers preferred.
Address Uurnistoim Food Preservative Co. ,
72 Kilby tmoct , Bosthim. .
CAMEIION-At l'aplhllon , August 20th ,
after a,1rnt ilimmesi , Mrs. Charlotte - Camimc
mcmi ; aged co years , 4 znomiths amid 18 dayi.
Funeral xmt'I'apillion ' at 10 o'clock a rn. ,
August ? 2. ' Burlington , Iowa , papers ll01O
, tAL LS
. I
' . ,
? /
Every 0 aOt hs tarrapted snAil-
! actOryots wearer fiu.qwr ; way ,
or the , nta ioy' will be stunOo4 hi
the Ltyanbonght.
by pbyilei&Z
mi.juiss. lo in. , urcr. ear flGI4 UI hAts. as
( hi ' ' iAo.i osnZotaU , .P.4 Perfect ntun tflV4 s
m&A. . ' ' ' . - .
PlicEsub7 'Ilati , PoMai. 5'14s
I Pre.arlhi& ei.aoi " tiC.&djustlaS , S141
, AbdeMiasi ( utra b.v ) Keo. XIe.2S Si-U
. v.&mt ( Ia. Su.tth ' 55.0 , , iataa. .
, - Ikb1.l.pportl5p. S'i.O. .
r a1s by ilaliag iL. t
4VkUO vQU ViS5.
vita nm.n Anoa , ThAT "AN OUM i : .w rims
'aNT1t' . Ia venimm A i'oUNI' ' oI tUIt' WAS
NE'I-.4 tIti. AII1.Y lI.tUs'IIIATII ) IfAN ii' ,
Ills , wiIoiAKL nims n sr..vm TARRANT'8
SELTZER APERIEN'r imis'mk Tins
st.mtlMm SISAl. . hot , mm NOT mtY ur.cmm.v
nIlttAi : ; 9 A. I ) m'rimui isu Timmi sysi-ist , mini
rim A ilt(1iEeJiON AOAINST DISSASS , Which
NO tN1 ) OtIOliT ' 10 biSttkUAiW. AL ! . LHIUO.
uhha HAVE IT.
at.sTSpeclaIa will Positively not be inserted
unions patd In advaimee.
TO LOAN-honey ,
DAI.ItOAI ! ) TICKSTS-To nil P1i1t lut reduced
Ii.r&te" . A. FOIUIAN , l3 South 13th St. 1'hmut
. ' I ONSY TO LOAN-The Omaha Ssiing , hiamuk h
ai nw PrtPrctI to make ton on lunatic city cm
VoiigIM couvt , : rcsl estate at current rats of IntolOs
No comnIston cliarurod. mmss-tf
' T IJNSY 'rim LuAN-Tho Iowc.t. istus of interest
n.n. ' Loan Agency , 16th & 1)uilas. i31tf
f0NfiY TO LOAN-Cahlatlaw ollice of 1) . I. .
.51 iiu.iis. . , room 8 , Creighton hilo-k.
' I OS' h.OA15t-Oi , Chattel mnurtgRgc , tool. .
. .i Nt-Irssta Natioiai Imauk Iluittinc. ' 184if
' I 0NlY TO LOAN-i. T. imeatty cans on chattel
Au l1ittY , man South liii. St. 4t.lmn'
S Cur. wuuluani , cliii mitli , 2tJ-23
) . good pcriy. "E. C. ' lieu ciflee.
\ \7ANiEI.t
' ) - IIiCC of e erlence Wullits a iltuatiori
, U , book Icerer or o' ' her iuiidmar eni.1o iuienL
d..iicratu salary. Atimics' . "F. I. .1. ' lIeu oltice.
1TANTEI-A girl for aenermuh bouse we k. Au-
V lu 4i North 1811. St. 211.221
lyASTiI-A gir to do general lmcuic woik 1416
V JacIson St. 2I2'
: ) . - _ . ' oral aginta for a re.utob1c , mooney
' \TANTI:1)-s.'u
mnakuiz : .iterprl Ic. Law oulice of J. 'I' . i.ulmomi ,
hioum 12 , Crclghton hilock. 22421'
jANTmfl-A : l1rst.cha shirt Ironer at the Euteka
vs i.aui.dry , H. W. Cur. lOll. and Wcb.ter .Sticet.
' . ) _ nIn lth small cash caldtal to taku
'S yATP.nA
Intcrct In anul naaims a god h.aymlm business
in OliEdin. 1lot.omi F. no.1 lh Co. , 1' . 0. 22.22
7ANTED-A No. 1. jul. ertnter to go to a good
1 comuitry towii. 14tndy work to rigimi man
Shari led nuns. prchet-rcd , iteama P ° Call
1)0 Or addiess JOG. M. 1)augiierty ) , 1102 I'arnam St.
em ) stairs. 217-24
IITANTED-OIrl for oncr..l home work , SV , iT.
V Y liusimniati S. E cornerlSth icad Lbugias.237U
237-U experlence.1 girl to ilo gemeriil
V I howe ok In a sumail faniulv , Apm l ) at once ,
corner l'ark Wilde aloilue and Walmnumt 1t. South
Omaha. 236 23
% 7ANTED-A tirat-class linker at miortliweatcer.
Ti of imthand Daueniortstroet. 210.22 *
UTANTF.D-F1rt-ca. COOk. mlmghieat % uazO. paId.
V S 217 north 16th street , 171.23 *
iTANTED-Oood gurm to sniahl family , Address
V V 11 A. 11. ulilsomuc. . . 160-221
\ TANTEb-A fhrat chas.4 solicItor for ndvortliing.
Uojti salary [ or the ml5iit i an Address Box 81.
A7ANTED-A good smart boy. Mint understand
S I Usnuan am ! Eagle ) . . Call at othlce 100 N. ilth
itm oct. ifO If
' ANTEI-A second cuoc a thu Ernrumet housa.
' , S wouan lrcfcired , O2 24
- ' ei-crhend comletcol amid u.clI
' -\TA'TcDAn
rccommncndetl erug ijeik. oiiu other muoud a , , .
I lv. Amly to A Seem. . , . . . . amid hiro. , Ecarmicy Neb
200.3 ;
'I EN WANrEI-T grub out brush , l } mnUes
11 trout. tiestomlice.t2.u0 . lr acre sviIi ho psid.
Hauls. hEAL. E41Al'EAGINU'i ,
0 : ! math amid 1 > ouil.s $ ts.
yAN'r'A cook amid dImulmig room glil at. the
CroiglitOn house. 600-Cf
L AIMESOIt VOUNO MEN In clty or country , to
take mmmcc , mmzht and pleasant work at theIr owl.
Iweimes ; * 2 to 50 a day ea.lty and quIcLu uiuude ; wori
t'eiii by mash ; ow cemives.liig ; no ntani
t'Ieasoaddtoaa itahlablo Manuiavtur ngeummany. la. ,
drawer Vi
' (7ANTEDLady agent. for the 'Qscen Protect-
V 1 erA new under garment for iadlos , tima.Io 01
soft , flexIble rubber. Sure protectIon to the underwear -
wear , wholi necessary to be won , . Itetalls for 2.tsi
as fast as agents can nhow It. Large rrolita. Address
wILh.thmp , "Ladles' Uundergarmeiit Manufacturing
Co. , No. 0 8. Mystruot , Chicag. . , mu. 760-SILt
7ANTED-Firet-cha wumiman cook at the Osult
y y home , noargoveramnent corral. &
XAN'IEO-A steady boy of fourteen or fifteen
vs who b thIl1img to utork. Alpiy at hico office
mailing roont ar 10 a. rn Thursday. it
V mint-do-are , Stoic and mmtu-e-furmimel.tig trade.
Our goods don't conflict tuith amiythmng on sell ;
100103 Itt It ; big comnthslon , ecliular aitmem , : miow , no
competItIon ; small sample. P. 0. Hux 2 Ciilc..go.
. 119-22
' ; ' TATmuTmirrc : good dining count gIrls , at the
Metro1iolltiui hotel , Vages ? iL icr mouth. at once , 203-23
\ XTANTEI-A first clan pastry cook , at Metropoil-
T taxi hiotti. 20123
'I 7ANTKD-Oood PrctlesI tInner , steady job , -IO
icrm0nth , LOUIS siVANSON ,
037-limit Ulyasc , Nab.
' \yANTED-A situation hy a .oung moan ulth ox.
.pirlcnco In thollry g..ods bus IIOS' . The saute
line ertcn-ed , Address "ii. J. LI , " ike oiflec. Coun.
CII mimuirs. 234-22
. .
by mu ouimmg titan w lier faith.- .
V fuinwe aii.I 'htitegrity % 1i1 ghu 1dm amiaiuce for
proututiori. UCt of references glum , AdiItes "I' .
J. " Ibe'ouimmcc. , , 231-23-
17-ANTsn-autuIatIomu bysflrst.cflai.s Oormiiwo.
1 I claim , 5cook. . Apply at tha . we.ten house ,
2iLrce.- . . *
% TANV1)SittuatIon by nncxperIomuoeieqokb
V V uf reference. . . . Address cook , Doman house ,
City. 164.231
fANTEl-Situatlou by a young lady an assiStant
iv book.kroor , Copyist or clerk. Address 'Ii. Y , "
pontofhice. 175.23'
pmIAr1CAL stenographer of 10 years caper nra
prepared to take one or two cienlng PuPht.
Bait system , shorthand thoroughly taught. horton
tery mnotlerate. AdOreasA , It. Ueuotilcu. 160311
S V furnIshed rooms suitable for lIght hioueket'i.
lug. . .tddxess It. .t Ike oiilce , st.uUng tormim. 222-231
IVANTCI-To rent , a house lii good location , for
S S i.uopiiig boarders or lodgers.IIIIS.
IIIIS. WhUahiT ,
_ ! : ! _ Cor.Sth anit hlosrd
TAMEL-A few more Iern. to learn book.
S S k0e4.lmig , hbtuatlons furolsiwit. J. II. mIMI I II ,
211-TSm - . 1516 Uougta lit.
% T.tNTEt-To buy , a .iucoiuct-luandletter at
1 ! 1106 hiougIas St. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2m2-22 ;
I17ANTED-Dy boarders at 1317 Davenport St.
% 7ANTE1)-Tbuy , dehl. ry horse. Ca1lii ,
V T 1. imor.DouglasandlOthmetreets. _ _ _ 2m5.'it
' yANTEhms5.000 worth of bulilImug and roi air
jobs , at oncest 918 8. 10th itreet. ( io.d ork
or no it. S IIAIIDY ,
roit niiwr--uoues and Lots ,
- -
N , lit ! . sin-vet , betucomu taiu slid Capitol ate.
tulle. 201) 22
I I IIEN'l'-Iluui.u U roomum inquire of 'flinnias
I. Halft,11thamlchlciigo. 240-241
I'Olt hlEN1'-Nealy furnlhed front count or stilt oh
ryoms , bay tulitduw , 15i3ChliagostrceL 22324'
1mmL ifENT-hmrve unfunutamitd room. at the N
.1. V. curler of nougu. . . and 20th .treets , $8 0' . ) lie ,
) . . .
mount _ _ 220.281
iOht IIENT.-One new stora on lbs-aid bet.15 & IS
64teetulcep for hds.onj icr inonUt. 238-If
F ° llE.ST-A nkciyfuruiaia'.1front roont
for tao gentlemen or gemitienuamu nail' u.hie. In.
quiru mit 710 N , 19th sLiest. 1m6-23
t1tEr-Tao new haute. , . , iI ,
ceU&r , Ifnulhton , mini , Irene strest , near red car
lIne. Inquire op Itrcinie. . 205.24'
.1iOlt IISNT-Unfurulahed front 10m. , 1724 Doug.
.Lhu. 19023 *
. ijiout ItENr-Two numsfl brick store at 325.00 ,
1. 138-If 13. tr.htMA.
Infants and Children
Without Mnriihlno or Netrootino.
What given our Children rosy cheeks ,
lVIint cures theIr fevers , malice them sleep ;
"ha f'iatoi-la.
'When Dabies , fret , and cry by turns ,
What cures their cotic , kiDs their ttortns
Thit Castoria.
What quie&ly comes ConstipatIon ,
Beer Stomach , Golda , indIgestion :
lIit , Cnntnyho.
Parewehl then to l'torphuino Syrupa ,
C.astor 011 and Paregoric , ami
Shall Cnstnrlsm.
Centaur Linimont.-&nab-
solute onro for Rhonmatiam ,
Spralne , Burns , Galls , &o , , anti eu
inathutaneona Pain-rollover ,
. _ _ _ ' I
The Product of American Industry !
Full aiuortniemmt constantly on hand nmmd for sale by
HENRY FUHRMAN , Prmont , 1Teb.
FoI IIENT-Cood opportunIty. A house with 6
mu ) , , in goojl locatIon , FurnIture amid carpets
rsalociieap. Address ' 1 C. H , " liocoihice. -
155-22' -
T1oit RiNT-WcU : turnhhued hiouc , with v1o.
I Vihi rent cheap to right party. Address F' . S.
itatos , De office. 17623 :
I ha'T-Cottagc live rooms. 10th and hlkicory
.st , . .1. 1'hips mtoe , 5th and Spruce. 150-ti
tiomu I1ENT-Purnlshed rooms t Ith borI , ga. ,
I bath room &c , Finest location in the city , 2423
Famanu St. 170-ti
Foil RENT-Cottage of seven rooms , 18th. and
Chicago streets Alee a .mall house , 17th and
CsiltoI avenue. S. LEIhIIAN. :
-I7.ThuuEs ANt ) STOmmES-ror rout cheap , Itoh-
V hills & Motter , room 23 , Omaha National flank.
( ) ItGAN For rent and rentaipiod "n purchase.
107-ti l'ItESCtlTr & CO.
iitENTtur new 1uouuc of 5 room' . . Goal
well and cItent each. $12.00 iwr ntonth , fl
a. TiE. ! . , Croighton hock. 1(12-21 (
tOI hENI'-A iroit room ; elsa smaiior
mont , t.'tth hoard. 1812 Dodge St 601-imilob
( m11ENTmumthit anudumufurtil-hed riioms.
Flee hocatlomi. m'lCK : , Oip. 1' . 0 ,
1Ok IENT-Itoddcmaccs and store building , . hEll-
I FOItI ) & sommim : : , mhcl ietnto Agency. omtce
east nido 14th street , between Farimmu and Douglas
. . ! . ! : ts. 792-tI
-iomm IIcNT-Nos- , mobs furnished or unfurnlhech ,
I I with board , lieferomices requIred , 1010 tacn )
, rt. 456-ti
SALiAfoaerebkcklumuha ,
2oo4) .
18 Iota cheap , $25 r.ih , balance monthly inment.
i'AUI.SEN .a Ci' ' . ,
219.wts 1509 Furnanu street ,
Olt SAh.E-Chcai ; 50 feet shehvhig : , 4 table'1 coat
I forms , tuindow curtain , and gas iteturri. 51 8 N.
math st 239-21
; iomL SALE-One fresh milk cow , al.o soung calf.
Inquhro at Ediuolni and Erickson's Jeseiry ntorc.
FOit SALE-hiesirable cottage , full lot hi Shuhl's
nd..Itiomi. , south front , 2O 'A '
lipioiidld resIdence , eait front , 10th St. . near car
line. A bargain. ifflitIVElt & hELL. 227-27
SALE-New bate , for Ii or 5 iiorso , iith
I water , mind granary. Long Ioa.o on grounil.
207.24 * 1500 Farnam , itrecL
I Oht SAI.E-A good horse , uitablc for family or
4 fast cirisliug..hso buggyand harness. Address
"hlon.e , " thtsomiice. 200-24 *
; -ioit SALE-A bay mare , fine stepper. hmioseL. .
FOIL SALL'I'WO good horses , S amid 7 years old.
Vfl seIl cheap. Nortoiu's grocery , 16th and Day-
enport strete. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 19i23
t IIALI7-A nuniber out , lioma , , , will drho iimigle
P0 or double and will be sohd at a bargaIn. Inquire
itt the ulfice of tue Gm-and Unlomu Tea Co. , 119 8. 11th
mE _ _ _ - 102-ti
I SALE OR lENT-81.Iendiul { uirlght plane-
xnomitily ) payments. Alio a new 011cm. . buggy on
easy teruni. J. E. EmavAmtm. . ,
111'221 - 1111 Furnamnatreet
'omm , house about one-halt -
SAIE-Smnall , new , - acm-c
loL Easy terms. l'rlce only * 3.0.
AM 120 , IiOOFarnamu Street. .
1 ; iOit SALE-itestaurant.anuIlo.lglughoim.u Om'oomii.
Api1y or address , 94z 1' . St. Lincoln Nub. 007.3 *
- ri it SALE-200 Ewes.
_ ij 100-im' JOhN 11. SIIEF.LY.
tionskLa-'ie lots in Hhtnn' , . addItion at * 250.
I each. ; time. D. L. Thuntal. Crelghton
block. 101.24
ItICK vOlt SALE6IIEA1'-At 11th atreet , , eiuth
B of hleUttue road. or 608 North 12th at. OS0.imI
iOhI SALI2-Frcinh MUch Cow. at CovIng street
I.conral , at Military bridge. 93823 *
Uo1t liALE'ine tarot close to the cIty ,
_ L' nsati1KoK , OppoIte 1' . 0.
Liolt SALE-lteatdence and besluess Irolerty in
I all parts of Omaha , and Farm Lands 1 nil part. ,
of the State. HEIJYOIU ) & SOUEIt ,
793.t1213 1 * . 14th ilL bet.Farnain and Douglas.
OR SALII.-200 head yearling heifer. , * 17.60.
F 200 head 2 amul thruu year old halters , $24.00.
400 Calves. AU above are mown cattle.
5ItANu5 Into's ,
Cattle Contractors , Itlde , Wooi and Tallow dealers ,
Sioux thtylowa. 682-mm
SALE OIl 1IXCIIANUII-Fuil lot and three
dwellings cormiar of 11th and Pacific streets.
Nm. lots Iii south Omaha. Also 100 acres ol land
near Santon , Nebraska , and buIldIng iud atoek ci
clothing No. 504 Tenth. street , Will exchange tot
Nebraska farm limid. . Further particulars at Gee ,
hi , I'etersoii's ClothIng Eturo , 804 Tenth t root ,
-.7oIt HALF.Dlii ice apapern ma large amid , mnahl
J. I' amutittee at liii , dIce. tf
; ) HAbIt-A mImI class second baud top buggy ,
Coil at 1310 htaruoy atreet 397tt
No. 1-Teases & Sheldcmt'a niditlon , on Cobum street ,
two lots 613x121 earl , . Goo.1 house , six rooms
at. t1,8C. A fine auhurban luonto.
N.J. . 2--A reaiIencu ot betaceu , Farmisum mind Iharney
streets at $1,700. A fine location ,
No , 3-Four lots and house 3 blocks south of St
M5r's atimius at $2,600.
No. 4-iwo hold on l'&m-k avenue , 'limo best iahue on
No. 5-ltedick's Second addItion. Good lot and first
class tmprouements. Two houses , comm. fronts.
Look at tills at * 2,600
No. 6--A SiOscme farm , Ii mnllc eat of Omaha , 4
mmiile from Elkhorn StatIon at * 30 per acre.
No. 7-Itotutilul resider'ciu jilts , 200 feet east front.
4 $ feel nouth front. FInest view lu the city ,
( : , &u for
160-3m Opposite IoIoI1ioc.
1i ilages , to any of the city , at 213 8. 13th SI ,
Telehihomue No , .1492 , A. F. KELLNE1t.
I * ' you u-sut p11. . dnco Soc any purpose , sea W
.1. hoyd , Canflehit iloumse. 201.lmn
- - - -4
Natiolial Bani J
o OMAhA.
Capital , - - $100,000.00 )
0 , W. HAMILTON , Pros't. 3
M. 'I' . BARLOW , Caahlor.
Accounts solicited and kept iub-
joot to sight chock.
Certificates of DopoIt iaouod payable -
able In 3 , 0 and 12 menthe , boating
intoroetoron demand withoutin-
toront. '
Advancoin nincloto oustomornon
npprovodsocurhtloant mnrkot rate
of Interest.
The Interests of Customers are
olosoly guarded and every thou ty '
compatible with principles of
sound banking freely oxtondod.
Draw eight drafts on Englandl -
land , Scotlnnd , and all part8 of Eu-
Soil European Passage Tickets.
Collections Prompt/i Made.
Q I ( V iicward for the return of my Gordon Settar
cdi L U. dog. 3. 5. MARKEt. . . ,
I 4. ,
% TASlllNG-hone at house , or taken home. Nra ,
V I Slack , 1810 i'am-ffic street. 1l3 23
S TIIAYED-A icd cow about 5 ycetrs old , end of on.
horn sawed ( if ! , a strap around the horns , medluiz
lze. Straed on 16th Inst. Ileward for InfnrmaUoa
wIll be prAm by Joseph m'oeplsiull tiorth of Foundry on
18th St. near ii. p. track. 190-2
T o STOCK IlAISEItS AND FAitMKlt5-Th unl.r-
smgned lini. a lam-ge farm of 1,500 acreswell watered
and ilnibered and sItuated near three railroads. IT.
Is engaged In raisIng nil kliid. of stock , and desires a
partnerto takean Interest nail manage the business ,
as his health Is eoor and he lets other busIness raquir- p
lnghlsattentlon Noone need answer who hits not.
Iron $3 000 to $5,000 to invest. Address Stock Itaisur ,
liecoillce. 200-t.u&fr
T AKEN Ut'-One bay geldIng odth amall star and ma
little whIte allot emi time nose , 14 I-i hands high ,
andnbout .loiimt ' 1' . I'aulsenmmar2Ist. ,
anti Lake Streets , north'4irnaba. fiw.itcw '
r AKEN ISP-Two .1gs , wIll the deliver , same to
oulier on pavmuiemit of damages amid coqts. W.
J. Ilalimi. Court house. 860-St luwk.
AKEK UP-A 3 year 'uld i,1ak 015cc , about P00
T ioundsweight. C. A , Jensen , on ihliltary Ibiad ,
4 miles trout tosmi. 803-St motel
mZfflA ; IIEWAItIJ-Will bepiuidforlntormatlon
! LLIU.UU of the whereabouts of one John Shamu.
doi , julio dlcamuicared July 11th front Omaha sub'
the wIfe of .Thu Nebriva wIth the wife of John Teii- '
rita. Sliandera IIs I ycais 'Id , of medium .tature ,
rather stout in 'tody. homig face , cho.tmuui hair , sh 'ci
red whIsk- . . and moustache. SIrs. Nehrla 1,38 years
old , of large and atutstatsre , , black haIr , a scar over
therlght eye. face comewhiat freckled. Shandera left
a odfe with two children , one crl.J led. ilrs. Nehriva
took along her three chIldren , a girl II ) years old ,
boy 5 yeariand a babe nIne montiiii old. 'ilic bo
has a , c'ar .t-er the left eye. Time above reward will
be iald by JjmmN NEII.IIVA ,
i75-23& cure of l'okruk Zaiadu , Omaha.
ALIiST. 495 Tenth street , between Farnau and Us , .
fey , will , with the aid of guardia. . spIrit. , obtain for
any one a gIn tee of the past and present , and oo
certalu. condition. In the future. fonts mtmul Shone
titade to nm-dec. l''rfo.'t .oi , f.'tli wuIra"t. " I
Nebraska Cornice
Orllamellt ¶ OS !
StANUFAIn'lJflEna oh , '
llron Fencing !
Crestings , lialuatrade. , Verandas , OilIce amid flank
htailfiugu , Wiuidow and Cellar Ooardmo , rtc.
N. v. comm. NINTh AND JuNI20 8T8. "
' ' , Y3I , ( IAISE1I , Manager.
To the Traveling Public !
-TIlE- . , Jih
Is now undergoing throrough reairn , both within and
slthoutnndthclroirietor Intends it shall be ZtC-
Ot.ITO NONE In th * State , next to Omaha.
-4-- . . , E. It , JILAI KWF.LL ,
aug 21'2m Proprietor.
Capital , - - $250.000.
JAS , hi. ImAIITWELL , President.
A. I. . ( iI.AlKE , Vlcu.l'resldent.
a. ( I. WEQSTEIITreaurer.
C. 1' . wsierramt. Cashier.
rnuso'romts :
Samuel Alexander , Cidsahl Ohm-er
J , I. . . Clarke , K . Wotater ,
teL It Pratt , Ju. II. iIcartwell ,
p. 3d. McShhluuiey.i
1irt : Mortgage Loans a Spooialtv
ml. Company furnishes a permanent home ii it to- , ,
tier t.bero SChOOl lloni.I. and other legally Issusul lu.
I cipal SecuritIes ii ) Nei'ra.sks can be , "a
te noon' , .vou-ablo terms. L.nans missile omd reproved
' u.s Ii. all well settled counties of the stats through ecal corrusuonidents. PC
Fine Millinery. M
Stock Entirely Fresh and New
105.1thStreet ! Opp. Poatoflice.