- - . - - . - V - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ - V - - - - - - - - - - -V.--- _ V _ V _ _ V _ _ . - --------VV . , V-- - . - - - . - - - - . - - - - - - - , V - } _ w ITD \.A\SME YOU TIME , TROUBLE , MONEY , , ¶ 1VaMIVII. ; . If youbuy your tfROCEll1ES & PROYISIOS , . V V ' -or- [ V - : E3cPcaT ¶ P 16 Main auI 17 Pcatl StrecItounoi1 ] flufTh. cotmcIL ; BLUFF3 RMLtOAD TIME TA1LE. The , fUow1n ftre thotltrof rri1 nd cprttire t train. from th local IcIIot& The trIn tati from the Union 1aeIflo depot tioUt ten , nliiutei earile ; than below itit4 , atI ArrtVo t the depot Rbout ten Dihitt's tater. I Tratn bn pool 11mM and R. C. run on Cbkago tkne , a half hour faater than local. Vabiah tratn , run o * Rt. LouI tine , twenty nnutc. . faster than local. U. I. . . iuid Unoon trains run oci Council IUuff ttmc. cmcAoo. ROCK $ UD AND rkciric. bc1art. Artho. Atlantic : xt . , .5O p in. Pacific Ezt.O:4 : ° m x and M'U. m. Ri nd MiII..6t : p. rn De.Mo1nea..7I5si.m. : Ihi 3tolne , ac.6 3 p. in. ChICAGO , cuuroc AND QttCT. ) . Iep4rt. ) Arriva. ' Chkgt Ex , . , tS.p.rn. : Oounrifl Wtiffac'c P.45 Maliand Ix..945 in Matiand } x' . : . rn . CinCAUO and icoatiiwiisTaax. A . Dexrt. Arrive. $ AtlaMlo ) : * t . .sis : p. in. Pacific Ixt . . . . D:15 a in. ) JaII flint : . . . : a. hi. taII and 1x..tJ:15 : p. in. Accorn (3nt ( ) , G:5O : i. in. Acconi ( Moii ) . .1:45 : p. in. AyHAM CITY , BY. JO ! CD cOUiciL IIUFE ! . Depart. Arrive. , lfefl and Rx 0:55 : * . in. Expree'i :55 : p. in. : Exinri . .rs p. in. Mall and E.x. . .0:45 : p. . VNIO1 CACIVIC. flpart. MrIo. OerIMtl Ex. . . .1l3Oa.rn. OyorlandEx..400 i. in. , IAncoln Ex 11:30 : a. in. Denver Ex..8Ofl : a. in. 5enver . ,7OO : p. in. LocaIEx 6:30 : a. in. V Local Ex 7:25 : a. in. " Ix 9O : a. in EniIrant . 5:20 : p. in. Ix 6OO a. in. W.IJA.SlI , BT. LocI AIiD rACiCIC. Deplirt. Arrive. MaIIand 0:45 : a. in. Slail and Ex..4lO p. in. t.nnon Hall . .50 p. in. Cannon Ball. .11:05 : u. in. V V CiTY AD rActIic. ; rt. Arrive For Sloui Ctty7:5 : a. . Frin $ lox CityC:50 : p. in. VorFartNlobriua Fm Fort Niobrnrm V Keb 7:5a. : in. Neb . OtOIi.in. : ForSL i'aul..7:40 : ii. in. FrantSt.I'aW..SOa.rn. : . ChICAGO , MILWAK MiD BY. rAVL. Loaree Omaha. Arrives a Ornha. Mill and Ix. . . . 7:45 : a. . in. ) FarifloEx. . . . t:45 : a. . Atlantic Ex. . . . 3:40 : ji. iii. Mail and Ex. 7:25 : p. in. V Ailtralne daily , ChicAGo , MlLwAUKii AD BY. PAin. . eaYea COUflCIIVBIUtT. Arive Council Biuff. 1a1l and Ex , . . . 9O a. pV Nail arntI V Ol : p. . AUanUc Ex. . . . 05:15 : p. in. Atlantic Rx. . 10:10 : a. in. COiNCII. BLLTTa AMO OAUA I4YRCY RAILWAy. V Leave CunciI fliuffa. Leave Omaha. Ba. in.Pa. rnlOa.rn. 114. I RL in. 9a.in. 10a.m. 11 4 rn.Ip.rn.p.in.3p.mn.4lLmn.1mn.2p.rn.Ip.mn. i , p.rn.Sp.rn.ep.rn. I4hm.m5p.rn.0P.in. Sree care run bill hourly to the Union t'acflhc I depet On ftunda' the CN begin their tripe at 0 o'eiock a. in. , and run reguhirly miuring time ilay at 0 , ¶ 11 2 , 4 , 5 , and 6 o dock , and run to city time. flD UPUflh1OflU A regular graduate In JJkt , UIJI1UIJRUUIi1 medicine. Over Bhiteon , 000and6O8WyandutteSt. ycarm ? practlco-twelvo in I AlsAs CITY , dO. ( .imicago. V . : : tria by the BtatO to tree ' 9. ChronlcNorvinisand Private discaice , 1 Aithnma. E1iiIcpy , itimeumnatlim , Phd , . . Awc' , 3 is Thic ' 1one , Urinary amid Skin Die. k'V. eaeeeSenmlnalWemikneesnlght ( lorecs V Sexual Debility ( loae ni eexuai power . etc. Ctiro guaranteed or money retundetL Chargee low. Thoueandm of cadre otircmL No Injurioue mcdi. robe furniahed even to iatIeiit at a dictanec. Con. iultatlon free and confidcutiai-cahi or write : ago and experience are Important A VnOolc for both scxee- Illustrated -and circulare of oUmer things Bent BCaIed for two 3 onit etamps. 1ItEE MUSEUM 1 V mnemicnd.v ' . Health is Wealth " ' _ _ T" Dr. E C. Wot'a Nerve and Brain Treatment , - , . . . ' . . guaranteed ppecihio for Iiyeteria , Dizzinca , Convul % - UlOflB , Fits , Nervoua Neuralgia , headache , Norvouo V \ Proetratlon caucod Dx the uae of alcohol or tobacco , Wakofuineel , Mental Dcpmemmclon , Softening of time Brain , resulting Iii lisanity ciii icading to mlecry , decay and death , Premature 01.1 Age , flarrennoeB Lees of In either ecx , Involuntary Losee Sperrnatorrluaa causd by over cxert1on f brain , o1t4buoe or ovor.induigenco. Each tA1n Ofl rnonth8 treatment. 1.00 a box , er kxixee for 85.00. Sent by mail prvpaid on ractipt price WE OUARANTEE SIX UOXES . . . To cure any caee. With each order received by infer for aix boace accompanied with $ .oO , wuwilleeimtt the purchaecr our written guanmntec torefundtholnone ) V If the treatment does nut aect a cure. Guarantee , Ieauodonlyby C. F. 000IIMAN 01kM wi Drum' let Omaha Not , DII , FELIXVLEBBUMS 'a ; ; rn a PnEVENTIYE AND CURE. FQR EITHER SEX. Tlil.q remedy being Injretcd directly to thoViieat of the dleeeee , requiree no change of diet or nauseous , inercurmaior polsammoud medicince to be taken Intern. ally. 'When % 3Ct ! am&a pruveimtlvo by either toz. It I impoeeiblo to contract any private dceaic : but Iii the mae of theeo aiieady unfortuimatotyatiiictede guar. untee three bove , to cure , or we will refund time money. I'rloe b maD , poetago paid , 2 per boa , er three bexe for 5. , WR1TIEN GUARANTEES Ieiucd by all authodd acnt& , Dr.FelixLeBruntCo SOLE PlIOPRIUIORS. . C. F. Goodman , Drugglet , Sole Agentfor Omaha , ' . Nab mn&Ow1y . RN IIORS T : : , . . : : Thin EIocLric Bok will Cure the 1ollow. thg Diseae8 Without Medicine. Pain. In the hack , Ilipe , tIDed or LImb , , Ncrvc.a Debhlty Lunibago , General Debility , Itheunmatlem paraiy.e , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Iisoase of tima Kldneyi I3iIimai Diecasce. Torj.Id LIver , Gout , $ .zuai Exhamia tion , tlenthmal Emniulon , .thnma , heart iiieeaao Dy.pcpela ; Conetipetlon , EryelpoiaB , Indigeatlon . hernia or Rupture , Impotency , Catarrh , Pilec , Epi Icey , IurnbAguo. , ooo Would rlotBuy It. Dii. W. .7. IIoaxs , Iieatdee Nab. , Jan. itt. iKS3. Dear Klr.-SIncoI wrote you laetIImae experlen o d.a most wonderful change ; the paine have all ief mc and I have gained ten pound. amI feel ten year' ' yonrmger , Incu I flr.tgot your IIecrlc lieu , % idmlch Wa about forty.fime daye ego. I would not tBiii 1X ) 'I for my 11011 If I could not get another. I would va to cii who utfer rheumuatlcmn , relatlca amid kIdmie illecasre , tiny Dr. iIorn&B Electric IkIt for one of lii 3U. Belle curl ice of all timoau dleeee In ahoy V thne. IteeectfutIy , V. W. IIOOTI ! . For ache by Foster 1irim , CouncIl Ihluffe , loon. SlAIN Oi'FICE-Oppodltc Poetolilca , Frenzer lIbel t4rFor Sale at C. F. Ooolmmand Drug Store. I Ill Earlinmn Street. Omaha _ _ _ _ _ of tim , Imumnimia Doily eniarteed , developed aimil atrwmgtimened ! j etc. , he amid ntereetIhg edertieemmcrit lomi cmiii iii ou Inir. lii reply to InluIrle. 00 will ay that there lb evIdence I himmnbug abimut thhi. ( iii limo contr.mr time ailvcrtieeri are very highly luidoreed. Interteite ii4ironI rudy get .eabvl rireuhere givhmig .11 rtIcmmi. liv et Irreelug Erie MedIcal Co. , P. 0. box 513 , liulfaIc Vvi y Lia , , infl & MENDEL 83 9/IN , V ARCHITECTS VREILOTD : TO OAILA NATIOZf EL2II . vu DLiw , . CURE OR NO PAY. Mineral Springs ! s o guammitec the euro of the following namneti die. eAeee , 0mb iy : liheuncatlem , Serotula , Ulcers , Ca. t.arch all llloodand Skin lieeaeee ) , Dyepopela , Liver Com1talnt , Kidney and Bladder 1)icesee , Coot , NeC. ralglim and Aethma. 'rrec Sprlng mire the. favorite roort of the tired mxmiI iiebllltattd , amid are the Feeble ttIIea' bed fric nil. (1c > ol hotel , 1.hery and Bathing rmuommodatIonis. Locality highly ilctmIreumio amid healthy. Carrepondence nolicited. Addreee lIe , . M. I. ThlOSli'SONManagcr. Shionmn , Gentry Co. , Mo strn Coroice-Norks IRON AN ! ) SLATE ROOFINO. C. SPECHT , liii D.tmgiad St. Omaha , Neb. MANUPACTUIIEIt OF Galvanizea Iron Cornices lrIoTmncr YIndowe , Plniaie Tin , Iron and Slate : Romiliig Spceimt'e patent Ietafiio ttkyilght , l'atciit acijueteil Ratchet Bar end liracket Shclvlng I am the gemirra ) agentlor time above hue of goode. , Iron Fencing , Creetinge , flaluetrades , Vcranilae , Iron flank Ralihng , Window illinde , Cellar Guard. ; aixo general agent fer I'ecrson & 11111 patent Immeldo Blind. flEAL n ESTATE ACENCYI efttorff &Souor OFFERBAJiQAINS IN BusinesProperty , Residence Property Suburban Property. IMPROVED 'ANDUNIMPIwvEI : : ) Lands Noa Omaha AND Farms iii all Partslnf Nebrasa , WEILA.VE ! A RANCh 01 ? ± , DDQ rotco.cc1 WkIICU 'wjll OIFF.R AT ALOW PFHOEI I I Rallc of ecra1 Phousall BEDFORD ic SOUEII , 218 f4. 14Um Street , . SafeyFund System I Life Inaurammee peiftict In accurity amid at the lowee poeiibbo coat coliblatent therewith. JIAILTFOItD LIFE & ANNUITY , c , , _ , IIAIITFOEI.CONN. Mid. If. 1IETY , Oeiieiai Agent. At time l'exton. tGood Agente SVanhal V _ _ _ J.E.HOUSE , Consultlg and CIlI EDlDeer afi : SURVEYOR. B SpecIal attention to Surveying Town Addit no , Iii 0 Lots. Furimleimes Eatimatce of Excam atlomme , Makimi Rape , Plume , &o. OI'1lCJ OVEII TIIE FIRST NATIONAL BANS OIIAIIA , NEll ; Dli. ERNEST H. HOFFMAWN , Physician & Surge or :1 : OFJ'ICE. 13TH ANt ) JACKSON W18. 4 ltoeidcnno , 18th Street , oicr lfefimmwd& hiurinan I , { irC , nimir Jaclaoii Ctrcet. lheferencc itV 2' ) mlar4'pratlemml cxierienro , BELLEVUE COLLE. Under tti. care of the Pre.byterian Synod of U I bmka. BoIns PtOIUber 10th. Clirelcal an ScientifIc couraes with lireParatOI7 departmneimt ; aii , Musical and Art Departimicimt , alt , Iien to both .exe TuitIon low. Location beautlfuland healthfuL Oni nine inUe. from Omaha oa the 13. M. It. it. Ac dreeaforclrcular.I'LtOP. W , J. IIOLLEAN Beth Tue. Zicb. V J7&i.ood ln&4&B1mo - - HENR11tAIID. A 11au of llhty1. Who ueccs in All lb Unor1acs1 As a Nows'aporOorrospondont. lit the ltnle of it ItaIItetatl fntinger nail LStoek O1wrator-11iRtrS 01 the ( ) elebvfttell ililtul I'ool - 'liy ( ThIltltt full 'iUnrt1 Ate ( litt Bcit of' 1 tieittls. New York Spedel tO the Cimmeinnati Commoieiel UucttC. A hurry inVtill atroet , tunl the close of the oiig BttIktV ) 8ti1lIl Ute tclugraplier5 , have of ClIltRO bcmit the ehief topics of iiitcrcst. ill Now York dtinng the week past. The attncli till the Villard stocks ftlll the aptroac1thig eoiii1tletioii of the Northern I * cifie railroad , liiis brought the llreSileflt of that COlfllHUly into mnrketl proililticilco , not. 01117 Ill New 'ork , but. througlicult the cotilitry. Iii iiorsoiiil aiiluMrnneo henry Villard boi hilt little rusehhlbIanco to his \\'iill street rivals. Ibirit in the oki iiiU.elim1l city of Speycr.on.tlio.lthiiie , iIr. Villarti tOatfl luany CVidtIICOS ) of ltis Oeriiiiiu lineage. ' ] 'itll niitl well piiprtiotictl , ell dowetl yjt1i a iiiassivo ititeltectnndrobttitt coiistitt&titiit , his Capacity for work is aitl I to ho enormous , iuitl lie unit beside the cajitcity to inspire vork iii oh his isso datUM. ' 'During the pitat. week , " saul an zitti. IIUIIO associate of his to.dmiy , "when the iiiost ferocious &visattlta vcro made on ttntorpriso of which ? ilr. Vilhtrtl is the head aiitt front , I ituver aw 111111 evince the least indication of perturbation or tlespoiitlciiey ; jfl fact , he was icver the least tliseouracd , und the inspirnttnii received - ceived front hiiiii did much tO allay nil fctrt in those Who looked to hiiiii fur counsel ahll nth'ico. " " \Vhiuui cliii Mr. Villitrd first , collIe to Alnelidal" "lit October , isrj. : it was his inteit. tioii thieii to seek relatives iii lhliiioi , who had coitie to this coiiittry in coflSeqtleilco of the political oppres. atoii mitt thin rovulutioii which followed in " \Vhat were Villard's intentions iii coining hierol" I 11e starleti otIt. to study law. This , for a while , ho did hmthi iii Bollecillo and Peoria , 1ll. , 1)1St somehow this sort. of life otFured btit little nttxnctiun , and , having itiet with soiiio success fl ilowsph1)cr work , ho decided to turn his nttciition entirely to that primfessioti. " ' \Vliero did ho begin ? " "jltist , his first work wa done on the Cincinnati Cointiterciat. Ho reported the Lincoln.Dougltis cmuupaign in illinois in 1858 for that paper , ( Rid at the con elusion of the cainjisign he wits sent to Indianopolis , to report the proceedings of the Indiana legislature for the paine paper. There vns an exciting sciiittoi'ial race then iii progress , and Mr. Villard's letters to the ( .otiimorcial form a cotn1lotc compendium thereof. 'Utoy vere , in fact , Pretty racy letters , inul his coiii- inents oil the action of soiiiu of the lucia- bers fiiially ht 4 to the expulsion of the yoling writer from the reporters' galS 'cry ' cif the nssuuiibly. Thou lie minnie nit arratigeinent with the editor ol the Coiuiuuierciutl to go to thin newly this. covered gold regiohl of Colorado , auii writu letters for thumit lb reutchied Leavenworth , I believe , just in time tc take pitasilgo on the last abigo across tIn lhLtiiiS , run by the LeutveuvorLh aiuml Pikc'it I'calc E.xprcou company , which 1uf early iii 't1)ril fcn Detiver. Ho oxploiecl during the snuattuor , the territory of Col oi'tdo , RIO far as it wits accescillu aL thai tiimiu-a portion of the tune in the Cohhi pnY with 1-loracu Greeley and Albert D , Richiardoon , who visited the territor3 that i.iuiiiuier , the former being on hi' way ovcrlauid to California. He nunli two trils to the Missouri river that no in 111cr , and on IliutIly leaving Colorado , startI late in November with a jarty ci horstubsok for the oist. : " ' \VAS .iiot ; i1r. Villard an iutiunatt friend of Mr. Iincoln ? " "YesJio ; becatuic acqtuaiuiteel with rrr Lincoln during the Douglas campaign and. whiciu the prosidental oluctioii canu around , . Frederick Iluidooii , timer iimauiagiilg editor of the Herald , lcarumiii1 this fact , engaged Villard to go to Spring field , nud sptiiid there time time botwcui the election iii November and the departure turo of the iuoiv president \Vashingtoi I ii the following February , in obsorviimi the uunvcnmciits of politicians. lie tel cgraobiu1 huis.rcporta daily to time Herald eiiid under thue rules of the Assaciatem Press they vcro sent to time lalCr throughout the coutlitry. 1mtr. Vihlart , as enabled to ct an inside view of thui ilutrigues for calinet josLtiohus , and fo time control of time policy of thai tim' Admniuimmtration. By ii itatioii of Mr L1flChti lie accornpmmiiied hini as far a : Ncvt Tork , onhiisjournoy to Washiingtoii After suemidimig a fUW days at. Now York he weuttoVnshuingtoii , and estabhishtet hminmelf there ti a political corrcspoiiduuu of Eaatcrn aiitl\Vecmthrii his per titiiial aCoIUaiIitftIlCO with the prcsitleii giving himmi a coiispicuous Positl1atoiIcm iimou ( thimm ulowpapoi ctrrespmuIdellth stati once ! lesi , tllc Capital. " \VIioium did Mr. VihIard marry ? " "Ho married it daughter of Williati Lloyd Garrison , a charming lady , who i now sp3.nding the summer at Newport , awaiting the colmmiulutioim of Mr. Vihiard' flew hitiuse iii this city. " ' 'W7hitt : a'thue oripim of IcIr. Vilhard' oppositiuzi to Mr. ( lotiltil" I asked of Mr yihhiird friend. " .l'hiat grcw.oiit of the Icatisita Pirelli . ltailway matter , I thmijik. Mr. Villard yOU kimow , has bcoii elected a member a , the comuzilmuitte whtimihi represented tim t conupaumy itt Frmnikfort.on.thie.Murin. Tb lCntisamc Pacilie failure led to the appoint mneumt of i'lr. ' l7ihhirrd atid Corhia t ' Grecley nit receivers , bUt iui"timey did lie get along well , they vero rwnoved by tit court which had ujipoiiittul tlmuiuu.Vhic : . the coinpitny went to 1tiece it ciutere - flute ) 501110 nnrt tif alliance with tim tJii louu l'aciiic , of vhuicii .Jay Gout watt the moving spirit. Of cours I Gouid' plans wits to get us inuciu out e time buimdboldorii as himnueible. lie iriad several comitracts with the Now Yor a coiiitiittce , , hAlt broke them mum fttst u.s Ii F : immurdu thuni , Then lie txicd to concihiat Vihlard , who reprostitited tIn , Fraiikfoi hioiithhmohilers , but Vihhiuti rcfmmitig to h - . bittebi , Gould began to slander hmimmu. prtiitctetI struigld custieti im time coufi the omitcomilo of which Wits that Limo hiund I hioldtirui obtained luubii immore than iimidt 5 thiti stICCtEsjvu COflhJJruhmiies % rhicui 0(1111 had ihisrogariled.S'temm J'clr ' , Villard wn , appointed receiver , 11w price ( It tiuhondm ] iii wimasu behalf time forcelosuio unit ha V beeii oiatmienced , was about forty ; vbme th uttIciimttnt with the company Vj Ii. uiirdi they tltOOI above par. I do in d think it is surprising , therefore , thzi : 00111(1 disliked Villard , " I' "GaIt you toll me the true history . Mr. Yihlartt'ts famous blind pool ? " "As fur a my sown connection wit that iool goes Mitt from what I have hearth , the story ciemnsto ho about thus Vihlard haul its you know , obtlune(1 Ccli. trot of tiuo oregon taihvny nut ? Naviga. tioii company , wiiiehm huiet achieved such wondorfuil success. In 1879 Mr. Vihiard grmn timat. the clangor to a trAhlRlXltlation COihhhahi ) , which , when lie founimi it ccii Bisteti of iniillhy a broken hue of null. ways anti stoirituboats , and which ho hial confornied ifltfl Ii south , tmIitn , ctnitstpmi ill coniplotlon. lie saw also the North. erR Pacific railway was iiia greatest pros. 1iectivo foo. lie thuurofom at ciuco se out to bring about an rugreomeut between the lartws. hiirectur I'otts , of time Northerii Pacific , miii ? ir. Vihisid , liuct on the l'mtcific coast , for the ) tim1)oso ) of goitig over limo grothitti tOgtltlit'r. Mr. VihIartl' desire hicimig to obtiumi ( list the ilghut of vay for a line to be built milotig thu south iammk of tim Columbia river by thin Oregon hallway and Navigation coIuamly , fuel secondly , a traffic etnnmgemileumt , by vhmmchm time cithm. on , 1 ° metiio uvouzid uiso tue hue as its outlet to tklewaler cii the l'mieilio coast , immstoitl of builthin ; a line of it. own. Nut. stie ceeding entirely iii this , 3tr.V ihlarti noon San. ( lint the uniting of the two lumen was essOittial to limo success of hits schemes. hItrviu olflired l'residcntlliihuiigs , a large ttmminuiiit of ealiltal to aid thu Nolthmern l'ircit'mc omiterprises. prvimlotl Ito rival line built tuloimg the nortim bank Iii tue Columbia river , without. avail , Mr. Vii. hart ! was ersttmttlutl timmit tIme tiiimo humid collie for decisive action. lie , therefore , etcuiceived the proJect of forumumug mr itour cOiuipaul' , which nimouuld mucquire litat a coiutrolimng iiiteropt ill the stock of both corporations ; ammd secondly should have sutileiciut eniiitimh ti , construct a full sys. teiii of brmich hues to tIme two other COlmipailies , miii titus iirtitect those froimu the eiicrtauchmiuieuut. of rival interests , auth at the same t'imum develop local tauthic in a way to increase tue iiitriiusme value of the Northern Pacific and Oregon railway mud Nitviguttiomi Comu pali' ? ' 'llow was this accomnphisiuedi" ' 'Vehl , of course , it hiatt to ho douue so. cretly. Mr.nillanI knour enough about \VIIhI street tV ) kiuow that if hue gave the public notIce of iiiui iimtontion to forimi mmcii a couuiatuly , hue could never acquito the stock of the two companies at nluy- timing like rcanoiiablo figures. lIe there. fore detcrmniuietl to buy the stock first , nuiti foiin time commipimy afterward , Eveii thus required time guemitest secrecy. " ' 'lIt % ' was this done ? " "E. V. Suuiahloy , who has devoted a great deal of time tc Mr. VIhlartl'ct alihirs mind thin aiThirs of - the Northern 1'aciIl railway comuipauly , aunt who is muon' ummgzm. ed in writing a history of thu road , tells the story Ls follows : Mr. Villurd exercised ocery precaution IA ) conceal hiimuisolf as a buyer , usiuig cx- elusively his lirivirto inealis moud crediL iii this wiry lie very quietly took out of the immarkut large litmus of time closured stocks durimmg the unontims of Docemmibor , 1880 , mutt .lmrunuary , 1881. having thins obtaiiued time virtualcouutrol of time ummarket , as rc"artled three stocks hue was buyimig , ho felt sure that coiuipioto suiccess wits 01113' ft ( iti0sti1t of ftmrthucr imivestunemit. Early in I"ebruary , 1831 , hit , decideti to call aim his fricuitis for further icurchasca -in mctichm a lmiaummier , hmovevcr , as would imiit yet disclose the real object ho sought to utcctmmiiiuliahm. having abeolmito faith itu the souiumilimess of his lroje , aiud fcclium justified in taking large respoimsibilitics , mis time ltSStimmilitiOlL of autchm was iii thic direct Viiltcrcst of all coimecuned , aimd va the tuimly sure nmeans of &ccoimiphisimiumg liii hudecided to make time stroumgesl uqmcal aiiy iuiaut ciitiid mmiuuku to time cciii I fidenco of others in bun by mucking hmi I friends amid followers to place thou I 111C1103' iii his bands , witimuuit tui1iii I thtoimi to the use to vhiehr ime iuutomidctl tm L jaut it. Accor(1in1y ime issued it pri. rate circular to auitiut fifty jiersoims , ill . formmiiiug timeun thmlt ho desired them t snimctitu touvmud Vmrfill(1 of SOOOOOOt . vhichi he hmiumisuif Vohiil contribute it largi hart in order io'ciuab1u humumi to lay thmi fouuudertioum t'uf it coitauii i'mmtcriiriso , tiii 3 exact nature of which lie voukt discios 3 tiuerLaftcr. Time clflct wits marvelous . 'rime very mystery of it uhpcarcd to ho iii ' irroictable : ittrnctiomm. Thu result wut I that onotiuirdof the pciouis appealed ti sigimod the foil aimuoummt asked fcir befor I the suibseribticin list could reachm time oth er two.tiuirds. Thmeim mmii eaar rtmsiu of a . llicittiOllS for time riglmt. to riutbimoribu on ' sued , and witimimi twenty-four luoursafte J time iseiuo of the circumhtr more than twio L the aunount.othirod warm applied for. " t ' 'how imimehi money wait inised iim flu . " way ! L "Iii all $20,000,000 ; the plan was die closed to the subscriintrn to time lurcite r big syndicate , Jtmne 24 , amid on time rain day the iow.coiuiiaiiy was fully orgaimize - under the imaimie , , f time Oregon numd 'l'retmue couutineiutal , its object being to uuumito tic I NortIleES I'acilie mmd Oregmm r.uilway an I NavagatJaii companies. " 1 " \VZiat iii tile liroselit relation whcic 1) holds tiuieVcoinpamiy hmohtls to time Nortimor . ' " I. I'tcitic oomimjnuuy ? c "Moeolythat as holder of its stock. " . _ it * Arnoug the nuost oltiememous ot remit . dial agoalteVmuo time medical jmrcparatioa i ( coma tb laboratory of Mrs. Lydit I t ; Pimiklmrn , Lyimnjlass. t VOJl 1mm i'tlnimtanmt. Ii Jco'omnlit. : , . 'rho subject of the resources of tim Uiuitcd Statectiflir sheep lmunbniidry , tim subject of 4L11.citimcrs of the highest intei ii est to manufuoetumrers , is Cue , it woui B BOinil , which ciii never ho oximaust& ' I , California , hue tralm.Mhcspuri regioimn nit B Texas hmavd each in timeir turn attiiictc Icy the hmopelul holds of cimtcrprisu 1mm tim 5 sliCcJ ) hmusluumdry which timey 4p01m , aim . ' zmJW it toriitory iii time high V latitudes the northwest , .buut ycstcrdaya. tetRi it C ctcgmuita , ciialkzuges coiimjietitloum with tii , . imuost fftvored uegi'iima ' kimown tomm ycat 1.ago. . Thou LImo territory of 3louitmiii t tyits known ciiiiy itS ir ProImmiairg inilmilm U region. 'flieze ivero not lOOt ) sheet , i . time territory ; how there are 200,00 ( with a production cif lOpO,000 , pommiads It uvoui , aiml California. iimd Oi't'goim imom U into the territory tim surplus of time hi flocks. il Ono.fiftlt of this vast torx4tory , orahot a 20,000,000 LLOreM , is immounliuiui.itis , as i ii minnie imimplies , limit it cumtailmmc 18,000O ( ( I acres of mmimcxctilitxl graaimig muds-a jid if turo.ficicl ainiiu iargui timumim the great va (3 tore state of Ihhimmoici-bosidos 1i,000O ( ( Ic cif fertile farm huiiids , 'l'lioio artl'i : 0 imuciiiotoimoiitc prairies , 1ti iii time 1'iIisissi11j ' C valley states1 xm'r ' ilmmjeiietZurlJlo ou illinmi 1. ahlo forests , as in Citimada mud tisu cims U bmmt an alterjmutioiu of yicjdt.cd iimtiuimtiii t itIi(1 arumhuiu valley , of ujihimiut vastIhlm , iiiitl wuhl.iuauned umiciulois ; thittiitctemi I. time topogrimjchmy of time territory. iJmm r thu ohiimnmte is no intpetlhmment to suet (1 hiiisbauulry is clown jim tini fact. that iiui 3 U million cattle , iiQrscml mmd sheep roiri I , lijOili thu hills ( ) mltutaima , wbhIy in ti shiultored , imtut amid subimmmmtmr. Vitiiom 11 iimjuotico to mimy otlmorpiirt. of the urest , La IIIIt 1)0 truly sumid of " ! ilotibmiui : timmit it it thu best grimziuig sectimin of time hoot it inouiitain regiscil , not only ( I time OIIOII lilains ( intl Pidriea covert If with rich auth miutritious grasses , but c miii thu siiio't1i ' hills almd imaked nioumita Ii iojmeiiand thiuatnu ich carpet cozitiuuui -V -r oven beyond thmeso far Into thuo tituber , W'imarever a fire 1mM swept up tito imioumiu tshit side , destroying time uiiio trece , Ioavhiig time hilackoned stonis nuud stutups to imuiirk the 1)1500 whmcro tue forest stood , there quickly springs up a full green gmss , covering every spect whore It CMI gain a footitoid. Tiuore , as In oilier rarta of tim ivest , as is co1l known , the gr.uas cures oii the groulhId1 fmnimisiuiuig , lii fact , a better food thurni if cut mini cured , 'Umore in PO1hhuI any ( hifilcuhity cxperi enceti on account of time cohi or smiovn of winter , ninny ivimo Imavo stock ruunnilmg mm tIme prairies nmnkiuig no Prolaratioll for whiter feedimmg. which is sdhiomut muceiled. A imirgo and increasing erceuutago of time sheep of 1oiutamma as veii as of time cattle is tuwumed by peisous ivhmo tin not inniungo thmouui tlmeiuiseies. Ncnry nil time lcadiuug 111(311 of caPital Iii Ifeiciur own iti' torosts tu bmumks at stock , chimer 5110011 or cirttio. 'Fhie vouons desiring to invest iut the business of sheep ttm'owing take as au associate nonmo luau of experience miii ! iii tegrity , bud destitute of capital , iuutl give hiiuut oimtiro cimargo mf time flock. For his Services lie receives tmstmahly onc.iuaif of the increase flock , Sheep unimat ho hicuikil stiiuinmer amid winter iii separate haunts of imot lucre tinum 2,000 each , cornihed every imghmt auth umauiletl against time tlepretla tioiis of dogs mud wild atuhuumils. Cmttio nuiti shoal ) call mint , hive together out tIc nammue range. 'l'hio latter titut cull ) ' cumt down time grass so closely flint notimimig is left for thmucattie , mit they also leave nit otlor irhicli is ohleminivo to the cattle. Althutugit the cost of uuuuuagiumg sheep ma greater timait timat of imrnilhiug cattle , time rotttriin are quicker atiti larger. Vt'hiiici a herd of youimug cattle be1iite to 3itill hut illcOiiiO oiml' at time ux1uiruitmou of three years , time sheep yield a crop of ivool time first stuumimnornftertheynro ( lrivcmi 111)011 ft range muhuti tue ilicreaso of the bauni is mimimciugremtttur. Our Inrormuant coutsimi. evil sheep far uumro lrfitablo timatu cattle , while time life of the sheep grouver is imuucim easier tlmmiuu ( limit of Limo cattle herder. lit lila j mmdgnuoiit Limo auimuual chip of ivooi iii 1Iuntntmn territory will remtcii as higim as 60,000,000 luotmmids witimimu ten ycarci. Time TraviiiImig Snit'icmuinn Iii sui irresktitbio fwiiow , brim fumhl of ntorie , j tikrs. cohmr.rgo , eolf.muuaumraumcn aummi grit. Ito Is icry titielmig witiumui. Burdock Ilcmmvt Jlffera ( air it very takitig umueihlclmmothoy ; take everywhmcui' , iimtl are cclii eicrywimere. Iu.imly 1'tiuuishtnomtt , . I'roitm ° lbei'oileetioiui cif a Inmnuumcr.bicy , " icy harry lit. EkiTer , In the Sejctccmmber St. Nldculao. Iii ( itIi'siromut sectiomut of time armuty , vail' fins uxlIOdlumut4 ivoro resorteti to for time Pimil1oso of corructimmg nuimuor olfluuuscs \'limit Particular siunpo time PthitiBiiimiUult sitoitid assume clejmuuudutl vcuy iumuieii umpout tue invouutive faculty of the field amid ataiF , or of stick ollicors of time line an uuigimt imavo charge of the case. Before takiuig flue fluid , a few citir.en aneak.thmiovos wore discovered prowiiiig nbotmt aimuong the temits. These worn vroliivtl3' drumunueti cmtmt of cammup to thu ttmuio of the 'Ittcm.tmee' 1fmutrclut the ivhmolo rogiimieiut nhiotmting itt tlonon as tue mids. oi'iihile fellows took to timdir heels wimeit the lwoces'iout temichied tiudiimimits of time ciruump , whiouu they worn told to be gone , aimd umovOr bluelY tlmior faces iii caunp agittum oil pm ( if a mom severe iumuidling. : i f , while we ivero lyluig iii cauump , a inns refuseti to do his ditty , lie was at ohict takouu to thin gttard.iiouso , which is tiuc I imuhhituir.y naimin for Oiic m thiuitu , itt time discrotimu of time othlcors , in V V1tS eitlmcr mciimipiy coumtincd mud putt cmi bread mud i'atui , or else outlurctl to cnrr I a log of iiooii , or a kimapsitek tilled witii stones , ' 'tivo hours on irtiel two oil' , " dmr mud iuigimt , uumutil such tiumic as ito wie deumneti to have (1(1110 sutiliciciut , cummiumc , ' lit uitom o extru.mme cities , a comurt-immutia - WitS immild , aiitl time humialt.3' ) of forfeiture ci ) alt pay citme , withi iimtrd hither for thirty ) days , or thu like. , was inlhicted. Li Otme day , down jut trout iif Petersburg , LI a imitimiher of umic hint liceui immnkiumg ivfrieint LI 13' call emi 51)1110 ) VflchtmuIiuutltmmcccm over iii mu Li otiicr regimmiomit. As we iyeu'u ictttrmmitm . htiimo We caine acriccis whirL we took to bi A a well , and , 'wishiimg a drink , we ai p matcpjiutl. Thu well iii ( ? mmestimu , as W'lm 1) umsumil timortu , IVIIS iiotimmng but a bare U ruuitik iii thu routumd ; for iii icomiun - time gromiimd was am ) full of spriuigs flint , iu - orler to Ct wmttor , iiil you imad to do ira : . tVO nimmk a b ( or barrel , and the watci r iuiiu1 fion collect of its owziiaccortl C Stoupiimg ( uwim and lohkimmg imuto 'time ' liar vol iii (1UOtiOiu , iiidy disetivorod a mimi * 1 staiidimmg in time ivell cimgutgcd iii bmmilinj out time wtcr. I. ' ' \\'iuat 'ann youm ( loimig thoivea thmcre ii that hole' ? " inikud of I. tiomuic cite 'cute cciii 0tl " \Vlmy , " raid time guardwlmo ivtis staiitl m- imig hear by , mud wimommu we iiwI'takeui ' fo V ( ) tiuc cuistohmiary guard of time iqariumg , ' 'yni ml 800 , coniradea , our ecilnuuci lieu his owm way of inmiuisimin' time boys. ( hmu timinj it lie ivoli't ict 'cia do-ito won't ' let 'ciii go ii iimtoxicatotl. If they do , timoy o immt time gojluer imolo. .1 itmu , thuci'c , iii am tim gopher hole how , That lucia has ii sprin itt time bottomu , and time water commucs I : h iimotty first ; and if , limmi wiruits to lee is dry , lie's got tO Icep ( lilthlin' nih tim time , or dcc st'tumtl ill thu ivater UI ) to lii . wiiist-aimd .Jiiim ismm't so itmighty fond water , imoitimor. " MAINE MEN. l'roio Ball , , lIe. , % IVO limO. , redicd , umiciler cicitu in to Iay i9th,19S3 , thu following .thtcinnt of ( leo. 1 I. . Ilarrisne , the lioiIiar Icropriutor sit t"l'ho itctai ci , taut" : "A few yanricelico , I wastroimliled no soercl i oVit ) , kidney and blabber erection that Itmere oc : d liriCli duet iIeiioMltd iii : iy ucricco , nub contimimmal de.l e to urInate , olUc , nvcre , darting , ilmarp lcalmms tliromm el coy IId1OT avid duo , niil egni , , , duD , Imcavy liresoim If ttdieu' , , to endure , I conmmltecl one ufourrcaldei ; lcyslels , but I recelucil tip bemicflt froim , the tree . imiCilt , Stilt fcarlmig that toy cymimptoin. ilmllllctl .5 LkJglcte Ileaam , , ' time himoet drenilimml i.i all dlreaeei mr I imiaclti UI ) ) ' liclicil that I miuct militate relief ejoudI l or I wool I i.e pact core. I cnmmcuited my drcigI .I ID , % 'cblier , anti after a.ccralnug , my syimliLolc , t tic recomuieu'iecl time cm.o of Illicit. llemnedy , as ) i knew of cnailyeucec4sful cure. tIlcctcii by that him ur icillO Iii .lmnilar caere litre Iii liath. I iurelmoed IC hut tie , and liefiwu I Imaci mieed tim lIret lottie I fimni hail rccelue4 a great benefit , as I , icfferviI lees iial it my iater leecaiio , cicero imtnrni , iii1 I litaii to Ii ( ii ii hilUeli UIflL thu .ccoiol inttiu effected a cm 10 h'lvtc curc and ccci ticcmmilci , pro clue to IIWIL'ii llei p. , jy fur reiturecci health , imnul I duccerfully reinmimlimec ii. llil micoict , almumhlo anti reliable inediclimu to icmyfrlum it ) , .e I cumisuter IL millet ) ' mm icehl as a I'lcaemmre to do i.e ml ) "Being ocil aocpaluctci % % itIl Mr. ( .oimgo SV , liii Iii rl.iji at the thou ccl tile , lckiiuiij , referruil tiJ Icc ti t. IreoIic Icstliuomlml , I ( nII certIfy to lice currcmm I ; JCdC of time tatrinemit iimciclo lay imlici , it ) "iv. Ii. SLlllilIi , liigglct. ; u SIc , , May U' , lSiii. ° V a Diachomlths'Troubloa , I lIaiIii ; hail ( hvai.loii to UO a remncaiy for kldn I troubles , I , , oticcmj cci Aclvertlaeiimuumt Iii one if Ii of limo remuartablo curcethat llumct' Iteciaci Iii , cad , mmiu.lo mill oor timu country , I iimmrcim000d IL bob 1 t of our ilrmcggiits hmemo iii Maicclceater , mumd aft tbImm St ra eliort tlmmmu foucid thot It eVilS lioliImmg i lm. , wmdcrfmmilyamiI one bottle imac uced ace cm Is jilttIly-Ihiitc 110 Iidbgmcatlon , amid mmcmi hearty or y healthy for ohmic of uccy rare ( O& ) , acid cais truly cc ill ti'at lIuict'e ilirmuedy is cm medicIne that ha' ' . rd tnt ( l t , amid I doriothureltatu to recommend It to the i'u l1 lie 1cm general. J. l' WOOIIJUIW , lii C.6 M.juchcetcr St. , Maxuchreter , N. II. its )1e77 , 1853. _ _ _ y - - FURNITURE ! -TiLE--- - - - - CHEAPEST V IPLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY Furniture If3AT DEWEY & STONE'S They always have the largest and best stock. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT PASSENGER V ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS. ' V COMMI1tClAfa. ( 'OIINCIL IIT.VI'I'uI IhAltEki' . I Wiuat-No. 2 cprluig , TCic ; No. 3 , G3c ; re. Joctod , flOem good demuinuuci. Corn-ieaicrs are iaylng hlt32c : rcjeeto'l ' cciii , Chicago , 4O@1t'c ; uiow imuixemi 4Dc ; ivlmitc corn , tOol thud YeCOIJitS of corn arc light. 0nt.s-icareo mid Iii good dccuuanml at 3Oca hay-I OO@Ci 00 tomil per bale. Rye-tOe ; light .uply. Cciii Icteiti 1 iior 100 ieutnmls. WOOilOOl ( Kitilillyl i'r1c ntymtrmiAOO ® ' Ca11)ollvcreti , haiti , ii 00 tomu soft , r ro tier toil. llmuttirr-Piouity mini In fair deunnnml at 21Se ; croaunnry lOc. V Egg , -iemitiy { sale and plenty at 1Ol1o Lt' dozen. I.muil-Falrlsink's , ivhuniesahtmig nt 11 c. I'oultry Elruuu : tmulemci rro iayimmg for cicickemic 1Cc ; lIve , , 2 bO iow cmxcii. . Vt'gtitahiio'i-I'otctteioe , tOc ; ouilomi.q 'cOc ; cal , . limigoi , 8IlliOo ) l'or dozemi ; mipcies , h t'O4 ' 00 per barrel , Flour-City flour , I cota ; : so. 1lroonis-i OOJ3 00 tier nez. LIVE BlOCK. Cnttho-1 0O@3 " ; CAIVOS , I ) OO7 b'iO. 1 Iepn- Market 1mw logic t1uulot , as tue pack. lug imotuiecu arc cicarel ; shippers cur payimug 4 00 ® 4 75. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SHRIVER & BELL . Opposite Postoffice. Barfjalns in Improved Property. No. t7S lIou.e Li lOOI11B on hesecil lot. . . . . . . . . . . . lilt litimmo ) clear Hauhiclerd atreet , full lot , cay I ternie , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000 thu iIoo it rnoimmcq , 18th aicci Leavenworth . et. 1 500 I Iloueo Ilvo muolmus , llmuimitton atreet imear I t'lmarle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Two imiiiin , full Iota , ' 20th itiutI IlaniCy. . 1 5O ( I hull Von etury hinno near 15th .trcct , corner ii (10(1 ( I ihc'uo Ii focimus , 20th cecil Clark. . . . . . . . . . S 30(1 I I re Tmit ) aI.IVCB nic Cummuicig , Improved. . . . . . . . 3 COel , U'd lioccit , 4 rom , , Limit , 0th itract . . . . . . . 1 001. tat iinmso Z ruoumms , kitehcoic , etc. 12th street , . 00(1 L 153 0 hiclees , recite for euis Per icuontim , it full iitil , Lecuveicircirtli anti 15th trect . 10 50(1 152 Two Icumicue 0 coccI S riocmi , bcurmu , ete , full I hit , Iaiemiirt aild ibith , trgct. . . . . . . . . . 0 (10(1 Ito iliiice 0 ruiiiii , , tfll 18th CII car limio , . . ' 1 50(1 h 149 lbiueo ( I roommi.i , 20th , iiearl'iuil. . . . . . . . 2 80(1 145 liotlco C mold , , turn , 20th aimil anti Clark 2 lOll f iii linumee 4 roonmli , C tote , 80th .itrect. . . . . . . . 1 50(1 ' 140 lioumqo 4 roomlms , 211th mud Cicurk. . . . . . . . . . . I ( .0i li : 114)110 ) 0 rotund , llvlelon , itroct , cilcaji. . . SIX IS ? Ilicioc 4 rooms , treec , 5th .trcct . . . . . . . 'I 80(1 lid lluiu.ni U ronnie , new , Siilimn'e addition . . tI tot . 180 Ilmrt'tc iiolies , ( Icicitol mrvcliuo and 10th trectcaeh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ( (0(1 ( . IBI ilcirac 5 ronnH , lieavttiit trcet. . . . . . . 1 SIX V 122 lunerce , hoiiu , garden , etc . . . . . . . . . . . I SOC , .110 hloie , , , 0 mucus 2hit acid 1.e'i.vciwoitti. . . , 1 ( Sill I en Double hiomist roonme on 2iit , 'trrct. . . . . 2 (55 I I 13 'l'wo Iniuqoil , hill IotlCth mcmiii lilatiOli. . . . . . 2 ( .0(1 104 llio acres SIumInhliM street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . s soc S lots cciii house , lithi , treot . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 ( 1 ( Vt iloumcu 4 ronnie , lath street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541 2 houses , full hot or , 20th atid Dodge. . . . . ii 004 13 176 hiummo 1 rootuc , inmr St. 5iitrs aveilue , m Ieaod lot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( itS S 177 2 lmotica , 7 roomime cetu , city oVater on clul. ragi ) .trcut. , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 001 1 io Iimi.,6 moms , t4airiclOr.3 . , itrect. . . . . . . . . . 2 301 . Ito ilotnu , , 5 muuns , , 2 hull lmt , cheap. . . . . . . . . 2 801 . 151 Ilonsu , 7 rooiai , I l..i .tory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 701 182 Il uu , 0 rooms , barn , tre's , etc. , Kaund. I er'satreet. . . . . c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ( .04 183 hioucu , 3 rooms , l0 acre , ricer 13. titti St. I 001 ; 181 Ilommt , , - 11001115 , 1 acre , 2Ri .troet. . . . . . . . 2 ( K ) ISO house , 8 roonm. , bar , , , 2 lote , ( tic utreot. 1 10 1 ill ? ilotmee 7 roonis , full btconicr , tree. , .lt . nateti 6 LIncoln , Neb. , to excimamige for rclcteiii lot Imi Onmba. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 1)Olihil ) ( , hniUae , 13 roomne , l'ark WIld ale. . 'ihi diabtu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 1' Unimproved Property. Li 125 Lot Cai' anti 22c1 . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 00 I , 34 Lot hear car line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 00 tote clear l'ark avericie , t'aci. . . . . . . . . . . . 57 R 4 804 30 lot , Perkers iuuulltiia cActi $400 to CO 11413 c lot 25th guiml havrip.'rt , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ( .0 I ) 207 5 its , i'orter cmd.litliOljti0 , to" " . . . . . . . 00 hot , , on i'murk , weimmce , cooke aim oiler. . . . . U 202 2 huh on Iream , atreet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 i ; 114) lots in Lowell adlitlumm , reel.i00 to $ . 40 Ii ITS hits iii Boyd. rcelilltloii , each. . . . . . 60 to 10 IS ( ) lots , lii iiconoomim I'laoe , each. . . . . . . . . 850 to 1 20 p lute In iWrr Oak a.lilltioiicach . . , . , 300 to ( .0 U ( .0 lots iii lmuac , & Sd' nm'.iadditiomi , . . , 350 to 50 CI lute iii Itcdlck' addition. . . . . . . . . . . 70080 1 ( .0 14 , lOacrolots , Icrkplacii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1100 to 1 80 ) 0) lots Iii Pmetrlek'e aclihitlon. . . . . . . . . . . . 400Ito ( .0 SOlute In liluliin'N addition. . . . . . . . . . . . . 404) to 1 00 ii lot. it , Itagan'e addItion. . . . . . . . . . . . . 01)0 to 4C - hIt hots in E. V. Umnltti'e addItIon. . . . . . 409 to 7t 3 lots In hforhiichi' , let ailditlri , i.mwii . . 1 0(1 . 320 50 feet E. frnimt on 20th lIt. . , , , , . , . . . . . . . 3(1(1 ( iLi ? Slot. on lnu.kllru tiLe.acts , . , , . , , , , , , . , , SC 0 .m23 lot conic I'raikilri St . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii I' . aio : a lote , IAcoea.ld. , , eadm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Efl 2 lot , , Lcmkue cold. , uaet , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,1)1. ) . LI. Lot. In .11 lart , , t tlu , ctty , and In ulery additlo iv ° 'Y tercius. Call or tiend for deecriptly. 4u 4ihIlCt5. : : West E'J Addition. Lots for itahe on favorable ticrin. . There ci a iii active dcnni'i foi' cripeuty In tide neiditlon. : Bfrrflains in Pam , Lam ! I Fine atock ( ant ) In Franklin County , 200 acre. 1. 2. Farci , , 40(11 ( acres , ieilglaic County. ' I Farru,200acru , Macbi.coii County , 'I ' ho acro.4 oUth of cIty. I , . 100 acres 7 mIles weit of city , I , , 0. 100 SCILS , Help ) ' County , 7 , 104) acres , hwigle County. , 8. 'doci acre. , iuUglaC county. a , io , 42(1 ( acre. , iouglas Counts' , ji1nulhii .todc fern lic II. 1200 ecree , louglaii County , tied etock fanu i I Nehirmiaka , I ' 820 acre. near lriingtoi , i I h3. .0) acres ricer F rt ( imimatia , I I ii. 40 acres with Inu'ruvccmmueotz , 4 inc. from ( cci ml , BlLALhLur.Jt _ _ V _ -V V : : : : C ' 1p1V ; ( , ; : ; ' , ' 0 Ui i ii c 'it n V (4 ( oi.m. , . ml. . . , ; , .lin , , , , Cic. ci C ( , . , ( ( , h'it ( 'I , t V $ I ' i _ LV V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T. LOllJ PAPBRVARBIIOIISB \ , ry Graham Paper ao1 ; 217 P.0(1 ( 210 North Slat , , St. , lIt. Loule. Iu V1IOLRtALE IFl.liis : IN er 110011 1 1 way , I WRITING , cia NI-VfI. i M ENVELOI'ES , CAIII ) DOAlID AN ! ) i PRINTERS' STOCE tCeci1u iI4 fur liege and l'eper S cli , Scrap hr and Metal. . 1ai4f Stock Wc.rehuuaei , lfla to 1207 North Six tenet. V V The Inn of ( ho term " ShoeS . Lin& ' In coimnoction with ths S F' ' U Rull corporate niummo eta groatroed , coiivcys an ilea of JiM whcmtl rliulr0h by the traveling imu lie ii ( tent USe , qmmlclc Time I I N E mouth Duo beet of , uccommodi m 1l0n5nll of chlch are finn. 1511011 by ( Iuo greatest railway In America. V C uOAQOMILWAUKEE [ , And Sf. Paul. It owns amud opepites over 4,500 mllci of roamS ii Notthuern hllinol. , Wlecoti.lmi , Minnoeota , low. and ihvkota ; antI ft5 it. huu.tin hinsi , branches anti cotinoc- tlon reach all the great buiimces centre. of the Norihuweit acid I'ar iVeit , it iteturauly anvors tics nlescrlptloii of Short LIne , iol Ileet Route between I Clmleagti , StilwMiieo , St. l'siuh auucl Minneapolis , i ( ThiCmtOiIhllWatiki'O , 1miI.'roqae antI Winoniu. Clmlogo , Milwiuikeo , Aberdeen and t1lcrmdaln Chicago , Milwaukee , Ran Claire and ittillwater Chicago , Mllviuimkt'c , i'etueeu aimil Merrill , Chicago , Milwaukee , Rcnvcr 1)amn and Ohkceh. Cimlrmigo , Milwaukee , Weimkoqhma end Oconomnowoa. V Chicago , Milwaukee , Machlqoii anti l'rairletiu Chlu , Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonne and . 'airibstdL Chkago , fleloit , Jaimeuvitie anti MinerAl Poicut. ( iilnugo , iflglim , ltockforcl and flubuquo. ChIcago , ( 'Dicton , Itock Iriahiul anti Cedar Itaii1s. ChulcAillo , Coniuril liliuffs mmmi Omaha. Chicago , 8l.um , City , Sloinc Fails and Yankton. Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitcimell and Chamberlain. Rock l.lanul , Dohuuuqcue , St. Paml anil Mlnnccuma.UB. Davenport , Cainmar , lit. Paul and Minneapolis. Pullman Slet'iuercs acid ( ho FInc"t fllnlngcars in the world are riuti on the iuualmiilimc.t oftimo CHIOAC MILWAUKEE et ST. PAUL RAILWA V aifti every citteimttou Is paid to pasoiigera by cpurt4- , oils employee of the commipmuiy. ' S. it. MCTtRILL , A. V. IL. CARPENTER , ( Lcimi Manager , ( icn'I i'mvR. AgeaL , I , T. CLARK , ( lEO. If. IIIIAFi'Oltl ) , Ooim'l Hmup't. A.e't Gciu L'ass. Ag. , , t line been miuore niectructivo to hutnari health and life tlmii car , peettloitco aumml famIne coinblcuod. So .aid a itingumIheiivrltcriumiuyeam14 ngoan.i it is ox true toticty as then. The ioor ilctinu of IIboml il.caae iii druggu.iLtl , Slercutry to cure the mmimitauhy Acid Omou ImO't With lOihl(1CM to dIre lmitiu of tluo MercurIal L'ohi. oiulimg ; laut Inuitcail of relief , tIme fiNt one breaks ulown hll geimcrcl htvatttm oil , maicol lilmit a crIpple , acid Cie otimum t4ilii4 lmls Ulestlvu organ. To those attllcteat In tide wai' Swilt SOCCIOC Is ( Ito greatoot Ioorm on earth , aimmls worth morn tliaii Its weight Iii gold. II mumtlbitee tItle tlcrctinLui i'oleoii , toriea.up tlmci iiy.temn cliii itnitigi time .iilterer hotcic to health anti happluemis. I lvnry uuersoiu whIm ) limit over bct'im .cuihvatot , ehmoimid by nit mimocum ; take mc tlmoroimphu course of this remedy , I JsrYsiieoNVmLLd , Twiaus Co. , Ga. I F1o 3'enl e ago I found on imiy lclantntlon a cboreut cmlxii who was hccmillr diseased. lie stated tint ( lao 4 1 OVIl ( toiforo ice imad contracted a violecit emma of tilood i10I,1l . auth Imai hiectm treated Icy imuaimy lilIdiC. 4 aim. all fAililig tocuiro ImIm. itruatmol imlin 01Dm cwift 4 SpecIfic , mmml imca ehuort thm ho wait mnmimiti and well , I cuil lice not immith mc .yinptonu of thue duseauo , .timc , I B. SI. IIUUIIES. ( Inc genthenian vhio hmailbeen cocufine I ( I ) hit lied I .lv week avitim Mercutrlmml llhicuumiatlain hues boon cured I eimtlri ly , mimi epecics tim the lmlghtet urehcc of H , S. S. I Cllll.Ecl & ilEltItY , Chattanooga , Teno. I - $1,000 REWARD. ' Will ho paid to any Ctmemmult who oVihi find , on an. I alymd.of loobottie't S. H. s : , ormopertlclo of Mercury , I IodIde l'otaaaluin , or immiy mineral eubotanco. T1IRSWIFTSPCCIFICCO. , ,4.t I V rV Drawer 3 , Atkuiuta , Ga. I .fWrito for the IltUu book whIch will ho immalio ' I ) tree , i'rlcu : Small , lze , $1.00 per bottle. Large size ( boliling double r1uantity ) , $1.75 mu bottle , All drug. ) glet ecll it. 0 DR. WhITTIER , 0 617 St , CIaeI SI , , St. Louis , Mo , A fliOtJLAit ( GRADUATE of two medical colIeea , A be. heon engaged longer In the treatment of CIILION. 10 NEIIVOUS , SKIN ANDIILOOD flleca.cs than any 0 otimer ithyilclan in St. Louis , a. city tcalerd stmow and aU old reeldenta know , Coimsultatlomi free anti invited. When it is iimcommventent to visit time city ( or treat. inout , medicines eamu be Cent by rimli orexicrocs every. cicero. thimble caee , , guaraimtood cicero doubt ox. let , it Is frankly etated , Call or write. g Ncryoum.i'roatratlon , Debility , Moimtal mind Physlral 0 Weakness , Mercurial and other imtTcctlonu , of 'Ibroat , 0 title and I1onesfllo01IpurltluancIBIood hi- liiOIfklnuctyectloitsOlml fiorcsaiuulUicors,1m1edi. , 0 0 mnents to Marriage , hlheunmatlsm , liles. jeiai 0 Cwmtlmm , to cases from overworked brdn. SUIii1i3II 0A5114'reccTvo special attentlon. D1ea.e iriiI (11 . , 0 200 pagethcii. ; Many K ) Qt7Xifl. marry , who imtayno B why , caine , , coimseuiucincee and a ru. SaIled for 25c ; 5coetagoorlttAmI.L .I&W1J ! 5 8 ( ii V I. 1UI ACINOWLEDOED TO HR TIlE BEST BY ALB , Who hAVE l'lIT TJIF.SI TO A l'IIACTICAL ( TEST , ADAI'TEI ) TO Hard and Soft Coal , CO/i' ! : OR WOOD. ) eANUFACTUR * s : STOVE CO. , sAn'r LOUIS. V , Piecr & , LadfoflL COLE AGF.NOT trait Old/ellA . . , . , - ' - - - - - - sad atm ii. . . iV metm , ( O.O1IOU ( ( , nc.in , er c'j. ' ; , . , m1lUI 'I V . v.4 ui..tm4 , hm.j .1'irilej. iii'lesh. diafoi. act aeeti Is V wrra. , mire's duliretloIermy , .cu t irm.'oi s.d merLe. , n'iml ' ia d , ycm.u ( $ L.IO.iiIiaUIIIc.t. . KcAorwJ ii , . .ta.ler ( &am mi. r , , . Vt : . . I.(4i i44I .a'c . Tb. oil pm. . rrtreamius Nerve. . lbiWII1IV. ll , ) .hiat hi 1VtI , LI. . 10 0 .4.etiy .uwie4 , ii ) 'i'llR 10 s.ictrON ImtilL1 $ . Mvsa hcpk.a cii. , . i.uItVt ofcrmal'c ' nsto.iie. I. ( ccli .o4 per. ( pet wi.keuii. diai * . , ffmii , . omrsul. S.d IC I .1 ttw , ( ) , i.utIsl , , e'Ih m.flyImboc. ii.I. I iTO lillh1EL ) ' tiC. . 10 ii , 111.5 5t , Ssa 01