Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1883, Page 5, Image 5

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I/I / flEEUMAflA , TIIURSJAY AUGUST 23 , 1883. 5
- . - - - - " - - - - _ _ _ _ _
% uI , ItJlRDy. An
Uflf&iIIh curt tor
" - SinIni Veik.
t netSpruiMorr.
% \ 1r -
0 1 that follow * q I
t .equnce of &lt.
' . : i ] : : .
ti tbe D1nm ; of VISIon , j'iem&ture Old Ape1
ft8d in ny otber dI i&P that 1e41 to ZnanIty or Con.
IuTnptIon ft ) d & I'm nature Orve.
I3wt ct * 4Iyet t'en1enta ' to refun * mmey. when
druIg14tR fiom whom the rne.iIcn. Ii bott do not
rejund. but refer yeti to the minuPeiurua , nd the
! tqulronetI Ire SUCh the Uy mw seJw' , / ever
Oonpfo..I Rh. See th tkten wuInnt A
of oue 1ng1c it C.ray SpIXflU LII OnVIC
the moet ekepileat ot Itm rtwt rnte.
On aeeount ot oountor4ettere we hve iJopted .
Yellow Wrapper ; tti , oii1 gotIUno.
W1UfltortIeuLo , our puD(41k4 , 'hkh we cie.
sire o occd free by mail t evy one. IATThC Sj'n.
clflo Medicine t Ix * by nl ctruggLi * t $1 t
&ge , or iii ckeg4 for . or wI bd Sent by
3&tI Ofl the receipt of the nccncey. by ictdre.en
ThEORAY MEZIC1NtLb. . iitIt1au. ic. Y.
RotcInOmocbyC. (1.-.ftnon. j1tm&e.eo
NRW OflLWce , Augu4 b 1S33.
Investigate for You roolvon.
PoetrnAtor.UOcIura1 Oreihan hIic pubtieheci &
wlflful nd maitciouc feeeotxl ! ) In vgard to the chu.
oterof The Louto1en 3tato Lottery Company , the gfvcta tothe uUIo to vrove Me
etavcmccctthcteare enraged Lu etrauclulont bu , .
Ineeto bufahe and untrue :
Amount of tided pout by The tnufeIen St.&te tot.
ter COIiIIfly froniJcnuery 1 , 1879 , to preeeutdte :
I.&ftt to SuthernE.xoeee & .oKowOrIane ,
T. t. Wooott , Mftngor
PtM to toufelena National 8&nk.
Joe. II. Oczfesby. t'reIdent 4C3,900
I'ald to IMu1tatsa State National flank ,
S. U. Icenaoclyl'rvsklent 125,100
raid to New OrIeaaNatLuicot ItAnk ,
A t'nfdIn I'rrucent ! 8d,5c0
ratci to Union Sattonal dank ,
_ r i , S.Clcatlnrnntfi'hier 64tSO
I c I't1 t CitIztn flank ,
1. L. Carricre , Irc dent 7,00U
Paid to Germanla Natonal flank ,
Jufeeflucaml , t'rooldcnt
Paid to Illbernta Nattonal flauk ,
Cha2I. latfr.y. ( cuchler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81,000
I'ald toCanaIflank , Ed. Toby , Caehler. . . . 13,150
Paid to Stutu I Nadonal flank
JUL 5ttCllOI , Canhier , , N 200
Total paId as above . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t2,2c3,6O
I'tildin eums of under I,00 at the
vartous offleec of the Company
throughout theUuftedStatoe , . . . . . . . . . 2,2T,41O
Total paid forcit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1ISL OG )
Far the truth of the ab0ye ia.te we rotor the putlle
t % olhe otficere of the above named corporatlonc. a ci
for our 1eaflt7 and taiid1ng to the StayoraicdOflloere
of th City at Ne . Orkaus , to the S'ate authoritkeof
Lnugtana ) , and attotheU. 8. OtUelabs of toufetana.
We clatin to be 1.-gaL hoieet and correct tu alt our
trautmetfoice , lie much co ae any buetnei in the con , , .
try , Our etamling kconoeded hyaI , wh will Invee.
tIyateand ouretock hae for yearebucn Idat our
Zoird of llrokers , and owned by many of our bo't
known and repecte4 ctt1zen.
, , ? c ! . A.flAUP1I1N , Pretdent.
: zrCAP1TAL PRIZE $75,000. Ticketa On.1
' . 58 , Sharea In Propor4on.
S. We ito rert/g thaf we euperriae the a
rangeweena of ecU he Monthiy and 5em.Anua.
Th awinjg of tc Locciana State LoUery Company
odd inpeeon mooaje and cotUrot the Drawincji
th4maeiee * , anrWcat the .nme are conduccd uit
Aone4y/arnese. and in good/aith toward alt va
tie. aM we tauthorie the companp to uu Me cei
tficee , wiLh/ee-eimiles of our agnatrea attasd
e Ui edeecteecncenfs"
. I
_ Ia Ineorporated In 15S for 25 yeare by the Iegts1atur
1 foi oducathinil and charitable purpoee5.-wtth a cop
) itai ofIonoo-to which a reserve fund of ova'
* 550.000 hM aince been added.
1 fly an overwhIiic , popular vote It franchb' .
.as , , i&d'e a part of the present etato constitutici
adopted Iececnher 21 , A. fi. 1870.
t l'h4' 0fl29 Lottery ever voted on and eodorsed by
tkspeepte 0.1 O71'l state
p. It never ScaUe or Pofpon # .
Its grand 8111gb ituinbor drawings take
place rnmth1y.
f TUNE. Ninth Grant Irawing , Ciae 1. at Now Or
-.Ieane , TUEdDAY , SEPT. II , 1883-150th Monthl
. Draw1n.
S . \ CAPITAL PRIZE , $75,000.
'jooooO.T1CKET at FIVE DOLLARS EACh. .rao.
tiona , in Fifths in Proportion.
LST ) 0 ? Pftl ICS.
I CAPITAL P1HZ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $
I do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25We
I do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inoo
2 PRiZES OF $000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12O0'
5 do 2000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10f
10 do 1000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,00' , '
20 do 500. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,00'
100 do 200. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,00'
= : do 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
500 do 50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1100 do 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
p ApproximatIon prime of Vt,0 . . . . . . . . . .
9 do rio 500. . . . . . . . . . . 4,50'
a ilo do 210. . . . . . . . . . .
1001 I'rizos , amountinE to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Applinotlon ( or rates to clubs should be made only
to the office of the Company In Now Orleans.
For further Information write clearly giving tui
sddress. stake P. 0. Money Orders payable and
acidreed Itezlt-.rol Lttcrs to
New Oricane , La.
OrdInary letters by'MaU or Express to
0 ( IL DAUPUIN. NeY Orleans , La.
07 Heventh St. , Wahigton , , D. C
, _ _
. Frank Moore.
127 La Salle Street. C/icag'i.
( Formerly 519 and 252flroadway , N. Y. )
ow Manager of Chicago O8lce. To whom apply to ,
p. L Information and tlcket. . 150th Monthly
; , IcowIn ,
uesday , Sept. 11.
First Capital Prlae , $78,000. 'rickets $5. Sold Is
Fifths at SI eaoh. Sea full scheme elsewhere.
d wed&sat.w.5w
U REMEDY.ileblilt
CeelyAr. LOSS
, . OP MANLY VIGOIt , ftpcrmatorr
limo , etc. , when all other rome
O dies tOIL A cure gwarauteed ,
. ' S P , 1.b0 a lottie , large bottle. too ,
' - = tboquantltj$5.
alldru..iiats. NOL SlI Jitfi
CAL INSTITUTE , Proprietors , 718 Olio Street , St.
LoulaMo. -
, 'l hays sold Sir Mtley Coopers Vital flestoritive
for yers. Every cudoner ipeaks highly of It.
unhesitatingly endorse k as a remedy of true me
IC. F. ( JOOLslAN , IJruggtst
Omabs Fob. 1 1883. vlS.m&eoOdI
: S XjTi
4 , _
The Pioneer and only Vapor Cook Stove that h
.1004 the teat of yt.nrs and given entire and Iare
Over 100,000 Now in Ue I
Now Pntont HuI $ Oven.
Patent removable nd Interchangeable J.t Orifice
ienderinourtttrners4ndestructIbl5. ? IevOno Valv
Iluruer on two New Stoves. New Safety Reservoir.
For aununer use these stoves era tnduspinsabh
F. , tonsia to .400t1. price list md cta1oue ,
IUJLL y'uoa $ TOV CO. ,
Je Iie m.wlO % cisyil&.od , 0.
A Nephew of lou , , J , Po1eton
Kills a ur1r ,
tfl(1 ta , 'O1tUtlCl IlinIRcir , Hut Not
A depatch from 1Uriniii1tnni , ? Iioh. ,
Tuesdrty , etatetl thitt a burglar had been
killed at that by the ( ) CC111)tlIt of
the ) 1101130 ho attempted to Fob. Later
dieIatChOS giro the OCCilpalit. M Orrin
POIIICtOfl , v1io Ic a trotlior nf 11011.
Aiitlrew J. Poppletoii , of thia city , to
witoin it rcIorter of TuE BEE went last
evellilig to leant fuller 1)M Ucttlars.
Mr. 1'0pletO1t sitl that the report
had girds
that it was hot ? 1r. Orr'in l'oppluton wilt )
liati been in Buck peril , but isis suit 1lgar ,
a ronsisisg young married Iflall , abotit.
80 years of ago. We wore permitted by
Mr. Po1)1)Ieton to look at a letter frois brother , frosts which we glean the
following facts :
It seems thirst Elgar Poppletoii aisti his vero aroused , abotit half
past otso in the nioriling , by a nIsiglibor
who infotined hsiiis tls'st ' burglars orero
tryThg to get in the front door of isis
store , which is sittiiitetl iii thu satito lot
1th his resideisco.
ItIItI gOing across the yard , found the
north win'1ow of the store opals. } dgrtr
Poppicton directed Cooper to go to the
southeast corner of thu store and sliun a
siiishl gate , to alarisi the btirglar , antici.
pating that he would coisso out of the
open wiiitlow , which lie did iininedlistoly
after , and whim ho put huB head auth uii.
per part of hisbody out of the window ,
I'01)1)IetOfl ordered 111111 to halt and throw
up his 111111dB. Iiistead of obeying , thu
shah tired itt Popp1etoiivlso tiodged and
fired at the s.'tiito iiistsnt , hitting the bur.
ghir in frqnt of the shoulder , the leahl
coaling out..tho bacIof his neck. They
\rorO only fire feet ajart.
of young Poppleton's pistol missed fire ,
and the burglar firedagain res lie jumped
to the ground. I'opplcton then clinched
hini , isis pistol arm , but not so
tightly but that ho got in a third shot on
Poppleton , who kept cloito to him , breast
to breast , and fired two shota into his
body , oiio from front to rear iiear the
naval , and the other from side to side
above the naval. Poppleton himself rc
ceived two scalp wouiids , on , past the
crown , about four incises long , the other
entering the left of the crown and com
ing out near the base of the hair. The
burglar lived about three hours after being -
ing shot.
came out to Birrningiiarn and recognized
the burglar a. Taines P. Kcncdy , aluts
Jas Ryan , who vaa seist. up from there
501110 years ago for breaking into a store
at Fraiikliii. He had accomplices it is
thought. Ho was a muscular fellow , of
about 180 1)OUflds weitht. and it must
have required no little nerve to grap1o
with him. irr. Edgar l'oppleton is resting -
ing comfortsbly , and there is ovcryhioio
of his recovery , xiotwithistaiiding isis very
( llflgCrOUS wounds.
A dispatch to the Cinoiniinti Commer-
cliii , from Detroit , August 20 , says :
Early thi3 luoriung a iiiin : was
crud Iii the act of effecting an entrance
to a store in the suburban village of Bir.
iisghiaiii. Thu lady vhsc , saw thu burglar
rtiousctl her hiusband ; . who in tons
awakened the son of the propnietr of
the store oiitI two others , and the four
started in hiursuit of the itnratider , vise
in the inealititno 1111(1 catered the store.
Young l'opplcton stationed hsistiseif at au
P0Ii wiiselow On the ground floor of his
father's store , thin others going in by the
rear door , which was found unlocked.
'I'hie burglar soon appeared at the wiiiduw
stud lirod isis revolver at Poppietoli , the
bullet inflicting .a slight scalp wound.
PopieLon returned the lire , the ball
front his revolver entering thu burglar's
The burglar , iiow ( Iniven todespenation ,
leaped from the window and freU a sec-
oncE shot at PoplCtOfl , whiichi also took
effect on the scalp. The two nien closed
and a desperate struggle ensued. Thu
burglar heig tIm most powerful of the
two , had no difficulty in overpowering
the young inisii. He had graspesi young
l'ojipietoii by the throat and began chiok-
ing him , when the latter freed his right.
aria and put an end to the struggles by
tiring three ahiut from his self-cockiiu.
revolver , causing the mortally wounded
marauder to rulease Isis Isold. He died a
few monients later , but before .expiniIlg ,
thioughs conscious , refused to give his
name or otherwise disclose hiiii identity.
Tue police wore notified , and thu detective -
tivo who was sent to inquire into the
shooting identified the burgiarusisis next
door neighbor , a nian stiIlosetl ) to be a
respectable citizen. Ho was known by
thu zianie of Kennedy.
hUMAN Btoou.-On the purity and ri.
tality of the blood depend thu rigor and
hscalth of tim whole system. Disease of
various kinds us oftsn , only tins sign that ,
nature ut trying to remove the disturbing
. disuse. A ronietly that gives lifo and
vigor to the blood , eradicates scrofuha
and other iluiptinities froiui it , as hood's
; Sarsapanilla undoubtedly does , must ho
, the means of preventing iitany diseases
that would occur without its use. Sold
liv dcalnr
- .
r 1'OSEY'H 1'FXJULLtItITli'i.
Ass Adventure of a Guileless and
Verosattlo 60fl11114.
'Vise Choyeyno Sun of the 21st inst.
contauis an article concerning Poscy S.
Wilson , a fornuer Omaha boy and an old
newspaper correspondent anti poet. It
svihI be read with inttrest by his .fnicnds
iii this city. 'I'lto Sun says :
l)050y 5TlISOrl and his "bay mare
with black spots , " have caused anothics .
flurry in official circles. It. viit ho ro-
llIelflbCreI thiust the mare was
ly takeis ( ruin igistiunis's stables a short .
tilfit ) act ) , 1)Llt.58 found , and soibsoquoiit.
ly svti.s fluid tst auction by the ohlcnifl 'l'lie
stlo : Syas connected with thu notorious
suit. of herman 4c Co. vs. Pusey S.
\Vjlffon. " MessrL I. herman & Co. lid
I the ntiinsh at the sale , but Posoy S
roplovined it. Constable Smalley In d
thso aiiiiiial in charge nnd hind put it in
. Chiariton's stables. Under tim law , ( kin.
stable Smalley could hold tile mare ( or
f five days , and at the expiration of that
time , ho would bo obliged to turn it. over
to the plaintiWs.
Yesterday the versatile Posoy loft a
. . , . . .
blank bonti at , Iuistico Leo's oflico. The
bond was not. fihieti ot'Lt. 511(1 thu not bear
the lualiuc of tim pnsiicipsh , but dlii have
thuo SigliattIro of Iloninius liass afl'ixed.
Of course it sit % valueless as a bond , atiti
W.tlld not loire l'euii accepted by tr.
Smalley evus hiatt he ever seen it. After
thin little bout ! siibtcrftugo Vi1uon went
to ChiirItois' . tuilti thit 111011 in chare of
the nt.abes that ho hiati given a bomi
for the itinro , anti 111)011 hiiq request the
nishinal was turneil over to hill ) . ho tunis
took his scat hi a bugsty inni led the
Inline while a COlflhialIlllt ) 4FOV0 away.
Utiforttitsately for tr. Ssiuthley nisel for.
tulsat4Iy for Mr. Clusritun , the latter hind
hot. girds the former a receipt for thin
lflftl'C. S , ) , if it be not fouintl , str. Sinai.
hey vih1 iirlabiy 1)0 held by I. hlerniaii
& Co. for tise raltie of the horse.
Thu guileless l'osey vas not to be
foiiuul yesterday after ho hind takeis the
mare , but. V)5S ) 80011 itt thin tlupt. ( at tlso
tune of thin deiisrturo of the trains last
IIight. lie hilly Intro lcen called away
by imlortalst , business. Speaking o
l'osey's mistrusted departure calls to
inhtiti ' ) ilu of the inaliy of his aflutlavits
iiOW 011 file at the eourt.hotise. 'l'ise
atihlavit us ( ltle5ti11 vtus iiistlo : iii rebuttal
of a charge that. lie htul left the cossutry.
Iii the tltctlfltiilt'itsoii says : ' ' 1 left
bchiiid iins lucre a libr.try , is box of eigsrs
and a gthlon of whisky , to wInch 1
al'nys iuteisd to relurii. " IalSt vuek ,
whseit nit oaths , ho saiti that ho no longer
owised a 1iIrary. it is not known
whiothsor the bo of cigars aisd tim gallon
of whisky are still on hand , aiitl therefore
no asia call say whether thicro are now
ally ties tliast will bind hiliss to thin city of
The Csc.lpfLtlO of yesterday is a serious
0110 , and iiiay result. seriously to the
shipery l'oauy S.Vihson. .
1)eiectlves aisil i'nivato OffleorM
Usually voar their brdgcs of authority con
ceaheil notion their clothli , , but Dr. 7/comas'
I cZectrtc ( ti wears Its badges Iii tli form of
Prlicted lssbtil * . isttachied I.e ecccht aiil every hot.
tIe , so that isil may know its iuiIluii. It Is
givets full soul cuiiipletn sutlirity , , W nrrst all
noises and LItttI (1005 lt.i duty ovcry tliutu
Tile "Gilt Etlge" llouss Pn11e Again ,
.rsotlier flattl on the Merelinist's
1'ltCC-A Crazy Man
Taken InEtc.
This morning about 1 o'clock a nian
who gave Isis name as Jim Boyle was
takeii UI ) t jail from thin Grand Pacific
hotel. Ho was a man of medium height ,
1)tLiO coinilexion , and without the slight-
estappearanco of dissipation. Thin poor
fellow was evidently out of his mind , but
ilid nothing to disturb the peace. He
was first run across by one of the fire.
men , who. at thin rerluest of the clerk
wont out nuid ctBcd officer Lane and the
two coiiveyed bun to jaiL Ho in
sisted that isis wife and child
vere at thie hotel , and that
hii little girl was sick and the doctor iii
attendance ciii her. Ho said that lie
iieartl his father talking across thin street ,
titit subseqiioiitly Stiit.Cd that isis father
hued been deAd fur 22 years. Ho was
very qUiet antI calm aiid nuulo no resist.
itilce whsstevcr : to being locked up. lie
says Isis home is itt Litehitield , Ill.
'rho ' 'inerchisuits' police" vcre on duty
agaiti last night , a"d two of the force ,
Messrs. Burr uid harvey , were pulled its
by the police , iuid gave bonds about half-
1ist , : 011(1 0' hock this nloriiiiig and were
released. 'J'hiey apieared tIlly withs canes
11.11(1 lutIlteflis. Superinteiident Fulker
said to a BEE reporter that ho know lie
was right : intl urns goiiig ahead.
The police made nusothier raid at
midnight last night oh thin houses of ill
( attic. 'l'hucy ( hil not lind anyone until
they caune to the ihatce eli Twelfths street
formerly OCctuiietl l > y Faiinic Bezitoui and
superintended by a iuuati named Norris.
This house was luhlel ) and three woiiicn
taken up. One of the trio wept copious.
hy mid declared that shin wts a respectable
woman and did isot know the character
of the hiuse. , , She also claimed that one
of thin others was lien daughter and the
latter called lien "tuiama. " They were
released on bail about I o'clock.
i'OV Sliacpuuien itusci i1eiiiberH of tlie
L'rt ss at the St.stle Fair.
Arrangements are being made for a
general headquarters for all breeders uid
visitors from abroad ( luring the Nebraska
state fair at Oinahsa , Suptetiiber 10th to
ifithi. Members of the Nebraska Breed
ens' associations are cordishly iliyitel to
report. riuid register their lianics On arrival
at. the fair grounds , itriti nil stocktiicui
will be cordially svelconied.
ACC0fl1II1OlUtiOIlfl for thin press of the
state will also lie provided.
Members of the Wool Growers' and
Sheep llrueders' associations uvihl hold a
meeting at JO o'clock ri. m. , Wednesday ,
Septeniber 1211s. 'I'optcs for discussion :
"ihie Effect. of the Tanifr on Prices ; "
"Future Prospects for Wool Growing , "
etc. \V. C B. ALLEN , Secretary.
l'NTilIt JENSEN , President.
Members of tim Nebruika ! Finn Stock
association are requesteti to report at
breeders' licadquitrters , register their
names , and hold an inforitial meeting for
consultation on Tuesday , September 11th ,
at. 10 i'cloc a. In. . on thin fair grounds.
w , 0. II. Aw : , Secretary.
C II.VAI.KElt , I'rcaideiit.
State papers pleasoenpy.
heal Estate Traisferse.
'l'ho fohlownig deeds vero iiled for rec
cord in the county cleri'4 ' office August
22 , reported for TilE Bnr. Amos' real
estate agency :
W'It ) . F. hluitics county ticasuier to
Abner French , 14:0 deed , lot 10 , 13 , 7 ,
Parker's acid , .34 11.100.
Ezra Millard and wife to Jauiucs L.
Krouo w (1 , % v fi5 feuct of lot. 17 in Mit.
hard and Csldwchl's 8(1(1 ( , 800.
Cuss. P. l'.tXtAII ) anl wife to .Jefrorsouu
flailcy , si. f ] , but ii , hilk I Shiiiiii'n secoiid
add , 8100.
GhIjcrt. M. ihitobcock to Ezra Millard ,
, y d , Iota 1 , 2 , 3 aticl 4 , IsIFO pirt. : of lot
13 and lot 14 in Millard nuid Cald.
well's add ,
Ehiza I. Ikinlcr : istid vito to , Ios. liar.
ker , w d lot. 2 , block 81 , Omaha , $5 , .
2ro.Oeo. . 1' . Thompson and wito to Free.
born 8. Lowi. l C ( I lots 2 , 0 , 8 and 0 ,
block 124 , in Florence , 810.
( leo. J0 Thompson and wife to Free.
born S. Lewis , w d hots 1 , 2 , 4 and 8 ,
block 123 , aiid 1o 10 , block 124 , all in
Florence , 3,700 ,
MOtIIII ! RccOlflioll Of Jno Aiiesou
t the PalRcn Of Jllstlce ,
.ct Qitnrrcleouno Couple , [ Irosight hlitl.
PIIY 'reetIiei by ft Nigh l's
8fIllui'n ( 11)11.
Whicii the court. opelleti yesterday
thu l01i0 judge stisiled down lipids the
nuotley assortlIleIst .f 111011 nuid WOlneli
arrayed before hsitis iii a vay that ? fhiWCtl (
hits breakfast. had bccis vehl cooked , anti
observoti thirst this vas ft regular ico.water
breeze coiiiing down from the isorth.
Everybody agreed with hiltus , except mm
of the pristlilers , who ventured to autgiesL
that he Imdn't fousul any cu.vater in thin
cooler , inst was itistiundiately fonvued
itown by the court for such an tuitiiiiuiy
pun.W'iliialu Kirk wits the suauilo of a
gnitlugur fnmt Snnii.1 cotiitty who hail
COlilu tij , to omaha to 1)11) ' 15 stock yani
or tuvo bitt foutni hiiiiisulf short , sit lie
botight. it glass of whisky iiistviul. 'l'iils
isiade hsiiis suspicious tonI lie proceeded to
l'LOUllIlL TIlfi nlVOl.VE1S :
which tie hunt brought. with him as hiro.
tectioii Igailist. liullitiss , lie litistook all
old ( larkey voinnli for a redskin nuid for
Lists little error in alithlropoltgy ) was
hued tire dollars nod costs.
Joiiii Erickson was tip for vngr.uiey.
lie protested that Ito was lint a vagrant ,
siiuiphy 0110 of that jisutititorable cantran
that Irius SUekilt einihnyiiseut in the
great vest , Isis iisiincdhitu destuintioti
at the iiiotneiit. of his lucarcerit.
t'ioii being Colorado. The judge
tunised him aroutid , sized hsitis ul , , aiiul
told hint to prceetl on hits way , rciileni
boring that uvcrythiiiig in Colorado tlsat.
scintillates is not. guild.
Otto \Veiit. was a young , awkward liii.
low , who hind oll'uiuled tim initjeaty of
thin law by obstructing a police ollicer in
tim oxecutiun of hits duty. Thu jsitlgu
told huts diat thin policemen were fur ,
how Usoy operated niid gave lion a lessoii
in eXlhitllttiOIi ( if the
all of which the yotitig iiiiui took in with
Opeii niouthi , iutd was then allowed to
the nlliliing inisoiler agniii reniarking
that Ii's ' "OttoVont. long tsgo. '
George Brown nhiitlSCtL himself vitii
hearing titoiies through tim windows of
Iffitiliu Fiuirciiild'a house. For this diver.
sion lie will l"Y $0 and costs hilt ! be al.
lowed to try isis usuaclo oil thin rock up itt
the court yard.
.Johiil Altoisdorfer anti isis wife had a
bitter eiuarrel over anion trivial subject
Tuesday alId so isiuch disturbed the
neighbors iii their vicinity that they were
arrested. 'I'Iiuy hind fully resolved that
they could not live together any isinre ,
but nftor a night's separation thin wife
coiicluded that her liusbasid hind nut ,
treated her badly at all aisti desired a re
conciliation. The hiucuband smiled alIth
shio rattled on in Germauwbieli thin cotirt
clerk , viio speaks seventeen diffuient mu.
gt1ges , translated for his hotter uvlm vu-
Ullited thom in Isis happy nialiuser anti
told thieni to go.
\ruui. Wilcox , of MoLteroy , Mexico , is at
the l'rtxton.
] iobt. l'atrick lcfb yesterday for Gratiti it-
, Tamoe Conuiohhy , Esil. , of Feeney & Cunnol.
IF , loc : returned fruits St. Louis.
A. l'clcliuls ' , , Esej , of ( hiild & M Innishas
returtiod front Mitiiictoiiki. ,
J. S. Etlsvarcl'Ilbur and A. E. Uptoit
and vifo , Mihford , urn at thu Millard.
11ev. V. C. 1 [ art , a uiioeioiiicry on his way
to Naukiii , China , ii at thu c1ihhnrh.
Prof. Csillcspie , of the Nebraska leaf anti
Duinb hiil4tiLldLdl , left yestertIuy fttt a tiii Svust.
Ii. 11. hirowiiicg , leftyosterday fur l'orthtucd ,
Oregon , to take chiargo of thitt diattict of thai
\Velhe , lttrg4) Jxlreus ) colnaly.
hairy Ii. Liiig.sfeht , with Sander , the
grocer , bc r000ivifiK cogratulitioit , : * over an L
cloven 1)0011(1 ) soft , born Sunday night. lclotlior
anti hirthy are both cluing vuil.
l'zof. , ihin H. Vorhiis , , of Catnpbehl Nor.
nutl University , Iloltot , , Kitties , , wis a. guest ,
of life uncle , D. P. Votirhihi , recently , niid loft
with a flsrty for a tout- through Iakta. ,
srr. W , E. Anril , , , taocociiito editor of Tin : :
hiFR , heft ott the overland traiti yestrtlay ( onSlil.
tiny , whence lie will go by sLagu to Fr. ltobI , , .
ff00 , for a thrco wock' vacation earned b
1drUi work.
.Iuhiuu Meyer , acconupanied by hil friend
Charhos ( bcien : , heft yesterday for FL Nb
bravo , oshere lie will nogotiata with come of
the lnditiis : ( rein the Slouz reservation to go
to Paris at the exporition.
, lion. II. Brewster , a Btitoii bunker send big
qattlo otvnor \Vyorniiig , wits an cast.bouith
jeeul'er ; last evening.
Mr. Ahuria , secretary of the OntarIo Mbnli,1 ,
coitipadiy , liropriotors of ogrn of thu richest
iniiics in tim wet , c nun its on the overhand
train yesterday as fur ic Ciitrai City.
cfrs. Thioiiiss Nchiui , wife of thu Union Pa. ,
cific ( rdght. agent , accoinpatileil by lien sister ,
lert last evening ( or is visit In tue cast.
Octieral C. If. Moacio weut , utst : 1set night.
.101)1) hlorhancl , of Stanton , is is guest of the
iohiis C. Birnuy , of ( rote , was at tim MU.
lard hut night.
\v. L. VanAhatyno , of Lincoln , l at the
Compto cia Lagrange , of l'sris , was at. the f
, Millard yesterday.
, 11ev. 1) , 0. hEart , a returned inlesboniury ,
from Nankiri , China , lest tIm Millard ,
Tcsse Bartlett Davis such the Ideal Opera
COtiilflhiY are ut the Millard.
Prof. homed C ; . Owen , of the state univer , .
sity , Is , tt thin Millard.
Among the arrivals at the l'aLon am the
, following : \V. .r. lilelell , Chicago ; .1. Stet.
, eon i'uttur , Tahinadgu House , North Auhiurn
Neli. ; 4'trthilir II. hiurtos , Cloveliuiiih ; Pliik '
Doctor , lctrolt ; harry C. lflckson , St.
\v- , II.Vllco , , M'mturoy , ! ilux. ; F , 0 , Itlehi
month , \V. J : . % ntihii , Chicago ; \V. If. Luwis ,
l'lsllaclclphila ; It. ii. 'ttiner , ul lea Aichiott
Itnivcr ; .1 , II. itilcniClslo.igo ; (1 , L. Wiult r ,
/ctwsachiiisctts ; M , J. hlidt.qrt , New York
\v. l. liliigVhieollng ; \V. Iiua'ferd ' , Clii.
cage ; /t , Y. Jtauisii , , lii's Moines ; I , 1)kki , , . ,
soil , Atlantic , Jo. ; lofupIi [ sailor , Now York
C. ] . hllaku , 1iiieitgo ; I ) . . hfinl , , Lutveu'
worth ; CIcarlc.i J.Vett wer , St. Joe ; , Jnhiu .1 , ,
ltsley , C11cigt , ; N. (1. Ceuv , Chillliasthie , No ) , . ;
v. .r , 91ion , lexiver ; I ) . B , Itoiilti , , Oitklaiiii ;
S. ! tI. Barker , Shier CreekV. ; . Wagonna- ,
Pourer ; 11. "Icciks , Council BhIitfd ; A. Ale.
Comb , Council Uuiitts ; .1 , Al. 'i'ihlotsun , Pliil.
iloljchiia ; N. I ) . l'attersoii , Clinton ; 11 , I , Cur.
ties , Chicago ; W. F. MeClullan , Junlsou ; 5 , '
J. hiurne , hlost.on ; .1 , 0 , llrowi , Alanefield ,
0. ; J. W. Strayer , iCansas City , Mo , ; P. L.
Brairible , Idaho ; 0. Vheeler , Claicgo ; L.
hirinkenholl , Chlcnp , ; hex , . .1 , Korshan , Phiha. '
deiphila ; JIfuied 8. l'cck , Mblw'ikeu ' ; L. ( .
Ciusuck , St. Loud. ; Ii. IL hbogs , Chksgol
I.eonsrtl .1. SmIth , Ihirhingtnn'Is. . ; J.
Cancer , cltyi A. IL. howe , CoutcII , hustle ; 5.
I ) . Sltiiontle , 'l'OhetIOL .1. 0. Brotun , Ainneflolcl ,
F , B. Altuuus , city ; \ \ ' . .1. , Tnckiuusti , city ; Ui.
\v. Stevens , \'stfielh , Mnsl.l hlciry , Slelers ,
lirooklyn , : 1. lb. ItbIdtus cud t.iuiiily , l.htai'oln ;
Chisrhos htobcrt's , Cincinusti ; P. II , IlnilT ,
Ieuver ; S. II. Tower , hIatIug4 ; C. Ii'aii
\\'yck , Netraka City ; Satuuiel I.etlerinnitn ,
St. . .1oci1u ; S. I ) . Caldwell nut ! 110th ) '
hlaints , Sdgnr ; .lntnes LairtI , hIat1tge , ; , lthiii
C. h1nlleiibtck , New York ; \V. Ia. Etiti Sari ,
1)etrolt ; 'F.V. . \Vorthion , hianover John
'F. 1.inks , lsyl.on , thilo ) .1. A. } iinlthi , tIfe
niul son , Ibatavls ; 5. \\'cbster ) , Now \'crk
(3. 11 , Clarke Chlc.ugo ; ( L Tooths atuil tlfo ,
Chicago ; ' 1'V. . Pltiiititg , Ogden , Utah : A.
Unha-lolson , Orb a , lii. ; A. Id. l'Itsta , Vior.
01100'Is. . ; hi. .1. hIrers , Saht 1nke.
Aluiohig thso arrlvtk : nt the Aictropohitan ho.
tel nrc a. , Ouhlowsi Frank Shnr1i , l.o &ngohos ;
Steiihicii Ahurtlis , Ate. ; I ) . A. Soars , Sock
ford , lii. ; 1. At , lludcrwootl , Cldcngos hi. let'
tuSh , SlOt Fraitcisco ; Jas. N. Shuoiis , lonvcr
.1. \ \ ' . Shiowalter , h.nfnyntte , huh. ; ItV ,
ltivekoniidgo , clty A. itbttenhuso , , Coleus.
bits , Nol , . .1. It. Aldrich , , lioti tctk , tours ;
Itarry It. hibukeon'est. Pohtit , Net , . : 1' . A.
Nelson , C. ' . nutil C. h I. elstiui , Shotian-
doithi , hours ; .hliii Newinait , Sesoc ; 't. lb.
l.ythbckVakchlehh , Nob.v. ; . A.'Ilsoti ,
l.oiiii City , Nd , . : F' . A. Atigel , lu'Itl City ;
ti.V. . Kustiurnis , 1)svenlcorl ; fl. hlucklighiaui , ,
city ; 5. II. htiChitrthltlIl , Cldc.tgo ; Miss itiiuile
I .tsuo , , St. , Tc , , Ale. ; .1 . AIe\Vhiltiiibo , I .Iticoiii ,
Nub. ; C. .1. ( iniiy , Sheldoti , Iii. ; C. l. Ccv.
sd , , , hbudsot'bs. , . ; P. U. linoruu , Syracuec. ,
N. V. ; T \ \ Lotug , litirhliigt.oti , Vt.
- -
l'ostiifllco Chiauiges.
PostofUen chiuiges : in Nebraska and
lewis titiring the week eliding AuguBt 18 ,
1883 , furnishiml by Win. VaIl Vieck of
thin Pstlhice departincuit :
Estiibhishied-Swedushuoine , Polk couui
ty , Nets P. iIutt. P. M.
Discontiiiut'tl - Potent , lUchiardeon
county ; Talbo.t , Kisox county.
Postoihice Chialiges iii Iowa , dtinilig thin
uveek ending Atug. 18 , 1883.
Estiibhislied. Clihehiuhin , lironron Co. ,
Dauiiel ii : . Chiishiuhin l'itt ; lothts.Vood. .
lnirg Co. , .bohin 11 cisthi I'itt ; P1110 ICossuth
Co. , Freeniuni A. liuttenfielti , Pitt.
Name chinuiged. liigart ( Jrovo , ltiiig.
golti 0 to 1 ugart.
l'ostiiiasters aiiitointed. MtiSqllakn ,
Iowa Co. , Thins. Ic ! . Lolighhill ; ititiiig
Suii , Polk Co. , S. .1 . Brewer ; Uni'iu ' o ,
Iluinbohtit. Co. , Surahs : A. Ciultitt.
CI ) Notes.
SpecIal dbqnstchi to 'I'iii : 1iEi.
Osc1oLt : , Nub. , Ailgust 20.-Stackiiig
is progressing filPithlY tutid every thresher
1s crowded to its utmost. Siutall graiti is
turnullg out. tiiicly ; wheat frous i0 to 30
bushels ; rye lb to 40 , tuid oats 50 to 80
htishehs to thin acre and good quality
'l'lin ' carts is reported as good as ever
known iii the county ; hills act. with harge
tiulilber of ems , whichi are pushuuig out of
thin husks stud rapidly tilling. Aluchi of
thin early cons is now decineil l)08t. itijuiry
( rota early frosts.
The Fevet-at Petisacola.
PENSACOLA , August 22.-'i'iie board of
litialthi ataiiounc"s two cases of yellow
fever oti thu IIuhifax whinif. A guard
lifts beets vlitccti a'rotutid the buiidiiug ,
ahijehi vihl be buitited as ntoii , as Sian sick
are rettiovud to ( lulitratititic. 'I'Jio itieui are
sailors whiehi uveto stohti front the ship
soul hililihuts iuiitil thin shij left hort.
'lhiuy are ffiIlhOf3cl ) to htitto heeii Itiddeis
\Vitu'ritigtwi. . Dr. OurmIs is rupouted
sick with thu black votnit. Otie tucur
cliMe at. thin uaivy yard.
\V.tSii1Nllo , Auigtist. i2.-A telegram
to the itetitag seeretitiy of Lln navy trout
l'otisaccha , , dated yestet tilt ) ' , SRyH ( Jib hOW
CR30 tO.lhty ( , the ehuiki ( if Pityiiiiuctui'
[ la-own ; iso deaths , Sturgeous Owuii is
d ing.
- -
c 1'rtIlIhLul ) 1tiIl ) ( In , , .
I'ORT AU PILINCI : , August ¶ J.-Tlie
Iarguconil.tgratiiiis uti the 7th inst. . begini
,1 the cdiieatiuuisl institution of the
Oliuistiitti brothers. Four blocks vere
destroyed ; loss $25,000.
A severe battlu was fotiglit before inc.
tile1 Oh August 8. Ilnuidretlit of ilicli
vcrn killed. 'lie ilusuirgents claitii a
great viettiry. Goveruittieiit othicituhs state
that fourteen lirisotiess of usar wore idiot
by the inourgeiits. Alinigiatouie , June-
hOle anti Jticuii l are cltised to foitdgui
lu [ euuiou'y III Jti0go Illack.
W.tMltlNtiTON , .Auigtnut -Socrotary
of State F'ruhingluiyscmi uris sent. a circu.
mr to nh tliphtsntatie mimI comiauilar othices
of the IJidtcd Skstes , ollicitslhy ) lotifyihI
titoiti of the death of .Ieretuuiishi S. Bhiu' k ,
oidcnitug the tinge of their respective olhi.
des at. half , uiist. : eli the reception of thit
circular , and thin zulojticmi , ( if the Imsuhil
syniboIs of ptlbhic mnournumig for a iteriotl
of ten days.
Cliauzuitti.umt Senmitouis.
Cil.turAuqu.s , N. Y. , Atugiust. 22.-A
commipeti tire isxniiui natiofl himt been iii
progress iii VarioUs dupartttueiitme this
tuornitag. At 10 O'Clock , Dr. .Jesrelh , cii
Chicago , hectnretl on limo ituitles of via
setwing mica-vu hitulthi. : At 11 o'clock .Jo.
sepli Cook , of 11081011 lectured to ( ) ,00C
hlCOl)10 oIl ' 'Cod iii thiehmistory of our
or thai semis tmioderii wonders of tin
world , "
Tim l'ot'toe Gui.urIe at Iiihiu iiie.
Di'nuqUs ; , August 22.-'i'Jni Portum
gUnr(1H ( , frotu ! , munivud here thus
evenilig ( roni Ohiiciigci , ittiti m ccj red r
gond , generous welcoimme. 'limo gtuardi
were escorted frouis the tnitiui to thu Ito
tel by thin Duliutitie Iruna corps isuid
bingo cohicourse of citizens.Vhiilu hurt
they will bu guests of thin citizens. Siut
uirday they go to thu military encamp
1)001st ) at Cedar Fulls.
' 1'110 Virginia Methioth.
LVNCILItUIW , Vii , , August 21.-At Ad
thiuigt.oii SatlirdayVni. . Bnidgoitiiu : ,
drunken white utian , uusdo miii uaituh
Oil ft macgnu , whom lie idiot stuvurni tunes ,
811(1 whicus Edwin hlcuwkins , thin Imegro'a
half hrotlinr , rptnciiistratcul , hirmdgcimuiiu
turned and killeti I Inwkimis , 'l'hie utmiut
chijrur iii iii jail. Serious thlrental oi
lyzicluhiug are iinulu lirt lie negroes.
OiiopO it ! Nulghhiomsi.
SAN FIt.tteIMK ( ) , AlmIlst. 22.'I'iio CiL
hf i'ukimi nuni'ed this afternoon frtiim
\'olohiotiuii , , A iigiist 3 , Iwakiura , inituis
ten of state , hietI .iiily 311th , Jiipaui hini
withJdhIiswli all trops froius Cou en. ( iimoheni
ifs still aruviiliuig at. Suvniitouu , Von Chow
'h'liu istuauuiur Shanghai is ashore off lieu
kow ,
- - -
. J'AFSeulgflr 'I'niuiii life lied.
Lirri.i : 1htCIC , irk , , August 22-
passenger train eu the Alcunjihiis & Littlt
Itock riuihroad , which left. Alettiphais at I
I ) , UI. , went through a trestle a few inilci
west of Forest City. 'rum passenge
coachies rolled down the enmbaumkunent
kihiiiit iuix porsolls , and wounding severs
otlieu a.
A Son Trac1s llnndros of Miles in
ciroh ooe ! Trco of ills
The Situ .ouirtit'y Euideui at. thin Ohioy.
clilie Ceiitetory-Jt 8atI uttuti
ltuuiIrttItf Story.
The Chieyenuio Suit puibhishes the fol.
lowitig sad but romuinutho story , which ,
litu'iiig : tntithi for its foutidatious , is trudy
strauiger t'iait fictiots :
Yesterday uiioniiiii.j'n train from ( lie
east brought to this city Mr. Miutthiew
( ) rtnomsti , a reckloust of Friec ( ) , Utah. l1r.
( . ) rtuoiid hiss travehtI llialsy hundred
iiitles , following trace after trace , and
trails both false aliti true , lit the 1501)0 ) tif
fluiding his fisthier , who dbauipesred iii
October , 1831. 'l'lme story of tim urnil-
ther'iiigs , tniitls , thin detective work (511(1
the dId of the snatch , all coinbimin to
form all iiitorcating story that is at once
saul , unustial and title.
lit thin unonthi of October , 1881 , Mr.
'l'hiflulas Ortuonul , thin father ( If Almttthiew
Orisiousti , left. thu town of Ihtulleck , Alintu , ,
where lie hind lived with a suit , one of
the brothiers of imltutthiew. 'l'lin old gels.
thiunian was abotiti (12 ( ) 'eflts of age , but
was in good healths aint tneiitahly vigor.
cute. ito boarded thin cars 511(1 beg his
juitintlthy to 'Frisco , whore his son ii ec
mal to luleet huitn. That wat thin last. time
he was sects alive by his frientl.
i'ow , by a lliistlmiderstaitdlflg , thin son
lit 'Frisc ( ) utusd thin 5(115 Iti I lalieck each
IdltIlOCCtl ) ) thin father was vitii the other.
Corroshuoiidelsce between thin two was
hiiiiltetl atni irreiilar , niid out. uiist ii u
few isiomithim ago thu thin imien learmi.thiat
thu ohl guistleiiiams was sisissnig ,
\Vlieii 1'latthiuw Oruiioiid tucertninctl ,
that his fiuthiur had startel for Utah lie
thunmghst that no trace cotild over be ob.
taiiietl that would reveal the hnttors
whereabouts or ( atte. Indeed thin task of
t'mndiiig thin missing uiiams seemed a hiopo-
less mie , for over ts year had vassel since
Ornmolul , tirn. had takeit the cars for the
west. . All of those little tr.sils tiumut whims
m reithi , votilmi uiid in the dbtcovory of a
milisailig hint long simico beeui oh.
literatcul by tune , but hulattlmew Ormnotici
L , ; a rcstenms miumer , aiitl ptiesesseul thin in-
( lolilitillle perseverance nuid energy of hits
chase. lie ( lUtCrllliucl , to timid hits father ,
living or (105(1 , aiul rns ho went ( rolls fur
away Utah to the little cityils Miiiiuesota ,
whom thin search begati.
It was ascertaitmod thiustOriumiitl , senior ,
had Ptirchla8ed us Coupon ticket. for Salt
Lake. After mmuumiy weary joutrneyings to
tsiitl fm thin old unan uvuss tnusced to Aliiune.
tipolis , teul suhisequetithy to St. l'iutih.
'lhiern it 5001115 lie hind disappeared , but
timluslly l'ulr ' _ Oniiiouail , Jr. , calleti upon
cuditor Gray , vhio materially assisted
hula Iii the sciurchi. Mr. Gray was at first
( lihi'ltlchillCtl to do nvichs that wouhd aid thai
search , for hun thought Mr. Ortuond , jr. ,
uva. a thutncth'o , bitt after lie leaniietl thai
fusets , hum gladhy tetainroil hits Bervices ,
By thin muisistunico of Auditor Gray , 811(1
duo hiberutl tisu of tIm tnlOgniihu , the
ticket , or Olin of its cottloluh , Jatlrcluuol
by thin etcher Orumiouid itt hhuuhleck , wits
tntced to Oiu&uhia. & On to Otnahuui
Ctltit ; ) thin tuntirilug gcntlelonul , butt again
t hue trail disappeared. 'l'hiere A uditos
Vimig truss ciiusimhted. Likn hits St. l'iiiil
collcuige , ? ilr. \'ing thought a tiettictive
15'Its nuxitnus tea obtmtiii gnutuuttoils aid , atuh
like Lii' . Gins' lie did mill its his fat
cIi. . Oittmniitl rhieit lie ascertiiiiied the
fuels. Fur r.otue titnu jun further trace of
thu ticket. or ally' cotllIilu eouhd be ( liscov-
crud. Fitiutily , however , a coupon vuii
ft nut mel , uititl aluomig other immark mm . f mu cot i
ditct.r'a . , ptiticim , usas ( lute of Ccoiducki
Powell. Air. 'sVin thic'ui cxphutinccl t
l r. Oniumatid tlmuut hit ; fist lien huutil pasc
weaLvuwtl over thin Umuioui Pacific amid hun
doubtless iasffedl ) Clmoycunu. No furtliet
gitides stern olitauiiccl , and so Air. Or
itiunni started OVUV the road , ufeusrdhiiimg a
aver ) ' tOWIi ( or statute trace. Notimimug Wilt
disctiveictl until this city vits renchimah
1111(1 lucre the 111)1st umided at a lonely
tiiiiejit grave iii thie 1)Oltcr'S heidi
.4 8/cl ) CLUE.
' Uimui Ins arrival here ycatortlisy morim
I itig Mr. Ormmuoiul went. to Dyer's , when
lie registcrutl tuumder an assuttiuti name
icsnmiitig : thttit AltIyer wits aetiuug at
unsyor Zlil wail also a mactither of tha
mztrcl of cotmiuty conunuissioziera , ? tlr. Or
tiiomid ahilictl ) , to hilts for advice. Actiui1
ihi ) ittHimutticU to thin advice given , ttllr
Orunommel went. to Sexton \Vuirroms amid t (
the cotunty hiospitcl : , It was tlleui leanume
I that. tIns elder Ormotid hiiiul beets buriet
Intro , aini further search of thie record
elicited thin puia-ticuiliirs of Juts ileunise. J
scents thitst the old gtimithuutuaii 'uu.iis hikom
I sick while oil the cais. % 'hieus tIm tntiu
uurriveil here his case ivits so serious this
lie wati mtioved frouti thin cars nfl (
tuskets to time county hioiiimitah , 'iliuri '
iso tUeci thud very night. 'l'oi
wttahc to give the physician o
atteuudamita aumy infonumuatiun , hue died u
istritllger iii a straimgu huiitl. : Nolhuiiug om
his versli rovealet time luomiieis of liii
r friends , hum nustno almn being presorvet
fromit ubhiviomu. All Inspection of thin nec
ords amid of thin diagnutti of time coumiettir
5(1011 ( iIJlitilie(1 an situinuirketi nmoutid a
earth as the grave of thin ( aid guisthemutaum
It. wAs hearmueci that the deceased hun
but about fifty dollars cii his persou
whiuui hie was received at time hiospitah
. 'I'iits barely 1aid , time nxpuiuncs of his bun
liii. ills trumuk was kept lucre for somuit
I dune , but. vzus hiuuiulhy sold. h'ouutewluus
L oddly , no trace of thu urocceds of tin
S susie caui be fouuitl , 'Vito fatal diseast
- dust caused time death of time chder Or
I uuiomd is at present unknown , Dr
I Crook was thin county physicists at tin
timnu , but. thin doctor is mmw out of thum
- city , amid no record of thin ease huM thuui
fan Iieeiu tiiscoveie'd ,
Yesterday afternoon isIr , Oninond iatir
ciuutsed a cothia mid iuuuchianics main 1105
. cuugagwl iii lining and covering it witi
I 'i'lmo body of thin deceased wihi ha
uxliuuimetl to.dusy , 1Ilile Fniluiy AIr. Or
' uuuond wihi stusit. for Frisco , nimuro thu ye
I IIiiihifS will lie imuturred.
r 'l'huuifl etids thin bile , Mr. Matthew Or
mnotudi iii is uti juldl n.ugod imuisum , of fuiir cd mu
e4tiOhI , iiiiloinitiiblu onaugy auth fisirh lie hiegamu the uieisrclu for lii
7 fustimer umittler nuost diuicotuniigiiug autsjiict'
I ituiti ittuimmy lii lies froiui imiamu 3. I 'atitnu th
. tuumil isle a by tttup hue followed every chmtv
; Et was cautul that foul playwuts thu catus
I if time strahugu ( lllthulHlRllUice ; : , nuul
iuided , it even usouv seems stralug
. Lhuuit thin ( lea(1 111511 luau s
situahi a amiuus of uimoiuey on Isis vtralm , fo
lie left. Itliuuuuescitui wsthi suveilil hmuuuihiei
( l4)lhLLiB. A h i' . Ori imiud cuinuot. ; too st rcnagl ,
express hits ( lenla gnititiidta to Auditor
1 ( ircsy iiuuilVuiug , mine to time kind lieph
; lucre who hum tuidud him. 'I'lie homu ,
S IlcaiclI hun , hievui ii. wcaiitmg 0110 to hi
I' body slid muujiud , and huuus eut soroni
' thiousantl dollars. It is cisded flour5 tim
I worst. is known , suspense hiss bocus tel
minatud by time sad aequch , and aithoug
-V-- , I . -
- - -
ur .
- -
Prom tluero sourcen anise iiircefourtuB ot
lila ( IlectItos of tint lnlmnnn Taco. ¶ IiucsO
$ yunptoiuiuilndictuto tholroxistonco 1 Lou. of
tlalethtc Itotycle costive , Nick IIe'l
BchIcfs1ncse nflcrcnftti , averSIon * 0
esrtIou % ( it or minim , Eructothout
of fond5 Irnitablilti' or tessapor , Lot ?
Slhrlt ! , A fooling ot3uavhuig , ielcctc
ebtuie ilttr , luazItcrsV1uuttcnlutgr't the
hlcartIots before ttitt eyahimhmyeo1.
oreci tlrIuso. COJqTIL'A'rlON , anti do.
fflflfl(1 ttiO tiso ofa rc'motI7tlsat actS ( lirnoll
315 hun l.Lver. AsaLlvunnoUOIIIOTUTT'
m'lIaI..q Intro no oipunl. Their notlonon the
lIhI01authhi1 , Skin it ; also IImmPt removing
in Impuritlos through tlicso thirco " seaT-
sugars ot the nrstetu , " prodticinrf ( IppO.
tile , sound Olgoetlolu , regular f'tflOIILft etoar
ikin muiitlavlgoroushodv. TLJTTS i'Ii.l.Pl
855190 flO nuutna or grIping nor thteroro
with daily worl mitsil rue a perfect
hoiiewrywl.r",2fi0. , ( ) fliv.4MiirT'tYSt. ' , .1. :
Thu's iYE.
015kV IIAuut OR Wmtmsarna clintugoct In.
ttdithtly to tt titosnt IiI.ACIt liv a aLnlo ftp.
mUtlttl0n of hits lirE. Sol , by Dsiigrlsum ,
or tout liy oxusioss Ott receipt. ot' 01.
omee , 4Otirmy , Rtrsct. Now York.
TtT1't ; fl/ctfipM nr LIrFUI , rFrnlpTtl rRrL
itra..3 bohiovod that thin old gonthoman
hiatt pcriuuhi.itl , thin suduleis discovery wits
still hard to bear ,
Thin above account is tnmo in every
varticuilar. Strange ahiiost as fiction )
Sail rotnauscel Splendid porsoveraiscol
Sluunuti'rng liteniplils' ,
MF.M1'llifl , August 22.-Thin rumors
circulated through the east to-day , thirit
yellow fever had appeared in Motnphis ,
two absolutely false. It is behieveul the
riilnnr Ivuss started for spcrcuihntivo pur-
h)05C8. Metnphiiii was miorer healthier
titan itt thin preanlit tune.
lIhgIlrt , itt Itatportnge.
CuucAuo , tlltlSt 22.-ThinDaily News'
Willilipcg Almtiiitobn , succial says time ox-
toissivo siurinihl belonging to the itainy
Lake Lumber coinpunly , . at Ilatportago ,
bturiiotl yesterlny ; loss , $350,000. The
excitenseuit occasioned by tim fire wan
greatly luicreased by thin rumor that i
wits occasioned by ltuui(1ar troubles now. .t .
existing betweoms Miusitoba aiid 0 utarie
it Setusational iiitIsance. p
BUFFALO , August 22.-Cspt. Rhodes
is still hiovoninu ? arouiiid thin city , but
; i Cs no special tinso for hits published
iuitutstioii to swini thin whirlpool. Ho ie
reported to howe purchiasett a large dog
tvhiichi lie is awaiting to set isis armor
preparatory to ensiding hsimii through the
rapils as an oxperhmisent No faiths is
1slncetV in hint hero , whom lie is best
knowms .atitl in looked upon as5a sensa-
tioiial nuisaiico.
itlomly Railroad lUot. .
Pirranuna , August 22.-Thio Post's
I special Irons Sutawney , .lelI'orson county ,
Bays : "During titus PitYitteult of railroad
hiatida yesterday , a dispute arose about
u.n1cs , whiichu cultutiiiated in a riot , ju
irhuiehu a iiiais lialiietl Peter Yeder waa
; killed 811(1 two follow workmen idiot , and
all Inishimuiems iuauumcd Tcuus Keantoy unnuor-
ciftully beaten. No arrests intro been
iiinde , but SherifF Amiderson and posse
tune on hand , suici will probably umlako
some arrests to.dny. No further trouble
is anticipated. " ) 1tTTE1tS ,
I The Grct'lcy , Built. Lalcus anti l'stelllo
tO 1)0 HitilL itt. Ouce.
I Fort Cohilne ltxirus.
: 1uuihr'atl itmatters ann beconuing very
excititugiti this section and soumun start. .
hug ( levnlollileiltii nutty be expected soon.
'glue Umlioli Pacific hutum let thin contract for
. muittiiug ili usil thin bridges up thin Poudro
L Ciulidilu , aini vork trill be counmuiouicwl at
; 011CC. It. apjeutre , tiumut thin Greuhey , Salt
Lake aisti I'acihio railroad is to be pushed
3 towuirdim COltpltltioll , stid no timno iii to ho
I lost.eithior. A tango lorce ofgradcrs are at
, work tunuiehitug aiutl graditug on thin Big
Narows , nuud it is uumdcrstood thuat harge
forces of gnmudurs are to be put at work at
. ( liiCd3 Oil this line A repoiter of timEx-
3 1rcss uumut a gentlenuaui this nioniuing who
. Is troll ilifonined on rail mtuattors , auud wan
8 itufomiused that time Grecley , Salt Lake &
J l'uscific railroad wosthd be built at tusce.
. Time road will ho pushed as fast as
bin sup thin I'tmutiro canon , through NurLh
- t'arlc , uihil Will coiinoct. withi tue Union p
Pacific & Ore,4ui , Short Line at Dciivor.
I 'rite Union Psedic will tiimi iuaveathmrougli
I line from thin east. via thin Julesbung
If brauicis or Deliver Short Than , conusoct.-
t imug at Lii Salle wiLls time Greelcy , Salt
i Lake nuid Pacific , up thirotughi thin Poudro
I CflflOlif and giving thin Uuuion l'acitio a
t direct route to the cant and west uuul the p
I wcsteri states aid territories on the Ore-
LI gout Short Liuue. It is uaudcnmmtood thuat.
) hinge forces of graders will be trammaferred
r to tim Poudre cation , filud wcrk will be
L pushued as fast met labor anti mnoliey call do p
a mt. 'I'iue gentloimuaii further said that.
if time Bunlimigton tumid itlissouni wore
I anxious to extend their line to
- time uiorthuunuu portion of thin state ,
V astid were aliXioiis to seciuro a route to
f thin west tlurough tim zuorthiorn Portion of
. tIme state isuid not. iuitenern with thin Den-
1 viii. aunt Rio Onuumth , , whmichi runs thurough
I time Btithiurmi Portion of the state and on.
. west "Yeum caui hut. it. down sue a fact
. that tie Orouloy , Saht [ sake stud Pacific
LI will be buiht itt once , " continued the in-
t formulaut , "niud Fort Collins will be 011 the
L ) Imullili line of thin Union Pacific , both ted
d time east mitt west niid to Idaho , Oregon
- 1111(1 tIouitaima , "
'I'iio people of Fort Collins are anxious
I for thin roati to be built , but thieve is moore
oxcitoumteuiti Ill Demuver over thus buihding
S of time road tines iii Fort Collins.
; LUOL ' , ,
Lma-k , Iil strike cli discover a gold unit , , , , lana
1 .Iowit a house , iuck a eltiti , break a kg , hinig a ins , , .
Li A great itiatir or UltlatAuiCS li , Stile ivoridresult from
- lure rhancu , luck , titeever , was tiever known to
cure acough. a a-old , a sore mho4 , , nsttimaor sctarrb
hut'Fmiotuts' Eclecirlo ( HI has bvei. . kw , , , , to do II ,
etch Is doug It every stay. Like an hoi 0,5 alit talUs.
Oil vubite office , It "iris frIend and liasa reputaUozs ,
l'itase ubecrie what
Mr. N , ! clchiau , Wyobridge ,
fluit , writes : "I lists e.ii
. liirgu qtiant Itlee of Pr , 'Iltoit
C uemectriu : iJil ; It Is used
icr cills , to , U I Irat , , crony ,
H tIe. cindl Iii fact mr auu , itt.
a ) ft ( : tlIOt ui I hii I lit oat , tuil ,
t it sorLe ielkt Iliu mctale.
V Is is ct. , a cure otto fur
lUnts , tutiticims , and b , ulsot. "
( rpia 31 , lIdgo , lLcttlo Creek ,
Mlhi. , asys : ° l u set us iCe.
:1 I.ttilu of ioIhIig , hot water enC
C lIaiI. , At ificu I aplIcd
1'kcouiu' , Edt ttrlo Oil , tail th
I ) vtYct . .
wits ( Ohthtut..hla5eIy alijy
1 thu lahim , I wise cured hi thi *
El iLa , , . "
Thonat' Ucleetno ' 111 COIl be used btth ItstrmaUy , '
I , such ( atiruahly , , ant cs a elti cr.uiicaor an I nitoud
ci ktuow ( if nUb g so .cedy , so sfu , or so
I Formerly Glib J&ooea