Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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. ' 1'tL DAILY. 1'sE u ° viviAIlA , THURSDAY , ALGU $ ' ! ' 23 , 1893.
TE u : iAJA BEE.
rublahrd every mornng , eatTt ODnday. mu
Only MondAY morning dsl1r.
saws aT NAtL
lie Yrer , . . , . , . $ tnnl 7hrcelonth/.1t1eo
Six Months. . . . . . . . 6.00 I une Month „ . . . . Lu.
Tuft KIULT IR. , rntU.Illn RTUT rI InxtxDlY.
YERMq rO Taate
One yeT. , . . . . ' . . . . . . . 0 fA
8lI Monte. . . , QLO'ITtrteonnnt.R. . . . rb
Anmrlcan Noah Oompany , Sole , Agmt
n In to United Staten , '
A Oommnnlratl re relating to Neu an4FAitodal
spatter should be Rddroe ed to the Ronoa or Tin
Rtret R % LtrrTzU.
Aflfluslnaw betten .1111 Iteutittatlece should be
a&llat al toTii i I1tRwRIII w COMI'ART , OMAIIA ,
Dr.tte , L'hectI and t'oet.i tce nrdcn to bo nine pay ,
able to the order of the a numny.
OMAIA ahould orgautzo another build.
ing assocfatiot.
As usual the Ropublicnn party puihla
its hopea of success upon donuscratic
blundero , °
PosruASrenGh enALOntStut'abrocm
U eadly nettled in this aoction of the
country in the railway mail service.
BRYOIE Dc Miller sails for Eurqpo ho
will aak a blessing from the skc1eton of
the DomocrMio party-Sammy Tilden.
Mn. SAnoB. ti ashes an Indignant do.
vial of the report that ho 1 has tendered
hiarosignation as minister to Germany.
Pow die and none resign.
Clltceao is to have another million
1 dollar depot. Omaha still points with
c pride to the Union Pacific cow shod-
which ham just been embellished with a
o ! i1,500 back kitchen ,
Tun citizens' committon of Denver has
passed the hat around wherever thorewas
any euh in sighs , but thQro is still a do.
flcioncy of over $11,000 'In the expenses
of the Grand Army romuicn ,
A coon deal of money will be equan1-
dcrod next winter in another effort to in
h ttuco congress to divide 'Dakota and ad.
mit the southern half as a stato. The
clamor of southern Dakota politicians ts ,
however , only a waste of wind.
! Tim athrnoy gehoraVn departmen t
sooma to bo kept pruttybusy looking a ! .
for the rogues m Nebraska ; pretty big
hh.too , mostof thou.-Omaha llcraW.
The attorney genoral's department i s
poworlesa where courts are organized to
, quit , Ilufl ,
MINNESOTA and Wiaconain have auf
ferod more from cyclones thin seaeoi
than all the other states. The latos
] ifinnesota cyclone bas added to other incidental
cidontal disastora the horror of a demol
ished passenger train , with nearly on
hundred men , women fwd children kills d
or maimed.
h1Iixtco is soon to be blcstod with al
the neaopollua that Yankee ingonuit
and an unkind providence have hell it
, tore for her. A Now Englamadayndicnt e
Las just boon Ar anizod to annex Moxic
to the terjtory of the great American
lclcyltonv rvnojn'1h'
ACCORDING to the Kansas City , Tourna l
Texas cattle have not fattened well tlLi a
year , and are not coming through n
rapidly as they ahould to market. It i g
believed the surplus corn west of th
Missouri will all be profitably used tlti
year in fattening stock , and that it wil
not be long before a decided chaugo fo
the bettor will be observed in the aloe
AT clue 011100 republican Politica arc no
Cspousod for fun. IVo do tiot use ropnt bi
licanisni ae a cloak-Omaha ltopubl i
cant ,
Wo should . Waa there no fu
in "this office" when , The Republica
threatened to bolt Judge Crounne if ii
was nominated for congreaa ? Since who
baa republicanism in The ltopublica
ofic0 been anything also than a cloak t
aervo the raitroa l monopoly ?
MURAT HALSTRAD payseneroua tribute
to the late Joro Black , a He was , says tt
ttroat Cincinnati oditpr , of the type
mon of Thad. SLevoh. Ho and That d
will outrank in history all the Penney
vauiahe of their generation who reach
ldglteroficos than they worocalled to lei d
"The rank is but the gulnoa's stamp , U
mau'a the gold for a' that , "
T it paving of Sixtognth atroot hi
boon delayed several daya by the fails
of the etroot railway to remove its track
such delays may occur again in otlt
streota unleaa the mayor and coon
tapes some stops to compel ! the prom
romcval of tracks and other obstruction
The street railroad Is canting coon
onouglt now to employ all the laboro
uoeded to renovate its tracks.
'tUR Lincoln Journal paradox a solid
of editorial comment from half a doz
jobber organs as the popular undo r
moat of the state board in awarding t
contract for building the capitol to t
highest bidder. If the supreme cot
can be Influenced by public opinion
could produce ffty columns of editor
from the state press , regardless of par
condonning the contract as an out
on the taxpayers ,
Tur only successful strike this seas
has been that of the Now York cloak
dresno akors. Thu curious fact ab
this strike is that a very large proporf
of the opcrativoa are woineti and git
In every instance these feminine str
t ors obtained the torme which they t
i mandod. Another strange feature a
this strike and its outcome is that t
turf } out was tngineerod almost altogoth
by limo women and girls themselves.
Ii , they received any substantial assista
froaa the brotherhood or the Knlghts
1alt0r , or any eLhor trade organizati
11t < e fast hss net been made known.
. .
- - - h
TI11i SU1'Itl.tflJUDUiS111P.
The nano of Judge James W. Savage
hits recently been brought into proml-
noncobya number of democratto and
mti monopoly papers fit connection with
the impending vacancy on the supreme
bench. Several republican papers have
itlso aeon fit to commend Judge Savage
its a man who would grace the supreme
bench. Among others , the I'npillion
7'imca has vemtired to remark that Judge
Savage should receive the popular suP
part , not as a dornocrat , but as an able
lawyer and honest luau.
This departure from strict partisan
usngo is savagely robiukod by the Omaha
Rrpublfean as party treason , anti .Tutlgo
Savage is lampooned as a small bore poll.
titian who is no more fitted for tire supreme
promo becalm than hundreds of rcpubli
cat lnwyrrs that hang around our courts ,
leaving doinolished Judge Swage and
the rural republican editor with
a tirade of abtuc , do man who
opposed the untionnl republican ticket in
1872 , asks : "Wiry should the judiciary ho
divorced from republicanism ? We would
support n republican candidate for judge
rats energetically as we would a republican
candidate for governor-null ally roptibhi.
can who would notwrites himself down a
hypocrite. "
Now , we imagine there are several
thousand true read tried republicans in
Nebraska who can see a difrurotco between
twoen a partisan executive and parli
salt judiciary. A governor , an the head
of the political branch of time
state is tutu embodiment of certain fixed
political principled , that are usually
enunciated in the party platform upon
which ho is elected. Batt time judiciary
simply expounds the constitution and the
lavs } cnact'sd under it.
Tim decisions of our supreme court
should 'be ' tendered without partisan bins.
For fifteen years past time entire supreme
bench of this state has been filled
by republicans nontnatod y republican
convonttons During the period following -
ing the close of the war , whenuroly
political questions ariaing from the legislation -
lation conferring the elective franchise
and civil rights upon the froedmcn
wore liable to comma before our
courts , a solid republican bench
might have bemi regarded as essential.
But nobody at this Into day expects to
see slavery reinstated , nobody anywhere
in America proposes to disfranchise tlm e
negro by annulling the national constitu '
tion , and nobody dares , to discriininat u
atralnst any citizen of this state on ac
count of race , color or previous condi
tion ,
m But even if the question of loynlt Y
during the war was an absolute qualifcn
Lion of our auprom o judges
o Colonel Savage would pass muste
with any ropublicau that ahouldored a
musket or exposed his life in defense o
time Union and its fag. ,
I 1Vo do not pretend to urge Savage n
r the only avnilablu man for supreme judg
I but we maintain that his political view
should be no lint' to Iris choice for tln
o suImrolnto judiciary.
I Time ropuhlicams of this section , at at Y
rate , have shown in the past their utto
inditreramico to party noninuttous ii
o1Cctiug Judge Savage twice to the bench
of tills diimtriet by ovorwhmelming majori
s ties.
There are abldr republican lawyers t
o Nebraska that Judge Savage , but the
S satinet got popular support against lab
I of time more ground that thgy are mot e
r loyal or honest ,
k We agree witlm our contemportry who
it says time oflieo of suprenmu judge is ,
great Itmmor mad a great trust , but we cl
t most do idadiy difer on the Propositi o
that there is no more reason why a r e
publican should not ocCupy that oflle
n than there is why n republican shout
n not be president. IVo appruircimd tlt
0 every intulligcntaehoolboy knows thatou
a presidents are political chiefs with n
n army of 100,000 political retatnora , whit
0 a Nebraska supreme judge has not poli t
ical patronage enough to pity a year's stmt
scription for a daily paper.
to if there is any reform needed in tlm
ro state more than time expulsion of th
of railroad monopolius cut of politi 0s
it is the voice of party front an arbitra
1 control of our courts , Who Ices not ice
011 disgusted with the meddling of schmnh
judaos in political conventions an
10 t1ieir lobbying with logidatnres ? 1Vlio hi
not felt the dogredation when n
tribunals of justice are converted imm
re political caucuses , where judges , juri
and attorneys work in concert and o
or ganizo political rings to dominate ov
cif the Peoples through the abuse of pear
Lit which they temporarily exercise. Is
e , not highn time for us to turn a now to
and select for our supreme Lenoir semi
e y
ere man who would accept the position as
sacred trust from the commonwoalt
with no other obligation binding Lia co
ra n science than the solemn oath of his ofli
raon Imposes upon Limn ?
ho. -
lie Naxr to the railroad bud telegra
he monopolies the Standard nil rnouopl
rt will rank as the most powerful corps r
tion on thu continent ,
lal Tire Standard oil company hna absn
Ly , ed the 'riduwator Pipe ilne , anti is lit
Tugs without u CmpOtitor um time oil busimtu
This company began brininess a few ye
ago with a capital of $1,000,000 , IvId
on Inuabeen increased tet371,000,000 , 1 'r a
and its fouudntion up to Doconmbur 31 , 18E
cut its nut protlits worn $77,105,3.2 , Uh
i0mm ilko nil other great corporations imi ti
ia country time Standard company pits
ik inortgago debt.
10 - - - -
trout rims last apiko on time Northern Pad '
ho to to be driven on time 8th of Soptcnmb
nor Within less than ninety days throu
If Pullman cars will run into San Fra tcl
over four Pacific trunk lines. Thu fm
of line of overland Pullmans began rdnni
on , out of Oinaha twelve years ago. T
Itansas Pacifo sleopore kayo only be
.4 1 x .
running about fvo years from Kansas
City , Pullman sleepers were put on last
spring from New Orleans clear through
over the Southern l'aciflc. The next hue
is to ho from St , I'aul The line from
Portland to Sat Francisco will ho coni
plated by January 1 ; then the Pullmans
are to ho run through without change
daily-Limo entire distnnco of 2,700 miles
-time , four days. Twentyyears ago the
Pacific railroad was regarded as an extra
hazardous project that nobody in this
gomieration would live to sco accom-
plided ,
JInpplnea NOt Itepondenton % Vcalth.
Phil-delphls ! Record.
In time search for riches-a desire prnc-
tieally almost universal-there is a great
deal of mistake mode as to the object
sought. There ate thousands of cu do
who bulievo , that if they hind a cortiin
ca tital or imic0mu they would find life
very mach Immure agreeable than the now
do. Th ioo tlonro found notsolol nor
oven numchaIiy aumon + time tour-thou h
the knowytime at
of course , who en
huuger ae likely to be hero inm meessod
by time want of ou h money to bu theft
daily food that would he tluu who wish
it oil for luxuries-but frmn time Ion tie
of the lowest to those of the hug lmst mu-
collie tlluro is n constant craving for
rtmore. It nmttera not wliat their
absolute comforts amid pleasures arc ; they
carve mart mmohuy to secure for them a
relatively higher amount of enjoyment.
Thus , when tiloy have , perhaps , reached
the point toward which in the past their
hopes were dirt etcd they arc geli-
entlly unconscious of winning time prize
oueo ao desirable , but ate looking beyond
te souiothiuu ; , nmoro alluring in time wary of
Ileasuro to bo mined by greater wealth.
oven though relization of their
wish should be sudden and umoumentaril
tout lute , the next inm tulso of the mend
carries their longings far beyond all
Iareseut 1irobabttft s mid postItunes perfect -
fect , ceutont till some still higter ) eluva-
Lion is gained.
It is r0latod of one of Kentucky's
wealthy governors that , mnro gait thirty
years ago , while traveling alone on horseback -
back through Crittuudun county , in that
state , he lost lnls way and was obliged to
spend the night in time log cabin of a
highly respected widow. She was a wo
umlaut of much indepemlenee and originality -
ity , who had worked hard all her life amid
wire beg an to feel the need of solute 1 pro ,
vision for her fast apprtaehing wld ago.
Site had no vary extravagant ideas and
was not one of the complaining kind , but
the governor drew out from her that she
would ho perfectly happy if site
hnd two hundred dollars in
cash. On leaving her house
he told her that ho was anxious to make
one person in time world perfectly hitpfry ;
that Ito was rich enough to gratify lima ,
self in this instancoand thalie here
fora wished her to accept limn him the
sum ntoitiomied The old woman fol.
IOIYOd his forum with hot eye as ho passed
. dnwii the road , but occasionally she turn
ed imor gaze trout him to the Pile of gold
in her humid , ' ! 'hero was time realizatio n
of her wildest hopes-a veritable miraci c
enfin'asho'expecnttiotoawerucomicerned ,
Just before ho turned out of sight at tii n
r bond of time highway alto romemnberc d
what ho hall said about his wealth beiu t
sullicieut to enable him to give this for -
f tutu to her without noticing its loss
'Thet for the first time situ spoke , dtviti
s ing her ghutceo bcbwomi the govonor nn
his gold , and w hnt she paid was : "Wish
e 1'11 said U roi Ituutlrodl"
H 't'his old woman's thought illustrate
o time impossibility of securing happines
fly merely negnmring wealth , We are al
proun to ivisla avu 'Imtl said three hue
dreg , " no utattir whim favors fortuu
r may shower mum.Vlmilu , however
I this tendency exists se widely it may at
1 feet people ditl''ermitly. No ono is in
sutusiblu LO the advantages of possesiin
mno.muy , but there are many whose live
are hard and whose oxistuuee is very joy
n leas , and who attribute their inch uE ct
y pncity to enjoy life solely to their lack n
! nonuy , TItia iii u tuixtako , Thoi
rat incaplnciLy li0a : not in thou
poveity but in tlmoutselvea. If ali th
wealth of the world were given thou
in tltoy would he little , if buy , more eon
touted , and lot a bit inure happy. I
n their possessiutis hnd any limit at nil time :
Ir would be unhappy lit these linnitatious
mm and would fancy ( lint n littiw more woul
rid them of certain eunbarrassniemits in tI
gratification of tlmiiir tastes. If thei
U wealth was greater than they could use
d time nccongdshiinont or all plans would b
tt utuattciulod by anti ulensure , because
r having heun succesaful without cfor
Lltoir plans could bo abandoned withu ut
regret ,
U It is here that the thrifty mat hiss n
alvnuba o over time untlnrlfty , ' 1'h
habits of life and thought of the forme
hiiivo accustomed limn to regard pleasur
its soumethimm to ho worked for and heart I
Is I enjoyed. . Tim heedless wastuf
u sYoudthrift on the contrary , has bee
, It ways living at the top notch of gaiety
a while morn money nuty give hit
ry mor end opportunities it cannot restore ton
n to 'his satiated niind. Always on tin
rig search for variety , ho fimdlpy trios mm
il uxhnueta all species. It is uvulont , that e
fore , that pleasure is arelativoamid not a
s absolute sensation , amid time prescno t
w dtffcultios is ossmitinl to onjoymnent. I
to short , nothing worth the havnig an
es head witlmut an uflbrt , and time gratiflc ,
r Lion of possoat0n dopuhids almost exact
on the amount of obstacles overcome
or i'Ito puroat onjoynmeumt undoubted
or comes from a u uccossf ul oeouuter wi
it great difficulties , and time opporluniti
a I for pleaain $ conquests aru grmtter for tl
man of linutod moana titan for Linn who
o wealth slow to his weapon , It is ma I I
a feat , therefore , that a than who
h , perpetually grumbling for lack
n tvealtlm would continuo to grumble eve
thnmgim riches came to hum. Ito disr
u cards thnadvantagea that ho has bocau
lie 1vatnta 6amnethmitig nmoro ; and thus 1
lives , a burden to luumeolf and a nuisan
pit to lmis associates , because ho does n
fly know how to gut nuy good out of life
it ; tonnes within his reach , It hum not p0
sibie nor desirable that man sluoulu
ttmncy conteumtecl with what he has , b
yl , inn ahould take the sweet avitlt tire bitto
its , mid make the bust of tim inevitable.
is ,
St. NlehOlna fbr tioplcndrer
Is a bright tutu breezy nutunui numb
alttelt Louisa Ill , Alcott opens with
nt charittib story of child life omit )
2 , "Little I'yrntntns and 'Tlmisbo , " toils
how a boy nod girl becantu great frian
tin ough a halo in the wall.
lllr. 1)411101 pearl tolls its of his you
tie friends "Tom , Dick and Harry , in F/ /
(110 ( , " sad shows its mummy pictures of ti
old thin'i they buiw amid the curious a
Itic ' they bud , "Lost in t
or . Wools" tx a ra ddc account of the i
iunrkabie adv umtures of time Lorro ch
gum drop , who for more titan a week Ii
sco suunnor wnnduroti through m time forests
rst northern Michi an and wore vai
sought h tuitions ( noun time "Alloue a
"Culumnot amid Ilocla " and net lmbori
Ito minus over thirtoemi hundred mu at o
oii time joining in time search , Time chilUr
through mill their hardships had not lost
hatrt and when eventually found wore
bravo ) following out the plait which was
brio ii tiuem safely hnma
The " \Vork and Pla " department
contains the first bait of n yprnfusel ii-
lustrntcd article on "The Pla'things }
Amusements of an Old.Fashnomied Boy , "
who lived when boys hnd to make their
own toys or go without. Modem boys
will b0 able to get many louts from his
cluvr r contrivances ,
.1. T , Trowbridge tell' how time "Ttnk
han Brothers" carne out of time small end
of ( Ito legal horn , but gained much in
popular sympathy. " Swdpt Away" ccn
( curies to grow in interest , and there are
three ontertnining chapters of harry N.
1Cieff + r's "Itrccollections of a Drmnmcr
Boy ,
Sarah Orno Jcwett , Aunt Fanny and
Celia Thnaxtor contribute each a poem ,
and there mire , iii ndditiott to the usual
quota of stories , sketches mmd verses , ml-
lustrntions hjySandlant , ilium , lteinhart
Cluaumpnoy , Birch , Culmor L tnimes , Rosa
Mueller , Jessie McDcrunott , 1V , 11.
Drake , Do Coat Snuith and ninny others ,
1Vho are the Coumwnists ?
San Trnncisco Chronicle.
A communist may be briefly and accurately -
rately dulhted as ono who takes or tries
to ttlo the Property of others without
Lavin carried it. Measurt d by this dofi-
nitiun if there hna been a uccessful
communist in this state , mono couapicu
ous than all others , it is time Central Pa.
cifc railway corporation. The sandlot
uuver succeeded iii taking any man's
property , but its leader is now a Tired
clnttuer for the railroad. Whoever eludes
payment of his honogt taxes takes the
property of others honest enough to pay ,
fur every dollar so eluded becmnes a burden -
den ott all the rest , who must pay it out
of their property or carniugc In this
view time railway monopoly is the worst
of nil cormuunists in this state. It
nevnr ) says a just tax or a just
debt if it can avoid the aanie
It is now trying its best to take 10,500 ,
000 acres of laud that justly belong to
the public , and that , if it succeeds tit the
effort , will come to it by fraud and cor-
ruption. This is time worst form which
communism Las over taken in America ,
for it makes congress , time courts and the
executive departments parties to its
schemes. It differs front time eommuniaum
.of Paris only in means , While Clio boldly -
ly appeal to force , this , like a thief amid a
burglar cheats in darkness and fraud to
nccomupish { exactly time same ends aimed
at by time 'aria mob , namely , the taking
of tlme'prohrorty of others which it hsa
not earned. Tim heinousness of the
crime is augmented by the fact that in
time consummation of it our corporate
cotnintmiata have corrupted time
sources of law by thu purchase
amid subornation of the legislatures aid
courts. Under the old state constitution
Limo coupty nssesors and supervisors had ,
supreme power in the valuation of prop-
I for state and county taxes. For
years it was a crying complaint that the
property of Limo rich , bit especailly of this
eorporumon , escaped its equal aharo of
hexes through time bribery of these county
otliecra , And this was a chief cause of
the convention for a mew constitution
-timid ; tlucru might be appeal from the
county to a state board nn the assessment
of dais kind of property for time protec-
Lion of other propertyoviiers , who wore
taxud for what time corpoatiun nu-
justly amid by fraud and corruption cx-
- Bused theuacves from paying. 'Phu con-
I itituttou of 1880 created such a bond
m and miueltaueomsly , front the railroad
ofice to every poetic notvspnper and aix
s penny pnliticiun controlled by itweut , up
s a loud amid long hotvbagninst it as an act
I of communism. Such sophistry deceives
uo out HOW. Every luinest Luau in time
o state recognizes tans time outcry of a rob.
, bar ngaimst time halter which threatens
hum amid it is signiticatt of time doturinr-
itttiot of dimity in time courts 'Stimuli any
g mat calliug himaelf a lawyer hiss thu nun -
n dltcity to reiterate the howl iii such a
presomce , wharo it must be known as a
libel en time constitution of the state.
r . The Septouber Century.
I. Unusual variety and range in illustra-
u tions and reading matter amid an out of-
:1 : door the the
qu iity befitting season are
f distioctivo qualities of tire September
Century. A flue portrait of Robert
[ turns is the frottispicco. It is after a
a dagnorruotype owned by Mr. Edutumd C
atedutam amid medo front a miuiaturo
e which belonged to time sister of Burns.
I' Inn the same number is a delightful ncI -
I count of "A Burus I'ilgrinmgu , " by H
e 11. , avhro relates several anecdotes freahly
t gleaned in the pout's country.
A richly illustrated paper on Cape
Cod , " by F. Mitcliol , transfornia that
cut'ious hook of sea-sand into a honmoly
n Yankee paradise , wlioro time fields are
r green , time woods are filled with birds ,
the villages are quaint and prosperous ,
e and time inLnb'tants ' are honest amid witty.
1'iio article Ins a cold 'mial flavor , which
ui allies it to Dr , Edward Egttlestmt's illu
n strated historical paper , lit ( lie saute
a immbor , min"lndian War in tie Colonics. "
m 1'ltis is a careful papur of thrilling titter.
w cat , mused out umcli .origitul mencarch.
Sttakmimg pictures also aeeompanyLiouteum
out Seltw'ittku's account ut 'A Dtusk U x
blunt , " which was an incident of hi s
mm Arctic oxpuditiot in 1870. Of populm
setmitilte interest are Ernest lugorsohl' s
account of "Professor Agassiz'a Labors
me wry , at Newport , with in a portrait o I
t AluxnndorA uaaiz ; amid ' 'Time Tragedie
Y of time Nests , by , JolumB , , wh e
Li , duaertbem tit lima luuiitutbtu htmunler th u
dangers that tlmieatemi the birds in thm e
oa housu keoptug season. Acconpanyimm
es time latter is a full pngo eumgraviug b Y
mu Elbridgo Kingsley ; time picture was drawl
e o with Limo graver , like time atriking en
! gravitiga by the same hand , which were
published in recuutnuumbors of Th
f amtury. tL.fiii At LjI ; ; A M ' >
n A timely amid valuable illustrated arti
e do is Ito ber' ltiurdun's "Urnamon
so b'o'uts in Nutuu " It has time congplute
to leas of a paper by an artist who has ids r a
ee mill who ktmows hew to bring Pouch l at
I porn to boar on a aubjuctwoll tlmoughtout
as lje shows how a guru taste imi deeorativ
9 art umust be based close observatio
be amid aiuu1pla treatnetit of beautiful forma
ut flit mistime.
rr forcible argutuenttoprovethefutur
supeomauy of1VuwYorkoverall timeetho
great cities of the world is made by W
I. , Conant , umdcr time title , " 1Vih Nov
'r , loik be time Final World Metropolmsl
, t .1nd II , L , Bunter , fn time "Upon Lo
el tre" ; dupartuoit , talks eucourugingly au
rig .nturhiiuhigly of "New York us a Ftel
ds for F'iuteu. '
'limo ' second part of "Tice Bread wir
Img oafs , " tie uuauytious story which is u
nr eitng ns'Idu interest and curiosity , reveal
to its oelivo as it satire 0m lalor ! unions u
d socialism , In the eighth part of "
Ito IVummami a Iteasot" ( which will be co n
rO eluded in lime Oetobdr tmuumber ) Lee
rOii. . lbtinfod proposes tua riagu to time Lu
at une , and is rejected. Time thin std lam
of Part of Joel Chandler llarris' "Night
nls with Unole Iteunis" is offered , inaddnio
, to two huuorous short stories , 0
rig Story , by Frank it. Stockton , showin
no hOLY marriage resulted mutt literary co
en laboration ; and "Love in Old Clothes ,
- : T
The human body le like a watch-In
order to glee ranefactlon It must
keep perfect time. The inaht spring ,
the Stomach , must be looked otter
caretuly. broken stomach. meat be
mended snd Beek one. strengthened.
nurdoek blood bitten used freely
andpereeveringlye1l give you a very
satisfactory time piece. Sold every'
a modern Now York lnvo story , iii time
uaiut st to amid spelling bf tlmree hutm
Bred roars ago , by ii. Brunner.
The poetry f te nuntberisb' Charles
do Kay' George Edgar Montgomery ,
Miss Jose phiine Pollard and MisSusan
Mnrr S paldin ' and tire verses in "Brie.
a Brac' ' are contributed b 'Janes Wimil-
comb MiloYs Frank D. Sherman , and
others ,
"Topics of the Times" treats of "Time
Teutperauco Outlook , " "Tiro Iluticence
of American Politicians , " and "College-
bred Statesmen. " Among , a variety of
imiterestiug subjects discussed fn "Upun
Letters , besides Mr , Bumor's letter ,
momtiomtcd above , are "Time Mnssachu
setts Experiment in Education , " by
Charles Barnard ; "A Itontatttic Career"
that of Dr. Francis Lieber ) , by President -
dent Oilman of Johna Hopkins university -
sity ; and the now scheme for "Standard
Railway Time , " by the inventor of the
proposed system. W. F. Allen , editor of
time "Official Railway Guido. "
What Th y Look Like-Coppylmig time
Head of a Postmaster's I'rotty e
New York Tribune.
Time now postal notes , which are to bo
used after September 3 in the transmis-
srou of small sums of money through' the
United States mails , are being printed
rnpidly in this city , and they will be
ready for shipment to all the postofices
in the country on Wednesday. Books of
notes for the postoficos in the far west
were conlpeted yesterday. Every book
contains 500 postal-note forms , with
time address of the postolfico printed on
each note. Time pages of time book are
perforated , so that'when ' time notes arc
torn out stubs remain to show time
amounts for which they were is-
sued. A note can be filled
out by a postmaster for any amount not
exceeding $5 , at a cost to time sender of
three cents for each note. The notes arc
made payable to "time bearer , " and they
car be used as fractional currency in any
plarc to which they are sent To guard
against the use of the ( totes before time
law authorizing their issue goes into effect ,
C F. Macdonald , superintendent of the
utoney order system at Wushingten , lists
caused to be pasted in each book of forms
the following notice : " 'Time postal note
business will commence on September 3 ,
1883. Under no circumstamtces whatever
are any postal notes to be issued front
this book before that date. "
The notes arc printed on pure linen
bamknote paper of tire best quality ,
ciouically prepared in such a wanner
as not to be affected by nioisturo or
exposure to light , while it is
sarmsittvo to the action of acids or otluer
liquids often used by forgers. The color
of the pltper is a pure lemon , amid time
frmn surfnco is printed over with an mm-
dorhyimig tint of golden brown a conbina-
tion selected by Superintendent Mcdomm-
ald as being the safest and most suitable
for time purpose. Thu water marks fn time
paper , twisted in the form of a figure 8 ,
"U. S. Postal Note" in duplicate-read-
ing Trop botlm loft amid right , These
watermarks can be seem only whom time
note is luld up between time light and time
eye. Three printings are required to
complete ( lie note. In time underlying ,
tint is a vignette consisting of a classical
female head wearing a lmelmet , wlmich
was engraved front a portrait of a post.
unnater's pretty daughter. Much of the
tint was made up of nminaturo photographic
designs , contaitiini ( time words "United
States Postal Note' repeated man hnu
dred times and engraved so finely tlmat
ono can read time words with the naked
eye , wimile it would be difficult to make a
counterfeit. Winged wheels , with a halo
front behind , nmke up a portion of time
tint.Time back of time note is elaborate , and
is printed iii dark green. Lm the center
is time monobraun U S , engraved with
a geometrical lathe. Time nionol ran ii
imbedded in rut intricate cycloidal lace
work of white line cuttumg , tracings for
whiclm were done also with the geornetri-
cal lathe.
The contract for engraving and print-
I time several nmillions of postal notes
which will be required by the post ollicu
department in the next four years was
awarded to the flouter-Lee Bank Note
eoupary in June , amid time posbnaster
I 6romioral obliged time conmpany to give
bonds to time amnouimt of $2,000,000.
About two hundred skilled arti
sans wore ulnployed by time cant
; pauy to emnpiete the fm-at
part of time contract , and they have boon
at work in relays day and night for a
month. Time notes are received by F.
Raymond , time Unttod States postal not o
e agent , and by A , 0 Lathrop , of tlmepost
office departmmont , who lmavo their otlcc } s
in the printing roonma of the bank not
contpammynt Broadway amid Prince atroet.
A fire-proof metal vaultabout fifteen fee t
square and eight feet lmivhl has been cot
atructud in time building , rim whicm duple
Bate notes , not needed for inunediato use r
e and all time eugravod plates , are to b o
I stored ,
a _
e os
r nrgRk
° ' '
tw ' 't
! , . e
L , t
o t RneumallsmoNeuralqla , Sciallca ,
Lumba o , backache. Ilcadailio , Toothache ,
n NoreTuiruaLNarelilner NPr4Imu..lrr"tam
Ur unra. . Nen.d. , Vie , . Roe. ,
, Lao ALL nnlali aUUILr rAlt $ AaU AIIIF5.
g ftdabr Dreutau..l Ualal rlJ.awe. Yta , born Ma
1. DUectmo. . Is It r.YP.IN.
- . . t'UGELL'I CO.
-nun CZI.1IILYAl A.
a. a.r.uaual Can na , e.1. L.
H. WESTER . .ANN & CO. ,
tttt'OnTEn8 of
an Glass ,
St. Louis Moa rata
Dry Goods I ,
ti CO. , f
Washington Avenue and Eifth Street , - - - ST LOUIS , MO
STEELE1 JOHNSON & CO. , . at '
Wholesale arocers i
AR ! ) ionnxns ii
Cigars and Manufactured Tobaccos I
' s l
+ r
Slia1es ,
Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB
Wholesale , Druggist I
1 ,
. . . , . . . i
Hall's Safe an Lock Comp'y. - -
1020 aa rncam troc + t. OmLsluL.
\Vall \ Paper au 1lifto Sliaes ,
Clothiers ! ; +
, Anheuser-Busch
fs rti , , !
j , yt er ; CELEBRATED i h
, Keg and Bottled Beer
. This Excellent Boer npoiake for itself. I
5.4 . , 7
c sl touhs rdo , ill be Promptly Shipped.
f o u. G' tti..1x. Gil JL live ! . J < . { , e ® .
Solo Agent for Omaha and tire West.
Office Corner 18th and Harney Streets ,
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
Oil t ,
It la the beet and cheapest foal for stock of any kind. One loud u equal to three pounds . of a .sJ
Stock ted with Ornund Oil ( Ak. In the F'ab vd winter , laelcad or runnh g down , will tacea.e it T etA l
and be In go d esarkotable condition hi the k , Dalrytl"I . , u well u other . , who cue It ca tutu ;
Ip merit. Try ii amid judge for yuttr/e1re IPrta ( lrb.t per ton' nv ckug. tor sacs Addrcr .
. , ,
a .ed Ip wuaD > eJtNU InslclhWiL : twMrANx uwa.
+ p