- - - - - - - - _ - - - . - - - - - - r--------- - - . 2 TIlE DAILY BEE-TIIIJRSDAY , AUGUSt 23 , 1883. . . - - - - - - - - - : - " - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tim Preacher's Qulot Habits. Scdcntary nd studious men some. : thflcs bcrne prc'stratcd before they &noW it. Those who spend mud tmc hi ClOSe mental work and neg iect to take enough excrcsc oftei find thcirstomachs unable to do thr work of digcstkn. The liver b. comes torpki. The bowels act ir regu1ari. The brahi refuses tc scrve as it once did. Thdr preaching becomes a 1ai1urc , and there is a statc ofgcncral miscry. So many minis. tcrs have been restored to health by the use of Brown's Iron l3ittcrs that the clergy generally are speaking to their friends of this mcdicinc as tlic very bcst tontc and restorer they Inow of. It restores thin and watery . blood to hs proper condition by ton ng it tip with the purest and most invgorating preparation ofiron that cicncc has ever macic. It is pleas. ant to take , and acts immediately with the happkst rcsttlts , not only on the parsons , but ott other folic.s : s well. 3 - . ' OTED flUT UNTITLJI ) WOflAS. trrm Lb. flostoft uzob1 . .a bsi , Wtor , , - , Th. iboy. Ii & od Ilkeneu of Mn. Lydia . 1th It. oC LJnn. 1111. , WhO IbOyei other hum&n tn4 * 7 1 * ; ngbtoUjcfledth. 'D.4r rr1enlotWonwt , m. of h.r eorre.pondent love to call her. ib ) .eIo.m17 d.otod to bcr work , which Is the outom , S Uto.tudT , md Ii obUgt.dto kepthla4 . .AtatobeipbernJwertb Icon'e.on1.n 1cL dfl pour , In upoo be. , each brIng It. .p.cU atden ot .nTering , or jo7 &t telfsMtrom it. III tct&bi. Compound I. medicine for oo4 sn vu porpo. . I b5a peron&l1y instip.t.4 It ad usIsfiodof thetruthofUib. n ioot of It. . proven me1tu. tt I. rtccnm.t. ? 4pn.cnbedbth.be1tph7aIcIn : * 14 Ui. cozntr Ji. u7I $ "U works Ilk. & chum ajd aa.ci mud d' . . IIwfl1ciua entirely thewontform of ftilIrg . the utro' , Locorrhaa , Irrua v4 Pa1nf .I1airOLttoflafl Oyr1in Troobfr ; 1n&mmitIon .4 pceraIonnoud1oI. a1IDIspaementa sutthacoi qtient ipnI cotkrtesc .nd Ii ezpccL"y adapted I 10 ch&ure of Ut. . " , U IIrmektR cver7 ort1on or UI raS em. aM Irv ) wWc&ndTgor. U remoTe , tantneu , flWulenc7 patrol. .4 eraiing for stimulant. , aM rcliova. weO Il of the itornach. I cure. luofttthg , flea4abH rTolla VrodmItott , Generid Dobiltt7 , fl1eepIune.d rO3oO and Iadlgertlon. That tling of zIn pwpciuthg 11 , weighs and backache , Ii .Jwai ennancntly curad by Ita use. It will at all timt. , ans D4.r all CIrc1Imtne , ac in hArulony ? VIth tb I * lat goerua the teniai yatcm. ftco1taon17lI.tcr bottluorvls foi' . , and IgroL1ti iggIit &ny advice rcuIrad a , to s'c1I caicaj II nme $ of many who Mio been rcztorod to , srfW Jtithbyttouaect the. Vcget.UeCctpound , b bt&jnel ly addrN.thZ Ltra P wtth Etanip fur rvtj tberhome1nLnn1ai. ur Kdnty ! Complaint of eftter px thu onoon , , . .urrgL44 na &burf.u' catttnonIat. ahow. j Mr. . 1Jrma ! IAcr 1I1i , " aa on wrieT u a1 world fnr tbo cure if ( .onstImo , iI Torpidit ) of the lIcr. Ueo wui.IrI to liii apaI line ax4 ba lout In 1t , japui.4ty. is' an A1 of 11oc7 .GOO oJ uOI tO OtIiGL. . V-q.P..D roi 8 vAu : Ii Only Perfect iub8tttuto for Mothor'i T ) fllk. Tim mo.t nouriahin Iet tor Irna1kI and nuranz mothora. Vomincndel by all Iln.Idans Ecepsin nil cHlnatcA. Koli.I by all drujcb4I. ceiit. fknd for ( ho liftintihiet. . 'r. ! d1rcALF : & CO. , mo4u&th.Ot 41 Ccntrai Wbrf , 130.LOI , , Mao. . : . Broom Corn MACHINERY I A FULL LINC-CONSD3TINO 01' : E 1 ? , : DOUBLE CYLINDER 6CRAPRS , -AND- ; HORSE POWERS L- . . The Best in the Market. p , Ianufacturod by 4 C. D. COL.TON 0t Co. , ( Ja1eii1jun , III. t tArsond Sot Circular and l'rfco Liet. . . . . i : Have Found It ! Wu the .zclamatton of s tnanwhen ho 0 ! Eureka I'll. Ointment , which I. a aimplo and sure air. for 1 ilei and aU Skin DL.easo& FUt reel. b E&U , poetpsd. The American Diarrhwa Curei UI. . stood the teat for twenty ycarL $ ure cum for an. Never Fill. . Diurho.a , Pysuntary , and Vhoie. ra 3LorIu. Ecauc's ' Fever hue Tonic & Cor1a1. JS Is lmpo1be to supply the rsptd saie of the s&ue. SURE C13IU WAIUtANTED ) 'o : Yern aaid Ague , and ili MaIMW tzoubloe. PRICE. $1.00. W.J.WKETEHOUSE LAIIOI1ATOItY , 1CTII ff1' . , OMAItA , KiJ3. For Sale by a/I DruggisisI - . Cf eant by Exprsu on roocipt of price. inked MRS. LOUISA MOHE , v. Graduated Midwife ! 1o08 _ caurnniia Struot. _ _ _ _ . H. PHILLIPS , T011 LEADING NEW YORR ¶ PAII.jicDIt r - . ca.u and look ever my new atoru and are my no. Uo.j. . a207 FARNAM8TREET. 1207 7 Vndr the rube ernelit of Mr. NaIih. _ _ _ _ _ : John D. Peabody , M. D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. I . ovvrnn 11004S , and I ff07 r Eealdosnu , . ) fl ThuirIaa. , . , flnihi , L . a ANUOOD-PosIUvoJy R.storoc1Introm twoto IC diys 1)7. % 1Q1C4I VC tOWO ( Jot.tcctlon Foi atUcaire adthooe 8n MWo MediCal Po. P. 0. Ibi J. , a1JLouIiMo. . , - . 000IDENTAL JOTTINGS. V.'yoinlng. LumIo ) I4t ft foret.iuta of winkr lat wt'ek. 'l' ° .ero tuo i'I farn gain runnlngtti Choy. ontre. 11111 Nyc , the or1g1nt1 Jkomorsng tnftn , Ia oerIrit.y nIIItg with oj4nal t1oIdti ItIa. It. Ia no latighing nzt.t.or eIther. 'The PIC0 of Choyennn iullr'l tim Chinnon den , niit ctptttre'I ten o4ootIna with a tiii1i1et.o gainbilug anti opium otit.flt. . 'Ilin Itoar anti Witito rIver country Ia raphi. ) ' filling ip iLi ) good , sttistotitIaI , energetlo ettlo. The ilncur itilnea are ilning well ata4 % ork on the , IItclt Is .rngrcooItig faoral,1y. I.Ietitonattt 1)An. C. } Ingiuan , enlneer offi. er of the okptorttiient o ( the I'Iatto , Ia now In ho YCIIWotAtlO i.urk , laylnic ( flit roa4Ia anti nulbling lirlilgeot , OOO ) being at. lila iIIoista1 for the I1tIrIoo. 4I1'I"CR frmn Custer , 1)akotn , am to the er. ect that the cltlanus ' 4 that ilnco at-u doltR ill that they o.oaIIiIycati t4) have theohi route cot.urel between Cheycnnn and Ciptter. They 1tItik It % IIL howort.h 820,000 aytrnrto Chey. Unite. 'The Union I'acIIic Railway cniiipanyhrtit at Ituit got ) of the Itawlltia paint ittIriei. Mr. Ogg Sliaw ooltl Iii. mlii anti titlito for 1O , . J00 , anti Mc80r0. S.V. . ) ownoy .Iolin 0. IrItntI Still1 .jiIin 1)ycr reccicd iooo fuir their cmliii , IOy ua.ucflger 0)11 tIll ) overlanti exprwua fell betvecti the car. itt I ° nrt Steele antI aeveral c.iro mu liver him. Strange to itay , his Itijuir. ma atnountod to irnthlng unuzo titan a few lrIneut. 'risoac vern attetulcul tu In' tim itut sturgeon anti ho wont. on hits way rejoIcIng , A. row occuirreul hi the Itootoit company ranch uiorir Ferrlo , whIch reaultotl In an ox. change of oliota. Otto of the unrtIcIpnuit , .lack Cooper , lipot lilig Jaw , while "Uhico" lhcrianl ) recelveul a mulct. In 1:1 : , , b.ecIa. . I ht.li urn hunt ciona atuul their deuuul n woul4 calico lIttle intuuutitltig. Iakof a. Tue 11k 1oInt Congrtgntloriallotiu nra amouit to reorguint.n their society stud ciigagtu a joIn. later. later.Yaulk Yaulk coutotycatut. lOt votes at the recent. electIon , Jlriuwuu county 11aM tin ao.coocd valuation of 2r16ooo. , A $12,000 Caleul.iuila brIck wea ulopocitmi lit the Mercitanta NatIonal at Jeadwood ) titi' other tiny. Matulan wIll have vatcr worka In operatIon before cold weather. Tim 1"atiier ] ) eS'unot mIne paul Its twcnty. eIghth ulivlttenul nggrepitIuig if2O,000. Tue taxable real nod peroonal 110)lCrty lii Brown county anutuntits to 2,2G5,92O.bO. 1'or tutu ycnr endIng Juno tOt1i , fl.t 3,000 claIm. were taken by thu Blauiuirck . dlii. trict ; . . Tue Spearfish Iteglater oaya that tim cmliii tiuuaear wIll be nitgethor the larguat am ! bciit ever cubed. . , 'rwtunty.tlireo tuna of selcctl ant wea cc. ulticed In thu I'ortland tuuill rc untly vIuIch cleaner ! ill ) 81,1)00. ) ' 1 Illacic huh pahcrtt say that the cattle drlvo tiuI year Iii aiteaul of anythIng known before In the hlotory of tim weot. Another shipment. of 225,000 pouutuula of flour wnii inado front the Ieaulwoorl llourlng itilil by a mule tralua last week. } 3overai cannonti have been remove. ! from the Iovor Bride Inull.in agency to tim goveril. iuient. arsenal at Rock holami , Ill. A Black Illiha paper contalmu tim ft'llowltig : III iioreliy warn till tint to teuuot lily wife , Eil.ui Flautolgaut , nit I urn not marrIed ti , A uncut In Aurora county. wait attacked by three badgers , nod ruined a guuuuti gun clulIiutig ) thu Iuutiruat.od nolmaha before ho could i1iaic his escape. Crow Dog , tim murderer of Spottcd Tall , Iii very sick In the Jtuaulivouuul jiull , frinu , the cliect of an fr.n nrruytuaul ) ' .i Itieli stuck In lila oluouulder several yearn uigi and Iiaii now worked uiowui to hIs groin. A shipment. of 2OOOOO iiiiiit1ii ni flour % va utiatte Iv the Dead iiuinl hunting ititil on tiu' 10th. it jics : ulirect to l'terru , froni which luuuitit It. viIi ho uhustrihiitunh tuutuotig thu se'errI I tiullaut agencies along the ul hsituitt I. The hit.eheh1 Jopuibhlpan ! tohua of ciii iii 1)avhsmu county un high that It. hilules a rutor a half hicotso st.aiiduig ! In thu field , a itt.i u uuiuly tiun chuiiuiuoy.toiui can be secit. t. tall 111:111 : st.tututiliig ( in tl p.tuu cnn hard Iy reach nil p. , where tim carts are budditig out. -ii- Cob ratio. The Trlobmen of Deuivcr arc foanluug luoliti. cal elubo. Thu Lonulvihbu Poatoffico wan rcjitly rifled by oxjiert. crackomun and flOO taken. A ] ) cnver : ubuiCnltahi , Iii uduicluig an euhi , strucic water hiea Ily charged with dcc. trielty. ' .l'Wi ) ehiluireut Ih4tig OI a ranch netrTutivor starLet ! a tire with coal oIl , 'rhuny worn burned to a crisp. ir , Noxati , a prounhuiont lultYsician of Idaho , SrIuIgs ) , iccent y took the nuuiriuhulujo route to the regions of iueaco. Thu water of tim artesion wells of Denver Iii heralded as a intro euro fur : utiy nut ! all the ehroiuIolhbi that huinati firebu hi heir to. The hull ioinlitgo mute , utear l'itolubo , which hia hooui chuied by ii freeze tout galiun vlhl ho oiwncui Hi ) In a few days with Iuicrcutct1 vigor. rein Morning aunt Billy Sweit.zer , two brawny mItten , luau ! a nlzn light at Adelaide , ifuar 1.oadvillo , cii 'rujosumay , in 'iuicbi 1loriuiiug canto nil vIctorIous. The soil ofV. . C. ilnudln , stiporliutenibciut of a divisIon of the Central l'aciIic , i'nii Intuit. ! in Doiuver Iii the bit atageo of atarvuitlon. A luwl of oatmeal gruel brought huitit around , flu Is a telogr.wh A. now raItrilati iihauuy Iiaa been organ. zeul in IThuuvur under an old charter , cuuhli'u ! the flout' or nut1 ( bullforula Short ttuo. 'riioiuu lot GItison , of Oniahia , Ia general manager of the iiuystcrioua route , Tue uuuattagona of the 1)ciivct OXiiOiiItltU urn .bIviied aguultust tiuciusolvea ioud the .lisoiuutioti of the ohuow Is not fur oil. 'rite couuuuiuhsoluuicns of Mouttaita tin. ! Arizona liar ! iluutorinlued to 'nclc tip their oxuullulta niol heave butt. tin jttuuctluin temporarIly restrains them. Other oxbuiblt.on. urn olisgustod nuud will soouu ieLi % it. The iuhihiuuiuiuu in honest ballot..i nih ! ii faIr count. had beau i-each. Iii Arai.aluoo . In thin shape of iiow ballot. box. It Iii a jintent. arrauuieitueiut. aiuul costa 8. Ibesuulout being warranted to Irevolut ' 'stufllng , " It. iiI1 vvo a bonit to thu junker. The county wlhitry 1O0uftluoso frunid hIroctutera In thu f.uhl cluctiun. 'rho Loadvlhie uiuln s ctnhi1ti' 3,20 , Uten. nut ! the pay.rubl aggregates SlSOCOO itionthu. Loadvilin baa liruhuceul sonic $7h77 000 itt gold nut ! S70,000,000 In silver tutu ! loitI , un to the 1urcsuut tune , while the incurporuitoti inltuing cotuuiuanlos of that city have pului utockhioltiens In dIvIdends wIthin the hl.o.t tour years iuoarhy $10,000,000. , A very destructive ! unrslte hiasinado Its ap. hlearatlee Iii the alfalfa heidi , tear Boulder. It iii In the itatureof a luhuutit niol bcdiuo finiti a seed atud wind. uroituid tim alfalfa bt.uhk ilku ii vIne. Its cotuticetloti s'lthu thu earth Knott ejitla , and It gets Its utourlalimeuit from the al fnhta Into the tuibkii of whIch it forceit its hilt. Villas OC auckera. It spreiutIa .jIIIW rapIdly , ( CDIII viaiit ti ) 1ihaiit. , and is very destructIve. . ] SIuuttaiia , ifeutryVan ! Beechuor nectiplod the first i' ' ° ootug.i. oar that. vru.ousoui the iiu.tlui rutigu on tiuc Not tiwrtu I1ncitlc. 'niece Ia a lav I 1uuuit.uin vhuhiiu itutukes It. Lilt ulfouuoe , Inunhshitilo by a hue uif $11' ' , t the. . stroy thu host of any bird or ulhuI hurl , A forest thrti sover.1 mliii. . Iii tuxt.cuit do. striuytd a l.ign ututtiutu t of vuthual uhu ti tuber In thuti vIcInity of 1)Iiunouid City , lu.it week. A pruijiuct. t.o buIlt ! a % iagnui road tn thuti Yci. 1 hoau.tuutuui tiarl ihut the \Vo4 ( buuliatlit t Ivitr is bcluifl ugltatcu ! iutuotug the cltiens of ihuzo. hIatt , . A yuihuinitle dojioiIt. of fire clay , It. covered a ( civ 11,1)5 ago nit W ° artn iirltigs creek , In close prtuxlinit.y to the now town of Aitacoiida. Yin'Iuula City has recently voteul a oluecIaI tax if 81,000 fur aduhlthuinol school feollitlot , suit ! hluttu Pity has recently voted 65,000 for I the annie , urioo , with not a itingle iuogatlru , 'rite terrltMry produced 0O20,000 iii sliver , and gold lit 882 , Of tub amount S2ti.'iOOOO % vuLa gold , the etunaindur silver , 'A'hls Is vz. otnolvo of the aluo of hue metabia , lead and oopper. 'i'm , "gent.lomenly" maul iu enta , wito re. cently rohilued the helena Cotat , after the cereruionlea tuauual to the occnsionR , perauiad.h cacti vlctAin to trkn drink nutd atnoko at their expoiuae. A Montana ster Iii sure ileatruotton to a narrow gutuugn train Two of them dItched a dottlule header atol sIx care hear Butte. 'lito ' fireman , WIllIam Cithlonwzua caught. In the cab and literally uucaluhod to dcnthi by .t.oain anti water. A man at flhlhlngii to erect a large greonhoitse Iii viIclt ) ho vi1i exporintent. upon the culture of iuineaiuiilc , Iatanits , , , orittigea utitd tutlier tnupIcul fnilt.s , lie watuti to verify thtt statemonta of thu , ralirntul cotititauiy that thu iii , in feel , tim lanatua belt. . Oregon nutul ' .Yasiilnglon. Iftit , fiohuha in tim Yaklma valley were clever Iji luottex cotuuhltion. 'rite ao.aoe.I valuation ofValha Vo'abla couiuuty , V , T , , Iii $ aroooo0. 'flit , Ktago robbing turtusta are doing a profit. . gido busIness In WashIngton. Tito hueiiiii cr01) Is reporteu ! In riibeiuthlti eon. ulIt.Ion. Tim ileinauuil huowcier iii iiveby , aver. agIng a fractIon over otto victltit it week , by legal and ina.keuh methods. 4\ very large .bat ! witalo over 81) feet hung lii $ triIttlCl1 at North blench hiehow Autorliu. 'l'lio huge utmoiuater lii an object of great. curl itutl t.y mmii Iii vIsited by huutiuhrmda. , Tue IO,0J ( { ) , lutimutlnn of firu.t mortgage luoiiuha of the Northern l'aeiIic raIlroad to thin Oregotu State utni'oraIty by JJ.uury Viilnrul luas brett octit. I , , titu , agent. iii regonta. 'l'hihs Ittsutrcii i3,0O0 intercat. cr amununt. A company of Han Francuoco capit.ahusts are negut.Iatiitg for mutt anti makIng arrangements for buihdliig a oaw mcdli aim. ! shmljiuicig ut l'nrt 'fwnocrmtiV. , . 'r. Contracts for gradltug and butlidi tug are called fur , anti thu vuurkuu , whIch are to ha , fluulohicil inuluio of three mitomithot , wIll cost $300,000. Tim l'ortlamid board of trade have author. lzed t.huo finance commumittee to rahso tim sum of $20 000 to defray the tieccsary expenses ( If uivrug ( a grand celebratIon on time comimphotlon hf tim. , Nuirtherti I'acific raIlroad , mutui a recoil. tinit to 1icy Vjiiuirti and his dbtinguusuied uatty. Caiiliriila. LiuulIi't viii , whit t.huoYoocmlte , If they weigh over 100 , or arc Itmoahieriotucod riders , arts coat. Pellet ! by the guide to rkho astride , or not. at ithi. ( Iraaimopxns Imiuvo mnatho their appearance In large mtummibens In ; iortloiua of Yreain , coummi. t.y , bitt. 1.0 far a , , imiaterlal ilamnage It. ' . beemi ruporteil. Thie Central Ilaulway company , wIth a capl. t.al of 8100,0(10 ( , humus iieeiu Iiicorporatod' at Los aIigehOil , for thin iurpso of bumihuiltig amid oper. atinir street r.uilwiuyn ii , that city. The trustees of thto famous LIck estate thotighi ahulOiuttel seven years ago , are charged by the iiocioty of California I'loiueens to itiuvo tiomin nnthIn' In that tlmui toward uaying the hoqutestut. 'fiioy ar drawIng $1,000 a year numul travohltmg over the country. The estate iii mId to biuvo ilocreascu ! over 81,200,000 , in that tltue. Mlacolianoouua. The J'itmtes iii the neIghborhood of ° uutstin are dyliig rapidly from bowel coInlulnintN. Time Salt Lake Tribune says tim mitarbla of Sliaiuhah Fork Canyon Iii said to be flncr'tirnn the lineat It.nliait nmarhdo. Soinis New York captniuatii ! wihh cstabhlshi works thero. A 1)ncct. Is on fnt for buyIng itt ) the Ships. hone 1"utlhs mid fitting the sauna up n a pleas. urn resort. It is uutidenstood that the Shuout I.uuo ! coliupauly wIll nsiuit. the enterprIse by selling tickets with priviheges to the Iuoiiut nearest tue fmilhii. Jim Oregon Short LIne conupany are erect. I il ! iuachiitie suuuip 4 at Shioslinmia , itavi ng tinted all ofrens for thuelr erection by outside cuuiitractoni. Tim oiioius wIll be the nmost ox. LCilrIVO west of Orriaha , and vihh suippiy the outhit 11mm front ( irluiger to ilmirmit liver. Thio KIm1 'We iicc. Tim mneilicimia uuo iiiost hike is that wluica ubo's Its work quick tutuul wehb , ) urdock Lies. ! jjjfj,1.g r the ujuticluout kind ( if a cure for dys. lOIJ'h auuul kidney aftetiomhH. The Abllgator Veor. Detroit Puce l'resx It. } unts nil how a nortluorn man donut ltamtkcr to SlmOlt aim nlliuator just as ooomi ( UI gets Jun boyonil the Ohio river , and the furdiur rnutthi Ito gue thu stronger grows thu fculiitg. It's atL tif "buck fns'cr , " ILIUI imothittug viil euro it but the gore of tIme reptile. A dut1) from Rhode Island n.ciit ttQWU tq lilituci front New Orleans svjLi ! thifi Snmll alligators vcro plenty unougli along the creeks and ditchue , nmul every timno the 'clans shuto IIU1I1 BIt\Y ( ) flC ho almost kicked h18 boots oil. lIe tackled everybody arotind Biloxi for an alligator bittiut , and ho finally paid a darkey $3 to drive lilumi to a lake four or iivtm mudles away , whom the alligators wore said to be numoroutmu enough to crowd citcit other ( flit of the water. The boys had been over in the unormuing and fixed thtittgii. A rope was tied. to either end of II water soaked log amid led into the bushes , atuul no sootmer had time hunter got dowic utitul discovered it IflO'cmflCflt ill thu water tlmu.lto ojieticti firc , "Dat's yor amno , boss , " said the darky as he seated hmtniaitlf in time sliadomind thu way that olti log wa bombarded wac a caution Thu luau unule : uvo shots amid hitmo aunts , amid dead aunts , and after ho ! Itiud flied about twoutty.Iivo titnee lie be' II ! tO yQ11dUr why his gamno didn't turn its toes tip. "Tmikcs a licup 0 load , boss , but you us trubbhimi' himmu uitigluty bad , " encouraged thu darky , amid time bomtibutrd'unemmt was remiuwed with a determination to die mu the last ditch. Pretty soon a unitmu biuko frottu tlto bushes to the left , and in a voice of authority calied out : "Shooting alligators out of season man ofl'oiico imuitisited by a Elite of miot loss thai : 810. " I $ N.oai' ' 'Itv ' mutiny shotaluttvo you fircdl" ' ' . " 'Omuly tiuirty.uitiu. "Shooting oil'a revolver in thue atto of ? ulisuuasi1jmi , uc01tt itt sulfolefenso , is a tutu 0r t5 for.eaeit t'unel Iluvu you a iuoriitl" ' 'l's'rmit for wliatl" 4T ( ) shoot at Col. Ford's niligators. : it itot ho can reccover dmuttagos not to cx- coed $ bOO. Did you croas that field ? " "Tittit's trespass , and the tine is not leas that : 826 , You mumust comae with mime. " 4'Iiut , sir- 1-I" ' ' 1,11 brIng imp i : ' horse amid butggy amuti you itutist go to tue county seati" 'I'huo "comustablo" started. So dkl lihiodu lelniud. ' [ 'lucy u'oro it : opmsito tl'trcctinius. 'flue Ithuodu hsuituider cammio ititci Biluxi on a cantor , settled lilt hmotol bill without stopping to count tIme change , ama ! picking up Isle satchel lie dusted oil' along the zailroncl truck as if called to a tloittii bed. When 1 found luiiuu in Mobile a few ilays hater lie hind uuhtaveul oil his whiskers muuuti blackened his eyebrows. lb also cuuuim1ulaitned of a itutmo back and corns out hula feet. "Sziyl" says ho , mum hue carefully looked arouuuul for listeners , 4i ( (11(1 rlississippi fuels tin stmwlc up over a how 1moitda and utlligiutora ututi cunatublu alto can IUCLI 'ciii tuitti be lutngel to hen I du'nthor shoot it crow nmuy Unto thuittu nit nlligutorl" link' Hlotuihtul by Halt \'aeu. Chicago ] Iorahi , I Last stunmner a young lady living on tluo South Side sPoilt time season at thu seit.sklo , mind , following thto dictates of fashion , had her dark.brown hair dyed the color of a luanana. It was not strange that the juto.liko wig and her dark oyc and olive skin did not hIarmUOIdZO , But she bore time disfigurement until the sea son closed , and ici soon as site rca hocl tim city sought relief from a professor of coiffures and said : "I don't know what is the matter 'tyith my hair ; hio moment. I got to the scua.sido ft bcgati to fade un Ui it becauno just na you see it. I bathed a gm.l deal , and I guess the salt water must have produced thio change. You joust fix it for me , for I citmull ( lie if ill ) ' ovfl hair is tiot re. stored , " Now , the coifl'uro jmrrufeaor huM the susccptlhdhitieut of a Milwaulucu ( liii. iuig.Tooifl girl , but tlIk was too much and the emily thing ito could (10 WBS to her hieml , sell her a wig and await further dorolopunent. In time meantime she hind : giveti orders to the druggist for the utiati utfacturo of aumythitmg , regardless of cx I lieluiuc , that would bring back the natural tresses nnl how soon she may ho restored to the irutiotto rank 13 altogether owitig to thin elbicacy of time potion. Mr. roster H. Roper , Springfield , Mass , , says that his mother bad beeti troubled with a haute kmmeo , nnd ° could hardly walk. She nmado one apiiication of the miingical painroiievcr , St. Jacobs Oil , and was cured. A l'ulIIhlnei"s hIilsiituuul. A. Boston palmer gives the following ru port. of a Boston milliner as the uses to which alma puts her husband. : i niti a tutililimor , and have made bo. tween 81,500 amid $2,000 a year in my lmusitmcas for some tune jnst. I married four years ago. My hmusbauni is kind nut ? good looking , but lie never learned amiy trade , had ito profssiomt anti CoUll not average $500 a year. I loved hiimtm , huouvover , but I seen that It. would not do IA ) depend on him , so I kept o vithi lay buisjticss. After a time I thin lie got a ljttlo lazy , amid no we wore hiothi away during time day , we could not keup house am ? got. sicl of Ioai'diiig. ' Fimmiully I itroimsod that. hue should keep house amid I would rutmu thin business amid fluid the money.Ve have muow lived very lntupily iii this way for two years. My hmtmsbauid rises mid builds the fire , gets breakfast , and I leave at 7:45 : for itmy Piano of business. Ho does the washing atuti fromiiimg amid cleaning , and I do not kiww of itumy wonien who can beat Imitum. Ho is as icat as : vax , and cam : cook equal to anyone lum towii. It many be an isolat. ed case , but. I think the timne hiM flOW come whom : women who have husbands to support should immake thiema do the work ; othmi.'rvjso thioy arc luxuries we must. dQ vithiout. \VhiatThireo ApplIcations Dlii. I' ' ! was troumbled very much with sore feet. Tluivc aipijcafiot of Thoj a , ' 3 cicti'ic Vii en' tinily cutmud them. Nothing better in the inarkuit. " Jaeob Butter. itoadinte. J.'a. Operators amid ICuilgiutut. Says a.New York dispatch : "From nU parts of the country comes thmo annie com lilititit. from time defeated oporatons and linomnomi. ' 11f thin lCniglita of Labor had done their duty we should not have fail' cr1' ma tIme gomueral tenor of tIm con- plaint. " Why ( lid time K's of L. fail to contrib- utu time imeccasary funids to keep the opor. itturs iii idicnesa until tim telegraphu con- pany should in duspair.surrcnder at diii. cretion to the "brotherhood" and turi to John Master-Work- over Cainpbebh , - - mmmii IIorrus , amid Toum : Hughes thin immami agumnent of their property and business ? ' 'Time tiouiblo with the Knights of Labor - bor was this , " said a gentiemi who is pronuitmenthy ilentffitud with one of the local asrcimmbbies , "tue average working. mnmurwill insist on associating clothes vitht imubor. They atteuided thu maccLings of the strikers and found tlmommi to hO a party of weU.dzcscd yoimmmg muon amid wommmen , wearimig clothes such : aim a rub imeither they nor their faummihies wore either Sun- la'ut or hiohidayu. They wcro character. ized us tititles. 'l'hio young men srn.oked cigars or cigarettes instead of pipes , amid looked iluimehu more like clerks ii : dry. goods stores or like bookkeepers than thiuy did like what ammo bf our people thought they should be thc outward and visible sigum o aborons. Thto 1iinen vuro all imght , tiocitulO they were jump' ore and overalls1 and appeared ii : their shirt athfies occaisoumally , but the $45 suits , white neckties , boiled shirts , and stovepipe hats wore too mmmci : for many of the laboring mutt , 'who didn't think such tiuimis consustemut. with pcop1o who called thiemsoivemu laborers. That was tim real cause of thin apathy amnong laboring macit here who arc consustomut mnembona of time Knights of Labor , tumid who have never - or hmeforo refused to comitributO liberally in mud of a strike. " iiicttamiiy Relieved. rus. Ann Lacour of New Orleans , La. , writes-I : have c soli who has boon sick for two years ; hue hasbeen attondodby our loading ) iuyolciamus but all to no purlue. This mormihmg lie bin ! his usual .peil of coughIng , sin ! vas an groathy Prostrated III commequonco , that tienthi ouiined itmolnont. % Ve 1111(1 iii the house a bottle of 1)11. VIM. hALL'S IIALSAM for the LUNGS imurchiased by my husband , who muoticel your advertisement yesterday. We aduimhilatered it according to directions and ho ivas hmuatantly relieved. % Vamuls lila Itejiutmillomi Restored. Deumvcr Non's. Jammieut W , Postlouvait line brought mit hi tim superior court. against the Uuioim Pacific fur ( IefImflfltuui of character , amid ttiihi damnagos it : the suit : of $2,000. I'ostlowajt. was emnployed as ii conductor oh tue Umiomt Pacific lines in title state , amid aims , its ho cin'imns , duschtiurgod on the evidoimeti of a cheap detective who accused - cused iuium of ' 'kmmocking down" from time litres of time road. Thu i the accommd chin of this kind that him lately boom : brought against thin Union Pacific , Sonic. timing over a. week ago a similar suit vmm brought by Ilctmry S. Nones , who was formmierly a very popular comiductor or : time South Park. Braln'Worlc amid Food , IiOtOli Journal of Ciwuilatry. The notion that those wimo work emily with tiioir braimi need less food titan those into labor with their hands has lomig boom : proved to be fallacious. ? ulontal labor causes greater vnsto of tissue that : inns- cular , According to careful ostimimates , three hours of hard study wear out the body imioro than a whole ( lay of lined 1imy. sicmui exertion , " \Vitltout pliospimormus , tin thought , " is a ( leruumati sa'mum ; ammd the consuniptiotu of that cssemmtial ingredient of tIme brain itmercases in proprtioii to tue nmnotitit of labor wimiehi this omgam : is roqutreil to ierformuu. 'rhie wear amid , tear of the braimi no oiuuiiy miucazutrcd by care- liii exaiimhmmttioii of tht salts in the hiquhl excretions. 'l'hic iitmportatice of thin brain let a working Ofljllfl is sutowmt by time itmimouitt of blond it receives , which is pro. ItortiIiitteIy : greater tlunit timmtt of atiy other hart. o tIme bOiy , I Oiie'flftim of time blood gun. , to the bnimm , thought its aver. ago weight. is only one.fortiotii of that of the luidy , 'I'hius fmuet alone wouiltl ho suf. tIciemit to iuruI'o thiitt braiiu-v.urkens . ro- quiru mtmoi'u food , nml oven better food , than muecliamuies or fuirni laborers . , Causes 4tstnulslmiment. "Completely proatra.ted for dsv. with mdi. gestion sad humus lever , The cifsets of two bottiu& of Jiunlock 1.iod Dittrr : astonished nmo VISIWO Impnvement right off. " Me , Noah hate. , Elmira , N , Y. : . . THE NECESSITY FOR THE SPECIALIST , DR. II. WAaNER , lisa long been seltnowaiged ! crud more ao at liii , day than any other. The iiat fIeld of medical c1eticu Is euer Iliezesaing , siuti Its nunuerou , 1nanehea are brought nearer and neater to terfvttion , and no tine man can any ioner gralip thenm nit. ilonce the necei.ity for dlidlig , the iuuior. and it Is true bey.mid all doubt that dlaease , Iffectirur the gen. Ito.u , leery organs neal .IcIsl stutdy more than any. thing ciqe , If ie soul , ! underitand and know how to treat llama property. 11th II. WAONI lii filthy aas that there are fli5Il uhilcIan , ani some acnilile tropic , ih..nliI couideniti him for uiakiuig thu vhaueu of dIeacii t ape. ditty , but belt hat'Iy ' to know that with most icr , on. of refinemnent and letefligiruce a m're enlighten. ml view ii taken of the suthject , and that the Iiy'Ie. un who ulevete , himself to relieving the MtI tOil anh , easing them fruuui worao than deftth , Ii no lou ii ptii. tanthroplot and benefactor to liii race thati the ur geon or ihyslcI5n who by close apulication cxi ci. in any other bramuch of lila irofe.aion. . % uitl fortuiuiately for humauuuty , tue , lay is ilaweuluig ii he , the fale Ilit. ianthri.1hy that conticunneut the ictlm , of fully or trime , likethe lepers ultider the JeiiLeh haw , to die Uflcareti for has 1aied away. A Few Reasons % S'hy you rhouli try the celebrated Dr. 11. Wuncr's ncthotls ( if cure : 1. "hr. \'atnor It a natural phyoiclsn. " 0. * 4. l'uwuna , The ( ireatcit thing I'hremiologlt. 2. "Few can creI you a. a doctor. " lilt. .1. Iiiis , ' 'Fho World's Orcateat l'hyiognouuilt. :1.'i'nul : are wonderfully irofldcrit iriyour knuusi. ixige of tthoe.ic and mrwdiciici. " la.J , MArrursuo. 4. "Thu afflhctd find ready relict In your urn. ( nec. " un. .1 , SitiMi. ii , "hir. Ii. Wagner Is a regular graduate irons lielkiuc lioupital , New 'ork cIt3 ha. Iid V.r' ox. tennlie iiosliUi practIce. and it thoroughly loMtel ! on all lirauiclie , of lila lieionl science , o.Icciait7 on chronic dlieaw , . " liou. flrow.sLL & Evixo. a. "fir , 11. S'anur isa's iinnuortallze.t hinisilt liv IiIi wonderful tllevcry of s1w Plc rt'tnnilles for pri' yiite amuil ocxuiai tllwass.-Vlrginla CIty Chronicle. 7. ' 11nutianu. of huusaildo hock to see luiin.-ubiui Franciieo Chroiulle. 8. "lito 1)octot's long c'p.'rlero si a specialist. tdiouil rvnicr him very auccesstui.itoeky Moon. tout Newi , Plain Facts Plainly Spoken. At one time ii dlseuo.ion of the recret i ire wna en tirelyavolded by thu iroftulon. and niedleni works of but a few ycara ego ii ould hardly mention It. . 'I'o.day the pliyoltlaxi lii of a dufTcrentoiitnlon : he Is aware that It. lii liii duty-dIsagreeable thotmglu it tony be-to handle this matter u Ithout. globes anti sileak Ilaluly about it' and intelligent iarcnt and guarillamos will thank him for doing so. Tli resulLi attendIng ( liii dcstrtmctlse Ice were for. nicely tilt tluitlcnst.oo.i , or not lropcrtY mtliiiate.1 anti Oh Inuitirtautco iclng attachoti to a subject. wlikit by it , . tOuttire doeS not insito chou Investigation , it usa. willingly jguiorcd ' 1ii hiiit is generally contracted by the youn wtuilo a IIIIg ached ; older comiamui000 tliuoug their eat. imtiOtlua3' be reotuonsiblo for Uor It. mnay ho acquired through accident. Tue cxcltenient. once cx- lerictiictl , the Practice 51111 be repented again nun ! again , uuitll at last the habit becomes tlnii and ( Om' i'icti cnolaueii tlui uictim. Mental amid ncrsoui iii. Ifictions are Usually the lurimary reoult. of , ielt.ahuse. Among the Injumrlous effects may be mentlouted lamI. tude , dejection or Irma. Ibility of temper anti general debility , Tue boy uceks , .eciusion , and rarely join , in the spurts of liii compauulona. If he bc a young pian he us Ill be little found in company ssltli the other OCX , omit ! ii troubled with exceeding ana annoyIng ba.mufuliuei in their lrcsenre. Laachloua dream. , cmissona ! alit ! VlU1)tiOlh $ Oil the face , etc. , are also pronuinent NyIiIptnIflil. If thu lractitc ii iotently pcnsutcd ! In , more scciou tiiitutrbancei t&ke IlaCe. ( treat laiIltatlciti of the heart , or eile1tio couivrtalons , are exjiericneed , and the sufferer tony fall ldto a comileto state of Idiocy be. fore , IhtaIly , death relics es tibia Ti' all tlioiue engaged in thu dangcrots , practice , I would say , 1rt of all , stop it. at cute ; make esery IooI1ile effort to do so ; but if you fail , if your uiervoitu syittetit Ii already toti ziiuclt shattered. and cone- qimelitly , ) oulr ssli.liofler ! broken , take oouiue nerso tonIc to all you in your effort. liasing freed yourself iron the lialilt , I seould further counu.ci you to go tiirouiaui a regular coimn.o of treatinemit , for it is a geut iiilutako to eilppoue that auiy one liia , for somno tiiuie , he It os cry so little gho himself up to thu fascinating but dangerous excitement without sufcriuig froiii Its evil cuIicquienecs at coiuie future tIrne. 'the number ( if youmuug iiicn sIio are ilical aciateit to lilt the duties eujuluied by wedlock ii alarmingly large , and in iiiost of buelu ea'es this umntortuiuiate condition of thing. caui be trace ! Li , the practice of aelf.ahuse , usliiciu hail iweit abandonc , ! years ago , lnlocd , a few niouitiii' lraetlco ( if tiui Iiabi is stulilciemit to iuicluce s1crlIiat.rrIiua in later ) atronnd I ha ii maiuy of bucli caws mater treat- meust at the irescnt day. a Young Mei \S'iio may be oumiferirig from the elTecti of youthful fiIilu. or iiuulisrctIuiius usili titi Si cli to avaIl theinsehs ci iuf this , tue greate'.t iuooii etor laid at the aluar of suf. feritig Iiuuinauuity. jlfl , % 'sosxa sill ! guunrauttee to tr. felt a.OO fuuresery cau.o of b.uiuina ! uveakiuci or iuriuate thiteoe of niiy kind auiul character whu'ich h under. krj to and fs.hhj to cure. Middle Aged Men. There are many at the ego of O to C ) who are troubled usitii too frequent evacuation. of thu hiatt' der , ofteit acmnuianieii byi. ought sniautiiig or burn. log cenuiatioji , and a ueakcning of thu syitteuli in a 1115011cr the inticuit cannot account for. On exauiihti' log thai urinary deposits a ropy aedinient s ill nitwi lie found , and suiuctttnet stiunhi 1articlcu of albuinien su Ill appear , or the color 5 lit lie of thin tiuhiklshi title , again cluatigitig tu ii dark utnutortuiui nuutearaluce. Ttucro are nuauiy luemiy him who die of tub dltticulty , ignorant of the cause , shuichi Is the seconti stage of u.emuutiuai'wcak' ties. . Ur. V. will guarantee a ierfect cure lii nil cases and a healthy reatoruitloui of ( lie gculto.urinary or- gao. . Cottiultation free. Thorough canminatlotu anti ad. vice. . All conimunicationo ohiould be atidreibcilIr. henry hefty lVngruer , 1' . 0. 2389 , lenvcr , Colorauiii The 'tuutig lfauu's I'oeket Conspatihon , by Dr. ii Vagncr , Ii suorthu its ssehglit In gold to yotmrig iiien. J'rke , di,21. Sent by mush to any address. Let Your Light Shine. hr. Wagner , the celebrated peeiathst. of Denser , Cola. , 313 Larimer street , behieseus In tettiuig tiuoworbl kitose seluat Ito can do , and Is doing for thousauuuls of his felice iiieti. ill. treatituemit for iot nianlitiesl Is sure to silt , tutu is itsuuss that posterity usthi liheiti. 'feti tluousatuui testlinotilahu from all 05cr tue United States front those Ito lisscturttl , i proof itositivo tbiat hucitoes cure thu worst cages of tlucoc tlhstases. The atilIsteti from hirnute , nut ! hexutal illocaic. of lorry ldnui si lii lirid htiuti their best friend. head hit nut erti.cmuctit Iii nIl otur ( tt ) loiters , mid rail out hint for adilce , as We iilioWiuul 5.111 corroborate us in unying lie iii thu ant' freer's trite frieiiui.-Iocliy ! Muuimratu Ness , Relief to the Afflicted. In medicines , a. iii science , the apeclahist.s arc the otwi , situ always totiw , to the trout am ! ts' coun1ihsh great resulto. 'fbi. retiturk I , especIally apuhicabuu tote to I'r. Ii. IVaguer , of thule city , lie stands at the toj of hit irofissiok , auid the cocci Ito 1erfurii for the tiusfortuittuitu wissid ceem sonderful if tint Irolerl viewed in titolightot scientIfic acqulreuwtito. ilti eiitloriued bytho iiio.t eminent of thin mne.iicai facutu. : liii ofilcu itt 5C I.aratuihr atrect , where lie nih itlireihl uty cUccta cure for thu suffering of cithieraca , imo iiiat ter how c'mullreted their coititlatttt.-i'oiuvroy , . Deuiiocrat. Chronic Complaints Require Time for a Cure. Perbotmut at ii Iti.taneo us Pin tush , tcibe treattl bu' flr. % Vagutr tine. ! not feel backward bceauo of lmuahiiity t ( , t1tit huh , If tile ) ' sOt write to ( ho doctor lie still scud a list of ,1tie.itlutii viitch enables hint to acini iiitudlduio , coutut.eI uutuit ads he to thoutsatudi ho tins licuer 0001. lie 113.5 1atieii iii esery city. touui auid atatlouu in Cohorado , si tush a. . ahloser the Utiiteul ltatts. $ tU lilt addrtu. It , luI atlverttscnituit- . S er 'I'ribtmtw. Shall We Reform ? Siwciilu ruiuctihes for ahidiseasci Iii the theory anti hinsetitti at ItreMimit of tuuiucatcui atuti ex erleticeti phl'iticiuuui , nuiti iii all large coniunuttuities they have tiivir aperinitiss , to utcI It , wldcii tiio ) direct tiutir attihlisi auth iractice. hr.t'ngller is a stmeosfuui ii' instratlot , tif this mno.lorn ihiooI of a ociaits ! , mid tutu UliiietiitICiuttst $ UcOoii Iii tue trustuuucut of trirato ttlteaite ii as woiidrfuI u It is utatterluig. l'ruf , .1 $ iinuuiut. ' 1110,0 uwrtIs sthio heal tuuudeai ! relief for the most tielkiutu of disease. us lii thai nit uceoui julie 1 nut ! ua- txt.fiiI ) ( . iii tlio 1ursuul of tSr. t'agltcr. No. 43 I.aduiier atreet , sulto Is Iiihiy reitntnaidu.I htytho iuuidltti irutoii.ii at luHiie aiid abe.tt.i'oiiieruy o Luctiocrab itigtutrvatid Iioraneoinu , $ gI it stay ti ) 5 % iwloni 'aid die a i.e pii , % , iiii ! lucite , ci iii letting his light iuhii , , for the glory of iii feline nina. l'riumter'a itik Is tIlt torcl lid uiti hoot tie , to guldu the scary ituil alek one to thu faititalu , iii iiesIih. If this arti is should ho bistruunentai as a " roat'IIbI ii r' . .t u. , . onablU to guide atulfuring hutuatilty ( SiS istriusor atreut , ilcntcr , Colorado , it. ili anaser thu uturtu forwhlcii4t was usrittru. Address lilt. ItENstY WAGNER , I' . Q box rsu , or raib at 313 Larminer Street ' ttsrr , (3o'ii. zr1tuncI thu ubunum hoacI "The Necvs.sl.y tsr % ho 5pt4&11it F LI It N IT U R B ! One More Special Sale htfld. the La for This Yea Until September 1st , we vill ofrer some Special Gootis in nil Depart- . meiits o1 our businesi a Greutly itejiuceul Prices , to Close Out. No such 6ARAI1S have 'ever before been Offered in a ( enera Line of FURNIIL RE. TPasoller Ejevatolul CHASI SHIVERICK I To .A,11 1'1oor. J 13O8 , 1"OS , 1210 Farnliazn StrcI , Omaha. - IaI . . MANUrACTUItEIt Os. a1voiied IroCorois ; Niodo CapsFiiaIsj ; iikh1ght.a &c Thirteeiith Atreet Neb I "BURLNON IO1J1 ( Chicago , Burlington . . & Qulnoy RaIlroad. ) I5 - Ii : : A - - : : . - " N : I : ' : : - : ' , ; . - - - : . , e:4 : : : _ ' . : , 1 Yea - _ .i _ ; . , Ca , , 4' - , , . 10Iip , j , 4. . - , . . . , r - p , , , I - : " . ' . . . : b.yn. . i : A 1n ' , p b.O-.51t Ot' . . ' NQ - - - : : - " : ' f , f n nT4tC .tky _ _ _ _ _ - I LLO$4& o - . COINC EAST AND WEST. cornc N0RTP AND SOUTH. Elc"nnt Day Coaches , Parlor Cars , with Reehin Solid Trains of Iit'gant lis' tonches and Pit ! ! Ing Chain ( sentii free ) , .Smokin Cars. with Ito' man Palace Sheofuhrug Cars nrt run daily to an voiving Chairs , l'uhlman Palace tl7eeping Can and from Ut Louis , via Hannibal , Quincy , Keokuk , thio famous (3. II. & Q , DInin Cars run daIlyW and lhu'rhington. Cedar mnpias and Albert Lest to St from ChIcago .Kansas City , Uiicttgo tt Council Paul and Minneapois ! l'ariorCnnswithu Itoclini uluurs , Chicago t Des Moities. t'iiicago , St. Jo. Chairs to and from Sr Louis and I'eoriim and to septt , Atchison Topeka Oniy through line and from St LOuus amid Ottunuwa. Oiuiy on tween Chicago , Linenin .1 : Denver Through care change of cars between St Louis anul iPtWCefl indianapolIs & Council Ifluita via Peoria Moines .Iowa , Lincoln , Nebraska , and Denver Mt connections made in Union Depots. it ma Colorado. known us the greatThIROLJGU CUt LINE. ' it is unlvcnsallyadmittod to be the Finest Equipped RaIlroad In the World for all CIasos ofTravoI. T. 3 POVrER , 3d Vice-Prcs'tandGemlIfanager PERCEVAL LOWELL. Gen Ph. . Ag't , Chicago. H t ' " - ' . , Boiler all Sheet Iron oitx I' . - OMAhA , . . ' . . NEBRASKA. lluihd a ! ! k1nd of Steam IIhiebt. Snioko Stacks. I3roeciiing Lard , Vater anti Oil Tautba , and do a genera _ . . , . itlate-iroli busiutosi. Itepairing done iii City and Country. .til stork , / ' is Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted ! ' " 'tccnnd.hand Boiler. unIt be kept on hand , lint-tug had many years experience iii the trade in different parts if the country I ails cotiildsnt I can gis o oatifactlon , has hip the bait ahop atiil taoiu In the Statc. Chop Sir , 10th andi'IcrceStrcets , J , M. WI LSON Proprlotor. Double and Single Acting Powei' and Hand PuMps ; STEAM PUMPS , Engine Trimnimminrrs , Mining Machinery , Belting , hose , Brass and Iron Fittings Steam Packing at bmolosabe and ropiil. HALLADAY 'WiND-MILLS , CHUROII ND SCHOOL BELLS , Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. -w-M : SIcFYTDi- : . 3XANUFACTIJREht OF OF IIT1tICTLV FIIST.CLtSS Carriaaes , BuggiesRoaaVaOli , \ AID TWO WHEEL CARTS. 1310 and u32O Macnay Street and 403 S. . 18th Street , O/1Afl ] / NEB1 UttIILtM Catalorue furnishad free UPOU apphicatlan. I . 1I : cr Booth's 'Oval' Brand AND D. D. MALLORY & CO'S "DIAMOND" BRAND. 'rob. 1'ivisb. nt 'Wjcs1aia1o. D. B. BEEMER , Omaha. FCTIOT S IN J'iir ( Heating and Baking Is oniy attaimmcd by unutmg unutmgOAK. OAK. ' = - , . , 'r.flP4v'i' 0 I - - - , For sale by . , - I MILTON ROGERS & SONE ii ? . , OMAHA' 1Ine ( , 4 odi . :