Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1883, Image 1

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t\ TiIIRTi L j :12ioI. : t R. OMAHA , N E 13. TIIUR SJJA Y MY1 N1NG , AU U U ST 23 , 1 ' 83. : : N 0. 57. -t
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A1 S1 AshbIatt , M D
, . .
T/sc fleaRon IV/i'j ' Dr. Pi8FthtaU ii RajOJiflfJ .Such UIpirallcd S'iiccc.
Thu astonIsiing cures affctoL by Dr. FlsbbItt , nf dh.easrj forniery thought Incurtic ! , iinugtcu him
.ft high rank In the medical irofoiion of thia count ry. ha hs won nich dccru.d eIebrIty , ( tic peopic 01
( ho tar wcst no I anger deorn it neccuary to vialt eaatcrn cities to flni I)1IYaIC1 CGm eteut to treat oomi.II
caksi dIavaeg.
c , 'I'otima.23.in1. :
-The tc.tlmonlaii an1 cxtrat , from Iettor3 iSubIli1Ld in thmu columni are only a. few of the man
ihoisand i > r FishbItt hi constantly rccehIn , ard throughout tim norilieL anil In vrry county of No.
braaka canbo found Ierson who c.tu tejtily to the effleacy of ) it trcatment.
P. A. &d1C8 , a Pronincne Druggi8t ann Lanct Agcnt of t/ic B. and M. II. ' .11.
. 1Vrie :
. . IlIrNEIT , Nebraska , March 2 , 18S3.
Dir. iraintrr-DeirS'r : .tpree1atln the value of theacrvlce you have rendcrei mu , L doesuir but
na.ct of . ? : J t.tIO tj y u t e .r341 t1I L3.tI of rtItuIa I foil toward you. After 0 ici aufferi&t a I
hwc hat Ire U , ta r1as I t'irjt ' rr i 1d1 , fr n vS i alt ti'tUtIuIl I htI heretofore done isI fdlei t
relic a ms. b .wover nnr .Ious it uuy a spctr. th .ii , ai ) io uorI dIappeacd after your troatmrnt of
anarcoly tw , mnhi1 , ar1 In thai tIln3 h a se,1 eight Inund In weight. Corul kr site , dear ilietor ,
untlct eocrla3tln .ibliga'louis to youand by riferrIn any ono to itie , alUktci a I waa. I chill cousidor it an
1.c of kininoe to ihm ti aitoe tnen i auiinit r , yur tretment. Ever your friend , F. A. SIDLX.
A Terribta ( Ja80 of Caearr/i Cftrcd. Bone8 of tiac .Dcc4zycd. Cured in
i 7/ircc Months.
. Fansocr , , , Nob. , Anguat , 833.
be. Ftaunt.rr , Om'i : In view of the atmo4t niira.mSous cure you hxe offcctd In soy ca.o , I foal It
any ( lUt/ ) y.Iu . ii th , is alti I as I tiara boon to busow Jt.I , raieo hero it I due. For onto I hive
witTcrei fro n Ji.srrh in ih wrt torso. 'roe dihare w contot anI ory offooivo , anitho b nee ol
my n.u we a ; n a bil o di Mtir 1 torIi. .i ret dci with3it1uccoi. I wn Induced to apply
to you 1r ir , itn311t. , ( ieo it ) .Itl Iiavoncv arIr I a1ni yet tie nhrgo of ny cau , aol I am , iy t Iuc ; n'eIfo , n , c.ii1 of Lil dc.iIl it tnili'iy , .iu I an an'ciu4 t ' htv. all Unao trou.
ble I wIth a.irrh , wh .rn I a i ni iun aaiiI thou3IVoI of yuur tratuiet. Thiuiking you m st lsoari y
forthe gceit yo.i 1u'o Ji4fee.1 un 03 , t ala d.irgratefulIIyiuN. MLtS. . JAW(3J WLLLIAiIS.
From a Promincnt Cilicn of Boone Couni.
rn. Vl4111t.tTT-.DcarSir I .1 , not knov ont1y hw t aj , .irate my contiotIon wlthyou without
aY4flR SIX tocxp 0.3 ISIS g.icfo'nei4 far relief brought by y.ur treitinent of inc. My por4iiteney
In tryii , uoyttn : 't ' r.u itsa y otIi , f sr tiu cum of .L.itarrn ii U osUo I n I th a .tua vinit iii tie
power uf nIiyo to bcliiglii r Id. I CCLI , uIaruto.1 th it your Jrofdi3nl were bai.I aIInpyoiI thuirywhci
you d.Ird..i to , ra3t Cu. B I ; to my : ig delight , w i U i 'eloej. Your ret.ieJIaauaI truatnl3nt I
iiu ic'Lir U. I W.14 LI .t .J.i y reli3o I of t ii dIitre .1 ig lIb of bit wa.i entlraly end , I bollovu , .or.
tectly roetor vi to hc.i1 I. I a . & iiiw n m HO toubl ? I with the uTet of the iIkciso which iso aUlietci inc
a. than I I ni.'cr hit t .u C ) n .ltiit I to nil wcto tisic purp I.e y foyiur ti. to inluce litlier ; to tcityour
sikill In th r iJh itt , I ) t thin it ny di .y t ' ma cc co no .Iiid of a , cc ii 3wI.d clicnt , trIIli out
.01 how iiiuth giji you hue ijao inc in yuu cafe aiii certain troAinout of a Ubtredng malady.
. .1V. . IUMHLI.
- 0
Tcatimonix7from lhonboldt , .N b.
Itit. GEo'toa M. SiUia.t4 , of 1u1n3l It , N.hcaci , oays : I have su1TriJ for a Iou tim , with riionma.
tlm. w.iIch Ii i , r iitc.i a i i03 t I c So i a i C ( e it tli t 1 wa obIici I t gi io U , my farm. My lit alic
-434poi .Uy atoctoi. a 1.1 if tr tryiii no nriii .iictor 'vIhout re.eiviii aily rellat , I snbintrtitl t ) .our
treAtinult a Ut too in .nthc .tc.i. I .i ii iii . , y t , ii iy that I an ii iv us irly wII , nil c , iiI Idr thit yin
liave.crf .rmci in inc .i in1jruI cnro. I hare gained eight ound i.mi aninow abti to attmd toiny
wont aithiut any Inuinvenlouce.
' . . xrtppies J'btlowa Dcpair.
N TATI.oa Smtioii , Iowa , February 7.
DR. flsunLrr-Iear Sir : I feel coiciderably better now than ivhn heat I .rote to you. and lIfe is
bogliiliig t. . Iiao aomc a iar,00 , fir mc aialn. After liavIii breis bii.rlddm an bug. partof the time gIving
up all hi e of over bel gablet i gi uiaiaiii , it seem , 0) iiLc , I ciharlly realize itto taro my inelcwItIi
a good appetIte. to niovo about Ii e .thor peoIo do without 115105 'id ' acooc , aiid to hive everybody coai-
gnitulatu ma ( Ui iii ) ' hiipr , ie I appoaralice. .tnd iii , tic , iiu.tor , thanke tu your treatinaiit , which I liaH
alwa3'I b.llevo , hac en.itched iou from the bhadowi of death. MRS. J. T UiLAVIN.
A .DfficulL Ca80 of Lung Trouble Curcd.
SciiUyLltft , Neliraslin , Fob. 7 I33.
MT DEAR Dii. FisiIai.vrT : I 0W3 yOU a deb' graltudo which I nvur wiI be ihIo to repay fjr the
aclotitlflc sdII yoi ia4i dipl.iyod Iii treating Inc. I li ire for a bug time been cinI1orud a hopeIei con.
atinpt1ro , n I eroryb .y. Iieiiidiii in/icif , coiIier d inydayc niinoirci. fy g..I fortune led inc t
to you f ir tr.iatinait Niie.ii orari I Iii tii i iiiroilby ib irt tloiu you haveuTdctec.twiunuInorui otwr
doctor Ii.ivu f.oiiud Iii ; a c , iyloru reitratl in. I Iiae alice ic iiiioi II cccii , , ounIi , in. ! cjiiildur anycolf
thoroughiycur.d. Yonarlint IiIiirlyt iiu this aa ri crciceIorLhcri cilnllarly atillcted.
toura GlakfuIly , ALEX McIXTOI1.
It is Enooura.qiirjto Rcwl the l.'ollOWiflJfrOifl a LOng Sufferer Who has bocn
Unkr Dr. Fi8/tblatt's Trcatiiciiefor ilhou Lo jfon/ ( , .
MACIIDOXIA , Iowa , January 'jO , lS3.
flit. Fioiinttrr-Dar : .Iy follca.iy I apor to have olurI twtiity iP.Itintli , tiice I .coui'nencoj
tSliIIg your iou liliio. iiI We alt ttiln tfloro wa3 iiever aiiythiiig lIke your teatincnt. I hiiiis that in , it.
dna you aulil mi xi juit iliat I iioiJoJ. Youra truly , MiLt. N. 11. LUNU.
Cured of Calarrh ,
.t HoniEn , Nobratka , Fcbruary 19 , 1SS3.
flit. i'isiittrr , M. 1) . , Ointh i , No'-D3ir Ir : I hare sutTeriig , witi c.Lirrh n the hi.i I uveal ie
lean reiiieiiibjr. ui I : ii.r I a'it te iiity iilic : yaarc ( If aza. I hi I long tIiiutit a euro wac 1IIII ) iilbIe , but
noverthee ? , , laii nytcif Un Iqr yir , hii with rather aiuMI faith I must c , iifoij. I ui IIox
baity to cay tiut I .on ra'ly r7il eu 1 iii 1 IlaVlfl ( ctrong hopcof a Iorfcct cure. I have noer uoe I aiiy
medIcine bet ire .vliIb rI.fht t , trio coat of thu , liceicua4 the iuIIcIne yti g.ic tn. IIilir , iii iii !
othcrmay ltii.t r.114 at your it.tiiJc I remain yuurc i'ecputfulIy , .W. t. . MUTEIL
A VciW ilgfJrat'atCd Ca8c of 1'cnzatc Trou bic :
Te lady who glvoi $ ln f atl. liig totininlal d033 not wich her nama to arIIear fri print , hut doi not
objcct to tiivi her al lrc gwen 0:1 : apJltcitIon. February 1 , IS3.
A. 8. Fuiu4i.trr-Kul lir : Antii I wicli t ) Sp3alC of the favor on conferrel yoiiin. IiaointIinoa
ecem too great t be true Loit I am cirod. Yordi fill to exreic my g'atituio t.s you. &oi had It uOt been
for yin U p 1 1 II ) ' ( fl ) W4 w'ietd I w.uI I ba now. Ierhape you thInk I unly say this inorely for the a. to uf
aaytn .omuthlng , but. b.lievo Inc whorl I say , that I never In my life have fIt aogr.itaful tovard anyq efor
. an act of klndiacg , ac I tao ! ticard you. ? i&af Iia.i'Inimc and proiperity attou.I you tbrouh life , my hen. .
. Rejoiced Over IIi& Permanent Roeovci.
Our ( crnan frionit from tliia hits , Nebrailca , writec June t , 1SS.
DL Puticr.ayr : It , mtcht iiitr Vergiiueeii Ihnen initth.Ilert zu koenuen dao fiio Jeit gutto wege bin
nd von me nor aten kra shalt avis Maerz nichtc me hr gecpureht hate. lob fuiti1 Ulcaoi ruohJah , 'qoer
Liii Ith vor 1aiaac zolt gefuah1t Iibe. Au1itan.votI. 1AItT1N WEUNgIt.
A aoHler itatlned at Eort 71 ibrara , wii 'a. frito I wa ho. ! rUden. thiut ) a ooinIlcotion of dloaae , .
writ uadc dew Jnlylth , liii : I a it j1loid to litfirin you ttiatiny frlenl-t. ui again , arid I , gaIn log
aloely ttirouh the nIc of you v.IiabI inctlclriu4. iI ior8eni1ICteJ vIlItiilg oU ac iIUiO IC .trong UflJUfh.
) fit. Wit. li--ti , of Kuirnoy , writco .Twie 2S , 1t : I fave leon ta't'n yur inodlolnoc aoording to
. dlrectlon aiiil hut in , cf greatly linproini. The haul h my head nnd ny iIeci m.ich better , and I fool
eryinuch bo.tcrifl all ruccctsaiiJcamp&ibout my work with pleabure.
. .
ilpprccIa(1ni JI'/411t Dr. J'hbtaU 11a8 Done/or 11cr.
GRANt ) IstaNo , Nebraokn , Juno i ; IS.t3.
la. . A. 9. Fianaz.trr : I an feeling quIte strong and Ioo'ilng much better. liii ii galnol flie 1ouxidc Ii
wolclit. ViaIi I couti tell eberybJiy toa' ba I I fiSt and huw v. cli I feel now. oura ,
. 3IU3S.M. lIRMrIiEET ,
Later . .lio wrlto from limp i'Ity : My friendo liar , bad not aeon In. for ilx inontha : were delIghted
with tIm Iinproomiit Iii my hicahihi. A yolitig frIend aa ho hover .aw mc loothig so eIh.
14155 31. IIIMsTIuEF. :
Mr. It. A. itiiQmi. of byndan , Nabra'ra , wrltoc understate of April 23 1S3 : The remedy whIch I ye.
cclvcii of you atfurditi great yolkS ; I fo4 ac though I lash bon regeisvratocl.
A young geritlemaii from F.xiter , Nebraoka , irIte.Jiir.u It : I ani aatlalr1 that your mcdlctnoa
are hel4.hiig me ; I am not as lierYOU , nor have the dluy In fact , Doctor , I tool ac though I wac au.
other Iy alis.githier
_ _ _ _
KidacU TOUblC ( HId Kcrrou8 l'roseraion-A ( Jcnarkab1c Curci.
BculvLa\'et' . , JLIY 1 ? , 18.33
Ifli. A. 9. FuauurLrr , Oinalia-lcar Sir : l'crunlt mc to evproec to you my aoenowlu.lgm 'nt of the grcai
aerIee you have slouue mu Iii ratiriiug me once nuoro to health and atroiuth. SYhoii I flr.t conaultod jou I
.utfcyed beynni iloscrhjitlon groin khjuuey illouaa.i ant my n irsouc aystei wa ho aatate of co gjluto prisotra
' tioui. 'Thu fluttering of my heart alter the sllghtect eertiouu , wasu beyond endurance. Iluroughu your treat
4 inenl I ant 110W conijsletidy rultored an I conolder uuilriu a untraquhous cure. 1 tech better than I isavu fur ' , ear ,
d nil there are no troeci of my old cOflupItflt.d heft. Very truly your. , JOIU ( ii. nIITII.
E will be observed that thue above tuitlmonhaha are the apontanco.i exprceslon.of thee io j , , or
, bavo been Pr. I'iohiblatti pa.tlenta , arenot of an ancIent dde and frmeorno faro.1 place , but roreeent the
S true acotimenti of those hio through hit troitunent have bein rsa.ti e to hoeth and hap , lnoe ,
AU tluooe oufferiug from Chronic Dh.uaies of no matter how long itinding , can have an opportunIty ol
j&onsulthuig Pr. Fiahblatt at his
( OONSUITATION FZUCE. ciarge moderate anti withIn this reach of all who need identlflo medica
ftztatmont. Tho'o who oho realda at a distance and cannot cail , will receIve prompt attantloru through uua
by simplytainding their symptoms1 with poat&ge.
Address Lode flux 4 , Omaha , Neb ,
Soutlierii lllnlleso1a struck y a Storm
o1 Irresisithic Forco.
The Oity of Roohostor in Ruina
and Many Persona Killed
and Injured.
The surrounding Oountry Swept
and Wrecked in the Men-
strou Maelstrom ,
A Passenger Train Lifted Bodily
Prom the Track and Totally -
ly Wrecked ,
4' . Great. Nttiiibo' sir Ides Believed
Lu bo IJi4t-ML'LtgVe Ictitllsc.
Tue i.IIutiicstta Cyclouit.
a Sr. 1'AUL , Atigiist : . [ ' cyclone
which ritged at Rochester , ? tIihlhu. . latt
tuiglut. iii reported to Ituivo btiun very so-
vote. ' 1'ioutty.fuur itosw tire retilorteet
hilled , and 50 or inuru ihujnu od. ritoru
u11 0 viugtlo rtIutii)15 of : t trntt distster , by
buing blQwII froiti the truck , also couuIitlg
iii , but Ito partieul&n. . °
l'.icscitgers front Owntoina state that
2(1 ( vore killeti in Utu rnilroad uieciduiit ,
atiti 31 iiijttrud ; all taken to the lio3pltal
at Owatoiuia.
' .ilio : iuiflyor of itocliester , telegraphing
for assistililcu , status 25 wore killodtliuzu-
about , and 41) ihijttrud. Otto third of thu
town i uiitiroly wrucked. It. is buliuvud
froni all ropovt.ii that conic ill that the
whom country surrounding itocIioter is
Iui ruins 'l'liu killed ittay reach up into
the hundreds. N. Cole , pro1utor of
the uiitbrota mills , at uun ri1tt , wits
instantly killed. flu va lIt thu null
itlien the storm struck thu town , and.
the building vaa wruckud. Governor
Hubbard sent $ .OOO to aid the sufFerers.
A iMsuhugcr train on the Roclueittor
and Northern roud was blown front the
track last hliglit during a cyclone , and. a
tiumbor weru killed and. wounded. Coy.
Hubbard lutta just received word front
Rochester , Mmli. , stating that the town
i3 ill ruilu uttici forty persons killed. It
is iunpossiblo to learn atuy details , as the
telegraph wires are all'down. 'Ilto storm
Ill ottwr directions wa only a severe
lniilsthrun , alid no great damage wits done
Particuhirs coining on a spuciuti train.
Thu train that vzis vrockud tyuis that.
which ICittCS Itocheater rtbout 4 p. tit. ,
nlTiVilIg at Zuiuibrota about Ii p. iii. It
tVItB caught in the suvero wind and hail
storiut tlntt prevailed in that viciutity bo-
twucil 4 mid 43 o'clock p. itt. , anti while
rulmiuug at a great speed was lifted froiti
the taIls and 1icciitutid litto lull iliCOll-
tuivable hiutiss of ruins. A gciitleiiuuttt
tvlio luuid beau to the sceito of thu
diatastor deceribed it as one of tli , i
uat ; horrifying railroad accidontil
ho over witittissed. Every car in the traihi 1
WiLSa complete wreck andaihuost literally
sliattisred to pieces by the stiddcirtuto1 ,
caused by the train leaving the rails , to. I
gethor with thu force of the storm , bury.
tug the unfortunate pnasellgers beneath
thu debris , killing ninny and injuring
iiearly etvui'y Ilorsohi aboard.
'lliis gentleman also stated that nitie
dead bodies had becit taken front the f
ruins and a large number of those son-
oushy injured removed to itocheater and
Owatoniia. At the time Ito loft the
work o extricating the unfortunate vic
titus tvas still progressing and it wa8 be-
liuved that the number of killed would
r.ac1i it score when the final suninmg Up
was made. (
ST. PAurj Minu. , August 22.-Thu
cyclone struck 1Cochister at 7 p. in. yes-
turday , deuuuolishicd about 300 houses lilid
dauntiged about OO tutoro , Thu itatnes of
the killed , utsiar as known , ill Itucitester ,
ire Jolt11 1iI. Cole , Mis. McQtiilhiiu , c :
Thomas Stuclo , Mrs. Zurrath , August r
Zui'i ittli , Itlrs. O.born and infatit , 1'Irn. ,
Fred Ciouglu , Mrs.Vctherbco , Mr. flit.
zel of Attics , \Yuut , higgins , Mrt. Quick j
uttuil child utuud diss McJoriniek. ( 'Ilueso r
with four utildentified have been brought t
to the undeitakerit. Others arc lciiowii
to have beoti takun care of by fricnds.
I 'J'liu destruction through Dodge and j
Ultuistead counties is terrible it is jut- I
Possible to vo any ettihulate of the dauui. hi
ago to the city tutd country. 1
Itochiester iii situated 85 miles south 1
of St. Paul , on the Chicago and North. a
western railroad , a beautiful and sub. u
stithitlal little city of between 8,000 and
11,000. Most of the houses were brick
tad many skttely , ubstantiat buSihi058 1
blocks. . Indefinite th31)atches reached
hero early this rnornng of the terrible
ulfectri of the cyclone , but as all wires tire 'j
LIOW2I absolutely Ito additional news could
be Ituid directly with the ruined territory.
The first authentic accounts reached
hero this afternoon , and were obtidnod a
Irota paasengors on the in.colning trains ;
but oven they knew no particulars. At
11 o'clock the governor received the fol.
lowing :
4'ItOCUESTElt , August 22-To Governor 'I
hubbard : Rochester is in ruins , and 24
ieoplo are killed uuid over 40 seriously
injured. Otto-third of the city itt laid
waste. We ituod intncdiatu , help.
( Signed ) \ , Mayor. "
lii less titan three $5,000 sva.
bvlIa r.dtuud and 80111. to ititi the suMirors.
'uiegrattnu svore sent to all cities iii the
utatu calling on tibIa for aid ,
K.tSSON , Miluhi. , August 22.-Ole Mu. It
lersoii attul wifu were fatally injured and It
tier mother instantly killed by tile cyclone
last iuiglit , Ciuristilihl Ohosoii aIhil wife
were killed and ii cliilii's leg broken.
l'htu house uthid barits were entirely (10.
stroyed. At Canostio , south of liuto , thu
houses and btrzus of Balfraika vore
ruined. The house and. barns of Ijeitti.
brccht'a are gone and his wild cannot be
found. horses arid cattle are found C
dead in all directions. 'rite iiuws of ruin C
md dcatlt are coming in froiui all direc.
, August 22.--Tuesday
evening at 11. o'clock Itochouttor was one tJ
of thio most beautiful towits in the west. si
Von minutes later its beauty had tllsap. C
[ teared , and in part. . of the city ruin and e
ilesolation reigned. A terrible cyclone b
visited the city , leaving death and do. ii
ttruction in ith track. Just one month ii
ago a fearful cyclone pasod utix miles
north of the city ; now It fstssed throtugh
it. The day urn ! boon boauLiftil ztitd
wariti until evening witoti clouds bogitu
to gather. The atmosplutro waa opprus.
sn-o , heavy anti hot. About 4 it seotnud a. ,
though it hail begun to up , litItsooh ,
licaY ) ! black cloutis came front the north.
we81. , and raiti full directly nftor C. lIlt.
mediately the clouds tUIsUntCtI the green.
ish appearance that Is the forciunnor of
this terrible viithnt , accotnInillud by
rumblIng htOiSes. In a ltort tittie Utu
tvintl route , ittcreaiitg in velocity ttiitil
the full force ( If the cyclone was 111011 tIc.
\Viint was dice ft ve1t POllillated portioii
of ( ho city vas a scone of tutu , to do.
scribe which iii ittipo'iaiblo. It ititist be
Coht for ( ho ininit to grasp thto terrible
ties I rnctioit.
'l'hto cyclotto posacaseil seine of the PC.
ctihiarities which itiarkud the one oit ttIh ) '
)1. The main cothiltoYulS through the
lower town , lttt 118 force was felt. in util
lart3 of the city. Ita freaks wore slit , .
P1Y wonderful. It tleinolkltctl wehl.Ltuilt
structures on lIroadvny , doing no
hiitriut te ) adjacent bitilditig. be-
31011(1 overturnilig cliiiititoy anit
StrIping cvorilt.ff : front the nof , ,
TI1liONil , (1111.tT ltE.tIJTY 1W THU CITY
, was its Iltitti ) ' trees thiat flnetl the trculs.
of these hiniuleids tot.e eithuer (1)111 ( nitWIt
or broken ell tutu iititny streets tvert'
r&itttlortttl itulIasaablo ) by their being t'ulhccl
with trunks tif trees or hitnbs. Siutito
were striptenl iwrfectb' bare , tt.tttt , ( hut
birk : buing torn olt and it tvill be fur
years before Itochustor will recover its
lets. , 'tiiitt 1ht'tiuhk of the city tiortli of
thie r.tilroaul track called Lower [ 'Ott'hL ru-
ceiveel the ituost thutnago. Thurq is itot. a
liotiso uninjured , uututt Itot to exceeti 20
are left ststudiitg. In. soiuw 1nrts ,
it looks front it ( ilatiltiCO just.
IL. thoagh thorn , had never booui a linihl.
ihig standing iii tluiut. ottkiit , whtihtt
other sections thu ronntiuti ( if itotlacs usliow
the terrible destructh'o force of thtu wind
As sooti its the cyclunio had lunuseti , tutu
people in the more favored psurtiuhI of thu
city begiut to hearn of the damage , thttiy
went at uiico to the lower lart of towit
to render what assistahIco the3' could ,
lushly workitig all iuih' digging dead
fraiuv the debris. 'rite wouualcoi vere
convoycel to Buck's hotel , the \Viuionuu
house , Dr. Sayer's othico , uuttl vrivate rca
ideticus. 'iVitiho till know the destruction
had boon fearful , no idea of it could be
dbtailled tiitti iioxt niorniiug , elicit
to bohtold. Coinnioncing a the J. It.
tok house , . on the St. I'aul road , which
( vita entirely denuolislied , thu cyclotue uiext I
LOOk Luland's hutidehlco , barn tutu unit.
tuillditigs , not leaving a stick standiuug _
1'iiottcu it. stve1it through the lower hart t
: ) f towuu. From the ajpQarahleu of ( Ito u
.round it BOCIUS as though a terrilie flusol I
eel swept over this section. In nIiuIIy
LlitCUS where there had boon a residence ,
tearcely it boarti hits been left I
in thie Jrotnae. Tue is
lied viLlt dirt utitil sand , as if ii tutuddy I
ttreaun.0 had l)1)uretl ) over it. Early
Wednesday unoruuitugan organized nusuvu.
aunt. was tutittlo to care for the WOthhI(1UI. II
k contiuiitteo vauI. itptointed. tutU : ippenlc ii
situed to larger cities for uitd. 'rite totttl C
tisacs foot ut about $100,000. Tun t
) ttSihtOStt blocks.weru unroofeul , 250liouses 1
vithi contents yore doinfdiclw&1 , 2t)0 )
hmnuaged , ami the court house and round
louse unroofed. ii
ire .John ? t. Cole , a lurohuuihiont buiti.
css man , owning fooir , mills , I
vito was picked up and hurled to the i
routid , breaking every bone ; Mrs. Mo. c
uilhum , btrs. Steele , Mrs. Zurratli'and
ugust Zurrath , Mrs. Osborit atud aunt , i
Irs. Fred Ciougli , Mrs. 'iVeiltorbeo , Mr. t
iitzoll , Vutu . Higiins , Mrs. Quick and r
bUd , Miss McCormick. Eight bodies s
yore taken into thu country by friends I
cforo tlwir itatites were kitowit ititti ( 'our i
ithuers are still uiiclaitned , making , in all i
! t ; kitheul. Fifty-otto aru wounded sufhi-
ieiit to be tinder phiysi"iuuiis' care lfunIty
If the wounded are children who utre
evuroly bruisodaudothucrwise itij tired.
UuIilei'groutuid ' .L'tilcgrapli ,
ALBANy , Atiguitt 2i.-Artiches of in-
orporation have 1)0011 filet ! with the sac-
etary of state ( If the Electrical Cuniditit
otistruction cotu1ia1uy , with a capital
tock of 81,0011,000 , diitIud iitii Ohio
iu dred tltotusartul shin e. 'rite iucorpo
ators are II. V. Pope , vice-president. of
hue 1iLIIh1tttlt District 'ieheguaph cohul- (
only. Now York ; A. II. Chuanillur , of the
puller Electrical cohtupany , Now York ;
1V. . Fairbanks , sutperiiutcndunt of thu
'ostal Tehegragh cuitipauuy ; Ci. A. Brown , I
ruanagor Of the \Vtiuturit Electric cotut-
thy ; S. F. KhleehItlud , of Now York ; I
'rof. Ehislta Gtay , and U. N. Iluribut , ii
i Chicago. The object of th , COIOPRUY
I the coiiatructloti of underground tub-
ra1ih aitti tobophuonos , which , tinder pitt. t
tits owned by the conipany and endorsed ( J
y tite titust erninohtt. and practical tuhu-
rapliers , can be done with greater econ-
It1y tIiin by any device yet knowht. , ,
'lie ihtVohIt.Or is D , N. Ilurlbut , the well
flown telegrapher of Chicago.
TIit HclentIsIs MI.journ. C
MINNEAPOLIS , August 22.-The Science
asociatloit was called to order by I'resi-
edt Young this morning. The standing
311hflittee ! anhioulIced that hereafter no
apers would be received unless an ab.
tract , iiroitrct iii prihit , was aiibntittcd
vitht the same , 'The Custoulary rcaohti. I
10115 of tluuiks was euWerel and adopted ,
Ii of which vuui very cotnpliihontiiry to
ho city of ] 'tlinneaiuoliai. ' ElC.Govcrnor
'illsbtiry , Prof. Fohiwehi , I'rof.Vincltuhl
ltd ( Ion. Nutthoton , editor of the , 'l'rib.
lIe , bade short ihhtprointu addresses ,
oinplituuentary in their htttgtiago. Prosi.
cut Young ltIalo a few rutitarlcs , and
losing , declared the gellerlul session ad.
purned. .i % . hltly huielobor who lntd
lready donated i800 to the association ,
anded the secretary 8150 more this
toriting. I
Itnoh hot' lIsaiter.
MiMI'iIIH , ¶ l'onii. , Auuat 22.Thu i
rcst.joutiyl ) ptseiigur : triutti on the 1iotui. t
his anti Little flock.roa(1 . which loft
ore at 1i o'clock yesterdiny afternoon C
tat. with an accident last itighit four t
iihes vest ( 'if ForestCity , Ark. , while r
rotsing a short trestle. A broken rail ii
uscd two utecoitd.cla lngor Ii
oaches , the baggage ititti express car to f
0 tliroit'h the trestle , killing J B , So ! . e
iger nhl Jiarry li' . Oldborg , iuiorchtants , Ii
f Cotton Plant , Ark , , aiid .Joliii Adair , a
Drmorly forotnan of the pile-drivers of c
ho Little Bock road. James White t
tock claim ageitt of the Memphis and t
harleston road , had a log broken. Boy. t
nil other passengers received Itijuries , i
ut. not of a serious naturo. The east. r
ound train duo hero at 10 o'clock last i
ight did not arrive till 11 this morning. i
- ---a-
- - -
The Fronc Spirit of conc LikcIy to
Bllrst the Bolls of Peace on
the Continont.
Biinarok'n Organ Bohoar8os th
Requiem of tile Republic.
'csttulus Trotuttleui'ithn ttallguuntut
Ilowel lit
1Iu.sIn-'rhie Tosuquiltu
\.uit. , Etc.
a IE1t.tIj Ii'tItbltIN NE $ .
A Tt\VN ' ' '
CAI'TtlttllII Itt' 1ih 8ltttcit.
LoNtI0N Attgtust 2ti.-A it5Ptt0lt to
'l'lte 'I'iiuues front .
fitutug Knutug to.dity says :
Ilinkletihlg h1us beoti titheit by the 1roneIt.
' ( 'Itoy ittan ctpttnod 160 CitItthillu ittuti itt
I'OtItitIitt ro.ouo IllItlUhls ( If 1IIOIIItIIIIIIOII.
'l'hiu Aiuuuiutnites fled into the interior.
IlIsMAuihl's itut'iy TO FItASCC.
The Nuttht ( boruuuittt ( liu'.utttt , llettnarck'n
fliginu , tujulyin1 ; to the attacks of .l"reneht
jotirisiuttu ( lit ( leriuhittly utnul their uy for
revenge , dectiures I"tiniico uulono tltrcatei'ui
the 1101100 if Eiiipu. It K'z4 suielu a
St4ttti ( If itlhiira cititiiL cohutitato witbotit.
serious danger , toni thitt iuasious fotutunted
by ngitatioti nitty biust that ltoiit1 of
CIlflItlltA lCTlM5.
There wee 87 ulottlt ( rout cholera itt
Aluxuuttdria ycatonhay. One of the vic-
tutu. Wits a British tuolulior.
TIlE ClUTCh 1 TitOLlIhbP .
tottitt ycattyinia is itt a state of re-
inarkuiblo 'uctivity. Continuous tretuubliiug
of the nail liii. retsuulteti in cottaliluralihijitu.
jttry to buuildings and to the railway ritit-
nihig up Uie nIuuhtt.niht.
flismarck hits invited thto scullutur
Seltilhitig to go to Iitusiiten1 iltorulbr to
lulaku.uu bust ( If thltI elusitcultor , vhiieh is
to be the fittuil uut'uclul ' for nil future ilor.
trayitis of the 1)11h100.
I DLII .0058W.
Thto Tinues' correalIuldunt at
toys the rolort thud Spaitt viII join thu
Auatro.Guriuuan alliance is itliogossip.
S IlXrULS1ONO } ' Jaws.
The Tintea' St. l'eforsburg correapon.
Lielit , itt it &lituitttclt : referring to the uxpttl-
iiI,1l , front St. Petersburg of. Amertean
Ieos , in accordtuucu witht the luiw forbid-
lihig .Jews to live iii that city , says it is
jut hihCuly that the ituasitut oflicittis hitivo
Lteeit titiiet in such cases , iii viuv of :
: Iue ruleiitetl , lurotocts .d . the British anti
httericiui gvurIutiuehits ill. regard to thu
rointiutetut of Ietvit. 'rite .few Whl ) Inns
tXliulletI deehitted to'nsk the bIrofoet as ii
invor to iuhhsw , hun to rittaiti until ho hind
ritnaneted his hitiaittuitii , itS lie CItll(1 hilt.
Ioiuuautl : such treattuuctit its a light. ho
iuida that as the Juuvishi elithiettlty is. more
itt ocoitotuuical thiunit a religious iiio ,
1110 , therbi is hEllo , ) rospcet Lof the Ia-
tiuval of thto iroIuihitioti agaihust lows
ichig iii St. l'uter.iburg and Mocuuw.
[ 'Ito thtOiI4nTudS tYlul ) do live iii both ihitcoa
tither bubutig to the 1irivituutl claouuaor
killfully evade counIutitce , with thu 1111 % ' ,
Titil SPANISh hutilNa.
The corrasjondtint uf 'l'ito 'Fiiutes at I
.biurcuhona SiI5 tiuuit. . ifter careful , homily I
t luuiabuon founul that thu people of Binr-
ielhIa , , hiatt no syiniuthiy , with thu recent
ising. Thu only lretext for thu abiruit-
at ioi orts put iii circulation was it detut. I
intutrittiotu by 25iituotti who uyore hiked to.
irtuu tluctuisolves. 'I'hiis htIovohuIcitt hits
inco beoit clearly traced to thu liourse
ttOVClIIOhtt. ICittg i.Ifttiio wilt ruitouti 1
a Iirceloiua until ti.tuuorrow , , as , gratihicd1
5 Ito at his recoptiuhi hty the peojlo.
Dr. Contiohhy utiuti I'aitrick Conitolhy , .
) rIthuurtu , hiunve been arreste.l itt lbruahl ,
ouhity Liiuuurick , Ireland , ott the cvi-
letucu of an itiforutiur , charged with be-
tug cotiiitictetl with a tuttirdur coIhs1siracy.
) ocuitujuiits acre f.uuhtd on the lItlohIcrs
howiiug' ' that thu cuItspiracy iii wit ichi. a
lucy wui u . hhittc't Wits iiiiiiuiL itt the lives ii
if ( iliIhiitd Lloyd uuiid othhers ,
A dis1iitch , Itututu Cape 'l'siwii ruityti : :
) 'Dutuuull , tu ho killed .Juttuietu C.truy , teihl
nil lot' Etuglitiutl , whore ho tell ! ho trait !
olltututber lth. .
'I'ivulvo ( lCCltuflpOaCl bodies of clitidroit I
tltvo beuti discuivu , oditi tint estlibhislhhuIohut I
if all uiulcrtaltcr itt liortuutnidsoy. Lii- 1
policu utre iuutuking iitqniiy as to the It
cloudiLy pt thu children and tue cause of (1
hair deaths. t
Members of the Athatrian l1lar oxpodi- '
iou uirrivod at Vieinua and icceived. an
vation front the citizphus
Co11ihujt , hiberal iuionibur for Ipawich ,
'nyu liothctI that. at the IIUXt session of
nrliatnont he would ofrurui , rcshutioli
Iuchtuilig it desirable to grant inuietureti
It Iuntio rule for Ireland au the best
uwahutu for huocurihig IterillaIheIlt to
lit , Irish. CoIling. announcetuteiit was
'eceived with chen i-s.
xtenivc hour httilla near ICIlu.een ( , t
Vest 11eatli , ireland , burned. 'J'liruu
torsuns iturtahied. Linus , 3 500.
An attache of thue Chinese legation at.
'tins 1158 started for China beariiig hit.
IOrt4hIt dia,1Itehuus. ,
Ettgt ± iiu Etunult , French author , is - ilead ,
i'cl ( JO.
a _
TilE FOV.'I4IIt .IIi'r1IO1)S. t
filly Iluiguiri Iuird ll4MutIi , , 1111(1 thu
Jiiniio ol Itetitltihi. ,
CIIIGAOO , August ° 2.-TIio reiuling ( If
lie i uloirt of the ciiiiiiutitteo.iijtjioiitteil to
uvtisttgtttu thu chtargus , , of utduhLuration of
inrtb , iiiuho : iignittat 1' itwlur Iiros.f on the
leer of ' .hntiugu this htlorIhih ) , verified the
tIttCtIhtihut tutadu in these elin1uintciiets lust
tight , 'l'iiu particuhutr chttirge flgIuihIst
Ito unit , of tehoburilig a ( jtIilhitIt7 of tubal.
ended lard to ? tleietiehi , Everiiighiniit i
WitS itot. verified , mud the coiuutuiiUou
xonerntcd the ftriui on that lIOhhtL. 'l'io ,
chUrL proceeds , Iiowuviir , atid takes the ,
t.atitl that F'ewber lhrois. deserve uiiqlinhi.
ed disapproval 101(1 censure
or hgLothiods they have obsuiry.
d in Ittanufacturing ' 'priIhuo tutcaiti
ard , " employtnent of secret ittitetu
itd otltt1r aitliliancoul. 'fitu report Ie.
litres it hays tint unit 01)011 ) tAt hIUSltCIOhi
if using cotton aced oil zuid other coit i
raband articles in itiakiiighardnnd unless
ho opportunity ( yfl ( of this suapicioii
S removed , the board of tratht should be
'olicyod ' froha all roapoteubility in thu I
tiattor. 'l'ltu report concludes by ux
rijsii rtt.itlcatiott at thu results ott.
tuhuecL Ii ) ' the investfutIon and declares
that its a totutIlt of the aeIeittItl research
PT0k0ltY the trial , the ( loteCtiolt of
iunlntrjt.jes itt html by ehIuItloyiuieitt of the
iniscroscopo , nutd that. thu placing of the
ilulpurit rticho ththt ( the inurkot could bo
made prxtiralhy impossible if the proper
inspection tAkes 1nco.
Jh'att'ueItyi ) tires.
Naw Yoiuc1. Atigust 22.- % . fire broke
out. shortly after 11 o'clock this iflOhluilig
itt the Empire oil workR , ( If long 1alahtit
elty , where ovee 1,000 111011 aunt oyn are
( t1flfhtb'L'I ) , and ( Ito tu iliheat. cxintouiteitt
IIrutah1ed atutinj , thtutu , Thu tiahuteasprenil
tP1lIY , 1(11(1 ( thu shop IVILS Rooula tueeth'tiig
11111.55 of Ihiutnotu. 'I'Ite local tire detart.
IttL'itt lIfts tillable to 0)1)0 ) with the- ( leo ,
itttu1 ehigilucs frotut Iirouklyiu wore Itehub to
their i'ehiuf. Iospito thuir joint efilirts ,
the lire eotniitttnjetutL ( ( is otto of the hiwgo
utgtt4tteirs itt the y'ird , csittbtiiuittg ti0,000
batreha if oil , until the extuitsivo lani oiL
wuIrks utljoittitig ( itt ( I it(111 thtrcateiied. .
L'ho . duttutago nireauly ulone is estitnatu'd ati
$ .oIoo0 : , 1I'our wovkiueiu , tYcre scvcruiv
UIIC.1r11h1 , I'ii. , AtigLItut ) i.-Tltu ! latu.
I1tIuuIr ittilt of .1. J ! &twutrd Lewis , ut.
S1lriIli4l'tUll towiuahuip , II.IIS burned this
Ihioritit ug. \ \ ' I tile Ilurhuing thu ttiiil or itt
t lie III il I cx Iti ttIttI , ku I i og tulle 111th , , J eli ii
\Iotrisoi , , 1(11(1 ticriultIsly utj itriug two or
three others , inchttuhihhg. Lewis , thue pro-
vrit'tr. 1401(5 atbttttt $80,000 , nearly coy-
used by insurance.
Asui lANI ) , , Autgust 22.-Foteat
tires hiitvtt Ieetu , ragitug n'huitit this city uthl
day , atuil the i1hteuhuiis hiatt a narrow escape -
cape l'ttitt tlCiltt'tiettUti. Thu tutills shut
duIWhi ittiut thia tuteit tttrticul out. in gitnu.ui
to light t hue lliuties 'l'htu ( ) uutattit tluqat.
entiglut lire several tlintt , Ilut wins saved.
One luttittireul iuucn weru sohit itt ott thit'
( ) iuinhit gravel truth , , attd vere distributed
ithoiu the b rders of tlto tovrtt witit citi.
YAlhtS. At II itu. I ! shower citino up nhtd
the fire was extiitgtuisltwl.
Thto tiii. 8iuuhi.
ll08iN , August 22-'I'ltu yacht Mys.
tory , which sdled ( ruin New Lolulon fr
Nantucket August 11 , nuuil itot itihicu
heard fiin , , hint on board Lecuster Sar- m
gehit , of New Ilavotu ; ittipert Sargent , of :
Now York ; Mt. . Bartlett , of New Yorhc ,
intul itir. Huiwkiiis , of New haven.
lieceator Sargent is it son-in-law of Mr.
Okhtfl , who behohiga lit CilteihtItuiti. ! ilrs.
Olotiit atlL Lecostor Siirgettt'n wife are
atteittlilig the suntlitor at ruuiitticket.
Sargent left hotute with the LtittL above
llttitt3l ) to jti iIt them. ? IIr. (1 101111 thihiks
it P09siblU ttuc yacht nuty have boeti blown
uII tlto ClIltat iuitl the lasatungors 1tiekod
Uf ) by mt otittyinrul lOUttd vessel. 1itra.
Siurgetut and tuiuthter , returned to Nouv
haven. 'I'ltreo bodies tycte recently
Picked up , one dud in a yitchtiiig stilt
iutiti Ivunrihig it ho preserver , are altp-
IttuOd , to ho it the lTystury uirty. 'l'liu
lutot that ott ( hILt of thtu bsljeii tvlei a life L
liresur'ur iuuttrkocl ' O. II. Northiut" lends
L& thu COhicltisiotl hero tied thu drowned
null voru of thin crew of the hutissihIg
lystery. Thu yacht's tutotu borrowed
rinir hf , ' preservots front the steamer 0.
El. Nordtati1 . ' .
The 'l'uuttIIiirs. i
S.N FitANOISCo. Atiuist 22.---Thto ban.
111et itt thu l'uitaco httuh , thttn ovuhing ,
AlIIOVIII hty tine gritnI coitttttttiidey of
YunhifrIhiL ( : to Gnnhil ? .fiutter Duitu nutti of.
leers ( If thu grutitd oltcauitptneitt , was in
rilhiitint afFair. Five htitudicti sir
citights ant tbnvit at thu bonrd. 'rite '
taiit1ite't hiatt wits hiandsontelv ehicoratud
vithi toluIpliur ciutbiotuts. 'rhiu tables voru
ovureu1 withi bouquets atal flowers of va-
IOU8 duvicca , 'l'oasts followed thu dill.
I or.
or.iDuring the day the kiighits made ox-
nhrsioiuti aroutid thiO bay nuid county.
[ ' . , .morrow the oheetiotu ( If gralni otilcurs r
viii take Phitce. It is sUited thisuvoning
hue griniul huiuIuitcrshiip lies latwouit , New
'irhc , , I hhinoia athul Peittisylviutiun. 'I'Iie '
t111er111 grnnd chtiipter ( If thu Eastern
star elected Itoliti C. Gitiukail , of. Oak- I
tutu , Citla , , gritni patrohi. 2slrs. Juitnie I
: , . 1futthouvs , Iowa , genIal hutatron. .
It l
I'bngiies oI flue 'I'rOlIes.
\VAth1hNfllON , D. 0. , August 21.-Thu It
tirgeohi go tie ru I of the uttinritto IIlsjn tinl o
iqyice I ecoived ii ruiort froiuu Surgeon r i
diuiti , 1ruwiusvuhio ( , , 'l'ox. , front whuielt it o
ippciurs thuttt the hiacic Hluiahl.lnx , iii lIu- hi
riiilittg with grunt ttuortahity lit thu towns u
It 'I'untunitloti tutu Putreifactut , .Tilcxjco ; hi
hint the yellow fever in reported itt Taut. t
tico at iii I'iIhthltiilL ; ti tat lilack stunt Iox I , is p
nuvalutit itt ( inatciutahin , the victirtis be. tu
iug priiucipnlhy foreigners. There Were Ih
(10 ( duathiti froiti cholera in Siut Dwinoco a
nd Oxuca durihig the inotithi , mid 477 u
oaths frotn yellow favor in Vera Cruz e
he unnu hhiohnthi. Early in August thieru Ii
1,113 P. shiouvur of a thousand fishes in w
Lliititonioroluslcr , and lilt earthquake at ti
'ohohkut , cinutsitug tweIuLy deaths and thie hi
testru tioii of twoitty Itousas , tiit
TIu Houthietin ExposItIon. w '
LOU1i3NIL1. , August 22.-TIle southern
XhIO51tiOIt has boon ojwiiid the first
bran weeks , attil turnstile rucorda altow U
haunt 100,000 pulsoits kayo attended the ii
IxilotuitiOhi withiilt thiunt tune. This ddetu P
lIt ( in1udo ntt.iiehun'whio entered other ti
loors. Thu tuthilber of visitors itt six Ii
liuteti greater ( tutu at. Atlanta. during the hi
Iorruspohiuiiihg JoIid ) , Visitors are from P
II fieCtiOhiui ( It ( lie CtiittVy ) , but thu south LI
S niost Iiirgiuhy roprttsuiited tItus far. Thu P
tillux of visitors ( rout the noIthi itt looked
or whunt tue coolurwointhiur sets in , 'I'ito
tLia'tiitiis are ihIW all in gooti shiapo.
'isi&rs inru ituriuriseti and duhighited with fl
lie itnlnohisity of the display iuutnde. ti
- -
Cii nalliiii I'suI Ito 'roilIsN ,
'l'OItUNTO , August 22-Thu directors of "
lie Oatiuulhtn l'itciliu railway arrived by -
lteciutl traihi OVOt the ( IralId ' .l'niIulc road
ullIy , aecttuilnnhticl ( by ( oiLy capitalists
if this couttitry 111111 EnIEO1IU , for a trill
'yer thu 'iIhIttdiahi l'acitle road , AluolIg
he Ihituuiliur into Priiicu Ilohienlohnu nni
trothior , Vice Adiuuiuiil Count ( ileehiun , pf
crnuItuy ; Ezul I4tthiahui , Iurils 1I1uhiiii.
totie , Castletoht aitti Oitalow , of Eiig.
and , tnoiiluers , cif lIILrliintItuhit , its wofl Its
epreouiitativea of tile UniteuL States anti
lie Dolhuiniotu. 'l'he distihhgthishled tour.
sta go to the lbeky 3lountaitia , and will
eturn itt three weeks ,
BUPrATJJ , August 22.-lIuflitho ( I , Do.
rolL 7. ( lame called on aocouttt of dark.
toss.CLhVjLWI ) , August 22-Clovelahtd 2 ,
) hiicago 8.
Pitoviusnci , August 29-l'royidenco
3 , l'hihtudelphiia 2.
IIOSTON , August 22-Boston 10 , New
'ork 18 ,
The Fcstyc ! Life of 11 BeT On IIi
PrairloTenL , an gtac ,
Entirriniastic Woloomo at All
Town8 On the Bout
A oL thti TrIp Front Otdamt
to Tekunuuinhi.
Corrrspondencvof the U. , .
a LCI1 Cau ii ENCAtI i'.t aci' , TEKAsrti.
Attgust 22 1ssi.--\vittt
, - - hull dozeui
inotuibors of the clttb engaged in the fen. .
tive ganto of poker for iuuatehtes ; with n
likoituittler , nunriuballeul by 15Ir.Vilkins , .
cluleartlrihug iitiviiu to guile thill innocent.
buhl.hieail Oht to desructiohi tvithu uur
hittiuttuntun resting peacefully on their
Ita.rd.oarnetl roIltitatloita , ann ! cair Cur-
iiuan aoitathrs seeking to ward oil tualaria.
[ iy the tiso of water or its lrnrunlesa cquiv-
iulutd , yIu ittay ItlIprecilutu the trudt of
the atntotiuotut. that caulpirig attil coincen-
tt3ttitIht of tliontgitt are ltitt.agtiiuistie. Our
legiti advisor , whose itu : ativu Itowers on-
aliled liltit to fully sot Itirthi our expeuli-
tionns far as Vest L'o'tiit , zuoglecteti to
tuunko inotition 01 the little episode con-
neettiti with the creattiery. in connec-
( ion tiuoretu'ithu1 I might. a Into UhifohL
whtosu lightest wlhnl uvotilel cause ( ho god-
deas ( If uloritihig to atiliuiso vitit blushes.
thuo ehtoniks of those wltoso duty we doens _
it ; to keep uis frotu alllhitisdehlteanors. For
thiok sake 1 forbear , but for thu attuuao- .
lucid of your renders' liwould suggeattlua
'Out iltqttiro of tltttitti how far it it ; to
thu crcauiory. Our sojourn at Wcst
Point vnin enlivened by an interesting
tui3ck , trial , withi Judgo' filancliestor pro-
tiduii. One of our aeontiiigiy ii1IuoCou
inuinborawas clint-god witlagi-avocrimo ,
but w1thu the export tostilttoiiy of our
edical director , tlto prianer was ac-
ttittedinapitu of the stnrtlhug revolt-
lOlt of our St. Louis friend , who atteifllt.- .
d to llalttt ltiinself oiritt physician ott
ur uitsuapoctiiig judge. Tue prisoner ,
In itccotiiit of woakneasprothicrd by tim
thockswhon hie he.nnl ofthis indictment ,
lid iuot take the staiid. . To.uight w are
o thkt JOMCsSiOhi of the court Itouso ,
ItId agitiii hot the air resound with ap-
cals for mercy. On Motuduny at 8 o'clock
VU broke CftiI1) and started eastward for
[ 'okanuahi.Vhcit Oukliuiul was reached.
ltu order was given to halt ! Although
I wt our illtuiftiohi to pass ( lUietiy by ,
'et tveweru so strouiglynppoaiedtoby the
Al ii'.uiis , to enliven ( lie t.wit. by a con-
urt ihl.thto uvollihig , that. we eliteided to
051 n.guun for a Low htnutm . No advertis-
ag liutel becit done , yetwo wore guceted.
jy a large ahiti ahitiiiisinstio audienco.
Jite of the important features of the
ttitortut.liiiiuetit viis the hiatus sII ) by ? , Ir.
N'rnhice. Tltrotnihiutit the trip Ito has
jeoti a favorite and has not failed to
) ring'down titohoutie. 1rank , our mu-
twil onthtuaiast , koopsthio boys as well
( Ii all our audiences iti good shape. When
IC hiiti. un Itittoti iib uses ii club. Our
outs voru neb jiChiod at Oakland. % Vcs
Uok our iuteitl on the Autierican eininpiti
ihini in. a large orchard , . ' .fliu tutoon ,
hiiiuing.with alt her aPlohidor.let a special
hiarmiu to our ntidiuightt. ride. 81.hnC
ought sweet repose in our spacious
'carry-nih , " but such tttlilhitt . WaS 11111)03-
its 101mg fill Cuiptaiti Huiincrttor could.
cop lila vitreous 0tltietu in form. The
loys were tiredaitd ttleolY , but tim never-
casihug story ilowedoti iuiof yore. Overlie -
lie rolling prairie we hturrient on at time
lttA ) of tiix iuiibcs on hour. . Butt at last.
loop caine-Al. Morris began one of Izi
At alittlo after 1 o'clock the beautiful
illunge of 'I'ekunmahm was soon. looiiuing up
L thu dutttaiice , made donibly attractive
N the ituoonbigltt. lii being rather hate
; hietm we lund reinchtod.Uie town , atud. tine
arty fueling tht clIecto of their mid-
ight rink , it was thiotightt. best not to pitcher
or teints or utnltad , our baggitgo tvuigois
ut. ho down lietcofully upon thu brcuat
f ? * [ ofliur Eutrtli , $ oiito , however , of
ttlior zuathuotio tenduhleice , repaired tone
no of the hotels , and thiere silent the
ighit. in in incuillur raLlier mci IhisisLeii
jthii tIne idea of camp ltfo 'rho hhoxt
lorilhhig ( lauvIluti brigltt aitti auspicious.
1)011 tIm boys.had gintliored together to
urforttn thie hiCCesSluty duties cotitiockil
rith pithhiiiig our touts iuulguttiiug timings
1 shiip-slutipo. Under tltu judiciousiumatu-
guttiuttt. ( II Captain BIIInuIeuuter , who wa
itaitititontisly cimosoit to that ollhco by the
lob itfter Mr. MlLhldmrlnohi was called.
(11110 ( , thu tents wore erected aiict again.
'U rcstiinrnl our Jiabit.s as campers. In.
ho evening the club Ivits greeted by
li-Co and appreciative audience. Afthr
he concert tine whiolo club seto l to sore- .
athe those j)00h of the ilIngo by
itosit exurtioiis our stay hero has boon.
uido'o enjoyable. .
Ve leave to-huorrow for Blair , and in
no ovoiuiig we expect to give a concert.
t that place. Titus fnr time clubItas ox-
urloimeed ito misfortunes or serious
rawbacks Time weather , it the zitain ,
as bcctm p1oauuit ; thmuire has been very
ttlo sickness , and eeiisider d from every
nint of view , tIm trill hinti been one of
mu IlOMahttCtut that we have over ox-
Titti Nitilnin's Itiur.
SAhAroIA , August 22.-'rito sixth an-
tiil aesaloit of the Aitmericait bar associa-
Slit ItIku begun. Outloral Alex it. Law-
lIlt , of SltVlbIliall ) , delivered the Prosi-
Chit's addrustu , Sixty-live new mwimber
, ill be elected.
PURIFY i DL 00/1.
fhihhmi mnarwions results of hloota Sazupaofll.s
.1. Mihunuonami towcondtltouusof ( h , blood
prolo is the best hILOOD 31IIIIC1N1. Such. as
been the success of this arCclo I t. I ' horns
that nearly every fainthyI In whole
aclgtiborluooL , huavi , been I I takIng it at
tiso sauna tIme. IL rrnl./ /7irs , vltaltu *
and cuirictue. Ui. blood , / n I cures dyspep. .
atabUlouaneu , andallfderongemeeis ot
theatoutochrniaedby/ / Impure [ hoOd era
a debilItated consU. / % / tion of the nervous
ytem occailoned I c I7 excOlive inentat
orphyatnutcareIAbOrOrd1a1p&.ton. . it
erpdlcateascrof I /ulaanit all foam humor , ,
anit restores / /anii tenovatc thO whole
Iyiitin. A I tSrocuuar zuonit In hIoo4e
itarcaparti. I /Ia Ia that is creates an ep. 4
Zwutaandfbuflsl , up and strengthens lbs
sutem. nd orovee lnyalnaido as a teoteeCon front
dilOMea Cud ortitnate hi clouigci ut UMt Season. ,
et cUrntt suit oh Ltft
ihonr , . C , I. fool Co.i ( tea.ttounen-1L effoi'is
emuch Vieai utouecownuea4tbood'usarsapartlta ,
, irthg. ( ? enithiug tt'iat I
aniayo never 9un4 ing f
want.a.otrsarwipartua. in tounaup 1u75511eu1.
tuAes my I.iIeoO , ilarlU l1 appettte and kOins