Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1883, Image 8

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I . [ E iMLY BEE.
Saturday MorningAuguat , 18.
ltIIIICntInnR flv To.tlny.
For Urn ppor MissRip1)i v1Ioy fair
wenther in soutliciii 1)01 tIOUB , partly
clotuly weather anti rains iii ( ho northern
portion , followed by clearer wenther
otitli vcsterly , shifting to cooler north.
westerly winls , and falling fullowed by
rising bnminetr.
For the Missouri valley , generally fair
weither , varkiblo windi , mostly north.
wctcrly , sthtonary or riRing barometer
nuti iliglit fall in temperature.
-Who are 1.II)1)t ) , Ioak & Co. m.c&w.
_ 3' flOW fimo f4cIIeIuIe ( will take effect on
tIfl ) U. P. next. Sunday. No lniixirtaiit change
iSHUIIO hi the thneof paRonger tralmi.
--The Sbtoent1i Rtreot vahi cinitractor
cUtfllflCflCCl the la3ing of thecI3crctoIahoyc.1. (
terday at Webster , treoL
-The fnmfly of TbO3. 1tnerwiti IN rojoking
at the arHal of a nmall boy , jtvt In time for
ircus tiny.
-One of the great eonts of each recurring
uTntitcr takes place to.tizty..tio ) U. 1' ,
banti cxcrsInn to Fremont.
-Tim traloN from the ewit were all on time
votcdny except the ' 1Q , " which wa.s two 1totir.
-Hound trip 3unday oxcursinn tkkot.i on
the Granti Iilant1 PCiSi of the I.Juion Padflc
are to be JlaCOtL at half price.
-A large ntiuiber of workmen Iinro loft.
Omaha to work oil the Loativillo oxtenition of
the lenver zud South l'ark raiiroati.
-Governor 1)avI tins I.ue.tcoInmiMionM 14)
C01)t411n .1. J. Noligli and George E. Clinton ,
tbi city , an notaries puhik.
-Tlie .1. M. 'rliuthn hose ompaiiy are
getting lute fine nIiaio for the Llhcnln tourna
inent by i-unit they nrnko every evening oii the
1)ouglan Ntrcot
-Tue banti of GOG Northern CheyctlneH whe
are marching from tim "Territory" to l'iiie
lUtige agency are exitcetoil to reach Sitinoy In
to or three days.
-The Berlin fanu hi ; been itolti to tTr.
t .Toiiti F. tncuinb , of PentlNylvania , fur 9I % , .
000 cash. The Ic1IMcr I an expcrfuiicml
farmer from the KoyHtone M.tto.
-'Ilto circutt pcilo itlaced tWo huntireti
doilnn. in the city trewtury early yeMterday
morning for the privilege of exhibiting within
the city Ibuit&t.
-Tho U. 1' . arranged for
nmncrous gahiwR , trIalN of strength and Hidli
at ther licUiC to.titiy at } 'reflOlt ) , for
which valuable IriZe $ will ho olTorel , niol
which are free to all.
-The firNt dittrlbution of handbilht by the
( lOflU American DIBtrICt Telegraph itcrvico was
yesterday morning , twenty cigiit unIformed
lyN being out with dodgern of Garnean's
cracker fackry.
-Now is the tlmo I.e buy furniture. Charles
.Shlvcrlck Is advertising nwcepiiig rolILctIuns (
in all kinds of furniture , to continue titrougit
-The father of T.V. . liamtory , the 1triti
t4r who tiled at the veer 10)1150 itiut booti tele
graphed the itews of his noit'a death , but no
1051)01150 lint. been had as yet. lie is thu fore.
mnii of the news-room rn The lt'chenter
-On account of tito storm last evening , the
ice croari ocIab1e of the Fimtlhtititt.eltiircli ,
for tim purpose of sciulitig a box of clothIng to
:1iss : Enuna Anibnnto , the inisionn.ry to Iltir.
iiaii , vns P08tlJtC11 inttil this ovettiur. All
are coriflally Invited.
-'rho syiidicato stock yarils nra to ho a lug.
ger thing , it. Is said , than itovio yet. itnaglito.
! 1 lie transfers are all nade and as , ton , as the
& 'ontract.s nra signet ! the nuttter will be given
IA ) the puidic.
-A great attraction announced for state
faIr week , I the series of five gaitiot of base
btI1 , to be played botwecn the Port lltirmw
and Union l'acificn. 'l'lto state fair nianiujors
are trying to arraiivo to have the gatnos played
itt. the fair grounds.
-On .Suntlity , Auvitst 20th , the PlantororH'
protoctlvo union , No. 1 , of Nobraslca , vill give
their seconil anutmi picnic at liaseall's uark ,
anti it Is to ho ) nado the great. gala event of
the season. A p1oiu1Iil rogritiiniio has boon
-uEr. Chandler , the agent of the ilninowoll
firu alarm telegraph Con1HIIty , was In the city
b ycsteruiny to make a contract with the author.
jtIc for repairing aii.l extwidlng the fire alarm
service , introducing now repeaters aiiti adding
-Tlto American district t.elegradi moseu.
gor ceinpan put fourteen unlfiriimtl boys tot
the street yesterday for imsInes , for the tie.
livery of luensages , dlstriliutioi * of circulars ,
&c. The work of nitting up the lines vlll be.
gin , and the boxes will be vlaccd
ileit week.
-A farmer's team bocamv excited at the
stiopliant yest.ortizty near ] ) ouglas until Four.
teonth street , anti managed to break the
wilflletree ) . No one hurt , tlwuh thu wagon
was full of children. Another farineruir.tpta1
out of blu wtujon corner of Cujult.oI avenue nitti
Fifteenth street , anti was stunueti by the
fall. but soon recovered.
t.Ameng the pasnexigors wln CL000 in on
the noon train yesterday was Mike McCarty ,
'who renldct near Beaten Statit ) ) ) , being a sec
tion boss wItboutdlvIIon. lie caine on a sad
errand , binging the remains of his only child ,
aged three years anti two months , for burial
4 Cauldy's cemetery. Mr. McCarty and his
vlfu are nlmutt. heart.brokon at their loss anti
theIr frienti. sympathize deeply t ith tlieitt In
their afihictlon.
--Thu Ancient. Order Of United \Vorklng.
are hootnitig things In Nebraska. A
ledge was Instituted in IJucolit this week tutu
tr ithers ore being formed tiurotighout the t.tato.
¶ Ilio ball of Planet lodge , No. .1 , of thIs city ,
has been rented by Omaha lodge , No. 8 , of
thu. city for the second niul fourth Tlturtday
evenings of the zno.nth. nut ] the lodge will
itioct revulurly on those yiuiiugs. On acetuwut
( If unfinIshed businws ( Ito lotigo will hoiui a
special zeoutluug on Thursday evening , August.
. -Tue latest addition to Douglas street Is
the now boot anti shoe store of 't'irrell & Cook ,
At No. 1312 , whIch has opened for business ,
anti Is alretdy doing a big trade. 'flue is
the most elegant. bout anti shoe establishuoeuut
In Omaha. The flzture are attractive and
wuvenlent , and the Interior of the store cer.
taiuy vreent it metloiolItLiit upearance.
1Iessrs , Tirrell & Cook have stocked the platu
with zt large aizd complete line of everything
In the shape of foot wear , anti iiartIcu1arl of
; fine good. for Keutlemen nud ladles. Their
1)rIoOd r6 very reason&blo , and they are hound
1odoaIare business. They hvoraiexpor.
ieuced corpa of clerks , anti customers will be
; - - itoflt.ely and promptly attended to.
The Oily Fathers Brckfst 1 Bay-
brc1c aH llo1 a Spcci1
1eeti1ff ] ,
But tdjouiua IiurrIelI3 to ( 'ateli $ igii (
or tIt ) , Circus 1'rocusMicn.
A vecinl meeting of the city cotmcil
was held yostorlay morning.
A communication front the mayor stat.
ed that ho had signed the Rpecial ortIL.
nance itiakiug approuriatioits for July
1883 , ami prior thereto , was received ,
A communication woe received from
the nayor stating that , in his opinion , a
resolution vMseI by thu council at. itt ; last
meeting ajtpointing three cutiticilinen an a
purchasing committee was not valid , antI
CIIitl ttC > t. change the ordinance witiclt
provides that unless otherwise specially
itrovuleul the mayor shall be the ptircliaa.
lug agent of the city. 'l'Iio Inityor thought
lit ) other provision could be intttio oxcelt
by ordinance. Itoforreti to the judiciary
Cotiuin ittee.
On ttiotioit of ? ulr. I macall the resolti.
ised at the last. meeting was rejected.
A f.)4T ( 'AUHI.
ByRedflcltI , htosolvcd , thutt. the board
of ittilulic woths ho ulirceted to invite
lrtposaIs ) for Jtaving districts Nos. ) , 4 ,
Ii , (3 ( and 7 with ' [ 'rinidad nheet.aspluilttiiii ,
Sioux Falls granite or Colorado sand.
stoite. Also iIu'itu ltriuosahs for raving
said districts with any otlwr material ,
slccifyillf ) the material , Lost.
A potitioti from Chris. ? tioore , a.sking
that the filling of lots on Ilith between
JOC5 aitti Clark streets stop , as it is to
his detriment. was referred to the corn-
rnitteo on streets itiid grades with power
to act.
Art ordinance changing the grade of
Fourteenth anti Fifteenth streohi frwn
.Jackson to Leavenworth street , and
.11)1103 street from 'I'liirteoittli to Sixteenth
street , was pusnetl. :
Au ordinance to provide for the ro
lItOVItI of garbage , dead atiiinnls aitul other
refuse itiattor and to prohtiltit ( luInsiting
niniture , vit referred to tIto judiciary
coiitiitittee. It divitlos Omaha into dis.
trietnby wards , atul compels all house.
keopera to Plttco tuilios , garbage or oflal
in a vrover box or iaskot in the rear of
the promises , and forbids thiciti to throw
tI wrty such matter into the streets or
ttlloytt. 'I'hio board of public v.rks is to
solicit bids for the roitioval of ashes itud
refuse matter and ulead atiltutals to soitie
place below the city litutits twice each
week in carts bcaring in black letters out
white ground the letters , "city garbage
A. CuittfltIflicat'lOil front the mayor stat.
ing tlittt Ito had concurred in the concur-
runt resolution juouseti by the council
August 14 , selecting nutul uunlloying in.
spccttrs of sewers mud pzLviuIg was re-
4 % . _ COtilhIttill ication fret it the uutnyor up.
1)oiuitiIig Janues 11. Baldwin , \V. .J. leui.
IueIy and Doututis Cunniughiani npplaisers
of prpurty 011 thu change of grade on
1"otjrteuuttlu tiuiti Fifteeuithi streets , frouti
.Jacksout to Leavenworth ahIl .Jonwt front
'I'hirtcuitthi to Sixteenth street , was
Council atijuturited tuuitil } 'riday mont-
log , AtIgtt4t 23 , at. I ) o'clock.
A HIcsMlumg to mdl ituttslcIttti.
Jut these times whout our Newspapers nra
1100(10(1 ( with 1nttent nuetlicimun ntivortiscuuuoiuts ,
it is gratifying to know what to procliro that
vIhl coratinly cure you , If you are Bhhiou ,
) , lotol out of ortler , Liver Inactive , orgoitertuhly
tloluihitattttl , thieve us nothuiuig Iii the s'orhui that
vili cure yeti tO ) tiuicIv us Electric Bitters.
FIIOy are a lihtssIng tu utli nuatiki uud , tuiti can ho
hail ( on on1y fifty cents a bottle of 0. F. tbtttti.
- - - -
Jr. U. U1otItIg i1uult , SuIIei'lttoimd. ,
tumt on the Nummi lierit 1'iiIIIt ,
Time ngumtt of time American uxpt'eso
COittlOtilY lucre for nunty yeats , 1'tr , I I . fl.
Bnowiiitmg , hitia jumst buuii appointed su-
puriuttutlouut of thue western divisioit of
the Northern Pacific express coutinny ,
hmkm hmuatlqtmartors to be at I'ortlantl. 'l'his
is a deserved uitnrk of conlidunco on thu
jtrt of the Northern I'mtciiic in an uxirnrt
and reliable goittlonimut. 'I'huo Northern
I'ac'itie express COtnJOU1 will 01)oIlttO the
entire line of the Northern l'ncilio front
St. 1'&tttl to Portlaitti and time Oregon
ttteiiinslmii ) navigation COmutlatIy's lutes itt
Oregon , bosidug thuu waler lines between
I'ortiantl and Samu Francisco.
: llr. Browiting is to be time superintend.
cut of the western ( Ih'ision front l'ort.
liutil to Ilulemtmt , imuclutlimug time Oregon
limies of railway and the ateaimtshtip hitios
liotWecit Stiui 1"raitcisco and I'ortltiitul. lie
leaves mmcxv Wetluosday for I'ortlantl and
will rcturmt in two or three mnomtthts to
take out hula famnily. Cliarlus Sloan , of
Citiungo , formerly cashuier of this ollico ,
will stuccoed Mr. Browning. Mr. Brown.
hug hits been in time service of thue Amer.
baum uXlFC88 contpuuuy for sixteen years ,
sovuuu of whichi have been spout inOinahtut ,
where hue Juts built up a large bttaiztess
for his comupany , n1niust atnng comlueti.
tion by reitsomt of his mmnuty sterling qual.
iticsbotht as a btisinuss man and it gentle.
umutu ,
Mauty times you want to keep moat or
flak for several days. Lay it in a sole-
tion of Itox 1iagmtua over night , anti you
can keep it ftsr svceks. You can also keeJ )
mnihk a week or more by stirnimmg in a lit-
tie of the ' 'Snow Flake" bniuni.
r ! t1ItCJ CIIitt'Flj.
A Ntt EtMtlHLl Church In Nor tim.
vei , t Otitmilimi CounteleilVitIi ,
A coimplo of years ago or moore Dean
1IiIIsaught startetl a Sunday schiotti in
what is kmtown as [ mijor Beheher's house ,
Shine's othuition , 'Lime suuudorhtkit , was
so maccit of attuccess that % 'ory 80011 it lm.
canto itecessitry to obtutiti a larger roommt.
"tYithu' the help of four or li'o church uncut
0. house was bought. anti imtovcd upon a
lot , toimtpornrily dwuatcd , on King street ,
between Caldwuli miutti I I nmnilton , By ( hue
faithful mumsiatautce of 11r. 'J'hontns , 1mi
Sumttlay school 8111W ! itutendomut , unit the
other teachers and lmuhpers , time good work
continued to so that. with the colt-
sent of time Bishop the Donut huts for the
itast ycar hold a Sunday and week day
service itt this room.
flaring this thmto ( hue lot open whuich
the building stands imas beemu imurchased
and. thw buildimtg itself zuadu into a
chapel , A clutncol iuaviimg itt the end a
window of staimued glww representing the
Good Shepard , and roouit at the side of
the chapel , and jut connection with it , in
- - - -
which the clergymnati viIi live have been
neatly furumishmed by ( Ito haliea. Thu
whole structure has heemi neatly Iattmtcl
anti stmrunoutitod i ) a ichIfry , itt hope ( hunt
5011)0 ) 0110 Will 500 it. etnty atid putt a
bell in it. . 1uiottgit cruuiutnt. 1)0 saitl mu
Iuraiao ( If 8011)0 ) of thio ladlea whmo have
tiommu mmmcli jIm time ftmrtlmcrammce of titus
work ,
On Smmntlay uioxt at time 11 o'clock service -
vice l'tlr. ' Charles \Vitimerspoommli. Iwlmo
hurts usL gratlumated front time timeologmc.'tl
semnmmmary % 1ll 1)0 ordained to time deacon.
ate by the liishmoJ ) of Nebraska. lit time
nftornoomt utr. W itlmorspoon vilI vroachi
at time opemming services of ( race Chapel ,
at , IS p. m , , ammd will tlmeit cutter ubon time
tItmtic connected witim time samumo.
Fear of n Olltbrck This 1intcr o
t1i Puvr ilivor.
1tilet..t 'l'lmrte limulinmis am'u R.p1 Oil
Their lehemvat amuui SYcil
'J'hme foihovimlg very immupontant letter
wits reccivoti by ( ummcraI I toward at. tie-
parttmuemmt hmculqtiartcrs timis aftcrnoonaimd
forwarded \Vnsimiumgton for commaidena-
tiomm by time war tlepartmmmeumt. It is writ-
tutu by a wealtimy Eimglislu cattle-dealer
vlmo cviduimtiy knows what he is talkimmg
abotit :
l'ownmmt : itm % Imt , A mmgmmst .Jthm , I 883.-
\Viil you allow mime to uuaiim trouble yotm
on ( ito itimlject of Imulman dulnclatiomms.
'l'lie result of mu ) ' observatiommum this stmmmt-
mimer Imna licon to nmalco it. ommly too lilaiui
tlmnt otmr losses thmrotmgim Indinims were
mimtmch heavier titan at thu timmmu I moot. you
I had any idea of , atmd , encouraged by
iitmccess ammul imnpumumity , these thefts are
certain to assume the mnoat scrioums lro
Iortiomma thtin winter.Vhmile
ALL. T1I TItmmuI.S
imavo becim trouhiesombe , time Crows have
beemi the worst. 'rimoy say that timey are
again goimmg to Citimmi ) iii great miumubers
on tue south side of Tongue river chose
to time Momitrnma frommtiur of thus territory ,
a country whmero thmero is absolutely imot a
simmgle bumirtulo amid where mmmmmaller gaimlo is
Very scarce. l is mmcetllcss to say thmat
our herds ut that sectioui are to furnish
free rations for time s'hiole winter. For
now tltrceyears we stockmnen have beemi
voi ) patieuit umimdur timis visitatiomu , butt time
state of timings is miow so mtcamudaiotmsly bad
and our losses so heavy that we mntmst
citimer be securel
on MUST OitiANISi. (
I nut certain unless thio Crows arc
kept oh their reaervntion-immmmemmso tutU
fertile far beyontl their mmecds-tlmis
winter , tlmere cutimot. : fail to be hostilitit mm.
Coumsiduring time great extemit of time
imuuliami meservuttioutmu , that at any iitu
south ttf time tommtaima limme tlmere are mn
1)tmllLlO left ) it does seummm to immo Unit timeso
mummutmal piemmics amiuommg our ramicimes are
mmmcroly time evidtmmmcu of a disregarti for
our imtturostum ; time immore strammgo , as next
to time immilitary army , we cattle uncut
ImiLve dummo uimore to aettie nimd civilize
tiutmi mummy ttiler part of the commmimmimmmity.
1\IOItITON \ FuumvlN. :
BtuIJKiuflH 4trnmea Salve.
The greatest. mumodical wonder of tim vonld.
\Vnrraitteti tt ) , tpeetliiy cure lium'uus , Cuts , U ! .
cors , Salt lihuoumum , Fever Sores , CantersPiIot
Chilhialuis , C.nms , , ' [ 'utter , Cimappeti ltauiulsnritl
mull itkimm eruptions , gutaraitteeti to cure in uvory
instance , or mnulumoy refunded. 2 couts uor
( mx
allh1)1o ) Of Ilic ExllcIhidnco of
4 SVolltuuit'N Ittei'mmmjuctl IesiHtmt nee
It ) Lilt Olllteu.
OllicersVliulamm nmmdVhmitmmmauk hind an
mulvonturo 'l'hmumrsulay uvummimug whmiciu goes to
show timat a imoliccmmttmi'n : lot in hot it. hmmtppy
4 Svetlo whose mmmunu is mmot kmmovmu , hut
who liveti at time corner ( )1 ] luvcmuthi nimd
1times stuects , imuL : somimo trouble with a
lady liviumg in time mmeigimborimood ntmd time
olhicurs wommt d.avmu early iii time evemmilmg
to muriest itiuum. 'lime fellow pretuumdctl miot
to umumulurstommul Eimglisiu mmmi the ( , likttI'H
vere commipolled to go back to hmeadqummtu' .
tens mummul procumie a warrant. 'l'hmey timoum
roturmmed to time residommce ammut foummtd
their umman absent. ¶ I'imey seaucimed
tlio duligemmtly but witlmout sue-
cuss , until , as they ruro nboimt to leave
( lucy betlmummgimt tlmeimmsolvus to look tunder
time beds amid there tlmey fotund. time fellow -
low , who svmts abruptly omdurctl to commmo
ituit , whmiehm hue did , smmeakimmg emit ott all
Amtimi hmo imroteimtlutl not to immiderstanti
mutti refuiseti to go iii coummplinmmco witim time
warrammt. Finally tlte ' 'imipporum"'ero
mit tmi butt amtd lie was iubotmt to be drmtg-
iut1 tiowut stairs , wlmen time woimmami wlmo
lives with hmimmt mmii who is suid : to be his
wife , jtmmmuped on hmis bttck and tried to
keep lmiimi frommi being takoms away. In
thmia shmapo time fellow hmad to be dragged
tlttvii time stops ammtl aim excited crowd
gatimerod aroummud , uittil the oll'meors were
afraid they would be nttacketl. 0mm mann
vlLB imarticumiarly pugmmaci.mms , stud it was
not ummtil bothm ltlLcemmIeui ) drew thick no-
volvurs that tlmoir opposers fell back and
time Lirisolter wits hauled oil to jail imimnms
lust , coat amid b6ota ,
lie begged to be allowed to go back
amiti get tlmenm , nuiti vluttmu tlmo mmittmva ho.
gait to Imurt Ito was able tim say , iii vry
goul Eumglishm , ' 'I'll ' gel I'll goP. ' '
lie vmts takumu along uuolcima volemms , anti
.it8 clmueked imito thu jug m'imore Ito ui .
serves to stay foragootltermmm.
T1Il 1tUflhilR.
' 1' , ) Jut l'layett l'tvtn'mm , I lulu 1uoIgIut
auuui EIbiesum Niumeim Tu-tlity ,
'rime U. P. frchhmt iumtl uxmrcss aimditom"s
base ball clubs viil jdmty time tlecidimmg
gmtmmto of a series of tltree emi time St.
Iminry's nveimuo 'rouuiuds this tufter.
mmoomt. 'I'imo lreigimt 4ullitor's mmiumu tiuuu-
tlmat tIme ) ' vcru ttotmt PIILYC1 at over ) '
poimmt" emi inst Smuturdmuy mis wits ittatuti iii
( tutu of time Iapors ) , ) mm thu commtrary , they
munuliutniti tiutt time m'uium tumid mmot tIme ' 'sum- '
Iomr skill" cm ( time oxpmcmat ummeum vnmm time
gmummme for that iul , . If time ztium hmmutl umot
ontloti tIme gaulle itt them ummti of time suxtim
immt'ummg time reatilt would lmavo boon on.
tiroly tlitrtmrommt.
'I''s coimtest will be a close one
amid one jut wlmiclm mnueit interest is beimmg
takomm by time fniwmds of batit toammus.
Time Fmolghmt Auditor's niumo 'viii bu
immaterially streiugtimomtod by time Ircsommco
of a noted second base mmmii wlmoso skill
anti race hmavo mmovor failed to win time
ndumuratioim of the grnud staimd. tiutmitu
will Commmmuomco at 2:30 : ,
Qrall Elliroc of'l \ ' , W. CoIets Great
hov' .
't'lmny mmmc ( ircetm'ui W'ltli Teim 'flmousnnul
l'cni ,1 e.
Ycsteciay was eircua tin ) ' . Circus day imm
Ornaima it ; a geol as a lure aimd will ( maw ft
crowd every timno. 1mm fact a circus thmat
can't draw a crowd iii Omnaima it , no circus
at all.
Cole's niamunotim concern arrived front
c outmcil BlufFs early iii time mumoriming ammd
streets vuru crowicd whim spectators
awaiting time approach of time grnmmd pa
geammt inoumuise&L tlmcnm , nrmtl for mummee thmu
uliaplay was Proumipt iii its aPh1cmrtmce. :
'l'lme simacly sitles of time streets
after tmimloadimmg proecedoti to the groumumds
( tim mmrtim I 8tim street.
At 10 o'clock Farmmaiim amid Dougia.
were thronged aimd even tIme
sdmmlmy side was liumed Witim
eager watcimummu , ntmxiotms to sue time big
pmnaie. : 'Jim o rtmbbcr imiitnom In Cit , time
Imoys scatturimig dodgers aimd otlmer iuttmac.
thins , were early elm time field , ammul time
visitors frommi time commumtry laid in tumid dis.
1mosed of time usual aiimoumimt of lumicim at mum
early hmoumr. \hi \ time eimilmlrcmm itt towim
were wild to go to time circus , tumid ummder
time 'eii of thmcir ammxiety time paremmts
( united out cut mmiasse.
Time processiomi was mu mtplemllil 0110 ,
aimd , ut unammy of its features , was novel
beyontl any that hmmum ever ummatlo its Imp.
pearmuico : iii oimr streets. Jim iemmgtim it lmis : ,
we Imhieve , itever iCttmi surpassed , aitti
wimiie mumany imare bcemm immore umiarked for
time imuiumther of gorgaotms cimariots ,
Itolte imas 1)00mm 80 imttcrcstmmg in its ( IC-
hula. Time vummi duawmm by enimohs : amid mmii-
other by elcplmammts attracted great ndmni-
ratioui , time traces umseI itt time iatter in-
staitco being broad enuigim and imeavy
emmoumgim to have gumided Noaii'snrk timroumgim
time streets. ' [ 'lie bmimds : of mptmsic were
above time average. time cage of humus time
lCBt yet exhibited ; timid , imm short , there
scemmmed to cxist a prtiseirrtimy iii-
tommtioim to 5110W smmlamtmtumtrality tumid
tint gill aimul timmsei in tiiis prclumde to
time simow. There vmms no atteummpt to
dazzle time eye , butt time soliti fcatmmres of
time slmow wore immodestly act forth amiul
timis fact was au)1)ncciated by tIme vast
It is tt mnattur of regret timat thme
groumuds chmosemm for time eximibitiomm are
imeccssariiy so far frommm time center of time
city , but thmis is aim inevitable result of
time ralil growth of Ommmalta amid its
thickly built squares ,
Exelteti TImuuututuuutmm.
All over the land are going into ec4ammy over
Dr. Niumg'n New liscovery ) for Constminptiumm.
Their immmlookctl for rt'covery by time tiumteiy
1mt , of thmis great iifa Saving remmiedy , caimsems
tltc.u to gu. nearly wild 1mm its jraise. , It is
giiaramtteett to reititeiy cmro , Severe Cotmgims ,
Colds , Asthmuumn , I I ay Fever , Bmoiteiiitim , I i , umrso.
hess , Loss of Voice , or tummy alfectiomm of
tIme s lmniumt mutt ! lmuutrs.
Supreumme Coiuut o1 : ' , eturmtttlca.
Storks vmm. Baidwiim. Ailirnmed. Re-
vcrsmtl vacated.
'l'iuu following causes Were submmiittcd :
Slutte cx rd. Gregory vs. Scimool district -
trict No , 13 ct mul. 0mm mmmotiomm to vacate
Simmmpsomm vs. Jtmmmmmimmgs. Omi mmmotioim for
liallmmdmty VS. lirigga.
Fotits vs. Maimim.
B. & M. It. It. Co. vs. Frauzemi.
harrison vs. linker.
Seimwaimg i's. Love.
: ii. 1' . U. It. vs. Coomm.
M. 1' . IL It. limmycs.
11001) VS. lierromi.
Time followimig causes were comitmtincd :
Lommg Ciapp.
\Vymmmoumr vs. Ureemiwooti.
Commiec vs. McDowell.
0. & It.T IL 1. Co. vs. Rogers.
Doimum State.
13. & M. U. It. Co. vs. Kelmo.
Everett vs. liobelmnaim.
.1 . S. I Ioaglaimd , of ; Laimcuster : coumut ) ' ,
w.t14 : admmmmttcd to practice.
Simmmpson .mm. .Jcmmzmiimgs. Coumtimmumctl.
B. M. H. U. Co. vs. Dorrimmgton.
C umti umumed.
leummimamm vs. State. Suubmumitteul.
State cx rid.Vltito vs. .Joiumhout. Comm.
(1 ( iilesjIt ) Vs. Sawyer. Coimtimmuctl.
Palummur \Vitclmenhy. . Commtiumtmcd.
\Veasom Comimbes. Couttiumimed.
B. i [ . ft. II. Co. vs. 1eimmlmucidu. { :
loolittle vs. Picmmz. Coimtimmtmetl.
liohmmumaum vs. state. Sumbmmmitted.
Craig \.5 Stevemison. Stmbmmmitted.
Lippemmeott vs. Iteis. Commtiumtmed.
Fmtzgernll y5 , . 'imtdrows. Suubuutittctl.
Roymtoids s's. Cobb. Commtimimmed.
Lammcmmster coumumty 'ms. state ox mel. Mu.
Icr. Comttimmtmcd.
Dommovmum vs. Simerwin. Cunmtimmmmeti.
State cx mel. Silver vs. Kendall. Re.
ferred to take testiummony.
State ex ci. Blair vs. Cimmmmimmg coummty.
Altormtatmve writ allowed.
State cx t el. Seytjraimco vs. ( iastimm ,
Emmtorprisimmgioc.mlagontswmumtoct Ill this
towum for aim amticlo timmit is sure to mmcli.
Lire druuggists tumid grocers prefurreti.
ddrcss I lummiistoim Fowil Preservative Co. ,
72 lulby street , llosbmmm. mim&u&wlmum
-ICitight ' , . tickets vemo
withmulrawn front saltm yestertimmy muiti time inst
luty of Sir Kmmigimt. botmutti for San Francisco
irnsoil timrtmmmgim hero this umtnim. 'I'lme retimrmm be.
gluts omm tlmtt tit of this immummtlm ,
Evor' Corset 1. wumrreutod saUs-
taotonytojtmmwoaror lutnoiT
or lbs money wilt be refunded by
the merson from 'wtuomn it w bought.
Tute only O.rit prooounce.t 1.1 our JH41n puly&ICSSLI
a.u to dii. I ledici M
: : Qoattort&Uo 5.04 ptrttc $ i2ttth Curist ' 5.5
i'iiis : , by xu. l' .ts. i'addi
Heslib I'rt.cs'smag , Sl.O. Lrit.AdmiieuiS , 1L60
bJ.iaa1 ( eztrl.esvy ) .e.oo. I'turttt. S1.O
M.&mt 1'rsrrtug ( Site , outfl ) SI.OO. $
Bl.Irt-upporUg , $ I.O.
I. . , Sal. bl lc,41.t 1L.t.1 D.crI e.rywIiz.
4M1&QO CUIW L ' Vt9 , m.
IIIt'1 ' ( ) tJ TltllI ) IT ?
TIlE OI.D AnAcn : , TtiA'l' "AN flhtC1 OP u'mmi : .
NmYImm : 3tOiU Am'i1Y lu.u4ruuATEl ) TItAN liv
mimu YIITAKI IIl ltsimw : TARRANT'S
SELTZER APERIENT mimri'muu : Iui
Mi&lMl ( ) 'utAh lout I m Nor ONLY ( tNTf ,
ImLOUIATES AN ! ) 1tJi1'll4 { T111 imYsrEM , nun
Is A IittTIC1 ) ION A(1AINST i,151AM1 : , Wilicil
No o'm : ( ) rUliT ' 10 DlsiUUAIID. : ALl. 1)ltt'o
01818 11AV1 IT.
x4rSpecials will Posituveiy not be inserted
unless a1d1n advance ,
TO LOAN-Money.
; . - . ; - - . - . . - .
I ) Amt.muoAu ) Tt'lITM ( nil p.iluit , at rc.ltieel
It.rate. . A. FOItMA4 , 21t $ utlt mtth St. 9l1umt ,
' I ON } % ' TO ! . .OANThs Omutaha 8avlns Itank l
Al I Imow IroIftrel tc' ummake bait. on t)11ta113 ) city or
loimglns couint rcat cttsto at cumrrcmmt ratul Interest ,
No comnmumssion cmuarrod.
-S tINIY To IMAS-'fhu lowest rstos of tnttrc't
I , Iietitls Loan Agency , lath & IotmiIss. 2't-itf
'I ° LOAN-Callatlaw otflco of P.
.1 Thomas , mont 8. (1relmtlmtotm Imlack.
1 oN'uv ; TOANED-On CImattct mortgage , room 7
.1) Nebraska Natmonam lInik liulIdmrmr. Is-i. tf
- ' oNmV : 'Fl ) ' 7. Iieatty on , , , emi chattel
I ! hiropert ) , 213 totmt1m 14th St. b41.lmmm'
rnLp WAi'riaJ.
1 % 7ANTImehtunlreuI ) : ntci , , .tcaIl3 tinmToy
1 1 , mltlt. Call for three , Iayu , at 10th auud % Velatr
.Ithm , ( iramit Stupt.
ATllmlmmInR ) ) noon , lnI at Omaha house.
, 152 o
ANTIuUlr : ! for Imouse st ork. Mrs. IuInm liama ,
' toS S. math st. 14.i7i
% 7ANTFJ-Two export uuilhlners at time I'arllan
S imiflhmnt'ry 10th Street.
- good liakmr. Inquire of I. Schoe
, timing , (1trniamula hnoe , , rican the depot. U5.1sI
' \ ) - ' . expcreuicod uCto )
' niol Iatmrnmre.8. , % tl'ly atCJol. Taylor's , U. S. A. ,
22u Iixige btreet. i39is :
yANTml-A good girl to do gencram hotmuaork ,
I tsas1ului anti Ironiuig , 3mI imonmim 18th street bet.
1)tt copout arid Ch1CCR' . Call trout 1 to 4 u. in. ( lu.txi
Stages. 14017
\ ) - , . K con. OtIm atom miarumey Kt.
S 143.181
\'ANTnD-Twcnty macit for railroad work.
, ' II , ,
145.l7 11th Street , near } 'nrnanl.
7ANTlt-0mrl to 1.1(1 general Itoimsenork. 1110
S ! 1utrnamu , , , trteL 147.17
S7ANTlt-Cauii.ssers lii evtrytnvut , smul county
S S fwr the celebrated clmanmjiiiu lm.401m , Strether
out ! Iroiilmig hoard. Athlrtuts or apply at J. st' . iits
icr 1i05 S. 0th St. 0umaha. , 1m'.I7'
1TAN1'ElJ-A No. I lmurioss iiaker , at A. II. Lv.
C S tlick' , Vakctlehl , Nd , . EmimjIoyuisont for one
year , If wanted. omie but No. 1 need to rsmy.
Cutimo at once. 1132L
rANTEu-Ouie goo,1 bro.un iuiakur. ApIy to or
S ! aultlrcss F. 1 , . TlOMt'sON ,
110.211 North Ilend , Net , .
TANTI-l'ifty laborers at Floreriro Ctmt-off.
1 P s'agcn 2.40 fur 1 hours work. Imuimimire of J. C ,
Mmmrphyat thu storks. , 120.381
\TAsTnD-Ladles minim youuu tacit ti ) nttetiul ctc
1 itmi , scImouil. Situations. .1. 11. SM 11 If ,
iU5'iS 1510 1)ouglus.
tN WANTEI-'l'o ob oimt tnmmh , 1
A trout motumIlce. m'/O0 per acre isill tnt paid.
11mllIs' IdnAl. ES'I'A'm'm3AGmNC\ ' , u5tuu situ Douglas tt' .
' ' ) - ecoxid cook at the Imtsuimet houme.'I
I yAN'1'El-A , 1)72.18 )
\TANTEfl-UIrl at No. iusC theriuiaii tocuuumo.
1 3Imts. .1. 11 COUNSIIAN.
1TAN'l'EI-A cook anl dinlumg roomiugirtattlue
C I CreiglitOum Iuoui'e.
' 7AS1'EL- rt cItcs : tuarber. Good wazos malul.
S : , m. Coitus , mcarney , Neb. 012.1St
JJ1)ulSOItYOUNG ) MIN : In city or country , to
take umice , light auuul pleasant sork at t4ueir comm
litunmes ; $2 to & , a tiny catHy nuid qimlet nmade ; work
sent by luau ; ow couurnsing ; no stani , mreiy.
l'Ieasc au1dres Iteliablu Maututnettmr tug Cotnany , m'a. .
drawer 'Ii' , 806 tu.tli-sat-Aug28t
' , A7ANT1I-Lzuly agents for the "Qseeu , l'rotect.
I ! or. ' . flew stouter garment for ladles , made of
soft , tiexildo ntuliber. Sure lurotectiout to the under.
% ear , smueim imecessary to be wuiruu. Itetalis for SLOe
as fast at agents can it. I.z.rge lurolIts. Address
5t liii m.taumulu. ° 1.'nlles' Uumnderganmne t Mniuutaetmmring
Co. , No. U S. lftyhtreet , Cltmcuigo , mU. 70u3lun
11TANTlD-Furt-eIass : isorumaui cook itt time ( lauD.
S S i1oue , titan goveruinuent corraL im1.tI
' 7AN1'EI-A girl to oi'rk for boar , ' . , anul to to
t I icluotul , AiuiY Imuuuutcullately at boOth side of
Charles btreet , bet ceim Iremmo amid Jounce , only bemuse.
w Ilardssaro , Smos e nail I I sioe.ftmrnmhiug , trade.
Ii our gosIs ulou't , coumilict o Itlu aii tIuimi s on cull ;
ummuuucy lit it ; big ( tuuuuuultiouI , , oltular article ; umeme , Ito
coutmu , ttltloui ; smumall snOulle. 1' . (1. lIo't t330 Cluicigo.
it 1)22 )
'ANTil ) 'F'i i ) iirt tmas4 barbers , at I' . W' .
1 1 lerksctm's ( 'oumuucil liiuut3s. Atiglilt
jJ'ANTFu-Om : ( lreticai tinner , steady Jolt , 540
1 1 iucnuuuouutlu. LOUIS S\VANSON ,
037-mutt Ulycs , Net , .
' T.N'inm-A bitluatioul as uussitant hook.kceIcr ,
S or auuy oftko a ork , by a 3ouuug iuuitum 5u ho ran
furnish guied references. Aduirebs "A. Ii. 'r. " lIeu
olilco. 14017'
' ' 'tN'1llW'It hum three Ilocks of tiruun uteim 1 TulI ,
I ) a go.l luouuu of at lcat , oocui rouiuuus , , % iIuIres
31us. 1. imaIe , 4O0 Itasemitort stiect. .148.uS
IyANTII-.tiu ) oil i.uilIiug abomit 20s3& ) It. suit.
S able for store. W , Iletu tuSicu.
, \7ANTED-S5UOo , ortli of luuimdiuig amid repair
1 jotus , at tuumce , at ems s. ioth street. ( iod surk
tin no pa' . S. S. IlAitIY ) ,
1\TAN'I El-A ) mirt.class liortu , about itt hands
V ) .iglu. 3Iuit lei mi good tras "icr , cmiii a No. , uiuu
animal lit ci cry u t Muct. I mmqtmlte at Iilliulmui . lrlck.
bout's Jeiteiry utore. IntJO'tf
LI ) I lUN VAN1'Il'-m'.mrtlc4 : ' list lug nil Iron to
sell In tar.Iieol lot , mumay nuidress umuo for timie
stick itt flhuuaha set , . , nut ! after that hum curlier of
lilaltu utuul 'Ihirtyscrond street , Iku , , Cr , Ccl.
ts ) : 18 .1 , It. ( uII.0111115T.
- ' \TANTil-Da boarderumit 1317 1)ascnport St.
mNii.Dt : ;
roit RENT--Houses and Lots.
I 1t mmlzcl-cottago : of , etcm rocuum , , Istli and
( hIcago , tretts. isiso mm somali house , iTtm , aunt
Capitol its eitme. S. LIIIM.tN.
iil : tf
I 1t mmlNT-'rwu : , u'ali buick storct at 8.OO. : S. I.Ili3i. .
I 'Oit ltlN'r- : mme moat nuuul , .ltt Iuug roonm , it I tl , or
nithouut 1uisrd to titi ) reJemt.&llu 1aut's 007
Vleatuum , St. mutar Military llrluige. mlti.20
iomt iuirIlouseS : , 1. cur , loll , iiii larlilo Sttu.
142 l8I
t IIOU$1S ANI ) srtumuus : For remit clutal , . ltd.
I J hits & hotter , roouim 20 , ( ) uumalua National limuuk.
( \IW.tN I'or rent atut runtaIlulluil tin Imrchas .
5. 1 mOT.tI I'iiiC'i'P ( & CO.
1 ) lt lunNT--Four imew hotter. of uoouasGoom
is 'll amid eisttni , t'tti'it. 512.0 , . ) u'r immouutlm. 1) .
1. . 'rmuouuia. , Creigiutiurm lliork , 102.24
I 1t1N'rThree umletty fuirnishel seouns , 1010
t'tuleato St 101.181.
I u1 II 1N' r-Imabeumteuut , furiuihed or nimfuroblueti
for Iiotibekt'vpiuig uirm , 1615 ChIcago kit.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tJ1.1si
I fl'imNIsmmKu iuotm5ii.Ily the slay ,
'I mouuit. Also for tightl.oumsektepmiig , llrenuer's
lilit'k , cor. bitt cmi itonard streets. 104.1St
1'iI 11lST-3 rooms , elFur , ssater , at 0JS N. 18th.
I lmlT.17 )
' -I " LET-Nicely furnl.ht1 bern , 1728 Ioiuias.
F ° n itkikif I'roumt , furobbed reommm. Apply city
editor's roonm , lk'e otliec.
r u m.ii'Nicely furutelititi roouits , slth bcaii
'a * atuui lath room. Abe & few ta1o boarders
% t&imtesi at ins 1)odgu street.
i'out itIN'm-A front r000m ; also .iualler
rt'ouu. with hearst. 1812 1)otlg lit 94S.lmno *
1tmm1 muINT-vurttsud : , and tmmuiuriIEi rooms.
.1 Fine loettlout. PECK , Opp. 1' . 0.
tf _ _ _ _ _
12'olt itT sad .torubuiliing. . IIV.U.
.1 10111) ; SOUE1t. ItesI Estate Agency. OiUoo
eastside 14th ttrCe , tsettevn Farnam sad Dotmiil& .
.tre.ti ,
I Infants and Children
Without Morphine or Narooflno.
'WimatRivos our Clulhirn rosy clmct'ks ,
\'hat curc their fevers , main's tlmem steep ;
L 'TIn tatorIu ,
When Thtble fret. , and cry by lumen , ,
' , % 1mat cures theIr colic , kills their worms
¶ . Slut Casttrime.
What qumickly cureq Constlption ,
Sour Stomach , Colds , Indigectlon :
1iit Cn.itorlus.
Farewell then to Morphine yrups ,
Castor Oil and Paregoric , anti
Stall Cntorln.
Centaur Llnimont.-Ab. .
o1uto oiii'o for Rhoumatlsm ,
Sprains , flurns , Galls , ito. , nnd zui
instantaneous Pain-reliever.
Natiolla1 aiik
Capital , - - $100,000.00
C. W. HAMILTON , Pros't ,
M. T. UARLOW , Cnshior.
Accounts toIIcItod and kept subJect -
Joct to sight chock.
Certificates of Deposit Issued payable -
able In 3 , 3 and 2 months , bearing
Ifltorostoron demand without in-
Advances madoto cuatomors On
approved securities at market rate
The interests of Customers are
closely guarded and every facIlity
compatible with principles of
sound banking freely extondod.
Draw sight drafts on Englnndiro'
land , Scotland , and all pam'ts of u -
Sell European Passage TIckets.
Collections Pi'onptIj Made.
_ uc&Diiiijiou
The Product of American Industry !
Full nsomtmutcnt coumetnuitly on lammd itimul for naic by
HENRY PUIIRMAN , Premont , Web.
A\S' OI'1'iCI , 'it ii futuiblial , Itlm good IUirary ,
-4 ( or silt cimiCAr. J01I4 L. M001t1 ,
003-mum' Crete , Neti.
'ORI1CNT-New rectums fumnullmed , or uufuruulshed , ,
1 4 wit ) , ticaiui. liUtettOCeS fl'ijUIrt'd. 1010 Iaven.
005 + . 4n53 tf
: oit IAL } .
r'olt SM.i-A : fine gnicer3' , tock auiti fhturcs ,
1. : ' centrally locatetlatuti doing agood cni ttlsiuics4
Inquire itt J. I , . Marble's emuupiiiyumtent olilce , 2t7 N
mOth st. 157.18
SATE-A new liousu , aimil full lot , itcar ite'.er-
I volr , Situated on nut eltgauit , lull , Os erlookiuug
the city nuid river. Cash , $ . ( tI' ' .
ImCK'd : 1uuAl 1srA'r11 .OmN'CY ,
1-19 OS 001' . 1' . 0.
; oit SALfl-At reasonable figures , Ililimarket ,
2212 Cuuuultug btrect. 1'trty with siumall capital
ii ill ul it cli. liCasoul for telling , iris ) , to retire
frouui the business. iuuuiuire itt the muiarket. iio.msi
I ' 0lL SAL1 0mt itlNTSj.Ieutdid upright Ilahia-
inuntiIy 1aiuieutts. i1.o a new opeut bugy oum
cas , teriums. .1. u : . ED\'Aimls ) ,
141'22 liii } 'artiamu street
I ' ) Olt SALn-Sniaml house , ness' , about oumo.ialf acre
lot. iasy tenumis. l'ricc ( lily $50.
AM Ii ,
1.1i.u 1500 Fnruuauuu Street.
JOIt SAL1-A ilrstrlas' . brick residence muropert ) ' .
\'ury desirable. Must be soil. 1a.y tcrtumt.
1m'LLuU mlitih , ,
3t9.2I 1:12t : larnamum Street.
"Ott SAL1-I'itu tarot 177 acres uucur Florence ,
I i.8ms ) on tltnr.
Siledhi rusldence 11th kit. 0 roums , east. front ,
near St. car.
E.celleutt farni 100 acres , good Iurproscuncntiu'ruear
3ttiiard. Per aeruSlO. SulRi'EIt & lmILL.
13i 30
I OIt SAIn-at a great bargalum for a few tiays only ,
lot ; 7 , 1lock :1 : , Iiaumscotu I'lacc , out tieorglaaveuuuo.
Fat : front , imearpark and street car line. ' 11th trill to
sold eluenmi , au I emit aboumt to ieao the city , and it a
rare chance for any one svlsiuiuu to build a louuie or
for tIectulatiout. Cali on cr aidress mute at Auuues' Iteal
Ftato Ageucy , or 2423 Farnaimi street ,
133'lit 11)W1N S'1'11NS , Owmicr.
1'oIt SALn-OA'r STItAW-Fresli amid lit bales , or
.1 metier , itt Fst.Iintsk's : Stock \'nrds , 10th , , trcct ,
bttwceuu Calitol as critic auuti 1)a euijuOi't street.
0Ll SATm-IlaIf Interest lii a stell cttuIIiliet1nuid
I hat class pa3Iuug buusiuics. Gud reason for sell.
lug. Small anuotmut of maouuey u ciumi ted. I. S. M. lIce
ollice. 122.17'
I tlL SA1u-1cn to 0 cams Oeet uuuilk esery day
at 23c icr caum. "Milk" ilea otlice , VO20t
; moit SALI-iicstaurnntauuul lodging house ft rooms.
Alilly or auidrent , Dm2 I' . St. Liuicolut Nub. PJ7'3
I j'tOICSA1E-200 lwcs.
1O01uum' .lOIiN M. SIIEILV.
Foil SALE-Six houmsos amid lot , elm easy utuumitiuly
iut3fliCflt , . IIALLOtI ImItOS. ,
128 2 1421 l'anuuamu Street.
5OftSA1flFl'.u lots it , Hluiuumi' atlditlomu at 5'250.
each. Liug timne. 1) ) . L. 'fluoinas Creiglutom ,
lIlock. 101.24
ltlCl Iolt SALI ClllA1'-At 15th street , south
of llellevumu road , or ( itS Nortmm 1ltim : st. 946'Iimm
SATn-Niuuety.mlva acreeneartluc water works
known as the $ uuceluy miourty , thIs ii. it unobt
, leslrnblo litre of subumrlnmm , 1nimcrt ) , anti w III to sold
togetluir turin I'art'el4 elm 10mg tut ins. UAILOU IIILOS.
Sole Amrcuits 1412 l'anmiammi St. 125 21
I 0D. i4Al.F-Ilusuuleomuuu rusldsiuec , 11 roomiw , Otto
joint , trees , splemlid view , near car Due.
Three acres , . .muiail lioue ; will eeluange Ltr fanum
property , 1 ,00ti ,
1imuu let , ( eurgla ate. , cad. front , hargalmu , S0O.
1)70.17 ) ti I I mdl 'IiL & mumt.i :
I S.tin-'l'oeiity.elglit lute It , Iloutel nod kiteD.
hen's kiubdi' . islutit to l1.trtlette nuilitlon , 'i'luese
are ery , k.irnble lots utear cars , art still be sold on
bug tlmuu Li ) tlmou uieiiriig to build on S ccitt In.
tei-estni , uidtuiuuie leu.iuemt. IIALLOtJ HitOki. , Sole
Agumits 1421 Formats St. 124.21
I SAIn-loor , Ironies anti babim , cheap. Imu.
qtmlru llgtteettiu uuui hard.
007'hI O'MAlLlY ImItOS.
I 'Old SAIC-I"rvsiu Mllu'lu Cute at Coulmig street
.1' corral , at Military bridge. 030.231
'Omm SAIK-F'timr , Inmate out lcabod groumud , $1,575.
W'iilpay 211 jwrtsnt
IIAIJAU 111105. , Solo Agemute.
127.21 1421 F'nruuamuu Street.
11011 i4ALi-Fiuuu tarum close to ttue city ,
I I'Fcmc : , Olmuosito I' . 0.
I ( ) Id sAm.m-imtsidemuce : atol lusimue&i mreherty lIt
11 eli of Omaha , anti F'arin Lamutis lit all marts
of tluo Susie. lmCih'Oltl ) ) SUhIL ,
791.11 213 $ .Ilth kit , lvt.Faruuamu auth Douglas.
I ) arkMenu.u lots ) CO tachi.
t5luitttl ASCIIUC lids , 5ItSJO rant.
Clii'agc . .treet. lit , JOO.
Ciutuu Street lots , $325 caclu.
MWAO ui : .
72)tf Opuiislteiostodlec. :
Foul s.tim : - Lot. 7 nil S lit V.'alumtut lull , coruuer of
Mercer auutl Iosse aemuume.s , thtso etc thu tutost
ulcInutlIe Its lit I luls lentil limit allitlotu. hiAlL ( ) ti
hiltmal. Silo Agtmuts 1121 h'nrmuauuu St. 123.21
out sAl.l-20t ) heat earlimig luulfrs , 517.50.
I 2Oe lead 2 aium three year old lucifer. , $ J.oo ,
4s ) Cabes. All aloe tire Iowa cattle.
Sl'iLANul : muuo's ,
Cattle Contractors , llldu , Wool autO 'ration' .Iealers ,
iloux City , lana. t102'hua
A lca'utlftml block of 8 hot. is Itlu Ounce
I I lutiuses. l'vutral , tlelrmilo for luoummu or hut eat.
nuemut. liAlLOIJ IlimOki. , Sole .tgemmts.
120 21 1421 l'aruuauuu street.
: : ii :
iomm : EXCIIANOF-FuIl lot and three
.il : utoeliluugs corner of Iltit aol l'uaelllc streets.
Z1uue lots lii south Ouualua. Also 1(1) acres cf land
near Suutomm , Nebraska , and btmIlJiuu auti stock of
clotJtliu Nt ) . bill 'lentlu strict. Vill ucl'.ange for
Nclraska fnrnt luud. . I'uurUucr puantktmians am Oco ,
11. l'etersou's Clotlilmug Store , bol 'I'eimtlt street.
volt HALF-Old nesspaiers mu large aimi small
_ t. qUantIties at tile otlicu. If
.10lt SALE-A tirvt clantu second hand top buggy ,
.1. Call at 1319 hlaniucy street.
F OST-.fletwes'n the h'axton Hotel and the U , I' .
I.depot , a light gray , ssck coat. Finder will
return to lbs 1iarnmud be rowirded. 181.17 $
_ _ _ _ _
5 001) bustures VpeDmflS on SIc it :17 N , 16th t
ffAKEN U1'-Two pigs , wl1 the delluer santo to
oouucr on payment of t1amuute , aumd costs. W.
J. lIahiu , Court Ilotme. look.
1 " ivauut a 11110 foumuiatlumu to your buildIng see
\v. \ lloyd , ( 'ammfleld Itoimse. 604'lm
UP-A 3 year old hlackmare , aboumt 900
TAKuN . C. A. Jcnseuuomm 3lllltaryltoad ,
4 mullcu Irons town. 8Q3'St low $
' von want 1lie driven for nmiy iuurposoueoW
iloydCammileIiiIiousc. _ _ _ _ 005.lm
S lAVIS , nuemuber l'rlnlty College , Etuglusnd.
.gltct Music anti Simuglag Lessons. Auldreee 806
! 42tmI Tenth Street.
0Sl'-Two bookuuue tiune check nuid order book ,
_ J between t'aniuamn amid howard streets. FInder
limit Icuoc itt le 05cc. 150.178
AKCN U1'-JuIy 20th , a bay horo. Owner can
get lutformatlon by calllmug at thIe olilcut
640.5t I each w
ALlT. 408 Temmth street , betweerm F'armmamit amid liar-
lucy , nih , with the all of guardiaui spirits , obtaIn for
amuy ouuo a glaico of tlu past and uccscmtt , and on
certain conditions 1mm thu future. Boots and Shoes
uuiailu , to oruler. I'nrp't ? .uiti.Jartlcn t-umsruU'ted.l
United States Depository.
First llalioll Blli , fi
- I
The Oldest Banking Establishment
in OmmvIa ,
succssomms TO lOUNTZL3 InIOTIIEIIs.
Organled In 1858.
Organized as a National Baimk in 18G3.
OAI'ITATj . - . - - - OOO0O
SU1tL'LUS ANI ) 1'lIOFI'I'S . i15oooo
oFFicious .szus nmmturrrou.
limimomAz KotrtTzF. : , I'rcsllcnt.
, lotiz A. Cutr.momiTo'r , VIce Preslilcuut.
Airuesirs housizs , 2d'lco I'rcsideat.
A. J. t'oum'meTox.
F. II. Dvms , Cushier
v. ii. Muuuo'juuma , AssIstant Cashier ,
Trutumsacts a gemueral bnmuktmug btolrmess. Issues tlmno
certifIcates heanluug luttercat. Draws uirnfts on San
Fraumcbco nut Irlmuclmal cities 1mm the United States ,
Also Londemm DublIn , E.lluuluurgtm amul the murlmuclpal
citIes of thuo t. ntlneuut of Euro .e.
. :
- - '
- . -
The l'loumcsr and only Vapor Cdok Stove that h
stood the test of years and given entire &utdperfe
Over 100,000 Now in Use I
Now Patent Hull Oven.
l'atent remuovalle and Interchangeable Jet Orifice ,
rundenng our burners IndestructIble. New One Vat , .
Bliruter out two Now Stotme. Now Safety Itcuervoir.
For summer use ttucsum stoves are lndlshinsable
For terms 14) agemute. price list and catalogue ,
So 25.4 2m.wlOi Cleveland , 0.
I Have Found It !
Was the oxchamatlomm ol a mail when Ito got a box . I
ot Eureka l'lle Ointment , whlchm Is a slm1Is ami sure
cure for l'ilee and all Skin Dlnenacs. ufty ceuuts by
mall , Ixstlald.
The American Diarrhwa Cure i
U.s stood the test for tocnty years. Sure mire for
all. Nuser Falls. Dlarrhaea , Dyssuuutary , amid Choir.
rut Storbus.
lloalle1s Pcor a11 Aue Tonic & Cori1 ,
It Is Impossible to , upmy the rapId sale of time same.
For Fever stud Ages , and sit Malarial troubles.
l'htlCF$1.00. .
LAmleliA'rOltY , 10Th ST. , USIAIIA , Ntit.
For Sale by all Drugsts1 c
Or sent by Eturcsson reculptof price. m&oS
Graduated Midwife I
1508 CalifnrmmialStrcct ,
Exoert Book-Keener
A Practical Iiook.ecper over thlrtX years. WmIh
attend to Easomlolsug , 01eulmtg altO Uosluug flook.
fluslnes muted etu bae their books kmhuI l'tedup
ulcvlyat.immallcapcruse. Vmllsun1teup eveulngs and 'e '
return books In mornlmuj isben requIred. Gives lii. ,
itrsctlona and furnishes situstloos. AU u.ork conS.
d.oUal. , 5a
a ,