, 'a ' THE DAILY BEE---CUU\CII , BLUFFS 5:1TtiItD111' , AUGUS't 18 , 1983. , - - - - 1'.IIE DAILY BEE. C OUN CIL BLUFFS. Saturday Morning , Auguat 18r sURSCRIITION ItATIS : B Carrier - _ 20 cents per terek Bf MI - - - - - - - - In0.oo , or fear _ J 'OFFICE ' : o , 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway , ItepubliCln Couuty Convcntlon , Tim rc ublcans of Pottawnttamio count will meet in dele ale convention umt the court house in Council Bluffs Tliursday , September 13 , at 10 o'clock n , m „ for the Pedrosa of placing in nonhim lion candidates for the tfohloving offices , to wit : One state senator , two represen fives , sheriff , treasurer , auditor , surveyor voyor , suponntendont of public schools , coroner , nil members of the board of sulorvisors. Each towusliiji will ho entitled titled to the following representation : Kane , 1st prednct.tii Layton ,4 Kane , 21precinct. , .8 Lincobi,2 Kane , 3dprecinct. .7 Lewis,2 Ilano,4thprednct .9 Dlnccdmmia , , , . . , . ,3 Boomer . . . . . . . . . . 2 llbrden , 2 llelknnp . . . . . . . . . . 3 Noola. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Crescent , . . . . . . . . , , .2 Norwalk. , Careen . , . , . . . . . , .3 1'lotwant , , , . , , , . , 2 Center . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Rockford . , . , . . . . .2 Grove . . . . . . . . . . . . Silver Crock , . . . . . . . i Gnrner , 2 Valley . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ] [ nr(1ln , , , . . . . .2 1Vashingtan ,2 ] fazellcll , . , , . . . . 2 1Vnv'oland . , . . . , 2 , iarne + . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Vrl lit. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ICuox. . . . . . , . . . . . , ,0 York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Kcg Creck , . , , , , . . . ,2 The primaries in each township , unless otherwise ordered by the towit9ii ) committee - mittee , will be held lToudaY , September 10 , nt 7 gP. m. BY order of ToitN W. BAUm Chairman Co , Itop. Cel. Cann , MINOR MENTION. See Joseph Iloiter's fall goods , Cheap Ilatlroad Tickets at I3uslmull's. Colonel Daloy's child is quito ill. The street-car track on lower Broala way is now being raised. There were 282 who dined at the ] 'a cific house on circus day. Tim funeral of the little child of dolnl it. Strayer was hold hesterday. a The Tremont house on Broadway is being elevated to conform with t e now fill of the street. Thu funeral of Mr. It , A. Bryant was hold yesterday nfternooi front the resi- t deuce of J 0. Tipton , , Officer iifotso yesterday arrested a man giving his name as Ed. Smith , charged with carrying concealed weapons. Thu case of J. It. Davidson vs. Miltoii Tootle was yesterday .transferredfromthe circuit court to the United Slates circuit court. Burglars wont through the pustoltico at Corloy1'ucsdny night last , mid got four or five dollars and all the stamps , the amount of which is not known. About fifty from hero and Omaha started bast evening on thin Sioux City route for Spirit Lake to have a merry Season of rest 111(1 recreation. Rev. A. K. Ihmtes of Lima , N. Y , , will preach in the Prcsbytoriain church tomorrow at 10:30 : n in. mid 8 o'clock pm. . Sabbath school at 12 m Time bay horse , "Garfield , " who is wull known anoug the turf eon of this part of thu country , has heel sold by .T. A hake , sonic Omaha gentleman being thu purcaser. Thu case against Stephun Dunn , for .renting a house to fibs , S , J Brown , It who is gaining au uliouviablo roputntion + ' ' of late , is to be heard to dny by , ludgo r Ayleswortb. r Chid Field yesterday filed infornn- tions against Chris. Straub mold a eau ( y named hare for driving tieriss the hose while it was being 1180(1 to pat out the fire on Ilar risen street , d The olhicers amd nammgurs ) of the court - t iug fair mud races are sparing neither money nor time to Bulku it fairly boom. It cannot help but be the uvciit in that line in tlm whole west this fall. .tt Scars' lunchi roans , near the Northwestern - western depot , of circus dityl there coo 103 Pius atml over $1,0 smidwichcs sold at retail to the crowd. It made in rather lively for Mr. Soars , with his other bind. flees. Spiritual circle to-morrow ( Sunday ) afternoon and oveuing , rooms pus. 4 and [ GShuggart l.1 McMahor's block , at 2 t o'clock mud 7:50 : o'clock , Iiicontestnblo evidence of immortality givuu from spirit friends. II. Ilorgens , who was recently bitten so badly by Ju l:0 Bo Burs' watch-dog is now gutting along quite comfortably , od fs rotting his new oyster garlor's wll fit. toU u ) opposite the new spurn house , on Broadway. J05opll Ileitor became annoyed yostur day by the outcries of (1110 Thomas Bow- mall , not the mayor , but a tailor , who was bothering about Mr. Beitur's nlur- client tailoring establishment. lie hind Bowman arrested , mind n hearing is sot for today. Lyaander Sweat , a well-to-do farmer , whllu attending tthe circus at llnrluul had hlia p ockct ric' d of $400 , the nonuy being - ing taken from his imps pocket while through diou Iio was passing 1 se crowd guimg to the tout , lie will nnw 1 ) rvbabl' use the banks , or swear olr going to cir cures. Iii the circuit court yesterday , the case of 0 , lL iiiuasun vs , the Chicago tC Rock Island road enure to n sudden end , so far rims that court is concerned. After the evfdeleo for the plaintiff was introduced , the defeiso mo'Jd that the coot direct the fuJy to bring in a verdict in favor of the defendant , mid the motion was sus- lamed , 'm'ho Bloomer school building was yes. terday heated by steam , ! lens true net , holvover , an account of the undue chilliness - ness of August weather , but to test the l ajpardtua ) which has lust beau thoroughly overhauled amid put III shape byJolmr , lt. Martin , the lutist mil that line , whose jlace ; of business is next t0 'l'imn Ban ofhico. , J w Nasolt hitched his horse and Leggy mcar the Tremont house 'rhiuraday raghlt while ho went hlto the circus , On wining out ho found the rig Bono , Yesterday - torday Oflleor Morse found the buggy near the traltafor , ht a sort of ditch , , hoar k , whuro the teams go to the furry cars for crossing the river , The Loran and harness - ness were gone , however , Roy. p. 0. Perkins of Sunday las t handed in his resignation to the Con gro gatlonal church of this place , of which , he beer i ias tor for some bo. Ito aloe landed 1n some Pretty hard blows to th o I church , which were certainly unlookc d w . for trout a meek nil lowly follower. ? Tr. Perkins is no ( loubt too spirited for a preacher of the qosol. Ills resiguatioi is to take elTect llotwcer uow nod time 1st of September-Avoca [ I1orald. A piece of the iron flooring of tlmo jail ma on exhibition at. .1. Di , Phillips' showing how thin it is amid hurl easily it can 1)0 broken through. This last il break revives the question of building a new county jail. was voted down lst fall , but if time count' intends to keegi Irionena at all it is evident somethin nest be douo. Supervisor I'hillips oz Pressed lmh11solt yesterday as being in favor of calling a ecial netiim of the board , so that time question could be properly laid before the voters again this fall. Tniler SchooLs was yesterday HIIow1' to the curious questioners about the jailbreak - break a sample of time iron used for time floors of time cells , and tlmrough which the break was made , 1 , has been there lung and was none too tlmick to start with , while time rust lmns calm ] pearly througlm it. Time other floors arc domtless in a like condition , amid time jail is tlmereforu incapable of holding prisonenm whit ) are Louud G ) getout. ' 1'llu only provuntivo of escape is constant vigilance on time part of officers , ammd this is not always sure , A young elan 11amned Londsberry , vhio has sufrorcd greatly of late frolli injuries received three years ago , lout his leg nmputatcd yesterday by 1)r. Ballinger , Tie amjuries were caused by falling from n ladder while cleaning out n cistern , time knee 1 eitmg badly hurt. Since then there luau boon a eonataut eiiiargenemt of the joint , mid coudractiom of time muscles red tendons. Time you11 men is a laborer , rued dependent em his own exertions for a living , and of late lie has hoer confined I < ) his lied amid suflrinII so inloiselY timid. the only show forr his life seemmIed to be time taking oil' of time limb , Although iii a greatly reduced comdittiou ho survival time operation , but there is seen doubt , uatur liy , as to time final result , though it is hoped lie will pull through , Our renders will reniuumber time "slick ammo , " Itochelle , formerly owned by Mayor Ledwich , which went to Denver , Idr , Ledwich bnvt g heard that she had been ruined for the track , desired to get Bur for a brood immure. IIu wrote to time pres. eat owner , and received time followiimg nnswer : "Nut for sale ; she wen a race last webk iii 2:31 : , and cal trot ome-Imif mile in 1:10 : ; she in going to be fast , " it will also be roueubered ) that Beehulle in a half sister to Mr. 1' . B , hunt's three- ycar ultl stallion Avenger , who is liable to make people think lie is a trotter , also to his four-year-old mare Spnrtry duum of Durango Chief , All timeso excellent Shelby county steppers are out of Mr. Iluut s former old brood mare Tumiglle Abdallah , lLCknuwlCdged to have heal thu best trotting bred immure time state of Iowa over nrodueed , being time dew of Badger ; recor9l , 2:29 : ; trial , 2:20 : ; amid grand damn of Gypsy Bay , 2:29 : ; amid who can speed n quarter limilu in 3o sucorldn. ' Blood will tell.-llnrlnn 'Tribune , .1. 1V. Itodufur having been oleetcd secretary and treasurer of the Mercantile Luau , Trust and tlnproveuent company of Council ] iluhls , has accepted time poi. tier timid rmnsiuae(1 time uutungeumelt of the courpauy's business. Time following uaulal pursuna m e oil time board of duvet- , ors : 'I' A. ICirklamml , C. S , Luirerts , J ' 1V. ltodufer , I A. Miller , E. L. Slugnrt. T , A. KIUKLANU , lresident , Tllc snow Aci'I.It TIlE Snow. TIe ItesuitH of Cia'C11H Day hr Pollee Oboles ruuut 01 hum' 1101115 From ( he fillm'H , As usual mutter n circus day there were humorous 0119014 yesterday nulruing for policu court to dispose of. A11unlg demise wen a wotuan , rather a well-dressed good looking ono , too , who had to answer to time charge of beirmg drunk. Sue was arrested by oifiwrs Leonam d and Aullom , who found her ill n liuanlly state. She admitted timid. nhu had beol drinking sole , gave her namnu as ilhumio ilannem , amid got Stulln LOUg to go security for tIm o pnynmeuit of the $8 assessed ugninat her. "Jnck , time pnimite' , " gave his real Baume 103 Caull yentei day morning , nut 1 tvtis Vaal $3 mid cost for bein" dank. Ile loft his watch as security , runt w iillre t 1 forth. l'at Ilmtrrigau , a famvlur who had been dead drunk mind ulte'rud in Limo calaboosu over night , nod ryas lined n like amount , limit hint spout his modeY am id could not pay' . lie promiisc(1 to scud it in. Ed , Broderick a doubt blind 11uum- blmd iii time eyes timid bli and drank-was arrested circus day by Ollicor Barhytu. lie kind no mouuy to pay iris fine , rued wan sunteuccd to tlmtrty days in Dos 111oiues , promising to go there at onto , without any oflicu accuulpauyiug hiui. 'Thomas tregg , mu burley follow , a luau- gor-on to time ctreusand who had n lively street tight vitli ammtlmor fellow named Ifmmser , at the eomiur of B1midway turd D1aifl street , was fined $6 and costs , 1leuser was fined a like amount , Michael ] Cildoi amid Tltonman J , Moran kicked up a muss in time rear of n saloon yesterday umorning , 111ornn is tire' mum whu rue are of time nmuurous street stands (1n circus day , and the otlrur ful- low hails frown the country. Chairs vuro the WeapOmn used , iii which Michael Kildon gut time worst of it , lie getting ammo wound on tide cheek and time other on his back. Ito followed time mrur of "Jam Paueso norvo-tester" ruputa- several tion blocks , amid collared hiui again at time 1lhlin street oihicu , when 0111. ccr Alullou stopped in amid arrested both , 'm'hoY wore each lined $1 rued costs. , g Curu Cobs for , Address , L , B , Cousins , box 100 , city , 111,1(1 Iht' Trial , Thu rant 11rurphy , arrested for stealimb clothing amt Fonuan's store , limit ! his pro liumimary examimntion before Justieo 1b bott yesterday , lie was iduutilied as one of time two mum whu wore in lime store lookimigutgoods , just before time pile o f coats were tlu'owu out of time window , and besides time o'idunee that he had rut opportunity to do time stealing , it wits 9 shown tlmat when arrested lie had on t t coat which resembled closely one of Mr. Formmau's stock , Time Prisoner claimed that ho Irot his cunt om a t'ada , tumid d lie duuied that hie had mm timhmgg t o do with the robbers ' ; but time justice doalued the evidence ti gairmat lhim soot- clout to bind hire over to time gnumd , immy , being fixed at $800 , but not mien. Amur. tPim is one of time eight u'roonurn wh u broke ' ' 1'hunldti 'ail of ' but was recap- turned. lie will now lave until next December to work out again. E J , Davia having Illet'OI from Pearl street , can now ho found at 109 South Main street , where she his a flue rtes k of fancy goods and notions , ONIjY 1irllrl' ' 1)IitO1VNF I ) . Time 41tteutpt of mi Gertunn Girl to Gt't Uhf of Illfl' , A young ( lermnu girl namned Cathertmiu Sclrlnpkolrl attempted suicide at Avoca , hilt failed on account of a scarcity of time water supply , She c'ttno from Ocrumny about n year ago , amid for sere time past has been onlployed in the family of Gee , Pahl , OD time morning of her attempted suicide alto arose about 4 o'clock amid made every prepnration to do time wash. tug for the family , 1Vheu JIr , I'ahl arose sonic tuna later lie found that time tire iii time kitchen stove was nearly omit , mid time girl not to be naon , After htumt iug for some tinmo , nlld inquiring of time neighbors , site wits found in the cistern , whmero she was standing to valor up to her waist , Sue was helped out and cared for , lad. would say noth iug about time nlattur except that she hind faller in. Store lend been very despondent for about nix weeks , amid it in re ortedthat ou n forayer time she attemurtaf to kill herself li crib tinh her throat. 'These facts , taken to gether with her strange ruticelce about time afiimir , amid the fmirtlmr feet that sumo hind iii ) Necessity for going near the cis- team there being n puugl irmaide time kitelmea , amid a cover ovum' the top of time cistern , lend to time belief that ahe really tried to conuuit nuicidu w'ltilo temsrially insane. She is mlow' being cared for at Mr , Ilnus Viuse9 , n f voiles froml Avoca , . - - - - - Dr , lVest , dentist , 1.1 l'earl street , Ilurnlnr ; a ( tarn , Yesterday forenoomi about 8 o'clock fire vvas discovered in thu barn belonging to Joe 11Tillor , who lives elm Benton street , mid whoae barim is at time roar of his property - erty mad faces out llarrinou street. Time nlarni wan givoli to Itesene engine eoul- prumy by somebody who dnslmed down to tune ( mouse ou Imormueback. Timid. steamer had to cress time creclc above time Mcthmo. dial. clmtmmch mid diem back to time cistern at Madison street , nod hose was laid from thorn hack across time creek again to time fire , mm long stretch indeed , Time other stcnumer also rcapemded promptly , but anothu delay was caused by time bursting - ing of time hose , so tlmt the lire hind uuuch advantage , and rtmined time building and much of time cemteimt9. Source agricultural - cultural imimpleuemts were removed and a little eonm. Lim time upper part of time barn was n quantity of baled hay amid this made a hot fire. Time Cause of time lire is 'not known , but as theme are ninny trmups who have beer nleupiug about in barns iii that vicinity , time blame is laid oil' onto thumim 1'ERSONAII. ] f 1' , Tallmimdgo , of Emerson , tvaa iu the city yeaterday , nod at the Ogden , .11. .L 'Feaciiuut , of Iloekhrd , Ill. , arrived amt the Ogden yesterday. I:11 , ( i. Ileek , of Toledo , reached thin Ogden yesterday. I,1g Fisher , of ( Ienosee , 111 , wn nn Og ( den house guest yesterday , r ( iustii Kmrestuer , vhio wmia formerly a resident - dent here , but tvhn has inure recently beer living is Sheboygan , 1Vis. , is hack agalit W Comm mid ) line s , and has eutcrod the employ of ,1olm Scott' the hardware roan , } ' : . .Martin , of ( hid , Nub „ was at thu 1'iteific yesterday. J. 'P. Ttwtovln , of Nacino , 1Vhs , , time fan. ning adll luau , was here yesterday , mid after interviowhig thu trulo left for Knnsaa City. J. A. Crowley , of Ilastings , [ own , was in the city yuatorday. .1. W. Latta , of 1 [ arlan , was visible orotund the I'ueilie yesterday. C.1 , Cutler , of lfodalo , lawn , wits in time city yesterday. Clint ml illcr , of ICumisaa City , amid Clmiulca diem , of St , Luuls , both tobacco mini , voru Ecru ye ssterday hmtervlowitts time trade , ' [ 'hey umiulu headquarters at the 1'mic'tic. ' Goorgu 11 , Sod Ii , a cnuwncrc'al tourist of PIml111tielpilhl , leas itt the I'nciliu yesterday , Jlujnr l immmm tvas called to llnrlnn yester- Ilim ou legal bushmss. , - - - nom * zlillomg time moat ullieacous of rene dial ngunts tire tie medical pruparntiomis frunu the laboratory of iu1rs , Lydia B , . Pinklmnun , LI'un , bless. coMMnicirul , conNctn uuurrw 5rnagrr , 1Vlmat-No , 2 spring , 70c ; No. ; 1 , 63c ; ro Iectud , LOc ; good domand. Core-1)oulers are pmm'imig 8lQ ? Ile ; rejected corm Chlcmgo , 10i,4riu ; now nd xod , 19c ; w'hlto ennr , bCe' tlmu receipts of corn are light. Outscarco amid in good denuuul at 30c flay-4 OOCr'0 W her tun ; LIAP per bale , ltyo..IOe ; tight supply. Corn 111oa1-121 per 100 Pounds. Nuod-Cued supply ; prices at yards , 1m 00 n u ( > a , Coal-Uolivorcd , hard , 1100 per tor ; soft , G r.0 per tram. ltuttor-Plenty and in fair deuummd at 2e ; crommery , 30c Eggs-Jtuady smile amid plmmty amt 10 a Ilo per dozon. Lard-Fnrbawk's ( , wimlesalhig at lie. 1'oaltry-Finn ; dealers are pmylug for cbickeums if c ; hide , 2 bU per dezmr , Vegotables-I'otatocs , rifle ; nimbus , LOc ; cab- bogos , 30fj 10o per dozen ; apples , 3 fiO tit 00 Per barrel. Flour-City hour , 1.00@3 40. llrxnns O0@3 ( O Per dec. LIVE STOCK , Cattlo-3 003 (0 ; calves , fi e.7 . 30. hogs-Market for hogs piiut , a s the pock- lu houses fua closed ; ehl q ers are paying 1 W @ 4 75. leR'cl ll./'H anal t'rlvnto ( flicurn Usually wear their bad ges of imthority comm. coaut ruuler tlteir clotidmg , but I ) , . ? ' ! mourns' A'rlerii'ic ail towers its badgaa in tlm form of prhatod labels attached Or eachm mud every hot- tie , ea tlmt nit mimy knmv its midsslon , I t Is give ( full mad cuugdute authority to arrest nll aches nmd pales , tmud does its duty every [ limo , A stall in a London fair for time hulldlug of n church , behbmd which w'ero "some of time utmost lovely speetemmms of timumsotlautiu beaaty" tvtw devoted to the smlu of Aaauricat drleks. 'Ylmoy wore giveir npputizbmg nannies nmd sonorous titles , ' Iortufbmil's Acld 1'hosphmito , Boilable Arttolo , Dr , E , Cutter , Boston , 1lfass , , says : "I fouml it to realize limo expectations raised , tumid regard it as a reliable article , " , ---rr.--- 'I'he awfully ltuverued lkoy Kalloclr hits guru \Yashdmgt. m ' 1'urrltoryVoll , 1 t miglmt mite boon worsu for 11'ashum 6guru terrm tory therm that , 'l'ime cholera mtlght lmav's gem there or this isehla earthquakuur aometldag of that sort ' Aleno summit in ar are sew ; " "A s(1nnd mlud iii a aoumd hody" Is thu trade mmark of A11mm's Iiraln Ftwd , and we asaurooar readers I that , if dlesatlsfiod will either weakaoss of Bralu or Bodily lmowers , tlita roniedy will penaamielrthy stnumgthen both , 81At dntpgiata , . - .1. CASADY F. 11 , ORCLTI' . C.ASA DY & ORCUTT 602 Broadway , - - - Council Blu13s , Iowa , 1V1hOLESALE AND RETAIL Carpets anti Oil CIoths CURTAINS , Curtain Fixtures , 4 AND A COMPLETE OK OF CIIOICE a a rn I Novelti . p Mail Orders i romptlY Filled. CASADY & ORCUTT , - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. A H. MAYNE & CO. , DFIi.EIts IN Liffle Louisville 111CItlOAN VI.ASTE1t , iIA11L AI ) Ou3Vm3t 1'll'E , IIAImn AND soIT COAL AT LOWI'ST 1'Itica. No , 639 Broadway , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. NUGENT & SMITH , a g g . I t t U , Merchant Tailors , 7 RR(19 llain Sfr"et. IOIR7GC7L Cl . 'S , COUNCIL FSLYT ' 3L ' , IA. TCLLN BFNO CO Ofairm r . , , 1331nn strce mud li l'enrl street. - - - - - - L. B , CLARk ( .1 CU. , 1'rescthptiorrv Camponuded Dnuums3's at all hours. , 1641 Broadway. - - - - + - CltISTOS : IlOI'Sr. , 1YLb. . IV1.jH1 1 , Grocery , 216StainStreet , Ifatul,217and910Malt , street. J M BARSTOVV M 1) OFFICE , , . , , C orucr I'ilUm atwrt and 1'lfth are. UB. J , F. 1' IITi , , Cornet Main and Fifth up-stairs , 1iem4deoce , 000 Vlllo attune. , - - - - - - - - - - - JUS'rlR(11'1'Itnl'IACU- ( : N LC LiUil , . elect otcr American ixpre : s. - - - - ( /A ? u1 1.IS'EIt1' ANN FEED ' - S V Y L tX kY E 1L , VIII contract for fu' erala at reasomiaMe rates. 2' . Fourth street. - - J M Q,11 , JOg C.J CA , H BUYER I Wholos'rluhuttereggspord , , Li L . , , , try nil fruit. Ship to us. raftby rcturuman. 146 itroadway , - - - - - Cl , iJ ti. PIERCE. Corner lain and First avenue. _ - - - - - - - - - " - - surx wluTha AN uRuNlu.- D , A , BEN EDICT , 0mcc 337 Iiroalttay , Catincil Bitife , Iowa , y1FRCIIANT : TA11.01t , JACOB gU _ 1 , Stock complete. Stilts made at reasnnahlu Prices. No , cn6 Main SL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' ll.------- caN7'uAcraR nau : nu1L fat , G F. S' . IT H . I , Corner 7th and llrnadway. 1'laos amid specifications 1nrnbhal. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , FNlLhlt IN FINE iIAItN1SS. V W m LliYIAN , i Iiato time variety that brings patremiago. 124 Main street. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : rclrnNT Tn1ho1L JAMES FRANEY , Artistic Work nod charges , 672 Broadsay. - - HUVvE u SONS Fmtxr'uunsTOVKS , andlioasehol.ISuppPes , 3G3Broadnay. ATrouNIv'S : A'1' L.tlV , - tNDTB - ART , James ISIoak. _ - I'raeUce _ In state and federal courts. -L ( V -0 r Mauufariurers Fhw I'urtdturc , Upludstery' Oends , Curtaln , , lb0 & CO. L I. ) lb . , cud w'IodomsShadts 3dlunwhvay , And baUm Baum , 421 and I. . Sotereign , I'ropl' , J. Mont. St1NITARUM [ gumeryii.0.I'hysiciai. _ - - - - - - vE3'ImNln : smmntoN , VPADE CAtt : , 0111ce , ilroy's atlhle. No. 12 Scott street. . _ . - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - P J IIE 1T1tT cc ( , 5 . 'f , Trade _ Supplied . 3thstreetbetwuerl tEim and 7th ave. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - JIISTICI : IIF 'rllll'EACR , EDVPI N J ABBOTT , Notary ] ubllcand Otneral Ctnmreyancer. 415 llrnadway. - p T - - v Slll'l'll b NORTON , REV .1 ghE Ht. 1 , Itroaduny "Iq osit0 New 0l cma house. Retitled Ql , $1.66 per .lay. - TAT NEV AND SECOND ILSN IIOUSEIiOL 000nS. VV' 9LMY Bought and sold. 212Draadway S PECLLL NOTICES. _ NU7'ICE.-Seclal , adtertisemuuts , such as Lost , Fonmid , To Luau , Fur Sale , 3's neat , w'ant. , lloanl iii , etc „ s10 be lmmtertol In this eolnnmlm at tlmo how rate ot'lEN Cns'r41'IR LINE for mho tlrt hmssrlion and FIVE CEN'N I'IIt : LINE for each subsequuut In. sertlou , Lenvu whertLements at our office , No. 7 l'earl Street , liter llrualway , - WANTS. I hh ) - . ) maymnCootirln miastts tuku YY Tnsllss. Dellnnd by tnrricrat umily twenty runts a week. JANTE A eompetemt , girl for keueral houro 1 cork In small famliy , ( road wages. Addroas u' . muss throes , IITAN'I Lu-A gia.I grhAppmy ; at ' , rutaurant , fat liruadnay. \1ANI'E1)-t ) buy , with Iwny , to ddhcrT'uaUae 1yAN'm'Et tint doss bather at reter'e butt _ 1 Cuuneilltlana Itounmhmrudsho I , FOR SALE AND BENT. JAlin FOIL SAI.inighty acres huprotnn , right _ miles from Couurli mlutis. Address M , lure ellia. { Olt IuiN'1'gun : etoree,40 by W , en lamer Main .1 street , uppu.ttu loun5ry. Iamqulru of John 5mum. 'Intel , Ia"cltsAm.u : ( louse awl lot , uortlmwcst of I'vmlh umid Itnadrey. Juux w' . llama , . . It whlilt. . lhvliinglmwrn , into mounts , eiowts , urn ) mud etsteru , lit u midnulee walk from transfer , 1uqulreat _ 15STruth % avewua _ 1110 + . urncas , u. u. rescr , OFFICER & PUSEY Council lthatf , , la. EStabliSlfea - - 1856 Ihalen in i'erglen sod Dorncstio Exchatmgo and Ilwue Seourltlea , flesh Fish , Wholesale and Retail No. lout Main Strtet , Next Block SoutheS i'ostoince , Comici llluas , loss. SECOND ANN'UAL Fair ! 01'1'IIE Council Bluffs DRIVING PARK & FAIR ASSOCIATION I SEPTEM11EB,10,11,12,13,14. $15.000 in , Premiums ! $5,606 FOIL sm'IE : . Liberal Premiums for every I'roduet o f time FarumVorksimlp amid Fireside. Tbu l rotting , dune hug amid t'acing nacoa s lli lie The Most Exciting ! lt'IIt : tVITN 19SEI ) ChlAItIO'I' AND 11t1tlLE ItAOES lrerylday. : Thu Trnrk , Eapo.ltton Bnlldiug and grand stand t iual rim any In the % 'est IxcUIISIoN RATES on all railroads wtreuwty late , II ON. 'rhos. , t , I NURICKS , ( if I muaaa , wam I delirtr the 01'ENINU Al ) 111:55 min time afternoon o , tlmesday , itt'l'ur preumlunm list a blresa ' 1'IIOM.td BOWMAN. Secretary. MPs. H J. 11111011 M. II . , . , . , , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON 923 Broadway , Council Blues , W. R5 VAUGHAN. Justice of the Peace. Omaha mid Council Bluffs , heal estate and oolledlouagency , In Odd Fonox a j block , over Sating. Bank , lans1i _ - I ' . : . --T : . . , i , : . . - : , , t To TheTrade o i _ \1re take pleMliro lit calling your attention to tlmo fact that we hnvo made such arrango- menta as will enable us to sell you Slioo , Eio1 : Here , as Low as you can buy them East , t Write for further information. a T. CO. , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , , 5.5 r > Em kie Hardware Car > s r1Mt r f „ ' I f 1114. a1 , . g" 4I l . . 3 , fr I IO7La l5fALt ± i S ( Hardware I ts < . s - - 109 amid 111 S , Main Street , , . . - : - COUNCIL BLUFFS , 10wA. µ - Ice CrealllFrllits ' & CollIeoh iollerT y. 5 Parties , Socables and Picnics supplied on short notice , and goods delivered to a parts f the city. w , T , BRAUN'S European Restaurant , t 404 ! Vest Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. DEVOL&WRICHTR ® r 504 Broadway and 10 and 12 Main St „ Council Bluffs. PROMPT ATTENTION AND CLOSE PRICES ON MAIL ORDERS. Broadway Steam Laundry ! , , 724. W'I' ROAmmCTAH. A. C. LARSON . , - - - - - Proprietor. LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY , , JOHN R. MARTIN , Plilifiber , as Steam Fitter ? Inns a full mimic of Bath Tuhs , Sink , Doilara , dross and Lead Goals , Lead and iron ] 'lies and fittings. Job. bimig pro aptly attended to. I'irt.class work guaranteed. No , 11 Pearl Street , - - ' - COUNCIL BLUFFS LOTS AND LANDS 9 I > thou.G7at t I ca1c1. M onerim Loaned , Abstracts Furnished . 8" . . . : i. MoMATcION bt No. 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , DEALERS IN ' ' , [ f , , r IMMIGRATION AGENTS. DRAFI'3,0N , TILE DANK OF IRELAND , DUnLIN , FOR SALE , 343 BROADWAY , CO UNCILULUFF7 CRESTON HOUSE , I MAX MORN , - - - - PROPRIETOR. 211 ; , 217 and 219 15. TdInix3. 35tJroot , COUNCIL BLUFFS 100'A , - - - - - - MRS , D , A..BENEDICT , TILE LEADING DEALEILIN 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Little Windsor. 531 BROADWAY. r f And hay lioard , All the Ddkaeitsof time season , oudlhu Onrsttableluthucity. Pig Overtor AEALBIt IN Hard Wood , Yellow Pine and Red Cedar Lumber , Oak and lied Cedar 1'111ngCedar Telegraph I'olorand F'entu Posts , Oak Dlmensiotm Stuff , Urldgu Material of all klimd , , at Iletl Rock I'rlecs. A Swclally' In WOOD AND COAL for brick yard puromes. A full supplyy of trued and for coal alsaysolLand at yard scale on Main street Catlce,605 , First As wecn Main amid ( 'earl streets. R , Rice M D IANCPRS or other tundra dwllhoutthe L I knife or drawirmg of blood , CHRONIC DISEASESnfklndariwdaity , om er thlity y ears prwtlcal experience. Ofacu No. 5 l'earl street , Counetl Dlude , LrrConaultatlon free , WINTHERLICH BROS. ) Follllthly Cor , 0th St , amid 11th Ave. COUNCIL 13LUFFu , - - IOWA. x- - - - MORGAN , KELLER , & CO. , UNDERTAKERS. \ y' The finestquality aid largest stock wcrt of Chicago of , t'oanen amd Metailo Cauca Calls attended to at all hours. Wu defy tsnneditlou ; lit quality of goods or prices Our Mr b orgami has served as undertaker for forty years aeu thoroughly umiderstands his burl tics , . ,1'ercroonts,3ll llrnadway , UI'IIOtSTEIUNG In all It , branchca prouq tly attended'to ; also carpet la' Imi ; and latnbrequlur. TdegrapWo amid mall aderydaUal without delay. DUFRENE & MENDELSSOHN , i ARCHITECTS taTREMOVED TO OMAIIA RATIONAL BANG U1LU1N0.